
ubottuFernandoF: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:00
ScottG489LjL: let me try that00:00
jeevesFlare183, no kidding.  we're trying to change it though.  I think the local cable company is getting close to the site, so the second it does, we're OFF the wireless link00:00
jeevessprinkmeier, so, any other ideas on how to find this windows box and shut it down?00:00
FernandoFI have my system blockedd.... message is session with less than 10 seconds00:00
sprinkmeierGnea, I'm assuming the windows box is out of control, so there's no way to stop it from poisoning ARP caches. The only thing to do is to flood them with the right info. ugly!00:00
FernandoFmay I have help?00:00
Flare183jeeves: ahh ok00:00
sprinkmeierjeeves, ping of death? NMAP OS scan (sometimes crashes unpatched boxes) other assorted network-malware nasties?00:01
Flare183!ask | FernandoF00:01
ubottuFernandoF: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:01
jeevesFlare183, so, unless we can get someone to let us "tie onto" their DNS server, we're kinda stuck00:01
ScottG489LjL: Still is just removing that single package00:01
vocxLjL, are you sure aptitude doesn't remove dependencies?00:01
Flare183jeeves: oh ok00:01
LjLvocx: no, i'm sure of the contrary00:01
FernandoFmy system doesnot allow me get in ans says "session ended with less than 10 seconds"00:01
LjLScottG489: then the packages it depends on are all needed, or marked as manually installed00:02
jeevessprinkmeier, well, I don't want to literly kill the box (otherwise I'll have to rebuild it), and I only have SSH access to the Ubuntu box00:02
FernandoFit happened after i tryed to get sme space with kleensweep00:02
ScottG489LjL: hm, i dont see what else would need compiz libraries besides compiz...00:02
jeeveshow do I connect to another session that I got disconnected from?00:02
LjLScottG489: check. "apt-cache rdepends packagename"00:02
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sprinkmeierjeeves, try to nmap it to get an idea of what it's running (RDP, telnet, ???) ssh in, then run screen so you can resume killed SSH sessions00:03
LjLScottG489: where the package name would be the compiz library concerned00:03
avutongnome-panel isn't starting in jaunty here lately. I have to kill it to make it work(!). Any ideas how I could start to figure out the problem?00:03
LjL!jaunty > avuton    (avuton, see the private message from ubottu)00:04
ScottG489LjL: Well i cant just check each package mostly because I dont know what i am looking for. I guess i just want to know everything that was installed with compiz00:04
admin_masu3701do anyone knows how to use irssi. when i access it, it just say [(status)]00:04
admin_masu3701how to connect?00:04
LjLScottG489: was it installed recently?00:04
jeevessprinkmeier, I'm cheawing on the subnet that the box is on looking on port 80, and I can't seem to find the box00:04
StevethepirateHey, I have a variety of SOCKS5 proxies running on sequential ports on my PC [ports 10001->10010] .. I wanna load balance over them into a common port [lets say 10011] so I can run over them as if they are a common stream [such as "tsocks links www.google.co.za"]00:04
jj_galvezI turned compiz off and I still can not bring up a window when I click on it00:04
jribadmin_masu3701: http://www.irssi.org/documentation checkout the startup HOWTO00:05
ScottG489LjL: yup00:05
sprinkmeierjeeves, argh.. of course not, nmap probes to the address won't leave the box (as the server thinks it owns them). Any other boxes there?00:05
LjLScottthen /var/log/dpkg.log should have the list of what was installed00:05
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armenceHey all... So, I have a significant amount of music and I wanted to know if there was a good piece of software to organize it...00:05
jeevessprinkmeier, there are regular workstations there.  I don't know why I can't find this other server00:05
ScottG489LjL: ok ill check it out00:06
Miyavix3armence: What do you mean organize?00:06
FernandoFi can not get in my system and I have some messages from /etc/gdm/Xsession, anyone may help me?00:06
sprinkmeierjeeves, because it's probably camping out on your IP address so the ubuntu server won't route any packets to it.00:06
Miyavix3Songbird is a nice program, but it's a music player00:06
jeevesany other ideas on how I can find it?00:06
armenceMiyavix3: Well, I used to have iTunes (back when I used Windows) which had all kinds of search functions and all kinds of ways to arrange music by album author etc...00:07
sprinkmeierjeeves, I assume you're port-forwarding to the ubuntu server? any way to change the port forwarding configuration?00:07
dronixarmence: banshee00:07
Miyavix3armence: The default music player for ubuntu is nice, banshee, songbird are all good too00:07
FernandoFmy problem happened after i deleted empty directoriesand files with kleensweep00:08
LjL!info balance | Stevethepirate00:08
ubottubalance (source: balance): Load balancing solution and generic tcp proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.35-2 (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 80 kB00:08
LjL!info pen | Stevethepirate00:08
ubottupen (source: pen): Load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18.0-1 (intrepid), package size 54 kB, installed size 180 kB00:08
jeevessprinkmeier, the box (from what I understand of the config), it's just an open (DMZ) connection to the network00:08
armenceThanks, I'll give a shot to both banshee and songbird... By the way, I purchased some music on iTunes, is there any way to use it without iTunes?00:08
Miyavix3I'm fairly certain you can, if you have the right codecs.00:08
ScottG489LjL: i guess not recently enough00:08
Guest91034Anyone know how to alter the Resolution in Xubuntu?00:08
armenceMiyavix3: Thanks00:09
jeevessprinkmeier, what is the command to get nmap to show only windows boxes?00:09
LjLScottG489: well there should also normally be /var/dpkg/dpkg.log.1, etc00:09
LjLScottG489: try "zgrep main-package-name /var/log/dpkg*"00:09
dronixarmence: GTK iTunes Store Application00:09
vocxLjL, zgrep?00:09
Guest91034anyone know how to change to 1280 x 800 resolution?00:10
LjLvocx: grepz in .gz files.00:10
LjLerr, greps.00:10
sprinkmeierjeeves, nmap -O attempts host OS detection. You can grep that for windows boxes, but you can't tell nap to only scan windows boxes.00:10
vocxLjL, he he, too much Zzz00:10
armencedronix: thanks00:10
Ykstortexcuse me gentlemen, how do i tell ALSA to use my emu10k1 sound card rather than the horrible staticy motherboard sound output?00:10
cmdbbqanyone here know their way around an fstab file? i am trying to move my home directory to a seperate hard drive but i can't get it to mount properly by which i mean at all00:10
jeevessprinkmeier, I don't get what's causing it to refuse SSH connections though00:10
Ykstortxubuntu install decided to use thel atter by default00:10
Ykstortand im not too happy about it00:11
sprinkmeierjeeves, if I'm right though and the windows box is using the same IP address as the ubuntu box then nmap will _never_ find it as packets for its IP address will never leave the box.00:11
Ykstortstroganoff is tasty00:11
StroganoffYkstort is dstort'D00:11
sprinkmeierjeeves, the gateway's ARP table is being poisoned by the windows boxes MAC details. ssh packets are being sent to the windows box where, as 22 isn't open, they're rejected.00:11
Ndshackerwhy is firefox so slow ;(00:11
jeevessprinkmeier, touche  that's what I was thinking00:11
StroganoffNdshacker: try disabling ipv600:12
KarlsBerg87hello guys00:12
NdshackerI already did00:12
jeevessprinkmeier, as I said, it seems that it works every so often, then it just dropps the connection00:12
ChaorainDoes anyone know where I can get a Metacity logo?00:12
Miyavix3Ok I have a question too. I used the Wubi installer, meaning I installed ubuntu while working inside Winxp. For some reason my ubuntu won't boot. The error is: "Win could not boot because 'sys32/hal.dll' is corrupt or missig" Which is troubling me because I'm booting ubuntu... Any ideas?00:12
NdshackerIt takes a long time to load Google00:13
sprinkmeierjeeves, the ping-flood should keep the ARP table in the router correct. ugly kludge. you're not paying for traffic to the gateway, are you?00:13
NdshackerIs it because I am downloading stuff?00:13
FernandoF my system does not allow me to get in and returns the message "session timed out with less than 10 seconds. it couldmean you have no disk space or may have installation problems"00:13
YkstortI just installed Xubuntu and sound only works on the motherboard's line out, which is staticy and awful, my sound blaster live sound card doesnt put out any sound. so xubuntu's installer must've chosen the motherboard one by default. How do i rectify this?00:13
Stroganofffirefox on linux really has some problems...00:14
KarlsBerg87this morning i start my ubuntu in my aspire one as each day, yesterday i close my ubuntu linux without problems later of write a bit of code in eclipse, i dont remember update any kernel, today my atheros madwifi wifi dont work, this is common when update a kernel, then i go to make make install and modprobe ath_pci again, but without success, someone have same problem¿00:14
NalfFglrx broke my X! Gahhh pffftbah.00:14
StroganoffChaorain: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/metacity/metacity.png00:14
Chaoraingo with opera00:14
sprinkmeierjeeves, mad scheme: add an alias IP address to the ubuntu box. use autossh to set up a reverse tunnel. Connect back into the box using that reverse tunnel. drop the conflicted IP address. All the gateway's port forwarding will then go to the windows box, so you won't have any services, but at least the ARP wars will be over and you can work in peace.00:14
pseudomorphanyone have an idea why the 8.10 installer does not see my hdd while 7.04 and parted magic have no issues?00:14
ChaorainStroganoff, thanks00:14
NdshackerYeah :S, I hate how torrents slow down my Computer almost as slow as xp O.O00:14
NalfHow do I uninstall fglrx?00:14
Ykstorthow do i tell alsa to use my sound card not my motherboard? (sound card is sound blaster live emu10k1)00:15
ChaorainNalf, try Synaptic package manager00:15
Nalfchaorain: I don't have a gui.00:15
SpuddlyMcMartinhey, anyone know how to change to 1280 x 800 resolution?00:15
FernandoFany one available to help me?00:15
NdshackerOh I know now >.<, my mom is having a video chat :|00:16
FernandoFMy system does not allow me to get in after i cleaned empty files and directories00:16
ChaorainNalf, "sudo apt-get remove fglrx" should work00:16
jeevessprinkmeier, ok, I got a hold of the monkey to disconnect the windows server.  so we'll see if this works00:16
BarridusDoes someone mind explaining what "nice" means in System Monitor/Processes?  Googling for "nice" and "ubuntu" yields a slew of unrelated things, since Ubuntu is.... nice itself :p00:16
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cmdbbqanyone here know their way around an fstab file? i am trying to move my home directory to a seperate hard drive but i can't get it to mount properly by which i mean at all00:16
mishkinsi had a wine xvid installed for a sync fix program, I uninstalled now totem doesn't play xvids, how / where I get a ubuntu xvid codec installed?00:17
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NdshackerI do :)00:17
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jtajiBarridus: nice is the priority for a process00:17
sprinkmeierjeeves, local monkey trumps ssh any day :-)00:17
Barridusjtaji, so higher "nice" means more priority?00:17
Ndshackerits pretty self-explainitory, Drive Mount point Type Otions 0 000:17
jeevessprinkmeier, lol, this is true.  and I think he's afraid of me00:17
NalfChaorain, that doesn't work. :00:17
jeevessprinkmeier, and I think is a VERY good thing00:18
SpuddlyMcMartinwhat do i use to get more than three resolutions?00:18
jtajiBarridus: -20 to 19, -20 is highest priority00:18
jjshoeis there some sort of bnc application in the ubuntu repo?00:18
ChaorainNalf, did you compile it yourself?00:18
NavadeHoI'm having a problem,00:18
Billy_Shello. i cannot install alpha6, this happens http://img.xrmb2.net/images/596580.jpeg the same problem with alpha5, any ideas?00:18
NalfChaorain, no. All I did was enable the proprietary driver.00:18
sprinkmeierjeeves, BOFH :-)00:18
_WhipperSpuddlyMcMartin, : ive had a dozen revolutions, and allways had fun..00:18
NavadeHoI don't have any video when playing videos <_< just plain black, what to install?00:18
SpuddlyMcMartincan anyone read this?00:19
Barridusjtaji, ok, thanks00:19
simmerzwhats the application that'll tell me what mouse button i'm pressing?00:19
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jjshoeor some sort of option to tell apt-get to search?00:19
napztermetasploit guys...00:19
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BarridusSpuddlyMcMartin, yes.....00:19
napzteri can't run exploit in my ubuntu00:19
spannerz<SpuddlyMcMartin>can anyone read this?   YEP00:19
jeevessprinkmeier, lol, damn right.  I behave just like that00:19
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SpuddlyMcMartinthanks barridus, do you know how to load more screen resolutions? im trying to get 1280 x 80000:19
ChaorainNalf, do you have an nvidia card?00:20
SpuddlyMcMartinno, integrated. its a laptop00:20
NalfChaorain, ati. RadeonHD 4850 x 2.00:20
BarridusSpuddlyMcMartin, i don't know how, sorry.  i was just responding since you were wondering if you were invisible :p00:20
spannerz<SpuddlyMcMartin>  Need to make sure you have a video module lodaed00:20
_WhipperSpuddlyMcMartin, : You dont "load" them00:21
NavadeHoI don't have any video when playing videos <_< just plain black, what to install?00:21
Ykstorthow do i tell alsa to use the correct sound output device (emu10k1 card rather than motherboard sound)?00:21
spannerzTry  ENVYNG  if its ati or nivida00:21
SpuddlyMcMartinWell thanks for that Barridus :P, Spannerz, im sorry, i am new to Xubuntu00:21
SpuddlyMcMartincan i just google "video module xubuntu 8.10?00:21
spannerzfind yr video card00:22
ChaorainNalf, try fglrx-uninstall00:22
_WhipperSpuddlyMcMartin, : nvidia chip allmost certainly you have on your lap-top00:22
BarridusSpuddlyMcMartin, any reason why you're using Xubuntu?00:22
virtue12hey I am a newbie to linux and want  to dualboot ubuntu with vista, it is ok to use the gparted to shrink a vista partition?00:22
peepsalotubuntu used to recgonize my digital camera when I plugged it in, but it doesn't seem to find it anymore.  not sure if the camera is bad, or just misconfigured software on my pc00:22
NalfChaorain, thank you!00:22
Billy_Sno ideas? of course, i havent changed the cd, i cannot do anythink on this point, if i click enter, nothings happens00:22
gRuntHey all I have my ipod plugged in but I need to configure an app it is asking for my ipod mountpoint with the default being /media/ipod would I just need the change ipod the name of the ipod or?00:22
SpuddlyMcMartinyea, I am running this on a 32 bit laptop00:22
spannerzENVYNG should do it.   Try apt-get install envyng00:22
ChaorainNalf, YAY! I'm still new but glad I could help00:22
spannerzi think00:22
NavadeHoHAAAAAAALP: I don't have any video when playing videos <_< just plain black, what to install? highlite when helping00:23
cmdbbqanyone here know their way around an fstab file? i am trying to move my home directory to a seperate hard drive but i can't get it to mount properly by which i mean at all i believe it is because i amm moving it to a seperate ssd not just to a new partition, how can i  ensure my second ssd mounts at startup? please pm me00:23
_WhipperSpuddlyMcMartin, : if you dont know the chip..00:23
gRuntNavadeHo, make sure your video drivers are installed first, secondly I needed to run VLC and put the source video output as x11 to get it to play properly if thats of any help.00:23
SpuddlyMcMartin_Whipper. Chipset? not sure about the motherboard00:23
BarridusSpuddlyMcMartin, gnome or kde should run great on 32 bit (unless it's a 486 :p)00:23
sir_yodle1what's the hotkey to change to another desktop?  generic 8.10 install, not using Compiz or anything crazy00:24
SpuddlyMcMartinBarridus, Gnome can run through xubunut?00:24
mbrigdancmdbbq: I can't personally help you, but look at the links from !fstab, also try man fstab at a terminal. And I do believe that the fstab file has a little bit of documentation in it.00:24
_WhipperSpuddlyMcMartin, : what does it say in the cover of the machine?00:24
YkstortSpuddlyMcMartin, of course, xubuntu jsut installs xfce to begin with00:24
SpuddlyMcMartinGotcha :)00:25
YkstortSpuddlyMcMartin, nothing to stop you uninstalling it and installing gnome though00:25
spannerzgoogle for fstab guide00:25
Ykstortguys how do i tell alsa to use a different card00:25
Ykstortalsa is using the wrong one currently00:25
SpuddlyMcMartinSo i should load Gnome or kde?00:25
SpuddlyMcMartinwhich would you prefer?00:26
ChaorainI get a "video mode not supported" from my moniter when I try to run Glest full screen. windowed it works. Is this the right place to ask? if so help.00:26
spannerzBut used to run KDE and was fine00:26
SpuddlyMcMartinok ok thanks!00:27
gRunthow do I adjust write permissions to folder /media/ipod to read and write all please?00:27
SpuddlyMcMartinthanks for all the help guys!00:27
Barridusthey're both about the same.  gnome is a bit more user friendly and configurable, imo.  but both are good00:27
peepsalothow can I tell if my computer is recognizing my digital camera?00:27
SpuddlyMcMartinand gals! :)00:27
spannerzYeah i don't see any differdnce much.00:27
_WhipperSpuddlyMcMartin, :nprblm00:27
FernandoFI have an abnormal termination of my session (can not get in) and says it has less than 10 seconds and message is " No profile for user" anyone can help?00:27
spannerzSpecially with compiz running00:28
Barridusplus i think kde4 is a bit meh atm00:28
dayogRunt: sudo chmod -R 666 /media/ipod00:28
dayo!permissions | gRunt00:28
ubottugRunt: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:28
gRuntrt dayo00:28
gRuntty rather00:28
dayogRunt: u're welcome :-)00:29
bbelt16aghey what is 'smc' i seen it on a  package for ubuntu any ideas00:29
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nobby0866bahello together, i use ubuntu 8.10 and i killed my cabel network card from the vpn applet, message is device is not managed00:29
nobby0866bacan anyone help me00:29
FernandoFand me00:29
_Whippernobby0866ba, : reset your modem00:29
spannerzSo it won't kill?  Or reset?00:29
FernandoF I have an abnormal termination of my session (can not get in) and says it has less than 10 seconds and message is " No profile for user" anyone can help?00:30
gRuntdayo, I still have the same issue....says permission is denied..00:30
Nalfchaorain: It didn't work. <.<00:30
dayogRunt: i'm sorry, i don't really know anything about ipods :-(00:30
gRuntnah this is to do with the file system in linux00:31
rubendodgecan anyone help me real quick with my video problem i managed to get all the logs to help diagnose the problem.00:31
spannerzFernandoF    more explaintion00:31
gRuntwhen I went to properties then in the media section it says I am not the owner so I can not change the permissions, is this odd?00:31
ChaorainNalf, weird00:31
FernandoFspannerz thx ...what ever you need, please ask00:31
spannerzNew car?00:31
Nalfchaorain: unknown command or whatever..00:31
dayogRunt: try chown -R <username>:<group> /media/ipod00:32
FernandoFspannerz sabayon-apply refers00:32
dayogRunt: or try chown -R root:root /media/ipod00:32
nobby0866bait isnot a modem it is a network device i dont know how to reset00:32
spannerzFernandoF sorry this is freenode Ubuntu.00:33
dayogRunt: then sudo chmod -R 666 /media/ipod00:33
FernandoFdo you want Milestones from /usr/sbin/sabayon-apply?00:33
_Whippernobby0866ba, : its NOT? hmm..00:33
gRuntHrmm says operation not permitted with root root ill have to try and work out the user and group.00:33
spannerzsorry, can't help.00:33
FernandoFmy system is Ubuntu00:33
_Whippernobby0866ba, :what does it look like?00:34
rubendodgewhen i install the nvidia drivers for ubuntu my xorg log tells me out of my 2 video cards neither one is the primary device00:34
ChaorainNalf, see if "man fglrx" has anything00:34
rubendodgeand no screens were found00:34
NalfChaorain, back to ubuntu for me. Brb.00:34
steelcityjimis this the ubunto server channel?00:34
FernandoFspannerz I can nt get access to my profilein Ubuntu it is why i got in here00:34
_Whippernobby0866ba, : if it looks like a box, then it is a cable-modem00:34
gRuntooooo dayo I think I missed a step lol im gonna uninstall and start again 2 secs :)00:35
FernandoFspannerz: session ended with less than 10 s00:35
WebDawgubuntu-8.10-rc-alternate-i386.iso is this server or desktop??00:35
spannerzSorry, I thought sabayon was another distro.00:35
nobby0866bait has th mac adress 00:1c:23:87:F3:9b it is an onboard NIC00:35
spannerzI don't evn know what sabayon is.00:36
_Whipperspannerz, : it5 is00:36
georgy_28WebDawg, : both00:36
FernandoFspannerz it is ubuntu 8.1000:36
steelcityjimcan anyone walk me through pinging a server?00:36
WebDawggeorgy_28 how is that true?  why do they have 2 diff cd images for desktop and server?00:36
jsjoneshow do I exit full screen terminal?00:37
FernandoFspannerz: I think this fault is because I used KleenSweep to delete all empty files and directories!00:37
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steelcityjimis this the server channel?00:37
openbackI need to download a large amount of files (16GB)from an ftp server of mine. How can I verify that I've actually gotten all of the files?00:37
adf_[jscinoz] f1100:37
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FernandoFSystem messages seem to be : "No profile for user 'fernando' found00:38
FernandoFFatal exceptio! Exiting abnormally.00:38
gRuntok to create a folder is it just mk /folder thingy here00:39
__mikemCan someone please tell me why whenever I am at my house, all my ubuntu machines can't hold an internet connection for more than a few minutes00:39
sprinkmeieropenback, rsync --archive --verbose --dry-run00:39
dhyskI'm having isuess with compiz Nvidia 9800GTX, forgot what driver im using but i installed it from Nvidia.  It may be a refresh thing but when i type it wont show up unless i force it to redraw the text, move the window or something like that00:39
ChaorainI can't get anything to show on the screen When I play Glest fullscreen help?00:39
georgy_28WebDawg, : http://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/00:40
sprinkmeier__mikem, and they last longer when you're not around?00:40
nobby0866ba@_whipper: sorry i am german and my english is not so good00:40
openbacksprinkmeier: wow...I can't believe I forgot about rsync! Thanks, uggh00:40
a2103tk__mikem, do you use a router and do you use a bit torrent program?00:41
spannerzFernandoF Do you have any free diskspace?  Try emptying the trash.......???00:41
steelcityjimcan anyone tell me what the ubunto server channel is?00:41
FernandoFwhat is the command to see diskspace?00:42
LjLsteelcityjim: #ubuntu-server00:42
__mikema2103tk, the two have nothing to do with eachother00:42
FernandoFusing root00:42
LjLFernandoF: df00:42
Shiningggjust rebooted and all my desktop is black with no icon any hint? I can still see the application--- places---system tool bar though...00:42
FernandoFas root is all what i can have00:42
a2103tkwell I've had trouble with internet connection going down before, the problem then was using bittorrent and a router that was unable to keep track of the traffic, a new firmware for the router and it was solved00:43
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gRuntdayo I worked out the problem how do I add myself to the group, in this case fuse?00:44
a2103tk__mikem you could try upgrade your router firmware00:44
sprinkmeiergRunt, "usermod -aG fuse USERNAME" need to log out/in again for the change to take effect00:45
sprinkmeiergRunt, or.. system->admin->users and groups and FTBB00:46
jsjonesHow can I exit full screen terminal and return to the gnome GUI desktop?00:47
CokeNCodeso, did anyone answer my question about my blackberry pearl00:47
CokeNCodeand ubuntu ?00:47
gRuntokay i did it through admin sprinkmeier will I need to restart though in order for them to take effect?00:47
spannerzFernandoF df00:47
WebDawgwhats the difference between 8.10 server and .04 LTS server?00:47
LjL!lts | WebDawg00:47
ubottuWebDawg: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.00:47
sprinkmeiergRunt, just log out and log in again. no reboot needed00:47
Anederincan someone help me with a server?00:47
gRuntsprinkmeier, thanks mate will give it a go now00:48
jsjonesIf I press ctrl+alt+F3 to enter terminal, how can I get out??00:48
NalfChaorain, there was nothing.00:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:48
Anederinumm... how to connect to the server terminal00:48
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:48
rwwjsjones: Ctrl-alt-F700:48
sprinkmeierjsjones, ALT-left-arrow util you get back to the GUI00:48
zelrikriandoI am having some stability issues00:48
zelrikriandois there a way to probe that00:49
sarkreddoes anyone have any good docs on selinux for ubuntu 8.1000:49
jsjonesrww; sprinkmeier; thank you very much00:49
Anederin.... no... its a different computer (server with no GUI)00:49
georgy_28! ssh00:49
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/00:49
spannerzFernandoF df -TH to get it inot MiB00:49
RickZillaI need to adjust my video settings in my xorg.conf file.  How do I find out the name of my video card so that I can search for the appropriate settings?00:50
NalfRickZilla, lspci.00:50
georgy_28RickZilla, : lspci00:50
RickZillause a colon, or no?00:51
NalfRickZilla, alternatively.. lspci| grep -i vga00:51
georgy_28too late ;)00:51
RickZillaNalf and georgy_28:  Thanks00:51
a2103tkif anyone happen to have Kylix experience: I have a Kylix 3 CD, a ubuntu 8.10 computer and a eeebuntu 2.0 computer, would it be possible to install kylix on one of my current linux boxes or should I just setup a clean redhat 7.2 or mandrake 8.2 box? And, do anyone still use kylix or is there a 'commonly used' development platform (I'm using c# and delphi in windows environment)..00:53
ChaorainNalf, sorry out of ideas00:53
jsjonesHow can I move a window off the top of the screen?00:53
Barriduscan someone point me in the direction of where shutdown errors are logged? /var/log/syslog?00:54
crdlbjsjones: if you're using compiz, you can't by default :/ it's easy to fix in ccsm though00:54
crdlbjsjones: if you're using metacity, alt+drag works, I believe00:54
jsjonescrdlb: okay, thanks00:54
RickZillaCan somebody help me for a few minutes to find the correct settings of my xorg.conf file, for this vid card?  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GM Thanks in advance for your help00:55
crdlba2103tk: that seems unnecessary for an IDE ...00:55
Ykstorthow do i fix alsa??00:56
crdlbRickZilla: it should work 'Out of the Box' -- so what isn't working, precisely?00:56
crdlb!ide | a2103tk00:56
ubottua2103tk: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans00:56
Ykstortcrdlb, lots of things should work "out of the box"00:56
Ykstortbut my sound doesnt00:56
Barriduscan someone point me in the direction of where shutdown errors are logged? /var/log/syslog?00:57
RickZillacrdlb:  I have a dual boot on my laptop.  In Windows Vista, 3-D graphics on Google Earth, Second Life, etc...works great.  In ubuntu, they don't.  I was told to look for the settings in this file00:57
RickZillacrdlb:  If there's a better way of tracking down the issue, I'm all ears00:57
crdlbRickZilla: unfortunately, the open source 3d stack (mesa) isn't really powerful or fast at the moment, so that may be the issue00:58
crdlbRickZilla: what does   glxinfo | egrep -i 'direct|software'   say?00:58
RickZillacrdlb:  No way around that?  I was hoping to unload Vista altogether on this machine at some point, and just go with 100% ubuntu00:58
dtam 00:58
a2103tkubottu and crdlb: thanks for the replies!00:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:58
RickZillacrdlb:  It says direct rendering:  yes00:59
dtamwhats up everyone00:59
dtamanyone here an expert on getting cisco's anyconnect vpn to work on ubuntu?01:00
NalfChaorain, I found the issue. It's because ubuntu is using an unstable version of X.01:00
dtamim all googled out searching for a solution that works01:00
NalfChaorain, it's not compatible with the FGLRX driver.01:00
jescisI'm trying to install (k)ubuntu(I'm using an kubuntu 8.10 cd I made) and I'm not getting any gui :\ My pc's specs are: CPU=AMD Athlon XP 2000+, RAM=2GB, Video card= ATI Radeon 9550, Sound card= Ensoniq AudioPCI ens1371. How can I install it now?01:04
Sabotawhere i find dictionary of babylon in .BGL, in direct link of babylon is .EXE01:04
flukes1Hi. I've just installed Ubuntu and everything works fine - except my speakers. All sound is very quiet (even though i've set everything to max volume) and if you turn the speakers up, there's a very odd high frequency crackling noise - this doesn't occur in Windows01:04
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:04
_Whipperjescis, : did you check the installation cd?01:05
Sertsehow do I enable sound after a minimal install01:05
RickZillacrdlb:  does the direct rendering have anything to do with it?01:05
crdlbRickZilla: ok, it _is_ working then :/01:05
RickZillawell, not really...very slow and painful01:06
crdlbbut it's working01:06
PleXuSis there a way to power down harddisks when not used for 30min ?01:06
crdlbthe stack will improve with gallium, but that doesn't help you now :/01:06
RickZillaIs there a way to improve it?  It works great on the Windows side01:06
crdlbyes, because the hardware is fine ...01:07
_WhipperRickZilla, : which driver?01:07
* dtam has to take a really big piss01:07
RickZilla_Whipper:  That's what I'm trying to find out01:07
RickZillacrdlb:  So how can I improve its performance?01:07
* _Whipper washes hands of the "intel" stuff..01:08
RickZilla_Whipper:  lol, I hope it's not a hopeless case01:08
* dtam needs help with cisco anyconnect vpn issues01:08
crdlbRickZilla: you can't :/ the 3d stack is not optimized for gaming01:09
=== dtam is now known as DavidLovesMint
crdlbthe only reason nvidia and fglrx work "well" is that they don't really use it01:09
_WhipperRickZilla, : its not, not too keen on intel, thats all01:09
crdlbnvidia replaces large chunks of the system01:09
flukes1anyone got any ideas re my sound problem01:10
Sertsehow do I enable sound after a minimal install? I've installed alsa-base and utils01:10
Sertsewhat doI need to do?01:10
four9Hello.  I have just installed apache2, php5, and mysql in ubnutu 8.10.  I can browse the index of /var/www by accessing http://localhost/, however if I click on a php file that contains "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" the file tries to save/open instead of running.01:10
_WhipperSertse, : beats me..01:11
DavidLovesMintthat sounds more like a web dev - apache config issue than a OS one01:11
RickZillaEarlier, somebody said I could make some adjustments to my driver file and improve it that way01:14
DavidLovesMintwhat are you running again rickzilla?01:14
Ykstorthow do i configure ALSA?01:14
myronhelp every time any window updates the entire window has to painfully and slowly redraw what is wrong with the windows manager !?01:14
DavidLovesMintvideo driver issue01:14
myronhow do i fix that01:15
BigMoopiesI am using Hardy LTS, when the next LTS comes out next year, Will I be able to go LTS -> LTS ?01:15
SertseBigMoopies, yes01:15
myronis a nividia based graphics card01:15
Ykstorthow do i configure ALSA?01:15
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS on a Dell notebook01:15
DavidLovesMintwhich card myron?01:15
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DavidLovesMinti have nvidia too.. i had to manually dl and install the latest driver from nvidia01:15
jigpim not sure where to ask this..is facebook is an online game?there is apps.facebook.com games.just want to ask if it eats a lot of bandwidth?01:15
BigMoopiesSertse, So really.. there is no real reason for me to go to a "Normal" install less I absolutely want something new on that install of Ubuntu ?01:15
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RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Do you have a few minutes to walk me through that?  I'm getting comfortable on ubuntu, just a little unsure of myself on the command line01:16
=== Jenifer is now known as scorpion
Ykstortapt-cache search alsaconf gives me nothing01:16
Ykstortwhere is alsaconf01:16
Ykstorthow do i ocnfigure alsa01:16
DavidLovesMintI just wanna pimp Mint 6.0 based on ubuntu 8.10.. i love it!01:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:17
myronDavidLovesMint, Nvidia :: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0845 (rev a2)01:17
DavidLovesMinthold on one sec myron01:17
WenceslaoME CAGO EN LOS EMOS01:17
WenceslaoFUCK WHIT EMOS01:17
FloodBot3Wenceslao: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
WenceslaoEMO SHIT01:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:18
RabbitbunnyFloodbot barely beat me.01:18
myronDavidLovesMint, i have never seen a xorg.conf so empty in my life as the one on this server01:18
twocarlohey where can i find ubuntu remix irc channel01:19
flukes1i'm having sound troubles. the sound is extremely quiet, and also crackles/emits a high frequency noise. this doesn't occur on windows. any pointers as to where I can fix this?01:19
myronDavidLovesMint, I work with gentoo but am making this ubuntu for a friend01:19
DavidLovesMintdownload they latest 180.2901:20
Rabbitbunnyflukes1: I'd assume PulseAudio,  But I don't know much beyond that.01:20
=== tim|laptop is now known as timburke
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Is that for myron or me?01:20
myronDavidLovesMint, let me see if apt get has it in store01:21
Rabbitbunnyflukes1: There's also a sound troubleshooting page on the wiki, Although it seems to cover only the complete absence of sound.01:21
flukes1the bizarre thing is, I've used 8.04 before and i'm sure I never had this problem01:21
DavidLovesMintor alternatively... myron.. you could try getting the envy package in ubuntu01:21
flukes1on the exact same machine01:21
JackarutoWould someone please be so kind and to explain to me one more time why I can’t log on via vnc to the desktop unless someone is actually logged on to tty7. When the server is hundreds of miles away it is not always possible to get someone to drag a KVM switch over to the rack and log in just so I can use the gui for a few minutes. Is there a cheat to get around this?01:21
DavidLovesMintbut for me the latest nvidia drivers fixed my issues with compiz01:22
_WhipperJackaruto, :theres allways a cheat somewhere..01:23
Jackaruto_Whipper point the way kind sir01:24
myroni think the xorg conf needs work i think i will start there01:24
=== jay is now known as Guest81702
DavidLovesMintmyron.. one other thing.. you have to kill your gdm or xdm to run the install script if you download the latest nvidia driver and run the install for it01:24
dhyskhow do you find what video driver you have installed?01:24
VantraxJackaruto, thats probably going to be cause by the client side setup for VNC actually requiring a GUI to work with01:24
DavidLovesMintmyron.. the nvida install script will adjust your xorg conf for you01:24
DavidLovesMintof course it will back it up first01:24
VantraxJackaruto, you have the choice of SSH, or setting it up to login to a generic user automatically (that has no rights)01:25
_WhipperJackaruto, : i dont do know much about anything.. but i know google does :)01:25
=== Guest81702 is now known as jayb
CompCrashi need help01:25
_pHI_hi, when i right click a file, i see the option: "open with->"Emacs Snapshot (GTK)"... how can i modify this command to execute "emacs -fn "Fontface"" instead of just "emacs"? is there a file/mime-type setting i must edit? any help is greatly appreciated!01:25
pedroji need help01:25
RabbitbunnyWhat's the next LTS going to be?01:25
_WhipperCompCrash, : who doesnt01:25
DavidLovesMinthey what irc client are you guys using? im only using ircII in terminal01:25
CompCrashlol true01:26
DavidLovesMintat least it doesnt crash01:26
JackarutoVantrax I WinSPC in okay enought and then putty to the term but some times I'm still a MS handicaped and need my GUI.01:26
RabbitbunnyDavidLovesMint: irssi on my server, I ssh in.01:26
twocarlopidgin as usual01:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
mxiaomy vlc player can't play mp4's even though i downloaded the restricted extras, can anyone help?01:26
CrazedLunatic<-- XChat01:26
CompCrashI cant get my resolution back to 1600x80001:26
brandonc503hey all. so im putting my box back on line for web server.. havent used it in a while. would it be best to just wipe it and start over or use it as is; cause im not sure if i can remember all the passwords for php and such.01:26
crdlbCompCrash: that's an odd resolution: 2:1?01:26
eseven73Rabbitbunny: i believe 10.04, not for sure though01:27
dhyskanyone know how to figure out what version of display driver your using?01:27
Vantrax!ask | CompCrash01:27
ubottuCompCrash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:27
Rabbitbunnyeseven73: Thanks.01:27
CompCrashit is the max of my laptop01:27
=== ares_ is now known as Guest55963
Mox`hi, which webserver should be the best? nginx, apache or lighttpd? I only need one domain hosted with url rewrite, which one shoult I choose?01:27
RabbitbunnyCompCrash: I doubt this. Rechack the specs.01:27
crdlbCompCrash: I kind of doubt that, 1600x1050 maybe?01:27
_WhipperCompCrash, : i suggest 1440x90001:27
_pHI_how can i inspect the contents/script of an ubuntu package? i.e. what exactly happens when install emacs-snapshot?01:27
VantraxCompCrash, unless your laptop is custom built, its not going to be 1600x80001:28
Guest55963I tried installing compiz mangement thing but it wont allow me to..01:28
tritium_pHI_: apt-file, if it's in the repos.  dpkg --contents, if you have the .deb01:28
=== sarixe` is now known as sarixe
VantraxCompCrash, 1600x1050 is a standard for 4x301:28
_pHI_tritium: thanks01:28
CompCrashthinking wrong01:28
_pHI_tritium: is there a way to find the installation script in there?01:28
simardI have a ftp server (wu-ftpd) on a computer within my LAN. Is there a simple way to limit the upload speed of the server so that it doesn't grab all my internet bandwidth ?01:28
geniisimard: You can use trickle01:29
CompCrashanyway i cant get it to display that anymore01:29
crdlbVantrax: that would be 1600x1200 :)01:29
=== robbit is now known as _seer_
crdlbCompCrash: so what _does_ it display? and what video card does it have?01:29
tritium_pHI_: yes, but it is somewhat involved.01:30
_pHI_tritium: i would be thankful if you could point me how to do that :)01:30
tritium_pHI_: do you have the .deb file?01:31
=== king_kong is now known as monkey2
CompCrashi plug in a tv to my laptop and it says it is still there and now it doesnt go higher than 1024x76801:31
brandonc503how do i find out what ip is for accessing my var/www/ folder via browser?01:31
astritI was able to use dynamic port forwarding (ssh) however, it just stopped working (I get connection reset by peer when connecting) I'm running ubuntu 8.10, anyone came accross the same problem?01:32
tp_There's no /dev/fd0 on my system. Where is my floppy drive? (Xubuntu 8.10)01:32
asclepiusHey all, whats the best peer to peer downloading software01:32
crdlbCompCrash: that's what broke it?01:32
_pHI_tritium: no, it's emacs-snapshot (or something similar) from the ubuntu repos01:32
eseven73!best | asclepius01:33
ubottuasclepius: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:33
bigriggerbrandonc503: http://localhost01:33
astrittp_ try modprobe floppy01:33
asclepiusCan you name one that you use? or one you know of? i just need one01:33
tritium_pHI_: I'll be back01:33
_pHI_tritium: thanks01:34
CompCrashi think it will let me do my max res of the tv is gone01:34
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as WelshDragon
brandonc503bigrigger: im trying to find out what comp on my network i want to forward the browser request in router to01:34
DavidLovesMintanyone have any experience getting cisco vpn to work?01:34
CompCrashwhat do i do to remove it01:34
crdlbCompCrash: put your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on a pastebin, please01:35
_Whipperasclepius, : abit ot, dont u think?01:35
DavidLovesMint 01:35
RickZillaStill looking for advice to improve the performance of my video card, if anybody can take a few minutes to assist me01:35
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
DavidLovesMintrick.. what vid card do you have?01:35
jukenI'm looking for a good solution for streaming avi and mkv files from apache rather than just downloading, can anyone suggest some software for doing this? I'm googling around but haven't found a good solution yet.01:35
flukes1RickZilla: is there a warning icon near the clock in the top right of the screen? you might need to enable the nvidia drivers (if you have an nvidia card)01:36
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Looking right now01:36
asclepiusabit ot?01:36
_Whipperjuken, : wrong #01:36
flukes1juken: are you really connecting running an IRC client as root from a production DH machine..? (sorry, a little offtopic but I must ask)01:36
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)01:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:37
jukenflukes1: naw01:37
asclepiusgot it answered thanks guys01:37
bigriggerbrandonc503: don't you know the ip?01:37
juken_Whipper: why is this the wrong channel?01:37
jukenflukes1: ssh tunneling to dreamhost + tsocks locally, not sure why it shows up as rooot.01:38
jukenroot *01:38
_infidelhello, in openldap, "access to: by self write", what is meant by this? Thanks in advance01:38
flukes1thought it must be something like that but I had to ask :]01:38
jukenflukes1: quite understandable, not the first time it's been asked ;)01:38
CompCrashit is on pastebin01:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about streaming01:39
_Whipperthats why01:39
_Whipperjuken, : and read the topic01:39
gemAnyone have an idea on how I can access a LAN printer connected to a VISTA machine on my Home NW !!??01:39
DavidLovesMintyouve tried googling for this right rick?01:40
flukes1is upgrading alsa to 1.0.19 unwise01:40
crdlbCompCrash: I need the link :)01:40
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Done my best, but I may not have the right search terms01:40
DavidLovesMintdo you have the v86d package installed rick?01:41
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  I have no idea.  That's why i was hoping for somebody to help me troubleshoot01:41
juken_Whipper: I'm sure someone in this channel might have some experience with it, so I might as well ask01:41
crdlbCompCrash: ok, you need to remove that Virtual line, or if you don't feel like it, you can just nuke it entirely with: sudo dexconf01:41
crdlbthen restart X01:41
DavidLovesMintno idea about the v86d package being installed?01:42
RickZillavids play fine, but 3-D graphics are horrible...on the vista side of this machine, it works great...that's my problem01:42
sixofouris there any special command for unrar .part files or do i just unrar .part01 and it does the rest?01:42
RickZillaSpecifically, Google Earth has some issues01:42
brandonc503for the port range settings how do i find the ip of this computer on my network? and what is the start and end? 80 8080?01:43
DavidLovesMintahh.. well its all about the drivers.. and unfortunately that intel chipset isnt as good as nvidia or ati's01:43
gemAssistance plz: I'm running UBUNTU on my desktop and wish to access a printer which is physically connected to a VISTA machine on my n/w !!01:43
jukenbrandonc503: what exactly are you trying to do?01:43
bigriggerbrandonc503: nmap -v   provided your subnet is 192.168.1.x  that will scan 256 possible hosts.01:44
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  So I've heard...I had also hoped some tweaking would improve the situation01:44
DavidLovesMintrick.. open up your package manager and search for v86d01:44
jukenbigrigger: he'd want to use -P0 most likely01:44
crdlbgem: assuming printer sharing is enabled in windows, I believe ubuntu should automatically see it over samba01:44
crdlbif you use the add printer thingy01:44
astritI'm having a problem with ssh dynamic port forwarding, it used to work however it just stopped working. When I connect to forwarding port I get connection reset by peer (Ubuntu 8.10) anyone seen this problem?01:44
jukenastrit: ssh -D8080 user@host01:45
jukenastrit: that what you're using?01:45
eHomeanyone use skype ? i can not find the link to send text msm to mobile01:45
astritjuken yep01:45
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Checking it out01:45
eHomein ubuntu 81001:45
astritI can connect in port, but I get connection reset by peer when trying to issue commands.. (GET)01:46
jukenastrit: have you been able to successfully tunnel before on the server side?01:46
RickZillaDavidLovesMint:  Not installed01:46
astritjuken yes01:46
jukenastrit: doing this through your browser?01:46
astritjuken, command line telnet01:46
RickZillaGo ahead and install?01:47
astritthe browser shows nothing01:47
CompCrashi removed the lines01:47
jukenastrit: are you trying overall to get it working through the browser? and are you sure you have your browser setup correctly?01:47
oerterwhere can you find how much RAM you have in Ubuntu?01:48
astritjuken, I have used it before and it worked01:48
jukenoerter: use the free command01:48
jukenoerter: or cat /proc/meminfo01:48
jukenastrit: firefox?01:48
jukenastrit: do you own the ssh server?01:49
jukenperhaps try a different port01:49
PeskyJI have a user 'svn' without a shell or password set.. does this mean that when I su to svn in order to create repositories etc that .bashrc is not run?01:49
brandonc503juken: im trying to forward browser request that come to ip to forward to this comp so it can access my web site01:49
astritjuken, I own the server01:50
admin_masu3701do anyone know any good games01:50
DavidLovesMintrick.. have you tried getting the latest intel drivers?01:50
ludditechess is a good game01:50
DavidLovesMinti know.. stupid questions01:50
_Whipperadmin_masu3701, : ive heard Chess is quite entertaining01:51
brandonc503Application  Start  End  Protocol  IP Address... is what i did before. but i cant remember how to find out what this comp is ..192.168.1...01:51
ludditeChess is also a great book/broadway show01:51
dhyskanyone have any major problems with NVida driver 180.29?01:52
admin_masu3701i was lookin for an advanture game01:52
crdlbRickZilla: if you really want to leave no stone unturned, #intel-gfx would be the place to go, I guess01:53
ludditei use tightvnc quite a bit and would like a script that can be run that logs in for me to a specific ip. I have this on windows but cant find a way on ubuntu - (tightvnc works fine though). anyone have any ideas?01:53
_WhipperBukowski is what u want5 from literature.. has nothing to do with ubuntuntu, but same attitude towards the BigBadWorld :I01:53
RickZillacrdlb:  Thanks for the info.01:53
unopbrandonc503,  ifconfig  lists the ip addresses of your machine .. i guess that's what you are after.01:54
ludditeadmin_masu3701: chess is adventure of the highest order Sir. Kings, Queens, Pawns and horses all dueling for the ultimate prize - the KINGDOM of squares01:54
georgy_28brandonc503, : is the server in our network ?01:54
PeskyJis it possible to get .bashrc to run for a user without a shell set?01:54
_Whipperdhysk, : yep, if it doesnt work, try a lower one01:54
CompCrashI got it fixed, thanks01:54
PeskyJor otherwise set aliases up?01:54
_WhipperPeskyJ, : who u r talking to?01:55
brandonc503georgy_28: what do you mean?01:55
jukenbrandonc503: you're behind a router and are trying to port forward to your internal computer so someone that visits your external address hits the webserver?01:55
PeskyJ_Whipper: I'm asking a question01:55
brandonc503juken: yup01:56
=== william is now known as Guest61385
jukenastrit: screenshot your firefox network preferences01:56
_WhipperPeskyJ, : so point it to someone then01:56
jukenbrandonc503: do you know the internal hosts ip address?01:56
PeskyJ_Whipper: but it was a general question, directed to the channel01:56
georgy_28brandonc503, : install nast and do sudo nast -i ethX -m, and you will see all computer in your network01:57
PeskyJ_Whipper: it wasn't for anyone specific.. I don't know who might know the answer01:57
astritjuken, I think the problem is with ssh01:57
tritium_pHI_: you there?01:57
_WhipperPeskyJ, :ok01:57
jukenastrit: if you haven't changed anything on the server side then it shouldn't be an issue with ssh01:57
gRuntDoes anyone else find linux to be a massive learning curve when your first start?01:57
jukengRunt: depends on what you're trying to do :)01:57
flukes1I just did "asoundconf list" and it says "Names of available sound cards: NVidia". My sound is onboard Realtek ALC883, nothing to do with nvidia... how do I correct this?01:57
tritiumgRunt: a bit, but well worth it01:57
flukes1I can't get sound working, tried upgrading alsa to 1.0.1901:58
gRuntWell I just got my ipod touch 2g working in amarok natively...fixed my wireless not working, and well a whole host of other things.01:58
brandonc503juken: yea ive changed routers and comps so much lately01:58
bravo7I need help in converting .rmvb to .avi01:58
bravo7I need help in converting .rmvb to .avi can someone help me01:58
jukenbrandonc503: is your router forwarding correctly?01:59
jrib1gRunt: how did you get your itouch working?01:59
gRuntjrib1, do you have a 2g?01:59
brandonc503but i thought i could type into browser 192.168.1..whatever and get access without doing the forwarding01:59
_Whipperi just got my n96 to be my hot-spot to my lap-top :) (which has ubuntu ofcourse)01:59
Kingsy101can someone help me, I am trying to install netbeans and when I do, (in add/remove in the menu) it says that it cannot install because of conflicting software.. any ideas?01:59
jrib1gRunt: no, 1g01:59
Kingsy101it doesnt tell me the software nae that is conflicting tho01:59
_seer_anyone have advice... suffering from site raids from 4chaners01:59
brandonc503juken: i dont have the forwarding set up yet , thats what im tring to do..02:00
gRuntAhh I had to jailbreak the 2g with freedom, install openssh on it, and then install ipod-convenience and set it up with amarok, bit of a pain but it works. Dling amarok 2 now though to see if it still works as well as having movie support.02:00
bravo7I need help in converting .rmvb to .avi can someone help me02:00
brandonc503what is the equivilent to ipconfig for linux command?02:00
jukenbrandonc503: PM me02:01
tritiumbrandonc503: ifconfig02:01
jukenit's ifconfig02:01
bravo7I need help in converting .rmvb to .avi can someone help me02:01
jukenbrandonc503: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69932002:02
jukenbravo7: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=699320 *02:02
jukenbrandonc503: message me and I'll walk you through the configuration02:03
_Whipperdmn.. lost my simcardd..02:03
Kingsy101anyone got any ideas about my problem?02:03
jukenKingsy101: what's the problem again?02:04
Kingsy101I am trying to install netbeans through the add/remove in the menu and it says it cant install because of a conflicting program which needs to be uninstalled first02:05
Kingsy101juken - ^^^^02:05
Kingsy101it doesnt tell you what the program is either..02:05
jukenhave you tried it through the terminal?02:05
Kingsy101juken - I havnt.. 1 sec02:05
jukensudo apt-get install netbeans02:06
Kingsy101hmm seems to be working in the terminal.. why is it that it wouldnt work in the meny>02:06
jukenwish I could tell ya02:06
Kingsy101is it a common problem?02:06
jukenKingsy101: not really =/02:07
Kingsy101man thats not good :(02:07
sharidoghi all02:07
jukensharidog: hi there02:07
jukenKingsy101: screenshot the error you're getting through the GUI02:08
sharidogsomeone can tell me how do i see if my machine support 64bits?02:08
myronok now that i fixed the nividia problem .. im lost in the menu's im used to other linux interfaces so were exactly do i go to set the number of desktops ?02:08
adrian_2002ca1hi, im new to ubuntu, Im trying use my linksys wireless adaptor...I installed it and it was working, but I screwed something ip...it shows up in iwconfig, but not in the network applet help(using ndiswrapper with belkin driver)02:08
Nalfsharidog, do you have a 64 bit processor?:P02:08
myronnvm i found it02:08
jukenmyron: you want to setup multiple workspaces?02:08
jukenmyron: kk :)02:08
dronixmyron: rigth-click on the two squares on the bottom right corner02:08
[ifr0g]!find mpeg402:08
ubottuFound: libmpeg4ip-0, libmpeg4ip-dev, libmpeg4ip-doc, mpeg4ip-server, mpeg4ip-utils02:08
Kingsy101juken - ok 1 sec02:08
Nalfadrian_2002ca1, lsusb -- what do you see for the linksys?02:08
ZeZuwhats a good app to recode an avi file into a compressed format ?02:09
sharidognalf i dont know.. who do i check that >(02:09
sharidoghow *02:09
adrian_2002ca1Nalf: 13b1:000e02:09
Nalfsharidog, are you running windows right now?02:09
dronixZeZu: visual hub02:09
sharidogNalf, a live cd02:09
Nalfadrian_2002ca1, wusb54gs  -- you need to use this page.. one second.02:09
bravo7juken i don't get it02:09
Kingsy101juken - http://pastie.org/41730102:09
Nalfadrian_2002ca1, what version of ubuntu are you running?02:10
adrian_2002ca1Nalf: intrepid02:10
jukenbravo7: what don't you get?02:10
ZeZudronix: ok, thanks02:10
jukenKingsy101: were you using synaptic to install netbean?02:10
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GaMeBoY439hello, i am about to switch to ubuntu but need to make sure of some things first. does the ubuntu standard installation detect sata drives with no problem, or do i need to have sata drivers ready during ubuntu installation?02:11
Kingsy101nope, I literally just went into the menu and tried to install it02:11
Kingsy101juken - ^^^^02:11
ZeZudronix: its payware?02:12
jukenKingsy101: often times synaptic is better to use02:12
jukenKingsy101: or just go straight terminal02:12
bravo7juken is not working for me02:12
dronixZeZu: sorry, won't work, u need to recompress?02:12
bravo7juken i've try convert with teh code02:12
Nalfadrian_2002ca1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Linksys_WUSB54GS_v1_&_v2 . Try that.02:12
sharidogNalf: I got some info, but i dont know evaluate> Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz02:12
jukenbravo7: PM me the info and I'll see what I can do02:13
Kingsy101juken - please don't shoot me, but what is synaptic?02:13
bravo7juken once it convert it just cna't play02:13
ZeZudronix: i think its an uncompressed avi02:13
ZeZudronix: i'd like to compress it02:13
jukenKingsy101: it's a GUI for installing software02:13
Kingsy101where can I find it?02:13
jukenKingsy101: go System -> Administration -> Synaptic02:13
GaMeBoY439does anyone know?02:13
geekeningwhat's a good media player for ubuntu? i need last.fm scrobbling support and pidgin music tracker support.02:14
Nalfadrian_2002ca1, I'm sorry I believe I misread. Did you already do that?02:14
dronixZeZu: give Avidemux a try02:14
Kingsy101juken - thanks02:14
adrian_2002caNalf: sorry if u said somethign to me, connection lost02:15
Nalfadrian_2002ca1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Linksys_WUSB54GS_v1_&_v2  did you do that?02:15
GaMeBoY439does ubuntu detect sata hard drives automatically, or do i need to have drivers ready, like for the windows xp installation?02:15
jukenKingsy101: no problem02:15
tritiumGaMeBoY439: they're auto-detected.02:15
GaMeBoY439ok cool, thanks tritium02:16
sharidogso much ppl asking and ansering.. plz tell me when u can anser me >)02:16
scunizi!ask | sharidog02:16
ubottusharidog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:16
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
adrian_2002caNalf: no, I did some of it...will do now see how it goes02:16
bz0bhello, how does one go about using emerald as their permanent theme manager02:16
trinidadi have a question im using sound juicer for ripping music cd's. I have tried to change the profile so that it would rip and save in mp3 format. but it wont add to the list. Am i doing something wrong? if so how do i get it to rip in the correct format that i want?02:17
sharidogscunizi: i did. but i dont know if nalf can anser me .. he is helping adrian .. >)02:17
scunizitrinidad: try ripperx for mp3 ripping02:17
GaMeBoY439does kubunutu come with the latest version of ubuntu? i.e. 8.10, intrepid ibex?02:17
trinidadthank you02:18
bz0bhello, how does one go about using emerald as their permanent theme manager02:18
crdlbGaMeBoY439: it's a separate CD02:18
mylistowhats the offtopic channel?02:18
crdlbGaMeBoY439: but it can be installed onto ubuntu02:18
crdlband vice versa02:18
bigriggersharidog: in a terminal type uname -m02:18
scunizisharidog: if they don't know the answer you won't get one.  lots of people help several at the same time so you might need some patents02:18
LjLmylisto: #ubuntu-offtopic02:18
GaMeBoY439so i'd have to install ubunto 8.10 fist, and then install kde afterwards?02:18
bz0bmylisto, it's where people talk about things that are off the topic of the channel02:18
crdlbGaMeBoY439: or get a kubuntu 8.10 image02:19
mylistoI just have a simple question about skype02:19
sharidogbigrigger: i68602:19
bigriggersharidog: 32 bit02:19
GaMeBoY439oh ok, i'll see if the kubuntu sites offers the 8.10 image, thanks02:19
Nalfsharidog, sorry. vista is being a bum..:P Ummm. is that line from your dxdiag?02:19
crdlbbz0b: in ccsm: Window Decoration > Command : emerald02:19
scuniziGaMeBoY439: easy to do.. after the install of ubuntu  then just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:19
sharidogok many thanks, good night for u all >)02:20
bigriggersharidog: 64 would say x86_6402:20
bz0bcrdlb, where is the window decoration under?02:20
GaMeBoY439scunizi: oh ok, thanks02:20
crdlbbz0b: Effects, but you can just use the Filter02:20
GaMeBoY439oh does anyone know about syncing windows mobile phones with linux?02:21
GaMeBoY439like, is there an activesync-like program for linux, that will detect windows mobile phones and allow u to work with them?02:22
adrian_2002caNalf: hang on reboot(after login) i unplugged it...now I cant select wireless connection help02:22
Strawberryjamhow about blackberry and ubuntu?02:22
jukenStrawberryjam: how about it?02:23
Nalfadrian_2002ca, I have to unplug mine to boot and plug it in AFTER I login to get it to work.. haha.02:23
jukenStrawberryjam: whatcha trying to do?02:23
jaygcan someone help me out with fsck? My drive would not boot because of errors. So i ran fsck -y /dev/sda1, and it has been running for 24 hours now still fixing stuff. I don't know when it will end02:23
adrian_2002caNalf: kk...the applet is being really slow for some reason02:23
Nalfadrian_2002ca, my advice is to uninstall the driver, reinstall it, (all with the device unpluggeD) and then plug it in.02:23
Nalfadrian_2002ca, the applet doesn't load for me at all, I have to use the command line.02:24
_WhipperGaMeBoY439, : just cable in, and do what u need02:24
Nalfadrian_2002ca, also.. until you have it installed lsusb would not work for me.02:24
usserjayg, well how big is the drive?02:24
adrian_2002caNalf: kk02:24
scuniziGaMeBoY439: there are several.. however you are not guaranteed that any will work with your phone.. google for your phone like .. google Motorola<model> ubuntu sync02:24
jaygusser: it is 60 GB02:24
GaMeBoY439will linux automatically detect my windows mobile phone? specifically, i have a sprint htc touch, with windows mobile 6.1, and i am gonna install ubuntu 8.1002:24
usserjayg, yea 24hrs is a bit too much.02:24
Strawberryjamjust the syncing of the phone...but i just picked up that its pretty much romoveable drive...IE. drag and drop02:24
_Whipperworks with N96 Nokia..02:25
usserjayg, dont really know what to tell you, i wouldnt suggest terminating it since it may break stuff02:25
GaMeBoY439scunizi: oh ok i see, thank you02:25
tritiumGaMeBoY439: via bluetooth?02:25
jaygusser: it's going through the clone multiply-claimed blocks, and some files have hundreds or thousands of shared files02:25
chrismnhwhen trying to run google earth i get    Warning: Unable to create prefs directory '/home/mydir/.googleearth'. File exists.02:25
chrismnh./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8: symbol BIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference   is the warning significant?02:25
GaMeBoY439tritium: n, via usb02:25
tritiumGaMeBoY439: hard to say.  Don't be disappointed if it does not.  Does it act as a USB mass storage?02:26
jaygi do have everything backed up at least02:26
mylistodoes anyone know of an apple iigs emulator for ubuntu?02:26
GaMeBoY439no, in windows, activesync just picks it up and syncs it02:26
sketch_hi i lost my wifi how do I see what wifi connections I have available ?02:26
dreamyis it ok to run quanta (a kde application) under gnome ?02:26
yoyit2hey i know this is off topc but does anyone know for xbox 360 cod5 if you can do 4 player nazi zombies with 2 xboxs02:26
_Whippersketch_, : did u look under your bed?02:27
=== sauvin is now known as Sauvin
GaMeBoY439it does have a microsd slot, so i guess if usb fails, i can put stuff on a micro sd card and move it phone like that02:27
tritiumdreamy: sure, it'll just require some qt or possibly kde libraries to be installed along with it.02:27
sketch_yup lol nothing there just monsters02:27
sharidogsketch sudo iwconfig02:27
yoyit2does anyone know02:27
GaMeBoY439does linux support 5-in-1 card readers? i have one in my laptop, hp pavilion dv9540us02:27
dreamytritium: but it wont do any harm to my system?02:27
tritiumdreamy: nope02:27
_Whippersketch_, : so.. its somewhere else then...02:27
scuniziGaMeBoY439: sounds like you need to boot the live cd and test your hardware..02:28
bigriggerGaMeBoY439: yes it does.02:28
_WhipperGaMeBoY439, : sounds u dont know what u are doing, ill suggest to leave it...02:28
adrian_2002caNalf: 2 reboots did the tricl02:28
GaMeBoY439scunizi: that's a good idea, that would tell me if linux will work with everything that's on my laptop02:28
Nalfadrian_2002ca, awesome. all connected?02:29
GaMeBoY439yes whipper, i am 100% new to linux, but i have to get it, so i'll learn, not just abandon the effort02:29
adrian_2002caNalf: yesyes, no hangs or anything02:29
dreamytritium: do the packages make the system get havyer or slower ?02:29
* Nalf highfives adrian_2002ca.02:29
NalfGood job! ^_^02:29
sketch_rd and move it phone like that02:29
dreamypackages .. in general..02:29
adrian_2002caNalf: thanks for the help02:29
sketch_eth1      IEEE 802.11  Nickname:""02:30
sketch_          Access Point: Not-Associated02:30
Nalfadrian_2002ca, anytime.02:30
_WhipperGaMeBoY439, : allright, but it may be an expensive lession :)02:30
disappearedng /join #eclipse02:30
jukenGaMeBoY439: it's likely that you'll boot up to to whatever distro you'll be using (likely Ubuntu), put in the card, and it'll automagically mount :)02:30
WebDawghow do i install lamp02:30
jukenWebDawg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:30
GaMeBoY439whipper: don't worry, i'll try not to fry my pc, and if all else fails i can just go back to xp, lol02:30
unop!lamp > WebDawg02:30
ubottuWebDawg, please see my private message02:30
WebDawgdoes that install phpmyadmin02:30
GaMeBoY439juken: thanks02:30
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:30
dronixWebDawg: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/step-by-step-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-lamp-server-setup.html02:30
bigriggerGaMeBoY439: my card reader works fine, out of the box.02:31
needhelphi guys is this where i get help for c++?02:31
lstarnesneedhelp: ##c++02:31
jukenWebDawg: if not just sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin02:31
DreamgliderGaMeBoY439: so does my cardreader :)02:31
NdshackerHow can I remote control a Windows pc from Ubuntu02:31
WebDawgcant they condense that into one command02:32
jukenNdshacker: VNC or Remote desktop02:32
DreamgliderNdshacker: vnc02:32
GaMeBoY439bigrigger & dreamglider: u guys have built-in card readers?02:32
jayglike sudo apt-get install lamp? lol02:32
DreamgliderGaMeBoY439: yes02:32
jukenjayg: =P02:32
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:32
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX02:32
GaMeBoY439oh ok cool02:32
jaygat least you have the l part taken care of02:33
_WhipperGaMeBoY439, : doesnt everyone?02:33
GaMeBoY439so i think i have/know everything i need to make the big switch, does anyone have any last minute critical advice? (i'll try live cd/dvd first before install)02:33
WebDawgdear god02:33
jukenGaMeBoY439: don't give up if it's something you want02:33
jukenGaMeBoY439: :)02:33
WebDawghow about sudo apt-get install LAMP02:33
WebDawgwouldnt that work?02:33
DreamgliderGaMeBoY439: backup your data on the windows partition !02:33
GaMeBoY439whipper: he said out of box, it made it seem like an external one to me, not sure if those exist or not, lol02:34
jaygok... can anyone tell me what multiply-claimed blocks in inode means?02:34
_Whipperback-up is for p***ies02:34
WebDawgill just wait for the server cd to download02:34
WebDawgonly 4 more hours02:35
GaMeBoY439dreamglider: thanks for the tip, i dont have that many important unrecoverable things on my laptop, so i dont really need to02:35
Dreamglider_Whipper: what do you do when your harddisk dies then ?02:35
sketch_how do i see what driver i have installed for my wifi02:35
jaygdoesn't the ubuntu install give you the option to install lamp automagically?02:35
jukensketch_: lsmod02:35
jukenjayg: yup, think so02:35
GaMeBoY439the most important things are like docs (which i have on usb drive) and combat arms, which is a freeware fps i can always redownload :-D02:35
_Whipper16th beer, and work begins.. abaout 2.5h :)02:35
dreamyhaving many packages installed will make the system heavyer?  or not at all ?02:35
juken_Whipper: that's what I like to hear02:36
DreamgliderGaMeBoY439: well then go for it :)02:36
sketch_what should my wifi be under in lsmod ieee?02:36
jukendreamy: depends on the specs of the machine, of course bloating it too much will make it slow02:36
baz_i forgot whether i UN-istalled vmware, how do i check if it is still there02:36
jukensketch_: what kind of wireless card is it?02:36
jayg_Whipper: I hope those aren't tallboys of high life02:36
dreamyjuken: ok.02:36
sketch_i can check02:36
sketch_i'll look it up02:36
_WhipperDreamglider, : it wont DIE, just.. use a live-distro and get all back :)02:36
jukenbaz_: whereis vmware ?02:37
Dreamglider_Whipper: what IF it died ! then you'd be ****** if you dont backup !02:37
_Whipperseems that "irony denied"02:37
sketch_BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI on 7.10 & 8.04 ...02:38
Kingsy101can someone tell me where I can find apaches configuration file on ubuntu?02:38
jukenKingsy101: /etc/apache2/02:38
baz_juken, what do u mean where is it02:38
Dreamgliderit's always a good idea to backup important stuff. i do get your drift however:) testdisk and photorec are preddy damn good indeed :P02:38
jukenbaz_: whereis is a command02:38
jukensketch_: sec, looking it up02:39
_Whipperwhat i know for a fact. You cant Physically break your HD with software02:39
baz_juken, it usually started up automatically, i never really "ran it" manually hehe02:39
mylistoI've got this game that I want to install02:39
jukensketch_: try lsmod | grep -i bcm02:39
mylistothe script is here02:39
jukenbaz_: you're just curious if it's still on your machine?02:39
baz_juken, yeah02:39
Ndshackerhow can I hide the vnc from the taskbar in the xp machine02:40
baz_juken, i would normally look in "program files" for example02:40
jukenNdshacker: I think if you run it as a service, though don't hold me to that02:40
jukenbaz_: check /usr/bin/02:40
jukenbaz_: or /usr/local/bin/02:40
jukenbaz_: or just open your terminal, type in vm and then press tab twice :)02:40
baz_juken, the last one worked, i see it :)02:41
jukenmylisto: wget http://thilo.kickchat.com/download/worldofpadman.run02:41
jukenmylisto: then chmod +x worldofpadman.run02:42
jukenmylisto: then ./worldofpadman02:42
Ndshackerjuken: so I would need to reboot i?02:42
jukenNdshacker: which vnc server are you using?02:43
jukenNdshacker: tightvnc or realvnc?02:43
sketch_i have the broadcom sta wireless driver but I lost the control panel and I can't find it in the add to panel thingy02:44
sketch_please help02:44
redvamp128sketch_:  try notification area02:44
Zeroyezanyone here ever used ddclient?02:44
NdshackerI can get realvnc very easily if required02:45
redvamp128sketch_:  That is what/where the network manager resides... it is called the notification area for the add to panel.02:45
jukenNdshacker: I've always preferred realvnc02:45
NdshackerOk :)02:45
Ndshackerjuken: which is faster?02:46
|shad0w|anyone familiar with ucf? During our automated installs I manual update grubs menu.lst before the apt updates and I'm looking for the best way to get ucf to recognize the "local" changes so it doesn't attempt to prompt during an unattened update.02:46
jukenNdshacker: I've had a faster experience with realvnc, but it's been a while.02:46
Ndshackerjuken: I need file transfer though02:47
jukenNdshacker: hmm... does the file transfer have to be over vnc? o.002:47
NdshackerNo, but it would make it easier02:48
jukenNdshacker: how about just using file sharing via smb?02:48
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:48
NdshackerThank god for ubottu :)02:48
jukenNdshacker: you could just use smbclient02:49
jukenNdshacker: Ubuntu also offers it through the GUI from Places ->  Connect to Server02:49
bacon1989having a problem with fstab, i have an ntfs hd and I want to make it permissable for anyone to access it02:49
bacon1989currently in fstab, I have02:49
ikrelwhat is your fstab line for the hd02:50
bacon1989source /destination ntfs umask=777 0 002:50
bacon1989that's what I have02:50
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering if there is a better way then sudo lshw?02:50
bacon1989it's mounted, but I don't have write permissions unless I am root02:50
FFEMTcJIs there a PPA somewhere that has the current firefox 3.1 on it?02:50
lakotajamescan someone help me export a video from kino to some format like avi or mpeg or mov or something?02:51
ikrelinstall sysinfo from add/remove02:51
jukenwelp, time for work, I'll be on later02:51
jukenNdshacker: let me know how you make out02:51
ShinyHatwill someone help me do some basic backing-up for a reinstall?02:52
bacon1989would gid or uid have any particular usefulness02:52
Ndshackerjuken: I will02:52
redvamp128L3dPlatedLinux:  try sudo lshw -short02:52
NdshackerIm using it to help people over my network02:52
NdshackerAs in, my house02:53
Dante123hi all, trying to install ubuntu on a IBM netvista.  Had to make some changes in bios.  Finally installed ubuntu.  The pc has two hard drives so we made one the root, and the other the /home.  I'll be doing somethign and all of a sudden (SMACKS ANNOYING FLYBACK)  it will reboot for no apparent reason.  Any suggestions?02:53
redvamp128L3dPlatedLinux:  unless you are wanting to post it to a site there is a 'sudo lshw -sanitize ' also02:53
lakotajamescan someone help me export a video from kino?  It's kinda important.02:53
bacon1989Dante123: by restart, does it just restart the Xscreen or the entire computer will restart?02:54
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Dante123bacon1989 the entire computer restarts02:54
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eseven73lakotajames:  try handbrake, first you'll need this .deb https://launchpad.net/%7Ehandbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/469498/+files/handbrake-common_0.9.3+repack1-0ubuntu0~8.10jdong4_all.deb   then this one https://launchpad.net/%7Ehandbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/469498/+files/handbrake-gtk_0.9.3+repack1-0ubuntu0~8.10jdong4_i386.deb02:55
mylistohow can I find out if I am running 32 or 64 bit?02:55
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TimReichhartI got a question can I do dual booting on linux because I want to have one hard drive for ubuntu and other hard drive for pclinuxos can I do that on one machine>02:56
baz_if this is my line is fstab: "UUID=8ea6d959-7fdb-4e62-b973-f3396c359486 /vm  ext3    relatime        0       2" where would I add "umask" and "uid" to be able to give my user the proper perms?02:56
unopbaz, with ext3 filesystems - you give permissions using the chmod and chown commands - not with those fstab options.02:57
c0l2ehow can I enable the console features of opensuse the page-up and page-down to automatically browse previous entered command??02:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about realvnc02:58
c0l2elike  $> ls -lah02:58
Ndshackerrealvnc doesnt work on Linux :(02:58
TimReichhartI got a question can I do dual booting on linux because I want to have one hard drive for ubuntu and other hard drive for pclinuxos can I do that on one machine>02:58
c0l2ethe when I do $> ls then press PAGEUP or PAGEDOWN.. it will show the previous command with ls02:58
baz_unop, that seems much more convenient! If I change the perms now like i normally would it will stay when i reboot?02:58
ikrelTimRiechhart: yes02:58
unopbaz, if you used chmod, yes02:59
eseven73Ndshacker:  try x11vnc02:59
Ndshackerx11vnc :s02:59
DreamgliderTimReichhart: sure u can02:59
baz_unop, great02:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x11vnc02:59
eseven73!info x11vnc02:59
ubottux11vnc (source: libvncserver): VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 747 kB, installed size 1556 kB02:59
unopc0l2e, opensuse support is in #opensuse and/or #suse02:59
usserbaz, ext3 doesnt have umask and uid options, thats for ntfs, fat only, with ext3 you just have to chown/chmod the mountpoint02:59
ShinyHatwill someone help me do some basic backing-up for a reinstall?03:00
usserbaz_, oh sorry someone already answered03:00
Ndshackerx11vnc wont work, is linux only :(03:00
bacon1989having some trouble with my permissions, does this look correct /dev/sda1 /media/77GIG ntfs umask=777,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 003:00
c0l2eunop: I know i mean for ubuntu is it possible to have that feature in console that when you type a previous command and press PAGEDOWN or PAGEUP it will show the previous sets of command with parameter/arguments ??03:00
c0l2eunop: like when I did $ls -lah03:01
eseven73Ndshacker: what os are you using? i assumed you used Linux!03:01
stewbacon1989: umask=777 means all files will appear as chmod 000 meaning nobody can read or write any file03:01
c0l2ethe I enter $>ls then press PAGEUP .. i will recommend the previous $ls -lah03:01
bacon1989lol really?03:01
bacon1989ok so I need 077?03:01
Titan8990ShinyHat, backing up to external drive?03:01
brandonc503what do i google to make statment for if no records are found in query?03:02
unopc0l2e, http://pastebin.com/f5e36bd3 add these lines in your ~/.inputrc03:02
baz_usser, if i make my user the owner, will root still have access to it - in case, for example vmware needs root to access it?03:02
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geniibacon1989: If you want it to be 7 use 0   if you want 5 use 2       etc03:02
c0l2eunop: thanks03:02
unopbaz_, root always has access03:02
usserbaz_, root has access to everything, there's no stopping this guy03:02
_Whippereasy math :)03:02
ShinyHattitan: no, just reinstalling 32 bit replacing 64 bit. i was foolish and thought 64 bit was what i should use03:02
melikhttp:// << anyone know how i can merge the control settings and video ouput of VLC?03:02
bcogcan anyone tell me how i can find programs on my computer via cmd prompt?03:03
bcogas in if i want to look up ncurses to see what is named ncurses, how would i do that?03:03
meliki have no idea why its outputting the video in a different window03:03
Titan8990melik, I think it does that when you have opengl enabled03:03
bacon1989thanks for the help, everythings in working order now03:03
_Whipperbcog, : type "help"03:03
bigriggerbcog: dpkg  -l03:03
bcogwow that's amazing03:04
bcogthank you bigrigger03:04
melikTitan8990, where is it enabled? compiz?03:04
Titan8990melik, its tools -> preferences -> video -> output in VLC03:05
bigriggerbcog: dpkg  -l |wc -l    ..gives you a package count.03:05
unopbcog,  perl -le 'print for grep /$ARGV[0]/, map { glob "$_/*" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}'  program_name03:05
Titan8990melik, compiz is a program that uses opengl03:05
bcogvery nice, bigrigger thanks very much03:05
_Whippernice piece of code there..03:05
meliki see..03:06
bcogi like it thanks03:06
Titan8990melik, just try anything non-opengl and see if it has the wanted result03:06
melikallright thanks, ill give it a shot03:06
ShinyHatTitan 8990: i installed dual boot with xp couple weeks ago, /home on a separate partition. i have used it, liked it, but 64 bit seems to be more trouble than its worth03:06
bcogi like it so much, unop, i'm going to make it an alias =)03:06
ussermelik, are u running jaunty?03:07
melikyeah usser03:07
baz_in ubuntu there is always a *group* by the same name as the primary user - is this just so that there is something to put for perms? That is, I shouldn't really be using the *baz* group for any real stuff right?03:07
unopbcog, I don't think you can use it in an alias - I had to use a function instead.03:07
ShinyHatTitan 8990: wanna install 32 bit instead, but too new to know how to backup :)03:07
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melikwoahhhhhhhhhhhh that was pretty awesome.. rofl i switched it to image video and it made like 500 images of every frame haha03:08
bcogohs. i don't know how to do that03:08
Thisdudehey i just got a new usb flash drive and when i try and open it up it says "unable to mount volume" anyone experianced this before it works on windows03:08
Titan8990ShinyHat, if you have a seperate /home partition you can install a new OS without touching it03:08
bcoghow about i make a script??03:08
bcogi like it03:08
Titan8990ShinyHat, and specify it to mount at /home for the new install03:08
ussermelik, its a long standing bug in vlc, its been worked around in intrepid, but it was rather an unsafe hack so they decided to get rid of it. its somewhat hard to fix from what i've read in bugreport.03:08
unopbcog,  function pathgrep() { perl -le 'print for grep /$ARGV[0]/, map { glob "$_/*" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}' "$1"; }03:08
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baz_Thisdude, thats happened to me with some crappy flash drives like DataTraveler03:08
Titan8990ShinyHat, but I am not trying to discourage backing up :)03:08
unopbcog, then to use it.    pathgrep program_name03:08
_WhipperThisdude, : run Gparted, and wipe it03:08
bcogso do i put that in my .bashrc file, unop?03:08
unopbcog, yes03:08
baz_Thisdude, some of them have a secret partition just for windows to load special drivers03:09
bcogwow thank you!!!03:09
bcogyou made my day =)03:09
Titan8990ShinyHat, what are you wanting to back up to?03:09
ShinyHatTitan 8990: there isnt much- emails, a few documents, but i have half of a 9gb torrent from transmission. is everything for that stored on /home?03:09
Thisdudebaz_: id say thatd b the one, any way i can get linux to load these or find some generic drivers that will help?03:09
FFEMTcJIs there a PPA somewhere that has the current firefox 3.1 on it?03:09
Titan8990ShinyHat, should be, unless you specified otherwise03:10
Gnewtupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) << this happens when I run update-rc.d rtorrent.sh remove03:10
GnewtWhat's wrong?03:10
Titan8990ShinyHat, but your regular user shouldn't really have anywhere that they can write to other than /home03:10
ShinyHatTitan 8990: nope, i guess it just seems to easy- coming from a windows background03:10
Titan8990ShinyHat, what kind of device do you have to make the back up?03:10
demiHow do I open a root terminal, and nto a normal terminal? using KDE?03:10
baz_Thisdude, i think i ended up finding out that it just wasn't workable and stuffed it in a drawer - but I03:10
Titan8990ShinyHat, external drive?03:10
baz_Thisdude, i'd still ask around, but give the actual model name etc...03:11
_WhipperThisdude, : you can even code it all by your self if u want to :)03:11
Titan8990demi, root accounts are locked by default in ubuntu based distros03:11
Titan8990!sudo | demi03:11
ubottudemi: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)03:11
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ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:11
ShinyHatTitan 8990: yeah, usb drive- but it will all go back on /home when 32 bit is reinstalled03:11
demiI am reading this command im trying to use, needs to be done in a root terminal not using sudo03:11
ShinyHatTitan 8990: this is a laptop03:12
Titan8990demi, use:  sudo -i03:12
KCCarnageis there another place that affects the title bar action other than "window preferences"?  Cause when I double click the title bar it rolls up though I have it set to maximize,  I thought maybe somewhere in compiz but I cant seem to find it.03:12
crdlbKCCarnage: are you using emerald?03:12
Titan8990ShinyHat, are you wanting to back up to a partition that is on the same drive?03:12
devilsF00dis there a way to completely disable any type of DHCP for a specific network interface?03:12
KCCarnagethats probably it03:12
crdlbKCCarnage: that's why, you have to use emerald-theme-manager03:12
Titan8990devilsF00d, yes its in /etc/network/interfaces03:13
Titan8990devilsF00d, or you can use the network manager03:13
ShinyHatTitan 8990: i just want all my FF bookmarks and saved passwords, emails, running torrents, and docs to be just as i left them when i install 32 bit over the 64 bit i have now :)03:13
melikusser, i sort of wanna get rid of the entire "control" menu altogether03:14
devilsF00dI keep getting kicked off my network cause even though I have a static IP and my interface is set to "iface eth1 inet static" it still seems to respond to dhcp requests03:14
bruce89!home | ShinyHat03:14
ubottuShinyHat: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome03:14
_WhipperI'd suggest the GUI way for someone new to Linux..03:14
Gnewtupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) << this happens when I run update-rc.d rtorrent.sh remove... what does it mean?03:15
ShinyHatI dont want to move it, i just wanna make sure everything i wanna save lives there, not in /03:15
appocchi..could anybody help me03:15
ussermelik, i dont know i gave up on vlc. using mplayer now, but there are themes for vlc that can customize just about anything gui-wise.03:15
appocci cant set my netmask on network-managere03:15
Titan8990ShinyHat, thats all strored in the home directory03:15
appocci set it to but it sets to 2403:16
appoccplz anybody help me03:16
devilsF00dcommented out this line in my /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.con file as well as the request subnet-mask, etc... lines03:16
mylistohey guys...03:16
Titan8990ShinyHat, during reinstallation, choose manual partitioning and only reformat your main filesystem drive03:16
ShinyHatTitan 8990: will any of that data care that im going from 64 bit to 32?03:16
mylistoI've got this annoying ass sound that I hear every so offten...03:16
mylistokind of like a03:16
mylistodun dun dun03:16
mylistoits part of linux...but not sure what is it...want to get rid of it03:17
devilsF00dOmitted in above comment: #send host-name "<hostname>";03:17
Titan8990ShinyHat, no it shouldn't unless they are 64 bit binaries...03:17
devilsF00dTitan8990: i only have command line access03:17
NickelsHey, is there a GRUB Error 77?03:17
NietzscheHadItRiTITs or it didn't happen....don't worry about it till it's done...UNLESS there's boob03:17
NickelsI keep getting one starting my laptop up. If so, what is it?03:18
ShinyHatTitan 8990: i cant believe its that simple! takes me forever to b/u xp for a fresh install03:18
bruce89!ohmy | NietzscheHadItRi03:18
ubottuNietzscheHadItRi: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:18
photonusually my terminal remembers that I have used sudo in the last 10 minutes and does not prompt me to enter a password again. suppose I'm leaving my pc for a while, how can I tell my pc to ask for a password immediately the next time someone uses sudo?03:18
Titan8990devilsF00d, you are wanting to set the interface to static I'm assuming?03:18
appoccdevilsF00d: could u sent me the link???:03:18
ShinyHatTitan 8990: i believe i am hooked for life03:18
nOStahlhow can i mount an ext4 hd on intrepid?03:19
Gnewtupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) << this happens when I run update-rc.d rtorrent.sh remove... what does it mean?03:19
devilsF00dTitan8990: yeah i mean i believe it is do you want me to post up my /etc/network/interfaces?03:19
devilsF00don pastebin03:19
Titan8990ShinyHat, many of have been for a while... its a wonder why "guided" partitioning doesn't create one for /home....03:19
ussernOStahl, you have to turn your ext4 partition into experimental and use ext4dev filesystem type to mount it03:19
nOStahlusser experimental?03:19
Titan8990devilsF00d, no, I already have an idea of what it says03:19
NietzscheHadItRiFrankly I consider reference to Breasts to be both polite and constructive03:20
CShadowRunHi, trying to use the ubuntu LiveCD on a Packard Bell EasyNote E6100, Ubuntu boots, X Starts, the loading cursor comes up (circle with rotating dots), then it freezes.03:20
bigriggerGnewt: try sudo update-rc.d rtorrent -f remove03:20
Titan8990devilsF00d, I am trying to find out what your goal is03:20
_Whipperext4.. i would not do that if it involves Any money..03:20
NietzscheHadItRinot like I'm comparing you taking offence to Hitler's holocaust or anything like....03:20
NietzscheHadItRiGodwin's law03:20
devilsF00doh to prevent my server from responding to DHCP even after I have a static IP assigned and have told it to be static03:20
Gnewtbigrigger, had to switch around 'rtorrent' and '-f' but it worked, thanks...03:20
ussernOStahl, the ext4dev driver in intrepid is development version not intended for production to mount production filesystem you have to tell intrepid that you know what you're doing and take full responsibility for any data loss hence test partition03:21
Titan8990!ot | NietzscheHadItRi03:21
ubottuNietzscheHadItRi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:21
ussernOStahl, sudo tune2fs -E test_fs /dev/whateverdriveparition03:21
ShinyHatTitan 8990: my only other question is if 32 bit is a mistake on a 64 bit platform (AMD 64)03:21
ussernOStahl, and then sudo mount -t ext4dev /dev/partitionnumber /mountpoint03:21
Titan8990ShinyHat, no mistake03:21
_WhipperNietzscheHadItRi, : Viva le Che :)03:21
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Wandereranyone seen a wierd problem with the Intel 82566DC-2  network driver?  When I plug it into a Gig switch my throughput drops to less than 1kB/s03:22
ShinyHatTitan 8990: thank you so much for the help!03:22
nOStahlgreat ty usser!03:22
appocccould anybody help me to set my netmask on network-manager plz???03:22
ussernOStahl, no problem03:22
yuri123hey guys i have a winxp partition id like to backup through ubuntu... easiest way?03:22
DIFH-icerootappocc: what is the problem?03:22
Titan8990yuri123, rsync, what are you backing up to?03:23
Titan8990yuri123, unless you were looking for an image and not a file backup03:23
appoccDIFH-iceroot: the problem is that network-manager are changin my netmask adress.. i set it to and when i press ok it turn it into 24 wich is the prefix adress03:23
yuri123Titan8990: an external drive. its a one time backup so that when xp crashed unrecoverably it won't take 3 hours to get everything03:23
yuri123Titan8990: so i want to image it, yes03:24
DIFH-icerootappocc: which network?
