
Guest74361Anyone else nutty enough to be awake now?06:03
=== Guest74361 is now known as Martyn
Meiz_n810Is there a vfp-support currently?07:39
ogralool the cdimage scripts shuldnt differ from the USB key scripts, essentially i thought: create an empty image with n MB sized redboot partition and ext2 or vfat partition ... grab the existing live .img file and copy the content into the second partition ... set up redboot with kernel, initramfs and fconfig08:46
loologra: How do you grab redboot?08:48
ografrom the archive08:48
ograits in since some hours08:49
loologra: So you have full archive access and can unpack any .deb08:49
loologra: You don't particularly need .udebs for instance08:49
ograi should, shouldnt i ?08:49
loologra: I don't know08:49
loologra: I'm not touching cdimage stuff08:49
ograi think i do :)08:49
loolMeiz_n810: What do you mean?08:49
loologra: Are you running under hardy?08:49
ograudebs -> yes, for the bootloader installation in ubiquity08:50
loologra: On x86?08:50
ograshouldnt matter as long as i can access the jaunty archive and pull the redboot binary from there08:50
ogra(and indeed your scripts need to be able to run under hardy)08:51
loologra: Do you think we have time to complete ubiquity support for redboot?  I really fear we don't, it involves creating a partition for redboot and kernel and all, that means partman changes and it's notoriously hard08:51
ograright, that brings us back to the casper bootmenu idea08:51
loologra: So fis is a C program currently, should I also port that to perl or will you rebuild a version for hardy or...?08:52
ograwhich i'm not actually happy about since we cant upgrade the kernel without trashing our install media08:52
ograno idea, you havent shown me any code yet08:52
loologra: I just had an idea for this, but it's not very elegant08:52
ograthats fine08:52
ograits our first shot and we're late08:52
ograelegance is for karmic08:52
loologra: Well the fis code isn't mine, it's the public one I mentionned a couple of weeks ago; I didn't think of the constraints of running on cdimage which I'm asserting now08:53
loolI can show you code right now if you like, but the question stands on whether a C binary is enough or not08:53
loolOr whether I should look at rewriting that in perl as well08:53
ograi would assume so08:53
ogracan it build under x86 ?08:53
loologra: So do you typically run hand-build binaries on cdimage, or does 99.9% of the tools come from hardy package or...?08:54
ogra(and still function)08:54
loolfis.c builds and runs under amd64 which is where I've been running it08:54
ograwe shopuld just add your stiff to NCommander's redboot-imx package i think08:54
loologra: Well I wondered the same, but I thought that while we're likely to drop the redboot package when we get a real board, we're unlikely to drop the utilities to update data08:55
ograthen the script can pull it from the archive, dpkg -x it and call the binaries as well as dd'ing redboot08:55
loologra: That is, I expect we will want to manipulate fis data and fconfig data, probably in the installer, but less so that we will ship redboot08:55
loologra: But it's just a guess, happy to hear what you think08:56
loolI'm happy if I can skip NEW08:56
ograyes, thats my final target08:56
ograbut i'm not sure we really want it for jaunty08:56
looldpkg -x => I'm not sure, it's going to be built agianst jaunty's libc6; it should work, but it's not very clean08:56
ogra(i'm not sure we really can do it in time for jaunty rather)08:56
loolOk, I agree with the last comment (ENOTIME); having it in redboot is not too ugly for jaunty and saves us time08:57
ograif we could loop mount the squashfs we shouldnt need to care about jaunty/hardy08:57
loolI was having nightmares this night that I still needed to package redboot-utils, file a FFE, promote to main etc.08:57
ograsince we can run inside a jaunty chroot08:57
ograoh, wait, we cant08:58
loolErr armel?08:58
ogracdimage is x8608:58
loolThat's why I'm asking so much about cdimage environment; it's not clear what are the allowed custom behavior, and how much self-contained the archive needs to be for that08:58
