LjL | watch NavadeHo | 00:28 |
LjL | was abusing the floodbots by ctcp | 00:28 |
LjL | now joined #k and #x | 00:28 |
Seeker` | not in either on them | 00:29 |
Seeker` | *of | 00:29 |
LjL | he just ctcpd me now | 00:29 |
Seeker` | eugh, just hit channel number limit | 00:29 |
Seeker` | why is cody opped in #x? | 00:30 |
LjL | because he's the founder? | 00:30 |
Seeker` | I thought you weren't meant to sit there opped | 00:30 |
LjL | he'll have forgot | 00:30 |
LjL | i dunno | 00:30 |
LjL | [01:31:36] <NavadeHo> are u a human or bot? | 00:31 |
LjL | r u a idiot or a fool | 00:31 |
Seeker` | heh | 00:32 |
Seeker` | just reply with "Ljlbot v3.0" | 00:32 |
LjL | [01:32:26] <LjL> how's about you mind your own business on who's a human and who's not, and shove your CTCPs where-knows-i | 00:33 |
LjL | [01:32:56] <NavadeHo> okay, thnx for the answers | 00:33 |
LjL | [01:33:03] <NavadeHo> I thought you were human | 00:33 |
Seeker` | ... | 00:33 |
Seeker` | actually "Ljlbot v3.0; Please enter command:" would be interesting | 00:34 |
LjL | Seeker`: i have no version reply | 00:34 |
LjL | and it would hurt my client to have one | 00:34 |
LjL | really | 00:34 |
Seeker` | no, when he asked you if you were a bot or a human | 00:34 |
LjL | i had already replied to him | 00:35 |
Seeker` | yeah, i knos | 00:35 |
Seeker` | *know | 00:35 |
Seeker` | what did he do to get the ban? | 00:36 |
LjL | Seeker`: resumed CTCP'ing floodbot. | 00:36 |
Seeker` | ah | 00:37 |
LjL | not that banning from #k helps with that | 00:37 |
LjL | but i see no reason why he should be left in there, either | 00:37 |
* genii prepares an extra-strong vat of coffee | 00:52 | |
* LjL sips it while genii isn't looking | 00:52 | |
genii | LjL: Heh... it's for general consumption anyhow :) | 00:53 |
Seeker` | :O | 00:54 |
ubottu | Rabbitbunny called the ops in #ubuntu () | 01:18 |
genii | Myrtti: Did you ever manage to get a keyboard/screen for your headless box? | 01:27 |
* genii sips | 02:12 | |
tritium | Hi genii. | 02:13 |
genii | tritium: Heya | 02:14 |
tritium | How are you, genii? | 02:15 |
genii | tritium: Tired but well. Had a problem regarding .pinerc,imap server which is still not suitably resolved. But luckily there's coffee, and beer | 02:17 |
tritium | genii: I'm tired too. I think I'll sleep early tonight. | 02:23 |
* genii fluffs tritium's pillows and puts him on decaf | 02:24 | |
tritium | genii: thanks :) Good night! | 02:24 |
ubottu | LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () | 02:46 |
ubottu | Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (LjL) | 02:47 |
Flannel | cyclic aliases! | 02:47 |
LjL | Amaranth: that was... lower than low :P | 02:47 |
genii | Did someone alias nvidia-beta to ops? | 02:47 |
Flannel | !-nvidia-beta | 02:48 |
ubottu | nvidia-beta is <alias> amaranth - added by gnomefreak on 2006-10-22 22:12:54 | 02:48 |
Flannel | !-amaranth | 02:48 |
ubottu | amaranth aliases: nvidia-beta - added by Amaranth on 2008-01-16 10:34:19 - last edited by LjL on 2009-03-15 02:10:50 | 02:48 |
Flannel | !-amaranth-#ubuntu-offtopic | 02:48 |
ubottu | amaranth is <alias> ops - added by Amaranth on 2009-03-11 01:35:23 - last edited by Amaranth on 2009-03-15 02:10:50 | 02:48 |
Amaranth | oh, hahahahahahahahahahaha | 02:48 |
Amaranth | that's because !amaranth used to be how to get to my PPA | 02:48 |
Amaranth | !-cookies | 02:53 |
ubottu | cookies has no aliases - added by Flannel on 2008-07-16 21:18:36 - last edited by Flannel on 2008-07-23 12:27:43 | 02:53 |
Amaranth | Hrm, thought I added that one | 02:53 |
Flannel | What's wrong with cookies? | 02:53 |
Flannel | !cookie | 02:53 |
ubottu | Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 02:53 |
Flannel | !-cookie | 02:53 |
ubottu | cookie is <alias> helpersnack - added by jussi01 on 2008-06-28 20:20:34 - last edited by jussi01 on 2008-06-28 20:20:52 | 02:53 |
genii | Nothing! | 02:53 |
Flannel | Amaranth: Suppose not. Neener neener. | 02:53 |
* genii wonders if the bot will truly ever forget !amaranth | 02:54 | |
=== Amaranth is now known as bluesmoke | ||
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth | ||
* genii brews a pot of coffee for the channel before /away | 04:02 | |
Amaranth | Flannel: Seriously messed up people | 04:33 |
Flannel | Amaranth: Yeah. We need to put up a sign "No social deviants allowed" | 04:34 |
Amaranth | Flannel: There goes half the channel | 04:34 |
Flannel | Amaranth: Yeah, but the channel would be 200% better! | 04:34 |
Flannel | Eh, I'll even let people who are 50% deviant in there. But once you get above that.... | 04:36 |
Myrtti | genii: no | 05:26 |
Myrtti | anyone awake? | 05:28 |
Myrtti | WARNING: | 05:28 |
Myrtti | phantomcircuit!phantomc@adsl-75-37-27-1.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net may be evading the ban on phantomcircuit!n=phantomc@netcollect.org | 05:28 |
Flannel | Myrtti: Morning. | 05:31 |
Myrtti | I wonder would poking Mez help at all | 05:53 |
* Myrtti pokes Mez with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™ | 05:53 | |
Myrtti | *SQUEEEAK* | 05:53 |
Myrtti | ah.hmmm | 05:56 |
Myrtti | nice stress reliever | 05:56 |
Myrtti | I think I'll do that again | 05:56 |
* Myrtti pokes Mez with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™ | 05:56 | |
Myrtti | *SQUEEEAK* | 05:56 |
Myrtti | anyway, Mez, when you come back from your coma, could you please look at the bantracker and check the ban on netcollect.org and phantomcircuit and put it in your agenda to tell us your thoughts. Thanks. | 05:57 |
