
Riddellhmm, some fonts in konqueror have turned non anti-aliased00:07
NCommanderhey Riddell00:12
Riddellbonsoir NCommander00:13
NCommanderRiddell, could you do another NEW processing for me?00:13
JontheEchidnaTonio_: OK, I made sure everything applied correctly00:14
Tonio_JontheEchidna: great, uploading :)00:14
RiddellNCommander: what's new?00:14
NCommanderRiddell, redboot-imx :-)00:14
Riddell(did you see what I did there?)00:14
JontheEchidnaTonio_: I'm pushing now00:14
NCommanderRiddell, (I'll owe you a beer or three for this)00:14
* vorian thinks Riddell never sleeps00:16
* NCommander suspects that true00:16
seeledaylight savings hasn't hit the other side of the pond yet00:17
vorianoh, so it's only midnight00:18
voriani'm already longing for sleep00:18
blueyedJontheEchidna: I'm testing upgrading from Intrepid to Jaunty (re gtk2-engines-qtcurve/kde-style-qtcurve). Just after the upgrade, FF looks ugly - no styling (even from the old gtk-qt-engine).. both packages are installed (gtk-qt-engine (old) and gtk2-engines-qtcurve/kde-style-qtcurve). Rebooting the VM now.00:23
JontheEchidnagtj-qt-engine didn't work by default until you install libonoboui or something00:24
blueyedwell, it worked before the upgrade (in Intrepid). or do you mean in Jaunty?00:26
JontheEchidnain intrepid00:27
blueyedbut it did.. but the dist-upgrade (without restart) broke it.00:28
JontheEchidnathat would be a bug then I guess00:28
blueyedin gtk-qt-engine?00:29
nixternalis anyone working on digikam and kipi plugins?00:29
blueyedand woohoo.. it uses gtk2-engines-qtcurve now.. :)00:29
JontheEchidnanixternal: Lure is00:30
Tonio_JontheEchidna: everything uploaded, wonderfull work :)00:30
nixternaldigikam is the greatest KDE app ever! I mean ever!00:30
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome :)00:30
Tonio_JontheEchidna: you should apply for core-dev... aren't sick of asking for sponsor uploads ? :)00:31
JontheEchidnaYeah, somewhat00:31
Tonio_JontheEchidna: you should try at least...00:31
blueyedJontheEchidna: what do you think should I file? the breakage before restarting is forgivable I think. The other issue I've mentioned has been removing the old gtk-qt-engine package (e.g. by means of Replaces). I like that the default gets changed.00:32
RiddellNCommander: this package is a maze of twisty licencing passages00:32
NCommanderRiddell, I've been writing the copyright file for the better part of two days.00:32
nixternalyay for twisty licensing passages :)00:32
NCommanderBelieve it or not, its shorter than when it was original.00:33
JontheEchidnablueyed: I think a replaces would be appropriate, as long as they don't conflict each other00:33
blueyedok. should I file that for gtk2-engines-qtcurve then?00:33
RiddellNCommander: 4 clause BSD, does any of that code link against any of the GPL code?00:34
nixternalwhy does 'bzr pull' require a password? I can understand push, but pull? that is silly00:34
JontheEchidnanixternal: I know, it's silly00:34
JontheEchidnaI think we should also put shlib-deps back in on gtk-qt-engines since it's not on the CD anymore and it somewhat broken without it. I'll do that tomorrow I guess00:34
NCommanderRiddell, yes, but see the GPL exception clause00:34
Riddellnixternal: if it connects by ssh it'll need access00:35
JontheEchidnaNCommander: I counter your exception clause with my +4 dark shlib mace of BSD00:35
NCommandernixternal, its a quirk in the way bzr handles lp: paths00:35
vorianis that new?00:36
dtchennixternal: if you're truly annoyed, you can edit foo/.bzr/branch/branch.conf00:36
NCommanderdtchen, he can just do bzr pull -r *http path*00:37
dtchenNCommander: indeed; i just change branch.conf to use http or bzr instead of bzr+ssh or lp00:37
Tonio_JontheEchidna: about kde/qtcurve00:38
Tonio_JontheEchidna: wouldn't it make sense renaming kde-style-qtcurve to qt-style-qtcurve00:38
RiddellNCommander: that exception makes the result non-GPL, whyever would someone want to do that?00:38
RiddellI mean why not just use BSD00:38
Tonio_JontheEchidna: and also kde-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig to kde-style-qtcurve00:38
JontheEchidnaTonio_: Yeah, that probably would make sense00:38
nixternaldtchen: ya, that is what I do when I finally get annoyed with it00:38
nixternaljust change the parent_location00:39
Tonio_JontheEchidna: strange to me that the kde- thing is for qt, and the kdeconfig suffixed thing is the kde theme :)00:39
NCommanderRiddell, I have no clue, except for the "source must be available" bit00:39
nixternalwould be nice if ~/.bazaar/config had the ability to tell it to pull from https and push to ssh00:39
Tonio_JontheEchidna: but this means kde4 is parsing qt styles now ?00:39
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I just discovered  the kde4 real one, but was able to use the qt one...00:40
JontheEchidnaYeah, I think it does00:40
JontheEchidnayou just get extra goodies that come from linking with KDE from -kdeconfig00:40
JontheEchidnalike the kwin theme00:40
JontheEchidnawhich probably should be in its own package but would be a real pain to split out00:40
JontheEchidnaif not impossible00:40
Tonio_okay, makes sense00:41
JontheEchidnabasically we build the thing twice, hiding build-deps on the first one00:41
Tonio_then maybe kde-style-qtcurve should provide qt-style-qtcurve00:41
Tonio_just for people searching for a qt style...00:41
* ScottK hides his eyes from the evil.00:42
Tonio_ScottK: I was about to say the same :) that's rude !!00:42
Tonio_JontheEchidna: that's pretty crap no ?00:42
JontheEchidnaTonio_: I think Qt can do KDE themes now too00:42
JontheEchidnamaybe we could just drop the Qt only theme?00:42
Tonio_JontheEchidna: why not building once and just try to split out ? ;)00:42
JontheEchidnawe could switch over the cdbs00:43
JontheEchidnaTonio_: because if it finds kde it won't build Qt only00:43
Tonio_JontheEchidna: if no double build, then yes, cdbs would make sense :)00:43
JontheEchidnaI think we can drop the qt-only one, since it seems that Qt now does KDE themes in 4.500:43
Tonio_ah.... then if qt does kde themes, maybe we can do that, and just split out the theme from the tools...00:44
Tonio_and keep the same naming policy00:44
Tonio_JontheEchidna: wouldn't that be okay ?00:44
JontheEchidnaYeah, I think so00:44
JontheEchidnashould we also separate the kwin theme?00:44
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'll be on contrib day on friday, I'll have time to look at that...00:44
* Tonio_ adds to his todo list00:44
JontheEchidnagreat :)00:44
Tonio_yeah, a kwin theme would make sense, indeed00:45
* Tonio_ is asking if we shouldn't consider using qtcurve by default for kde....00:45
Tonio_oxygen is nice, but nothing is better than a real unified theme...00:45
nixternalNO, use Skulpture00:47
nixternalall that money and he can't afford a real connection? :p00:47
nixternalS K U L P T U R E00:48
* JontheEchidna wonders what klearlooks looks like00:48
nixternalI don't even think I have looked at that00:48
JontheEchidnaMotif for default!!1!!!00:48
nixternalMotif +10000:48
JontheEchidnathen no gtk-qt-engine!00:48
JontheEchidnaunified ugly00:48
JontheEchidnaI think they renamed that to Windows00:49
nixternalSkulpture is #2 on KDE-Look right behind dekorator which is a bit much for a new user00:49
nixternalSkulpture even looks good in GTK stuff..00:49
nixternalspeaking of which, how the heck can I get rid of the current GTK theme? I have set it to use my KDE theme but taht doesn't work00:50
nixternalI did set it, it went back to QtCurve00:50
JontheEchidnaHaha, knetworkconf was pretty sucky even before it was totally broken00:51
JontheEchidnahalf of the bug reports in kdeadmin are about it00:51
nixternalwhy can't I change the GTK theme stuff from QtCurve to use my KDE theme?00:54
JontheEchidnabecause startkde changes it to qtcurve on every startup00:54
nixternalwe hardcoded that change?00:54
JontheEchidnawe hardcoded it for gtk-qt-engine too, apparently00:54
nixternalnow that is frickin' annoying00:55
* nixternal searches for reasoning00:55
* vorian points at JontheEchidna 00:55
vorianand runs00:55
* JontheEchidna didn't do it :P00:55
nixternalI was going to point at Tonio_ :)00:55
vorianok, that works too00:56
nixternalthe craziest french dude in the world!00:56
Tonio_nixternal: okay let's make it clear :00:56
vorian            _00:56
vorian ___  _  _ (_)00:56
vorian/ _ \| || || |00:56
vorian\___/ \_,,_||_|00:56
nixternalof which I am still waiting on how to make someone mad :p00:56
nixternalvorian: that last thing in whatever you just did, looks a bit much fallace to me00:56
Tonio_it won't harm gnome users, which is cool00:57
vorianwell, I blame ascii00:57
Tonio_and it's done a nice and clean way, using .kde/env/00:57
nixternalahh, so I can change that then?00:57
Tonio_but yeah, I have no other way to make it default than forcing it00:57
Tonio_nixternal: comment out the portion of code doing this in /usr/bin/startkde00:58
Tonio_nixternal: and also remove .kde/env/*blabla*.sh00:58
nixternalthank you sir00:59
Tonio_nixternal: maybe as kubuntu-desktop only recommends the theme, I can do better00:59
knusperfroschshould i file bugs for networkmanager+vpnc in jaunty-a6 or is it just not ready atm?00:59
