
=== Ubutiger is now known as JohnH3
ActionParsniphas anyone seen wolfenQt?00:02
ActionParsnipcrazy stuff00:02
JohnH3I have a problem when switching to virtual terminal in kubuntu - it sometimes logs me out of my GUI session00:03
JohnH3Anyone have any idea?00:03
JohnH3is there anyone out there?00:04
contrastActionParsnip: yeah, i saw that. very interesting.00:07
ActionParsnipbit ott00:07
contrastJohnH3: sounds like a graphics driver issue. ati?00:07
ActionParsnipits like 3DNA for windws00:07
JohnH3NVidia actually - 8400GS00:07
contrastJohnH3: which driver are you using?00:08
JohnH3nvidia 18000:08
ActionParsnipott = over the top00:08
contrastthe one in the repos? and which release of kubuntu?00:08
contrastJohnH3: ^00:09
JohnH38.04.  I think I installed Nvidia 180 manually, but I also think I had the problem before that when I was using 17700:09
contrastJohnH3: maybe try logging into a failsafe session and see if it still does it? you using kde3 or 4?00:11
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demiin KDE4 How do i take 1600x1200 resolution off Auto? i would prefer 1280x960 be Auto00:12
demithat is why everytime i restart it goes to 1600x1200, I want that auto off.00:12
JohnH3ok, I'll try that later - I need to stay booted up for now.  I'm using kde3 by the way.00:12
contrastdemi: did you already change it in System Settings -> Display?00:12
JohnH3Thanks contrast00:12
contrastJohnH3: np, good luck00:13
demii chose 1280x960, but when i reboot it goes back to the Auto 1600x120000:13
contrastJohnH3: by failsafe session, i meant from the login screen, not the boot menu00:13
ActionParsnipdemi: set the leftmost res in xorg.conf to be your desired res00:13
contrastdemi: what kinda graphics card?00:13
demiit says auto by 1600x1200 and no others, and i dont know how to change that.00:13
JohnH3Oh I see ....in that case ....00:13
demiATI radeon X1800xt00:13
contrastdemi: did you change it in Catalyst also?00:14
devilsadvocatedemi, auto as in refresh rate? :/00:14
ActionParsnipdemi: kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:14
contrastdevilsadvocate: auto as in res00:14
deminah just says auto next to the resolution, im nto sure, but thats what it keeps chaning too after i restart.00:14
demiHey I did change it in my catalyst drivers let me try that, i tried adding lines in xorg.conf to set my res but that caused X to hang and not respond upon reboot.00:15
demiBrb though.00:16
contrastbattery's gettin' low. peace, y'all00:17
demiOk i changed my settings in my Catalyst Drivers, also, but it still restarts back in 1600x120000:21
demiwhat do i add into xorg.conf, i used my papers form Freebsd, assuming its the same thing in this xorg.conf to add resolutions.00:21
demiBut it caused X not to respond.00:22
demiWhat do i add in my xorg.conf to set resolution to 1280x960* upon reboot, because that has to be whats causing my prob.00:29
TiriliCan I start X with the command startx as a user in a shell as I can do it in other distros? It doesn't know the command startx here. :(00:29
demii got it to work when X was closed Tirili00:29
BluesKajTirili, yes , startx is the right cmnd00:30
cchisogndemi: did you check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution?00:30
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TiriliHm. Then everything is broken here.00:30
hernansomebody prub ubuntu 2.0 ue gamer?00:32
hernani have that distro00:33
hernansomebody to speak spanish?00:33
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:35
dr_willisUbuntu 2.0 Gamer ?00:35
hernanese tengo ahora00:35
hernanes ultimte edition00:36
dr_willisThats not a officialy supported version of uibuntu/kubuntu. so they may have their own support channel. Unless its a very gerneal questin00:36
hernani donwloaded00:37
hernanfrom tehe page00:37
hernantheeman is realesed it00:38
hernanhe realized a 2.1 version too00:39
hernanis based in 8.10 intrepix00:39
dr_williswell that was pointless....00:43
ActionParsnipyeah kinda00:44
demiWell i added in some display modes bt X when logging out won't respond, i know im doing this right because I would always have to manually add them in using Freebsd.00:52
dr_willisYou mean to say the PC freezes when you log out of X ?00:53
dr_willisor at least X freezes.. can you ssh in from anotehr pc?00:53
demii don't have that setup atm. I did a recovery and restored X, to get back in.00:54
dr_willislast i had a X lockup on logouit - was due to video card drivers..00:54
demiif I send my xorg.conf in on pastebin, could someone help me to add the lines i need in it to make my comp log in keeping my 1280x960 resolution?00:54
dr_willisYou using some odd hardware/conectors? normally X should be able to see what all modes you can use.00:55
dr_willisive not had to tweak my modes in ages.00:55
dr_willisNot using a KVM switch?  DVI lcd monitor?00:56
demii know how to do this on Freebsd, but this xorg.conf is like empty, and I add the subsection under "screen" and X just wont pick it up, and screen stays black.00:56
demijust using a reg old Dell Trinitron00:57
dr_willisnew xorg.conf files are very minimal00:57
dr_willisdemi,  dvi or vga conection?00:57
cloveris kde 4.2.1 in the repo channel. I have kubuntu 8.1000:58
demiDVI to VGA monitor is VGA so im using an adapter off mycard to vga, but that shold be a prob just converting it.00:58
dr_willisThat may be an issue there demi  if it was DVI all the way -X would proberly be using the proper modes by default00:58
demiClover , ionly 4.2.0 is i believe ve upgraded now 10 times and diff reinstalls trying to fix my resolution.00:59
dr_willisbest thing i ever did was get rid of my VGA stuff.00:59
demiYea, Well i getting a new Asus 22" widescreen here soon, but why doesnt this happen on KDE3.5 or Ubuntu Gnome?01:00
dr_willis'what' happens exactly?01:01
dr_willisThe X modes are defined by the xorg.conf or auto-detected. the desktops can switch modes using the xrandr tools.. but other then that. theres not a lot of differances/things that kde3.5/gnome/kde4/OtherDesktops do to the modes01:02
demiOk, My resolution is now set at 1280x960, i then log out or restart doesnt matter, my once kdm loads or X, my resolution goes 1600x1200, if i then open KDE's Display Manager, it's still set at 1280x960 and refresh's automatically.01:03
demiSo bascially i have to load open display each reboot to have my wanted resolution refresh...01:03
cloverHey is kubuntu ok for being used as a web server?01:04
demiIt's just really annoying to have to do that each time.01:04
dr_willisclover,  it can be used like that.01:05
demiClover, yes works great, be sure to install Adobe Flash, and Java, for Sites needing it.01:05
cloverthank you?01:05
dr_willisdemi,  so you use the kde tools to set the res to what you like. but it dosent save it for the user.01:05
demierrr Server=\ thought I saw browser..=\01:05
macoclover: well i dont think kde includes that functionality (but then, it has practically everything)...but no reason you cant install apache01:05
demiit saves it but doesnt refresh to it upon reboot, or if i log out.01:06
dr_willisdemi,  try a new user. see if works for them.. sounds to me like its just a KDE config/setting issue01:06
dr_willisnot a xorg issue01:06
demiLike i said ill log in with 1600x1200, but once i open the display window in KDE it auto goes to my selected resolution.01:06
demiand this would happen over and over after 10 installs?01:07
dr_willisyou just said it worked? wati a second..01:07
dr_willisKDM screenn is 1600x1200,  you login with a new user first time.. it is still using 1600x1200 right? you then set the res you want.. and it dosent 'rember' that setting for the user next time he logs in?01:08
cloverdoes anyone have experience with linux user groups. I want to start one due to lack of them in my area01:08
demiYes, your correct.01:08
macodr_willis: it remembers it, but it doesnt set it01:08
macoclover: ive no experience with starting one, but im a member of a few01:08
demiaye it still has it remembered, but doesnt apply it upon restart. or logging back in.01:09
macoso this sounds like a bug...."kde session starts at max resolution instead of the one set in system settings" (or whatever the tool is in kde...ive never looked)01:10
demiIt's Display under System Settings.01:10
macodo you have to hit "apply" or does it refresh to the right resolution as soon as you look in Display?01:10
demii have read on various sites of the same user having this problem, but he couldnt find a answer to it, and he tried liek 3+ diff forums/blogs.01:11
demii do hit apply yes01:11
macoand this is with 8.10?01:11
clovermaco> any advice from your experiences? maybe from what you see and how its organized01:11
demi8.10, updated, or 8.10 upgraded to kde 4.2.001:11
macoso it happens with both kde 4.1 and 4.2?01:11
demikde 3.5 works fine, and gnome, refreshs to my chosen resolution.01:12
demiWouldnt, adding in my own res into xorg.conf force it to use that no matter?01:12
demii just wish X wouldnt lock up when adding in anything heh.01:12
macoclover: dclug: we meet on the 3rd wed of each month in a borrowed conference room. someone does a presentation each month. sometimes this is someone from a corporation talkng about their awesome software that will make linux sysadmins' lives easier. sometimes its someone talking about this cool foss project they use and how to set it up (asterisk and mythtv were in here)01:13
goofeyclover: I think you'll get much more info from http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/User-Group-HOWTO.html that here on that topic01:13
macoclover: novalug meets first saturday of the month in a different borrowed room. they ususaly have 2 or 3 small talks at a meeting instead of 1 2-hour presentation01:14
macoclover: if you're in a city, weekday evenings (like dclug) make sense because people can pop over two blocks down after work01:14
macoclover: novalug is in a suburban area, so saturday mornings make sense for them. take things like that into account01:15
cloverwhere is dclug i live in the area and would love to attend?01:15
goofeymaco: nova stands for?01:15
macogoofey: northern virginia01:15
goofeymaco: ahh, thx01:15
macoclover: you live in dc?01:16
cloverI am close by01:16
macoclover: radio free asia, 2125 M St NW01:16
macoclover: http://dclug.tux.org01:16
macoclover: 7-9pm, and as i said, 3rd wed of each month01:16
cloverAnd that is this wednesday, right?01:17
macoclover: if by "close by" you mean you're in maryland, there's also CALUG...the Columbia Area Linux Users' Group01:17
macohrm i ought to go to lug tomorrow night. no class getting in the way this week01:18
cloverthanks! This helps alot. I live in an area where I am the only geek01:18
cloverlet alone linux enthusiast01:18
macodemi: i'm asking in #kubuntu-devel01:21
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demiThanks, hopefully some info, this is annoying, im talking to some friends in #Freebsdhelp hoping for some tips.01:22
XPS_M1330is there a better DVD Ripper than acidrip?01:28
nixternalheh, never in my life have I ripped a DVD...I kind of feel special...I think Stallman would love me! :p01:29
SlartibartfastXPS_M1330: maybe k9copy is good for you ... something like dvdshrink, but also let you make avi's and mpeg if i am not wrong :-)01:31
SlartibartfastXPS_M1330: otherwise there is also dvdrip ... a pearl program which uses transcode for encoding01:32
macodemi: that's bug 268434 and a workaround to avoid opening Display all the time is to add krandrtray to your startup01:32
XPS_M1330Slartibartfast: is anyone smarter or more efficient in a way?01:32
Slartibartfastit is just your personal choice ... i am not using any of them ... just tried a long time ago01:33
Slartibartfasttry them out01:33
XPS_M1330some time ago on Mandriva I tried a bunch of rippers and I ended up using acidrip. Now that I have a couple of DVDs to rip I'm wondering if there's one that actually got better01:33
XPS_M1330ok right01:33
XPS_M1330acidrip is a 3MB download, dvdrip 11...01:34
SlartibartfastXPS_M1330: So ... ? :-) ... an Xvid of the movie maybe 700MB :-)01:35
XPS_M1330yes but it won't take any of my limited bandwidth :)01:41
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demimaco thanks dude, i had the site up to show me what to do, ill give it a go thanks btw.02:02
j1mc... maco != dude02:06
macoi dont pick on "dude" since i call everybody dude anyway02:08
maco"dude! check it out!"02:09
maco(yeah, i watched too much Bill & Ted -ytpe movies)02:09
astrobearwhere is the java directory typically?02:30
demiit might be located under Sun?02:34
astrobeari'm thinking /usr/share/java :)02:34
astrobear"locate java"02:34
astrobeari didn't mean to scare him away o.O02:35
devilsadvocateok. so i have 2 network cards on one laptop, one ethernet port in my room, and two laptops. any way i can share the network between the two? I've just got one ip address, though, so the two laptops will have to make some sort of local network. I also have a switch with me (dumb one, not programmable) and an assortment of lan cables02:40
devilsadvocateany help would be much appreciated :)02:41
devilsadvocate(oh, and pointers, such as terms to google etc will suffice)02:42
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:42
devilsadvocategenii, thanks :) /me clicks02:42
Red_Wraithhello all.02:49
Red_WraithAnyone here?02:50
geniiRed_Wraith: Best to just ask whatever question you may have relating to support and see if anyone answers it02:51
Red_Wraithgenii: thanks.02:52
Red_WraithAnyone having trouble running ktorrent?02:52
Red_WraithWhenever I open a torrent in kde, the whole plasma except for the menu bar turns white, and the system hangs.02:52
Red_WraithI had this problem in KDE 4.1, but the system would resume after being white for a second.02:53
* genii hugs his 3.5.1002:56
Red_WraithYes, I liked it better too.02:57
Red_WraithBut I'm too lazy to downgrade.02:57
Red_WraithI just run xfce when stuff gets buggy.02:57
devilsadvocategenii, worked like a charm. thanks :)02:58
geniidevilsadvocate: Any time :)02:58
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brunoqcI added the kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa, but apt won't find the amarok-kde4 package. Is there something I can do?03:56
geniibrunoqc: You could manually d/l whatever deb version you need directly from http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/a/amarok-kde4/04:01
brunoqcgenii: thanks04:02
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glow_wolfhow do i automate changeing a symbolic link from ttySM0 to modem for kppp04:22
illmortalHey anyone know a good program to test the performance of your machine? I need to know if it's my imagination or if linux is performing badly compared to XP.04:23
illmortalanyone? o.O;04:25
illmortalit's practically dead in here o.o;04:32
maxagazdoes fish depend on openssh-server ?04:33
illmortalHey anyone know a good program to test the performance of your machine? I need to know if it's my imagination or if linux is performing badly compared to XP.04:44
beardbarcan I make dolphin show hidden files, having trouble finding a configure option for that.04:45
doleybillmortal: lol, i have video files i can play under linux but vista is too slow, does that count?05:05
doleybillmortal: or maybe Vista is an unfair handicap05:05
SandGorgon guys.. some help please - i have particularly nasty crash where my Ubuntu Intrepid just crashes and I go to the BIOS screen after using Virtualbox  2.1.4 for a particular VM. Can anyone tell me how to get more information, so I can file a bug?05:05
macoactually...i think that one's known05:07
macodoes the guest os kernel panic?05:07
macothere was something about a guest os panic that causes a host os kernel oops05:07
comawhiteI have a question. how can I remove all of kde3 applications so I can get amarok-2.0.2 and not the kde3 crappy version and kdevelop4?05:11
SandGorgonmaco: i am not sure.. it goes straight to the bios screen (as in computer power screen). it is not just vbox crashing, it takes the whole machine with it - any idea on how to gather more debugging info?05:13
macoSandGorgon: can you tell if the os inside the vbox crashes before the rest of the machine goes down?05:15
illmortaldoleyb for some reason when I run more than 3 applications the performance bogs down.. and I think I have a fairly good machine.05:27
doleybillmortal: what machine and what applications?05:28
comawhiteanyone know how to get amarok-2.0.2?05:28
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justinnfxCan someobody help me with ubuntu/kubuntu05:49
nixternalwith kubuntu maybe05:49
justinnfxTHIS is ultra newbie.lo05:50
nixternaljono: wrong channel :p05:51
justinnfxThe first time I tried to install ubuntu was live disk, it messed up my computer.   The second time I re-partioned a part of my hdrive fro linux ext3 and that messsed my computer up and I had to reinstall the whole thing.05:51