ograwell, my main prob is that i still have no functional kernel, i need that first before actually making build scripts08:58
ograwe definately need to be able to pull the tools we use from the archive08:59
loologra: Well I think we need to make progress on cdimage integration no matter what; I can provide you with a binary image of fconfig data while I complete the script hopefully today08:59
ograso adding your stuff to the redboot package should be the next step08:59
loolOk; I can add fis today and whatever I have for fconfig as well, I think I'll move from "clean implementation" mode to "I need this tonight"09:00
ograi hope the latest kernel doesnt oops and leaves me with working ttys, if that works i can start the actual final scripting tomorrow09:00
ograsadly the kernel testing eats immense amounts of time atm09:01
loologra: So who will write the image creation script?  I know what needs to be done, but not where to do it, and prefer if you do it and I tell you what needs to be done at a high level09:01
ograthat somewhat blocks me09:01
ograright, i can do it with your guidance and probably a bit of StevenK handholing, that shouldnt be a big prob09:02
loologra: Let's leave the kernel to the kernel team, the kernel shows console message which is enough to confirm our kernels are properly loaded in the SD image; we can hand replace them with a working one09:02
loolWhy not?09:02
ograi need it to work with casper09:02
ograit doesnt help to just see it booting09:02
ograwe need to be sure we get through initramfs09:03
ograand i would like to actually test the images09:03
loologra: What I'm saying is that we have working kernels09:03
loololder ones09:03
loolOh ok, I get it with initramfs09:04
ogracurrently my only working kernel isnt one thats coming from any of our packages09:04
loolOk, nevermind09:04
loologra: But it's good enough to develop the SD image building script itself09:04
loologra: It's not a large work, but I'd feel better if we'd start its implementation now09:04
ograsure, but then there is nobody who will weed out the tty bug09:04
ogracurrently we have no kernel that boots into a usable system09:05
loologra: Ok; please hand me the LP #, I'll sub to it; is it milestoned?09:05
ograand i would really like to make sure that works first09:05
ograthere is no LP#09:05
loologra: Perhaps we need to ring the alarm bell with the imx51 kernel that we need kernel efforts now?09:05
ograamitk is doing his best09:05
ograi'm confident we'll have it solved today09:05
loologra: Well if it's a blocker, we certainly need it tracked a milestoned jaunty bug09:05
loolamitk: What do you think?09:06
loologra: Let's imagine a second it wont be fixed today, we'd be better off with a bug than without, do you agree?09:06
ogra(my prob is that i still dont exactly know where the sigkill of the shell comes from)09:06
ograyes, for the sigkill we need a bug09:07
loologra: Ok; would you mind filing this bug (these bugs)?  after we're done discussing?09:07
ograsure, will do09:07
ograhe prob is that we have nothing in the archive yet i can actually point to09:08
loologra: It's not affecting the current jaunty stuff?09:08
ograall the work we're doing on the kernel comes from uploads amitk does to people.u.c09:08
ograit is09:08
loologra: File it against jaunty then?  either getty or bash, or just ubuntu; it's just to document the existence and status of this issue09:09
ograthe uploaded kernel in the archive only has the inital code drop from freescale in it but no adjustments towards the actual ubuntu kernels09:09
ograas soon as amitk started to build it like a common ubuntu kernel the probs showed up09:09
loologra: If I want to ring the alarm bell, I need a bug id to point at09:09
loolEven if this is "about to be merged" work09:10
ograi'm confident its a linux issue ...09:10
ograsince it works with all non-ubutuized kernels09:10
ograand it might even be caused by the cross toolchain amitk uses09:10
loologra: Concerning udebs, do you think it makes sense to have a d-i build for imx51?09:11
loolWell for babbage actually09:11
ograsure, now that NCommander is free he can care for it if he likes09:11