Tonio_if the package isn't installed, then no copy... and eventually clean out the users .kde/env00:59
Tonio_knusperfrosch: no infos concerning vpnc...01:00
NCommanderRiddell, so how comes the review?01:00
Tonio_nixternal: so that if you don't want it anymore, just remove the package and that's it... would you prefer that ?01:00
Tonio_okay let's fix then :)01:00
RiddellNCommander: I approved it01:01
nixternalbecause if I change startkde or remove that file, everytime it comes through for update I have 7 choices to pick from :)01:01
NCommanderThanks Riddell, your the best.01:01
knusperfroschTonio_: nm-plasmoid->manage connections->vpn, add a vpnc connection, enter what ever you want, it gets lost as you hit ok. second tab of that dialog: check any box, the textinput won't be enabled.01:02
Tonio_Riddell: we're patching startkde for things specific to kubuntu (and k-d-s especially)01:02
Tonio_Riddell: to make it clean, shouldn't we provide our own startkde binary in kubuntu-default-settings and dpkg-divert it ?01:02
Tonio_Riddell: some people might want to install kde without our specific work in it...01:02
RiddellTonio_: that sounds hard to maintain, we should make sure any patches don't affect people without k-d-s01:03
Tonio_Riddell: hum... not harder than maintaining the patches for startkde, imho, don't you agree ?01:03
Tonio_new startkde -> kds change instead of porting the patches.... well I don't know...01:04
Riddellkeeping a fork of code is a bad idea01:05
Tonio_Riddell: or maybe having our own script in kds package kde then and just patch startkde to execute this script if it exists ?01:06
Tonio_Riddell: that would probaby make both our changes and the startkde patch easier to maintain, I think...01:07
Tonio_Riddell: any opinion on this ?01:07
Riddellwhat's hard to maintain about our patches to startkde?01:08
Tonio_Riddell: nothing, simply I'm fine with having a clear separation between kde and kubuntu specific things01:09
Tonio_Riddell: we basically have only one patch and it's only code addition... that's why I think external execution would be better, just my 2 cents :)01:10
macothere's a user in #kubuntu with an interesting bug01:19
macowith kde 4.1 or 4.2 the resolution that's set in System Settings -> Display is not applied on login, but it is remembered in the Display part. they have to go to Display and hit "apply" every time they login.01:20
maco...and now everybody shuts up :-|01:23
nixternalthat stupid display thing has never worked for me, so I wouldn't be of much help...I am still a manual tweaker of xorg.conf01:28
nixternalthough with Intel, you don't have to mess with that garbage01:28
JontheEchidnamaco: running krandrtray at startup should work as a workaround01:30
JontheEchidnabug 26843401:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268434 in kdebase-workspace "Screen Resolution is not being restored after relogin" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26843401:30
nixternalya, krandrtray actually works01:30
JontheEchidnasince when you load krandrtray it loads the kde screen config01:30
JontheEchidnajust having it started at startup should be all it takes01:31
macois krandrtray *supposed* to load on each logn01:32
macoor is having it do so a workaround for ?01:33
JontheEchidnathat's a workaround01:33
ScottKFor what?01:41
JontheEchidnafor kde not remembering the resolution set in systemsettings on login01:44
macohuh. here's something xchat-gnome does that quassel would be lovely if it did: let me click on the user's name in the chat window (not just the nick windows) to send them a PM01:48
JontheEchidnaThe Dell mini actually has a few kde apps by default, neat01:50
JontheEchidnakworldclock, khangman01:51
JontheEchidnapotato guy01:51
JontheEchidnakde3 versions though ;-)01:53
macodtchen: did you collide with seele on your way in?02:06
nixternalsupah collidah02:09
JontheEchidnasupah hahdrahn colliah02:10
claydohhey, I kinda talk like that :)02:26
JontheEchidnaRiddell: you might have run in to bug 34462902:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344629 in fontconfig "Subpixel rendering for some fonts in Firefox and Konqueror is disabled after a fontconfig update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34462902:54
* JontheEchidna sleeps03:05
adelie42How can I request an official ubuntu-members source branch of kdegames on launchpad? https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/kdegames/trunk seems to be keeping a trunk up to date, but... ?05:05
DaskreecHGet a ppa?05:08
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
davmor2Riddell: is the updated panel package in todays iso?08:25
agateauRiddell: ping09:13
gribeluhumm.. after a recent update startkde seems to have some syntax errors09:24
gribeluline 204, replace "&&" with "] && ["09:24
gribeluit broke GTK themes :/09:24
Sputthat's a feature, not a bug :)09:25
gribelureally? :p09:25
gribeluMy GTK apps are unstyled now09:25
astrobeari'm reading http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE09:41
astrobearwhere do the source files go?09:41
astrobearguess i can locate them when i download them09:41
astrobearwouldn't developing neon make my system unstable?09:42
astrobearbecause i use neon apps i think09:42
astrobearor.. maybe not..09:42
astrobearnot sure where kde 4.2 was downloaded from, i used the instructions on kubutu.org09:42
astrobearmust have been neon09:43
smarterneon is for nightly build09:43
astrobearoh, where from then?09:43
smarterif you're using a stable release of KDE, you're not using neon09:43
smarterfrom the Kubuntu-Experimental PPA09:44
astrobeari followed the instructions on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.209:44
astrobearthe only ppa.launchpad.net lines i see in sources.list is neon09:45
astrobearso, smarter, is that stable?09:46
smarterbecause it's now in intrepid-backports :p)09:46
smarterforgot that we moved them here from the ppa09:46
smarterhey Tonio_09:46
astrobearso, it's considered stable?09:46
astrobearit being the instructions which i used to install kde 4.209:47
smarterastrobear: read the instructions09:47
smarterit's not officially supported, but it's supposed to be stable, yes09:48
astrobearokay stable for use, but when i'm developing on them... it can't be stable09:49
astrobeari'm using the same libraries to edit, say, kontact09:49
Nightroseastrobear: neon is sandboxed - so depending on what you are doing it is safe09:50
astrobearwhat does sandboxed mean?09:50
astrobearno one has yet to answer that question for me09:50
Nightroseit uses a different folder for configs and so on (~/.kde-nightly iirc)09:51
Nightroseand is installed in a seperate directory09:51
astrobearaaaah. sandbox! you can play safely and not effect your system :)09:52
astrobearthank your Nightrose09:52
Nightroseno problem09:52
astrobearman, took me 3 days to get this point, realizing i can easily get into dev with neon09:53
Nightroseheh you just need to ask the right people... ;-)09:53
astrobearfinally, i can start going through the kde tutorials for making my first kde programs09:53
astrobearor get the right person's attention :)09:53
astrobeari'm sure many people know what they're doing in #kde-devel09:54
astrobearbut are probably busy09:54
astrobearor not paying attention to the channel like you ;)09:54
astrobearwith neon, where is the copy of qt-copy?10:17
astrobearupdatedb && locate qt-copy10:30
astrobeardidn't find it10:30
astrobear[04:53] <Nightrose> heh you just need to ask the right people... ;-)10:30
astrobearso... Nightrose... :P10:31
astrobearyou want to help me or give me a list of nicks to pester :D10:31
Riddellagateau: you pinged?10:39
agateauRiddell: yes10:39
agateauabout the Nepomuk issue10:39
astrobeari'll ping/pong if someone knows me answer :)10:39
agateauI thought my rc file was not enough, but it seems it's kind of ok10:40
agateauif I disable everything, nepomukserver starts, but does not fork any subprocess10:40
agateauso I guess it won't crash... would you mind trying the rc file on your machine? I can't really test since it decided not to crash here10:41
Riddellagateau: sure10:42
agateauRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/136418610:43
agateauname it nepomukserverrc10:43
Riddellagateau: I put that into the kubuntu-default-settings location, deleted my own nepomukserverrc and logged out and in10:54
Riddellno crash10:54
Riddellnepomukserver does start but not nepmukservicestub10:54
agateauso it should be good enough for jaunty10:55
agateaudo you want me to commit the changes, or would you rather do it yourself?10:55
* agateau is not sure how to commit and push using bzr yet10:56
Riddellagateau: you should learn how :)10:56
Riddellagateau: you have a checkout?10:56
Riddellput file in kde-rc-files10:57
Riddellbzr add <file>10:57
Riddelldch -i  and add changelog entry10:57
agateaui even did a "bzr add my file"10:57
Riddellbzr diff   check if it's sensible10:57
Riddellbzr commit --local10:57
Riddellbzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~<user>/kubuntu-default-settings/<branchname>10:58
agateauwhat should I use for <branchname>?10:58
Riddellwhatever you like10:58
agateauhuhu :)10:59
