
DomovoiI'm resizing my windows partition but the only thing I want to keep is My Documents. If I just delete everything else will that cause problems?00:36
Domovoithanks in advance if anyone knows00:38
charlie-tcaIt depends on what you are trying to accomplish. As far as Xubuntu, it doesn't care if there is a windows partition.00:39
charlie-tcaUnless you installed using Wubi00:39
charlie-tcaAs far as Windows, to the best of my memory from 10 years ago, it won't run if you delete it00:40
charlie-tcaI copied my files from windows to a cd, then copied them into ~/home, and haven't cared since00:41
DomovoiWhat I'm trying to do is resize my very large windows partition and the only thing I want to keep on there is My Documents. it doesn't need to boot.00:41
charlie-tcaand Xubuntu is a separate installation, right? Should work fine00:42
DomovoiThanks. After this I can finally get windows off of here :)00:43
charlie-tcayou are not sharing files, so you should be able to read them from Xubuntu with out any problems00:43
DomovoiThat's what I was thinking but it's always best to double check.00:44
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
Moodbpmarkham: still lurking about? any luck?00:51
n2diycan I make a DOS boot disk with Ubuntu?02:17
geniiGet an image from bootdisk.com that is not a zip/install file. Then use dd to make the floppy from the image02:19
IntuitiveNippleIs there a menu-editor in the default live-CD that I can use to access the Application menu contents and review them?04:45
IntuitiveNipple2ndly... I'm seeing some window-decoration corruption for Terminal. I suspect it is to do with a previous (lower) screen resolution, but can't find where xfce4-terminal is storing its settings04:48
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
fretteI use the minimize windows to desktop option on, it works nice, but I need the icons to appear on all workspaces, not just one. How do I do that?08:29
frettedid that not make sense to someone or does noone know? :D08:33
Myrttiuse windowlist applet?08:35
frettethat would be possible i guess, but it takes away precious space08:36
fretteplus i really like the minimize to desktop feature and I guess there's just one simple option missing08:37
frettek, another approach: where is the file where settings of xfce settings manager -> Desktop get saved?08:43
_Pete_how do I use XFCE-desktop with freenx?10:28
TheSheep!freenx | _Pete_10:36
ubottu_Pete_: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX10:36
_Pete_TheSheep: yes thanks but I have it already setup but dont know how to use xfce with that, on configure dialog there's dropdown menu which desktop to use: kde/gnome/cde/xdm/custom10:38
_Pete_but not xfce10:38
TheSheepthen use custom10:41
TheSheepand put startxfce4 there10:41
_Pete_thanks, that was it10:44
brandonban6good morning folks13:31
jayant412Hi.. I installed Xubuntu 8.10.. But its really really slow.. can anyone help me out?13:41
_Pete_what are your computers specs?13:43
jayant4121.5 Ghz Celeron M,  256 MB RAM, 40GB HDD..13:44
jayant412I couldn't install xubuntu from the live cd... it kept hangin up....so I used the alternate CD.. but its really really slow..13:45
TheSheepjayant412: windows display slowly?13:45
jayant412yeah.. and installing packages takes a very long time....13:45
TheSheepjayant412: what graphics card do ou have?13:46
jayant412and How do I direct msgs to a purticular user?.. This is my first time on IRC really.13:46
TheSheepjayant412: type in terminal 'lspci | grep VGA' to tell13:46
TheSheepjayant412: don't use private messages, others want to learn too13:46
TheSheep you do that with '/query user'13:47
TheSheepwhere user is the name f the person you want to query13:47
jayant412i mean.. Like how you get "jayant412: don't use private messages, others want to learn too".. my name at the start....13:50
jayant412and sorry about that PM..13:50
TheSheepno problem :)13:51
TheSheepjust type the beginning of the name and press tab13:51