loolI think it's the obvious place to provide a SD card image with kernel + initrd with d-i, but I don't think it's required if we do live09:11
ograhe seemed to have some special interest in alternate images09:11
loolNCommander: What are you looking into ATM?  Could you take that?09:11
ogra(i guess an answer will take some hours :) )09:12
loolNCommander: Also, kexec-tools was finally added to P-a-s, do you think you could try it out?  it built on armel09:12
loologra: Ok; let's move to the actual SD card script09:12
ograheh, kexec-tools bit me in a funny way yesterday09:12
loologra: So first thing, we need an empty partition table which sadly encodes info about CHS; I think we want them maxed as to allow covering of most SD cards09:13
ograwe want a generic part. table and an image thats not bigger than needed09:14
loologra: How does it differ from what I'm saying?09:14
ograwhy do you want to have CHS ?09:14
ograjust dd an empty image and call a simple fdisk or sfdisk script on it to create two partitions09:15
loologra: The partition table defines the cylinder size in bytes09:15
loologra: Don't worry about it; it's easy09:15
loolhold on, I actually have a good pointer09:15
loolSorry, I don't find the URL right now; it was on the TI site explaining how to format a SD card for beagle/evm09:17
ograeasiest would be to pre-create a binary blob09:17
ograwith partition table and redboot already09:17
loologra: I don't think that's a good idea09:17
ograwhy ?09:17
loologra: Where do you store that?09:17
loolIf it's generated data, let's generate it?09:17
loolIt's not hard to script fdisk09:18
ograwe pre create binary squashfs images for the livecd as well09:18
ograi dont say we shouldnt generate itr09:18
loolOh ok09:18
ograjust saying dd -> build image, dd -> binary blob to that image -> mcopy livefs ... or somethng like that09:19
amitklool: I am ok with ringing the alarm bell. A 3rd person looking at it certainly can't do any harm09:19
loologra: So back to creating SD images: 10) create a large file which is going to be the SD card image; size is size of squashfs rounded up to a number of cylinders + size of FIS partition rounded up to a number of cylinders + size of partition table09:19
ograi would say we're fine with 800M09:20
ograthough our current livefs doesnt include oo.o09:20
ograbut its about 510M big09:21
loologra: 20) format that with fdisk, using the same values as for beagleboard images (I think it's 63/63/63 or 255/255/255); craete partition 1 just as large as FIS size rounded up and partition 2 of size rounded up to to hold squashds09:21
loolType of first partition should be non-FS data, type of second partition should be linux09:21
ograpreferably formatted as vfat since we can skip loop mounting with that09:22
lool30) run ./fis init with proper arguments on first partition to create an empty FIS part table09:22
lool40) create a file of the size of the redboot config fis partition (4096) and fconfig -i it with proper arguments (this I hope to provide tonight)09:23
lool50) ./fis create with proper arguments the 5 FIS partitions: RedBoot, FIS directory, RedBoot config, kernel09:24
loolYou need to pass the file contents for that step, so for instance for the kernel fis partition you need to pass the kernel image to ./fis so that it can checksum it09:24
ograindeed, so we need to dpkg -x it09:24
ograoh, wait09:25
lool*perhaps* -- but I'm not sure -- you need to prepare a null-padded file with the kernel + zeroes or kernel + 0xff's and pass that to ./fis instead09:25
ograwe should be able to pull it out of the livecd image09:25
ograit has initramfs and kernel now that we added imx51 to it09:25
loologra: That's an option09:25
ograthe only one :)09:25
ograwe need a casper initramfs09:25
loolConcerning that optional padding, I think only initramfs is sensible to that09:25
ograbuilt on armel09:26
loolAre the optional padding step and step 50 clear to you?09:26
amitkogra: the toolchain is a good point. Now if lool or someone can point me to a ubuntu toolchain I can use, I would try it09:26
ograrelatively, gimme the tool ... :)09:27