Myrtti | ok, time for a shower | 06:13 |
Myrtti | hehheh | 06:22 |
Myrtti | Mirv just found the approval of the Finnish loco | 06:22 |
Myrtti | <Mirv> sabdfl: yes, hi. I came from a trip 30 minutes ago, our hamster is killing itself but otherwise I'm here | 06:25 |
Myrtti | <sabdfl> that's the best entry to a cc meeting i've ever seen | 06:26 |
Flannel | Myrtti: Where is this? | 06:29 |
Flannel | or, when, rather | 06:29 |
Myrtti | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2005/02/19/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt | 06:29 |
Flannel | Oh, nevermind. | 06:29 |
Flannel | Ah, old. | 06:29 |
Myrtti | Mirv just commented that the approval was made in a way that they just mentioned in the next meeting "oh, we haven't taken that from the agenda yet" | 06:30 |
Myrtti | it's not obvious in that log | 06:30 |
Myrtti | that's about and around the same time that I found the channel | 06:30 |
Myrtti | and started to use Ubuntu | 06:32 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, o0Chris0o said: !ops Deoderant is causing a disturbance in #ubuntu, keeps spamming | 06:45 |
Mez | @btlogin | 07:04 |
Mez | Myrtti: I dont see why the ban shouldnt have been lifted, though I havent reviewed the bans from -ops | 07:06 |
Myrtti | Mez: I didn't touch it since you were active at the time I started clearing up the bans and didn't want to step on your toes | 07:13 |
Myrtti | good deed of today done. | 07:17 |
Myrtti | http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staog | 07:18 |
Myrtti | though, the category for computer viruses in general is a bit funny | 07:18 |
Myrtti | http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luokka:Tietokonevirukset | 07:18 |
Myrtti | :-D | 07:18 |
Myrtti | 28% of the worlds computer viruses are for linux ;-) | 07:19 |
Mez | Myrtti: feel free to tread on my toes at any point you want. | 07:30 |
Mez | except in person | 07:30 |
Mez | cause I have easily-breakable toes | 07:30 |
Flannel | Myrtti: drink more milk! | 07:31 |
Flannel | er, Mez | 07:31 |
Mez | Flannel: it's more to do with the arthritis than any calcium deficiency | 07:31 |
Flannel | Mez: Just chop them off! then you can't break them. | 07:32 |
Flannel | yep. | 07:32 |
Myrtti | I hate cleaning | 07:34 |
Myrtti | Flannel: your discussion makes me want to toss in http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ | 08:20 |
Flannel | Myrtti: Indeed, indeed. | 08:20 |
Flannel | Myrtti: Of course, the conversation has gotten to the point where Grant-A is going to try and make stupid wild claims now | 08:21 |
Myrtti | lol, it's not in /usr/share/common-licenses/ | 08:22 |
Myrtti | BWAHAHAHA | 08:24 |
Myrtti | http://freeware.sgi.com/Installable/WindowMaker-0.80.2.html | 08:24 |
ubottu | Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu (Ongavezirke) | 09:15 |
bazhang | uad, how may we help you | 10:46 |
bazhang | uad if this is related to #ubuntu-ru , then you need to discuss in #ubuntu-irc , not here. Please do not idle in this channel. Thanks. | 10:53 |
bazhang | * groovyOrange (n=groovyOr@ has joined #ubuntu-ru | 10:53 |
bazhang | and some rather nasty comment in -ot | 10:53 |
Tm_T | bah... | 11:11 |
bazhang | ? | 11:11 |
Tm_T | I just hate this world, humans especially | 11:12 |
bazhang | sorry to hear that | 11:12 |
bazhang | interesting | 11:13 |
Tm_T | building, where is ISP X gsm- and data control center, is currently totally failing with ISP Y gsm | 11:13 |
bazhang | groovyapples is native -ru speaker | 11:14 |
bazhang | Tm_T, that stinks | 11:14 |
Tm_T | so I cannot do my work | 11:14 |
Tm_T | this building provides free wifi | 11:14 |
Tm_T | ...which is totally broken | 11:14 |
bazhang | argh | 11:14 |
bazhang | I would flip out I reckon | 11:15 |
ikonia | can someone stick a ban on grovey orange - I've had enough now | 11:40 |
bazhang | I can only do so in -ru | 11:41 |
ikonia | I'm asking for OT | 11:41 |
bazhang | and he has done nothing there yet | 11:41 |
bazhang | I know. | 11:41 |
ikonia | nope, he's done enough in OT on a regular basis though | 11:41 |
ikonia | why let this continue | 11:41 |
bazhang | I was referring to -ru | 11:41 |
ikonia | of course | 11:42 |
bazhang | he admitted yesterday to some pretty foul stuff in -ot | 11:42 |
ikonia | there is going to be an issue with kavity in ot too | 11:42 |
bazhang | and as he is clearly a native russian speaker, its not hard to surmise that he is in fact ilya, z, patchpockets, etc | 11:43 |
ikonia | look at the identif on kavity too | 11:43 |
bazhang | the serverloft fellow all in one. | 11:43 |
ikonia | bazhang: agreed | 11:43 |
elky | who is he there as? | 12:00 |
bazhang | groovy or kavity | 12:00 |
elky | kavity is groovyorange? | 12:01 |
bazhang | kavity is not kavita (asustek); groovy is in -ru as groovy | 12:01 |
bazhang | err was | 12:01 |
bazhang | just someone who wants to challenge swearing because its not in the coc explicitly | 12:02 |
elky | kavity has a foul hostmask though | 12:02 |
bazhang | yep | 12:02 |
bazhang | remove from #ubuntu ? | 12:02 |
elky | i'm just going to treat it as a proxy | 12:03 |
elky | he hasn't done anything as such in #ubuntu though | 12:05 |
bazhang | true | 12:05 |
Pici | meh | 12:09 |
Pici | I'm not sure I agree with going after someone because of a hostmask, I don't recall us doing this sort of thing in the past... much less asking in public | 12:12 |
elky | Pici, it's been done plenty of times before. show.us.your.tee.tees etc for example | 12:13 |