nixternalmessed it up how? removed another partition?05:52
justinnfxThe thrid time I used WUBI and tried kubuntu, no matter how many time I tired to install it the password did not work05:52
nixternalhi gorgeous!05:52
justinnfxand then it would not uninstall05:52
justinnfxI am afraid now..but I really want to try ubuntu.  I built a HTPC and right now have no idea how05:53
nixternalthat is odd, don't even know where to begin with wubi05:53
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nixternaldo you already have a partition on your machine? ie. Windows or such?05:53
justinnfxI don't want to use wubi I just want to install it on my laptop w/out wrecking it05:53
nixternalso you want to dual boot?05:53
justinnfxOn my laptop there is just one partion05:53
nixternalis it a windows partition?05:54
justinnfxactually two because it comes with stock stuff on the beginening but its hidden05:54
justinnfxyes, i never actually ran ubuntu before but tried many times05:54
nixternalif so and you want to dual boot windows and ubuntu, I would suggest reading through the following wiki page:05:54
justinnfxi'm not that stupid i don't know why im having such bad luck05:55
nixternalI have never had the privilege of resizing a pre-existing partition and dual-booting unfortunately, or fortunately for me05:55
justinnfxI built a sweet pc for HTPC I want to use myth, but have no idea i just seen it in action on youtube05:55
nixternaljustinnfx: you should have seen me in 1993 trying to install slackware...we were all so-called "newbies" at one point05:56
nixternalI had like 25 floppy disks and a 12-pack of beer for that one05:56
nixternali think i finished the beer before the install finished :)05:56
justinnfxat one point I dual booted xp and vista05:56
doleybjustinnfx: wubi is pretty easy, I'd suggest you try to make it work again first..05:57
justinnfxIm in college and my classes are about to end should I take a linux class or unix05:57
justinnfxI heard that unix is better if you want to become software developer / web developer05:57
justinnfxfor some reason05:57
nixternaldoleyb: ya, I tried wubi on my brother's machine last year and it worked like a champ...after about 3 or 4 months he finally gave in and just installed Kubuntu flat out on it05:57
justinnfxis unix what web host use?05:58
nixternaljustinnfx: a majority of web servers are *NIX, yes05:58
justinnfxwubi is easy as can be but for some reason the password did not work, and i tried it twice05:58
nixternalor they used to be...I don't know what the stats are nowadays05:58
justinnfxbut i dont want to try it again because isn't like virtual and not the same as a full installation05:59
justinnfxis NIX* like all command line or is it GUI like ubuntu05:59
nixternaljustinnfx: no, it is the same as a full installation05:59
nixternaljustinnfx: depends on how you install it...you have the option of either-or, or both05:59
asobiwhy can't amarok play audio cd?05:59
nixternalone you start playing wth the command line and get used to it, your productivity will skyrocket06:00
justinnfxK, if I am going to install ubuntu do I have to resize the disk and put a swap/ext3 partion on it, or will it do it for me06:00
nixternalasobi: hrmm, I haven't even tried playing a CD with amarok in a while...what version of Kubuntu are you running?06:00
doleybthe installer is pretty automatic about that, you just have to say Yes06:00
nixternaljustinnfx: if you dual boot, then you need to resize the partition06:00
justinnfxCan I just throw it on a USB and boot it from usb?06:01
nixternalhrmm, i can't remember back to hardy, been a while :)06:01
justinnfxeven if i dont have a second hdrive06:01
asobido i have to mount cd first?06:01
nixternaljustinnfx: yes, there is that option as well, but it is much slower than having it installed on the machine06:01
nixternalasobi: kde3 or kde4?06:01
justinnfxI need to reseive the partion?....b06:01
nixternali remember kde3 used to pop up and ask you if you wanted to play the cd06:01
justinnfxI don't have to format it do I?06:02
nixternaljustinnfx: if you dual boot, yes you have to resize it, it will get formatted during the installation process for you06:02
asobiit does06:02
asobibut amarok won't play it06:02
nixternalahhh, OK06:02
justinnfx<--- iNSTALLING UBUNTU06:02
justinnfxwait should i install kubuntu instead, or should i keep it easy since my first itme06:02
nixternaljustinnfx: good luck :)  also, if you are going for Ubuntu and not Kubuntu, check out #ubuntu as well, they have like 3 or 4 times more people in there that could probably help you out better than I could right about now :)06:03
nixternaljustinnfx: Kubuntu and Ubuntu will install pretty much the same way, just look a tad bit different...06:03
justinnfxthanks guys see you soon06:04
nixternalseeing as this is a Kubuntu channel, I would say Kubuntu of course, since I have been using KDE since 1997/1998, but I think since you are just starting out, you should probably try them both out eventually....maybe run them both from the LiveCD for a day or two and see which one you like best06:04
nixternalgood luck justinnfx!06:04
nixternalI do not have 1 music cd anywhere near me06:04
nixternalactually, the only CDs I have now are in my car06:04
nixternalI want to say that I have heard about this issue in the past06:05
nixternaland maybe even experienced it myself, I just can't remember06:05
nixternalahh, a forum post.... /me looks06:05
macomusic cds dont get mounted06:05
macoand amarok doesnt do cds06:05
josh-lwhat up dudes06:05
macooh wait kde 306:05
macono idea what old amarok does06:05
nixternalhey, we are not all dudes in here :p06:05
macothanks nixternal06:06
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nixternalmaco: the new amarok doesn't play CDs either?06:06
josh-ldudes and dudettes06:06
nixternalhaha, there are aliens too!06:06
nixternalwow, didn't know that06:06
nixternalthen again, I only use Amarok to listen to heavy metal feeds on last.fm06:06
asobiUnder Settings, check out the Engine tab and see what the default device is (running off old info, so it may not be exact)06:06
asobitry running "cat /etc/fstab" in your terminal and use whatever is listed as your cd-rom drive is the default06:06
asobiwhat engine tab?06:06
macoi installed sound juicer so i could rip a cd06:06
nixternalasobi: I think under the "Xine Engine" stuff that is in the old settings of Amarok06:07
nixternaltrying to remember here06:07
asobiso where's new setting06:07
macoyou dont have new amarok so it doesnt matter06:07
macoand well..new amarok doesnt do cds06:07
nixternalthe old one did though06:08
macobut nixternal and i are both on the devel version and only have new amarok at our disposal06:08
asobifound it06:08
asobialready set to forum suggestion06:08
nixternalasobi: question, do the CDs play fine in Kaffeine or KSCD?06:09
asobidevice node /dev/scd106:09
asobidoes that matter?06:09
asobino audio cd found by kaffeine06:10
nixternalasobi: no /dev/cdrom in there?06:10
nixternalI have /dev/scd0 and /dev/cdrom06:10
asobiamarok has /dev/cdrom06:10
asobiproperties on cd has /dev/scd106:10
nixternalit seems that fstab mounts scd0 as /media/cdrom for me06:10
asobilet me try other06:11
nixternalasobi: ls -l /dev/scd106:11
nixternaldoes it point to sr006:11
nixternalif so, I am willing to bet that /dev/cdrom points to the same place06:11
asobinot sure what you mean06:12
nixternalmaybe try using /dev/sr0 and see if the linking might be an issue...just a suggestion06:12
nixternalls -l /dev/scd106:12
nixternalnixternal@KaboWabo:~/opensource/ubuntu/bzr/KDE/kdegames$ ls -l /dev/scd006:12
nixternallrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2009-03-17 14:18 /dev/scd0 -> sr006:12
macoasobi: if you do the ls l thing it'll show that with a -> and another /dev/ thing listed06:12
nixternaldo you see something like that?06:12
macoyeah see the -> thing06:12
nixternalnixternal@KaboWabo:~/opensource/ubuntu/bzr/KDE/kdegames$ ls -l /dev/cdrom06:12
nixternallrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2009-03-17 19:18 /dev/cdrom -> sr006:12
nixternalsee, cdrom and scd0 both point to /dev/sr006:13
nixternalhrmm, wonder why I am in the kdegames directory06:13
macoasobi: do you have 2 optical drives?06:13
maconixternal: i would like to know why krunner and terminator  both start in ~/Documents06:13
macoasobi: ah! thats why06:13
maconixternal's assuming that there's only 1 cd drive to chec06:14
macoyou're looking at the wrong cd drive is all06:14
nixternalthat is the same exact issue my brother had...he has a DVD Player and then a DVD/CD Burner06:14
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nixternalmaco: good spot on that, I didnt' even catch the scd106:14
macoyou could put the cd in teh other drive06:15
do0otIs there anyway to tell what kind of video card im runing from inside linux?06:15
asobii tried06:15
nixternalhowdy raphink!!! <><06:15
asobistill fails06:15
nixternaldo0ot: lspci06:15
macoor change it to /dev/scd1 if its on /dev/scd0 or fvice versa06:15
nixternalthen look for the video card06:15
nixternaldo0ot: open up Konsole first, then type lspci of course06:15
asobichange what06:15
asobiand how06:15
nixternalasobi: leave the cdrom in one of the drives, and then change /dev/scd0 or 1 in Amarok like you did before06:16
do0otM965/GL960 intergrated graphics controler06:16
do0ot;/ is that bad?06:16
nixternaldo0ot: Intel06:16
nixternaldo0ot: laptop?06:16
nixternalI love Intel, some people don't because they aren't hardcore NVIDIA or ATI gaming cards06:17
do0oti want to install Xgl and Compiz ; yah nixternal its a 4 gig of ram , dual core 2ghz machine..06:17
nixternalbut Intel + Linux == oh my heaven :)06:17
nixternaldo0ot: all you have to do is install compiz06:17
nixternaldo0ot: KDE3 or KDE4?06:17
macoi love intel too06:17
nixternalok, how compiz will work with KDE4 I have no idea06:17
asobiso i have to change it each time?06:17
macoi have that same graphics chip, i think06:17
macocompiz works with kde 4.2 on jaunty06:18
nixternalasobi: you shouldn't have to as long as you put the CD in the same slot everytime06:18
nixternalasobi: I am guessing that it worked?06:18
macoit was there for all of 2 minutes before i tried kwin's compositing06:18
nixternalI don't like Compiz, so I don't know :(06:18
do0otMaco - could you help me get it running?06:18
asobithank you06:18
nixternalasobi: groovy!06:18
macodo0ot: no need for Xgl though06:18
do0otI heard its really cool looking - I dont know ,06:18
asobidoesn't read tag ~_~06:18
nixternaldo0ot: no cooler than what KDE4's compositing does06:18
asobino big deal06:18
macodo0ot: Xgl was needed in the days before all the drivers got support for the hooks compiz needs06:19
do0otReally? blah I want a k-rad looking desktop so people in coffee shops will be like 'WOW' heh06:19
macodo0ot: why's that blah?06:19
nixternalcompiz always worked well for GNOME and I thought it was a bit garbage in KDE 3....KDE 4 I didn't even know would support that stuff06:19
macoxgl is no longer needed to make compiz work. i dont understand the blah.06:19
do0otMaco - he said that its no cooler then what KDE4's compositing does.06:20
macoah that06:20
macoit can do more, but most of it is get-in-the-way effects06:20
do0otsuper fancy bells and whistels that are terrible06:20
macothe cube and the mac-Exposé-like thing....those are both there06:20
nixternalall I need is true transparency and I am good to go :)06:21
do0otso apt-get install compiz06:21
do0otpretty much06:21
nixternaldo0ot: apt-get install compiz-kde06:21
macoer ok that06:22
nixternalnow what you do after that I have no idea06:22
macoand get compizconfig-settings-manager and fusion-icon06:22
nixternalthere used to be some sort of app to get it all working together06:22
macoccsm is to configure all the effects06:22
macoand the fusion-icon you can add to startup so that you can easily switch between compiz and kwin06:22
macoi need to find a better snack than raw barley06:23
do0otWow thishas so many bells and whistles06:23
do0otim gonna go smoke brb06:23
maconixternal: can you teleport me some hummus and a non-meat, non-bread, non-carrot, non-celery dunkable?06:24
nixternalman, i read that as humans06:25
nixternalI was like, you want humans but no meat06:25
nixternalhummus, my only veggie food I am not the biggest fan of06:25
nixternalI am hooked on boca burgers..I use them in everything I cook now06:25
nixternaljust stick your finger in the hummus and scoop it out06:26
macowell i need the hummus too06:26
nixternalthen again, that goes against the "non-meat"06:26
nixternalsudo apt-get me some hummus06:26
maconote the teleport request06:27
nixternal2>/dev/null though on that one06:27
nixternalsudo apt-teleport hummus 2>/dev/null06:27
nixternalthat way there you get the hummus, but now the container..I don't know :)06:27
macomind if i use your kitchen to make lentil burgers some time? i'll share them.06:27
macommm lentil burgers06:27
nixternalmmm lentils! anytime06:28
nixternalthough, living in this little box here, I really don't have a kitchen06:28
macobah, thats my issue too06:28
nixternalhot plate ftw!06:28
macodoh i forgot you're not one of the locals06:28
nixternalya, Chicago is just 800 mils from DC06:29
macowonder if i still have a pic of how tiny my kitchen is sitting up on a server...06:29
norenhi all06:30
justinnfx50% installating06:30
maconixternal: two soup bowls, 1 cutting board, and 1 bread knife: my sink is full. oh, and one of those bowls isnt actually *in* the sink06:30
justinnfxI had someone who was going to walk me through the install but hes gone :-(06:30
maconixternal is still here...06:31
macoive never installed kubuntu from a live cd06:31
norenjustinnfx: : whats the prob06:31
nixternaloh man, 01:30...I need to eat one more snack, watch tv for about 1.5 hours, then fall asleep06:31
macoso i'm taking a step away06:31
justinnfxI was going to sign on with my HTPC currenty running win xp, and he was going to run me through the step to customize06:31
do0otOk - these extras for the window manager == blah++06:31
nixternalsit ups yet....argh!!!06:31
nixternalg'nite all06:31
do0otim gonna go find an NES emulator06:31
do0otor try to06:31
do0otany recomendations?06:31
macoby rich06:31
norenjussi01: : installing kubuntu ??06:32
norenjustinnfx: installing kubuntu06:32
chronosHas anyone been having stability issues lately? I updated my Intrepid and when I did, programs have started randomly crashing, disappearing, etc. Sometimes my computer just locks ups for fun. What gives?06:33
justinnfxHow come I have 80gb space free, but win is only letting me shrink to get 4gb free space?06:49
doleybjustinnfx: I wonder if you needed to defrag? nah..06:55
justinnfxhow long will that take06:56
cerecitasmorning... does anyone  know how to setup skype audio on ubuntu? i've been digging in google but nothing has worked... i listen all the sounds but the micro won't record (micro is not  muted i already checked the mixer)07:10
felix_kubuntu en español07:10
felix_como me uno a kubuntu en español07:10
cerecitasfelix_: probablemente #kubuntu-es07:10
justinnfxOk I used Paragon and I ended up making the unlocated space at the end 75gb in size.  Will ubuntu install from the unlocated space while doing dual boot?07:13
cerecitasjustinnfx:  you will have to select in which space you want to install the os just ask it to install in there07:14
cerecitasi have it in my "second partition" and works07:14
justinnfxShiiiit paragon partioner did not work it said it wont work with 64 sytem07:15
justinnfxHow did you install it07:16
justinnfxDid you have to shrink the first volume first too make space for the second07:16
cerecitashmmm justinnfx i now only have 1 system but before my windows was in the first space07:16
cerecitaswhen you run the installation will ask you where to install07:17
cerecitasjust install where suits you better07:17
justinnfxwhat if you have only one big partion07:17
justinnfxdo you need to split it up firt07:17
cerecitasyes, filesystems are different for windows and linux07:17
cerecitasyou need to split it07:17
justinnfxhow did you split it up07:17
cerecitasthe tool to install does it on its own07:18
justinnfxoh so you dont have to use windows and shrink your current hdrive07:18
cerecitashmmm nope i didnt do it that way07:18
cerecitasrun the live cd07:18
cerecitasand there is all you need07:18
justinnfxbecause i tried doing it and it only gave me 4gb and i have like 80gb free!07:18
cerecitasin the install icon, the tool will do everything07:19
justinnfxsomeone said i first have to make room for it :-(07:19
justinnfxso i waisted all this time deleting stuff07:19
justinnfxhow long does it take to defrag a disk someone said that would make the disk shirink better?07:19
cerecitashmm depends on how many data and how big is the disk07:20
cerecitasnot the same 30 than 300 gb07:20
norenjustinnfx: use the guided install it will install in the free space available07:21