lool60) You actually need to dd the data files your passed to ./fis in the relevant places, that is in the FIS partition offset in the first DOS partition: ./fis create does *not* copy the file's contents, it only write the FIS directory entry09:27
lool70) write the squashfs data to the second DOS partition09:28
loologra: Sure09:28
loologra: http://svn.nslu2-linux.org/svnroot/fis/trunk/09:28
loolJust make09:28
ograwell for 70 i would just mcopy the whole content 1:1 from the livecd image09:28
loolDoesn't require anything fancy, should work with hardy09:28
ograamitk, shell still dies, still no input via USB kbd09:29
loologra: Concerning fconfig, I recommend you dd the contents from an existing SD image for now, but I can provide fconfig.pl which can not write the data yet to you if you like09:29
loolamitk: You could try building natively, push to the canonical-arm-dev ppa09:30
ograno, finish it first09:30
ograamitk, #32 Tue Mar 17 20:18:30 EET 2009 is the right timestamp ?09:30
ogra(just to make sure)09:30
loologra: I couldn't find the exact page I found in the past, I think it moved, but this page has comparable instructions: http://code.google.com/p/beagleboard/wiki/LinuxBootDiskFormat09:31
loologra: Basically, it's fdisk 'o' command to create an empty partition, then 'x' for expert mode, and '255/63/<smallest number of cylinders you needs>'09:32
loolPeople who want to use the SD card for other stuff will have to fix that last number to match their card's size in bytes09:32
lool(well in cylinders)09:32
amitkogra: that timestamp looks right09:32
ograeasy to put into a here document with fdisk ...09:32
loolamitk, ogra: Would be nice to push the kernel to the ppa to let it build natively and exclude the toolchain and that one of you would file the bug documenting the issue(s) so that we can ask for more people to reproduce and look into it09:33
loolI prefer focusing on my own stuff than acting as a relay here as I have much to do still09:34
ogratoolchain is a close indicatior given that klogd also dies09:34
amitklool: what is the url to the ppa, I can't seem to find it09:35
loolamitk: It's a private PPA09:35
loologra: Do you think you have enough that you can start working on the script while trying out new kernels from amitk?09:42
ogralool, its not clear to me yet how redboot will find the partition, but thats a prob for later, let me get started first09:44
* ogra is afk for a moment09:44
loologra: RedBoot expects it at a given offset09:45
loologra: This is hardcoded:09:45
loolRedBoot           0x00000000  0x00000000  0x00040000  0x0000000009:45
loolFIS directory     0x00040000  0x00000000  0x0001F000  0x0000000009:45
loolWe could *perhaps* change some stuff such as sizes, but I wouldn't count on that09:46
loolWe don't need to anyway09:46
loolThis is probably not hardcoded but I wouldn't want to deviate on it either:09:46
loolRedBoot config    0x0005F000  0x0005F000  0x00000000  0x0000000009:46
loolThe rest is ours to define09:46
loolFor my 16M SD card, I picked kernel size == 0x00400000 and initrd size == 0x0094000009:48
loolIt's quite arbitrary, and we should probably make it larger to target >= 32M for boot data, we target large cards anyway09:49
loolhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/132944/ was my final layout09:49
loologra: For my installed system, I did this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132945/ note that I created a swap partition which might make sense here as well09:50
ograwell, i dont want to trash peoples SD cards by using swap ... and the 512M of the babbage really suffice10:17
ogra(and we have compcache for people really wanting swap)10:20
ograamitk, i get the following now:  "usbhid: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module"10:56
ograamitk, and an actual "invalid module format" message10:56
amitkI have just uploaded to the ppa10:57
ograi'll wait until it built10:58
loolNCommander: you might be interested in the above message to linux-arm-kernel10:58
amitkogra: for some reason I think you have a module mismatch during creation of initramfs10:58
ograi wouldnt know why10:58
