
mrooneyCan anyone confirm or deny bug 34462602:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344626 in notify-osd "brightness notification occasionally moves in wrong direction" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34462602:01
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: can't reproduce02:05
mrooneybcurtiswx-mini: interesting, must be a quirk02:10
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: maybe a keyboard binding problem?02:10
mrooneybcurtiswx-mini: I don't see how, the actual brightness does the right hting02:11
mrooneyjust the notification brightness moves the wrong direction in those cases02:11
mrooneybcurtiswx-mini: did you more than once? it seems to do the right thing about 20% of the time or so02:12
mrooney*try more than once02:12
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: tried a bunch of times, as many different ways i can think... does it do this for sound too?02:13
mrooneynope, just brightness02:13
bcurtiswx-miniplugged in?02:14
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: ^^02:15
mrooneybcurtiswx-mini: yeah I am plugged in02:19
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: im on battery power,02:19
mrooneysame thing on battery02:19
mrooneyI'll add that though, good thinking!02:19
bcurtiswx-miniwhen i get it to full it flashes the notify white area brighter02:22
bcurtiswx-minidoes it do that for you?02:22
mrooneythat is just to say "hey, it's full!"02:22
bcurtiswx-miniyeah, i figured... just thinking of why yours does that02:23
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: this may be a dumb question.. but you are fully updated.. correct?02:24
mrooneybcurtiswx-mini: I updated this afternoon, I can try again02:24
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: worth a shot02:24
mrooneythere are some updates, nothing notification or power related, seemingly02:25
mrooneyi'll give them a go and restart anyway02:26
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Logging%20notifications02:27
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: may want to attach the log to the report02:28
mrooneyI don't have that file, interesting!02:30
bcurtiswx-minihmm, i don't either02:30
mrooneyoh wikis02:34
bcurtiswx-miniwell, since there is no debug, i'd say uname -a lsb_release -a apt-cache policy notify-osd02:35
bcurtiswx-minimrooney: any luck?02:38
mrooneyI just restarted, same thing02:38
mrooneyand this is a different account so I lost my history, would you mind pasting the bug link and those things again?02:38
bcurtiswx-miniwell, since there is no debug, i'd say uname -a,  lsb_release -a,  apt-cache policy notify-osd02:38
mrooneyyes that is good02:38
bcurtiswx-minibug #34462602:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344626 in notify-osd "brightness notification moves in wrong direction when increasing after a decrease or vice versa" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34462602:38
mrooneythanks so much02:39
bcurtiswx-miniidk if a trace/backtrace would help02:39
mrooneybam, information-ified!02:41
bcurtiswx-miniok, i will triage it02:42
mrooneyI don't know what there is to do really, other than add your comment that you can't confirm02:42
mrooneyokay...going home, bbs!02:43
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dtchengreg-g: sadly, your controller is buggy03:03
dtchengreg-g: there's a workaround; i'll see if i can spin a separate driver for you03:04
mrooneybcurtiswx: hm, I don't get why triaged makes sense for that report03:09
mrooneythere isn't an upstream report and the cause isn't known03:09
mrooneyoh I see03:12
mrooneyI suppose the Triage explanation does fit it well03:12
ApOgEE--hi all... anybody here?05:19
pauldufBug #217787 is messy, it has a task on hardy Won't fixed AND released, idem for Intrepid, and I THINK that the duplicate is a false one.05:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217787 in apparmor "cups crashes when using web-gui and refuses to print" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21778705:19
pauldufThis also means, yes, there is someone here :-)05:20
pauldufDid I mention the Samba task, in triaged state that I would consider invalid I guess.05:21
ApOgEE--paulduf, I got email saying my desktop-bugs membership is about to expire05:22
ApOgEE--paulduf, how to update?05:23
ApOgEE--I did sent email to brian murray... haven't got reply yet05:23
pauldufSo I'd rather leave it to an expert triager.05:23
pauldufWell, I think this rule is not really applied anyway. (not sure) Best way to make it not to expire is normally to give the requested info.05:26