bazhang | biteme etc | 12:14 |
bazhang | and real names too | 12:14 |
elky | would someone other than me like to take aprilhare aside and tell him to shut the hell up? | 12:15 |
Pici | Then I don't think we should be making a spectacle out of it by asking in -offtopic, thats why we ask people to join -ops | 12:15 |
bazhang | good point | 12:15 |
Pici | I'm also in a bad mood, so if I don't make sense, blame it on that. | 12:16 |
bazhang | then april would not be an issue | 12:16 |
bazhang | Pici, how is your shoulder by the way | 12:17 |
Pici | bazhang: Much better, its nearly completely back to normal. | 12:17 |
bazhang | Pici, awesome, glad to hear it | 12:17 |
ikonia | Pici: you're never in a bad mood, please correct this | 12:18 |
bazhang | ahahahaha | 12:18 |
bazhang | aprilhare, not you | 12:20 |
elky | i wish he would stop clinging to me like this, ugh | 12:20 |
kavity | I don't really have anything I wish to discuss about it. | 12:20 |
kavity | I mean, I've been in that channel and #ubuntu for the past two months without anyone complaining about it. | 12:21 |
kavity | I've been engaged in many conversations in the former, and assisted many people in the later. | 12:21 |
ikonia | kavity: you're recent outbursts and argument brought a hilight on it | 12:21 |
bazhang | perhaps pushing on the cursing was not so bright | 12:21 |
elky | we probably would not have noticed if it were not for your 'i'm not following the rules, nyah' attitude earlier | 12:21 |
kavity | I said I would stop the swearing, and I was only curious as to where the rule was posted. | 12:21 |
ikonia | plus you're comment that it is "c0ck" because the rooseter is your favourite bird is a bit odd | 12:21 |
elky | but we have actually had it raised with us before | 12:22 |
ikonia | as surly it would be "cock" then - as c0ck is the "leet" speak term for Cock meaning penis | 12:22 |
bazhang | yep | 12:22 |
kavity | ikonia: c0ck would be the 'leet speak' term for any definition of the word cock. | 12:22 |
elky | people tend to associate your kind of host with people who are going to be rude and mean back, so they're not likely to go to you directly | 12:22 |
ikonia | kavity: please, it's a most commonly used for "penis", if why would you not use "cock" if it was genuinly about a cock | 12:23 |
kavity | elky: As I've said before, I've assisted many people in #ubuntu, who have messaged me thereafter for more help. | 12:23 |
ikonia | kavity: helping people does not = I can do what I want | 12:23 |
kavity | I didn't mean to cause a rutcis(however that word is spelled) because of the swearing thing. | 12:23 |
kavity | As I said, I would stop swearing, and I didn't mean to in that channel. | 12:24 |
ikonia | so if you know it's a swearing issue - why use it ? | 12:24 |
ikonia | more so in a channel who has rules about swearing | 12:24 |
kavity | What I was simply pointing out was the fact that ikonia had told me tor ead the coc, which I did, but did not see anything about swearing. | 12:24 |
bazhang | !ohmy | 12:24 |
ubottu | Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. | 12:24 |
ikonia | kavity: it says about being polite to people | 12:24 |
ikonia | kavity: swearing is not polite | 12:24 |
bazhang | !language | 12:24 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 12:24 |
ikonia | "good fucking morning" is not polite - as well you know | 12:24 |
bazhang | those do | 12:24 |
kavity | ikonia: I don't see the point in repeating myself on this, but I did not realize what channel I was typing in. | 12:24 |
ikonia | it also talks about being respectful, which you're comments does | 12:25 |
ikonia | kavity: I've not mentioned you're swearing since | 12:25 |
bazhang | kavity you were in only two channels | 12:25 |
kavity | ikonia: I work offshore, and most of the time people say "Good f**king morning" or "how the f**k are you"? | 12:25 |
ikonia | kavity: how is that polite ? | 12:25 |
bazhang | kavity, you thought to do that in #ubuntu ? | 12:25 |
kavity | bazhang: I'm in 8 channels spanning 4 servers. | 12:25 |
elky | kavity, other people also beat people up. does that make it ok for everyone? | 12:26 |
kavity | I don't want to cause a big disagreement here, really, but to force me to change my host name just seems silly. | 12:26 |
bazhang | that would be quick removal most likely | 12:26 |
elky | no, it doesnt, does it. | 12:26 |
kavity | But especially on the freenode IRC server, where freedom is a huge deal, it seems very odd to get so much flack over this. | 12:26 |
kavity | elky: No, you are correct. | 12:26 |
kavity | I've already stated that I didn't mean to, and won't swear in the channel again. | 12:27 |
bazhang | oho the 'in my culture it is ok' argument | 12:27 |
ikonia | kavity: freedom is not a "big deal" it's free/opensource software, not a free world | 12:27 |
ikonia | kavity: no-one has commented on the swearing | 12:27 |
kavity | ikonia: Have you ever looked much into freenode? | 12:27 |
ikonia | kavity: yup | 12:27 |
bazhang | only one channel has that. | 12:27 |
elky | kavity, we've been here for years. | 12:28 |
elky | i've been an op for years. usually hostnames with the word 'cock' in them belong to troll gangs. you will always be treated like one of those if you keep the host | 12:28 |
ikonia | kavity: please be %100 genuine here but are you actually on the host c0ck.org ? | 12:28 |
kavity | ikonia: Yes. My website is hosted at kshadow.c0ck.org | 12:29 |