agateauand how does it eventually get into the .deb?10:59
RiddellI'll merge your changes into the main branch11:00
Riddellbuild a source package from htat11:00
Riddellbuild a source package from that11:00
astrobearhttp://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tools/apidox doesn't apply to neon users11:00
Riddellupload to the ubuntu build servers11:00
astrobearcan someone please help me with the documentation11:00
Riddellwhich will compile it into a .deb11:00
agateauRiddell: ok11:00
agateaustupid question: is it ok to use stressed letters in changelog?11:00
* agateau has stressed letters in his name11:01
Riddellaccents are fine11:01
agateauaccents yes11:01
agateaudch -i created a "1:9.04.15ubuntu1" version number, this is not correct, is it?11:03
davmor2Riddell: oem works now that bryce has added me gfx card to the nv.lst11:03
agateauRiddell: it should be "1:9.04.16 I guess11:04
Riddellagateau: no need for the ubuntu1 it's a native package not in debian11:04
Riddelldavmor2: yay11:04
Riddelldavmor2: panel fix should be in11:04
davmor2Riddell: cool I'm just burning now.  So I'll find out soon :)11:05
agateauRiddell: launchpad does not like me: "Permission denied (publickey)." but my ssh key has been added to my LP account11:08
agateauThis was when I tried to push11:09
Riddellagateau: using the right username?11:09
Riddelltry <username>@bazaar...11:09
Riddellaurelien-gateau-mail ?11:10
agateaummm where does this come from?11:10
agateauI thought my username was agateau11:10
Riddellthat works11:11
Riddelldidn't come up in a search though11:11
agateauI think aurelien-gateau-mail was an old LP account I created a few years ago11:12
agateauit should be dead right now11:12
agateauanyway I can't push with this one either11:12
agateauI just realized what you meant with "<username>@bazaar..."11:13
Riddellworking now?11:13
agateauseems to be11:14
agateauit's "Walking content"11:14
davmor2Riddell: today's install has got the Incomplete Language Support issue again11:34
astrobearwhat's the difference between "kde-nightly-kdelibs-dbg" and "kde-nightly-kdelibs"?11:35
astrobearone has debug support and the other doesn't?11:35
davmor2Panel fits though Yay11:35
astrobearif i install kde-nightly-kdelibs-dbg, do i need to install kde-nightly-kdelibs ?11:36
Riddellagateau: did it get anywhere?11:36
Riddelldavmor2: what's the issue?11:37
agateauRiddell: it just finished!11:37
davmor2Riddell: Hang on I'll shot it11:37
agateauurl is bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/kubuntu-default-settings/disable-nepomuk11:37
devfilRiddell: what do you think about konqueror+kdewebkit?11:39
Riddellerk, we're 60MB oversized on amd6411:39
Riddelldevfil: needs lots of work, e.g. most of the config settings don't work for it11:40
astrobear# Shortcut provided by Project Neon to make the module11:40
* smarter made arora uses kdewebkit yesterday :)11:40
astrobear# and install it to the prefix /opt/kde-nightly/11:40
davmor2Riddell: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/icl.png11:40
astrobearbash: neonmake: command not found11:40
agateauRiddell: any other bug for me?11:40
devfilRiddell: does flash work with kdewebkit?11:40
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
Riddellagateau: do you want to add the soprano install stuff ?11:40
Riddelldevfil: yes11:40
smarterdevfil: yes11:40
Riddellwell actually I don't know11:41
Riddelldevfil: it works with webkit in qt 4.5 but havn't tested kdewebkit11:41
* smarter double-check with his hacked arora11:41
Riddellagateau: sesame install I mean11:41
agateauRiddell: I am afraid i do not understand what you mean11:41
agateauRiddell: you mean enabling Nepomuk when sesame package is installed?11:42
Riddellagateau: get update-notifier to promot for sesame install along with the codec install prompts11:42
Riddelland for bonus points enabling it too11:42
devfilRiddell: I'm reading https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntyKDEPackaging and it says "If Qt 4.5 is out for Jaunty and its Webkit supports flash we should change Konqueror to use kdewebkit by default."11:43
smarterdevfil: yup, it works11:43
agateauRiddell: I can have a look at it, yes11:43
smarterdevfil: but it's far from perfect11:43
smarterdevfil: definitely not ready to replace KHTML11:43
Riddelldevfil: would be nice but as I say it needs more work11:43
smarteralso, KHTML devs won't be pleased :P11:43
devfilbut KHTML doesn't support flash, does it?11:44
Riddellsure it does11:45
macodoesnt konqueror use khtml?11:45
macoand doesnt webkit use khtml for the rendering component?11:45
smartermaco: No.11:46
Riddellkonqueror uses whatever plugin is avaliable, khtml is the norm11:46
smarterWebKit is a KHTML fork11:46
agateaumaco: no, khtml and webkit can be seen as competitors11:46
Riddellthe more I think about it, the more sensible using arora becomes11:46
smarterRiddell: it rocks really :)11:47
agateauRiddell: did you try rekonq?11:47
smarterRiddell: I ported it to cmake this week, and I'm working on KDE support11:47
Riddellagateau: I did briefly, don't remember being too impressed11:47
smarterRiddell: an extension system is being worked on too, thanks to QtScript power11:47
agateauRiddell: I was thinking it would be a better choice, being based on kdelibs, but i must confess i haven't tried it yet11:49
agateausmarter: extension system would be great!11:49
smarteragateau: yup :)11:49
RiddellLure: digikam is out?11:49
smarteragateau: I don't think rekonq really has a future11:50
smarteragateau: arora + KDE support should be better11:50
smarteragateau: my hacked arora to use webkitkde makes it use KIO for free :)11:50
agateausmarter: I like arora, but I am a bit concerned about the way kde support will be integrated11:50
agateauI have remembers of qt apps with not-so-good kde support11:51
smarteragateau: I'm thinking doing the same way as Quassel11:51
smarter#ifdef HAVE_KDE KFoo #else QFoo #endif11:51
agateausmarter: can arora access kwallet for example?11:51
davmor2Riddell: so do you have any ideas on the issue with language support?  I've not seen it for a while11:51
smarteragateau: not at the moment11:51
smarteragateau: as I said, I started working on KDE support for arora this week :)11:52
agateausmarter: ok, so it's planned?11:52
devfilsmarter: do you use kopete (msn)?11:52
smarteragateau: yup11:52
smarterdevfil: that happens, why?11:52
smarteragateau: http://code.google.com/p/arora/wiki/KDE4Integration11:52
agateaubecause I guess it's a bit more complex than #ifdef'ing a few classes :)11:52
devfilsmarter: some avatars are not displayed, and maybe I know how to fix it11:53
devfilbut I cannot work on the package and test it right now, however it's a 2-lines change11:53
Sputright, kwallet support is something I need to hack up for quassel at some point11:53
smarterdevfil: push it in a PPA?11:53
devfiluhm... good idea11:54
Riddelldevfil: no it's just moaning about incomplete support?11:56
agateauRiddell: can give me the url for the update-notifier repository?11:56
agateaucan you*11:56
devfilRiddell: ?11:56
* agateau leaves for lunch11:59
smarterRiddell, agateau, etc: if you're interested, my kdewebkit-powered arora is available here: http://github.com/smarter/arora/tree/kdewebkit11:59
Riddellagateau:  bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk/12:01
davmor2who works on the kde port of jockey?12:03
LureRiddell: I have merged our changes into Debian SVN, hope they upload it and we can sync today12:08
Riddelldavmor2: nobody in paticular12:11
davmor2Riddell: the numbering in it is the wrong way around.  it should read 180/173/96 but actually read 173(which is highlighted)/180(which is recommended)/9612:12
astrobearbash: neonmake: command not found12:16
astrobearhelp please12:16
astrobearupdatedb && locate neonmake didn't find anything either12:19
astrobear"0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove" after issuing "sudo apt-get install kde-nightly-cdbs kde-nightly-deps"12:20
astrobeartold they are already the newest12:20
astrobearand i figured that's where neonmake is12:20
LureRiddell: still need to work on kipi-plugins merge12:20
LureRiddell: hope to do it tonight12:21
davmor2Riddell: I'm talking to pitti about it I'll get back to you :)12:21
LureRiddell: can you do no-change upload for strigi12:29
LureRiddell: No-change rebuild for exiv2 0.18 (LP: 309684)12:29
astrobeardoes anyone use neon in here?12:30
RiddellLure: done12:32
jussi01astrobear: #amarok.neon12:32
LureRiddell: thanks12:35
ScottKRiddell: Quassel is about to do a bug fix update for 0.4 that I intend to upload before the beta freeze (and it really is bug fix only, I've been tracking the branch).12:37
smarteryay, flash-context-menu-in-kde-apps look decent now, thanks to gtkcurve :)12:44
Tonio_hehe, I just made kde4 dialogs to work with openoffice.... that cannot reach the repos btw...12:44
Tonio_too hackish... but works12:45
Lurecan somebody explain what failed in this build: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24037548/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.digikam_2%3A0.10.0-2~lure~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz12:45
smarterTonio_: you finally admited that kgtk was teh cool? :P12:45