appoccDIFH-iceroot: and i cant find a way to fix it03:24
usseryuri123, dd03:24
DIFH-icerootappocc: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces03:24
DIFH-icerootappocc: typing by hand03:24
Titan8990yuri123, sudo dd if=/dev/sdxx of=nameofimage.img03:24
kgwhippOk guys: here's one for ya: I've got ubuntu 4.10 on this old geezer computer, I want to update it to the most recent version- tools I have-- usb key with 100mb free and another computer on the internet. The old computer has internet but ubuntu 4.10 doesn't see the ethernet driver so no internet atm. What should I do?03:25
yuri123Titan8990: what about empty space? there is 8gb of data on a 30gb partition03:25
Titan8990yuri123, where /dev/sdxx is the device name for the partition and nameofimage.img is whatever you feel like calling the image03:25
thiebaudekgwhipp: 4.10 isn't even supported anymore03:25
kgwhippfigured as much03:26
sprinkmeierkgwhipp, back up the 4.10 and re-install03:26
DIFH-icerootkgwhipp: make a backup and install the newest version03:26
kgwhippcan I install new version w/o a cd?03:26
DIFH-icerootkgwhipp: yes03:26
DIFH-iceroot!usb | kgwhipp03:26
ubottukgwhipp: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:26
appoccDIFH-iceroot: what u want me to type on interfaces file???03:26
usserkgwhipp, as long as your computer can boot from usb03:26
usserkgwhipp, or through network03:26
kgwhipperr... I don't think it can :D03:27
kgwhippwell looks like I'll just need to burn a CD later ten03:27
DIFH-icerootappocc: ip-adresse, subnet, gateway, broadcast, network03:27
Titan8990!info partimage03:27
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-1 (intrepid), package size 271 kB, installed size 960 kB03:27
DIFH-icerootappocc: if the gui is not working correctly03:27
kgwhippthere's no "ethernet driver pack" I could give 4.10 with a usb drive?03:27
Titan8990yuri123, sudo apt-get install partimage03:27
appoccDIFH-iceroot: but theres a problem, i dont want to fix it on console.. cause i need the interface, my sister will use it at college03:27
appoccneed to be easy.. she don know how to use a console03:28
sprinkmeierkgwhipp, plug the HDD into the new computer, re-install, then move back to the 286(?)03:28
DIFH-icerootappocc: ah ok03:28
appocci need that network-manager let me set my own netmask03:28
kgwhippooh, that might work03:28
DIFH-icerootappocc: then i dont know how to fix the interface-problem, sorry03:28
kgwhippthanks :D03:28
appocchm.. ok03:28
appoccthx anyway03:28
bcogi know this will sound like a weird question, but where's the place most people header files and binary library files?03:28
bcogmost people install rather03:29
ScottG489I have a debian server downstairs. I have ubuntu on my desktop and ubuntu on my laptop (both 8.10). How can I connect them all on a network?03:29
bruce89bcog: /usr/include and /usr/lib03:29
bcogbruce89, if i put it there, won't it be unaccessible except by root?03:29
_Whipperbcog, : now u sound just weird..03:29
bruce89bcog: but you shouldn't put stuff there manually03:29
bruce89bcog: no03:29
bcogi want to install coin3d libraries03:29
Titan8990ScottG489, plug them all into a routing device such as a router or switch03:30
sharefhey, i need a x11 server in vista that runs well with a openssh port03:30
sprinkmeierbcog, use the installer?03:30
Titan8990ScottG489, and give them IP addresses in the same subnet, or have a DHCP server do it03:30
bcogbruce89, what do you mean i shouldn't put stuff there manually?.... don't i have to choose where i will put it?03:30
bruce89bcog: no03:30
_Whippersharef, : is this a vista#03:30
sprinkmeiersharef, last time I used X on windows it was cygwin-X. worked OK03:30
bcogsprinkmeier, coin3d still asks for where iwant them installed03:30
bruce89bcog: ah03:30
Titan8990ScottG489, or did you mean to ask, how can I network them together to do thing "x"?03:30
sharefcygwin-x? got it, ill look it up03:31
bruce89bcog: what exactly does it ask?03:31
ScottG489Titan8990: already done. I can ssh to them fine. I even have FreeNX set up on the desktop03:31
bcogwell when i do my makefile, i'm thinking it's going to install it where my makefile is03:31
sprinkmeierbcog, does it give defaults?03:31
ScottG489Titan8990: I just want to basically be able to share files03:31
bcogthough i can specify probably where it builds the libraries03:31
bcogsprinkmeier, i think i need to specify03:31
bcogso should i specify usr/lib?03:31
bcogthat sounds right03:31
Titan8990ScottG489, if you already have ssh, I would just that to share files03:31
Dante123could apic (or whatever the power management stuff is) make a netvista that I have installed ubuntu too reboot randomly or a little while after I log in?03:31
bcogsorry i'm just really starting to understand this stuff so ... before i would just dump it anywhere03:31
ScottG489Titan8990: Place > Network doesnt show what it should03:32
bruce89bcog: it should be prefix=/usr/local03:32
Titan8990ScottG489, if you go to places -> connect to server   you can connect to a ssh server03:32
bcogthanks bruce8903:32
Titan8990ScottG489, what does it show?03:32
bcogmedibuntu first, coding libraries second =)03:32
baz_a friend of mine told that drivers for linux, especially for complicated hardware like video cards, usually underperforms the windows equivalents because the manufacturers spend less time and resources perfecting them - is this true?03:32
ScottG489Titan8990: I used to have XP on the desktop downstairs and it still shows "Windows Network"03:32
raden_workanyone recomended a good wireless router besides linksys ?03:32
devilsF00dThere has to be a way to prevent my nic from sending out DHCP requests or doing anything that would allow a DHCP server to reassign an address to it...03:32
Mox`hmm is there something like eAccelerator for nginx?03:32
_Whipperwhy dont people with "win"-issues just go to mikrosOft, and aska Gates..03:32
mylistoI tried to install that game..using your directions03:32
devilsF00dI like DLINK03:32
ScottG489Titan8990: Actually I take that back. I have VBox and it should still show that.03:32
bacon1989ScottG489: What you're looking for is a samba share03:32
sprinkmeierbcog, if the library isn't mature enough to provide sane defaults then m,aybe you shouldn't be messing with it until you know your way around linux (i know I wouldn't!)03:32
Titan8990ScottG489, you need select places -> "connect to server"03:32
devilsF00dand Buffalo03:32
mylistowhen I tried ./worldofpadman03:33
Titan8990ScottG489, not network03:33
mylistoI got...03:33
lakotajamesI can't get kino to export a file that will play correctly in vlc.  what do you normally do?03:33
bacon1989install smbclinet on each machine and setup the smb.conf03:33
bcogsprinkmeier,  i need t do it for a coding project03:33
mylistono such file or directory03:33
bruce89bcog: I suppose libcoin40c2 won't suffice03:33
bcogand i guess they assume that one is an advanced programmer if you're using those libraries03:33
bcogbruce89, what is that?03:33
bcogmaybe it would03:33
ScottG489Titan8990: Then how to i configure COnnect to Server?03:33
bcogis that coin3d?  their newest version?03:33
bruce89!info libcoin40-dev03:33
ubottulibcoin40-dev (source: coin2): high-level 3D graphics devkit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-2 (intrepid), package size 3337 kB, installed size 16648 kB03:33
raden_workdevilsF00d, i have a buffalo hp its good looking for better03:33
MasterZwhy do people think that because I'm a geek I never go outside?03:33
bcogbruce89, i love you!03:33
kgwhippOk I got the ethernet port to work with the old machine: how do I update 4.10 to new version with internet?03:34
bcoglove is too weak a word03:34
bacon1989ScottG489: You can setup samba shares on each system in your network03:34
bcoglast time it took me four hours to get the damned thing installed!!!!03:34
_WhipperMasterZ, : do u? i dont :)03:34
bcogthough 2.5 is the old version03:34
RickZillaNice...I installed Google Earth, then it exits as soon as I start it up.  Weird.03:34
bcogi'm sure i could find 3.003:34
bruce89bcog: not in Intrepid03:34
bruce89!info libcoin40-dev jaunty03:34
ubottulibcoin40-dev (source: coin2): high-level 3D graphics devkit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-2 (jaunty), package size 3337 kB, installed size 16648 kB03:34
bacon1989ScottG489: This is done using smbclient and smbfs03:34
meoblast001i've installed a mangled deb, how do i uninstall it?03:34
_Whipperand im Not a geek.. sort of..03:34
MasterZ_Whipper: That's not the point.. they assume I don't regardless of if I do or not :p03:34
devilsF00dWell my Buffalo at home has been perfect since I have it but We use a DLINK in my office and it is very good and has lots of configurations03:34
* bruce89 is03:34
Titan8990ScottG489, select sftp, then put in the address and your user/password in03:35
MasterZ_Whipper: And no, I don't usually lol03:35
bcogbruce89, how do you know all this03:35
bcogthank you i'll take 2.503:35
bruce89bcog: see above03:35
bruce89bcog: all you need to do is search packages03:35
torcanyone know if you can use apt-get build-dep on source tars? (i.e., sudo apt-get build-dep xxx.tar.gz ? )03:35
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository03:35
bcogbruce89, yeah, but sometimes there are SO many i can't tell what it is i really want03:35
meoblast001i'm getting "E: The package smc needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."03:35
bcogyou freaking rock i LOVE you03:35
bruce89bcog: even obscure libraries like that03:36
bcoglast time i thought i was going to die03:36
bcogfor real03:36
bcogis it obscure?03:36
=== disappearedng_ is now known as Dexter_
FloodBot3bcog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:36
yuri123Q: will changing the partition label of an ntfs partition destroy all data on that partition?03:36
ScottG489Titan8990: Theres no sftp.03:36
bruce89bcog: nothing depends on it03:36
Cpudan80!build-dep | torc03:36
ubottutorc: build-dep is a handy APT tool that will try to automatically install build (compile) dependencies for you. In the terminal: sudo apt-get build-dep package03:36
sprinkmeier!enter | bcog03:36
ubottubcog: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:36
ScottG489Titan8990: Tehres FTP (with login)03:36
_Whipperbruce89 is god-like.. 'cos you cant speak religion specific here :)03:36
bcogwell what's replaced it, bruce89?03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tetris03:36
bruce89nothing, just nothing usese03:36
Titan8990ScottG489, there should be like 5 choices there...03:36
devilsF00dso really can't prevent ubuntu from accepting DHCP address... seems kinda like a flaw in the OS since it really does prevent ubuntu servers from using COX Communications network03:36
meoblast001oh no.... i broke apt03:36
bruce89*uses it03:36
ScottG489Titan8990: well theres 7 total03:37
torcCpudan80: do you know if you can use it though for source tars?03:37
Cpudan80torc: i believe that's what its for yeah03:37
devilsF00doh well I'de rather use a Windows Server anyway seems to be more stable03:37
Titan8990ScottG489, is one scp?03:37
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, if you assign a astatic IP addrss then it won't ask for a DHCP. Accepting DHCP is the Right Thing to do unless you have static IP.03:37
Cpudan80torc: There is some tool to make debs out of the tar.gzs --- I think it is build-dep03:37
ScottG489Titan8990: wait are you talking about smbclient?03:37
Titan8990ScottG489, or simply ssh03:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libcoin60-dev03:37
Titan8990ScottG489, no smbclients is for windows03:37
bruce89!libcoin60-dev jaunty03:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:37
devilsF00dyeah that is false spinkmeier but thanks03:37
Titan8990ScottG489, and is a cli utility03:37
bruce89!info libcoin60-dev03:37
ubottuPackage libcoin60-dev does not exist in intrepid03:37
Cpudan80devilsF00d: Ubuntu does the right thing with DHCP ... what is your problem?03:37
bruce89!info libcoin60-dev jaunty03:37
torcCpudan80: well, i mean I've used it like: sudo apt-get build-dep blender     but not like sudo apt-get build-dep blender.tar.gz03:38
ubottulibcoin60-dev (source: coin3): high-level 3D graphics devkit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0-1 (jaunty), package size 3857 kB, installed size 19160 kB03:38
jayghow can you download a package and transfer to another machine without internet access for a apt install?03:38
devilsF00dmy problem is why can't I get it to stay online?03:38
torcif I download the source code manually03:38
bruce89bcog: good news ^03:38
devilsF00dwhat is the problem with this OS03:38
bcogbruce89, ?03:38
Cpudan80devilsF00d: when does it go offline?03:38
kgwhippis there a terminal command to autoupdate ubuntu?03:38
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, It's worked for me, i've set up loads of servers with static IP addresses.03:38
Cpudan80torc: hmm yeah, dont know03:38
_Whipperjayg, :flashdrive?03:38
devilsF00dnever ran into this with BSD03:38
bruce89bcog: 3.0 is in Jaunty03:38
Cpudan80try it and see?03:38
bcogbut i'm using intrepid03:38
torcCpudan80: alrighty, thanks anywhos. :) will do! :D03:38
jayg_Whipper: yeah, have a flash drive03:38
bruce89I know03:38
devilsF00dit goes offline about 5 minutes after it gets online03:38
Cpudan80torc: there is some tool to do what you want --- build debs out of tar.gz03:38
yuri123Q: will changing the partition label of an ntfs partition destroy all data on that partition?03:39
torcCpudan80: aight, i'll look for it =), thanks03:39
Cpudan80devilsF00d: that is most likely some cox issue, I dont have problems with it03:39
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, maybe the 'going offline spontaneously' problem is the one you should tackle first. Then worry about DHCP.03:39
bcogso ... bruce89 can i get it from the repositories then?03:39
bcogi'm ok with 2.503:39
Cpudan80devilsF00d: what exactly goes out? The network card? lose your DHCP lease? what?03:39
ScottG489Titan8990: I'm not really getting how to use the smbclient03:39
devilsF00di mean technically it never goes offline it just keeps getting kicked of the network cause it keeps accepting sending out DHCPDISCOVER03:40
bruce89bcog: only if you use Jaunty for now03:40
Titan8990ScottG489, because I'm not telling you to use smbclient?03:40
ScottG489oh sorry03:40
devilsF00dso I can ping out but they won't let any traffic in to my static cause that MAC already has a new Address on their network03:40
_Whipperjayg, : wel.. then youll probaly know what u want, and  do what it takes, i wont guide u any further.. :)03:40
ScottG489Titan8990: What should i be using then?03:40
Titan8990ScottG489, sftp, ssh, scp   one of those should be a option in the protocol selection for that server connection03:41
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, how are you assigning the static IP address?03:41
devilsF00dthe going off is the DHCP03:41
lakotajamesis there another place I should go to ask about kino?03:41
devilsF00diface eth1 inet static03:41
jayg_Whipper: ok, so i need to figure out how to get the package as a file, transfer to the other computer, and apt install from a file...03:41
ScottG489Well I know I can just use command line interfaces to transfer files but I wanted something inside nautilus03:41
jukenjayg: you mean like a .deb?03:41
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, ... and you're leaving dhcpclient running the inthe background? yupo... it'll re-request a DCHP lease then. Use network manager or some other magic to tell the system that it's a static IP address.03:42
lakotajamesI need kino to work really soon. It's already 11:41 and I need ti tomorrow.03:42
jukenjayg: in that case you could scp to another machine, then dpkg -i file.deb03:42
_Whipperjayg, :.iso ?03:42
RickZillasuck, I can't get Google Earth to work in ubuntu03:42
jaygjuken: Yeah i guess so03:42
Titan8990ScottG489, it is nautilus03:42
Titan8990ScottG489, ....03:42
usserScottG489, gftp03:42
jukenjayg: what package specifically is it?03:42
devilsF00dsprinkmeier:  and you're leaving dhcpclient running the inthe background? not sure what that means I would assume that the DHCP client is the NIC03:42
Titan8990usser, goes gftp handle scp?03:42
devilsF00dhow can I explicitly turn said client off?03:43
jaygjuken: the problem is my new install does not even recognize my ethernet chipset... broadcom03:43
usserTitan8990, yep03:43
jukenjayg: is it supported natively or do you need to use ndiswrapper?03:43
ScottG489Titan8990: Why arent the other computers just showing up in network:///03:43
=== V1psta is now known as np^Downtown1
usserScottG489, because network:// is for windows/samba only03:43
mylistocare to run me threw that installation process again03:43
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, if the system sees a NIC that it thinks should be configured using DHCP it starts dhcpclient. If you then assign a static IP address without killing dhcpclient then dhclclient will re-request the IP address periodically. The only way to fix this is to tell the system (via network manager or /etc files) that the device is supposed to be static.03:43
ScottG489usser: Oh, hm ok.03:44
eseven73is there a command to unlock cd drives? It only lets me access the cd once then it wont let me access it again without having to reboot the computer, this is getting very annoying because I need to burn like 3 disks tonight03:44
jukenmylisto: sure, wget http://blah.com/file.run03:44
jaygthe ethernet is supported in ubuntu, but i'm installing crunchbang and it doesn't recognize it03:44
Titan8990ScottG489, because linux doesn't use protocols that generate a bunch of chatter on your network by default03:44
jukenthen: chmod +x file.run03:44
jukenthen: ./file.run03:44
ScottG489usser: I thought it was a general place for all computers on a network03:44
ScottG489well thats good03:44
_Whippereseven73, :unmount03:44
fred__Hi everyone. I have a question I have a small network of windows xp/vista computers and i want to setup an ubuntu server as a file share server for the private network, the problem is that the media I am trying to share is on external drives encrypted with truecrypt. which operating system would you recommend i use as my fileshare server? I have been having issues trying this with just about...03:44
fred__...every ms os.03:44
mylistoI did the ./worldofpadman03:44
usserScottG489, you can install samba server if you want your computer to show up there03:44
mylistogot a no directory found03:44
steve1any chance I could get someone to test if my ssh server is visible outside my network?03:45
jukenwas it in the directory that you wget'd it to?03:45
ScottG489usser: If I want what computer to show up there?03:45
Titan8990steve1, you shouldn't come on the IRC and ask that...03:45
progenitusHello everyone03:45
devilsF00dSprinkmeier: please elaborate on the /etc files as I don't know where to find the files that I need to access to turn off the DHCP client I've edited the /etc/network/interface files and ran ifup/ifdown on the adapter and still the DHCP client is accepting requests for that MAC address03:45
eseven73_Whipper: sudo umount command gives a bunch of device busy errors03:45
ScottG489usser: I thought samba is for communicating with windows machines. The only windows machine I have is XP in a VM on my laptop03:45
progenitusI have a strange problem.... GDM launches multiple X servers at startup...03:46
mylistoactually yeah it is03:46
gRuntDoes anyone know any player that supports ipod touch 2g's via openssh mounting amarok seems to be failing.03:46
bruce89bcog: https://launchpad.net/~bruce89/+archive/ppa03:46
jukensteve1: it's not03:46
usserScottG489, linux computer. yea but theres nothing stopping you from using samba to transfer between linux machines03:46
jukenTitan8990: it's a fine place to ask it03:46
steve1titan, I wasnt going to give away any login info, I was just curious if telnet would recognize it03:46
jukensteve1: it's filtered03:46
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, easiest way is to use network manager. Failing that mangle /etc/network/interfaces (I think... somewhat version dependant.)03:46
_Whippereseven73, : i had that prblm too.. i use puppy for burning now..03:46
mylistojuken: so the .run file is in the directory that I am in now03:46
=== Vantrax is now known as MatthewLye
steve1juken, im not sure what you mean by that03:47
jukenmylisto: so chmod +x file.run03:47
bcogbut that's for jaunty?03:47
jaygjuken: I'm trying to install b43-fwcutter, and that goes and fetches firmware03:47
bcogthat was for you, bruce8903:47
Titan8990juken, I would never go anywhere on the internet, and say "hey I got remote shell access to my machine available to the world" and then give them my IP address03:47
jukensteve1: it's not able to access it through the firewall03:47
mylistook did that juken03:47
=== MatthewLye is now known as Vantrax
ScottG489usser: well im pretty sure i already have samba installed03:47
bruce89bcog: I've backported coin3 to Intrepid03:47
Titan8990juken, although, we already know his IP because he doesn't have a cloak03:47
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* arte[away] is now away: gone03:47
devilsF00dso what you're saying then is that DHCP on ubuntu is broke... but not broke was made broken03:47
=== arte[away] is now known as Artemis_Fowl
* Artemis_Fowl is back from: gone (been away for 3s)03:47
eseven73yea puppy is pretty nice for things like that03:47
mylistodidn't do anything03:47
bruce89bcog: It'll need built still03:47
xSlack_How do i unzip into a new folder03:47
jukenTitan8990: then perhaps you need to rethink your password security :)(03:47
juken:) *03:47
steve1juken, Im running it on a nonstandard port03:47
ScottG489usser: I'm able to transfer files from my XP VM03:47
jukensteve1: what port?03:47
eseven73!away > Artemis_Fowl03:47
ubottuArtemis_Fowl, please see my private message03:47
bcogthank you very much!03:48
jukenjayg: are you able to find a .deb of it?03:48
jaygjuken is busy03:48
bcogum.... i don't know how to get it off this site... do i hit the 2 links by the folder icons?03:48
jukenjayg: I'm busy? lol03:48
ScottG489usser: How can I check to see if I have samba installed already?03:49
jaygjuken: lots of people asking you for help is what i meant :D03:49
jukenah, lol03:49
jukenand to think, I'm at work too03:49
bruce89bcog: hang on03:49
mylistohehe...lots of questions :D03:49
mylistojuken :D03:49
mylistoSo I did that chmod thing...03:49
devilsF00ddo I have run sudo killalldhclient?03:49
jukenmylisto: yup03:49
jaygjuken: i found a good ubuntu forum thread for my problem, but thanks for your help03:49
mylistojust went to another line...didn't do anything03:49
jukenjayg: no problem, let me know if you need anything, just PM03:50
bruce89bcog: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bruce89/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main03:50
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, not if you'te told the system the NIC is statically configured. in this case dhcpclient shouldn't even be started.03:50
jukenmylisto: yea, now ./file.run03:50
usserScottG489, ps -Al | grep smbd03:50
usserScottG489, if it returns nothing, no samba server is installed03:50
mylistothanks :D03:50
devilsF00dI mean unless there is some other way to tell the system then through ../interfaces03:50
jukenmylisto: that .run file is a shell script file, you can either download it and run it by making it an executable with chmod +x and then running it with ./file.run OR you can download it and then sh file.run03:51
bcogwow ok going to try now03:51
jukenmylisto: working now?03:51
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, change the file, then "sudo /etc/init.d/networkmanager restart". that way you're doing the same thing a reboot does, and if it works now it should keep working next time you reboot.03:51
bruce89bcog: it's still building, wait a wee while03:51
jukenmylisto: excellent03:51
ScottG489usser: THat returns 7 lines03:52
bcogok that's ok lol because i was trying not to ask you how to deb03:52
devilsF00di've done that like 300 times over the past week03:52
bcogi'm online trying to look it up =p03:52
mylistothanks juken:03:52
devilsF00dmy  syslog is still filled with these entries "dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 10"03:52
jukenno problem03:52
ScottG489usser: sorry 8 lines of smbd03:52
ScottG489usser: So what now?03:52
bruce89bcog: it isn't difficult what I do, I just change the changelog and upload03:52
jukenjayg: what version are you running hoary, intrepid?03:53
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, edit the file to tell the system it's a static NIC, then restarted network manager?03:53
bruce89juken: Hoary?03:53
gartraldoes ubuntu handle bad ram well?03:53
usserScottG489, you already have it, the computer that has it should show up in network:/// on any other computer on the network03:53
bcogis it dpkg -install http:......, bruce8903:53
bruce89bcog: np03:53
devilsF00dedit init.d/networking?03:53
dawsonhi everyone03:53
jaygjuken: Actually i'm installing crunchbang but it's based off of intrepid03:53
bruce89bcog: shove that in the sources list thingy03:53
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, no, /etc/network/interfaces (see above)03:53
jukenjayg: PM03:54
dawsondoes anyone knows how can I install the latest release of amarok 2 in Ubuntu?03:54
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, but honestly, using the GUI (network manager) may be safer03:54
appocccould anybody help me?? network-manager isnt seting my configurations for netmask and routes... i put and it changes to 2403:54
jukendawson: compile from source from the amarok official site03:54
appoccwitch is the prefix03:54
ScottG489usser: The only thing that shows up is my own laptop and the windows network that my XP VM is on. Which when I click on it I cant even open (it is running now) and I get this error "Unable to mount location   Failed to retrieve share list from server"03:54
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ScottG489usser: dur it isnt on the other computers03:54
ScottG489usser: hold on03:55
usserScottG489, that ps -Al | grep smbd you ran it on your laptop?03:55
usserScottG489, samba is misconfigured then03:55
usser!samba | ScottG48903:55
ubottuScottG489: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:55
dawsonyeah, since it is a kde app I really wouldn't know where to start.03:55
devilsF00dsprinkmeier: http://pastebin.ca/1361957 that has been my interfaces file for the past week with slight mods trying to fix this issue03:56
lakotajamesDoes anyone here know how to export a video made with kino?03:56
bruce89lakotajames: yes03:56
bcogyou mean this one, bruce89 ? /etc/apt/sources.list03:56
bruce89bcog: yes03:56
lakotajamesbruce89: how?03:56
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:56
bruce89lakotajames: the export tab03:56
bcogjust add the url, bruce89 ?  http://ppa.launchpad.net/bruce89/ppa/ubuntu03:56
bcogwith deb in front03:56
bruce89bcog: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bruce89/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main03:57
bcogoh.  thanks . =)03:57
mylistoanother question for anyone who can help03:57
ScottG489usser: It isnt installed on the dekstop that was my retarded problem...03:57
bcogmay i do it now, or should i keep waiting?03:57
lakotajamesbruce89:  everything I try gives me a video that won't play very well in vlc or totem.  very choppy, sound isn't synced03:57
bruce89lakotajames: which type did you export it as?03:57
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, I'd try commenting out line 9, "auto eth0". Then it looks like my file which has static IP addresses.03:57
devilsF00dand even though I've run /etc/init/networking restart with that config since I've been in this room I'm watching my syslog and my server is spewing out DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 about ever 5 minutes03:58
ScottG489usser: Does smbd use up even a decent amount of resources? I'm thinking it would be best to leave off my server and just use gftp to access it03:58
lakotajamesI've tried generic mpeg2, avi dv type 1, raw dv, and ogg theora.03:58
lakotajamesbruce89: I've tried generic mpeg2, avi dv type 1, raw dv, and ogg theora.03:58
Titan8990ScottG489, not a lot of resources, but a bit of network chatter and transfers are generally slower03:59
usserScottG489, i've never bothered to measure it, hang on.03:59
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, try the "sudo killall dhclient". it can't hurt, but you shouldn't need it (esp. after "/etc/init.d/networking restart")03:59
lakotajamesbruce89: trying generic mpeg1 now.03:59
sprinkmeier!who | devilsF00d03:59
ubottudevilsF00d: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:59
Tarantulafudge1Is there anyone here with Kanne/Mbuni experience?03:59
bcogum bruce89 may i download now?03:59
Titan8990ScottG489, and you are using a micrsoft protocol when many options are there...03:59
bcogand thank you very very much03:59
devilsF00dword sorry03:59
bruce89lakotajames: all of which are messed up?04:00
RickZillaHave I mentioned that Google Earth sucks in ubuntu?04:00
lakotajamesbruce89: yes.04:00
jukenRickZilla: is it good somewhere else? ;)04:00
ScottG489Titan8990: Samba uses a microsoft protocol?04:00
jukenScottG489: I wouldn't really call it a microsoft protocol04:00
Titan8990ScottG489, two actually, netbios and smb04:01
RickZillajuken:  Actually, yeah, it runs like a charm on the Vista side of my machine...been trying to troubleshoot the problem04:01
usserScottG489, about 3mb per connected client04:01
LepohiHey, i have mobile 3G internet, now i installed fedora 10 and it worked fine, then when the 270 updates had finnished installing it no longer worked, have spent about 3 days asking on irc and scouring forums but noone can help. Does anyone have a mobile internet running under Ubuntu? I will switch if it works here.04:01
usserScottG489, samba is a microsoft protocol04:01
cwillubug #31778104:01
jukenScottG489: SMB was created by someone working at IBM04:01
ScottG489usser: of memory?04:01
jukenusser: not it's not04:01
devilsF00dsprinkmeier: still spewing...04:01
lakotajamesbruce89: nevermind.  Generic mpeg works.04:01
usserjuken, ibm then04:01
jukenusser: =P04:01
usserjuken, doesnt matter04:01
usserjuken, :)04:01
bruce89lakotajames: that's odd04:01
jukenindeed it doesn't.04:01
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, have you killed all dhcpclient instances?04:02
ScottG489usser: Does it need to be explicitly connected or if the other computers are on the network thats considered connected?04:02
usserScottG489, it needs to be explicitly connected, ie share mounted/opened in nautilus etc04:02
Titan8990juken, it was orginally created by IBM but ms has done all the upgrading and maint work on it04:02
devilsF00dsprinkmeier: "dhclient: no process killed"04:02
usserScottG489, but for the life of me i dont understand why would you want to use samba. just so that computers show up in network:/// ?04:02
nitromasterHey :) Is there a possibility to disable the system speaker in ubuntu without unplugging it from the mainboard?04:03
jukenTitan8990: feh :)04:03
ScottG489usser: Oh, hm well thats not really a big deal since it would only be open when I'm using it. But i might just use an ftp client instead04:03
ScottG489usser: Just for more seamless integration with my system04:03
jukenScottG489: what exactly are you trying to do, if you don't mind me asking04:03
biabiadoes chroot behave differently in ubuntu04:03
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, AFAIK dhclient is the only thing that's supposed to request DHCP addresses. version of ubuntu?04:04
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems04:04
ScottG489usser: So i dont need to do all this fancy stuff to put files on it04:04
biabiaim having trouble finding an example of chroot to help me learn it04:04
WageofSinanyone know the command to find out what channels a person is on IRC?04:04
jukenWageofSin: /whois04:04
WageofSinjuken: Thank you04:04
devilsF00dasprinkmeier: had to run ps it is called dhclient3 on my system04:04
usserScottG489, ftp or ssh, ssh is really great. seamless integration is easily achieved by mounting remote share to a local filesystem with sshfs04:04
usserScottG489, that way remote folder would appear as if it was local04:04
jukenaye, <3 sshfs04:04
Droopsta915I burned three movies for my kids using k9copy. Two movies work great but one movies doesnt play. I tryed burning it twice. I can play it in VLC, anyone know whats going on?04:04
ScottG489usser: Well for my server I could really put anything on it. Eventually when I get time to, i would be transfering files over to it for my website. That would probably be the peak of its usage04:05
usserScottG489, ssh is really enough for that04:05
WageofSinDroop: get dvdsanta04:05
ScottG489usser: oh, hm, i wasnt aware you could mount other fs like that04:05
jukenScottG489: you can either use sshfs, scp, sftp, and from gnome you can do: Places -> Connect to Server -> SSH Server04:06
meoblastwhat do i do if xorg bugs out and everything starts flickering?04:06
meoblastwait... it stopped04:06
usserScottG489, you can mount pretty much any network protocol on linux, samba, ssh, nfs, even ftp04:06
jukenmeoblast: reconfigure it?04:06
meoblastjuken: no... i think it was because i was closing WINE.... it just did it for a very long time though04:06
jukenmeoblast: ah =P04:06
ScottG489usser: I guess that would work better04:06
ScottG489usser: That works for external ip's too?04:07
meoblastjuken: my system is screwed though.... between it having no CD drive, no harddisk space, and a broken DPKG, it's RIP time04:07
jukenmeoblast: sounds like a good time to me ;)04:07
meoblastjuken: yes.... and the rest of the hardware isn't even worth buying a new CD drive04:07
meoblastjuken: it's a laptop where the CD drive costs 50 dollars... take it or leave it04:07
usserScottG489, yea if you setup port forwarding on your router, just a single port 22, you can mount it from anywhere in the world04:07
ScottG489usser: I like04:08
jukenusser: except china, god damn that great firewall of china ;)04:08
jukenno, kidding.04:08
Titan8990usser, most U.S. ISPs block port 2204:08
jukenTitan8990: that's not true at all04:08
_Whipper2GB usb-flsh cost about.. 5dollars?04:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:08
usserTitan8990, do they, i've had verizon and cablevision, they dont block it04:09
juken_Whipper: give or take04:09
Titan8990juken, comcast does, one of the biggest providers here04:09
ScottG489Titan8990: my ISP blocks port 80 which deosnt surprise me too much but not 2204:09
jukenTitan8990: that's not true at all, I'm on comcast :)04:09
Wandererwine+wow in 64bit is really sucking04:09
racecar56how do i disable the thing where it opens newly inserted media? i don't like any type of thing like that04:09
crdlbracecar56: open a file manager window, and go to edit->preferences04:10
bruce89racecar56: open?04:10
ScottG489usser: Ok, well i guess this kinda solves my other smaller problem indirectly. But I also have a printer that I just set up. I can't connect it to my router but its connected to my PC downstairs via a USB, how can I connect to that?04:11
jukenScottG489: share it out from the computer it's connected to04:11
usserScottG489, depending on the model of the printer, you'll need samba and cups to share it04:11
racecar56crdlb thanks04:12
Titan8990usser, samba is not needed04:12
Titan8990usser, cups alone is enough04:12
jukenTitan8990: if it's being shared out over SMB?04:12
usserTitan8990, cups still shares it through samba, no?04:12
devilsF00dsprinkmeier: so far so good...04:13
Titan8990juken, usser why is smb even in question?04:13
jukenTitan8990: afaik if a windows machine shares out a printer, it's doing so over SMB.04:14
Titan8990juken, I thought he said earlier his computer downstairs was running linux...04:14
jukenTitan8990: I wasn't here earlier when he said so04:15
jukenTitan8990: sorry =/04:15
jukenI suppose I shouldn't have made the assumption it was running windows. =P04:15
jukenif that's not the case, cups will do just fine by itself indeed.04:15
jukenlike you said04:15
usserjuken, Titan8990 oh is it, i wasnt here ethier04:15
sprinkmeierdevilsF00d, OK... any more junk now that dhclient3 is dead?04:16
Titan8990usser, juken pretty sure, abut only ScottG489 can verify04:16
jukenScottG489: is the downstairs computer running windows or linux?04:16
jukenScottG489: that the printer is connected to04:16
jamesjrok anyway, i have a crush on my bestfriend, which is dangerous territory i know..well they asked whom i liked...well i said so-and-so just to get my friend off my back...well then i retracted my statement and my best friend is going out with so-and-so a week later...whats your thoughts on this?04:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:16
jukenjamesjr: wrong channel?04:16
dreamywith what application can i make flash animations with linux ? flash animations on a web page ..04:16
dreamyor use another programing language.. for animations04:16
devilsF00dsprinkmeier: nope... looks like the killall was the key to solving but what happens when I reboot?04:16
bruce89jamesjr meant to say that in #defocus04:17
jukenMITM: h4x, don't man in the middle me plz. :)04:17
MITMjuken you're the funnyfunny man?04:18
jukenMITM: the funniest04:18
Titan8990devilsF00d, if you don't plan on needing dhcp, then just uninstall dhclient04:18
MITMjuken I can admit I did smile a little bit you funny man04:18
jukenhehe, excellent04:18
ScottG489juken: yea its running linux04:18
cajundoes anyone know of a way to have 2 different docks working for gnome and kde?  is this possible?04:19
ScottG489juken: everything is right now04:19
Titan8990!cups | ScottG48904:19
ubottuScottG489: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:19
jukenScottG489: you should be able to share it out through cups like Titan8990 said04:19
dreamyi mean.. is there any app for linux that can do the same has dreamweaver?04:19
devilsF00dTitan8990: yeah I guess that is the best option thanks04:19
cajunnvu works well if you can find it04:19
bruce89dreamy: thankfully no04:19
cajundreamy:  it used to be available at nvu.com04:20
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.04:20
dreamycajun: what about cool things like animations etc etc it does it too ?04:20
Titan8990dreamy, I have heard dreamweaver makes messy code04:20
dreamyno idea04:20
racecar56if you shift delete a file is it possible to restore that file?04:20
racecar56at all?04:20
cajuni believe so.  it's set up the same way04:20
Titan8990racecar56, no easy way04:20
dreamywhat about funn stuff.. about web desing ? motions .. etcc04:20
ScottG489juken: yea im checking into that now to see how it works04:20
cajuni've played around with both and did'nt really see much of a distance.04:21
Titan8990dreamy, there are plenty of IDEs for html, php, and etc04:21
cajundifference....not distance04:21
dreamywhats IDEs04:21
jukendreamy: try bluefish, other people seem to like it04:21
Titan8990dreamy, integrated developer envirnment04:21
dreamyjuken: can i do flash ?04:21
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans04:22
jukenbruce89: nice04:22
bruce89dreamy: no04:22
jukenwhy is eating muffins so f*cking hard?04:23
dreamywhat about something replacing flash ?04:23
dreamysomething similar04:23
jukenthe top is easy, the base, not so much04:23
ScottG489juken: crumbly04:23
jukenScottG489: exactly, and I don't want to get my hands all grossed up04:23
demiif im using apt-get -f , is that the correct command to force install a pkg?04:23
Titan8990dreamy, everything that is done in flash can be done in other languages, but there isn't a point and click kind of thing like flash04:23
bruce89dreamy: saying as there is no full free implementation of flash, there are no real creators04:23
ScottG489juken: i think i found my printer04:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ming04:24
dreamyok.. ty for the info all04:24
jukendreamy: np, gl04:24
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cajundoes anyone know if one could use two different docks or compositing apps for gnome and kde?04:24
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jukencajun: are you asking if in either gnome or kde you can just run two seperate dock applications at the same time?04:25
Titan8990cajun, pretty sure gnome-sessions won't carry over to kde and vice-versa04:25
cajunno.  two separate sessions.04:25
jukenah =/04:25
gRuntMan rage face with ipod touch and ubuntu04:26
jukengRunt: blame apple \o/04:26
cajuncuz I'm aware of issues w/ awn in kde and also compiz in kde04:26
demiHow do I force apt-get install a package?04:26
SomePriestI ended up making 7 partitions.  The first two as expected are /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2.  The next 4 logical partitions are /dev/sda5 ... /dev/sda8.  Then following these is another logical partition, /dev/sda3.  This is the order I created them in.  Why does sda3 follow sda5-8?  And how does the bootloader with (hda0,2) now I refer too /dev/sd3 (as opposed to /dev/sda5 which is the third partition)?04:26
ScottG489wow i cant beleive this whole time it was as easy as going to Places > connect to a server to get remote folders like this....04:26
bruce89demi: force?04:26
demiI want to force install libplasma204:27
jukenScottG489: good stuff, eh?04:27
SomePriestErrr, /dev/sda3 is primary sorry.04:27
ScottG489juken: haha totally04:27
jukendemi: http://phorolinux.com/apt-get-aptitude-quick-reference.html04:27
demiit wont install because i have a newer version of kde-workspace installed.04:27
ScottG489juken: now i understand why all of you were so confused before04:27
jukenScottG489: =P04:27
gRuntjuken, oh im not saying its anyone elses fault but ive been trying for 3 days to get it working natively and all the tutorials turn up nil for me.04:27
Mox`spawn-fcgi: child exited with: 126 <- how to fix this error? :S04:27
bruce89demi: I meant, what do you mean by force?04:28
jukengRunt: no, it's ok, we all blame apple. ;)04:28
racecar56juken :>04:28
TruthTaco2i added a source to my source list via the package manager and now it wont load (the package manager)04:28
jukenTruthTaco2: try sudo apt-get update04:28
gRuntlol juken its just frustrating i dont know what to do now and I cant install windows as i dont have an install disc......soooo annoying04:28
jukenTruthTaco2: from the terminal04:28
jukengRunt: PM04:28
TruthTaco2E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)04:29
demiI am doing this04:29
TruthTaco2gives me the same error04:29
demisudo apt-get -f libplasma204:29
demiE: Invalid operation libplasma204:29
racecar56TruthTaco2, well... look at line 5704:29
jukenTruthTaco2: paste your sources.list somewhere04:29
jukenand link me04:29
demiany way to install that dependencie?04:29
bruce89demi: -f isn't force anyway04:30
bruce89demi: you missed out "install"04:30
TruthTaco2how do i get to my sources list, without using the snaptic package manager04:30
=== TruthTaco2 is now known as TruthTaco1
jukenTruthTaco1: open a terminal and type: cat /etc/apt/sources.list04:30
meoblast001why does gparted take so long to start? is there an alternative?04:30
bruce89!hi | meoblast00104:30
ubottumeoblast001: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:30
jukenopen that same file in gedit04:30
SomePriestAnyone on my grub question?  In (hda0,X)   does X only count primary partitions?04:30
demiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:31
demi  libplasma2: Depends: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 but it is not going to be installed04:31
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:31
demiDepends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid3.1) but 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu7~intrepid1 is to be installed04:31
demiAnyway to still install libplasma2 forcing it?04:31
bruce89demi: why do you want to?04:31
demiit is required for compiz-kde04:31
meoblast001i can't wait around for this stupid program any longer04:32
mib_peozzzcan someone go to http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=17572 and let me know if the pics pullup and the links work, they work on one of my pcs but ask for a pass on the other04:32
jukenmib_peozzz: someone is a moron :)04:32
bruce89meoblast001: a few seconds?04:32
meoblast001bruce89: it's been several minutes here and is still going04:32
bruce89!insult > juken04:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about insult04:32
jukenmib_peozzz: the pictures don't lode04:32
jukenbruce89: I wasn't insulting anyone in here.04:33
bruce89meoblast001: it shouldn't take that long04:33
meoblast001bruce89: welcome to the world of my laptop04:33
ScottG489lol i just shreded my xorg.conf page after i printed it as a test04:33
mib_peozzzdoes it ask for a pass and stuff it you right-click and select show pic?04:33
ScottG489cuz thats confidential shit yo04:33
bruce89meoblast001: try in the terminal04:33
jukenmib_peozzz: yup04:33
juanbondHey guys, I was wondering if there is a way for me to cat a file and copy the output to the clipboard within the terminal?04:33
jukenhttp://clubmingo.co.cc/sketchup/ <--- that page is protected by .htaccess file04:34
meoblast001bruce89: error: libhal_acquire_global_interface_lock: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceAlreadyLocked: The interface org.freedeskdesktop.Hal.Device.Storage is already exclusively locked either by someone else or it's already locked by yourself04:34
trollboyjuanbond, to the clipboard? I don't believe so...04:34
juanbondtrollboy: :(04:34
juanbondI see there might be an script called "xclip"04:34
juanbondMaybe that might be it?04:34
jukenjuanbond: it's possible04:35
juanbondhow juken?04:35
LandonGHey all, I have a quick question. I just installed KUbuntu on my MSI Wind 100, and I can't seem to get the wired or wireless to work, anyone have any ideas?04:35
meoblast001in parted, what is a partition number?04:36
TruthTaco1thanks for the help :)04:36
jukenjuanbond: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/xclip-linux-insert-files-command-output-intoclipboard/04:36
LandonGI think I know how to fix the wireless problem if I can get the wired to work04:37
halyconHi everyone I am using a program called Hamster which is a gnome panel applet and the Global Hotkey Super+H does not work although it did in the past. Does anyone know what would cause this? As far as I know there are no conflicting keyboard shortcuts04:37
c0mp13371331337juanbond: It looks like xclip may do the trick, based on its description.04:37
juanbondawesome, thanks guys!04:37
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jukennp gl04:37
sir_yodle1lookin to see what all the fuss about compiz fusion is-- in synaptic I don't see compiz-fusion; closest I see is compiz and compiz-fusion-bcop; which am I lookin for please?04:38
meoblast001how do i find out what end i want in parted?04:38
bruce89sir_yodle1: same thing04:39
sir_yodle1halycon: fiddle around in System-Preferences-Keyboard-Layouts-Other Options.  I had some difficulty too; "default" binding for Super doesn't seem to work great for me.  I just started using other keys.04:39
sir_yodle1bruce89: Thanks much04:39
demi<sir_yodle1> Might want Compiz & compizconfig-settings-manager, Also get emerald and stuff.04:40
sir_yodle1demi: What do I need emerald and the settings man. for?04:40
meoblast001gparted broke04:40
* meoblast001 is panicing04:40
bruce89sir_yodle1: compiz-fusion-plugins-main04:40
demiSimple ccsm is good too.04:40
jukenmeoblast001: the last thing you want to do is panic :)04:40
meoblast001juken: this laptop will be lucky to live another day04:41
meoblast001juken: it's 12:4104:41
jukenmeoblast001: what's the issue?04:41
meoblast001juken: i'm going to be tired tomorrow04:41
jukenmeoblast001: it's 12:41 and I'm at work04:41
demi<sir_yodle1> the settings manager is to enable/disable all the effects and stuff it makes things much much easier.04:41
meoblast001juken: i have a mangled partition on my flash drive, no CD drive, and an almost broken install of Ubunt04:41
paperwhy flashplayer v10 does´t work  in firefox 3.0.7 ? help me.... i am from Mexico !!04:41
demiIf I only I can get mine to work on kde 4.2.0 ...04:41
jukenmeoblast001: PM me, we'll get through this. :)04:41
sir_yodle1demi: thanks.  checkin it out.04:41
racecar56paper adobe flashplayer not supported04:42
bcogwhen i do a reinstall with an ubuntu disk, it overwrites everything, right?  so i'm confused as to how firefox had knowledge of the last time i backed up my bookmarks and  was able to import them?04:42
racecar56bcog depends04:42
bcogwell i reformatted bedcause i thought i got hacked, so this is very bad04:42
bcogi chose the "format" checkmark option04:42
demiI had compz working great in ubuntu using gnome, ccsm made stuff so much easier, simple ccsm is nice too.04:42
paperi have OPERA with flashplayer plug-in and it works fine!!!04:42
jukenbcog: sometimes it will keep your userdata if it can detect it04:42
bruce89bcog: no /home partition?04:42
racecar56it dosent format after u check it04:42
bcogbruce89, i didn't want to risk it04:43
* B_166-ER-X .04:43
ohzieGenerally if you run linux and you got hacked, it's your own fault.04:43
echosystmwhats a good name to call the main non-administrative user on a server?04:43
bcogexpert hacker04:43
ohziefor various reasons I won't go into.04:43
echosystmi cant think of one04:43
bruce89bcog: well, that's why04:43
bcogohzie, yes, i did something really dumb04:43
racecar56ohzie you are right04:43
demiI'm just gonna reinstall kubuntu and hit the bar lol04:43
ohzieracecar56, Yes, I know! :D04:43
racecar56demi lol04:43
sir_yodle1demi: and how would I start up the settings manager once I've got it?  kinda new hre.04:43
bcogbruce89, i had a /home04:43
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bcogi just didn't want anything on this computer - i wanted to completel ywipe it out04:43
racecar56ohzie my windows is full of popups04:43
bcogjuken, is it possible it kept.... anything else that ... a hacker might still have access to?04:44
racecar56i have yet to fix its updates lol04:44
bruce89bcog: well, not formatting /home would not remove it04:44
xTheGoat121xDoes anyone get better battery life in Ubuntu than on Windows?04:44
jukenbcog: how do you know you got hacked? :)04:44
halyconsir_yodle1, hey I figured it out thanks for your help!04:44
ohzieracecar56, I had my mom up and running with RHEL, so I don't take that 'linux is complicated' mess04:44
bruce89not that formatting actually removes data04:44
bcogbruce89, i did format all the drives but swap04:44
bcogjuken, i don't know for sure, but highly suspect04:44
demi<sir_yodle1> If tyou are using gnome, it should be under system> preferants or administration... I forget exactly but you will find it in there.04:44
Cpudan80xTheGoat121x: its pretty much the same for me04:44
sir_yodle1halycon: woo hoo I helped someone!  haha enjoy04:44
ohziexTheGoat121x, Yes with xfce or fluxbox and careful moderation of x modules04:44
racecar56xTheGoat121x its 100% longer04:44
Cpudan80xTheGoat121x: maybe a little better04:44
bcogbruce89, if someone hacked my computer and i reformatted.... am i pretty safe?04:44
sir_yodle1demi: you got it, I skimmed right over it earlier.  dummy!04:44
jukenbcog: run rkhunter04:44
demiAlso Make sure to enable desktop effects, but compizconfig should enable that with a custom option automagically.04:44
Cpudan80(Thinkpad T42, pretty basic config with compiz)04:44
racecar56xTheGoat121x for me its SO MUCH better, it ran vista and the second i unplug cord it dies, no kidding04:44
bcogjuken, i did04:44
ohziexTheGoat121x, but if you run gnome and have beryl or whatever it's called turned on all the time, god no. :P04:44
jukenbcog: you should be fine, tbh.04:45
bruce89bcog: I don't think it could be "hacked"04:45
Cpudan80ohzie: compiz itself doesnt effect battery life04:45
demiok bar time..04:45
bcogok bruce89  thanks04:45
shade34321i'm trying to play a dvd and vlc, mplayer, and totem are not able to play it for various reasons. VLC doesn't even try playing, totem starts but then quits due to an error that states could not read from resource, while Mplayer plays the audio but mainly has a black screen with a couple of jarbled color blocks. Any ideas as to what the problem is?04:45
xTheGoat121xInteresting... I've noticed about the same, but I was just wondering if there were simple ways of improving it.04:45
Cpudan80ohzie: its if the gfx card has to be activated to process the renderings...04:45
screamIs the Jaunty Alpha 3 version relatively stable?04:45
ohzieCpudan80, and without the 3d capabilities it enables, it's a sub-par window manager imo, so no reason to use it. :P04:45
demi<shade34321> Maybe missing Codecs?04:46
bruce89scream: alpha 3?04:46
racecar56scream it works nice for me, a4 is current, and according to ubuntu, no04:46
bruce89demi: what's with the odd completion?04:46
mib_u6ul39hchi, I'm trying to install Mysql and php on my ubuntu server but I'm having a problem where * Starting MySQL database server mysqld fails04:46
shade34321idk....i thought i got them all04:46
bruce89scream: there is an alpha 604:46
shade34321and i cant find any more i need04:46
alanbshepard70Is there a way to tweak my cpu fan speed from within Ubuntu? My laptop is running way to hot and I can't even tell the fan is on. I know the fan works as it comes on under windows just fine.04:46
bruce89shade34321: DVDs work in Totem in Jaunty04:46
screambruce89, I see it onw.04:47
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
xTheGoat121xalanbshepard70, try searching the forums, I know that a while back there were some laptops whose fans didn't act quite right.04:47
sir_yodle1ok next how do I see the Desktop Cube effect in action?  I got hotkeys to switch workspaces but I never see the gnarly cube itself.04:48
shade34321i'm using 8.1004:48
racecar56alanbshepard70 mine feels like a oven, lol04:48
alanbshepard70xTheGoat121x:  Ok I'll keep searching...... :-\04:48
alanbshepard70racecar56:  Ditto04:48
bruce89shade34321: update-manager -d04:48
mib_u6ul39hcI'm trying to install Mysql and php on my ubuntu server but I'm having a problem where * Starting MySQL database server mysqld fails, anyone got any idea?04:48
shade34321hmmm....that might help04:49
Aviator15_for some reason i can only run in safe graphics mode if I try to run in another mode its just a black screen04:49
ScottG489What is a subnet mask?04:50
jukenScottG489: erm... lol =P04:50
Aviator15_is there some way I can run the special effects in safe graphics mode04:50
jukenScottG489: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnetwork04:50
ScottG489im just messing around with my printers network settings and its asking for a subnet mask04:50
mib_u6ul39hcno help anyone?04:50
ScottG489i think ill just enter the default04:50
jukenScottG489: try
Cpudan80ScottG489: It determines how many bits in the IP address are the network portion and how many bits are the local portion04:51
racecar56mine is
Cpudan80255.255.255.0 is very common04:51
Cpudan80*very* common04:51
ScottG489juken: why do you say .255 at the end?04:51
ohzieAviator15_, No04:51
echosystmcan someone explain the rationale behind not having a "root" account in debian distros?04:51
Cpudan80juken: is wrong04:51
ScottG489o lol04:51
echosystmthe user account ends up having the same password04:51
Cpudan80255..... is not valid04:51
echosystmit doesnt make sense04:51
Cpudan80well I guess it is04:51
jukenCpudan80: too many 255's, sorry, multitasking04:52
Cpudan80for a single entity that talks to nobody 255..... would be valid ;-)04:52
* bruce89 was hacked by
Cpudan80hacked by the localhost!04:53
ScottG489hm, wants to know the default gateway04:53
jukenbruce89: there's not place like
Cpudan80you has the spyware !04:53
jukenthat's a guess ;)04:53
mib_u6ul39hcI'm trying to install Mysql and php on my ubuntu server but I'm having a problem where * Starting MySQL database server mysqld fails, anyone got any idea?04:53
ScottG489juken: is it my routers address?04:53
Cpudan80192.168.1.1 is a good guess ;-)04:53
Cpudan80ScottG489: yep, router's address for default gw, dhcp server, dns server ...04:54
jukenScottG489: yea, that's what you want04:54
Cpudan80in most case04:54
Cpudan80192.168.1.255 for broadcast04:54
Cpudan80192.168.1.0 for loopback04:54
Cpudan80255.255.255.0 for submask04:54
Cpudan80that should cover you I think ;-)04:54
sir_yodle1demi: WHOA there's so much stuff in this config-manager!!!!04:55
ScottG489lets see if i can ping it or something04:55
Cpudan80127.0.0.1 for the localhost address ;-)04:55
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racecar56and if it dosent accept numbers, localhost04:55
ScottG489From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable04:55
jukenoh noes04:55
racecar56Cpudan80 they can also be to i believe04:56
Cpudan80didnt know that04:56
Cpudan80makes sense, 127 is reserved04:56
Cpudan80ScottG489: you need to add a route04:56
Cpudan80ScottG489: netstat -r04:57
* juken routes his coffee cup to his mouth04:57
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java04:57
racecar56Cpudan80 127.x, even is loopback04:57
ScottG489Cpudan80: waht does that do?04:57
Cpudan80ScottG489: outputs your route table04:57
jukenScottG489: that will show you your routing info04:57
reivalwhere can i get ubuntu.8.10_desktop vmware for 32 bit ? or any ubuntu 8.10 working for any vm for 32 bit04:57
Cpudan80you should see something like04:58
jukenreival: you want the .iso ?04:58
ScottG489well w/e this is silly, i can connect to it normally anyways04:58
Cpudan80Dest: *
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware04:58
jukenconsider piracy... erm... i didn't say that.04:58
RickZillaIs there a wiki somewhere that lists hardware that works well with ubuntu?04:59
Cpudan80I think that's what you should see - im on a weird network right now, dont know what you see on a small home net04:59
mib_u6ul39hcI'm trying to install Mysql and php on my ubuntu server but I'm having a problem where * Starting MySQL database server mysqld fails, anyone got any idea?04:59
racecar56reival vbox pwns, qemu + qemulator also pwns04:59
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:59
mib_u6ul39hcis there no one here that can help?04:59
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Cpudan80I'm off04:59
racecar56reival but if you _*HAVE*_ to use vmware then.... u gotta buy it04:59
bruce89RickZilla: ^04:59
RickZillathx bruce8904:59
RickZillaI knew I'd seen it somewhere04:59
bruce89mib_u6ul39hc: logs?05:00
phasegenCan using underscores "blah_blah" in a directory, or a file name cause problems in ubuntu?05:02
bruce89phasegen: not if you escape them05:02
phasegenbruce89: explain05:03
bruce89phasegen: example\ file\ name05:03
reivalthere is free version of vmware05:03
racecar56reival orly? kewl05:04
mib_u6ul39hcbruce 8905:04
bruce89phasegen: means you don't need underscores, you can just use spaces05:04
sir_yodle1can anyone recommend a good weather widget/utility?  looking for something very unobtrusive.05:04
mib_u6ul39hcsudo mysql start gives me the error05:05
racecar56phasegen i usually use foo-bar instead of 'foo bar'05:05
mib_u6ul39hcERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:05
phasegenbruce89: what if I downloaded a program that has them all through it?  Directories and filenames...05:05
racecar56phasegen after all it pwns doing cd foo-bar than having to do cd 'foo bar'05:05
Oscar_Mayerthere's a weather widget already in ubuntu for the panel05:05
phasegenso I would have to rewrite the internals on this program...05:06
bruce89phasegen: what do you mean?05:07
mib_u6ul39hcERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:08
mib_u6ul39hcany clue why im getting this error message and mysql isnt starting?05:08
phasegenbruce89: this program is pcgen from sourceforge05:08
bruce89phasegen: and the problem is?05:09
phasegenbruce89: the config files all have underscores pointing to directories with underscores in the names, and files with the same...05:09
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bruce89phasegen: and?05:10
IntuitiveNipplemib_u6ul39hc: Check the syslog and daemon.log for information from the service05:10
mib_u6ul39hcIntuitiveNipple, yeah i wish i knew how to do that05:11
phasegenit won't find the sources, some of the config files, and I believe that the naming conventions might be the problem...05:11
phasegenbruce89: it's written in java, with ascii config files05:12
jukenStix: hi05:12
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:13
jukenis there anything that bot can't do?05:13
jukenwhat's he written in?05:13
bruce89Python unfortunately05:13
jukenperl ftw05:13
ScottG489Weird, when i go to help on the scanners pannel it says "No computer connection" But i can print things from my computer to it05:13
ScottG489I want to scan though05:14
phasegenbruce89: to install the program, all you do is unzip it into a directory...  nothing is system generated05:14
StixI'm booted from a live ubuntu 9.04 cd but as usual the installer gives me a error The installer encountered an error copying fiels to the hard disk.  Can anyone show me a good turtorial of manually installing this distro to my hdd....I mean the live cd works thearotically it should install right?05:14
bruce89phasegen: why on earth is the subversion trunk of that project got a capital T?05:14
jukenScottG489: printer AND scanner? ARE YOU NUTZ? ;)05:14
ScottG489juken: lol i need it to organize my files that are, right now, everywhere around my desk05:14
jukenStix: I would use the CD's self checker to see if the disk is good.05:15
speedcoreWhen grub loads, what key to press for boot options? like failsafe and so on05:15
jukenspeedcore: esc05:15
speedcorejuken: thanks05:15
StixJuken:I must have bad discs, this is like my 8th bad distro burned05:15
jukenspeedcore: np05:15
ScottG489It seemed fine before but then i turned it off then back on since the power buttom was flashing (even though everything was working fine) and now it wont scan.05:15
phasegenbruce89: I don't know, but I think I may have to rewrite every config file in it.05:15
jukenStix: try a lower burn speed?05:15
bruce89phasegen: hmm05:15
ScottG489I never got it to physically scan before but it wasnt saying a computer wasnt connected05:15
jukenStix: or perhaps install from a USB drive?05:15
StixJuken:I can't05:16
bruce89I've never understood CD writing errors05:16
StixJuken:My os is already screwd and i can't reburn a disk when i'm booted froma  disc05:16
jukenStix: what is wrong with the OS?05:16
StixI formatted the hdd when I orginally tried install ubuntu?05:16
=== edgar is now known as tururu
jukenStix: that'll do it :)05:17
=== tururu is now known as turururu
Stixjuken:Any experience of like hdd installs?05:17
jukenStix: I've had plenty of experiences. Do you have another machine you could possibly do a net install from?05:17
IntuitiveNippleStix: It is possible there's some kind of system hardware issue that is causing a problem either with the reads from the CD, or writes to the HDD05:17
turururuhi someone talk splanish?05:18
bruce89!es | turururu05:19
IntuitiveNipple!es | turururu05:19
ubottuturururu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:19
Oscar_Mayerspaingo o hanashimasen05:20
StixIt's a custom built computer05:20
StixIntuitive:I previously had ubuntu on here05:20
IntuitiveNippleStix: custom-built bugs too? :D05:20
bruce89!tab | Stix05:20
ubottuStix: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:20
IntuitiveNippleStix: Check in the live environment's /var/log/kern.log for any read/write error reports05:21
StixIntuitiveNipple: Hrmm, I've had a text based installer for ubuntu 7.04 work05:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hrmm05:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:23
Stix!Where can I post things?05:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:24
StixWhere can I post outputs to?05:24
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:24
IntuitiveNippleStix: What architecture is the PC (x86, amd64) ? how much memory?05:24
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ScottG489juken: Bah I dont know whats wrong with this. It says "There is no computer connection." in the display on the printer when i go to some options, but i can clearly print to it05:26
jukenrestart cups?05:27
IshIntuitiveNipple, i use konsole05:27
IshIntuitiveNipple, terminal has always given me the same problem05:28
IntuitiveNippleIsh: Oh, you mean my question on xubuntu about an hour ago?05:28
ScottG489juken: how do i do that?05:28
precision_here can i get help on an HTML question?05:28
rgprobably a noob question... i downloaded an RPM package and extracted it. now all i have is a .bundle file and i can't seem to find the utility to extract that. where have i gone wrong?05:29
IntuitiveNippleInteresting... It's with the live-CD, and only when the resolution is pushed up to 1024x768 from the 'default' 800x60005:29
jukenScottG489: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart05:29
devslashhi i am an experienced ubuntu used but just installed kubuntu. someone gave me the link to this svn http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/ how do i install it in kubuntu05:29
IshIntuitiveNipple, if you mean the "WOAH< I CAN"T READ THIS" problem, that's what i run into as well05:29
ScottG489juken: and then...try to see if the printer recognises it again? should i restart anyhting?05:29
jukendevslash: do you have subversion installed?05:29
ScottG489unplug anything?05:30
devslashjuken is it installec by default05:30
CrIPhey can i install a ap that supports msn messenger on ubuntu ?05:30
jukenScottG489: just see if it recognizes it05:30
IntuitiveNippleIsh: Only corruption in the window frame decoration... looks like it's downscaled the 1024 res to 800 wide05:30
IshIntuitiveNipple, same thing for the system monitor, it just doesn't like the resolution05:30
jukendevslash: I don't think it is by default05:30
jukenCrIP: pidgin05:30
CrIPhey can i install a ap that supports msn messenger on ubuntu ? does anyone know the sudo apt-get install command ?05:30
CrIPcheers juken05:30
lstarnesCrIP: I believe it may already be in applications > internet05:30
ScottG489juken: no05:30
jukenCrIP: cheers indeed05:30
jukenScottG489: could always try restarting the machine with the printer plugged in05:31
StixIntuitiveNipple: http://paste.ubuntu.com/131831/05:31
StixIntuitiveNipple: Any Idea?05:31
ScottG489juken: it seemed to recognise it before but i decided to turn the printer on and off because i thought it was strange that the printer power light was flashing05:31
jukenScottG489: d'oh05:31
codeymanI got a new microsoft reclusa keyboard.. any idea how to get all the funky keys work on ubuntu?05:31
devslashjuken let me see05:32
IshIntuitiveNipple, er...to me it looks like it's glitching05:32
IntuitiveNippleIsh: let me find the screenshot...05:32
CrIPcheers juken it was already installed :)05:32
augi01codeyman: System > Preferences > Keyboard, perhaps this may point you in the right direction?05:33
jukenCrIP: indeed it was! \o/05:33
codeymanaugi01 .. doesn't have that keyboard under it05:33
IntuitiveNippleIsh: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/34303305:33
augi01codeyman: Ah, apparently so.05:33
mib_h3jnuq9kexecuting mysqld gives me 090316  1:33:32 [Warning] One can only use the --user switch if running as root  090316  1:33:32  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to InnoDB: the directory. InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1 InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'. InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.05:34
devslashjuken ok now that its installed what do i do05:34
codeymanI tried using xev to check the keycodes.. its not generated for some.. and for some its the same as ctrl-c ctrl-v05:34
IshIntuitiveNipple, yep, that's almost exactly what i see when i open mine.  installing konsole was my quick fix for it, as konsole doesn't care05:35
mib_h3jnuq9kexecuting mysqld gives me 090316 1:33:32 [Warning] One can only use the --user switch if running as root 090316 1:33:32 InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to InnoDB: the directory. InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1 InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'. InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.05:35
flukes1still having sound problems. i'm on MSI K9N6SGM-V motherboard with Realtek ALC833 sound chip. the sound is extremely low, can only be heard if I turn my speakers up to max. i've turned every possible volume control up to 100%05:36
ScottG489juken: no good05:36
flukes1have tried various changes to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base with no luck, and have tried alsa 10.0.1905:36
racecar56not good05:37
racecar56flukes1 i hope it dosent work normally all of a sudden, lol that would be scary05:38
flukes1heh yeah05:38
racecar56biig time05:38
flukes1well I switched to windows for a few mins earlier and forgot to turn the speakers down before the logon sound was played05:38
* xTheGoat121x is away: I'm either sleeping or out. Leave a message!05:38
ScottG489juken: anyways im off to bed. thanks for the help ttyl05:39
mib_h3jnuq9kexecuting mysqld gives me 090316 1:33:32 [Warning] One can only use the --user switch if running as root 090316 1:33:32 InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to InnoDB: the directory. InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1 InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'. InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.05:40
racecar56flukes1 found prob?05:41
flukes1using different jacks seems to work05:41
devslashi did svn co http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/ . and got the message svn: Repository moved permanently to 'http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/'; please relocate. what does that mean ???05:41
racecar56flukes1 pwnzor05:41
flukes1there are 6 analog audio jacks on my mobo05:41
racecar56i think i have 6 too05:41
flukes1windows is happy with me using a certain 305:41
racecar56i got realtek hd05:41
flukes1ubuntu wants me to use a different set05:41
racecar56not good05:41
flukes1yeah I just plugged them into the top set05:42
racecar56got headphone ports?05:42
mib_h3jnuq9kany solutions other than formatting for a non-technical ubuntu user for my problem?05:42
flukes1hopefully I can get windows to recognise that setup05:42
racecar56flukes1 yeah05:42
flukes1I think you can do it in realtek audio control panel05:42
racecar56flukes1 driver update maybe05:42
hhleewhich is the best webbrowser to view many flash content in Ubuntu?05:43
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: what's the problem05:43
=== berat is now known as hellues
rmmRMMfirefox :-)05:43
mib_h3jnuq9kI can't get mysql to run05:43
mib_h3jnuq9kit just refuses to run for no reason05:44
hhleermmRMM u try to use multiple tab and open youtubes05:44
flukes1no error?05:44
hhleesure it is a turn off05:44
mib_h3jnuq9k090316  1:44:30 [Warning] One can only use the --user switch if running as root  090316  1:44:30  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to InnoDB: the directory. InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1 InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'. InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.05:44
mib_h3jnuq9kthats what i get when i try mysqld05:44
flukes1you're trying to start it?05:45
mib_h3jnuq9kand when i try mysql or try to create a database i get05:45
flukes1have you done: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start05:45
mib_h3jnuq9k Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:45
flukes1try that05:45
flukes1you're not meant to manually run mysqld yourself05:46
Socrateshello, I use Ubuntu 8.04. I have a question about a file called /.recently-used.xml (this is not the same as /.recently-used.xbel) I deleted the content of it. Will this cause any problems in the future for my system?05:46
mib_h3jnuq9kwhen i do that mysqld fails to load05:46
Zeroyezhow do i setup php to work with mysql05:46
flukes1do this: tail /var/log/mysqld.log05:46
flukes1what's it say05:46
mib_h3jnuq9ktail: cannot open `/var/log/mysqld.log' for reading: No such file or directory05:47
=== xun is now known as Guest86961
racecar56<mib_h3jnuq9k> not good05:47
hhleermmRMM, u can try firefox under WINE, it is much better, but that is not what I want05:47
mib_h3jnuq9kyeah i realize that lol05:47
racecar56rmmRMM firefox does work nicely in wine05:47
mib_h3jnuq9ki mean theres no reaosn why it shouldnt be working05:48
jukenracecar56: flash doesn't anymore :(05:48
racecar56juken :'(05:48
mib_h3jnuq9ki even apt-get remove and apt-get install it like thousand times lol05:48
=== nielshe is now known as nielshe_
IntuitiveNipplemib_h3jnuq9k: Looks like a permissions problem.05:48
jukenracecar56: flash crashes it now :(05:48
racecar56juken :"(05:48
racecar56juken it worx for me05:48
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: that won't help05:48
mib_h3jnuq9kwhat folder or file do i need to change the permission for though?05:48
jukenracecar56: I may need to update it then =P05:48
hhleeis there an OS, pure WINE OS? lol05:48
Guest86961Hello, I have an somewhat odd question. how can I turn off my laptop's monitor when it runs on Ubuntu Server edition?05:49
mib_h3jnuq9kyeah i realized it after like the 2nd time i tried lol05:49
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racecar56hhlee that would pwn, a.k.a. openwindows, i wish existed, reactos is similat05:49
hhleebetter fix that firefox for linux problem, grrrr05:49
IntuitiveNipplemib_h3jnuq9k: What does this show? ls -ld /var/lib/mysql05:49
racecar56hhlee but it really fails in some places05:49
mib_h3jnuq9kdrwxrwxrwx 3 mysql mysql 4096 2009-03-16 01:45 /var/lib/mysql05:49
racecar56hhlee after all its in progress05:49
SocratesDoes anyone know whether /.recently-used.xml is an important file?05:49
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: what does this produce: ls /var/log/mysql05:50
IntuitiveNipplemib_h3jnuq9k: and this? ls -l /var/lib/mysql/ib*05:50
racecar56Socrates i don't know but i don't think so05:50
SocratesI deleted everything in it, then I couldn't read it using firefox. Said there was some kind of error.05:50
mib_h3jnuq9kfirst one nothing05:50
cremmorawhat does this produce 8=====>05:50
mib_h3jnuq9ksecond one shows -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 10485760 2009-03-16 01:45 /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  5242880 2009-03-16 01:45 /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  5242880 2009-03-16 00:03 /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile105:51
