
JulianSSShello, I want to make a window sticky on desktop and below (oppsite of allways on top) how can I do this. I use gnome, ubuntu, compiz.02:02
JulianSSSam I right here?02:02
jester-!support | JulianSSS02:03
ubottuJulianSSS: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org02:03
JulianSSSthanks jester-!02:04
LjLi still can't understand how how people end here...02:04
LjLjust how02:05
jester-LjL: :D02:05
JulianSSSLjL: Search: ubuntu02:05
JulianSSSFind: #ubuntu-irc --> fits02:05
LjLi see...02:06
LjLbut then so do the other couple hundred channels starting with #ubuntu :P02:06
JulianSSS#ubuntu-operator-irc would be more disabiguating02:06
JulianSSSLjL: I think most people end up there but some little percentage (like me) end up here. and those are the ones you are recognising :)02:07
LjLi suppose so02:07
JulianSSSby the way - what's the topic here?02:08
JulianSSSwhat are operators?02:08
LjLJulianSSS: check the link in the /topic, that should make it clear i think02:09
JulianSSSLjL: nice briefing in the first sentence. so, I don't wanna bother you any longer. thanks for showing me the way (apparently at this moment to the smalltalk-area). bye02:12
=== k4v is now known as m4v
marcusdavidus I have a question , i come ehre becosue on polish ubuntu irc are only trolls10:26
marcusdavidus i try to boot ubuntu 8.10 from hdd using unetbootin and is bootign nice gparded see disk etc but when i try install it this instalator dont see disk10:27
marcusdavidus i was look in google for solution and have no idea wtf is going on with that . never got such problems with debian  booted by unetbootin10:28
Myrttimarcusdavidus: have you tried asking in #ubuntu yet?10:28
marcusdavidushmm this is not off ubuntu  irc?10:28
marcusdavidus oficjal *10:28
Myrttithis is, but the support happens in #ubuntu10:28
marcusdavidusoh oki thanx10:29
Myrttiwhat kind of problems do you have with the polish channel though?10:29
Myrtti*that* discussion is very ontopic for this channel10:29
marcusdavidusim back10:49
marcusdavidus Myrtti one idiot juststart troll so i left that channel10:49
marcusdavidusi ask same liek her ehe say that gparted is haxi0r program pff so i left10:50
nhandlerI'm back to try and get an Ubuntu irc cloak for VoteBot11:32
=== jester1- is now known as jester-
bazhangIcebuntu, ??12:29
Icebuntubazhang:  I am hynix I got my self new registed nick12:30
bazhangIcebuntu, join #ubuntu-ops12:30
Icebuntubazhang:  why ?12:30
bazhangdiscussion with you12:30
IcebuntuI don't wish to12:31
elkywe can discuss here, and have all these loco team people see, or you can join #ubuntu-ops and not have them see12:32
elkyIcebuntu, you can have me repeat the things you've done from our PM discussion here, if you like.12:34
Icebuntuelky:  I didn't get ya12:35
elkyIcebuntu, it seems to me like you're refusing to behave12:35
Icebuntuelky:  I don't do any thing which was wrong12:36
elkyIcebuntu, the reason you're here, is because you've been redirected for trying to join #ubuntu-fi. myrtti put that redirect in place only for you12:36
Icebuntuelky:  this is very bad why I am been talked like this all the time12:36
elkyall the time? you tried to claim before nobody ever spoke to you about your behaviour12:37
Icebuntuelky:  okey that is really very bad why did she do that to me12:37
elkybecause you keep following her, and she wants to stop you, and you refused even after she's told you12:37
Icebuntuelky:  I don't understand why I can't be here ?12:37
elkyi told you not to go back into #ubuntu-fi, yet you did try12:38
elkyIcebuntu, you can be here, but you have to behave by our rules.12:38
Icebuntuelky:  u never told me to go any where please check our logs12:38
Icebuntuelky:  you had a talk with me I don't know why you talking like this to me again ( I will really take a very serious view of repeating the same thing to me say this is the 5 time )12:39
