
jmlPeng_: the idea has strengths and weaknesses00:26
jmlPeng_: obviously we'd download less from servers we're mirroring from00:26
jmlPeng_: but everyone branching from Launchpad would pay that price00:26
jmlPeng_: we can make the change fairly easily in our code, but it's a trade-off where the costs and benefits of the trade are murky.00:27
jmlmwhudson: re 'the import from local thing', what's the procedure for doing that?00:29
jml(tell me so I can add it to a wiki page somewhere)00:29
mwhudsonjml: it's on a wiki page already00:33
jmloh. cool.00:34
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emmaHey just out of curiosity, what is the value/purpose of listing people who have left a team or teams you have left? I think that I would be more likely to join/try more teams (thereby becoming more active in the community and on Launchpad) if I did not feel that any mistake would be like a tatoo on my record forever.02:24
nhandleremma: My guess is for historic reference. I am able to look at any team on LP and see who the current members are and who used to be a member02:26
emmanhandler: yeah for sure that's something you are able to do, as it is.02:27
emmaLooking to see who's currently on a team, that's very clear why that's valuable.02:27
nhandlerIt is also useful being able to see who used to be on a team. For instance, I can see who used to be on the MOTU Council or who used to be a core-dev02:29
emmaFor things like that there could be a registry or some hall of fame or something.02:30
emmaThe burden of having every choice I make including my anti-choices recorded forever creates an atmosphere where there is less freedom to try out new things.02:31
nhandleremma: Do you have an example of an incident where being listed as an expired/deactivated member of a team can be a bad thing?02:32
emmaYeah I think I could construct an example but from an interest in avoiding cruft it is psychologically irritating to think that any choice I make will be recorded forever, even if later on I don't want to be associated with it.02:35
emmaIf one of the design goals of Launchpad is to discourage people from trying stuff out unless they are really certain they will be active and interested, then this is a good strategy.02:36
Peng_barry: OT here, but in bug 336933 you said installing Pyrex would pull in a lot of things. I'm just curious, what would it pull in? What OS?02:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336933 in bzr "version control the pyrex output files" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33693302:48
barryPeng_: debian lenny.  off hand i don't remember what all else it was going to install02:50
Peng_barry: FWIW, on Ubuntu Gutsy, if I try to install it with aptitude, it brings in Python 2.4, but if I use apt-get, it doesn't.02:51
barryPeng_: weirdness02:52
Peng_barry: Yep. Anyway, I just wanted to suggest that in case it might help.02:52
barryPeng_: thx!02:53
dtchenPeng_: apt-get in gutsy doesn't install recommends by default for dist-upgrades02:53
dtchenPeng_: python-all-dev is a recommends, which pulls in python2.4 bits02:53
Peng_dtchen: Oh, thanks for the explanation.02:54
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kriyas13how to register a branch?05:16
jmlkriyas13: easy!05:35
jmlkriyas13: but if you just want to host a branch on Launchpad, you don't even need to register, just push it up05:35
jmlkriyas13: what project do you want to register your branch on?05:35
jmlfidji: hi05:35
kriyas13Morphological analysis for tamil05:38
jmlkriyas13: url?05:38
kriyas13I'm doing this project now, i don't know what is url?05:39
kriyas13how to create url?05:39
kriyas13jml: Are you there? please help me......05:41
jmlkriyas13: if you are registering a project, then go to https://launchpad.net/ and click "Create a new project"05:41
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maxbHmm, I've had a PPA upload rejected with Section "vcs" is not allowed in jaunty07:40
maxbwhich is an interesting can of worms, since I go that straight from an actual Debian sid package (mercurial)07:41
maxbWhat's even more interesting is that the debian-policy manual doesn't declare that to be valid07:42
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noodles775maxb: Does sound strange... I'm not aware of any changes, but the list of sections for jaunty is here:07:43