Anonymoisthey guys, whats the name of the channel with the bot you can ask questions to?05:51
cremmorawhat does this produce 8=====> *05:51
Flannelcremmora: Please stay on topic05:51
* cremmora slaps Flannel around a bit with a large trout05:51
racecar56cremmora lol05:51
hhleeI'm glad to hear the fix is in progress, let us wait for it05:51
mib_h3jnuq9kcremmora: sperm and maybe a child if there's no firewall05:51
joejc18how do i use irssc?05:52
cremmoradaing  some people cant joke around a bit05:52
xun911hello, does anyone know how to I turn off my laptop's monitor when it runs on Ubuntu Server edition?05:52
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: can you copy the contents of /etc/my.cnf to http://pastebin.com/05:52
NDSMy Ubuntu PC is having issues, 9 tims out of ten, when I boot, I hang,but it boots fine by going in through the recovery console05:53
Flannelcremmora: Please stay on topic.  This is a channel for support, not goofing around.05:53
SocratesSo does anyone know whether my having deleted the content of /.recently-used.xml will cause any problems?05:53
IntuitiveNipplemib_h3jnuq9k: The error suggests either that mysqld is starting with different user credentials (the error said "One can only use the --user switch if running as root") or the InnoDB database it is referring to is not in the standard location (/var/lib/mysql/)05:53
cremmorai can tell05:53
BadRobothi there05:53
cremmorawhen i got the kick05:53
Flanneljoejc18: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi  Walks you through it really well05:53
salmonis there a way to use an iso file from hard disk instead of burning it to a disk. i just want to run the program from the disk image, is this possible?05:53
BadRobotCould someone tell how to change the display resolution via terminal?05:53
rwwSocrates: it won't. That file is just a list of files you opened recently; it's regenerated automatically.05:54
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes ill try05:54
Socratesdisplay resolution is a nightmare05:54
rww!iso | salmon05:54
ubottusalmon: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:54
NDSThis problem is getting annoying, as It keeps happening, even after a clean install05:54
rwwsalmon: use ^^ to mount it, and run the program from there.05:54
BadRobotSomehow the display resolution is too big and I can't see the edges05:54
ikrelsalmon: install gmountiso05:54
SocratesBut, rww, when I open new documents and things, I go back to check and the file is still empty.05:54
BadRobotplease anyone05:54
SocratesOf course, /.recent-used.xbel is updated as I open and close things.05:55
mib_h3jnuq9kweird theres absolutely nothing in the file flukes105:55
cremmoraBadRobot are u using a loptop05:55
mib_h3jnuq9kactually the file doesnt even exist05:55
mib_h3jnuq9kit says new file on bottom05:55
NDSguys, Please help me, I have Homework That I wont be able to get done until this is fixed05:55
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: it might be /etc/mysql/my.cnf05:55
appocccould anybody here help me with a problem with my network-manager and netmasks?05:55
BadRobotyes, I am using a netbook05:55
cremmoraBadRobot have you done auto adjust on your monitor?05:56
Anonymoistcan someone direct me to the bot you can ask questions to instead of taking polls in the channel?05:56
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: i haven't used mysqld in a while so my memory is sketchy ;)05:56
mib_h3jnuq9kok yeah lol05:56
rww!best > Anonymoist05:56
ubottuAnonymoist, please see my private message05:56
IntuitiveNipplemib_h3jnuq9k: what do you get from this? ls -l /var/run/mysqld/05:56
Anonymoistoh didn't see it, sorry, thanks :)05:56
scowcronHello there. I'm trying to get microphone input through wine to work. All of my sound playback works, and I can capture microphone input outside of wine, but not using applications with it. I'm using PulseAudio  (ubuntu ibex). I've tried various methods to get it to work, but so far nothing. one more note: The PulseAudio Applet recording volume meter still catches the input even though the...05:57
scowcron...wine apps don't. does anybody have some insight as to what might be wrong?05:57
SocratesSo, on my system, /.recently-used.xbel works while /.recently-used.xml does not do anything at all??05:57
rwwSocrates: different programs seem to use different recently-used files. I guess you're just not using a program that uses the .xml one.05:57
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: you've copied the first 19 lines of the file but nothing else05:57
NDSMy Ubuntu PC is having issues, 9 tims out of ten, when I boot, I hang,but it boots fine by going in through the recovery console05:57
NDSguys, Please help me, I have Homework That I wont be able to get done until this is fixed05:57
SocratesOh, thanks for that. I didn't realise.05:57
appocccould anybody here help me with a problem with my network-manager and netmasks?05:57
rwwSocrates: again, it'll regenerate itself, don't worry about it :)05:57
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: you might want to use use gedit rather than nano05:57
SocratesYes, thanks, I'm just not familiar with this sort of thing.05:57
mib_h3jnuq9kIntuitiveNipple: it says total 005:57
IntuitiveNipplemib_h3jnuq9k: ok, that's good... nothing left from a stray/defunct process05:58
NDSguys :s05:58
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes1: yeah idk i used pico05:58
flukes1NDS: without more detail nobody is going to be able to help05:58
=== lon is now known as Guest31202
rww!helpme > NDS05:58
ubottuNDS, please see my private message05:58
appocccould anybody here help me with a problem with my network-manager and netmasks?05:58
salmonrww, im not sure how to word this un-noobishly, but what does it mean by mount point? like is that the path to the file?05:58
BadRobotYes I tried Cremona05:59
jukenappocc: what's the issue exactly?05:59
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: have a look in that config file, see if you can tell where it's dumping its log files05:59
NDSI dont know how to give anymore detail than that :s, My pc has the mouse go up, then i dissapears and either hangs or takes 5 minutes tol load, then I can go in the recovery console and it boots fine.05:59
SocratesThis is a useful service. Thank you!05:59
jukensalmon: mount point is where you are going to access the device from05:59
rwwsalmon: Windows uses "drive letter", like C: or D: to access drives. Linux just pins them to the file system. E.g., if you insert a CD-ROM, you can access it from /media/cdrom/, which is its "mount point"05:59
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes1: the one u asked me to post?05:59
jukensalmon: for example, mkdir ~/mountpoint06:00
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: yea06:00
jukensalmon: then you can: mount /dev/blah ~/mountpoint06:00
racecar56i have to go to bed now... bye every1, and have success every1! :>06:00
rwwsalmon: you'd want to make a new directory and specify that as the mountpoint, in this case :)06:00
salmonrww, thank you06:00
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes1: ok let me try lol im totally new to ubuntu serve ri got it installed and everything fine yeah let me see06:00
salmonjuken, thank you06:00
jukensalmon: np06:00
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes1: do i need to edit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf and put socket?06:01
NDSShall I give more details? I get no errors when that whole big thing of numbers and stuf runs down in the console, and when I choose restart it works, but Shut down sseems not to as often06:01
msg06how 2 install yahoo messenger 2 ubunto06:01
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: er no i don't think so06:01
scowcrondoes anyone have any insight as to how I might  get my mic to work through wine with pulseaudio? all the sounds work, and it picks up sound everywhere else, it just won't do it in wine.06:01
jukenNDS: what's the issue?06:02
NDSMy computer hangs on reboot06:02
jukenNDS: which command are you using to reboot?06:02
NDSThe little button in the corner06:02
jukendoes it give any error message on the screen?06:02
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes1: i think this is all of the file i mean if you dont see where it's dumping it i have no clue this is all tahtw as in the file06:02
ljvshi whats the easypeasy irc room/06:03
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: you mean those 19 lines? nah if you continue scrolling down it should reveal more06:03
mib_h3jnuq9khere let me retry06:03
NDSno it gives no errors, it shhuts down fine, turns on, looks like its going  to boot, and takes 5 minutes to, or not at all06:03
jukenNDS: so the hanging is on start up rather than shutdown?06:04
mib_h3jnuq9kohh yeah there is more my bad lol06:04
NDSI don't get why it works in the recovery console, but not the main way06:04
CrIPcos you have sometyhing u havent fixed nds06:05
NDSLike what?06:05
ryanCHwhat is the main QT deb i have to download to get the whole suite?06:05
NDSI see no erros, nothig at all, how can I fix something?06:05
CrIPwhat was the last thing u installed /changed dns06:06
NDSI only stumbled upon the recovery thing by accident06:06
CrIPnds /\06:06
NDSIt doesnt matter, Idid a clean install, still happened06:06
appoccjuken: man, could u help me??06:07
alanbshepard70Ok my sony vaio laptop is overheating because the CPU fan isn't kicking on. How do I fix this?  google only turned up results to make the fan quieter, I don't have that problem obliviously. I've already tried lm-sensors, no dice.06:07
appoccim kinda desesperated right now06:07
NDSMy computer is always on anyway, so its not to big of a deal, but it may be one symptom of a bigger issue06:07
jukenappocc: PM me with the issue06:07
NDS!ask > appocc06:07
ubottuappocc, please see my private message06:07
flukes1NDS: does the problem happen after grub06:07
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes1: any idea how i can copy all of this?06:07
NDShence me getting into the reovery console :p06:08
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: er how did you copy it before06:08
crdlbryanCH: I'm not sure that there is one, but libqt4-dev should pull it all in (along with all the underlying -dev pkgs)06:08
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: just search it for "log", see if you can figure out where it's dumping the logfiles06:08
echosystmdoes ubuntu 6.06 still have support?06:08
crdlbechosystm: yes06:08
mib_h3jnuq9kok ill try that06:09
mib_h3jnuq9khmm i found where the log is but when i go into the log theres nothing there06:10
albechalanbshepard70: what are the consequences of the overheating? crash?06:10
mib_h3jnuq9ksayd new file06:10
alanbshepard70albech: A destroyed useless CPU06:10
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: try this- tail /var/log/mysql/mysql.log06:11
mib_h3jnuq9ktail: cannot open `/var/log/mysql/mysql.log' for reading: No such file or directory06:11
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: now this- ls -l /var/log/mysql06:11
mib_h3jnuq9kgreat, i guess logs arent even being made06:11
albechalanbshepard70: yes im aware of that, but how hot does it get? my VAIO is getting pretty damn hot too06:11
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: what's the output of: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start06:12
alanbshepard70albech: Right now my CPU is at 210 degrees Fahrenheit and getting warmer by the minute.06:12
mib_h3jnuq9k0 is for ls -l /var/log/mysql06:12
albechalanbshepard70: ok, thats a little too much ;)06:12
NDSflukes1: any ideas?06:13
albechalanbshepard70: and you dont have this problem with other OSs?06:13
mib_h3jnuq9ksudo /etc/init.d/mysql start tries to start the server and fails06:13
flukes1NDS: sorry haven't the foggiest. if it's happening some times and not others that would suggest a hardware problem to me06:13
bcogany idea on how i might install qt on intrepid?06:13
alanbshepard70albech: Nope not at all. WinXP works fine, fan speeds up as needed.06:13
NDSWell then, I cant imaginw hy, should I set grub to boot to recovery automaticly?06:14
NDSsince it works 100% ofthe time06:14
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: what's the output of: sh -x /etc/init.d/mysql start06:14
toothyHi All, I was wondering if it's possible to stop gnome from automatically rotating images when showing thumbs?06:14
salmonhow do i go about compressing a file, like a ZIP?06:15
flukes1zip hello.zip hello.txt06:16
jukensalmon: http://www.linux.com/feature/47751 <-- ta06:16
brandonc503when i start session it needs to be the first thing in the .php file?06:16
mib_h3jnuq9kflukes: its just kind of spazzing out06:16
NDSflukes1: how can I make my pc boot to recovery automaticly?06:17
mib_h3jnuq9kit stopped06:17
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: what's the verdict06:17
albechbrandonc503: try #php ;)06:17
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages?06:17
flukes1NDS: dunno, google it06:17
serialthrillai tried loglevel=0 as a boot option but no help06:17
albechalanbshepard70: sorry im not sure what is causing your overheat.. which model is it?06:17
mib_h3jnuq9kthats all i was able to get06:18
alanbshepard70albech: VGN-FS98006:18
jukenNDS: change the grub menu order :)06:18
NDSyeah, how?06:18
jukenedit /boot/grub/menu.lst ?06:18
albechalanbshepard70: is the 'thermal' module loaded?06:19
alanbshepard70albech: yep, processor              42156  2 thermal06:19
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: have you done apt-get --reinstall install mysql06:20
mib_h3jnuq9khavent tried that06:20
mib_h3jnuq9kshould i try06:20
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: do it06:20
mib_h3jnuq9kok thats just weird06:20
mib_h3jnuq9k george@71:~$ E: Couldn't find package mysql06:20
salmonjuken, as amazingly helpful that page will become in the future im sure. i now need to know can the .tar or .gz files be used in windows?06:20
mib_h3jnuq9kwoudlnt it be install mysql-server?06:20
jukensalmon: winrar06:20
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: yeah sorry my bad06:21
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages?06:21
mib_h3jnuq9kshould i set password for root?06:21
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: yes06:22
salmonjuken, ?? i am so unfamiliar with the ways of microsoft. so what would i need to do on the windows end?06:22
mib_h3jnuq9ksame bs06:22
mib_h3jnuq9k * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail] invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure):  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server:  mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.0; however:   Package mysql-server-5.0 is not configured yet.06:22
jukensalmon: install winrar and then double click on your archive files06:23
mib_h3jnuq9kif its easier for u here06:23
salmonoh ok06:23
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
toothyHi All, I was wondering if it's possible to stop gnome from automatically rotating images when showing thumbs?06:23
mib_h3jnuq9kstopping suceeds but starting fails06:23
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: apt-get --purge remove mysql-server mysql-common06:25
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages?06:25
serialthrillai tried loglevel=006:26
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: then after that, apt-get install mysql-server-5.006:26
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: oh and purge mysql-server-5.0 too just in case06:27
mib_h3jnuq9kwhats teh purge do remove all traces?06:27
flukes1mib_h3jnuq9k: yup, including config files etc. anyway its 6.27am, im going to bed. good luck :]06:27
NDSOk: I rebooted my computer, and I saw a fail in red beside something with the wordss NO-REBOOT flag, all I could read06:28
NDSIm gonna google it06:28
FloodBot3mib_h3jnuq9k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:28
wartalkerif i in bash execute a programe, then exit the bash, when i run bash again, how can i get the output of that programe06:28
mib_h3jnuq9klol, thanks for all ur help bro06:28
flukes1np, email me greg@ghughes.com if you still stuck later06:29
mib_h3jnuq9kok good night06:29
NDSlooks like this has been a problem for a lot of people06:30
=== bAsTl is now known as bastl
BadRobothi there06:31
BadRobotI can't change my display resolution the because I can't see the edges from the screen ,is there any how to change via terminal?06:31
NDS iTCO_wdt: failed to reset NO_REBOOT flag, reboot disabled by hardware06:31
NalfCan I install KDE in Ubuntu?06:31
jukenNalf: yup06:31
BadRoboti did the xrandr but I don't how to choose the resolution from there06:31
NalfCan I switch between gnome and KDE?06:32
Nalfjuken, is it difficult?:P06:32
o0Chris0owhats a generic printer driver for lexmark that will at least print of text?06:33
* Nalf thanks Juken and wartalker.06:33
jukenat the login screen you select "Session"06:33
jukenthen you pick Gnome or KDE06:33
jukenthen you just login06:33
Nalfjuken: awesome. question, how can I check what version of x I am using?06:33
totimkopfI have a "snake eat its tail" situation, i can't dpkg --purge perl, because perl-modules depends on it, but i can't dpkg --purge perl-modules either because perl depends on it.....any suggestions?06:33
NDS iTCO_wdt: failed to reset NO_REBOOT flag, reboot disabled by hardware I got that error as well as something about my network06:33
DotKitehello everyone06:34
jukenNalf: from the terminal: Xorg -version06:34
jukenDotKite: hello06:34
Nalfjuken: thanks a ton.06:34
* Nalf waves to everyone and goes to install Ubuntu.06:35
DotKitehave fun06:35
DotKiteanyone know what usb network adapters work well with ubun?06:36
jukenDotKite: there are quite a few06:37
jukenDotKite: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=556037 <--- that should help06:37
Jinzhuhttp://gist.github.com/79756  any help ? thanks06:38
Deodoranti herd dat redhat is better den lunix06:38
jukenDeodorant: go away troll06:38
DeodorantU DONT HAVE LUNIX06:38
Deodorantu no nothing06:38
xixorYo, is there a gui program to configure samba shares?  In dolphin, I right click, go to properties->Share, Configure File Sharing, but nothing seems to happen06:39
Deodorantproclaim i'm a troll06:39
Deodorantwhat is a troll?06:39
Deodoranti am a ninja06:39
Deodorantyou are a lunix usar06:39
jukenxixor: you can right click directories from nautilus06:40
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages?06:40
jukenxixor: and share from there06:40
serialthrillai need a kernel parameter06:40
Deodorant02:38 < Deodorant> i herd dat redhat is better den lunix06:40
Deodorant02:38 < juken> Deodorant: go away troll06:40
Deodorant02:38 -!- U-b-u-n-t-u [n=ubuntu@adsl-70-241-69-22.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Leaving"]06:40
Deodorant02:38 < Deodorant> U DONT HAVE LUNIX06:40
Deodorant02:38 < Deodorant> u no nothing06:40
FloodBot3Deodorant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:40
Deodorant02:38 -!- tim_sharitt [n=tsharitt@unaffiliated/timsharitt] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]06:41
xixorjuken: I'll give it a try, what is nautilus?  Another KDE file browser?06:41
xixorah, its gnome based06:41
jukenxixor: it's the Gnome file browser06:41
jukenare you using KDE?06:41
NDSOk, I found out the problem, it was watchdog >.<06:41
xixoryeah, using kde06:41
jukenah, sorry... not too sure at that point.06:41
xixorwell, looks like I am installing gnome then06:42
o0Chris0oxixor: good choice :D06:43
Deodorant-zb is right06:43
DeodorantShut The Fuct Up06:43
serialthrilla"Among the first to benefit from the investment in roads and bridges from Obama's stimulus plan is Microsoft, which has $20B in the bank. Local planners have allotted $11M to help pay for a highway overpass to connect one part of Microsoft's wooded campus with another. Microsoft will contribute almost half of the $36.5M cost; other federal and local money will pay the rest.06:43
xixorinstalling gnome is no problem on kubuntu I hope?06:43
DeodorantShut The Fuct Up06:43
serialthrillawoops lulz06:43
DeodorantShut The Fuct Up06:43
DeodorantShut The Fuct Up06:43
DeodorantShut The Fuct Up06:43
FloodBot3Deodorant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whoa06:43
DeodorantI AM AN OUTLAW06:43
FloodBot3Deodorant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:43
Deodorantniggers are black and should be beaten06:45
o0Chris0o!ops Deoderant is causing a disturbance in #ubuntu, keeps spamming06:45
joothe gone06:45
NDSwth just happened?06:45
Myrttio0Chris0o: please use | to separate the ops from the rest06:45
jukenNDS: the troll got banned06:45
NDSJuken: lol06:45
o0Chris0oMyrtti: oh ok sorry06:46
NDShere I wa all hypedup, I fixed my problem :)06:46
Myrttio0Chris0o: since, you know, that didn't work06:46
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
o0Chris0oMyrtti: it didn't? I got this..[02:45] <ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail06:46
o0Chris0ooh edit request :(06:46
Myrttio0Chris0o: if it had worked, it would have listed the nicks of the ops of this channel to hilight them06:47
NDSThat could spam alot06:49
dash64does anyone here know about pci slots06:49
hateball!ask | dash6406:50
ubottudash64: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:50
MyrttiNDS: which is why you're supposed to use it only in an emergency06:50
dash64i want to know how i can use a pci x16 card on a pci x1 slot06:50
J-_dash64: ##hardware may have answers06:51
hateballdash64: If noone knows the answer here, the folks over in ##hardware might know06:51
* J-_ pokes hateball06:51
* hateball hugs J-_ 06:51
click170Hey does anyone know how Ubuntu mirrors work?  Do they just use the ftpsync program suggested by Debian?06:51
dash64no one talks in there06:51
NDSMyrrtti: I gathered that :p06:51
* J-_ feels really good right now, but. It's the WRONG time to feel good06:52
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages?06:52
serialthrillai need a kernel parameter06:52
o0Chris0odashjust have to be patient :) they will06:52
J-_It's not #u-o06:52
o0Chris0ooops, darn tab!06:52
IntuitiveNippleserialthrilla: Use an alternative console?06:52
rwwJ-_: yeah, I was about to say =/06:52
jootdash64, is this helpful??? http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/256222-28-best-express-slot06:55
durtdash64, this'll answer your question http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/187466-30-slot06:55
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages? i need a kernel parameter06:57
tonyyarussoclick170: Mirrors use rsync.  The details are at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mirrors-announce/2006-August/000002.html06:57
click170tonyyarusso: Cheers mate06:58
maverick340any good adventure games for linux07:00
bobbie4I like the ubuntu, it makes me happy07:00
fungmaverick340: angband!07:00
bobbie4YAY!!!! Finnish from finland is here!!!07:00
Lokkehow kan i see my  <FGLRX-VERSION> ?07:00
serialthrillahey guys i have a prob: i get a bunch of console messages and i need to get on the console because i can't start X due to a bad config.... how do i disable these kernel messages?07:02
serialthrillai need a kernel parameter07:02
BigMoopiesafter I grep a file , and find what I want, how do I use cut to cut what I don't?  Like I want to get a list of users names from log, and it logs <nickhere> , I was wanting to do something like grep -r "<" * | cut (options here to cut the < and > out07:02
BigMoopiesor is there something else I'm missing that would be easier07:03
BigMoopiesI tried "cut -c "<" "07:03
binarymutantBigMoopies: I use regular expressions for that07:07
BigMoopiesbinarymutant, Whoo Lordy.07:07
ibunherneed help about wubi07:07
xixorHow is the linux support for the new core i7 platform?  Anyone using it?07:09
BigMoopiesbinarymutant, I was told to use sed 's,.*<\(.*\)>.*$,\1,' , but I still get the uhm.. what you call'em,  the + for voice, ! for owner (extended) , @ OPs, % halfops, etc07:11
NalfIs it possible to remove a fglrx driver after installing it?07:12
jukenNalf: of course07:12
Nalfjuken: How would I go about doing that?07:13
Nalfjuken: Actually, nevermind. I see reports all over the internet about how my card isn't supported.07:13
xixorwhich card?07:14
NalfRadeon hd 4850 (I have two of them actually. ^_^)07:14
xixormy Radeon 4870 seems to work fine07:14
NalfRunning intrepid?07:14
xixorI think so07:14
xixorProbably, I did a clean install last week07:15
NalfXixor: Are you using the proprietary drivers or ?07:15
samuelI need the python opengl libraries for running 3d, where are they in the packet manager?07:15
xixorI think I am using the proprietary ones from ati07:15
Nalfxixor: Really? I installed them twice through ubuntu, and once from ati.. each time I was left with X issues that I couldn't dream of resolving.:P07:16
xixorHm.. that is too bad, I fought for a bit to get the KDE Hardware Drivers front end thing to use apt or aptitude and install the packages, but I think they are installed and running ok07:16
OngavezirkeHozsanna dicsoseges tesvereim07:16
rwwsamuel: what version of Ubuntu are you using?07:16
rww!hu | Ongavezirke07:17
ubottuOngavezirke: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál07:17
xixordidn't have to mess with any x.org conf files, or even use the command line for that matter, but I did change my sources.conf file to point to the US ubuntu repository over the Canadian one07:17
Ongavezirke!hu ja!07:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hu ja!07:17
Nalfxixor: I actually live in the US so it's probably pointing there already.07:17
mchelenis it possible to use my blackberry as a bluetooth microphone?07:18
Jordan_Usamuel, python-opengl07:18
ibunherhow do i install 3D driver for my nvidia card, and enable 3D, enable beryl..07:18
Jordan_Uibunher, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers07:19
rww!nvidia | ibunher07:19
ubottuibunher: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:19
Nalf!nvidia | ibunher07:19
NalfWell, gee, rww. :P07:19
YaroManHello. I have a friend with an odd problem. She reinstalled Ubuntu (Wubi) and her Page Up/Page Down keys are not working. They seem to send escape sequences of some sort to her terminal, as well.07:19
Jordan_Uibunher, Compiz ( beryl is dead ) will start automatically when you have 3D support, though with few effects by default07:20
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion07:20
ibunherhow to set more options for #d support07:20
xixorNalf: one thing I thought of is that I am using kubuntu07:21
xixorso if compiz is default, how do you do the 3D spinning cube things?07:21
rww!cube | xixor07:21
ubottuxixor: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »07:21
YaroManNever mind, she just resolved the problem. Carry on.07:22
rww!ccsm | xixor: the option's in CCSM07:22
ubottuxixor: the option's in CCSM: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:22
xSubZer0xis ubuntu compatable w/ the i7 920's yet07:22
Nalfjuken: What is the command to install KDE desktop again?07:22
rwwNalf: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:24
* xSubZer0x nodges head07:24
NalfThanks again, rww.07:25
yanzHey everyone, I downloaded network-manager-gnome, but when I try to run it in System->Admin->Network Manager, it says no such directory exists, anyone know what to do?07:25
xixorso this Compiz-Fusion works from within KDE?  do I need to restart kde?  Ive used the settings manager to add the 3D cube, but can't seem to activate it with the keystroke07:25
yanzI just want to set up wireless :(07:25
Nalfoh, rww, I got my wireless drivers working. If you see anyone else complaining just tell them to lsusb and search it on the website. ^_^07:26
=== pekalongan is now known as wiwin
rwwxSubZer0x: if I did, I would have told you.07:26
rww!pm > xSubZer0x07:26
ubottuxSubZer0x, please see my private message07:26
yanzCan anyone help?07:27
NalfYanz: what kind of wireless card do you have?07:27
stoic_I found the problem of needing to downgrade squashfs to vversiooon  1.x can someone help. squashfss doesnt shoow up  in  add/remove programs, to remove  and downgrade, ive tried to remove by linux consolee and I freeze up without effect07:28
zaccourevery time i try to install yellow dog onto my ps3 i get an error message. why is that?07:28
yanzAtheros 802.1107:28
Flannelzaccour: You'll want to ask the yellow dog people.07:28
stoic_install vista firsst07:28
yanz@ Nalf Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards07:29
stoic_ps3 is the only that allows other operating systems07:29
bobbie4YAY!!!! Finnish from finland is here!!!07:30
bobbie4I like the ubuntu, it makes me happy07:30
stoic_me  too07:30
meliki JUST deleted a file :( how can i get it back?07:30
beilabsmelik, check the trash bin07:30
Nalfyanz: what version of ubuntu are you using?/07:31
melikno beilabs, i did rm07:31
sprinkmeiermelik, filesystem? deleted how (nautilus, rm, shred?)07:31
rww!recover | melik07:32
ubottumelik: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel07:32
zaccourim downloading ubuntu for ps3 right now. can anyone help me when i am ready to install?07:33
stoic_I need to downgrade squashfs too acceptept 1.0 files or patch 3.x to mount 1.x files07:33
AlbaThi ppl07:33
AlbaTFailed to load libssl.so07:34
AlbaTif i do sudo ln libssl.so.0.9.8 libssl.so07:34
AlbaTi get this failed :  EVP_md5 X509_STORE_CTX_get_error X509_STORE_CTX_set_error X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth07:34
stoic_zaccour: have you inssttalled linux before ?07:34
zaccourim using Ubuntu right now07:34
stoic_lol of coursee07:35
stoic_otherwisse you wouldnt be here07:35
zaccourstoic_, i got an error message trying to install yellow dog, just as documented, however i got an error message and was concerned about getting the same error message with ubuntu/xubuntu07:35
zaccourwell, trolls come in sometimes, but thats not me07:36
zaccouris the regular ubuntu install recommended for intel atom processor or should i have used a different install?07:37
zaccourit works fine, just noticed the alternate install is recommended for lower intel archs07:38
rwwzaccour: regular install should be fine07:39
AslateFirefox has just killed Ubuntu on a fresh install whilst something else was installing in the background07:40
jtajizaccour: the installed system is the same, it's just that the alternate installer uses less memory for low mem systems07:40
AslateCan i recover this or do i need to hardreboot?07:40
ibunherdoes wubi installation support compiz fusion?07:40
Nalfibunher: yes.07:41
Nalfibunher: you do have to have other factors in place to use compiz,though.07:41
=== SPFhome is now known as SPF
stoic_trying to downgrade squashfs to 1.X all I need is 1.X and I dont know how to uninstall07:43
ibunherNalf, wwhat factors to use compiz?07:44
stoic_its  not  show up in the gui07:44
zaccouri really love this netbook remix07:44
stoic_console removal  doesnt seem to work07:44
stoic_when i grow up im gonna be a fireman07:45
dotblankOkay I have ppp dun question. My phone has successfully connected to my computer and can ping each other and other elements in the network, however as soon as I attempt to ping an outside address it errors out07:46
stoic_maybe a less judgemental prefessionn where I dont have to feel so stupid for last resort craving of knowledge07:46
stoic_im not stupid, I dont think07:47
stoic_but am more than willing to do whatever I must to accomplish what I need, so if anyone knows how to enable  1.0 support in  squashfs latestt then thatts cool,  but how do I  remove ssquashfs when it doesnt show up in the GUI07:49
mylistoanyone  know of an apple iigs emulator for Ubuntu?07:49
simplexiodotblank: phone shares net?.. well problem is that there isnt route to target address07:49
stoic_im a nigger07:49
zaccourcan i install ubuntu onto my ps3 from the flash drive or do i need to burn it?07:50
dotblanksimplexio: well I dediced to put the phone on a net and my network is, It can ping other devices on the net but it can't go past my router07:51
stoic_you can install anything on ps3 just start with unix07:51
stoic_cd is preferable07:51
stoic_im sure07:51
zaccourok thanks07:52
mylistostoic_: whatc your language07:52
dotblanksimplexio: its like dun doesn't have a default route in its table07:52
stoic_mylissto: english07:52
stoic_mylissto: english , drunk07:52
mylistostoic_: meant to say watch your language07:52
stoic_mylisto: sorry07:52
zaccourstoic_, so you are fluent in vodka07:53
stoic_mylisto: will do07:53
stoic_mylisto:  tequilla07:53
DwightShrooti put a dvd into my dvd drive and it wont play, it also stopped playing in my dvd player.07:54
mylistotequila is nasty07:54
stoic_mylisto:  my apoligiez for boligerence07:54
Flannel!offtopic | mylisto, stoic_07:54
ubottumylisto, stoic_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:54
iverson0881Hello, I can't seem to get tab completion to work on my user, but it works on all other users on the system. I always get sudo update_reub-sh: <( compgen -d -- 'update_reub' ): No such file or directory07:54
zaccourDwightShroot, have you tried totem-xine , gxine, or vlc?07:54
mylistoanyone here use skype?07:54
DwightShrootzaccour: totem and vlc yeah07:55
stoic_mylisto: why does everyone tell me my questions are not related to ubuntu. I want to uninstall squashfs so I can install an earlier versioon07:55
zaccourthose should work just fine07:55
iverson0881I am using server with all latest updates07:55
iverson0881sorry, not server, Desktop*07:55
zaccourDwightShroot, those should work just fine, unless they need reinstalling. perhaps its your dvd drive?07:55
stoic_mylisto: squashfs doesnt show up in the GUI07:55
joot_DwightShroot, I think ogle is the best dvd player07:56
stoic_mylisto: and terminal commans  thus far dont uninstall07:56
mylistoyanz: do you know of a way that I can have a 3 way call..where my voice is on one channel...and another persons voice is in another channel07:56
mylistostoic_: don't ask me...I have no idea...sorry07:56
DwightShrootzaccour: other dvds work in it fine,07:56
yanz@ mylisto, I have no clue.. I cannot get the sound working on Ubuntu07:57
stoic_mylisto: you wanna be my friend07:57
zaccourDwightShroot, it must be the dvd then07:57
mylistolet me think...07:57
mylistoI did it before07:57
stoic_mylisto: I like you, you can come to my house and f*** my sister07:57
mylistogreat movie stoic_:07:58
zaccourwhere did stoic go? ubuntu-offtopic?07:59
DwightShrootzaccour: its saying could not read from resource07:59
AlbaTFailed to load libssl.so08:00
AlbaTif i do sudo ln libssl.so.0.9.8 libssl.so08:00
AlbaTi get this failed :  EVP_md5 X509_STORE_CTX_get_error X509_STORE_CTX_set_error X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth08:00
joot_zaccour , he got banned08:00
zaccourdoes Ubuntu have blu ray support yet?08:01
rafaelok risolto... era lo gnome-panel08:01
zaccourif it does i might get me an external blu ray drive08:01
joot_zaccour , It seems like it might be a bit ugly, check this..  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD08:03
zaccouri think my problem with yellow dog was i burned the iso too fast. im gonna  burn at the slowest with the ubuntu for ps308:03
zaccourjoot_, if thats the case then the ugly plugins set would work right? lol08:04
mopl Bonjour08:04
moplil y a quelqun ?08:04
joot_zaccour , Lol :-)08:04
quibbler!fr | mopl08:04
ubottumopl: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:04
rentonJe ne parle pas francias!08:05
gfatherhello guys08:05
zaccourwhoa ubottu knows spanish08:05
rentonThat's french.08:05
nmlinuzhello. intel core 2 duo 3.0ghz  (e8400)     OR    int quad core 2.33 ghz (q8200) for ubuntu?08:05
gfathercan i upgrade my cpu easily , or i have to reinstall again ?08:05
joot_zaccour , yes but that was frevch08:05
gfatheri think if i changed the cpu , ill get kernel panic :)08:05
zaccourwell i dont know the difference08:06
rentonubottu wa nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?08:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:06
rentonDoes ubottu know japanese too?08:06
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:06
garretttI am running Ibex on an eee pc currently and I was wondering if anyone knew how to disable double tapping08:06
Provantsorry that's in the next room08:06
zaccourok lets stop with the bot abuse lol08:06
rentonOh.. I dont' know all those kanji. sadface </end offtopic.>08:06
gfatherno one knows ?08:07
nmlinuzi want to buy new cpu..... so which is better for ubuntu?   E8400@3.0 Ghz   or   Q8200@2.33 ghz?  thnx08:07
quibblernmlinuz: such discussions are for #ubuntu-offtopic08:08
iverson0881Hello, not to be annoying but has anyone ever seen the error sudo update_reub-sh: <( compgen -d -- 'update_reub' ): No such file or directory when trying to do tab completion?08:09
garretttI am running Ibex on an eee pc currently and I was wondering if anyone could tell  me how to disable double tapping08:09
rentonI have had issues installing drivers for my video cards via system>admin>hardware device drivers. Once I do that to install fglrx.. if it crashes my system is there any way I can REVERT to what was installed before?08:09
simplexiodotblank: your phone has 172.xxx ip and serve rhas 192.xxx so from phone you cant ping stuff behind computer if your computer dosent forward ip08:09
dotblanksimplexio: it does08:10
PWilderANyone know how to configure Simp on aMSN?08:11
ProvantElaborate. :308:12
eliaArtwho use gfire by pidgin ?08:14
ProvantAnyone here know what the sun looks like?08:14
=== methril|work is now known as methril
rentonProvant: spherical.. hot.. lots of fusion.08:14
=== methril is now known as methril|work
eliaArtred like ^08:14
maxagazwhat is LTSP chroot ?08:14
PWilderanyone know how to configure Simp on aMSN?08:15
rentonOnce I activate a proprietary hardware driver is there a way to deactivate it through the command line?08:15
Provant1) Unzip the simp-server to /usr/local08:16
Provant2) cd /usr/local/simp/bin08:16
Provant3) ./simpserver08:16
Provant4) aMSN --> Preferences --> Advanced --> Initial notification server. Set to ""08:16
Provant5) Restart aMSN08:16
FloodBot3Provant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
Alex_21Do I need a Window Manager to install applications?08:16
* CrIP is crankin' Free Speech For The Dumb by Metallica from Garage Inc. (Disc 1)08:16
Alex_21I mean run Graphical applications?08:16
ProvantNot likely.08:17
rentonProvant: REally? I thought you did.08:17
PWilderGetting a lot of errors08:17
ProvantK one sec.08:18
Provant-opens aMSN08:18
zaccourwhich is more recommended for iso burning dvd-r or dvd-rw?08:18
unanxbthow to shutdown a windows_xp machine remotely?08:18
AlbaTdoes anyone know what i have to do that i dont get that error anymore08:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:18
=== tom__ is now known as Tommetje
Alex_21I only need to run some basic WXObjects applications08:19
ProvantWho ever wanted help with the aMSN please personal message me this is confusing :308:19
krishnanHi In need help in setting up load balancing servers for my new and first datacenter08:19
Alex_21I only need to run some basic WXObjects aplications. Do I need a Window Manager?08:20
krishnanAlex_21: no08:20
Alex_21Why not?08:20
Alex_21I just don't understand the logic behind them08:20
krishnanAlex_21: if you feel you need, then use it. If not then don't. its as simple as that08:21
Alex_21Where do my windows get there looks from then?08:21
Alex_21I'm confused08:21
Alex_21I'm new to the Window Manager concept08:21
krishnanalex_21: you confused m too:) let's wait for some one else to make us both clear08:22
Alex_21Load ballancing in what respeact?08:22
Alex_21Apache, or something else?08:22
norenhi there Alexa_21 whats the prob ??08:22
krishnanAlex_21: I have a web server and iam planning to have another one. i need a load balancing server which routes the user request to both the severs equally based on the load08:23
Alex_21It is Alex_21, but the issue is that I'm designing a unofficial fork of Ubuntu and I need to know if I need a Window Manager at all because I only need to load graphical applications that are based on WXObjects, nothing more08:24
mylistofinally got my damn webcam working in skype :D08:24
mylistoI have to use this command  LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype08:25
garretttrequest to both the severs equally based on the load08:25
garrettt<-- ju-ha has quit ("Ex-Chat")08:25
garrettt toshy has quit (Clien08:25
binarymutantAlex_21: you need xorg and a window manager for WXObjects08:25
mylistoto get skype working with my webcam...How can I automate this?08:25
krishnanmylisto: how did you make skype work on ubuntu?08:25
optrazwhich package provide module vboxnetlft08:25
garretttI am running Ibex on an eee pc currently and I was wondering if anyone could tell  me how to disable double tapping08:25
krishnangarrettt: i need guidance in setting up a load server from scratch08:25
ProvantMy webcam wont work fullstop08:25
ProvantEither will my mic.08:26
mylistokrishnan: what do you mean?08:26
Provantgo to www.skype.com08:26
FloodBot3Provant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:26
zaccouri finally got ubuntu for the ps3 onto a disc, and now the ps3 doesnt even seem to read the disc when i told it to install other os08:26
User___ubuntu on eeepc 701 sd is not good.08:26
User___no network no wifi etc..08:26
zaccouri boycot eeepc08:26
User___but Mandriva Free or One is good.08:26
krishnanmylisto: i once tried installing skype on hardy. it did nt work. hence guide me on how to install skype on hardy and make it work08:26
Alex_21Look here for Load-Ballancing Apache http://www.warp2search.net/contentteller/news_story/how_to_set_up_a_loadbalanced_high_availability_apache_cluster_on_ubuntu_804_lts.html08:26
mylistokrishnan: let me think08:27
arvind_khadri!skype | krishnan08:27
ubottukrishnan: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:27
ProvantWait >.<08:27
Alex_21It is Alex_21, but the issue is that I'm designing a unofficial fork of Ubuntu and I need to know if I need a Window Manager at all because I only need to load graphical applications that are based on WXObjects, nothing more08:27
Provantgo to that URL.08:27
Alex_21Please help08:27
garretttkrishnan: i don't understand your question but i don't think i can help you08:28
binarymutantplease read above post Alex_2108:28
mylistohow can I automate this command?08:28
mylisto LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype08:28
Alex_21Which post above08:29
zirodaymylisto: automate it how? Every hour, every month, every bootup?08:29
joot_Alex_21, some one already answered you you need xorg and a windows manager08:29
Alex_21Oh Ok08:29
mylistowhen I start skype08:29
optrazwhich package provide module vboxnetflt ?08:29
Alex_21Thanks. I'm blind, so I miss things easily08:29
mylistocan I make an icon that says Skype or anything else08:29
mylistobut have it be a script to run that command?08:30
garretttI am running Ibex on an eee pc currently and I was wondering if anyone could tell  me how to disable double tapping08:30
C-S-Bmylisto, just change the shortcuts command08:30
C-S-Bor run a script instead08:31
Alex_21Yes, you can make an Icon. Right click on the Desktop and choose Make Launcher. Type in a name and chose Run Command, and then put the command in a save it08:31
mylistohow do I do a script?08:31
binarymutantmylisto: with a text editor08:31
Alex_21See above08:31
AlbaTcan somone see my error?08:31
mattycozehey guys i was wondering when the new 9.03 was to be released this month?08:32
mylistobinarymutant: does the file have to end in a certain extension?08:32
mattycozeno talk of it on the news sites unlike previous releases which is sad :(08:32
C-S-Bwhenever I boot I'm getting an error which goes and theres no side effect, is this logged anywhere? I think its about loading a module.08:32
joot_AlbaT, Is that file installed??08:32
binarymutantmylisto: no but if you want it to be executable just run chmod +x filename08:32
C-S-BI dont NEED to fix it, but I'd like to know whats not working08:32
nameless`it's not ubuntu related, but i would like to start an opensource project and i will need a wiki, mailing list, forum and all that kind of stuff, do you know a good framework to do this ?08:32
=== Ronald is now known as Ronald|Work
binarymutantmylisto: or you can right click and its in properties or something like that08:33
C-S-Bnameless`, use wikimedia installs easy on a LAMP server08:33
mattycozeno talk of it on the news sites unlike previous releases which is sad :(\08:33
Alex_21And Zimbra for the rest08:33
noren!jaunty | mattycoze08:33
ubottumattycoze: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.08:33
Alex_21Zimbra for mailing lists and E-mai08:33
rentonWhen I go to hardware drivers and attempt to activate a driver it just greys out and does nothing. How can I activate it? o.o08:34
King_WilliamZimbra is great!08:34
C-S-Brenton, reboot?08:34
=== King_William is now known as KingWilliam
nameless`C-S-B, yep but wikimedia is a real gas factory, moreover it does not provide mailing list does it ?08:34
mattycozewhat's breakage implying?08:34
Alex_21Zimbra provides a Mailing list08:35
C-S-Bmattycoze, in the process of fixing one thing, might break the functionality of another08:35
mattycozeoh heh i see08:35
norenmattycoze: its in alfa 6 testing mode for now08:35
Alex_21Lol, I'm having problems with Zimbra. KingWilliam: Will you help with that?08:35
mattycozelol oh way off08:35
mattycozei wonder why i kept thinking it was coming out this month duh08:35
quibbleroptraz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:36
C-S-Bwhenever I boot I'm getting an error which goes and theres no side effect, is this logged anywhere? I think its about loading a module.08:36
norenmattycoze: its good for now i m using one now08:36
mattycozeext4 though woot :p08:36
norenC-S-B: whats the error08:37
C-S-Bmattycoze, just compile latest kernel from kernel.org for ext408:37
mylistowebcam finally working08:37
nameless`C-S-B, dmesg | tail08:37
C-S-Bnoren, I cant see it :( thats what I want to do-see it to fix it.08:37
nameless`C-S-B, all kernel messages are in /var/log/message08:37
Alex_21I can't see it either08:37
nameless`C-S-B, you can display using dmesg or cat /var/log/messages08:38
Alex_21Blind, ... See, ... I'm blind, ... Honnestly08:38
zaccouri went to the asus website and i remember they use to promote linux, now they have an ad video that says better with windows08:38
zaccourthats why i boycot asus08:38
C-S-Bcheers nameless, couldnt see it in there-might have to reboot and stick it in the logs again08:39
azlonhow can I globally change an icon? like for firefox, I have a shortcut several places but I want the icon to be different08:39
hhleezaccour: they never put, price is not  better with Asus08:39
Alex_21I need to know how to install MythTV on Ubuntu 8.04 PPC08:39
Alex_21I can't find a guide anywhere08:39
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv08:40
JesterHello, I just installed 8.10 and I have no sound.  My sound card is a Audigy 2 ZS. I have the emu10k1 module loaded, I tried selecting every possible device, and also alsa/pulseaudio in System->Prefs->Sound. Everything is unmuted, I tried reloading ALSA, pulse, etc. I'm at a lost. Any idea ?08:40
C-S-BJester, compiled the latest ALSA?08:40
JesterC-S-B: nope, I have what comes stock + did the upgrades08:41
C-S-Btry going to the alsa website and getting the latest08:41
C-S-BI had to when getting everthing working here08:41
JesterC-S-B: in any case, this card has been working on linux for me for about 6-7 years08:41
JesterC-S-B: except just now in Ubuntu linux08:42
zaccoura girl told me she can sleep with an attractive guy and not think about sex at all. i asked her if she could really do that and not think i wish he would mount me and she replied, dismount/remove/dev08:42
joetheoddzaccour, mount, fsck, dismount ?08:42
zaccourwhats fsck?08:43
zaccouroh ok08:43
rentonC-S-B: it wouldn't activate in KDE, but it is activating it in gnome.08:43
rentonC-S-B: thank you very much.08:43
joetheoddbut it looks like something else. :P08:43
zaccouri think kde looks too much like windows08:43
rentonI am currently downloading FGLRX (proprietary driver for my video card). If it crashes x is there any way I can uninstall it via the command line?08:44
C-S-Brenton, dont think i help but glad your sorted.08:44
Alex_21I can't find how to do it for PPC Ubuntu Distros08:44
Alex_21I can't find how to install MythTV for for PPC Ubuntu Distros08:44
zeitsofarenton: try to run your installer with --help. i think there are a uninstaller option.08:45
C-S-Brenton, backup your xconf08:45
noren!fixres | renton08:45
ubotturenton: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:45
hhleeu can customize gnome to looks more like windows08:45
rentonzeitsofa: I used the gui to install it.08:45
JesterThis is pathetic... Is this the distro I'm supposed to be advising my Grandma to use? A distro with sound not working on a default install, with a 6 years old _creative_ card no less...  I mean I'm sorry but the frustration has to come out.08:45
hhleejester maybe just get a cheap new card08:46
renton!offtopic | jester08:46
ubottujester: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:46
hhleeit should be working better than expensive card like that08:46
rentonJester: If you have a question about a sound issue then I am sure someone would be happy to try and help if you asked.08:47
joot_renton, jester is not off topic  he needs help with sound08:47
Jesterrenton: I have asked my question, but I can ask it again for you08:47
hhleeJester lets go for a cheaper hardware that support ubunto08:47
Jesterrenton: Hello, I just installed 8.10 and I have no sound.  My sound card is a Audigy 2 ZS. I have the emu10k1 module loaded, I tried selecting every possible device, and also alsa/pulseaudio in System->Prefs->Sound. Everything is unmuted, I tried reloading ALSA, pulse, etc. I'm at a lost. Any idea ?08:47
zeitsofarenton: ah ok. i understand u install the ati drivers from ati. sorry.08:48
norenJester: any specific sound u may need extra codecs08:48
Alex_21I need to know how to install MythTV on Ubuntu 8.04 PPC. I can't find a guide anywhere08:49
JesterI have all the codecs... The "Test" thing itself in the prefs outputs nothing08:49
Alex_21Even the Ubuntu page is no help. The community one that is08:49
noren!mythtv | Alex_2108:49
ubottuAlex_21: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv08:49
rentonjester: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194203 take a look at that.08:49
Alex_21That is no help08:49
Alex_21I read it08:49
norenAlex_21:  try #ubuntu-mythtv they might help08:50
koshariAlex_21 are there packages for mythtv on ppc?08:51
Alex_21I don't know08:51
Alex_21No idea08:51
ProvantWho here knows advanced levels of any web developing?08:52
Alex_21*Alex raises his hand*08:52
hhleeProvant hiring?08:52
ProvantI'm looking to put together a.. team you could say.08:52
koshariAlex_21 well try sudo apt-get install mythtv08:53
hhlee*hhlee raise both hands and feet*08:53
hhleejust kidding, I dunno08:53
KingWilliamWhat webdevelopment do you mean?08:54
KingWilliamjsp? php? ...08:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about assk08:54
ProvantAny scripting language08:55
Provantphp, html, perl etc08:55
hhleehello am I kicked out?08:55
coopcooperwhen installing ubuntu onto a manually selected partition, is it necessary to allocate swap space for the installation?08:55
KingWilliamProvant: In webdevelopment i understand J2EE and ASP and such :)08:56
hhleeubottu am I alive?08:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about am I alive?08:56
Alex_21KingWilliam: Do you know why my Zimbra install fair=led after working for months and then when I switched interfaces in Ubuntu08:56
KingWilliamcoopcooper: I suggest you do ;)08:56
hhleelol thanks08:56
coopcooperhow much swap space should i allocate?08:56
blackwareist auch jemand da der deutsch spricht08:56
KingWilliamAlex_21: nope. No idea08:56
quibblercoopcooper: how much ram do you have?08:57
KingWilliamcoopcooper: I always take as much as my ram08:57
coopcooperive got 2gig of ddr208:57
KingWilliamcoopcooper: You should take at least 2gig then to make sure to be able to go into hibernate08:57
coopcoopersweet, thanks08:57
hhleebye everyone08:58
TommetjeI've heard using 1.5 times the amount of RAM you have.08:58
quibblercoopcooper: i have the same and i made a 4 gig swap which is almost never used ..so do what KingWilliam  says s gigs08:58
Tommetjethus using 3GB of swap when you have 2GB of RAM.08:58
Alex_21KingWilliam: I just swapped my ethernet cable around from one interface to another and poof it disappeared08:58
norencoopcooper: double the amount of ur physical ram08:59
coopcoopercheers :)08:59
coopcooperill ask my other question as well, i have xp installed on drive A (full hdd is partitioned for xp) and i have half of drive B set aside for xp as well, i want to install ubuntu on hte left over unallocated space on drive B, so am i correct when i select "manual" under the "prepare disk space" section of the ubuntu install?09:00
quibblercoopcooper: yes09:00
alinhello.. how do i install wine using get appt-install09:00
Alex_21No, select Use Largest Continous Free Space09:01
noren!wine | alin09:01
ubottualin: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help09:01
C-S-Balin, apt-get install wine ?09:02
mylistonight all09:03
quibbleralin: you can best go to winehq and set their repositories in your source list: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb09:03
C-S-Balin, apt-cache search <stuff you want>09:04
quibblercoopcooper: please don't pm me.09:04
coopcooperis the partition im creating making logical or primary?09:04
alincoz i want install shockwave in ubuntu09:04
quibblercoopcooper: it's best to ask your questions in the room so other can see and help09:04
coopcoopertrue, well i just did09:05
OngavezirkeHozsanna brotha'z09:05
OngavezirkeTUKS Must Die!09:05
quibblercoopcooper: i believe logical09:05
OngavezirkeJust because09:05
Ongavezirkeszevasztok pingvinbaszok09:06
coopcooperwhen i create hte main partition (the one i want ubuntu to be installed on) so i need to set a mount point?09:06
Alex_21Thrice you must do this. One time for each partition you must create09:07
coopcooperwhat do i set the mount point to?09:07
coopcooperwell im only creating one partition09:08
OngavezirkeNew recipe: Soup from each TUKS and eggs09:08
gfatherguys can i easily change my cpu , or ill get kernel panic ?09:08
coopcoopershould i also set a mount point for the ntfs drives i have?09:08
Alex_21Look, you can do this or just choose use Guided Use Largest Continous free space instead and save yourself the trouble09:08
quibblercoopcooper: do you want a separate home partition?09:08
ubottuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave09:08
Alex_21You need three for an install. One for Boot, one for Root and one for SWAP09:09
coopcooperAlex_21, if i choose that it seems to awnt to format my hdd09:09
coopcoopercan i just set the mount point to "/" for all 3?09:09
quibblercoopcooper: no09:10
quibblercoop how big is the free space09:10
ibunheri am not able to upgrade system09:11
AslateArgh, Firefox on a clean Ubuntu install is causing the whole system to freeze09:11
AslateClean & update run once09:12
alinu think i can succeed installing shockwave in ubuntu?09:12
ibunherit says: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb09:12
quibblercoopcooper: what I did was  one partition for / at 15 gigs one for /home at 60 gigs and one for /swap with the rest.../ and /home should be formated as ext309:12
coopcooperit doesnt actually let me assign a mount point for swap09:13
coopcooperie. it wont let me use the drop down box09:13
quibblercoopcooper: it does that automatic09:13
OngavezirkeWho will fucking with  the TUKS today?09:14
coopcooperwhat is the "/" partition used for and what is the "/home" partition used for?09:14
coopcooperis "/" all kernel stuff?09:14
quibblercoopcooper: yes09:14
OngavezirkeAzt kedeztem ki dugja meg a pingvint ma09:14
coopcooperand 10-15 gigs is enough for "/"?09:14
Ongavezirkemelyik az a mocskos diszno?09:14
SeveasOngavezirke, english only in here09:15
playerxcoopcooper: thats huge09:15
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.09:15
coopcooperplayerx: what would a more typical size be?09:15
OngavezirkeSeveas: Okay. My question: Who will fucking with TUKS today?09:15
Seveas!ops | Ongavezirke09:15
ubottuOngavezirke: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:15
Alex_21Kick that bad mouther off09:16
quibblercoopcooper: more that enough09:16
KingWilliamcoopcooper: 10 Gigs aint that bad, if you also use it for your home09:16
playerxi keep / prolly around 2gb and put other stuff /usr /var on their own09:16
playerxwith /usr /var having 4-8gb09:16
playerxand then use a really large amount for /home09:17
Alex_21I need help installing PPC MythTV under Ubuntu 8.0409:17
KingWilliamI always make only one partition mapped to /09:17
Alex_21I can't find a guide anywhere09:17
alinyay!! my shockwave worked..! thanks guys!!09:17
KingWilliamAlex_21: Isn't it just sudo apt-get install mythTV?09:18
quibblerAlex_21: i don't believe it is supported09:18
Alex_21I don't think so as the package isn't compiled for PC I think09:18
Alex_21What isn't supported?09:18
KingWilliamAlex_21: Guess that will be compilation from source then09:18
alinwhy the shochwave player installing so long :o not moved a musscle09:19
coopcooperfor hte partition im making mounted to "/", what file system do i format it under?09:19
Alex_21Ok, what isn't supported? PPC or MythTV on PPC?09:19
coopcooperand make "/home" ext3 as well?09:19
playerxext3 is safe09:19
elkyis there a solution for laptops that like to ignore a brightness setting when coming out of power save?09:19
quibblerAlex_21: i don't believe it is supported ppc mythtv09:20
Alex_21I have no choice for that one09:20
quibblercoopcooper: yes both ext309:20
ProvantAnyone here good with web development? [scripting languages]09:21
KingWilliamcoopcooper: You can use ext3 for everything except your swap partition ;)09:21
Alex_21Quibbler: I just bought a new computer for this and it is PPC-Based09:21
azlonhow can I change the default icon of Firefox?09:21
KingWilliamazlon check /user/share/applications09:21
KingWilliamazlon: And edit the firefox.desktop file09:21
elkyProvant, probably many, but this is a support channel for Ubuntu software, not language syntax09:22
quibblerAlex_21: i googled for you and came up with nix09:22
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:22
KingWilliamnew: That wasn't very clear09:22
jesterOk.  It appears I was wrong earlier, it was indeed an alsa setting (sound card port) that was muted.  In my defense however, the port works when it is muted (MM), which is completely and utterly fucked up (hey I've been using alsa since linux 2.6.0). Anyway sorry for the outburst09:22
Provant-pokes tongue09:22
coopcooperalright guys i think im on my way09:22
coopcooperthanks so much for the help09:22
alinIts says that i've installed the shockwave player.. why cant use?09:22
coopcoopermuch appreciated09:22
elkyProvant, most languages will have their own channel on the network. php is in ##php for example09:23
quibblerjester: i am just glad it works for you!09:23
Alex_21Quibler: What is NIX?09:23
jesterquibbler: thanks :)09:23
ProvantThanks for the tip, I'll remember that next time.09:23
quibblerAlex_21: nothing09:23
coopcooperquibbler: much love09:23
quibblercoopcooper: good luck i think you will like ubuntu09:24
coopcooperyeah, i use a live distribution of it at uni09:24
coopcooperjust never done a fresh install before09:24
alinwahh this so cruel09:24
ubottuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave09:24
alincant install shockwave09:24
elkyjester, we prefer to keep bad language out of our channels too09:24
quibblercoopcooper: we were all there at one time09:25
playerxahh time, it just keeps on slippin09:25
azlonKingWilliam: does the new icon have to be a certain size?09:25
jesterelky: "bad language" is very subjective culture-dependant09:25
quibbleralin: you need flash?09:25
KingWilliamjester: wut?09:26
KingWilliamjester: Oh I forget what we are toalking about :P09:26
alini need shockwave09:26
KingWilliamjester: No it doesn't matter for so far as I remember09:26
NalfI just installed fglrx and now I have no gui. <.< fglrx-uninstall doesn't work either. Any other way I can uninstall it?09:26
alinhow i uninstall wine09:26
elkyjester, you know what i mean.09:26
alinthen i wan reinstall it09:26
quibbleralin: to do what?09:26
Samma3lhi there, will I break anything if I uninstall the keyring manager from ubuntu?09:26
Samma3lcorrection Mythbuntu?09:27
alini want install shockwave in ubuntu09:27
alini wrongly installed wine without mozplugger09:27
quibbleralin: to do what?09:27
Alex_21Quibbler: I want to know if you found any ways for me to compile for PPC?09:27
alinso now i want uninstall wine09:27
sprocketsIs there a way to optimize ubuntu to a specific system or is it already optimized for say a computer with a intel dual core p860009:27
alinand reinstall it with mosplugger09:27
quibblerAlex_21: no09:27
lstarnesalin: I don't think you need to reinstall wine for that09:28
quibbleralin: mozplugger has nothing to do with wine09:28
alinFirst, install the wine and mozplugger packages (for information on how to do this, see InstallingSoftware).  <-- i found this line in ubuntu help page09:28
alinto install shockwave09:28
azlonKingWilliam: when I edit firefox.dekstop I see this: Icon=firefox-3.0 ... should I change that to the path of my new icon?09:29
crdlbsprockets: other than using amd64 instead of x86, there's not much to do. with x86, the -generic kernel will still do SMP (multi-core) and things like SSE can still be used09:29
KingWilliamazlon: You made a perfect discovery there09:30
sprocketscrdlb: Thanks09:30
alinnice... no one cares about my prob... ??09:31
sprocketscrdlb: In you opinion is ubuntu 64 ready to be a desktop os right now or is the software support currently lacking?  I used it once and had some issues with Flash and usb drivers but that was awhile ago09:31
quibbleralin: http://mozplugger.mozdev.org/documentation.html09:31
crdlbsprockets: there is a 64bit flash now, I believe09:32
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=== drostie|dreams is now known as drostie
crdlbsprockets: it depends on what you're doing with it too; if you're encoding video, you'll see significant improvements09:32
Alex_21Quibbler: I found some tidbits.09:33
alinthen why my shockwave didnt worked09:33
Alex_21I'll try it tommorrow09:33
Alex_21Good night09:33
azlonKingWilliam: awesome! thanks!09:33
quibblerAlex_21: good night09:33
Alex_21Thanks for your help09:33
Alex_21Good night09:33
FloodBot3Alex_21: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:33
KingWilliamazlon: welcome ;)09:33
=== gws is now known as eL-GeWzZz
nocturnHi all09:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:36
nocturnI'm running a mailscanner on 8.04 LTS, I'm getting false positives due to an out-of-date Spamassassin09:36
wtrrrrrrI have a wlan0 on my laptop, and I just configured wpa_supplciant with a nice conf file. It all should work, but when running wpa_supplicant on the interface and configuration it fails: it cannot bring up wlan0. "ifconfig wlan0 up" Also fails.  What I can do is "iwconfig wlan0 essid foobarsomewthing". and iwconfig then also reports the essid set.09:36
wtrrrrrrIs this a firmware problem?09:36
nocturnIs there a repo for 8.04 with update spamassassin packages?09:36
alinfine i'll just use vista09:37
wtrrrrrrI.e. do I need to install firmware for my card, since I could not find anything on this in the howto of help.ubunto.org.09:37
|MadmaN|Hi, i'm running ubuntu on an openvz based vserver and get a mail every day when the cron.daily job has finished. the output is like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/131868/ Any idea what I could change to fix this?09:37
kl4b3r5k1hello people09:39
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eliaArtubuntu.fr ?09:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about f09:49
jpds!fr | eliaArt09:49
ubottueliaArt: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr09:49
quibbleri'm a lousy typist!09:50
learn_morehow to upgrade kernel on ubuntu?09:53
learn_moreusing apt??09:53
fosco_learn_more: yes09:54
learn_moreapt-get upgrade?09:54
Appiahapt-get update09:54
Appiahapt-get installl kernel-image or something like that09:54
fosco_learn_more: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:54
learn_more2.6.27-7 server09:54
fosco_kernel will upgrade if available09:54
learn_morethats my kernel09:54
Appiahoh ye just dist-upgrade should update to the new kernel09:54
Appiahnew "supported" kernel ;) you could have download and compile a new one yourself09:55
=== anton__ is now known as Onerice
learn_morehow can i choose ath5k at 2.6.27 kernel?09:55
sprocketsis metacity default on ubuntu?09:55
fosco_sprinkmeier: yes09:55
kosharisprockets yes09:55
fosco_sprockets: yes09:55
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:55
learn_morehow can i choose ath5k at 2.6.27 kernel??09:56
Appiahath5k ?09:56
fosco_install and compile madwifi drivers09:57
jpdslearn_more: This is intrepid right?09:57
fosco_but I think this is not officially supported09:57
Appiah"The better option is to disable the in-kernel ath5k and recommend that users install LBM"09:57
jpdslearn_more: If so, install linux-backports-modules-intrepid09:57
KingWilliamcheck the fixes for eeePC, they talk about ath5k Appiah09:57
AppiahKingWilliam: not for me09:57
learn_morealready installed it09:58
learn_more98 mb of downloading09:58
learn_morewhats eeepc???09:59
Appiahit's a notebook10:00
OnericeAny nvidia help channel on irc?10:00
learn_moreand to prevent that bugs,i must install the  LBM?10:00
doleyblearn_more: eeepc is a brand of laptop computers, and it's been widely noticed that their wifi chips don't work with ubuntu's current drivers.10:00
Dexter_how do I find out how much RAM i have installed?10:01
doleybDexter_: cat /proc/meminfo10:01
yao_ziyuancan i run update-notifier (not update-notifier-kde) at kde startup for update notification?10:01
Dexter_MemTotal is the total I have on physical right?10:01
Dexter_swap is not what I am looking for right?10:02
doleybDexter_: yes total is your physical, swap is disk used as memory10:02
learn_moredist-upgrade command not found.how about if i upgrade to new kernel?that will clear my problem ?10:02
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:03
OnericeGraphics problem: Getting an "API mismatch" error which says my driver module has one version, and the driver component a different version. (Nvidia problem) Anyone mind posting a how-to on getting the same versions or something?10:04
amit_hai i have installed ubuntu 8.10 interpred on my Compaq C755TU... but my wifi didn't working10:05
voice5sur5REBORNtoo many people connected10:06
voice5sur5REBORNbut none are active10:06
amit_wifi problem10:06
ActionParsnipamit_: chill dude10:06
ActionParsnipamit_: is it internal or usb?10:07
macrobadHey, guys! Could someone help me to figure out why I cannot ssh into a remote host? Here is a short log http://pastebin.com/m21415dc410:07
SmokeyDhey eveyone. I am using Ubuntu intrepid, english version . I have some russian music with file and folder names in Cyrillic alphabet10:07
ActionParsnipamit_: ok then launch terminal and type: lspci10:07
amit_its my laptop10:07
SmokeyDthey are displayed correctly in nautilus, but Amarok makes a mess of the artist and album names10:07
SmokeyDany clue why amarok doesn't display them correctly?10:08
macrobadSmokeyD: you probably have to convert them from windows-1251 into utf-810:08
SmokeyDmacrobad: the id3 tags? How could I do that?10:08
ActionParsnipamit_: ok, one of those lines will identify the wifi10:08
mmmmSmokeyD: enable locale support for Cyrillic10:09
ActionParsnipamit_: you can now websearch on how to setup that wifi chip10:09
ActionParsnipamit_: what wifi chip does it say you have10:09
macrobadSmokeyD: install python-mutagen package, and run the following command in the directory with music: 'find ./ -iname '*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -0 mid3iconv -e CP1251 --remove-v1'10:10
amit_ Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter10:10
Dexter_hey everyone I have a usb problem10:10
Dexter_when I start my computer10:10
macrobadSmokeyD: I know, it doesn't look good, but this is the fastest may, imho10:10
ActionParsnipamit_: i have an awesome link for those10:10
Dexter_it says: kinit: can't find image ...\10:10
Dexter_kinit trying to resume from10:10
ActionParsnipamit_: http://www.google.co.uk/url?q=http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html&ei=myW-SeOdGJeytwfwoLT3Cw&sa=X&oi=spellmeleon_result&resnum=2&ct=result&cd=1&usg=AFQjCNG2TpbEzCODox6jizk9sH3yG66f6Q10:10
ActionParsnipdamn you google10:10
FloodBot3ActionParsnip: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
amit_i am cheking it10:11
macrobadmmmm: I bet SmokeyD has a problem with encoding rather then with general system cyrillics support10:11
SmokeyDmacrobad: thanks a lot\10:11
SmokeyDI will try it10:11
macrobadSmokeyD: Not at all. You may try it in a separate directory first.10:11
wo0fwhats the best method for setting kiosk mode up with gnome?10:11
macrobadSmokeyD: just in case, although it always worked for me10:12
SmokeyDmacrobad: :) I have a backup of the music10:12
SmokeyDthanks for the suggestion though10:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kiosk10:12
ActionParsnip!find kiosk10:12
ubottuFound: datakiosk, kiosktool10:13
ActionParsnip!info datakiosk10:13
ubottudatakiosk (source: datakiosk): juK-like database interface tool for generic SQL databases. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 884 kB, installed size 1876 kB10:13
ActionParsnip!info kiosktool10:13
ubottukiosktool (source: kiosktool): tool to configure the KDE kiosk framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 256 kB, installed size 1732 kB10:13
pitiI have a trouble with nautilus (gvfs) and gphoto: if I plug in my camera, gvfs monopolises my camera, and I canot use gphoto2 directly from the command line. I tried deactivating from nautilus preferences, but the rollbox for gphoto is greyed up, so I cannot unactive it...10:13
koshariwo0f i havnt had much luck with gnome kiosk, what precisely do you want to do?10:14
zirodayAnyone know any decent mindmapping apps?10:15
macrobadSmokeyD: :) I've actually created a small script called convtags, and put it in the search path. So, not I merely have to go to the new music directory, and run the convtags command. Now my tags are displayed correctly everywhere.10:15
pitidoes someone have any clue for where to check, or a workaround ?10:15
wo0fkoshari: well, im running a dev server10:16
wo0fkoshari: people access the system via nx10:16
wo0fkoshari: i just want normal users to only have access to apps like eclipse and netbeans, not anything else10:16
koshariwo0f i have had better luck locking down fluxbox and as earlier mentioned kdekiosk, another option id to bypass WM altogether and boot into pure app with xorg10:17
wo0fkoshari: i basically need a tool like kdekiosk10:17
wo0fbut for gnome10:18
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wo0fkoshari: are there meta-packages for fluxbox?10:19
wo0fkoshari: what method did you use for that?10:19
appocccan  anybody help me with wireless connection??10:19
ActionParsnipwo0f: sudo apt-get install fluxbox10:19
ActionParsnipappocc: usb or pci?10:19
appoccbut the hardware are working already10:20
ActionParsnipappocc: ok, run   lsusb    in konsole10:20
appoccdetected and stuff10:20
ActionParsnipappocc: then does: sudo iwlist scan    return APs?10:20
appoccok but i cant paste her cause i dun have internet on my linux10:20
appoccall of them10:20
appoccincluding mine10:20
wo0fkoshari: ActionParsnip: does freenx-server support using fluxbox?10:20
appocci can actually connect to it.. but i cant navigate10:21
ActionParsnipthen use wifi-radar or nm-applet to configure the connection10:21
appoccim using wircd10:21
ActionParsnipwo0f: can't see why not10:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd10:21
appoccwicd , and already used network-manager10:21
ActionParsnip!info wicd10:21
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid10:21
appoccand they are givin me the same error10:22
ActionParsnipappocc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD10:22
appocci just dun know why, but sometimes, wicd let me navigate...10:22
ActionParsnipappocc: what is the error you get?10:22
appoccand sometimes network-manager gave me internet too10:22
appocci dun get any error at all. a just can navigate10:22
appoccand a dun know why10:23
ActionParsnipappocc: try wifi-radar. the fact that scanning shows APs is great, thats the hard bit done10:23
appocci think its another thing.. itsnt wicd or network-manager. but another thing10:23
koshariwo0f yes as AP posted there is a matapackage, and i just locked down the menu items i didnt want accessable, and the menu, fluxes menu is quite easy to edit10:23
ActionParsnipappocc: try a reboot maybe10:23
appoccactually my wireless cant act like a dhcp client and i dun know why10:23
appocci rebooted like 5000000 times10:23
appoccso i need to fix ip on it10:23
SmokeyDmacrobad: you are a hero :) Just converted the id3 tags of 1.7GB of mp3's10:24
appoccbut i cant connecr anyway10:24
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wo0fkoshari: so how do i go about locking down flux's menu?10:24
appocci mean, i can connect, but i cant navigate10:24
ActionParsnipappocc: get on a wired link and get fully updated10:24
appoccwhats wired link??10:24
ActionParsnipappocc: instead of wireless, use a wire10:25
ActionParsnipappocc: just to get updated10:25
macrobadSmokeyD: Great! :)10:25
ActionParsnipappocc: when you connect with wireless do you get a full set of ip information?10:25
koshariwo0f i edited the menus flat config file then chmodded it read only for the account10:25
macrobadappocc: Do you have ip address assigned?10:25
ActionParsnipappocc: using a wired link to get updated can make things work great10:25
appoccthis is the other thing i think the error itsnot on hardware or wicd or network-manager, cause when i plug the ethernet cable, it try to connect but cant get ip10:25
SmokeyDstill a shame I can't read russian, but at least I can make something of the artist names10:25
appoccyah. but its forced10:26
ActionParsnipappocc: then set a unique static ip that falls within your subnet and update that way10:26
appocci would like to work on it like a normal windows dhcp client10:26
ActionParsnipappocc: once updated you could then switch back to dhcp to see if dhcp succeeds10:26
appoccthis is already set10:26