pauldufWhich number is it?05:26
sbeattiepaulduf: I'm failing to see what needs to be triaged with it: the apparmor policy for cups was insufficient, and that got fixed. libpam-smbpass has a bug in that when it can't access the files that apparmor prevented it from accessing, it causes the application its running in to crash, which is still an open bug that needs to be fixed, but won't be fixed in intrepid and hardy.05:26
sbeattie(in re bug 217787)05:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217787 in apparmor "cups crashes when using web-gui and refuses to print" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21778705:27
pauldufsbeatie: oh, I see, like 2 bugs in one.05:27
pauldufThat's why it is both released and won't fix (depending on which part)05:28
mrooneycan anyone test a quick notify-osd bug, on a laptop?05:39
mrooneyit seems that if you adjust brightness to maximum, and then while the brightness notification is still up, change the volume, it flashes the brightness each time05:39
mrooneyhow interesting.05:40
mrooneyI filed it as bug 344664 if anyone can confirm or deny05:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344664 in notify-osd "brightness flashes if at max whenever volume changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34466405:46
dholbachgood morning06:52
macohi :)06:54
dholbachhi mac06:54
* Hobbsee waves06:56
* maco growls at the network07:04
macoit seems that seeding a torrent on ipv4 makes my miredo-based ipv6 connection unstable :(07:04
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brendon1what can I do to help?11:44
hggdhbrendon1, please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs11:45
hggdhbrendon1, then ask out your doubts. We will be happy to help11:45
brendon1I'm running Hardy, and I only have 1 computer available, does this mean if I want to try to fix bugs I'll be stuck to Hardy bugs only?  or would you recommend I keep multiple partitions to be helpful?11:49
hggdhbrendon1, if you go to reproduce a bug, then you might need the same (or newer) release as the reporter. You might also (if possible) install virtual images11:51
hggdhOTH, you can check if the bug is correctly described, if steps for reproduction are listed, if the error is a consequence of incorrect usage, etc11:52
brendon1ok, I'm doing this to get experience at teamwork with programming.  So I would like to get as much hands on experience as possible.11:55
hggdhbrendon1, I do not follow you how do you want to use teamwork programming on screening bugs?11:56
brendon1I'm a pretty good programmer, and a linux user for about 10 years, but I don't have any experience in working as a team on a shared system, know what I mean?11:56
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brendon1so I thought that getting involved with the Ubuntu community would be a good start.  And this is where I found myself.11:57
hggdhah, OK.11:57
brendon1Would you recommend I start triaging for starters?11:57
hggdhYes, an online community helps.11:58
hggdhif you want to understand how Ubuntu works, yes (and we welcome the help!). There is a lot involved on fixing bugs, and most of it starts with understanding the bugs11:59
hggdha developer will have a much easier task in a recode if the requirement (i.e. the bug that originated the request) is clear on what happened, how it happened, and why what happened is not the expected result12:00
brendon1ok, thanks, I'll see if I can't get started there.  Also, do you know if Ubuntu offers paid positions for people who contribute a lot?12:00
hggdhUbuntu does not. Canonical, on the other hand, does offer employment positions12:01
brendon1that's good to know.  thanks.12:03
hggdhbrendon1, you can look at http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/12:03
hggdhbe aware that I would expect the requirements to be er, strong12:04
brendon1of course12:04
brendon1hggdh, do you contribute a lot for ubuntu?12:05
hggdhbrendon1, not as much as I wish. I have limited time, being on the road a lot12:05
brendon1but you do what you can for free, correct?12:07
hggdhbrendon1, correct. I am a volunteer, pretty much like most of the others around12:08
brendon1ok, good to know.  I'm happy to contribute for free myself.  Although I'm also looking for work these days.  I have a friend at HP and he's trying to get me in, but I'm not very optimistic.12:11
hggdhwith the current market status in the US... yes, I understand you.12:12
hggdhOK, time to get out of the hotel & get to the current client. See you all this evening.12:12
BUGabundobye hggdh12:12
* BUGabundo slow fingers12:13
