
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
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Amaranthtjaalton: wtf, DRI2 doesn't support sync to vblank? I thought intel wanted to have everything do sync to vblank03:20
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keesKeybuk: hrrrm.  I encountered an md/udev race failure this morning on reboot.  one of my raids wasn't all the way up (1 dev of 2), yet the 2nd (missing) device existed.  seems like md's incremental bring-up failed.04:55
keesrebooted again and it went away (didn't get unlucky that time)04:56
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pittiGood morning07:03
dholbachgood morning07:04
dholbachdoes anybody know what do do about  http://paste.ubuntu.com/132328 ?07:07
* maxb wonders if this FTBFS error means anything to anyone - is it just skew in arch-all vs arch-specific dependencies getting published? - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23960162/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.totem_2.26.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:45
maxb(likewise lpia, ia64, ftr)07:45
RAOFHow old is that log?  libgtk2.0-0 >= 2.15.0 should have been satisfiable for some time.07:47
maxbless than 12 hours old07:47
RAOFOh.  Don't mind me.  I can't read properly.07:47
maxblikewise gnome-panel and evolution-data-server - though it seems gnome-panel/amd64 may have been given back already07:49
slytherinmaxb: yes, it looks like the skew in publishing.07:49
maxbOh, e-d-s is all successfully built now07:54
slytherinwho maintains the package human-icon-theme? There is a small problem in that package which is too small to file a bug.08:05
pittislytherin: what's the problem?08:06
slytherinpitti: typo in filename - ./scalable/apps/gnome-session-hebirnate.svg08:06
pittislytherin: uploaded08:13
slytherinpitti: thanks08:14
maxbWhat is the right channel to suggest give-backs? here?08:16
tjaaltonmaxb: probably so, yes08:16
slytherinmaxb: depends on the component, main/restricted here, universe/multiverse in #ubuntu-motu08:17
maxbIf so: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds?build_text=totem&build_state=all and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds?build_text=gnome-panel&build_state=all <-- totem/{amd64,ia64,lpia}, gnome-panel/{ia64,lpia}, all appearing to be fails due to publishing skew08:17
tjaaltonmaxb: given back08:21
maxbtjaalton: launchpad doesn't seem to agree that gnome-panel/lpia has been given back. The other 4 are, though08:23
maxboh, now it does08:23
maxbcaching, I suppose08:23
tjaaltonnah, just forgot to apply :)08:25
tjaaltontoo many tabs08:25
brycehow does one make a bash script translatable?08:26
bryceecho "Hello world"08:27
bryceis there a way to turn that into something that can be translated?08:27
slytherinseb128: good morning08:27
ion_bryce: I have a faint memory of seeing some sh script use gettext.08:28
bryceso like08:28
bryceecho $(gettext "Hello world")08:28
seb128hey slytherin08:29
ion_bryce: . /usr/bin/gettext.sh; eval_gettext foo probably.08:30
slytherinseb128: bad news, all the updates installed, dvd playback didn't work for me last night.08:30
seb128slytherin: not really bad news so you can still debug it ;-)08:30
seb128slytherin: I will try on my desktop when 2.26 updates are done08:31
slytherinseb128: sure, I will upload my modified package to my ppa tonight so that you can do the analysis whenever you get time. I am not very good at C and autotools08:32
seb128ok thanks08:32
bryceion_: thanks08:36
ion_bryce: You probably already noticed this, but the eval_ variants substitute shell-style variables in the strings from caller’s environment. If that is not needed or wanted, just use gettext directly.08:37
bryceion_: yep, thanks08:39
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taavikkoseb128: any info if vino can use ssh-keys only to authorize usage on remote-desktop?08:47
seb128taavikko: no idea I never tried that08:48
taavikkovino used to have it IIRC in intrepid.. Now only password for security08:48
taavikkomight as well check changelogs and such to figure it out, there's nothing like added security...08:49
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directhexslangasek, i'm thinking i'd like to put off this docdir problem for another cycle - i.e. merge mono, and re-add the symlink magic so the issue goes away until karmic09:05
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directhexi'd need to maintain SOME kind of workaround up until loquatious lombax anyway, since i need to support upgrades from hardy. so the first release where it stops mattering is masticating mastodon.09:18
DreadKnightupdates ate my totem :O09:23
slytherinDreadKnight: what do you mean by ate?09:24
directhexom nom nom09:24
DreadKnighttotem got removed.. and many more stuffs will get removed as well if i update.. i guess dependencies need to be sorted out09:26
slytherinDreadKnight: dependencies are fine. you upgraded in the middle of large uploads related to gnome09:27
DreadKnightslytherin, indeed09:27
slytherinDreadKnight: so wait for another day by when these uploads will be finished probably.09:28
DreadKnightok thanks09:30
pittithekorn: thanks for your reply wrt. wadllib and nose; nose fixed now10:43
pittithekorn: however, now I have bug 344166 :-(10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344166 in wadllib "test suite for iso_strptime fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34416610:43
thekornpitti: this smells indeed like just another python2.6 incompatibility10:53
pittithekorn: right; just followed up on the bug10:53
thekorntime.struct_time == tuple does not seem to work anymore10:53
pittiright, time.localtime() is the same effect10:54
pittithekorn: I think I'll just update the docstring accordingly10:55