ikonia | kavity: ok | 12:29 |
* mneptok blinks | 12:29 | |
kavity | elky: I don't care if people aren't going to treat me well because of my host. | 12:29 |
kavity | I'm not a troll, nor do I mean to be. | 12:29 |
kavity | I'm simply here because I enjoy ubuntu, and I enjoy helping the people in the open source community. | 12:29 |
ikonia | kavity: it may help you in future to consider getting a freenode cloak | 12:29 |
ikonia | kavity: if you've been here for 2 months and plan to stick around, it may help for future | 12:30 |
mneptok | kavity: get a cloak .... what ikonia said | 12:30 |
elky | ikonia, he's actually only in my logs for 1 month. since the 7th of feb | 12:30 |
ikonia | elky: a cloak would still help him | 12:30 |
ikonia | kavity: just a suggestion | 12:30 |
mneptok | kavity: if you are as experienced and savvy as you claim, i'm wondering why you'd IRC from such host with such a puerile name. | 12:31 |
elky | ikonia, yep, i'd be satisfied with a cloak. people can stop pointing it out then | 12:31 |
ikonia | exactly | 12:31 |
kavity | elky: Check your logs of #ubuntu. | 12:31 |
ikonia | kavity: stop arguing | 12:31 |
ikonia | kavity: the time doesn't matter | 12:31 |
elky | kavity, i have. | 12:31 |
bazhang | !cloak | 12:31 |
ubottu | Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks | 12:31 |
kavity | mneptok: As I've said, I work offshore, so it's much easier to connect to a shell account from the ship as we move around a lot. | 12:31 |
kavity | That way I don't miss anytime anyone asks me questions, plus it saves on bandwidth on the boat. | 12:32 |
ikonia | kavity: you can still get a cloak | 12:32 |
mneptok | kavity: there are many hosts that provide shell access | 12:32 |
kavity | ikonia: Sorry. | 12:32 |
ikonia | kavity: a host has nothing to do with a cloak | 12:32 |
mneptok | kavity: you chose "c0ck" and now you have to live with the consequences. | 12:32 |
ikonia | kavity: eg: my cloak follows me what ever host I'm on, like you I sometimes have limited access | 12:32 |
elky | kavity, join #freenode and ask nicely for a cloak | 12:32 |
ikonia | kavity: take 5 minutes to get one | 12:32 |
bazhang | less | 12:32 |
elky | bazhang, depends on staff saturation | 12:32 |
kavity | How about I just leave the channel, and you won't have to deal with me anymore :/ | 12:33 |
bazhang | g ary is there now | 12:33 |
kavity | Would that satisfy? | 12:33 |
elky | kavity, that's not what we want. what we want is a polite entrance from you. | 12:33 |
elky | ugh, aprilhare in pm.... | 12:33 |
elky | GET IT OFF! | 12:34 |
mneptok | kavity: it would satisfy the rules. would *you* be satisfied? | 12:34 |
ikonia | kavity: no reason to leave the channel for a 5 minute ammount of effort | 12:34 |
ikonia | kavity: plus it will help you out in general in other channels | 12:34 |
kavity | elky: I understand that, and as much as I appreciate the fact that you're giving me the option rather then just banning me, I'm not going to limit my freedom. As much as that may sound stupid to some of you. | 12:34 |
ikonia | kavity: I'll help you with the steps and you can get a staff member to cloak you if you want | 12:34 |
kavity | Alright alright. | 12:35 |
kavity | I'll get the cloak. | 12:35 |
ikonia | kavity: great, | 12:35 |
kavity | But I won't be ahppy about it! :P | 12:35 |
mneptok | kavity: you have freedom. you can use whatever hostmask you want. our freedom allows us to ban you. freedom has a price. | 12:35 |
elky | kavity, the cloak will make you freer. you wont have to deal with being restricted from places because of your host | 12:35 |
ikonia | kavity: do you know what to do, or do you need a hand ? | 12:36 |
ikonia | or "want" a hand I should say | 12:36 |
kavity | elky: This is the first time it's ever been brought up to me in the several years I've used it. | 12:36 |
kavity | ikonia: I'l check the faq posted above. | 12:36 |
elky | Gary, can we borrow you a moment? | 12:36 |
Gary | erm, I am at work | 12:36 |
ikonia | kavity: no problem | 12:36 |
elky | Gary, you looked active in #f, carry on then | 12:37 |
Gary | I am, but still at work :p | 12:37 |
Gary | whats up | 12:37 |
mneptok | elky: that's what he means by "work" :P | 12:37 |
bazhang | haha | 12:37 |
elky | Gary, kavity might ask for a cloak to cover up his rude hostmask sometime soon | 12:38 |
kavity | It's not rude! :< | 12:38 |
Gary | mneptok: hehe, no, I am also at paid work too, but trying to avoid doing any | 12:38 |
kavity | But yes, I need a cloak please. | 12:38 |
Gary | kavity: Take a look at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup to see how to setup 'the freenode way' :) | 12:38 |
bazhang | lart gary | 12:38 |
kavity | Gary: Reading now, thanks. | 12:38 |
Gary | kavity: if you can look at that link, follow all steps, and I'll be able to cloak you then | 12:39 |
Gary | bazhang: :'( | 12:39 |
kavity | Name registered. | 12:39 |
Gary | kavity: don't forget all the other steps too | 12:40 |
ikonia | please forward aprilhare in here from OT | 12:40 |
bazhang | Gary, sowwy :( | 12:40 |
elky | ikonia, he's also in PM with me debating whether he acts like an adult or not | 12:40 |
ikonia | I know - I asked him to stop pm'ing people | 12:40 |
elky | apparantly I make him act silly just by existing | 12:40 |
ikonia | now he's being a jerk in channel | 12:40 |
kavity | Gary: Some aren't required I assume, like hiding my email, or registering a secondary nickname? | 12:41 |
elky | which i read as a very lame attempt at a pickup line | 12:41 |
