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ryanakcaAdri2000: Not sure. Who confirmed it?00:38
ryanakcanhandler: thanks00:38
nhandlerYou're welcome ryanakca00:42
Adri2000ryanakca: someone from the bugsquad it seems00:58
wardinhandler: I added a link to the ppa builds to my bug report (#343347)02:14
wardiand subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors02:15
wardiI think thats all I can do :-)02:16
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nhandlerwardi: Ok. A MOTU will look over the sync request in the next few days. They will then ACK it if they think it looks ok.02:19
wardinhandler: thanks again02:41
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hyperairsebner: i'm thinking of doing the merge for sysinfo. is that okay?04:55
nxvlnixternal: ping05:16
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adelie421Sorry for the noob question, but can I change my comment in id_rsa.pub manually, or do I need to generate a new key?05:58
StevenKgpg --edit-key should be able to do it ...05:58
adelie421hmm... that doesn't seem to let you change the comment. The comment is in cleartext. If I change the comment manually in the file, will it screw up the key?06:07
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Toadstoolgood morning guys!08:08
jpdsMorning Toadstool.08:15
gesergood morning08:15
Toadstool'morning jpds and geser08:47
savvasabout bug 343347 - is it a sync or a merge? the new version of python-urwid is a bugfix release as I was told by one of the debian maintainers (Ian Ward)09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343347 in urwid "Please sync urwid (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34334709:12
savvasoh, they changed the title :P09:12
savvasok ignore that :)09:12
goshawkhi, is there a pbuilder script to compile a pacakge for another arch?09:36
slytheringoshawk: don't think so.09:37
slytheringoshawk: you will need chroot for another arch and for that you will need machine with another arch AFAIK.09:38
Laneyyou can build for i386 on amd6409:38
slytheringoshawk: what are you trying to do by the way?09:38
goshawkcompiling for arm for example09:38
goshawkwithout having an arm device09:38
Laneymake a VM?09:38
goshawkwell, with qemu i've a arm system09:38
goshawkyes, but i want something like pbuilder-qemu-armel package.dsc09:39
goshawkif there were09:39
goshawkhere is it :)09:39
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slytherindoes anyone know where can I find slomo?10:22
directhextry pkg-gnome haunts on oftc. but his irc hours are fairly short IME10:23
slytherindirecthex: I think I would rather wait here.10:23
directhexthat's probably for the best10:23
slytherinthing is that dvd playback is completely broken on jaunty. I have found the solution but not able to figure out the reason. So wanted to discuss that with slomo. Also I am wondering why no one else complained.10:26
directhexwhat's the solution?10:27
slytherindirecthex: for some reason the configure2/Makefile combo currently being used in libdvdread is causing some problem. The solution is to use old configure script (once it is generated with ./autogen.sh).10:28
directhexconfigure2? i'm obviously getting old10:29
slytherindirecthex: yes, and I don't know the reason why they are shipping two ways of building the package.10:29
directhexslomo is alive right now, btw10:30
directhex[10:29] <CIA-7> debian-pkg-cli-apps: slomo * r4712 /packages/banshee-extension-mirage/trunk/debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)10:30
directhexso he ought to fire up an irc client shortly, i'd hope10:30
slytherinI even mailed Debian maintainer of libdvdread asking if he is facing same problem in Debian. If we fix this problem in time then dvd playback with gstreamer is going to work beautifully.10:32
directhexdvd playback with gstreamer? even with menus? about bloody time!10:32
slytherindirecthex: yes, menus, subtitles. I watched two movies yesterday.10:33
slytherinbut that will work provided I put my fix in place.10:33
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a|wenif pkg-config gives me this error: "Package 'glib-2.0', required by 'libqalculate', not found"; is that then a bug in libqalculate-dev that it doesn't depend on libglib2.0-dev?11:27
a|wenor should the package i'm looking at have that dependency directly; seems wrong to me11:29
joaopintoa|wen, libqalculate build depends should include libglib2.0-dev11:31
joaopintoI am assuming you are trying to build libqalculate11:31
a|wenjoaopinto: i'm trying to build qalculate-kde ... which depends on libcalculate-dev11:32
savvasnhandler: here? :) so if there are no leftover changes from Ubuntu, it's a sync?11:33
joaopintohum, if libcalculate-dev can't be used without libglib2.0-dev it should depend on it11:33
nhandlersavvas: Correct. If all of the ubuntu changes have been applied upstream, we can sync it (assuming it builds)11:33
savvasnhandler: noted, thanks :) no changes left for urwid thankfully hehe11:35
a|wenjoaopinto: that is pretty much what pkg-config says ... but i don't know if we are to trust that11:37
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a|wenhmm qalculate-gtk got through the rebuild without any hitch... i blame pkg-config then11:43
hyperairif a package is licensed under apache-2.0, using the new copyright format, how much of the text is needed to be inside debian/copyright?12:03
slytherinhyperair: apache-2 ia available in common licenses12:05
hyperairslytherin: i know. but exactly which part of the text should i put into debian/copyright? even GPL also requires some text be put in12:05
slytherinhyperair: I don't think there is any such requirement either in GPL or Apache License.12:09
