
mjg59Where's the LPIA LUM tree for hardy?01:12
mjg59Ah, got it01:21
Kanohi, could somebody add aufs to 2.6.29 branch?02:41
Kanowould be nice to have as squashfs is integrated to build a live image with it02:41
Chenkai1Hi, i am new to Linux module programming and my first hello_world.ko under Ubuntu 8.04 didn't seem to work.  Following the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=800251, the compilation seems fine but no output from console nor /var/log/messages.  Any one could help me?  thanks:)02:48
TheMusoKano: If you read Tim's email from the kernel team list, you will note that some ubuntu drivers have been disabled, aufs is likely one of those. I suggest if you want it ASAP, you help in getting it fixed/updated.02:51
Kanoi did not read a mail,but i see the git log02:53
macoTheMuso: the git repo Tim's mail pointed to has 2.6.29-rc8. does that mean karmic = 2.6.29? or is 29/30 undecided at the moment?03:06
TheMusoKano: I think the final version is undecided03:06
* maco assumes that was at me03:07
TheMusoKano: oops sorry03:07
TheMusomaco: yeah misread03:07
dtchenlast sentence in "Kernel Version" at http://blog.redvoodoo.org/2009/02/jaunty-kernel-bits.html03:11
cooloneysmb_tp, i switch here for a question about git clone08:53
cooloneyhow can i git clone all the branches of a remote git tree08:54
cooloneynot just one master branch08:54
smb_tpYou normally do somewhat08:55
smb_tpif you do a "git branch -a" you would see them08:55
smb_tpyou then can create one with "git branch <localname> origin/<name>"08:55
cooloneythen git pull origin name08:56
smb_tpthen "git checkout <localname>" or probably "git checkout -b <localname> origin/<originname>"08:56
smb_tpwhich would save you one step08:56
smb_tpyou don't need to pull. When you clone you get all the objects08:57
smb_tpIt just does not create the local branchnames08:57
cooloneyok, i fully understand08:57
cooloneyikepanhc, you may try on you side 08:58
ikepanhcoh, got it08:59
cooloneyi will try it on my side. actually, this problem frustrate me a lot09:00
cooloneysmb_tp, actually this is a little bit difficult to understand, we assume _clone_ means copy everything09:13
cooloneyand git branch, git checkout should be ok default09:14
smb_tpwell, I think of it as git clone makes a complete copy of the repository objects, plus it conveniently checks out the origin/master as master09:16
smb_tpand makes a local branch for it as well09:16
smb_tpapw, Can you describe that better?09:16
apwthats pretty accurate09:18
cooloneygit just does not do create a local branch from origin/<branch>, only master09:18
smb_tpAFAIK, yes09:19
cooloneyok, i see09:19
apwthe master thing is a convienience09:20
apwyou can and do checkout other branches from a remote09:20
apwclone checks out the HEAD branch from the remote, which is normally master09:21
apwand it does that because a repo with no branch checked out is confusing09:21
smb_tpiirc, you run into that situation when you create an empty remote and then push things over. before you checkout anything it looks just empty09:22
apwgit clone is equivalent to09:25
apwmkdir foo; cd foo; git init; git remote add origin <url>;  git fetch origin; git checkout -b master origin09:25
IntuitiveNipplebrain-boost-needed: I'm *sure* we recently had a bug where there are random delays during boot for which I found/saw a new upstream patch that reworked the RCU 'idle' scheduling during boot. Trying to find it now I've drawn a blank. Does it ring a bell with anyone else?09:47
IntuitiveNippleHa, thank-you Mr Invisible Man, that worked... found it... bug #25466809:49
ubot3Malone bug 254668 in linux "[2.6.27] pausing during boot (several issues)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25466809:49
smb_tpIntuitiveNipple, yeah that was one of them09:50
IntuitiveNippleI've got another bug that might be the same one, but it's been trailing on an Nvidia MCP67 issue09:51
smb_tpI see you found bug 272247 as well09:51
ubot3Malone bug 272247 in linux "System freezes during boot, unless I hold a key down" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27224709:51
IntuitiveNippleYes, I'm seeing quite a few issues with MCP67 so thought it might be good to disambiguate them09:52