ikonia | aprilhare: If you couuld just hold on for a moment please | 12:41 |
ikonia | aprilhare: just finishing kavity's query | 12:41 |
Gary | kavity: all are required for a cloak | 12:41 |
kavity | Gary: Ah, roger that. | 12:41 |
=== kavity is now known as kavity_ | ||
=== kavity_ is now known as kavity | ||
kavity | Alright, as far as I can tell everything's ready. | 12:43 |
mneptok | same old host. | 12:44 |
mneptok | you need to ID for your nick. | 12:44 |
mneptok | /msg NickServ id $PASSWORD | 12:44 |
kavity | I need to get a cloak set up first as far as I know. | 12:44 |
mneptok | oh. | 12:44 |
mneptok | *facepalm* | 12:45 |
kavity | I'm already identified. | 12:45 |
* jussi01 larts mneptok | 12:45 | |
jussi01 | :P | 12:45 |
mneptok | i'll STFU and go back to coffee | 12:45 |
Myrtti | ooh, coffee | 12:45 |
mneptok | maybe my Bic lighter and i could be helpful at the origami fest ... | 12:45 |
elky | i think gary hasn't hit the button yet | 12:46 |
jussi01 | ok, so kavity is mostly sorted, shall we help aprilhare now? | 12:46 |
Gary | kavity: sorted | 12:47 |
ikonia | aprilhare: you still there ? | 12:47 |
kavity | So do I have to reconnect to have it done? | 12:47 |
aprilhare | yes | 12:47 |
ikonia | aprilhare: thanks for hanging on | 12:47 |
jussi01 | kavity: you are sorted | 12:47 |
elky | kavity, you shouldnt need to. thanks for working with us to solve the issue :) | 12:48 |
kavity | Yeah, thanks. | 12:48 |
kavity | No problem. | 12:48 |
kavity | And your welcome ;) | 12:48 |
ikonia | aprilhare: I made a quick request to you to stop sending private messages to people, I was trying to be polite by not mentioning it in the channel, so what's the issue ? | 12:48 |
jussi01 | kavity: if theres nothing else, we will see you later :) | 12:48 |
kavity | In other words... 'get out' :P | 12:49 |
bazhang | nice | 12:49 |
elky | that's much nicer | 12:49 |
bazhang | and nicely handled elky ikonia | 12:49 |
aprilhare | ikonia: i'm not pm'ing the universe. i don't like being confronted. the only pm was to elky as some sort of apology for offending her. no intervention required. no people, no plural | 12:49 |
elky | i think the credit lies with kavity for not being a moron about it | 12:50 |
Myrtti | I love !morons | 12:50 |
bazhang | taht too | 12:50 |
ikonia | aprilhare: confronted ? a polite private message is not confrontation, hence why I didn't send you a message in the channel, as I didn't want to make an issue out of it | 12:50 |
bazhang | and of course GARY !!!1! | 12:50 |
Myrtti | our pink supermeister! | 12:50 |
aprilhare | ikonia: i wanted a room full of people who might think otherwise to know they weren't going to be pm deluged by me | 12:51 |
Gary | oh dear god, whose been reading the blog? | 12:51 |
elky | aprilhare, you are increasingly clingy around me, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. especially when you PM me to say i 'bring out a silly streak'. that sounds terribly like a bad pickup line | 12:51 |
ikonia | aprilhare: no-one mentioned a pm in the channel | 12:51 |
ikonia | aprilhare: so why did you feel the need to announce this to the world ?# | 12:51 |
elky | Gary, *ALL* of us | 12:51 |
aprilhare | elky: you've got kids. i'm not picking up anyone | 12:51 |
ikonia | aprilhare: I send you a private message so you didn't HAVE to mention it to the channel | 12:51 |
aprilhare | ikonia: well i guess unless i ignored the pm i have to mention it in channel don't i? its either that or let it fester | 12:52 |
aprilhare | and i'm not one for festering | 12:52 |
ikonia | aprilhare: why did you have to mention it to the channe l? | 12:52 |
elky | why did he have to PM me blaming me for his behaviour? | 12:52 |
Myrtti | elky: congratulations on your motherhood | 12:53 |
elky | he doesn't know how to behave. that's why | 12:53 |
aprilhare | elky: i wasn't blaming you. otherwise i wouldn't be apologising | 12:53 |
ikonia | aprilhare: you could have responded to me directly, there was no need to make an issue in the channel, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid | 12:53 |
elky | Myrtti, stop sending chills down my spine | 12:53 |
aprilhare | ikonia: unless you tell me to stop pm'ing people that is :) | 12:53 |
* Myrtti rolls her eyes | 12:53 | |
bazhang | aprilhare, there is a significant amount of stalking in that channel. | 12:53 |
ikonia | aprilhare: if you want to be stupid about it - then fine | 12:53 |
aprilhare | its sorta the chicken in the egg situation | 12:53 |
bazhang | aprilhare, thus tensions are high. | 12:54 |
ikonia | aprilhare: no, thats you being petty | 12:54 |
aprilhare | you tell me not to pm but wexpect it to be solved via pm | 12:54 |
elky | aprilhare, your message was 'sorry, but you made me do it' in tone. | 12:54 |
aprilhare | elky: i'm bad with tone | 12:54 |
aprilhare | common failing. | 12:54 |
bazhang | then dont pm | 12:54 |
bazhang | learn to see when advances are unwelcome. | 12:55 |
aprilhare | i have no idea where is is going. I'm waiting for the 'or you'll be banned' to drop | 12:56 |
ikonia | there isn't one | 12:56 |
ikonia | aprilhare: no-one is threatening to ban you | 12:56 |
ikonia | I asked you in here to ask you to stop behaving silly/petty | 12:57 |
bazhang | respect people's space | 12:57 |
ikonia | aprilhare: I tried to drop you a polite informal note/request, you've made a big deal out of it, so now that's been cleared up, please return to what ever IRC chat you where doing | 12:59 |