Lureit build in pbuilder and it claims "Built successfully12:45
Tonio_smarter: I just opened a ppa and packaged everything12:45
Tonio_smarter: you can just install kubuntu-kgtk and get everything installed and working :)12:46
Tonio_smarter: I divert the desktop files from the preconfigured aps12:46
Tonio_smarter: http://launchpad.net/~kgtk12:46
Tonio_every app is a separate packagge, with a metapackage to install everything...12:46
Tonio_smarter: but for openoffice, that's different12:46
Tonio_I have to force gnome, and then wrap to kde4 :) crap but working :)12:47
RiddellLure: soyuz detected a problem after build12:50
Riddellmaybe a newer version already exists?12:50
LureRiddell: where? in ppa?12:50
Lureppa is empty12:50
Lureand jaunty is 2:0.10.0~rc2-0ubuntu112:51
* Lure is confused12:51
RiddellLure: nothing useful in the e-mail I take it?12:53
* Lure checks12:53
LureRiddell: good pointer: digikam-dbg_0.10.0-2~lure~ppa1_amd64.deb: Section 'debug' is not valid12:54
Luredoes this mean we cannot sync from debian due to that?12:54
RiddellLure: hmm, I guess not12:54
LureRiddell: ok, will then do ubuntu1 package and upload to PPA12:55
LureRiddell: if test is OK, will ask you for upload12:55
JontheEchidnaDo we wanna get rid of OOo KDE integration and force GTK?12:56
LureRiddell: so what is appropriate section for -dbg packages? I suppose "devel"?12:57
devfilRiddell: can you please upload http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/133011/ ?12:57
JontheEchidnaThe KDE3 file dialog is somewhat broken anyways12:57
RiddellLure: that'll do12:58
RiddellJontheEchidna: huhu?  no12:58
JontheEchidnaoh, it wouldn't be smart enough to use QtCurve?12:58
JontheEchidnathat would also bring in GTK to the default install12:58
Riddelldevfil: where is that patch from?12:58
devfilRiddell: the patch is mine12:59
JontheEchidnawould anyone object to me backporting kde svn 926571?12:59
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=926571&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 926571 | Added the Trash KCM to Dolphin, it's visible in the Settings Dialog, in the 'Trash" page. Konqueror has it, we should too =)12:59
Riddelldevfil: oh nice, going to send it upstream to salem presumably?12:59
devfilRiddell: of course13:00
RiddellJontheEchidna: go ahead13:00
Riddelldevfil: there's another libmsn task if you're into that code13:01
devfilRiddell: ?13:01
Riddelldevfil: bug 30806013:02
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/308060/+text)13:02
Riddelldevfil: the security guy had a look at libmsn and wanted a change, would you be able to look at his proposed change?13:02
devfilRiddell: I don't know, I'm not a C++ developer13:03
Riddelldevfil: ok, you just know enough to fix your bug :)13:03
Tm_TRiddell: is there has been any decicions about KDE 4.3 yet?13:07
RiddellTm_T: may not make the jaunty release?13:07
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Tm_TRiddell: hmm, so we consider backporting it to Jaunty anyway?13:08
Tm_Tdo we wait betas or try snapshot?13:08
smarterTm_T: for snapshot we already have kde-nightly from neon13:09
smartershould be enough13:09
Riddellyes we'll backport betas, same as always13:09
Tm_TRiddell: roger roger, sounds good13:09
Riddelldevfil: uploaded13:09
Tm_Tsmarter: aye, it's not reasonable for that yet though, as too much things moving around in trunk13:09
Tm_Tand must take carefully whole snapshot yet anyway13:10
devfilRiddell: thanks13:10
* Tm_T keeps stress testing kdepim in trunk13:11
Tm_TRiddell: btw we are getting couple hundred pc workstation main units from our BBC-equivalent to "Linux in schools" project, we'll see if I get kdeedu pushed into those and find a way to collect experiences for development use13:15
Tm_Tand ofcourse if possible, KDE4 desktop with aarons plans around edu use of plasma13:18
* Riddell wonders why xulrunner has ended up on the amd64 CD13:29
Riddelland all the rest of gnome infact13:30
LureRiddell: gnome is jumping to kubuntu ship? ;-)13:33
Tm_Tthey try to sink our ship by overbooking it?13:34
* txwikinger_work has too many pictures in his head now that are not proper to spell out LOL13:35
ScottKRiddell: One path I was following (but didn't come up with a solution to) is that we are ending up with gvfs due to the gstreamer backend on phonon.13:35
Riddellwe don't use the gstreamer backend13:36
Riddellit's not on any CD13:36
txwikinger_workIs fish not working anymore in KDE4.2?13:36
* Lure reboots to test network-manager with WPA-Enterprise and hidden networks - hope I come back on Wifi ;-)13:36
* txwikinger_work is invited as guest speaker in Mohawk College tomorrow13:38
Riddelltxwikinger_work: try sftp:// ?13:40
Riddelltxwikinger_work: what to talk about?13:40
* ScottK goes and refreshes his memory.13:41
txwikinger_workAbout FLOSS, its legal consequences and society13:41
txwikinger_workI was given a blanch card... I can talk about whatever I like13:41
txwikinger_workcard blanch ^^13:42
* txwikinger_work is still jetlagged13:42
freinhardkleopatra misses gpgconf support in libgpgme. is it possible to get that for jaunty? see bug #30556513:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305565 in gpgme1.0 "kleopatra complains that gpgme should be compiled with gpgconf support" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30556513:42
txwikinger_workRiddell: It will be more an FLOSS advocacy talk.. the audience is not very familiar with FLOSS yet13:44
Riddellfreinhard: do you know what needs changed?13:44
freinhardRiddell: didn't have a closer look so far buti guess it needs to be compiled with --enable-gpgconf13:47
ScottKI thought we were dropping gdebi from kubuntu-desktop?13:47
RiddellScottK: I do seem to remember that13:49
ScottKIt doesn't look like we actually did it.13:50
* ScottK didn't manage to replicate getting gvfs pulled in, so nevermind for now.13:50
ScottKRiddell: You want me to drop it from the seeds (gdebi-kde)?13:52
RiddellScottK: I think it might need the priority of kpackagekit changed, it's below Ark for me in the menu for .deb files13:53
ScottKPersonally I'd call that a feature, but I can see where more generally that'd be a problem.13:53
* ScottK decides to leave it and do some $WORK.13:54
jussi01argh.... this sucks :( I think I have to go and move to gnome :(13:54
jussi01Riddell: I have 3 screens.triple head is not supported in kde, and doesnt look like getting done anytime soon13:55
cernuiAt least 2 head was expected as I read, not sure 313:57
ScottKCan you set it up with xrandr?13:57
jussi01ScottK: no13:57
jussi01I have dual head sorted, but 3 is not possible13:57
agateauRiddell: about update-notifier, to get it to prompt for sesame install, we need an application to call its dbus interface13:59
cernuijussi01: Are you able to fill a bug in kde's bug tracking system?13:59
cernuiThat would be of help13:59
agateauRiddell: which application should do so, nepomuk kcm?13:59
jussi01cernui: hrm, I think there is already one. I have one on LP, though written hastily and frustatedly, so not as good as it could be.14:00
Riddellagateau: maybe dolphin?14:00
Riddellsince that's the first app a user will run which uses nepomuk14:01
Lure_Riddell: as you can see, nm-applet work (WPA-Enterprise, PEAP, MSCHAPv2, hidden)14:01
Lure_Riddell: will now test knetworkmanager and plasmoid14:01
Riddellgood luck Lure_14:01
cernuijussi01: You could add a comment on kde bug 15885014:01
ubottuKDE bug 158850 in multihead "Multihead: not supported by plasma" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15885014:01
agateauRiddell: on startup?14:02
Riddellagateau: yes14:02
Riddellagateau: see the patches to amarok or dragon if you like14:02
agateauRiddell: will have a look14:02
Riddell(dragon easier, amarok packaging is weird)14:02
jussi01cernui: I think most has been said there, but Ill pop something specific to my situation soon14:04
devfilRiddell: software updates says "5 blocked updates", why?14:04
Riddelldevfil: oh that's an issue with packagekit, we need to talk to glatzor about that14:05
cernuijussi01: Ok, your help would be great, because there isn't too many >2 screens setups around to test bugs I think14:06
jussi01cernui: alright then. I can test offer good feedback, work with anybody who is willing to work on it.14:07
Lure_Riddell: knetworkmanager works too!14:08
Lure_Riddell: it seems there is some value in keeping it14:08
* Lure_ will try plasmoid now14:08
cernuijussi01: if you want to start now, you could ask mentoring in #kde-devel, maybe the assigned devs are in the room. Good squashing!14:10
freinhardRiddell: can i get the config.log for libgpgme somewhere? maybe it just didn't find gpgconf...14:12
jussi01cernui: I need to run out now, maybe in a bit14:13
Riddellfreinhard: that's the build log14:14
cernuijussi01: np thanks anyway14:14
smarterRiddell: your last commit to kds added hardcoded stuff, like +maximumSize=1280,38, isn't that going to pose any problem?14:14
agateauRiddell: can't find any patches to amarok or dragon in debian/ dirs of said packages :/14:15
freinhardRiddell: checking for gpgconf... no, so rebuilding it on a machine with gpgconf should do it (sry, don't really know how package building works with lp)?14:15