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hyperairslytherin: there isn't?12:09
hyperairslytherin: i mean i see it generally being included in debian/copyright12:09
hyperairfor GPL that is12:10
slytherinhyperair: Check this - http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-java/trunk/libcommons-jexl-java/debian/copyright?rev=7144&view=markup12:21
hyperairslytherin: that's.. brief. i never knew you could just omit it like that =\12:40
Kamping_Kaiserapw, hi, do you mind if i pm you?12:51
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mcnichollsjust wondering how long on average it takes for a debdiff to get picked up and reviewed once the bug is subscribed to one of the sponsor groups?13:33
mcnichollsI want to keep contributing, but want to make sure i am doing things right first ;-)13:33
ScottKmcnicholls: It varies a lot.  It can be a day or two and it can be a week or two.  It depends on both the fix and the level of activity from sponsors.13:41
mcnichollsScottK: Ok, just nice to have an idea. And as long as i have set the bug to Confirmed, Nobody and subscribed the correct sponsor group, then ti will get picked up by someone?13:45
ScottKGenerally yes.13:45
ScottKParticularly in Universe we're all volunteers, so there's no performance guarantee ....13:45
mcnichollsok, well i may carry on and if i am doing things wrong then i will soon find out. Going through NBS no change rebuilds seems to be pretty simple ;-)13:47
ScottKIt's important work too.  Thank your for doing it.13:50
c_korncan someone update sivp and let it build again? https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/343155/comments/413:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 343155 in launchpad-buildd "build of sivp 0.5.0-1ubuntu1 freezes on amd64 ubuntu official build machine" [Undecided,New]13:50
bddebianHeya gang13:51
ScottKc_korn: Why will it work this time?13:51
ScottKbddebian: Heya.13:51
mcnichollsi have been looking through the list and there are several where there are depends in some architectures that aren't in others. How would i test a recompile on a foreign architecture?13:51
mcnichollshi bddebian13:52
bddebianHi ScottK, mcnicholls13:52
c_kornScottK: sylvestre thinks it should work now :P scilab was trying to start the GUI I think13:52
ScottKc_korn: I'll try it again.13:52
c_kornok, thanks.13:53
c_kornhave to leave now. bye13:53
jdongah Michael, I love you, but please don't benchmark LZMA compression in a filesystem performance test?13:59
Amaranthisn't LZMA CPU-bound?14:00
directhexjdong, reading phoronix again?14:02
jdongdirecthex: yes14:05
jdongAmaranth: from my experience, lzma -9 writes at like 5MB/s :D14:05
jdongAmaranth: unsurprisingly, all the FSes performed the same!14:05
directhexjdong, bless him for his work, but he simply doesn't "get" subsystems properly. i've  seen him benchmarking quake3-based games at 1280x1024 as a GPU bench in 2008...14:06
Amaranthcan't GPUs these days run q3-based games at max resolution with the same framerate as 640x480?14:07
directhexAmaranth, q3-based games on modern systems are CPU and engine-design limited14:08
directhexAmaranth, the latter being proven by Q3 getting better framerates than Q214:08
jdongdirecthex: my experience reading phoronix benchmarks is that there IS useful info for me, but after sifting through a lot of questionable tests and commentary14:09
directhexjdong, between you, me, everyone else in #ubuntu-motu, and the googlebot that indexes the irc logs, i'm going to be doing some of my own tests imminently using the phoronix-test-suite app as a base, for a hardware site i freelance for on occasion.14:11
directhexagain, p-t-s is great but some of the test choices are bizarre14:11
directhexmostly i'm trying to work out who i know who can squeeze a build of UT3 out of epic14:11
directhexjdong, can you suggest an alternative modern gpu test, other than etqw and unigine? i don't know if ut3 is gonna pan out14:15
jdongdirecthex: haha I'm not sure; not the GPU person :)14:15
directhexhm, "lightsmark"14:17
directhexor there's always spec14:25
DktrKranzmmmh, why debfoster keeps removing sysv-rc, which is required, even if I instruct it to leave required packages in place? bah...14:38
mcnichollsis it possible that packages on the NBS list are there because the source package that should produce them is not building them or is that a definitive list of packages to be removed?14:55
DktrKranzmcnicholls: usually they're obsolete packages (e.g. a new binary package replaced them), they will be removed when there will be no reverse dependencies (when file size is 0)14:58
mcnichollsDktrKranz: thanks. i was a bit stumped looking at one NBS package, but have worked it out now. Just wondered if there is ever a case where the NBS package is built because of some error in the source package and then it gets added to the NBS list?15:00
DktrKranzmcnicholls: Not precisely. They're packages once provided by correspondant source packages, which are no longer be. Rarely they're there for some kind of error.15:02
gesermcnicholls: usually NBS packages are packages which are build anymore (e.g. library transition -> package rename) and package on the list still depend on the old package15:03
mcnichollsok thats cool15:03
mcnichollscheers guys, think i am getting the hang of it. submitted one yesterday and just looking through some others today. is it cool just to pick anyones or will i be tread on someones toes if i just pick ones at random?15:04
geserit's usually free for all but it's still nice to ping the last uploader when you see that he cares about the package (e.g. many uploads by the same person)15:05
nixternalnxvl: pongers15:06
mcnichollsok. when you say ping, what exactly do you mean?15:06
mcnichollsdrop them a mail?15:09