justinnfxi wont have to worry about there not being enough space07:21
justinnfxcause i can only squeeze about 4 gb out if when i shrink it07:21
justinnfxi hope i dont screw up my pc valuable stuff one there07:22
cerecitasmake a backup... if you have valuable data, back it up07:22
justinnfx.great i think i ran out of black CD too07:23
justinnfxoh joy07:23
norenjustinnfx: : what is the prob exactly, do u want it to have multiboot with windows07:24
justinnfxi have two large thumnb drives07:24
justinnfxwhait i found a cd = rW i think07:27
ahdachhay everey body07:27
beardbarhey guys, I have a card reader in my computer, any thoughts on how I can install it? doesnt seem to auto detect when I put a sd flash card in from my camera.07:31
cerecitasnoren:  i think he wants a dual boot with windows and kubuntu07:35
zeltakhi guys..i know its a bit off topic but does anyone have any experience using 1.5TB on ubuntu?07:36
norencerecitas: : then whats the prob does he not have enough free space07:39
norenzeltak: 1.5 TB ??07:40
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zeltakthx for answering noren, no the problem is that fdisk (and other utils) only see the drive as a 500GB HD07:41
zeltakwhile it is a 1.5 TB drive (i have 4 of those for a RAID setup)07:41
cerecitashmm noren i think the prob is that he's not really sure on how to do it07:42
cerecitashe was talking of 75gb of unallocated space07:42
magnus_excuse me, I am new to Linux Kubuntu/ubuntu or any other, but I am currently on Kubuntu now07:42
magnus_Ive never understood the installation parts yet07:43
norencerecitas: a guided install in the free space would have been sufficient, and there would have not been any data loss also07:43
norenmagnus_: what doo u want to know07:43
cerecitaswell not necesarily noren but i personally prefer to backup just in case.07:43
magnus_well, when i download files07:43
cerecitasi have lost data  few times already07:43
magnus_for instance i just downloaded firefox07:43
magnus_and it ends up in my home folder, documents07:43
magnus_fair enough07:43
magnus_how do i then install it?07:43
magnus_its just there, and there is no setup file07:44
norencerecitas: well may be but i never did !! :)07:44
cerecitashehe just in case dun want anyone yelling at me because he lost stuff ;p first advice, backup then proceed hihi07:44
norenmagnus_: Type sudo apt-get install firefox << in Konsole07:44
cerecitasnoren:  do you have any idea of the precise name of the package to install to listen mp3?07:45
norencerecitas: yes its always the best choice than to regret afterwrd07:45
norencerecitas: i use amarok07:45
magnus_thx noren07:45
macomagnus_: easiest way to install stuff is to open teh menu and type "adept" in the search box07:45
magnus_aha "the package manager" file?07:46
cerecitasi dunno someone is having a weird issue and i think it's a codecs question07:46
maconoren: kubuntu-restricted-extras gets all the patented crap07:46
macomagnus_: yes07:46
norenmagnus_: maco : is right u can use adept its gui for installing new softwares07:46
macomagnus_: you check off whwat you want, and itll download and install it all for you07:46
norencerecitas: who ?? ask him/her to install kubuntu extra rep07:47
cerecitasrestricted extras?07:48
cerecitasalready did07:48
magnus_hmm well, im in Adept now07:48
magnus_and at the search tab07:48
magnus_interface, role, use, and undercategories, and it says "not" behind each of them07:48
magnus_am i then at the right tab?07:49
maco(note: ive never *used* adept because i'm using the development version, where adept has been replaced....plus, i use the command line for most things)07:49
norenmagnus_: Type sudo apt-get install firefox << in Konsole wud hav been easiest07:49
magnus_aha okey07:49
magnus_but what about next time when i download another file07:49
macobut easiest for future reference when you dont know the package name is to use adept07:49
magnus_i just type sudo apt-get install (program) ?07:49
macoyou dont need to download instalrs on your own07:50
macosudo apt-get install ____ will download & install for you. it's what adept uses in its backend07:50
norenmagnus_: it will download and install of its own u wont have to downloaad it separatly07:50
magnus_aha i see07:50
magnus_hmm i got an error after that command07:51
norenmagnus_: in adept go to the search and type firefox >> u will see the files on the right side and frm there u can install07:51
macoexit adept before using apt-get in the command line07:51
magnus_"package firefox is not available, but is referred to another package. This may mean... etc07:52
norenanyone using vlc here, i got issue with the sound it wont come07:53
magnus_package firefox has no installation candidate07:53
magnus_what did i do wrong?07:53
norenmagnus_: open adept >> go to source list>> activate the repos>>07:54
magnus_noren , at the source tab?07:55
magnus_"edit software sources"07:56
magnus_fetch current package lists"07:56
norenyes >>07:56
magnus_those are the two possibilities07:56
norenedit source tab >> activate the multiverse07:57
norencerecitas: maca :  sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg << for mp3 support only07:57
cerecitasnoren:  i use vlc07:57
cerecitasmaca? hehe07:58
norencerecitas: are u getting sound in vlc... which distro and version are u using07:58
cerecitashmmm i've never had problems with vlc... i'm using kubuntu 8.10.. and the vlc version give me a sec and i will tell you07:59
magnus_noren , im sorry for not completely understanding, but im in the edit now, and i can find no multiverse to tag on or off07:59
cerecitasis the 0.9.407:59
norenmagnus_: u in the edit software package... what option do u see08:00
norencerecitas: i  meant kubuntu 8.10 or else,,, i cant get my sound working in it08:01
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cerecitashmmmm anything at all?08:01
magnus_noren there are 5 tabs08:01
cerecitasi can screenshot you my settings08:01
cerecitasgive me a sec08:01
norenmagnus_: the 4 th one says software restricted by copyright or legal issue << check this one08:02
magnus_noren it is already checked, should i check it off ?08:03
norenmagnus_: in the Kubuntu Software08:03
norenmagnus_: no it sud be chekced on now close that and come out >>>Adept will rub an auto update08:04
cerecitasnoren:  http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/8130/vlc.png08:04
magnus_noren hmm strange, because it was already checked on08:04
norendid it update.... now go in the search otion in the adept and type firrefox08:05
magnus_noren its updating, but just standing still though08:06
magnus_i turned it off, then on again, and then closed it for it to update with it on08:06
magnus_and now its just kinda stuck.08:06
norenit will update08:07
magnus_ah yes, it started now08:07
magnus_does it say finished when its done?08:07
norenlet is compelete and then go to the search bar and find firefox08:07
norenwen it finish other options will get activated08:08
magnus_aha i see08:08
magnus_are there many sites not able to open with konqueror btw?08:08
magnus_i noticed when i was trying to enter facebook, that it didnt work.08:08
magnus_and I read at the start, it said that it might not work out with several pages08:09
norencerecitas: i think u are using the older version of vlc08:09
magnus_So is it normal to use a second web browser like mozilla /opera etc when you use kubuntu?08:09
cerecitashmmm no idea noren the one in the repos08:09
cerecitasmagnus_:  i dunno if it is normal, i only use mozilla...not really fond of konqueror08:10
magnus_cerecitas aha I see, kind of wanted to try out konqueror considering im using mozilla on my vista computer08:10
noreni use konq and opera,i dont like firefox its too heavy application08:10
cerecitasopera i've  never tried, is in the repos  noren?08:11
norenyes i guess i got the latest one from the opera site08:11
cerecitashmmm can't find the browser08:12
cerecitaswill pick it from the website08:12
noren!opera | cerecitas08:13
ubottucerecitas: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser08:13
magnus_noren it still doesnt work, it got finished and said there was no packages etc, and then i went to the search tab and typed firefox, and it looked like nothing happened08:14
magnus_and nothing came up08:14
noren!firefox | magnus_08:14
ubottumagnus_: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:14
norenmagnus_: its strange08:15
norenclose the adept and come to the konsole08:15
cerecitasmagnus_: this can look offensive but thats not what i intend... something happens... after typing the name, i take it you hit enter, right?08:15
magnus_cerecitas hehe np, yeah i do08:16
cerecitasok... is the kind of things i forget sometimes :p08:16
magnus_noren shall i try to do the install in the console again?08:17
norenyes : : sudo apt-get update08:17
nyadhello im running KDE4, and I just installed compiz but none of the effects are working08:19
nyadif I install kde desktop effects they work but not he08:19
nyadthe compiz ones08:19
norennyad: kd4 has its own composting08:20
cerecitasdo you have opengl as engine?08:20
noren!compiz | nyad08:20
magnus_noren "unable to connect to security.ubuntu..com"08:20
ubottunyad: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion08:20
norenapt-cache search  firefox08:21
nyadyes I have opengl as engine08:21
nyadnoren i dont want kde4s effects, i want compiz08:22
norennyad: see #compiz-fusion if they can help08:23
cerecitasok noren opera looks nice but it looks like i will have to set it up a bit08:24
cerecitasand it's almost time to get ready for another day at work *sigh*08:25
magnus_cerecitas heh, already at place so dont complain :)08:25
cerecitaswell i wish i'd have irc access there hehe08:25
cerecitasanyway i hate this shift starting at 10.3008:25
cerecitasit's a disaster08:26
norenmagnus_: apt-cache search  firefox08:26
magnus_noren ive tried that in terminal, nothing happens08:26
noreni think the repos are not checked correctly<< if u can go back to the adept >> source >> kubuntu software>> activate all of them.. it will start showing08:28
cerecitassudo apt-cache search firefox maybe08:28
fliegenderfroschcerecitas: apt-cache doesn’t need root privileges08:28
magnus_noren there was only one not checked on the kubuntu software, and that was the source code08:29
cerecitasoh true my bad08:29
cerecitasanyways shower time and 8.5h in jail08:29
cerecitasoh joy08:29
magnus_heheh, have fun08:30
norenmagnus_: well the source pakages are not completly updated than>> sudo apt-get update08:30
cerecitasyeah or 'something'08:30
magnus_noren aha okey, will do, do you want me to check the source code? or let it stay unchecked before i do the update?08:31
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo08:31
norenActionParsnip1: can u help magnus get firefox08:31
ActionParsnip1magnus_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox08:32
norenActionParsnip1: i thinks his update is exiting with an error08:32
magnus_its updating about 5 lines of some language stuff, and it says failed behind each08:33
fliegenderfroschmagnus_: which error do you get if you execute the command given by ActionParsnip1?08:33
ActionParsnip1magnus_: can you pastebin te output of that command please08:33
cerecitasdidn't he mention before he was unable to connect to security. something?08:33
cerecitas[09:20] <magnus_> noren "unable to connect to security.ubuntu..com"08:34
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if you cant web browse then copy the text to a file then use pastebinit08:34
ActionParsnip1magnus_: can you ping
magnus_the ping part08:35
mnii need help08:36
magnus_actionparsnip1 just keep in mind that im really new to kubuntu, so i dont really know alot, so you kind of gotta say it the easy "newb" way08:36
mnii made some translation to my native language08:36
mniand i want to test it08:36
mniand see08:36
ActionParsnip1magnus_: do you know how to ping in windows?08:36
fliegenderfroschmni: if you state your problem in a single line it’s more likely to get answered08:37
mniany help on how to do it?08:37
cerecitaswell now it is the time... see you and have a nice day08:37
magnus_actionparsnip1 hmm, I dont know, I guess not, but im at internet on the school, might there be some blocks or something preventing me from getting the updates?08:37
ActionParsnip1magnus_: in terminal type: ping
ActionParsnip1magnus_: and press enter08:38
magnus_actionparsnip1 yeah i did08:38
norenmagnus_: that might be the prob.........08:38
ActionParsnip1magnus_: does it reply?08:38
magnus_actionparsnip1  it goes "64 bytes from <ip> etc08:39
magnus_and that refreshes down all the time08:39
magnus_I guess thats not the reply im supposed to get08:39
magnus_noren im connected down at the office, which is not through the "studentnetwork" but more like a normal internet08:39
magnus_and with cable, so i dont really know if thats gonna restrict me08:40
ActionParsnip1magnus_: the reply should look something like this: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=15.4 ms08:40
magnus_yes it does08:40
mnii want to test my translated files,any help on procedures?08:41
ActionParsnip1magnus_: ok then the system is failing dns08:41
ActionParsnip1magnus_: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf08:41
ActionParsnip1magnus_: http://www.tech-faq.com/public-dns-servers.shtml08:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about translation08:42
ActionParsnip1magnus_: add a few lines in there that are formatted like this: nameserver <ip address>08:42
fliegenderfroschmni: could you give some more detail? what kind of translated files are they? how do you want to test them?08:42
ActionParsnip1magnus_: you just pinged security.ubuntu.com which mean the logical connection is there but your system isnt changing the name to the ip08:42
magnus_actionparsnip1 aha08:43
magnus_when i tried the gksudo command in terminal08:43
magnus_it said "the program is not installd"08:43
ActionParsnip1kdesudo kate /etc/resolv.conf08:44
ActionParsnip1i switch between #ubuntu and #kubuntu and get confused ;)08:44
mnikde.po files into hausa language,i want to run them on my kubuntu and see the translated interface08:44
magnus_actionparsnip1 hehe, np, now i got something08:44
magnus_actionparsnip1 now i got 3 nameservers08:45
ActionParsnip1magnus_: cool, ok you see how it says: nameserver <some ip>08:45
magnus_actionparsnip1 yeah, there are 3 different ips08:45
ActionParsnip1magnus_: use the link I gave you to add some more, as many as you wish, when you add the last one, press enter on the end of the last line08:45
ActionParsnip1magnus_: add more08:45
ActionParsnip1magnus_: from that site08:46
fliegenderfroschmagnus_: ping security.ubuntu.com doesn’t work?08:46
ActionParsnip1magnus_: nameserver
norenmni: #ubuntu-doc  try here08:46
ActionParsnip1magnus_: nameserver
magnus_actionparsnip1 both of them are added08:47
norenActionParsnip1: thats why i use opendns << its way better08:48
ActionParsnip1magnus_: ok, press enter on the last line to terminate the line, save the file and exit08:48
ActionParsnip1magnus_: now in terminal again: ping security.ubuntu.com08:49
magnus_actionparsnip1 done08:49
norenActionParsnip1: does he not have to restart the network ??08:49
ActionParsnip1noren: dont think so but we'll see08:50
ActionParsnip1magnus_: does it reply as before with the ip address08:50
magnus_auckland.canoncial..com (ip adress) and the ms and time stuf08:51
ActionParsnip1magnus_: ok now try: sudo apt-get update08:52
norenPING security.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.08:52
noren64 bytes from auckland.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=2996 ms08:52
ActionParsnip1magnus_: does the apt-get update run through ok?08:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:53
magnus_actionparsnip1 just started it now08:53
magnus_actionparsnip1 is it supposde to go down pretty fast?08:53
ActionParsnip1magnus_: as fast as your connection willallow08:54
magnus_because its stuck at the first line for a long time08:54
magnus_at connection to security08:54
magnus_and at 0%08:54
norenmagnus_: it will connect and downlaod the source list frm there08:55
magnus_unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com08:55
ActionParsnip1magnus_: try this:08:59
ActionParsnip1magnus_: sudo /etc/init/d/networking restart; sudo apt-get update08:59
magnus_actionparsnip1 : during the writing i got warning program /bin/bash crashed09:01
magnus_actionparsnip1 hmm, it says unknown command09:02
magnus_actionparsnip1 : sudo /etc/init/d/networking restart , right?09:02
ActionParsnip1sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:03
ActionParsnip1my bad09:03
magnus_actionparsnip1 ok, it ran through09:04
ActionParsnip1magnus_: ok now run: sudo apt-get update09:04
edericohello, how do I stream MMS in Kubuntu 8.10. I have KDE 4.209:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mms09:06