jayant412TheSheep: Ah.. Nice.. Thanks.. :)13:51
TheSheepyou can complete with tab in many places, in the terminal too13:51
jayant412anywys.. I have an Intel graphics chipset thing.. 128 MB.. 910 GML express.. I think thats the name..13:52
jayant412ah.. Okay.. I'll remember that..13:52
TheSheepcan you check the text file /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what driver you are using?13:53
jayant412oh.. and right now I am on windows.. So.. Can you tell me how to get what you want to know on windows? XP?13:53
TheSheepit should be mentioned somewhere in that gibberish13:53
jayant412lol... I couldn't use xubuntu anymore.. it was just too slow...13:53
TheSheepthat's very strange13:54
jayant412The xubuntu installer said I had 247 MB of RAM to be specific.. and the Live CD just wouldn't work..13:55
jayant412can i have too many packages installed?? Can they slow down the system?? Coz I think i have like over 1000 packages installed..13:58
_Pete_jayant412: no, only running programs slows downs system14:02
jayant412_Pete_: Oh, alright..14:06
jayant412can I try something to make it run faster or something??14:06
_Pete_I think the best way to speed up things is to get more memory14:07
jayant412hmmm.. how do i do that with xubuntu?? coz this is the first time I installed something Unix like on my system and I have no idea what to do..14:11
_Pete_to get memory? go to the shop and buy them :)14:18
jayant412_Pete_:  :) I could do that.. :P14:19
jayant412anywys.. I gotta run for dinner.. Thanks a lot for all your help guys.. See ya..14:25
crazygirI'm looking to install openoffice.org with synaptic.. the version says 1:2.4.1-11-ubuntustuff  is this oo.o v2.4.1?16:28
crazygirand if so, what's the 1:foo about? and is v3 available?16:28
chewityeh, its 2.4.116:31
charlie-tcaThe extra stuff is so ubuntu knows the changes it made16:35
charlie-tcav3 is in Jaunty16:36
charlie-tcaBut I don't think it is packaged for intrepid. You can install it from the openoffice website, though. It will even work without removing the existing version16:37
btQuark_i wonder if i could selectivly set a windows transparence16:40
btQuark_just like one is able to do with compiz, just without compiz, just with the xfce compositor16:40
brandonban6btQuark_,  you'd need a transparent theme. Check out www.xfce-look.org16:45
btQuark_brandonban6: i'm not sure we mean the same: i want standard opaque windows, and an option in the windows menu to set its transparence16:52
btQuark_i already have transparent decorations which is fine, i just would the entire content of selected windows to be transparent16:52
btQuark_do i need a transparent theme for that too?16:53
AnubisAnyone ever have a problem with the text under their desktop icons just being vertical lines?16:58
charlie-tcaAnubis: have you changed the fonts?16:59
AnubisI made them a bit smaller.17:00
AnubisThey were rather large.17:00
charlie-tcadid you make them smaller with the DPI settings?17:00
charlie-tcaYou may have to change the font to something else, but you should try log out / log in again first17:01
AnubisI did log out/in17:01
AnubisI did not make them smaller with the dpi settings.17:01
charlie-tcaAnd they were readable before making them smaller?17:02
AnubisI went back to the default settings.  Evidently it was a theme issue.17:02
AnubisThanks for the help, tho.17:03
charlie-tcaokay. Sometimes just picking a different font will work, too17:03
charlie-tcano problem.17:03
brandonban6btQuark_, sorry I misunderstood your request. I don't know if that is manageable, why not use compiz?17:09
btQuark_i like the xfwm17:10
btQuark_compiz sometimes is too anoying17:10
btQuark_although i now that i can configure the hell out of it17:11
brandonban6ahh, cool. Yeah, I'm not sure :(17:11
SlorHey guys - question on "support" vs download availability.  I have a machine running 7.04, which I understand is past its support window.  To me that would me no new updates are being made available, but does it also mean that existing packages/updates have been removed as well?17:19