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brendonif you want to correctly reproduce a bug should you be in the same release?12:29
brendonanybody home?12:48
pedro_brendon: in same and newer if there's any12:51
brendonhello pedro12:52
pedro_hey there :-)12:52
pedro_brendon: which bug are you looking?12:52
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brendonboo hoo14:31
tw1tchcould some one help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/292355 should it be assigned to casper, or kde or xorg or other? thanks14:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 292355 in ubuntu "[GeForce 7600 GS] (Dell 2007FP) no display when using kubuntu [live] cd" [Undecided,New]14:35
evoliohi guys15:24
evolioi am looking to upgrade to 9.04 to help look for bugs but i need help upgrading to it. does anyone have a macbook w/ intel graphics here?15:24
pedro_evolio: i have one and i'm using 9.0415:25
evoliook, basically I tried to upgrade to it but when i rebooted I ran into bug #304871 i think15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487115:26
evolioi got to GDM but it hung after that15:26
evoliois it likely to be that bug or is it another problem somewhere?15:26
evolioi have a 1.86GHz Core (1 not 2) duo w/ 2gb ram and GMA95015:27
evolioany idea pedro_?15:28
pedro_evolio: i'm looking15:28
pedro_evolio: did you tried the PPA version of the driver?15:29
pedro_i don't have such issue here with a 945GM15:30
evolioi haven't15:31
evoliobut i get to GDM so I'm not sure if it's the same bug15:31
evolioi tried with alpha 5, so maybe 6 may of fixed something15:32
evoliodo you recommend i just use update-manager -d?15:33
pedro_evolio: an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade on the command line would work15:34
rippsOkay, I'm having a serious issue with libc-i686, I can't open any new programs because I'm having an error with /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.215:57
martinaldhi there16:24
martinaldi just upgraded my macbook from 8.10 to 9.04 and it's done the same thing - hangs after you type username and password into gdm16:24
martinaldah, may have a solution16:25
pedro_QA Team Meeting in ~4 minutes at #ubuntu-meeting16:56
pedro_hey jgoguen16:56
jgoguenhey pedro_16:57
brendonanyone here to help me get started with triaging?17:36
mrooneybrendon: what do you need help with?17:42
mrooneybrendon: we can always use help! the topic has some great resources such as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs17:42
brendonI'm logged in to launch pad, I've read all the guides, I see a bug that I think I have input for.... so what do I do?17:43
brendonjust respond to the post and confirm or deny the bug?17:43
brendonshall I click a certain button?17:43
brendonI want to help triaging17:44
mrooneybrendon: what is the bug number? I can perhaps help you out17:45
mrooneybut generally yes, if you can Confirm the bug it is great to do so17:45
brendonerm~  trying to get back there.17:47
brendonis there not a button to go directly to new bugs without discrimination?17:47
brendonhere's one:  34454617:48
brendonand so, when we say to "confirm" the bug, that is just to leave a comment confirming that I can reproduce the bug?17:51
mrooneybrendon: no it also means that you change the status to "Confirmed"17:56
mrooneybug 34454617:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/344546/+text)17:56
mrooneyneato bug 34454617:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344546 in firefox-3.0 "Drop down menu goes behind Adobe Flash Player Plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34454617:56
mrooneybrendon: okay so there are two steps here. If you can confirm it, before setting to confirmed, you should check if it has already been filed17:57
brendonok, how would I do that?  just search?18:00
mrooneybrendon: sure, google also works18:01
mrooneyin this case I searched: firefox menu behind flash site:bugs.launchpad.net18:01
brendonok, so I've searched now and I see that this has already been reported18:01
brendonso do I go back to the orignal and just make a note that it's already reported with bug num?18:02
brendonand in this case it seems there are multiple instances, which one do I go by?18:02
mrooneyyeah so the second result there, is a duplicate of bug 4961318:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 49613 in gnash "[MASTER] Adobe Flash does not support WMODE (Flash content always rendered on top of web pages)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4961318:03