aprilhare | ikonia: and say what? | 12:59 |
aprilhare | it needs to be vetted clearly | 13:00 |
ikonia | what ever you want | 13:00 |
aprilhare | and i don't like vetting | 13:00 |
ikonia | aprilhare: ok - you want to continue to be silly about it fine | 13:00 |
elky | he *really* gets under my skin | 13:00 |
ikonia | stupid behaviour | 13:01 |
bazhang | time to clean up that channel | 13:01 |
bazhang | once and for all. | 13:01 |
* ikonia returns to work | 13:01 | |
bazhang | ban on asus and groovy for starters | 13:01 |
elky | bazhang, tread carefully. very carefully | 13:01 |
bazhang | elky, groovy has made some really horrid comments the last two days about stalking, and how he did so to very young females (braggingly) | 13:02 |
ikonia | making requests to "lick ass" and the like | 13:02 |
bazhang | he is ban-evading. | 13:02 |
ikonia | 0:41 * groovyOrange invites himself to lick *her* as5 | 13:03 |
bazhang | *her* ass | 13:03 |
elky | he's still using the serverloft host? | 13:03 |
bazhang | hynix admitted to doing the exact same | 13:03 |
elky | hynix has driven several people out of the channel with pure creepy | 13:04 |
bazhang | they are way outside the coc | 13:04 |
bazhang | its not visible from where they are. | 13:05 |
jussi01 | ikonia: lovely guy there... | 13:18 |
ikonia | jussi01: sorry - scripting is faster than the eye | 13:18 |
ikonia | jussi01: another moron | 13:18 |
jussi01 | ikonia: I have it aliased also, just with waits as quassel devs are still working on proper scripting | 13:18 |
ikonia | ah | 13:19 |
Myrtti | aprilhare: can we help you? | 13:21 |
aprilhare | i have reconsidered matters: it might be easier for a period of time that I restrict myself to #ubuntu and answering whatever questions come my way. it appears my wayward attempts of being a humorful irc chatter are going awry and it's pretty hard to go wrong there. | 13:22 |
aprilhare | sorry if i caused any ops any trouble. | 13:22 |
bazhang | sounds wise. | 13:22 |
bazhang | thanks for your considerate attitude | 13:22 |
aprilhare | hey thats what i'll be here for :) | 13:23 |
aprilhare | is there anything else? | 13:23 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, ziroday said: ubottu: !amaranth is Amaranth is too good for you, he's snearing at you pinging him right now | 13:23 |
aprilhare | i guess not. night | 13:25 |
Gary | oops | 13:29 |
* gnomefreak is confused. I thought "is there anythning else" our question to ask | 13:29 | |
bazhang | yeah, like we should all part | 13:30 |
Gary | I nearly did | 13:37 |
Seeker | Hi, just testing a mobile irc client | 14:37 |
ikonia | pass | 14:37 |
Seeker | Seems to be working | 14:38 |
ikonia | so it would seem | 14:39 |
Seeker | although my phone can't do the right ' :( | 14:41 |
jussi01 | *g* [16:45:24] <#ubuntu-ops-monitor:FloodBot1> -WARNING: ljl-temp!ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl may be evading the ban on ljl-temp!n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl | 14:50 |
LjL | yeah, always does that since lately... | 14:52 |
LjL | i'm not sure what it's thinking | 14:52 |
LjL | i've excluded it from my wills anyway | 14:53 |
LjL | it won't get a single penny | 14:53 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas said: !cake is http://www.flickr.com/photos/neiltron/3351856161/ | 14:55 |
Pici | bleh | 15:31 |
LjL | [18:16:39] <NavadeHo> how long is the ban? | 17:17 |
LjL | [18:16:59] <LjL> ask #ubuntu-ops | 17:17 |
NavadeHo | How long is the ban? | 17:17 |
NavadeHo | :S | 17:17 |
LjL | NavadeHo: i don't know | 17:17 |
LjL | i propose a week for every CTCP PING you did to the bot? | 17:17 |
NavadeHo | T_T" | 17:18 |
NavadeHo | wtf? | 17:18 |
LjL | NavadeHo: just tell me, why should i unban someone who clearly shows no restraint in DoS abuse of channel users? | 17:18 |
LjL | i should protect channel users - and for that matter, bots | 17:19 |
NavadeHo | I CTCP'd the floodbot that many times because I was getting no response. | 17:19 |
LjL | ah, sure, i see | 17:20 |
LjL | makes sense | 17:20 |
LjL | or not | 17:20 |
NavadeHo | :| | 17:20 |
LjL | why did you keep doing it after i told you to stop - and kicked to make the point clearer? | 17:20 |
NavadeHo | I CTCP'd u. | 17:21 |
LjL | yes, you ctcp'd me | 17:21 |
LjL | then i banned you | 17:21 |
LjL | then you resumed ctcping the bot | 17:21 |
NavadeHo | So? It that evidence that I would do it again? | 17:21 |
NavadeHo | * Is | 17:21 |
LjL | i'd say so | 17:21 |
NavadeHo | Why am I not doing it right now then? | 17:22 |
LjL | you CTCP'd the bot a total of 159 times | 17:22 |
LjL | i don't know, i'm not in your head | 17:22 |
NavadeHo | lol <_< | 17:22 |
NavadeHo | Have mercy :) | 17:22 |
LjL | i did | 17:23 |
LjL | i gave you a chance to stop it | 17:23 |
LjL | you resumed doing it | 17:23 |
NavadeHo | hmm? | 17:23 |
NavadeHo | did you unban me :O | 17:23 |
NavadeHo | ? | 17:23 |
LjL | no. i told you to stop it. | 17:24 |
LjL | as a result, you ctcp'd it more times. | 17:24 |
mneptok | interesting strategy. | 17:25 |
NavadeHo | So, you're going to let me kept banned for 159 weeks? <_<" | 17:25 |
LjL | make it a round 100, ok? | 17:26 |
NavadeHo | =_=" | 17:27 |
LjL | other questions? | 17:27 |
NavadeHo | ur serious? | 17:27 |
LjL | mhm | 17:27 |
mneptok | why ruin that second anniversary? | 17:29 |
NavadeHo | X_X" | 17:29 |
* mneptok is a romantic | 17:29 | |
LjL | mneptok: good point i guess, 104 then? | 17:29 |
mneptok | now that's a man's man. ladies, i step aside. | 17:30 |