DktrKranzeven a irc dialog is fine15:10
mcnichollsbut email is cool if they aren't on IRC?15:12
DktrKranzfor rebuilds/transitions, previous uploaders usually give them away for free15:13
* DktrKranz is addicted with uw-imap transition15:14
nxvlnixternal: nevermind, i was about to ask you if you already had the Peruvian LoCo Team info15:14
nxvlnixternal: but i send it anyways15:14
nixternalhehe, thanks15:14
nxvl!nixternal | nixternal15:15
ubottunixternal: Oh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!15:15
nxvl(sorry, i couldn't resist)15:15
nixternalhaha, MIRC15:15
nixternalI don't remember saying that I love mIRC15:15
mcnichollsok thanks DktrKranz15:15
DktrKranzyou're welcome15:16
mcnichollsDktrKranz: sorry to keep asking stuff. What about when an NBS has depends on architectures that are foreign and i therefore can't build and test against them? (I suppose when i rebuild i am only ever testing against i386 anyway). Build process will pick them up when they are submitted?15:33
DktrKranzmcnicholls: check if new package you are rebuilding for is built and published for every architecture, you can easily do it on Launchpad: packages marked as "Successfully built (DONE)" are ready.15:40
mcnichollsYeah i think i know where you mean. So is it ok for me to submit a rebuild that i have built and installed on my i386, even though i can see it will be built for other architectures?15:42
DktrKranzmcnicholls: unless there are specific problems, simply proceed with rebuild you've just done, it will probably be built everywhere15:46
mcnichollsok thanks15:47
jetsaredimanyone know what would cause the following...? http://pastebin.com/m40082fc615:47
mok0jetsaredim: try eliminating the spaces in there15:58
mok0DktrKranz: No files found15:59
DktrKranzls -l :)16:03
mok0DktrKranz: File ":-)" not found16:04
mok0DktrKranz: No such file16:04
pochumok0: he ls'd ":)" :P16:04
mok0pochu:  syntax error near unexpected token `)'16:05
pochumok0: are you a bot now? ;)16:05
mok0pochu: I sure feel like one16:05
DktrKranzmok0: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb016:07
DktrKranzI guess Picasso used that for his paintings :)16:07
mok0DktrKranz: I am not going there...16:08
jetsaredimmok0: not sure what you mean - I thought configure scripts were generated by autoconf or something - I assumed that I was just missing some library or something16:09
mok0jetsaredim: PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PCRE, libpcre >= 5.0) -> PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PCRE,libpcre>=5.0)16:09
jetsaredimmok0: I tried that and got the same error16:09
mok0jetsaredim: In configure.ac16:10
bdmurrayI'm uncertain how to proceed with bug 331535, I've attached a debdiff to it, but it looks like we could also sync with debian and get the bug fix.  Should I leave the bug in the sponsor's queue or change it to a sync request?16:10
jetsaredimno such beast16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331535 in iperf "iperf fails to die when bind fails" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33153516:10
mok0jetsaredim: In fact, use PKG_CHECK_MODULES([PCRE],[libpcre>=5.0])16:11
jetsaredimhmm ok16:11
jetsaredimsame error16:12
mok0jetsaredim: hmm16:12
jetsaredimI'm trying to follow this... http://pastebin.com/m40082fc6 to build fuppes16:12
jetsaredimjust to be clear - when i say i'm getting the same error16:14
mok0jetsaredim: that's just weird16:14
jetsaredimthe first time when you told me to get rid of the space the error was PCRE,libpcre...16:14
jetsaredimthis last time was [PCRE]16:15
jetsaredimrather than the original PCRE error16:15
mok0jetsaredim: do you have the package pgk-config installed?16:17
jetsaredimhrm - nope16:18
jetsaredimi suppose that would explain it16:18
mok0jetsaredim: if it works now, it would :-P16:20
jetsaredimwell - it's certainly gotten me past that particular error16:22
jetsaredimthanks - i knew it would be something simple like that16:22
mok0jetsaredim: my pleasure16:23
iulianbdmurray: Please change it to a sync request.16:24
jetsaredimmok0: is there a general set of guidelines for packaging a new piece of software like this?16:25
mok0jetsaredim: errr... like what?16:26
jetsaredimthis fuppes package is for setting up a upnp server16:26
mok0jetsaredim: not really16:26
jetsaredimmok0: something like - start with a blank directory and end up with a fully-packaged deb16:26
mok0jetsaredim: no quick way to package16:27
jetsaredimi mean - i've packaged some plugins for the mozilla team, but that was based off something where most of the legwork was already done16:27
mok0!packaging > jetsaredim16:27
ubottujetsaredim, please see my private message16:27
mok0jetsaredim: you only need 5 files in debian/ for a simple package16:27
mok0jetsaredim: rules, changelog, control, copyright, compat16:28
c_kornScottK: hello. why is the old revision building again? https://launchpad.net/+builds/yellow I uploaded a debdiff for 1ubuntu216:30
jetsaredimmok0: this would be the place to ask about packaging questions and/or find someone to sponsor anything new?16:30
iulianHmm, that's odd.  Does anyone else get: "[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/srv/wiki.ubuntu.com/www/data/user/1232263646.18.17372'" when accessing the wiki?17:13
iulianPici: Any idea what is going on?17:16
iulianbdmurray: I have just acked the sync request. Thanks.17:16
bdmurrayiulian: thanks!17:19
Piciiulian: dunno, but a few of us just reported it in #canonical-sysadmins17:20
bdmurrayiulian: Although it was unnecessary did my debdiff look okay?17:20
iulianbdmurray: Yes, the debdiff looks good.17:28