Riddellagateau: kdemultimedia for dragon?14:17
Riddellagateau: debian/patches-amarok for amaro14:17
agateauRiddell: I checked out kdemultimedia and did not find any dragon patch14:19
agateauI only browsed the amarok repository on the web14:19
agateauchecking it out now14:19
Riddellon the web?14:20
Riddellchecked out from where?14:20
agateauRiddell: I used this line:bzr checkout lp:~kubuntu-members/kdemultimedia/ubuntu kdemultimedia14:23
cernuiglatzor: I think there are some KPackagekit issues14:26
LureRiddell: plasmoid fails as expected...14:26
Riddellagateau: hrm, kdemultimedia isn't up to date14:26
glatzorHello cernui14:26
LureRiddell: will update bug and try to talk with wstephanson if I can help debuging this case14:26
Riddellagateau: we don't use bzr packaging for amarok currently because of the hacky build, you can apt-get source amarok14:27
cernuiglatzor: hi sorry:-)14:27
agateauRiddell: ok I am already running apt-get source kdemultimedia atm14:27
agateauRiddell: no kubuntu_02_dragon_restricted_install.diff in my kdemultimedia-4.2.1/debian either :(14:29
agateaunote it grabbed 4.2.1, not 4.2.014:29
Riddellagateau: bzr update14:30
RiddellI just committed it14:30
Riddellagateau: thanks for spotting this :)14:30
JontheEchidnaThe Trash KCM in Dolphin patch at least builds!14:31
JontheEchidnaNow I hafta wait until the rest of kdebase is done :(14:31
agateauRiddell: was wondering about the way bzr checkout interacts with source archives: do you checkout bzr stuff inside the folder created by apt-get source?14:31
Riddellagateau: I use bzr-buildpackage which will put the debian/ directory from bzr together with the sources14:32
Riddellagateau: but it does add extra stuff you have to remember to do, hence problems like this14:32
agateauRiddell: ok, so I can put the debian/ dir from bzr inside my "apt-get source" folders by hand14:33
Riddellagateau: yes14:34
agateauRiddell: I hate to be a pain, but I still have no dragon patch in debian/ after bzr update14:34
Riddellagateau: bzr merge  ?14:34
agateauRiddell: what should I merge?14:35
agateauoh no, nevermind14:35
agateauit's in debian/, not in debian/patches/14:36
Riddelloh jings14:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: The trash kcm backport works. :) I've committed it to bzr for the next upload14:45
Riddellagateau: fixed14:46
Riddellkpackagekit is not doing so well :(14:46
agateauRiddell: got it :)14:48
txwikinger_workwhat is wrong with kpackagekit?14:48
Riddelldidn't work first time I clicked upgrade "took too long, need to fork"14:49
Riddelland now I got another error message saying dpkg failed14:49
Riddellworked third time though14:49
JontheEchidnaYeah, it does that "took to long" thing a lot14:49
Riddellupdate-notifier doesn't disappear14:50
seeleis the kpackagekit timeout bug our bug or upstream kpackagekit?14:52
seelei thought that was supposed to be fixed with 0.414:52
JontheEchidnait got a little bit better with 0.414:52
JontheEchidnabut you have to have like zero load on the system for it not to do that14:53
JontheEchidnairt kpackagekit, do we want the entire app to be in System Settings?14:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: it is isn't it?14:55
JontheEchidnayeah, but do we really want it there?14:55
JontheEchidnaTo me software management isn't really a setting14:55
RiddellI think we do, seele is the ultimate authority.  bit late to move it now though14:56
JontheEchidnaYeah, I guess you're right14:56
seelewhether or not it goes in there is a pretty low priority item14:56
JontheEchidnaOh, the Settings section of KPK looks pretty demented with the latest updates14:57
JontheEchidnaThe one item that is that (software-propeties-kde button) looks pretty lopsided14:57
seelethere is a general problem with system setting modules and how they are designed anyway. if theyre designed like an application instead of a group of settings, then it is weird they are emedded in system settings14:57
seelethere are a few configuration modules in system settings with that problem14:57
seelei'm starting to lean towards evolving system settings as simply a menu, and then launching the modules as a separate application or configuration dialog14:58
RiddellScottK: ah, install-package uses code from gdebi, that's why it's being brought in14:58
seelereplacing the screen content is really confusing14:58
ScottKUrgh (gdebi).14:59
kwwiiRiddell: usplash theme should be in your inbox soon15:12
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/usplash.tar.gz for anyone else who wants to look at it (should have just done this to begin with instead of email)15:13
Riddellkwwii: rocking15:24
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
steveiredoes anyone know if kubuntu disables gps support in marble?15:30
davmor2Riddell: I'm quite happy with Kubuntu.  Other than the issues already talked about most things just work (tm) :)15:34
kwwiiRiddell: julian is looking at it now, pending approval we can go ahead and put it in main15:35
seelekwwii: what happens on widescreens? does the image stretch or is there just black buffer area added on either side?15:35
kwwiiRiddell: oh, and do take a look whether it builds...I didn't actually build it :p15:36
kwwiiseele: on the widescreens that we catch and do properly it will now center the logo pic and use the progress bar as normal15:36
kwwiiseele: but to be honest, the usplash is outdated and it does end up stretching it15:36
kwwiion many screens15:37
kwwiiI have added configs for a bunch of screens15:37
kwwiiessentially, the new design is the old logo with a new progress bar so don't expect the world :p15:37
seeleah, oh well15:37
juliankwwii, looks great ken - thanks. the black background and the blues really look sharp.15:38
Tm_Tkwwii: msg15:42
kwwiijulian: great, thanks15:45
kwwiiRiddell: let me know if there are any technical difficulties15:46
Riddellmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `\', needed by `usplash-theme-kubuntu.so'. Stop.15:51
Riddellkwwii: hmm15:52
kwwiierm, let me check it out15:52
Riddellkwwii: works if I put the usplash-theme-kubuntu.so:  stuff all on one long line15:54
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, I just did the same myself15:56
kwwiimust be the tabs in the file15:56
kwwiiprobably only accepts spaces15:56
kwwiiI guess15:56
RiddellMakefile syntax is horrible15:57
kwwiiso this fixes it and it builds for me, should I send you that change or can you use the local copy you just made?15:57
RiddellI can do it myself15:57
kwwiicool, sorry for the trouble15:57
kwwiiI should have built it to begin with15:57
Riddellinstalls and works15:58
Riddelllooks like a smaller more sharp version of what we had before15:58
kwwiiwith thin progress bars15:58
Riddellkwwii: shall I upload?15:59
kwwiiRiddell: yes, if you are happy :)16:00
Riddellyou always make me happy kwwii16:02
kwwiigosh, I feel all warm inside16:03
smarterso, when do we get a plymouth theme? :]16:03
mptsmarter, Karmic I think :-)16:05
Tm_TKarmic or K+1, who knows of the future16:06
Riddellhas pinentry stopped working for other people?16:06
Riddelluploaded, thanks kwwii, julian16:08
smarterRiddell: gpg-agent doesn't work anymore here, so no pinentry16:08
smarterRiddell: but then, KDE still crash at startup and I have to manually start it with DISPLAY=:0 startkde everytime since I upgraded to Jaunty, so it might be related :p16:09
Riddellerk that sounds painful16:10
smarterRiddell: yup :/16:17
smarternot to mention tons of hardware strangeness I'm experiencing since a few weeks16:18
=== valgaav is now known as mjs
jjesseis there a supported version of open office 3.0 in intrepid or do i have to wait for jaunty for that?16:44
=== mjs is now known as val-gaav
freinhardRiddell: add gnupg2 (>=2.0.4) to the Build-Deps for libgpgme. i just put it on my ppa.16:47
ScottKjjesse: You have to wait.16:49
nixternaljjesse: there is an oo.o ppa, but it doesn't work well with KDE 4, ie. it is flat out ugly16:51
jjessenixternal: that's what i thought16:52
nixternalit still functions well, just looks really bad because the oo.o kde integration is broken16:52
jjessethanks ScottK as well16:52
cernuiwill pulseaudio be installed as default next release?16:53
nixternali hope not...pulseaudio has been a nightmare for me16:54
ScottKcernui: Not for Kubuntu, no.16:54
txwikinger_workhi nixternal16:54
nixternalwhy is pulseaudio in jaunty ScottK? it locks up everytime I play a video pretty much on the internet16:54
ScottKcernui: It' default in Ubuntu since Hardy, so if you have both desktops installed, you'll get it.16:54
nixternalI don't have both desktops installed16:55
ScottKnixternal: Not if you're running Kubuntu.16:55
nixternalhrmm, how the hell did I install that then...16:55
cernuiThinking in writing a surround et al configurator and looking which api to use16:55
nixternaljust did a purge and it removed w/o hesitation16:55
ScottKnixternal: What does aptitude why pulseaudio (or whatever the package is called) tell you?16:55
ScottKNevermind then.16:56
nixternalI wonder what I installed that needed it16:56
val-gaavbtw any work going on actuall  OOo integration with kde416:56
Riddellfreinhard: you learn packaging fast :)16:56