NavadeHo | HEY, when I say I will not do it again, I MEAN IT. | 17:30 |
LjL | NavadeHo: so, anything else you want to ask us? | 17:31 |
mneptok | brb. feelings awaking in soft parts of my psyche. | 17:31 |
LjL | my VERSION or TIME perhaps? | 17:31 |
LjL | NavadeHo: i suppose you may mean it, but i have no reason to believe that, while i have reasons to believe the contrary | 17:31 |
NavadeHo | you may perm ban me from all Ubuntu channels and whatsoever where ur op when I do it again. | 17:32 |
LjL | NavadeHo: come back here in a month, your ban will be reviewed then | 17:34 |
NavadeHo | -_- | 17:34 |
LjL | now unless you have other questions relevant to this channel, please part | 17:36 |
NavadeHo | ? | 17:36 |
LjL | which part wasn't too clear? | 17:37 |
NavadeHo | why should I part? | 17:37 |
LjL | /topic | 17:37 |
NavadeHo | you have the right? .. | 17:37 |
NavadeHo | well, whatever | 17:38 |
LjL | @mark #Ubuntu-ops navadeho | 17:38 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 17:38 |
EQP[AwNg | what the HELL is going on with my connection | 18:09 |
* EQP[AwNg hopes navadeho didn't manage to move from CTCP to something more serious | 18:09 | |
=== EQP[AwNg is now known as LjL | ||
Seeker`_ | jussi01_: ping | 18:18 |
Seeker`_ | or "anyone that has something to do with jussi01.com" ping | 18:18 |
PcYpVWD\ | ok my connection is entirely unreliable, i'm killing my bots | 18:19 |
jussi01 | Seeker`_: pm | 18:19 |
=== PcYpVWD\ is now known as LjL | ||
=== LjL-2 is now known as LjL-Temp | ||
Pici | Two more people just told me that asustek sent them friend requests on facebook... and they rarely ever join -offtopic. | 19:02 |
Pici | make that 3 | 19:14 |
LjL | Pici: well is that something we should be acting upon? | 19:14 |
Pici | LjL: I'm not sure, I'm just putting it out there. | 19:15 |
nalioth | when you join a public gathering, you run the risk of idiots | 19:16 |
nalioth | why should we act on it? | 19:16 |
nalioth | we didn't make anyone join facebook or join our channels | 19:17 |
Pricey | asustek has sent me various invites from various places. people don't have to accept | 19:17 |
LjL | it's akin to spamming my mail address just because i posted something on a newsgroup, though | 19:18 |
LjL | and i don't have to read my mail either | 19:18 |
Pricey | Could always ask him to stop?/ | 19:21 |
LjL | i suppose that might be a reasonable compromise. | 19:21 |
LjL | can i have auto-op in -read-topic please? | 20:19 |
LjL | it's both annoying when i need to change nicks, and i'd sometimes like to see just what people are saying instead of "test me" | 20:20 |
Seeker` | LjL: you dont get ops by asking for it! | 20:39 |
LjL | but i have ops! | 20:41 |
LjL | i just want the auto part :( | 20:41 |
Seeker` | awwww | 20:42 |
Seeker` | poor LjL | 20:42 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas said: !stop is <alias> hammertime | 21:12 |
topyli | okay have fun, i won't look at -ot for a while | 21:12 |
Seeker` | what would happen to me if i told people in -offtopic to join #20,000? | 21:14 |
LjL | Seeker`: i have just slammed my fingers inside my eeepc to avoid doing that | 21:15 |
Seeker` | heh | 21:15 |
Seeker` | i wonder how many would try it | 21:17 |
ikonia | evening all | 21:39 |
LjL | hi | 21:40 |
ikonia | hey LjL | 21:40 |
ikonia | how's it going ? | 21:40 |
LjL | If you desire to hear the courtesy version, press 1. If you instead want the real thing, press #. | 21:41 |
ikonia | # | 21:41 |
LjL | crap! | 21:41 |
ikonia | not what I wanted to hear from you, why so bad ? | 21:41 |
LjL | nothing really, just feeling depressed like more and more often | 21:42 |
* jussi01 huggles LjL | 21:43 | |
ikonia | not good | 21:43 |
LjL | and then jussi makes it worse | 21:43 |
ikonia | that's his specialty | 21:43 |
* mneptok waves his boobies around | 21:46 | |
Seeker` | :/ | 21:46 |
Seeker` | moobs! | 21:46 |
Seeker` | jussi01: o/ | 21:48 |
* jussi01 slinks off into the corner.... | 21:49 | |
jussi01 | dont like making things worse | 21:49 |
Seeker` | :O | 21:50 |
ikonia | jussi01: you don't, don't worry | 21:50 |
nalioth | mneptok: when did you become an abusive ornithologist? | 21:54 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 22:07 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 22:07 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 22:07 |
mneptok | nalioth: blue feet arouse me | 22:09 |
LjL | best exploit string EVER, by the way. | 22:10 |
ikonia | what was it ? | 22:11 |
jdong | lol I guess that's a public service announcement :) | 22:12 |
jdong | (or denial thereof) | 22:12 |
LjL | yeah he could have used ctcp though | 22:13 |
LjL | he only got one out | 22:13 |
Seeker` | i wonder how many new users there are in #u every day | 22:20 |
LjL | Seeker`: i used to have statistics on that | 22:20 |
Seeker` | LjL: how many were there? | 22:21 |
LjL | Seeker`: i don't really remember... let me see if grepping the -ops logs comes up with anything (certainly easier than finding out how that SQL database worked) | 22:22 |
LjL | Seeker`: uhm, for now i can tell you about ~500 distinct nicknames used to speak every day | 22:35 |
Seeker` | how long ago was that? | 22:36 |
LjL | Seeker`: early 2008 | 22:38 |
LjL | Seeker`: although the stats go back to 2004 | 22:38 |
Seeker` | so probably not too dissimilar to now | 22:38 |
LjL | Seeker`: i'm trying to find out how many distinct nicks there have been in total, but my sql is failing me | 22:39 |