IntuitiveNippleThere's some sign of AHCI data-loss with the MCP67 but only on Ubuntu... haven't found any noise upstream along the same lines so far.09:52
smb_tpYes, there seemed to be a few on HP / amd machines. But also a few between the lines with intel cpu's09:53
smb_tpthere is also bug 21784909:53
ubot3Malone bug 217849 in linux "Hardy 64-bit beta and nightly alternate installation stalls" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21784909:53
smb_tpwhich is slightly different09:53
smb_tpFor some it helped only to go for clocksource=jiffies09:53
smb_tpOther needed to get around acpi irq routing09:54
IntuitiveNippleYeah, I remember that one. I was wondering out loud if it had to do with the bounce-buffering09:54
smb_tpright. i remember now09:55
IntuitiveNippleThe upstream commentary on the RCU scheduled idle during boot patch looks like it covers a lot of bug reports09:55
smb_tpGenerally it seemed like loosing irqs or going into a sleep state without a correct trigger to wake09:55
IntuitiveNippledo you know if anyone here has tried backporting the RCU patch? If not, I'll give it a go?09:55
smb_tpNot to my knowledge09:55
IntuitiveNippleOK. I'll see what it takes09:55
smb_tpOk, cool09:56
IntuitiveNippleSeeing as it could wipe a fair few niggles out09:56
smb_tpFixing that would sure make a lot difference09:56
IntuitiveNippleIt'll need some munging to make it apply... I'll do some poking10:01
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
IntuitiveNippleHmmm... this RCU patch. One of the conflicts is a file that doesn't yet exist in Jaunty but does in linux-2.6, and is amended It adds an inline function declaration. What would be the procedure for including its contents? 11:02
smb_tpIntuitiveNipple, if the change introducing the file/inline is just a moving around of files mostly, then probably pull the patch that created it11:06
smb_tpOtherwise we probably just want the inline...11:07
IntuitiveNippleUnfortunately, it's based ona major rework of the entire RCU code... since Jaunty RCU moved to a tree-based system. I'm carrying on but not sure the back-port will be possible in the end11:07
IntuitiveNippleI'll let that one stand for now and sort out all the content-conflicts... if those can be done, then I'll have to revisit this11:09
smb_tpOk, thanks.11:09
=== `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
apwmaco, hey ... how is your asus acpi driver going12:01
macoapw: backburnered. trying not to fail my compilers class.12:01
apwheheh, always the way12:01
rtgalways a good plan12:01
macowhich...er...right...i should probably get back to yacc12:02
apwdid that use to work on intrepid12:02
macono, those keys never worked12:02
apwok cool.  so its not a regression at least12:02
macowell i never ran intrepid on here. but they didnt work in hardy12:02
_rubenprobably offtopic .. but does anyone have any clue wrt to the WARNINGS shown here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132986/ .. those symbols are part of another (same 3rd party) kmod12:04
rtg_ruben: do you have that kernel installed (I assume you do), e.g., lib/modules/2.6.27-11 ?12:06
_rubenrtg: yes12:07
_ruben(its within a pbuilder chroot btw)12:07
_rubeni think on an earlier attempt i "fixed" it taking the Module.symvers file from the scst.ko along with its header files, but DKMS doesnt give me such a file (at first sight atleast)12:08
rtg_ruben: right, these are benign warning because no modules.dep exists for these symbols at MODPOST time (Ithink()12:09
_rubenrtg: i get similar errors when i modprobe iscsi-scst.ko12:10
rtg_ruben: so, you're saying its not working and the warnings are not benign?12:10
_rubenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/132991/ .. thats when i modprobe them 12:12
rtg_ruben: you must be missing  one of the files in the link or compile. find out where scst_single_seq_open exists and make sure its getting compiled.12:12
_rubentoghether with: 12:12
_ruben# modprobe iscsi-scst12:12
_rubenFATAL: Error inserting iscsi_scst (/lib/modules/2.6.27-11-server/updates/dkms/iscsi-scst.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)12:12
_rubenrtg: its within scst.ko iirc .. let me double-check12:12
