
stgraberno, an empty /etc/lts.conf exists and so that error message shouldn't happen (if it's the file missing one)00:00
stgraberthat's why I'd like to be sure about what error message you're getting00:00
faustino3331i will take a photo and send it to you if it's needed00:03
faustino3331stgraber: the error is "chroot: cannot execute /usr/bin/getltscfg: Exec format error"15:30
LaserJockmorning edu people!17:15
Lnshey LaserJock !!17:27
LnsHow's the school??17:27
LaserJockbusy busy17:29
LaserJockLns: how you been?17:30
LnsBeen good! Did some work on my website the past few days. Pictures sure seem to make things look better ;)17:30
LaserJockheh, yeah17:30
Lnsas well as my coolio 'office-cam' on the front page that shows off that I'm not normally here, haha17:31
LaserJockLns: any interesting stuff going on here in the last week?17:31
Lns(shameless plug) http://logicalnetworking.net17:31
LnsLaserJock: not a lot really. I've been working a lot on the biz side of things, haven't really delved into a lot of edubuntu/ltsp stuff in the past week or so17:32
Lnsbut i'm about to embark on creating my first Zenity script =)17:32
LaserJockzenity is kinda fun17:33
LaserJockbut the "real" programmers kinda scoff at it17:33
* Lns isn't a real programmer... ;)17:33
LaserJockme neither17:33
LaserJockthat's why I've used it :-)17:33
LaserJockI made a little GUI wrapper for Squeak with it17:34
LaserJockdid what I needed it to do, and nicely17:34
Lnsyeah, it seems to be pretty nice. even has that --calendar thing which is pretty cool =p17:35
Lnsi'm gonna attempt to make a GUI around establishing / modifying automated startup/shutdown for an LTSP network with it17:35
Lnssince the on-site techs dont' want to dig into crontabs and such =p17:35
Lnsand eventually replace my little homebrew script for doing things with it17:36
LaserJockwe should have some sort of LTSP scripts repository17:36
Lnsyes we should!17:37
LnsIt probably won't happen, but i'm hoping to make a generic admin script / gui for ltsp/ubuntu at least that i can share with others that will help..sort of a control panel17:38
Lnsalmost like what ltspadmin used to be17:38
LaserJockawesome, ubuntu-edu-* got promoted to Main18:01
LnsLaserJock: nice!!18:19
ograLaserJock, seb128 looked for someone who can nod off dumping screem to universe btw18:20
LaserJockogra: hmmm18:21
LaserJockogra: it is a problem but I don't think we'd have a replacement for Jaunty18:21
ograits the one app keeping gtksourceview1 in main which he wants to get rid of18:21
LaserJockit's really buggy18:21
LaserJockI'd like to replace it with at least bluefish and perhaps another GUI like kompzer or quanta18:22
faustino3331ogra: does ltsp-manager work in amd64?18:45
ograltsp-manager never worked anywhere18:46
ograits a mockup18:46
faustino3331ok but in my case it doesn't show anything in the window so i was thinking that maybe it was  a bug in the amd64 version18:48
ograit wasnt touched since 2 or 3 years ...18:49
faustino3331so i can uninstall it without problems18:50
faustino3331it looked like a great program18:50
faustino3331a really good idea18:50
ograsure, feel free to adopt it :)18:51
ograi dont have the time to code on it, it just waits for someone who is intrested18:51
faustino3331if i knew how to do it i would do it18:52
faustino3331maybe i loose sometime around it to see if i understand it and how can it be made18:52
faustino3331i don't even know how to put ltsp working in my school server18:54
faustino3331maybe i should use 8.04.2 instead of jaunty alpha618:54
ograwell, next weeks thursday jaunty releases beta18:57
Lnsogra: oh that! =)18:58
LnsI remember that18:58
ograone of my ancient projects18:58
Lnspretty awesome stuff19:00
LaserJockmight be a cool Summer of Code project for somebody interested in LTSP19:02
Lnsdoesn't SuSE have something similar to this for kiwi?19:03
LnsI thought i'd seen something a while back19:03
ograthey have easy ltsp19:11
ogra(i still dont like its UI ...)19:11
Lnsthta's what it was..yeah, it seemed like a glorified text editor for lts.conf19:23

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