Seeker` | your sql-fu or your sql? | 22:39 |
LjL | my sql-fu i suppose | 22:39 |
LjL | i'm about to just pipe the output of "SELECT distinct Nick FROM Messages" into "wc -l" :P | 22:40 |
Seeker` | heh | 22:40 |
Seeker` | SELECT COUNT(distinct Nick) FROM Messages | 22:41 |
Seeker` | ? | 22:41 |
LjL | nope | 22:41 |
LjL | won't work | 22:41 |
LjL | anyway, the wc -l method gives me 151155 | 22:41 |
Seeker` | wow | 22:41 |
LjL | now, let me see just how many days it spans | 22:42 |
LjL | should be 1311 days | 22:43 |
LjL | Seeker`: so about 115 actual new users a day? | 22:43 |
Seeker` | cool | 22:44 |
LjL | minus some who change nicknames, i suppose | 22:44 |
LjL | Seeker`: i'd put the site for those stats back online if i had anywhere to put it to | 22:47 |
jussi01 | LjL: *cough* | 22:49 |
LjL | jussi01: it's pretty heavy | 22:49 |
jussi01 | LjL: ok, what are we talking? | 22:49 |
LjL | jussi01: just the db up to 2008 is 100 megs. a query on my server takes about a minute | 22:49 |
LjL | (admittedly, my server isn't the latest in technology) | 22:50 |
jussi01 | LjL: shouldnt be much of an issue | 22:50 |
jussi01 | LjL: Ill give you an account on the second server - not the bot one. | 22:50 |
LjL | ok, let's try | 22:51 |
LjL | (the bot one wouldn't be a good idea, no) | 22:51 |
Seeker` | i'm guessing the bot one is the one i'm on now | 22:51 |
jussi01 | Seeker`: yea | 22:51 |
LjL | Seeker`: ps aux... | 22:51 |
Seeker` | yup | 22:52 |
jussi01 | LjL: btw, did you notice the address change? use ubottu.com for the bot one now | 22:52 |
LjL | php has a proc_nice() function, i might use that | 22:52 |
jussi01 | LjL: oh, you already have an account | 22:52 |
LjL | jussi01: hm, wait | 22:53 |
jussi01 | LjL: just log int using your previuos credentials to jussi01.com | 22:53 |
LjL | jussi01: i had - or thought i had - forgot my password some time ago, stdin restored it | 22:53 |
jussi01 | LjL: there are 2 servers - the one I had originally, and the new vps. I can reset your password if you need it | 22:54 |
jussi01 | jussi01.com is the original, ubottu.com is the new vps | 22:54 |
LjL | jussi01: the password seems to be the same on both, and my apt web stuff is apparently on both | 22:54 |
LjL | i just tried | 22:55 |
LjL | (i guess that explains the ssh key authentication failures) | 22:55 |
jussi01 | LjL: yeah, when we changed it we rsynced everything across | 22:55 |
LjL | jussi01: so which one should i be using for the apt thing now? | 22:55 |
jussi01 | LjL: either - its not too heavy and both can handle it. | 22:56 |
jussi01 | but the stats thing should be on jussi01.com | 22:56 |
LjL | ok | 22:56 |
LjL | jussi01: i might need you to install some php gadgets for the stats one to work | 22:57 |
jussi01 | LjL: just give me a package list | 22:57 |
LjL | jussi01: i will when i know what it would be :) | 22:58 |
LjL | it's been more than a year | 22:58 |
jussi01 | in a nice cut and paste format to make my life easier :D | 22:58 |
LjL | is it very silly of me to be using netcat to transfer stuff 'cause i'never used scp or rsync? :P | 23:00 |
jussi01 | yes! :P | 23:01 |
jussi01 | I mean seroiusly... even sftp:// for petes sake... | 23:01 |
LjL | i dunno, i'm scared of stuff involving public keys | 23:02 |
LjL | it's irrational | 23:02 |
jussi01 | LjL: you use ssh, no? | 23:02 |
LjL | with a password, yes... although i'm a bit scared of it too, i just breathe deeply and use it | 23:02 |
jussi01 | LjL: so use sftp:// with a password... just like ssh | 23:03 |
LjL | it's not an idea devoid of merit | 23:03 |
jussi01 | :) | 23:04 |
LjL | jussi01: i need libphp-phplot installed... i don't think i need anything else, though i'm not entirely sure | 23:05 |
jussi01 | Unpacking libphp-phplot (from .../libphp-phplot_4.4.6+5.0rc1.dfsg-0.1ubuntu2_all.deb) ... | 23:07 |
jussi01 | Setting up libphp-phplot (4.4.6+5.0rc1.dfsg-0.1ubuntu2) ... | 23:07 |
jussi01 | jussi@whatever:~$ | 23:07 |
LjL | noticed already yep ;) | 23:07 |
jussi01 | :) | 23:08 |
LjL | jussi01: alright, i think i also need php5-sqlite (sorry but just looking at the "require"s doesn't tell the whole story) | 23:09 |
jussi01 | LjL: all good, be quick tho, Im heading to bed soonish | 23:09 |
jussi01 | LjL: done | 23:10 |
LjL | uhm, it's still complaining about the same function | 23:10 |
jussi01 | LjL: perhaps you want php-sqlite3 | 23:12 |
jussi01 | ? | 23:12 |
jussi01 | or even php5-sqlite3 | 23:12 |
LjL | jussi01: i was thinking that but i don't think so | 23:12 |
jussi01 | LjL: try now... see if php5-sqlite3 fixed it | 23:13 |
LjL | nope | 23:13 |
LjL | sqlite_open is undefined | 23:13 |
jussi01 | well let me know... | 23:14 |
LjL | php.net isn't very helpful, as it seems to claim it's a PHP 5 built-in | 23:14 |
jussi01 | hrm | 23:14 |
jussi01 | you sure that you thing is looking in the right places for its stuff? | 23:15 |
LjL | jussi01: couldn't *swear* on it, but then i'm not really including anything to use the sqlite_open() function, i seem to just assume it to be available | 23:17 |
jussi01 | hrm, well if you figure out what you need, let me know. we have loads of space so installing stuff isnt really a huge issue | 23:18 |
jussi01 | anyway, Im off to bed. nini. | 23:19 |
LjL | jussi01: it's probably just that sqlite support needs to be explicitly enabled in php. try echo "extension=sqlite.so" >>/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini | 23:20 |
LjL | jussi01: night | 23:20 |
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