thekornsounds good10:56
pittithekorn: ah, with print() it works10:57
pittiah, no, ignore me10:58
thekornpitti: maybe tuple(d.timetuple()) works for all python versions11:05
thekorncan't check python2.6 here11:05
pittithekorn: ah, indeed11:05
MacSlowmvo_, hey Michael11:13
MacSlowmvo_, this one https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/331564 is due to the missing patch for notify-osd to be part of the window-match rules for the animation-plugin11:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 331564 in compiz "sometimes notification flickers when fading in" [High,New]11:13
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MacSlowmvo_, did you have to drop my patch I sent you, because it didn't apply anymore?11:14
MacSlowmvo_, I can redo it, if you want and send you the new one11:14
Mirvcould someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/example-content/folder_i18n/+merge/4416 before beta freeze, since it's a biggish change in how the package is built?12:04
tkamppeterCan someone please fix the e-mail notification of Rosetta? I get 66 spam mails on every upload of system-config-printer.12:07
cjwatsontkamppeter: you're not the only one waiting for a fix, and this channel is not empowered to fix it12:08
cjwatsonthe fix has landed in trunk and we're waiting for a rollout12:08
wgrantcjwatson: Why wasn't it cherrypicked? There's still two weeks until the next release...12:12
elmowgrant: asking the wrong people12:12
tkamppetercjwatson, OK. Then I know that it will be fixed soon.12:12
dholbachMirv: I just had a look at your example-content branch - is there an easy way to test this on a livecd?12:13
wgrantelmo: Well, he seemed well informed of the situation otherwise.12:14
cjwatsonwgrant: I know little more than the above and have already been badgering people12:16
mvo_MacSlow: I will double check, it should not be dropped, but patches where shuffled around due to the 0.8.2 release12:18
Mirvdholbach: the live cd part is afaik not affected really, since that's only about installing the /etc/skel file which gets installed on users' home folders. I guess the live cd symbolic link on the desktop is not done by example-content, so the original title of the bug is a bit wrong.12:19
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Mirv(which leads me to update the bug title to something more sophisticated, though it's explained in the comments)12:20
cjwatsonMirv: casper does     mv /root/home/$USERNAME/Examples /root/home/$USERNAME/Desktop/12:20
dholbachMirv: ah right, so it might need changing in casper12:21
cjwatsonMirv: therefore it would need to be updated if Examples changed12:21
cjwatson(preferably in a way that copes with both old and new)12:21
Mirvcjwatson: ok, so it should be updated in casper as well then, if that symbolic link is now changed into examples.desktop12:21
dholbachcjwatson: Mirv's idea was to change to a translatable .desktop file instead of a symlink to the directory12:21
MirvI now updated the description to include what casper does, and that it would also need updating if examples.desktop is used12:23
cjwatsondholbach: yes, I read it12:23
Mirvand in the bug report there is this link to the change in use: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23784986/Kuvakaappaus-test%20-%20tiedostoselain.png (icon could be changed if the default link icon is not wanted)12:26
cjwatsonI haven't reviewed the branch but assuming that casper is changed as well then it all makes complete sense to me12:27
dholbachMirv: I'll play with it some more and let you know what I find12:29
ograKeybuk, so i still see a 11sec modprobe run in my bootchart in jaunty (making my boot take 33sec)12:49
ograKeybuk, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/osiris-jaunty-20090317-1.png12:50
Keybukogra: could you throw me the tarball and udev log?12:55
ograKeybuk, sure12:56
ograKeybuk, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/osiris-jaunty-20090317-1.tgz and http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/udev12:57
ograKeybuk, i see a long pause in the early stage of usplash12:57
ograwhich seems to match the udev/modprobe delay shown in the bootchart12:58
Keybukadd      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/0003:1CB6:6680.0003 (hid)                                              0.45  10.63  10.1912:59
Keybukadd      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0 (usb)                                                                  0.02  10.63  10.6112:59
Keybukadd      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev5.2_ep81 (usb_endpoint)                             0.02  10.63  10.6112:59
Keybukwhat's the device?13:00
Keybukcould you give me the modalias of it13:00
Keybuk(ie. cat /sys/blah/modalias)13:00
ograKeybuk, like that ? ogra@osiris:/var/build/babbage$ cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/5-1\:1.0/modalias13:01
ograi have a usb mouse and usb kbd plugged in atm ... additionally the laptop has a touchscreen and fingerprint reader that are usb devices13:02
Keybuk11.63..22.15  1680 (modprobe)13:02
Keybukit's a single modprobe call13:02
ograoh, and a usb->serial adapter13:03
ograbut neither of them takes 10 secs when hotplugged13:03
ogra(touchscreen and fingerprint reader are indeed not hotpluggable :) )13:03
Keybukis there a /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/0003:1CB6:6680.0003/modalias ?13:04
ograKeybuk, ogra@osiris:/var/build/babbage$ ls /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1\:1.0/0003\:1CB6\:6680.0003/13:07
ogradriver  power  subsystem  uevent13:07
Keybukogra: what about the other two?13:09
Keybukogra: what's the driver symlink expand to?13:10
ograogra@osiris:/var/build/babbage$ cat /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1\:1.0/modalias13:10
