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loolOh we have two ARM emulators for FSL devices in the archive outside of Qemu10:31
loolsoftgun can emulate imx21 and can run redboot10:31
ograeven the imx51 one ?10:37
ograthat would be perfect for setting up the images10:38
loolNo, just imx2110:51
loolHmm /me just realized something really stupid   :-/13:37
ogragood that you relized it :)13:38
loolMy perl implementation of fconfig is falling short in front of redboot storing IP addresses and ESA addresses as the bytes of the raw C data structure13:38
loolI don't see how I'll match that in perl13:38
ogradidnt you have that C tool ?13:38
ografrom the source you üpüointed me to13:38
loolI had a C tool, but it was crap13:39
loolFor fconfig13:39
loolI started fixing it for a bunch of things, but I gave up when faced with fitting in the addition / changing of values13:40
loologra: 14:40 < lool> I started fixing it for a bunch of things, but I gave up when  faced with fitting in the addition / changing of values13:44
persialool, Can't you use pack() and unpack() to replicate a struct?15:07
loolpersia: I can, but the struct might change from platform to platform15:09
loolit's supposed to be opaque15:09
persiaOh, yeah.  If the struct isn't constructed in such a way to be independent, then you're out of luck :(15:10
MartynGood morning16:01
loolpersia: Yes, that's exactly the problem; even the on-flash format for a *bool* can vary between 2 and 4 bytes, depending on sizeof(bool)...16:04
loolA bool!16:04
lool4 bytes!16:04
Martynlool : Well, depending on the platform, compiler, etc... sure.16:08
Martynlool : These days, where people are no longer thinking in therms of bits and bytes, but rather kilo and mega ... to those developers, why not use an int for a bool?   *sigh*16:09
MartynI'm not saying it's right, mind you .. just that it's common.16:09
Martynlool : You'll cry .. but on the PS2, on that cell processor ... a bool takes up a whopping full 128 bits.16:10
MartynThere are app notes that say "if you need a boolean, consider allocating an int and using flags..."16:10
ogralool, well, indeed TRUE is four letters ... :)16:11
Martynogra : *groan*16:12
Martynogra : So, I'm still stuck without a serial dongle for the board for at least another week.   Is there any possibility I could get you to make an image that has the redboot kernel cmdline settings appended with "text"?16:13
Martynogra : Since the Redboot does hash itself, and thus I can't twiddle the bits manually at the moment with a hex editor...16:14
ograyes, i saw your question, but sorry, i have to much on my plate atm trying to get a new image with a new kernel up16:14
MartynSo, before I poke into this any deeper.. I thought Freescale had committed to porting u-boot (albeit this was posted on a forum back in '04) ... do you know if they are still responsible for it?16:25
Martynogra: Are you using a modified Redboot?16:40
MartynActually, that's a general Q to anyone...16:40
ograi'm using the one from NCommander (which he packaged already but which didnt hit the archive yet)16:41
* NCommander returns16:42
loolMartyn: The FSL one16:46
NCommanderwooo, ecosconfig-imx was accepted!16:50
armin76Martyn: what? '04?16:50
loolpersia: Well concerning IP addresses, I was wrong, the format isn't too crazy as under linux typedef uint32_t in_addr_t16:51
armin76Martyn: i don't think the post i passed to you is from that date16:51
Martynarmin76 : Yep, twas.16:52
armin76Martyn: you saw the registration date of the guy who posted it16:52
MartynAh :)16:52
armin76not the date of the post16:52
NCommanderyay for X hanging16:53
armin76Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:25 pm    Post subject: i.MX515 Project Guidelines16:53
armin76Martyn: ^ :)16:53
ograNCommander, did you see my question on the redboot package ?16:55
NCommanderogra, no I didn't16:55
ograit looks like ecosconfig and redboot come from the same tarball, is that right ?16:55
NCommanderogra, no, separate16:56
NCommanderWell ... upstream has them together16:56
NCommanderfreescale has them seperate16:56