macrobadSmokeyD: Hehe, use translate.google.com or your friends to read it. After all, it's not that difficult to learn the language yourself. =)10:26
appoccman.. im already on static10:26
appocccause i gave up of dhcp10:27
koshariwo0f i also made the default gdm login the flux account that was limited.10:27
ActionParsnipappocc: ok can you ping the routers internal ip?10:27
SmokeyDmacrobad: I understand Ленинград, but what is Наркоман :)10:27
appocconly when, i don know why, it let me navigate10:27
ActionParsnipappocc: navigate what?10:28
appoccActionParsnip: open sites... google... connecto to msn.. internet.. wan10:28
ActionParsnipappocc: ok thats cool10:28
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ActionParsnipappocc: then run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:29
appoccu see... sometimes.. it just work... its rare, but just work10:29
ActionParsnipappocc: get all the latest updates for you install and see how it flys from there10:29
appocci arent understanding10:30
appoccim NOT connected right now10:30
ActionParsnipappocc: you could try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install dhcpd10:30
appocci already did it las time it let me connect10:30
ActionParsnipwell get connected and get updated10:30
error404notfoundhow can I get latest version of pma on ubuntu 8.10? I have tried ppa of michal, but it doesn't contain pma any more...10:30
ActionParsnipif you arent already10:30
appoccbut right now it just dunt work10:30
Tclif i get something installed by apt-get etc ...how i can uninstall  thaat program ?10:30
ActionParsnipappocc: use an ethernet cable if you have to10:30
appoccman, ethernet don works either10:31
appocci already told u10:31
ActionParsnipTcl: sudo apt-get --purge remove <program>; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove10:31
appocci think its something before ethernet or wireless10:31
Tclk thx :)10:31
appocci think the error is on a iptable or a route...10:31
ActionParsnipappocc: then i'd try getting that working first10:31
ActionParsnipthen flush iptables and all routes10:31
ActionParsnipappocc: if you havent added any rules, they will be fine10:32
appoccman.. u see.. when i was using network-manager, it just couldnt save my netmask10:32
ActionParsnipappocc: do you use any wifi security?10:32
BartoN-anybody that made hac10:33
appocci changed it to and then it change to 24...10:33
appoccyah.. wpe10:33
ActionParsnipappocc: yes /24 is a class c network10:33
appoccbut I CAN CONNECT, it authenticates10:33
BartoN-anythat made hamachi work on ubuntu? i have tried to follow that install guide on net but dont seem to work10:33
ActionParsnipappocc: have you configured WPA ?10:33
macrobadSmokeyD: Наркоман is a drug addict. Btw, Ленинград's songs are full of obscene lexics... just in case.10:33
appoccand its working fine.. im connected right now... but even connected i cant ping my own hub10:33
SmokeyDmacrobad: ok, They just sound very nice. I am just finding out the lyrics with translate.google.com :)10:34
ActionParsnipappocc: if its fine, get updated10:34
ActionParsnipappocc: what is the output of: lsb_release -c10:34
appoccthats my problem10:34
appoccwith wireles or ethernet10:34
appoccill see10:34
amit_hai,,,,,,,THANKS    my wifi is working now10:35
amit_i have one more question10:35
amit_whether i cannot store the update files that ubuntu updated10:35
amit_on next time it will again download 300 mb of data10:35
FloodBot3amit_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:35
ActionParsnipamit_: np man10:35
amit_where are you10:35
ActionParsnipappocc: ok thats cool10:35
ActionParsnipamit_: look in /var/cache/apt10:35
appoccso.. what u think i need to do ActionParsnip10:35
ActionParsnipamit_: the old debs are in there10:35
ActionParsnipappocc: i'd rename /etc/network/interfaces and reboot10:36
amit_all the installed updates10:36
appoccrename to anything, just to stop its work??10:36
ActionParsnipappocc: i would also try to get your ethernet working as it will require less complexity to get connected with a wire10:36
ActionParsnipappocc: you will get a stock one, but renaming allows us to retain the file10:37
appoccmand... my hardware is workin... i can connect.. i can see all wireless AP´s here.. its ok10:37
ActionParsnipappocc: the interfaces file can hold some config, if you reboot and get nothing you can rename it back10:38
ActionParsnipappocc: its a simple test10:38
appoccok... ill do it righ now10:38
ActionParsnipappocc: you could also delete any config you have for wifi to strip down any settings, you should also wipe out the WPA config too so you have a clean setup which you can re-establish10:39
ActionParsnipappocc: you could try connecting without the WPA turned on, just to see if that is the issue10:39
ActionParsnipappocc: you need to take all complexity out and then slowly build up to see where your setup is falling over10:39
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appoccman.. but cant u see... hardware is working, drivers is working  fine... it already gave me connections ... and two wireless softwares worked and gave the same error10:41
appoccits another thing.. another configuration on ubuntu10:41
appoccsomething elementar to both softwares, to both interfaces10:41
ActionParsnipappocc: its possible your adapter cant use wpa under linux10:42
appoccMAN, arent u reading me?? I CAN CONNECT!!!![10:43
ActionParsnipappocc: you will have to experiment10:43
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appoccomg... man... cant u remember anything like a dhcp configuration or another thing??10:43
joaopinto!caps | appocc10:44
ubottuappocc: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:44
appoccone thing that both ways use to10:44
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appoccdeleting Interfaces dun worked10:45
appoccwhat can we do more ActionParsnip10:45
ActionParsnipi said rename but oh well10:45
appocci renamed lol10:46
ActionParsnipsame deal, just no rollback option10:46
ActionParsnipthere is a difference10:46
cmwslwone time aptitude tried to delete about 200 packages10:46
cmwslwI overlooked the confirm screen too10:46
ActionParsniptry disabling wpa to see if you can connect and if dhcp succeeds10:46
appoccno.. i cant10:46
appocci already told u that10:46
cmwslwthat was a real puzzle to solve10:47
ActionParsnipappocc: delete is very hard to get back with ext3, if yuo rename and you want the file back its very easy to rename back10:47
ActionParsnipappocc: why not?10:47
appocci can connect only if i give my own ip, netmask, gateway and dns10:47
ActionParsnipappocc: then is everything fine and works 100%?10:47
appoccsometimes yes10:48
appoccbut i dun know why10:48
* deltared hi10:48
ActionParsnipappocc: have you tried rebooting your router?10:48
ActionParsnipappocc: is your router a dlink?10:48
appoccbut most of the time it just give me long looking ups and don show anything from google or anythng10:48
appoccno.. is a philips snb650010:48
ActionParsnipappocc: try turning your router off for 10 mins then on again, it may be nicer10:49
appoccand its working fine too.. cause i have a osx connecting on it, and another 4 notebooks on windows10:49
appoccbut why!?10:49
ActionParsnipappocc: its a different OS10:49
appoccand u think if i turn my hub off will change something on linux?10:49
ActionParsnipappocc: if you wont turn of WPA to check you can connect without WPA then i have no further advise10:49
appocci already did it10:50
appoccand just didnt worked10:50
ActionParsnipthen try a wired connection and get that rolling10:50
appocci tried too.. i already told u too10:50
ActionParsnipthen you can getupdates. If you have a fresh install of intrepid your system is hugely out of date10:50
appoccim teling u man, listen to me10:50
* edgex-_ sighs 10:51
erle-did somebody think of making synaptic not locking apt until it actually performs actions?10:51
ActionParsnipafter you disabled wpa, did you form a new connction on ubuntu or try the same one you were trying before?10:51
=== elad is now known as elad``
appoccthe hardware is ok, and the authentication too cause i can connect, and sometimes even navigate like this evening, i just download all updates for intrepid10:51
appoccbut it stoped to work again10:51
elad``How do I see what ports are open, from the command line?10:51
ActionParsniperle-: it locks it to protect them10:51
appoccand i didng change anything10:51
erle-ActionParsnip, of course10:52
elad``I mean, how do I see what TCP connections are open?10:52
appoccits something more elementar.. something like iptables or routes10:52
ActionParsnipappocc: then if it starts working randomly off and on ten i would try the router off and on10:52
erle-ActionParsnip, but that makes no sense if i am just browsing10:52
ActionParsniperle-: true enough, i get what you mean10:52
appoccok.. 10 minutes down and i restart it right?10:52
erle-ActionParsnip, she should protect it only, when an action is performed10:53
_Linuxx_elad`` netstat -lt --numeric-ports10:53
ActionParsnipappocc: sounds logical, if you havent set any firewall rules or routes it wont be those things10:53
Slavik2I am testing wireless irc :)10:53
ActionParsniperle-: submit a bug and then you'll get an email saying "is this a bug or suggestion"10:53
appocci didnt... but i dun know how connections config comes in intrepid, and im just starting with linux10:54
The_Joe_I have a HDA-intel audio driver and my jack microphone refuses to work.10:54
appoccother day i just discovered that one thing was fuckin me was firefox proxy configuration10:54
The_Joe_Sound card is Realtek HD Audio10:54
appoccso i turned it off and got a little time online wwith ubuntu10:55
appocchey... could u tell me google IP??10:55
appoccom my dear god.. lol10:55
_Linuxx_appocc ping google.com10:55
andypatchesCan anyone suggest a music media player with a good sortable media library window that supports ID3v2 TPE2 tags? :)10:55
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ActionParsnipandypatches: amarok is my preference, banshee is also decent10:56
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:56
andypatchesi can't figure out how to sort by said tag though10:56
andypatchesIn banshee10:56
erle-ActionParsnip, there is a bug tracked ...10:57
ActionParsniperle-: nice10:57
ActionParsniperle-: keep an eye on it and bump it occasionally10:57
The_Joe_Help would be good.10:57
andypatchesI read the documentation, and it said it supports it, but there doesn't seem to be a way to graphically sort by the TPE2 tag, spec the Album Artist tag10:57
andypatchesAnd I looked at Amarok, and it doesn't seem to be support for that tag either in the media library.10:58
learn_againafter apt-get install LBM10:58
learn_againhow to use it?10:58
erle-ActionParsnip, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/16506410:58
ActionParsnipThe_Joe_: make sure all levels are maxed and unmuted10:58
The_Joe_Done that.10:58
erle-ActionParsnip, seems to be a pretty-old-nothing-happens case10:58
ActionParsnipThe_Joe_: make sure the mic is set to sampling (bottom ow tick box)10:58
ActionParsniperle-: keep an eye on it, i just use apt-cache search and apt-get install etc10:59
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The_Joe_ActionParsnip, I don't see anything of the sort10:59
ActionParsnipThe_Joe_: what mixer app are you using?10:59
appocchey... ActionParsnip , at least now i can connect to my hub, enter on its configuration... but take a looong time of "Connecting to..."10:59
ActionParsnipappocc: what wifi driver are you using?11:00
The_Joe_ActionParsnip, What app? Sorry11:00
Dreamgliderwhy does my wifi connection disconnect every minute or so, i get full signal streingth and 54Mb/s speed11:00
The_Joe_ActionParsnip, Oh nevermind I think I got it working11:00
ActionParsnipThe_Joe_: the program you run to see the levels for volumes and levels, what do you use?11:01
ActionParsnipappocc: there will be a newer ndiswrapper on the repos11:01
The_Joe_ActionParsnip, The default - and hang on just testing it11:01
ActionParsnipThe_Joe_: i dont use gnome, so i dont know what the default is11:01
The_Joe_ActionParsnip, It's just called "Volume Control"11:01
appoccActionParsnip: but the driver works fine man... this is not the problem...11:02
appoccyou now thats not11:02
appocchow could be if i can connect sometimes?11:02
ActionParsnipappocc: its meant to connect all the time, so the driver is bad11:02
ActionParsnipappocc: or the router is being flaky and needs a rest11:03
appoccrouters get flaky? lol11:03
ActionParsnipyes they do11:03
ActionParsniphome routers are shoddy crap11:03
andypatchesMy wireless did that until I swapped cards11:04
coopcoopercan anyone recommend me a gui overlay that shows on your desktop your ram usage, hdd stats, uptime etc... that they like?11:04
EXP__my hd is getting full, but when look properties of my folders the take about 5gb space. but still when looking from system info it says that i have about 200MB free space og 140GB. how i can clean this?11:04
ActionParsnipcoopcooper: conky11:04
ActionParsnipEXP__: sudo apt-get clean11:04
ActionParsnipEXP__: you could also look into deborphan11:05
PiNGwinnerdo you know who is Lukashenko??????11:05
appocci think it might having dns problems11:06
EXP__tried those, no change11:06
EXP__is there way to clean all users trashcan?11:06
ActionParsnipEXP__: can you pastebin the output of  df -h11:06
ActionParsnip!paste | EXP__11:06
ubottuEXP__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:06
ActionParsnipappocc: can you browse ok with ip addresses?11:06
coopcooperin conky, is there a nicer way to integrate it with hte desktop?11:07
coopcooperperhaps make it look a bit nuicer than a sort of terminal window sitting in the corner11:07
ActionParsnipcoopcooper: you could use a desktlet11:07
x_dimitriI'm having some trouble install postgresql support for php5. has anyone done this successfully on ubuntu?11:07
AberrationHi all!11:07
appoccactually no, but at least, firefox sais connectin to and no Looking for11:08
EXP__valvoja@SARA-LTSP:~$ df -h11:08
EXP__Tiedostojärjestelmä            Koko  Käyt Vapaa Käy% Liitospiste11:08
EXP__/dev/md1              145G  138G  265M 100% /11:08
EXP__varrun               1010M  132K 1010M   1% /var/run11:08
EXP__varlock              1010M     0 1010M   0% /var/lock11:08
FloodBot3EXP__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
EXP__procbususb           1010M  124K 1010M   1% /proc/bus/usb11:08
AberrationIs there a way to make an Intel IWL 5100 wifi card to work on ubuntu 8.04?11:08
ActionParsnipEXP__: use pastebin in future11:08
ActionParsnipEXP__: thats why i gave you the pastebin lnk11:08
appocccan i set my dns to a ip outside my network??11:08
EXP__yes, pressed wrong button11:08
coopcooperhttp://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html <-- how do i get conky to run like taht?11:08
ActionParsnipappocc: sure, add them in /etc/resolv.conf11:09
erle-ActionParsnip, here its always the same annoying procedure: searching for a package name with synaptic, typing apt-get build-dep in some terminal, does not start ...11:09
appocccould u tell me two dns free servers for a test plz?11:09
ActionParsnipEXP__: what is the size of /home/$USER ?11:09
issa_Hi, I need help in compiling catdoc ... I have $HOME/catdoc-0.94/ ... commands ./configure --prefix=$HOME/catdoc; make; make install would install everything under $HOME/catdoc where I can see 3 folders: bin, share and man .. catdoc resides in bin. So I tried this command: $HOME/catdoc/bin/catdoc /path/to/doc/file.doc and got this: "Cannot load charset cp1251 - file not found" where cp1251 lives in $HOME/catdoc/share .. anyone can help?11:09
ActionParsniperle-: why not just use apt-build if you are compiling apps in?11:10
ActionParsniperle-: maybe the packages are locked11:10
erle-ActionParsnip, i am compiling some exotic stuff that i want to keep out of my installed base11:11
ActionParsniperle-: i see11:11
ActionParsniperle-: man apt-get   may help11:11
EXP__home folder total is 182,7 Mt11:11
erle-ActionParsnip, actually, i am trying to get firefox 3.1 built with LLVM :D11:12
ActionParsnipEXP__: ok so we still have a tonne of data unacounted for11:12
x_dimitrihow do I install postgresql support for php5? apt-get install php5-pgsql completes sucessfully, but php still doesn't seem to work with postgresql11:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhi all, does anyone know if there are any issues with Launchpad?11:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit just gave me an error11:13
ActionParsnipEXP__: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/mepis-64/root-partition-full-not-sure-how-where-are-my-files-383095/11:13
simplexiox_dimitri: well little more information could help11:13
ActionParsniperle-: i dislike firefox11:14
mne_Hi. yesterday I upgraded from hardy to intrepid which caused some problems. I solved most of them but network manager still doesn't work with WEP encrypted wlans. I monitored the wireless events with "iwevent": The card correctly sets the key and associates to the network. However, after that it seems to timeout and the interface does not get an IP address using dhcp. If I shut down network manager and do everything manually (i.e. using iwconfig and dhclient11:14
mne_3) is works just fine without any problems.11:14
andypatchesWhat card do you have?11:15
ActionParsnipmne_: try renaming /etc/network/interfaces and then reboot11:15
mne_andypatches, Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN11:15
issa_Hi, I need help in compiling catdoc ... I have $HOME/catdoc-0.94/ ... commands ./configure --prefix=$HOME/catdoc; make; make install would install everything under $HOME/catdoc where I can see 3 folders: bin, share and man .. catdoc resides in bin. So I tried this command: $HOME/catdoc/bin/catdoc /path/to/doc/file.doc and got this: "Cannot load charset cp1251 - file not found" where cp1251 lives in $HOME/catdoc/share .. anyone can help?11:15
mne_ActionParsnip, hmm, ok, I'll have a look at this11:16
ActionParsnipmne_: if you gain nothing after reconfiguring, rename back11:16
mne_ActionParsnip, I wonder if that will help. My interfaces file just contains the settings for the lo interface. Neither ethernet not wireless lan is configured there in any way11:17
sir_yodle1is there a way to easily undo recent config changes?  or would I need something like Acronis TrueImage to do a good job of it?  I'm nervous about tinkering, would feel better if I knew I could clean up my mess haha11:17
learn_againcan i know the firewall name at ubuntu?11:17
learn_againi want to putty to my ip but conection refused ~_~11:18
zashlearn_again: "iptables" ?11:18
learn_againlater will try it11:18
zashlearn_again: glhf11:18
learn_againand i already installed LBM for ubuntu 8.1011:18
ActionParsnipmne_: ive seen it help some, you could try removing the old wifi configs as well. then you will be setting up from blank11:18
learn_againbut my kernel still 2.6.27-711:18
zashthere is ufw and gufw wich is pretty easy11:19
learn_againwhats that?11:19
RabbitbunnyUhm, Slight problem, I turned off Windows decorations in compiz in an attempt to save a few cycles. Turns out that's what makes the title bars. I turned it back on, but now the title bars are above my window. How can I get my windows to slide back down?11:19
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EXP__I use gnome11:19
_CavalierWhat's the best channel to go to for help with Compiz?11:19
zashlearn_again: ufw (8)              - program for managing a netfilter firewall11:20
ta_bu_shi_da_yulearn_again, you think that's an issue... turns out the latest Ibex update has a kernel compiled with gcc version Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11, but the gcc in the latest update is Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu1211:20
Rabbitbunny_Cavalier: This one.11:20
bazhang#compiz-fusion _Cavalier11:20
zashLunks: and gufw is a graphical frontend to that11:20
ta_bu_shi_da_yuseems to be causing all sorts of module version problems when I installed the Cisco VPN client!11:20
_CavalierI'm using Compiz with the desktop cube and the cube is unfolded so that I can see all my workspaces spread out as thumbnails. Now its stuck and I can't "zoom" back in to a workspace. Is there a hotkey to close that viewing mode?11:21
azlonhow can I add a webdav drive?11:21
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mne_ActionParsnip, hmm, maybe that will work. I'll try it11:22
macrobad_Cavalier: <Super>+E ?11:22
_Cavaliermacrobad, Let me try that.11:22
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyway, I've filed a bug report11:24
ta_bu_shi_da_yudunno what's going to happen to it though... :(11:24
_Cavaliermacrobad, I think that's it. Unfortunately its not working. A popup came up when I was "zoomed" out and I'm not sure what happened but I can't zoom back in. Maybe the popup stole the focus or something?11:24
CarstairsI have been banned from a car forum. How do I change my isp so i can re join?11:25
mchelenis there some way to turn off system beep on shell autocompletion error?11:25
C-S-BCarstairs,  change ISP? just cancel and get another11:25
C-S-Bor change your ip11:25
macrobad_Cavalier: try pressing Alt+Tab in order to get the focus out away from the popup. In worst case you can kill compiz from a CLI, and restart it11:25
Carstairsthow im new to this11:25
zirodaymchelen: you can kill system beep all together with sudo rmmod pcskpr11:25
C-S-BIP doubt theyve banned your entire isp11:25
learn_againits not for gcc11:26
learn_againits for ath5k11:26
C-S-BCarstairs, when you say forum, do you mean IRC channel? and what did you do to get banned?11:26
mchelenziroday, "ERROR: Module pcskpr does not exist in /proc/modules"11:26
_Cavaliermacrobad, Tried alt+tab with no luck. Tried to get into a terminal with ctrl+alt+f5 but no response.11:27
mchelenziroday, oh pcspkr, thanks!11:27
zirodaymchelen: sorry type11:27
Carstairsno its a forum not an irc channel11:27
Carstairsgot banned for sugesting they where into wife swapping11:28
C-S-BCarstairs, lol, well i imagine it's your IP and username that's bad, you'll have to change both11:28
macrobad_Cavalier: It seems that something is wrong with your video card driver. Try killing the X server with Ctrl+Alt+BkSpc. If it works, then video drivers are ok.11:28
Carstairshow do i change ip?11:29
daredakeaoh, damn focus11:30
_Cavaliermacrobad, I will try that.11:30
C-S-BCarstairs, unless you have a fixed ip from your ISP, then you can usually just unplug your modem and reconnect whereby youll get a new ip11:30
Carstairsno it must be fixed then as I have tried that11:31
C-S-Bdo you pay for a fixed ip?11:31
C-S-Bgo to whatismyip.com11:31
C-S-Bbefore and after11:31
C-S-Bbthomehub, then you are most certainly getting a new ip11:31
C-S-Balso this is nothing to do with ubuntu11:31
Carstairsi know but ubuntu are very helpful11:32
signorinimatteohi everybody i have this problem.... i have a process that read from stdin (keyboard) but i don't know how ( scanf(), read() etc etc), now i fork, suppose that the the child is the process who wait for keyboard command all i want to do is to write the command from the parent process......how can i do that????11:32
C-S-BCarstairs, you'll also need a new user account for the forum, i imagine theyve blocked your old one11:32
azlonhow can I mount a WebDav folder?11:33
Carstairsyes i know but they have blocked ip and reject new applications from me11:33
bazhangCarstairs, that is offtopic here11:33
ActionParsnipazlon: http://sysblogd.wordpress.com/2007/09/09/ubuntu-mounting-remote-filesystem-using-davfs2-fuse/11:34
dr_willisazlon:  i recall the 'fuse' homepage listing fuse 'filesystem' in a link. and i THINK they mentioned a webdav fuse item.11:34
C-S-BCarstairs, eventually you will get a new IP.11:34
dr_willisazlon:  :) and ive no clue what webdav even is11:34
Carstairsyes sorry bazhang will go to ubuntu_offtopic11:35
Carstairsthanks c-s-b11:35
dr_willisazlon:  fuse is so.. :) nifty11:35
azlonits using a folder on your web server as a local folder11:35
azlonI don't know much about it either, trying to learn because it makes me happy in the pants11:35
dr_willisazlon:  i normally use the sshfs stuff - again its part of the fuse things.11:36
dr_willisazlon:  not sure why one would want to use webdav vs  the sshfs, or other ways to do the same thing11:36
macrobadazlon: In Ubuntu 8.04 you can connect to WebDAV from Places->Connect to Server. Is it what you're looking for?11:36
C-S-BWhere is connect to server in netbook remix? I have an applet up top but this seems to have dissapeared11:37
cojackhello guys11:37
azlondr_willis: Tomboy notes lets you syncronize notes across systems using WebDav... that's what im trying to start with11:37
azlonmacrobad: awesome, thanks11:37
cojackhow can I generate a md5 sum in linux from text ?11:37
dr_willisazlon:  another program i hear everyone loves.. but i rarely use it. :)11:37
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more11:37
erUSULcojack: md5sum text.file11:37
myeggohello, for some reason i have reinstalled apache2 in gutsy, but /etc/apache2/ does not exists, i tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2 but did nothing11:37
macrobadazlon: you are welcome! )(11:37
myeggoi also tried reinstall apache2 but the directory does not appear11:38
myeggohow can i start again to use apache2?11:38
kavitysudo apt-get remove apache211:39
myeggoi did11:39
jrib1myeggo: you want apache2.2-common11:39
cojackmd5sum sometext don't work11:39
myeggooh, thanks i go try11:39
macrobadmyeggo: you can remove config files with sudo apt-get purge apache2. If apache2.2-common doesn't help, try this.11:39
jrib1cojack: because it expects a file.  This will work though: echo -n sometext | md5sum11:40
cojackmacrobad: aptitude remove apache2 --purge11:40
cojackjrib1: thanks11:40
macrobadcojack: Yeah, either way.11:41
yanau menia problema s ustanovkoi skype na ubuntu 8.0411:41
macrobadyana: Hi! We speak English here.11:41
yanahi peope11:41
yanai have a problem with11:41
yanaskype installation11:41
jrib1!skype | yana11:41
ubottuyana: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:41
cojackyana: 64bit system?11:41
macrobadyana: try #ubuntu-ru for Russain channel, but beware of it. :)11:41
myeggoapache2.2-common created the structure again, thanks, but /etc/apache2/apache2.conf does not exists, should i copy it from somewhere that i dont see?11:42
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yanadunno i know its a desctop edition11:42
jrib1myeggo: make you sure you purge apache2.2-commond and then just install apache211:42
jrib1yana: « uname -m » will tell you11:42
yanaand always gives me errors when i try to install11:43
jrib1myeggo: -d11:43
yanai tryed from here11:43
cojackit is realy hard to past in console11:43
cojacksudo aptitude install skype11:43
unitedpotsmokershi, and good morning guys... i using ubuntu hardy heron and i always use updater to update my system everyday. now i have a problem, i hear a weird sound "thik-thik-thik" come out from my computer, what is the problem.. pls help11:44
yanayana@yana-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install vsound sox sox-dev vorbis-tools lame build-essential11:44
yanaReading package lists... Done11:44
yanaBuilding dependency tree11:44
yanaReading state information... Done11:44
yanaE: Couldn't find package vsound11:44
FloodBot3yana: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:44
macrobadyana: 'uname -r' should give you an idea if you have a 64 bit system, or a normal one11:44
macrobadyana: Also, I find skype to work better, when it is downloaded and installed from the Skype web site rather then from repositories11:45
cojackunitedpotsmokers: not think think think :>11:45
yanayeah i have downloaded from skype official site11:45
yanabut even now its a problem11:45
Apocadallhi guys need help11:45
=== armedking_ is now known as armedking
myeggothank you guys, it works11:46
unitedpotsmokersi know this problem come from ubuntu, because when i switch to windows vista, i not hear any sound11:46
SERVER_08does anyone know the url for downloading emerald themer?11:46
SERVER_08its an emergency11:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald11:46
Apocadalli've already reinstalled ubuntu 8.10 64bit server around 5-6 times on a machine and everytime it gets a disk boot error11:47
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: i cant see how emerald is an emergency11:47
SERVER_08emerald themer11:47
macrobadyana: installing .deb by double-cliking worked fine for me. Could you run 'sudo dpkg -i <the ubuntu deb you downloaded>.deb' and paste the error log to the pastebin.com?11:47
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: sudo apt-get install emerald11:47
SERVER_08i need the url11:47
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: how is emerald an emergency?11:47
dr_willisLittle Question i got asked to day at work.. for 'keyboards' in the settings.. they have 101, 102, 104, and 105 'key layouts'  What are the 4 keys that differ?  we were counting keys and  trying to figure out whats on a 105 thats not on a 101 :)11:47
bazhangSERVER_08, dont repeat11:47
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: url for what? can you please expand11:47
dr_willis'eye candy addiction withdrawl'11:48
SERVER_08i need the url for download emerald theme manager11:48
=== sinus-_ is now known as sinus
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: the theme manager will be installed if you install emerald, i gave you the command11:48
macrobadSERVER_08: deb, rpm, tgz, bz??11:48
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: you can the download theme files and install them11:48
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: sudo apt-get install emerald11:48
bazhangSERVER_08, are you using ubuntu or debian11:49
SERVER_08ActionParsnip, i am typing this from another computer11:49
SERVER_08i dont have net connection11:49
weatherkidI need to change permissions of a folder and in contents to 755. How do I do that.11:49
dr_willisweatherkid:  with the chmod command.11:49
jrib1weatherkid: why?11:49
Apocadallcan i get some assistance with installing 8.10 server 64-bit, apparently grub isn't taking and everytime i reinstall it finishes fine but goes to boot from hard drive and gives me a disk boot error, any help?11:49
BABERis there any software for make image from cd that not copy?11:50
ActionParsnipSERVER_08: if you are using debian you want to ask in #debian11:50
weatherkidI folder on my webserver doesn't like me and 755 is for the web right11:50
dr_willisBABER:  clarify that a bit.11:50
ActionParsnipBABER: dd could help11:50
ActionParsnipdr_willis: i think he has a copy protected cd11:50
macrobad'sudo apt-get install -d emerald' would download the files only and put them in /var/cache/apt/archives/11:50
macrobadhe is gone...11:51
dr_willisActionParsnip:  ive given up on second guessing. :)  heh11:51
Apocadalli am getting extremely frustrated with this machine and am about to just go and install server 2003 lol11:51
dr_willisApocadall:  go get CP/M or Minix!11:51
yanaskype-rec.c:619: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘snprintf’11:52
yanamake: *** [libskype-rec.so] Error 111:52
yanayana@yana-desktop:~/skype-rec-1.0$ make sudo make installsud11:52
yanamake: *** No rule to make target `sudo'.  Stop.11:52
yanayana@yana-desktop:~/skype-rec-1.0$ sudo make install11:52
yanainstall -m 755 libskype-rec.so /usr/lib11:52
FloodBot3yana: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:52
ahmad_فيه احد عربي11:52
ubottuFor the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية11:52
Apocadallits just for a home server, i mainly wanted to install ubuntu so i could learn it, even though i am proficient with 200311:53
ActionParsnipdr_willis: me too, just my hunch11:53
jrib1yana: please stop pasting here.  Did you read the skype link from ubottu?  We can't help you if you just ignore what we say11:53
MrNazالسلام عليكم11:53
ActionParsnipyana: use pastebin for multiple lined outputs11:53
ahmad_وعليكم السلام11:53
yanaskype-rec.c:619: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘snprintf’11:54
yanamake: *** [libskype-rec.so] Error 111:54
yanayana@yana-desktop:~/skype-rec-1.0$ make sudo make installsud11:54
yanamake: *** No rule to make target `sudo'.  Stop.11:54
yanayana@yana-desktop:~/skype-rec-1.0$ sudo make install11:54
FloodBot3yana: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:54
yanainstall -m 755 libskype-rec.so /usr/lib11:54
BABERi put my cd in cd-rom but not mount why?11:54
scratch_has anyone seen this after building stellarium 0.10.2 from source in hardy (i also updated qt to 4.5 and cmake with no errors...) :::  stellarium: symbol lookup error: stellarium: undefined symbol: _ZN16QCoreApplication21setApplicationVersionERK7QString11:54
ahmad_وش السالفه11:54
Piciahmad_: Please stop.11:54
ActionParsnipBABER: run: sudo mount -a11:54
macrobadApocadall: Once I had a similair problem, and tried everything, when all that was necessary to do is to verify CD integrity, and check memory...11:55
weatherkidhow do you use chmod? is there a faq i can use?11:55
andjonsman chmod11:55
ActionParsnipweatherkid: that works with nearly ALL commands11:56
Apocadalli verified cd integrity and checked memory, both are clean11:56
Apocadalli have 2 different server cds, one for 64 bit and one for 32 bit, neither will take11:56
ActionParsnipApocadall: try some boot options11:57
ActionParsnipApocadall: why are you installing server, do you not need an x server?11:57
Apocadalli'm using it as a file and print server11:57
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Apocadall11:58
ubottuApocadall: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions11:58
ActionParsnipApocadall: nice11:58
weatherkidall i need to do i change permissions to 755 on a folder and the stuff inside and the file is /var/www/class. someone can you please show me the command. :-D11:58
macrobadCould someone help me debug an SSH connectivity problem? I can ssh with IPv4, I can connect to the web server running on the IPv6, but I cannot ssh into IPv6! What is more, the problem doesn't seem to be IPv6-specific. Here is a log: http://pastebin.com/m4a8f0e6f11:58
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Apocadallthanks for the boot options readout, i can try those, maybe something will work11:59
ActionParsnipweatherkid: if you are sure thats what you want to do, i'd recommend 75011:59
C-S-Bweatherkid,  chmod11:59
ActionParsnipweatherkid: sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/class11:59
ActionParsnipweatherkid: its that simple11:59
glennynÜdv mindenkinek12:00
ActionParsnipweatherkid: i'd advise against the last 5 in the command12:00
C-S-Bwhat perms does 755 give you again?12:00
mne_ActionParsnip, the problem was a permission problem with network manager: Error: Could not acquire the NM DHCP client service. Message: (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied) Connection ":1.54" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.nm_dhcp_client" due to security policies in the configuration file. It's a known issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/262817  I fixed it by modifying the security policy, it works j12:00
mne_ust fine now.12:00
dr_willisweatherkid:  you may want to spend some time reading a few bash/shell command tutorials/beginner guides now. :)12:00
Tclwhat ircd is  working on Ubuntu ?12:00
NalfAre there any special tricks to getting a logitech usb headset working?12:00
dr_willisTcl:  check the package manager. see what ones are in the repos.12:00
ActionParsnipC-S-B: owner = RWX, group = RX, everyone else = RX12:00
dr_willis!find ircd12:00
ubottuFound: dancer-ircd, dancer-ircd-doc, inspircd, inspircd-dbg, ircd-hybrid (and 7 others)12:00
* weatherkid whacks himself for a cmd that simple to beat him up12:00
ActionParsnipmne_awesome duder12:01
Tclk thx :)12:01
NalfOh, also, everytime I install the proprietary fglrx driver it destroys X.. any thoughts on how to fix that?12:01
C-S-B750 over 755 would just remove the execute ability for everyone else right?12:01
macrobadCould someone help me to debug an ssh trouble? I can ssh with IPv4, I can reach the web server with IPv6, but I cannot ssh with IPv6! What is more, the problem doesn't seem to be IPv6-specific, and I couldn't find a solution in Google. The log is here: http://pastebin.com/m4a8f0e6f12:01
BonezAUHi, I am trying to sudo apt-get install mythtv but keep getting errors saying there are unmet dependencies for myth-frontend and backend. any ideas?12:02
BorkisDrizztcan one ask questions about OOo here, or do they have their own support channel?12:02
scratch_has anyone seen this after building stellarium 0.10.2 from source in hardy (i also updated qt to 4.5 and cmake with no errors...) or maybe have an idea what causes it, i'm kinda stuck and 120,000 stars wasn't good enough :D:::  stellarium: symbol lookup error: stellarium: undefined symbol: _ZN16QCoreApplication21setApplicationVersionERK7QString12:02
dr_willisBonezAU:  apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade, then try it again?12:02
C-S-BBorkisDrizzt, i think it need LAMP12:02
BonezAUdr_willis, been there, done that, rebooted also12:02
BorkisDrizztuh, what?12:02
C-S-Bsorry BorkisDrizzt12:03
C-S-BI was aiming at BonezAU and autocomplete failed12:03
BorkisDrizztah, ok12:03
BorkisDrizztno problem12:03
NalfC-S-B: I blame tab.;)12:03
BonezAUHow on earth can MythTV require LAMP, that is just silly12:03
C-S-Bmysql for the database of shows12:04
BonezAUI just want basic software I can use as a PVR to watch and record TV12:04
C-S-Bapache for the web front end12:04
BonezAUi know it uses mysql but i have installed myth before without any dramas12:04
C-S-Btry mythbuntu?12:04
BonezAUthe dummy package should sort all that out12:04
BonezAUim not going to reinstall my entire OS12:04
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NalfBonezAU: why not? It doesn't take that long.:P12:05
NalfBonezAU: I've done it four times tonight.12:05
C-S-Bhttp://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php I'll assume you've seen this?12:06
macrobadAh, guys, what other large channels, where I could find advice with SSH, do you know?12:07
NalfBonezAU: Is anyone in the #ubuntu-mythtv channel?12:07
macrobadapart from #linux12:07
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:08
jussi01!tv |  BonezAU12:09
ubottuBonezAU: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out12:09
drostiemacrobad: you could possibly find high-quality advice in #openssl12:09
* Nalf hates X.12:10
macrobaddrostie: thanks, will try12:10
BartoN-If I have got a script , which I would like to be able to run trough terminal where do I place it ? as in the folder12:11
ActionParsnipBartoN-: in /usr/bin is a good place12:12
macrobadBartoN-: In any directory from 'echo $PATH' output12:12
azlonhow can I check to see if a port is open?12:12
dr_willisBartoN-:  for a single user. make a bin dirctory in their home dir and put it there..12:13
macrobadazlon: 'sudo netstat --inet -anp'12:13
BartoN-Cant move it to that it says error12:13
dr_willisBartoN-:   /usr/bin is a SYSTEM directory - thus you ned root access to put things in it12:13
dr_willisBartoN-:  what does the script do? is it for all users or just the 1?12:13
ActionParsnipBartoN-: sudo cp <script> /usr/bin12:14
uPhoneguys, when i boot ubuntu, all i get is a black screen... what do i do?12:14
BartoN-yeah all users12:14
chronicwhere does network manager app stores the changes you make to the network settings?12:14
BartoN-ah ok will try that12:14
uPhonei think i have ubuntu 7.0412:14
ActionParsnipuPhone: do you get a log on screen at all?12:14
azlonmacrobad: can I ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port and see if it is open? or will that not work?12:14
dr_willisBartoN-:  then sudo cp whatever whever12:14
uPhoneActionParsnip: No12:14
BartoN-ok thnx guys will try12:14
abuchbinderActionParsnip, are you sure you want people to install scripts to run as root?12:14
NalfuPhone: hit alt+f2, login, /var/log/Xorg.0.log let us know what that says, please?12:15
macrobadazlon: let me try it =)12:15
uPhoneActionParsnip: last time i had it running i was changing something with the X-server or something. when i rebooted all i got was a black screen12:15
ActionParsnipuPhone: when grub loads, press esc, then boot to recovery mode for your kernel, you can then select root console and run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:15
ActionParsnipuPhone: then reboot12:15
uPhonewhat does alt+f2 do?12:15
abuchbinderActionParsnip, it might be a better idea to tell people to install it in ~/bin.12:16
NalfuPhone: should bring up a terminal.. sort of.12:16
topyliwhen i log out, x freezes on the next login. when i switch to a virtual console, i get a blank screen and cannot get back to X. i'm using 64bit intrepid and intel 82Q35 Express graphics chip. in my Xorg log there is an error line "intel(0): Unable to write to SDVOCTRL_E for SDVOB Slave 0x70" several times. halp!12:16
macrobadazlon: Nope, because ping uses ICMP messages, which are part of IP protocol. ports on the other hand are associated with TCP or UDP.12:16
LSGMy video files blink constantly when i play them (on Totem, VLC and MPlayer). I'd appreciate any help.12:16
macrobad...or sctp12:16
uPhonealso, it's on this computer, so i need to shut down.. in which case i wont be able to tell you what that log says12:16
ActionParsnipabuchbinder: i dont have that folder on my stock install, is ~/bin in the path?12:16
macrobadazlon: you probably need tcpdump (CLI) or wireshark (GUI) to view it12:17
abuchbinderazlon, you can use nmap to check ports, if that's what you want.12:17
NalfuPhone: Do what ActionParsnip said anyways. Just make sure you backup your config.12:17
abuchbinderActionParsnip, run "cat ~/.profile"; if you make a directory ~/bin and drop scripts in it, they'll show up first on your path.12:17
azlonabuchbinder: I just want to see if the ports for WebDAV are open/available12:17
ActionParsnipuPhone: reboot and press esc lots, select recovery mode for your kernel, boot to root console, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then reboot12:17
ActionParsnipandy@fileserver:~$ cat ~/.profile          cat: /home/andy/.profile: No such file or directory12:18
abuchbinderazlon, install nmap and run "nmap xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p port,port".12:18
topyliActionParsnip: ~/bin should be *first* in $PATH, so it's the best place for custom scripts12:18
macrobadazlon: you don't need ping for this. 'sudo netstat --inet -anp' should be enough, if you know what you're looking for12:18
uPhoneok brb12:18
ActionParsniptopyli: andy@fileserver:~$ echo $PATH         /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games12:18
abuchbinderActionParsnip, really? It's in /etc/skel on mine.12:19
ActionParsniptopyli: i have never modified my path12:19
macrobadazlon: more specifically, netstat shows ports open on your machine, and nmap on any other12:19
topyliActionParsnip: that's a but then imo12:19
topyliActionParsnip: bug even12:19
ActionParsniptopyli: standard install, its not affecting anything12:19
abuchbinderActionParsnip, do you see anything in /etc/skel/.profile? If so, just copy it to your home directory; it should have been installed when you created the user.12:19
ActionParsnipabuchbinder: yes one is there12:20
ActionParsnipabuchbinder: i see12:20
ActionParsnipabuchbinder: i'll cp it over12:20
abuchbinderDo you have a ~/.bash_profile?12:20
topyliActionParsnip: it affects all users who have their scripts in ~/bin, which is standard12:20
abuchbinderWait, you wouldn't. Never mind.12:20
azlonmacrobad: I think I need nmap because I am using the internet provided by my apartment. I don't have access to the router12:20
ActionParsniptopyli: i've never heard of ~/bin in all my years12:21
chronicwhere does network manager app stores the changes you make to the network settings?12:21
topyliActionParsnip: maybe you haven't :)12:21
sprinkmeierActionParsnip, ~/bin is quite common.12:21
ActionParsnipi have ~/scripts which i reference absolutely when needed12:22
sprinkmeierchronic, /etc/network/interfaces among other places12:22
topyliwell, ~/bin is a 25 year old unix standard path12:22
macrobadazlon: routers don't have ports on their own. they can just block communications that occur between applications on different computers over specified protocols at specified ports. Hence, you can't use nmap to scan the router for open ports.12:22
sprinkmeierActionParsnip, some distros are configured to add ~/bin to the path automagically if it exists12:22
ActionParsnipi see12:22
ActionParsnipi'm not contesting it, i'm just saying ive never heard of it12:23
sprinkmeiermacrobad, acrually... routers have IP addresses and can have ports if they want to12:23
ActionParsnipand as it doesnt have a . in front of it it would be visible12:23
abuchbindermacrobad, are you sure you're not thinking of switches?12:23
chronicsprinkmeier, it's not in interfaces12:23
sprinkmeierchronic, (joining late) what isn't in interfaces?12:23
azlonmacrobad: but I can use it to test a specific port... basically try to send information over that port and if it is unsucessful then the port is, in essence, blocked.12:24
macrobadsprinkmeier: abuchbinder: well, true that, but I am thinking of home routers. azlon is quite certainly isn't going to WebDAV into his router.12:24
sprinkmeiermacrobad, home routers tend to have port 80 for configuration over http.12:24
macrobadazlon: ... or the port on the remote host is closed12:24
ghostlinesrouters for soho use also have layer 2 switches built in?12:25
macrobadsprinkmeier: yes, but I've yet to see routers that support WebDAV!12:25
abuchbinderchronic, NetworkManager configuration is stored in gconf keys; see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39963212:25
azlonmacrobad: either way, nothing I can actually do about it. I have to email somebody to change some settings... I just want to know if I am doing something wrong with WebDAV or if some ports are blocked12:25
sprinkmeierghostlines, yes, 'home routers' are an unholy combination of bridges, switches, routers and a few servers thrown in for good measure (DHCP for one)12:25
NalfI have no sound out of my logitech usb headset.. what can I do to remedy this?12:26
macrobadazlon: run wireshark, and see if the packets actually leave your computer, if the destination is correct, and if there is any answer12:26
azlonmacrobad: im not trying to run WebDAV on my router, im trying to access WebDAV on my server in the states, where as I am in Kuwait behind stupid routers12:26
sprinkmeierazlon, so you need port forwarding / DNAT?12:26
azlonsprinkmeier: I don't have physical access to the router I am behind... it is for the whole building and I have to call a lazy IT guy12:27
macrobadazlon: you can also try to nmap the WebDAV ports on the remote server, and see if it works. However, if it doesn't it you most likely don't know where is the problem12:27
azlonsprinkmeier: I understand that I will need to have the lazy IT guy forward some ports if they are not open, but I need to first verify if the ports are indeed blocked12:27
macrobad*where the problem is12:27
azlonok, hold on12:28
chronicabuchbinder, gconf, thanks12:28
sprinkmeierazlon, if incomoing ports on the other router aren't forwarded then they are effectively blocked (as there is nowhere for the packets to go). Yes, you will need port-forwarding set up on the remote reouter.12:29
macrobadazlon: btw, nmap would only verify if there is connectivity. You'd have to use other means to check that settings are correct12:29
sprinkmeierazlon, you could use nmap to discover if the port is already being forwarded (someone else may already have it forwarded to their own box).12:30
macrobadIt seems everybody on #ubuntu is interested in networking... =)12:32
sprinkmeiermacrobad, unix isn't half as much fun without without networking12:33
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stefan_canmacrobad, what would the internet be without networking ?12:35
macrobadabuchbinder: oh, and some switches do also have IP addresses...12:35
macrobadstefan_can: a set of computers in the middle of nowhere? :)12:36
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fabzorhow do install a cpkg archive?12:36
onatsis there a way to adjust LCD brightness on a desktop install of 8.10?12:36
stefan_canyes something like that12:36
fabzorit looks like it wants to be installed somehow12:36
jrib1fabzor: what are you trying to install?12:36
fabzortransgaming cedega12:37
jrib1fabzor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega12:37
alvarowhich is the jre ppackage needed  by open office?12:37
sprinkmeieronats, laptop or dekstop? on a laptop the keyboard keys might already work.12:38
jrib1fabzor: apparently they'll have a deb available12:38
fabzortheres both i installed the deb12:38
fabzormabe its installed12:38
jrib1fabzor: that should be enough then12:38
sprinkmeieralvaro, I use sun-java6-jre, seems to work12:38
macrobadalvaro: any working one12:38
fabzorits in /usr/lib/transgaming_cedega12:39
ljsoftnethow do u delete a folder in the terminal, the name of the folder is "miss universe"?12:39
fabzoryeah cool12:39
onatssprinkmeier, desktop12:39
jrib1ljsoftnet: rm -r '/path/to/directory with spaces'12:39
sprinkmeierljsoftnet, "rm -r --interactive miss\ universe"12:39
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oCean_onats: gnome? Add to panel > Brightness Applet12:40
sprinkmeierljsoftnet, miss[TAB] should auto-complete with automatic escaping of the space12:40
oCean_onats: not sure, just suggesting12:40
onatsocean_ ok will try that12:41
gfatherwhen i try to burn a cd with brasero (select drive to write to ) > file image , not my dvd drive ?12:41
tomoyuki28jp"shutdown -h now" command requires root auth, but system -> shutdown (or reboot) doesn't.  What the command to shutdown or reboot OS without root auth?12:41
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  there is none tht i know of.. you can easially make shutdown work without needing the sudo stuff12:42
ghostlinesconnecting a 1gbit switch, to a 100mbit would improve lan networking, or would the 100mbit router be a hiccup?12:42
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sprinkmeierghostlines, 1g switch would negotiate down to 100m12:42
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  you could either alter the sudoers file to allow sudo shutdown with out a password.. (safest) or set the suid bit on the shutdown command.12:42
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fabzorit would be a 10x bottleneck = make the gigabit redundant12:43
sprinkmeiertomoyuki28jp, or tap the power button on the PC...12:43
ljsoftnetthanks guys12:43
dr_willisive been slowly replacing all my 100 seed network parts to 1gb.   so i have gb switches now on a non-gb network (well parts of it are gb)12:43
sprinkmeierfabzor, mosst likely. Depends on what else is on the switch. gigabit is nice 'cos it auto-0negotiates.12:44
tomoyuki28jpdr_willis: I can currently shutdown OS without privileges from system -> shutdown in GUI, so I thought there should be already such command which doesn't require root privileges.12:44
fabzorahh cool good point12:44
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  from what i gather its some how using gdm to do it. and gdm is ran as root priv. I think.12:45
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  if you started the desktop without using gdm. those options may change/vanish/differ ive noticed.12:45
tomoyuki28jpdr_willis: oh, it makes sense. thanks!12:46
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  i could be wrong.. but ive never seen a specific command that its calling.12:46
r3r3ubuntu05, is personal messaging users and ask for ASL12:46
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  i just cheat and suid the shutdown, and other commands -  (its just me on the system)12:46
dr_willistomoyuki28jp:  i do know that if you start gnome from KDM, or KDE from GDM. the shutdown options  used to change.  you wouldent have all of the options12:47
tadeu_guys, how can i convert FLV files to VOB ?12:49
beepboopanyone running eeebuntu hanging out?12:50
sprinkmeiertadeu_, oggconvert ?12:50
sprinkmeierbeepboop, yup.12:50
tadeu_sprinkmeier, i'll try it.. thx12:50
kavitytadeu_: You can convert vob to flv, I assume you can do the other way.12:50
beepboopnice, do you use eeecontrol?12:50
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Nitsugasomebody knows why my cron job doesn't work?: */5 ** * *root '/etc/ipcheck/update.sh' > /etc/ipcheck/log/cron`date +'%d-%m_%H:%M'.log`12:50
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sprinkmeierbeepboop, no12:50
beepboopdo you use anything else to overclock?12:51
sprinkmeierbeepboop, no. If anything I want to under-clock, the EEE is running off a solar panel12:51
beepboopmaybe. though I hear the 701's processor is a 900 mhz underclocked to just a bit above 60012:52
sprinkmeierNitsuga, redirections, backticks and other shell things don't always work as expected in cron. try putting the command in a script and calling just the script, no arguments.12:52
sprinkmeierbeepboop, yes, I heard that too. Still has way too much power for me at 600 :-)12:53
beepboopi haven't had any trouble with eeecontrol clocking to 750, though there is the remnants of a former ant colony in my eee and i should probably play it safe12:53
beepboopthough the sooner it dies, the sooner I can grab a 1000H12:53
sprinkmeierbeep suggest you debug your EEE first :-)12:54
[DarkSun]does anyone know where i could go for some support for ubuntu for sparc?12:54
beepbooplmao. way to be12:54
gfatherguys , even when i use cd/dvd creater i get write to image12:54
gfatherany help12:54
gfatherhow i make brasero detect my drive ?12:54
sprinkmeiergfather, CD/DVD writer recognised by system as such? do you have /dev/cdrw?12:55
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sprinkmeier!brasero | gfather12:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero12:55
sprinkmeier!burn | gfather12:55
ubottugfather: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:55
beepboophey sprink, one more thing. what kind of battery life you getting? normal use and all12:56
sprinkmeierbeepboop, my use is anything bu tnormal :-) get about 3 hours from a full battery, LCD off, EEE (almost) idle12:57
beepboopouch. i must have gotten screwed from the factory, i can't break an hour twenty12:57
beepboopnew ones are like 70$ on ebay12:58
sprinkmeierbeepboop, not if you're overclocking, no....12:58
beepboophah at overclock I can't break an hour. that kind of life was before eeecontrol12:58
beepboopwonder if warranty covers a crapola battery12:58
topyliwhen i log out, x freezes on the next login. when i switch to a virtual console, i get a blank screen and cannot get back to X. i'm using 64bit intrepid and intel 82Q35 Express graphics chip. in my Xorg log there is an error line "intel(0): Unable to write to SDVOCTRL_E for SDVOB Slave 0x70" several times. halp!12:59
untitledenyone had this problem, that skype won't login if started as user? works fine with sudo13:01
untitledskype says that multiply copys might be started and won't login13:01
tea_ovedosehi, how to tweak ubuntu boot faster ?13:01
untitledtea_ovedose: just update-rc.d -f noneededservices remove13:02
topyliuntitled: no idea, but do not run networked programs as root, especially not proprietary ones13:03
zeitsofatea_ovedose: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-89491.html13:03
tea_ovedosethanks zeitsofa13:03
sprinkmeiertea_ovedose, disable services you don't need. Also, some madmen replaced init with make so daemons could start in parallel :-)13:03
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bec0dehello all13:04
untitledtopyli: true =\13:05
zuozhen_shaoHi all13:05
basslinerhi there, changes being made to xorg.conf seem to not be recognized anymore and it just tells me that some settings are now automatically configured by the server (grrr...), any help how i can make changes there?13:06
ikoniabassliner: what sort of changes13:06
ikoniabassliner: xorg is dynamic but will still read changes in that file13:07
oshua86Hello guys I have a PC with nvidia riva tnt2 model 64 and I dont seem to be able to change the resolution, any help plz?13:07
basslinerikonia: VertScrollDelta in the input device section of my synaptics touchpad.13:07
ikoniabassliner: is that still a valid parameter in the version ?13:07
untitledoshua86: god drivers from nvidia?13:07
zeitsofatea_ovedose: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=387 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 and http://www.red91.com/2008/11/02/get-ubuntu-to-boot-faster. i think these are good articles for you :)13:07
basslinerikonia: i tried adding the specific section and enabled shmconfig there but when i use synclient it's still disabled it says.13:07
oshua86untitled, yah13:07
basslinerikonia: i bet... how else would one want to configure it?13:07
oshua86running ubuntu 8.1013:08
ikoniabassliner: make sure that's still a valid option, that would be the first thing I've check13:08
basslinerikonia: it just scrolls way too much if i use the vertical touchpad scroll slider thing.13:08
dsdeizhi is there a way to know if the app in already installed using the terminal?13:08
komputeswhats a good command to just show IP addresses assigned to the host (without all the extra ifconfig verbosity)13:08
zuozhen_shaooshua86: what's untiled plz?13:08
bec0deifconfig interface13:08
basslinerikonia: that actually doesn't make sense as long as adjusting the other options doesn't even have any effect too.13:08
bec0deex: ifconfig eth013:08
oshua86zuozhen_shao, sorry I was trying to copy the screen name dunno what happened13:09
topylidsdeiz: apt-cache policy <packagename>13:09
untitleddsdeiz: aptitude show app13:09
macrobadHas anyone successfully used Ubuntu openssh package with IPv6?13:09
ikoniabassliner: 1.) it's a new version of xorg from different distros checking parameters are valid is wise 2.) it's dynamic - but it still reads from the config file 3.) I've made changes to my own xorg so I know it picks up the changes so there is either a problem with the parameters or the device13:09
zuozhen_shaooshua86: you can use "Tab" instead copy13:09
natrixnatrix89Hi. I've got a problem that every time i restart my pc something mutes and turns on the sound level of PCM. I cant find what it might be.. can anyone help?13:09
oshua86zuozhen_shao, cool. So do you think you can help me with this problem?13:10
basslinerikonia: hmmm. well thanks a lot for your help but i really wonder why it doesn't read my settings. also i wonder how i would just change one single option in the input device section without re-specifying all the stuff that usually would get auto inserted or something...13:10
Grrrrrhow to see the man page for a specific function in C/C++ programming language on Ubuntu?13:11
ikoniabassliner: how do you know it's not reading your settings ?13:11
bec0desomeone know any good screencasting program for ubuntu ?13:11
ikoniabassliner: how do you know those parameters are still valid ?13:11
zuozhen_shaosorry,I guess you didn't install the right driver maybe.13:11
basslinerikonia: i adjusted some of the parameters i use without effect13:11
ikoniabassliner: that is the point I'm making ?13:11
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natrixnatrix89Hi. I've got a problem that every time i restart my pc something mutes and turns on the sound level of PCM. I cant find what it might be.. can anyone help?13:11
sprinkmeierkomputes, "ip route"13:11
zuozhen_shaooshua86: sorry,I guess you didn't install the right driver maybe.13:11
ikoniabassliner: yes, but if the parmeters are not valid any more then they won't take effect13:11
topyliBec0de: recordmydesktop13:11
komputessprinkmeier: awesome13:11
zuozhen_shaooshua86: if you just installed,plz kindly restart X13:12
oshua86zuozhen_shao, yeah Im guessing something like that, the thing is that many websites show many different drivers :(13:12
AndrewMohawkwhere can i find a list of the default scripting languages installed on an ubuntu server?13:12
Bec0dethis only record the screen, i want to edit the video, ...13:12
basslinerikonia: then they actually would have taken SHMConfig out, which makes the installation of synclient pointless. right?13:12
oshua86zuozhen_shao, ok I just installed atm all the updates are installing13:12
zuozhen_shaooshua86: why not try apt-get auto-install13:12
ikoniabassliner: I dont know - check ?13:12
GrrrrrBec0de: then use another tool13:12
oshua86ok, ill try that13:13
norenhi all, is there a way to create an alternate cd ffrom a normat dexktop cd intaller13:13
zuozhen_shaooshua86: good luck13:13
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Bec0deGrrrrr> i'm searching for this tool :)13:13
komputessprinkmeier: that gives me the address of the network, not the host13:13
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sprinkmeierkomputes, seelast column, 'src'13:14
komputessprinkmeier: any other commands? looking for output to be 'eth0:'13:14
komputessprinkmeier: this looks close and I can probably add it to a script that uses sed/awk to move around the data13:15
sprinkmeierkomputes, ip route | awk '/src/{print $3 ": " $9}'13:15
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal13:15
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:16
beepboopam i a true linuxfag if i never end up using anything but ubuntu? i've only compiled kernel like... once13:16
basslinerikonia: hm, it seems that my specification for the device is just wrong, any idea how i could find out what "Identifier" the auto configured device is using?13:16
ikoniabeepboop: do you have a n ubuntu support issue ?13:16
ikoniabassliner: check the log for a start ?13:17
DIFH-iceroothow to get the read/write-speed from a hdd?13:17
beepboopyes I haven't been laid since I booted up the LiveCD13:17
basslinerikonia: i checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:17
ikoniabassliner: that would have been my first call13:17
basslinerikonia: well i really have no idea what to do there as the way i did it for the last YEARS absolutely doesn't work anymore... it seems that it really got hard to just alter xorg.conf to your needs to me.13:18
jimcooncatis there any kind of "macro" record/playback method for gnome or X? Looking for keystrokes, mouseclicks, etc.13:19
zuozhen_shaoIs there anyone who know some English-learning channels?I want to improve my English,Thx13:19
sprinkmeierDIFH-iceroot, hdparm -t|-T13:19
wh000how make ubuntu 8.10 dist with EXT4 ?13:20
DIFH-icerootsprinkmeier: 8.8MB/s :( but thank you for the command13:21
sprinkmeierDIFH-iceroot, there'e also a tool that checks read/write performance, can't remember the name of it now but they usually drag it out when comparing filesystems.13:21
fosco_wh000: you'd better wait till jaunty13:21
zuozhen_shaohello everyone.Is there anyone who knows some English-learning channels? I feel embarrassed to talk some non-Ubuntu topics here.But I wanner improve my English.:)13:22
jrib1zuozhen_shao: ask #ubuntu-offtopic13:23
zuozhen_shaojrib1: Thx13:23
macrobadDoes anybody know how to switch off key authentication in ssh? So that it doesn't even look for keys in the default ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_dsa ?13:24
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sprinkmeiermacrobad, mess with /etc/ssh/ssh_config ?13:27
macrobadsprinkmeier: been doing it for the last 4 hours...13:28
macrobadsprinkmeier: trying to configure SSH over IPv6, but it doesn't work, and I suspect a software problem with ssh, because IPv6 works just fine13:29
sprinkmeiermacrobad, 'chmod 444 ~/.ssh/*' ssh will refuse to use these files if they're too open :-)13:29
sprinkmeiermacrobad, ssh over v4 works, and other stuff over v6 works, but ssh over v6 is broken?13:30
macrobadsprinkmeier: :) nice idea! I've tried moving ~/.ssh/ altogether, but it didn't help. Let me try to make it world readable!13:30
macrobadsprinkmeier: yes, exactly.13:30
macrobadsprinkmeier: it merely keeps looking for SSHv1 keys in all the standard paths no matter what I do, although everything works fine with IPv4.13:31
sprinkmeiermacrobad, I've (sort of) used ssh over v6, creating a reverse tunnel and ssh-ing to ::1 (mostly because it's quicker to type than
macrobadsprinkmeier: have a look: http://pastebin.com/m4a8f0e6f13:31
sprinkmeiermacrobad, disable sshv1 for starters... bugs.13:32
SuperLagDo you guys know of any text editors that will allow you to open a folder and have all the contained files in one pane? (something like what TextMate does on OS X)13:32
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macrobadsprinkmeier: The funny thing it is disabled on the server, in the client, and on the command line already...13:32
jrib1SuperLag: tabbed you mean?13:33
joaopintoSuperLag, gedit does that13:33
I2i'm not able to run popen function please someone can help me?13:33
joaopintoI2, you mean the C popen() function ?13:33
joaopintoI2, then you should ask on a C support chan :\13:34
ubottuHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about C13:34
Skaagmy nvidia 177 restricted driver fails, in 8.10...13:34
[DarkSun]GAH, NOT FOUND13:34
SlimeyPetethere's a ##c13:34
SkaagI have an nVidia Corporation GeForce 9500 GT (rev a1)13:34
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erodequalcuno mi aiuta?? ho problemi a sentire l audio di tuxguitar!13:35
zirodaySkaag: fails how?13:35
Skaagziroday: It can't find the kernel module for some reason13:36
zirodaySkaag: err did you install the drivers from the repo13:36
Skaaga modprobe for nvidia says not found13:36
SkaagI installed it using the restricted driver manager13:36
zirodaySkaag: right13:36
Bec0debye all13:36
Skaagziroday: Do I also need to install something manually with aptitude?13:37
zirodaySkaag: do you know if you are currently using the nvidia driver?13:37
SkaagRight now I'm in low graphics mode13:37
Skaagand lsmod doesn't show nv or nvidia13:37
zirodaySkaag: oh kay, did you edit your xorg.conf?13:37
SkaagI ran nvidia-xconfig which did that for me... was that too presumptius? :_)13:37
sprinkmeiermacrobad, everything looks right.... except for the bit where it doesn't work. "fec0" addresses, i.e. same copper? no fancy 6-4-6 tunnelling?13:38
zirodaySkaag: err possibly, What does nvidia-settings say?13:38
Skaagit first pops a small dialog which says i do not appear to be using the nvidia X driver13:38
erodeI have a problem with tuxguitar! I don't list the files midi!13:39
zirodaySkaag: okay, you sure you have -177 installed?13:39
SuperLagjrib1: joaopinto: if gedit does that, I'm not seeing it. I'm trying to open a folder, and instead of displaying the files contained in the folder on the left, it's going into the folder... in the file browser.13:39
macrobadsprinkmeier: fec0... is Site-local unicast. It was deprecated, but still allowed to have until a substitution is adopted. It is similar to IPv4 private addresses. Anyway, I just don't have public routable addresses for the whole lab, and therefore experiment with private ones.13:40
zirodaySkaag: actually I have to run. I'm sure somebody else will be able to help you here.13:40
joaopintoSuperLag, oh, you mean an editor with a file browser window13:40
SuperLagjrib1: joaopinto: I have a folder called sql_scripts. I want to open it, and see all of it's files on their own pane. So I can pick any file at will, and have it then open.13:41
macrobadsprinkmeier: Should get them in one week though. =)13:41
virus_hi everyone!13:41
macrobadsprinkmeier: and yes, I'm connected via 6to4 tunnel.13:41
blip-hi all,  I have a license to mac OS 10.    I want to run it within ubuntu, would anyone recommend a vm to do this ?    I'm running 8.04.    thanks13:41
ramontayaghey everyone. since forever i've been using active record store (let's call that ARS) for a while now, but with rails 2.3 this plugin (limited sessions) i've been using breaks the app. Would it be wise to go back to file session store?13:41
virus_blip-, Virtualbox13:42
ramontayaggah sorry wrong room. again13:42
joaopintoSuperLag, http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins/FileBrowser13:42
SuperLagblip-: it's not possible to run OS X in a VM at this point. Not legally, anyways.13:42
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sprinkmeiermacrobad, wondering if the tunnel does something weird that ssh objects to? messing up known_hosts or something?13:42
b1n42yhow do i change the font colour in gnome applet windows list??13:42
sprinkmeiermacrobad, gotta go, getting^Wgotten late. good luck!13:43
macrobadsprinkmeier: hmm... it shouldn't be the case, because tunnel is configured on machine A, whereas I am connecting to machine A from machine B, and the problem seems to reside here13:43
macrobadanyway, good luck!13:43
joaopintoSuperLag, on gedit, View -> Side Pane13:45
joaopintothen click on the file browser icon at the bottom of the side pane13:45
SuperLagThat's *exactly* what I was looking for.13:45
SuperLagThank you. I had the plugin installed already, but wasn't figuring it out.13:45
SuperLagjrib1: joaopinto: Thank you, folks. I appreciate the help.13:46
joaopintonp :)13:46
blip-SuperLag: hmm that's strange... I purchased the damn OS why wouldn't they let me run it in a vm.  I just want to test a program on it as I don't have a working mac hardware13:47
beytaanybody knows how to configure built in bluetooth in my laptop with ubuntu??13:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sun13:48
blip-beyta: KDE has kbluemon, I don't know about knowm13:49
krishnanhow to install python on hardy?13:50
denndaIt is there already, krishnan13:50
krishnandennda: is it? sure?13:50
denndakrishnan: open a terminal and enter python --version13:50
krishnandennda: s it is present13:51
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SandoonI am new to Ubuntu, and i could need some help. I am a geek:-), and i am happy with that. Is there anyone here to help me?13:53
DIFH-iceroot!ask | Sandoon13:54
ubottuSandoon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:54
pitooowSandoon: what do u want?13:54
SandoonI need help with coding an irc bot.13:55
DIFH-icerootSandoon: its not ubuntu-related13:55
DIFH-icerootcojack: hi13:55
cojacksome one know how to install this in kde13:55
SandoonOh? I thought you did it in ubuntu?13:55
DMJCI can't get 8.10's 64-bit livecd to boot13:56
cojackI have kubuntu13:56
DMJCI've got 64-bit hardware before anyone asks the obvious13:56
[DarkSun]Sandoon, ubuntu is a linux distro,   you need a...probly tcl channel13:56
DIFH-icerootDMJC: errors?13:56
DMJCnon that I can see13:56
DMJCthe disc loads13:56
SandoonOk. You think that will help?13:56
DMJCI get the boot menu options for livecd and install13:56
cojackwrong burn13:56
DMJCand if I select an option and hit enter13:56
Dillizari need a program to mount iso any one?13:56
DMJCit doesn't do anything13:56
Pici!enter | DMJC13:57
ubottuDMJC: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:57
[DarkSun]you need to figure out what language the codeing is in, and join that channel.13:57
DIFH-icerootDillizar: mount13:57
cojacksome one can help me?13:57
DIFH-icerootcojack: 32bit version is working?13:57
SandoonThanks for help, people:-?13:57
michaeldadmumsudo mount xxx.iso /mnt -o loop13:57
Sandoon:-) i mean13:57
DMJCbasically it just sits at the menu and doesn't do anything when I hit enter. if I hit enter enough it says casper/vmlinuz13:57
BlackAeronautHowdy all.  Got issues trying to install Ubuntu.13:57
cojackDIFH-iceroot: I think you have got an error on burn your cd13:58
DMJC32-bit install cd worked fine13:58
Shininggg2000when you install ubuntu with the mini iso does it autmatically download all the application or you have the choice to do it manually ?13:58
DIFH-icerootcojack: ???13:58
cojacksory I don13:58
cojacksory I don't have time to resolv your problem13:59
DIFH-icerootDMJC: so maybe there a problems with 64drivers for your hardware. you need 64bit version?13:59
BlackAeronautI boot from the CD (itś a good disk - check it and everything) and tried to install from there, but itś dumped me in terminal with nothing else.13:59
cojackgot 32bit cds and install13:59
nbeeboim trying to make my sound output also be my sound input13:59
cojack64bit system it's not faster than 32bit13:59
DMJCI just found out the cd didn't download properly13:59
cojackask why?13:59
nbeeboaka the stuff that comes out of speakers should also come in the microphone device controller without hardware13:59
oj_hi, i'm trying to export some LIB and PATHS that I have added in ~/.bash_profile but when I relog or restart It doesn't work, what do i do?14:00
BlackAeronautCan someone help me?  Iḿ trying to install Ubuntu from booting the CD, but all Iḿ getting is dumped into terminal.14:01
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me...i am not able to execute c++ programs, till now i worked only in C14:01
jrib1PerryArmstrong: be more specific...14:02
PerryArmstrongjrib1; what shout be the extension of the c++ program14:02
jrib1PerryArmstrong: doesn't really matter, but .cc and .cpp are common14:02
BlackAeronautCan someone help me?  Iḿ trying to install Ubuntu from booting the CD, but all Iḿ getting is dumped into terminal.14:03
o891BlackAeronaut: what version?14:03
BlackAeronaut8.10 32-Bit.14:03
oj_hi, i'm trying to export some LIB and PATHS that I have added in ~/.bash_profile but when I relog or restart It doesn't work, what do i do?14:04
o891blackaeronaut: do u get the liveCD desktop menu on boot?14:04
PerryArmstrongLint, jrib1, i saved in both .c and .cpp and i tried and i got this output,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/131978/14:04
BlackAeronauto891:  That I did.14:04
michaeldadmumoj_: In where they doesn't work?14:04
o891BA: and u can boot into LiveSession?14:05
oj_michaeldadmum, if I go into terminal and try one of the commands it says program not found try installing14:05
BlackAeronauto891:  Lemme try...14:05
michaeldadmumoj: What's your ~/.bashrc14:05
michaeldadmumoj: What's your ~/.bash_profile14:05
Lint1) try use namespace "std" around your code14:05
BlackAeronauto891: Rebooting the other laptop now.14:05
Lint2) replace <iostream.h> with <iostream>14:06
sneki'm looking for a new soundcard which support SPDIF via optical out under ubuntu.. preferably with DD or DTS encoding... is there such a thing?14:06
nbeeboim trying to make my sound output also be my sound input14:06
BlackAeronautNow if only I can remember to force it to go to the CD drive first to boot...14:06
PerryArmstrongLint; didnt help in boith the ways14:06
oj_michaeldadmum, http://paste.ubuntu.com/131979/ here is my bash profile14:07
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o891_BlackAeronaut: what kind of laptop?14:07