ograogra@osiris:/var/build/babbage$ ls -lh /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1\:1.0/0003\:1CB6\:6680.0003/driver13:11
ogralrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2009-03-17 13:44 /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/0003:1CB6:6680.0003/driver -> ../../../../../../../bus/hid/drivers/generic-usb13:11
ograno modalias in /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:1d.2/usb5/5-1/5-1\:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev5.2_ep81/13:11
ograKeybuk, ah, lshal seems to tel mee its the touchscreen13:14
Keybukyeah, that's what it looks like to me13:15
ograwhich has no particular driver, it just registers as /dev/input/eventX with the hid driver normally13:15
Keybukyou're stuck inside kernel driver init() at that point13:15
ogra(at least it did that up to intrepid)13:15
Keybukso iz kernel bug13:15
Keybukto test13:16
Keybukecho 'KERNEL=="0003\:1CB6\:6680.0003", OPTIONS+="last_rule"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-ignore.rules13:16
Keybuksee if that speeds it up13:16
Keybukwithout the \:s13:16
Keybukecho 'KERNEL=="0003:1CB6:6680.0003", OPTIONS+="last_rule"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-ignore.rules13:16
* ogra reboots13:18
ograKeybuk, err, i guess i need update-initramfs, right ?13:18
Keybukno, shouldn't do13:19
ograsince when is my computer supposed to skip the bios on reboots ?13:22
ogramy machine just went from usplash in shutdown mode directly to usplash in bootup mode without powering off13:22
* ogra tries again13:23
ograhmm, i'm confused13:25
ograsame behavior13:25
Keybuktry different udev rules to match the device13:25
Keybukit may be any of those three13:25
Keybukor even all of them13:25
ograwell, first i would like to be able to switch off my computer13:25
ograit just jumps from one usplash to another and boots up directly ... there is no BIOS or power down inbetween13:26
* ogra scratches head13:26
ograoh, ah !13:27
* ogra apt-get removes kexec-tools :P13:27
ograthats funny ... i didnt know it had that effect13:28
hyperairseb128: ping.13:28
ograok, next try13:28
seb128hyperair: contextless ping = no pong13:28
hyperairseb128: that's pong enough for me ;)13:28
hyperairseb128: regarding nautilus-share... you've added some stuff to debian/rules13:29
hyperairseb128: something about intltool. could you tell me what that's about?13:29
hyperairseb128: examining the debs with/without the intltool stuff seems to show no difference13:29
seb128hyperair: it's about building a translation template after the build which rosetta imports13:30
seb128hyperair: so the strings are listed on rosetta for translation13:30
seb128hyperair: we do that for everything in main actually, why?13:30
hyperairseb128: i just adopted nautilus-share in debian, and am updating13:30
hyperairseb128: this is one of the things i'm not sure about. the other is that your diff.gz seems to have config.guess/config.sub changes. why is that?13:31
seb128hyperair: cdbs magic I guess13:31
seb128that's a debian thing13:31
seb128the clean target might be buggy or something13:32
hyperairseb128: no... it seems that it's an ubuntu-only change13:32
ograKeybuk, hmm, the one rule didnt change a thing13:32
seb128hyperair: it's nothing we did it's coming from the build system, as said probably buggy clean target13:32
seb128hyperair: try to debuild && debuild clean && debuild in debian13:32
seb128hyperair: and see if you get the same13:32
seb128hyperair: debian build tools update those when they are outdated13:33
hyperairregarding the clean target, i found a snippet in clean which does that13:33
seb128well dunno and I don't care13:33
seb128config.guess and config.sub has updated at build time using the system version if outdated13:33
seb128that change is just noise, not useful not creating an issue13:33
hyperairokay then i'll leave it out13:34
seb128I don't care enough to look at why it's there ;-)13:34
seb128it's not an on purpose change13:34
seb128but it's not an issue13:34
seb128you can take the intltool update call though13:34
ograKeybuk, is there a way to match on "product" ?13:34
seb128it's not useful in debian but doesn't cost a lot13:34
seb128and so we can probably sync or lower delta13:34
hyperairseb128: alright then.13:35
ograKeybuk, or on something shorter (like 0003:1CB6 only)13:37
ograKeybuk, nope, no speedup13:46
directhexthat was productive :|14:22
jelmerslangasek: ping14:59
tvakahI'm having a problem upgrading, dpkg --purge sivp results in: http://pastebin.com/f34bb92f115:44
tvakahadding --force-all changes nothing, and this package is currently sticking all the rest of today's updates15:45
tvakahtried force installing scilab first in the thought that sivp needed to go first, scilab installs and purges jsut fine, but sivp still fails to purge15:46
tvakahnvm, looks like upgrading sivp to 0.5 first then removing it will fix this15:49
BUGabundoquestion: is update-manager supposed/able to jump from hardy to jaunty or any other future devel branch without going throuth all versions in between ?16:02
pittiBUGabundo: LTS->LTS only, or going through all intermediate releases16:03
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BUGabundopitti: thants16:06
pittitseliot: jockey currently disables nvidia 71 and 96; are they still busted?16:09
tseliotpitti: 96 works while 71 doesn't16:10
pittitseliot: right, it checks "version < 96", sorry16:10
pittiso it's still correct; thanks16:10
tseliotpitti: np16:10
slangasekjelmer: pong16:15
bdmurraycjwatson, pitti: wrt to the bug fixing report I did fix an issue last week where duplicate bug tasks were being shown, perhaps that caused the change in quantity.16:17
cjwatsonah, that would make sense16:17
dokoubuntu-archive: please accept the xom binaries in NEW16:20