ograthats what i asked about16:56
NCommanderI think the version FSL has is before they were merged16:56
NCommanderBecause when I worked on the NSLU2 RedBoot, they were also separate16:56
NCommanderogra, its kinda weird :-/. If you want to look for yourself, in the redboot zip, the config tools are in tools/ecos_config_tools, and then I built a tarball out of the redboot code and patches out of the stuff in source16:57
ograno, its fine, i just wanted to know if they were one tarball when you recieved them16:58
NCommanderogra, well, it was the giant zip from hell :-)16:58
MartynNCommander : I need to change the redboot config in ogra's image .. would you be so kind as to link or send me the zip?16:58
ograif its a) the tarball for ecosconfig and b) the content of the zip tarred up for redboot, thats fine16:58
NCommanderMartyn, pull the packages out of my PPA, ecosconfig-imx, and redboot-imx16:59
NCommanderYou need to build on an ARM machine with an arm-gnueabi-linux toolchain.16:59
MartynWhat's the address for your PPA?17:00
MartynI need to add you to the sources.list17:00
NCommanderMartyn, https://edge.launchpad.net/~mcasadevall/+archive/ppa17:00
NCommanderMartyn, its a devirtualized PPA so you can also pull binaries down for it on ARM (since you need to build on ARM if you want to just use debuild)17:01
NCommanderMartyn, what configuration change to you want to make?17:01
NCommanderMartyn, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BuildingBabbageRedBoot - this will likely help you17:01
Martyngot it.17:02
Martynogra : Is the default installed gcc on your image the eabi toolchain?17:03
NCommanderMartyn, no, this RedBoot been modified to use a linux toolchain vs. an eabi17:03
NCommanderIt won't compile with an eabi toolchain.17:03
NCommanderMartyn, what are you trying to do?17:07
MartynHeh, that's what my young cousin used to say when she tried to say "fubar"17:07
MartynNCommander : My babbage shipped without the JTAG/serial dongle.  I want to start ogra's live image in text, rather than full X mode17:08
MartynThe tests I'm running need as much free RAM as possible, and the board only has 512...17:08
NCommanderThe config line isn't in the source code, its in the config partition of the image.17:08
* NCommander notes that its possible to telnet into RedBoot over ethernet, but those options in ogra's image are off.17:08
MartynRight, and you can't change the partition of the image by hand (it's hashed, and if changed will prevent booting)17:08
NCommanderMartyn, lool was working on a tool to do just that17:09
MartynYep, it's not ready yet that I know it.17:09
armin76Martyn: what kind of serial does it need?17:11
ograarmin76, a specially developed external board17:11
ograwith mxcuart chip17:11
loolHmm problem17:11
loolfconfig includes the MAC address17:11
loolFound key :fec_esa_data: of type :6: sensing :fec_esa: with data length 8; value:42:00:00:EA:18:F0:17:12
ogrado we care `17:12
NCommandermine isn't set right and it works17:12
NCommanderwe're not using the ethernet port during boot.17:12
loolYes, but if we keep the SD card for booting, it will have broken networking17:12
lool(in redboot only of course)17:12
MartynOnly temporarily17:12
loolIs the ethernet address correctly detected on boot by linux?17:13
ogralool, and who cares ?17:13
* ogra cant check atm17:13
ograbut if not we can generate one randomly17:13
Martynthe mac address is stored in the chip, and is read by the driver early on for most adapters...17:14
Martynogra : Indeed.  As long as you don't use the reserved 00:00:00:00:00:00 address ... it should work fine.17:15
Martynalthough generating a random one each boot, may confuse an upstream switch :)17:15
ograwell, it should have at least the venmdor part set by default17:15
Martynand it is present on the chip anyway.   When linux comes up, the driver will set the mac correctly.17:16
* NCommander wonders if he should strip out some of the ecos source thats unused17:16
NCommanderThe copyright file is a freaking mess :-/17:16