mrooneyHOWEVER this is getting complicated now because that is marked as Fix Released, meaning it shouldn't really be happening any more18:04
mrooneymaybe bdmurray can help us18:04
mrooneyah no okay18:05
brendonwell, first of all, I don't consider it a bug myself.  I think that it's just the behavior of the browser in linux.  I don't think it'll be changed.18:05
mrooneybrendon: here we go! the reporter is using Hardy18:05
mrooneyflash in Hardy is version 918:05
brendonas am I18:05
mrooneyreading the duplicate bug report, it was fixed in flash 10 beta 218:06
brendondoes that mean it's outdated?  what do I do in this case?18:06
mrooneyso, what you should do is mark it is a duplicate of bug 49613 and leave a comment explaining that it is fixed in Flash 10 and upgrading to Intrepid or newer will solve the problem18:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 49613 in gnash "[MASTER] Adobe Flash does not support WMODE (Flash content always rendered on top of web pages)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4961318:06
mrooneybrendon: most reports are not nearly this complicated by the way :)18:07
brendonok, well most reports seem more complex for me...18:07
mrooneybrendon: so here are the stock responses: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses18:07
brendonI can only speak for my current release and for softwares which I use18:08
mrooneygo to the duplicate one, copy that and add a comment18:08
mrooneychanging NUMBER in it to the appropriate bug number18:08
brendonok, thanks !18:09
mrooneythen because the bug is fixed, add a line saying something like "This bug is fixed starting with Ubuntu 8.10, so upgrading should address this issue for you"18:09
pauldufhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090319 have two copies of the bug #298844, as I said in bug #344961 (hugday close crased on it), one in New and one in Confirmed... wondering if it has been Confirmed during the list was created.18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298844 in cups "ubuntu 8.10 if install a LPT! printer and you restart the sistem this crash if the printer is off" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29884418:09
ubottuBug 344961 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/344961 is private18:09
mrooneybrendon: and one last thing, that won't actually mark it as a dupe, you have to click "Mark as duplicate" below the title and type in the duplicate number, then you are done!18:10
brendonthis one right?  "Bugs resolved after update or config change"18:10
brendonok, gotcha18:10
mrooneybrendon: no because it is a duplicate you want the "A duplicate" response18:10
mrooneybrendon: let me know when you are done triaging it and I will look it over18:11
mrooneypaulduf: I guess that is possible, you could check the activity log18:11
mrooneybrendon: okay so you duped it right but put the wrong bug in the description, and also didn't explain that the issue is fixed starting with Ubuntu 8.1018:17
brendon1ok mrooney: I'm all done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/34454618:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 344546 in firefox-3.0 "Drop down menu goes behind Adobe Flash Player Plugin" [Undecided,New]18:17
mrooneyI'll add a comment :)18:17
brendon1that's a popular bug, I could un-duplicate it all day!!!18:18
mrooneybrendon1: but do you see what I mean, how you put the wrong bug number in your comment18:19
brendon1yeah, I'm sorry about that, it wasn't until after I got to the dup page18:20
mrooneyyeah no problem I added a comment explaining that and how to fix it :)18:20
brendon1I guess I should click back and change the number first next time18:20
brendon1what about people reporting bugs for old releases like Dapper or Hardy (which I use myself).  Do we always just recommend upgrading?18:24
YoBoYbrendon1: no, Dapper and Hardy are LTS so the bugs have to be fixed :)18:25
YoBoYLong Time Support18:26
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.18:28
YoBoYoups term not time ^^"18:28
brendon1all the same ;)18:28
brendon1do you have a field of expertise in computers?  I mean, I'm pretty good with programming, but I'm a dunce at hardware or driver issues...18:30
YoBoYbrendon1: if it's for helping with bugs ask here, if it's for support on install or compatibilityé better to ask on #ubuntu :)18:31
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brendon1no problem, I was just getting chit-chatty18:34
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thekornpedro_, hi, which script is used to create the list of bugs for hug days?18:44
thekornI'm wondering why 298844 is in the new and in the confirmed section for tomorrow18:44