SlorI ask because I would like to install a package or two, but apt-get can no longer fetch from the archive.17:19
vinnlSlor, I believe the packages should still be available17:19
Slorfor instance:17:20
Slorroot@pengo:/home/james# apt-get install links17:20
SlorReading package lists... Done17:20
SlorBuilding dependency tree17:20
SlorReading state information... Done17:20
SlorThe following NEW packages will be installed:17:20
Slor  links17:20
Slor0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:20
SlorNeed to get 368kB of archives.17:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:20
SlorAfter unpacking 901kB of additional disk space will be used.17:20
SlorWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!17:20
Slor  links17:20
SlorInstall these packages without verification [y/N]? y17:20
SlorErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe links 0.99+1.00pre12-1.117:20
Slor  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:20
SlorFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/links/links_0.99+1.00pre12-1.1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:20
vinnlSlor, see the ubottu  message above ;-)17:20
SlorE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?17:20
Sloroh- sorry - didn't mean to do a flood17:20
SlorIf I do an apt-get update, about half of the messages are 404 errors downloading the package lists17:21
Sloryeah, my bad vin17:21
charlie-tcaWhat I see is no 7.04 for Xubuntu17:22
Slora single-line for instance (I hope):  Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/main/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]17:22
vinnlAh they have indeed been removed17:22
vinnlOr at least, they're not at packages.ubuntu.com17:22
charlie-tcaThe old and new packages are here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/17:22
Slorwas my next question. :)  Where do I change the repository URLs?17:23
charlie-tcaGive me a minute to go look again17:23
chewitSlor, why not do a fresh install to an LTS release17:25
chewitmuch longer support cycle17:25
chewit2yrs i think17:25
SlorWell, this isn't exactly a current machine, and I'd prefer even in 2 years not to have to reinstall to have access to the latest packages.  No new updates, I perfectly understand.17:26
Sloractually, this 7.04 install is just about 2 years old17:27
charlie-tcaCan't find them. Can only find ubuntu, kubuntu17:27
vinnlIt's actually three years of updates :)17:27
charlie-tcaYes, standard life is 18 months, LTS is 3 years17:27
chewitis xfce power manager going to be used in 9.04 as default, or is it still gnome17:27
SlorIsn't the archive common to all ubuntu releases, or do I misunderstand that?17:27
vinnlYes it is, I think charlie-tca  is look for CD images (?)17:28
charlie-tcaIt is not common, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/17:28
charlie-tcaI can not find the old-release xubuntu images17:28
vinnlcharlie-tca, he's looking for repo's17:28
charlie-tcaThere aren't any for 7.04 anymore. They are only maintained for the current releases17:30
charlie-tca7.04 has been EOL for 6 months17:30
charlie-tca6.06 and 7.10 will be EOL in April17:30
SlorDoes the Feisty directory on the url not contain the repo?17:31
vinnlNo just CD images17:31
chewiti personal think ubuntu support releases for to long17:31
charlie-tcaWhat url?17:31
Slorthe one you noted above charlie17:32
SlorI guess my hope is that there is a mirror of the last 7.04 packages kept somewhere17:33
Slorhmmm - this looks like it has the feisty versions of links in it: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/links/17:35
=== rocko is now known as english
=== english is now known as rocko
Slorwhere would I reconfig apt-get to use old-releases.ubuntu.com rather than us.archive.ubuntu.com17:38
Slori'll save a copy and see if this gets me what I want17:39
charlie-tcaYou really should upgrade to a current release soon. You have to do it one version at a time, and next month 7.10 is no longer supported too17:39