Riddellfreinhard: got a debdiff?16:56
val-gaavmeaning with qt4 and the current qt3 integration16:56
ScottKnixternal: Got openjdk-6-jre?16:56
Riddellval-gaav: there's some patches but they don't work  and nobody has time to fix them16:57
val-gaavgood to know that at least something is going on16:58
freinhardRiddell: erm can you use the one on my ppa? https://launchpad.net/~freinhard/+archive/ppa16:59
freinhardRiddell: --with-gpgconf=/usr/bin/gpgconf isn't really necessary anymore since i had to add gnupg2 to the builddeps to pass the tests.17:00
seelehas thorsten started yet? is he on irc?17:03
seele(if i spelled his name correctly..)17:04
Riddellas in the Doctor Who character :)17:05
freinhardRiddell: and the build dep should be "gnupg2 (>= 2.0.4)" sry, first package ;)17:05
Riddelldoesn't seem to be on irc anywhere today17:05
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Riddelldavmor2: you tried today's kubuntu live CD?17:20
Riddelldavmor2: did the folderview on the desktop work?17:20
davmor2Riddell: sorry meeting.  You mean the plasmoid on the desktop that show the install icon17:22
Riddelldavmor2: yes17:23
davmor2Riddell: if so then it worked it's how I installed17:23
davmor2Riddell: Why?17:33
Riddelldavmor2: it was broken for me17:36
Riddellthe kioslave didn't run17:36
Riddellprobably timedout or something17:36
Riddellworks fine if I restart plasma17:36
davmor2Riddell: work fine for me I can look at it again tomorrow for you but like I say I was about to click on the installer and it work :)17:37
Riddelldavmor2: how much memory are you using?17:37
davmor2are you test on vm or hw17:38
Riddelldavmor2: hardware with .5 gig17:42
davmor2I'll look at it again tomorrow for you My 1 machine has 2 512 in I'll take one out :)17:44
Riddellfreinhard: uploaded18:04
Riddellfreinhard: thanks for that18:04
Riddellstick around, you never know what else you might be able to fix :)18:04
* JontheEchidna adds the debian patch for bug 319331 to our amarok18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319331 in amarok "[jaunty] amarok always crashes on startup on PPC" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31933118:05
JontheEchidnaouch, this is going to be painful18:07
Riddellamarok packaging is painful18:08
RiddellJontheEchidna: put it in debian/patches-amarok  and add the patch -p1 < debian/patches-amarok/foo.diff  line to debian/rules18:08
JontheEchidnaYeah, but this patch supersedes another patch, and there may be other packaging changes. The changes themselves probably won't be too hard. Finding the proper changes will be :P18:09
JontheEchidnaand they're using 2.0.60, so here's to hoping the patch still applies18:10
yao_ziyuanthere is an obvious bug when you hover your mouse on a file with a Chinese filename in Dolphin. the filename in hover will disappear. the same bug happens to System Settings icons if the UI language is Chinese.18:11
yao_ziyuanthis message reported to #kde-devel and #kubuntu-devel18:11
Riddellthat guy needs to learn about bugs.kde.org18:12
Riddellshtylman: is your kdeui branch at a stage ready to merge into trunk?18:21
JontheEchidnaRiddell: plasma-appletsrc accidentally got reincluded into kds18:23
Riddellby me?18:24
* JontheEchidna searches for Hobbsee's stick18:25
JontheEchidnaIt seems to have reappeared in agateau's upload18:26
Riddellwhich I uploaded, so it is my fault :)18:27
Riddelldavmor2: did you notice if the notes plasmoid got started on the live CD desktop?18:28
davmor2Yes it was there18:28
davmor2do you want me to fire it up now for you?18:28
Riddellgreat, that's fine so long as it was there18:28
davmor2Riddell: I'll take a shot for you18:30
davmor2Riddell: No note widget but folder view is there18:51
davmor2Riddell: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/kde.png18:53
davmor2Riddell: also out of curiosity why does ksnapshot save the .png's to documents and not pictures?18:54
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davmor2Riddell: Note the panel :)19:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: How do you think 4.2.1 on Intrepid is looking?  Are we about ready to backport it?19:01
* ScottK is thinking during the beta freeze when the buildd's are quiet....19:02
JontheEchidnaScottK: Yeah, I think it's looking pretty good now that Plasma doesn't crash on startup19:02
ScottKRiddell: What do you think?19:02
JontheEchidnaoh, I just remembered there's a file conflict bug in kdesdk that needs fixing in jaunty19:02
JontheEchidnaand the ppa19:02
JontheEchidnaI can fix that in a minute19:04
JontheEchidnaOK, kdesdk fix pushed19:10
JontheEchidnaI think that was the last file-conflict-upon-upgrade from KDE 4.119:10
ScottKAny other kdesdk stuff needs uploading?19:11
RiddellScottK: good idea19:13
freinhardRiddell: nice, one thing less that bugged me for a while :) what to do with the bug #305565 ?  mark the KDE PIM part of that bug as invalid (since it was a gpgme packaging issue)?19:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305565 in gpgme1.0 "kleopatra complains that gpgme should be compiled with gpgconf support" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30556519:13
Riddelldavmor2: panel is fine?19:14
davmor2I know :)19:15
davmor2Yay \o/19:15
ScottKfreinhard: You may not have the invalid choice.  I'll fix it up.19:15
freinhardScottK: i got "invalid" in the <select>, but not sure how reasons for closing bugs are handled on LP19:17
ScottKOK.  I marked it invalid.19:18
ScottKBTW, that was filed against upstream kdepim and not kdepim in Ubuntu.19:18
ScottKGenerally you should file in LP against the Ubuntu package and then link to the bugs.kde.org bug for upstream if one is filed.19:18
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: can one of you please push a kpackagekit version with updated upstream translations19:20
* ScottK looks at Riddell.19:21
apacheloggerthe current state is, at least for german, not very usable19:21
shtylmanRiddell: not yet... (the .ui files can eb merged though...that will fix the long text on the user setup page), I am not done with the actual code fixes though...(you can also merge the timezone map...it has bugfixes but does not have the city on hover yet)19:27
davmor2Riddell: Anything else you need before I head off?19:28
apacheloggerwe are doing quite some marketing by including bleeding edge apps ... both the dragon player and quassel wikipedia articles mention kubuntu :)19:29
ScottKRiddell: Speaking of Quassel, I did upload 0.4.1, so we now have what I expect we'll release with unless something big comes up.19:30
seeleapachelogger: kpackagekit seems to still be breathing, let along bleeding :-/19:32
seelei didnt realise how much work it was going to need19:32
apacheloggereventually it can't update if a new package ought to get installed19:32
apacheloggeror at least I don't get it to19:33
* jussi01 waves to apachelogger19:52
JontheEchidnaCould I have a sponsor for bug 319331 please?19:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319331 in amarok "[jaunty] amarok always crashes on startup on PPC" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31933119:53
jussi01cernui: I added a peice to the bug, hopefully its helpful to someone. Is there a proceedure for letting people now in #kde-devel or should I just go in there and blurt? :D20:04
cernuiJust go and talk to them if possible, take in account european/asian devs could be sleeping right now20:08
jussi01cernui: Yeah, Im in europe so understand :)20:12
jussi01cernui: I guess its a case of Hurry up and wait now :D20:15
cernuijussi01, yes, it could take some for the right person to answer if such a person apper20:17
Riddellapachelogger: do you know where kpackagekit translations are?20:18
apacheloggerRiddell: kde svn I suppose20:19
Riddellis kpackagekit in svn?20:19
apacheloggerin playground AFAIK20:19
Riddelloh aye20:19
apacheloggerplayground/sysadmin it seems20:20
jussi01cernui: yeah, exactly ;)20:20
apacheloggers///- for l10n though20:20
cernuijussi01: do you work at a lcd screens factory ? 8-)20:21
jussi01cernui: no... just have a kind workplace :)20:23
jussi01and lcd's have come down in price a lot recently20:23
Riddellapachelogger: kpackagekit uploaded20:38
* apachelogger hugs Riddell20:38
nielsslotcould someone here explain the kubuntu_52_gtk2_engines_qtcurve_config.diff patch in kdebase-workspace in jaunty for me? It seems to prevent me from choosing a different GTK style then QtCurve20:40
Riddellnielsslot: I think that was JontheEchidna's work20:41
nielsslotI'm looking a the patch.. and it seems to remove/reset the ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 at every startup20:43
JontheEchidnaIt was tonio's work20:44
val-gaavsam situation here20:44
val-gaavand I don't even have Qtcurve installes20:44
val-gaavso it ends up with the ugly default gtk style20:45
nielsslotyeah.. i tried uninstalling qtcurve.. it then defaults to the ugly raleigh..20:45
val-gaavany hope for fix ?20:45
Riddellpoke Tonio_20:46
val-gaavI actually like using gtk-qt-engine without a theme :)20:46
Tonio_nielsslot: fixed with today's kdebase-workspace upload20:46
Tonio_val-gaav: that was for you sorry20:46
val-gaavthanks  :)20:46
apacheloggerdigikam comes up with a tip-of-the-day20:47