loolMartyn: Well sometimes the linux driver just relies on the hardware as initialized by the boot loader to know its MAC17:18
loolI know some d-i platforms are parsing the MAC address from the bootloader data17:18
loolNCommander: yeah for ecosconfig \o/17:18
NCommanderlool, RedBoot is done aside from its copyright file (which just broke 130 lines :-/)17:19
loolNCommander: You complain about 130 lines of copyright, I'd like to complain about my stupid 600 lines of perl17:22
loolPerl seemed like a good choice, but I'm not sure it was17:22
NCommanderlool, what are you coding in perl?17:22
ograshell FTW !17:22
loolStill on fconfig17:22
* NCommander would have choosen C and canobolized the existing code.17:23
loologra: I'm confident it was a better choice than shell for this task   :-)17:23
NCommanderautoconf has long providen you can do ANYTHING in sh17:23
loolOne reason it's useful to have it in C (and not C++ or Perl or anything) is to have it in an initrd rootfs; otherwise the libs suck a lot of space17:23
loolNCommander: Yeah, and it has "providen" that it's ugly and nobody gets it right too  :-P17:24
ograyou think to far in advance17:24
loologra: That's actually the reason fis.cpp was rewritten in C for NSLU2  :-)17:24
ograwe really dont need it in initramfs atm17:24
ograits enough to have it in the rootfs17:24
loologra: I'm just mentionning it for completeness in this discussion; I do think there could be value in having it in initramfs for d-i17:25
loolI can parse the full config now; let's write it from scratch17:25
ograd-i is out of scope as well for jaunty17:25
ograall we wnat is to write the initial config and the initramfs and kernel binaries to SD for now17:26
loologra: Would have I thought of that though, I would have pursued the C version, as ugly as it was, or rewritten one17:27
ograthats what i thought you were doing until this morning17:27
* ogra curses ... no input possibility in the latest kernel17:28
loologra: A C version?17:31
ogralool, the tool you pointed me to the other day17:33
loologra: Well the fconfig one was awful in the implementation17:35
ograbut it worked ?17:35
loolI fixed it up for the read code path, but the write code path was too awful17:35
loologra: It didn't have any write support and that required a lot of things17:35
ograhmm, i thought the site you pointed me to talked about write support17:37
loologra: For fis.c probably17:37
loologra: Two different upstreams17:37
loolfconfig is wholy different17:37
loolIt's a separate project17:37
loolI found 3 fis implementations and one fconfig one; the fconfig one was the problematic one17:38
loolWell TBH I'm not perfectly happy with the fis ones, but it's ok, we can use them as is17:38
ografputs("Read, write or list Redboot configuration\n", stdout);17:38
ografputs("usage: fconfig [-r|-w|-l]"17:38
ogra      " -d dev -o offset -n nickname -x value\n", stdout);17:38
ografputs("'dev' may be a char device, block device or a file\n", stdout);17:38
ografputs("'offset' is the offset in bytes on the device\n", stdout);17:38
ografputs("Supported types: \n", stdout);17:38
ografor (i = 0; i < NUM_TYPES; i++) {17:38
ograprintf(" - %s\n", TYPE_NAME(i));17:38
ografputs("Additional switches: \n", stdout);17:38
ografputs(" -v:\tVerbose mode, use more to increase verbosity\n", stdout);17:38
ografputs(" -s:\tSilent mode, absolutely no messages printed\n", stdout);17:38
ograthats what i see in the source17:38
ograi would have expected -w to be "write"17:39
loolYes, but it overwrites an existing config with the same config17:39
loolExactly what I said: "ugh" :)17:39
* NCommander prays he's wrong17:41
ogragramattically your ugh looks right :)17:42
NCommanderlool, ogra, we've got a problem :-/17:42
NCommanderThe RedBoot/ecos tree has 4 clause BSD code intermixed with GPLv2 code.17:42
* ogra has lots of problems toiday ... no news17:42
ografis create initramfs17:43
ograwhoops ... wrong focus17:43
* NCommander sighs, and takes a look upstream17:44
loolNCommander: Hmpf17:44
loolNCommander: Where exactly is the 4-clause BSD?17:44
NCommanderlool, its the ecos network stack, I don't think I can rip it out.17:45