thekornwhich is breaking the hugday tool18:45
pedro_thekorn: we use bugnumbers for doing the list for the hug days19:24
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thekornpedro_, aha ok, so you run bugnumbers with an url for each section, there is no automation to create a wiki page with a few sections ("new", "confirmed", "with a patch") in one run19:32
thekornso it is possible to have an entry with the same bug id in multiple sections, I think I will make the hugday tool to mark all this rows green in such case19:34
pedro_thekorn: yes that's correct and no there isn't a way to create everything in one run  AFAIK19:34
pedro_thekorn: that'd be a nice feature to have,  especially for bugs with patches for example ;-)19:34
pedro_they could appear on two lists too19:35
thekornyeah, but I think closing one does not automatically mean that you can close this entry in the other section19:36
thekornbut I think we can just ignore this special cases19:37
thekornto not overcomplicate things19:37
mrooneybdmurray: did you have any thoughts on my idea of making a package for the launchpad greasemonkey scripts?19:37
mrooneyI'm willing to give it a shot if it seems useful19:38
bdmurraymrooney: The stuff I've read about converting gm scripts to extensions indicated the process is questionable19:45
mrooneybdmurray: oh really, any links? what was questionable?19:45
bdmurraymrooney: I'll have to look again.  If I find anything I'll reply to that thread on bugsquad19:49
bdmurrayThe scripts are updated rather frequently due to launchpad changes19:50
bdmurrayHowever, the same was true of python-launchpad-bugs19:50
mrooneyyeah that is why I think it is useful, one person updates the package, instead of everyone having to manually go to that page and install the new things one by one19:51
thekornI have the greasemonkey scripts symlinked to the bzr tree, so it is only bzr pull and I'm up-to-date19:52
bdmurraythekorn: that's a good idea19:53
mrooneythekorn: where are the symlinked in to?19:55
thekornok what I did was: bzr pull lp:launchpad-gm-scripts  and opened the scripts with FF19:58
thekornthe I went into ~/.mozilla/ff/something/gm_scripts19:58
thekornand searched for the javascript files and linked them to the ones in the bzr tree19:59
mrooneyhm so if you want that to work on a multi-user environment, I wonder where you put them19:59
mrooneythere is a /usr/share/mozilla/extensions19:59
thekornnot sure is this can be automated but at least for me it works20:00
bdmurrayright, that's why an extension would be better20:00
mrooneyand then a package to install that EVEN better20:00
bdmurrayI think adding it to the 9.10 roadmap would be a good idea20:00
mrooneyI was just going to try to get something up in my PPA20:01
mrooneyhowever looking at the adblock-plus package is hurting my brain20:01
mrooneyI wonder if there is a simpler extension which is installed via a package20:01
bdmurrayyou might look at foxy proxy20:01
thekornhehe, foxy proxy sounds funky20:03
sectechAhoy! ...20:03
sectechbdmurray,  I have a bug for you that I flagged for review....20:04
sectechbug 31343920:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313439 in nautilus "Opening a Java Archive (.JAR) file executes it regardless of the "executable" permission bit" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31343920:04
sectechOriginally I marked it as a wishlist and another triager came along and set it to high...20:04
sectechEven though upsteam invalidated it20:05
sectechupstream rather20:05
bdmurraysectech: its on the secuirty teams list20:07
sectechNot exactly sure who put it there though.20:08
sectechOr do you mean on there list outside of that report20:08
bdmurrayI mean its on their radar for taking care of20:09
sectechGood enough... I'll unflag that on my to-do list..20:09
sectechI gotta start looking at when our meetings are, I keep missing them.20:12
bdmurraysectech: its the same time every week - 1700 UTC on Wednesdays20:13
sectechokay then I better start attending them then...20:14
cadvocatehi, which package should I submit an installation bug to?20:23
bdmurraycadvocate: the gui installer?20:23
cadvocatethe Live CD installer.20:24
cadvocatefor 8.1020:24
bdmurraycadvocate: ubiquity then20:24
sectechBug 264054, kind of interesting...21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264054 in cups "system turns into stand by mode while printing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26405421:19
sectechIs there an interrupt that cups could trigger or something to indicate the system shouldn't be put to sleep?21:20