BlackAeronauto891: Okay, itś booting from the disk now...  Toshiba Satellite A355D series.14:07
=== Sattuk is now known as Sattukk
o891_BlackAeronaut: is that the same laptop where u r getting terminal?14:08
=== Sattukk is now known as Sattuk
michaeldadmumoj_: try to cut and paste the contents from .bash_profile to .profile and try again.14:08
BlackAeronauto891: Ah, you where here for that one.  :)14:08
BlackAeronauto891: The same damn one.14:08
protocol1how would I go about installing a .gz file from the terminal?14:08
o891_BlackAeronaut: well let me know if u can get a live session14:09
oj_michaeldadmum, do i still need to paste the few top lines eg. if fi ... or start from PATH ?14:09
BlackAeronauto891: I kinda doubt I will,  Wanna know something crazy?  It was doing the same thing with Fedora the other day.14:09
snekprotocol1: you have to extract the .gz first... tar xzf filename.g14:10
snekprotocol1: you have to extract the .gz first... tar xzf filename.gz*14:10
krishnancan anyone help me on learning python? What type of programs do we write using python?14:10
michaeldadmumoj_ from line 1014:10
o891_BlackAeronaut: well if you cant get a live session I wouldnt even try to install it14:10
o891_BlackAeronaut: is your disk corrupt?14:10
BlackAeronauto891: Doubt it. It checks out fine on the integrity check.14:11
oj_michaeldadmum, and do i need to include the last two lines?14:11
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michaeldadmumoj_: no need14:11
jrib1PerryArmstrong: pastebin your source code14:11
remoteCTRLumm where has  apache2-ssl-certificate gone please?14:12
oj_michaeldadmum, just to check with you before i save, http://paste.ubuntu.com/131980/ is this okay?14:12
BlackAeronauto891: There has to be something fundamentally wrong that weŕe missing here.  It wont boot 32 or 64 bit versions, and it wont boot Fedora either.14:13
michaeldadmumoj_: save it and delete .bash_profile14:13
jrib1PerryArmstrong: how are compiling it?14:13
o891_BlackAeronaut:  are u using the 'alternate installer'?14:13
oj_michaeldadmum, how do i test to see if it works? relog?14:13
PerryArmstrongjrib1; i used both gcc and cc,  like this cc emp.c, gcc emp.cpp14:13
michaeldadmumoj_: just logout and login again14:14
jimi_hendrixanyone know what i need to install to dev wxwidget (i mean whats the package called)14:14
BlackAeronauto891: Iǘe tried wubi from in windows and Iǘe tried booting the installer on the disk.14:14
michaeldadmumPerryArmStrong: .c should be compiled by gcc and .cpp should be compiled by g++14:14
AivariuXHello, what I need to do? I have my WIFI drivers install it but then i reboot I need install it again14:14
* BlackAeronaut wonders what the hell is wrong with his keyboard.14:14
oj_michaeldadmum, thanks man, it's working now14:14
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, yes it worked...now how to execute14:15
jrib1PerryArmstrong: you want: g++ foo.cc14:15
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, it compiled,14:15
o891_BlackAeronaut:  are u trying this with Wubi or directly from the disc?14:15
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: g++ test.cpp -o test14:15
BlackAeronauto891: I have tried it both ways.14:15
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: where test is the exec14:15
BlackAeronautSmae result.14:15
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, for c program we used ./a.out14:16
AivariuXHello, what I need to do? I have my WIFI drivers install it but then i reboot I need install it again14:16
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: try ./a.out again14:16
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Skaagis it possible that in order to install the nvidia 177 restricted driver, that the kernel sources need to be available on my machine?14:17
Bizzehhey, im trying to install ubuntu to my new intel pc, and the onboard NIC doesnt seem to be recognised by ubuntu.. its listed in windows as "Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet Controller14:17
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, didnt get the output, any idea jrib114:17
o891_BlackAeronaut: well i know ubuntu works on the A355D14:17
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: try g++ source.cpp -o exec; ./exec14:17
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, didnt get the output still14:18
BlackAeronauto891: I know, thatś whatś so annoying about this.  Hang on, may wanna look at this...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10157014:18
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: any error message?14:18
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, i didnt get any message14:18
o891_BlackAeronaut: ahh...so you are not in terminal, your are just getting a black screen14:19
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: did your executable run correctly?14:19
Bizzehdoes anyone know if ubuntu supports a "Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet Controller" at all?14:19
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: compile, runtime, or logic error?14:19
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, in the sense14:19
o891_BlackAeronaut: well that is an x server problem,  I would try to install using the 'alternate install' cd14:19
BlackAeronauto891: Oh, not a black screen at all.  I still get the prompt: ubuntu@ubuntu:14:19
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, i used only a cout statement to print hello14:19
jrib1PerryArmstrong: ./a.out runs but doesn't do what you want?14:20
osfameroneven after reboot, I have completely messed up sound: 1) volume control buttons don't change volume, 2) no sound apps work, ALSA appears not to be enabled, 3) system beep is on (even though it's disabled in System-Preferences-Sound).  Any suggestions?14:20
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: paste your souce please14:20
gte351show do I change the active user in shell?14:20
jrib1gte351s: su14:20
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, http://paste.ubuntu.com/131981/14:20
o891_BlackAeronaut: well i would still try with the alterante CD14:21
o891_BlackAeronaut:  hvae you tried that?14:21
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: try adding <<endl at the end of line 6.14:21
gte351sjrib1: thanks.. what's the actual syntax, say is I want to change from root to username?14:21
BlackAeronauto891 What exactly is álternate CD supposed to be?14:21
o891_BlackAeronaut: it appears like you have an xwindows error14:21
o891_BlackAeronaut: it is a text based installed14:22
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, i got the output, but that's weired that i get output only when i add ednl14:22
o891_BlackAeronaut: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate14:22
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: endl means end-of-line and flush output.14:22
BlackAeronauto891: So itś an option you trigger at the CDs boot menu?14:22
michaeldadmumPerryArmstrong: when no endl, the output left at the cache and not shown14:22
o891_BlackAeronaut: what graphics card is it?14:23
michaeldadmumbye all14:23
o891_BlackAeronaut: in your laptop i mean14:23
BlackAeronautATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid.14:23
PerryArmstrongmichaeldadmum, then what about complex programs that i need to write, o they need endl...14:23
o891_BlackAeronaut: do you have an external display?14:24
BlackAeronauto891: wish I did.14:24
BlackAeronauto891: think I should try an earlier version of Ubuntu?14:25
o891_BlackAeronaut: no hang on i am looking at something here14:25
BlackAeronauto891: Okay.  Thanks, BTW.14:25
o891_BlackAeronaut: well do it again: boot the cd until you get to terminal14:26
BlackAeronauto891: Right, wait one.14:27
o891_BlackAeronaut: then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg14:27
hxwhen is going to be launched the jackalope?14:27
DJoneshx: Its due at the end of April14:27
BlackAeronauto891: hereś something interesting.  I rebooted by typing sudo reboot.  It then says that itś stopping gnome!  WTF?14:28
bong_can anyone help!!! I setup a webserver and host at my computer. My friend can ping my website, but can't browse it. anybody experience my problem?14:28
fliegenderfroschhx: april 23rd14:28
b1n42yconky gives me Conky: can't parse X color 'white' have googled has anyone come across this ?14:29
hxit is alpha right now? beta ? beta 2?14:29
o891_BlackAeronaut: yeah well thats not bad considering the problem is your video card14:29
shaunobong_: good chance it's networking upstream from the computer.  whether your router is forwarding correctly, whether your isp attempts to block self-hosted servers, etc14:29
BlackAeronauto891:  Argh.14:29
o891_BlackAeronaut: anyway before we start messing with all xorg configuration i would rather you try to install from the alternate cd14:29
vxworkshow do I setup a certain program to be executed at login time?14:29
hxafter login or before?14:30
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot14:30
vxworkshx, after14:30
vxworkshx, gdm login14:30
hxif after, then follow what ubottu said.14:30
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)14:30
vxworksok, but I want command line14:31
fliegenderfroschvxworks: use your .profile14:31
bong_shauno: I don't know whether my isp block self-hosted server or not14:31
BlackAeronauto891: Its going to take me a while to download.14:32
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:32
Buffalo_BillHI!  Been looking on the forum for an answer but can't find any.  I got a Macbook 2nd Gen with ubuntu 8.10 and wifi works perfectly at boot.  When I suspend, it still works but I can't get Internet with some networks.14:32
hxbong_ maybe because they want you to take t1,.14:32
o891_BlackAeronaut: well i have to go back to uni, but that should certainly work, at least the install, as the install is terminal based and so doesnt require xserver, once it works you will nevertheless still not be able to boot into gnome so you will have to have a look at how to configure you xorg.conf file in /etc/X1114:33
coreywhen I go into suspend my laptop only lasts about 3-4 hours untill the battery dies. Anybody have any ideas on how to fix this?14:33
bong_hx: how can I know my isp block my self-hosted server14:34
BlackAeronauto891: So this would be a driver issue then?14:34
Bizzehso, it apears i cant use ubuntu at all on my new i7 because of the onboard NIC not being supported by linux in general14:34
o891_BlackAeronaut: here have  a look at this http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20584300/xorg.conf (change your xorg.conf file to this and see if it works)14:34
Buffalo_Billcorey: I think it is less consuming than being used, still it is not as power saving as shutting it down...14:34
np4meWhy dont any other sounds work when i have music playing in a player? eg: No youtube vids have sound if im playing music in exaile(or any other player)14:35
BlackAeronauto891: Iĺl do what I can.14:35
coreybizzeh: then get a new NIC. They can be bought for less than $1514:35
o891_BlackAeronaut: yes it is a driver issue14:35
Bizzehnp4me: thats called exclusive mode14:35
Bizzehcorey: why should i?14:35
BizzehNIC works perfectly in windows...14:35
bong_shauno: how can I know my isp block my self-hosted server14:35
hxuhm, well i supposed you are using certain port. If you are very sure that you dont have a router blocking you or a firewall, then try port scan at that port. (http://www.canyouseeme.org/)  check that page and type your port.14:35
coreybizzeh: because you want to use linux on your i7...14:35
Bizzehbong_: try and access it from the outside....14:35
np4meBizzeh: Can it be fixed?14:36
Bizzehcorey: i can live without it14:36
FavoritBizzeh: which NIC is it?14:36
Bizzehnp4me: turn off exclusive mode14:36
osfameronhmmm, if lspci doesn't show my sound controller, is it likely to be a physical failure?  anything else I can do to diagnose that?14:36
np4meBizzeh: Where?14:36
hxbong_: uhm, well i supposed you are using certain port. If you are very sure that you dont have a router blocking you or a firewall, then try port scan at that port. (http://www.canyouseeme.org/)  check that page and type your port14:36
BizzehFavorit: its listed in windows as "Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet Controller"14:36
BlackAeronauto891: Figures.  I only managed to get a proper driver to work in Windows XP earlier today, and even then it was only through the judicious use of a piece of conversion software that some kind soul hacked up.14:36
FavoritBizzeh: oh, I see. never heard of that chipset yet. wouldn't surprise me if stock kernel of ubuntu doesn't support it yet14:37
o891_BlackAeronaut:  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20761221/xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz (driver for your card, should work) Copy the .tar.gz file to / and14:37
o891_run "sudo tar -zxvf xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz"14:37
FavoritBizzeh: let me look it up for you14:37
shaunobong_: I'd check in apache's log to see if his attempts register at all.  if your router logs, look there too.  if they're showing up on neither, you can assume it's upstream from there.   you can also running apache on a non-standard high port and see if you get different results14:37
BizzehFavorit: checked the ubuntu site, there is a guide for it, but for an older motherboard than mine, and it doesnt work14:37
BlackAeronauto891: Will do!14:37
coreycan apache be run from a desktop machine?14:37
np4meHow do I turn off exclusive mode?14:37
hxcorey: of course.14:37
Bizzehcorey: yeah, i do it all the time... infact, im doing it right now14:38
fliegenderfroschcorey: it can14:38
Wandererugh, why is kmix refuxing to un-mute my sound?14:38
Bizzehnp4me: depends on your audio setup14:38
o891_BlackAeronaut: sorry that was all a bit complicated: 1). install with the alternate CD 2). install the driver 3). edit your xorg.conf file 4). reboot14:38
Bizzehwhat your asking is similar to "how do i change a lock"14:38
wersi changed my swap partition.how do i update my fstab?14:38
BlackAeronauto891: Ah, it allmakes sense now.  ;)14:38
o891_BlackAeronaut: Good Luck! That should work though. other wise come back and ask again, if I am not here someone else should be able to help you!14:38
hxWanderer: i believe that kmix stuff is supported in kubuntu channel right?  #kubuntu14:38
np4meBizzeh: How do I turn it off anyway?14:39
FavoritBizzeh: there's a kernel patch it seems14:39
Bizzehnp4me: it depends on your audio setup14:39
np4meBizzeh: Ok...14:39
xDCDxhello, how can I remotely restart a machine when halt, reboot and shutdown commands are not available?14:39
BlackAeronauto891:  Thanks.  I certainly do hope that it works.  If it does, Iĺl post my tale on the forums for some other lost soul to follow.14:39
Bizzehthere is no real answer.. it depends what driver, audio server and application your using14:39
o891_BlackAeronaut:  Great! Good luck!14:40
bong_hx: i tried http://www.canyouseeme.org/, and got error:Error: I could not see your service on on port (80)14:40
FavoritBizzeh: http://www.unav-micro.com/Download.aspx?id=13 tried this driver already?14:40
BizzehxDCDx: call the police of the area the machine is housed in, and tell them to cut the power to that building because it has terrorist activities going on in it... when they cut the power and check it out, the machine will go down... when they realise you hoaxed them, they will switch the power back on... machine should come back on with that14:40
=== maxhax14 is now known as king_kobra
BizzehFavorit: that didnt show in my searches, ill try it later :)14:41
hxbong_: that means that your port is not open or is blocked by your isp. Or apache is not running.14:41
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jsmith2333hello everyone14:42
hxbong_: are you sure apache is running and you have opened that port in firewall and router?14:42
Bizzehbong_: can you access the local server by typing "http://localhost" or "" in your browser?14:42
xDCDxbizzeh: im not kidding, my server filesystem is acting funny, I can login by ssh, but can't access most /sbin/ commands14:42
rdzhi all. is there any multimedia player that is able to receive streams transported over the proprietary RTMP protocol?14:42
hxbong_: do what Bizzeh said, Is a good test to know if apache is running14:42
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FavoritBizzeh: http://pastebin.com/m14db775e (stock 8.10 ubuntu)14:43
Wandererhx: what's a non-kde/kubuntu sound manager?  trying to de-mute14:43
=== King_Cobra is now known as K1ng_Cobra
BizzehxDCDx: can you not run sudo screen to elevate your self?14:43
FavoritBizzeh: question is if it will work with the actual hardware ;)14:43
hxWanderer: well you can use amixer  from console14:43
K1ng_CobraK1ng_Cobra: lol14:43
hxWanderer: what channel you want to unmute?14:43
bong_I trying again... please wait!!!14:43
jsmith2333could anyone help me with ibex when I right-click a cd to copy it hangs at 98% the same with Braser14:43
wershow do i get the UIDs of my partitions?14:44
oCean_wers: "sudo blkid"14:44
Wandererhx: I'm not sure.  alsamixer shows them all unmusted but kmix shows the general Mute is one (PCM?) but I'm not getting sound either14:44
funkyHatBizzeh: the recommended way to get a root shell is sudo -i  I believe14:44
wersthanks oCean_14:44
abuchbinderwers, you don't need "sudo".14:44
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abuchbinderwers, oCean_, just "blkid" will list all UUIDs.14:45
wersthanks abuchbinder14:45
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Bizzehi have a story for everyone14:46
oCean_Bizzeh: a technical support question?14:46
Bizzehwent to the manchester museum of science and insdustry the other day, when i got to the technology exibits (tvs, cameras, repleca of "baby").. there was a 78yr old guy who works at the museum explaining things to people, and he saw me using my phone (xpera x1) and he said something to the likes of "there is more computing power in that phone than was used to launch the first space shuttle missions" and i knew this already but i went along for a while u14:48
oCean_!ot | Bizzeh14:48
ubottuBizzeh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:48
FavoritBizzeh: there's a #defocus channel, too :)14:50
forceflowrdz: VLC ?14:50
forceflowBut I want to hear how his story ends ... :(14:50
hxWanderer: are you therE?14:50
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:50
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hxWanderer: in console type :  alsamixer and tell me your channels?14:51
klynci have openbsd-inetd installed on ubuntu 8.0.4 .... when i modify the config and reload, nothing changes. i'm stumped - any thoughts?14:51
hxWanderer: to exit then press escape.14:51
pepsohiiiii can i install ubuntu in the portable hard disk.14:51
jukenpepso: yup14:51
pepsojuken: how can i?14:52
jukenpepso: have you tried searching google first per chance?14:52
pepsojuken: is there in any special way?14:52
jukenpepso: of course there is14:52
pepsojuken: any good tutorial if you know? then plz tell14:52
Bizzehpepso: yes, but it will only really run on similar hardware... try and move it across cpu manufacturers (amd->intel or intel->amd) it becomes... fussy... and moving across gfx card manufacturers, thats just all laughs in a box14:53
jukenhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick <---14:53
pepsojuken: ok I am seeing. Thanks14:53
KingWilliamAll you need is VESA drivers :P14:53
Bizzehjuken: thats FROM a usb drive, pepso seemed to be asking to install TO a usb drive14:53
jukenBizzeh: if you're livebooting from the USB drive then it's essentially still on there14:54
oCean_pepso: Think this is for installing ON usb drive: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:54
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pepsoBizzeh: yes i want to install on the Portable 2.5 hd14:55
gameboy439hello, can any one help me with a hard drive problem? i formatted my second drive to ext3 and now it's not showing up in Computer14:55
jukengameboy439: did you mount it?14:55
MTecknologygameboy439: what os are you trying from?14:55
ravencan i talk to anyone about crosscompiling (in private chan)?14:55
hxWanderer: ?14:55
jsmith2333help with copy disk14:56
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wadI've got a shell script that launches an application. It sets up some environment variables, stuff like that. I tried to make a launcher with an icon, to launch the app, but my launcher refuses to do anything. I must be missing something obvious.... I've been over all the options on the desktop icon, and tried most of them. Ideas?14:56
gameboy439i am using ubuntu ultimate gamers edition, which is ubuntu 8.10 with a bunch of stuff14:56
pepsojuken: I want to install on the Portable 2.5 hd14:56
jukenpepso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:56
gameboy439i cant even see the drive to mount it, and i couldnt seem to mount it in gparted14:56
MaT-dgmy networkmanager doesn't show any secured wireless networks and when it does find some occasionally it refuses to connect to my known wireless network. Ubuntu 8.10, problem started 2 - 3 days ago.14:56
jukengameboy439: does it show up in fdisk -l ?14:57
oCean_gameboy439: actually the ultimate edition is not supported here due to repository and software changes14:58
wadcarmen, please speak English...14:58
jukencarmen: let's hope you are here about keyboard issues :)14:58
hxImportant question, I noticed that ubuntu 8.04 doesnt detect HD in my new MB, while 8.10 does. I believe that the cause is sata drivers/raid14:58
hxhow i can integrate does drivers? if that were the problem.14:58
wadcarmen, pɟɐƃɥɟpsɥpɟsƃɥɟspƃɟps14:58
erUSULhx: make sure the sata controller is configured as ahci in Bios settings14:59
erUSUL!es | pedroj14:59
ubottupedroj: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:59
hxright if is ahci they are running sata not IDE. 8.10 detect them without problem . 8.04 doesnt show partitions.14:59
MaT-dghow can I manually refresh wireless networks in networkmanager? (8.10)14:59
gameboy439i tried fdisk -l, and it says cannot open /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, two separate lines15:00
gameboy439so it sees the second drive, but cant open it, nor can it open the first one15:00
zambai need php4 in ubuntu15:00
zambaubuntu hardy15:01
hxwhy not php5?15:01
zambahx: because some code written for php4 doesn't work for php515:01
pedrojhay alguien español?15:01
zambait's not 100% backwards compatible15:01
oCean_!es > pedroj15:01
ubottupedroj, please see my private message15:01
gameboy439anyone have any general ideas? even if ultimate isnt supported, it most likely should be the same15:02
oCean_gameboy439: you should use "sudo" using fdisk ("sudo fdisk -l")15:03
erUSULpedroj: entra en #ubuntu-es. Pon « /join #ubuntu-es » en el cliente irc15:03
c0p3rn1cI can't watch the full episodes southparkstudios.com while I have flashplayer 10 installed :S15:04
gameboy439that worked ocean, it sees the drive15:04
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gameboy439what should i do now, to make sure i can see it in computer and use it as a normal drive?15:04
cjhey all15:04
hxzamba: found some reference for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79651515:04
hxzamba: take a look there.15:04
oCean_gameboy439: so /dev/sdb is your 2nd drive, and /dev/sdb1 is the partition you formatted?15:05
cjanyone know off the top of their head how to tell resolvconf not to add name servers and search domains received from dhcp to /etc/resolv.conf ?15:05
c0p3rn1chi cj15:05
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gameboy439ocean: yes, exactly15:05
vxworksIm writting a bash script and I wanna to run a 'ps aux | grep myprogram' to verify if already there is a copy of myprogram running in the system. How do I do that?15:05
oCean_gameboy439: try mounting manually first, just to see if there's no errors: create a point where it should be mounted, like "sudo mkdir /disk2" then15:06
oCean_gameboy439: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /disk2" - if it's ext315:06
zxdunder what package can I find  /usr/share/gdm/themes/debian-moreblue15:06
tom17bombadil_i want to mount a usb-drive via shell. but i fail to find out, which device (lsusb and dmesg dont tell me which device the drive is bound to).15:06
gameboy439its not ext3, i reformatted it back to ntfs after it originally wasnt seen in Computer, should i format it back to ext3?15:07
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fliegenderfroschtom17bombadil_: you could use fdisk -l15:07
hxvxworks: ps -ef|grep PROCESS-NAME15:07
lukeqseehow do you stop Xorg and drop to terminal? I need to install nvidia drivers without x running15:07
hxexample: ps -ef|grep amsn15:07
zenlunaticlukeqsee, you can use a virtual terminal15:07
c0p3rn1ctom17bombadil_: sudo fdisk -l15:07
mrthrazI was wondering how I would configure my wacom tablet for 8.1015:08
oCean_gameboy439: that's up to you. NTFS will work, ext3 is .. native/default (whatever you call it) ubuntu15:08
lukeqseezenlunatic:it still has x running, doesn't want to install with it running15:08
vxworkshx, year, I know it,,, I wanna know how to do that in a bash script... I wanna put it in a if statement... if true do something else do other thing15:08
giacoI need to find out who's writing inside /home/backup/mysql folder, he's filling up my hard drive. I've fetched all my cron jobs with no success15:08
gameboy439ocean: i see, so let's say i keep it ntfs, how can i mount it?15:08
oCean_gameboy439: Using NTFS, you could also use the disk under that other OS :)15:08
zenlunaticlukeqsee, is it okay to reboot for this machine?  if so, change runlevel15:08
lukeqseezenlunatic: yes it is15:08
oCean_gameboy439: "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /disk2"15:08
coreyHas anyone put linux on a PS3?15:09
zambahx: problem with that is that php4-cgi isn't in any repositories15:09
zxdhow do i search for files in this channel15:09
zambahx: so it won't help me one bit15:09
zxddoes the bot have a cache15:09
zenlunaticlukeqsee, you familiar with grub?15:09
lukeqseezenlunatic: somewhat, can get my way around it15:09
DJoneszxd: This isn't a file sharing channel15:09
tom17bombadil_fliegenderfrosch, c0p3rn1c thanks a lot!15:09
c0p3rn1cnp :)15:09
oCean_gameboy439: if there's no output, the mount was ok, and you should see the disk ("df -h")15:09
zxdDJones, dpkg in #debian allows me to search for files15:09
zxdDJones, lists where the file is in what package15:09
hxvxworks: too bad im not that good with bash , but yes with c++. I would do a system call , saving output to a file, then check that file for process.15:09
coreyDoes anyone know about linux for the PS3?15:10
hxps -ef|grep PROCESS >>filename15:10
bong__hx: sorry... electricity drop. There is no problem with my apache15:10
DJoneszxd: I see what you mean, you should be able to try !info packagename15:10
zenlunaticlukeqsee, press 'e' on the grub kernel pointer (vmlinux) and at the end of it add a "3" and boot.  that boots without sarting x15:10
lukeqseezenlunatic: thanks15:10
DJones!info firefox15:10
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB15:10
gameboy439oCean: after running that command, it says "fuse: failed to access mountpoint /disk2: no such file or directory"15:10
zxdDJones, I want to search for a specific dir15:10
zxdnever mind found it with apt-file15:10
gameboy439oCean: was i suppose to put that first line you showed me earlier?15:10
fliegenderfroschcorey: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+ps315:10
oCean_gameboy439: In my example, I created a /disk2 directory "sudo mkdir /disk2"15:11
zxdactually no15:11
zxddidn't find it15:11
hxok understood bong__15:11
c0p3rn1cI can't watch the full episodes southparkstudios.com while I have flashplugin-nonfree + ubuntu-restricted-extras installed :S15:11
gameboy439oCean: oh ok, one sec...15:11
fliegenderfroschc0p3rn1c: you could try if it works if you install the flash plugin from the adobe page, they provide a deb for ubuntu15:11
|REM|anyone know of a small command line only version of linux i can install into a vm?15:11
cj|REM|: debian15:12
cj|REM|: how small?15:12
c0p3rn1cfliegenderfrosch: I have a 64 bit system and they only provide 32 bit15:12
|REM|as small as possible15:12
cjc0p3rn1c: 64-bit will do 32-bit15:12
|REM|dont need any of of the extras15:12
cj|REM|: what architecture?  x86?15:12
gameboy439oCean: the commands went through with no errors, but i still don't see the drive anywhere in Computer or the desktop15:12
fliegenderfrosch|REM|: system rescue cd is nice as well, but not totally small (~100mb)15:12
tavishhi! im having problems with my sound. is there a way i can get the default sound settings back ?15:12
bong__shauno:sorry... electricity drop15:12
c0p3rn1ccj: do I have to force the installation of that package ?15:12
coreyfliegenderfrosch: Thats brilliant! Its wonderfull how people assume you arent bright enough to use google. And there is no way that I would be on the IRC to learn of peoples opinion first hand.15:13
cjc0p3rn1c: ah, I see what you mean.  it's a i386 .deb...15:13
regeyawell, the system rescue cd, at around 100mb, would be small enough for a mini cd15:13
bong__shauno: my apache worked well15:13
cjc0p3rn1c: you could alien it to a tarball and then run from the tarball15:13
gameboy439oCean: i just looked at it in GParted and it looks like its mounted15:13
|REM|k.  i am looking for around 50MB or less15:13
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c0p3rn1ccj, they also provide a tar15:13
cjc0p3rn1c: use the tar :)15:13
oCean_gameboy439: ok, then "df -h" should also list your mounted drive15:13
cj|REM|: what are you doing with it?15:14
gameboy439oCean: just df -h, nothing else?15:14
oCean_gameboy439: to make this persistent, e.g. mount that disk at that directory every boot, you have to add a line to the file called /etc/fstab15:14
cj|REM|: debian sarge may do what you're looking for.  are you using xen?15:14
|REM|installing glassfish and our custom software so that I can throw it on a cd to send out to clients15:14
c0p3rn1ccj: ok thanks, should I also uninstall the current flash player first ?15:14
oCean_gameboy439: yes df -h, should output all your filesystems (including size,used and free)15:14
cjc0p3rn1c: probably ought to.15:14
DrOwlHi All, any one want to help with a samba / automount / password related question?15:15
c0p3rn1ccj, ok thanks again,  hope this works :)15:15
|REM|i was using DSL but when if I close the VM without doing a graceful shutdown, the next time you start the VM, it complains and you have to do fsck on it15:15
dsdeizhmm, just wondering if there's a way to make ubuntu firefox render pages similar to windows firefox15:15
cjc0p3rn1c: should be relatively painless15:15
|REM|and i cant have that15:15
cjc0p3rn1c: you may need to install the ia32 compat libs15:15
oCean_DrOwl: just state your issue, and see if someone can help you15:16
gameboy439oCean: ok i put in the command and it listed it, but i still don't see it in Computer, like any icon for it, how can i make that happen?15:16
hxzamba: sorry man but php4 has been completely replaced with php5 . SO they remove it from repos.15:16
kitche|REM|: well any linux will make you do a fsck if you do not shutdown gracefully15:16
cj|REM|: I believe sarge has ext315:16
hxzamba: you will have to compile it.15:16
cjkitche: not if you're using a journaled filesystem15:16
|REM|k.  thanks cj.  I will check that out15:16
DrOwlI would like to mount on boot some (password protected) windows shares15:16
hxzamba: http://www.php.net/downloads.php15:16
cj|REM|: what does your customer software depend on?  sarge is officially obsolete15:16
kitchecj: umm no it will just do itself15:16
hxscroll down the page15:16
kitchecj: which DSL runs on is ext315:17
cjkitche: recovering from a journal and fsck'ing the disk are different15:17
|REM|just glassfish and java15:17
DrOwlI can do so manually via cli, but am stumped as to how to make that happen in fstab (considering the PW issue)15:17
cj|REM|: what version of java?  I don't know what glassfish is15:17
bong__hx: I already enable my router for port 8015:17
zambahx: why do they do this.. i understand that they want people to use php5 and mysql5 and all that, but why not just leave the packages there and let people install it using a force option or something15:17
zambai don't get it15:17
|REM|glassfish is java's application server15:17
oCean_gameboy439: ah, I'm not a icon-kind-a-guy, I don't know. Think it's somewhere in config editor (gnome preferences)15:17
mrechi, is the tftpd ubuntu package supposed to work with ubuntu?15:17
DrOwlthe user:PW of my untuntu box is the same as my share (domain)15:17
|REM|and it would be the latest version of java15:17
hxBecause the stop supporting it, that means no bug fixes or security fixes.15:17
cj|REM|: ah, app server15:17
disappearedngNot related question: does any1 here knows the term for a liquid that can fit into any shape and size?15:17
cj|REM|: there may be a backport of java to sarge15:18
jrib1!ot | disappearedng15:18
ubottudisappearedng: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:18
mrecI'm getting read timeouts as soon as I try to read from a network interface, loopback works fine with tftpd15:18
gameboy439oCean: oh ok, yea i'm completely new to linux, so i gotta master all the GUI stuff before I get all text-based and command line, lol15:18
hxzamba: maybe you may try php5 and try resolving issues. Its the best for you15:18
oCean_gameboy439: you still have to add a line to the /etc/fstab file to make the mount appear every boot. See here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions on how that works (there are various options for writeaccess etcetera)15:18
zambahx: it's not my code15:18
zambahx: and it's HUGE15:18
zxdin ubuntu they removed a theme debian-moreblue from the debianized gdm package but it isn't mentioed in the changelog15:18
gameboy439oCean: oh ok, i'll do that15:18
hxzamba: are you sure it wont work?15:19
|REM|if sarge doesnt work, i need to look for something I can install on ext3?15:19
oCean_gameboy439: in (very) short, the line that you have to add is something like "/dev/sdb1   /disk2   ntfs-3g   defaults    0   0"15:19
cj|REM|: anything will install on ext315:19
rage--can some one help me getting Hamachi working? I would really appreciate it :p15:19
oCean_gameboy439: where 'defaults' is the part that you may have to change for your own needs, like write permissions etc.15:19
shauno|REM|: ext3 is kernel support, rather than distro support.  it should be fairly ubiquitous15:19
cj|REM|: you can probably fit hardy into 64M if you remove all of the docs and locale data15:20
zambahx: it "works".. but i have a couple of errors and the developers won't touch it since we're running it on php5, since they say that it is only guaranteed to work on php415:20
c0p3rn1ccj: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported15:20
|REM|ok great.  I will give these a try.  thanks for the info!15:20
mrecbah are all tftpd servers shit with ubuntu :(15:20
hxzamba: Support for PHP 4 has been discontinued since 2007-12-31. Please consider upgrading to PHP 5.2."15:20
gameboy439oCean: oh ok i see, oh and also, how do i get to GNOME prefs to try to get an icon somewhere?15:20
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shaunohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOSVMBuilder  could be worth a shot for trying to build a slimline VM environment (as that's it's whole purpose in life), but I believe they aim for 300-ish Mb, not 5015:20
mib_vqfx9yHi there - I'm experiencing a rather unusual bug on both 8.10 & 9.04 alpha6. I can shutdown my machine but not restart. Has anyone got a clue? All updates applied.15:21
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mib_vqfx9yDell Dimension 920015:21
hxzamba: well thats a bad practice. THey should try upgrade it to php5.15:21
c0p3rn1cI can't watch the full episodes southparkstudios.com, I'm getting a darkgray panel, while I have flashplugin-nonfree + ubuntu-restricted-extras installed :S15:21
zambaand php is so dependant on apache that you can't compile php4 without first compiling apache15:21
zambagod damn15:21
zambathis is killing me15:21
regeyacj, what that person failed to tell you is that ubuntu calls x86_64 amd64 even if it's intel 64bit15:21
jussi01mib_vqfx9y: try asking in #ubuntu+115:21
oCean_!ohmy | zamba15:21
ubottuzamba: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:21
regeyaso 64-bit x86 is supported, it's just called amd6415:22
wdachello, I need some help with my ancient harddisk; it seems to be recognized by Ubuntu ([   71.426681] ata2.00: ATA-0: WDC AC140,     2.53, max PIO0) but I cannot access it since there is no device file for it - anybody cat help me?15:22
regeyaif people are going to help, they need to help instead of being snotty15:22
zambaso i end up with compiled-up versions of php4, apach2 and mysql4 :p15:22
c0p3rn1cregeya: amd invented it, intel copied it15:23
onatshi, need some help... am watching my logs, and it seems that there's a process that's trying to send emails all the time. nullmailer?15:23
hxzamba: install apache from repos. then compile php 4.15:23
regeyaamd was just to market first15:23
hxmaybe that do the trick..15:23
hxanyway im leaving take care.15:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nullmailer15:24
Tcli have a folde and i cant openit ..Permision denied15:24
tavishwhen i pick up a call from a gtalk user in empathy, it just disconnects, and music files no longer play when my mouse hovers over them15:24
c0p3rn1cregeya: read and weep it on wikipedia :)15:24
jussi01regeya: do you have a support question?15:24
regeyabut honestly, other distributions use x86_64, ubuntu uses amd64.  it's not an opportunity for snobbery when someone says x86_6415:24
epaphusHey guys, is there any tool like WinSCP in UBuntu?15:24
mib_vqfx9yI can shutdown my machine but not restart. Has anyone got a clue? All updates applied.15:24
regeyajussi01: this began when someone asked a question about x86_64 and was informed that x86_64 was not supported...and there was no elaboration.15:24
regeyaI will stop if I must, jussi01.15:25
bong__anyone know how to check uplink bandwidth15:25
qpdbhow mentionable is the difference in performance comparing dm-crypt on 32bit and on 64bit system? is it worth the additional trouble/work?15:25
Tclepaphus : gFTP15:25
jussi01regeya: pleas do, channel is busy enough alrready15:25
regeyajussi01: people need to learn to be helpful instead of being jerks, then...and that's the last I'll say on the subject.15:26
Tcli have a folder on mu /etc directory and i cant openit ...any1 know how i can open it ?15:27
cojackTcl: sudo, you have to be a root15:28
cjregeya: yes, but ia64 hardware knows how to talk amd64 in nearly all cases15:28
epaphusTcl, tnx15:28
b1n42ybong: there are various speed test google15:28
cjmrec: for tftp, I use...15:29
kitchecj: umm ia64 hardware is not amd64 compatiable15:29
Tclcojack i mean openit az a folder not on a terminal15:29
cjkitche: not all of it.  :)15:29
kitchecj: none of it is15:29
Tclu know dclick15:29
mrecI didn't think that tftp is such a shit nowadays it usually just works and it's supposed to be really trivial15:29
Picimrec, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you.15:29
cojackTcl: type as a root in console nautilus15:30
bongbln42y: thanks15:30
b1n42yanyone know if i create a dns server using a dynamic ip will people still be able to access my domain if that ip changes or do i have to use a dynamic DNS service?15:30
regeyaand I run fedora 10, which is labeled x86_64, on an amd64 machine.  in the future, just point out to people the term on ubuntu is 'amd64' instead of 'x86_64'15:30
cjkitche: alrighty.  that's something I don't know too much about.  I've never run my cpus as ia6415:30
sd-JLâñåì ïðèâåò15:30
Tclaa nautilus :) remeber now :) thx15:30
sd-JLêàê äåëèøêè?15:30
Piciregeya: Please stop15:30
regeyaI was told to drop it, why are you people still going on about it?15:30
kitchecj: ia64 is ithium(spelling is wrong) computers15:30
regeyaand why am I the only one getting my head knocked off about it? :-P15:30
sd-JLîãî åòî ÷î âû àíãëè÷àíû?15:30
Picikitche, cj: Please stop or take it to offtopic.15:30
Pici!ru | sd-JL15:31
ubottusd-JL: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:31
b1n42y!stop | sd-JL15:31
ubottusd-JL: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.15:31
cjmrec: tftp -> tftpd-hpa15:31
sd-JLPici ÷î òàêîå?15:31
kitchePici: ok so no support here then? since he asked a support question15:31
tavishplease help me with reinstalling my sound15:31
mrthrazI was wondering how I would configure my wacom tablet for 8.1015:31
DJonesPici: Is that russian? whois suggests a .ua host15:31
funkyHatmrec: tftpd is rubbish, that's probably your problem15:31
regeyaPici: what brought the subject up was a question about x86_64, in which a person got the answer 'ubuntu doesn't support x86_64' and all this grew out of clarification.  I'm with kitche.  Support is verboten now?15:32
cjtavish: what's lspci | grep -i audio say?15:32
dsdeizwhat's thte lightest window manager? :-?15:32
cjdsdeiz: ratpoison15:32
mrecfunkyHat: the problem is that it works with the loopback interface but not on an ethernet interface15:32
sd-JLà òóòà åñòü ðîñèÿ?15:32
mrecthis is just stupid what they cobbled together there15:32
sd-JLà óêðàèíà715:32
cjfunkyHat: don't be silly.  tftp has its place15:32
tavishcj: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)15:32
b1n42ymrthraz: google, xorg.conf and wacom tablets and screen rotation and button sensing, there are a couple good sites, unfortunately i dont have links but i know they are there15:33
cjtavish: alsa should work fine for that.  #alsa can probably help if there's nobody here who knows much about it (I don't)15:33
virtue12I have a question, I have recently dual booted ubuntu and vista, and I am having trouble connecting to my router, is there anything that needs to be configured15:33
funkyHatcj: of course it has its place, I use it for PXE booting, but that doesn't mean its not rubbish15:33
funkyHatmrec: I use tftpd-hpa, seems to do the job well enough15:33
tavishcj: ok, ill try asking there, thanks. one last thing, is there a way to get my default sound settings15:34
cjcat /dev/sndstat maybe ?15:35
sd-JLSorry but there is anyone sRosii or Ukraine?15:35
quibblerdsdeiz: xfe15:35
virtue12>I have a question, I have recently dual booted ubuntu and vista, and I am having trouble connecting to my router, is there anything that needs to be configured?15:35
cjtavish: ^^ that was for you, btw15:35
cjvirtue12: does your 'router' run dhcp?15:35
virtue12not sure what that is15:36
cjvirtue12: okay.  what kind of 'router' do you have?15:36
virtue12d link15:36
virtue12d link wbr 13-1015:36
=== Aminzai_ is now known as Aminzai
epaphushey guys, how does one manage to upload files through SCP with GFTP.. when the user needs to use sudo?15:37
uusedmanHello everyone, i have a problem with my ubuntu not recognizing my wireless after I upgrade from a basic 8.10 intrep basic installation15:37
cjvirtue12: yeah, it should auto-configure.  your NIC may not have a driver in linux.  can you tell me what kind of NIC you've got?15:37
mrecfunkyHat: I think I should have written such a tftp server by myself, tftpd is not only rubbish the package itself is crap15:37
virtue12well I have atheros wireless in my laptop, does that help?15:38
funkyHatmrec: have you tried the pachage tftpd-hpa?15:38
C-S-Bim getting a brief and symtpomless error on boot that says it cannot load module.dep15:38
C-S-Bany ideas?15:38
cjvirtue12: ah, yes.  atheros should work pretty well.  when you boot into ubuntu, do you get a list of available wireless access points?15:38
mrecfunkyHat: ya, it just hangs but that's probably because it's misconfigured somehow15:39
cjC-S-B: you need to run 'sudo depmod -a' probably15:39
C-S-BI have15:39
mrecinetd is misconfigured with that tftpd crap15:39
cjC-S-B: or maybe you booted a kernel for which you don't have a populated /lib/modules/`uname -r`15:39
mattgyver83Is there a program that allows you to use your computer as a landline phone service (not a skype or VOIP connection) ?15:39
cjmrec: are you setting up a PXE system?15:39
virtue12no I just get the two computers icon with a yellow exclamation point15:39
funkyHatmrec: I'm using xinetd to serve tftp requests, I can pastebin my config for that if you'd like15:39
C-S-Bcj, its newly compiled kernel, how do I populate?15:39
cjmattgyver83: asterisk15:39
mreccj: no, just a plain tftp server for 1 file15:40
cjC-S-B: sudo make modules_install15:40
Tclyou do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "folder".15:40
C-S-BI've done that and theres a modules.dep in there15:40
cjmrec: I run my tftpd manually instead of having inetd start it15:40
Tclnautilus wont open it15:40
virtue12I have tried to connect the modem directly to the laptop and it tries to connect but them it stops15:40
cjmrec: docs here about running a PXE configuration.  it also covers running in.tftpd stand-alone.15:41
mrecfunkyHat: doesn't matter I'll take the one from BSD that one works15:41
cjC-S-B: sudo depmod -a15:41
mrecno idea why ubuntu doesn't work .. it's just messed up15:41
C-S-BCJ, I have15:41
cjC-S-B: you'll want to put the version number in there if `uname -r` doesn't match the version you're installing15:42
mreccj: I just want to provide a linux kernel through tftp15:42
quibblerTcl: open nautilus in a terminal gksudo nautilus15:42
cjsudo depmod -a -V 2.6.blah15:42
WhitorHi. I'm trying to get a serial port working on a pcmcia card in a laptop. I know the card is supported, its a CB2S650. Uses real uart chips. When I do a dmesg | tail I see: [95467.113973] 0.0: ttyS0 at I/O 0x8108 (irq = 3) is a 16450   But this card has TWO (2) ports. How do I address each specifically?  Further, when I try to use ttyS0 (on either port) it doesn't seem to work.  (I'm guessing I'm addressing them wrong... but I'm not sure.15:42
Whitor) Any ideas ?15:42
cjmrec: man in.tftpd15:42
mreccj: there's not much there15:42
WhitorI'm using minicom with this card to interface to an ascend csu/dsu15:42
C-S-Bcj, `uname -r ` matches the kernel im running15:42
virtue12hey CJ: I have tried connecting the cable modem directly into the laptop, and it tried to connect but it stops15:42
mrecthe developers didn't know what they did when writing it15:42
cjWhitor: IIRC, you'll need some setserial magic15:43
cjC-S-B: of course :)15:43
Whitorcj, Thanks, I'll look into that15:43
Tclquibbler is working thx :)15:43
peterswinkelsI have a Trust WB-6250X USB webcam which appears to work only with Cheese in Ubuntu 8.10 - any other program I have attempted to use fails. Camgrab for example fails with the following message: "No supported palette found."15:43
quibblerTcl: :)15:44
cjmrec: did you read that link?  it will show you how to set up tftp with a directory which could contain the kernel15:44
cjmrec: your client will need to fetch the file15:44
C-S-Bcj, and if i verbosely run depmod, it's sorting out the modules in the right folder15:44
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cjC-S-B: what's the kernel version you're setting up?15:44
C-S-Bcj, this isnt causing me a problem, but I don't like to have 'FATAL' errors in my boot15:45
ethana21my Apps > Add is completely empty15:45
C-S-BI'm running it now, everything works, but I get that error15:45
ethana21but via the terminal, everything works fine15:45
cjC-S-B: okay, boot into 2.6.28 and run 'sudo depmod -a', then reboot15:45
C-S-Bi've done so15:45
ethana21I'd like to be able to install stuff via apps > add, how do I clear its configuration files?15:45
satansaunthey firefox is opening in fullscreen mode when it shouldn't. Completely lost as to how to stop this...I've tried the obvious15:46
C-S-Bthis is after i've done that, and hence asking in here as I'm confused! lol15:46
cjC-S-B: what module is it complaining about?15:46
C-S-Bjust says in the brief time it come up that it cant read or modules.dep15:46
C-S-Bfile perm?15:46
C-S-Bi dont know the exact error15:47
satansaunthey firefox is opening in fullscreen mode when it shouldn't. Completely lost as to how to stop this...I've tried the obvious15:47
ethana21(so I'm viewing all available applications in all categories, and it's telling me there is no matching application available15:47
fliegenderfroschsatansaunt: have you had a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+question/34312 already?15:47
C-S-Bcj, any more ideas?15:48
peterswinkelsDoes any one here know why only one program running under Ubuntu 8.10 (kernel appears to be able to work with my  Trust WB-6250X USB webcam?15:48
ethana21peterswinkels: which program is it, cheese?15:49
peterswinkelsCheese is the only program that works15:49
ethana21peterswinkels: and how does cheese work, fine?15:49
ethana21all the resolutions, no crashing?15:49
peterswinkelsethana21 - cheese works with absolutely no problems at all15:50
ethana21well that's good-- and the apps that don't work15:50
ethana21skype, right?15:50
peterswinkelsno - camE, camgrab, camstream, gqcam, hasciicam and the gimp - all fail - ethana2115:50
ethana21oh, wow15:51
mreccj: yep thanks, this works15:51
peterswinkelsand lsusb can detect it - but displays no type/vendor information. just an 8 digit number - ethena2115:51
ethana21peterswinkels: interesting.15:51
mrecI wonder why the tftp setup is so broken in ubuntu.. it can and should work within a few minutes otherwise someone can already write his own daemon and will be faster with that15:52
peterswinkelsit's wierd - ethana2115:52
ethana21I'd check launchpad for similar bugs; if there are none, file15:52
quibblerpeterswinkels: camorama?15:52
peterswinkelsok - ethana2115:52
rommewhen i add a Media inner class to my widgets, the Django admin picks it up and references those media files in the template. how can i make my own templates print <link> and <script> tags to all my forms as well?15:52
peterswinkelscamgrab says: "No supported palette found." and the Gimp comes up with "invalid argument" any idea? Ethana21?15:53
ethana21peterswinkels: not really15:53
greenmanHello, can someone tell me how to easily install firefox 2?  I tried synaptic but no luck.15:53
ethana21greenman: what's with wanting to install firefox 2?15:54
ethana21the right click menu bug?15:54
greenmanethana21: I have 1.5, and I would like to use some features in 215:54
ethana21current is 3.15:54
rommeoops, sorry, wront channel15:54
ethana213.0.6 or something15:54
greenmanYeah, but I don't want to go to beta, so I'll use 2, it's stable :)15:54
ethana213 is stable.15:54
ethana21it has been stable for a while now15:55
ethana21it's 3.1 that's still in beta15:55
epaphushey guys, how does one manage to upload files through SCP with GFTP.. when the user needs to use sudo?15:55
greenmanokay, fine, I'll take a stable 3, but I don't know how?  I'm used to apt-getting stuff15:55
Chousukeaperson: on the target system?15:55
ethana21greenman: are you on gutsy?15:55
Chousukeaperson: what do you mean? :/15:55
kitcheepaphus: you don't I believe you just put it on the system then ssh in sudo to move the files where you want I m not sure how to do it using gftp15:56
greenmanI'm on 6.06, not sure which one that is15:56
Chousukeaperson: you shouldn't need sudo to upload files.15:56
ethana21greenman: your ubuntu is very, very out of date15:56
ethana21I recommend backing up all your files15:56
ethana21doing a fresh 8.10 install15:56
greenmanethana21: Well, I updated everything like a year ago, I think.15:57
ethana21running all updates, and moving your files back onto it15:57
epaphuskitche, hmm.. any other program that supports this?15:57
ethana21greenman: well yeah, 6.06 is an LTS release15:57
lilihi, everyone15:57
ethana21you updated before 8.04 was out, it's LTS15:57
kitcheepaphus: hmm not sure actually since you'll stillg et hit by the sudo thing15:57
cojacklili: hi15:57
ethana21greenman: Free Software makes more progress in six months than MS makes in two years15:57
greenmanethana21: okay, assuming I'm not full of time and would like to get firefox 3, is it possible without upgrading my whole operating system?15:58
ethana21greenman: a download from mozilla's site15:58
satansauntokay the problem is that firefox reverts to full screen mode everytime i open a new tab...15:58
ethana21wouldn't be a 'proper' install, but you could use it15:58
ethana21might not run though15:58
ethana21due to dependencies requiring a lot newer OS15:59
greenmanscrew it.  I just wanted it to do the ncaa brackets.  I'll do it on my mac.  This is just a webserver, doesn't need fancy new browser.15:59
cjC-S-B: sorry, was working :)15:59
C-S-Bcj, np16:00
ethana21greenman: haha, yes.16:00
cjC-S-B: 'dmesg | less' will probably tell you the error16:00
greenmanhave a good day.16:00
cjC-S-B: also, less /var/log/kern.log may have the information16:00
C-S-Boh well16:02
sharidoghi ppl: i did install kubuntu, but my resolution screen become too low. and nvidia instalation don't let me install cuse i don't have libc.. i did sudo apt-get install libc but i got an error. any ideas? thz16:03
fliegenderfroschsharidog: what kind of error did/do you get?16:03
cjsharidog: can you paste the error to http://pastebin.com ?16:04
sharidogcoud not find pakage libc16:04
cjapt-cache search -n libc16:05
prageethado kariyo16:05
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sharidogcj ok .. i got a big list of packages.. but i am in text mode ..i cant read it all16:06
cjpipe them to less :)16:06
cjapt-cache search -n libc | less16:06
sharidoghaha ok16:07
cjbut really, what's the problem with the nvidia install?16:07
_infidelHello what replaced the scsi_info command?16:08
wadzarhi everyone16:08
tom17bombadilafter upgrading to 10/08 my system takes more than 3 minutes to boot. before it has been less than a minute. are there any ideas apart from turning off daemons?16:08
Jake1I've been getting an "unauthenticated" error when attempting an update for the past ten days or so (libcurl and omviewer packages).  At very least the omviewer package is from an added repository (possible that libcurl is as well, but I don't know how to know just now).  Here's the thing: I was fairly certain that all repositories have GPG keys cleared.  Question is: how would I find out where the unauthenticated packages are sourced, and why th16:08
bin1010question about restricted hardware.  I have ubuntu 8.10 64-bit running on my dell e6500 and I want to enable 3D graphics, so I want to add the nvidia drivers...right?  When I install them, after i reboot, all i get is a blank screen on my external monitor...in fact the monitor goes into sleep mode.  Are there settings I can mess with to fix?  Is there a way to uninstall the drivers from CTRL-ALT-F2?  Help...thanks.16:09
liliaryah, hi16:09
jwayis there a way to extend the size of a partition in ubuntu?16:09
fliegenderfroschjway: should be possible with gparted16:10
C-S-Bjway, gparted16:10
giarcahi, anyone have problem with dvd95 with "no medium found" error on application startup with dvd perfectly mounted?16:10
aryahIm having some issues with connectivity using guarddog, azureus , being behind a router/NAT.. after disabling DHT and stuff so that my traffic counts on a private tracker (as they instruct one should do), and opening a port range above 50 000 on my router, I pass the nat test and sometimes do send stuff sucessfully. But my torrents are yellow not green, and I have a red icon saying Im firewalled in my status. Guarddog is currently disabled16:10
aryah, bu still16:10
jwaycool - without destroying data on the partition from which the free space is taken?16:10
tom17bombadil/var/log/boot is empty; but /etc/default/boot has this line: BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=YES16:10
aryahI dont understand how I can pass the NAT test of azureus and still be firewalled?16:10
sharidogcj many many packages with name libc* .. what is the one i must target?16:11
fliegenderfroschjway: yes, it should work, but backups are recommended :)16:11
aryahdo I neeed to open some other port on my router to communicate with the tracker?16:11
jwayhehe, thanks16:11
sharidogthe error says: dont have libc header files..16:12
C-S-Bjway, ive moved ntfs windows installs and it's all gone well16:12
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koplsI have wifi,  hidden network,  WPA2.  I know it's name and password.    How to auto-connect to it on system startup (not only when this buggy nm-applet is runnig)?16:13
divXjunkhi pll, i installed 'vsftpd' with 'apt-get install vsftpd'. now i would like to remove the app. so i did 'apt-get remove vsftpd'. i found all the files still on the system, but the deamon doesn't run anymore. then i tried 'apt-get --purge remove vsftpd', but still the files remain.. how can i really remove all vsftpd files from my system?? thanks for any help!16:14
liliwrite the command in the file /etc/rc.local16:14
c0p3rn1cif anyone has any 64 bit flash problems as well just ask me because I have found the solution16:14
aryahis there an azureus irc channel ?16:15
ryshyshas anyone overcome this problem http://www.paste.lt/paste/4a2739fa0d7ebeca91176390bc893f7a i mean fatal error line ?16:15
WhitorIs anyone familiar with setserial and how to use it to make a 2 port pcmcia serial card work? I've got a startech cb2s65016:15
koplsI have wifi,  hidden network,  WPA2.  I know it's name and password.    How to auto-connect to it on system startup (not only when this buggy nm-applet is runnig)?16:16
jakehi - does anyone know a way i can convert a pdf to text so that i can view it as a .doc?16:16
rickestdivXjunk: try:  aptitude purge vsftpd16:16
nomasteryodakopls, my only solution was to purge that buggy nm-applet and go with wicd16:16
divXjunkk rickest, i'm gonna try it!16:16
lilijake: it is a tool which names pdftotext16:17
rickestdivXjunk: apt-get remove --purge <pkg>   # requires the pkg is still installed16:17
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WhitorThis is the last piece of hardware I need to get working to allow me to get rid of microsoft forever. Until then... I need xp to use this card :(16:17
|unjustice|frostwork: so I have been having repeated errors with pulseaudio (I hate it) am looking at libpulse0 package and libasound2plugins, which are both associated with Pulse, but removing them requires that I remove vlc, avidemux, amarok, and many other programs that I use...can I remove pulse w/o losing functionality in these programs?16:17
koplsnomasteryoda, oki that sound acceptabl.    and how to use that wicd  do to that?16:17
|unjustice|sorry, that is to anyone...not frostwork16:17
prageethhow to reinstall grab16:17
koplshow from command line   set up a wifi network  (hidden, wpa2)16:17
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nomasteryodakopls open your package manager and search for wicd16:18
divXjunkok, so  i should have done 'apt-get --purge remove vsftpd' the first time right rickest?16:18
pirx__hi! i am installing Ubuntu 8.10 server, and i am now choosing what sw to install (ssh, postgres etc). The last choice i "Virtual Machine Host". Does anyone know what this is? some kind of vmware sw?16:18
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:18
koplsnomasteryoda, ok im no noob ;)  I just was wandering do you know the one liner so that I dont have to google its description/16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm16:19
rickestdivXjunk: that's my understanding, yes.  also, for clarity, I do "apt-get remove --purge" since purge is really an option for remove, not apt-get itself16:19
nomasteryodaok... sudo apt-get install wicd16:19
koplsnomasteryoda, uhm.. thanks ;)  I was asking for the one liner to set that wicd up with my password for hidden wpa2. I use ubunt for years now16:19
nomasteryodakopls, and then start the wicd client  with Alt+F2, wicd_client16:20
Meeeguys i got a problem, i can not connect google, blogspot and gmail. I'm using firefox16:20
nomasteryodakopls, you have to edit the setting/config via the gui and tell it to autostart... will run even before gui is loaded16:20
* kopls presses alt+f2 and shows nomasteryoda how to set up LUKS encrypted swap on bootup via init.d / rcS.d to establish superiorty :P 16:21
ryshyshttp://www.paste.lt/paste/4a2739fa0d7ebeca91176390bc893f7a anyone? :/16:21
divXjunkrickest: it worked, the .conf file is gone along with the rest of the files. Thanks again this channel helped me learn something!16:21
eseven73nice -n <number 0-19> <application>   is correct? I keep getting "Klauncher: This program is not supposed to be started manually."  when trying to renice it16:21
rickestdivXjunk: np, glad that worked16:21
dylanmcdHey folks, newb here, how do I run a bash script through sudo? sudo ./script.sh returns command not found16:22
Meeeguys i got a problem, i can not connect to google, blogspot and gmail. I'm using firefox and i used to surf the web until last week16:22
jiikoo----hHow to fin some specific server?16:22
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fliegenderfroschMeee: then you seem to have a network problem.16:23
roueI'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and I'd like to switch between two different window managers. One manager needs a couple of programs started for the docklet and I've put them in ~/.xsession, which works fine. Unfortunately, these programs don't need to be started for the other window manager and the .xsession file is being shared so I have to kill them off. Is there some way to set up a window manager specific .xsession file? thanks.16:24
jiikoo----has known because I want to  see blanko (in oulu filand) I am in Oulu and some girls and ...16:24
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jiikoo----his this wrong channel?16:24
cjsharidog: like I said, what does the nvidia driver complain about?16:26
anw_awaynoob question: what means " -- MARK --" in /var/log/messages ??16:26
fliegenderfroschdylanmcd: it’s possible that relative paths don’t work with sudo, try using absolute paths16:26
wadzarMy Gnome 'Application' menu disapeared, what can I do ? Clicking the button in the deskboard does nothing... ><16:26
fliegenderfroschwadzar: can you add it to the panel with a rightclick?16:26
wadzarand the "Main menu" configurator doesn't want to start :x16:26
dylanmcdfliegenderfrosch: Didn't work, thanks for the hint16:27
dylanmcdDoesn't tab complete either16:27
_infidelwhat happened to "scsi-info", is there a replacement?16:27
dylanmcdIt's ubuntu server if that makes a difference (don't think it would)16:27
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wadzarhe is in my panel, but clicking on it does nothing (but a small grey rectangle appears)16:28
fliegenderfroschdylanmcd: just an idea: is the script executable?16:28
Kealmy ubuntu crashed :<16:28
dylanmcdI can just do a regular ./script.sh16:28
dylanmcdAnd I get permission denied16:28
dylanmcdI wrote the script myself, so it could be something I did, but it's pretty simple...16:28
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Picassotamusdylanmcd: Why do you need to run it as root? And did you chmod +x to it?16:29
fliegenderfroschdylanmcd: you get permission denied if you run it as normal user?16:29
Kealmy ubuntu crashed because the battery died ;_;16:29
dylanmcdPicassotamus: It stops apache and some other server stuff16:29
fliegenderfroschdylanmcd: it really seems that the script is not executable16:30
ryshysxf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) , i run as a root, but still same error, any ideas?16:30
dylanmcdfliegenderfrosch: yes I get permission denied16:30
lilidylanmcd: maybe you use some "super" command16:30
fliegenderfroschdylanmcd: try to run "chmod +x ./myscript"16:30
dylanmcdfliegenderfrosch: yes, that worked! Thanks16:31
dylanmcdStupid mistake, should have checked execute permissions first, but like I said, I'm a newb :)16:31
fliegenderfroschdylanmcd: you always have to give execution permissions if you write scripts. you can also do this with a rightclick in the properties in most file managers16:31
drostieIs there a way to generically allocate a segment of the disk without caring what it contains? Or am I stuck with [sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/myfile bs=filesize count=1]...?16:32
drostie(This is for dynamic swapfile creation at bootup.)16:32
rouedrostie maybe look at LVM?16:32
Kealmirc/wine just crashed :<16:32
Keali hope my new ac adapter arrives in the mail today :<16:33
sharidogggrgr pls. a faster way to get at less 800x640 resolusion..16:33
drostieroue: Well, it's all on an LVM partition. I'm just thinking that the swapfile can reside in /tmp and be deleted and recreated at boot.16:33
drostieI guess if that's not possible, yeah, my next best option is to generate an extra partition for swap. But :-\.16:34
Kealsharidog has anyone ever even needed to use 800x640 aspect?16:35
sharidoga name of an app to change defaults resolusion in kubuntu pls16:35
sharidogkeal .. i need cuse the default setting are low than that..16:35
sharidogan the minimun to make something in kde is 840x..16:35
drostiesharidog: kubuntu is at #kubuntu. However, K > System Settings > Display should have what you need.16:35
Kealshadearg either 800x600 or 640x480, not 600x48016:35
sharidogdrostie: nop .. i did try16:36
virtue12ok guys, I am having trouble connecting to the internet,16:36
virtue12I have recently installed ubuntu with a dual boot with vista16:36
keystr0kis there any way to show the progress of files someone is downloading from me (via samba)16:36
Whitorhi. Has anyone used a startech cb2s650 2 port pcmcia serial card? When I insert it, dmesg shows: [96861.843791] 0.0: ttyS0 at I/O 0x8108 (irq = 3) is a 16450  .... but there are two ports, How do I get the system to recognize both (or either) port(s)?   Anyone familiar with setserial?16:36
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virtue12and I have run the comman sudo dhclient eht016:36
sharidogediting xorg.conf dont solve noting?16:36
drostieSo, nobody has a quick method to generate a fixed-size large file with no concern for what it contains?16:37
keystr0kdrostie, http://en.kioskea.net/faq/sujet-787-shell-create-a-file-having-a-specific-size16:38
ntinos_nick ntinoulis16:38
sadaiyappancan someone explain difference between kubuntu and ubuntu?16:38
kitchedrostie: probably you could use dd16:38
ntinos_sorry :(16:38
Kealbtw shadearg 600x350 is a valid svga screen mode below "600x480"16:38
keystr0kdrostie, something like: dd if=/dev/zero of=file_to-create bs=1k count=100016:38
fliegenderfroschsadaiyappan: kubuntu uses kde as the default desktop environment, ubuntu uses gnome16:38
sadaiyappanwhich is better/16:39
Pici!flavors | sadaiyappan16:39
ubottusadaiyappan: !GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "!desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu16:39
drostieI like how keystr0k and kitche both came up with the exact method I specified in my original comment --_--;;16:39
Whitordrostie, dd if=/dev/zero of=output.dat  bs=1024  count=10240 Will create a 10MB file16:39
Picisadaiyappan: Its personal preference, whichever you like better.16:39
LBauerhowto install pdftohtml on Ubuntu 8.10 - Intrepid Ibex16:39
keystr0kdrostie, jeez. sorry.16:39
drostie^^ and Whitor.16:39
sadaiyappani see16:39
sadaiyappanso there is no performance difference?16:39
kitchedrostie: considering that I did not see what you said16:39
sadaiyappanno compatability difference?16:39
Picisadaiyappan: They all use the same repositories.16:40
Whitordrostie, Some of us came in late... only saw your last comment.16:40
sadaiyappani see16:40
keystr0kdrostie, so what's wrong with using dd ?16:40
pepsoHiii can I install ubuntu on the other partion except c:/ using Unetbootin utility. I'm using WinXP Sp3.16:40
Kealjust remember, drostie, 600x350 doesn't have square pixels16:40
sadaiyappanwhich is the most popular?16:40
Whitordon't knock the support you get.16:40
tom17bombadilcan i turn off kvm without any risc?16:40
drostieWhitor: I know, I fully understand. I'm just giggling at the sudden difference between the two times I said it. ^_^16:41
pepsoHiii can I install ubuntu on the other partion except c:/ using Unetbootin utility. I'm using WinXP Sp3. plz tell16:41
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:42
vigopepso: simple answer is yes16:43
pepsovigo: its not showing16:43
silv3r_m00nhi there16:44
silv3r_m00nI installed netbeans from synaptic ... it doesn't have the java db16:44
pepsovigo: its only showing Primary disk16:44
silv3r_m00nhow to get it ?16:44
drostiekeystr0k: dd'ing can be slow.16:44
keystr0kdrostie, I see. That's good to know16:44
pepsovigo: If I will install on the c: then windows. then I think the XP partion will be lost16:44
keystr0kIt's probably not a good idea to bother the people on #bash, but they know this type of thing VERY well.16:45
vigopepso: Grub will re-size the Main partition, it will be a dual boot then16:45
keystr0kdrostie, It's probably not a good idea to bother the people on #bash, but they know this type of thing VERY well.16:45
drostiekeystr0k: I think I can get away with just doing dd if I use an ampersand afterwards and stick it into /etc/rc.local, though.16:45
pepsovigo: Grub is GUI or Command based? can it run directly on the widows XP?16:46
austin_hi. I'm having a problem where hald isn't starting and I can't figure out why. I'm on Intrepid 8.10 (x86/64) with the latest updates.16:46
sandoon_Is there a page for me to find Ubuntu commands?16:46
hatter243!grub | pepso16:46
ubottupepso: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:46
Kealdrostie 600x350 is a svga screen mode only supported on older computers using a CRT16:46
santiago_¿alguien habla español?16:46
Kealbtw my mirc/wine keeps crashing16:46
hatter243pepso, nm, I thought that was more informative16:47
Pici!es | santiago_16:47
ubottusantiago_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Hola!16:47
pepsoubottu: thanks I'm seeing.16:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Amigo!16:47
CharelBIn addition to the AWN ( avant-window-navigator ) is there any plugin which put the right sizes to the windows that it doesn't overlay the panel/dock/awn16:47
vigopepso: Grub is GUI, is pretty easy to figure out, but, as always, make a backup of any data that you do not want lost.16:47
sandoon_Who is ubottu?16:47
Picisandoon_: ubottu is our channel's bot.16:47
drostieKeal: you have sent me several messages about 640x350 screen size. My screen size is 1280x800, and it's working fine, thank you very much. what the heck?16:47
wadzarjust a bot16:48
Pici!bot | sandoon_16:48
ubottusandoon_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:48
pepsovigo: thanks you too.16:48
Ax3greetings, I have hooked up my ubuntu to display on my 42" 720p samsung (via a hdmi <-> dvi cable) and set the resolution to 1280 x 720p but the desktop is outside the bounds of the border, how do I fix the desktop so I can see all of it? I'm also using a 8800gts nvidia, ubuntu is intrepid.16:48
wadzar42", woot16:48
Wladimirhow can i put own programs into a ubuntu live-usb stick?16:48
Ax3hehe yea wadzar16:48
vigopepso: before install, look at and print out some of the info at the forums and at the main site.16:48
pepsovigo: ok16:49
bin1010is anyone running 8.10 64-bit and the nvidia drivers?16:49
vigopepso: is a rather simple operation,I did it a few times now.16:49
JeruvyAx3: I'd be surprised if you can get that resolution, I'd presume you'd need to use 1024x768 (ntsc)16:49
wadzarWladimir : just boot on it and install the programs you want. They will stay on your key even if you reboot16:49
pepsovigo: can you tell the easiest way to install Ubuntu on PC. Dual boot!16:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:50
sandoon_#ubuntu !bots16:50
Picisandoon_: Do you have a support question?16:50
Ax3Jeruvy, well the TV is a HiDef display, ubuntu detects the TV, and supports the resolution16:50
=== austin_ is now known as Austin__
sandoon_I wonder how i can make an irc bot?16:50
sandoon_Is that possible?16:50
Ax3poorly* supports16:50
Wladimirwadzar, so easy? i have created my stick with unetbootin, does it work the same way then?16:51
aliasjargoni am using xchat now16:51
JeruvyAx3: that was my point hehe :)16:51
bin1010maybe its just my card/driver....  my laptop has the NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160M, anyone have any luck with that one?16:51
wadzarsandoon : try http://www.elbot.com/16:51
Picisandoon_: There are a few bot packages in the repos, such as supybot and eggdrop.  supybot has a channel here, #supybot for support.16:51
Ax3Jeruvy, using a regular analog signal i am able to achieve 720p in Ubuntu perfectly16:51
aliasjargoni have to revert wine from 1.1.17 to 1.0.1, how do i do this without losing data?16:51
anabolixanyone know why hcitool scan wont detect my bluetooth headset?16:51
vigopepso: Easiest way is make certain the CD/DVD or whatever you are using as first boot device is set as such, if installing from CD, DVD, make that so in BIOS.16:51
Ax3why does VGA work in ubuntu, but not HDMI/DVi...16:51
Wladimirwill try it16:51
JeruvyAx3: does your TV support wxga over hdmi?16:51
yeasoncan I find server help here, or is there a channel dedicated to that?16:52
Piciyeason: You can ask here or in #ubuntu-server16:52
Ax3Jeruvy, im not sure, how could I check?16:52
yeasonPici: awesome, thnx =)16:52
JeruvyAx3: most don't, I'd read the manual16:52
pepsovigo: is that can not be install directly from the hard disk without writing to a DVD using Windows16:52
santiago_gracias Pici16:53
JeruvyAx3: for instance my toshiba is very clear not to use PC output via hdmi, but the vga input works great.16:53
Ax3sandoon_, it is possible to create various bots, but it takes some technical know-how, a popular services and channel administration bot is eggdrop. google that.  There's also various perl and python libraries available to do more sophisticated things.16:53
aliasjargoni have to revert wine from 1.1.17 to 1.0.1, how do i do this without losing data?16:54
vedoanyone know how to solve the sr0 boot error?16:55
Ax3Jeruvy, yea, i definitely can say that the VGA was good, i heard though that the clarity via HDMI was supposed to be superior... im not even sure my dad has the manual... lol16:55
vigopepso: But as always, please look at the official forums, link is at ubuntu site, also read the official Canonical how-to's. The reason for setting CD/DVD as first boot device is so that it will locate (whatever) on boot and make-install, it actually will be a Live CD, you then have the option to install or not.16:55
Ax3Jeruvy, maybe im out $10... *shrug*, im going to try to google the manual, thanks for your input so far16:55
