
Ampelbeinseb128: i guess the build errors i just got for seahorse-plugins come from the broken fontconfig you mentioned earlier? (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23958748/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.seahorse-plugins_2.26.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)00:06
seb128Ampelbein: yes00:07
Ampelbeinseb128: bug #343976 ready for review.00:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343976 in glade-3 "Please sponsor version 3.6.0 in Jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34397600:10
seb128Ampelbein: thanks00:11
Ampelbeinseb128: any more updates to do?00:19
seb128Ampelbein: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-icon-theme/2.26/gnome-icon-theme-2.26.0.tar.gz00:20
Laneywhen are we supposed to hear about uds sponsorship?00:25
seb128not yet I guess00:25
Laneyi thought it was today00:25
seb128lists had to be made for some days ago and are reviewed now I think00:25
seb128will be soon I guess00:26
Laneywaiting to hear00:27
seb128ah ;-)00:27
Laneyit's like seeing if you have what you want on christmas day00:27
dobeywell i finally upgraded my laptop to jaunty today00:28
dobeyand thankfully suspend/resume and wireless and 3d all still work00:28
Ampelbeinseb128: bug #343996 ready for review.00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343996 in gnome-icon-theme "Please sponsor version 2.26.0 in jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34399600:42
seb128Ampelbein: http://download.gnome.org/sources/vino/2.26/vino-2.26.0.tar.gz if you want an another one00:43
Ampelbeinseb128: ok.00:43
Ampelbeinseb128: just one simple question about bzr. is there an easy way to build from the bzr-branch with pbuilder? for now i always copy the debian-directory to a source directory and build there, but this seems quite complicated.00:52
asacAmpelbein: try bzr builddeb --merge --dont-purge ;)00:55
jCollAnyone know what's going on with Hardy updates size mismatches?00:55
asacbzr-builddeb package00:55
asacAmpelbein: you just need to place the tarball at appropriate place00:55
huatsseb128: bug  34400600:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344006 in gdl "Please sponsor gdl 2.26.0 into jaunty" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34400600:57
Ampelbeinasac: i tried that but then dpkg-checkbuilddeps complains that build-depends are not satisfied.00:57
seb128huats: thanks00:57
huatsyour welcome seb12800:57
asacAmpelbein: install the builddepends then00:58
asacAmpelbein: otherwise just build sources and then put the .dsc to pbuilder00:58
asaclike bzr bd --merge --builder='debuild -S'00:58
Ampelbeinasac: ah, ok. that's what i was looking for.00:59
asacsomething is really slow with my network00:59
Ampelbeinasac: did not want to install all the build-deps myself since that's what pbuilder is there for was i thinking. thanks for the help.00:59
asacAmpelbein: sudo apt-get build-dep package ;)01:07
* Ampelbein is banging my head to the desk. so obvious... thanks again.01:08
Ampelbeinseb128: bug #344000 ready for review.01:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344000 in vino "Please sponsor version 2.26.0 in jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34400001:10
seb128Ampelbein: thanks01:12
seb128asac: your fontconfig fix worked apparently ;-)01:14
asacseb128: really?01:14
asacseb128: which build succeeded?01:15
seb128asac: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-utils/2.26.0-0ubuntu1/+build/90698201:15
asacargh. is launchpad slow on your side too?01:15
seb128asac: no01:15
seb128but I'm using edge01:15
asacme too01:15
asacseems my provider thinks during night they can do maintenance or something01:16
seb128try to not use edge maybe then ;-)01:16
asacits really slow01:16
asacseb128: that did the trick i think01:17
asachow can librarian be so much faster?01:17
asacthat must be coincident01:18
asacso cool01:18
seb128asac: what did you change? non-edge?01:18
asacseb128: yeah01:19
asacnow it rocks the boat01:19
asacseems i could continue to work all night now ;)01:20
seb128asac: if you don't break the buildds again ;-)01:22
asaci usually try not to do that01:23
* seb128 build retry everything uploaded tonight01:24
asacseb128: now that gcc is off the amd builder stuff hopefully gets moving quickly01:27
asacbut i386 is mostly yours now ;)01:28
asacdamn ... the edge boost was temporary only01:28
seb128asac: amd64 still fail to build01:34
seb128asac: but not on the bug now01:34
seb128just arch any-all mismatch for fontconfig packages leading to uninstallability01:34
asacseb128: log?01:34
seb128amd64 didn't catch the same published run for fontconfig01:35
asacseb128: well01:35
asacamd64 doesnt even have a free slot01:35
asacso when ati is done all stuff hopefully will be there01:35
seb128I guess now is a good time to go to bed ;-)01:36
asacseb128: did you get failures from other arches too?01:36
asacthey should have the same issue01:36
asacgnome-utils seems to build on armel01:37
seb128in fact only i386 worked01:37
asacseb128: its building right now on armel .. isnt it?01:37
asacits definitly compiling so stuff should be there01:38
asacmaybe ports is faster though01:38
seb128asac: I will remember to break builds next time you have a firefox you want to get pushed to your users ;-)01:38
asacseb128: do you know when publisher run is?01:39
seb128asac: :03 I think01:39
seb128asac: btw what did you change in fontconfig exactly?01:40
seb128asac: tried to clean all the ubuntu special rules there?01:41
asacseb128: i removed obsolete conffiles01:41
asacseb128: and links01:41
asacseb128: and disabled debconf01:41
asacalso moved stuff that was in .diff.gz into a debian/patches/ patch ;)01:42
asacand split that up01:42
asace.g. half of the changes where in diff.gz the rest in patches01:42
seb128good to some cleaning there01:43
asacseb128: do you know if you still use anymetric anywhere?01:44
seb128no idea01:44
asacfrom changelog it was just firefox that got patched to show some fonts in similar way as evince01:44
asacbut i dropped that anymetrics patch quite some time ago ... so i would like to remove that patch from here too01:45
asace.g. the the fontconfig part of it01:45
asacbut i guess you are the wrong to ask ;)01:45
seb128I think it was only firefox01:45
asaci think it was ian who did that01:45
seb128drop it now and see if anybody complain ;-)01:46
seb128yes, ian did that01:46
asacyeah. i will drop it once the dust has settled01:46
asacdont want to give you another any/all conflict ;)01:46
seb128yeah, wait until tomorrow ;-)01:46
asacdoesnt look directly fontconfig related01:54
seb128asac: I'm ready to bet it's fontconfig though02:04
seb128asac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23960698/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.libwnck_2.26.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:07
seb128asac: those apt summaries are confusing but it's basically libcairo not installable02:08
asacseb128: yes out of sync of libwnck and gtkmm and launchpad-integration? did that fail too?02:08
seb128and I guess that's due to fontconfig not being installable02:08
seb128asac: yes, I just retried libwnck and gtkmm02:08
seb128I will go to bed now and give an another retry round in the morning02:09
asaceverything is published now i think02:09
asacfontconfig wise02:09
asacat least amd64 is finally DONE too02:10
seb128good, just need for the publisher to finish running then02:10
asacgood night then02:13
pittiGood morning07:04
pittidobey: hey07:04
pittidobey: package  install trigger apt-get update> you can't07:04
pittidobey: why would you want to do that?07:04
tjaaltonsigh, many gnome packages fail to install atm07:05
tjaaltongnome-panel: Depends: gnome-panel-data (< 1:2.26) but 1:2.26.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed07:05
tjaaltonwonder why the depends looks like that07:06
didrocksmorning :)07:09
pittihey didrocks07:09
didrockshey pitti o/07:09
tjaaltonok, so there seems to be some problems in amd6407:27
tjaaltonthat's why gnome-panel etc failed to build07:28
tjaaltonhuats: hey, how's the anjuta update doing?-)07:28
huatstjaalton: hey07:30
huatsdoing well07:30
huatsthere has been a new upstream yesterday07:30
huatswith new bdeps07:30
huatsI am waiting for all of them to be in jaunty (it will be done soon)07:31
huatsand then I can upload it07:31
tjaaltonhuats: oh great, I didn't see that :)07:31
tjaaltonah, so not uploaded yet.. ok07:31
huatstjaalton: indeed...07:32
* seb128 yawns08:19
didrockshey seb128 o/08:19
seb128hello didrocks08:19
didrocksseb128: I think you should take a big cup of coffee :)08:20
seb128didrocks: yeah, I just did08:20
didrocksseb128: you have some sponsoring stuff to do when you will be really awake :)08:21
seb128didrocks: yeah, looking at that now08:21
didrocksI'm finishing bug-buddy in the meanwhile. Is murrine a new package?08:22
seb128didrocks: no, it's gtk2-engine-murrine08:22
seb128didrocks: that the theme engine used by default on ubuntu08:22
didrocksdidrocks: oh, ok. I'm on it once bug-buddy done :)08:23
* mvo takes the vte and g-t sponsoring08:23
* pitti hugs seb12808:23
* pitti hugs mvo too, Guten Morgen08:23
* seb128 hugs pitti mvo08:23
mvoguten morgen!08:23
* mvo hugs seb128 and pitti and didrocks08:24
seb128mvo: guten tag!08:24