maxbapparently there are many new sections now07:47
maxbIt sucks a bit that I can't upload debian-based source to launchpad without having to mangle the section field07:48
maxbwishlist bug on Soyuz, do you think?07:49
noodles775Sounds good... certainly needs to be looked at since the email you linked to! :)07:50
maxbWhere does Soyuz track the valid sections, I wonder. Is this something requiring a Soyuz fix, or does it merely mean the Ubuntu archive admins will need to manually ack the first upload of each new section?07:53
noodles775maxb: I'm not sure... it's not something I'm familiar with.07:54
wgrantA grep for x11 through RF should tell you pretty quickly.07:54
noodles775wgrant: was just looking in the db for sections :)07:54
wgrantIt's in the DB.07:56
noodles775yes, we have a sections table...07:56
wgrantAnd the new sections do exist, just not in Ubuntu.07:56
wgrantI wonder how they get created in Ubuntu.08:00
wgrantSince it will have never needed to be done before.08:00
wgrant(gina appears to create them automatically, as the Debian import into LP isn't dead)08:00
maxbI shall leave you folks to ponder and file an "Investigate this" bug later if there's no conclusion here08:04
noodles775maxb: yes, definitely file a bug... that'd be great.08:05
maxbAre the sections per-distro or per-distroseries?08:05
noodles775maxb: distroseries08:05
maxbBecause it would be preferable to be able to upload new sectioned packages to, for example, hardy PPAs08:05
maxbWhich I guess is a secondary issue08:05
maxbAnd the hardy/intrepid backports pockets, I guess too08:06
maxbWould be irksome for sourceful backports to be required just to change a sectoin08:06
wgrantBackports will be problematic.08:07
wgrantBut this belongs in #ubuntu-devel, I suspect.08:08
wgrantActually, what am I saying08:09
wgrantWe've got overrides for that.08:09
wgrantSo it might not affect primary archive uploads at all.08:10
noodles775Just browsing through the code, it looks like soyuz just verifies that the indicated binary section name is one of the sections the db has for that distroseries, and if not, raises the error maxb saw.08:12
noodles775during processing of uploads.08:13
noodles775So I assume the db sections table is just not up08:13
wgrantRight, but I wonder how it will affect backports.08:13
wgrantDoes backport-source.py do a real upload?08:14
maxbSo there's potentially three separate issues here? 1) Adding the new sections in support of new jaunty uploads, 2) primary archive backports, 3) PPA backports08:15
maxbOr rather "PPA backport-esque uploads"08:16
wgrantPPAs are particularly problematic because they don't have overrides.08:16
noodles775If the package can be identified as a backport, then soyuz should be able to say: (1) check that section exists, (2) if not, and if package is a backport, check that section exists in later distroseries?08:20
wgranti suppose so.08:21
wgrantBut that belongs in a bug with distroteam people.08:21
wgrantmpt: I would like to see stats on what fraction of bug description and summary edits are made by you.08:36
mptwgrant, miniscule for Ubuntu (though you would have seen some yesterday), maybe 5% for Launchpad08:37
wgrantmpt: I'm sure I get far more from you than anyone else.08:37
mptwgrant, you and I both concentrate on Web-interface-related bugs08:38
wgrantmpt: True.08:38
mptOf the 4993 bug reports currently open for Launchpad, I reported 702 (14%) of them08:40
mptThat's obviously down a bit from when I was an active Launchpad developer. :-)08:40
wgrantNot bad!08:41
mptMeasuring edits would be hard because Launchpad doesn't record activity in a queryable fashion yet08:41
wgrant*Damn. I'm below 150 open against launchpad-project.08:41
wgrantIs there a good reason for the new team page to ask me to configure the team's languages?08:52
wgrantI wasn't aware that a team was intelligent enough to understand a natural language.08:52
Spadswgrant: I pity the fool who can't understand natural language!09:07
Spadswgrant: Oh, you didn't mean A-Teamâ„¢09:07
wgrantSpads: Now you have me confused!09:08
Spadswgrant: Sorry, just misread "a team" as "A-Team"09:09
Spadswgrant: and I thought "Why, of course Mr. T can understand natural language!"09:09
wgrantSpads: Hah.09:10