c_kornI have created a debdiff for sivp (because it was not compiling on amd64) https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/343155/comments/517:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 343155 in launchpad-buildd "build of sivp 0.5.0-1ubuntu1 freezes on amd64 ubuntu official build machine" [Undecided,New]17:28
c_korncan a motu patch it and try to build it now?17:28
c_korn(I got a FFe acked for sivp before. don't know if updating also required ACKs)17:29
iulianc_korn: You should have tested the patch before.17:29
iulianc_korn: And no, it does not need an exception.17:30
iulianOnly new upstream releases which provides new features need FFe.17:30
c_korniulian: I can't :P the build did always succeed on my local machine (amd64) and on PPAs (amd64). so I can only test it on an ubuntu official system to see if it works. the patch comes from sylvestre ledru (maintainer) so it is expected to work :P17:31
iulianc_korn: I thought that you haven't tested the patch at all.17:31
iulianc_korn: I will have a look at it later on.17:32
c_kornwell, it applies on the source if you mean that.17:32
c_kornit was just a change in a Makefile.am required with following automake. that is why the patch has grown so big17:33
iulianc_korn: Please subscribe uus.  Maybe someone has more time than me right now and would like to sponsor it.  I don't want to depend on me.17:35
c_korniulian: ok, you are "motu-release" right?17:36
iulianc_korn: Well, I'm part of that team.17:37
c_korn<iulian> c_korn: Please subscribe uus. ___ was that a typo or is uus some special team?17:38
iulianc_korn: Anyway, you shouldn't file a bug against launchpad-buildd but Ubuntu.  It doesn't affect launchpad-buildd.  I have just invalidated that task and opened an Ubuntu one.17:38
iulianc_korn: uus = ubuntu-universe-sponsors17:38
c_kornoh, I read it like "us" ok :P will subscribe them17:39
ScottKc_korn: I misunderstood you.  I thought you just wanted the old version built again.17:47
c_kornScottK: no. but does not matter. there was another bug in it anyway17:47
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NCommanderJontheEchidna, you around?18:35
JontheEchidnaNCommander: yes18:47
NCommanderJontheEchidna, feel like REVUing something for me?18:47
JontheEchidnaI could do that18:47
NCommanderJontheEchidna, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/ecosconfig-imx18:48
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JontheEchidnaNCommander: It looks pretty good, though I can't seem to find the copy of the GPL18:54
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NCommanderJontheEchidna, good call. This is a repack from a MASSIVE zip file to get just a small chunk18:55
blueyedI want to add an apport hook to virtualbox-ose. Is there a way to install the file out of any binary package, without causing a conflict, if two of them get installed? Also, what would be the best way to install a file into all packages in debian/rules? Or - should I just ship it in the main package?18:57
JontheEchidnaYeah, I thought it might be pretty strange if Redhat software wasn't distributing a copy of the GPL :P18:57
NCommanderJontheEchidna, this source has a fun fun story18:57
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slytherinbigon: how did you solve the telepathy-glib FTBFS?19:00
maxbblueyed: What do you mean "two of them"? "any binary package"?19:03
blueyedmaxb: yes. but nevermind. I wanted to add a virtualbox-ose_source.py hook and thought it would get used for any file out of this source package, but that's probably not the case anyway.. will install only virtualbox-ose.py now.19:06
Laneyblueyed: Hey! Are you looking at miro?19:07
fabrice_sp__Hi. Can someone have a look at a FTBFS ( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/setools/3.3.5.ds-5ubuntu1/+build/905442/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.setools_3.3.5.ds-5ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ). I'm building it fine in a schroot and i386 builds fine also19:07
fabrice_sp__the error is: mkdir: cannot create directory `debian/stamp/binary': File exists19:08
blueyedHi Laney.. no. not yet - and probably I'll have no time for it today.19:08
blueyedany progress?19:08
Laneyit's getting a lot of dupes19:08
Laneynot really19:08
LaneyI think maybe it needs fresh eyes19:08
blueyedSeems like ScottK could help you.. ;)19:08
blueyed(or even others ^^)19:09
JontheEchidnaNCommander: looks good to me now19:14
iulianc_korn: I've just uploaded it.  Thanks.19:14
maxbfabrice_sp__: given that make seems to be running in parallel mode, I'm inclined to wonder if it's a race condition?19:14
NCommanderJontheEchidna, feel free to plus one it :-)19:14
JontheEchidnasure thing :)19:14
c_korniulian: thanky. go crested go :P https://launchpad.net/+builds/crested19:15
fabrice_sp__maxb, that's what I feared... What would be the solutions then? To run it in sequence?19:15
maxbwell... ideally track down what created that the first time to cause the mkdir to error.19:16
fabrice_sp__ok. I'll put it in verbose mode19:16
=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
lfaraoneScottK: hi, re bug 339689: bernie has been testing/using the same version of the package which is currently in sid/squeeze (from the .deb file in their repos). Hes currently on vacation, or he'd answer himself.19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339689 in rsyslog "rsyslog-gnutls not available in ubuntu" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33968919:24
ScottKlfaraone: Please mark it in the bug if you haven't.19:25
ScottKfabrice_sp: What's your plan for the setools FTBFS on amd64?19:25
fabrice_spScottK, I'll try to find what creates debian/stamp/binary, and see if I can rename the target or similar19:26
ScottKfabrice_sp: OK.  Ping me when you're ready for an upload.19:26
lfaraoneScottK: done19:26