Austin__I rebooted my system this morning and all i'm getting on the gdm screen is the spinner mouse icon. When I CA-F1 I notice (among other things) that hald isn't running.16:55
JeruvyAx3: well if you know what make/model you can probably find a manual online.16:55
Austin__what can i check to see *why* hald isn't running?16:56
Austin__I'm on x86-64.16:56
jescisI ran the installer and there's no partitions in the part that asks for them, but gparted and the system can see them -- Why not the installer?16:57
Meeeguys i got a problem, i can not connect to google, blogspot and gmail. I'm using firefox and i used to surf the web until last week, can you help me plz?16:57
pepsovigo: I'm asking for installtion type used in Unetbootin. Like I can use this utility to install the ubuntu on the removel disk with writing to the CD. only from the ISO image. So I'm asking like this utilty which can do without headache.16:58
Meeesome one answered me earlier but i lost the msg16:58
pepsovigo: without writing  to cd*16:58
vigopepso: oh ok, like WUBI?16:59
pepsoI don't know WUBI? what is?16:59
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:59
Ax3Jeruvy, looking now :)17:00
pepsovigo: Wubi supports dual boot?17:00
novato_brwhat is the software they use to create icons?17:01
vigopepso: WUBI is dual boot, sort of, you boot into windows, launch it and are out of windows.17:01
pepsovigo: ok Got it. thanks17:01
estanhello. i've got an old hardy box. where can i find the exact version of the source used by the ubuntu team to build the gscpa driver for hardy? (it's in mainline nowadays).17:01
=== J_- is now known as J-_
estanah. i guess i'll just install linux-source-
vigopepso: WUBI is a nice and simple way to look at the system and then decide want.17:02
pepsovigo: its just start's downloading 699Mb of data to net. can it not take the files from the ISO which I have already?17:05
uusedmanhello everyone, i tried to enable my nvidia graphics card and now the screen super larger.17:06
vigopepso: You have the ISO burned onto CD/DVD/USB?17:06
aliasjargonwhat is the strftime escape for 4 digit year in xchat?17:06
pepsovigo: not yet17:06
aliasjargonterminal >man strftime doesn't work17:06
BromaxSuxwad can u pastebin it?17:07
vigopepso: Ok, look at the Ubuntu site, it explains in detail how to do that.17:07
BromaxSuxoops disregard my last line17:07
SPhcThello i have problem to install XP on ubuntu pc..17:07
merquiseww xp?17:07
pepsovigo: i have only ISO image of ubuntu. Unetbootin doesn't require to write on the cd. I want like that software.17:07
=== c is now known as Guest66842
kleftisxhello, is there any possible way to display all the files that end with the character "a" via terminal?17:08
vigopepso: Oh, like a net install?17:08
aliasjargonnm, it was %Y17:08
aliasjargoni used %y by mistake17:08
erUSULkleftisx: find foldertosearch/ -name '*a' -print17:08
merquishas anyone else had the "out of range" error with ubuntu > Nvidia ?17:09
benstedoes someone know where to get an invitation for the PHPBB channel?17:09
wjhow to do17:09
SPhcThello i have problem to install XP on ubuntu pc..17:09
kleftisxerUSUL: if it's for all the files on the system ?17:09
erUSULkleftisx: find / -name '*a' -print17:09
erUSULkleftisx: it will take a while with find...17:10
wjzeng yang tiao jia zhong wei shu ru fa17:10
erUSULkleftisx: you may want to try locate17:10
kitchebenste: what do you mena all you do is /join #phpbb17:10
BOZGHey everyone, is there any particular reason why my wireless PCI card will be automatically recognise under a vanilla Ubuntu 8.10 install but a vanilla Kubuntu 8.10 install won't?17:10
kleftisxerUSUL :  thanks a lot.17:10
wjzeng yang tiao jia zhong wei shu ru fa?17:10
wjzeng yang tiao jia zhong wei shu ru fa?17:10
Pici!zh | wj17:10
ubottuwj: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:10
SPhcTcan somone help to install xp if 1st installed ubuntu...?17:10
benstekitchie : thanks my pidgin just showed one with phpb-int17:10
wji don't know17:11
kitchebenste: pidgin is not great for irc really it works but just not great17:11
wjwhat is you QQ17:11
pepsovigo: I want to install ubuntu with dual boot with XP without burning to CD ROM and without headache with lot of commands. I need a utility like unetbootin. unetbootin does't supports dual boot. it only support's on the USB.17:11
wjcan you help me17:11
TheSheepHello. I'm trying to connect with mysql-client using SSL, but failing. I found explanation here: http://talkingcode.co.uk/2007/11/12/error-2026-hy000-ssl-connection-error-the-joy-of-mysql-ssl-on-debian/  but I really don't feel like compiling, are there any debs with non-broken binaries available for ubuntu?17:11
SPhcThow i can install xp on ubuntu based os?17:12
BOZGSPhcT: Do you want to dual-boot XP with Ubuntu?17:12
erUSUL!virtualizers | SPhcT17:12
ubottuSPhcT: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:12
wj help me?help me?17:12
Pici!ask | wj17:12
ubottuwj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:12
wji don't know17:12
SPhcTBOZG, I want main OS xp17:12
vigopepso: So that is a Live thing, just download and burn a CD, is much easier.17:13
BOZGSPhcT: So you want to delete Ubuntu altogether?17:13
uusedman2hello i keep on getting D C17:13
SPhcTand after xp install it again17:13
kitcheSPhcT: install xp then reinstall ubuntu just as easy as that17:13
pepsovigo: ok so that's the final solution. ok thanks a lot to help me.17:13
uusedman2i tried to update my graphics card and now i am using lower resolutions17:14
SPhcTkitche i cant because it shows blue screen17:14
NiSoOowhere do i get glib from?17:14
keith_kleftisx, erUSUL: Might want to do "*[aA]" if you want files that end in capital As as well17:14
BOZGWell, you can just install XP over Ubuntu and use Windows partition manager to remove the partitions and recreate them?17:14
merquis@ dual booters: i found its easy'er to partition from xp (main os) then install ubuntu on the partition (slave os)17:14
kitcheSPhcT: umm the xp install is a blue screen17:14
NiSoOowhere do i get glib from?17:14
sagredohi. how can I kill x, so that startx will restart x :17:14
NiSoOo./configure says i haven't got it17:14
zashsagredo: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace17:14
SlorHey guys - question on "support" vs download availability.  I have a machine running 7.04, which I understand is past its support window.  To me that would me no new updates are being made available, but does it also mean that existing packages/updates have been removed as well?17:14
kleftisxkeith : thanks for the additional information.17:14
erUSULNiSoOo: glib is already installed in any ubuntu system17:14
kleftisxkeith_ : thanks for the additional information.17:15
iCNPunk<sagredo>: change your runleve to level 217:15
sagredozash, I'm stuck in the terminal yo17:15
NiSoOoerUSUL: so why ./configure says i haven't got it?17:15
sagredozash will that still work?17:15
zashsagredo: no17:15
SPhcTkitche i have eror STOP 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)17:15
kitcheNiSoOo: because you do not have the -dev packages installed17:15
zashsagredo: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start17:15
=== russo_ is now known as russo
zashsagredo: or restart17:15
vigopepso: If XP is already on it, no install or re-install of that needed, Ubuntu will dual boot with just about everything, including other Linux distros.17:15
sagredozash nice ty17:15
uusedman2any help with my resolutions17:15
keith_kleftisx: Why doesn't it required something more like ".*[aA]$" ? Is it using a different regex form?17:15
NiSoOokitche: how can i fix it?17:15
kitcheSPhcT: sounds like your XP is messed up might want to go to ##windows to get support17:15
NiSoOoi already have build-essentials17:16
kitcheNiSoOo: install the -dev packages like I told you17:16
NiSoOokitche: how can i do it with apt-get?17:16
SlorI ask because I would like to install a package or two, but apt-get can no longer fetch from the archive.17:16
NiSoOokitche: apt-get install dev17:16
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:16
SPhcTkitche hard drive was on ext3 now i format to ntfs17:16
kleftisxkeith_ : just want lower case files ending with 'a'. is there any possibility to not showing directories ending with 'a' and only files?17:17
kitcheNiSoOo: the glib-dev package of course which I m not sure the exact name17:17
BOZGNiSoOo: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev17:17
acroooI justed mounted my mtp device with mtpfs, all is fine I am able to mount and umount it in terminal. But unmounting with right click doesn't work as a normal user it says: umount: /media/MyZen is not in the fstab (and you are not root)17:17
erUSULkleftisx: pass "-type f" to find17:17
erUSULkleftisx: find / -type f -name '*a' -print17:17
BOZGOr just use Synpatic!17:18
BOZGIs there any particular reason why my wireless PCI card will be automatically recognise under a vanilla Ubuntu 8.10 install but a vanilla Kubuntu 8.10 install won't?17:18
FloodBot3BOZG: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:18
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
Piciwj, iCNPunk: English only please.17:19
iCNPunkwj: 你上wiki.ubuntu.org17:19
acroooany ideas?17:19
iCNPunkPici: Sorry17:19
racecar56is there a color picker for gnome? i knew one for kde (in the days)17:19
zashracecar56: yes17:20
JachredI can not figure out howto get my cron job to run properly.  I followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto and still doesnt seem to execute.17:20
nightdreveris there anyway to acess my windows files from ubuntu? (xp and ubuntu on same machiine)17:20
zashracecar56: gcolor217:21
lesshastehi.. how can I get sound working?17:21
racecar56zash thx17:21
erUSUL!ntfs | nightdrever17:21
ubottunightdrever: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:21
lesshasteI have tried skype and I get ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave17:21
oCean_Jachred: is your script executable? Does it run from commandline?17:21
sipiorJachred: could you pastebin your crontab?17:21
keith_kleftisx: erUSUL beat me to answering that. :-D17:21
racecar56pwnd lol17:21
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:21
racecar56lesshaste what do you mean17:22
Jachred14 * * * * /home/lXXX/Leechr/leechr.py17:22
Jachred 17:22
lesshasteracecar56, I would like to get sound to work17:22
sipior!paste > Jachred17:22
ubottuJachred, please see my private message17:22
kleftisxkeith_ : :P17:22
racecar56lesshaste shouldn't it work out of the box?17:22
J-_!chinese | wj17:22
ubottuwj: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:22
lesshasteracecar56, that would be nice17:22
lymecaWhy is gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse in universe?17:23
oCean_sipior: it was just one line?17:23
keith_Why does Ubuntu seem to use samba by default, even when you are just trying to share between two linux systems?17:23
sipioroCean_: i was hoping to get the whole thing, to check on environmental variables, &cet.17:23
racecar56zash i mean like desktop color picker, click a color on desktop and it gets the html code17:23
erUSULkeith_: nfs is more complicated ?17:23
iCNPunkwhat does Escape character is '^]'. mean17:23
racecar56lesshaste whats your sound card? mines a realtek hd17:23
oCean_sipior: indeed17:23
zashracecar56: http://pix.zash.se/i/ha.png17:24
racecar56keith_ i have noticed ubuntu is kind of a 'compatibility os'17:24
zashracecar56: the button under the wheelything17:25
keith_racecar56, erUSUL: Didn't it let you choose a few releases ago? lol17:25
racecar56zash thx17:25
racecar56yay i can finish my theme :D17:26
Ax3Jeruvy, "You cannot connect this TV to a PC via HDMI/DVI" well there we have it... LOL17:26
erUSULkeith_: can't remember but i suppose it did. cifs has now unixlinux/posix compatibility17:26
Ax3Jeruvy, says it right in the manual.... how disappointing... :(17:26
keith_Well, is there an easy way to mount a network share like in Windows? Or do you have to edit fstab?17:27
BOZGiCNPunk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_character17:27
bosco_does anyone know of a good website hits tracker with an ubuntu package17:27
BOZGiCNPunk: I believe the escape character in this case is Ctrl + ]17:27
adi1hi all.. im on hardy kernel  2.6.24-24 on a dell inspiron laptop. to connect to Internet i use a usb wireless dlink that uses driver rt73. my problem is that i cant pull off the usb stick without crashing ubuntu.17:27
sipiorJachred: i assume that file has the execute bit set. also, what is it supposed to do? (i.e., what were you expecting to see, and what did you actually see?)17:28
Guest86530hi all17:28
Guest86530does anyone uses ebox?17:28
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems17:28
adi1than the only thing remains to do is push power button for more than 5 sek to restart ubuntu17:28
adi1anyone can help?17:28
BOZGadi1:  Is it crashing or freezing?  Have you tried disabling wireless, then doing a safe remove before taking the key out?17:29
LjL!info webalizer | bosco_17:29
ubottuwebalizer (source: webalizer): web server log analysis program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.01.10-32.2 (intrepid), package size 337 kB, installed size 1528 kB17:29
adi1it freezes to death17:29
erUSULkeith_: Places>Network>Windows Network ? Places>Connect to Server ... smb://machinename/sharename ? others ?17:29
Ax3shouldn't cifs be used in the place of smb?17:29
adi1only thing i can do is pewr button for 5 sek17:29
bosco_LjL, yah but have you heard of awstats is it better as far as what it does17:30
Jachredsipior:  I expect the output to be logged in the same dir as the program. I checked the pathing information from the command line and it runs fine. I made a blank cron.deny so that user crons should be enabled. but nothing happens every hour at whatever time i put.17:30
BOZGadi1: And the second question?  Apologies if you think I'm treating you like an idiot but it's always best to ask :P17:30
adi1to restart17:30
LjLbosco_: i don't know.17:30
iCNPunkBOZG: thanks,I got a message Escape character is '^]'.Encrypted Password is: GungJnfRnfl how to use the information of "character is '^]' " and how do I know what type of blowfish encrypted does that password use?17:30
bosco_!info awstats17:30
ubottuawstats (source: awstats): powerful and featureful web server log analyzer. In component main, is optional. Version 6.7.dfsg-5ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 887 kB, installed size 4892 kB17:30
acroooI justed mounted my mtp device with mtpfs, all is fine I am able to mount and umount it in terminal. But unmounting with right click doesn't work as a normal user it says: umount: /media/MyZen is not in the fstab (and you are not root)17:30
keith_erUSUL: The second option should work, I wasn't using it originally because I was trying to figure out why it was only giving me samba options. :-p17:30
BOZGadi1: My computer normally freezes if I don't disable wireless first before removing the USB key.17:30
sipiorJachred: does cron send you any mail every hour? check /var/spool/mail/<username>, in case it isn't being delivered properly.17:31
adi1bozg | consider that done17:31
BOZGiCNPunk:  Press Ctrl + ] to use the Escape key.  I've never used Blowfish so I can't help you there.  Sorry.17:31
adi1but still freezes to death after i disable wireless than network from NM17:31
Cadman21what is BusyBox?17:32
Jachredsipior:  Oh it is working properly. Just put the logfile in my home dir instead.17:32
adi1i disable anything i know it has to do with wireless and than wait for it than pull off the usb stick dlink17:32
adi1than it freezes17:32
BOZGadi!:  Well, other than that, I'm not really sure what the problem is.  I'm not particularly experience with Ubuntu unfortunately.17:32
Austin__oh, bloody hell.17:32
adi1in fact this does not occur in inpterpid and 9.0417:33
sipioradi1: does anything pop up in your logs that coincides with dropping wireless? check /var/log/messages to start17:33
Cadman21Can anyone tell me why Ubuntu boots into  Busybox ?17:33
adi1i think t's all driver related and kernel stuff17:34
iCNPunkBOZG: I just did that. But no responds. When will I press Ctrl + ] ?17:34
adi1sipior | no popups17:34
adi1nothing i can see17:34
BOZGiCNPunk:  You can normally press an escape key at any point.17:35
sipioradi1: nothing gets dumped to the log? what about "dmesg"?17:35
sipiorCadman21: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53685017:36
BOZGiCNPunk: Or after you've entered a command.17:36
frog_hi, sorry for beein stupid, but... i try to backup some data(2 partitions). i tried to do it with dd, but after 4 gb it stopped(dd: writing to `/media/My Passport/sda2': File too large). could someone tell me what is better: dd, rsync, cp ? thanks17:36
adi1this is one of the line at /var/log:  Mar 16 14:16:50 adi-laptop kernel: [ 1855.214434] Please file bug report to http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com.17:36
iCNPunkBOZG: ah~~ I konw.... thx man17:36
adi1var log is fulll of this message17:36
epaphushey guys, how can I find out what proc this machine has_17:36
adi1but i dont know what to do17:36
cousteauepaphus: ps -e17:37
sipioradi1: well, submit a bug report, i guess :-)17:37
Whitorfrog_, for whole partition backup... I would use a turnkey distro called clonezilla ...  but thats just me... I'm sure you can do it with ubuntu too17:37
kitcheepaphus: look at dmesg17:37
adi1this doesn resolve my freezing17:37
sipioradi1: you say the next version of ubuntu doesn't exhibit this problem, so you might consider an upgrade, albeit to a beta.17:38
frog_Whitor: is it ok, when i use rsync?17:38
adi1i will submit but how can i resovle this17:38
kitcheepaphus: it's towards the top of the command so do dmesg|less17:38
Cadman21I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.10 on a old computer. When I boot from CD it boots into busybox? any help?17:38
Whitorfrog_, I don't know anything about rsync... hear of it ... just never used it17:38
sipiorCadman21: did you read the link i sent?17:38
adi1well hardy is the best i have ever seen17:38
epaphuskitche, thanks.... what if i want to know if its 32 or 64 bit?17:38
LandonGHey all, I have a quick question. I'm using an MSI Wind and I just put on Kubuntu 8.10, and I can't get any internet to work, wired or wireless, anyone have any ideas?17:38
Whitorhear = heard17:38
frog_Whitor: ok, thanks17:38
adi1innterpid it'snot so good17:38
kitcheepaphus: usually you have to do a internet search to figure out if it's 32 or x86_64bit17:39
adi1but 9.04 alpha 5  i tried it's the best17:39
sipioradi1: well, downgrade or upgrade. or see if the driver writer has a fix for you17:39
adi1dont know what to do17:39
YasumotoDoes anyone happen to know of some 'cool' site that has a huge list of apt-urls on it? it seemed pretty schnazzy, and I'd like to give it to a few friends to install stuff17:39
Cadman21sipior: oh sorry I didn't see that go by.17:39
LandonGIf I got my wired to work, then I think I could get my wireless to work, but any help would be appreciated17:39
Ehsan_mahmoudiafter executing "apt-get update", how can i find package lists? in which file? anybody knows?17:39
cousteauhow can I make a .deb package? I've got the files and I know where they should be17:39
adi1cant i just upgrade the kernel from hardy?17:39
sipiorCadman21: no worries. hope it's of some use to you.17:40
dimebarcousteau: checkinstall ?17:40
cousteaulet me see...17:40
sipioradi1: not really, no.17:40
daftykinsLandonG, no internet connection even via wired networking?17:40
racecar56not like i'm doing this, but if i installed jaunty's 2.6.28 kernel on intrepid, what would happen?17:40
Ehsan_mahmoudiafter executing "apt-get update", how can i find package lists? in which file? anybody knows?17:40
dimebarcousteau: checkinstall can be used instead of 'make install' to create a .deb then install it (rather than just installing it)17:40
LandonGdaftykins: Yeah17:40
kitcheracecar56: many things will not work correctly17:41
racecar56kitche i thought so17:41
LandonGdaftykins: It just gives me that awesome gear rotating17:41
daftykinsdo you get any IP configuration on your wired interface if you type "ifconfig -a" and look for what should be eth0, LandonG ?17:41
Ehsan_mahmoudiafter executing "apt-get update", how can i find packages list? in which file? anybody knows?17:41
adi1 ok thanks guys17:41
LandonGdaftykins: Hmm...I can try real quick17:41
kitcheracecar56: you could but it's just a pain when you try to install certain things17:41
cousteaudimebar: I don't need to compile it, it's a Java program. I only need to copy some files to /usr/share and /usr/bin17:41
racecar56adil 9.04a5 out? didnt know that17:41
Ehsan_mahmoudiafter executing "apt-get update", how can i find packages list? in which file? anybody knows?17:42
racecar56kitche kk17:42
daftykins*might* be the ,bin files in /var/cache/apt/ Ehsan_mahmoudi but i can't be sure17:42
Ehsan_mahmoudidaftykins: thanks a lot17:42
YasumotoEhsan_mahmoudi: please wat a bit longer between reposts, that causes the screen to keep flushing, making it difficult to actually read the questions. do you want to list out all the packages in the repositories?17:42
cousteauI could do it manually for my computer, but I want to create a .deb package17:42
dimebarcousteau: ah, ok; not sure how its done in that case17:43
Ehsan_mahmoudiYasumoto: sorry!17:43
Ehsan_mahmoudiYasumoto: yes17:43
Ehsan_mahmoudiYasumoto: no!17:44
BOZGDo Kubuntu and Ubuntu both ship with the same kernel?17:44
dimebarcousteau: old but maybe relevant: http://www.thesatya.com/blog/2005/07/makingadeb.html17:44
YasumotoEhsan_mahmoudi: no worries :). yes? no?17:44
Ehsan_mahmoudiYasumoto: i want to find the file that these lists save in17:44
kitcheBOZG: yes since they are the same OS17:44
lesceil1why do linux distributions like ubuntu still per default only contain eclipse 3.2 in their repository when there is a 3.3 and 3.4 out?17:44
Ehsan_mahmoudiit's address17:44
BOZGkitche:  Would there be any reason why hardware would run one out of the box and not on the other?17:45
BOZGAfter vanilla installs or both?17:45
LandonGdaftykins: Yeah, I do get something.17:45
daftykinscan you pastebin?17:45
kitcheBOZG: not really17:45
sipiorlesceil1: because there are a finite number of folks to do the work of packaging and testing.17:45
LandonGdaftykins: Linkencap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:21:85:50:ce:ee17:45
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.17:46
LandonGdaftykins: Can't really paste since I'm on a different computer17:46
BOZGkitche:  I've a PCI wireless card that cannot be recognised by Kubuntu, but will on Ubuntu.17:46
daftykinsah ok, sounds like you have no interfaces then LandonG - if that's all you got17:46
racecar56!backports | racecar5617:46
ubotturacecar56, please see my private message17:46
zsakrwhy in the world does ubuntu default to not starting the network until you log in via the GUI17:46
daftykinsthis would suggest the Kubuntu kernel doesn't support your MSI Wind's onboard LAN,  LandonG17:46
lesceil1zsakr: it's desktop centric :)17:46
BOZGkitche: It has been tormenting me because I want to do a fresh install of Kubuntu rather than just downloading the desktop environment.17:46
YasumotoEhsan_mahmoudi: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine17:46
erUSULzsakr: becouse it use Network Manager and Network Manager is per user17:47
LandonGdaftykins: That's what I thought, and I found the package to do it, but it's still not really working17:47
Ehsan_mahmoudiYasumoto: ok17:47
daftykinswas it a .deb that you manually installed, LandonG  ?17:47
erUSULzsakr: if you want boo time network connection use good old /etc/network/interfaces17:47
erUSULzsakr: man interfaces for details17:47
daftykinsdo you have a USB key that you could create a text file of things and pastebin using an Internet connected computer, LandonG ?17:47
LandonGIt was a .tz2 that I unpackaged, then ran the mkdir file17:47
kleftisxi want to use the command "top"  to see the process. but excluding the ones that belongs to root. how can i do that?17:47
kitcheBOZG: maybe the ubuntu has a patch that kubuntu does not work or it could be knetwork-manager17:48
zsakrbut is it by default like that?17:48
YasumotoEhsan_mahmoudi: er, maybe this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto?action=show&redirect=CommandLinePackageManagement17:48
racecar56lesceil1 erusul gave u the answer, did u see it? if u didnt i can send it again17:48
LandonGdaftykins: Sure, one sec17:48
keith_zsakr, erUSUL: Does it not? I am fairly certain I have used SSH on an Ubuntu computer that was sitting at the login screen.17:48
racecar56Yasumoto too late doh17:48
daftykinstry looking for extra options in "man top" kleftisx17:48
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zsakrIm not sure17:48
zsakrplease advise17:48
racecar56Yasumoto been there done thaty17:48
erUSUL!who | zsakr17:48
ubottuzsakr: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:48
lesceil1racecar56: no I got it, thanks. I will just disregard whats in the repository and download it directly17:48
BOZGkitche:  Possibly.  I don't have a wired connection so I can't try updating Kubuntu to see if that will work.17:49
zsakrWhy does ubuntu default to not starting the network until you log in via the GUI? is this always True?17:49
daftykinsthere we go kleftisx, the syntax is "top -u USERNAME"17:49
BOZGkitche: And ndiswrapper refuses to load drivers.17:49
erUSULzsakr: it is17:49
racecar56lesceil1 be careful, use checkinstall if u r compiling17:49
zsakri just logged out of the GUI and my ssh connection from another machine went dead17:49
BOZGI'll hopefully have a wired connection by Thursday so until then I'll just keep banging my head!17:49
LandonGdaftykins: Do you think if I upgraded to kde 4.2, it would help?17:49
zsakrthen when i logged back in it told me i was logged on to the network17:49
zsakrand it worked again17:49
lesceil1racecar56: whats checkinstall ?17:49
zsakrwhy erUSUL ?17:50
kleftisxdaftykins : i have use it that before. i dont want to put a username and show the process of that user. just to exclude the root user.17:50
erUSULzsakr: i aklready told you why this happens and how to correct it17:50
nightdreverOK ....... ive tried a few things but im unable to access my windows files from ubuntu......can anyone help me?17:50
racecar56lesceil1 it tells apt that xxx (where xxx is the program u compiling) is installed as well as installing17:50
erUSULzsakr: see my responses to you17:50
daftykinsno LandonG , that should define only what you see rather than what works really - if there were a kernel update available that may help - but it's perhaps unlikely. would it be worth searching for kubuntu msi wind compatibility?17:50
racecar56lesceil1 believe me, i have btdt (been there done that) *MANY* times17:50
LandonGdaftykins: I've been doing that with not much success17:50
erUSULnightdrever: install "ntfs-config" and use it. "gksudo ntfs-config"17:50
daftykinsah i see kleftisx , sorry17:50
lesceil1racecar56: that is not specifically to eclipse, right? just general advice?17:50
racecar56lesceil1 ?17:51
dottedquadhello all I have Intrepid installed.  My flash sound via firefox was working up until now.  I did a search on the forums which return old posts that didn't work.  Does anyone have a guide to get sound working again on firefox?  Or willing to step me through the process on IRC?  thanks17:51
zsakrerUSUL: i guess it defaulted to using network manager17:51
zsakrerUSUL: i don't remember picking it17:51
lesceil1anyways, thanks y'all. have fun.17:51
racecar56dottedquad are you using adobe flashplayer or what17:51
zsakris this by default?17:51
dottedquadi'm assuming, You tube sound doesn't work same with other flash players17:52
racecar56dottedquad if you are then, answer is it is not supported17:52
erUSULzsakr: for the third time. yes it is default17:52
Zipperhi all17:52
racecar56what going on?17:52
dottedquadracecar56, I don't understand why it 'used' to work17:52
nOStahl1hi all i got a fresh install of ubuntu here... and it is not detecting my dvd rom drive   any idea's?17:52
racecar56dottedquad hmm, are u using gnash or what?17:53
Zippercan sombdy help me?17:53
pitwalkerhow can I remove the stretched ubuntu logo from usplash?17:53
dottedquadracecar56 what do you mean?17:53
racecar56pitwalker what stretched logo17:53
kitche!usplash | pitwalker17:53
ubottupitwalker: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork17:53
racecar56dottedquad what do u use to play flash17:53
lesshastehi.. how can I get sound working?17:53
racecar56dottedquad swfdec, gnash or what17:53
lesshasteI have tried skype and I get ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave17:53
kitchepitwalker: or jsut remove splash from /boot/grub/menu.lst17:53
ReidyAnyone able to help me? For some reason, whenever I do a bash command or I load Evolution and receive new mail, there are loud beeps..anyone able to help me fix this?17:53
Zipperplease somebody help17:53
dottedquadracecar56, i have no idea, who do i find this out?17:53
racecar56lol at O__o's quit message17:54
natrixnatrix89Hi guys. Can anyone please tell me how do you execute a file in terminal if it contains a space? for example unrar-free my file.rar17:54
pitwalkerubottu: thanks for customisation link17:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:54
nightdreverhow do i use ntfs-config?17:54
ZipperI have an Realtek RTL8187b wireless card and it don't want to work at all(((17:54
r00tintheb0x!unrar | natrixnatrix8917:54
racecar56natrixnatrix89 unrar "foo bar.rar"17:54
ubottunatrixnatrix89: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:54
erUSULnatrixnatrix89: put the file name between ""17:54
ZipperI don't know what must I do17:54
ghindonatrixnatrix89: Before the space, add a "\"17:54
kitcher00tintheb0x: nice to bad you didn't anwser his question17:54
racecar56ghindo didnt know that17:55
erUSULnatrixnatrix89: or scape the space like this « unrar-free my\ file.rar17:55
daftykinsLandonG, check PM17:55
kitchenatrixnatrix89: but for unrar <options> you don't have to put a \17:55
racecar56or unrar "foo bar.rar"17:55
r00tintheb0xOh , my bad natrixnatrix8917:55
DeenrSamba share has decided it doesn't want to connect to my network storage device.  I know lots of ppl have this issue.  Anyone with a solution?17:55
natrixnatrix89yep. thanks17:55
ghindonatrixnatrix89: No problem :)17:55
racecar56what is floodbotx doing?17:55
kitchenatrixnatrix89: nevermind read soemthing wrong :)17:55
Zipperi tried to install drivers but it's not work17:55
nightdreverok im a newbie how do i acces my windows partion from linux?17:55
racecar56nightdriver i know17:55
joveHello All, I need some help if some want are the GURU of mount ISO to -o loop17:56
racecar56nightdriver it's easy, its enabled by default17:56
DeenrSamba share has decided it doesn't want to connect to my network storage device.  I know lots of ppl have this issue.  Anyone with a solution?17:56
racecar56nightdriver just mount the thing17:56
racecar56nightdriver like any ol' drive... it works17:56
pirx__if i skipped configuring the network when installing Ubuntu Server, which command do i use later to conf the netw?17:56
racecar56!ntfs-3g | nightrider17:56
ubottunightrider: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:56
DeenrI get an error - Unable to Mount Location - Failed to retrieve share list from server17:56
joveHi, can someone help :[root@lustre-client4 ~]# mount   RHEL5.2-Server-20080430.0-x86_64-DVD.iso /mnt/rhel5.2/17:56
jovemount: special device RHEL5.2-Server-20080430.0-x86_64-DVD.iso does not exist17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unrm17:56
racecar56!ntfs-3g | nightdrever17:56
ubottunightdrever: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:56
echogenhi all17:57
pitwalkerracecar56: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash-theme-ubuntu/+bug/6414717:57
DeenrWow, this place is busy.17:57
ghindoechogen: Hi there!17:57
thiebaudehi echogen17:57
erUSULjove: you need to add "-o loop"17:57
Zippercan sombdy help me? I have an Realtek RTL8187b wireless card and it don't want to work at all(((  I tried to install drivers but it's not work, I haven't wireless connection and I can't work in the internet.17:57
racecar56Deenr yeah17:57
racecar56even more than #debian17:57
pirx__racecar56: is that a reliable module (htfs-3g)?17:57
DeenrWhere can I find a solution to my network issue?17:57
pirx__ntfs i mean17:57
pablo__is it possible to unrm devices with an ext3 type file ?17:57
cicciociuccociao a tutti17:58
ghindoZipper: Has this wireless card worked with other operating systems?  Have you made sure that the hardware switch has been turned on?17:58
erUSUL!it | cicciociucco17:58
ubottucicciociucco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:58
aryahroughly over 50% more than #debian17:58
racecar56Zipper u shure u installed drivers? the ones in the hardware drivers thingy?17:58
cajun is there a way to turn off autostarting of compiz-fusion and awn in kde but allow it to continue to autostart in gnome?  2 separate sessions with only 1 open at a time for instance.17:59
joveerUSUL, I have created the dir /mnt/rhel5.2 and mount with -o loop: [root@lustre-client4 ~]# mount -t iso9660  -o loop RHEL5.2-Server-20080430.0-x86_64-DVD.iso /mnt/rhel5.2/17:59
joveRHEL5.2-Server-20080430.0-x86_64-DVD.iso: No such file or directory17:59
joveerUSUL, do you have any idea ?17:59
erUSULjove: the iso file is not there17:59
DeenrI can't connect to my network storage device via SMB - HELP!17:59
racecar56jove u know something i dont... it was how to mount an iso17:59
Zipperracecar 56 there isn't driver fot my wifi in ristr18:00
erUSULjove: are you on the same directory/folder as the iso file?18:00
racecar56Zipper there ought to be an OSS one then that came with comp18:00
joveerUSUL, yes Ia m in that dir18:00
erUSULjove: does it show up if you do ls ?18:00
Zipperghindo yes, it works on Windows normally18:00
echogenhi all18:01
joveerUSUL, yes, it show the file ISO in that dir18:01
Zipperwhat is an OSS?18:01
racecar56i mean open source software18:01
racecar56Zipper i know its confusing but i meant open source software18:02
erUSULjove: well mount disagrees clearly. check that you typed the name correctly18:02
echogeni have ubuntu hardy heron 8.04 installed on my laptop, i have the kubuntu 8.10 CD ... can u update my system to kde4 on my hardy, using the intrepid cd ?18:02
racecar56echogen why not18:02
zeitsofayours are correct - same as mine ;p18:02
echogenhow can i do that ?18:02
cousteaujove: are you sure you aren't mistyping it? (Linux is case-sensitive)18:02
uusedmanlooking for help how to fix youtube videos, i get no pic and no sound18:02
danbhfiveechogen: if it is the alternative cd, yes.  If Desktop, not really18:02
racecar56echogen insert the cd, it should ask if to upgrade18:02
echogenhow can i know what CD do i have ?18:03
Zipperno I haven't OSS, only Vista(((18:03
cousteauprobably you have the desktop one18:03
danbhfiveechogen: well, where did you get it?18:03
joveerUSUL, no...I check and copy the file in the dir correctly....any idea to help for the solution18:03
echogeni got it via shipit18:03
erUSULjove: no; not any new idea18:03
racecar56jove mount -t iso9660  -o loop RHEL5.2*DVD.iso18:03
racecar56* means anything can go in place of that18:03
kitcheechogen: for what you want to do you can't18:04
racecar56echogen same18:04
danbhfiveechogen: well, the answer is probably not.  There is a more technical option: repartition your drive, and create a separate /home partition.  Backup /home to that partition, then do a clean install18:04
racecar56echogen i have kubuntu + ubuntu 8.10 + server 8.10 cds18:04
locoviceni need help18:05
echogen:( u mean i am stuck18:05
ubottulocovicen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:05
echogeni want to be able to choose kde4 or gnome via kdm or gdm... what is the best way to do so ?18:06
henriquelm__Hello there18:06
racecar56locovicen just ask ur question18:06
joveracecar56, no luck at your suggestion:  [root@lustre-client4 tmp]# mount -t iso9660  -o loop RHEL5.2*DVD.iso /mnt/rhel5.2/mount: Not a directory18:06
nOStahl1I have an issue with CD-ROM ubuntu is not detecting it. i know it works.   how do i fix this18:06
racecar56jove ah... that figures18:06
doleybechogen: In normal use, kdm and gdm have a menu as you log in to pick what you want.18:06
henriquelm__how can I make ubuntu run a script at boot?18:06
Deenrgreetings ;)18:06
racecar56jove where is your rhel5.2blahblahblah.iso at?18:06
joveraceacr56, no luck18:06
echogendoleyb, but i dont have kde4 installed18:06
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doleybhenriquelm__: you can add the script to /etc/rc.local18:07
joveracecar56, it's in /var/tmp18:07
danbhfiveechogen: I think it is wise to wait for jaunty before getting kde418:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mk18:07
henriquelm__doleyb, thanks!18:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkd18:07
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:07
aryahquick question - is there a way to make XChat use firefox instead of konqueror, I cant see the option for it?18:07
racecar56jove ok................. now do mount -t blahblahblablah /var/tmp/RHEL5.2*.iso18:07
joveracecar56, do you have another suggestion18:08
Borg7-9can i install kde lite one ubuntu??18:08
racecar56Bork7-9 what is kde lite?18:08
racecar56ewps misspell18:08
Borg7-9racecar56 small kde18:09
joveracecar56....Wow. You're excellent..It solved!18:09
joveracecar56....Thanks so much18:09
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echogencan i instal kde4 on ubuntu 8.04 via web repository ?18:10
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danbhfive!kde4 > echogen18:11
ubottuechogen, please see my private message18:11
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echogeni dont have kubuntu18:13
LordAnubisI have xubuntu with xfve18:14
danbhfiveechogen: kubuntu is just kde + *buntu, so yes, thats what you want.  Ubottu is correct18:15
nOStahl1how do i get ubuntu to detect my cdrom18:15
CentHOGGhi anybody here use LXDE?18:15
echogenthanks danbhfive18:15
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Onerice!kde4 > Onerice18:16
ubottuOnerice, please see my private message18:16
eseven73!msgthebot > Onerice18:16
eseven73wakey wakey ubottu18:17
unr3a1hey all18:20
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OnericeAny downside with getting "xubuntu-desktop" on a Ubuntu install instead of getting an Xubuntu clean install?18:20
blobX_hello all ..is fatx (xbox file system) module included in 8.10 ?18:21
unr3a1I currently have my system dual-booted between windows 7 and ubuntu.  and I want to format my windows partition.  and make it available as a storage device for Ubuntu.  how would I accomplish this?18:21
sakaxblobX: no18:21
danbhfiveOnerice: extra packages / general crud: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^    works better18:21
blobX_sakax is there a way to add module ?18:21
Onericedanbhfive: the "^" is important?18:22
=== bec0de is now known as Bec0de
danbhfiveOnerice: yes18:22
blobX_sakax, any other tool that can read/write to xbox drive ?18:22
OnericeAh ok, any info on that? :)18:22
danbhfiveOnerice: if you want, I have a more thorough command to remove ubuntu, and install xubuntu18:22
danbhfive^ that I have been crafting18:23
erUSULunr3a1: use gparted and format it ext318:23
Onericesure thing :)18:23
erUSUL!addinfs | unr3a118:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addinfs18:23
d1rtyIf my computer starts running sluggish, is there a command that can refresh it without doing a restart?18:23
* cousteau is reading man 5 deb18:23
unr3a1gparted... hmm18:23
racecar56danbhfive or he could sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe18:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mod18:24
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist18:24
DexterFI just downloaded flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.1.218+ and installed with dpkg -i  -- what else do I have to do? browsers still report the old version18:24
thiebaudesudo modprobe floppy-- when i had to add a floppy icon18:24
danbhfiveracecar56: no18:24
blobX_DexterF, probably symbolic link is still pointing to older version18:25
iusomy sincere apologies for being really off topic, but i don't know where else i could ask this. are there any Danish people here who could help me with a phrase or two? i need to translate a danish article using google translate and your goodwill18:25
DexterFblobX_: which link?18:25
blobX_DexterF, , flash pluign link18:26
unr3a1erUSUL:  now, just a quick question.  my windows 7 is at /dev/sda1 and sda2.  formatting these partitions as ext3 will not fubar the MBR, correct?18:26
blobX_iuso, what phrase ?18:26
DexterFblobX_: any way to update all in one go?18:26
danbhfiveOnerice: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ && sudo apt-get remove `(tasksel --task-packages ubuntu-desktop; tasksel --task-packages ubuntu-desktop; tasksel --task-packages xubuntu-desktop) | sort | uniq -u`18:26
blobX_DexterF, is easy ..gonnna find you a link 2 sec18:27
andrea_floodboot 2 rispondi18:27
danbhfiveOnerice: careful with that one, pay attention to what it does.  I can't warrant it18:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:27
blobX_DexterF, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats18:28
=== dopplerdeffect is now known as doppler|away
estanhm. i've built my own linux-ubuntu-modules package, is there a way to forcefully replace the one i have installed with my own using dpkg?18:28
DexterFblobX_: um, not my situation. flash is installed, but I installed the aforementioned update from hardy-backports18:29
DexterFbut my browsers still use the old version18:29
=== jkroll is now known as tecky
nOStahl1anyone able to help me figure out why my cd rom is not detected on a fresh install of ubuntu18:30
OnericeAh, okok :) Just in the middle of doing a fresh install (was just wondering whether ubuntu+xubuntu-desktop would in any way be "better" than a Xubuntu install)...what is recommended? = Can I do anything in gnome which I can't do in xfce and vice versa...?18:30
poing__Does someone use fluxbox? What does that "stick" checkbxo in the rightclick menu title bar of windows do?18:30
sebsebseb 18:31
sebsebseb 18:31
thiebaudei use fluxbox, but i dont know what that means18:31
sidesHello, I have a no sound problem with 8.04 firefox flash ... i tried everything on google... any more ideas ?18:31
ewj1976poing__, go to #fluxbox18:31
d1rtyIf my computer starts running sluggish, is there a command that can refresh it without doing a restart?18:31
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox18:31
echogenmaybe stick in place18:31
sebsebsebsides: ok  could be to do with pulseuadio18:31
scunizid1rty: giddy up18:32
poing__Thanks thiebaude & ewj197618:32
* cousteau is reading man dpkg-deb18:32
sebsebsebsides: pulseaudio18:32
sebsebsebsides: in the terminal as a tempory fix try this:  killall pulseaudio18:32
coreywhat is the best application to edit HTML with?18:32
racecar56sebesbseb might need a sudo18:32
sidessebsebseb-  pulseaudio: no process killed18:32
sebsebsebsides: also even though 9.04 is end of April, and there is not that much difference between 8.04 and 8.10,  you might want to upgrade to that18:32
Picassotamus!best | corey18:33
ubottucorey: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:33
sidessebsebseb-  http://pastebin.com/m4dc44fa318:33
Bec0deScream is good for editing Html and xml18:33
scunizicorey: do you want text or what-you-see-is-what-you-get?18:33
coreyscunizi: the second one18:33
=== LjL-2 is now known as LjL-Temp
sidessebsebseb-  i hvae 8.10 sorry..18:34
scunizicorey: there's really only 2.. Amaya and Kompozer.. Kompozer is what most use if you're fairly new to html and just want to slam some pages together..18:34
sidessebsebseb-  any more ideas ?18:34
talkabouthello! i need some help.. gotta download libc .deb for edgy and i can't find it anywhere18:35
saurabhi have a vista os.due to some reasons it got currupt.now i want to install ubuntu without disturbing vista18:35
scunizisaurabh: vista is always disturbed18:35
MrSunshine_recomended size on /usr for ubuntu ?18:36
saurabhi have a vista os.due to some reasons it got currupt.now i want to install ubuntu without disturbing vista18:36
Kelb42Diali Array18:36
sebsebsebsides: oh alsa errors by the looks of your pastebin18:36
f_newtonlol scunizi a bit biased are you?18:36
sebsebseb!sound |  sides18:36
ubottusides: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:36
f_newtonsaurabh, do you have enough space to create an empty partition?18:36
f_newtonor do you already have an empty partition?18:36
saurabhf_newton: yes......but all my drives are ntfs18:37
NorthByNorthWestHi all! I want to add a SAMBA-folder to fstab to have it mounted at boot.... but I cant find how the syntax should be!18:37
scunizif_newton: no.. everytime I try to do something in vista I feel like I'm disturbing it.. It's like it's half a sleep.. always sort of waking up and askiing me if I really said what I said.. :)18:37
f_newtonwell you can install in on one of your many drives but make sure you install the bootloader to sda118:37
talkaboutguys? can you tell me where i can find a packages list for edgy?!18:37
coreyHow do I make my wobbly windows not stick to other windows?18:38
saurabhf_newton:how can i..........i mean i have not shrinked the drive from vista18:38
sebsebsebtalkabout: Edgy Eft was a nice release, but it is no longer suppourted, you should upgrade18:38
sidessebsebseb-  i dont have sound problem generaly... just in flash on firefox18:38
saurabhf_newton:how can i shrink it using ubuntu cd18:38
sebsebsebsides: well you can try an alternative Flash player, such as Gnash  or Swfdec18:38
talkaboutsebsebseb: already know that. but i will not, i just need that libc6 package.18:38
f_newtonsaurabh, somewhere there is a tutorial for doing that w/ ubuntu.... hopefully someone in here will tell you.  You have many variables that need to be addressed18:39
sidessebsebseb-  reinvite the world just because of sound problem ?18:39
tobiasi'm trying to share a directory on my machine with another user but he can't open the share after i've shared it.  i can connect with my username and password just fine but he can't get in.  no error messages.18:39
tobiasany ideas?18:39
f_newtonhow does one find the tutorials for ubuntu?18:39
aryahdoes someone here use vimperator plugin perhps? the system sometimes behaves strangely, i suspect it might be the cause . system is unresponsive, and the cursor and current address in statusbar of firefox blink rapidly. then it normalises by itself?18:39
sebsebsebsides: well  and Gnash is free software from the Free Software Foundation,  and  Swfdec is open source.  so that right there  is a  reason to use one of them, if  they are good enough for your Flash usage.  and they have both been coming along quite nicely18:40
ubuntistashelp firefox opened as a full screen18:40
ubuntistashow can i minimize it18:40
scunizif_newton: you looking for something specific or general? Book?18:40
tobiasubuntistas: F1118:40
keith_f_newton: There are books, I know18:40
sidessebsebseb-  k thx18:40
usertuxanyone know what the blue cursor theme is called that comes with mandriva 2009?18:40
talkaboutsebsebseb: still, can you tell me where did they moved the pkg list?18:40
Picassotamussides: I'm not an expert but it seems like alsa/pulse are off... looks like you have a surround71 setup in a alsaconf somewhere which pulse isn't recognizing... you can edit a pulse conf for 7.1 ...18:40
sebsebsebtalkabout: why won't you upgrade?  it's time to upgrade18:40
f_newtonI was trying to point to the guy trying to resize his partition and or other hdd to install ubuntu to coexist w/ vista18:40
sebsebsebtalkabout: upgrade Ubuntu or put another distro on that is suppourted18:41
scunizif_newton: ubuntupocketguide.com will allow you to buy a print version or download a pdf for free.. also www.scribd.com has several listings that some will allow you to download for free.18:41
rwwtalkabout: change your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/18:41
talkaboutsebsebseb: omg. it's a remote machine, i am just suposed to install smth on it,18:41
f_newtonscunizi, thanks18:41
racecar56ubuntistas f1118:41
scunizif_newton: np..:)18:41
sebsebseb!attitude |  talkabout18:41
ubottutalkabout: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:41
phrozendeadHey if I have a laptop connected to my wireless network and a desktop with no wireless, is it possible to plug an ethernet cable from my desktop into my laptop in order to connect to that network?18:41
talkaboutrww: apt finds anything except libc618:41
sidesPicassotamus-  didnt got you18:41
racecar567.10 died?18:42
sebsebsebracecar56: yep 7.10 is no longer suppourted18:42
* rww sighs18:42
rwwracecar56, sebsebseb: 7.10/Gutsy is still supported.18:42
scuniziracecar56: got a separate /home? just reinstall with the latest an don't format /home.. keep it and all the data18:42
sebsebsebrww: well in that case not for much longer18:43
uusedmani am having problem with youtube, cant see pic or sound18:43
Rohffen force18:43
rwwtalkabout: did you change your sources.list as I mentioned, and then do "sudo apt-get update"?18:43
racecar56yes 7.10 is supported.... what the????18:43
talkaboutrww: yup.18:43
sebsebsebuusedman: do you have the Flash plugin?18:43
racecar56WHAT????!??!?!@??!??? 7.04S ISOS ARE ON RELEASES???!!?? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?18:43
uusedmansebsebseb, yes i do, it plays but no video or sound18:43
Picassotamussides: I looked at your pastebin... it looks like you set up an output/sink in alsa to enable your 7.1 and pulseaudio doesn't like it... you can get rid of that alsa 7.1 setup because you can enable 7.1 diirectly with pulse18:43
talkaboutrww: i mean i managed to install gcc* but not g++ bcuz of the libc6 pkg18:43
LjLracecar56: quit spamming18:43
phrozendeadsorry, accidentally left the channel, did anyone answer my question?18:44
sebsebsebuusedman: ok get rid of Flash and try an alternative?   Gnash and Swfdec18:44
racecar56wait.. 7.04 isnt, sorry i was looking at old-releases18:44
racecar56isnt as in isnt alive18:44
coreyIs there a program that will allow me to edit HTML and show the resulting webpage dynamically?18:44
sebsebsebcorey: you can see your changes when your editing with Seamonkey18:45
sebsebsebcorey: and I guess so with Kompozer as well18:45
uusedmanshould i just do : apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree?18:45
f_newtonscunizi, thats a pretty good little book!18:45
uusedmanand install the other 2?18:45
danbhfive!html | corey18:45
ubottucorey: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/18:45
aryahsebsebseb, theres a lot of stuff that doesnt work well with gnash, or at least is not working now; i dont care and use it anyways because its free, but..18:45
scunizicorey: amaya and komposer18:45
sebsebsebcorey: programs that do code for you suck, learn to code HTML and CSS w3schools.com yeah18:45
uusedmansebsebseb, i believe i hav those 2 other players Gnash and Swfdec18:45
racecar56umm... why does kvm_intel and kvm keep coming? i dont want them to load18:45
sebsebsebuusedman: you can only have one Flash player installed at a time, or  issues etc18:46
racecar56i have to keep rmmoding18:46
thiebaudeuusedman: i had problems with gnash and swfdec18:46
kitcheracecar56: you will have to blacklist then if you have not yet18:46
uusedmansebsebseb, how can i check which flash player is installed?18:46
rwwtalkabout: The actual package is at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/. You could download the one you need and then install it manually, maybe?18:47
sebsebsebuusedman: in Synaptic package manager18:47
uusedmanthiebaude,  in installed them when i tried to play a movie in google18:47
uusedmansebsebseb, i am downloading an upgrade, and i hope my wireless works after that18:47
Lord-Jynxanyone here ever seen the live cd not boot if a 6600gt is installed?  If I remove it and use the onboard video, it works fine.  The alternate install works until it tries to boot up for the firest time.18:47
Lord-Jynxlive cd is 8.10 or 9.04 btw18:47
sebsebsebuusedman: ok well that's got nothing to do with Flash18:47
thiebaudeuusedman: uninstall both, maybe it will work then18:47
racecar56kitche how?18:47
uusedmansebsebseb, then i am going to Synpatic package manager18:47
rwwtalkabout: I think you want one of the "libc6-udeb" packages (actually, trying "sudo apt-get install libc6-udeb" might be useful.18:47
kitche!blacklist | racecar5618:47
ubotturacecar56: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »18:47
sebsebsebrww: he is using Edgy, but for whatever reason won't upgrade18:48
phrozendeadis there a way to get connected to the internet on a desktop by using a network cable from a desktop to a laptop that is connected to my home network wirelessly?18:48
rwwsebsebseb: I'm aware of that.18:48
sebsebsebrww: well don't you think he should upgrade, since Edgy is no longer suppourted?18:48
talkaboutrww: thanks, i'll try18:48
rwwsebsebseb: Yes, but I think that acting like you were is counterproductive and annoying.18:48
DexterFanyone know how to install flash 10 for 8.04?18:48
sebsebsebrww: lol18:48
aryahphrozendead, why not18:49
mchani have hardy installed on my desktop and i want to make changes to its partitions. can i boot it up using the livecd of another version, e.g., intrepid?18:49
sebsebsebDexterF: sudo apt-get install  flashplayer-nonfree  that will do it I think18:49
DexterFsebsebseb: flash1018:49
phrozendeadaryah, ?18:49
sebsebsebDexterF: ok Adobes website18:49
uusedmandexterf, do u have 64 or 32 ?18:49
thiebaudeor goto adobe web site and install the .deb file for flash 1018:49
DexterFuusedman: 6418:49
hareldvdError when running system-config-printer : import subprocess \n ImportError: No module named subprocess18:49
sebsebsebDexterF: there's also a  very good  Flash player for  64bit Linux, that is in alpha/beta18:50
NorthByNorthWesthow do i mount a samba-folder through fstab? cant find any solution... :(18:50
aryahphrozendead, id expect anything could be setup, yes - did you have a specific problem when trying?18:50
DexterFsebsebseb: you mean that open src thingy? need the real deal for now18:50
DigBigDoes anyone know an url or location where one could find an overview of software packages that are new to the ubuntu repositories ??18:50
uusedmandexterf, i had problems downloading debain file via adobe website, it said it was a i386 format18:50
sebsebsebDexterF: I mean the real deal and a development version18:50
danbhfiveDigBig: packages.ubuntu.com18:50
sebsebsebDexterF: i'll get you a link where I found out about it, and  from that you can get onto the download on Adobe18:50
rwwDigBig: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/main/newpkg18:51
aryahphrozendeah, routing stuff must be setup on the laptop - what OS is the laptop using?18:51
Lord-Jynxmy issue above stops at squashfs: version 3.3 (2007/10/31) Phillip Lougher18:51
rwwDigBig: (new packages are only added to development versions, generally. If you're looking for package updates, not new packages try apt-listchanges perhaps)18:51
talkaboutrww: which of those is for edgy? :|18:51
cougartenhi, is it risky to install xserver-xorg-video-intel from the jaunty repo for ubuntu intrepid? (theres a game I want to run which glitches all the time)18:52
OnericeCan I do anything in gnome which I can't do in xfce and vice versa...? Debating whether I should install ubuntu or xubuntu...links welcome.18:52
sebsebsebDexterF: http://blogs.computerworld.com/64_bit_linux_adobe_flash_player_surprisingly_good?page=118:52
thiebaudecougarten: yes it is18:52
sebsebsebDexterF: it's meant to be better than all the other Adobe Flash players,  for Linux, and I think Windows to even18:52
cougartenthiebaude to bad :( but thx18:53
DexterFsebsebseb: sound good18:53
aryahphrozendead, so, your desktop is connected to a laptop by ethernet, and the laptop connects to the net or vice versa?18:53
thiebaudebug 30487118:53
sebsebsebDexterF: link to the download site, from the article as I said18:53
jimcooncatOnerice, you can install both and switch between sessions when you log in. It doesn't make for much cruft on your machine, compared to gnome and kde on the same one.18:53
mchani have hardy installed on my desktop and i want to make changes to its partitions. can i boot it up using the livecd of another version, e.g., intrepid, and run gparted there?18:53
sim_kharkovhello ubuntoids))18:53
rwwtalkabout: oh, yeah, huh, I forgot that pool/ isn't distro-specific. libc6-udeb_2.4-1ubuntu12_i386.udeb, I think.18:54
DexterFsebsebseb: got it, thanks. you ever tried that? need to uninst the "old" flash plugin?18:54
sebsebsebOnerice: you can have both Ubuntu and Xubuntu and even Kubuntu installed18:54
rwwtalkabout: (assuming your computer is i386)18:54
sebsebsebDexterF: nearly on someone else's 64bit PC,  but I am on 32bit here18:54
Onericejimcooncat: Thanks, but are there any advantages of having both gnome and xfce?18:54
sebsebsebDexterF: ,but the guy that does the article, is like the best LInux articles authour.  so I'll pretty much take his word for nearly anything, when it comes to Linux18:55
sebsebsebDexterF: well not always, but he knows his stuff yeah18:55
talkaboutrww: can i paste to your prv?18:55
jimcooncatOnerice, not really as far as I can tell. Ubuntu's gnome is just a little bit more elegant, while xfce is snappy. I switch from one to the other every few months.18:55
SEVILLAhey whats a good commad to check the details of a specific partitions on my disk18:55
PiciSEVILLA: sudo fdisk -l18:55
marcelSEVILLA, sudo fdisk -l18:55
fghjkhi who know about openvpn ?18:55
fghjkhi who know about openvpn ?18:56
rwwtalkabout: ok18:56
Lord-Jynxanyone here ever seen the live cd not boot if a 6600gt is installed?  If I remove it and use the onboard video, it works fine.  The alternate install works until it tries to boot up for the firest time.18:56
SEVILLAPici: marcel , thanks18:56
Onericejimcooncat: I see. The same programs will work in both gnome & xfce I guess?18:56
jimcooncatOnerice, the thing is you're not talking a whole lot of difference here. If you like Thunar, xfce's file manager, you can run it under gnome just as well.18:56
fghjktalk about what ?18:56
sebsebsebDexterF: yep get rid of your old flash version first of course18:56
Lord-Jynxlive is 8.10 or 9.0418:56
fghjkyou know rww ?18:56
coreyhow do i uninstall programs?18:57
sebsebsebcorey: sudo apt-get purge programname18:57
weatherkidI have a Samba related question. Can I ask it here or do I need to go to #samba?18:57
LjL!software > corey    (corey, see the private message from ubottu)18:57
uusedmancorey, which program, either through synaptian manage or terminal18:57
jimcooncatOnerice: Yes. Some gnome programs (evolution comes to mind) take just a bit longer to start up under xfce, as they have to load stuff already present in gnome.18:57
OnericeOk jimcooncat: Just checking. I liked xfce, so I can go with xubuntu and still use wine and programs like that?18:57
OnericeThanks, jimcooncat! :)18:57
racecar56xubuntu + wine = suck18:58
Onericeracecar56: how so=18:58
LjLweatherkid: if it's in ubuntu, you can ask here.18:58
sebsebsebOnerice: yeah also the versin of XFCE is pretty old in Ubuntu, and there's a much better newer version,  I guess that might be in Jaunty18:58
marcelOnerice, i use xubuntu all the time, its great, you can still use kde/gnome wine etc.18:58
racecar56Onerice because it puts all the wine'd programs in other18:58
dreamyhi room!!!18:58
racecar56Onerice which is REALLY aggrivating18:58
sim_kharkovhi dreamy18:58
sebsebsebOnerice: by the way you like XFCE18:58
jimcooncatracecar56: What's the difference between wine under xfce and under gnome?18:58
sebsebsebOnerice: Xubuntu uses XFCE18:58
sim_kharkovjimcooncat xfce faster18:59
Onericeracecar56: puts the programs in other?18:59
marceljimcooncat, nothing18:59
aryahracecar56 why not edit the menues to your liking? its just a silly launcher anyways..18:59
racecar56jimcooncat it puts all the wined programs in other18:59
Onericesebsebseb: Yes, I'm thinking of getting xubuntu.18:59
racecar56aryah wined programs go in other on xfce thats why i dont like it18:59
jimcooncatracecar56: oh, on the menus. I get it.18:59
mchani have hardy installed on my desktop and i want to make changes to its partitions. can i boot it up using the livecd of another version, e.g., intrepid, and run gparted there?19:00
weatherkidLjL, ok have it setup to the point where Windows is picking it up and letting me login. I just won't let me write files. I'll upload my smb.conf from SWAT to Pastebin in a sec19:00
rmmRMMxubuntu on intrepid is sweet - thats what i'm on right now19:00
sebsebsebOnerice: you install one, and then you can have them all.  Ubuntu, Xubuntu, and Kubuntu19:00
aryahracecar56, well I guess it can be inpractical, but I dont see it can be a big deal, just a menu19:00
sim_kharkov<mchan> yes, you can19:00
OnericeYesyes, my question regarded which one I should install. :)19:00
aryahracecar56 priorities differ I guess ;)19:00
LjL!samba > weatherkid    (weatherkid, see the private message from ubottu) have you checked this out?19:00
racecar56aryah and it ignores folders which i really hate19:01
Onericeignores folders?19:01
racecar56Onerice yes19:01
aryahracecar56, Im experimenting with gimmie and deskbar+tracker right now. Liked it so far..19:01
uusedmansebsebseb, got a question on wireless, after i upgraded last time. my wireless connection was not picking up no signals. maybe after the upgrade my usb wireless was not recognized19:02
uusedmansebsebseb, what do u think19:02
sebsebsebuusedman: your upgrading to what?19:02
Onericeracecar56: Ignores folders? Care to explain that? :)19:02
aryahracecar56, dont believe its polished enough yet though19:02
uusedmansebsebseb, i install 8.10 and i update and now upgrading19:02
sim_kharkov<uusedman> try proposed upgrades19:02
uusedmansebsebseb, actually now i am making a partial upgrade19:03
jumarhi, i got a problem since long time: i can't unmount any usb drive without an error message on my xubuntu, i've shut down thunar's volume managment but it still occurs19:03
sebsebsebuusedman: ok your doing an upgrade to 8.10?19:03
DexterFsebsebseb: aww, shoot. /etc/alternatives still points to the wrapper... whadda think, uninstall old nonfree?19:03
DexterFsebsebseb: nvm19:03
DexterFdidnt see above19:03
NorthByNorthWestcan anyone tell me what to put into the fstab-file to mount a network drive to a local folder at startup?19:03
pietukellään käytössä nero 3:sta19:03
unkohey guys i have a big big big problem and i need alot of help... i just tryed to install windows on a extra disk i had for a friend but than when i went to install it there was ony one partition so i assumed it was the extra disk. not knowing i have my external (250g) drive pluged in i erased the whole thing. (it contained personal pics my vids, music, ect) can someone help me i have no clue how to get my data back on ubuntu19:03
weatherkidLjL, here is my smb.conf if you want to look over it. http://tinyurl.com/dkkmdz19:03
Pici!fi | pietu19:03
ubottupietu: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)19:03
StixI just tried to use a restricted ubumtu driver on my linux box and now i can't get xserver to reconfigure using vesa drivers so xserver wont boot....Any suggestions on what to do?19:04
sebsebsebunko: ok dear heh19:04
racecar56unko no fun19:04
unkoi know man19:04
sebsebsebunko: ok  your data is probably still there19:04
racecar56unko been there done that19:04
unkothis suck i lost all my pictures of my girl19:04
uusedmansebsebseb, yes, now i did the partial upgrade, now it is installing finished, i don't want to restart the computer, last time i had to reinstall 8.10 again to get the basic installation19:04
sebsebsebracecar56: well help him out then?19:04
unkois there anyway to get my data back?19:04
sim_kharkov<unko> erased? maybe just clear partition table?19:05
sebsebsebunko: probably, as long as the data has not been overwritten19:05
unkoyeah it hasnt yet..i think19:05
aryahunko I dont know there are some computer forensic tools that perhaps can do the job , but theres probably something more practical19:05
sebsebsebunko: still wondering about that program I used in Vista, that alloweed me to have access to  deleted partitions and recover loads of data, that program was pretty awsome19:05
unkoyeah...well this is the situation i have no extra drives....and only a ubuntu system19:05
dreamyhow can i make my web page have fun animations ? wich progaming language do i use ? or wich applicaation ? is it impossible ?19:06
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »19:06
unkoso is there anything that will run with wine or even ubuntu to help gemme my stuff back?19:06
GazI have ubuntu 8.10 with nvidia drivers 173 installed and the max resolution I can select is 1024 by 768, how can I increase this resolution ?19:06
=== Jacques is now known as Guest3938
sim_kharkovunko, read about information recovery on different filesystems... maybe it's help you19:06
Threetimesdreamy: you can use animated gifs or flash. google them19:06
sebsebsebuusedman: how did you get wireless working before?19:06
racecar56Gaz is your monitor crap like mine19:06
oCean_unko: deleted or formatted the disk?19:06
weatherkidLjL, yes19:06
unkomy file system was fat3219:06
LjLweatherkid: well are the files in the /home/chance/callfam directory owned by the user who's supposed to access them via samba? if not, are the rw for other users?19:06
unkooCean_, i have no clue i think deleted19:06
dreamyThreetimes: how can i make flash work while im use blue fish ?19:06
sebsebsebunko: yes with a good program of some sort, you can recover data19:06
uusedmansebsebseb, simple, i just pluged the wireless USB19:07
unkosebsebseb, do you kno of any?19:07
Gazracecar56, not really, it is a widescreen and can support higher resolutions than 1024 by 76819:07
Uplinkwhere can i get handwrite fonts?19:07
sebsebsebunko: the partition itself is probably still there, it's just not  in the partition table anymore19:07
lucaxany ideas how to configure flashcam resolution?19:07
unkoit is cuz it says it's max is 230g and it's a 250g19:07
racecar56Gaz mine supported nothing better than 1280x1024, but its dead now19:07
unkoso 20g of my stuff is still there?19:07
racecar56Gaz im borrowing a 22" for the meantime19:07
Gazgood racecar56  :D19:07
sebsebsebunko: nope I don't know any for Linux.  you can try  this channel #linux  it's more general,  quite a lot of clever people there usualley19:07
GazI have ubuntu 8.10 with nvidia drivers 173 installed and the max resolution I can select is 1024 by 768, how can I increase this resolution ?19:07
unkook thanks man19:08
DexterFsebsebseb: dang. FF doesn't list the plugin anymore now. I manually recreated the /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree dir, cp'ed it in there, nothing, cp'ed to ~/.firefox/plugins19:08
Threetimesdreamy: that's quite complex (it doesn't matter if your'e using bluefish or not). Just wait while I google the answer for you19:08
sebsebsebDexterF: just get rid of  that plugin from Synaptic. and the  one you get from Adobe,  you put in the Firefox profile itself19:08
dreamyThreetimes: thats very nice of you..thanks19:08
swpermanhello.. i'm having a weird problem w/ sound. when i log in, the startup sounds plays normally, i open sound prefs and run tests normally too, but when i open apps like firefox (w/ sites using sound) or skype, the sound isnt played and tests from sound prefs return error msg "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection terminated".. after i close such apps, th19:09
weatherkidLjL, hmmm. Let me Remote Ops into it andl19:09
weatherkidill let you know19:09
DexterFsebsebseb: that's what I did. removed the nonfree-package and manually placed the plugin in ~/.firefox/plugins19:09
mrthrazI'm having a problem  I'm on ubs 8.10 an its crashing badly 3 or 4 times a day19:09
racecar56swperman my freind had a problem that was similar but for some reason its because the mic was plugged into headphones19:10
sebsebsebDexterF: ok restart Firefox and you got Flash?19:10
Threetimesdreamt: http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/tutorials/Embedding-Flash Don't stop reading after the first paragraph, read the whole thing. Don't use flash if you don't want to read it.19:10
aryahunko , maybe this www.slauthkit.org perhaps its an overkill though19:10
DexterFsebsebseb: no!19:10
sebsebsebuusedman: ok  the wireless will probably work in the same way in 8.1019:10
=== Mr is now known as Guest11451
Stixis there way to reconfigure xserver to use vesa?19:10
uusedmansebsebseb, my original installation is 8.10 and now i am upgrading19:10
sebsebsebuusedman: your upgrading to  9.04  alpha 6?  don't do that, unless your experienced with Ubuntu19:11
swpermanracecar56: it just cant be.. i'm pretty sure that stuff is plugged in the right places, and besides, if it's true, i wouldnt be hearing the startup sound!19:11
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:11
unkoaryah, that link is broken?19:11
aryahsorry, sec19:11
uusedmansebsebseb, i am only upgrading 8.1019:11
GazI have ubuntu 8.10 with nvidia drivers 173 installed and the max resolution I can select is 1024 by 768, how can I increase this resolution ?19:11
sebsebsebuusedman: ok19:11
DexterFsebsebseb: funny, opera is fine19:12
sebsebsebDexterF: hummm not sure, and it really sucks that Flash is used for videos on websites,  I hate that shit.   there is something that can replace it in HTML 5.  the video tag, but  IE won't supopurt that dman.   Then browsers such as Firefox 3.1 have in built OGG suppourt etc.19:12
ThreetimesGaz: does your monitor support any higer resolution?19:12
GazThreetimes, yes19:12
sebsebsebDexterF: yeah Flash can screw up etc,  in that unoffical  Firefox version that Ubuntu has19:12
=== Jacques is now known as Guest70371
sebsebsebDexterF: how about browser such as Epiphany and Galeon?  Flash good there.   Opera under Linux uses the Mozilla Flash or how do you get Flash in it?19:13
saywhathi!  I have found that I am stuck with a vesa driver running at too low a screen resoution 640x480 - and I cannot make the intel video driver work.   I am giving up on fixing the video driver.  Now I want to force the vesa to AT LEAST run 800x600 by default.  Is there a way to do this?19:13
Stixhow do i know which nvidia drivers to install for 8600 gt's using apt-get?19:13
Picisebsebseb: Watch the language here, you should know better.19:13
mrthrazhello ? I have a HP Pavilion DV9000 17" AMD 64 AthlonX2 with 4 Gigs of ram Hercules DJ Console (Mac Edition), MixMan DM2 Digital Music Mixer, Behringer BCF2000 Usb Midi ControllerI'm having a problem  I'm on 8.10 an its crashing badly 3 or 4 times a day19:13
ThreetimesGaz: can you post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to paste.ubuntu.com?19:13
uusedmansaywhat, restart in safe mode19:13
DexterFsebsebseb: I pointed opera at /usr/lib/flash.../...so19:13
saywhatuusedman: do you mean recovery mode?19:14
racecar56saywhat i had a similar problem, my ati driver made my monitor flicker but vesa didn't, but vesa looked bad, it turns out it was the monitor19:14
Uplinkhow do i install fonts?19:14
scuniziStix: look under System>Admin>Hardware Drivers and enable the latest there.19:14
DexterFsebsebseb: yes, flash sucks ass big time. but what can one do, it's everywhere19:14
uusedmansaywhat, yes, i had that problem earlier19:14
LjL!fonts > Uplink    (Uplink, see the private message from ubottu)19:14
killindillinHi guys19:14
dreamyThreetimes: then i guess. i can do stuff has cool has i can do in dreamweaver.. while im using linux and linux programing apps19:14
sebsebsebDexterF: yeah, because average computer users, know it19:14
Stixscunizi: That screwd my system up and now i cant even get xserver to boot19:14
sebsebsebDexterF: the ones that use Windows19:14
saywhatok... what do i do in recovery mode to force a resolution of 800x60019:14
sebsebsebDexterF: at least Microsofts Silverlight isn't everywhere :)19:14
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:15
racecar56Stix that sucks19:15
racecar56sebsebseb :>19:15
mrthrazhello ? I have a HP Pavilion DV9000 17" AMD 64 AthlonX2 with 4 Gigs of ram Hercules DJ Console (Mac Edition), MixMan DM2 Digital Music Mixer, Behringer BCF2000 Usb Midi Controller . I'm having a problem  I'm on 8.10 an its crashing badly 3 or 4 times a day19:15
killindillincould i ask you guys a question bout ubuntu and live cds19:15
Threetimesdreamy: I can create any webpage with any text-editor. I don't use WYSIWYG and I hate dreamwaver.19:15
sebsebsebracecar56: what?19:15
GazThreetimes, http://paste.ubuntu.com/132141/19:15
racecar56mrthraz i have a (nearly) the same laptop as you! it has 2g ram though19:15
ThreetimesDreamy: for ubuntu, I'd stick to gedit19:15
killindillini want to know if i can run unbuntu off a live cd19:15
Bsims{fs}Dumb question, my keypad isn't working with irssi when I connect via screen using Putty... it works localy. and for other apps. Any ideas?19:15
Stixracecar56: tell me about it, biggest bitch is i keep reinstalling because i cant figure out how to reconfigure graphics on linux19:15
racecar56sebsebseb aabout micro$oft silverlight19:15
DexterFsebsebseb: god forbid.... I could live with people using flash if it was only half decent. but adobe just... keeps screwing up. goind fullscreen even with v10 it still stutters like Wing Commander on an Amiga 50019:15
sebsebsebracecar56: yes what about it?19:15
racecar56sebsebseb it sucks19:16
dreamyThreetimes:  that means any stuff can be made .. using the "tags" ..programing  with an editor..19:16
scunizikillindillin: that's the whole point behind the live cd.. you won't be able to save anything though19:16
sebsebsebDexterF: Gnash and Swfdec are getting there, but  would be better if opensource and freesoftware camp worked together, to make a proper Flash replacement, but no19:16
saywhatuusedman: what do you do in recovery mode to force 800x600 resolution in normal mode?19:16
sebsebsebDexterF: instead of just a player19:16
mrthrazracecar56:really are you having the same problem19:16
DexterFcouldn't care less about silverlight... really nobody wants that, not even the windows fanbois19:16
racecar56mrthraz no19:16
racecar56mrthraz it works AWESOME19:16
ThreetimesGaz: You can try to reinstall you drivers, but i don't know how I can help your further19:16
Threetimesdreamy: that's true!19:16
sebsebsebDexterF: even two types,   Gnash from Free Software Foundation, and Swfdec from open source community19:17
killindillinwhile i have vista and i dont want to partion my hdd19:17
uusedmansaywhat, yeah, just restart in recovery mode, it will give a few options, select fix x server19:17