IntuitiveNippleHas "scst" been built and installed against the same kernel version? It looks as if its symbols aren't present.12:17
_rubenrtg: strings shows scst_single_seq_open is present within scst.ko .. is there some tool to show whats being exported from a certain kmod12:17
_rubenIntuitiveNipple: yes .. both built using dkms against 2.6.27-11-server12:17
rtg_ruben: make sure its in an EXPORT_SYMBOL macro in the source12:18
_rubenrtg: let me check that12:18
rtg_ruben: hmm, can you build it by hand using " make -C /lib/modules/2.6.27-11/build M=`pwd` " ?12:20
IntuitiveNippleDoes this show them? grep -in scst_register /lib/modules/2.6.27-1/modules.symbols 12:20
IntuitiveNippleoops typo!12:20
IntuitiveNippleDoes this show them? grep -in scst_register /lib/modules/2.6.27-11/modules.symbols 12:20
rtgIntuitiveNipple: I think that symbol is part of the module that he's building.12:21
_ruben# grep -in scst_register /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-server/modules.symbols 12:21
_ruben621:alias symbol:__scst_register_virtual_dev_driver scst12:21
_ruben1423:alias symbol:__scst_register_target_template scst12:21
_ruben2298:alias symbol:__scst_register_dev_driver scst12:21
_ruben2673:alias symbol:scst_register_session scst12:21
_ruben3297:alias symbol:scst_register scst12:21
_ruben4694:alias symbol:scst_register_virtual_device scst12:21
IntuitiveNippleNo, it's part of scst not isci-scst12:21
rtgIntuitiveNipple: ah, missed that12:22
IntuitiveNippleOK, so, the build process isn't 'seeing' them via DKMS12:23
_rubenIntuitiveNipple: sounds about right, yeah12:23
_rubenit isnt dkms specific though, m-a has the same12:23
IntuitiveNippleIs there a custom Makefile for that module?12:26
_rubenjust got a reply from upstream:12:28
_ruben1. If you don't have SCST core's Module.symvers, you will see complains 12:28
_rubenon the MODPOST build stage. As you can notice, the Module.symvers is 12:28
_rubeninstalled during SCST core installation in /usr/local/include/scst 12:28
_rubentogether with other SCST headers.12:28
_ruben2. Since iscsi-scst.ko depends on scst.ko, you must have the correct 12:28
_rubenversion of scst.ko installed, when you trying to load iscsi-scst.ko. 12:28
_ruben"Correct" means built with the same SCST headers for the same kernel as 12:28
rtgthat would definitely explain it12:28
_rubenso i gotta convince DKMS to take care of the symvers file i guess?12:28
IntuitiveNipplewe knew the what but not the why12:28
IntuitiveNippleIn src/scst/Makefile the install: target does "install -m 644 Modules.symvers $(INSTALL_DIR_H)"12:32
_rubencorrect, but dkms doesnt call make install i think?12:32
rtgapw: are you done with checkbox then?12:33
apwcheckbox is done as far as i can tell12:34
apwi am waiting for the publisher to download it12:34
rtgapw: ah, that reminds me to check on our new ABI kernel12:34
rtgkewl, someone has already NEWed it12:35
rtgapw: when you build checkbox on your PPA, do you only get i386 ?12:36
IntuitiveNipplesmb_tp: Good news. The RCU back-port looks to be good. The Tree RCU fragments aren't required since there is no Tree RCU until
smb_tpSounds cool. If you drop the patch to the mailing list I'll see to get a kernel build12:37
_rubenhmm .. perhaps a POST_BUILD= entry in DKMS can be used12:38
apwrtg yeah, its all 'all' code, all python12:38
IntuitiveNipplesmb_tp: Will do. I'm doing a build and install test on it first12:39
rtgapw: hmm, I'm just not used to seeing packages only appearing in one ARCH12:39
smb_tpIntuitiveNipple, Ok12:39
apwyeah when its an all it does that12:39
apwits that mad all == any one and any means all of them12:40
rtgdoesn't seem ortogonal12:40
rtgorthogonal, even12:40
apwits completely mind bending12:47
apwin better news the script is in the package and seems to work12:47
rtgapw: good, that was really my only goal.12:48
apwindeed, just running a real life test12:49
sorenrtg: "archictecture: all" packages only get built on i386, but are published in all architectures.12:49
rtgsoren: just one of those funny inconsistencies in the archive12:50
sorenAh, apw already pointed that out.12:50
apwreally it should have been all -> indep and any -> all12:50
IntuitiveNipple16-core Itanium 2 system for £999 ... is it worth it as a build server?13:11
elmo16 cores for 1K?13:13