knomecharlie-tca, you totally beat me! :)17:39
* charlie-tca did it!17:39
Slorlast I heard, trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 had its issues.17:39
neozenslor.... everything has issues17:40
chewitwhy not do a fresh install17:40
charlie-tcaI think staying at 7.04 is going to have issues17:40
neozenbut w/o updating... you'll have more17:40
charlie-tcaThere are no security updates, no support, ...17:40
vinnlAnd 8.04 will be supported until April 201117:40
neozensince you'll be running on out of date packages17:40
neozen...what charlie said :P17:40
vinnlAlso, you can do a fresh install with the /home directory on a separate partition so that that won't be as much of an issue in the future17:41
charlie-tcaCurrent versions of applications won't work, eventually, nothing works right and you can not upgrade, you have to install fresh17:41
Slorhome's already on a separate partition.17:41
vinnlWell, then why not do a fresh install? ;-)17:41
neozenslor.... GOOD!17:41
SlorI'm on dated hardware and not looking to upgrade.17:41
Slorjust looking for access to the existing packages17:42
charlie-tcaI have upgraded a couple from 7.04 to 7.10 to 8.04 without actually using 7.1017:42
vinnlIf you actually want to *use* that hardware you better upgrade ;-) But it's your choice, of course17:42
chewitwhat specs is it?17:42
charlie-tcaBut I think 6.10 and 7.04 had more issues for me than 7.10 and 8.0417:42
neozenSlor: xu still has the same design goals it had before17:42
chewitthere is no real hardware requirements increase from 7.04 to 8.1017:42
neozen(run on older hw better then full-on ubuntu)17:42
vinnlneozen, that's not the sole design goal ;-)17:43
charlie-tcaAlthough the ATI Rage Pro video card is no longer working17:43
vinnlBut let's not get into that :P17:43
neozenvinnl: of course not17:43
Sloryeah, I gotcha.  And your recommendations are duly noted. :)17:43
vinnlGood ;-)17:43
neozenvinnl: but when you've got older hw... you want it to be :P17:43
SlorThat's an interesting coincidence - my video card actually may BE a rage pro17:43
chewitwhy isnt the rage pro not supported anymore?17:43
Slorwhat's a command line to get my video card spec?17:44
charlie-tcaI don't remember if it worked in 8.04, but it sure quit in 8.10 and 9.0417:44
Slor(I'm remote)17:44
charlie-tcasudo lshw17:44
neozenslor: ssh?17:44
charlie-tcaATI dropped it completely from the drivers now17:44
neozencharlie-tca: ...yuk17:44
Slor Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS17:44
charlie-tcacompatibility issues with xorg17:45
chewithmm, i though xorg manage the old cards17:45
chewiti have a 7000, i have to use xorg drivers cause ati have never released drivers for this card under linux17:45
charlie-tcaxorg has to have a driver. ATI is proprietary and won't give out the specs so they can be supported17:45
chewitsame with all ati cards, which are 8500 ^ below17:45
Slorlshw - is that akin to dmidecode?17:47
chewitcharlie, people with a rage pro could use vesa or a generic driver17:47
chewitthey dont need the 3d support17:47
charlie-tcachewit: you might get 640 x 480 out of it, too17:48
charlie-tcaNo, I take it back, vesa don't work17:48
chewityeh, maybe 800x60017:48
charlie-tcaThere is no generic driver anymore. xorg 1.6 won't work with it.17:49
charlie-tcaI have the card. I have tried several times17:49
chewitcharlie, does 9.04 use the xfce power manager by default or gnome17:50
charlie-tcaAt least in Jaunty, you can not use the card17:50
chewitah ok17:50
charlie-tcaWe are hoping to get xfce-power-manager in, but right now it is gnome17:50
Slorthat did it for me guys - thanks for the discussion17:50
chewitah, i have seen its in the repos though17:50
charlie-tcaGood luck, Slor17:50
Sloroh, and I already have 8.10 on a newer machine somewhere. :)17:51
chewitwell, u need to try and get it in. gnome power manager is too heavy for xfce17:51
charlie-tcayeah, that **(})DPU ATI rage is just obsolete, I'm afraid17:51