fabrice_spbut I was able to build it here, in a schroot, so it will be complicated to reproduce it19:26
fabrice_spScottK, ok19:26
ScottKlfaraone: Thanks.19:26
iulianc_korn: It built on amd64 but failed on sparc, powerpc, ia64, hppa and armel.19:30
c_korniulian: that was expected. because scilab-5 does not exist for this archs, yet.19:31
iulianAh, I wasn't aware of that.19:31
slytherinc_korn: i see a scilab package in on my ibook (powerpc) with version 5.1-0ubuntu2.19:41
c_kornslytherin: jaunty powerpc Failed to build https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/scilab/5.1-0ubuntu2 that is impossible19:42
slytherinc_korn: then is that package carried over from intrepid? What did you mean when you said it does not exist for these arch?19:43
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c_kornslytherin: well, it fails to build for these archs. I already filed a scilab bug about that ( http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4232 ). and intrepid only has the scilab-4 version in.19:44
ubottubugzilla.scilab.org bug 4232 in Compile "Scilab fails to build on powerpc architecture." [Minor,New]19:44
c_kornwhere does your package come from?19:44
slytherinc_korn: Oh, It looks like the package I was referring to is the arch:all package, scilab-bin which is arch:any is at old version.19:45
slytherinc_korn: Ok. We had discussion about this FTBFS before. I suppose you are waiting for reply from upstream.19:45
c_kornoh, so does the new scilab package install an old scilab-bin package? if so it is not good19:46
slytherinc_korn: no it doesnt19:48
fabrice_sp_ScottK, Bug #34385120:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343851 in setools "FTBFS randomly because of a race condition in creating debian/stamp/binary" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34385120:17
fabrice_sp_build order is correct, and it's working fine locally20:18
* ScottK looks20:19
ScottKfabrice_sp_: Did you test this on amd64?20:20
fabrice_sp_but it has always worked :-/20:22
fabrice_sp_(I'm on amd64, and previous build was ok)20:22
slytherinI remember some discussion on #ubuntu-devel regarding parallel builds. Not sure if it is related. Not even sure what the discussion was about. It happened about 5-6 hours ago.20:23
fabrice_sp_I moved the creation 3 levels upper, in a place where it's supposed not to be parallel ...20:24
fabrice_sp_it's hard to detect, because most of the time, it builds fine locally...20:24
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
NCommanderAnyone feel like REVUing something?21:21
nhandlerNCommander: Is it going to be in Jaunty?21:22
NCommandernhandler, I'm working on getting the necessary FFes21:22
Neo_The_Userhi all21:23
mrooneyanyone feel like uploading something to universe today? :)21:25
nhandlerNCommander: What is the package?21:25
NCommandernhandler, redboot-imx21:25
NCommandermrooney, what is it?21:25
Neo_The_Userme mrooney21:25
nhandlerNeo_The_User: You don't have upload rights21:25
Neo_The_Useryeah but i will21:25
Neo_The_Useronce i get a chance21:26
nhandlerNCommander: I'll look at it some time today21:26
mrooneynhandler: bug 333639 just needs to be uploaded21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please update wxbanker to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33363921:26
Neo_The_UserI made some changes to the airlied source code. libdrm loads quicker now via kernel.21:26
* NCommander kicks LP21:27
mrooneyNCommander: err sorry I meant to highlight you on that bug :)21:27
Neo_The_Userless of a time frame between the kernel and the output on the screen. just for when they want me to make a change to something, It's already made.21:27
NCommandermrooney, ugh, looks *fun*21:27
NCommanderI'm *really* hestiant to handle as a native package, that only meant for Ubuntu-only programs21:28
mrooneyNCommander: oh okay, can I do anything to make it easier? I figured that was the easiest21:28
* NCommander pulls this packages history21:29
NCommanderlet me see whats going on21:29
mrooneyit is practically ubuntu only, I mean the packaging I maintain there is ubuntu21:29
nhandlerNCommander: I'm not seeing the package on REVU21:29
NCommandernhandler, it just finished uploading21:29
NCommandernhandler, REVU doesn't really like 16MB+400kb diffs :-/21:29
ajmitchmrooney: because rolling a new upstream release for any packaging changes isn't good21:30
* nhandler doesn't care for them much either21:30
NCommandernhandler, don't blame me :-/21:30
NCommandernhandler, lets just say this package has a unique packaging situation21:31
NCommander(and you can't test build it unless you have some ARM hardware)21:31
mrooneyajmitch: yeah, for the next major version I am going to separate debian/ into a separate branch21:31
nhandlerNCommander: Is it ARM-only?21:31
NCommandernhandler, yes21:31
NCommandernhandler, its an ARM bootloader, with quite a few hacks to build with our toolchain, and then two sets of packages from Freescale.21:31
nhandlerNCommander: I can look it over, but you are touching on some areas that I have no experience with. I would suggest you also get someone else to look at it.21:32
Neo_The_Userhow much python do you have to know to become a MOTU?21:32
NCommandernhandler, well, I uploaded it to my PPA by accident >.<;21:33
NCommandernhandler, you can see that it builds there however21:33
mrooneyNCommander: the untouched "upstream" release is what was previously uploaded to jaunty, fwiw21:33
nhandlerNeo_The_User: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/FAQ#Do%20I%20need%20to%20know%20a%20lot%20of%20programming%20languages%20to%20become%20a%20MOTU?21:33
NCommandermrooney, well, do you release tarballs, or is it just a bazaar tree?21:34