ograit is the initramfs created by the linux-image postinst, nothing fancy about it10:59
ograand i also get it if i boot without initramfs10:59
ograi.e. if the modules come from disk11:00
ograwell, not exactly the same message though11:00
ogra[42949400.560000] sg: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module11:00
ogra[42949401.040000] sg: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module11:00
ogra[42949401.530000] usbhid: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module11:00
ogra[42949401.680000] usbhid: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module11:00
amitklool: Rejected:11:01
amitkPPA exceeded its size limit (1284.00 of 1024.00 MiB). Ask a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/ if you need more space.11:01
amitklool: can you kill the old kernel?11:02
ograisnt there some older image we can drop11:02
lool#  152 binary packages (1.1 GiB)11:02
loolNCommander: I removed your kernel from the PPA, please reupload it when we get more space (see above question)11:10
loolamitk: I think you can reupload11:10
lool#  51 binary packages (1.1 GiB)11:10
loolI fear it's openjdk spoiling it11:10
ograhmm, all files in /lib/modules have 1970-01-01 as timestamp ...11:12
ograi wonder if that confuses anything11:12
ograwell, when i installed the package i had to use a very old kernel that didnt have hwclock working11:14
ograroot@babbage:~# modprobe usbhid11:16
ograFATAL: Error inserting usbhid (/lib/modules/2.6.28-10-imx51/kernel/drivers/hid/usbhid/usbhid.ko): Invalid module format11:16
ograroot@babbage:~# uname -a11:16
ograLinux babbage 2.6.28-10-imx51 #32 Tue Mar 17 17:28:59 EET 2009 armv7l GNU/Linux11:16
* ogra rm -f's /lib/modules/2.6.28-10-imx51 and reinstalls the package11:17
ograroot@babbage:~# modprobe usbhid11:18
ograFATAL: Error inserting usbhid (/lib/modules/2.6.28-10-imx51/kernel/drivers/hid/usbhid/usbhid.ko): Invalid module format11:18
ograsame ...11:18
ograamitk, the timestamps on the module binaries definately match the timestamp of the vmlinuz binary11:20
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2158304 2009-03-17 19:30 vmlinuz-2.6.28-10-imx5111:21
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 49056 2009-03-17 19:30 /lib/modules/2.6.28-10-imx51/kernel/ubuntu/squashfs/squashfs.ko11:21
ograso it really has to do something with the build11:21
error404notfoundhas anybody tried installing ubuntu on http://uniconsys.com/index.php/platforms/products-pegasus11:32
MartynGood morning :)15:44
dave_m_Martyn: Hi - this is Dave Martin btw.15:55
Martynhey there dave :)15:57
Martyngood talking to you :)15:57
MartynSo, I tried to get a telnet-enabled Redboot working using fsl-redboot.  So far, no luck.16:33
loolMartyn: What's the actual problem?17:34
Martynre ogra18:56
Martynlool : No response at all.18:56
Martynlool : Not an electronic sausage18:56
Martynfor mx51, should I be grabbing packages from ports.ubuntu?19:15
ografeel free to use the rootfs-from-scratch script in the topic19:15
ograit will roll you a ready to use tarball19:16
Martyndone :)19:18
MartynHave you had success using the telnet features of the fsl redboot ogra?19:18
MartynI try to get the adapter up and running, but cannot make a connection19:19
ograno, i'm only focusing on serial and direct write access19:19
ograwe'll get the latter the next days19:19
ograwhich might solve your probs as well19:20
MartynOkay :)  someone's already on it.19:20
MartynI got the serial/JTAG dongle today from the Austin ARM office.19:20
ograi'm starting on the image build script tomorrow19:20
ograshould be ready on or probably before the weekend19:20
Martynso I was able to stop the boot, and append text to the kernel cmdline19:20
Martynyeah, it's nice to have a full kit now19:21
loolMartyn: On my side I can tell you that http is broken in redboot, I suspect the network driver is shaky19:43
Martynlool : "shaky" is right19:47
=== plars_ is now known as plars
MartynI just found a sllliiiight drawback to using the livecd/sd image for testing22:14
Martynno usb network modules :)22:14
* Martyn patiently waits for ogra's next drop :)22:15

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