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wgrantAre the much-improved bug activity logs going to be back-populated? I'd imagine it would be possible to get most of the info from BugNotification...10:10
thekornwgrant: new activity log sounds intresting, I think I've never seen one, can you give me an example or are they not public yet?10:23
wgrantthekorn: There's a whole lot of changes happening in that area.10:24
wgrantthekorn: At the moment it seems to just be fixing APIs and recording more changes.10:24
wgrantBut soon it seems changes will be shown interleaved with the comments on the main page.10:25
wgrantWhich will be very good.10:25
thekornah ok10:25
wgrantIt's all finally being fixed and made useful!10:26
thekornyes, having changes and comments in the same view is very useful10:28
BjornTwgrant: we haven't decided yet whether we will back-populate the activity log. while it's possible for a lot of things, it's a lot of work. so we'll probably see if there's something that people really want to have back-populated and concentrate on that10:30
thekornthis way I can drop one of my greasemonkey scripts, which is a good thing10:31
wgrantBjornT: Hm, OK...10:32
lipHello, who is duty today?10:39
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loolHey, I'm afraid https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/64519 is a bit urgent, would by any chance an admin be around to look at it?11:07
bigjoolslool: you can ask IS, there's no admin coverage just yet11:07
loolbigjools: I think I'll remove a package immediately then to free up space11:08
mneptokhow can i delete a code series on LP?11:38
qballdanilos: you around?11:50
danilosqball: yeah, but a bit busy11:50
qballok. nm then11:50
qballI'll ask later11:50
danilosqball: if it's about approving those 4 templates, I can do that :)11:50
danilosqball: ok, done11:52
danilosqball: they should be imported soon11:52
wgrantmneptok: A project series?11:53
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mneptokwgrant: https://launchpad.net/maria  <--- the 1.5 series there needs to go12:09
wgrantmneptok: Right, that's a project series. You'll need to ask a Question to get an admin to do that, if it's possible at all.12:16
wgrantAlthough you might be able to move it to a junk project yourself.12:16
mneptokwgrant: oh, it's possible.12:16
mneptok"Dear LP admins, I have a code series that needs deletion. Until it's gone, some of my worked is blocked, so I'll have some free time to interact with devs and users on IRC and mailing lists ..."12:17
wgrantThere is a Useless Junk project around that has lots of series moved from other projects on it.12:17
mneptoki estimate ~2.3 minutes after receipt of that e-mail the series is nuked ;)12:17
mneptokhmmm ... i don't think you can assign a series to another project if it has no associated code.12:19
wgrantThere doesn't seem to be UI for it at all, which isn't surprising.12:21
wgrantI suppose those series could have landed in the junk project with a bit of manual SQL help.12:21
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radixhey guys, a vcs-import of mine is failing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/peppy/trunk13:34
radixthe error involves "200 OK" which is kind of strange :)13:34
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MTecknologyHow can I see what my openid url is?15:22
olyhi, can anyone point me at a guide to using launchpad to do translations i have my code hosted there but not sure how to get started15:23
olyI am using gettext in my python code if thats of any help, but also need xml files translated15:25
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gary_posteroly: I don't know much about Translations, but https://help.launchpad.net/Translations might be all you need?15:40
olythats exactly what i was after thxs gary_poster15:41
freinharduploaded a changes file with dput and launchpad confirmed that it builds on amd64/i386/lpia. how i get the real package now? now *.deb in my ppa so far.16:35
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LarstiQfreinhard: it takes a while.16:40
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freinhardLarstiQ: thx, they just hit my ppa :)16:43
cyberixI run into a problem while reporting a bug.16:45
cyberixThe software will crash while it is given an empty input file16:45