elmothat sounds like it's off the back of a lorry13:13
elmoand not in a good way :-P13:13
rtgIntuitiveNipple: and what do you do with ia64 anyway?13:14
IntuitiveNippleelmo: Yeah, I was wondering the same thing myself! I'd just looked at another for £24.5k :)13:14
IntuitiveNipplertg: To play with, of course!13:14
rtgexpensive toy13:14
elmoitanium's are only 2 cores per socket, right now, AFAICR?13:15
IntuitiveNippleall the best toys are :)13:15
elmoif so, that's an 8-socket machine.  which would make it *very* expensive to run, and likely *very* noisy too13:15
IntuitiveNipple2 cores, 2 hyperthreads13:15
IntuitiveNippleelmo: It'd be banished to the garage like the PowerEdges13:15
elmoah, well, if you have somewhere for it.  I dunno, my experience with Itanium's is with older machines13:16
elmobut unlessimproved vastly, the only thing going for that box would be the 16-wayness.  because core to core, a decent Xeon or even Opteron will outclass an Itanium like nobody's business13:16
IntuitiveNippleI was looking for one with VT support13:16
elmos/unlessimproved/unless they've improved/ (woo, typing on a loaded box)13:17
IntuitiveNippleYeah... same here... It'd make a great buildd for the kernels13:19
IntuitiveNippleBut, that price... and 'cash only' makes me think... oh well *sigh* too good to be true13:19
_rubengrr .. gotta love being pulled into a meeting unexpectedly .. back to my scst/dkms endeavour :p14:13
IntuitiveNippleis there a make rule to easily build/install the /boot/vmcoreinfo* files from a quick-build ?14:13
macortg: around?14:15
rtgmaco: in 20 mins or so. on conf call right now14:15
rtgsaw you k-t list email14:16
macoah ok then nvm14:16
IntuitiveNippleok, got it: KVER=; sudo makedumpfile -g /boot/vmcoreinfo-$KVER -x ../builds/vmlinux14:24
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: still haven't seen the bug with an ext3 filesystem.. will leave it running overnight today14:41
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: if you remember, the MCP67/achi bug14:42
IntuitiveNipplewhich bug is that? I loose track :)14:42
IntuitiveNippleoh, yeah.... I'm actually looking at some patches for that issue atm14:42
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: cool14:46
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: had dpkg running on Intrepid userland on ext with 2.6.28 from the mainline archive for an hour, nothing happened14:47
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: ext3 that is14:47
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: Jaunty userland, 2.6.28-10 and ex4: 5 minutes dpkg and boom14:48
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: if you want some info from the system after it's happened I can probably recreate it pretty quickly14:49
IntuitiveNippleCould it really be an ext4 issue? I can't think how the file-system could cause that in the controller... but anything's possible14:53
rtgernstp: cat /proc/version_signature, some ext4 patches were applied in -10.3214:54
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: well ext4 has much better performance I guess, bigger writes with delayed allocation, so maybe something... ? :-)14:56
ernstprtg: got 10.3214:56
IntuitiveNipplertg: bug #34391914:56
ubot3Malone bug 343919 in linux "Nvidia MCP67 AHCI ata timeout exception with data loss" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34391914:56
ernstprtg: but it should really be an "ahci" driver issue and not ext4 related14:57
rtgernstp: ah, I just saw ext4 in the recent scroll-back14:57
IntuitiveNipplewhat bothers me is each error on whichever kernel is during ext4 journal work: "ext4_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal"14:59
ernstpbut I've only ever seen it on ext4 so far15:01
IntuitiveNippleI've noted it on the bug... another avenue to examine15:01
ernstpbut as I said, I'll leave dpkg running on an ext3 filesystem during the night today15:03
ernstpwhile true; do dpkg -i wesnoth*; done15:03
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: Ted Ts'o can take a look at it :-)15:13
Kanohi rtg , could you fix the aufs module first? thats needed to try the 2.6.29 kernel in live mode15:16
rtgKano: Karmic is a background task, so I'll get to it eventually. I've still got to get Jaunty released.15:17