NCommander(it looks like someone copy and pasted an older version of the OpenBSD stack ...)17:45
NCommanderBefore they made the change to a newer BSD license (the copyright notices are 1992-1993)17:45
loolNCommander: Is this an upstream issue?17:45
NCommanderLooks like, I'm poking ecos's CVS repo to see if it was resolved in a later version17:46
loolEven RedBoot bits are 4-clause, such as packages/redboot/current/include/net/tftp.h17:46
loolNCommander: it was not17:46
NCommanderso its still an issue upstream?17:46
loolNCommander: So 1) bring it up on the upstream list 2) mention the issue on debian/copyright and the fact that you contacted upstream about it17:46
loolNCommander: It's still an issue upstream17:46
loolWell from a checkout some days old, but it doesn't change much17:47
ograworst case it forces the packages to restricted17:47
NCommanderEr, lool, GPLv2 and BSD 4-clause are incompatible; you can't license code together.17:47
NCommanderThe two licenses conflict with each other ...17:47
loolNCommander: But ECos folks did and RedBoot has been shipping in millions of devices17:47
* NCommander remembers he was asked this question on his P&P for NM ...17:48
NCommanderI thought the adversing clause constitued an additional restriction which breaks the GPL.17:48
ogradebian ...17:48
loolNCommander: It does17:48
NCommanderI'm lost then ...17:48
loologra: Did you start looking into cdimage bits for SD card images for babbage?18:41
loolNCommander: Where is the redboot source you're using ATM?18:56
NCommanderlool, on my HDD.18:57
NCommanderlool, I'm uploading a copy to REVU in a few minutes18:57
loolNCommander: I just need to check values of redboot configs; any older version is fine18:57
loolI'm grabbing redboot-imx from your ppa18:57
NCommanderlool, that's fine.18:58
* NCommander is just determining if this package is going to universe or to multiverse18:58
NCommanderI don't think we have anything in main with four-clause BSD (which could be problematic for anyone adversing), but on the flip side, debian-legal says 4-clause BSD can go in main18:59
NCommander(debian main)18:59
* lool curses Xorg crashes when doing development19:08
NCommanderlool, I'm suffering from the random USB device insertions taking X down.19:18
MartynIs there a full ubuntu 9.04 live image available for the OMAP3 evm board built by mistral?19:22
* Martyn reads through the scrollback ... 19:22
* Martyn is with ogra -- shell FTW19:23
MartynNCommander : You have it right.  4-clause and GPL are mutually incompatible19:25
MartynNCommander : LGPL and 4-clause may be compatible, depending.19:26
NCommanderMartyn, there is an exception in the GPL code in this package to allow it to be linked.19:26
MartynNCommander: Sounds like the lesser GPL then19:26
NCommanderMartyn, no, its GPL with an exception clause19:27
NCommander(there is a difference)19:27
MartynCool but weird :)19:27
* Martyn doesn't care about the licenses much when developing .. I just Want It To Work(tm)19:28
MartynIf it means I have a rewrite a section of code afterwards, the development goes faster.19:28
Martynogra : I may have a network driver bug to report.   Should I post it to Launchpad?19:30
MartynRx stops completely, and in a way I can reproduce, when fragmented packets are present.19:31
Martyn(I've been doing some lighttpd load testing.  It occurs on the Babbage, but not on the EVM or Beagle)19:32
MartynTx still sends packets, Rx does not receive any, and ifconfig reports no further packets being counted.19:33
fasoHi All...I am trying to get jaunty on my N81022:17
fasoI am trying to follow instructions http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25975...22:18
fasoI am unable to do debootstrap22:18
fasoI wonder why22:18
fasoappreciate any help?22:19
NCommanderfaso, what was the error?22:32
fasoactually I am unable to locate debootstrap in any of the repositories22:35
fasoDo u know where I can install it from22:35
loolfaso: It's in all Ubuntus22:57
loolI mean available to them22:57

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