pittibdmurray: ah, entirely plausible; thanks16:26
bdmurraylet me know if you see any other drastic changes16:26
pittiso now I have to break the 150 mark a second time :)16:27
bdmurraysome fluxuation due to bugs being reopened is possible but not a lot16:29
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pittidoko: thanks for fixing xom!16:38
dokopitti: openjdk error, just a work around16:41
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rtgbryce: bug #334101 isn't really targeted to the right packages, is it?16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334101 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "FFe: Xv and EXA not supported on R6xx/R7xx chipsets" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33410116:45
brycertg: what would be the right packages?16:50
rtgbryce: well maybe the package is correct, but why is my name assigned to it?16:50
asacTheMuso: ping at-spi crash status? are there concerns with my patch?16:54
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brycertg: do you not use bug assignments for tracking bugs you're working on?  I can remove your name if it's a problem...16:59
rtgbryce: I just keep getting all of these annoying emails about it :)17:00
brycertg, sorry I know each team does things a bit differently, so may be assuming things17:00
rtgbryce: well, my patch part is done, right?17:00
pittirtg: how else do you keep track of them, if not by email?17:01
rtgpitti: my oblique point was that my name should not have been on this bug 'cause I don't have anything to do with (I think)17:01
rtgwith it17:01
MacSlowmvo_, compiz uses quilt, right?17:02
pittiah, ok; I thought you wanted to merge the kernel bits17:02
brycertg: this is the bug I've been using for tracking the r6xx/r7xx patch work stuff from Alex17:02
brycertg: if you've uploaded those, then yeah the bug can be closed as fixed.  I'll take your name off too, to save you from any subsequent emails17:02
rtgbryce: no, you're correct. I thought it was being tracked by another bug, but I see that I completely messed up.17:03
brycertg: fwiw, when we do uploads in the X team, we typically need a bug report for the issue being fixed to reference in the changelog17:04
mvo_MacSlow: yes17:04
brycertg: so I was just thinking we could share this one, assuming you guys do similarly in kernel land (which may be a bad assumption on my part)17:04
rtgbryce: during the dev process i don't always have a bug number, but I should have for this one.17:04
mvo_MacSlow: "bzr bd-do " and then "export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches; quilt push 029_default_options"17:05
MacSlowmvo_, ok I'll try to create a distro patch for the fade-plugin (which is part of compiz) to skip notify-osd windows if it is enabled17:05
bryceok cool17:05
mvo_MacSlow: that should do the trick17:05
mvo_MacSlow: and quilt add metadata/fade.xml.in afterwards17:05
mvo_MacSlow: when you finished editing "quilt refresh"17:05
mvo_quilt pop -a17:05
mvo_sorry, quilt is a bit "verbose"17:06
pittiMacSlow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems#quilt%20(example%20package:%20xterm) FYI17:06
MacSlowbzr bd-do didn't work17:06
davmor2bryce: I've confirmed the fix for bug 309482 but I think it's linked to upstream too so do you still want it closing?17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309482 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "jaunty: Kubuntu OEM enduser setup fails with black screen (nv driver fails)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30948217:06
MacSlowmvo_, I'm using an apt-get'ed compiz-source not a checked out branch17:06
MacSlowthis is gonna take long then I think17:06
MacSlowpitti, ah... that was what I was looking for17:08
rtgbryce: I can see now why my comment confused you. I guess I need some coffee :) I updated the report, but the bot won't update with a changelog 'cause I don't have a  bug number in the changelog.17:08
brycedavmor2: yep, bug looks fine.  Upstream can pick up the patch from the upstream report whenever they'd like17:08
MacSlowpitti, I remember to have read this once (about a year ag0)17:08
brycertg: ah ok, then we can close it manually.  Do you have any comment to add?  If not I'd be happy to do the deed.17:09
pittirtg: ah, so 2.6.28-10 has the ati bits now? awesome17:09
rtgbryce: I added the commit URL, beyond that I don't have anything more to say17:09
bryceok great17:09
rtgp-itti-11 bits17:09
rtgpitti: -1117:09
rtgwhich will get uploaded later today17:10
elmocjwatson/wgrant/seb128/etc: the alleged LP fix for that rosetta spam has been CPed into production17:10
* pitti shuts down his 10 extra mail servers :)17:10
brycertg: bug updated.  Thanks again :-)17:11
* seb128 hugs elmo17:11
MacSlowmvo_, before I can successfully do "bzr bd-do" I've to "bzr branch lp:compiz" right? apt-get'ing compiz source will not get me the .bzr directory afaik17:11
mvo_MacSlow: correct17:11
MacSlowmvo_, I need to check that out _into_ the directory I got from "apt-get source compiz"?!17:12
mrooneymvo_: hello fellow michael :)17:12
mvo_MacSlow: no, just check it out and let bzr-buildpackage /bzr bd-do deal with all the rest :)17:14
mvo_hey mrooney!17:14
pittibryce: can you please ping me when fglrx lands? then I'll re-enable it in jockey17:14
cjwatsonelmo: great, thanks17:15
brycepitti: will do.  Still waiting on the final drop from AMD, but expecting it today.17:16
pittibryce: right, not hurrying, just saying that we should coordinate this17:16
bryceokie doke17:16
* pitti ^5s bryce17:17
LureMacSlow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Ninjas/QuiltMagic17:20
MacSlowmvo_, done17:20
MacSlowmvo_, would it be enough to email you the updated file debian/patches/029_default_options ?17:20