SlorThis is one of my hardware hand-me-down machines.17:51
SlorWhen I get a new card for my current machine, I'll have a GF3 to move down to it at least.17:52
charlie-tcaHey, I got a couple of them. I am running one with a STB Velocity 4MB card, and it works17:52
charlie-tcaAlso, the matrox card is still working, but it is harder to get set up17:53
Slorbeen a while since I tried to find a distro that's installable on my Latitude LM.17:54
Slor(40MB memory, if I remember right)17:54
btQuark_some question: is there any chance that pulseaudio would get decently integrated into xubuntu?17:54
charlie-tcaYeah, that's a little light. I tried to install xubuntu Jaunty, with 128MB ram, and it refused17:54
charlie-tcabtQuark_: not in jaunty17:54
SlorI did a low mem RH install a number of years ago on it.17:55
SlorI bet my Slack (circa '95) cd set would work, but it probably wouldn't suppor the video or network.17:55
charlie-tcaMaybe yellowdog linux would work?17:55
btQuark_hm. if its going to come some day, integrated better than into ubuntu that would be something17:55
Slordunno.  That machines dedicated to other low-performance-requiring tasks. :)17:56
charlie-tcabtQuark_: that is what is holding it up. It would be preferred to have working sound17:56
SlorI assume the graphical software manager simply accesses apt's repositories17:57
vinnlSlor, yes17:57
* charlie-tca got beat on that one17:57
charlie-tcaokay, back to compiling17:58
neozensalu Laserbeak4418:01
Laserbeak44hello neozen18:01
LordAnubisAnyone ever have their cursor look like a box of jibberish?18:04
LordAnubisIt's exceptionally annoying.18:05
neozenwhat file format are the cursors in?18:05
LordAnubisIt's just my normal pointer, but it looks like a box for some reason.18:06
LordAnubisA rather large box.18:07
LordAnubisI don't know what file format the cursors are in.18:07
neozenthat is strange18:07
LordAnubisAnd annoying.18:07
neozenI'm assuming you're just using one of the out of the box cursors?18:07
LordAnubisYou can occasionally see the regular mouse pointer under it.18:07
LordAnubisI'm using the one that came with xubuntu.18:07
LordAnubisI didn't change any of them.18:07
vinnlLordAnubis, is this the first time you're experiencing this?18:07
charlie-tcaIn all applications and desktop?18:07
LordAnubisCould it be a theme issue?18:07
LordAnubisYes, vinnl.  It's a fairly new install.18:08
vinnlLordAnubis, you have never rebooted, logged out or whatever?18:08
LordAnubisSeveral times18:08
LordAnubisTell me about it.18:09
LordAnubisI thought it might be a theme issue.18:09
LordAnubisAnyone have a clue on to why this happens?18:12
charlie-tcaIt might be theme related18:14
SiDiI don't think it directly comes from the GTK *theme*18:15
LordAnubisIt's just odd18:15
SiDiwould you mind trying another mouse cursor (in Xfce params -> UI -> mouse cursor or something similar) ?18:15
LordAnubisand of course, annoying.18:15
SiDiand also, are you using the XFCE composite transparency features ?18:15
LordAnubisLemme chech18:15
vinnlSettings Manager->Mouse->Cursor, actually :)18:15
LordAnubisWhat menu is that under.18:15
* SiDi self slaps.18:15
LordAnubisGuess I have to restart x18:16
SiDiLordAnubis: i advise you to try other cursors, to check if you're using free/proprietary drivers, to disable compiz/xfce window transparency18:16
charlie-tcaYeah, but that is just log out / log in18:16
SiDiit's either related to the mouse cursor files or to the GPU drivers imho18:16
LordAnubisOk, thanks.  I'll try that.18:17
AnubisIt worked Sidi18:20
AnubisI just changed the mouse curser back to the default.18:20
AnubisThank you so much.18:20
SlorSo much for popularity of the "Random Garbage" theme...18:20
AnubisYes, you're right.18:21
AnubisI was just using one of the themes that came with Xubuntu18:21
AnubisIs there a Ubuntu/Xubuntu channel for DJ's ?18:24
knomeAnubis, suppose not. there is #xubuntu-offtopic for any kind of discussion, though :)18:37
AnubisThanks knome18:37
knomeit's a bit quiet sometimes but... :)18:38