* didrocks hugs seb128 & mvo (and pitti for the second time of the day ;))08:24
* seb128 hugs didrocks08:24
pittiseb128: taking gimp and gnome-doc-utils08:24
seb128pitti: danke08:25
crevettegood morning08:32
seb128lut crevette08:34
seb128pitti: did you clean the retracers issues? I don't see any problem right now but got emails from those08:35
pittiseb128: yes08:35
seb128pitti: ok thanks08:35
* seb128 hugs pitti08:35
* pitti hugs back seb12808:35
pittiseb128: FYI, I now have all the pieces together -- launchpadlib backports for hardy and intrepid, firewall rules on ronne fixed, launchpadlib branch test suite succeeding08:36
pittiseb128: I think I'll do the big switch on Thursday, when we're frozen anyway08:36
pittibut I need to switch all retracers at the same time08:36
seb128pitti: btw for bzr sponsoring with your workflow, dch -r will change the changelog entry owner to the sponsor is that what you expect?08:38
pittiseb128: taking gnome-games08:38
seb128pitti: I'm on it08:38
pittiseb128: ah, ok08:38
pittiseb128: no, I use dch -rm for that08:38
pitti-m preserves the maintainer08:38
seb128pitti: I've taken gnome-games and vinagre (set those to fix commited)08:38
seb128pitti: ok thanks08:39
pittiseb128: I think it's more polite to keep the original sponsoree in08:39
seb128yeah me too08:39
pittiseb128: taking tomboy then08:39
seb128I was just wondering since I've not used this workflow before and didrocks did the upgrade this way now08:39
seb128pitti: danke08:40
pittiseb128: for gnome-doc-tools, I just pulled his branch into the ~ubuntu-desktop one, checked diff, dch -rm, debcommit -r08:40
seb128didrocks: you have been added to the ubuntu-desktop team congrats08:41
seb128didrocks: you can push directly there now and ask for review ;-)08:41
* pitti hugs didrocks08:41
* seb128 hugs didrocks08:41
seb128I'm looking to notify-osd now08:43
dobeypitti: to avoid requiring the user run apt-get update manually. the package installs a gpg key and sources.list for a ppa for example08:43
seb128the 0.9.3 broke for quite some users apparently08:43
pittiseb128: ugh, how?08:43
seb128the binary has been renamed to notify_osd instead of notify-osd or something08:43
pittidobey: I'm afraid packages can't do that08:43
pittidobey: and packages shouldn't ever ship an apt sources.list, too08:44
dobeyyes, it rather sucks08:44
dobeywhy not?08:44
pittidobey: the intended way is that the user adds an apt source in synaptics and then it'll DTRT08:45
pittidobey: how do you use mirrors or CD sources then? this would break for people who are offline, etc.08:45
dobeybut requiring a user to do all that work, sucks08:45
dobeyppas are on cd sources? or mirrored?08:45
pittidobey: mvo also has a rather clever system for simplifying that even more, with a kind of apt:// URL syntax08:45
dobeypitti: apt: urls only work if the package is available in a sources list. you can't use apt to install a package in your ppa if the user hasn't added the ppa08:46
pittidobey: I think that's precisely what they are designed for08:46
pittii. e. add an apt source08:46
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
pittidobey: mvo knows more, though, ICBW08:46
pittigood morning sabdfl08:46
seb128hello sabdfl08:46
pittiember: sponsoring tomboy... Trying patch debian/patches/01_dllmaps.patch at level 1 ... 0 ... 2 ... failure.08:47
sabdflhey guys. seb, 2.26 seems to have landed very smoothly!08:47
dobeyi don't see how. apt doesn't know where to find the package until you tell it08:47
sabdflhow are you, pitti?08:47
pittisabdfl: pretty good, in the usual beta rush :) how are you?08:47
sabdflall happy in cape town08:47
pittidobey: it's not apt itself, it's a desktop-ish thing08:48
dobeypitti: well, it doesnt't really matter. apt:package doesn't work if package isn't already available via apt08:48
pittimvo: ^ halp plz08:49
pittimvo: isn't that the very use case we wanted to add? make it easy to add a new apt source?08:49
seb128sabdfl: indeed the day has been long yesterday but we landed almost everything and didn't have a real issue so it's good ;-)08:49
* mvo keeps forgeting that the vte build takes forever08:51
seb128is there any way to push automatically to the vcs url which is used in the control?08:52
* didrocks hugs seb128 & pitti: thanks a lot both of you :)08:53
mvoseb128: like using a checkout ?08:53
mvoseb128: hm, brasero conflicts with nautilus-cd-burner now in bzr - is this really needed?08:53
=== fta_ is now known as fta
seb128mvo: they both provide the nautilus burn: location so you have duplicated buttons in nautilus, duplicated menu items, etc08:54
pittiseb128: no automatic one, I'm afraid; however, you should use "bzr info" and take that one, since Vcs-Bzr: usually points to http://08:54
seb128mvo: ideally the nautilus .so could be splitted and only this one conflict08:55
pittiseb128: for Vcs-Bzr: that makes sense IMO, since it's a clickable link to the browser08:55
pittiseb128: ideally debcheckout -a would automatically set the push address to the pull address08:55
crevettesalut seb12808:55
pittiseb128: I think that's indeed a good idea, annoys me as well; I'll make a TODO item to look into this08:55
mvoseb128: if you think the conflict is appropriate I'm fine with it, it seems a bit strong if all that results is a worse UI than before :)08:55
seb128mvo: no, I bzr get lp:~didrocks, review and then push to lp:~ubuntu-desktop when uploading08:55
pittiember: ignore me08:55
seb128mvo: it's annoying to have to copy the url for that ;-)08:56
seb128mvo: worse UI?08:56
seb128pitti: thanks08:56
seb128lut crevette08:56
mvoseb128: I tend to use checkouts with debcommit, that saves me from the push08:56
crevettesorry I was away :)08:56
crevettepitti, as I know you have bluetooth devices, may I ask if you have time if you can test https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/343859 ?08:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 343859 in bluez "Sponsor new upstream version (4.33) into Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:57
seb128mvo: so you checkout twice, the didrocks and ubuntu-desktops one and bzr merge and then push to upload?08:57
mvoseb128: worse-ui> if the conflicts is there "just" because if both are installed the buttons are duplicated that seems a bit strong08:57
seb128mvo: can we make sure that people upgrading will get nautilus-cd-burner removed? because having duplicated functions is a bit ugly08:57
pittiseb128: no need to checkout oboth08:57
seb128mvo: right click on an iso or open burn:08:57
pittiseb128: debcheckout -a tomboy; bzr pull lp:~didrocks/tomboy/whatever08:58
mvoseb128: I have a checkout usually of the ~ubuntu-desktop one, then I do a bzr merge lp:~didrocks/foo/ubuntu; bzr diff and if its good (builds, test ok) I do a debcommit (or debcommit -r). if the ~ubuntu-desktpo branch was a checkout it will push automatically08:58
seb128ok, I see08:58
seb128thank you guys08:58
mvoseb128: aha, I see the problem now08:58
seb128I usually bzr get lp:~didrocks08:58
seb128and bzr push lp:~ubuntu-desktop etc08:58
pittiseb128: that usually works, too, just feels slightly odd :)08:59
mvocan you do bzr diff with that workflow too?08:59
mvofunny that three people have three (slightly) different workflows :)08:59
pittisure, bzr diff -c -108:59
seb128mvo: yes,  since he branches from ~ubuntu-desktop to do the update08:59
pittithe push will fail if the branches were diverged, so that should be alright09:00
pittiif it fails, you need to merge09:00
pittiI made a note to fix debcheckout -a09:00
pittito automatically set the push addresss09:00
pittiso that you have debcheckout -a tomboy; bzr pull otherbranch; review; dch -rm; debcommit -r; bzr push09:00
dobeymvo: so can you elaborate on pitti's claims of apt-url magic?09:01
mvodobey: maybe, what was the claim?09:02
pittimvo: is that new apt-url system meant for adding apt sources, or just installing packages from existing apt sources?09:02
pittimvo: (I thought the former)09:02
mvopitti: the new one can add apt source *if* they come from app-install-data-partner(s)09:03
mvoso it can add e.g. the partner repository09:03
pittimvo: ah, that was restricted for security reasons09:03
mvobut it can not add anything that is not already whitelisted09:03
pittimvo: so it's not meant to work for PPAs?09:03
mvoyes, security and QA09:03
mvoit could work for PPAs if we add a explicit whitelist for a specific PPA09:03
mvobut it does not right now09:03
pittimvo: I really don't think that packages should ship sources.list files (and try apt-get update in postinst)09:03
dobeyyou can't do apt-get update in postinst anyway09:04
mvopitti: what package is doing that?09:04
dobeybecause the package install already has the lock09:04
pittiright, and it's entirely backwards09:04
mvodobey: you could with -o Debug::NoLocking=True, but that would be cheating09:04
dobeypitti: but if packages aren't meant to install sources list files, why the hell is there an /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ? :)09:04
pittidobey: so that programs like synaptics or admins can use it :)09:05
mvoI agree with pitti, pushing stuff there from a package is not the right thing09:05
mvowhat use case do you have ?09:06
pittiseb128: I'll do the evo-indicator merge request09:06
dobeyeasy setup of ppas, for one09:06
seb128pitti: oh, I did the upload09:06
pittioh, ok09:06