sectechActually I just noticed that the bug is quite dated.21:23
axel_foleyhello @ all21:40
axel_foleyi want to report a bug21:40
axel_foleymy english is bad, but i hope u understand me21:40
sectechAre you familiar with launchpad?21:40
sectechAll of our bugs are reported on a system called launchpad https://launchpad.net/ubuntu21:41
axel_foleysectech: i am the most of my time in "#ubuntu-de"21:42
axel_foleysectech: ok. thanks21:42
sectechThat's fine...  I am just looking for the guidelines on filing a bug, I'll just be a sec21:42
bdmurrayYou can report a bug from your desktop though and a lot of information will gathered for you21:42
sectechapport, whoops21:42
axel_foleythere some problems rebooting a system, when installed on a sw-raid521:45
axel_foleyi report this tomorrow. good night21:45
sectechbdmurray, Unless they specifically a gui application in mind I normally just direct them towards launchpad?21:46
sectechIf it is an application that has a "report a problem" I will direct them towards that..21:47
bdmurraysectech: No, its really best to use apport first.  http://www.murraytwins.com/blog/?p=3821:47
bdmurraysectech: You can use 'ubuntu-bug linux' in a terminal and it'll grab a ton of information for you21:48
sectechHmm.. okay... you just solved a question I had then...  I will be directing people towards that now21:49
bdmurraysectech: Are there any other unasked questions you have? ;-)21:49
sectechhehe.. That specifically wasn't the question... I did know about apport.    My unasked question refers to the "in the field" testing that I am doing with people... In an attempt to gain some feedback from "general" computer users who may not normally come across Ubuntu I have asked for participants (so far 3 have been requested)21:51
sectechCan these people that I am doing this trial with assign the bugs to me until I can look at them and then I will deal with them?21:52
sectechChances are they will have no idea on even what a package is let alone how to file a bug... At the moment there instructions are to let me know what issues they run into before they get reported.21:53
bdmurraysectech: I don't think there is any way to guarantee that'll you be the first responser21:54
sectechNo your right... which is why I was going to get them to record what the bug # was and I was going to go in and assign them to me until I can look into them further.21:55
sectechIt doesn't matter if another triager gets to them first... I just want to keep track of what issues are being ran into and what any concerns are.21:56
sectechThe idea of assigning them to me would be so I can screen them21:56
jgoguensectech: I'd be very interested in what you find from your field trials, maybe help with things in Fredericton21:58
sectechjgoguen,  I actually have 2 out of the 3 that I am looking for.. One is a UNB student, the other just uses her computer for general activities... It will be a good trial for providing feedback21:59
sectechIt is important that they report any issues that they have... The question comes though, do I really want these posted to launchpad right away...21:59
jgoguensectech: indeed, doing what at UNB?21:59
sectechjgoguen, Sorry STU I guess, not UNB. She is a getting a bachelor of arts I believe22:00
sectechI wanted 3 people who were not techies at all22:00
jgoguensectech: depends...if it's something like "ZOMG cannt view YooToobe!" probably not :)22:00
sectechyeah, hence the idea of assigning them to me lol22:01
sectechI can't really ask them not to report bugs using apport because if they are legit I will want the system information that comes with it22:02
sectechI have a bunch of other marketing plans in the works too, which is off topic to this channel22:02
jgoguensectech: you might want to get them to email you what they can to start and decide if they should report to Launchpad or not?  that way you avoid things that are trivial or not bugs, and you can still get them to use apport22:03
sectechAbsolutely, at the moment the 2 I have are just getting acquainted with the system... I have received positive feedback so far.22:04
jgoguenand if they say something to start, you might say (for example) to report using "ubuntu-bug firefox" when it should be gnash...so if you talk to them before they report anything, you can get the right package right away22:05
sectechThe trial is 6 months long, I probably won't get into bug reporting until they are in their 3rd month22:05
sectechYou probably saw my facebook "Ubuntu Challenge" egh?22:06
jgoguensectech: I did, and I like it :)22:06
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