noren!avi | ederico09:07
ubottuederico: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:07
magnus_actionparsnip1 still unable to connect unfortunately09:07
nihilityDoes anyone know how to make Kubuntu remember window positions and sizes?09:08
ActionParsnip1nihility: try ctrl+shift when you click X to close the window09:09
ActionParsnip1magnus_: you could go hardcore and change all the names in your sources.lst to ip addresses to see if thats better09:10
nihilityActionParsnip1 - Does this have to happen everytime a window is lose?09:10
ActionParsnip1magnus_: the fact that you can ping the ip is good as the logical link exists09:10
ActionParsnip1nihility: i think that sets it forever more09:10
nihilityOuch.... Ok thanks for the help!09:11
ActionParsnip1magnus_: and you said you get replys from: ping security.ubuntu.com09:11
ActionParsnip1magnus_: is that right?09:11
magnus_actionparsnip1 yes if i remember right, Ill try again and check09:12
fliegenderfroschDoes anyone know when we can expect new Digikam packages?09:12
magnus_actionparsnip1 : yes i do09:12
ActionParsnip1if you aget replys then dns is doing its job translating the name to an ip09:12
ActionParsnip1so there is something blocking the data. are you on a home network or corporate?09:13
=== tonyemma is now known as tonyemma_
magnus_actionparsnip1 I am working on a school this week, as an IT-apprentice09:14
ActionParsnip1magnus_: maybe they are blocking the traffic, smart admins do that sort of thin09:15
magnus_actionparsnip1 yeah but this is the school for the age of 14-16, and thisn etwork is not very strict, i know that09:16
magnus_actionparsnip1 and im connected directly to the internet if im not mistaken, with a cable, and not through the school network09:17
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if you are connected to the scholl infrastructure yuo will be using their connection09:17
ActionParsnip1magnus_: can you web browse ok?09:18
Yves_webkitkde got quite some commits the last days, could a newer version be uploaded to jaunty ? :-)09:18
=== wangwei is now known as dd
bazhangdd english here09:19
bazhangdd #ubuntu-cn for chinese09:19
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if te place uses a proxy for web (likely) you will need to cofigure yuor system to use that09:20
magnus_actionparsnip1 yeah i have to use proxy settings to web browse09:21
magnus_actionparsnip1 well i just talked to my supervisor here, and he said that I shouldnt be blocked by anything, but there might be a reason that the system that constructs the firewall on this school might make it a bit harder for me09:22
ActionParsnip1magnus_: then you will need that for apt-get too09:22
magnus_actionparsnip1 to type in the proxy you mean?09:22
ActionParsnip1magnus_: sudo export http_proxy=http://myproxy:port09:23
ActionParsnip1magnus_: change that to fit your settings09:23
magnus_actionparsnip1 : so i am to type the command "sudo export http_proxy=http://proxyip:proxyport?09:24
norenActionParsnip1: wow  i never thought installing firefox wud be so intense :D09:24
magnus_in terminal?09:24
ActionParsnip1magnus_: its not, you just have network complexities09:24
ActionParsnip1!test | aaron09:25
ubottuaaron: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.09:25
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if you were on a hom lan it would work fine09:25
norenaaron:  TEST BACK09:25
ActionParsnip1magnus_: you need to specify the port and address of your http proxy09:25
ActionParsnip1magnus_: in that command09:25
magnus_actionparsnip1 aha okey, Im taking the computer home tomorrow, so I can try it at home then?09:25
magnus_actionparsnip1 then the network wont be in my way I suppose09:26
ActionParsnip1magnus_: i have nearly 0 chance of knowing wjat your proxy name is or what port it uses so you have to fill out those bits of information in the command09:26
magnus_actionparsnip1 yes, will do09:26
ActionParsnip1magnus_: absolutely as you will be in a different network09:26
ActionParsnip1magnus_: schools like to have HTTP proxies to watch what kids look at so you have to go through the same connection09:27
magnus_actionparsnip1 : aha I see09:28
magnus_actionparsnip1 well, with this network problem I will continue tomorrow, or else i probably will have loads of problems removing the proxy so it works at home etc etc09:29
ActionParsnip1magnus_: at the moment your system is accessing the default gateway but the data is not addressed to the proxy for external forwarding so it is dropped09:29
ActionParsnip1magnus_: possibly09:29
ActionParsnip1magnus_: i think you just export the proxy as "" and its fine09:30
magnus_actionparsnip1 : aha, well, Ill continue that small issue at home, I got loads of other things that i cant handle that i can look at now, considering this is my first time trying out kubuntu09:31
ScorpKingi made a servicemenu to resize and ftp files to a website. here it is - http://paste.ubuntu.com/132929/ - is see that it will only process files in the home directory of the user. if you go to any other picture that is in a few sub directories nothing happens. any idea how to fix it? where can i improve on this script?09:32
magnus_and i wanna learn alot, because I want to continue using it, so i just gotta learn piece by piece I guess09:32
ActionParsnip1magnus_: well you will have learned a lot today09:32
norenmagnus_: u will always find help here09:34
magnus_yeah and thats great, think the idea of this channel is awesome09:34
ActionParsnip1magnus_: theres ##windows too09:36
magnus_actionparsnip1 : is that the help channel for windows users?09:36
ActionParsnip1magnus_: indeed09:36
magnus_actionparsnip1 : well, windows is alot easier to learn, and most people grow up with it, Linux is alot harder in my opinion, when i installed it and started it up it felt like i didnt know anything09:37
ActionParsnip1magnus_: you only say its harder as you have far more experience with windows09:37
ActionParsnip1magnus_: i dont think its any harder at all09:37
husayn_thats right !!! 100%09:37
magnus_actionparsnip1 : yeah thats true.09:38
ActionParsnip1magnus_: compare the time you have used windows to how long you have used linux09:38
husayn_RHCE is just equal to MCSE if you see... but people say RHCE is tought , all because you havnt worked on linux much09:38
noren__ActionParsnip1: i need help with vlc and sound ??09:38
magnus_actionparsnip1 : yeah a huge difference, grew up with windows 95 and then tried my way up to vista, so I guess the difference is quite huge in my usage of linux and windows09:39
noren__magnus_: any other software to install09:39
magnus_noren hmm well, I dont know much of anything really, so i dont know where to begin to ask you questions im afraid.09:40
ActionParsnip1noren__: just make sure the sound system is free and that vlc is using the right one (alsa / pulse)09:40
noren__ActionParsnip1: my dragon player works fine also amarok but not vlc09:40
paracetamolo1sorry to bother you09:41
paracetamolo1but I got a serious problem09:41
paracetamolo1korganizer lost my calendar09:42
paracetamolo1I believe it was an error of Akonadi09:42
ActionParsnip1noren__: try renaming some or all of these files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132932/09:42
ActionParsnip1noren__: and try reinstalling vlc09:42
noren__how to determine which one i am having alsa or pulse09:45
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:46
magnus_actionparsnip1 : when I installed linux, i had 3 separate disks, but it only installed one the largest one09:47
ActionParsnip1magnus_: ok....09:48
magnus_actionparsnip1 : but i want to format the 2 other disks aswell, so i can use them as storage, because this computer im gonna use as storage, and then i would like to use all 3 disks09:48
ActionParsnip1magnus_: kdesudo gparted09:48
ActionParsnip1magnus_: you can format the drives and partition as you see fit ith that09:48
magnus_actionparsnip1 : aha okey, because i just want to get to use the 2 other disks as storage aswell, since they are not used as anything atm09:49
ActionParsnip1magnus_: thats fine, get them setup as you need. you may need to edit /etc/fstab to make them automount. I think gparted does that stuff for you. i'm not sure09:50
magnus_actionparsnip1 : when i typed in the command it said "command not foudn"09:53
magnus_actionparsnip1 : found*09:53
sekusudo aptitude install gparted kdesudo09:54
sekuafter that retry09:54
ActionParsnip1seku: he cant apt-get or aptitude as he is behind a proxy09:55
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if you boot to live cd you can setu pthe disks from there09:55
sekuchange sources.list to use ftp?09:55
sekuwell, fdisk is always there and mkfs09:57
sekuor cfdisk09:57
ScorpKingparacetamolo1: look in ~/.kde/share/apps/ somewhere. it might be there09:58
paracetamolo1I looked in apps/korganizer/09:58
paracetamolo1there is an std.ics09:58
paracetamolo1that has few entries, made by me ages ago09:59
paracetamolo1where does akonadi stores data?09:59
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sekuwhats that music player mimicing xmms?10:01
sekuthanks seku10:02
sekustupid question. Does mplayer navigate dvd menus? I don't see it linked against libdvdnav10:07
SlimeyPeteyes, it does10:10
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.10:11
sekuwhat does c status mean in front of a package?10:12
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.10:15
sekuhow do i reinvoke the nvidia driver installer? I full-upgraded, and now they just lie around borked :D10:18
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magnus_actionparsnip1 : do all the drivers automatically install when i install kubuntu?10:19
ActionParsnip1magnus_: drivers for what?10:20
magnus_actionparsnip1 : for everything really, all the hardware10:20
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if they are on the cd or the hardware is supported by the kernel then yes10:20
ActionParsnip1magnus_: a lot of hardware will need extra config10:20
ActionParsnip1magnus_: you can lessen this by buying off the HCL. I do and all my hardware works out of the box10:21
magnus_actionparsnip1 : aha okey, because I built a computer here, with old parts, just to get a storage machine, so I dont got any driver cds, so i just wondered if linux found the drivers and installed them by itself10:21
sekukde with 8.10 was too buggy (nvidia propiertaty driver), so i had to upgrade to development version (which went not so fine, but then again i didn't read any instructions either).10:21
ActionParsnip1magnus_: if its old it will most likely work ok10:21
magnus_actionparsnip1 : okey, thanks10:22
=== peace is now known as koperton
sekuhow do i install automagically the nvidia drivers again? System -> drivers just says my system doesn't have closed drivers. Searching for nvidia gives a dozen diffirent packages split arbitarily (package for each function?)10:35
ActionParsnip1seku: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga10:39
sekuhow do i get all sources headers and stuff related to 2.6.27-11-generic?10:39
seku01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE] (rev a1)10:39
sekuim using the nv driver now10:39
ActionParsnip1seku: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177; sudo nvidia-xconfig10:41
sekucouldn't find such a thing10:42
ActionParsnip1seku: sudo apt-get update first10:42
sekujust 5 minutes ago10:42
ActionParsnip1seku: you will need the restricted repos enabling10:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-glx-17710:42
ActionParsnip1!info nvidia-glx-17710:43
ubottunvidia-glx-177 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-177): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 177.82-0ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 8722 kB, installed size 25168 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)10:43
sekudeb http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main restricted10:43
sekudeb-src http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties10:43
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | seku10:43
ubottuseku: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:43
sekuok, thanks. 8.10 was unusable because of kde, so i pulled jaunty10:44
sekuffs, im just installing it by hand. easiest that way10:45
ActionParsnip1seku: jaunty isnt supported here10:45
ur8up? about kubuntu freezes after a night of just sitting11:14
ActionParsnip1!ask | ur8up11:17
ubottuur8up: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:17
ur8upi am running kubuntu and when I try to log in the next day my keyboard is dead.  Mouse works but keyboard doesnt11:19
ActionParsnip1ur8up: can you ssh in from another pc?11:20
ur8updont know.  I will try that tomorrow11:28
ur8upit could be a hardware issue.  I have a kvm switch hooked up11:29
ActionParsnip1ur8up: try switch the kvm back and forth11:29
BUGabundohi everyone11:30
BUGabundoI just would like to ask you guys/gals to point any user wishing to upgrade to jaunty11:31
BUGabundoto visit #ubuntu+111:31
BUGabundoso they can get all the tips before doing the crazy jump11:31
bazhangwe do :)11:31
bazhangthey dont always listen though :)11:31
BUGabundobazhang: I guess you do11:31
BUGabundobut some seem to get not so acured info11:31
BUGabundoat least one user just pop up there11:32
BUGabundothat got a wrong advise on how to upgrade11:32
macodude, !enter11:32
neptunehello guys11:35
neptunei just installed kde11:35
neptuneand i clicked "delete" on the desktop view11:36
neptunehow do i restore it back?11:36
macoBUGabundo: i just looked up irc logs11:36
neptuneguys... anyone?11:37
improot_neptune: Change user and reboot system ))11:38
neptuneimproot i tryed loging out and in but didn't work11:38
neptunei am the only uer so i can't change user11:38
improot_neptune: )))) sory ))) 5 sec...11:39
macoBUGabundo: i disconnected. did you get that?11:39
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improot_neptune: kde - version ?11:40
wersi just added the kubuntu most experimental packages. how do I install the latest version of kubuntu?11:41
improot_destop view - widget?11:41
BUGabundomaco get what?11:41
macoBUGabundo: i just looked up irc logs11:41
macoBUGabundo: i dont see him being told to use edit that and use dist-upgrade. i see him saying "i did a way that's different than the directions. i edited that and did dist-upgrade. am i in trouble?"11:41
blip-hi all,  I run kub 8.04 ... is it safe to install KDE4 from the repos and try it out or will it make some conflicts with KDE3 ?    thanks11:42
BUGabundothen this guys is to blame for his own mistake maco11:42
improot_right click - add widget11:42
macoblip-: that's fine11:42
neptuneimproot i don't want to add widget11:42
dr_willis blip-  You may want to test out a kde4 live cd.. to see if you like kde4 first11:42
neptunei want a desktop11:42
BUGabundoin any case just a friendly heads up to our beloved pre-jaunty kde support users11:42
ActionParsnip1blip-: its fine11:42
neptuneI HAVE NO DESKTOP11:42
werswhich metapackage installs the latest kde4? i just added the kubuntu most experimental packages PPA11:42
ActionParsnip1neptune: then run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and reboot11:43
* dr_willis wonders what the definition of 'desktop' is in this conversation.11:43
ActionParsnip1neptune: you will get defaul x settings and the desktop will show next boot11:43
blip-is KDE 4.2 in there ?   for some reason synaptic shows the package version is 4:4.0.311:43
improot_neptune: in kde 4 defaults - no desctop - defaults desctop view widgets11:43
ActionParsnip1blip-: hardy gets 4.2 via experimental uilds, intrepid gets official relase11:44
dr_willisthe viewing of the 'Desktop' directory is handled by folder view widgit. :)11:44
ActionParsnip1blip-: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/tag/ubuntu-hardy-install-kde-42/11:44
blip-hmm,  ok I'll enable experimental.  I don't want 4.0 that's too old11:44
ActionParsnip1blip-: that guid will show you11:44
blip-great.  thanks ActionParsnip111:45
improot_neptune: if you dont add widget, press Cntl+L and repeat11:45
ActionParsnip1blip-: just noticed it points to an intrepid guide but just change intrepid for hardy and it should work11:45
happytigerHi guyes. The messages beeing displayed by the notification messsages on jaunty where can I read them afterwards in the filesystem ??11:46
bazhanghappytiger, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty11:46
happytigeroki maybe I should wrtite kde 4 instead of jaunty :-)11:46
improot_Blin! ) Chuvstvuyu sebya zdes' zaslancem!11:47
nuxili got a problem.. my pc dont start up.. if i leave the powercable out for a few min and connect it. the screen shows bios in a few sec then all goes black,,, what can be wrong ? graphic or cpu?11:48
improot_nuxil: Power11:49
nuxilpower to what?11:49
nuxilif my graphic card dont get power it crys like a baby11:50