epaphushey guys, how do I install the java virtual machine to be able to surf pages with java?19:17
racecar56mrthraz and its an intel19:17
DexterFsebsebseb: so what's the limitation with swfdec/gnash?19:17
=== mar1 is now known as quiltP
dreamyThreetimes: ok.. nice19:17
uusedmansaywhat, after that, boot to normal mode, and it should return.  that's what i did19:17
DexterFepaphus: install sun java jre19:17
sebsebsebDexterF: they are both getting there, Gnash keeps on improving19:17
mrthrazubs 8.10 is working for you19:17
scunizikillindillin: put the live cd in then boot directly to it.. don't put it in with vista/xp running or it will want to do a wubi install.19:17
sebsebsebDexterF: not sure about Swfdec, and  I haven't tried either yet properly for various reasons19:17
DexterFsebsebseb: well, ok - what do they *lack*?19:17
saywhatuusedman: fix x server should give me a choice of default resolutions?19:18
mrthrazmine was working till the upgrade19:18
DexterFafter all pretty much all I need is youtube19:18
sebsebsebDexterF: I guess they lack suppourt for really advanced Flash, but otherwise are fine19:18
Stixuusedman: that doesn't work....for some reason ubuntu took xserver to quit automatically fixing screen resolutions and graphics19:18
sebsebsebDexterF: yes Youtube will probably work nicely in both19:18
killindillinkk i just wanted to know cause i was going to use knoppix19:18
epaphusDexterF, none of those exist...19:18
dreamyThreetimes: programing in an editor making graphical stuff.. knowing the tags. that wont be quick, or eazy19:18
sebsebsebDexterF: yeah exactly Flash video pft.  would be great if HTML 5's video tag hit off properly, but no19:18
saywhatstix: so using fix xserver wont work in 8.10?19:19
sebsebsebepaphus: what?19:19
DexterFsebsebseb: sounds like its worth a shot. maybe keep one browser around with adobe.19:19
azlonis there a program that will automatically get a list of proxies and remove them when they stop working? like Elite Proxy for windows.19:19
epaphussebastien_, iam trying to install the jre19:19
DexterFepaphus: sun-java6-jre. um. what version of ubuntu?19:19
uusedmansaywhat, fix x server will run some scripts and it wil say everything is cool19:19
uusedmansaywhat after that boot normal19:19
ravenhow is it possible to browse through a samba file system like with the windows explorer starting from //192.168.x.x19:19
Stixsaywhat: all it does is reconfigures keyboard and like audio19:19
sebsebsebDexterF: yeah not sure about  having both installed Adobe and  an alternative19:19
Stixsaywhat: It won't reconfigure any graphics or anything19:19
sebsebsebepaphus: 32bit or 64bit?19:19
epaphusDexterF, got it19:19
uusedmansebsebseb, should i restart?19:19
StixAnyone know of like a package like system-config-display for ubuntu?19:20
Threetimesdreamy: if you know the tags, it is faster than any grapical editor out there, and you create better (faster/easier-to-read-and-change/standards-compliant) code19:20
sebsebsebuusedman: you only need to re start for major stuff such as a new kernel, and if it's  telling you to, well then sure19:20
uusedmansebsebseb how about if my wireless does not work, can i do somehtint to make sure my wirelss will work19:20
saywhatstix: i have run that x server thing from terminal, and all it does is ask me aobut the keyboard - no graphics19:20
Lord-Jynxanyone here ever seen the 8.10 or 9.04 live cd not boot if a 6600gt is installed?  If I remove it and use the onboard video, it works fine.  The alternate install works until it tries to boot up for the firest time.19:20
uusedmansebsebseb, i am restarting19:20
Stixsaywhat: Yea im haveing the same problem u are.........Only difference is i cant get mine to even boot19:20
sebsebsebuusedman:  nope wireless can always be a bitch with Linux, because of hardware manufactures that don't suppourt LInux properly yet or at all19:20
uusedmansaywhat, it does not ask for anything,19:21
saywhatgreat... i can't even use this machine unless I can force it to give me a better screen resolution19:21
racecar56uusedman basically its because the n00bs who design the hardware don't like/don't care about/don't know about linux19:21
StixAlot of graphic issues with ubuntu it seems19:21
sebsebsebracecar56: the noobs that design the hardware LOL19:21
sebsebsebracecar56: they are probably rpetty clever  at making hardware, it's just they don' want to put the extra effort in, to make sure it works nicely on Linux as well19:22
ravencould anyone help me with navigating through a samba directory like with the windows explorer starting from //192.168.x.x - OR to easily upload a file using the command line to //192.168.x.x/dir ??19:22
racecar56and it so seems my comps that come with micro$oft windoze vista work nicely with linux19:22
dreamyThreetimes: is there something has .. like for ex: .. flash "tags" ?19:22
DexterFraven: man mount.cifs19:22
sebsebsebracecar56: yeah this one came with VIsta, everything seems to work in Ubuntu, except sleep19:22
Threetimesdreamy: nope, have you read the page on the longtail site?19:23
racecar56sleep works for me19:23
Stixraven: ur trying to upload something to a windows box19:23
michal_join #oaza19:23
dreamyThreetimes: what ? no.. did your paste any address ?19:23
sebsebsebracecar56: well it sort of does it, but  then will never come back on again,  or did it last time  and I was like wtf?  why is it doing it now19:23
nighthi @ all, does some1 knows how to search a process in ubuntu (e.g. an ftp-daemon)?19:23
simion314hi, my toucpad is stuck in a corner, if i move it the pointer goes back in that corner, i t want to disable the touchpad , i generated a xorg.conf but in it i have only a mouse0 entry for my mouse and no entry for my toucpad, but my toucpad runs without it been listed in xorg.conf, any ideea ?19:23
StixDoes ubuntu have like paid support?19:23
LjLnight: you mean a running process? try "ps aux | grep name"19:23
LjL!support > Stix    (Stix, see the private message from ubottu)19:24
dreamyThreetimes: let me check .. your messages u typed before :)19:24
sebsebsebStix: yes, but it seems that's only for businesse's running servers19:24
nightLjL, thx19:24
Threetimesdreamy: i made a typo in your name, scroll up to 20:10 :p19:24
racecar56sebsebseb my pc sometimes turns on again mysteriously19:24
coreymancan i connect to ventrilo with any software for linux?19:24
angasulehi, I've installed ubuntu 8.10 on a computer with a realtek 8139C (or C+? not sure), when the ethernet cable is connected ubuntu tries to connect but fails (I called dhclient manually and it also failed), I tried configuring it manually but it doesn't seem to reach the network...19:24
StixSeems like the might get alot of buisness if they make it for customer support19:24
sebsebsebcoreyman: you :d19:24
Stixconsumer appliances and such19:24
LjLStix: Canonical does offer commercial support, i believe.19:25
jodansGood afternoon.19:25
sebsebsebStix: well  that's the whole point of this channel and the forums,  consumer suppourt19:25
jodansIs thre anyone in here that may be able to help me?19:25
epaphus Hey guys  have Ubuntu 8.10 ...the sound is playing ok but too soft... I tried putting it on the maximum in the application I use to playback... and also in the hardware its at the maximum.. what else is there to increase it?19:25
Stixyea it sucks though19:25
sebsebsebStix: using the Ubuntu consumer community, for consumer suppourt19:25
Switchhello can any one help with a stylus issue19:25
Threetimesdreamy: read also this http://joey101.net/2006/10/whats-so-bad-about-wysiwyg-editors/19:25
sebsebsebStix: what kind of stuff do you want help with?19:25
LjLStix: this is a bit offtopic really19:25
dreamyThreetimes: ok.. nice19:25
Stixreconfiguring xserver to use vesa19:25
nighthey LjL, how can i stop a running process?19:26
OptimusPrimeepaphus: double click on the sound icon in the tray icon area, there should be sliders19:26
Switchis ubuntu going to support tablet pc soon19:26
sebsebsebStix: yeah damn xorg issues19:26
Ykstortwhy does ubuntu label my PATA drives as sda and sdb in /dev?19:26
Threetimesepaphus: double-click on the speaker icon in the top-right corner of your screen and check the sliders there19:26
LjLnight: killall -9 processname19:26
Stixsebsebseb: Worst kind of issues19:26
sebsebsebStix: sure and wireless19:26
nightLjL, thx19:26
epaphusThreetimes, thank you...19:26
Stixsebsebseb: Ive ran into this issue like 6 times19:26
epaphusOptimusPrime, thanks19:26
Stixsebsebseb: Each time i reinstall:(19:26
ThreetimesOptimusPrime: lol, you were faster but he thanks me :p19:26
sebsebsebStix: yep and both issues are, because of hardware manufactures, that don't suppourt Desktop Linux yet,  or  hardly at all19:26
DexterFYkstort: good question. this boggled my mind ever since they made that move. I think it was to simplify the device handling for ata drives, but imo it stupidified the /dev process19:27
jodansI've had Ubuntu 8.10 for about a week now, and visual things are not running as I know they should on this system. I've tried the suggestions on the forums, but have no idea how to know if my graphics card is running or not, and if so, is it running properly.19:27
fabio_compiz not running @16 bit (white terminal) ... please help me19:27
Stixsebsebseb: i see....probably wireless is getting better though right?19:27
YkstortDexterF, i guess it isnt really a big deal19:27
kingsqueakAnyone notice google calendar auth breaking if you sync with Evolution or Thunderbird/Lightning/Provider?  Running 8.04 and it broke a few days ago19:27
Ykstortit just bugs me when i try to use /dev/hda and nothing happens19:27
sebsebsebStix: I guess so, but people having wireless issues is very coomon19:27
Ykstortand then i remember "oh yeah ubuntu thinks i have SCSI drives"19:27
Stixsebsebseb: i see i see19:27
Ykstort"silly ubuntu"19:27
DexterFYkstort: not really, but still its odd. sata, ata, usb, all the same.19:27
sebsebsebStix: by the way do Microsoft provide consumer suppourt?  nope,  they got nearly every IT shop and that doing it for them instead19:28
DexterFsebsebseb: they actually do. 69 Euros per call19:28
quiltPhi all, I have been experiencing some issues with my graphics card (radeon HD 4850) ever since I installed ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me sort out some of these? :)19:28
saywhatsaywhat: anyone have ANY ideas on how I can force this ubuntu machine to give me a higher video resolution?19:28
Threetimessebsebseb: They have to, what if I ordered M$ directly via their website (which i would never do, but...)19:28
sebsebsebDexterF: oh19:28
epaphushey guys, how do I install flash player_19:29
fabio_somebody here running compiz @ 16 bit color depth ?19:29
sebsebsebThreetimes: well  MS still treat consumers like a bunch of retards really. hence why XP Home hummm no proper group permissions etc.  and why the server versions are quite a bit better than the desktop versions19:29
DexterFepaphus: 32 or 64?19:29
mcneil90apt-cache search flash epaphus19:29
ThreetimesquiltP: I fear thet your card isn't supported. My card (HD 2600XT) became supported a few monts after i bought it19:30
quiltPThreetimes: oh really :(19:30
quiltPthat's unfortunate19:30
sebsebsebThreetimes: plenty of ignorant consumers that follow them like a herd of sheep for various reasons.  locking business's in is where the big money is for them.  anyway this is off topic19:30
Threetimessebsebseb: maybe windows users are retards... why don't they use ubuntu? WHY?19:30
dreamyThreetimes: do you run a server ?19:30
Threetimesdreamy: yes, I do19:30
quiltPThreetimes: I actually got some help from someone on tis chan a while back who helped me install some propriety drivers19:30
racecar56Threetimes i give you three fives for that, i agree19:30
dreamyThreetimes: nice19:30
sebsebsebThreetimes: well  Ubuntu  with a bit of help can be great for average computer users,  but  there are three very common issues.   xorg issues,  wireless, and sound issues,  hum19:31
quiltPThreetimes: which helped, but I still have a number of issues19:31
Threetimeslolz, three ppl talking to me at once.19:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about timidity19:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about timidity++19:31
quiltPThreetimes: sorry :P19:31
ioudasI have a question I am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 on a asus m2a-vm and when i install it just prompts at initramfs and im not sure whats up. I google searched it and tried to play around with bios settings and some other stuff to no avail. Anyone got any advice?19:32
ThreetimesquiltP: what exact problems? Do you use Ubuntu 8.10 or any older version?19:32
WhitorAnyone know where I can get some help setting up a pcmcia 2 port serial card?19:32
clars_my xsane tells me "no devices avaiable" ... but the scanner is connectet19:32
quiltPThreetimes: umm how can i check the version19:33
racecar567.10 is dieing shortly right?19:33
quiltPThreetimes: i have actually forgotten which version i'm on19:33
Threetimesdreamy: why did you ask? Do you want help on setting one up your own? do you want to use mine?19:33
quiltPThreetimes:  it's the latest long support version19:33
mcneil90why i'm having this error?: The file /boot/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly19:34
titonhi i got a question. if u install using the alternativ cd and chose a full encryption using the whole disc by using automatic partioining using the fulldisk....does that give me an encrypted swap as well?19:34
mcneil90i'm trying to set up gfxboot19:34
dreamyThreetimes:  just asking for no big reason in particular ..  i got my set .. nightrid3r helped  me ..19:34
dreamy"i got mine set "19:34
ThreetimesquiltP: good! I use a later version, and I cant do what you van.19:34
sebsebsebracecar56: yep19:35
dreamyThreetimes: mine is just not indexed in google yet..19:35
sebsebsebtiton: encrypted swap heh.  do you even know what that is?19:35
sebsebsebtiton:  your data does not go on swap19:35
ThreetimesquiltP: go System > Administration > Screens and Graphics19:35
dreamyThreetimes:  nightrid3r told me it whould take 3 weeks after indexing19:35
shiny_peoplehow do I respond to a message on my facebook wall?19:36
nightrid3rup to 3 weeks19:36
shiny_peopletheres no respond button19:36
sebsebseb!ot | shiny_people19:36
ubottushiny_people: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:36
Threetimesdreamy: sometimes it takes less then a day, sometimes it takes longer than a month, sometimes something doesn't get indexed at all. You van have control over that.19:36
dreamyThreetimes: ok19:37
quiltPThreetimes: i don't seem to have a "screens and graphics" option19:37
Threetimesdreamy: try googling the title of a ubuntuforums.org post made yesterday. You'll find it19:37
mattAny suggestions for backup19:37
=== matt is now known as Stix
dreamyThreetimes: .. just wondering what are you broadcastig ? .. i wonder if i could ask that ..19:37
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:37
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe19:38
titonsebsebseb yes what ever doesnt fit in ur memory will go in ur swap.....and when u hibernate19:38
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:38
titonand i dont want aything to be found....19:38
sebsebsebtiton: yeah something like that,  but encrypted swap hum19:38
ThreetimesquiltP: you are probably using 8.10 anyway... Now things are getting more complex. That's short for: I don't know how to help you any further...19:38
quiltPThreetimes: :) no problem19:38
titoni think it is encrypted but not sure19:38
sebsebsebtiton: well the alternate CD is meant to be able to do whole  hard disk encryption, so I guess that will include the swap19:38
quiltPThreetimes: thanks for the help anyway19:38
Threetimesdreamy: I'm hosting multiple websites for myself, friends, family, and all of my personal mail is going thoroug it.19:39
titonbut if it shows up on /dev/mapper i guess it mst be19:39
quiltPThreetimes: i'll try and throw the question out there again and see if i get any takers19:39
dreamyThreetimes: okey..cool stuff19:39
titonbut its encrypted with same key and thats fine...i know u can just have it randomly encryptd each time u boot19:39
rhettdoes anyone know how I can bootstrap an existing centos box to intrepid?19:39
titonmesses up the hibernate thingy so havng same key for swap works19:39
ThreetimesquiltP: try posting it on the forums. There are a lot of people who know more about grapics-in-ubuntu that I do19:40
ioudasI have a question I am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 on a asus m2a-vm and when i install it just prompts at initramfs and im not sure whats up. I google searched it and tried to play around with bios settings and some other stuff to no avail. Anyone got any advice?19:40
titon<sebsebseb> titon:  your data does not go on swap........ hmm seb can i ask if u know what a swap is :P19:40
quiltPThreetimes: ok will do thanks again19:40
titonhehehe thf for help though....had to be a lill smart ass back19:40
Threetimesdreamy: oh..,I run ssh too19:40
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:40
sebsebseb!swap | titon19:40
ubottutiton: please see above19:40
Threetimesvery important for me :p19:40
dreamyThreetimes: nice19:40
=== chris_ is now known as chrisrio
titon It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough.   of so my data do go in the swap then :D19:41
StixIt's basically a file on your hardrive that acts as memory.....normally used if u run out of memory19:41
JeroenTBioudas: it seems it can't mount root19:41
titoni know i know just bugging sebsebseb19:41
JeroenTBioudas: which means grub has not been installed right19:42
sebsebsebtiton: swap is mainly for people with shitty amount of RAM :D  I guess, but  I ran quite nicely with no swap on 1GB so :d19:42
ioudasyeah i was just putting the cd in...19:42
ioudasnothing else it has windows xp installed on it19:42
racecar56if i dd'd my /home partition, how would i dd it back right op top of it?19:42
JeroenTBracecar56: why would you want to do that ?!?19:43
shiny_peoplewhy is there no news, no anouncement about 9.04 whatsoever? its not even mentioned on the ubuntu website19:43
racecar56JeroenTB backup19:43
sebsebseb!jaunty | shiny_people19:43
ubottushiny_people: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:43
paul_foxhi all19:43
sebsebsebpaul_fox: hello, can we/I help you with something?19:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:43
unopracecar56, dd isn't a particularly efficient way to backup a partition - as it includes freespace in the resulting image.19:43
JeroenTBok, well just do dd if=backup.bin of=/dev/<home partition> while /home is not mounted, so in single user mode19:44
paul_foxdoes anybody knows good tutorial on irc command for me19:44
unopracecar56, tar would be a better way.19:44
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:44
JeroenTBunop: true, tar is better if using the right options19:44
sebsebsebpaul_fox: oh  that's  ot really and so hum19:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:44
nightLjL, hey, how can i look for a running process?19:45
unopnight, pgrep19:45
nightunop, ?19:45
JeroenTBnight: open a terminal and type ps or top19:45
* ioudas ponders19:45
=== owen_ is now known as Woodpecker
JeroenTBnight: ps auxce19:45
nightah, thx19:45
unopnight,  pgrep firefox-bin && echo yay, firefox is running.19:46
JeroenTBunop: didn't know that one, pretty modern command i guess ?19:46
Lord-Jynxanyone here ever seen the 8.10 or 9.04 live cd not boot if a 6600gt is installed?  If I remove it and use the onboard video, it works fine.  The alternate install works until it tries to boot up for the firest time.19:47
ioudasmy 8.10 wont boot either :-)19:47
ioudasfrom cd19:47
unopJeroenTB, don't think so - it's been part of procps for quite sometime now.19:47
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
JeroenTBlol, guess i'm pretty oldschool than ;)19:47
scuniziLord-Jynx: this can happen on some systems when there are two card options.. if you disconnect the onboard in bios you might be able to get the 6600 to work right off the bat19:48
JeroenTBioudas: what's the last message you see ?19:48
UnderTakerCan ubuntu run good on a p3 667Mhz?19:48
sebsebsebUnderTaker: how much RAM/19:48
scuniziUnderTaker: yep.. but ram dependant19:48
Lord-Jynxscunizi it's a dell optiplex 755.  I've tried Auto, and onboard/add-on... doesn't seem to matter19:48
sebsebsebUnderTaker: ok will probably work then19:49
sebsebsebUnderTaker: 128MB though and got to do something, before later Live CD's will even boot up properly19:49
Lord-Jynx8.04 worked perfect... 8.10/9.04 stop at squashfs: version 3.3 (2007/10/31) Phillip Lougher19:49
scuniziLord-Jynx: is the 6600 agp or pci?19:49
azlonseems like my system is using too many resources19:49
quiltPhi all, I have been experiencing some issues with my graphics card (radeon HD 4850) ever since I installed ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me sort out some of these? :)19:49
azlonmy processor is running at 50-60% all the time19:49
Peteinulimit -d 400; myprogram.out => does this command give to my program 400MB available RAM to execute?19:49
scuniziLord-Jynx: and was the monitor hooked with vga connector or dvi?19:49
rhettdoes anyone know how to turn a centos box into an ubuntu box without optical media?19:49
sebsebsebquiltP: what kind of issues?19:50
Lord-Jynxscunizi dvi-->vga adapter19:50
sebsebsebrhett: you can't chagne one distro into another19:50
Lord-Jynxthe card is dual-head19:50
ThreetimesUnderTaker: I'm running a server on a p3 600 with 265MB rab, and I've had a grapical install on that system too. No problems at all.19:50
jussi01!usb | rhett19:50
ubotturhett: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:50
quiltPsebsebseb: hi, i can't play any video files19:50
scuniziLord-Jynx: card is dual but the monitor is vga?19:50
rhettsebsebseb, i believe you are wrong19:50
quiltPsebsebseb: well they play but are extremely jerky19:50
sebsebsebquiltP: graphics card driver installed?19:51
Lord-Jynxscunizi correct... my monitors are only vga capable19:51
sebsebsebrhett: CentOS can't be turned into Ubuntu19:51
rhettsebsebseb, then how does this build script work: http://alestic.com/19:51
scuniziLord-Jynx: plural.. did you have both monitors hooked up ?19:51
Lord-Jynxcard is dvi.. but, I used dvi-->vga conversion19:51
rhettit says you can start with fedora, and it turns into ubuntu19:51
Lord-Jynxscunizi I did yes... should I just use one?19:51
ThreetimesquiltP: press ALT-F2 and type gstreamer-properties. go to the 2nd tab.19:51
quiltPsebsebseb: i think it is a propriety driver19:51
sebsebsebrhett: well  i'll look at that, but  it makes more sense to just do a nice  clean install of Ubuntu19:52
mattgyver83Ive converted some video from .flv to mp3 using ffmpeg, on the pc they play fine, when i put them on my mp3 player its hit or miss, some files play some dont.  Any Ideas?19:52
Threetimeswhat's listet at Plugin: ?19:52
scuniziLord-Jynx: yes.. that was most likely your issue.. there's a problem discovering and using monitors when there are two hooked to one card.. I would start with the vga to vga monitor19:52
ThreetimesXv ot no Xv?19:52
f_newtonrhett, how does fedora turn in to ubuntu?19:52
quiltPThreetimes: video for linux 2 (v4l2)19:52
dreamyThreetimes: whats a long tail side . then?19:52
rhettf_newton, it's in the script somewhere, that's what I want to know19:52
scuniziLord-Jynx: after installing it's pretty easy to get both monitors working.19:52
dreamyThreetimes: long tail site19:53
Lord-Jynxscunizi so, take out my add-on card?19:53
quiltPThreetimes: plugin is "Autodetect"19:53
simion314hi, i removed the synaptics driver and the toucpad is still working19:53
Lord-Jynx.:[scunizi]:. problem is, to use it, I have to plug it back in then it crashes19:53
f_newtonrhett, fedora, rhel, and centos are all rpm based distros as is mandriva.... ubuntu is a debian "type" distro that uses dpkg19:53
doleybsimion314: Supposedly, the driver is just so you can access the touchpad's config settings.19:53
rhetti understand this f_newton19:53
Peteinulimit -d 400; myprogram.out => does this command give to my program 400MB available RAM to execute? Is this the correct command to change the programs heap size?19:53
scuniziLord-Jynx: not necessarily.. just have one monitor plugged in to the 6600 on the vga side.19:53
ThreetimesquiltP: try putting it on Xv and no Xv, just test both and tell me the results19:54
rhettf_newton, but they all use the same kernel, so it is of course possible19:54
Lord-Jynxscunizi ok.  But, even though I'm using dvi-->vga?19:54
quiltPThreetimes: ok will do, will get back to you now19:54
f_newtonwell then you should understand how silly that statement was19:54
Lord-Jynxscunizi all the card has is dvi out... I'm just using dvi-->vga converters19:54
f_newtonno they dont use the same kernel19:54
scuniziLord-Jynx: you have two dvi's on the 6600?19:54
Lord-Jynxscunizi correct.. it's a dual-head19:54
f_newtonubuntu has its own as does fedora19:54
Lord-Jynxmy monitors are vga19:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:55
Threetimesdreamy: longtail video is a flash video player, like you have on youtube. I have used it on one of my own sites... Read their website for more info19:55
linkmaster03how do i log into another user account from a current user's shell?19:55
jattlinkmaster03: su19:55
Picilinkmaster03: su newusername19:55
dreamyThreetimes: okey19:55
scuniziLord-Jynx: didn't realize .. I have a 6600 agp dual head and it's dvi and vga.. so yea.. use the converter19:55
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:55
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:55
simion314ddeyb: how can i disable the touchpad? it makes my mouse go in the uper right corner19:55
JeroenTBlinkmaster: use the su command19:55
linkmaster03jatt: Pici: thanks19:55
Lord-Jynxscunizi hmm... any particular interface I should start with?19:55
JeroenTBlinkmaster: su - <username>19:55
scuniziLord-Jynx: not sure I'm following?19:55
sim_kharkov<Lord-Jynx> dvi->vga didnt convert... just change a jack19:56
Lord-Jynxscunizi any particular output I should use?  dvi-1, dvi-2?19:56
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axisyshow do I make the interfaces names as public and private instead of eth0 and eth1 ?19:56
Lord-Jynxsim_kharkov ??19:56
scuniziLord-Jynx: if you mean which output on the card, if you can tell then the "0" or first output might be preferrable.19:56
dreamyThreetimes: im not expecting a feed back to know when my page has been indexed..  they wont to that at google? .. to be shure it has been succedfully indexed19:56
f_newtonrhett, you have been misled.  They are based on a vanilla linux kernel but each distro tailors that kernel to fit its own specialties.... both fedora and Ubuntu use the 2.6.27 kernel base but thats where it ends.19:57
JeroenTBaxisys: i don't think you can rename ethernet devices19:57
quiltPThreetimes: the noXv setting gives a perfect test pattern19:57
rhettok , i forgot about that f_newton19:57
quiltPThreetimes: but doesn't seem to help playing actual video files19:57
sim_kharkovyour first dvi has additional contacts19:57
Threetimesdreamy: no, they do not even know you email-address19:58
Diego_BRaxisys: see udev manual.19:58
axisysDiego_BR: k19:58
dreamyyes.. ok19:58
sebsebsebrhett: Amazon something or the other19:58
f_newtonrhett, iirc Fedora uses a completely unique core file naming convention19:58
sim_kharkov<Lord-Jynx> your first dvi has additional contacts19:58
raveni need to open an executable file (from http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=245788&sel_platform=12062) but i do not really understand, how this will work...19:58
ThreetimesquiltP: I think that it can't use your GPU for rendering the video because of crapy drivers (blaim ATI)19:58
JeroenTBDiego_BR: ethernet devices don't have device nodes as other devices have...19:58
Lord-Jynxscunizi ok, so, no VGA hooked up on my onboard vga and adapter 0 (or whatever first one is called) on my 6600gt?19:58
Lord-Jynxsim_kharkov my card is a 6600gt19:58
ThreetimesquiltP: I meant: blame ATi19:58
sebsebseb!tar |  raven19:59
ubotturaven: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression19:59
f_newtonrhett, with any distribution I know of other then rhel or centos.... possibly bsd being another exception a clean install is always best19:59
quiltPThreetimes: balls...and there are no linux drivers for my card at the moment ?19:59
LandonGHey all, I have a quick question. I was having problems with my wired internet, and we got it working for a bit using sudo dhclient eth0, but when I disconnected and tried to use wireless, it didn't work. Then when I tried to connect my wired back up, now that's stopped working. Now when I run sudo dhclient eth0, it just runs and doens't find anything saying "DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 5, then19:59
Lord-Jynxscunizi I should say, hook up the adapter 0 to my monitor19:59
ThreetimesquiltP: next card i'm gonna buy is probably a nvidia19:59
quiltPThreetimes: are they better supported in linux?19:59
sim_kharkov<Lord-Jynx> look for four contacts and \ beetween and plug converter to19:59
LandonGThen says no working leases in persistent database- sleeping19:59
ravensebsebseb no... i mean the file jackctlmmc out of the file. it is declared as application/executable20:00
Lord-Jynxsim_kharkov yeah, I'm not having an issue plugging in my adapters :)... if that's what you're meaning?20:00
Yuretsz1Hi. Does anybody know if there any cli tool to add attachments to pdf file?20:00
ThreetimesquiltP: the only driver for modern ATi cards, like you's and mine, is their own driver. The specifications of the hardware itself isn't open.20:00
sebsebsebraven: ok  extract it some wehre,  right click on it,  go to permissions and  tick for execute20:00
sebsebsebraven: I assume it's a .sh20:00
ThreetimesquiltP: their own driver has the problem that thet aren't working on it hard enough.20:00
f_newtonI am using a rather old ati card and the ubuntu supplied driver works great .... much better then the ati proprietary driver20:01
ravenit isn't20:01
Peteinhow can i see how much ram takes each program?20:01
ravensebsebseb Programm (application/x-executable)20:01
ThreetimesquiltP: but it's better than some of my experiences with their windows driver :p20:01
ravenpetein systemmonitor20:01
quiltPThreetimes: really :) oh well we wait in hope i guess20:01
sebsebsebraven: ok whatever and I am not downloading it20:01
Diego_BRJeroenTB: in /etc/udev/rules.d$ cat 70-persistent-net.rules you can do it.20:02
Lord-Jynxscunizi I should mention that the live cd never displays the splash screen either... dumps to a terminal type window and halts20:02
Lord-Jynxscunizi it stops here: squashfs: version 3.3 (2007/10/31) Phillip Lougher20:02
Diego_BRJeroenTB: Using the mac.20:02
ravensebsebseb its a tool for the jacksound server - no virus ;)20:02
quiltPThreetimes: i think i should maybe try the latest proprietary drivers as i think i have an old version installed20:02
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: ah ha you can't boot up the Live CD properly, how much RAM?20:02
Lord-Jynxbut, I'll try removing all vga hookups except 0 and trying it again20:02
Lord-Jynxsebaseb 2gb20:02
Lord-Jynx8.04 worked perfect20:02
Lord-Jynx8.10/9.04 no go20:03
Lord-Jynxalternative works fine, but then hangs on first boot20:03
f_newtonis 9.04 released?20:03
JeroenTBDiego_BR: Looks like it does indeed, neat ;)20:03
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: oh well not that much difference between 8.04 and  8.1020:03
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:03
SEVILLAf_newton: next month20:03
ThreetimesquiltP: what's worse: 1280*1024 on a 1400*900 screen (linux) or multiple BSOD's a day (windows). that was the situation in january 2008. Things have improved on both sides, but they aren't finished yet...20:03
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb - yeah, that's what I don't get20:03
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: altough 8.10 has a completly differnet version of Xorg than what 8.04 has20:04
Lord-Jynxwhich, means that 9.04 probably uses the 8.10 one20:04
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: yep  or one that is slightly later20:04
Lord-Jynxany ideas why it just stops with my addon card?20:05
Lord-Jynxthe splash screen doesn't even appear20:05
quiltPThreetimes: do you have the latest driver installed (or more specifically do you know how to install it?)20:05
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: I missed most of your stuff.  add on card????/20:05
SEVILLAf_newton: 9.04 means 04/0920:05
Lord-JynxI can boot into recovery mode, then into ubuntu20:05
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb - yeah, 660gt20:05
Lord-Jynxerr, 6600gt20:05
echogen_how can i resume a broken apt-get download ?20:05
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: well  not all graphics cards are going to work with xorg, because  no suppourt for them in Xorg, because of hardware manufactures20:06
geoaxisi hope for the coming release Ubuntu does some thing about bad performance of firefox20:06
Lord-Jynxyeah, worked in 8.04 ... lol20:06
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: is that an old card?20:06
ThreetimesquiltP: just wait a second... I'll upload the .deb's to my own server20:06
Lord-Jynxfairly old yeah20:06
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: Nividia?20:06
simion314it is imposible to turn off the synaptics toucpad  forever? is there a module that can be blacklisted? i do not see a synaptics module20:07
quiltPThreetimes: great thanks so much for all the help20:07
Diego_BRechogen_:  download again.20:07
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: ok yeah that versin of Xorg  lacks suppourt for really old cards20:07
geoaxiscurrent version of firefox is really crappy on my system20:07
quiltPThreetimes: this for me is the best part of linux :D20:07
Diego_BRechogen_: apt-get install pack20:07
adambif I wanted to rsync files with extensions *.jpg *.gif how can I do that in one line?20:07
sebsebsebgeoaxis: yep it's pretty crappy on mine as well,  that  unoffical Ubuntu version of Firefox20:07
sdf2anyboy can tell me what to do if pulseaudio wont start?20:07
sdf2i can't start padevchooser20:07
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb that why the live cd and live boot die?20:08
fghjkou i20:08
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb - I even have the nvidia driver set installed20:08
echogen_i mean i am installing kde via apt-get ... some packages got a broken download... if i re-issue the command, would it resume or start over ?20:08
ThreetimesquiltP: try to call the M$ helpdesk and... well... you better don't call them anyway...20:08
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: yep  it's probably to do with the card, why you got problems20:08
geoaxissebsebseb:  i am not running any thing out of the repository ...20:08
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb - any ideas besides a new card?20:08
sdf2what to do if pulseaudio device chooser wont start?20:08
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: not really, and Xorg is a bitch to configure20:09
Diego_BRstart over.20:09
john3sdf2, what error do you get20:09
khaalhi, how can i make sure if i'm using 32bit or 64bit linux, except by uname -r ?20:09
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: in fact I think the version in 8.10 of Xorg,  has been made in a way, that loads of old configuring stuff, will no longer work20:09
sdf2john3: no errors20:09
yao_ziyuanupdate-notifier outputs: sh: /usr/share/apt-file/is-cache-empty: not found20:09
sdf2john3: it stimply starts loading and then nothing happens20:09
yao_ziyuandoes it mean i should install apt-file?20:09
ThreetimesquiltP: http://peter-server.homelinux.net/fxglrx/20:09
ned_السلام عليكم20:10
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb update from 8.04 to 8.10 is what started all this crap20:10
john3if you type padevchooser in the terminal, what is displayed there?20:10
Lord-Jynxdoes recovery mode bypass parts of xorg?20:10
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: go back to 8.04?20:10
Lord-JynxI really want 9.0420:10
sdf2john3:  pulseaudio -D20:10
sdf2W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.20:10
sdf2E: main.c: daemon startup failed.20:10
sebsebsebLord-Jynx:  that's in development20:10
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb yeah, I know20:10
ned_هل من متحدث بالعربية20:10
Threetimesdownload them all, and install them all. If it complains about depencies, try a different order. I don't know what order I used.20:10
khaalned_: I speak a little arabic20:10
geoaxisوعلیکم اؒلسلام: ned_20:10
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: you could have 8.04 and run 9.04  in a virtual machine, and everything will just work then I guess :d  since for anything it has a problem with, it will use the host20:11
quiltPThreetimes: ok a real noob question...when you say install them all..20:11
khaalanyone knows how to find out if you're using 32bit or 64bit linux... besides by uname -r ?20:11
Lord-JynxI'm more inclined to think it's this damn optiplex 75520:11
ioudasMy question and out put http://pastebin.com/m3a8773f620:11
joaopintokhaal, i'ts uname -m20:11
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: well you can configure xorg  or try to and things like that, but it's not much fun20:11
sdf2john3: any clue?20:12
geoaxiskhall : yes, make a C program which prints sizeof(int)20:12
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb - I successfuly install the nvidia drivers in the recovery mode... but, crashes at the same point on boot up20:12
ThreetimesquiltP: Are you using a 32 or 64 bits linux? press ALT-F2 and type this:  uname -m | zenity --text-info20:12
john3sdf2, anything in /var/log/syslog?  ie. grep pulse /var/log/syslog20:13
Lord-Jynxwhat's the command to rebuild the xorg.conf file?20:13
quiltPThreetimes: 32 i believe20:13
Threetimesif it says something like i686 it's ok20:13
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: yeah  your issues, because  most/all hardware manufactures, won't suppourt  Linux properly yet20:13
f_newtonSEVILLA, oh... duh20:13
khaalgeoaxis: ugh, i dont think i even have my system set up for compilation :-) no other, easy way?20:13
khaalnevermind, Threetimes answered my question accidently hehe :-)20:13
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: the command not sure20:14
maxxleHello, can somebody tell me where i can find a usable manpage for that buggy NetworkManager?20:14
ThreetimesquiltP: download them all to a new folder, and double-click on them20:14
sdf2john3: yes20:14
quiltPThreetimes: that command you gave didn't seem to do anything20:14
Lord-Jynxsebsebseb thanks for help20:14
quiltPThreetimes: did i type it correctly... "uname -m | zenity -- text- info"20:14
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: yeah  stick around and someone can probably help you more properly with xorg20:14
ThreetimesquiltP: sure?20:15
khaalThreetimes: I just tried it and it didnt work, it worked in the terminal though...20:15
r00tintheb0xtorrentflux is the bomb.20:16
ThreetimesquiltP: try typing gnome-terminal, you'll see a scary window where you can input any command you like. Ever used DOS? :p20:16
quiltPThreetimes: haha a little bit back in the day20:16
Lord-Jynx.:[sebsebseb]:. I might have to try the live cd again when I get home... I had to go back to *GULP* xp since I couldn't get it to work :)20:16
quiltPThreetimes:  i have a terminal open20:16
khaalquiltP: he's exaggerating, that black thing is more pretty than scary ;-)20:17
sebsebsebLord-Jynx: XP :d  on the subject of 9.04  I am about to  upgrade to it20:17
quiltPkhaal: haha luckily this theme i'm using make the terminal an innocent white colour20:17
Lord-Jynx9.04 went smooth on my lappy and my other desktop here20:18
ThreetimesquiltP: just type uname -m there.20:18
anabolix@find You Never Said - Dash Berlin Remix20:18
khaalquiltP:  everything goes, as long its not neon pink!20:18
unko Lord-Jynx is 9.04 out yet?20:18
anabolixoops :S20:18
Lord-Jynxit's in dev yeet20:18
sebsebseb!jaunty | unko20:18
ubottuunko: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:18
Lord-JynxI'm just playing with it20:18
unkohow is it so far?20:18
Lord-Jynxfew crashes now and then20:18
ThreetimesquiltP: and?20:19
Lord-Jynxcrashes with software not the OS itself :D20:19
BrinstarLord-Jynx: what made it crash?20:19
khaalLord-Jynx: awn and exaile is crashing to the left and right for me20:19
quiltPThreetimes: i68620:19
ThreetimesquiltP: already downloaded the .deb's?20:19
gldtnhello.. I'm currently trying to get my wireless card to work on a laptop that doesn't have a connection to the inet. It carries a broadcom card.. whats the best possible way to get it working? I did a "lspci | grep -i broadcom" and it showed my card bcm430620:19
quiltPThreetimes: what does that tell us?20:19
quiltPThreetimes: the last file is almost done20:20
hatter243!broadcom | gldtn20:20
ubottugldtn: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:20
quiltPThreetimes: i'm in south africa with a bit of a slow connection here ;)20:20
Lord-Jynxbrinstar no clue what made it crash20:20
Lord-Jynxkhaal - not sure what those are :)20:20
BrinstarLord-Jynx: like u said, it was probably the apps20:20
ThreetimesquiltP: lolz. Do you speak dutch? or "afrikaans"?20:21
khaalLord-Jynx: oh, its avant window manager and the gnomish amarok wannabee20:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:21
quiltPThreetimes:  ek praat a bietjie afrikaans20:21
ThreetimesquiltP: afrikaans souns quite funny for dutch people :p20:21
Brinstaralpha 6 has been rock solid for me so far, only the sound is a bit flaky20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addon20:21
Brinstarthat i can live with20:21
sebsebsebkhaal: Gnomeish   Amarok  wannabee??????20:21
Lord-Jynxhaah.. I'm linux stupid :)20:21
khaalsebsebseb: indeed?20:21
quiltPThreetimes: haha i can imagine, i've been there once and didn't understand too much...are you dutch?20:21
Lord-Jynxkhaal ^20:21
sebsebsebkhaal: which package are you reffering to?20:22
ThreetimesquiltP: in dutch you'd say "ik spreek een beetje afrikaans)", and yes, i'm dutch20:22
martywmy laptop running kubuntu won't recognize my sd card20:22
khaalsebsebseb: it's the only thing that managed to convert me away from amarok for me anyway :-) exaile ofcourse20:22
quiltPThreetimes: cool! i loved amsterdam :) spent a week there. what an amazing city20:22
martyw there are two card readers built into the laptop.  one is for storage expansion, the other is just a card reader.20:22
sebsebsebkhaal: ok not used that, I use Banshee :)20:22
martywI put the card into the computer, and nothing happens.20:23
quiltPThreetimes: a quick question - is there a shortcut in ubuntu to show the desktop?20:23
martywit doesn't show up as an available device that's been attached like my digicam, ipod, palm pilot, etc all do20:23
khaalsebsebseb: that one like to hog up my cpu and gets stuck on fetching album cover loop!20:23
ThreetimesI don't like Amsterdam, or big old cities in general. I live in Almere. The part where I live is built after I was born :p20:23
gldtnhatter243, I got a broadcom rev 3.. It seems that from hardy on it installs the new driver that works with rev 4 and up.. so I need to remove the new driver and install the old bcm4306-fwcutter.. Can I find this on the installation disk or will I need to get like a .deb file and use it?20:24
perilluxHow can I dissable the splash screen to show text on start up?  and could someone tell me how to get a text based login screen instead of a graphical one?20:24
quiltPThreetimes: wow that's crazy, it must be an extremely modern city20:24
muni have hardy installed but i can't boot it using the livecd. it seems to get stuck at the splash screen (the brown background). could someone please help?20:24
doleybperillux: Well, easy way is to remove gdm packages20:24
khaalperillux: are you speaking of usplash, the big ubuntu logo at boot?20:24
perilluxkhaal: ya, how can I get rid of that so it will show text while it's loading20:25
blippgldtn: find the fwcutter package in synaptic, and see if you can force the older version from there...20:25
quiltPThreetimes: ok those files are downloaded, any special order i should install them in?20:25
ThreetimesquiltP: that's just what i like about it, 12mbit cable internet. glass fiber in less than a year.20:25
khaalperillux: thats an easy one20:25
Steve^Why is "libgd-perl" in aptitude? It is omitted from Synaptic and cannot be installed.. so what is its purpose?20:25
ThreetimesquiltP: just try any order. I guess I installed the alfabetically.20:25
khaalperillux: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the "quiet" switch20:25
khaalperillux: you can also remove the "splash" switch to get only text without any fancy graphics20:26
douglwhat does it mean when you do a ls and your filename appears in red?20:26
ThreetimesquiltP: If you get an error, save that package for the end and try again.20:26
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khaalperillux: just make sure to take a backup and to only edit the correct entry - or you wont be able to boot20:26
douglin bash20:26
=== crunchbang is now known as Jrsquee
Threetimesdougl: that means it is compressed/archived20:27
douglThreetimes, thanks :)20:27
JrsqueeCan someone spare a moment?  I've managed to break GRUB, and I need some help20:27
Threetimesdougl: probably zip/gzip/tar/bzip/deb files20:27
douglThreetimes, and rar :)20:27
quiltPThreetimes: holy crap! awesome the first file i installed got my sound card to work!! :)20:28
hatter243!grub | Jrsquee20:28
ubottuJrsquee: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:28
quiltPThreetimes: that was another issue i was going to tackle for another day but it sounds good to me now :)20:28
ThreetimesquiltP: are you using your hdmi output or something as sound card?20:28
gabbahHey guys! I'm dropping a new theme into the appearance dialog as you should, and it says "new theme has been installed", but then nothing happens. No new theme is added, only the ones that were already there are visible and can be selected. If I try to add it again, it says it cannot overwrite the folder (so I guess it's there somehow, but not showing up).20:28
hatter243gabbah, have you tried customizing one of the themes that already exist?20:29
Threetimesdougl: I don;t know if bash recognises rar, it is an closed and unpopular fomat on linux. You're prebably an ex-windows user :p I user winrar until i discovered 7-zip :p20:29
n8tusergabbah -> dont know, try to log off and log on, or maybe restart gdm20:29
martywplease check my error: http://pastebin.ca/136259620:29
quiltPThreetimes: no a usb port actually, it's a two channel external sound card20:29
merquis7-zip for the win :D20:29
gabbahhatter243: why should i do that? i want to add a new one. but yes, i can customise current themes..20:30
sebsebsebmerquis: in Windows yeah, but in Ubuntu hum20:30
ThreetimesquiltP: is it something from ATi/AMD?20:30
ThreetimesquiltP: and which one did you install first?20:30
Brinstarsebsebseb: p7zips ok20:30
sebsebsebBrinstar: yeah, but it's a bit crappy that  7-zip is only on the command line in Linux20:30
GuuZgood evening20:31
bcogcan anyone help install a library called lapack?20:31
gabbahhatter243: if i customise, i can see the added themes are there... but then I'd had to select that themes buttons, then that themes window borders.. and so on. I'm not even sure i can select everything there that the new theme consists of20:31
Threetimessebsebseb: that's one of the reasons i don't use it anymore.20:31
Flare183Brinstar: Not true, you can use Archive Manager/File Roller with p7zip20:31
bcogwhen i try to compile, i get this error:  error while loading shared libraries: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:31
sebsebsebaltough apparnatlly GUI is for noobs :d   and  we should all use the command line loads, but whatever to that one :d20:31
rhousandI have a issue with my sound. It just stops working at random times if i restart my system it works fine. any ideas. also, is there a way to restart the sound software?20:31
bcogbut i can't seem to find how to get liblapack.so.320:31
GuuZIs there an application that checks your system log for known errors? something that analises the system log20:32
mattfred_is there a way too keep the terminal window open if you run an application in terminal using the custom application launcher? I'm using a sudo command and the program it calls also requires a password and the window closes after I enter the passwords, but I'd like to see the output (sorry I got disconnected earlier if someone answered this question)20:32
Brinstarsebsebseb: there is a gui for 7zip20:32
quiltPThreetimes: it's an alesis io2 (not sure if it is affiliated with either ATI or AMD) and not sure which package i installed first20:32
sebsebsebheh that guy comes in leaves that message, he tried to troll with it?   and then he leaves so so  soon after,  so he misses the whole discussion on it20:32
sebsebsebBrinstar: not for Linux20:32
hatter243gabbah, it might not have installed as a complete "theme" customize one of the ones that exist, under each of the tabs select the controls and window border from the theme you installed20:32
quiltPThreetimes: the last two files both seem to have missing dependencies20:32
quiltPThreetimes: more specifically libxi620:33
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor
Threetimesbcog: Don't try to compile anything: you dont have to!! go to system > administration > synaptic and search for lapack.20:33
uusedmansebsebseb, it worked!20:33
sebsebsebuusedman: remind me what worked20:33
bcogThreetimes, i did and i installed the libraries through the repositories, but i get that compile error when i am running my program20:33
trollboyis there an easy way to reset the sound daemon20:33
bcognot running their program, running my program that i created20:33
uusedmansebsebseb, i was scared that wireless usb wont work after upgrade20:33
quiltPThreetimes: i think the file i installed first was the fglrx-kernel-source_8.573-0ubuntu1_i38620:33
trollboyI was watching a video, then I got a beep from my email and its been stuck with a rapid purr ever since20:33
uusedmansebsebseb, i also uninstall gnash swfdec20:34
mattfred_is there a way too keep the terminal window open if you run an application in terminal using the custom application launcher? I'm using a sudo command and the program it calls also requires a password and the window closes after I enter the passwords, but I'd like to see the output (sorry I got disconnected earlier if someone answered this question)20:34
uusedmansebsebseb, thanks bro20:34
sebsebsebuusedman: ok20:34
Brinstarsebsebseb: i just opened a 7z file in file roller20:34
Flare183!repeat | mattfred_20:34
ubottumattfred_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:34
Threetimesbcog: also install the lapack-dev or liblapack-dev in you want to compile.20:34
sebsebsebBrinstar: well yeah you can open them up in those programs, but there is no acstaul 7zip GUI for Linux20:34
quiltPThreetimes: oh bleak it appears as though my sound still has issues20:34
Brinstarsebsebseb: just to check i wasnt going mad and that i had done it before :P20:34
Brinstaroh ok20:34
`GuillaumeAWwoaw that is amazing :)20:34
Brinstarthats no big deal20:35
perilluxhow can I get a text based login screen instead of the graphical one?20:35
`GuillaumeAWthat network rule :D :)20:35
n8tuserperillux -> ctrl+alt+f120:35
sebsebsebBrinstar: well the Windows 7zip  GUI is pretty nice really.20:35
Brinstaras long as the archiving works, who cares about the dum GUI20:35
ThreetimesquiltP: install libix through synaptig, read my message to bcog20:35
perilluxn8tuser: at startup20:35
Brinstarsebsebseb: it is nice but the file roller one is also ok20:35
n8tuserperillux -> same, instead of logging on via gui, do what i suggested20:35
sebsebsebBrinstar: I think I even done 7zip Windows version in Wine before, and that worked quite well20:35
oshua86Hey guys, is there any way/program to copy protected DVDs?20:36
sebsebsebBrinstar: winrar in windows yuck.  7zip :)  plus the major advantage of it being open source20:36
Flare183Brinstar: Use File Roller it works with p7zip20:36
perilluxn8tuser: I know it's possible though to not have to press anything, theres a way to have a text login automatically20:36
BrinstarFlare183: i do20:36
Flare183Brinstar: Then just install p7zip-full20:36
Brinstarand yeah it works for me, does the job20:36
perilluxHow can I replace the graphical login screen (at startup) with a text based one ?20:36
BrinstarFlare183: i have20:36
Flare183Brinstar: Then it should work20:37
sebsebsebhummmmm 7zip files.  well  I guess Linux would would usaully use tar.gz or something like that.20:37
BrinstarFlare183: :) it does20:37
sebsebsebLInux people above20:37
PaweneIs it possible to use a text file and if so, how would I do that? Google isn't helping much :-/20:37
Flare183Brinstar: oh ok20:37
Paweneer... (Use a text file as input for mv)20:37
n8tuserperillux -> what is your intention?20:37
BrinstarPawene: how do u mean use? just view?20:37
quiltPThreetimes: is libixp the correct package?20:37
quiltPi can't find libix on it's own20:38
ThreetimesquiltP: oh, and alesis has nothing to do with ati/amd20:38
PaweneBrinstar: Forgot to put the "mv" part in..20:38
coreyhow do I install apache? i tried sudo apt-get20:38
sim_kharkov<perillux> try disabling gdm20:38
simon__perillux: Disable gdm under System > Administration > Services20:38
sebsebseb!lamp | corey20:38
ubottucorey: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:38
Brinstarhmm, jsut thinking of an answer for you Pawene20:38
ThreetimesquiltP: huh? i see this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libxi620:38
GuuZWhats the easiest way to analyse the system log for errors or other unwanted activitiets?20:38
quiltPThreetimes: i think the sound thing must be a setup issue of some sort20:38
smtp_What kind of packages does Ubuntu use? Does it support RPM?20:38
KIAaze_hi, does anybody here know how to get rid of ^M line endings when editors don't show them?20:38
ThreetimesquiltP: maybe, but i gotta sleep :p20:38
bcogThreetimes, i already have liblapack-dev20:38
Threetimesgoodbye all :D20:38
zenlunaticsmtp_, yeah use 'alien'20:39
bcogawww bye20:39
n8tusersmtp_ -> nope, uses deb20:39
sebsebsebsmtp_: Ubuntu uses Deb,  it does not suppourt RPM, but alien can be used, but20:39
sim_kharkov<KIAaze_> dos2unix tool20:39
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:39
rdw200169KIAaze_, vim can do it.  i can't remember off the top of my head how, only that it can20:39
BrinstarPawene: isnt it just as simple as piping it like "textfile.txt > mv $1 \home\mydir20:39
ioudasyay all done20:39
KIAaze_vim doesn't show me the ^M20:39
KIAaze_I tried20:39
Brinstarsomething like that, havent scripted for ages20:39
zenlunaticBrinstar, that is redirect not pipe20:39
rdw200169KIAaze_, http://www.perturb.org/display/entry/679/20:40
PaweneBrinstar: Idk, I'm trying that now, but thats a good place to start.20:40
smtp_cool. thanks. I like deb20:40
Linuxhey i have an audio problem, when i play audio it makes a static noise20:40
zenlunaticsmtp_, deb and rpm are the biggest20:41
Linuxhey i have an audio problem, when i play audio it makes a static noise20:41
smtp_I didn't know deb was used outside of debian20:41
zenlunaticLinux, sorry to hear that (no pun intended)20:41
chronicLinux, simple answer, complie your own sound driver20:41
smtp_I have to make packages for a bunch of OS's at work, so I'm glad I don't have to learn something new =)20:41
Brinstarzenlunatic: :)20:41
LinuxChronic this i slinux i changed my name20:42
zenlunaticsmtp_, hm. i meant that rpm and deb are pretty much defacto20:42
Flare183fruc: use /j20:42
Linuxmaybe not20:42
Linuxhow do i compile it?20:42
zenlunaticsmtp_, if you want a job, learn those and you should be good20:42
ned_السلام عليكم20:42
smtp_so far I know deb, RPM, slackware and Solaris20:42
frucflare183: como?20:42
Flare183!arabic | ned_20:42
ubottuned_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:42
LinuxHey Chronic how do i compile my own driver?20:42
smtp_hmm and whatever freebsd's is called20:43
zenlunaticsmtp_, great20:43
ned_أريد أن أحمل القنوات التلفزيونية في الكافين فهل من مساعد20:43
quibblerfruc: /join #ubuntu-es20:43
Flare183ned_: ???20:43
jacekowski : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:43
jacekowski21:42 < Linux> Hey Chronic how do i compile my own driver?20:43
* Flare183 bangs his againest his desk20:43
chronicLinux, find a tutorial on compiling a driver for your soundcard20:43
KIAaze_:/ still not working20:43
Linuxthank u20:44
Linuxill go lookin20:44
jacekowskinobody alive on that arabic channel20:44
KIAaze_vim does show me "$" characters for newline20:44
dccuserDoes tar(); know how to handle noncase sensitive file systems?20:44
PaweneBrinstar: if you're still paying attention, that didn't work, I'm seeing if I can make it work with xargs and cat and something now... -.-20:44
KIAaze_but I can't figure out how to get rid of the ^M or \01520:44
KIAaze_./minimap3.py: a python\015 script text executable20:44
BrinstarPawene: as i said, i havent scripted things like that for a whle, did u try the pipe method?20:44
KIAaze_that's the result of "file ./minimap3.py"20:44
martywmy laptop running kubuntu won't recognize my sd card20:45
martywit doesn't show up as an available device that's been attached like my digicam, ipod, palm pilot, etc all do20:45
martywplease check my error: http://pastebin.ca/136259620:45
quiltPhi all i am trying to install some graphics drivers and when i try to install the .deb file i get the error: "Dependency is not satisfiable: libxi6" , but i have libxi6 installed. Can anyone please help?20:45
wiggyBonsoir tout le monde.20:45
PaweneBrinstar: Pipe method being the >'s? Yah, and I'm thinking I have the syntax wrong, couldn't find the command.20:45
sim_kharkovwiggy наше вам с кепочкой20:45
jophishwhere can I find the impression window manager theme?20:45
jophishtrying to install DarkMia20:45
Brinstarpipe is |20:45
wiggyS'il vous plaît, avec quelle commande puis-je changer mon identifiant (mon_identifiant@nom_machine) ?20:46
oshua86does anyone know of a program to copy protected DVDs?20:46
quibbler!fr | wiggy20:46
ubottuwiggy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:46
blippcopy disc to disc?20:46
oshua86blipp, yes20:46
YoavkYou can read it?20:46
blipppretty sure k3b or brasero can do that part20:46
arphiddoes anyone know why after i enable login auth by private/public key pair it doesn't display the motd when i log in anymore?20:47
oshua86blipp, even if it is protected?20:47
geoaxiswhich browser is best on linux (its definetly not firefox)20:47
wiggyplease, how can I change my login name in Ubuntu (login@server)20:47
mattfred_is there a way too keep the terminal window open if you run an application in terminal using the custom application launcher? I'm using a sudo command and the program it calls also requires a password and the window closes after I enter the passwords, but I'd like to see the output (sorry I got disconnected earlier if someone answered this question)20:47
sim_kharkovgeoaxis links)20:47
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PaweneBrinstar: Lol, guess I have even more research to do :-/ Will research piping a bit more20:48
blippwhy dont u just run the program from terminal to start with20:48
BrinstarPawene: dont worry its not hard, good luck20:48
geoaxissim_kharkov:  can we run flash in graphical version of links20:49
excowhere do I go looking for a gui for git? What do you use / any suggestions?20:49
sim_kharkovgeoaxis nop(20:49
austinplatthi everyone, installing ubuntu for the first time and i think i messed it up. after installing it seemed to be ok but when i restarted, i tried booting into windows and just got an error message that i couldnt get out of so i forced the computer to shut down and when i booted up again, i got a grub error 22 and it just gets stuck there and i cant do anything. im running on a live cd atm. ive tried the walkthrough at ht20:49
geoaxissim_kharkov:  if i could run flash on links i would dump every thing else20:50
sim_kharkovgeoaxis maybe try opera?20:50
zenlunaticmattfred_, maybe redirect the output20:50
blippaustin: search for grub error 22 in the ubuntu forums...there are tons of answers20:51
geoaxissim_kharkov:  want only open source20:51
geoaxissim_kharkov:  i am running ephipany and ephipany-webkit right now20:51
perilluxI took 'quiet' and 'splash' out of my  menu.lst   and I still see the ubuntu logo when i'm starting up instead of text.  What else do I need to do?20:51
sdf2anybody have a clue why padevchooser cannot start?20:51
geoaxismuch better than firefox20:51
quibblerwiggy: Go to System > Administration > Users and Groups and you should be able to change it in there.20:51
sim_kharkovgeoaxis, sorry(20:51
zenlunaticperillux, try leaving quiet20:51
austinplattblip: thanks ill take a look arround20:52
mattgyver83is there a program to answer or make calls from your home telephone within ubuntu?20:52
ravendoes anyone know any solution for that problem: " error while loading shared libraries: liblash.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"20:52
MrSunshineargh, got huge problems: problem no1, cant get my sound working in ubuntu, problem2: no wlan, using madwifi home compiled like ive done in archlinux before im getting alot of undefined symbols in module ieeee etc ...20:52
MrSunshineanyone? :/20:52
mattfred_zenlunatic: how would I do that?20:52
Eghiedoes anyone know a NFO builder kind of program for Ubuntu/Linux?20:52
zenlunaticmattfred_, pastebin your menu.lst20:52
danbhfiveaustinplatt: pastebinit /boot/grub/menu.lst      and   pastebinit <(sudo fdisk -l)20:52
blippmrSunshine enable 3rd party sources for you drivers20:52
quiltPhey guys i am trying to install a package but have a dependency error, could someone please give me a hand to try and sort out the issue :)20:52
MrSunshineblipp: how? :)20:52
blippsystem, administration, hardware drivers20:53
MrSunshineblipp: only one showing up ther eis the atheros driver and that one does not work it seems20:53
Tuxisthave ubuntu 8.10 a nfs4 bug ? #20:53
Tuxistimeout: 2147483647, uid: -1, gid: -1, num aux grps: 0:20:53
TuxistMar 16 21:49:39 wehrwolf rpc.svcgssd[5761]: sending null reply20:53
FloodBot2Tuxist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
TuxistMar 16 21:49:39 wehrwolf rpc.svcgssd[5761]: writing message: \x20:53
MrSunshinei do not get any wlan interface from it20:54
blipphave you activated it?20:54
MrSunshineblipp: yes20:54
blippthats ur wifi20:54
ravenliblash.so.1 any ideas? " error while loading shared libraries: liblash.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"20:54
blippyou have to bring ur interface up before u can actually use it20:54
MrSunshineblipp: its activated, but i can not set up a wlan connection, nor does iwlist scan etc show up any wlan interfaces20:54
AkkernightWhat's a good web design application? Like, Dreamweaver stuff20:54
blippdoes it show it20:54
MrSunshineblipp: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device20:54
MrSunshineblipp: no20:54
danbhfive!html > Akkernight20:54
ubottuAkkernight, please see my private message20:54
blippbring up wmaster0 first20:55
BrinstarAkkernight: bluefish20:55
MrSunshineblipp: no such interface either20:55
mattgyver83Akkernight, NVU is alright20:55
blipp/etc/init.d/NetworkManager start20:55
BrinstarAkkernight: or notepad++ in wine20:55
bcogcan anyone please help me to solve this compile error: error while loading shared libraries: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:55
MrSunshineblipp: have been able to ge it working before very nicley with th madwifi hal version i have, but installing that on ubuntu just spits out errors :/20:55
bcogi already do have liblapack-dev instilled20:55
MrSunshineblipp: fail20:55
bcogplease help i have a deadline20:56
blippi would think atheros would work out of the box20:56
bcogi had to upgrade to intrepid and none of my libraries are working20:56
MrSunshineblipp: had loads of problems with this specific card :/20:56
blipphow are you installing madwifi20:56
perilluxHow can I get rid of the Ubuntu logo on start up and just see text ??20:56
MrSunshineblipp: "make" "make install"20:56
blippim fairly certain theres a package for that20:56
smtp_do ubuntu start scripts work the same as on red hat? where I put the script in /etc/init.d and can do service <myscript> start?20:57
MrSunshineblipp: it only works in some madwifi versions if i have got it right from reading, and the one i ahve on my disk is one of them20:57
=== samitheb1rber is now known as samitheberber
smtp_well, service <myservicename> start20:57
bcogplease can someone help me?20:57
blippwhat chipset do u have20:57
MrSunshine Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)20:57
sim_kharkovmadwifi helps you20:58
zambai need php4 for my system.. i'm running ubuntu hardy.. what are my options?20:58
quibblerperillux: edit your menu.list and remove quiet and slash at the end of the first line20:59
MrSunshine"apt-cache search madwifi" just gives me "madwifi-tools" ?20:59
danbhfiveMrSunshine: did you try linux-backports-modules?20:59
bcogcan anyone help me with lapack or liblapack please?20:59
martywI cant find adept to install it.20:59
martywIm sure its there.20:59
martywWhat should I type?20:59
ohheyCan somebody help my get my mic working on ventrilo(wine)20:59
martywIm using Kubuntu20:59
bcogugh where did lizor go?  she/he was helping me20:59
bcogand then disappeared20:59
perilluxquibbler: I did that already, but i still see the logo20:59
martywI cant find adept.21:00
blippthats what u want to install21:00
martywhow to find it and install it?21:00
blipphey sunshine21:00
danbhfivemartyw: try #kubuntu21:00
martywisn't here also a help channel on kubuntu?21:00
andypls1hello guys i am having problems with ubuntu installation and i need some help21:01
jpdsmartyw: #kubuntu maybe? :)21:01
quibblerperillux: works for me ..look here: http://www.foogazi.com/2007/10/27/remove-the-ubuntu-splash-screen/21:01
bcogcan anyone help me with lapack or liblapack please?21:01
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Guest73058how do i 1) check what character encoding a text file is written in and 2) change the character encoding of the text?21:01
andypls1basically when i boot from the ubuntu CD and try to install it, at the phase that i have to select my partitions, the program doesn't find my partitions so i can't install it on the previous version of linux i have21:02
svrefI'm about to reinstall my desktop for the first time since ... a long time. Would it be least damaging to use Jaunty Alpha 6 or Intrepid Ibex?21:02
andypls1what should i do?21:02
blippintrepid ibex21:02
muni have hardy installed but i can't boot it using the livecd. it seems to get stuck at the splash screen (the brown background). could someone please help?21:02
Brinstarandypls1: have u tried manually partitioning?21:02
MrSunshineblipp: "wont work if you have AR5006" .. and my chip is a 500621:02
svrefblipp: ok, thx21:02
andypls1Brinstar  yes21:03
Brinstarwhat happened21:03
andypls1it just can't find any partitions , even though the kernel finds them21:03
martywHow do I get encrypted dvd support for ubuntu?21:03
andypls1i know from dmesg21:03
MrSunshinemy driver i have on disk works, i know it works but wont load cause of missing symbols in kernel :/21:03
blippwhats the output21:03
SEVILLAmun: do you have enough ram21:03
munSEVILLA, yes i do. there's 8gb here.21:03
Brinstarmun: what hardware are u using?21:03
PaweneI'm really struggling with the mv command, is it possible to pipe the output from cat into the mv command???21:03
martywHow do I get encrypted dvd support for ubuntu?21:04
jpds!es | jomasana21:04
ubottujomasana: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:04
jpds!dvd | martyw21:04
ubottumartyw: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:04
munBrinstar, it's an Intel Core2 Quad21:04
MrSunshineblipp: "missing symbol ieeee blabla .. a butload of those"21:04
munis there a way to make it show some error messages, fi any?21:04
MrSunshineil try again21:04
svrefPawene: maybe look at the command 'xargs'. That's what I use in that situation.21:04
samdmartyw, what version of ubuntu?21:04
blipphey sunshine21:04
blippur card tends to falsely report what it is21:05
Pawenesvref: Okay, looking at it, ty.21:05
blipp5006 is usually 500721:05
bcogone more time... can anyone help me with this compile error:  error while loading shared libraries: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:05
mib_0b99mdwhy does the non-free flash plugin not install the x86-64 version21:05
bcogthat is not a compile error, rather a runtime error21:05
bcogwhere did lizor suddenly go...21:05
MrSunshine[ 1252.518259] ath_pci: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_getrssi21:05
MrSunshine[ 1252.518265] ath_pci: Unknown symbol ieee80211_getrssi21:05
samdmartyw, what version of ubuntu?, are you in ubuntu 8.10?21:05
ohheyCan somebody help my get my mic working on ventrilo(wine)21:06
azlonisn't it release like April 23 or something?21:06
blippMrSunshine:  read this tutorial, i think it will work  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=800686&highlight=ar500621:06
svrefPawene: cat file-containing-pairs-of-names | xargs mv21:06
svrefPawene: on second thought, don't do that!21:06
Pawenesvref: Haha, didn't do it, but I'm doing it on "test.txt" files to be sure.21:07
martywnone in #kbuntu to help21:08
roadfishwhy doesn't this sudoers entry stop password during "sudo"???:21:08
blippmartyw, whats the deal21:09
roadfish    username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mpiosh21:09
MrSunshinei dont get it why the hell am i getting all those missing symbols? :/21:09
blippwith that tutorial?21:09
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
supercureuilfrench here ?21:09
MrSunshineblipp: snapshot is removed from madwifi thingie21:09
MrSunshineso no can do witht the links etc from it21:10
martywI cant get the package called kpilot21:10
quibbler!fr | supercureuil21:10
ubottusupercureuil: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:10
martywdo you guys see it?21:10
bcogcan anyone help me!!!21:10
martywmy friends told me that its there21:10
martywbut I cant see it!21:10
austinplatthi guys, me again, im having the grub error 22 problem, i couldnt find /root/grub/menu.lst but maybe this is useful, it is the output from "fdisk - lu" http://pastebin.com/m1c8a2eeb21:10
bcogubottu, si je parle francais, tu me help???????21:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:10
quibblersupercureuil: no problem man21:10
bcogoh ubottu really is a bot lol21:10
blippsunshine:  uninstall all the drivers for that card, madwifi etc.21:11
bcogiw as even going to beg a bot to help me lol21:11
martywdo you guys seem to find the package kpilot?21:11
bcogi wonder if lizor works for ubuntu and at 5 p.m.  she was like i'm out of here21:11
martywwhy cant I seem to findd it?21:11
photonIs using pipes faster than using TCP connections on localhost?21:12
d22hi all21:12
azlonI have a list of about 100 proxies... is there a program to randomly select one and possible remove the ones that no longer work?21:12
danbhfive!info kpilot | martyw21:12
ubottuPackage kpilot does not exist in intrepid21:12
martywhowever its there21:12
MrSunshineblipp: first of all i cant find a package named madwifi at all ...21:12
danbhfivemartyw: yeah, I can see it on my computer21:12
martywmy friend found it "i   kpilot                                    - KDE Palm Pilot hot-sync tool"21:13
martywwhy cant i seem to see it?21:13
bcogam i invisible?21:13
danbhfiveMrSunshine: did you try LBM?21:13
d22i've got a problem with python on my ubuntu 8.10 machine...21:13
danbhfive!anyone > bcog21:13
ubottubcog, please see my private message21:13
martywIt's not in multiverse or anything21:13
martywdanbhfive: what should I do to see it?21:13
quibblermartyw: it is in hardy21:13
MrSunshinedanbhfive: downloading it now21:14
d22all python apps, the python commandline show the follwing message: 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback21:14
d22someone a hint about that?21:14
bcoglol thanks danbhfive21:15
quibblermartyw: try sudo apt-get install kpilot   and see what happens21:15
blippsunshine:  are you using intrepid21:15
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danbhfivemartyw: hmmm, weird, I think you need to enable backports21:15
MrSunshinedanbhfive: that installs the ath5k driver and that does not work21:15
bcoghow can i solve this compile error:  error while loading shared libraries: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory?21:15
MrSunshinewhy the hell wont the source code compiled driver i have on disk work then!?21:15
bcogplease please please help a desperate girl that really really needs your help!!!!21:15
martywdanbhfive: what?21:15
danbhfive!backports > martyw21:16
ubottumartyw, please see my private message21:16
blippMrSunshine:  u there21:16
bcogwell, danbhfive i can see your suggestion helped21:16
martywDo you guys see it?21:16
MrSunshineblipp: can you write MrSunshine each time insted? ... i dont get highlight on sunshine21:16
bcogit's not a compile error.  i meant to say runtime error when i run my code21:16
martywhow would I enable backports and see it?21:16
MrSunshineblipp: whats inttrepid ?21:16
martywI use 8.1021:16
danbhfivebcog: well, probably no one knows.  Sorry21:17
blippMrSunshine:  8.1221:17
d22nobody an idea about the python error: 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback21:17
martywand it has kde4, if that makes any difference21:17
MrSunshineblipp: i dont know .. how do i check that ?21:17
andypls1guys how can i resize my partitions?21:18
blippMrSunshine:  system, administration, system monitor, system tab21:18
danbhfivemartyw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu21:18
RyanTwn manager, how do i install the applets?21:18
MrSunshineblipp: 8.10 (intrepid) it says21:18
RyanTawn mamnger*21:18
blippMrSunshine:  this is what u want  wget http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-hal-
RyanThow do i install the awn manager applets?21:18
blippMrSunshine:  use that command and follow these intstructions  http://blog.hyperandy.com/2008/11/01/atheros-ar242x-ubuntu-810-ibex/21:19
blippi have to leave for about an hour, but i'll be back on to help if you need it still21:20
bcoghow can i solve this compile error:  error while loading shared libraries: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory?21:20