Kanowell, there are systems which do not like 2.6.2815:17
Kanoone asrock x58 board has some issues15:18
Kanotherefore i want to check with 2.6.2915:18
rtgKano: use the mainline build on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa15:19
Kanortg: i need aufs!15:19
rtgthen you're gonna have to do it yourself15:19
Kanosquashfs is in the kernel now15:19
mjg59cking: Wow. That hpmini driver is special.17:21
* cking nods17:21
cking..ultimately a generic solution for ICH7 chipsets should be looked at for saving power on the wake alarm17:22
mjg59cking: Why not just have the kernel call acpi_disable_event(ACPI_EVENT_RTC) if there's no alarm set?17:22
Keybukkees: if we move over here, we can say rtg a lot and he'll fix it17:23
ckingmjg59: the driver turns off the power to the wake alarm mechanism - it's more of a low level ICH7 tweak to save power.17:23
* Keybuk wonders what happens if you say it three times17:23
ckingand ping too17:23
mjg59cking: It looks like it's just writing to the PM registers, which is what acpi_disable_event does17:24
cking..is this dependant on the BIOS doing things right?17:24
keesKeybuk: you weren't standing in front of a mirror when you said it17:25
* cking goes to look at acpi_disable_event more deeply17:25
rtgyou guys quite hassling me. I'm packing boxes.17:26
macowow, the combination of Keybuk highlighting, cking adding ping, and mjg59 saying 'PM' made mjg59's sentence confusing17:26
Keybukrtg: are you going somewhere? :p17:26
rtgno, sending computers to germany and Mississippi17:26
keesKeybuk: oh the irony: config SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR ... default 017:27
Keybukkees: well, yes17:27
rtgKeybuk: why are you bugging me? is SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR the reason?17:27
Keybukrtg: for your scrollback pleasure17:27
Keybukit is17:27
rtgKeybuk: ok, gimme 10 minutes or so, I've got a pickup deadline17:27
Keybuk/etc/sysctl.d/10-process-security.conf:vm.mmap_min_addr = 6553617:28
Keybukie. if we didn't override the config option back to zero in our kernel config, and used the x86 arch default, we wouldn't have to override it back to 64k in userspace via sysctl17:28
keesrtg: however, it seems that ARM needs to be 32768.17:28
keesaccording to the Kconfig help text, anyway17:29
keesia64, ppc64, x86: 65536, all others: 3276817:29
keeswhere x86 means x86 and x86_6417:29
rtgkees: I though that used to be 0. it certainly was in Intrepid17:30
keesrtg: right, upstream changed the defaults.17:31
rtgoh, you want it set to 64k?17:31
rtgok, can do.17:31
keesrtg: yeah.  it looks like it isn't set as a default for other archs in the kernel.17:31
Keybukrtg: just left at whatever the arch default is I guess17:31
Keybukdo we not inherit from arch/*/configs/*_defconfig ?17:31
rtgKeybuk: not really, unless we start from scratch17:32
keesrtg: so, flipping it to 64k (x86, ppc, ia64) and 32k (others) is the way to go17:32
rtgis there an LP?17:32
keesKeybuk: it seems that some archs don't have a default yet upstream17:32
ogrartg, can you please set CONFIG_SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR=32768 for ARM (higher values dont work on arm)17:34
rtgogra: can do :)17:35
ograthanks a lot :)17:35
rtgogra: why is it that not all of the ARM flavours have this option?17:35
ograup to now we have set it from /etc/sysctl.d/10-process-security.conf so it sisnt matter at all17:36
ograupstream now uses CONFIG_SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR=65536 ...17:37
ograbut that breaks on arm17:37
ograthe help of SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR says "On arm and other archs it should not be higher than 32768."17:38
rtgkees: did you say you had started an LP bug on CONFIG_SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR ?17:38
ograand i just verified that setting vm.mmap_min_addr = 32768 works fine (while 65536 breaks in intresting ways)17:38
keesrtg: I will open one.17:39
rtgkkesits not really necessary, just wanted to be sure to get the LP# in the commit if it existed17:39
keesogra: yeah, I was discussing the fixes here with rtg before you joined17:39
ograah, k17:39
rtgkees: ^^ (can't type today)17:39