nuxilsome alarm on it11:50
nuxilalso all other devices seam to start up11:50
nuxili hear hd spinning up11:50
nuxilthere is also a green light on the mobo11:50
carpiiis there a nice gui wrapper for smartctl ?11:51
nuxilimproot_ my psu == 2x450w11:51
improot_few sec and shutdown?11:51
nuxilALL GOES BLACK11:51
nuxilBUT PC IS STILL ON11:51
nuxilerm sorry for caps11:51
macodoes it always show the BIOS screen?11:52
nuxilno.. only if i unplug powercable and leav is out a few min..11:52
nuxilif i only try to restart by powerswitch its all black11:53
nuxiliys not the moitor..cos i use it atm on my eee pc11:53
improot_nuxil: look video or monitor11:53
nuxili think its eighter video or cpu11:54
nuxilbut how to tell the diff... whats the symtomes11:55
nuxilhow does a cpu faulty behave in bootup vs faulty video ?11:56
nuxilis cpu if fault is bios still loaded ?11:56
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improot_nuxil: sorry... i dont see... I bad speak english11:57
nuxilme aswell :p11:57
nuxili mean.. how can i know if its cpu or video that is causing problems11:58
nuxilwill bios load if cpu is burned?11:58
nuxilso i should test with a new video card first then11:59
improot_videocard is first when need look12:00
nuxilok.. i guess 8800 is not so expencive anowadays12:00
nuxilthank for your time12:01
improot_nuxil: Pojaylusta!12:01
nuxilheh ?12:02
improot_i bad speak english, i good speak russian12:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:03
bazhangenglish only here please12:03
nuxillol :)12:03
nuxileveryone needs to learn russian :p12:04
justin_can anyone tellmehow to delete an entry in my sources list?12:04
ghostcubenope not really12:04
improot_drive out12:04
bazhangkdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list place # in front12:04
bazhangthen sudo apt-get update12:05
nuxilor justin_ sudo nano /etc/apt/source.list12:05
* nuxil heads to the store for a new videocrad12:05
improot_nuxil: bye12:06
improot_ubottu > on #ubuntu-ru nobody work in Alfa Kubuntu with KDE4!!! I have question of widget networkmanagered...12:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:12
bazhangimproot_, #ubuntu+112:12
bazhangI'm not your blin12:12
improot_bazhang> Sorry12:13
bazhangimproot_, please use english in all channels (except -ru of course)12:14
BuGo_laptopi am using Ubuntu. and somewhy when i open konqueror i have like 8 or more "Launching kwallet server" items in my Window list12:29
BuGo_laptopi have removed kwalletmanager but it doesnot seem to help12:30
BluesKajBuGo_laptop , you could try ' sudo updatedb ' in the terminal12:31
arianahello there12:31
arianais anybody here12:31
BluesKajno , just us mice12:31
BluesKajor is it we mice12:32
BuGo_laptopBluesKaj, trying12:32
BluesKaj!ask | ariana12:33
ubottuariana: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:33
Act1how get uuid swap part?12:34
Act1ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ not have swap12:34
BuGo_laptopBluesKaj, launchers are still appearing.12:35
BuGo_laptopthey stack up when i open any site. and disappear after some time12:35
BluesKajAct1 , sudo fdisk -l12:37
Act1BluesKaj   and? i see partitiobn table, no uuid12:37
shadeslayerhi,my CDROM does not automatically mount when i insert it,most probably HAL was disabled by powertop,how do i reenable auto mount??12:38
BluesKajAct1 , alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/fstab12:39
BluesKajBuGo_laptop , which kubuntu version ?12:40
BuGo_laptopBluesKaj, Ubuntu 8.1012:40
BuGo_laptopand using konqueror since i need 2 browsers at a time :/12:41
BluesKajBuGo_laptop , have you checked system settings/ advanced ?12:41
dimitreeGuys i'm using the alpha 6 version and in upodate software it shows 7 blocked updates ? Should i install these ?12:42
shadeslayerdimitree: maybe #ubuntu+112:42
dimitreeok thank you12:42
shadeslayerno problem12:42
BuGo_laptop<BluesKaj> cannot find anything like this in ubuntu. Gnome.12:43
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BluesKajBuGo_laptop ,  join #ubuntu , they are more familiar with gnome there , kubuntu uses the KDE desktop12:44
BuGo_laptopBluesKaj, i know. they redirected me here since kwallet is KDE app12:45
BluesKajI have to leave for a few mins ...bbiab12:46
shadeslayerso nobody knows about hal??12:51
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bazhang!hal > shadeslayer12:53
ubottushadeslayer, please see my private message12:53
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BluesKajI was getting a very long lagtime on IRC , so I needed to reboot the router12:54
Act1sorry i relogin12:54
shadeslayerbazhang: ive already see that,i cant get hal to automount my drive12:54
Act1so, how get uuid swap partition?12:54
BluesKajAct1 , why are you worried about the swap partition ?12:55
BluesKajqtparted, should show it12:55
Act1because my machine have 256 mb RAM =)12:55
Act1i have swap partition12:55
Act1but for starting swapon i need write uuid12:56
shadeslayerbazhang: maybe i need to rebuild hal or just reset it12:57
BluesKajyou can use gparted live cd to set your partitions12:57
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:57
Act1i have partition!12:57
shadeslayerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/95868 looking at this12:57
Act1i cant start swapon12:57
shadeslayerbazhang: comment no. 712:57
BluesKajAct1, swap will only run if it's required12:58
Act1its required)12:59
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info13:00
husayn__how to assign 2 IP address on a Lan card13:01
husayn__like in windows we can do it easily... under the properties of lan card13:01
Act1mm cant see, cant run more programs, no mempry awaliable13:01
BluesKajAct1 , which desktop are you running ?13:02
Act1BluesKaj i move same partitions and now swap not work (13:03
husayn__how to give 2 ip address on one interface13:03
Act1for start swap i need chand uuid13:04
BluesKajkde is meant for larger available memory ..recommend XFCE , http://www.xfce.org/ ..it's a much smaller footprint on memory13:04
shadeslayerIm still lost with hal,as i cannot download the source13:05
Act1BluesKaj ok i see it late, now i must start swap )13:05
carpiihusayn__, just add a sub-interface in /etc/networking/interfaces13:07
carpiilike add an entry for eth0:013:07
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
shadeslayerooh theres a hal channel,ill ask there13:09
husayn__i have got a windows server machine13:17
husayn__when i see its share from my Kubuntu PC13:17
husayn__i get error... the file or folder smb://abc@ does not exists13:17
norenhusayn__: u need smba server on ur kubuntu13:19
husayn__to access shares on windows ????13:19
dr_willisinstall/use samba husayn__13:20
lokaiwhats a good code editor for KDE (not emacs)?13:20
husayn__on the Client machine right /13:20
dr_willisand ive foumnd the samba browser feature of kde and gnome to be flakey.. i normally mount the shares.13:20
shadeslayerlokai: maybe kate13:20
lokainot kate either13:20
lokaidont like it13:20
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:20
shadeslayer!editor | lokai13:20
ubottulokai: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code13:20
lokaidoesn't have to be specifically for KDE O.o13:20
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans13:21
lokaithanks shadeslayer13:21
shadeslayerno problem13:21
norenhey which is better pulseaudio or alsa13:21
dr_willisI like geany13:21
dr_willisnoren,  pulseaudio uses alsa13:22
shadeslayerdr_willis: wrong nick i think13:22
shadeslayeroh sorry13:22
* dr_willis dances the samba 13:22
* genii sips13:22
* shadeslayer sobs as his CD's are eaten by hi laptop13:23
norenmy vlc does not have sound i was thinking of getting pulse audio as i see theres a plugin in vlc for pulse but not for alsa13:23
dr_willischeck the vlc settings - you can set it to use alsa. or oss.  OR it could be a codec issue with that specific video file13:23
dr_willistry some other video files13:23
dr_willisrun vlc from a terminal also and look for messages13:23
semmyciao a tutti13:24
* shadeslayer is totally lost as to why his CD doesnt automount13:24
norenass other player such as dragon player plays the file well13:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:24
dr_willisnoren,  that one might be using the w32codecs or somthing.13:25
dr_willisif i recall - vlc does not use the codec packs it includes most of them allready. mplayer and others need the w32codec package13:25
noren[00000454] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)13:26
noren[00000454] main audio output error: couldn't find a filter for the conversion13:26
noren[00000454] main audio output error: couldn't create audio output pipeline13:26
dr_willistry the settings see if you can set it to alsa instead of oss perhaps13:27
norenwell in gui i have already done that13:27
shadeslayeruh any way i can reset hal??13:27
dr_willisnoren,  on some players you have to quit/restart them for some settings to take effect. not sure ablut vlc13:28
dr_willistheres a hal service.. but im not sure what that would 'reset' if anything13:29
dr_willisive never needed to reset hal :)13:29
ubottuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer13:29
squid0hi. when I play movies, the colour is all weird. vlc and mplayer. why could that be?13:29
shadeslayerdr_willis: well my CD drive wont automount since powertop stopped hal from polling,works fine in GNOME tho13:30
dr_willissounds like video drivers squid013:30
dr_willisshadeslayer,  mount it manually? :)13:30
shadeslayerdr_willis: dolphin cant see it13:31
dr_willisim old-skool.. i got scripts made up called 'cdin' and 'cdout' that mount/unmount&eject my cds :P13:31
squid0dr_willis: ok. it's all been fine until pretty recently. now things get a strange tint/hue13:31
norendr_willis: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com:80/133029/ << vlc13:32
dr_willisALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'13:33
shadeslayernow mount cant see cdrom0 :(13:33
dr_willisLooks like its confused about what sound card to use13:33
ikoniashadeslayer: if you have put power managment setup on - which I assume is what powertop is (I don' tknow though) I suspect it may have stopped auto spin up on the CDROM which will stop a dbus event for ha l13:34
shadeslayeryep powertop is a power management tool for laptops13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about powertop13:36
shadeslayerikonia: so any remedies??13:36
dr_willispowertop is intels tweaking stuff I thought. Not just for laptops. :)13:36
=== martin_ is now known as martin__
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about powerdevil13:36
dr_willisPowerTOP is a software utility designed to measure and explain a computer's electrical power consumption. It was released by Intel in 2007 under the GPLv2 license.13:36
BluesKaj!info PowerDevil13:37
ubottuPackage PowerDevil does not exist in intrepid13:37
BluesKajwhat ? ..it's in system settings13:37
dr_willis!find devil13:37
ubottuFound: codeville, devilspie, dict-devil, libdevil-dev, libdevil1c2 (and 1 others)13:37
BluesKajhmm...left not knowing what the right hand is doing ?13:38
dr_williswhats the 1 other bot! tell us!13:38
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:39
squid0so dr_willis, what can I do about the video with strange colours?13:39
dr_willissquid0,   check the forums for your card/drivers/issue - perhaps.13:40
dr_willisive heard of some cards and drivers having similer issues.13:40
shadeslayernow i mount cant find my cd drive13:40
ikoniashadeslayer: if mount can't see the device for your cd drive it's nothing to do with hal13:40
ikoniashadeslayer: the device file should be created by udev at boot time for it13:41
BluesKajshadeslayer , reboot , HAL will find it13:41
shadeslayerikonia: thats a recent development13:41
ikoniashadeslayer: that still makes it nothing to do with hal13:41
ikoniashadeslayer: udev is not hal13:41
ikoniashadeslayer: if you can't see the device file - hal is not at fault13:41
shadeslayerikonia: uh,till yesterday night i could easily mount the drive13:41
geniiGah, work. /away13:42
BluesKajshadeslayer , why do you keep having to remount your cdrom drive , have you been playing around in fstab ?13:42
shadeslayerBluesKaj: actionparsnip told me to mess with it,he posted his fstab and told me to copy the last line13:43
* shadeslayer scrolls up to find linkie13:43
BluesKajok shadeslayer. pastebin it so we can have a look13:44
ikoniacopying someone elses fstab should never be done unless you are %100 sure of what you are doing13:44
ikoniaif it's broke since you added that line.......reomve the line13:45
shadeslayer http://pastebin.com/f4d59331213:45
shadeslayerthat was his fstab13:45
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.ca/1363633 is mine13:46
shadeslayergah..my post expired13:46
* shadeslayer has new kernel and drivers to play with13:49
ikoniawhy do you need a new kernel13:49
ikoniaand what "drivers" are you talking about ?13:49
shadeslayerikonia: i mean i had a update13:49
shadeslayeri got a new kernel13:49
ikoniawell how ar eyou going to play with it ??? it's a binary file13:49
magnus_How come my dragonplayer cant play the movies I've downloaded ?13:50
shadeslayerikonia: you kill all the fun......anyways how do i reset fstab then??13:50
magnus_Is it not very fit for videowatching or?13:50
ikoniashadeslayer: you delete the line you added13:50
shadeslayerand it defaults ??13:51
ikoniashadeslayer: it's default is what it was before you added a line13:51
ikoniashadeslayer: you just delete the line you added13:51
ikoniashadeslayer: there is no default - each fstab is different for each system, hence why you should not copy someone else13:52
dr_willisI cant stand dragonplayer. :)13:52
shadeslayerikonia: got it,will never do so again13:52
shadeslayerikonia: line deleted,rebooting13:52
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:58
shadeslayerikonia: no new line13:58
ikoniashadeslayer: new line where ?14:00
shadeslayerin fstab14:00
ikoniashadeslayer: what do you mean no new line ?14:00
ikoniashadeslayer: you should have deleted a line14:00
shadeslayerikonia: i mean no new line after i deleted the old line in fstab and rebooted14:00
singularity_ais the issue with Kubuntu 9.04 alpha 6 not getting to the KDE desktop in vmware a known issue?14:00
ikoniashadeslayer: of course there is no new line14:01
ikoniashadeslayer: why would there be a new line if you deleted it ?14:01
shadeslayerikonia: so i manually add it??14:01
ikoniano ????14:01
ikoniashadeslayer: what are you messing with fstab for ?14:01
shadeslayerikonia: you told me to delete the old line,i delete it.......what next??14:02
ikoniashadeslayer: nothing14:02
ikoniashadeslayer: that's it14:02
shadeslayerikonia: so my CD should mount??14:02
ikoniashadeslayer: no - but you have removed the problem of copying someone elses line14:02
ikonianow you can debug the issues you have14:03
shadeslayerhmm,like dmesg | tail??14:03
ikonia(assuming your still having problems)14:03
ikoniayou can debug it how you see fit14:03
ikoniaI don't see how dmesg will help you at this time, but your welcome to progress how you see fit14:03
shadeslayerikonia: the thing is that the CD mounts in GNOME but not in KDE14:04
justin_why hello everyone14:04
ikoniashadeslayer: ok14:05
shadeslayerikonia: should i now put my problem as " hi i messed with fstab, and i was told to delete the line containing my CDROM device,so can anyone help me re write that line ?? "14:05
ikoniashadeslayer: you can ask the problem however you want - just ask with a much clear detail as possible14:06
shadeslayer hi i messed with fstab, and i was told to delete the line containing my CDROM device,so can anyone help me re write the line i deleted??14:07
shadeslayeri copied someone else's fstab line14:07
norenhi to get the pulse audio to do i alhave to remove also14:07
BluesKajnoren, a friendly warning ..pulse audio will break your system14:08
norenBluesKaj: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com:80/133029/ << can u suggest something here i dont have sound with vlc14:09
BluesKajnoren,  in the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM, Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'14:11
shadeslayerhi how do i reset fstab to defaults??14:11
geniishadeslayer: There is no "reset fstab to defaults" because not everyone has the same number of hd, partitions on the hd and order in which things are attached14:12
BluesKajnoren, if you don't have alsa , sudo apt-get install alsa-base14:12
ikoniashadeslayer: I told you this less than 5 minutes ago14:12
shadeslayergenii: ok so how do i  get fstab to recognise my CD rom14:13
shadeslayerikonia: sorry , i forgot14:13
norenBluesKaj: i have alsa basse but no alsa mixture14:13
BluesKajnoren , it's called alsamixer14:14
shadeslayerikonia: OMG,i fired up nautlius and it shows the CD14:14