nhandlerNCommander: I thought you said it would only build on ARM.21:34
mrooneyNCommander: the tarballs are bzr exports21:34
NCommandernhandler, I have a magic PPA that builds on ports architectures.21:34
Neo_The_Useri don't read documentation. i figure everything out on my own... :|21:34
NCommanderjames_w, you around? I'd like to chat on getting mrooney's update sponsored.21:35
* nhandler is jealous of NCommander's PPA21:35
NCommandernhandler, :-)21:35
Neo_The_Userin fact, I yank out all the docs in ubuntu because i never did and i never will look at any of it. its like 200MB of docs.21:36
NCommandermrooney, generally, including the debian/ folder causes issues, especially if we have to modify it as a downstream.21:36
mrooneyNCommander: yeah, I won't have it there for 0.521:36
nhandlerNeo_The_User: You will want to read the wiki documentaiton21:36
mrooneyNCommander: I can remove it now and put it in a separate branch, if that would somehow make this easier21:36
NCommandermrooney, give me a link to the tarball, I'll rip out the Debian folder and repack.21:36
NCommander(not my idea of fun, but it will do the trick)21:37
Neo_The_Userwhy are you the only one talking to me?21:37
NCommandernhandler, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/redboot-imx21:37
mrooneyNCommander: http://edge.launchpad.net/wxbanker/0.4/
Neo_The_UserNCommander: ping21:39
mrooneyNeo_The_User: you are against documentation?21:39
NCommanderNeo_The_User, pong21:39
Neo_The_Userno i just don't need it21:39
NCommandermr_pouit, bah, a tarbomb >.<;21:39
nhandlerNCommander: I see at least one issue, your debhelper Build-Depends and compat don't match21:40
Neo_The_Userwhats the point of docs if its easy enough just looking at it?21:40
* NCommander is suprised lintian didn't get that21:40
Neo_The_User....the application itself21:40
mr_pouitNCommander: what?21:41
NCommandermr_pouit, sorry, tab failure21:41
nhandlerNeo_The_User: I've never heard packaging referred to as "easy" before21:41
nhandlerNCommander: Also, is "Vcs-Bzr: lp:~canonical-mobile/redboot/fsl-redboot" valid? I don't think I've seen anyone use that form before.21:41
Neo_The_Usermaybe that's because the packagers don't know what they are doing...21:42
NCommandernhandler, I thought I corrected that. SOrry, thats an old repo21:42
Xk2cis there some mirror admin here?21:42
Neo_The_Useri wish21:42
NCommandermrooney, your tarball was a tarbomb :-P.21:42
mrooneyNCommander: oh no! what does that mean21:42
NCommandermrooney, http://www.linfo.org/tarbomb.html21:43
Neo_The_Usernhandler: who told you packaging is difficult? i packaged before for opensuse. it was easy. :)21:43
* NCommander resists to make a dig at RPM.21:44
mrooneyNCommander: oh yeah. well tarbombs extract correctly when you right click and extract :)21:44
NCommandermrooney, some of use the command line :-P!21:44
mrooneyNCommander: yes in the future perhaps I should also tar the folder and not the contents21:45
NCommandermrooney, I'm going to wait for james_w to pop up, he's already looked at this so maybe we can figure out something.21:45
mrooneysteps to ease motus life I have learned :) 1) debian/ in a separate branch 2) no tarbombs21:45
NCommandermrooney, do you plan to become a MOTU?21:45
mrooneyNCommander: it would be nice!21:46
Neo_The_Usernhandler: hello?21:46
mrooneyI imagine I have quite a bit of work to do though21:46
NCommandernhandler, was that it on the majors things?21:46
Neo_The_UserNCommander: i plan to become a MOTU as well21:46
Neo_The_Usermainly for mesa and gallium21:47
nhandlerNCommander: I'm still looking (I had to take a phone call)21:49
mrooneyNCommander: you were appointed recently right?21:49
NCommandernhandler, no problem. Ignore that lintian warning21:49
NCommandermrooney, I've been a MOTU awhile. I don't actively sponsor as often as I should though21:49
Neo_The_Userto be an Ubuntu MOTU, is it required to use the original source code? because i edit the mesa and gallium3d source code for better a major impact on performance and a slight increase of stability.21:49
Neo_The_Useri'd like to use my own patches for mesa and gallium for if and when i become a MOTU.21:49
mrooneyNeo_The_User: you don't need to be a MOTU to have patches accepted21:50
NCommanderNeo_The_User, Mesa is in main; you need to be a core developer to upload, and those packages are the domain of the Ubuntu X team21:50
NCommanderNeo_The_User, a MOTU or Core Developer can sponsor patches into packages.21:50
nhandlerNCommander: You also might need specify who is the copyright holder for each file21:50
NCommandernhandler, *grumble*21:50
NCommandernhandler, that's going to be annoyingly difficult.21:50
nhandlerNCommander: I know. I would almost advise you try scripting it and switching to the new format.21:51
Neo_The_Usercore developer. now how would i become that? or is that the same as a MOTU?21:51
NCommanderNeo_The_User, the archive is divided into four parts21:51
NCommandermain, restricted, universe, multiverse21:51
* ScottK notes that in the case of many copyright holders, minor copyright holders can be omitted from debian/copyright, but all licenses MUST be there.21:51
NCommanderScottK, they are all there, its just who owns what isn't clear21:52
NCommander(there is also a partner compontent, but its limited to Canonical employees)21:52
nhandlerscottk: There aren't many copyright holders, just many files21:52
Neo_The_Userok so i want to be a master of the main (MOTM)21:52
ScottKAs long as it's all under the same license, I'm not sure how critical that is.21:52
ScottKNeo_The_User: You start with MOTU.21:52
nhandlerScottK: Ok, either you or someone else called me on that once. But if you say it is fine, it is fine for me21:52
Neo_The_Useroh that sucks21:53
nhandlerscottk: MOTU is not a requirement for core-dev21:53