seb128pitti: I didn't push to bzr for several reasons though09:06
seb1281- I don't understand why we don't have only the packaging there09:07
pittiseb128: I just pulled and I have 0.1.10-0ubuntu1 in the branch09:07
seb1282- bzr-buildpackage in the ubuntu checkout doesn't work09:07
seb1283- I don't understand how this launchpad feature works09:07
seb128pitti: cf what I just wrote ;-)09:07
mvodobey:  its a tricky trade off, everything can be in a PPA, including stuff that breaks the system in bad ways, if we make it too easy, people will break their system (or worse, install random stuff and break it next time they try to upgrade and blame us)09:07
pittiseb128: (1) it's a branch from trunk, so with that we can directly merge fixes and new versions from trunk09:08
mvowe had this in the past with external repos, this is why its currently relatively difficult09:08
dobeymvo: uhm. if they're looking at something in a ppa, they're going to do that anyway09:08
pitti(2) it's not set up for bzr-buildpackage AFAICS (and not really necessary, but I'm fine with having it set up)09:08
pitti(3) which LP feature?09:08
dobeymvo: and you can already just click on specific .deb packages in a ppa and install them with gdebi09:08
pittiseb128: you wrote that you didn't push, but apparently you pushed, but didn't upload or so?09:08
pittiseb128: ah, ignore me; I pulled from their PPA branch, not from ubuntu09:09
pittiseb128: see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-indicator, no upload09:10
pittiseb128: (you don't mix this up with indicator-applet, do you?09:10
seb128pitti: I do09:11
seb128pitti: (2), how do I build from the checkout then?09:11
seb128pitti: (3) the merge request page, are we supposed to edit something there?09:12
pittiseb128: (2) debuild -S09:12
pittiseb128: (2) nothing special really, you "just do"09:12
pittiseb128: (3) no need to, if you merge and push, it'll resolve itself (it notices that you did the merge)09:12
seb128pitti: debuild -S ... the checkout has autogen.sh and no configure that's not what I want, I used the upstream tarball09:13
seb128maybe I'm not used to this workflow but I dislike packaging trunk and running autotools in the package build09:13
pittiseb128: I think the last time I just unpacked the orig.tar.gz09:13
seb128I like better using tarballs09:13
pittiseb128: right, I like pre-built autostuff, too09:13
seb128right, that's what I did and copied the debian directory over09:14
seb128but if that's to do that why not having the debian directory only in bzr?09:14
pittiseb128: we can do that (bzr-bd merge mode)09:14
seb128I don't really care either way I just don't understand the current way09:15
seb128it seems to be09:15
seb128bzr get09:15
seb128download tarball09:15
seb128copy debian directory manually09:15
seb128which is not really efficient ;-)09:15
pittiseb128: this would work:09:16
pittibzr get09:16
pittidownload tarball09:16
pittiuntar into checkout09:16
pittibut yeah, it's confusing09:16
pittiif we use bd for everythign else, we should use it for this, too09:16
pittiseb128: want me to change the branch accordingly?09:16
pittiseb128: we'd loose the ability to merge from their packaging branch, but we can ask them to use bd, too09:17
pittior wait, maybe not09:17
pittiseb128: I don't see a reason why we can't keep teh branch as it is and just add merging09:17
seb128pitti: this package don't change often enough for me to be bothered do whatever is easier for dx and you09:17
pittiseb128: ok, I'll switch it to bd09:17
seb128pitti: thanks09:18
seb128want me to push my changes there?09:18
pittiseb128: what did you change, just pulled the PPA branch?09:18
seb128pitti: I added an shlibs update to the rules too09:18
* pitti writes a debian/watch for https://edge.launchpad.net/evolution-indicator/+download09:19
seb128mvo: do you need help on the gnome-panel message indicator migration script?09:22
seb128mvo: beta freeze is in 2 days ideally that should be landing today or tomorrow09:22
mvoseb128: its a bit myserious why its not working currently09:22
mvoseb128: if you could test run it and see what it prints in your xsession-errors, that would be cool09:23
seb128mvo: does it has any expectation on my user config?09:23
mvoseb128: not a lot, it will not add the applet if its already there and it needs a tray applet to find the position to put it onto09:24
mvothats about it09:24
seb128mvo:    http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23754128/add-indicator-applet.py09:26
seb128mvo: that one worked right now for my ubuntu test user account09:26
seb128running python add-indicator-applet.py09:27
seb128doh, that's not the current version09:27
* seb128 retries09:27
mvoseb128: the latest is in my ppa09:27
seb128mvo: let me try09:28
mvoseb128: it seems something is different when run from the session for some reason, the logs from kenvandine_wk indicate it runs, but for some reason stops09:28
mvothere is a exception handler in it, that seems to be not kicked too09:29
seb128pitti: hum, the new indicator-applet build-depends on gir-repository which is in universe09:32
seb128tedg: ^09:32
seb128hey asac09:32
asaci saw the merge request yesterday09:32
asachey seb128; how is the catching up going?09:33
asacall back in line?09:33
seb128asac: yes all is good now thanks again for the quick fixing!09:33
asaccool. no problem.09:34
* asac enjoys getting the first few 2.26 bts09:35
pittiseb128: where did you push your evo-indicator changes?09:36
seb128pitti:  seb128: (you don't mix this up with indicator-applet, do you?09:36
seb128<seb128> pitti: I do09:36
seb128pitti: I didn't touch this one, I did change indicator-applet09:36
pittiseb128: ok, doing e-i now09:36
seb128pitti: did you read my gir-repository note?09:37
pittiseb128: I did09:37
pittiwaiting for Ted09:37
seb128pitti: the new libindicator didn't build due to that dunno if you need it09:37
asacgir-repository sounds like something optional imo09:37
seb128he added some api that other softwares might require now09:38
pittiseb128: ah, perfect; bd merge mode works with such "full upstream source" branches as well09:42
pittiseb128: thus we get the bd love and retain the possibility of cherrypicking fixes from trunk and merging with it \o/09:42
asacpitti: i did that for the whole nm 0.7 ... but then upstream moved to git and i had to go back to debian/ only09:43
asacso full upstream sources has some risk of loosing everything ;)09:43
pittiasac: well, hopefully not our upstream in this case :)09:43
mvoseb128: hm, looks like I need to update my gnome-panel patch for the new version09:43
pittiasac: (DX team)09:43
asacheh ;)09:43
asaci want git bzr09:44
asacoh and don't forget bzr-hg09:44
pittiasac: /me 209:46
seb128mvo: the autoadding worked for me right now09:46
mvoseb128: hm, cool09:46
mvoseb128: with the panel from the ppa?09:46
seb128mvo: yes09:47
seb128mvo: on a clean config though, will test with my user in a bit09:48
pittiseb128: ok, evo-indicator uploaded and pushed; it Just Works[tm] with bzr bd now09:48
seb128ie I tried with my test user09:48
pittiseb128: want me to fix indicator-applet branch, too?09:48
mvoseb128: I uploaded a new 2.26 based one into the ppa (just fyi)09:48
seb128pitti: excellent, I'm doing the notify-osd update, MacSlow just rolled a new tarball09:48
seb128pitti: yes please09:48
seb128mvo: cool thanks09:48
mvoso all is ready once we figured out what went wrong on the install from kenvandine_wk - I will ask him for a gconf dump when is is ready again09:50
seb128mvo: I had a case where it was placed at the left of the menus, took me a bit to figure that it was there09:50
mvoseb128: hm, it should be more careful about this now and not do the update if it gets a "0" position09:51
seb128mvo: might have been the .py on the bug which gave me that which was the old version09:52
* mvo nods09:52
pittiseb128: ok, pushed; if you pull, you see that it's UNRELEASED, thus not uploaded yet; thus the next change shouldn't start a new changelog entry09:54
pittidoesn't build without gir, though09:55
asacpitti: have you tried to remove the gir bits?09:56
seb128pitti: ok09:56
pittiI don't know at all what that does09:56
seb128that does automatically bindings using gobject introspection09:56
pittiI think we should wait for tedg here09:57
asacpitti: its a repository for introspection wrappers09:57
asacprobably for python?09:57
seb128notify-osd 0.9.4 is buggy10:02
loolit's not yet there for python, it's for js ATM10:02
* seb128 sponsors bug-buggy10:02
loolbug-buggy :)10:02
asaclool: js?10:03
looljavascript -- I didn't expect to tell that to you   ;-)10:03
asaclool: i expanded that ... just wondered who uses dbus bindings with js10:03
seb128didrocks: around?10:04
didrocksseb128: yes10:05
seb128asac: any opinion on whether we should consider webkit 1.1.n for jaunty?10:05
seb128didrocks: for bug-buddy there is no need to dfsg the tarball in this new version?10:05
asacseb128: do we know how the rdepends will cope with that?10:06
didrocksseb128: you pointed a stable released not a vcs one. Or, I misunderstood the dfsg usage?10:06
asacseb128: afaik gwibber will break. we should certainly check with upstream for our rdepends first10:06
seb128didrocks: you misunderstood, that's debian redoing the tarball without google-breakpad/src/common/convert_UTF.* because of the license10:07
