[00:13] fta: netbooks are usually bad for typing [00:13] but one can get used to it [00:13] just use it ;) [01:22] asac, like yours: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23958758/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.chromium-browser_2.0.170.0~svn20090316r11783-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [01:24] fta: yes its fixed in ubuntu9 fontconfig [01:24] fta: the native builders alrewady have it in their cache [01:24] i busted sebs gnome 2.26 transition ;) [01:24] (not nice) === fta_ is now known as fta [09:09] guud morning [10:00] hi [10:00] * asac removed half of his gnome [10:01] blindly running dist-upgrade ;) [10:01] * asac should be old enough to know ;) [10:04] ai ai [10:04] you are just crazy asac [10:16] hehe [10:17] i can run openbox still ;) [10:19] not bad [10:19] ahh I just remember you just use ob and not gnome [10:21] eheh [10:21] didn't take long [10:21] yeah. had to switch to main mirror. almost all bits are there [10:23] fta: so what is missing in jaunty for chrome ia32 still? [10:25] asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/132395/ [10:29] fta: there is no pango in ia32libs? [10:29] oh just the build stuff [10:30] shouldnt those go into a ia32libs-dev package? [10:30] yes, definitely [10:30] hmm [10:30] seems ia32-libs ships a bunch of .so links [10:30] so probably should just be added there [10:59] something is wrong here. i can only join 20 channels again [11:05] gnomefreak: not authenticated ;)? === fta__ is now known as fta3 [11:06] yeah, i have 2 clones [11:09] 2 clones? [11:09] hehe [11:10] fta3: fta2 fta [11:10] ;) [11:10] asac: i am atleast it says i am in server window [11:11] maybe updates caused me not ot be identified on load [11:11] probably [11:11] sometimes its a race on startup [11:12] we will find out in a few i have to restart [11:28] much better, i think it was updates+irssi that caused the problem [11:32] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23989952/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.chromium-browser_2.0.170.0~svn20090316r11783-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [11:32] FT_Get_Advance() ? fontconfig? and why only amd64? [11:34] transitional problem [11:34] api didnt change at all afaik [11:37] netbook crashed 2 minutes after a resume [11:37] apport says "your system encountered a serious kernel problem" [11:38] ozilla.org == german firefox website [12:11] whos bright idea was it to move CVS to Mercurial :( [12:12] why? [12:12] i got used to finding shit on CVS [12:13] takes too long to find shit now [12:13] what are you looking for? [12:13] examole i see all the changes/commits no source [12:14] fta: still looking for that sunbird 1 i gave up on 0.6 but [12:14] s/but/ [12:15] http://hg.mozilla.org/ [12:15] im there already [12:16] then, what is missing? [12:17] fta: the source for sunbird in comm central isnt there [12:17] http://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/ thats what i get [12:18] for some reason sunbird tag isnt there [12:26] isn't sunbird still on cvs? [12:28] fta: only up to 0.9 [12:28] at least from what i found [12:30] oh, yes, it's in comm-central [12:31] fta: where, im lookijng at nighhtly builds on ftp.mozilla.... and it looks like they are locale builds using en_US in name [12:32] http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/sunbird/nightly/latest-trunk/ [12:32] fta: they probably kind of support lightning for tbird 3 [12:32] i dont think that sunbird standalone made it up to central [12:32] in a usable way at least [12:32] asac: you would think but alot of people are having compatibity issues at least a week ago they wre [12:32] were [12:32] https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Comm-central_source_code_%28Mercurial%29#Sunbird_and_Lightning [12:33] a few people asked me to add sb to tb3 already [12:33] it should be a different package, to avoid conflicts [12:36] fta: tb3 isnt goign to get lightning added in [12:41] 11:00UTC was an about an hour and 40 mintues ago wasnt it [12:42] meetins over oh well [12:42] yes [12:42] what meeting? [12:42] the CC meeting that i have been missing for months now [12:42] CC? [12:46] community council [12:46] it seems the tb3 [12:46] +sb topic is done [12:48] Gdk-WARNING **: GdkWindow 0x1000913 unexpectedly destroyed [12:48] thats always nice to see [12:59] can anyone reproduce bug 202251? i still cant reproduce it since b5 [12:59] Launchpad bug 202251 in firefox-3.0 "wrong percentage in download manager when files are queued" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202251 [13:20] fta: the fix for get-orig for sunbird is changing branch to _1_9_ and change the link on line 8 but i cant find that link nor did i find 1.0 as a downloadable tarball. the paste is of lightning-sunbird.conf in m-d. doesnt see anything that needs to be changed in mozclient.pl i will try to fix it if i ever find the link on line 8 [13:23] asac: when is latest to get a FF exception? they are trying to get an exception for gnash 0.8.5 but i see it being a bit late for it [13:32] gnomefreak: i have to sort that out [13:32] gnomefreak: please open a bug about it [13:33] asac: already is a bug [13:33] and ofcourse i just closed it let me find it [13:34] asac: bug 338074 [13:34] Launchpad bug 338074 in gnash "FFe: please sync with upstream version of Gnash .8.5" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/338074 [13:42] oh that cant be good :( [14:05] asac: does the "Yes" coulum look alined? the reporter of bug 343389 says they are not aligned (the "Y" is but the "es" isnt i dont see anything misaligned [14:05] Launchpad bug 343389 in firefox-3.1 "Inconsistent kerning in Firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/343389 [14:13] gnomefreak, even without looking, you most likely should start from the tb3 m-d conf, maybe even the branch if it builds a full xul [14:16] i will look again, tb3 shouldnt build xul should it? I thought thats what the patch was for but i didnt look too closely at the patch. but i will copy tb3.conf and rename it and see if it helps assuming that is the best way to test [14:20] no, tb3 is not yet ready for system-xul, in fact, only ff is ready [14:20] ah ok [14:21] tb3, sm2, songbird, .... , are all building their own xul [14:25] oh ok when im finished with email ill check. is there a command i can use to test with instead of trying the file changes? i tried the wget command but it didnt work like i had hoped [14:26] to test what? [14:27] fta2: iff it grabs the right tarball [14:28] it doesn't grab tarballs, it grabs files from the vcs, based on either dates or tags or tags+branch or dates+branch, etc.. [14:31] thats right [14:54] anyone seen this error before while trying to branch bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'iteration over non-sequence') [14:56] nope [14:59] sad part is i pulled it last week fine and made didnt push changes to branch so it "should" work [15:05] can some please try to pull a branch using bzr lp:~...... [15:10] now its stalling out on a mozillateam branch [15:11] that was odd but it worked ;) [15:21] fta2: its still grabbing 1.8 branch there has to be something im missing [15:25] maybe i do know i have one more thing to try [15:30] i guess a change in mozclient.pl is needed as well or it just doesnt work [15:33] ok smoke than test [15:35] erl /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/mozclient.pl -d 0.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 lightning-sunbird [15:35] that needs to me changed it looks like [15:40] thats all generic [15:43] im trying date was kind of hoping it would grab hg.... by default [15:52] fta2: how do i use hg version with get-orig? it seems to want to grab hg if i use DEBIAN_DATE..... but without it it trys to grab 0.9 [15:53] $client->checkout(); looks like the reason its wanting hg -r # [16:36] its using changelog version to grab hg revisions [16:45] still no luck finding source anywhere [16:55] asac: what is the purpose of bug 228806? without a crash report/back trace there isnt much that can be done [16:55] Launchpad bug 228806 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] various unrelated crashes for firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/228806 [16:56] gnomefreak: thats a catch all bug [16:56] gnomefreak: if there is a bad crash and users complain that we close it we dupe it there [16:56] so they are happy [16:56] oh ok [16:56] and can continue discussion among each other [17:00] jaunty's urlbar seems to be acting weird when I first start firefox [17:01] * cwillu submits the 'get them out of our hair' bug to reddit with an inflammatory title [17:01] j/k [17:03] What I'm seeing in jaunty is this: close firefox completely, and then reopen it. in the url bar, type in a piece of some address you know you've got in your history. Url list doesn't show up. Then, clicking on the urlbar arrow and opening an entry, typing in the same piece as the first time, the url list shows up [17:03] happens every time I restart ff [17:07] cwillu: did you try --safe-mode? [17:07] cwillu: got that last week [17:07] * gnomefreak cant reproduce that and im asuming you mean 3.0 [17:07] then it went away [17:08] luckly [17:08] I was about to get a restore back! [17:08] I can loose my Awsome bar history [17:08] gnomefreak: do you remmember I mention it to you? [17:08] BUGabundo: yep [17:09] closest thing ive come to it is the url bar being colored but i havent been able to reproduce that other than that one day [17:10] * gnomefreak gone for a while i think, my head is killing me [17:14] gnomefreak, no, but there are no extensions on [17:15] gnomefreak, only happens once per run [17:16] or not even, can't dupe it myself now :/ [17:48] asac: to answer your webkit question to @oldmanuk, ryan tells me that moving to webkit 1.1 would break gwibber and he has no idea how to fix it. [17:56] jcastro: yeah. any hint what breaks? [18:05] asac: the whole thing, it doesn't render anything, let me try to find a bug [18:58] * asac out [22:03] fta is gwibber broken again? [22:50] BUGabundo1, broken? [22:52] it opens but I don't get anything there fta [22:52] cli shows lots of those [22:52] gnome keyring stuff [22:52] brb [22:52] reboot to fix audio typo [23:04] hmm, FENNEC_B1 [23:12] fta after a reboot, gwibber seems to be working again [23:13] strange [23:13] race condition to keychane? [23:13] there was a bug a week ago about all those messages [23:13] being printed out [23:13] donno [23:13] asac, compare kicked in: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24021786/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.chromium-browser_2.0.171.0~svn20090317r11882-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz === asac_ is now known as asac