apacheloggersomeone do something20:47
JontheEchidna~order brain20:47
ScottKYou know all about digikam already?20:47
* kubotu shouts: OMG!!!!! RED ALERT! We lost a brain. Get me a medic, NOW!20:47
nielsslotTonio_: great.. thanks20:47
Tonio_apachelogger: we can disable within kds right ?20:47
apacheloggeruhm, it crashed20:48
JontheEchidnaheh, we're going on 4 kds uploads today20:48
Tonio_apachelogger: doing that now, I still have a couple of changes approved by seele to include in it...20:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if only the usplash stuff wouldn't be in kds20:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: actually agateau accidentally reverted some stuff, so a fourth upload would be in order anyways20:48
apacheloggerthat ought to be "wasn't", right?20:49
Tonio_seele: changing the date format, rmoving the year and include day of week20:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: in that case I must praise bzr qdiff before upload :P20:49
Tonio_seele: and another one proposed by Lure20:49
agateauJontheEchidna: oh... what did I revert?20:49
JontheEchidnaagateau: somehow the plasma-appletsrc file accidentally got re-added20:50
JontheEchidnano biggie though20:50
Tonio_stupid question but I never found out how to search for files with kde4... :) what's the easy way for this ?20:50
JontheEchidnathe usabilty nightmare called kfind20:51
agateauJontheEchidna: very strange... I would like to know how I did that... I only called "bzr add" on the nepomuk file I created20:51
Riddellagateau: the plasma-appletsrc file, although it may well have been my fault20:51
agateauRiddell: ok, a merge problem I guess20:52
Riddellapachelogger: I've commited the revert to bzr for k-d-s, are you going to add the digikam setting?20:52
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
apacheloggerRiddell: Tonio_ is20:52
apacheloggerTonio_: locate $FILE :P20:52
apacheloggeroh dear20:53
Tonio_Riddell: I'll wait for your commit then.... I was just doing it :)20:53
apacheloggerdigikam comes with an builtin abomination of KDE 420:53
Tonio_apachelogger: seriously, I mean :)20:53
RiddellTonio_: done20:53
apacheloggerwhy in solid's name would I be caring if a collection is on a network storage or a removable device20:53
apacheloggerTonio_: that was quite serious indeed20:54
Tonio_Riddell: oki ;)20:54
* apachelogger never got strigi working for real20:54
Tonio_apachelogger: well that's a real question I was asked 3 times today at work.... I don't care, but some people seem to20:55
apacheloggerIMHO kfind/locate is the best way to search at this point20:56
apacheloggerat least until nepomuk and strigi are useable20:56
apacheloggeror maybe it's just my setup that is horribly broken, which might also very well be20:57
apacheloggersome stuff in digiKam is seriously weird20:58
Tonio_Riddell: can I upload kds or are there changes commit soon ?20:58
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nah, we've totally disabled nepomuk20:59
apacheloggerpoor nepo20:59
JontheEchidnaand even if we didn't nepomuk refuses to use the redland backend20:59
JontheEchidnaand crashes while refusing20:59
apacheloggersounds sensible20:59
apacheloggerI guess20:59
RiddellTonio_: go ahead20:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you take a look at digikam 0.10?20:59
Tonio_Riddell: oki20:59
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Lure was planning on updating it or something21:00
JontheEchidnahe seems to be the main digikam dude21:00
apacheloggerI mean, like, did you use the app :P21:00
* apachelogger is using rc2 right now, and finds it quite disturbing21:00
apacheloggerthat is me talking with my oxygen hat on though :P21:00
JontheEchidnaI have used rc2 for a bit21:01
Tonio_JontheEchidna: isn't dolphin using nepomuk ?21:01
Tonio_JontheEchidna: at some points at least ?21:01
Riddellfor tags and rankings21:01
JontheEchidnabut its file indexing stuff is ko'd21:02
* ScottK hugs his Konqueror.21:02
Tonio_any chance to get the good backend to work in the future ? I think it's a licence/nonfree content issue right ?21:02
JontheEchidnayeah, actually21:02
apacheloggerthey already got a new backend again :P21:02
JontheEchidnathere's a third backend in store for 4.321:02
apacheloggerwhich is a new db server21:02
apacheloggerthen we get21:03
apacheloggermysqle for amarok21:03
Tonio_apachelogger: will we be able to use that one at least ? :)21:03
apacheloggermysql for akonadi21:03
RiddellTonio_: install soprano-backend-sesame21:03
apacheloggerand that weird stuff for nepomuk :P21:03
JontheEchidnanow that I am conversing with 4 core devs21:03
JontheEchidnaanybody feel like sponsoring a PPC fix for bug 319331?21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319331 in amarok "[jaunty] amarok always crashes on startup on PPC" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31933121:03
Tonio_Riddell: hum, so why don't we have it installed by default ? :)21:03
* apachelogger thinks quassel could use firebird while we are at it :P21:03
RiddellTonio_: because it's in multiverse21:04
Tonio_Riddell: might sound like a stupid question, but I missed the discussions on that point21:04
Tonio_Riddell: ok21:04
Riddelland it needs java21:04
Tonio_no java for me...21:04
Tonio_apachelogger: as long as it work and we can enable it...21:05
apacheloggerat some point $user will be out of RAM, so the definition of $work is rather difficult to make21:06
apacheloggerlike I migrated my mom's pc to thunderbird and got rid of all the kdepim because of akonadi21:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: there is an amarok branch21:10
claydoh_hello apachelogger !21:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: not according to Riddell this morning21:12
apacheloggerhola claydoh_21:12
Riddellhmm?  what me?21:13
apacheloggerclaydoh_: do we has world dominiation already?21:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, because Riddell never used it :P21:13
claydoh_apachelogger: getting there :)21:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: you said we didn't use the amarok branch since we have a hacky build21:13
Riddelloh aye, the bzr packaging branch isn't used21:13
apacheloggerbut why but why21:13
Riddellbecause the packaging is a hacky mess and won't work with bzr-buildpackage21:14
Riddellwell, maybe it could, but it didn't seem proper at the time21:14
claydoh_apachelogger: I am currently thinking of something along the lines of UWN, but obviously with a Kubuntu twist21:14
claydoh_apachelogger: and advertising it in the mailing lists, and in the forums21:15
apacheloggerRiddell: well, now that we have the 2 tarballs in one orig tar it probably makes sense to go back to branching again :)21:15
apacheloggerclaydoh: UWN is one big load of FUD IMHO21:15
claydoh_apachelogger: but the idea, not the content :)21:16
apacheloggeroh, better that is21:16
claydoh_apachelogger: you want it more personal and opinionated I assume?21:17
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ryanakcaRiddell: back, did the kdebindings changes work?21:18
apacheloggerclaydoh: well, it ought to have 2 effects IMHO - 1. inform $reader about what is going on 2. make $reader feel proud to be using such an awesome OS/look forward to the next version/wanting to checkout Kubuntu/...21:19
Riddellryanakca: good questions, I havn't looked21:20
JontheEchidna"This week JontheEchidna deftly dodged actual work and orders about 20 cokes from kubotu"21:20
claydohooh propoganda I can do, I *am*  the supposed Kubuntu Kult leader, you know :)21:20
apacheloggerdidn't know, but sounds about right :P21:21
claydohJontheEchidna: that will be my first headline :)21:22
* claydoh really needs to take that title off of his kubuntuforums profile :)21:22
Riddellryanakca: where is it?21:22
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, btw, just so you can think about it ... before I got lost, I was thinking about making Kubuntu meetings less technical (i.e. restrict to memberships and maybe big changes for which council approval ought to be nice to have) ... the technical descussions could be moved to developer meetings happening in a 2 week cycle or something21:24
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, sounds like hassle, we have enough trouble organising meetings as it is21:25
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: better than Kubuntu Kult Kommander21:25
ryanakcaRiddell: It's in my PPA, just a sec, I'll try to find it... *waits for offlineimap to finish syncing his email so he can check for a build log*21:25
kwwiiI am heading out for the night, let me know if there is anything else I can help with between now and release21:25
Riddellryanakca: don't see anything in there21:25
claydohJontheEchidna: but I *like* the 'k' thing :)21:26
apacheloggerRiddell: well, we don't need a quorum for regular dev stuff, so just a quick organized discussion session should be enough21:26
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: subtle KKK joke there :P21:26
kwwiiRiddell: does the kubuntu installer include the new time-zone stuff?21:26
Riddellkwwii: does indeed, hugs to shtylman21:26