dr_willis!find  liblapack.so.321:21
ubottuFound: liblapack3gf, libatlas3gf-3dnow, libatlas3gf-base, libatlas3gf-sse, libatlas3gf-sse221:21
MrSunshineblipp: [ 2219.138922] ath_pci: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_find_txnode21:21
MrSunshine[ 2219.138928] ath_pci: Unknown symbol ieee80211_find_txnode21:21
MrSunshineetc etc etc21:21
dr_willisbcog:  i would guess its in one of those pacakges.. ive never heard of that lib befor.21:21
The_Poetbada romaneste care stiti?21:22
MrSunshinesame error with that file21:22
verywisemanHi gurus , i am needing good program that can limit network bandwidth usage in LAN21:22
FloodBot1MrSunshine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
blippdid u load the new module?21:22
quibbler!ro | The_Poet21:22
ubottuThe_Poet: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:22
MrSunshineblipp: thats what im trying to do21:22
blippMrSunshine:  did u load the new module21:22
martywdanbhfive: ok read it21:22
andypls1guys do you know how i can fix the "Cannot have overlapping partitions." problem gparted is giving me?21:23
blippMrSunshine:  and you compile the new package21:23
MrSunshineyes, im able to compile it21:23
martywhow to see the package kpilot?21:23
The_Poetmultumesc frumos21:23
MrSunshinebut when loading it i get the errors pasted above21:23
quibblermartyw: have you got the backports now?21:23
blippMrSunshine:  In the terminal type “sudo gedit /etc/modules”(without quotes) and add “ath_pci”(again without quotes) to the bottom of the list if you don’t have anything in the list just add it to the bottom. Click ‘Save’ and that’s it. ::PER Joe Purdy “DO A REBOOT21:24
blippMrSunshine:  got that part?21:24
MrSunshineblipp: no and i doubt it will work when theres missing symbols in the kernel but sure i can try21:24
blippthat adds it to the kernel i believe21:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:25
blippMrSunshine:  i'll be in a car for about a half hour, but ill come back in here21:25
roadfishhow can I stop sudo asking password? this sudoers line does't do it:21:25
roadfish    joe ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mpiosh21:25
bcoghow can i solve this compile error:  error while loading shared libraries: liblapack.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory?21:26
dr_willisuser ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/COMMAND21:26
dr_willisperhaps.. that may be for all users.. but wiats from y archlinux box. It may be just for the users group also.21:27
vigoActually, I would just make another user, or group, leave the /root as ask.21:28
chamuscaswhy know this is the not the right place but i just can't find what i'm looking for and i would be glad if you can help me. What's the option to compile an .c file and turn it into a .o(object file) does anyone know the anwser ??21:28
Chousukegcc -c foo.c -o out.o21:29
MrSunshineyey it worked :P21:29
MrSunshinebut now, my sound isnt working ...why :/21:29
verywisemani am needing good program that can limit network bandwidth usage in LAN21:29
CrocoJetI have two harddisks, after some time (30 min), when my system is idle, the bios turn off my harddisk. Is possible turn off my HD via command terminal?21:29
MrSunshineall i get in "alsamixer" is "PulseAudio"21:29
meoblast001hi.... how do i completely erase the contents of a partition with gparted?21:30
chris_i'm trying to play a .bin file in vlc. it used to work, but now i cannot play any (even the ones that used to work). according to vlc, it is configured with --enable-cdio and --enablevcdx. how can i play .bin files again?21:30
meoblast001if i remove a partition and recreate it, it contains the old content21:30
dreamycan anyone get me an idea of how many ppl can access a web page.. after its indexed with the google search engine ?21:30
=== bruno is now known as Guest49788
dreamy5000 a minute ?21:31
chamuscasolha olha XD21:31
dr_willismeoblast001:  just delete the parittion.. and remake it.. is one way21:31
guntbert!ot | dreamy21:31
ubottudreamy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:31
dr_willismeoblast001:  or format it.. if you want the contents  gond21:31
meoblast001dr_willis: is it typical that a FAT16 have a few kilos of stuff already on it when you create it?21:31
chamuscasRaridade como, XD isto do linux e do irc é muito bom, agora é melhor calar-me21:31
dr_willismeoblast001:  i would not be suprised at that.21:31
dr_willismeoblast001:  the way the fat table and stuff and other things take up space.. they never add up to how much you think they should be21:31
guntbert!es | chamuscas21:32
ubottuchamuscas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:32
meoblast001dr_willis: is it possible to make an ext3 flash drive that m system can boot?21:32
law_hi, what is the best way to monitor when your internet connection is dropping packets?  i am currently using ping -A to sound an audible bell when my internet gets laggy but i want to know if there is something else i can do21:32
zambai need php4 for my ubuntu system21:32
zambahow can i do this?21:32
dr_willismeoblast001:  yes. you can have bootable ext2/3 usb thumbdrives with grub.21:32
martywwhen i try to fetch the package list, a lot of repositories say "failed"21:32
martywhere are some that say intrepid-backports, and they either say "cached" or "ok"21:32
meoblast001dr_willis: the ext3 uses more space by default... a whole 30 megs21:32
quibbler!br | chamuscas21:32
ubottuchamuscas: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:32
dr_willismeoblast001:  thats because 5% is reserved for root and 'lost+found' - thats changeaable with tune2fs command21:33
daftykinshow would i deduce the UUID of a new partition to mount it in /etc/fstab by UUID?21:33
meoblast001dr_willis: oh21:33
dr_willismeoblast001:  its not taking up any space. :) its reserved.21:33
keepsakeHi, can someone help me fix an SD card with broken CHS structure?21:33
dr_willis!uuid | daftykins21:33
ubottudaftykins: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:33
danbhfive!blkid > daftykins21:33
ubottudaftykins, please see my private message21:33
daftykinsthanks dr_willis21:33
MrSunshineall i get from asoundconf list is "SB" driver? :/21:33
meoblast001does the windows version of unetbootin work in WINE?21:34
meoblast001i tried making a bootable flash drive with it and the flash drive said there was no OS21:34
daftykinsand thanks danbhfive too, sorry didn't see that21:34
JarG0nshould I use default-jre, openjdk-6-jre, or sun-java6-jre ?21:35
JarG0nfor Ubuntu 8.1021:36
zambaJarG0n: the last one21:36
ecrethi, i need to run a app using sudo but then it assumes its port is as opposed to my user port which is  I was wondering, can I get it to set the sudo port as
Ignatiusyeah JarG0n it's free anyway, and it's the original java software21:37
keepsakeHi, can someone help me fix an SD card with broken CHS structure?21:37
zambai need php4 for ubuntu hardy21:37
JarG0nzamba> any idea why?21:37
Frijolieanyone here familiar with mtools?21:38
JarG0nIgnatius> any idea why the original version is better?  It's not supported, and the other two are.21:38
Ignatiuso_O It should be supported21:38
IgnatiusI can run it quite happily on my ubuntu OS21:38
Frijoliei'm trying to change the volume name of my external media player21:39
JarG0nIgnatius> sun-java6-jre is not supported by Canonical21:39
Ignatiusreally? Er... one sec21:39
JarG0nIgnatius> At least, that's how it's marked in Synaptic.21:39
danbhfiveJarG0n: sun-java is supported by sun, and they do a better job in my experience21:39
keepsakeWhat does (RO) beside a system volume in Testdisk mean?21:40
IgnatiusJarG0n: try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk21:40
Ignatiusrather than using synaptics21:40
JarG0nIgnatius> yes, that's the package listed in sun-java6-bin21:41
Frijolieanyone, anyone...bueler, bueler?21:41
IgnatiusJarG0n: and it doesn't work?21:41
IgnatiusAt all?21:41
perilluxI don't see any icons in GNome menus.  I think I changed a setting in gconf-editor, does anyone know what key it is?21:41
JarG0nIgnatius> it does work, I was just wondering which option was better, since the latter isn't supported by Canonical, and hasn't been reviewed for compatibility.21:42
diazametCan anyone point me to some documentation about how suspend/hibernate works (eg scripts etc)21:42
chepherHiho everyone, short question: vlc[11430]: segfault at 4 ip b06cc910 sp b0ed2ec0 error 4 in libvcdx_plugin.so[b06ca000+d000] anyone knows about that problem ? Search/google don't help much21:42
JarG0nIgnatius> Keep in mind, I'm coming from a non-developer standpoint here.  I can only rely on the instructions Canonical gives.21:42
=== scott_ is now known as ScottG489
IgnatiusJarG0n: oh... well since Java was designed to work on a 'NIX system which has a simialr file-structure to Linux Ubuntu, it should work no problem at all21:43
JarG0nIgnatius> ok, i'll go with that one then. heh.  THx :)21:43
Ignatiusno probs21:43
ScottG489Ok, so i can use "Connect to server" to connect to my remote computers files. But my router forwards ssh to my server. how do i get my desktops files externally?21:43
roadfishroadfish: for the record, to get NOPASSWD working in sudoers, you have to place everything _after_ the "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" line.21:43
ScottG489I'm really running into a lot of problems with SSH and needing to go to my server then desktop21:44
ScottG489That normally works when just using the terminal cuz i can just ssh to my server then to my desktop internally from there. but for other programs that use ssh to connect to my home computers  dont really see how I can do that21:44
KnatI tried to use an init file to reset my password, when i restarted mysql it failed, there is nothing in /var/log/mysql.err, in the my.cnf i see the line "# Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)"    there are no errors in my syslog file either21:44
ScottG489I'm having problems with this and with NX21:45
RoastedWhat does "kernel panic - not syncing" mean?21:45
guntbertScottG489: I think ##networking will be a better place for that kind of problems21:45
FrijolieRoasted, I would guess that it means that your kernel panic isn't syncing21:46
FrijolieRoasted, just a guess21:46
ScottG489guntbert: ok thanks21:46
FrijolieRoasted, and I'm no expert21:46
Roastedfrijolie - naw, REALLY?21:46
FrijolieRoasted, hehe21:46
RoastedI was kind of hoping to find out how you, you know, would fix it21:46
Roastedsince that's why I, you know, asked the question21:46
scratch_has anyone seen this after building stellarium 0.10.2 from source in hardy (i also updated qt to 4.5 and cmake with no errors...) or maybe have an idea what causes it, i'm kinda stuck and 120,000 stars wasn't good enough :D:::  stellarium: symbol lookup error: stellarium: undefined symbol: _ZN16QCoreApplication21setApplicationVersionERK7QString21:47
FrijolieRoasted, sudo kernel panic --force sync21:47
heldburgeni'm trying to install ubuntu on my toshiba satellite a135 laptop and its stalling during install21:47
Roastedsudo kernel panic? I cant even boot.21:47
AerothaI was wondering if I could have some help with my graphics card...it forces low graphics mode :S21:47
guntbertFrijolie: stop that nonsense please!!!21:47
diazamet_I want to add a script to unmount NFS mounts on suspend/hibernate, where would this script need to be located?21:47
neal_s_heldburgen > Probably your install disc.21:47
heldburgenits ubuntu i386 8.10 and i've tried safe graphics mode. the install disc works fine on other computers21:48
Frijolieguntbert, I was figuring that I'd begin to help others since nobody seems to want to help me21:48
keepsakeHow do I fix "Partition sector doesn't have the endmark 0xAA55" for a 2GB SD card??21:49
guntbertFrijolie: but you were *not* helpful, so I asked you to stop that21:49
angasulehi, I've installed ubuntu 8.10 on a computer with a realtek 8139C (or C+? not sure), when the ethernet cable is connected ubuntu tries to connect but fails (I called dhclient manually and it also failed), I tried configuring it manually but it doesn't seem to reach the network...21:49
=== Peacefrog_ is now known as Aerotha
Silicium_srv2hi ther21:49
blipMrSunshine:  u still here21:50
MrSunshineblip: got it all working :)21:50
MrSunshinethanks :)21:50
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guntbertangasule: is there a dhcp server in your network?21:50
epictetu1angasule: Does the same network drop work with other computers?21:50
MrSunshinewas just a reboot that was needed21:50
unterledenmy system monitor doesnt work any more21:50
angasuleguntbert: yes, and it works fine21:50
angasuleanother computer (with windows xp) works just fine there21:50
epictetu1rtl8139 is typically in the "very very very well supported" category of NICs21:50
Silicium_srv2everytime i use jackd i got some XRUN failures... on 8.10 and also on 8.04 with realtime kernel21:50
AerothaDoes anyone have any experience trouble-shooting Nvidia cards?21:51
Silicium_srv2any ideas why?21:51
unterledenmy system monitor doesnt work any more, whenever i try to kill or end a process the system monitor itself just disappears and the process is still there when you bring system monitor back up21:51
Frijoliewhen I type "go go gadget mtools" I get error message "bash: go: command not found"21:51
Frijolieany ideas why this is happening?21:51
Silicium_srv2i tried on a amd X2 2.6ghz and on a intel Core2Duo 2ghz21:51
angasuleepictetu1: I know, but it seems the C variant is the thing to look at here, many others have reported similar problems, from what I've seen21:52
scratch_Frijolie: sudo apt-get install douche-nozzle-commands21:52
andypls1guys how can i resize a partition ?21:52
guntbertFrijolie: "go" is not a known command in bash, what are you trying to do?21:52
Frijoliescratch_, it's asking if I should install the dependencies..21:52
scratch_say yes21:52
Frijolierhythmbox, and tomboy21:53
epictetu1angasule: sure you're not doing something silly? (i.e. the machine has another disabled NIC and you plugged into the wrong jack, or something)21:53
unterledenmy system monitor doesnt work any more. whenever i try to kill or end a process the system monitor itself just disappears and the process is still there when you bring system monitor back up21:53
Frijolieguntbert, i'm trying to change the volume label on an external usb mp3 player21:53
angasuleepictetu1: checked for that already :)21:53
Frijolieguntbert, using mtools and have questions before proceeding21:53
scratch_Frijolie: you are probably missing dev packages..21:53
blipunterleden:  you have to kill that process from the command line21:54
epictetu1angasule: what does mii-tool report for the link status?21:54
guntbertFrijolie: sorry, no idea then21:54
unterledenblip how21:54
Frijoliescratch_, ./configure douche-nozzle-commands "is not a recognized internal command"21:54
angasuleepictetu1: no idea, I had never heard of that tool, I shall check next time I'm there (it's a computer a few hundred metres from where I am)21:54
AerothaCan anyone please help me with a graphics card issue?21:54
epictetu1angasule: Also you could try giving it a static IP and pingi9ng something in case it is a problem with DHCP21:54
blipunterleden:  ps -aux , to get the PID21:54
scratch_Frijolie: that's real bad...21:54
blipthen kill <ID>21:55
Frijoliesudo apt-get install douch-nozzle-before-commands21:55
angasuleepictetu1: I copied the config from the winxp machine and set it statically, but it didn't work, maybe they tie the IP to the MAC21:55
Frijoliesame result21:55
epictetu1angasule: finally you could look at ifconfig for any hints (i.e. sometimes you might see a ton of TX packets but 0 RX packets, or a bunch of errors)21:55
dolohey how do i disable voice capture21:55
perilluxhow do other linux distros that don't have synaptic keep software up to date?21:55
doloin sound when i click it the check doesnt go away21:55
angasuleepictetu1: ubuntu detects that the cable is plugged in and out, btw21:55
epictetu1ahh that's probably just a frontend for mii-tool then21:55
unterledenso kill the PID ?21:56
unterledenblip so kill the PID ?21:56
dolomicrophone capture?21:56
calwighi, how does someone remove previous modules 2.6.24...... from ubuntu appropriately without deleting them each??21:56
AerothaCan anyone help me with an Nvidia Geforce 7000 issue on Ubuntu 8.10 installed on an Acer aspire 5520?21:56
calwigcan i remove them thru synaptic? or apt-get?21:57
angasuleepictetu1: thanks, tomorrow I will probably get a chance to see that pc, I'll look into mii-tool (I assume it's installed by default?)21:57
epictetu1yeah it generally will just tell you what kind of link is negotiated21:57
quibblerFrijolie: does this help? http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/01/editing-fat32-partition-labels-using-mtools/21:57
Frijoliequibbler, thanks, I'm checking it out now21:58
guntbertangasule: you will need to use mii-tool with sudo, I guess21:58
AerothaCan anyone help me with an Nvidia Geforce 7000 issue on Ubuntu 8.10 installed on an Acer aspire 5520?21:59
blipAerotha:  whats the problem21:59
racecar56when i install firefox with repos /usr/bin/firefox does not exist, i try purging + reinstalling, removing + reinstalling, reinstalling, and it dosent work, this is dapper22:00
Frijolie$mount show's nothing22:00
Frijoliequibbler, er $mount show's nothing22:00
blipracecar:  isnt firefox called mozilla sometimes22:00
AerothaWell I was having problem with my wireless card, I posed in the forum and someone suggested I install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic22:00
Aerotha and when I did I had to restart, upon restart my graphics card went Hay-wire and won't work22:00
Aerothaand is stuck in low-graphics mode when I try to re-activate it.22:01
paulo39hi, to install virtual box, which packages must be installed? and are all of them in the general repositories? i see a lot of virtual-box-ose-like packages so i dont know which one is22:01
blipAerotha:  go to system, Administration, Hardware Drivers22:01
Frijoliei've read other posts that say you're supposed to add something to the mtools.conf file22:01
quibblerFrijolie: does your mp3 player show up if you run  lsusb22:01
blipAerotha:  activate the nvidia driver u see there22:02
Frijoliee.g. drive p: file="/dev/sda2"22:02
Frijoliequibbler, yeah it automounts to my desktop22:02
calwighi, how does someone remove previous modules 2.6.24...... from ubuntu appropriately without deleting them each??22:02
Frijoliequibbler, it just mounts to /media/disk or /media/disk-1 if I have my other USB drive mounted22:02
dav_idhey, what does the win-r key combination do under intrepid?22:02
Aerothablip: It loaded, said downloaded/installed but is still grayed out, and my display is the same.22:02
Lord-Jynxok, I got my ubuntu 8.10 to boot finally.  Does anyone here know if the vga=771 line is just during boot or if that's a perm thing once inside X?22:03
blipAerotha, does it have a green light?22:03
Aerothano, it's still gray22:03
paulo39 to install virtual box, which packages must be installed? and are all of them in the general repositories? i see a lot of virtual-box-ose-like packages so i dont know which one is22:03
blipAerotha, so it didnt activate?22:03
guntbertcalwig: *what* are you trying to do? (sorry I don't understand your question)22:03
Frijoliepaulo39, virtual-box-ose = virtual box open source edition22:04
Frijoliepaulo39, that's what I have installed22:04
blipwhats the driver name22:04
bcogi'm trying to get the soxt libraries.  i know i can get it off of coin3d's website, but coin3d is within the repositories.  can anyone tell me if soxt is in the repositories by another name?22:04
AerothaThere are two22:04
bcogwould prefer to install that way!22:04
paulo39Frijolie, virtual-box-ose is the package i have to install?22:04
blipAerotha:  could you list them both22:04
Frijoliepaulo39, yes22:04
paulo39ok, thanks22:05
AerothaNvidia Accelerated graphics driver (173) and Nvidia Accelerated graphics driver (177)[recommended]22:05
Frijoliepaulo39, no prob22:05
AerothaTried both, to the same effect.22:05
blipAerotha, activate the recommended one22:05
Frijoliepaulo39, then it will magically appear in Applications > System Tools22:05
blipit did install correct?22:05
Lord-Jynxdoes the grub boot option vga=xxx set it the resolution perm or will X override?22:05
AerothaHow can I check?22:05
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blipopen synaptic and check for the name22:06
quibblerFrijolie: just use mount and see what it is called22:06
Aerothaso should I search Nvidia Accelerated graphics driver?22:06
quibblernot $mount22:06
blipAerotha:  it will be in proprietary drivers22:06
bcogwhen you download a file that holds libraries and you need ot install them, where should you unzip that library?22:07
bcogwhere's the most "normal" place to do that?22:07
Frijoliequibbler, wait, I just typed in "mount" not "$mount" and it brought something up..22:07
Frijoliequibbler, reading through the foreign language22:07
quibblerFrijolie: paste the out of mount22:08
john3bcog, do you mean source files?22:08
guntbertLord-Jynx: that is "just a number" for the initial display, nothing to do with X22:08
Frijoliequibbler, /dev/sdb on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush)22:08
Aerothablip: it didn't find anythin22:08
ChaorainDoes any one know about where to get guru certification22:08
Frijoliequibbler, that's what applies to the portable player. it's mounted right now as /media/disk22:08
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blipaerotha:  okay go to system, Administration, software sources22:09
guntbert!ot | Chaorain22:09
ubottuChaorain: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:09
Chaorainoops sory22:09
bcogi don't know what it's called john3 all i know is i got a tar.gz22:09
AerothaOkay, now what?22:09
bcogi don't know where to gzip them to22:09
bcogcan you help me?22:09
regeyajai guru deva, om22:09
blipaerotha:  make sure you are downloading from 3rd party sources and everything else22:09
quibblerFrijolie:  ok use /dev/sdb in that how to i showed you22:09
jase1i got a problem. i installed py2par from synaptic and it messed up my linux executable file type :S22:10
George2i'm dualbooting atm, is there a way i can shut down ubuntu, and then restart and have the same windows and applications open?22:10
Aerothablip: there are only two, http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu and http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu22:10
Frijoliequibbler, i'm deathly afraid that everything mounted as /media/disk will change to which ever volume label I change to22:10
Aerothawhich appear to be the same22:10
blipaerotha there should be other options22:11
Aerothablip: on what pane?22:11
Frijoliequibbler, I don't want my external HDD mounting as "Sansa Fuze 7.9GB"22:11
quibblerFrijolie: then live with the label as is...personally i don't think it is a big deal22:12
bliphold on22:12
Frijoliequibbler, it was mounting fine before I did a firmware update on the player22:12
Frijoliequibbler, now it just mounts as 7.9 GB Media and looks like a HDD22:13
Frijoliequibbler, i know it's nit picky but I'd like to change it to "Sansa Fuze" or something similar and then change the icon22:13
Lord-Jynxis grub option vga=xxx is only used in the terminal windows / booting correct?  Xserver uses it's own driver?22:14
jase1can anyone help me reassign the "executable (application/x-executable)" file type back to default? py2par from synaptic messed it up on me22:14
quibblerFrijolie: then use that info in the url i sent you22:14
Frijoliequibbler, right, there's a few articles showing you how to do it22:14
blipAerotha ??22:15
Frijoliequibbler, i just am concerned that it will also begin mounting my external hard drive (which also auto mounts to /media/disk) to the same volume label22:15
AerothaYeah, blip?22:15
Frijoliequibbler, that's why I came here to have someone confirm that question for me22:15
* jase1 sighs and looks around22:16
quibblerFrijolie: your mp3 is 8gigs your hard disk is what 100 ? pretty hard to get them mixed up22:16
Frijoliequibbler, yeah my player is 8GB and my HDD is 320GB. I would just find that annoying that Ubuntu would call my 320GB HDD "Sansa Fuze"22:17
Frijoliequibbler, that's all22:17
Frijoliequibbler, just as I find it annoying that Ubuntu calls my Sansa Fuze "7.9GB Media"22:17
mrwesCan anyone tell me what this means in my /var/log/syslog ?  Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name MSHOME<1b> for the workgroup MSHOME.22:18
Frijoliequibbler, i just wanted to help Ubuntu be a little more specific :)22:18
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scratch_Frijolie: does it call your HDD 'Sanza Fuze'?22:18
racecar56ack blacklisting kvm and kvm_intel make things go nuts, i want them to NEVER start, they just interfere22:18
* jase1 waits for an answer. not wanting to get in trouble for repeating but realising that no one read his question.22:19
nightdreverhi....im i newbie............is there anyway to access my windows partion  of the hard disk?.......22:19
racecar56and both of them are running now :/22:19
Frijoliescratch_, no, not at the moment. If i change the volume label of /media/disk to whatever I choose22:19
quibblerFrijolie: i bought a external hd and the thing had a name elements...i didn't like it but i just left it22:19
Frijoliescratch_, I don't want anything that mounts to /media/disk to also be called "whatever I choose"22:19
LjL!default | jase122:19
ubottujase1: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.22:19
scratch_Frijolie: i see22:19
racecar56nightdrever i have told you before, just mount the dumb thing22:19
Frijoliecan you assign a volume label by device ID?22:19
racecar56nightdrever it works out of the box22:19
Frijolielsusb sees it as "Bus 004 Device 013: ID 0781:74c3 SanDisk Corp. "22:20
jase1erm thanks ljl but now i got a list and i wouldnt know what application runs those file types22:20
Frijoliebut mount sees it as "/dev/sdb on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush)"22:20
Frijoliehow can you "link" the two?22:21
maesx hello, I would like to add a package cd of ubuntu-server22:21
jase1its not a filetype that has an application listed. its an executable (application/x-executable)" file type22:22
FrijolieI guess this is a good thing, right? I'm stumping the pros!22:22
sprinkmeierFrijolie, not sure if I understand the problem... but if yo set a volume label on the disk (see e2label) it gets mounted as /media/VOLUME_LABEL_NAME22:22
EanIs it a big difference between Arch and Ubuntu regarding how wlan works?22:23
Frijoliesprinkmeier, ok, maybe I don't understand where the volume labels are stored.22:23
SgtFlame|ZenI have a game engine framework that I'm porting to Ubuntu / Debian package and I was wondering where the binaries should be installed for the framework vs the plugins vs game assets.  Is there a wiki location that describes standard locations of common and application binaries?22:23
quibblermaesx: system-administration-software sources click on the third party software add cd22:23
scratch_Frijolie: remember how it changed after you updated your fuze?22:23
Frijoliesprinkmeier, volume labels are something the OS accesses at mount/unmount right?22:23
* jase1 sighs22:24
Frijoliescratch_, yes "automagically"22:24
sprinkmeierFrijolie, it's like a human-readable name for the partition. FAT supprots them too, but I don't know how to change a FAT label form Linux22:24
scratch_volume labels are stored on the volume22:24
Frijoliescratch_, before firmware it was mounted as "Sansa Fuze 7.9 Media" without interaction on my behalf22:24
Frijoliescratch_, I want to get that back22:24
maesx hello, I would like to add a package cd of ubuntu-server22:24
Lord-Jynxis grub option vga=xxx is only used in the terminal windows / booting correct?  Xserver uses it's own driver?22:24
scratch_Frijolie: i'm thinking the firmware update changed the volume label of your Fuze to something generic22:25
Frijoliesprinkmeier, i've googled exhaustively and all suggest mtools (mlabel)22:25
* jase1 kicks the crap out of synaptic for screwing up his executable filetype and having to resort to these irc channels that dont seem to get results.22:25
scratch_Frijolie: see if you can find a way to change it22:25
Frijoliescratch_, ok, so the volume labels are stored on the device(s) themselves?22:25
scratch_Frijolie: don't worry about your mount points, etc in Ubuntu22:25
scratch_Frijolie: yessir22:25
sprinkmeierFrijolie, sounds about right. try setting the label and check that HAL-automount picks it up and uses it as a mountpoint.22:26
scratch_Just like when you put in a CD labeled 'NORP' and it mounts as 'NORP' :D22:26
Frijoliesprinkmeier, ok I thought it had/has something to do with mountpoints kinda like fstab22:26
Frijoliescratch_, see above22:26
scratch_Frijolie: word22:27
jase1everyone beware of downloading pypar2 from synaptic it will break your executables22:27
Frijoliescratch_, word is born!22:27
sprinkmeiersprinkmeier, you can override labels, but by default the HAL-automount magic uses them22:27
scratch_Frijolie: bond :D word is 'bond'22:28
jase1LjL: are you there?22:28
Frijoliesprinkmeier, hehe you sent that to yourself...alright so volume labels are stored on the device and HAL reads them as a "suggestion" when they're mounted?22:28
scratch_Frijolie: on that mtools page the $ represents your shell prompt22:28
scratch_type everything else22:28
cr4scp -P 2222 archive.tgz arcadedr@arcadedrive.com:archive.tgz - Can anyone see anything wrong with that?22:28
Frijoliescratch_, looks like my "urban" speak is shaky, I apologize22:28
sprinkmeiersprinkmeier it seems Frijolie is jealous that the voices only talk to us....22:28
sprinkmeierFrijolie, yes22:28
scratch_Frijolie: eh...its cool i'm a super-caucasian from redneck-ville :D22:29
archaetryxhowdy.  have a machine with feisty on it that I need to install a few things on, and I'd like to use apt if possible.  doesn't seem like any of the mirrors I've checked list feisty under dists, I guess because it's too old; anywhere I can go to find a mirror that has that distribution?22:29
jase1!default executable file type command ?22:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
Frijoliescratch_, so am I..gotta love Utah!22:29
jase1!default executable22:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
MrSunshinebtw, how do i get the nicklist back in xchat in ubuntu? :/22:29
jase1!executable fix22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about executable fix22:30
Frijoliesprinkmeier, alright...I'm gonna give it a whirl.22:30
scratch_has anyone seen this after building stellarium 0.10.2 from source in hardy (i also updated qt to 4.5 and cmake with no errors...) or maybe have an idea what causes it, i'm kinda stuck and 120,000 stars wasn't good enough :D:::  stellarium: symbol lookup error: stellarium: undefined symbol: _ZN16QCoreApplication21setApplicationVersionERK7QString22:31
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scratch_^^thats what happens when i run it22:31
jase1is there anyone experienced enough here to answer my question?22:31
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Cpudan80jase1: There are no executables in ubuntu22:32
LBauerhowto install pdftohtml on Ubuntu 8.10 - Intrepid Ibex22:32
lesshasteI just installed extremetuxracer but how do I start it???22:32
Laurencebhi, how can I reduce the size of a pdf?22:32
Cpudan80jase1: There are a bunch of files marked as "executable" -- but there is no file type that means "this can be executed"22:32
Frijoliewhat?! "you do not have permissions to edit the file ~/.mtoolsrc"22:33
LaurencebI tried zip but no luck22:33
Cpudan80I can make an executable text file if I so chose22:33
jase1cpudan80, i have a unetbootin executable for linux and it wont run22:33
Frijolieit's in my home directory, i am the owner!22:33
jase1only wants to open wine22:33
LaurencebI cant use tar or anythin, it has to be uploaded to a website22:33
sprinkmeier!search pdftohtml22:33
Cpudan80jase1: does the file have execute permissions?22:33
lesshasteLaurenceb: what do you mean?22:33
MrSunshinebtw, how do i get the nicklist back in xchat in ubuntu? :/ tried ctrl + f722:33
MrSunshinedidnt work22:33
lesshasteLaurenceb: compress the file or reduce the font size?22:33
Cpudan80jase1: chmod +x /path/to/my/file22:33
LaurencebI have to upload a 1MB pdf to a site22:34
sprinkmeier!search poppler-utils22:34
Laurencebmy pdf is 1.7mb22:34
lesshasteLaurenceb: how did you make the pdf?22:34
jase1ty cpu. thats all i needed. working now. im out of here. peace22:34
Cpudan80sprinkmeier: msg the bot22:34
LaurencebI was given it22:34
Laurencebits exam results22:34
Laurenceband I need to submit it to a university22:34
Laurencebusing their online system22:34
Laurencebthey want a pdf 1MB or smaller22:35
lesshasteLaurenceb: there are commercial tools.. but can you submit more than one pdf?22:35
Laurencebwhat do I do ? :-/22:35
lesshasteLaurenceb: if so you can just split the pages off22:35
Laurencebhmm that may work22:35
quibbler!enter | Laurenceb22:35
ubottuLaurenceb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:35
lesshasteLaurenceb: there are linux tools to do that22:35
bcogcan anyone help me install soxt on my machine?22:35
lesshasteLaurenceb: pdf is normally already compressed although I see some commercial thing called pdf optimizer by adobe22:36
Laurenceblesshaste: which tools?22:36
quibblerLaurenceb: can you submit a zip file?22:36
lesshasteLaurenceb: probably easiest just to submit two pdfs though22:36
lesshastequibbler: pdf is already compressed22:36
Laurencebquibbler: yes, but it ends up 1.3MB22:36
lesshasteLaurenceb: how about making it two pages per page?22:37
sprinkmeierlesshaste, pdf's are glorified postscript files. If they contain bitmaps (e.g. watermarks) they can get pretty large22:37
lesshastesprinkmeier: right but they are typically compressed unlike ps files22:37
sprinkmeierLaurenceb, view in evince, print to PDF one page at a time22:37
Laurencebthat'll be why its so big22:37
Laurencebok, thanks, i'll try22:37
Lenin_Catwhy is ubuntu suddenly saying im not in the sudoers files22:38
john3lenin_cat, is your sudoers file corrupt22:38
hanasaki1what is a good virus scanner and a URL on how to hook it into exim?22:38
Lenin_Cathow do I tell22:38
lesshasteLaurenceb: http://www.math.uni-heidelberg.de/studinfo/gerhardt/pdfselect/ selects individual pages22:38
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, are you? did you loose membership to the admin group?22:38
lesshasteLaurenceb: pdfnup will convert it to more than one page per page if you want to do that22:39
Lenin_Catim the only user on this computer22:39
kweykeAll hello22:39
Frijoliesprinkmeier, d'oh! when I try to "mcd P:" I get "permission denied"22:39
=== hanasaki1 is now known as hanasaki
grykgruLenin_Cat: visudo.22:39
Lenin_Catgrykgru, what22:39
scratch_Lenin_Cat: System > Administration > Users and Groups22:39
ghindoIs there any good program for Ubuntu that I can create animated gifs with?22:39
sprinkmeierFrijolie, Sorry, I don't use mtools...22:39
grykgruLenin_Cat: "man visudo".22:40
Frijoliesprinkmeier, I don't either :(22:40
grykgruLenin_Cat: does your user appear there?22:40
Lenin_Catgrykgru, yah22:40
Frijoliesprinkmeier, that's just changing to the /dev/sdb partition22:40
grykgruLenin_Cat: where your user appears, is it commented out?22:40
lesshasteghindo: yes.. what is the source?22:41
Lenin_Catgrykgru, wah?22:41
Lord-Jynxdoes the grub option vga=xxx only affect the console?  I don't want it to affect X22:41
alberticoHas anyone dealt with iSCSI?22:41
Lenin_Catnot its not22:41
ghindolesshaste: Still pictures, like jpegs or png.22:41
grykgruLenin_Cat: hm, paste the section of your visudo | grep user to rafb.22:42
lesshasteghindo: lots of lots of them or a few?22:42
AkkernightHello. Why is Skype complaining about "Wrong architecture "i386", the ubuntu version we installed was AMD64, but I'm pretty sure the PC is intel22:42
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, you may not be listed specifically in the sudoers file, sometimes it just adds members of the admin group22:42
ghindolesshaste: Let's say five or six22:42
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, but I AM the admin22:42
lesshasteghindo: ah... ok22:42
sprinkmeierFrijolie, so you added a lable, unplugged, plugged it back in again and now it's mounted but in such a was as to deny you access?22:42
Lenin_Cattheres only one person that uses this computer22:42
grykgruLenin_Cat: also, you might want to check your "System > Administration > users and groups" and figure out what permissions your user may or may not have.22:42
Lenin_Catand thats me22:42
EanAkkernight: Why not install Skype via the repo?22:42
ghindolesshaste: I'm mostly just asking out of curiousity, I don't have a specific project I'm looking to tackle22:43
Lenin_Catgrykgru, but I AM THE ADMIN22:43
Frijolieno, I"m trying to get to the partition to change the label and it's giving me permission errors22:43
yfkI get these weird error messages upon apt-get upgrade22:43
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, run "id" and confirm you're in the right groups22:43
yfkFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/ffmpeg/libpostproc1d_0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7.2_i386.deb  Size mismatch22:43
quibblerAkkernight: you probably need 64 bit skype22:43
lesshasteghindo: you can try http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/22:43
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, this my computer22:43
Akkernightwhere do I get that?22:43
Lenin_CatI own it22:43
lesshasteghindo: actually there are lots of ways22:43
Lenin_CatI set it up22:43
Eanquibbler: There is no 64-bit SKype. ;)22:43
Lenin_Catim admin22:43
Frijoliesprinkmeier, doh forgot to direct that to you. can you simply chmod a FAT32 parition?22:43
FloodBot2Lenin_Cat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:43
grykgruI think you're helpless.22:43
Lenin_CatI control it22:43
* grykgru wanders off.22:43
ghindolesshaste: Oh cool, I didn't know that GIMP could create gifs22:43
lesshasteghindo: mplayer will even do it from the command line22:43
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, you know that, and I know that, but does you computer know that?22:43
lesshasteghindo: that's normally when you have hundreds or thousands of them22:44
ghindolesshaste: Huh, I'll have to read the tutorial and look into mplayer more.22:44
ghindolesshaste: Thanks so much for the help!22:44
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lesshasteghindo: or you can just upload them to http://www.gickr.com/upload_files22:44
lesshasteghindo: my pleasure :)22:44
dimitreehow do i shutdown X to install Nvidia drivers ? ctrl alt backspace doesnt work ?22:44
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quibblerEan: i have no idea  but why is it complaining over i386 then22:44
sprinkmeierFrijolie, no, you need to add the required permissions to the mount command. usually the console user gets access, but if you have multipole users logged on it sometimes gets confused.22:44
alberticoHas anyone dealt with iSCSI?22:44
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, odd, ID says im not in the root group22:44
lesshasteghindo: just to cap off your irc experience.. can you guess how I found those answers ? :)22:44
ghindolesshaste: I suppose Google would be the obvious answer?22:45
lesshasteghindo: try this http://tinyurl.com/caj9k422:45
Lord-Jynx.:[dimitree]:. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop will work22:45
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, should I log out and in22:45
dimitreeLord-Jynx,  thank you22:45
ghindolesshaste: :P22:45
hghhi, how can i change the way Ubuntu boots  change that orange default color?22:45
ghindolesshaste: I've Googled it before, but to little success.  Thanks for your help, though22:45
Frijoliesprinkmeier, as reported by the device " Volume label is SANSA FUZE "22:46
Eanquibbler: probably because he tried to install the .deb package from skyped website, and not using the repo...22:46
Frijoliesprinkmeier, so it must be not being recognized by HAL22:46
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, you shouldn't be in the root groun (GID=0), just the admin group (or adm, or wheel, distro dependant) which sudoers uses to give you access when required22:46
quibblerEan: tell him about medibuntu then22:46
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, well im not in that ether22:46
StevenXHello. How can I fix these apt errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132221/22:47
elli222i'd like to know if it is possible to lock my 280 GTX card into performance level 2, without disabling SLi Support...22:47
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, how do I put myself in there22:47
Eanquibbler: Told him to use the repo, but he haven't replied. So dunno if it worked out for him.22:47
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sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, the account created at system install should be a member of all the right groups. To add yourself, run "usermod -aG wheel USERNAME" as root22:48
elli222StevenX: i made a little script ot make this process simpler22:48
quibblerEan: you did all you can then22:48
EanAkkernight: How is it going? :)22:48
BS2Using ubuntu as it forces me to non-root and sudo it's REALLY stressing me out, after being used to non "kiddie" linux.   How can I run a root nautlius session?22:48
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, but I cant run as root22:48
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, I lost root control somehow22:48
Eanquibbler: Probably :)22:48
sprinkmeierFrijolie, does /var/log/messages have anything to say about the disk?22:48
StevenXelli222, really?22:48
quibblerEan: :)22:48
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, reboot into recovery mode?22:48
lesshasteghindo: my pleasure22:48
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, (forgot... recovery mode now requests root password, catch 22) try a live CD?22:49
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, but how do I acess this installation via live cd22:49
Frijoliesprinkmeier, http://paste.ubuntu.com/132222/22:49
AkkernightHaving some problems with this... Trying to use "sudo dpkg --dorce-architecture -i22:50
sprinkmeierLenin_Cat, mount the partitions (Should be easy enough through GUI) and then either chroot or manually munge the shadow/passwd/sudoers/group files22:50
dimitreeLord-Jynx, i'm sorry but with this command i get a blinking line and no matter what i type or do i cant do commands ?22:50
dsdeizanyone here using fluxbox?22:51
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sprinkmeierFrijolie, it attached sdb and sdc? weird.22:51
dsdeizanyone? anyone?22:52
dimitreeHow can i kill X and then be able to type commands so i can install Nvidia drivers ?22:52
DIFH-iceroot!anyone | dsdeiz22:52
ubottudsdeiz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:52
blipdsdeiz, i had flux installed, but switched to gnome22:52
Frijoliesprinkmeier, does that mean that there's more than one partition on there?22:52
blipdoubt i can help22:52
sprinkmeierFrijolie, no, partitions should be sdb[12345...]22:52
dsdeizoh, maybe you know how to show the desktop in fluxbox22:52
whileimhereHi. Has anyone tried out the newest 9.? on a laptop yet?22:53
dsdeizcause in gnome i simply press "ctrl-alt-d"22:53
Frijoliesprinkmeier, well it does have a memory add in slot (which there's not a memory card inserted now)22:53
JarG0nHow do I purge a broken package completely?22:53
BS2so is there no way to get rid of Ubuntus kiddie sudo stuff?22:53
hoboAnyone here possess knowledge to get an internet broadband card to work?22:54
sprinkmeierFrijolie, that explains the extra device.22:54
kc8pxyhobo: what?22:54
BS2AT least i Vista I can turn it off.22:54
yeanomaybei need help22:54
Frijoliesprinkmeier, how does HAL decide the volume label name?22:54
Frijoliesprinkmeier, any idea as to why it's being overriden?22:55
kc8pxyBS2:  what?22:55
Lenin_Catsprinkmeier, thanks22:55
yeanomaybecan someone give me advice on how to get my system to recognize a wireless network?22:55
Lenin_CatI got it working22:55
hobokc8pxy, I had an AT&T broadband card that was working fine but now it's not even being detected.22:55
scratch_BS2: if you don't like Ubuntu's 'kiddie stuff' then just use Debian22:55
JarG0nHow do I completely remove a broken package?  It won't even uninstall via Synaptic22:55
sprinkmeierFrijolie, sorry, out of ideas.22:55
Frijoliesprinkmeier, yeah...well thanks for trying22:55
kc8pxyhobo: 3G card??  i've not worked with those yet.22:56
sprinkmeierBS2, is you're desperate you can munge the sudoers to stop asking you for a password. not recommended.22:56
scratch_Frijolie: still no luck huh?22:56
Frijoliescratch_, nope22:56
Frijoliescratch_, :(22:56
Akkernightok, when will Skype come for 64bit, and is there any other application working instead of Skype? Like aMSN works instead of MSN22:56
BS2Well that won't really help.  I just want to run nautilus with root permissions, which seems like a monumental task it seems.22:56
FrijolieBS2, gksudo nautilus22:57
scratch_well my ipod is FAT32...lemme see if i can change it's volume label :D22:57
sprinkmeierBS2, that's because, according to the unix way of doing things, it's a monumentally strange thing to do.22:57
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sprinkmeierBS2, you could try "ssh -X root@localhost nautilus" but seriously, you should most likely not be doing this!22:58
Frijoliescratch_, you don't have to do that!22:58
Frijoliescratch_, I messed with the volume labels via nautilus and it messed it up (it wouldn't mount anymore)22:58
BS2If ubuntu wants to get away from having to type loads of command line stuff in, then it's a normal thing to need.22:58
scratch_Frijolie: i feel like i went through the same thing you are... somehow i renamed it scratchpod22:58
EanAkkernight: You can, as I mentioned above, install Skype (32-bit) on your 64-bit system via the repository. "sudo apt-get install skype" But that is maybe not what you want.22:58
Frijoliescratch_, I just bought this Fuze like a week ago to replace an old 4G 40GB iPod classic22:59
Akkernightand the dependencies? The follow22:59
sprinkmeierBS2, why does everyone think the command-line is some evil we have to try to avoid?22:59
Frijoliescratch_,  better Linux and wider format support22:59
Frijoliesprinkmeier, I dig CLI..only wish I knew more and was better at tit23:00
Frijolieer at it :)23:00
kc8pxyBS2:  that is a insane way to run a *nix box. you only need root permissions for a few things, and otherwise, you should leave it well alone. having people assume they should administrator rights to a machine, to run day to day things, is one of the biggest doors windows has for malware/virii to screw your system.  ubuntu seperates this power intentionally. in part as a "fire break" for an intruder.23:00
Akkernightsudo apt-get install skype" says it cannot find skype23:00
chronici want to download a video from youtube, cut a frame and make it into an avatar,. what tools can i do this with?23:01
EanAkkernight: Oh, you will need to add the medibuntu repo first.23:01
Akkernightwhat's that?23:01
Frijoliechronic, gin'njuice23:02
EanAkkernight: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu23:02
calwighi, how does someone remove previous modules 2.6.24...... from ubuntu appropriately without deleting them each??23:02
quibblerEan: he's back i see23:03
yow|x2calwig - apt-get autoremove23:03
chronicFrijolie, i dont drink, but i got a bowl full23:03
Eanquibbler: Saw that. :)23:03
calwigyow|x2: im only using one version, the rest of them arent needed23:03
Frijoliechronic, i only like raisin bran and occasionally corn flakes23:03
yow|x2calwig - apt-get autoremove will get rid of previous sources and kernel packages etc. to actually get rid of the files in /boot/, the only way i know of is to manually delete them.23:04
AJenbohi, i have 3 8.04.1 systems that went haywire after updating to 8.1023:04
chronicFrijolie, cool, i like cornflakes too23:04
NomexousCould someone pastebin /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us please? I forgot to make a backup and... well.. you know.23:05
pyrohotdogCould anyone assist with installing the proper ATI driver for a Radeon Mobility M6 LY, and writing the xorg.conf?23:05
AJenbofirst the least critical, on my lap top the menu at the top of the screen has ben placed at the bottom23:05
AJenboand my desktop is now no longer booting and complains about a root device not found23:06
quibblerNomexous: http://pastebin.com/m4a6eac0323:07
chronicpyrohotdog, u should be able to just enable it, in the restricted drivers app23:07
Nomexousquibbler: Thanks!23:08
quibblerNomexous: you are welcome23:08
chronici want to download a video from youtube, cut a frame and make it into an avatar,. what tools can i do this with?23:08
elli222clive to download the video23:09
[_[__Luly__]_]señor bot quiero que me hablen es español23:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:09
Frijolie[_[__Luly__]_], si, pero no mi gusta escuella23:09
* [_[__Luly__]_] agradece al bot23:09
elli222Quick question: how do i determine - if [ $VARIABLE = nothing ], where nothing is infact nothing?23:10
echo_miragei compiled a C++ project via "make". it created a *.bin file. but i can not launch it "no suitable application installed"23:12
chronicelli222, what language?23:12
BS2as you admit there are times when you need to run things as root, however that info is so well hidden, then it makes Ubuntu useless for anything other than browing the web, or you have to be a sysadmin, there is no middle ground....23:12
nkei0Anyone here know how to fix the problem with Ubuntu (hardy & intrepid) freezing on startup, due to acpi.  acpi=off fixes the problem, but i lose a lot of functionality that i want back23:12
BS2You have also made the fatal assumption that the machine is even connected to any network...23:13
bigriggerecho_mirage: try chmod +x filename.bin then run it in a terminal by typing ./filename.bin   [a click or two in a file manager might work]23:14
hi5Hi, any channel for system programming?23:15
bigriggerecho_mirage: set permission and execution bits in a file manager also, if you want.23:15
axisyshow do I find out how much battery power I have left from terminal? i know the gnome shows that on the top right corner23:15
axisysis it hdparam ?23:15
bigriggeraxisys: no, not hdparm23:15
hi5Hi, any channel for system programming *nix?23:15
echo_miragebigrigger, didnt work... the rights are: -rwxr-xr-x23:16
bigriggerAx-Ax: hdparam i'm not familiar wiith23:16
rysiek|plhi guys23:16
echo_miragebigrigger, nice nick btw. you should know where my nick is from. calling yourself a rigger23:16
fabio_compiz not running @ 16 bit ?23:17
axisysgot it.. acpi does that23:17
rysiek|planybody able to help with X and GF2 MX400 issue on a hardy heron?23:17
maccam94how is the RX/TX bytes line in ifconfig counted? mine seems to be way off23:17
emretemphi all,  I want to perform a check disk on my new laptop. google'd it a bit. they say to use smarttools, and i did.  there was no info if my HDD has bad sectors or not (used this command -> "smartctl -a -d ata /dev/sda4")  so am I correct to assume that since there is not a fault report, I can say that my HDD has no bad sectors or smt like that? or am I only day dreaming ? ; )23:17
heldburgeni just installed ubuntu. i added "noapic acpi=off" to get it to install. now, when i try to boot into ubuntu its giving me the same problem i avoided with the kernel options23:17
bigriggerecho_mirage: still have the c source? the nick refers to big trucks, nothing 'personal' :)23:17
scratch_Frijolie: you still around?23:17
echo_miragebigrigger, yes i have the source. and "make" worked fine, no warnings or errors23:18
heldburgeni tried going into grub to edit the kernel options at boot up, but when i press "b" to boot it just reboots the system and it doesn't work23:18
bigriggerheldburgen: read dmesg for the startup error[s]23:18
maccam94emretemp: checkdisk on a windows partition or fsck a linux partition?23:18
emretempmaccam94, im using ubuntu and try to check my all partitions against bad sectors.23:19
bigriggerecho_mirage: i'm not a C expert but i compile with 'cc source.c'  that gives me a 'a.out' file which i rename and run. don't know if that'll work for you.23:19
echo_miragebigrigger, actually i think the source may be not valid, since it is not a release23:20
maccam94emretemp: if you're worried about sectors download and run a cd of hddregen23:20
maccam94emretemp: i'll find a link for you23:20
bigriggerecho_mirage: i suspect you're right.23:20
heldburgenbigrigger: do you mean i'll need to boot into a different system and view that file?23:20
gerald_hi guys23:20
hlfshellHow does one make it so a single command accesses a program in a knwon folder? For instance- i want it so when I type "matlab" into a terminal it will activate /MATLAB/bin/matlab23:21
sixofourhow do you run .far files again?23:21
emretemphmm, how come ubuntu does not come with a check disk utility?23:21
sixofourits like jar filename.jar or something23:21
gerald_is there a way i can organise all my photos by date into month/year folders?23:21
lstarnesemretemp: it does23:21
bigriggerheldburgen: read it after you boot the system in question, from that system, if i understand you correctly.23:21
gerald_using cli?23:21
emretemplstarnes, can you name one of them ?23:21
lstarnesemretemp: fsck23:22
heldburgenbigrigger: but the problem is that i can't boot the system23:22
bigriggeremretemp: fsck is the filesystem checker du jour23:22
hlfshellnm figured it out.23:22
maccam94emretemp: http://rapidshare.com/files/207780365/Hirens.BootCD.9.8.zip23:22
maccam94you want to run HDD Regenerator23:22
emretempI need to check aganist bad sectors not the file system.23:22
Akkernighthow do I run epiphany web browser?23:22
bigriggerheldburgen: that's a problem, do you have a grub menu with a recovery boot option? hit escape while booting i think.23:23
=== god is now known as Guest62206
maccam94emretemp: it will find bad sectors and 'fix' them23:23
Guest62206type epiphany in the terminal23:23
emretempmaccam94,  thx gonna dl that program. are ya sure that program wont harm my files? I mean does that program checks bad sectors by writing and reading data?23:23
heldburgenbigrigger: yup. i'm in there now23:23
bigriggerAkkernight: should be in the apps/internet menu.23:23
Akkernightbut it isn't23:23
maccam94emretemp: it's part of Hiren's Boot CD (so you burn the ISO to a disk). it won't touch your files, it will just detect and try to repair bad sectors23:24
amigamiahi i have a msg that says swapfile has holes. when it tries to active swapfile it stalls and i alt-ctrl-del to term the function and it moves on but what can i do to resolve this? i cant be around for rebooting locallly23:24
emretempthx a lot maccam94 , you are a life saver.23:24
gerald_does anyone know if i can auto sort photos into month folders?23:24
ScottG489Isn't .profile suppose to run every time a shell starts up or at least when the computer does?23:24
maccam94emretemp: np, if you have any further issues you can shoot me an email to (nickname)@gmail.com23:24
danbhfive_jauntyemretemp: there is also fsck -cc23:24
bigriggerAkkernight: epiphany & in a terminal should work. or just the name with no backrounding &23:24
Akkernightalso how do I uninstall Skype?23:25
elli222sudo apt-get purge skype23:25
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=== Guest62206 is now known as God6277
freeatmindhello all23:25
Gerry_D5AA96hi there23:25
emretempmaccam94,  thx gonna email ya if I really come across with a problem that i couldnt handle.23:25
sixofourWhat is the command to run a .jar file?23:26
heldburgenbigrigger: i did the recovery mode boot, and maybe 7 operations after the "resume normal boot" option i got a totally blank screen, like i was getting when i first tried to install ubuntu23:26
Gerry_D5AA96java bla.jar23:26
bigriggergerald_: that would require a 'fancy' script.23:26
freeatmindsome one using netbook?? with SSD drive?23:26
smitty__How do I add a user to the suders list?23:26
bigriggerheldburgen: any idea what causes the problem?23:27
gerald_bigrigger: do you know of any? or where i could find one?23:27
LjLsmitty__: sudo adduser username admin23:27
LjL!es | [_[__Luly__]_]23:27
ubottu[_[__Luly__]_]: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:27
heldburgenbigrigger: i fixed the problem before by adding the kernel options noapic and acpi=off23:27
amigamiai have asked this swapfile issue question for over a month now and nobody seems to know anything.23:27
smitty__LjL, I got an error saying that there is no admin group23:27
bigriggersmitty__: the 'visudo' program. with sudo nano visudo in a terminal for instance. read up on the syntax to add users23:28
amigamiado i have to format and start over or what?23:28
LjLsmitty__: there really ought to be. what does "group yourownusername" list?23:28
freeatmindjoin #ubuntu-pt23:28
heldburgenbut i'm trying to use grub to edit the kernel option and whenever i press b to boot with those options it just reboots the computer23:28
smitty__LjL, group command isn't found23:28
LjLsmitty__: sorry, "groups"23:28
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: your swap has holes?23:28
amigamiayes danbhfive_jaunty23:28
amigamiawhat does it mean?23:29
smitty__LjL, all it said was my username23:29
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: can you pastebin the exact error message?23:29
LjLsmitty__: err, are you on ubuntu at all? is that user the one you created when you installed it?23:29
bigriggerheldburgen: i read that. cant you get a terminal screen?23:29
amigamiawell i cant because it only occurs during bootup23:29
ScottG489Isn't .profile suppose to run every time a shell starts up or at least when the computer does?23:29
amigamiait makes reference to swapon23:29
bigriggergerald_: No, i've not seen a script for that, it would be handy though.23:29
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: do you have pastebinit?23:29
amigamiano danbhfive23:30
elli222can anyone help me with this line of bash script? "if [ $KEYNAME = "" ]; then" its suppost to compare $KEYNAME to null, or nothing. it isnt working for some reason?23:30
gerald_ok thanks i will continue my google searching23:30
smitty__LjL, I'm on ubuntu 8.04.  I didn't actually install it.. it's a VPS from MOSSO.  They just gave me root access23:30
amigamialet me get it23:30
heldburgenbigrigger: not that i know of. i'm not particularly experienced with this stuff, though23:30
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: well, get it, and then: dmesg | pastebinit23:30
LjLsmitty__: then it's a *seriously* customized "Ubuntu" if it has no admin group.23:30
heldburgenactually. it looks like there is an option in recovery mode: drop to root shell prompt23:31
dr_williselli222:  check that advanced bash scripting guide,  it has examples of such lines.. i dont do enoguh bash to even knwow aht the problem is.23:31
LjLsmitty__: pastebin your /etc/sudoers23:31
Cpudan80elli222: if [ "$KEY" = "" ]23:31
elli222dr_willis, where is this guide?23:31
smitty__okay one moment23:31
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/23:31
bigriggerheldburgen: do that, drop to root, run dmesg23:31
dr_williselli222:  its from the TLDP.org site. :)   and in th repos23:31
dr_williselli222:  im not sure your 'test' is correct for bash23:32
Cpudan80elli222: probably better to use test -z23:32
Cpudan80elli222: -z checks 0 length string23:32
elli222will try that23:32
Cpudan80if [ -z $AABC ]23:32
Cpudan80elli222: the relevant man page for all the [ ] things is "man test"23:33
heldburgenbigrigger: i don't see anything that looks like an error near the end of it. the last line is: [16.0xxx] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team23:33
elli222thanks Cpudan8023:33
iwantfoolhello people23:33
amigamiadanbhfive_jaunty here it is http://pastebin.com/f3188708b23:34
amigamiadan you are brilliant23:34
Cpudan80elli222: np, #bash is on freenode too23:34
heldburgenhow do i scroll up in the command line?23:34
iwantfooli have this problem i am trying to install the flash player23:34
Cpudan80heldburgen: you dont23:34
elli222held, use the scroll whell if you have one23:34
heldburgenno scroll wheel on this laptop23:34
elli222in a xterm, or gnome-term23:34
Cpudan80you can scroll the terminal, but if you are at a raw prompt (CTRL+ALT+F*) then ...23:34
Frijoliescratch_, sorry, I"m back I was afk23:34
bigriggerheldburgen: type dmesg |less  use spacebar to advance pages 'q' to quit, look for any errors23:34
Cpudan80I prefer more personally23:35
Cpudan80but less is more ;-)23:35
elli222more is by page, less is by line23:35
elli222in my eyes, less IS more23:35
kweykeÂcåì  ïðèâåò  êòî õî÷åò ìîæåòå îáñóäèòü ìîé ñàéò www.kweyke.narod.ru23:35
iwantfooland i downloaded the flash player, but when it prompts me to enter the installation path of mozilla, it doesn't accept /usr/lib/mozilla. what should i do?23:35
Cpudan80yeah - but they look the same23:35
elli222cos scrolling by page hurts23:35
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Cpudan80!ru | Kwitschibo23:35
ubottuKwitschibo: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:35
bigriggerelli222: more has no buffer, less does.23:35
Cpudan80that was for kweyke23:36
quibbleriwantfool: in a terminal do:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:36
elli222even more reason to pick less then more23:36
Frijolieanybody good with mtools?23:36
iamjayhello there.. hm Ive got a list of certain libs/requirement apps that are needed.. what is the best way to find out whether they are installed or not?23:36
heldburgen"your pnp bios caused a fatal error. you may need pnpbios=off"23:36
elli222iamjay, search them in synaptic or apt23:36
Frijoliegetting HAL to recognize the volume label of an external USB media player23:36
bigriggerheldburgen: sounds promising, i'd try it23:37
qbrixI have a new external drive that I want to use for backups on my ubuntu server. Is it a bad idea to format it as ntfs? The reason is that I might use it to plug into other windows computers later on.23:37
iamjayelli222, uhm.. and in general linux.. because I'm on ssh on a remote machine23:37
r3gistaMind if some1 can give me a hand, i have a client here23:37
elli222Cpudan! You have fixed my "getaptkey" script!23:37
r3gistaasking what freeware is good for screen recording on a mac23:37
Cpudan80qbrix: linux can do ntfs just fine23:37
Cpudan80woohoo elli22223:37
elli222iamjay, use apt-cache search thingie23:38
amigamiathere are tons of apps for tha r3gista23:38
r3gistai dont use mac so does any1 know of software for screen recording on a mac23:38
iamjayelli222, that one machine aint ubuntu :D23:38
r3gistai havent found any yet23:38
heldburgennow we're back to the problem of pressing "b" to boot with custom kernel options just resulting in a reboot23:38
r3gistanot that are simple and dont require email addresses23:38
elli222is it a deb based machine?23:38
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
amigamiai still have no solution to my swapfile not activating and having holes in it...23:39
hwolffHello, I have some graphics quirks with the current kubuntu kde, who can help me there?23:39
hwolffkde: 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid123:39
quibblerr3gista: this is an ubuntu support channel try ##mac23:40
freeatmindwhat is the better linux magazine for newbies, in english??23:40
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: did you post the dmesg?  I probably missed it, had to reboot23:40
amigamialet me do it again dan23:40
smitty__LjL, http://pastebin.com/m338ce269 here's the /etc/sudoers23:40
bigriggerheldburgen: if i recall, press 'e' to edit the kernel boot line, add that to the end as you did  with noapci23:40
elli222pasting /etc/sudoers dosent seem like a good idea at all...23:41
DB42find . -iname <blah> <-- returns me a list of dirs relative to current dir, how do i copy all those dirs and their content to another place WHILE PRESERVING THE DIR STRUCTURE ?23:41
rysiek|plelli222: I don't think it matters much, actually, you'll only find groupnames and usernames there23:41
elli222DB42 cp -R rootdir destdir23:41
rysiek|plelli222: sure, it's a minor Bad Thing, but it's not Pure Evil (like /etc/shadow ;) )23:42
r3gistaThanks, the CaptureIt! works really well23:42
DB42elli222: english, do you read it ? my input is find output23:42
smitty__can somebody help me with adding a user to the sudoers list?23:42
quibblerfreeatmind: have a look here: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/23:42
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo23:43
smitty__ActionParsnip, I don't have an admin group23:43
LjLsmitty__: modify that sudoers file, using "sudo EDITOR=nano visudo". add a line saying "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL".  then add an admin group, by doing "addgroup admin". then add your users to that group.23:43
ActionParsnipsmitty__: run groups, if your current account can sudo, match the groups23:44
smitty__okay thanks guys i'll try that23:44
heldburgenbigrigger: pnpbios=off didn't do it. getting back into command line for dmesg23:44
evilbugwhat's a 192kbps mp3 equivalent of an ogg?23:44
ActionParsnipevilbug: in size or quality?23:45
evilbugActionParsnip- quality.23:45
evilbugActionParsnip- i usually don't work with ogg.23:45
bigriggerheldburgen: I wonder if your BIOS setup has the ability to disable that?23:45
ActionParsnipevilbug: i'd say 128kbps or slightly higher, ogg is sweeeeet23:45
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: sorry, its telling me that is an invalid pastebin ID        maybe you need to do it again?23:45
heldburgeni don't see anything that looks like an error. the pnp error's gone, though23:46
amigamiaokie dokie23:46
quibblerbigrigger: did he edit the line in grub before he boote?23:46
smitty__When I'm running some commands i get errors like this: "perl: warning: Setting locale failed.23:46
smitty__perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:" anybody know what that could be about?23:46
evilbugActionParsnip- :| in my converter it's from 1(lowest)-10(highest).23:46
smitty__and not to fix it?23:46
bigriggerquibbler: i think so23:47
heldburgenquibbler: yes23:47
amigamiasee dan?23:47
amigamiahi nalioth23:47
bigriggerheldburgen: do you have a terminal now?23:47
amigamiacool i have to go to work in 13 min ;(23:47
ActionParsnipevilbug: i wouldnt convert, you'll lose a TONNE of quality23:47
heldburgenbigrigger: yes23:47
amigamiai cannot access here via mibbit due to it being blocked and i end up in some other room23:47
Frijolieanyone know how HAL decides the volume label of an external USB media player?23:47
ghindo evilbug: Could you start from the beginning - you're trying to create some ogg vorbis files that are about the same quality as 192 kbps mp3 files, correct?23:48
evilbugActionParsnip- i'd convert from a master 16-bit/44.1kHz wav into mp3 and ogg.23:48
evilbugghindo- yes.23:48
bigriggerheldburgen: type startx23:48
ActionParsnipevilbug: converting from one lossy format to another lossy format will lose a lot of quality23:48
ActionParsnipevilbug: ahh wav to ogg is fine23:48
amigamiaif you should have any thoughts could you send me an email dan @ riosambagirl@gmail.com ???23:48
ghindoevilbug: Okay, what's the source of this audio?  Are you trying to rip tracks from a CD?  Or are you trying to convert one file to another?23:48
heldburgenaha! an x problem23:49
scratch_Frijolie: here's a q: got access to a windows pc?23:49
heldburgenor no!23:49
heldburgenit works!23:49
Frijoliescratch: yes actually23:49
evilbugghindo- i want to release some music in both mp3 and ogg but my converter's ogg encoding prefs are from 1-10 instead of conventional units in kbps.23:49
Akkernightwhy does it only work to configure Skype to output sound correctly, but not input? Problem is for both me and friend23:49
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: mk, I think you may just have to reformat your swap partition.  Thats my first thought from googling, but Im pretty unsure23:49
Frijolieer scratch_ : yes If I have to23:49
scratch_Frijolie: then why are you trying to do it in linux...5 seconds man...plug that thing in..23:49
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: but email noted23:50
amigamiayou can format the swap partition?23:50
ActionParsnipAkkernight: skype is riddled with issues23:50
amigamiausing like gparted?23:50
evilbugghindo- and since i've never worked with ogg i'm curious what the equivalent of a 192kbps mp3 would be.23:50
danbhfive_jauntyamigamia: yeah23:50
Akkernightanyone knows a fix?23:50
DB42find . -iname <blah> <-- returns me a list of dirs relative to current dir, how do i copy all those dirs and their content to another place WHILE PRESERVING THE DIR STRUCTURE ?23:50
quibblerheldburgen: i would edit the menu.lst while you are at it.23:50
ActionParsnipAkkernight: its proprietary garbage23:50
AkkernightSome sound input library?23:50
amigamiaokie dokie i will read on it tonite at work thanks for all your support danbhfive_jaunty23:50
Frijoliescratch_, ...23:50
ActionParsnip!skype | Akkernight23:50
ubottuAkkernight: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:50
bigriggerheldburgen: coffee run. brb quibbler has a good idea23:51
scratch_Frijolie: i can change how gtkpod and rythmbox see my ipod but i have to change the volume label under winblows23:51
weatherkiddoes anyone here read Samba?23:51
amigamiathanks again dan23:51
scratch_Frijolie: did it work?23:51
weatherkidI need something checked23:51
ActionParsnipweatherkid: i use samba23:51
ghindoevilbug: Okay.  I'm not quite sure what the equivilant of 192 mp3 would be, but I did find a site that gives a bit of a rough guide to what settings on the encoder equate to what bitrate:23:51
ghindoevilbug: http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Recommended_Ogg_Vorbis#Recommended_Encoder_Settings23:51
Frijoliescratch_, did what work?23:51
Frijoliescratch_, mtools reports the volume label as correct23:52
ghindoevilbug: Does that help at all?23:52
Frijoliescratch_, I think HAL is overriding it23:52
weatherkidActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132235/23:52
Frijoliescratch_, to something generic23:52
scratch_Frijolie: what is the volume label?23:52
heldburgenquibbler: /boot/grub/menu.lst and edit my default kernel options?23:52
savidAw crap.  There's a syntax error in my suders file,  and I don't know the root password. Am I screwed?23:52
evilbugghindo- that's exactly what i was looking for, thank you.23:52
quibblerheldburgen: yes23:53
Frijoliescratch_, as reported from mtools, "Volume label is SANSA FUZE"23:53
evilbugghindo- should i go ogg or flac?23:53
ghindoevilbug: No problem.  The HydrogenAudio wiki has a lot of audio-related knowledge that might help you out.  I don't know offhand how good their ogg knowledge base is, but it should be fine23:53
Frijolieevilbug, .flac for archival purposes, .ogg for portable players23:53
ActionParsnipweatherkid: heres mine:23:53
evilbugFrijolie- thank you.23:53
ghindoevilbug: Well, FLAC would be a completely lossless rip, with huge file sizes.  Ogg vorbis would probably be preferable23:53
weatherkidActionParsnip: can you make sure chance and kathy have r/w premissions23:53
ActionParsnipweatherkid: did you run: sudo smbpasswd -a chance23:54
evilbugActionParsnip, Frijolie, ghindo - thank you for your help!23:54
ghindoevilbug: No problem!  Let us know if you have any more questions :)23:54
ActionParsnipweatherkid: http://pastebin.com/f234f826723:54
Frijolieevilbug, I keep .flac for my music collection and home player and use .ogg for my portable player. you can convert .flac to whatever else you deem fit just keep the source file for later conversion23:54
ActionParsnipweatherkid: add browsable = yes23:55
naliothhi amigamia23:55
=== bosco_ is now known as {dd2}
ed1tis there a way i could get subversion 1.5.6 from apt?23:55
ActionParsnipweatherkid: once you set  the smbpasswd for your user (use the same pass as your login for ease)23:55
heldburgenquibbler: done. anything else other than adding pnpbios=off while i'm there?23:56
ActionParsnipweatherkid: then you will be prompted for a pass when you connect so you know its all good, plus it adds security23:56
lenswipecan someone help me, i cant open synaptic23:56
ActionParsniplenswipe: gksudo synaptic23:56
lenswipethe intelligent output of synaptic is "Segmentation Fault"23:56
lenswipeanyone know how to fix that?23:56
ActionParsnipweatherkid: i wouldnt have 'nobody' as a valid user23:56
ActionParsnip!fixapt | lenswipe23:57
ubottulenswipe: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:57
weatherkidActionParsnip-I am at that point. Is just that I can't write to It and I'll fix that23:57
quibblerheldburgen:  wehn you edited grub you add noapci etc23:57
abdo222مو خباركم23:57
Frijoliewhoa, nice cursive!23:57
ActionParsnipweatherkid: remember to restart samba after changing smb.conf23:57
Frijoliehow did you hand write that?23:57
weatherkidI think SWAT does that23:58
Frijolieyou must be on a tablet23:58
XPS_M1330is there a good tool to handle USB flash drives (scanning, formatting, etc)?23:58
Frijoliedoes Ubuntu have a tablet OS?23:58
heldburgenquibbler: it looks like noapic and acpi=off were already added, so i just added pnpbios=off23:58
lenswipeActionParsnip: still wont run, it opens then just closes23:58
ActionParsniplenswipe: if that doesnt fix it use: sudo apt-get --reinstall install synaptic23:58
quibblerheldburgen: then it should be good23:58
lenswipeActionParsnip: i cant use sudo apt-get install * it just says "segmentation fault"23:58
ed1thow can i get subversion 1.5.6 in ubuntu 8.04?23:58
Paddy_EIRE!gparted | XPS_M133023:58
ubottuXPS_M1330: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:59
ed1ti has 1.4..4 in apt23:59
vjacob2hello all. How come when I make a new user they can read and open my files in my directory?23:59
savidoh nm, fixed it :)23:59
ActionParsniplenswipe: run the command to make it moan, then run: dmesg | tail23:59
jrib1vjacob2: because by default your home has 755 permissions23:59
weatherkidActionParsnip: Here is what is going on-I can login. I can see it. I can't write to it though23:59
ActionParsniplenswipe: could try a reboot23:59
quibblerheldburgen: go get some coffee to you have it coming to you23:59
jrib1!permissions | vjacob223:59
ubottuvjacob2: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:59
sebsebsebvjacob2: you can set the home folder they have access to graphicalley23:59
sebsebsebvjacob2: and by default it should be set to theres23:59

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