elkyi told you to leave myrtti alone. i told you that your being in #ubuntu-fi upset her because of your following her onto facebook and skype and reading her resume and trying to contact her all the time12:39
elkyIcebuntu, i am talking to you again, because you tried to go back into #ubuntu-fi, and myrtti and the other finnish ops do not want you there because you make them uncomfortable12:39
Icebuntuelky:  I didtnt not try to contact her I did the same with all it she does not wish to socialize and she should have told me12:40
elkyyou disobeyed what i said12:40
elkyshe did tell you. i showed you the log she let me show you12:40
Icebuntuelky:  I don't understand why its diffiuclt for you and some of the others to see me12:40
elkyyou've been told lots of times. bazhang has told you, i've told you, myrtti has told you -- yet you continue12:40
IcebuntuI ddint even spoke much with any person since new year12:41
bazhangIcebuntu, that is not true.12:41
bazhangIcebuntu, you were asked repeatedly not to change nicks, and to stop stalking people, just a few days ago.12:42
Icebuntubazhang:  yes I didn't do any thing with out the free will of others12:42
Icebuntubazhang:  I got my self permanent nick12:42
bazhangIcebuntu, and then you continue stalking, and changing nicks.12:42
elkyyou said that about the last ones12:42
bazhangIcebuntu, you are lying. just stop it.12:43
Icebuntubazhang:  I won't be chaning my nicks I was on different system all the time12:43
Icebuntubazhang:  huh I won't stalk dear I won't do that I feel you all don't like even a bit of it I will change I will talk some time but yes I will do that12:44
elkyi dont believe you.12:44
bazhangIcebuntu, for the last time. stop lying, and stop stalking.12:44
Icebuntubazhang:  I dodnt spoke with any one since then12:45
Icebuntuonly elky I don't know she keep asking me questiong in pm12:45
bazhangIcebuntu, you said that a couple of days ago. and you do it right away.12:45
elkyi was asking you because you upset people12:45
Icebuntubazhang:  huh ? what is worng with you I didn't even spoke with people12:45
Icebuntuelky:  I know that I won't do that12:45
elkyIcebuntu, your nick is not hynix or asus-tek anymore. that is what bazhang is saying you did12:46
Icebuntubazhang:  I didn't spoke with any one as such till from then till now12:46
bazhangIcebuntu, you spoke to topyli and I both.12:46
Icebuntuwell elky asustek nick is still registed by me12:46
Icebuntubazhang:  yes I said I won't do that I12:46
bazhangIcebuntu, we said dont change nicks to hide stalking behaviour, and stop stalking.12:46
bazhangIcebuntu, so stop lying, and stop stalking.12:47
Icebuntubazhang:  I told you I will talk some permant nick12:47
Icebuntubazhang:  please see what I told you I told you I will take some permant nick12:47
Icebuntubazhang:  I don't know why you are so much angry I told you I won't do that12:48
bazhangIcebuntu, just stop.12:48
Icebuntubazhang:  what ? you and elky asking me questions12:48
elkyi'm not asking questions anymore, because i know i'll only get lies.12:48
Icebuntuelky:  I will improve I really wish to be with   you all I won't do that I didt wish to follow any one as specific12:49
Icebuntuelky:  I  will only be with this nick unless I be at some very different place12:50
bazhangIcebuntu, you are lying.12:50
bazhangIcebuntu, you have said this before.12:50
bazhangIcebuntu, and you always 'forget'12:50
Icebuntubazhang:  well I have some nicks configuerd on other computes12:50
elkyIcebuntu, we have given you dozens of chances. you keep insulting us by repeating your mistakes.12:50
Icebuntubazhang:  I will take them out and only come with this one now12:50
Icebuntuelky:  I won't do that now I won't insult you12:50
bazhangIcebuntu, just stop with the lying and the stalking.12:50
bazhangIcebuntu, you are not honest.12:51
Icebuntubazhang:  I will don't get so much up set becaue of me I will be nice and don't trouble others12:51