NCommandernhandler, thats extremely rare when that happens21:53
ScottKnhandler: I didn't look at the specific example.  I'm giving general principles.21:53
ScottKnhandler: Not formally, no.21:53
NCommandergranted, once/if archive reorg lands ...21:53
NCommanderThe whole thing becomes mute21:53
* ScottK wonders off ....21:53
ScottKBut first hands NCommander some moot.21:54
ajmitchNCommander: then we all get confused about who can upload what?21:54
Neo_The_Useryou know, to be a vlc developer for an official mesa developer, all you do is submit commits via git. why can't they just make the whole ubuntu development system all via launchpad and make everybody have request permissions?21:54
Neo_The_Userlike the linux kernel. linus reviews the code and then puts it in the tree. why do i have to go through all these channels? i came here to do development for mesa in ubuntu.21:54
nhandlerNCommander: I have to do some work, I'll look at the package more later21:54
mrooneyyeah it would be awesome if you could just branch the ubuntu code and submit a merge proposal21:54
NCommandernhandler, thanks, I'm already going to be uploading another version what you said fixed.21:55
ScottKNeo_The_User: It's no different here.  You put a patch in a bug and get it reviewed.  No different than Linus and the kernel.21:55
NCommandermrooney, its in the works AFAIK.21:55
mrooneyNCommander: yeah I can't wait, that will make it so easy to contribute!21:55
Neo_The_Userwell why do i have to get accepted into MOTU to make .deb packages for ubuntu and apply them to main and all that?21:55
NCommanderNeo_The_User, no developer is allowed to upload debs directly21:56
Neo_The_Useri know21:56
mrooneyNeo_The_User: you can make the packages, you just have to get someone else to review and upload them21:56
Neo_The_Useri want my packages to be reviewed21:56
Neo_The_Userbut i cant send them because i'm not a MOTU or an official ubuntu developer21:56
NCommanderNeo_The_User, we're currently in feature freeze, so no new packages can enter the archive except in rare circumstances.21:57
NCommanderNeo_The_User, that's what REVU is for21:57
Neo_The_Userfeature freeze, being picked, the whole MOTU system i hate. screw this. im going back to forums and helping people out in general and continue doing mesa development because you guys make this so complicated. how the hell do you expect to get more developers if the process is so retarded and difficult?21:58
NCommanderI think my brain just segfaulted.21:59
NCommanderAnd not just segfaulted, but took the kernel with it.21:59
ajmitchNCommander: you'd better get that checked out21:59
porthoseNCommander: and the cooling fan21:59
stgraberNCommander: use apport to get a dump and send it to LP, might be interesting :)22:00
NCommanderMeh, my brain been faulty every since I saw the glc package.22:00
mrooneyNCommander: so how many days do I have before the wxbanker update is impossible?22:01
NCommanderajmitch, && RainCT: now that your awake, can you please REVU http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/redboot-imx?22:01
NCommandermrooney, you have until the beta 1 freeze before general uploading becomes impossible. After that point, it will get stuck in Frozen. After release, then it can be fixed via backports.22:01
* ajmitch is at work sorting out some threading stuff22:02
mrooneyNCommander: oh no so this needs to happen in the next 48 hours hm22:02
* NCommander mehs22:02
* RainCT should have kept quiet :P22:03
NCommanderRainCT, please :-)?22:03
ajmitchRainCT: just plead ignorance of that area of packaging, like I do22:03
NCommanderajmitch, he can't, he helped rewrite REVU, plausible deniability left long ago.22:04
RainCTbah, I've mostly worked on the web interface :P22:05
* RainCT considers rejecting the package because he can't understand the description *g*22:06
* ajmitch would reject it for leaving in all the dh-make cruft :)22:07
NCommanderyou guys suck22:08
NCommanderI'll fix it22:08
mrooneyahhh REVU :)22:08
NCommanderRainCT, and ajmitch I also have another package I had to update after getting advocated, and would like another set of eyes to +1 it22:11
RainCT(I'll have a look at the redboot one later, there's a Catalan LoCo Team meeting right now)22:11
NCommanderRainCT, ok22:12
ajmitchNCommander: not sure why you're picking on me22:12
NCommanderajmitch, everyone else is idling22:14
RainCTNCommander: erm.. debian/watch..22:51
NCommanderRainCT, on ecosconfig-fsl?22:51
RainCTNCommander: no, redboot-imx22:51
NCommanderThe file is fairly self-explainatory22:51
RainCTNCommander: I see no point in having it, and as you already have a lintian override you can just add one for it there if you really want to :P22:52
NCommanderRainCT, lintian says to add it with the reason why its useless.22:52
* NCommander is only appeasing policy22:52
* RainCT doesn't like that :(22:52
NCommanderyell at the lintian auth22:52
* RainCT is happy to see a "Priority: extra" package where the priority is actually correct :P22:54
NCommanderdh_make defaults to optional, I dropped it down22:55
RainCTthey finally changed it? great!22:55
* NCommander uploads another iteration with yet another lintian override in the binary22:56
RainCTNCommander: looks like you're missing copyright holders22:56
NCommanderRainCT, which ones?22:59
RainCTNCommander: here's a short sample http://paste.debian.net/3073122:59
* NCommander takes a gun and aims it at his head23:00
* NCommander finds copyright files extremely tedious.23:01
NCommanderI'm not sure I get the point of relisting all copyright holder23:02
RainCTNCommander: Author(s), unneeded comments in debian/rules, Is lp:~.. instead of a real URL OK in Vcs-Bzr?, short description starts with uppercase, "eCos  Hardware" in the long description (2nd line) has two spaces, (README.Ubuntu -> README.Debian, but iirc there was disagreement about this?)23:05