seb128asac: no idea about rdepends that's why I ask, debian did upgrade to experimental10:07
seb128asac: kov is working on it nowadays, he also did the epiphany-webkit trunk packaging as a new source10:07
didrocksseb128: oh, ok. So, we have to take the tarball from another version than the direct upstream tarball10:08
asacseb128: kov? glandium gone?10:08
seb128didrocks: we have to take the upstream tarball, clean those and repackage10:08
seb128didrocks: debian doesn't consider those files a free or there is a license issue to ship those apparently10:08
seb128asac: dunno about glandium but kov is focussed on webkit upstream and in debian10:09
didrocksseb128: ok, so, I will attach the new orig.tar.gz to the bug once done10:09
seb128asac: he did the gtk 2.16, libsoup, libproxy, etc updates10:09
seb128asac: to be able to package epiphany-webkit trunk10:09
didrocksseeing what is possible to do with bzr to take it, if possible10:09
seb128asac: he did also update webkit to 1.110:09
seb128didrocks: ok thanks10:09
seb128asac: indeed ;-)10:09
seb128asac: rdepends are pretty limited so might want to consider it, though it's not the focuss right now and can wait next cycle10:10
seb128asac: we would just be able to ship epiphany-webkit 2.27 in universe if we do the update10:11
asacseb128: i will check with gwibber folks. they asked me a few days if we will update10:11
seb128ok thanks10:11
asaci think the other rdepends is just devhelp10:11
asacand midory + kaze10:11
* mvo reboots10:18
huatsasac: ask them if they need python-webkit 1.1 or if we can stay to 1.0.2 for jaunty...10:39
didrocksseb128: bug-buddy fixed. All packages you listed me yesterday are ready for sponsoring. gtk2-engines-murrine is waiting for jcastro's LP project creation :)10:43
dobeypitti: if i want to make changes to python-distutils-extra, what branch should i develop against?10:44
pittidobey: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~python-distutils-extra-hackers/python-distutils-extra/debian ideally10:44
seb128didrocks: excellent, want other updates?10:44
pittidobey: once you have fixex, I'm happy to merge them and upload to debian/ubuntu10:45
pittiseb128: taking eel2 and gtk2-engines, ok?10:45
didrocksseb128: with pleasure :)10:45
dobeypitti: is that 'upstream'?10:45
pittidobey: yes; Sebastian Heinlein and I are upstream10:46
seb128pitti: gtk2-engines has already been uploaded yesterday that seems uncoordinated update and an invalid request, you can take the other one10:46
dobeypitti: ok, just wasn't sure if that or his branch was the upstream branch10:46
pittididrocks: eel2> you didn't push that into the ~ubuntu-desktop branch yet, did you?10:46
* seb128 looks at bug-buddy again10:46
didrockspitti: no, I wasn't allowed to push it when I did the update10:47
pittididrocks: n/p10:47
didrockspitti: I can push it now if you wish10:47
pittididrocks: don't worry, already pulling; just checking10:48
didrockspitti: oki :)10:48
asachuats: well. they need 1.0.2 ... i was about to ask whether they could make our gwibber move to 1.1 ;)10:48
asacactually asked10:48
huatslet me know10:48
didrocksseb128: on it :)10:49
huats(python-webkit has a new release 1.1 for a few days so if they need it we can update it...)10:49
dobeypitti: btw, you might want to bzr upgrade --1.6 to lp:~python-distutils-extra-hackers/python-distutils-extra/debian branch :)10:50
pittidobey: yeah, will do that the next time I touch it10:51
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
Nafallomy window borders are gone :-/11:35
Nafalloup to date jaunty11:35
pittidobey: do you happen to know how I can fix the label truncation in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23910777/gnome-mount-bug-1.png ?11:37
pittidobey: it usually gets wrapped (I did gtk_label_set_line_wrap TRUE)11:37
pittidobey: but this seems to happen for certain specific label lengths11:38
dobeypitti: hmm, no. i think it might be a bug in gtk+, perhaps from a patch?11:38
dobeyi'ved noticed that in intrepid also11:38
pittiyeah, I guess it is11:39
dobeyit happens in the evolution-webcal error dialog11:39
pittidobey: ok, I file that separately then, and create a minimal test case11:39
dobeyand i spent a lot of time making the evolution-webcal dialogs be super awesome wrt that11:39
dobeyit could be an upstream change that broke it too11:40
dobeywouldn't be the first time upstream gtk+ broke api/abi with my code :-/11:40
kenvandine_wkmvo_: i can attach a gconf dump12:11
* kenvandine_wk applies his morning updates :)12:13
mvo_kenvandine_wk: please do thanks12:17
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
tjaaltonseb128: I can reproduce bug 224642 on jaunty, and it's driving me nuts :)12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224642 in nautilus "desktop launcher properties window crashes" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22464212:34
tjaaltonseb128: so if you have suggestions how to debug it, I'm all ears12:34
pittiseb128: wb12:35
pittiseb128: doing MacSlow's notify-osd update now12:35
pittiseb128: and I also builddeb-ified the branch12:35
seb128pitti: I had it ready but if you want ...12:35
pittiseb128: oh, I didn't see updates in the branch, sorry?12:36
seb128pitti: or rather I noticed some code issues and they said they would roll a new tarball, they did?12:36
pittiseb128: he just told me 30 mins ago12:36
pittiseb128: right, 0.9.512:36
pittiwith the AC_INIT fix12:36
seb128I had 0.9.4 ready12:36
seb128but go for it12:36
seb128it was almost no work12:36
pittibzr merge trunk and changelog mainly12:36
pittiand the watch file/.bzr-builddeb12:37
pittiseb128: okay, verified that this fixes bug 33883712:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338837 in notify-osd "New notification does not work if icon theme is changed from Human" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33883712:37
seb128pitti: good ;-)12:39
seb128pitti: thanks12:39
pittilunch o'clock12:40
seb128pitti: enjoy12:44
* seb128 just back from lunch and wrote activity email12:44
asacseb128: nautilus-cd-burner supposed to go away or just transitional?13:01
seb128asac: none of those, it's a valid cd burning software just not the default one13:01
asacseb128: heh. just wondered because dist-upgrade suggested to remove it now ;)13:02
asaci confirmed that13:02
seb128asac: right13:02
seb128asac: that's because brasero and nautilus-cd-burner has the same options13:02
asacthats ok. last time i tried i liked brasero13:03
seb128asac: ie having both duplicate nautilus menu items etc13:03
asacif it has the same nautlius integration now thats good13:03
kenvandine_wkseb128: nautilus-cd-burner is on the deprecated list for 2.2613:04
kenvandine_wknot sure if it will still be maintained :)13:05
seb128bastien seems to not be 100% happy with brasero yet13:05
seb128but I'm not sure if he will keep working in n-c-b or just push them to fix issues13:05
mvo_kenvandine_wk: did you attach the gconf dump yet?13:06
mvo_kenvandine_wk: I pushed a new version, but the changes are just cosmetic (deal with tray applet in right_stick mode)13:07
kenvandine_wkno, my box has been busy updating13:07
kenvandine_wkshould in just a few minutes13:08
tedgseb128: pitti: I think the gir bits could be dropped -- there's nothing really using them right now.13:09
tedgIt's kinda sad really, I thought that was more mature than it really is.13:09
kenvandine_wktedg: are the python  bindings packaged?13:10
* mvo_ keeps wondering why we removed the logout action from the system menu13:10
seb128mvo_: because fusa is the true way ;-)13:10
tedgkenvandine_wk: No, it's on the todo list.  I haven't asked eeejay what state they're in recently.13:11
tedgmvo_: Basically so there isn't two ways to logout.  If FUSA isn't the answer, then we simply shouldn't have it there.13:12
kenvandine_wktedg: cool, segphault said he is impressed with it :)13:13
kenvandine_wkbut said the bindings aren't fully functional yet13:13
mvo_tedg: its just that it break my old habit to logout using the system menu, I have that habit since the dawn of time13:13
mvo_seb128: right, I know that :)13:13
kenvandine_wkmvo_: change is good, mkay13:13
* tedg imagines mvo_ coming out of the womb and shutting down the computer in the hospital using the system menu :)13:13
seb128mvo_: remove fusa ;-)13:14
kenvandine_wkour vanilla session should really have the default menus and no fusa, imho13:14
tedgkenvandine_wk: Yeah, he sent me a screenshot of it working though, which was pretty cool.13:14
mvo_its fun when switching between intrepid and jaunty where its on a different location. or explaning it to my e.g. my parents13:14
* kenvandine_wk is anxious to use it :)13:15
kenvandine_wktedg: i can package it, when they are ready13:15
* mvo_ looks up what "womb" means13:15
kenvandine_wkmvo_: i am building something in kvm... and i have to shutdown kvm to run virtualbox and get that gconf dump13:16
kenvandine_wkmultiple virtualization technology fail :)13:16
* mvo_ shuts up and goes back to sponsoring13:16
mvo_kenvandine_wk: no problem13:16
tedgkenvandine_wk: That'd be great, talk with eeejay, but I think it's in a good enough place to start putting something together.13:17
tedgmvo_: On the plus side, we don't plan on moving it again :)13:18
kenvandine_wktedg: yet :)13:18
kenvandine_wkeeejay: is the indicator bindings ready to be packaged?13:18