MacSlowLure, thanks but I already finished it17:21
mvo_MacSlow: yes, that is fine17:21
MacSlowmvo_, sent17:26
mvo_MacSlow: thanks, checking mail17:30
* MacSlow takes an evening-break17:30
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mptMacSlow, mat_t: Do either of you know why the Jaunty live CD counts down at GDM, "ubuntu will log in in 10 seconds"?17:58
mptIt's not as if you can really do much else17:58
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ogrampt, i think thats a gdm restriction, autologin only works with timed login set, 10 sec is the smallest it accepts18:02
ogrampt, seb128 might know more about that18:02
mpthm, maybe I imagined it, but I thought the live CDs for previous Ubuntu versions skipped quickly past GDM18:03
ograthe first boot shouldnt show that18:03
ograonly if you manually logged out18:03
seb128mpt: it does autologin18:03
mptyes it does18:04
seb128so what do you do to get the count?18:04
ogradoesnt count down here with an alpha6 image18:04
seb128here either18:05
seb128I did some CD testing for alpha6 and autologin worked correctly18:05
superm1Keybuk, i'm seeing some weird udev behavior while in the initrd when running casper early scripts w/ 9.04 a6 testing.  stuff like where a call to "chroot /root/ parted -s /dev/sda rm 3" will hang for a few minutes, followed by a line "udevadm settle - timeout of 180 seconds reached, the event queue contains:" "/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs12".  any pointers, or recommendations to prevent this happening?18:05
ograthough you get the countdown if you log out once18:05
Lurecan somebody give-back pyexiv2 (now that exiv2 0.18 binaries are published)?18:05
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ograwhich is expected behavior (at least from former releases ... maybe not mpt expected behavior :) )18:06
Keybuksuperm1: no idae18:06
Keybukstrange thing to hang on18:06
dokoubuntu-archive: please accept jaxme binaries in NEW (-doc to main)18:06
Keybukwhat's in the process list?18:06
Keybukotherwise udevd --debug ftw18:06
mptseb128, I don't do anything special to get the count, I just choose "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer" or whatever it's called18:06
Keybukeither that, or udevd has crashed ;)18:06
superm1Keybuk, well being in the middle of the initrd, I'm not sure I can pull another term up to check the process list or what not18:07
Turlis it normal for nautilus-cd-burner to be uninstalled with the updates?18:07
Keybuksuperm1: it's not easy ;)18:07
ograbreak=top and do all steps manually :)18:08
seb128mpt: ok, so that's a new bug18:08
seb128mpt: is that daily CD?18:08
mptseb128, alpha 618:08
superm1ogasawara, i suspect some racey conditions though that i'm not going to expose unless i'm typing fast...  :)18:08
mat_tmpt, dunno18:08
superm1oops, ogra ^18:08
seb128maybe xorg or the session is crashing18:08
Keybuksuperm1: random18:08
Keybukhave you actually checked udevd is running?18:08
ograsuperm1, add a script to initramfs doing the same and call the script then18:09
seb128mpt: does the login after the count work correctly or does it go back to gdm again?18:09
Keybukit only runs for a smallish part of the intird18:09
seb128mpt: I would check your CD to start18:09
Keybukudevadm settle will wait for three minutes if udevd isn't running18:09
mptseb128, I ran a CD check first. I think the same thing happened with alpha 5, but I forgot about it.18:09
superm1Keybuk, i see it on mostly atom hardware, i've not seen it on any regular laptops.  i'll add some checks into the the scripts to check for udev running and try to have it blurt things like that out every other command so I can see better18:10
seb128mpt: ok so maybe xorg or gdm is crashing on first try, it goes back to gdm and do the counting18:10
seb128mpt: I'm busy with GNOME 2.26 today so I will pass on debugging that for now but maybe somebody else can have a look to that with you18:10
Keybuksuperm1: you're playing around with the partition table inside the initrd?18:10
mptseb128, ok, thanks for the suggestions18:10
superm1Keybuk, yeah... kind of have to for factory installs to make sure it's what ubiquity expects when it starts18:11
apwslangasek, we have a checkbox update pending, and i am wondering who needs to be informed to make sure it hits the beta18:11
slytherinpitti: is there any plan to update ekiga to 3.0.2? ekiga 3.2 is released today but there are too many features for updating this late in cycle. So we should at least get 3.0.2 (it adds settings migration from 2.x).18:36
seb128slytherin: kenvandine_wk is working on getting 3.2 before beta I think, you think it's too late in the cycle?18:41
slytherinseb128: looking at the changelog. I think there are too many features additions.18:41
kenvandine_wkit is a long list18:42
slytherinalso it is unclear from changelog if the gstreamer support for audio/video capture is finished or not.18:42
NCommanderAny archive admins around to answer a licensing question? (I need to know if a four-clause BSD license is going to end up in universe or multiverse)18:53
NCommander(I think its the later, but I'd like to make sure)18:53
IntuitiveNippleIs there any way to get the new libx86-based read-edid package (which works on amd64 as well a x86/lpia) sponsored to replace the existing 32-bit only package? bug #24204318:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242043 in read-edid "[needs-packaging} read-edid-2.0.0 for amd64" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24204318:56
NCommanderIntuitiveNipple, you need a feature freeze exception18:56
IntuitiveNippleWho's best for that, would you say?18:57
NCommanderIntuitiveNipple, just subscribe to motu-release, and follow the feature freeze exception rules, and hope for the best19:00
IntuitiveNippleright, thanks19:00