geniishadeslayer: 1) find what device it is. Usually if you ls -l /dev/cdrom   it points to something like /dev/scd0 or so.    2) Add a line in the fstab which mounts that device under somewhere like /media/cdrom directory, using filesystem auto or iso9660 and udf.14:14
BluesKajnoren, just type alsamixer in the terminal14:15
geniiWork needs me, AFK a few14:15
shadeslayergenii: i opened nautilius and it shows the CD14:15
norenalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory14:15
Mr_Grieves|Hi all -- is it ok to delete all the /usr/src/linux-OLDVERSION.* files?14:17
BluesKajnoren , then alsa isn't seeing your soundcard... lspci | grep audio14:17
BluesKajnoren , then do: asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard"14:18
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BluesKajBBL , errands to do14:19
norenBluesKaj: i dont have any separate sound card i use the mother board14:19
shadeslayergenii: i did what you said,the CD opens with nautilus not dolphin and sudo mount /dev/cdrom gives me a error that there is a write block on the CD14:19
shadeslayerthen something about wrong fs type14:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:20
BluesKajno matter, it's still seen as an onboard card . noren14:20
shadeslayergenii: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,14:20
shadeslayer       missing codepage or helper program, or other error14:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OLDVERSION14:21
shadeslayeris there any place where i can edit my account to give myself a privilege to use a CD ROM??14:23
NollapisteDoes anyone use OpenBox with KDE?14:23
justin_most stable kde 4.2 distro????14:24
justin_learn xss online free??14:25
Nollapistejustin_: Debian is always a good choise when you need extreme stability.14:25
justin_it needs to be more user friendl14:26
justin_i'm somewhat new to linux running kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.2.1 intrepid14:26
justin_its buggy and i tried opensuse... which was worse14:26
Nollapistejustin_: You installed it from backports, so it's not very stable14:27
norenbluueskaj : thank set-default-card default14:27
=== diego is now known as Guest27702
NollapisteBut it's fine for me...14:27
shadeslayergah....i think dolphin is responsible14:27
Guest27702saluti a tutti14:28
justin_i saw on kubuntu's website 8.10 with 4.2 breathe blah blah but do they have a nice stable cd?14:28
justin_i couldnt find one on their sitge14:28
* genii sips14:28
macojustin_: kde 4.1 is in 8.1014:28
maco4.2 is in backports and the experimental ppa14:29
macofor 4.2 stable, you need to wait one more month for 9.0414:29
justin_thats what i was looking for thank you14:29
NollapisteI installed 4.2 from backports it works fine for me but there can always be problems14:29
justin_yeah its acer i think :(14:30
justin_i got an old acer and wiped off vista for my kubuntu14:30
jpedroza1Good morning all. I am having some serious issues with ACPI and HAL with my battery. It comes up and shows the battery and then the battery disappears and can't be found. I have gone through a bunch of bug reports and can't seem to find a fix. If I cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state I get present: no14:32
jpedroza1I have tried restarting acpi and hal all to no avail.14:32
justin_and one more q for you nerds =P anyone know a good spot to learn xss free??14:32
shadeslayeratleast lancelot can see it14:33
shadeslayerbut i cant still open the device14:33
Nollapistejpedroza1: Witch version of kubuntu do you use?14:33
jpedroza1This is on intrepid14:34
emanoelim sorry cannot helping you, goog luck!14:34
NollapisteOops, *which14:35
Nollapistejpedroza1: And what laptop do you use?14:35
jpedroza1Nollapiste: I should mention that I upgraded the BIOS to the latest version yesterday, and enabled acpi in the bios after the update. This is on an MSI 1719.14:35
shadeslayerill use GNOME for the time being then,since no one knows what to do14:35
jpedroza1shadeslayer: I missed your question. What are you trying to do?14:36
Nollapistejpedroza1: I think that a BIOS update doesn't effect to system14:36
shadeslayerjpedroza1: i messed with my fstab yesterday and copied some one else's fstab,my CD rom wont automount14:37
shadeslayerso i deleted the line,re-wrote the line i copied,still the drive refuses to automount14:37
shadeslayerjpedroza1: it mounts in nautilus tho14:38
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Does the CD show up in the device notifier widget?14:39
jpedroza1can you give me a pastebin of your fstab?14:40
shadeslayersure one sec14:40
jpedroza1shadeslayer: thanks14:40
shadeslayerjpedroza1: http://pastebin.com/m78e7332614:41
jpedroza1shadeslayer: are you sure that your cdrom mounts at /media/cdrom? Mine is set to /media/cdrom0 in fstab. Other than that the lines are exactly the same.14:43
shadeslayerls -l /dev/cdrom gave me /dev/cdrom -> scd014:44
ikoniaso ?14:44
ikoniahow does that change the mount point ?14:44
shadeslayerso i thought that cdrom is the mount point14:45
shadeslayerso do i change it to cdrom0 ??14:45
ikoniathe mount point has nothing to do with the device name, unless hal is create a lable14:46
shadeslayerikonia: so it comes back to hal again ??14:46
ikoniait's nothing to do with hal as I said14:46
ikoniaI'm saying that is the only time the name of a mount point would matter, and as you're using fstab - not hal, it doesn't matter14:47
* shadeslayer is a bit confused,thats all14:47
shadeslayeroh i get it now14:47
shadeslayerikonia: why is it that nautilus can mount the CD but not dolphin??14:48
ikoniabecause they are two different desktops14:48
ikoniaor "file managers" what ever you want to call them14:48
shadeslayerbut they use the same fstab  i guess??14:48
ikoniaI suspect they will be mounting it in userspace - but I don't know that for a fact without looking14:49
XPS_M1330where can  remove the logoff sound event?14:50
JontheEchidnaXPS_M1330: System Settings -> Notifications14:50
XPS_M1330yes I just coudln't find the event source, now I got it14:50
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Can you mount the CD using mount at the command line and then try and browse to /media/cdrom in dolphin?14:51
shadeslayerjpedroza1: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,14:51
shadeslayer       missing codepage or helper program, or other error14:51
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Ok, I think I see a problem with your CD line in fstab14:52
* shadeslayer looks more carefully 14:52
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Try making it look like this: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom   udf,iso9660   user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       014:53
vassiliHI! How to select files group in the com.line?14:53
jpedroza1the udf is a format, not an option14:53
jpedroza1now try and mount at the command line14:53
sorsethi , i have problem with adept manager recently!14:53
sorsetin sources when i click on Edit Software Sources it begins to "fetch current package lists"!!14:53
shadeslayersame erroe14:54
vassiliHI! How to select files group in the com.line?14:54
jpedroza1shadeslayer: What command are you using to mount the CD?14:54
shadeslayerjpedroza1: mount /dev/cdrom14:55
shadeslayereven adding sudo does not help14:55
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Try mount /media/cdrom14:55
* shadeslayer wants to try the -f option14:56
jpedroza1vassili: Not sure I understand your question. Do you want to select multiple files from a command line?14:56
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Do you know the format of the disk in the drive?14:57
vassilijpedroza1: Yes!14:57
shadeslayeri think it said something like cddma14:57
vassilijpedroza1: how?14:57
=== amit is now known as Guest94676
jpedroza1vassili: Are you trying to copy these files?14:57
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Do you have a disk that we know is an ISO9660 or UDF formatted disk?14:57
=== Guest94676 is now known as amit_
vassilino, i want encode wav files with lame14:58
jpedroza1shadeslayer: I just want to make sure that this is not a format issue14:58
vassilino, i want encode wav files with lame14:58
vassilijpedroza1: i want encode wav files with lame14:58
=== bravino is now known as eccomiqua
jpedroza1vassili: If the files all have the extension (.wav) you can use the wildcard  *.wav14:59
vassilivassili@vassili-laptop:~/newmp3/_$ lame *.wav15:00
vassililame: excess arg _03.wav15:00
shadeslayerjpedroza1: dunno what youre talking about15:00
jpedroza1shadeslayer: The disk mounts in gnome, correct?15:02
jimdb_vassili: When in doubt try it out15:02
=== varg is now known as gaffurabi
jpedroza1vassili: Are there any special characters in the names of the files? If so, LAME can interpret them as passing an argument. Characters like - (hyphen) are particularly problematic.15:04
amit_no one speaks... here.. boring.. room15:04
ikoniaamit_: many people speak15:05
jpedroza1amit_: Do you have a question?15:05
ikoniaamit_: you've just watched conversations15:05
amit_i am new to irc...15:06
jpedroza1anyone have any ideas on my disappearing battery?15:06
amit_is this is tech chat v?15:06
ikoniaamit_: it is kubuntu support15:06
jpedroza1amit_: Yes15:06
amit_oh... great.. thanks... :)15:06
shadeslayerjpedroza1: correct,sorry for the ;ate reply15:08
shadeslayerjpedroza1: your battery is dying??15:09
jpedroza1shadeslayer: No, my battery just disappears from power manager. It shows in /proc/acpi/battery for a bit, then says it isn't found15:10
jpedroza1shadeslayer: I have to admit that I am at a bit of a loss as to why the disk is not showing in kubuntu. The only other thing I can think is that kubuntu is looking for it at /media/cdrom0.15:11
shadeslayerjpedroza1: oh i see,tried mopdprobe??15:11
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Maybe change the mount point, see what happens.15:11
shadeslayerto cdrom0??15:11
jpedroza1shadeslayer: yes15:11
shadeslayeryes as in you tried modprobe or yes to change the mount point15:12
ikoniashadeslayer: modprobe what ?15:12
ikoniashadeslayer: what should he moprobe ?15:12
shadeslayerikonia: maybe the battery??15:12
jpedroza1shadeslayer: sorry, I have not tried modprobe. lsmod shows the acpi modules15:12
ikoniamodprobe the battery ??15:13
shadeslayereh leave it15:13
ikonialeave it ?15:13
ikonialeave what ?15:13
shadeslayerthis discussion15:13
shadeslayerok look ill try to change the mount point15:13
ikoniashadeslayer: then don't make random suggestions to people that can potentially do damage15:13
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shadeslayerikonia , jpedroza1 : same error as before15:15
shadeslayerwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,15:16
shadeslayer       missing codepage or helper program, or other error15:16
jpedroza1shadeslayer: With that change in place, can you eject the disk and re-insert it, please?15:16
shadeslayer:O the CD is not ejecting15:17
jpedroza1hmmmm, that usually means it is mounted somewhere.15:17
jpedroza1do a df -k on the cli for me15:17
jpedroza1see if there is a cd in the list15:17
shadeslayertwo partitions i dont recognise : udev and varrun15:18
jpedroza1can you pastebin the output for me?15:19
shadeslayerjpedroza1: http://pastebin.com/m3a0e36ac15:20
shadeslayerjpedroza1: got my link??15:22
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Looking at it now15:22
shadeslayerok i thought i got a netsplit my self15:24
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Nothing out of the ordinary there. Very similar to mine.15:24
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Can you try unmounting /media/cdrom, as root (sudo) just for the thrill of it15:25
shadeslayerwhat about -f command15:25
jpedroza1not sure that would help.15:25
shadeslayernope same error without -f15:25
shadeslayerjpedroza1: :O it mounted with -f15:26
jpedroza1shadeslayer: if you ls /media/cdrom, does it show any files?15:26
shadeslayerjpedroza1: :( no15:26
xainWhat video player could i use to play .flv file's?15:27
shadeslayer!flv > xain15:27
ubottuxain, please see my private message15:27
Slartibartfastxain: i can play flash video with any video player15:28
shadeslayerjpedroza1: so nothing can be done i guess??15:28
jpedroza1shadeslayer: I am sorry, but I am at a bit of a loss.15:28
shadeslayer:( ive spent 2 hours and i am stuck with my CD rom inside the notebook with no way to remove it........nice15:29
xainI can't seem to get .flv file's to run in dragon player.15:29
jpedroza1shadeslayer: try sudo umount /media/cdrom15:30
jpedroza1then see if you can remove the disk15:30
shadeslayerjpedroza1: umount: /dev/scd0: not mounted15:30
Slartibartfastxain: here also with dragon player no problem to play flash video ... do you have medibuntu in your sources.list?15:31
jpedroza1shadeslayer: if you click on the device notifier in the GUI does it show any disks?15:31
shadeslayeronly my iPod15:32
xainI will have to check in a second, i used apt-get for the restricted format's.15:32
shadeslayerjpedroza1: tho lancelot shows the CD15:32
xainDidn't know it was going to download java...15:32
ubottuxain: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:32
shadeslayerill just restart to remove it15:32
jpedroza1shadeslayer: can you eject with lancelot?15:32
shadeslayeroh wait15:33
shadeslayer:O it ejected15:33
* shadeslayer dances15:33
xainIs there a way to install all of them at once?15:33
Slartibartfastxain: when you enable medibuntu in your sources.list then do sudo apt-get install w32codecs15:34
Slartibartfastor if you have a 64bit system ..... w64codecs15:35
shadeslayerjpedroza1: still does not mount :(15:35
=== vittorio is now known as MaRt4
jpedroza1shadeslayer: Man, you have me stumped. Not a good day for me today.15:36
shadeslayerjpedroza1: where can i edit my permissions in KDE??15:36
shadeslayerjpedroza1: hehe15:36
jpedroza1shadeslayer: permissions for what?15:36
shadeslayerjpedroza1: like using a CD ROM,modem,etc15:36
shadeslayerjpedroza1: like in GNOME's Users and groups15:36
jpedroza1shadeslayer: There is Kuser in K->Applications->System15:39
shadeslayerjpedroza1: haldaemon is unchecked15:40
shadeslayerjpedroza: whats ur status??15:41
jpedrozashadeslayer: I am here.15:41
jpedrozashadeslayer: Network hickup15:41
shadeslayerjpedroza: i mean in kusers>group15:41
shadeslayerill just enable haldaemon and see what happens15:42
jpedrozashadeslayer: adm, dialout, cdrom, plugdev, lpadmin, admin, sambashare15:42
shadeslayersomewhat different here15:43
shadeslayeri have dip,audio and scanner as well15:44
shadeslayeri have a bright idea15:44
shadeslayerjpedroza: ill add another account and see if the CD mounts15:45
* shadeslayer hears his CD spinning15:45
xtis there kde4 packages anywhere built with qt4.5?15:48
Slartibartfastxt: Yeah ... in Jaunty15:49
xtHow far is jaunty from freeze?15:49
Slartibartfastxt: it is already frozen15:49
Slartibartfastfeature frozen15:49
Slartibartfastqt is to big to just upgrade in intrepid15:51
blip-hi,  anyone know how to enable the "experimental" repos on Hardy ?    I heard that KDE4.2 is inside there15:53
jpedrozashadeslayer: Did it work?15:54
xtdoes nvidia binary driver work in jaunty?15:55
shadeslayer_jpedroza: hey,im on my test sccount15:56
Slartibartfastxt: when you install the one older then 180.35, yes15:56
jpedrozashadeslayer_: any luck?15:56
Slartibartfast180.35 gave a lot of trouble on my desktop15:56
shadeslayer_k3b can read the CDrom but dolphin cant see it15:56
xtSlartibartfast: k, I have 180.2915:57
jpedrozashadeslayer_: that don't make no sense15:57
shadeslayer_jpedroza: on my actual account even k3b gave me a error15:57
Slartibartfastxt: you installed not from directly from nvidia ?15:57
xtno, some ppa.15:57
shadeslayer_jpedroza: well this means that the cd is mounted and kicking right?? its just that dolphin has some bug15:58
Slartibartfastxt: Mmmm ... well you can try i think ...15:58
jpedrozasounds like it.15:58
Slartibartfastxt: don't know much you want qt 4.515:58
zik after that the shortcut got f*cked up and alo it seems that my launcher menu got corrupted (system monitor item not showing under "system" anymore. there's the edited shortcut tin the "lost & found" submenu though). how do i restore the menu items? google didn't help and neither did reinstalling the ksysguard package.15:58
xtwell, I like to bleed anyway (:15:58
zikdamn. :)15:59
shadeslayer_jpedroza: so dophin bugs go in #dolphin??15:59
Slartibartfastxt: hehehe .. then "go for it"15:59
jpedrozashadeslayer_: I would guess so15:59
draik_My friend has bluetooth keyboard, mouse and speakers. The keyboard and mouse work well, but not the speakers. Where should I begin looking for a solution?15:59
shadeslayer_jpedroza: +k on the channel16:00
blip-what is the situation with KDE4.2.1 on Hardy ?      This only mentions Janty   http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.216:00
shadeslayer_jpedroza: i think ill file a bug report16:00