tedgkenvandine_wk: It would be nice if the vanilla gnome could use the default panel.  Not sure how to do that though.  The panel config is so fubar.13:18
MacSlowmvo_, just looked at the latest compiz-fusion-plugins-main13:20
kenvandine_wktedg: yeah, we would need to have a separate set of menus as well as vanilla gconf13:20
mvo_MacSlow: and its not there?13:20
MacSlowmvo_, /usr/share/compiz/animation.xml seems to be ok13:21
MacSlowmvo_, I wonder what people did report in bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/33156413:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 331564 in compiz "sometimes notification flickers when fading in" [High,New]13:21
kenvandine_wktedg: but i have a hard time calling it a vanilla session as it is now :)13:21
seb128kenvandine_wk: new ekiga available if you still work on it13:22
kenvandine_wkseb128: yes... i started porting the patches last night13:22
mvo_MacSlow: I just checked the source, it should be there (the animation one), I double check if the one from compiz is also there, maybe they disabled animation or something?13:22
kenvandine_wkso will move to 3.213:22
tedgkenvandine_wk: That's why it's Italian-vanilla-gnome ;)13:23
kenvandine_wkbetter vanilla i guess :)13:23
mvo_MacSlow: I will ask in the bugreport for a gconf dump13:23
MacSlowmvo_, if the animation plugin would be disabled it would not introduce any issue there. One remaining bit to check is if the fade-plugin is enabled by default13:24
MacSlowmvo_, although that's not what our defaults look like13:24
mvo_MacSlow: I commented in the report13:25
mvo_MacSlow: I can not reporduce it here, no matter what (with animation, without, with fade, without)13:28
MacSlowmvo_, yeah ... there are exception rules for "title=notify-osd" in place for both so I don't know what people are running in there mentioned in the bug report13:30
mvo_MacSlow: lets wait for the gconf dump13:30
MacSlowmvo_, I'll commented a bit more on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/331564 so Nicolò can better tell us what's his/her system-settings look like13:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 331564 in compiz "sometimes notification flickers when fading in" [High,New]13:42
didrocksseb128: g-c-c is ready but there is two missing dependencies (libgnome-window-seetings1 and capplets-data)13:42
seb128didrocks: missing dependencies? those a g-c-c binaries ...13:43
didrocksseb128: oupss, should review my dpkg -i, sorry ;)13:43
mvo_MacSlow: the fade plugin has also a hardcoded rule !type=desktop - does notify-osd set this one?13:48
mvo_MacSlow: we do enable fade by default, its used for some stuff, but animation disables (parts) of it13:48
MacSlowmvo_, no that rule does not apply to notify-osd13:49
MacSlowmvo_, to make sure the fade-plugin leaves notify-osd's windows alone, we just need to add the rule we added to animation to fade13:50
MacSlowmvo_, I can make a patch for that and send you the file13:50
MacSlowhey bothorsen13:53
mvo_MacSlow: I'm on a call right now, I do it afterwards13:55
MacSlowmvo_, ok np13:55
bothorsenMacSlow: hey13:56
didrocksseb128: g-c-c and gtk2-engine-murrine done13:58
seb128didrocks: you rock ;-)13:59
* didrocks hugs seb128 :-)13:59
* seb128 hugs didrocks13:59
seb128pitti: do you know where to reassign bug #342013?14:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342013 in gnome-desktop "gnome keyboard shortcuts doesn't workd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34201314:06
kenvandine_wkmvo_: gconf dump attached14:10
seb128didrocks: want some other updates?14:21
didrocksseb128: of course :)14:21
didrocks(I am catching up my mails)14:21
seb128didrocks: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-themes/2.26/gnome-themes-2.26.0.tar.gz14:21
seb128didrocks: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-backgrounds/2.24/gnome-backgrounds-2.24.1.tar.gz ... that one is universe so you can directly upload ;-)14:22
emberseb128 i can do some updates if you want14:22
seb128ember: thanks for those were the 2 remaining which just arrived everything else is assigned or waiting for debian right now14:23
pittitedg: do you want to revert the git bits upstream or shall we do that in the ubuntu branch?14:26
tedgpitti: ?  I'm not sure what you're asking.14:26
pittitedg: s/git/gir/, sorry14:26
tedgpitti: I think do them in the Ubuntu branch.  It should be an easy thing to do.  Are you just not going to package them, or not build them too?14:27
pittitedg: we can't build them without the gir build dependency14:28
pittithat's in fact the entire problem14:28
tedgpitti: Oh, and what's the problem with the build dependency?  Is it not in main?14:29
pittitedg: right14:29
tedgpitti: Hmm, okay, I'll fix it upstream then.  The autotools patches are too evil :)14:31
pittitedg: appreciated, thanks14:31
tedgI'll see if I can't detect and make it gracefully not build.14:31
pittitedg: a configure-time check would be ideal, indeed14:31
pittiseb128: 342013> handled14:34
seb128pitti: thanks!14:34
mvo_kenvandine_wk: if you have a snapshot of the machine, I put another gnome-panel up14:48
mvo_kenvandine_wk: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=gnome-panel&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=any14:48
mvo_kenvandine_wk: it deals with more configurations, maybe you can even attahc a strace to the running python process? so that we get if anything unusual happens?14:48
didrocksseb128: gnome-themes bzr branch does not use bzr merge mode, do I create a new banch and remove this one?14:50
seb128didrocks: overwrite the current one14:53
didrocksseb128: sorry, there is nothing in common with this branch and the packages, strange :/14:53
seb128didrocks: we did push some things to bzr over a year ago as an experiment14:53
seb128didrocks: that failed and we didn't use bzr14:53
seb128didrocks: but the bzr stayed there14:53
seb128maybe that's one of those14:53
seb128just overwritte it if that's the case ;-)14:54
didrocksseb128: oki, noted :)14:54
seb128you can bzr push --overwritte I think14:54
embermvo_ thanks for vte15:01
kenvandine_wkmvo_: ok... it worked this time15:03
kenvandine_wkmvo_: why does it keep sleeping after the applet was added?15:03
mvo_kenvandine_wk: it worked? excellent .)15:05
mvo_kenvandine_wk: hm, but it did not stop? its still running?15:05
mvo_kenvandine_wk: can I see your .xsession-errors file please?15:06
kenvandine_wkcounted to 8915:06
mvo_kenvandine_wk: if you have a snpashot of the machine state, could you run it 2-3 times just to be sure that there is no race or other craziness left please?15:07
mvo_ember: thanks for doing it in the first place :)15:07
kenvandine_wkmvo_: i attached the latest .xsession_errors to the bug15:07
kenvandine_wki will do it several times, yeah15:07
kenvandine_wki started tailing the .xsession-errors after i saw the applet appear, and it was at sleep 1315:08
kenvandine_wkso it was added before that15:08
kenvandine_wkmvo_: damn... with another test user account, it didn't fire at all again15:19
mvo_kenvandine_wk: what does gconftool -g /apps/panel/need_add_indicator_applet print for that user?15:21
kenvandine_wkmvo_: ok, i reverted my snapshot and it is still failing15:27
kenvandine_wki have some strace out put15:27
kenvandine_wkbut i don't think it is very revealing15:27
kenvandine_wkafter it finishes sleeping, /apps/panel/need_add_indicator_applet print is false15:28
mvo_hm, that explains why its not run (it only runs when that is true). but that is not a lot of explaination :)15:28
kenvandine_wkok, i have a test user account that doesn't have that set prior to logging in15:28
kenvandine_wklet me test with that one again15:28
kenvandine_wkok, sleeping15:29
kenvandine_wkconfirmed it isn't set while it is sleeping15:30
* kenvandine_wk waits for it15:30
kenvandine_wkmvo_: ok, it is done sleeping and that key isn't set still15:31
kenvandine_wkand it didn't get added15:31
kenvandine_wkwhat info would be useful?15:31
mvo_kenvandine_wk: anything in strace that gives me a hint wth its doing when its finished couting :)15:32
mvo_kenvandine_wk: that is so odd, it should print something or fail with a exception or something, but just stoping silently is so strange15:32
kenvandine_wkdamn... so after logging out and back in, that key is set15:33
seb128how do you run it?15:33
kenvandine_wkto false15:33
kenvandine_wkmvo_: i am going to eat before our meeting, will revert and capture the strace after15:34
kenvandine_wkseb128: xdg/autostart15:34
mvo_kenvandine_wk: thanks, sorry that its such a hassle15:34
kenvandine_wkif i run the script by hand it works reliably15:34
seb128ok so that's the current user15:34
kenvandine_wkmvo_: no worries... just want it to work :)15:35
kenvandine_wkmvo_: oh scratch that... now it doesn't run manually15:36
kenvandine_wkit just sleeps15:36
kenvandine_wkthis will make it easier to debug :)15:36
kenvandine_wkbbiab... gotta eat15:36
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
didrocksseb128: do I push gnome-backgrounds in ~ubuntu-desktop too?15:45
seb128didrocks: no, just upload, I think we will sync with debian when they update, no reason to have ubuntu diff there15:45
didrocksseb128: ok. I was wondering because we didn't sync to debian during the intrepid cycle, but probably because of debian freeze…15:46