NCommanderIntuitiveNipple, if you get a freeze exception, I can sponsor it.19:00
Keybukyay Windows Vista installer19:12
KeybukPlease chose between19:12
Keybuk (A)19:12
Keybuk (B)19:12
Keybuknote that (A) has been disabled19:12
NCommanderKeybuk, that's an improvement from Windows XP in automatic mode19:13
NCommander(I got a lot of STOP: No error (OK) boxes while getting the bugs out)19:13
Keybukwe can't bitch19:14
NCommanderWe can't?19:14
Keybuksomeone sent me of a screen shot with an error dialog that said "Never show this error to a user" or something19:14
NCommanderFair enough19:14
KeybukGIO/GVfs related iirc19:14
* NCommander kicks RedBoot19:15
NCommanderSo does anyone know if a four-clause BSD license will end up in universe or multiverse?19:16
KeybukI believe that it is considered DFSG-free19:22
Keybukthus it's unlikely that we'd be more restrictive19:22
Keybukthough note that it's considered a deprecated licence, even by BSD themselves19:22
NCommanderKeybuk, legacy code used in RedBoot unfortnately. I would think it would end up in universe, but I plan to get this package promoted; I have concerns about it in main just because of the adversing cause ....19:23
NCommander(I dunno if I'm crazy or not)19:23
mrooneyNCommander: did james_w ever get back to you on that update?19:24
KeybukNCommander: my recollection is that the 4-clause BSD is DFSG-free not *not* GPL compatible19:24
NCommandermrooney, not as far as I could tell, if I don't see someone soon, I'll do something.19:24
mrooneyIt will make babies cry if those bugs aren't fixed in Jaunty, like this --> ;_;19:25
mrooneyokay thanks :)19:25
NCommanderKeybuk, there is an exception in the GPL code in RedBoot19:25
NCommanderKeybuk, the copyright file is absolute fun. It breaks 1,000 lines19:25
Keybukindeed, the DFSG directly references the BSD licence as free; and I believe that at the time it was written, the 4-clause would have been the standard19:25
KeybukNCommander: if the copyright file is that long19:25
NCommanderno wait, scratch that, 792, since I removed the full text of the Apache 2 license in lew of the full text.19:25
KeybukI would say that the software needs a very careful copyright audit19:26
NCommanderI know :-/19:26
Keybuksince it is likely that a conflict has been overlooked19:26
* NCommander sighs19:26
NCommanderRedBoot used to be in the archive, it was removed due to it being unmaintained.19:27
Keybukat least some of these licences are likely to be incompatible19:27
Keybukand it's all well and good adding an exception to the GPL bits19:27
Keybukbut you need to make sure *ALL* of the GPL bits, even those linked to, have the same exception19:28
Keybukand that the exception has been approved by all copyright holders19:28
* NCommander wonders if he can shoot himself now.19:28
KeybukI've seen situations before where people have slapped an exception on top of GPL code, without checking19:28
Keybukthus violating the licence of code in there19:28
NCommanderKeybuk, we need this package for full iMX51 support :-/. I've done a look over, but its a massive package (I'm talking 16MB of source, and thousands of files; although we could probably strip out chunks of it)19:29
KeybukI need iTunes to update my phone, but that can't go in main either ;)19:30
NCommanderKeybuk, we could put it in restricted ... *hears a gunshot*19:30
Keybukno, we can't19:31
NCommanderI was kidding :-P19:31
KeybukI'm not19:31
* NCommander wonders where one can find a crack team of copyright auditers.19:31
* slytherin is glad he does not own a smart phone yet19:32
* NCommander gave up trying to get his blackberry and PC talking ages ago.19:32
ion_I want one that runs on free software (and is therefore entirely hackable). And preferably doesn’t suck much. :-)19:32
Turlion_: an openmoko phone?19:33
NCommanderion_, I would say Android Development Platform phones, but I dunno how good Android is19:33
ion_Yeah, i know about them. I’ll take a look at the market at the point i’m actually buying one.19:34
NCommanderI need something that support tethering.19:34
NCommanderKeybuk, so what do you recommend w.r.t. to the copyright audit on Redboot/eCos?19:36
KaiL...I guess, the intel display driver is a good candidate for the "daily upstream builds"19:40
Turlwill 2.6.3 from -intel be included in jaunty?19:41
KaiLI hope 2.7 will be ready then19:41
Turlthe current one is a bit slow19:42
KaiLbecause that version is required for the Asus Eee Top :/19:42
KaiLTurl, eben 2.6.99 isn't really that much faster19:43
Turlyeah, but it improves a bit19:44
KaiLbut at least a step into the right direction ;)19:44
kklimondahey guys, anyone has problem with booting after last uprades of jaunty?19:44
kklimondai'm getting invalid or unsupported executable format when i select kernel in grub19:44
Turlkklimonda: I updated the kernel today, still didn't reboot19:44
kklimondai've tested it with -10 and -9 releases19:44
kklimondai'm using ext419:44
kklimondaand 64bit19:45
KaiLfor me only the CPU stays a 1,6GHz after booting19:45
kklimondaok, fixed - i had to manually run grub-install after i've changed ext3 to ext4..19:51
KaiLbug 341573 still there20:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341573 in linux "system stays on full CPU clock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34157320:15
KeybukKaiL: I've an update pending for it20:21
KaiLah, ok20:21
KaiLso it's at least recognised ;)20:21
Keybukoh, yes20:21
KeybukI didn't realise the kernel team were going to push an update so fast when I asked them to set the default back to performance20:21
KaiLthe idea behind is "booting on performance mode"?20:22
KaiL..which gave maximun 1 second here ;)20:23
Keybuk"maximum 1 second" ?20:24
KaiLsometimes I get 33, sometimes 34 ;)20:24
Keybukboot speed you mean?20:25