NCommanderRainCT, I fixed that bit23:05
NCommander(I haven't uploaded it yet)23:06
NCommanderRainCT, I've uploaded other packages with that before without issue.23:06
* NCommander cries23:06
NCommanderRainCT, can you also check ecosconfig-imx? (its already gotten two +1's, but I made some changes ...)23:06
directhexNCommander, copyright for ikvm was an adventure23:06
* NCommander wonders how many packages in the archive have up to date copyrights ...23:07
Laneyones with good maintainers23:07
RainCTuhm, does lintian complain even if there's a get-orig-source rule?23:08
NCommanderRainCT, yes.23:08
RainCTgrr :P. but it's an I:, or?23:09
NCommanderRainCT, P:23:09
NCommanderWhy do we list both upstream authors, and copyright holders ... it seems kinda redundent ...23:09
RainCTNCommander: right, the machine-readable format gets ride of that23:10
Laneycopyright assignment is common when writing code for a company23:10
Laneybut that doesn't explain why we need to list the authors23:10
RainCTNCommander: there's only a Copyright: field there, no Author:23:10
NCommanderRainCT, there isn't?23:10
NCommanderthen why did dh_make put one in the template?23:11
RainCTafaik no23:11
RainCTNCommander: *machine readable format*23:11
Laneyyou need a way of contacting the upstream author23:11
Laneybut only to list the copyright holders23:11
* NCommander screams23:11
NCommanderHow do you list a corperation with no contact addrees :-/23:12
NCommanderand how to do files that have an author, but no date23:12
RainCTNCommander: ecosconfig-imx-200910/debian/control: "development should" -> "... you should", same question about lp: in Vcs-Bzr, ecosconfig-freesclae typo in copyright, docbook is ugly (okay.. I shut up ;P)), and that's it23:13
RainCTnow I want to sleep :P23:13
NCommanderRainCT, fair enough.23:13
NCommanderRainCT, thanks23:13
* NCommander is still sorting out this copyright mess23:14
RainCTNCommander: No problem. Have fun ;)23:16
NCommanderRainCT, *sighs*23:16
NCommanderI'm not sure who I'm more sorry for, me, for having to do, or the archive admin who has to check this.23:16
nhandlerNCommander: If I were the Archive admins, I would automate the process ;)23:17
directhexme, for needing to make an evil change to mono packaging23:17
Laneydirecthex: what is the problem?23:19
directhexLaney, an issue with the move from ubuntu's symlinked /usr/share/doc to debian's not-symlinked /usr/share/doc23:20
directhexLaney, preinst on EVERY PACKAGE needs to remove the symlink23:20
Laneyubuntu changed the behaviour?23:20
cody-somervillenhandler, Well, lets pretend you are an archive admin. Can you please automate the process? :)23:20
directhexLaney, dpkg doesn't replace symlinks with dirs, so if you upgrade from intrepid to jaunty, then remove a mono package, all docs are deleted23:20
directhexcody-somerville, using machine-readable copyright format, and some patches for licensecheck? doable, at least as a tool23:21
NCommandercody-somerville, if (uploader == "NCommander") { reject(); }23:21
directhexi still see electric six's "dance commander" as an unofficial theme song for when NCommander speaks23:24
nhandlercody-somerville: Let me rephrase that. I wouldn't automate the *process*, but I would create a tool that would ease the checking of the copyright file23:31
joaopintosomeone was working on miro's python transition, right ?23:33
ScottKjoaopinto: I think if working includes "stuck and can't figure out what to do next", IIRC, yes.23:34
joaopintoScottK, do you know the bug nr ? is just to set a duplicate :P23:34
ScottKI think someone wrote to the MOTU ML.23:34
Laneyjoaopinto: That's me, and it's the merge request23:34
* ScottK doesn't recall for sure.23:35
Laneyplease take it from me23:35
Laneydupes are piling up and I have no clear fix23:35
joaopintosomeone filed bug 34371023:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343710 in miro "[jaunty]unable to install miro due to "wrong" version of python" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34371023:35
Laneyjust dupe it to the merge request23:35
joaopintothat would be bug 336029 ?23:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336029 in miro "[FFe] Merge miro 2.0.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33602923:36
Laneyyou can add some apologies and say a fix is being prepared but there is no ETA23:37
* Laney feels bad about this23:37
joaopintoLaney, will you be trying to use 2.0.3, or keep with debian's 2.0.2 ?23:43
Laneyuwe uploaded 2.0.3 to Debian today23:43
joaopintowhere can I get it ?23:43
Laneyfrom debian...23:44
joaopintoops, it's there, sorry23:44
Laneygood luck getting it to work :(23:45
joaopintoI don't have much time today, I am just going to look at it23:49
st33medHello, is there any Python packages needed assistance in?23:53
joaopintost33med, miro23:54
st33medMeh, I am a new-ish Ubuntu Member looking to help in Python areas for Jaunty23:55
Laneyactually the latest comment on the bug might be right23:56
LaneyI'll have a look tomorrow if nobody else wants to23:56
Laneybug 33602923:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336029 in miro "[FFe] Merge miro 2.0.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33602923:56
Laneyit's non-trivial23:57
st33medFFe means? (Rusty and not as commited to LP)23:58
Laneyfeature freeze exception23:59
Laneyyou don't have to worry about that23:59
Laneygetting it to work is the important part now23:59
st33medSo, I need to get the Jaunty repoes23:59
st33medYay breakage!23:59
Laneythis isn't a good one to start with really23:59

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