seb128didrocks: dunno what they did, maybe it's just that nobody watched their updates and ask for a sync15:47
didrocksseb128: oki15:47
didrocksseb128: I'm done with the updates, going for a walk, but you can still give me some updates and I will takle them this evening :)15:54
seb128didrocks: ok, we are good right now, I would like to wait on debian for quite some things where there is no hurry and we are on sync right now (ie all the remaining *mm for example)15:54
seb128didrocks: enjoy your walk15:55
didrocksseb128: thanks a lot, enjoy testing :)15:55
emberseb128 mind if i do sj (universe) ?16:01
seb128ember: you can do it16:01
seb128ember: you can also do gnome-system-tools if you want16:02
asacis meeting in 30 min?16:02
pittiasac: yes16:02
seb128asac: correct16:02
emberseb128 cool, i will have a look16:02
kenvandine_wkmvo_: i attached a patch to the issue16:02
kenvandine_wkit was a typo :)16:02
seb128kenvandine_wk: good work ;-)16:03
kenvandine_wkno idea why the traceback wasn't making it to .xsession-errors16:04
mvo_kenvandine_wk: gar16:08
mvo_kenvandine_wk: thanks16:08
mvo_kenvandine_wk: i was suspecting something like this, but then I even added a exception handler to be sure any errors make it to the console16:08
kenvandine_wkmvo_: i just assumed anything like this would have made it to the log16:10
mvo_yeah, strange, strange16:10
* mvo_ scratches head a bit more16:10
kenvandine_wki just tested several scenarios, all good16:10
mvo_ok, cool16:10
kenvandine_wki will revert my snapshot and try again when you have a new build in your ppa... to be sure :)16:11
mvo_I will do a final test with the fix and upload afterwards16:11
mvo_aha, ok16:11
mvo_makes sense to have one more ppa version I think, I will remove a lot of the verbosity as well16:11
kenvandine_wki also tested without a notification area16:11
mvo_it should do nothing in this case (only print a error to the logs)16:12
rickspencer3desktop team meeting in 3 minutes16:27
* pedro_ waves16:27
* kenvandine_wk is here16:28
rickspencer3pedro_: hi!16:29
ArneGoetjeHi all!16:29
rickspencer3good evening ArneGoetje16:30
pittiwhat a refreshing discussion about units..16:30
rickspencer3I think we have a quorum16:30
rickspencer3seele: welcome!!16:30
* seele gasps16:30
rickspencer3how about calc16:31
seelerickspencer3: hello16:31
rickspencer3okay, let's go16:31
* asac opens wiki page16:32
rickspencer3Outstanding actions from last meeting:16:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 67188 in mactel-support ""Error activating XKB configuration." - Requires manual xorg.conf editing" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:32
rickspencer3seemed like an important bug, but also really a collection of other bugs, so I unassigned it based on discussions with bryce16:32
rickspencer3ACTION: calc and pitti to discuss https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/305790 - getting certain java based build depends for OO to build in the build daemons.16:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 305790 in suitesparse "MIR - move to main for openoffice.org 3 build-depends" [Undecided,Fix released]16:32
pittiI had a go on those, see my activity report16:33
rickspencer3it looks like there was some significant pain associated with that16:33
rickspencer3yes, also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:33
pittiI wasted some 3 hours and finally succeeded to build it with openjdk16:33
pittibut it breaks the test suite16:33
asacthat bug is quite length i lost track what is left16:33
pittiI quickly consulted with doko16:33
asaccould we update the summary to show what is really the problem?16:33
pittiand we agreed to just leave it getting built with gcj for now16:33
pittiasac: jaxme and xom don't build with openjdk, just with gcj16:34
asachmm. ok16:34
rickspencer3pitti: that should suffice for Karmic, right? Even if we need to rebuild for some reason?16:34
pittirickspencer3: for jaunty anyway, yes16:34
pittieventually we might want to get rid of gcj16:34
rickspencer3I meant Jaunty, sorry16:34
pittibut not in jaunty16:34
pittirickspencer3: yes, I confirmed that both build fine with gcj16:34
pitticalc worked on xom16:34
rickspencer3so that should help in our bug conversation in a few minutes16:34
pittiand determined that the failure on i386 is a bug in openjdk16:35
pittibuilds fine on amd6416:35
pittihe reported it16:35
rickspencer3last action from last week: ACTION: everyone hasn't already to submit a topic by eow (mandated by rickspencer3  )16:35
rickspencer3I will assume that everyone did this, if not, please let me know and I'll see if I can slide you in16:35
rickspencer3topic was for all hands, btw16:35
seb128I didn't, what should we hand those?16:36
* seb128 has been swamped in GNOME 2.2616:36
rickspencer3seb128: understood16:36
rickspencer3I'll talk to silbs and see what we can work out16:36
pittiseb128: great job with 2.26! *hug*16:36
* seb128 hugs pitti16:36
rickspencer3seb128: no worries16:36
rickspencer3moving on ...16:36
rickspencer3UDS sponsorship: send rickspencer3 an email if there is someone that you feel is important to sponsor16:37
rickspencer3I've already discussed this with seb128 and bryce16:37
asacdidnt get a mail16:37
rickspencer3let's not go over that again16:37
rickspencer3I'm just saying, that I can advocate for sponsorship, so if there is someone that you think we should sponsor, send me an email by, say, end of day tomorrow16:38
pittibreaking news, xom is fixed with openjdk, thanks to doko16:38
* calc is here btw :)16:38
rickspencer3moving on to release status ...16:39
bratscheeeejay: Hey, are you doing something already with kerneloops regarding the <a href...></a> stuff?16:39
rickspencer3great job on the work items for Jaunty!16:39
pittirickspencer3: I have some things, when you are done with bugs16:39
rickspencer3pitti: do you want to go now?16:40
* rickspencer3 hands mike to pitti16:40
pittiso, intrusive changes16:40
pittinew themes are in now, done16:40
pittiasac: what's the latest word on the firefox start page patch?16:40
asacpitti: the newtab page you mean?16:41
pittibryce: do you still consider updating to the new intel driver, or will we settle on the current version and backport?16:41
pittiasac: yes16:41
asacpitti: decision still pending. i think its getting less likely every day16:41
brycepitti: still considering16:41
pittibryce: we should get that in before beta IMHO (or not at all)16:41
brycepitti: right now it depends on a kernel change, but I talked with upstream and may be able to work around that in the driver16:41
pittibryce: is there a PPA or something we should test?16:41
brycepitti: without the fix, it doesn't build16:42
pittiasac: understood; it's not the end of the world if it slips to Karmic, right?16:42
brycepitti: hopefully should have something in today16:42
pittibryce: ok, so it's still on the table16:42
asacpitti: personally, i dont need it16:43
pittithanks for the heads-up16:43
asacthere are other forces ;)16:43
pittiasac: heh :)16:43
pittiand finally, new on the list, change of the default font size again16:43
asacbut i hope we have that under control now16:43
pittithat's another change I'd call "intrusive" and needs lots of feedback16:43
asac(newtab forces)16:43
pittiand it should really land in beta16:43
seb128pitti: right, let's do that before beta16:43
asacwe should get the fontsize change up well before beta and the GUI fix at best before16:43
pittifrom my perspective it seems that discussion is pretty much done on that?16:43
seb128it's easy enough to roll to what we had if needed16:43
asacbut the defaultis most important16:43
pittior are there outstanding things which need input/discussion?16:44
asacpitti: the default is agreed. the UI thing not so. seems to be in gtk, but i have to read more code to say how to fix the units there16:44
pittiasac: so you think we shouldn't ship 13.33px and leave the UI in pt?16:45
asacpitti: i think we should do both. just that we should get the default in now, as the UI will take a few days16:45
pittiasac: agreed16:45
asachopefully we can fix the UI before beta too.16:45
asacbut i havent really found the right place yet so i cannot tell16:45
pittiis someone working on that already?16:45
pittiis there an LP # for this?16:46
asaci started on it. if someone else wants to fix gtk i would be happy to delegate that16:46
seb128please don't put a float number in the UI ;-)16:46
asacpitti: no. not yet16:46
seb128or at least .5 ;-)16:46
eeejayhey bratsche, nope i am going to get to it this week though16:46
pittiasac: "gtk" is gnome-appearance-properties"?16:46
pittirickspencer3: over to you16:47
asacpitti: well. its done in the gtkfontselector i think16:47
asacpitti: thats gtk16:47
bratscheeeejay: Okay.. I might end up taking it from you.  I'll let you know.16:47
pittiI see16:47
rickspencer3can someone please either get the bug # or create a bug for that?16:47
asacpitti: but i didnt find how the available size choices are assembled there16:47
eeejaybratsche: no problem16:47
seb128right, the font picker is a gtk widget16:47
eeejaybratsche: i'll ping you before i start16:47
bratscheCool, sounds good.  Thanks.16:47
seb128asac: I guess it's using pango or fontconfig to get the list...16:47