KaiLbetween grub and the drums20:25
Keybukdoesn't mean much without detailed knowledge of your hardware, etc.20:25
KaiLI've read somewhere in the blueprint, that most testing for this is done on a netbook20:25
kklimondaanyone knows how to fix virtualenv?20:25
KaiLdon't forget, that their SSDs have must better access times than normal laptop and even desktop disks..20:26
Keybukyes, we know20:27
Keybukthat's why we use SSD20:27
KaiLimho you mostly shorten times, which are eaten by the disk20:27
KaiLloading X and gdm takes half the boot time here20:27
KeybukI'd imagine that the disk readahead takes the most significant portion of your boot20:29
KaiLhm, ok... 1/3 from usplash disapearing until the drums20:29
Keybukdo you have a bootchart?20:30
KaiLI can try to make one20:30
Keybukapt-get install bootchart20:30
KaiLhm.. main-package depending on universe-package ;)20:31
Keybukit recommends it, iirc20:32
KaiLah, yes20:32
KaiLinteresting, that it ends at 25, but the drums are at 33s20:37
Keybukyeah, you have to mess about to graph the whole thing20:37
Keybukbut that neatly shows you're spending almost you're entire time in I/O wait20:38
Keybukand the disk throughput is dreadfully low20:38
Keybukwith apallingly high utilisation20:38
KaiLin short: that hd sucks?20:38
Keybukwhat is that?  A Dell?20:38
KaiLAsus M2N20:38
Keybukwhy do you boot with nolapic?20:38
KaiLbut the hd isn't original (that one was worse)20:39
KeybukHDDs in general suck20:39
directhexi still need a solution to network mounts causing painful slowdown on shutdown.20:39
KaiLthere was a bug20:39
KaiLmaybe it's gone...20:39
Keybukdirecthex: ?20:40
directhexKeybuk, on intrepid, if using n-m, a cifs mount in fstab means a 60 second timeout on shutdown, presumably as networking is killed before the umount happens20:41
directhexdelay is per-mount20:42
PedobearishereO HAI GUISE20:42
KaiLhm... lapic lets it take one second more20:42
PedobearishereASK GOLDILOCKS20:42
ubottuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk20:42
Keybukdamn ;)20:43
Seeker`too slow :(20:43
KeybukI had a "who's been eating MY porridge" /kick message all lined up20:43
directhexhm, patrick, why does that ring a bell20:43
slangasek"this kick message was just right"?20:43
ikoniaPedobearishere again....20:43
ikoniajust did some other channels20:43
directhexhi2u ikonia20:43
superm1Keybuk, okay so i'm still seeing rather mixed results.  *should* udev be started and running by the time 24preseed is being ran in the initramfs?  I see references that udevadm gets ran before it in 23networking20:44
directhexslangasek, was the guy a few weeks ago talking crap about helix a patrick, or am i misremembering?20:44
Keybuksuperm1: no, I think udev will be long dead by then20:44
slangasekdirecthex: different Patrick20:44
Keybukbut I may be wrong20:44
KeybukI've not looked at casper in ages20:44
=== jcm is now known as jonmasters
Keybukjonmasters: SPIES!20:44
superm1Keybuk, okay i'll keep grep'ing around then to try to ge ta better idea20:44
jonmastersKeybuk: :)20:45
Keybukjonmasters: where's that kernel patch? :p20:46
jonmastersKeybuk: oh thanks for reminding me to finish that20:46
directhexhm. can bootchart chart shutdown as well? or is that an oxymoron, given the process will get killed20:47
Keybukdirecthex: there are ways to do that20:47
Keybukhow is left as an exercise to the user20:48
jonmastersKeybuk: only problem with being on here aswell is Freenode has a 10 channel max.20:48
jonmastersKeybuk: which means I'll probably need to connect another client too20:48
directhexKeybuk, i'd really like to resolve why samba umounting sucks so hard, it's bugged me for years20:48
ikoniadirecthex: locking is the quick answer20:48
keesdoko: I've got 1/3rd of the gcc testsuite cleaned up.  how should I approach upstream with it?20:48
Keybukjonmasters: I'm on >1020:48
directhexikonia, afaik the cifs module insists in doing a "clean" umount when unmounting, i.e. sending a "im disconnecting now kkthxbye" to the samba server. it's got a hard-coded timeout of some kind on that20:49
directhexikonia, try mounting something, pull the cable, then unmount it20:49
ikoniahow delightful20:49
Keybukdirecthex: smb mounts sound like the kind of thing that should be done by fuse these days20:50
superm1jonmasters, yeah and i just joined an 11th to check.  wfm too20:50
Keybukin fact, fuse-nfs; when?20:50
directhexKeybuk, i'm approx 112.6% in agreement on that.20:50
jonmastersKeybuk: oh, I mean 2020:50
directhex  smbnetfs20:51
directhexi'll try that20:51
sorenjonmasters: If you ask nicely, they'll let you join more.20:53
sorenjonmasters: "/whois soren" for proof.20:53
directhexargh, except... argh! it doesn't have its own mounter, and fuse isn't considered a network filetype by /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs, so it would be mounted all funny-like20:53
sorenjonmasters: Hi, by the way :)20:53
directhexnothing simple is ever easy20:54
jonmasterssoren: the limit seems arbitrary :)20:54
jonmasterssoren: who do you ask?20:54
jonmasterssoren: hi too :)20:54
sorenjonmasters: I forget whom I asked specifically. Any freenode op, I suppose.20:54
slangasekKeybuk: your desire to convert people to fuse notwithstanding, there are plenty of users who use the kernel cifs support and this is a bug that should be fixed.20:55
directhexit is reasonable to have a timeout on connection drops, so IMHO the question is how to ensure netfs is unmounted before network dies20:57
Keybukdirecthex: depends, how is the network up?20:59
directhexKeybuk, n-m wired dhcp20:59
Keybukso there you have the egg20:59
Keybukand the network is the chicken20:59
KeybukN-M and its various bits are all on /usr20:59
Keybukso they're killed (forcing the network done) before we umount filesystems (including network filesystems)21:00