Icebuntubazhang:  I will try my best12:51
bazhangIcebuntu, and you continue to stalk people.12:51
Icebuntubazhang:  I won't12:52
Icebuntuokey bazhang I won't make you feel bad even to you elky and even to Myrtti12:52
bazhangIcebuntu, NO one trusts you any more. You have lied TOO many times.12:52
Icebuntubazhang:  what lied ?12:52
elkyif you ever do anything i've told you not to do again, i'll be locking you out of ubuntu channels. this means no going near myrtti, no asking people personal questions like where they live or their contact details.12:52
IcebuntuI told you I was at different computers12:52
Icebuntubazhang:  I am sorry I will see I will improve and won't make you all feel bad I don't realy lie in really life I wonder why do you feel so12:53
elkythis is your absolute last chance. if you do ANYTHING else wrong, i dont care if you dont understand. i WILL lock you out.12:54
Icebuntuelky:  :( :'(12:54
elkyIcebuntu, we cannot afford to babysit you. if you cannot learn after a hundred chances to behave, then we have to find a more effective way to stop your bad behaviour.12:56
Tm_Tguten morgen12:56
elkyTm_T, not quite.12:56
ikoniabis morgen12:56
Tm_Twhat, you didn't miss me here? ):12:56
elkyIcebuntu, that is the final word in this discussion. you are now on your final warning ever. there is no other option for you but to do the right thing.12:56
Icebuntuelky:  tc I am off to studying ( no need treating me I won't be at this place after few days woont even be at a single place for more amont of time I don't wish to hurt any one I won't stalk any one as I feel its bad you all don't really like it12:56
Icebuntuelky:  okey hoping for the best sorry for all the trouble bazhang12:58
Icebuntuelky:  I will be nice12:58
* Tm_T drops her pants to the floor12:59
Tm_Tmeans, I came from out to inside and I have to take winterclothes off12:59
bazhangyou are a she?13:00
jussi01hrm... will the real Tm_T please stand up?13:00
elkyTm_T, you really ought to think how that stuff looks to us, and how hard it makes it for us to stop the users being inappropriate13:00
Tm_Telky: hmh, you're right, sorry13:01
* Tm_T doesn't think his brains are on today at all13:02
Tm_Tsorry again ):13:02
Tm_Tanyway, I think winter is officially over here, mud-season started13:04
* Tm_T wonders if that will show in irc behaviour in overall too13:05
nomade_marvelHow can I get a cloak?19:30
naliothnomade_marvel: what kind of cloak?19:31
nomade_marvelnalioth: unaffiliated19:32
naliothnomade_marvel: well, #freenode is the place to ask19:33
naliothbut i can save you the trip19:33
nomade_marvelnalioth: thank you very much19:34
nhandlerAny IRC council members here22:42
naliothnhandler: what's up?22:43
nhandlernalioth: 2 things. The first is about getting an Ubuntu IRC cloak for my bot22:43
nhandlerThe second is that the script on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks produces some output22:44
naliothwhat's  the bot's nick and purpose?22:45
nhandlernalioth: The bot's nick is VoteBot.22:45
nhandlerIts purpose is to meet the needs of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team22:45
naliothwe'll get back with you, nhandler22:47
nhandlernalioth: Is there any other info you need? Or anything else I need to do?22:47
naliothif we do, we'll ask you  :)22:48
nhandlerOk. Thanks for your time and help nalioth :)22:48
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
hypa7iacan we get some op help in #ubuntu-women? 4chan is leaking :(23:20
jonohey, can an op come and kick someone for us?23:22
hypa7iajono: already asked :)23:22
jonoPedobearishere in #ubuntu-women23:23
jonothanks hypa7ia23:23
LjLnalioth: it's pedobearshare whatever23:23
LjLi think you k-lined him the other day23:23
LjLor someone did23:23
hypa7iahe's on a home connection23:24

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