cyberixBut Launchpad doesn't allow me to upload the file16:45
cyberixBecause it is empty16:45
cyberixShould I file this as a bug for Launchpad :-/16:46
kikocyberix, just say it's a zero-byte file with a certain name in a comment16:46
kikoI don't know if it's really a bug..16:46
cyberixkiko: This might be a proble, if the reporter wouldn't understand the problem.16:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 344929 in launchpad "uploading an empty file is impossible" [Undecided,New]17:09
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mptbeuno, something's gone wrong with bug assignees lately, they're lower than the rest of the text in the table18:37
beunompt, ah, I have no idea how that happened18:39
beunoBjornT, intellectronica?18:39
mptbeuno, I suspect recent changes in fmt:link18:39
beunoah, maybe it's sinzui then18:40
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sinzuifmt:link was worked on by bac18:41
mptbac, is fmt:link now producing HTML of the form <a href="..."><img.../> Foo</a>?18:41
bacmpt:  it has been for a while.  barry made the change a few months ago.18:42
mptso maybe the bug page just started using fmt:link when it wasn't before18:43
bacmpt:  but i landed a change recently that causes fmt:link to be used more18:43
bacmpt:  yes18:43
mptbac, that HTML is nice and simple, but ugly whenever the icon is taller than the text18:44
barryis this the redacted crap?18:44
mptwhich is often the case inside tables18:44
* bac looks18:44
mptbac, e.g. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/34256718:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 342567 in gnome-settings-daemon "Sticky Keys and Slow Keys popups ignore notification daemon capabilities" [Low,Confirmed]18:44
mpt"Ubuntu Desktop Bugs" is scraping the bottom of the cell, while the other cells are fine18:44
mptnow, to be fair, there's quite a lot of style= hackage in that table18:46
mptbut still, fmt:link could do better18:46
bacmpt: can you open a bug with suggestions, please?18:46
bacmpt:  thanks18:47
mptbac, reported as bug 34498519:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344985 in launchpad "Links produced with fmt:link have misaligned icons and awkward underlining" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34498519:04
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thekornoh, entries of the subscribers portlet on blueprint pages have two icons19:08
thekornis this a know bug?19:09
bacthank you mpt.  your explanation is very helpful.19:09
bacthekorn: url handy?19:09
thekornbac, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gdm-face-browser19:09
thekornfor example19:10
mptthekorn, I've seen that problem on person Code pages too, but forgot to report it19:10
mpte.g. the bottom of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thekorn19:10
thekornoh, right it looks like I never scrolled to the bottom of this page ;)19:11
bacthekorn: yikes!19:12
mptbac, you want one or two bug reports for those two? :-)19:12
bacmpt:  one, please.  :(19:12
mptthekorn, bac: reported as bug 34499519:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344995 in launchpad "Blueprint subscriber lists and person Code pages have duplicate team icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34499519:16
mptThe fixes will be subtly different for those two, though19:17
dilingerhi.  i'm having a problem with launchpad and my gpg key19:21
dilingerright now, it tells me that i don't have a gpg key (https://launchpad.net/~dilinger)19:21
dilingerbut when i attempt to import my gpg key, it informs me that the key is already imported19:22
dilingerso what is necessary in order for me to be able to import my gpg key?19:27
* LarstiQ confirms not seeing a gpg key listed at ~dilinger19:29
LarstiQdilinger: where/how does it tell you the key is already imported?19:30
dilingerLarstiQ: change details -> opengpg keys -> import key19:30
* LarstiQ has a go at that19:31
dilingerThe key 5D4272A835DA48D030B0392B3A65F019CFD42F26 has already been imported.19:32
dilinger^ that's the happy fun error i get19:32
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LarstiQdilinger: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xCFD42F26&op=index19:34
LarstiQdilinger: it's already on the keyserver19:34
dilingerbut not associated w/ my launchpad login19:34