charlie-tcajust invite them over to it18:38
charlie-tcaThe DJ's18:39
knomeoh, "them"18:39
knomedholbach then ;)18:39
charlie-tcayeah, "them"18:40
yeanomaybecan anyone help me connect the internet to my computer with xubuntu installed?19:06
yeanomaybeim currently on a windows computer19:06
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb19:07
=== neozen_ is now known as neozen
maxxleHello! I've troubles with my NetworkManager. I wonder how a package can be added to the default xubuntu distro without documentation?20:16
neozenwhich pkg you trying to install?20:21
maxxleI've installed the 'nm-tool' and the NetworkManager. The manpages to BOTH packages don't describe how to set it up.20:22
neozenmaxxle: there's a network manager system tray applet available when you install network-manager-gnome20:22
neozenonce you've installed that package... and run command: nm-applet it should appear in the tray20:23
neozenwhich version of xubuntu are you running?20:23
maxxleIt _IS_ running. But there is nowhere documentation on how to set it up. I need a manpage/help that discribes e.g. /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf20:24
neozenjust poke the nm-applet20:24
neozenuse mouse20:25
neozenit'll create appropriate config file entries20:25
maxxleIt tells me that my 'ath0' 'not managed'. I want to tweak that... but without documentation.... boring.20:26
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager20:26
maxxleThx for your help.20:30
charlie-tcaYou can always do a search from there...20:30
maxxleI think it's a package missing completely any manpage. Imho this package should be removed from the repository20:31
neozenhey maxxle20:31
neozengot something for you20:31
neozentake a look @ /etc/network/interfaces20:32
neozenmaxxle: see anything more then loopback?20:32
maxxleI've already removed all other entries and restartet all network stuff + network-manager20:33
maxxleok.... i will try to reboot my machine..... Maybe i have more luck after doing this :(...... cya - maybe20:35
atarihas anyone an iea what the app is called to logout on ubuntu? i'd like to add it. or at elast what app is called21:10
charlie-tcaYou mean it is missing from the panel?21:16
atarii dont know how, but i removed it ;(21:17
charlie-tcaright click the panel, add new items, action buttons21:17
brandonban6i ran into issues with the xfce-panel when first using it too, I found it to be a little touchy.21:18
charlie-tcahehe, that's a good way to put it21:22
charlie-tcaknome: did it! timer counts down for auto login, no timer for non auto login21:27
knomecharlie-tca, it was basically the same code21:27
knomewell... :D21:27
knomeglad it worked out21:28
charlie-tcamr_pouit gonna have to send that in again?21:28
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
sadmanuDoes anybody knwo if the velocy raptor hard disk from western digital is compatible with linux? Thank you.21:40
charlie-tca400gb works great21:43
charlie-tcacome to think of it, so does 200gb21:44
yeanomaybei need help again22:08
yeanomaybewith my internet connection22:08
yeanomaybeim trying to connect to the network in my house which is based off of a windows computer22:08
yeanomaybebut the computer with xubuntu installed wont recognize the network22:08
yeanomaybeno one?22:10
brandonban6patience is a virtue.22:27
charlie-tcawelll, he did wait two minutes. or did it take two minutes to type everything?22:32
brandonban6I'm not sure........but it is time to jet :) take it easy charlie-tca22:40
yeanomaybecan anyone help me?22:56
whileimherehi folks anyone try out the newest ubuntu 9.?22:56
yeanomaybei was tryin out new xubuntu22:57
yeanomaybebut it wont recognize my network22:57
yeanomaybehelp plz?22:57
charlie-tcawhileimhere: yes22:57
yeanomaybethe network is based off a windows comp22:58
whileimherehow is it"?22:58
charlie-tcaworks fine, if you don't mind a bug or two22:58
charlie-tcasound is bad again this week, for me22:59

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