jpedrozashadeslayer_: cool. Sorry I wasn't more help.16:01
shadeslayer_oh no problems,just hope its sorted before 2 nd April (Install fest)16:02
Slartibartfastblip-: Hardy is LTS ... long time support ... when you add unsupported software on it the whole purpose of LTS gets lost ....16:02
blip-Slartibartfast: I didn't realize it was unsupported.  I'm guessing there is no hope of KDE4 coming to Hardy in the future then16:05
Slartibartfastblip-: i even have on intrepid a check for "unsupported updates" to have KDE 4.216:06
blip-oh ok16:06
Slartibartfastblip-: but if you really want it you ofcourse can compile it yourself :-)16:06
blip-Slartibartfast: not that badly I don't :)16:07
Slartibartfastblip-: ok ok ... Then maybe wait amonth for Jaunty or so16:07
inanimateIs there a reason that when I try to blank my LCD, KScreenSaver wakes it up and takes over?16:07
inanimateI'm blanking it with: xset dpms force off16:07
blip-Slartibartfast: jaunty will be out in a month ?   ididn't Intrepid like just come out 2 months ago... it's too soon16:08
blip-? jaunty16:08
blip-! jaunty16:08
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.16:08
SlartibartfastJaunty will be 9.04 ... meaning the 4th month of (200)916:08
blip-oh nice16:09
blip-I was always wondering where that crazy naming convention came from :D16:09
Slartibartfast:-) ... well the names like Jaunty Jackalope ... will follow the alphabet ... the next one will be Karmic Koala ...16:10
Slartibartfastwill be 9.10 we guess16:10
Slartibartfastoctober 200916:11
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html16:12
blip-Karmic Koala is a nice name.16:12
blip-I don't fancy Hardy Heroin too much :D16:12
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html16:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eeebuntu16:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eebuntu16:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ebuntu16:13
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org16:13
blip-was looking for this http://www.eeebuntu.org/16:14
blip-I guess it's not an official flavor perhaps16:14
Slartibartfastah ... OK... there is a special ubuntu for netbooks .... but what was it's name ?16:14
hixEasy Peasy ;)16:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr16:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbuntu16:16
Slartibartfast!info ubuntu netbook remix16:16
ubottunetbook is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']16:16
Slartibartfastaaaah :-) ok ok .. we forgive you ubottu16:17
blip-!info ubuntu kubuntu-members-kde4 remix16:17
ubottuPackage ubuntu does not exist in kubuntu-members-kde416:17
shadeslayerok gtg bye all16:18
hixubuntu eee now called easy peasy: http://www.geteasypeasy.com/16:22
Pconfigheya, any way to install kdevelop4 from a repo?16:31
Pconfigcan't seem to find it anywhere16:31
casakubuntui am spain16:32
FuriousGeorge1hey all16:34
FuriousGeorge1anyone know where i should put an export command so that it is run on boot?16:34
SlartibartfastFuriousGeorge1: is it user specific ?16:35
FuriousGeorge1Slartibartfast: no16:35
Slartibartfastthen in .bashrc16:35
SlartibartfastFuriousGeorge1: what export you need ? .... if i may ask :-)16:36
FuriousGeorge1Slartibartfast: /etc/init.d/rc?  i need to set the variable TZ to my timzone to get around a bug in java16:36
SlartibartfastSo you timezone which is now set is not right in java ? ......16:37
FuriousGeorge1Slartibartfast: correct, java apps didnt adjest for DST16:37
FuriousGeorge1but only java apps16:38
FuriousGeorge1so /etc/init.d/rc?16:38
impyIs there a command for launcher properties to keep an app on a specific workspace?16:39
SlartibartfastFuriousGeorge1: yeah i think you are right with that guess ... but i'm not sure ...16:39
FuriousGeorge1Slartibartfast: im sure it will work, just wondering if it was "best practice"16:40
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SlartibartfastFuriousGeorge: I think a workaround for a bug in java does not have a "best practice" ... the best would be that the bug gets fixed16:42
FuriousGeorgeSlartibartfast: i just meant for defining env vars on boot16:42
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SlartibartfastFuriousGeorge: i think system wide variables are indeed set by /etc/init.d/rc ... i can remeber it was in ealier versions of redhat ... rc.local16:45
impyIs there a command for launcher properties to keep an app on a specific workspace?16:45
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Ev0luti0n_hello folks16:54
Ev0luti0n_i have a question, about internet/gateway problems (sort off)16:54
Ev0luti0n_anyone to help?16:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:56
Ev0luti0n_I know about that. Just wanted to avoid, to talk for nothing16:57
Ev0luti0n_the question is:16:57
norenhi all16:57
impyIs there a command for launcher properties to keep an app on a specific workspace?16:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Epiphany16:59
noren!info Epiphany16:59
ubottuPackage Epiphany does not exist in intrepid16:59
Ev0luti0n_i have an IPtv router from thomson. The router works well, and is fully configured and gives access to the web properly. The problem is that when i restart the computer, although the router hasn't reseted nor the connection droped, i am unable to access the internet, only solving the problem after restarting the router manually (power button). Any help or ideas on this?16:59
Ev0luti0n_I am running kubuntu 8.1017:00
SlartibartfastEv0luti0n_: Sorry but i don''t have an answer ... but seems it's more router problem as kubuntu17:03
Ev0luti0n_thanks for the help anyways17:03
slerderHey guys. Does anyone have any experience booting an os, whether it be windows or ubuntu,etc from a usb 2.0 hdd? I was planning on doing this but was worried usb 2.0 was not fast enought and would make things sluggish. Any thoughts? Thanks17:04
kuaeraWow. Kubuntu Jaunty has been getting a ton of updates recently D:17:05
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impyIs there a command for launcher properties to keep an app on a specific workspace?17:06
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martijn81hi, my desktop does not boot anymore after the lastest updates under 8.1017:19
martijn81is this only me experiencing this?17:20
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norenmartijn81:  whats the prob17:22
martijn81noren: my dekstop strands in a terminal17:23
norenmartijn81: : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:24
martijn81noren: i can't i do not get even a terminal anymore17:24
norenwhere are u stuck now17:25
martijn81it says something about /dev/sda but it does nothing17:25
norenboot back into recovery mode17:26
martijn81noren: how?17:30
norensorry had to reboot17:30
norendid u boot back inn recovery mode, frm grub17:30
martijn81noren: how then, i see no options there17:31
norenhow are u communicationg here17:31
martijn81noren: by a live-cd off cource17:32
snarksteri was playing savage2 last night and now my keyboard is very slow. have to hold each key for 1 second for it to work17:32
norenboot frm the hard disk, use the recovery mode, u can use irssi frm the konsole from there to communicate17:33
martijn81noren: i know, but how do i get into recovery mode17:33
martijn81i do not get these options from grub17:33
norenin grub there are two option one normal and other is grub17:33
martijn81noren: ok but how?17:34
snarkstercan someone help me with a slow keyboard issue17:35
norenwell martine wen u boot frm hardisk do u get to the konsole ## from there u can run sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade17:35
geniimartijn81: Usually you hit ESC when you see the grub loading message and then you get a menu17:35
dotancohenWhat's the issue, snark?17:35
martijn81noren: i do not even get the console enymore17:36
norenmartijn81: as genii said try hitting esc while bootup17:36
martijn81noren: and then?17:37
martijn81does it give me any options then17:37
norenchoose the recovery option17:37
impyDoes anyone have a link to a list of application launcher commands? Ubuntu 8.04 remix17:37
martijn81ok, i will try17:37
martijn81see you later17:37
Pconfighey, anybody knows if there is a repo for kdevelop-kde4 in intrepid? Can't seem to find any17:39
snarksterdotancohen: i have 1sec delay between keypress and something displaying17:40
udogood evening. How I can install kde 4.2? On my PC i haven't install kubuntu or kde?17:43
snarksterslow keys is turned on. how do you turn it off17:44
norenudo: get a fresh install cd u can download it17:44
thefishudo what version of ubuntu are you running? I think it might be in intrepid default repos now17:46
geniisnarkster: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97262717:46
geniiBah they left already17:47
udoI've intrepid and how I can install the kde 4.2 -desktop in a exist system. I don't want to reinstall my OS!17:47
JontheEchidnaudo: Go to Adept -> Sources -> Edit Software Sources17:48
JontheEchidnaThen in the updates tab17:49
JontheEchidnacheck the unsupported updates checkbox17:49
snarksterwow slow keys... what possible use are slow keys?17:49
JontheEchidnaclose the window, then update17:49
udoi don't have adept. I've only ubuntu and synaptic!17:49
JontheEchidnaudo: you should be able to do the same thing from the Software Sources editor17:50
JontheEchidnaenable unsupported updates then install kubuntu-desktop17:50
JontheEchidnasnarkster: some people have disabilities that make it hard to type17:50
snarksterdidnt think of that17:50
snarksternow how do you turn that on and off so i dont do it again17:50
udobackports or proposed?17:51
JontheEchidnaudo: backports17:51
JontheEchidnasnarkster: in the accessiblity section of system settings, in the modifier keys tab17:51
JontheEchidnathere should be sticky keys settings17:51
snarksterima lookin17:51
JontheEchidnaoh, and in the keyboard filters tab there are slow keys settings17:52
JontheEchidnathat's what you want17:52
snarksterI was just playhing away at savage 2 last night and it just went crazy...17:52
udooh, i want install kde 4.2, but not other newer programms.17:52
snarksteris there a way to change the accesibility hotkey to something besides shift?17:53
udolike gimp and barsero17:53
xjjkquickie: what's the purpose of /etc/shadow-?17:53
xjjkif I make changes to /etc/shadow do they need to be made in /etc/shadow- as well?17:53
snarkstershadow- is a backup17:54
Haza1Afternoon folks. How can i get the print screen dialog up?17:54
JontheEchidnaudo: If you add the kubuntu-experimental ppa  using the intrepid sources entries found here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa you should be able to just upgrade KDE17:54
Haza1I think my distro is toasted and print screen does not work :(17:54
snarksterthank you and good night17:54
xjjksnarkster: what creates it? am I fine editing only /etc/shadow and ignoring /etc/shadow-17:54
udocan I add this url to synaptic?17:54
JontheEchidnaHaza1: what version of Kubuntu and KDE are you using?17:55
JontheEchidnaudo: add this whole line:17:55
JontheEchidnadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main17:55
Haza1]8.10 KDE 4.217:55
JontheEchidnahmm, print screen works here with 9.04 and KDE 4.217:55
Haza1JontheEchidna: Yeah i did an upfrage from 8.04 to 8.10 and the updrage was fail17:56
udowhat does gpg-error mean?17:56
JontheEchidnaHaza1: Could you got to the Input Actions section of System Settings and tell me what's there?17:56
Haza1Half my widgets doen't work for a start! :D17:56
Haza1JontheEchidna: Input Actions?17:56
udono public key.17:56
JontheEchidnaIn the General tab17:56
Haza1JontheEchidna: Cheers mate. I found it. There was no key assigned to ksnapshot17:59
JontheEchidnaYeah, I think I had to make one manually too17:59
Haza1JontheEchidna:  I assigned it and tested. It Works.17:59
Haza1Thanks again17:59
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome18:00
udoI've added the whole line and would install kubuntu-desktop, then comes this message during the installation:18:02
udo  Depends on: "ark", but it is not installed.18:02
JontheEchidnawhat happens if you try to install ark manually?18:03
udoi'll check this18:03
jeppeone_Im in need of some help =/18:05
udojeppeone, what is problem?18:06
jeppeone_I cant create an connection with 3g prefered only gprs and gsm. Yust installed Kubuntu and im downloading all the updates in 6000B/s18:07
udowhat programm does you use?18:12
jeppeone_The built in Network Manager.18:13
udowhat version does you use?18:14
BluesKajjeppeone_ , can you see the network WAN or ?18:14
jeppeone_hm, i dont know what version it is =/.. It's a fresh install of Kubuntu 8.1018:15
jeppeone_BluesKaj, sorry im lost now? :$18:16
BluesKajwell jeppeone_, I'm not sure what you're trying to do18:18
jeppeone_BluesKaj, im trying to make my mobile internet use 3g and not gsm or gprs. :)18:19
udoits a connection with a mobile-phone?18:19
jeppeone_no it's with an Huawei E22018:19
dotancohenDoes anybody know how to navigate the Buffer Tree in Quassel with the keyboard? I've tried [Alt||Ctrl] Arrow Keys and PgUp, PgDn18:21
udoits a usb-stick?18:21
jeppeone_it works but über slow speed.18:22
udodo you can connect the internet on another PC?18:22
jeppeone_Im connected to internet now. But the problem is that i cant connect to a 3g network since i can only make it connect to gprs or gsm no 3g option.18:24
udodoes the huawei support 3g?18:24
udoSorry, I don't know what ofc is!18:27
jeppeone_Sorry :) Of course :)18:28
schwalbe93list jeppone_18:33
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willWhat can anyone recommend to use for burning mp3 audio to cd's?18:44
Dragnslcrwill- pretty sure k3b can do it18:57
tmeixnerwhy do the canadian repositories have a download speed of an analog telephone line? I'm waiting 10 minutes for a apt-get update18:58
willIt said unsupported format in K3B, so i went ahead and downloaded Brasero.18:59
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willAnd Brasero run's slow as hell in KDE for some reason.19:00
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noren___will: burn them as data cd19:06
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:08
willOh, i did not know you were suppose to burn them as data.19:12
willWell, that's helpful to know, haha.19:12
reesehow do I find which file system I have my kubuntu on?19:16
LjLreese: "mount"19:17
somekoolanyone using the old konversation with KDE 4.2  ?19:21
dotancohen@somekool: I'm using quassel and it's pretty decent19:27
dotancohenWhat do you miss from konversation?19:27
dotancohenI only wish that I could embed quassel in kopete, so that all my chats would be in one place.19:27
dotancohenI should file a bug19:27
giulianovoce sabe se o megacubo tem versão para ubuntu?19:34
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hibanabot: hi19:45
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hibanaubottu: hi19:46
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:46
hibanaubottu: help19:46
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:46
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Nortichi all19:48
=== Guest80961 is now known as scott___
scott___can someone help me enable direct rendering19:49
NorticCan i create custom distr with Ubuntu Customization kit on Kubuntu?19:51
Norticplz answer because I want install Kubuntu on machine where haven't internet connection19:54
jussi01Nortic: I beleive so.19:54
ubottuUCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/19:55
trans_So I think I found a bug in the developmental vesion in jaunty but am unsure of how to list it. Little help maybe?19:57
jcpratherdoes 1024 open files not seem like a somewhat small limit for a badass workstation?19:58
jussi01trans_: please join #ubuntu+119:58
jcpratherkmail kept crapping out with too many open files until i checked "show only subscribed folders"19:59
XPS_M1330what packages are needed to handle ipod with amarok?20:05
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:06
cajunif i purchase an older internal DVD-ROM, is it an easy setup to make it work and play DVDs on my computer? running Intrepid20:10
trans_With the price of new dvd rom drives, there shouldn't be any reason to buy an older one. But yes, it shouldn't be that hard.20:11
XPS_M1330!help dbus20:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help dbus20:11
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
=== saiyan is now known as trut
cajunwell i'm looking for something pretty cheap.20:13
cajunlike <$3020:13
cajuni have found a few online.  i just wanted to make sure that they would work on my system.20:14
trans_Like I said, they should work. There are a couple of variables as to why they wont work, but most computers will take them.20:16
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest64372
trans_Make sure you have an available IDE slot available or opening on a channel. If your computer is kinda old, you need to make sure the DVD drives aren't SATA or that you have SATA.20:17