LarstiQdilinger: that's as much as I can guess as a user19:35
LarstiQoh, I could look at open bugs19:35
LarstiQdilinger: can you file a bug without having the key linked?19:40
wgrantsinzui: How does it make sense for a team to have languages? If it is an answer contact, the members' languages should be the ones that matter...20:25
sinzuinot so20:26
sinzuiwgrant: A team (not it's members) may be the answer contact, and they only answer questions for Catalan.20:26
wgrantsinzui: And because of that very restricted use case I have this seemingly nonsensical field on all team pages.20:27
wgrantAlso, as I said in the bug, if teams can have languages then +editlanguages needs fixing to explain what the purpose is.20:28
sinzuiwgrant: That use cause was very important to very important group of answer contacts. The But even after the team owner set the language, the team members did not know that which languages the team were answering for without exploring answers20:29
sinzuiwgrant: I think I did explain that on +editlanguages20:29
wgrantsinzui: Not in r7976.20:30
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sinzuiwgrant: would you prefer the page to say20:32
sinzuiLaunchpad Answers  allows you or your team  to ask and answer questions in your preferred languages.20:32
wgrantsinzui: One thing that a team certainly isn't sufficiently sentient to do is ask questions.20:33
wgrantTranslations also isn't relevant for teams, is it?20:33
danilo_wgrant: if it's a translation team, it is20:34
sinzuiwgrant: for some teams that do translations it is20:34
wgrantdanilo_: Isn't that defined by the translations group settings, not +editlanguages?20:34
wgrantIf I can't work out what the purpose of a team's +editlanguages is, then nobody can.20:34
danilo_wgrant: oh, if you are talking about +editlanguages, no, it's not relevant to teams afaik20:35
sinzuiwgrant: I can see you are not familiar with the bugs and features for for Answers. This was a very important feature for them20:35
danilo_ok, there might be something I didn't know either :)20:35
wgrantsinzui: That's fine, but it should be described on +editlanguages.20:36
sinzuiwgrant: I really like your attention to detail in QA. Revise the bug to state that. I'm planning the next round of revisions to those pages. I will take it under consideration.20:38
sinzuiwgrant: thanks to you I may close 20 extra bugs this releae20:38
* sinzui is such a karma whore20:39
wgrantsinzui: s/like/loathe/, I presume.20:39
* wgrant will do so.20:39
sinzuiwgrant: *like*20:39
wgrantAlso, I don't think saying that there is no mailing list is a good idea.20:40
wgrantThere might be one elsewhere.20:40
beunowell, it *is* the team page20:40
beunothe project may have one elsewhere20:40
beunoand hi  :)20:40
beunothanks for all the bug reports wgrant20:40
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beunoI've been extra busy lately, and some things slipped through the cracks20:41
beunoso your reports have helped to mitigate that  :)20:41
wgrantbeuno: Wait, do you review *all* UI changes? That sounds like a lot of work.20:42
beunowgrant, yeap, and of course, that's only a part of what I do  :)20:42
sinzuiwgrant: I think we do need to say no mailinglist exists. The optional nature of many sections on our person/team pages can confuse users. User want a concrete state as to whether a team has or does not have a list.20:43
wgrantsinzui: OK, beuno's point is reasonable too.20:44
wgrantI also wonder if the Summary section shouldn't be lower, with the policy merged into the Members section.20:44
beunoI tend to do that by mistake a few times a month20:44
wgrantThe owner and creation date are not the most important attributes.20:44
* wgrant -> uni20:45
beunowgrant, enjoy20:45
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vadi2Hi. Is it possible for loggerhead to server a file as an archive?21:34
beunovadi2, uhm, what?21:36
beunoyou want to download a file?21:36
vadi2yes, but in archived format (like a zip or a .tar.gz)21:37
vadi2because it's a 1.7mb text file, it will greatly benefit from compression21:37
mwhudsonthere is a branch around that exports a subdirectory as a tarball i think21:38
mwhudsonbut on launchpad i have scalability nightmares21:38
mwhudson(e.g., what if people do this for mysql?)21:39