asacseb128: another option would be to keep the fontselector using pt ... jus that those are no real "pt"s, but rather pts for 96 dpi (e.g. 10 will always be 13.333px in the back)16:48
davmor2bryce: just to let you know I've just done an Oem install of Kubuntu and it's worked fine :)16:48
asacseb128: a bit hard to not get round issues when calculating current value16:48
pittiasac: according to our discussion, nobody really knows what those units mean anyway, after all16:48
pittiif you fiddle with the size, you just set a number that looks good, and be done with it16:48
brycedavmor2: excellent thanks; if that's in ref to a bug, please comment there (and close the bug if you filed it originally)16:49
asacpitti: yeah. i think we can keep the current numbers there16:49
rickspencer3where did this whole thing come from?16:49
pittia "pt for 96dpi" is utter bogus anyway, that's a pixel16:49
asacpitti: just have to find a sensible way back without rounding issues.16:49
davmor2bryce: np's16:49
brycerickspencer3: fallout from switching from 96 dpi override to "true dpi"16:49
asacpitti: "pt for 72 dpi" is a pixel ;) (me shuts up)16:49
seb128rickspencer3: feedback from the "let's use the detected dpi value and no 96 dpi"16:49
pittiasac: ah, you are saying that if we configure 13.333px by default, the font selector won't show "10", but somethign ugly?16:49
rickspencer3I think we should move this discussion to a lp bug asap16:50
seb128rickspencer3: bug #31035316:50
asacpitti: i want it to display 1016:50
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/310353/+text)16:50
pittiasac: right, that would be nice16:50
seb128rickspencer3: bug #31035316:50
asacpitti: just a bit scared about rounding. but thats experimenting16:50
pittiasac: on a 96dpi, anyway16:50
* seb128 kicks the bot or launchpad16:50
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/310353/+text)16:50
asacpitti: yes. 10 just means "this is 10pt converted to pixel on a 96 dpi" ;)16:50
rickspencer3the bug is set to wishlist16:50
calchmm shouldn't a pt be 1/72 of an inch?16:50
rickspencer3why would we be working on it two days before beta lock down?16:50
calcand if its not its a bug? :)16:50
pittioh no not again :)16:51
pitticalc: cf half an hour in #distro16:51
* calc looks over there after meeting16:51
asacrickspencer3: its an annoying issue. that if we can fix it would make jaunty better16:51
asacrickspencer3: also non standard dpi screens become more and more common16:51
pitticalc: it's an inverse subspace relative megasubpixel16:51
=== cj__ is now known as cj
rickspencer3we need to ensure that we are using our diminishing time on the most important things, and if it's marked as "wishlist" it suggests there are more important things to work on16:52
* kenvandine_wk thinks the font change is important16:52
seb128rickspencer3: wishlist might not be an adapted setting there16:52
calchmm if pt doesn't work at all then i don't see the point in using real dpi to begin with (but will discuss that later)16:52
seb128rickspencer3: there is case where GNOME is not usable apparently on notebooks due to that16:52
asacrickspencer3: we can flip it to "high" ;)16:52
pittiok, let's move discussion to the bug16:52
rickspencer3may I suggest that we set the important appropriately, and also assign it to the person who is going to fix it16:52
seb128rickspencer3: that has just been rasied as a concern recently though16:52
seb128rickspencer3: good idea16:53
pittiit's a regression compared to intrepid16:53
seb128asac: you? ;-)16:53
rickspencer3then discuss the value and options in the bug itself?>16:53
asacseb128: yes. do that for now. if i dont figure the font picker interactino i will ask for help though16:53
rickspencer3moving on, there are a few other bugs that are supposed to be fixed by beta16:54
pittimarked for jaunty beta16:54
rickspencer3bug #27809516:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278095 in at-spi "MASTER crash in getenv() ... spi_atk_bridge_exit_func()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27809516:54
asacrickspencer3: not sure why luke hasnt uploaded my fix16:54
asacits handed over to him for sure16:54
asacpinging him on -devel now16:54
rickspencer3bug #34077716:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340777 in gnome-panel "Panel should add the messaging indicator for users upgrading" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34077716:54
seb128mvo and kenvandine_wk were still debugging that today16:54
seb128kenvandine_wk found an issue in the script16:55
seb128if next testing round is ok we will upload tomorrow I guess16:55
rickspencer3stupid testing ;)16:55
rickspencer3ok, so on track, but risky16:55
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: i think it is good to go... but needs another test from a real build16:55
rickspencer3not risky, really16:55
seb128if that's before beta I think we are fine, it's only the applets layout16:55
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: ack16:56
rickspencer3bug #33786916:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337869 in jaxme "jaxme does not build with openjdk-6" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33786916:56
rickspencer3we just discussed16:56
rickspencer3and the related bug #30579016:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305790 in suitesparse "MIR - move to main for openoffice.org 3 build-depends" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30579016:56
rickspencer3as well16:56
pittirickspencer3: I think that was really for xom, not suitesparse16:57
pittiand xom is fixed now16:57
rickspencer3pitti: ok16:57
rickspencer3It seems like we can move one to "fixed" and the other, just move it out of jaunty altogether16:58
* calc is on phone with doctor16:58
rickspencer3Riddell has a couple of medium bugs, but he's in the Kubuntu meeting16:58
rickspencer3moving on to work items ...16:58
rickspencer3The only one to discuss is asac:Adobe Flash in partner repository with apturl:started16:59
* calc back16:59
rickspencer3asac: mvo_ what's the status of this? Anything we need to know for beta?16:59
rickspencer3while we're waiting for that compute ...17:00
asacrickspencer3: no progress last week. me and mvo_ should find the time17:00
asacmvo_: ^^^17:00
asacmvo_: tomorrows?17:00
rickspencer3moving on ...17:01
seb128poor mvo17:01
* seb128 hugs mvo_17:01
rickspencer3asac: are the new NM icons in Jaunty, ready for beta?17:01
seb128everybody needs him to get things done before beta ;-)17:01
rickspencer3are there any other items that anyone wants to bring up regarding getting ready for beta?17:02
pittiany news wrt. new usplash theme?17:02
rickspencer3Any dependencies on other teams that we should follow up on, etc... ?17:02
pittior desktop background?17:02
pittiKen said he'll be working on a new usplash theme, if we get it, but I don't know bout desktop background17:03
seb128is every settled for the message indicator now?17:03
mvo_asac, rickspencer3: sorry for the delay. asac and I can work on it tomorrow17:03
seb128ie pidgin correctly configured by default?17:03
kenvandine_wkseb128: not yet17:03
pittinew indicator-applet doesn't build yet17:04
asacrickspencer3: i think the icons are ready in general. some notifications might not match the spec 100%, but we will be close17:04
kenvandine_wki think we are still waiting for clarification on what should happen17:04
rickspencer3pitti: I think kwwii has them close to done, and will get what he has into the beta, but they may change17:04
pittiit needs to get the gnome-introspection bits removed17:04
seb128pitti: build-dep on the gir thing17:04
rickspencer3asac: ack, thanks17:04
pittiseb128: it's not just the build dep, it needs code and autofoo changes17:04
seb128urg, ok17:04
pittiI'll take that up with tedg17:04
seb128are we ready otherwise for notifications? notify-osd still seems to have quite some issues and some applications are not patched yet17:05
rickspencer3sounds like the MI and configuration of related apps may need some loving attention17:05
seb128I would say all the dxteam stack need some consolidation work17:05
rickspencer3seb128: I think they are focused on fixing crashing bugs, and getting pidgin and evo working properly with the MI for beta17:06
seb128notify-osd was breaking for quite some user until today, I pushed to get an updated version today but nobody is really reactive on those bugs17:06
seb128we got the updated version17:06
kenvandine_wkthere are a few crashers they are still working on17:06
seb128(the wording was not clear)17:06
seb128I'm rather concerned about having lot of users saying that synchronous notifications are broken for them17:07
seb128or they don't get volume indicators17:07
rickspencer3seb128: are there bugs for those issues?17:07
seb128or no rhythmbox artwork17:07
seb128rickspencer3: yes, I know about the issue because I subscribed to the notify-osd bugs and see the comments17:08
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: there are17:08
seb128I've not really investigated though17:08
seb128but that doesn't give me a lot of confidence on the robustness17:08
seb128I think we lag behind in testing and quality work there ... we still have time after beta for that though17:08
rickspencer3seb128: yes17:08
kenvandine_wkwe need more people using it :)17:08
rickspencer3and we may have to rally some troops to help17:09
seb128right, just raising the issue early17:09