kwwiiRiddell: we could also change the look of that if needed21:27
* ryanakca waves to kwwii, long time no see :)21:27
claydohJontheEchidna: subtle like a brick to the head lol21:27
apacheloggerRiddell: it might also become easier to get a kubuntu meeting schedule if we don't always end up in 2 hours of discussion about mostly uninteressting stuff for non-devs ;-)21:27
kwwiiryanakca: hey...good to see you21:27
kwwiianyway, I am off for the night...have fun21:27
* claydoh ,as a non technical dude always enjoys the meetings21:27
* apachelogger , as a technical dude gets actually annoyed by the technical stuff :P21:28
apacheloggerseriously if we move the tech stuff to either individual dev discussions or maybe the mailing list we could save a lot of time in the meetings ... that means more time for eating cookies21:29
apacheloggercookies > scrolling IMHO21:29
claydohthe -devel list is rather under-utilized21:30
apacheloggerwell, I use it21:31
apacheloggeralmost no-one else does though :P21:31
claydohlol a terribly long and waaayy ot and useless thread in -users just killed my kmail21:32
apacheloggeruh uh uh21:33
claydohor was it the updates?21:33
apacheloggerclaydoh: what was it about?21:33
claydohi dunno, about a virus or sometthing21:33
claydohyet another kernel update, reboot time21:35
Mamarokclaydoh: I stopped reading -users quite a while ago, it's getting more childish everyday21:43
claydohMamarok: it has its ups and downs, lately it has been OK21:44
claydohI don't watnt to unsub, as I do like to help, but the long threads I usually ignore and send to the trash21:45
Mamarokclaydoh: well, nearly al threads written by Steven are ending up in threadsplitting and following OT21:45
claydohMamarok: you noticed ;)21:45
Mamarokclaydoh: I would love to help, but what can you do with people who don't use their brain, don't follow advices and newbies running alpha software?21:46
Mamarokhence, I stopped reading, it's taking up time and nerves21:46
Mamarokat least in #kubuntu you can cut OT21:46
claydohwell, a little list moderation could do wonders, or simply piss everyone  off21:47
claydohor rather piss off the ususal suspects at least21:48
claydohbut again, its a time issue21:48
Mamarokclaydoh: well, who moderates this list anyway? never seen an admin so far21:48
claydohdunno, think night rose and maybe apache logger might be21:49
Mamarokor at least nobody stating to be one21:49
MamarokoO, I guess it's just too much time then, but some admin PM to the usual suspects could be nice21:50
apacheloggerclaydoh: that -users thread is awesome21:52
Mamarokapachelogger: do you read the -users list?21:52
* apachelogger is crying because he is laughing so hard21:52
MamarokI mean, that virus thread is epic21:52
mib_n11dihChecking it21:55
neversfeldeTonio__: ping21:56
Tonio__neversfelde: yup ?21:56
neversfeldeTonio__: do you have still problems with sieve and kmail?21:56
Tonio__neversfelde: yup :)21:56
Tonio__I tried to fix on my ppa.... no luck...21:57
Tonio__neversfelde: the problem is with the authentication....21:57
neversfeldeI switched to dovecot patched for managesieve and created the scripts with thunderbird, now it works21:57
Tonio__it seems to work with other distros... and we don't patch anything on that point, that's what I don't understand21:57
Tonio__neversfelde: hum, I have a cyrus in front of me21:57
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Tonio_maybe there is the problem21:58
Tonio_anyway it works with fedora on the same server????21:58
neversfeldeit did not work with my old scripts21:58
Tonio_they don't patch, neither do we21:58
neversfeldethey were created with pysieved21:58
Tonio_neversfelde: hum, I'll test on that point, but for me the problem is only on the authentication side21:59
Tonio_I don't even get teh scripts21:59
Tonio_neversfelde: my server advertises tls.... I can't get any further, and haven't been able to trace the issue :/22:00
neversfeldeyes, I had the same problem and then I created them with thunderbird, now kmail works to. But I also changed them a bit22:00
neversfeldemy server forces tls too22:00
* JontheEchidna reboots22:00
neversfeldesoe, kmails sieve ging den ganzen Tag nicht, jetzt dann schon22:01
neversfeldewrong channel22:02
neversfeldemhh, the old scripts had some minor syntax mistakes, I think22:05
apacheloggerclaydoh: ping22:05
claydohapachelogger: pong!22:06
apacheloggerclaydoh: didn't we agree to establish a kind-of moderation team for users?22:06
apacheloggerlooks like a clear case of thread hijacking22:06
claydohI think so, I did work on a list-rules sort of thing with nightrose but nothing past that22:07
claydohI guess that would make *me* the team then?22:08
Mamarokclaydoh: I can help too22:08
apacheloggerwell, I am sure there are a couple of more people to help22:08
apacheloggerespecially if the list becomes readable again22:08
Mamarokhm, the first problem is, how do we handle people like Stephen?22:09
claydohI am not sure22:09
Nightroseyea claydoh - please don't let yourself be kept from doing useful stuff just because I am not available - i simply didn't have time for the user list lately so I unsubscribed in an attempt to regain control over my inbox22:09
Mamarokhe actually "thinks" on the list22:09
Nightroseand claydoh I never was a moderator there in the sense of having admin powers ;-)22:10
Nightrosegosh and I am tiiiiiiiiired22:10
claydohNightrose: nether do I , just assumed you did sorry :022:11
apacheloggerjust ask master Riddell22:11
Mamarokapachelogger: who actuall is admin and who is a moderator of the list?22:11
MamarokRiddell: ping22:12
Mamarokclaydoh: can I help with the list rules?22:13
claydohas to Steven, maybe just the constant reminders, either on-list or off22:13
claydohMamarok: sure22:13
Mamarokwell, off list first of course, be it only to ask him to think for himself first before posting22:14
Mamarokalso, do we really need to split every thread with the :resolved remark? It's not a forum...22:15
claydohI think it is his way of killing a topic22:16
claydohMamarok: I have the rules on google docs22:16
Mamarokhe is not the only one doing it, and mostly it doesn't kill the thread at all22:16
Mamarokclaydoh: do you have my mail address?22:17
claydohno, was just typing to request it22:17
=== quassel84 is now known as apachelogger_
* claydoh cooks dinner while chatiing in irc -not a safe thing :)22:17
apachelogger_claydoh: are there useful people on that list?22:18
claydohsome, perhaps22:18
apachelogger_useful as in: people I could turn into minions22:18
claydohdotan is usually ok, and I see him in other lists22:18
MamarokDotan Cohen22:18
Mamarokhe is really great, never fails to report a bug22:18
* apachelogger_ shall write him a mail then22:19
* Nightrose doesn't think apachelogger will be sucessful with that22:20
Mamarokwhy not?22:20
Nightrosetalks a lot ;-)22:21
apacheloggerclaydoh: are there some useful people on that list?22:21
* Mamarok raises her finger...22:21
claydohI agree on Dotan Cohen, not sure of anyone else atm22:21
claydohbesides those present here :)22:21
Mamarokclaydoh: :)22:22
claydohi would have to watch the list closer to see22:24
claydohfar too many jump into the quagmire too easily imo22:24
claydohperhaps many don't post much as they are frustrated/annoyed?22:25
Mamarokclaydoh: I didn't lately, it really was getting too much...22:26
Tonio_Riddell: kds ftbfs due to usplash, it seems...22:27
Tonio_Riddell: are you fixing or should I look ?22:27
Tonio_Riddell: some images are mising (throbber 32 ones as well as the logo itself...)22:52
macorawr. kpackagekit still throws errors at me in a window too small to see the full error message, and supposedly that error was fixed in an update weeks ago22:52
Tonio_maco: we have to ping glatzor... maybe we have to increase the timeout a little bit...23:03
Riddellhmm, what did I forget to do now23:03
Tonio_Riddell: yup ?23:03
macoi just found the bug (bug 272410)and some people are like "my machine's not THAT old...." im like "My machine's not had its first birthday yet!"23:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272410 in packagekit "packagekit says: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27241023:04
Tonio_Riddell: the background images are missing, along with the throbber 32 ones, resulting an ftbfs :)23:04
RiddellTonio_: ok, let me work out what I forgot to do23:05
Tonio_Riddell: oki ;)23:05
Riddellthis whole bzr thing just makes it all more complex I'm sure23:05
Tonio_Riddell: certainly :)23:06
LureRiddell, ScottK, Tonio_: can you upload digikam/kipi-plugins from my ppa: https://launchpad.net/~lure/+archive/ppa23:14
Tonio_Lure: sure23:14
Lureyou just need to remove ~lure~ppaX from version23:15
* Lure hopes we are still before beta freeze ;-)23:15
* Lure got stuck on his sailing club meeting for a couple of drinks longer than he anticipated ;-)23:15
Tonio_Lure: it builds fine in your ppa, I'm not re-reding the changes, let's do quick :)23:17
Tonio_Lure: upoaded23:20
LureTonio_: thanks a lot23:20
Tonio_Lure: yw23:20
* Lure needs to check how to backport to intrepid23:20
Gonhey, in my last update, now I can sign my email with opengpg + pinentry :D thanks ;D23:54

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