vadi2another question any easy way for my script to determine the latest revision?21:39
mwhudsonof a bazaar branch?21:40
vadi2right now it dumbly downloads the file from launchpad every hour - would be great if it checked first if there was anything new commited21:40
vadi2I can't install new stuff on this server, so no screen scraping21:40
mwhudsonb = bzrlib.Branch.open(<branch url>); need_to_dl == b.last_revision() != last_pulled_revid21:40
mwhudsonif you can't install bzr even21:41
mwhudsonyou could look at the file like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk/.bzr/branch/last-revision for your branch21:41
mwhudsonif that changes, the branch tip has changed21:42
vadi2ahah, yes will try that file :)21:43
mwhudsonthank you for loading loggerhead slightly less :)21:43
vadi2is that file created by loggerhead?21:45
vadi2I can't find the url to use for me21:45
vadi2branch I'm interested in is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vadi-mapper-dev/vadi-mapper/main/files, the IMap file specifically21:45
vadi2yeah got it21:47
vadi2thanks a bunch21:47
mwhudsonno, the last-revision file is a bazaar thing21:48
mwhudson(and served by apache)21:48
vadi2yes. found it21:48
vadi2ok, so this helps as it is a lot. thanks!21:49
mwhudsonvadi2: i take it bzr isn't installed on the server?21:49
vadi2eh, n21:49
vadi2this is a shared hosting server but with ssh access21:49
vadi2so can't install anything. but cheap!21:49
vadi2speaking of which I guess I can even have the clients download directly from launchpad now21:50
vadi2but that would be counter-intuitive from helping it :P21:50
vadi2I'll just update my script now to only download the file if theres a new rev.21:51
mwhudsonif the clients have bzr, you can use bzr cat21:52
vadi2unfortunately no :) don't think one can embed bzr in a c module ;)21:53
mwhudsonno, not really21:53
mwhudson'can' is a deceptive word though :)21:53
vadi2heh :)21:53
vadi2dont worry about it, it's all good now save perhaps for the archiving which I'm sure would benefit many others too (had one guy specifically complain that sf.net offers archives of svn repos (dunno about new bzr ones) but not lp)21:54
LarstiQvadi2: ehm, as in the svnadmin repo?21:56
LarstiQvadi2: the guy does know he can get that by just bzr branching?21:56
vadi2but hard to convinece not a bzr fan to download a program to get the sources ;)21:57
vadi2*latest ones21:57
LarstiQwithout bzr he can't do anything with a .bzr tarball either21:58
mwhudsonthe archives that sf offers are repo dumps aren't they?21:58
vadi2yeah, a 'repo dump'21:58
mwhudsonvadi2: i suggest a cluebat :)21:58
vadi2a what?21:59
mwhudsonvadi2: hit them with something until they understand21:59
cyberixWas there some convention for messages in bzr commits that fix a bug in Launchpad?22:04
vadi2bzr commit --fixes lp:#22:04
vadi2mwhudson: thanks for your help!22:05
LarstiQcyberix: --fixes in general. For Bazaar itself the key thing is a NEWS entry.22:07
LarstiQcyberix: and mentioing it in the subject so bundle buggy picks up on it22:07
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nhandlerI'm using searchTasks in the LP API to find bugs I am subscribed to. Is there a way to access the bug id from the bug_task?22:56
gesernhandler: have you tried: bug_task.bug_link.id?23:04
nhandlergeser: I had tried that. I end up getting "AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'id' "23:16
gesernhandler: if I read the apidoc correctly bug_link should give you a Bug object. So it's either a bug in the doc or in the bug_task object.23:23
nhandlergeser: When I say repr(bug.bug_link), I get ")u'https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/bugs/NNNNNN' " (where NNNNNN is the bug number)23:34
geserand what's the output for: type(bug.bug_link) ?23:42
nhandlergeser: "TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, type found "23:46
jmlbug.bug_link will be a URL for a bug.23:47
jmlif you GET it (not sure what launchpadlib equivalent is), then you'll have a representation of the bug.23:47
jmlI think.23:47
jmlnot having actually *written* anything with launchpadlib, it's hard to say.23:47
gesernhandler: can you pastebin your code?23:48
=== cyberix_ is now known as cyberix
nhandlergeser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133316/23:55

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