rickspencer3in the meantime, davidbarth is well aware of the bugs and is focused on fixing them asap17:09
rickspencer3I'm confident that we will be able to help them bring those features together and really have a great system in Karmic17:10
rickspencer3I think if anyone sees a worrisome bug, and is concerned that it is not getting the attention it needs, to raise the issue with me and/or davidbarth immediately17:10
seb128right, my comment is rather a call for community help to test everything and make sure we triage bugs correctly and have things under control17:10
rickspencer3seb128: yes17:11
rickspencer3but maybe we should err on the side of raising concerned instead of waiting, as time is of the essence17:11
rickspencer3otherwise ...17:11
rickspencer3any other business?17:12
brycelooks like we'll have -fglrx for beta17:12
brycealso -ati is going to be updated with 6xx/7xx support for 2D (EXA/Xv) acceleration later today.17:12
bryceso ATI is in wonderful shape right now17:12
bryce-intel not as much, but I have some ideas of improvements...17:13
asacATI Technologies Inc R580 ... still no compiz ;)17:13
pittibryce: pour some magic sauce into it?17:13
brycewhere magic sauce == kludges ;-)17:14
brycerickspencer3: over.17:14
rickspencer3any other business?17:14
rickspencer3meeting adjourned?17:14
pittithanks everyone17:14
pittilet's get a great beta out17:15
rickspencer3thanks all17:15
rickspencer3beta beta beta17:15
pittiI still have the feeling that it's going to be a good one17:15
* kenvandine_wk does too17:15
brycepitti: I've been hearing happy anecdotal reports from people, who are finding it much more solid than Intrepi17:15
seb128yeah, I think jaunty is solid and will be one of the best ubuntu version we rolled until now17:15
seb128if not the best one17:16
pittinow, if only suspend would work, it'd be perfect :)17:16
* asac reminds himself to run alpha6 suspend tests17:16
pittiwell, it's the x.org hang that spoils it, the test suite runs fine for me17:16
asacfor me things improved when i moved by from UXA to EXA for X17:17
pittino answer from upstream about that, though17:17
asacbut thats probably not your issue17:17
pittiI'm not running UXA17:17
pittialthough, with the recent compiz fix, I should try it again17:17
kenvandine_wkpitti: UXA is what makes compiz usable for me :)17:22
pittihm, works just fine on GMA945 for me17:22
kenvandine_wkmine's a 96517:22
kenvandine_wkhorribly slow without UXA17:22
brycethe UXA benefits/problems are not chipset specific17:22
brycenear as I can tell anyway17:23
brycewell, not chipset _family_ anyway17:23
calcOOo hopefully will be much improved for people saving to remote filesystems as well :)17:23
seb128exa and compiz is just fine on my dell630 intel 96517:23
pitticalc: it's also the first time we ship 3.0; that got good grades in reviews17:24
calci only know of one real bug still and its wrt saving on webdav, the ftp issue was a pureftpd bug17:24
pittirickspencer3: 9.10 roadmap call now, right?17:29
rickspencer3pitti: yes17:31
* didrocks back on the field, if needed :)17:44
seb128didrocks: how was your walk?17:48
didrocksseb128: great, thanks! It's good something to breathing some fresh air in the mountains ;)17:49
seb128didrocks: you live in the mountains?17:49
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i would love some fresh air ;)17:49
didrocksseb128: my parents, yes, near Annecy. I live in Paris for work :/17:49
didrockschrisccoulson: where do you live? ;)17:50
seb128didrocks: ah ok, that's what I though for Paris, I didn't get that you were not at your place today17:50
chrisccoulsonbirmingham, uk17:50
chrisccoulsonthere's no fresh air here17:50
didrocksseb128: yes live near Metz, don't you?17:50
seb128didrocks: yes17:50
didrocksseb128: vacation IS vacation :p17:50
Laneymmm birmingham17:51
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, I can imagine :/17:51
chrisccoulsoni only live here because i work here17:51
seb128didrocks: you can have a look to http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-web-photo/0.6/gnome-web-photo-0.6.tar.gz if you want since that's universe17:59
seb128didrocks: but if you prefer to do something else just relax we are done with most of the updates17:59
didrocksseb128: don't know this software, I will have a look :)17:59
seb128didrocks: otherwise there is some desktopish universe updates in the sponsoring queue if you want to help motu there and use your uploads rights ;-)18:03
didrocksseb128: I have already planned to tackle some tomorrow :)18:03
didrocks(and I have to update my book in parallel ;))18:04
seb128didrocks: ok, that's enough for you then, goof work ;-)18:04
didrocksseb128: thanks, sorry for not having been there from the beginning, but the schedule was not good. Next time!18:05
seb128didrocks: that's ok you did your share ;-)18:05
seb128didrocks: do you know how huats is doing btw?18:06
seb128chrisccoulson: hey, not sure if I already asked yesterday but do you want to do the gnome-session update?18:06
didrocksseb128: very busy with his company creation, lots of paper to do and so on…18:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can do that18:06
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks18:06
didrocksseb128: but he seems fine :)18:06
seb128chrisccoulson: not sure if vuntz commited the code for session storing (it's not active for sure) but there is an update patch otherwise on the GNOME bug18:07
seb128didrocks: ok good18:07
seb128chrisccoulson: would be nice to update the patch if it's not in the tarball ifdef-ed #018:07
chrisccoulsoni'll take a look at that18:07
chrisccoulsoni saw the discussions yesterday about session saving behaving differently between shutdown and logout18:08
chrisccoulsonwhat happened with that in the end?18:08
seb128vuntz said he would fix it but I don't think it's done yet18:09
chrisccoulsonah, ok18:09
chrisccoulsoni was going to say that if it gets fixed, it would be nice to make the session saving work with the FUSA too18:10
seb128it does18:11
seb128I think I tried logout from fusa too and it worked18:11
chrisccoulsonit does for logout, but not for shutdown/reboot18:11
seb128right, neither does gnome-session18:13
seb128that's just that the codepath is different for those actions and vuntz didn't notice immediatly18:13
seb128ie it's a TODO item on his list18:13
didrocksFUSA calls gnome-session to perform actions, doesn't it?18:14
chrisccoulsondidrocks - for shutdown/reboot, FUSA uses consolekit18:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's probably too late to fix in this cylce isn't it?18:14
didrockschrisccoulson: oh ok, so saving session has to be fixed twice…18:14
seb128no, that should really be fixed18:14
seb128it would suck to have gnome-session fixed but fusa buggy18:15
seb128fusa should just use gnome-session18:15
didrocksseb128: it seems the right way…18:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i agree. the only issue is that gnome-session doesn't provide an API for shutting down or rebooting without popping up the session dialog18:15
chrisccoulsonit does for logging out, but not for shutting down or rebooting18:16
seb128chrisccoulson: update-notifier manage to do it18:16
seb128using xsmp I think18:17
chrisccoulsonupdate-notifier uses gdm-signal and GnomeClient18:17
seb128fusa could do that too18:17
mvo_MacSlow: compiz with the fade changes uploaded18:17
chrisccoulsonthats pretty much what FUSA used to do, but you cant integrate policykit support that way18:17
seb128so we have the choice between session saving and policykit?18:17
chrisccoulsonif gnome-session exported a dbus method to immediately shutdown or reboot, then you'd get session saving and policykit support for free;)18:18
seb128right, that is karmic material though18:18
seb128I guess my choice would be to roll back your policykit change then18:18
seb128we don't have so many issues to multiple users logged-in18:19
chrisccoulsonpossibly. but session saving isn't working at the moment is it?18:19
seb128but lot of vocal complains about session crashing applications rather than closing those18:19
seb128what do you call session saving?18:19
seb128it's working for logout18:19
seb128it's likely that it will be working for restart etc before GNOME 2.26.1 too18:20
chrisccoulsonby session saving, i suppose i mean "not just killing the users applications"18:20
seb128ie for jaunty18:20
seb128right, that's working for logout since saturday in jaunty18:20
seb128and that will be working for the other actions before jaunty18:20
seb128ie gedit ask if you want to save your work18:20
seb128firefox doesn't display the crash dialog on next login18:21
chrisccoulsonif it is working for 2.26.1, then i don't mind doing work to make this work with FUSA too18:22
seb128ok so start working on it ;-)18:22
chrisccoulsoni'll take a look and see how much effort it would need. i suspect it probably isn't that much ;)18:23
seb128you rock!18:23
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
mvo_chrisccoulson: I looked over #344460 and commented (but go to bed now)20:07
mvo_chrisccoulson: let me know what you think, I'm happy to sponsor it tomorrow (unless someone else is faster of course)20:08
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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