Keybukbecause we support /usr on separate filesystems21:00
Keybukindeed, it's one of the most common scenarios for NFS21:00
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
directhexso perhaps n-m could be made to not bring down the network on shutdown? what purpose does killing the network serve, exactly?21:01
directhexDHCP release i suppose21:02
directhexhm, tricky21:02
slangasekis the interface actually taken down when NM is killed?21:02
MithrandirI wonder why we bother about dhcp release.21:02
KaiLis there a visible difference for the dhcp server, if there's a ifdown or just a "poweroff"?21:03
slangasekwell, if the interface is actually *deconfigured*, that's an easier case for the cifs code to check and handle correctly21:03
slangasekwhich if you're doing a wired network + N-M, I guess that's the case21:03
directhexis there a pre-down we can abuse?21:04
directhexmounting netfs in post-up works great21:04
slangasekdirecthex: not sanely, because you have to determine that *this* interface is the one associated with the mount in question21:10
directhexoh christ21:10
slangaseki.e., check whether taking down this interface takes down the route21:10
superm1Keybuk, well i'm thinking my resolution to the problem is bind mounting /dev to /root/dev while running any commands in /root from the initramfs.  udev is indeed running, but it looks like the /dev and /root/dev easily get out of sync21:10
directhexthis sounds like a job for sitting down & brainstorming :/21:10
slangasekbut it *is* a bug that the kernel cifs implementation has to time out when asked to unmount a share and it gets a no route to host21:11
sorenslangasek: that's not really that difficult, is it? "ip route get <samba server> | grep -q \\\<$IFACE\\\>"21:13
slangaseksoren: oh, I didn't know we had that, that's useful :)   But you do need to check that this is the *only* interface with a route to it, rather than checking that this interface has a route to it...?21:14
sorenslangasek: Hence the question mark. :)21:16
sorenslangasek: Well.. You could add a check for other interfaces with a route to it, and with the same source address.21:17
keesKeybuk: you're op'd.21:17
sorenslangasek: I think that is complete enough.21:17
sorenslangasek: More than complete enough, even. :)21:17
slangaseksoren: and then lazy unmount?21:18
* soren reads context again21:18
sorenslangasek: I'm not sure I'd do it lazily. Does that block at all? I want the umount to finish before the route is gone.21:19
slangaseksoren: the trouble is that the unmount won't finish at all if there are processes still using the mount21:20
sorenslangasek: Right you are.21:20
slangasekif the interface goes down because you lost sight of the AP, and you're sitting with an open shell with the smb mountpoint as cwd, and...21:20
sorenslangasek: In that particular case, I'd prefer not to unmount at all, I think.21:21
sorenI kind of like being able to walk closer to that AP again and have things just continue where they left off.21:21
directhexso now we need some kind of heuristic to determine whether we really want to do a speed-unmount. i propose an advanced genetic algorithm21:22
sorenI know a certain office in London where dropping off of the wifi is not an uncommon occurrence.21:22
slangaseksoren: well, there's no way to distinguish that case from the shutdown case then, using pre-down21:22
directhexslangasek, not even from the runlevel?21:22
KaiLsoren, and same for "i need to sort the cables" on a wired LAN?21:22
slangasekunless you check runlevel :P21:22
directhexi like hax.21:22
sorenKaiL: Very much, yes.21:23
sorenI always get a warm, fuzzy feeling when I've suspended my laptop for half a day, come back, resume, and my ssh connections are still live.21:23
sorenHow this relates to this discussion, I'm not sure.21:24
sorenI'm very tired.21:24
* directhex wonders when more exciting details on UDS are coming21:24
sorendirecthex: When you least expect it.21:25
directhexso thursday, then? totally not expecting it on thursday21:25
KaiLso we need to separate beween a ifdown manually issued (including shutdown) and one issued by link loss21:25
jussi01jcastro: ping21:28
TheMusoasac: no, I'll get it uploaded this morning.21:32
dtchencjwatson: / mdz: / Keybuk: sorry about the RT spam, not sure how to prevent that22:08
Rocket2DMnTheMuso, im looking at bug 243226 - you said you were going to prepare a SRU for Hardy for it but the bug status was never updated.22:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243226 in initramfs-tools "Panic messages are not displayed when usplash is running" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24322622:29
TheMusoRocket2DMn: I got sidetracked. I'll get to it once beta freeze is in effect for jaunty, since I'm rather busy till then.22:33
Rocket2DMnok no problem, thanks for looking22:33
cjwatsondtchen: it's ok, we have explicitly asked to be subscribed to all traffic on that RT queue23:00
cjwatsondtchen: so it isn't spam for us23:00
cjwatsonmpt: that's an interesting bug (autologin). When you first mentioned it I thought you meant you'd logged out and then seen a countdown, and in that case it does make some sense since if you've logged out from the live environment you probably had some curious reason to do so (such as creating a new user in the live environment)23:01
cjwatsonmpt: I don't believe I've ever seen it act that way on initial boot, though23:01
=== asac_ is now known as asac
brycepitti: btw I've packaged/built -fglrx and will be uploading soon once I've done a little testing23:33
brycepitti: version is going to be 8.600-0ubuntu123:33
directhexthere's a new catalyst?23:41
directhexor is this a private build again?23:42
NCommanderScottK, ping?23:48

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