jcpratherin the 90's when graphics cards couldn't handle rendering stuff that well, i think i had a pci dvd decoder card that needed windows drivers20:18
cajunok.  thx20:18
jcpratherbut that was just so that it could display despite my crappy 2meg s3 virge chip20:18
jcpratherwith decent video cards, i think any dvd drive should let software play it fine w/o such silly extra hardware and drivers20:18
trans_I agree JC.20:19
jcpratherand afaik, they're all atapi compatible, unlike the ancient cdroms with their different interfaces20:19
trans_Also to play encrypted DVDs, you need to install some restricted software. Here is a link to the software : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs20:20
cajunthanks.  how can i doublecheck my motherboard to see if it can handle sata?20:20
trans_well, the instructions... not software:)20:20
cajuni believe it can. i'm not at home at the moment.20:20
cajunthe motherboard is from 2004.20:21
trans_When you go home, look for these blue ports on your computer : http://www.hardwarezone.com/img/data/articles/2007/2387/p6ngm_sata.jpg20:21
cajunoh ok.  cool20:21
trans_They may not be blue20:21
trans_on your motherboard20:21
cajunok.  thanks.20:22
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=== Haza1_ is now known as [-Haza-]
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Laeborghow can I restart X via terminal ?20:41
rickestLaeborg: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart20:42
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=== Buzz_Killington is now known as BumbleBee_Tuna
somekooldotancohen: am I crazy or it seems Quassel is running a daemon to keep your IRC connection alive ?20:42
Dr_willis!find xcalib20:43
ubottuFound: xcalib20:43
Dr_willis!info xcalib20:43
ubottuxcalib (source: xcalib): Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.dfsg1-2 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB20:43
somekooli'm not missing any features from konversation, I am still using it. its just that a recent kubuntu update added a popup error when i launch konversation. it works anyway. but complains about ldap20:43
somekoolmaybe it aint related with a kubuntu update20:43
=== mo__ is now known as nob2x
nob2xgood evening20:45
Ariadnaxhello all20:46
Ariadnaxi need some helo with kontact. won't purge completed to-dos or even save new ones (same thing with events)20:46
nob2xhttp://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8409/smalldesk.png <- any idea how I could solve that?20:48
tmeixnerHi - is it possible to create a live usb stick with kubuntu which already has all the updates included for an express installation?20:49
tmeixnerwhen I'm at a friends place with slow internet I don't want to download all the updates and I have an 8GB USB Stick so space shouldn't be a problem20:51
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest26375
bob__ciao a tutti20:59
arfeehey, i have a question I hope someone can help with21:08
arfeeI have added KDE to my Ubuntu and I live in Holland21:09
arfeeI used to have problems discovering my network and had to add EU to something, but with KDE I have same problem again21:09
arfeewhat do I do to discover my wireless network?21:09
panos4eversudo rm -rf /21:14
yaa_any chukchas?21:15
yaa_help me chukchas21:15
yaa_that cannot be true21:16
yaa_that there are no any chukcha on the whole server21:17
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ZengolIs it worth it to upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty?21:20
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:21
Dr_willisZengol,  if it has features you need.. yes.. if not  no..  if you want to test it out yes...21:21
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Dr_willisZengol,  if you cant risk a unstable system... No...21:21
ZengolDoes it still have the same problem that 8.10 has with the system crashing back to KDE after resolution changes?21:22
arfee_hey everyone, you all ok?21:22
Dr_willisi dont have that problem. :)21:22
Dr_willissounds like it may be a video-driver specific/card specific issue Zengol21:22
ZengolI had to install open/boc due to teh problem.21:22
ZengolSorry about that.21:22
Dr_willissounds like its a kde 4.X bug then.21:22
ZengolNo, what is causing the problem is the avdanced desktop graphic's.21:23
ZengolI trned them off and it stopped.21:23
arfee_I just installed KDE 4 on Ubuntu, and live in Holland, I had to add regdom=EU when i wanted to discover my network on Ubuntu now cant dicover it on KDE?21:23
Dr_williseyecandy causes more problems then its worth most of the time21:23
ZengolI can change resolution's normally and everything else with absolutely no problem now.21:23
Dr_willisarfee,  add it where exactly?21:23
arfee_hang on let me find out21:24
ZengolWell, i'm planning on sitting here and testing out each piece of eye candy at a time to find out which one is causing it to crash back to KDE.21:24
ZengolOr of it's just the whole thing in general...21:24
arfee_/etc/modprobe.d/regdom options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=EU21:24
ZengolWhich it probably is knowing my luck,21:24
arfee_thats command line code21:24
ZengolAhh, desktop effect's is what i meant to call it.21:25
Dr_willisarfee_,  kubuntu and ubuntu use the same  system underneeth.  so it would be the same way to set it in both.21:25
arfee_thats what i thought21:25
arfee_hence why i dont understand why it doesnt discover the network21:25
Dr_willisI rarely use wireless.. so thats about all i know on the topic. :)21:26
arfee_hey, thanks anyway21:26
Dr_willisi also set my ssid's to be hidden. so i have to enter them21:26
ZengolHow do i set custom time?21:26
yaa_they have enslaves the whole world with tesla's21:26
ZengolI can't figure out how to change the time on my clock...21:26
ZengolOh, nvm.21:26
ZengolI found it.21:26
ZengolYeah, i'm still kinda new to KDE>21:26
ZengolUsed to Gnome.21:27
JamesCCAnyone know how to configure channel balance in Amarok? I lost output for my left channel.21:27
* Dr_willis rembers years ago befor pc's had battery/clocks . and you had to set the time at every bootup21:27
arfee_you know what, i just had a brainfart...im gonna re-enter that line...INSIDE of KDE...wow, im smart sometimes21:28
ZengolWon't let me set time or date....21:28
ZengolSay's it is unable to contact the server...21:29
Dr_willisinside kde? or you mean while running kubuntu?21:29
arfee_yeah thats what i meant21:29
Dr_willisarfee_,  you are dualbooting Kubuntu and ubuntu?21:29
Dr_willisarfee_,  or do you realize you can have 1 install with both desktops installed..21:29
arfee_no i have both in the sessions, so both desktops21:30
Dr_willisOk. :21:30
arfee_dualbooting is too much hassle21:30
ZengolWhy do i need to contact a time server to set my own damm clock?21:30
Dr_willisI see a lot of people that dont realize you can have kubuntu and ubutnu both installed at the same time. and just use GDM21:30
Dr_willisZengol,  its getting the time from the server.21:30
Dr_willisif you wan tto set it yourself you can use the date command i recall...21:30
ZengolWhy can i not set a custom time?21:31
arfee_ill brb, thanks for your help Dr_willis21:31
Mamarokahdach: don't query me please21:31
ZengolIt's irritating me because it's one hour behind, haha.21:32
ZengolGot it.21:33
ZengolThat's really confusing.21:33
devilsadvocate|lok, can someone help fix my laptop keys : dell inspiron. my amarok global shortcuts need to be changed, but it doesnt let me do that (i dont know how to put in an XF86Audio* entry in the thing) so i might need to fix the bindings system wide. currently, mute does not work, play/pause does play, stop does not work ...21:34
Mamarokahdach: behave, stop querying me and don't insult me!21:34
ZengolFor Amarok, go to setting's then configure global shortcut's. You should be able to use your function key to activate your shortcut's for play/pause, stop, and all that good junk.21:36
Dr_willisZengol,  sounds like your time zone was set wrong.21:37
Dr_willisor DST set wrong21:37
ZengolYeah, it was my timezone.21:37
ZengolI had to figure out where to change it at.21:37
ZengolIt was set to local, had to change it to Denver i believe.21:38
ZengolOh, North Dakota.21:38
nihility_My time is stuck on military time. does anyone know how to change it?21:42
JontheEchidnanihility_: In System Settings go to Regional and Language21:44
JontheEchidnathe time settings in there should allow you to change time format21:44
nihility_I do not see an option21:45
* jcprather thinks 12-hour clocks should be erradicated21:45
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jcprathernihility_: under Regional and Language settings, you don't have a "Time and Dates" tab?21:47
* jcprather is seeing this on jaunty, and supposes it may differ significantly from other versions21:48
nihility_no i do have that tab but no option in there...21:48
scott___can anyone help me with enabling direct rendering21:48
nihility_ok i have it set... forgive me as i just installed Kubuntu and have been using windows all of my life.21:49
jcprathero hurray. i was ksnapshotting and ready to draw circle on it for u21:50
nihility_Great... by the way i have been searching for MOTU drivers for linux but i can not seem to find any. suggestions?21:50
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nihility_Another question... is there another way to unistall apps beside using adept? Something more like add remove programs in windows>?21:55
jcpratheri haven't tried it, but there is a kde packagekit tool21:56
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jcprathertho im not sure if its available in versions prior to jaunty or how well it works currently21:57
nihility_I saw that but have yet to try it. i will check it out. Thanks again21:57
Guest28602I have installed restricted drivers,what do I need else to isntall for listening music from amarok?21:57
jcpratherdpkg - commandline package thingy21:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:57
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jcpratherlooks like apt-get will also remove packages via commandline21:58
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)21:58
jcpratheralso, aptitude, is a commandline that one of my coworkers is fond of21:59
devilsadvocate|lZengol, when trying to change amaroks shortcuts, pressing on the button makes it do what it is currently set to do, and does not actually change the setting itself...21:59
devilsadvocate|l(Zengol, sorry for the long delay)21:59
Guest28602jcprather : I have installed restricted drivers,what do I need else to isntall for listening music from amarok?22:00
jcpratheri'm new to kubuntu, and have never used amarok, so i don't know, i'm sorry22:00
devilsadvocate|lGuest28602, ubuntu-restricted-extras can help (and mp3 support.. amarok will help you when you try to play your first mp3)22:00
Guest28602devilsadvocate|l : I have installed that resticted extra...but when i want to play stream from amarok it says that there is no codec22:01
devilsadvocate|lGuest28602, ...22:02
nihility_ahh the pakage manager is so much better! thanks again22:02
Guest28602devilsadvocate|l : yes?22:02
devilsadvocate|lGuest28602, trying to remember22:02
devilsadvocate|lGuest28602, i think you need some libxine something for mp3. im sorry, i dont remember the exact package22:04
devilsadvocate|lGuest28602, if its an real media stream, then i dont know if its even possibel to play it22:04
Guest28602devilsadvocate|l : I know that I need it...I'll try with gstreamer...22:05
Guest28602devilsadvocate|l : thx22:06
nihility_Ok in windows i use a scripting languages called autoit and autohotkey. is there anything comperable for linux without having to learn an oop language?22:07
devilsadvocate|lGuest28602, the gstreamer plugins are in ubuntu-restricted-extras (i think ugly too)22:07
Guest28602devilsadvocate|l : yeah, but not all...22:07
Guest28602devilsadvocate|l : I've been looking in package manager...I'm trying something now22:08
vitalI have a laptop with a ATI mobile radeon x1600 videocard, what driver should I use as the proprietary driver dont support my chip? is it radeon or radeonhd?22:08
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Dr_willisvital, or 'ati'22:11
vitalDr_willis, okay, I'll try ati then :) thanks22:12
vitalDr_willis, thanks again, ati works wonderful :)22:15
Dr_willisjust no 3d accell22:20
vitalwell, it's fast enough for me, I dont play games, I just code ;)22:21
Dr_willisYou L33t C00DeR22:21
vitalhehe.. well..22:22
baalealHola como estan?22:25
k0ppif i was to create a folder in /dev/input, would it be erased upon reboot?22:28
leleastrohi all22:32
Dr_willisk0pp,  i would have to guess.. Yes.22:33
davidjheinrich_hi call, can anyone help me get my resolutio to 2048x1536 using xrandr?22:42
commander_does anyone have their awn up22:42
Iliehi, I just installed kubuntu and I experience some problems with a dual setup monitor22:43
Iliethe second monitor uses the same resolution as the laptop, any ideas how can I change it ?22:44
IlieSystem Settings -> Display shows only one monitof (default)22:44
Iliemy second monitor is a samsung 20" tft22:44
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sukumadedoes anyone know of a video card benchmark program for linux? the only articles i found on google were years old23:08
darkenergyhello, could someone please tell me what's on the kubuntu intrepid dvd that makes it so large?23:10
sukumademy guess are all the apps you would typically apt-get or additional development tools / x environments23:10
darkenergynever realised that was an option23:11
sukumadewell i am sure it doesn't include EVERYTHING you could get via apt-get23:12
sukumadebut a lot of common apps not included with the live cd23:12
geniiThe alternate cd for instance you could set up as a local repo. So likely the dvd is same sort of idea23:13
darkenergyi've used CD versions23:14
darkenergyboth alternate and live23:15
XPS_M1330which is the nicest MSN client?23:24
EtFbXPS_M1330: Pidgin is good.  I prefer it to Kopete, anyhow.23:25
geniiMy vote is also with pidgin23:26
bobosowhat is a good burning program?23:31
EtFbboboso: I had trouble with k3b, but it might have been a hardware problem with my old laptop.  It works well with the new one, so I guess it's ok.  Certainly does everything I need for casual DVD and CD burning.23:32
EtFbboboso: Real hard-core geeks tend to use command-line programs, apparently.23:32
delilazhello all, I have konqueror-nsplugins installed but my flashplayer isn't working, now I have kde 3.5 and I read that nsplugins wasn't really needed in 3.5, is that what's causing the player not to work?23:34
delilazAlso wonddering if installing gnash would affect the flashplayer plugin for firefox???23:35
bobosoEtFb: right i was asking cause i was looking for a good one for my bro23:36
Shilehi ppl23:36
delilazanyone know?23:37
Shileis any1 free to explain me how to use kubuntu 8.10 on my Windows XP as virtual machine?23:37
EtFbboboso: k3b will probably be fine.23:37
EtFbShile: What VM software?  VMWare?23:37
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Shileyes vmware23:37
Shilevm player23:37
EtFbShile: Are you using VMWare Workstation, VMWare Server or something else?23:38
bobosoEtFb: thanks he is already using it23:38
Shilei thought i can use wm player...i need vmware workstation?23:38
delilazI believe virtualbox is an easier virtual machine to set-up23:39
bobosovmware is easy23:40
EtFbdelilaz: VMWare is freakishly reliable and full-featured, especially now that VMWare Server offers everything that Workstation has, and is free.23:40
Dr_Willisi find virtualbox easier to use.23:40
Dr_Willisand it does what i need.  which isent much :)23:41
bobosoto downloand it and install it and then find the appliance you want and download it and then use vmware to run the appliance23:41
EtFbDr_Willis: I've never used it, so I don't know.23:41
delilazThanks boboso and EtFb23:41
Dr_Willisi normally test live cd iso files. for a long time vmware worked better.. then vbox did somtning :) and it started working better/easier.23:41
bobosoi have not used virtualbox either but i have 2 appliances running right now in vmware23:41
delilazbut I find virtualbox great too, it's also free23:42
delilazAnyone know if installing konqueror-plugin-gnash will interfere with the flashplayer plugin that firefox already has?23:43
delilazI have 3 web browsers and only 1 can use flashplayer :(23:44
BluesKajdelilaz:  install flashplugin-nonfree23:45
delilazBluesKaj: I do have that23:46
BluesKajthen uninstall flashplayer, they interfere23:47
delilazBluesKaj: ok thanks for the info :)23:48
BluesKajdelilaz: it depends on your setup, youmay be able to keep flashplayer23:50
delilazBluesKaj: how would I know if I'm able to keep it?23:52
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