keesrtg: right, I'd like it so I can follow it with procps changes to address it.17:40
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: 1 hour no problem with 2.6.29-020629rc8-generic, ext4, jaunty. don't think 1 hour is enough though17:44
Kanortg: you can remove the squashfs part in ubuntu dir on 2.6.2917:45
Kanoit is inside the kernel17:45
keesrtg: bug #34495517:45
ubot3Malone bug 344955 in linux "CONFIG_SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR needs to be set" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34495517:45
IntuitiveNippleernstp: If it doesn't fail then we'll have to hunt the commit(s) that fix it17:45
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: lol, just because I wrote that it failed!17:46
keesrtg: once that's in a published kernel, I will fix procps.  :)17:46
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: same message as usual17:46
ernstpreboot :-)17:47
ograkees, i would call it "high" or even critical for procps ... it breaks ARM completely atm17:48
ogra(i.e. prevents us from building functional images)17:50
keesogra: right, though it will be fixed very soon in the right place.17:55
* ogra hopes so, i need to start building images for imx51 asap17:56
ogra*before* the beta freeze17:56
keesogra: are there any arm-specific packages?  You could put a 12-arm-mmap-min.conf into /etc/sysctl.d/ that sets it to 32k until the kernel is fixed?17:56
ograsadly there arent ... 17:57
ograbut i'll try to hack around it in an image build script 17:57
keesogra: there isn't anything easy in the build script, I can try to teach procps about the arm-specific stuff.  I'd rather wait just to avoid needing to clean up conf files, etc.17:58
ograwell, since i'm about to write the build script ther *will* be :)17:58
ograif i want it 17:58
ograwe dont have the script i'm talking about yet (i wanted to write it today, but the bug was in my way)17:59
amitkrtg: are you on the SECURITY fix for the day?18:09
amitkor do you want me to look at it?18:10
ograwow, he's fast18:10
ogra16min from reported to fix committed status for 344955 :)18:11
rtgogra: I have this amazing hoover that builds _really_ fast18:11
keesrtg: is that the one you were replacing the mainboard in last week?18:12
amitkogra: I'll push the rest of the changes to imx51 before I got to bed. Then badger rtg for an upload ;)18:12
ckingmjg59: yep - I've familiarised myself with the ACPI code now.  A generic solution is that acpi_disable_event(ACPI_EVENT_RTC) before hibernate if the wake alarm is not set18:12
rtgkees: yep, then I added 4 spindles for raid018:12
* kees drools18:12
ograamitk, btw, my USB NIC works fine now ... 18:12
ogramakes the babbage a breeze18:12
amitkogra: it better! The imx51 is a bloated beast right now 18:13
ograbut works fine :)18:13
ograi shall try my ton of different USB devices the next days 18:13
mjg59cking: Yes, that sounds sensible18:14
mjg59cking: Probably for S3 as well as S418:14
* cking nods. It will save several mAh in hibernate that's for sure18:14
* cking investigates cmos_suspend() et al18:16
mjg59cking: I think you mean several mA :)18:17
ckingyep. 18:17
* cking wonders why this is not done already18:28
rtgamitk: so, you're gonna drop some ARM patches on me?18:47
amitkrtg: where are you uploading?18:50
amitkrtg: *when18:50
rtgamitk: anytime you're ready. end of my day is in about 90 mins, but I can do it later tonight as well18:51
amitkrtg: then let's not rush it. I've had a long few days. I'll finish up the configs _and_ look at d-i tomorrow morning ready for you to upload when you start.18:52
rtgamitk: in that event I'll upload anyway so kees can get his procps security fix out of the way18:54
amitkrtg: then let me just push the imx51 config changes. I'll fix d-i later18:56
amitkgimme 30mins18:56
lime_how i can let ubuntu 32 bit see 4G ram?19:18
ubot3lime_: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 338, column 8419:18
rtglime_: install the -server kernel19:18
lime_i did that but still not seen !19:19
rtglime_: depending on your chipset, you may only see a bit more then 3Gb19:19
lime_in the Bios it show 4G , it is dell laptop xps m1210 19:20
rtgapw: your 'hotkey quirks for various Zepto Znote and Fujitsu' would be easier to cherry pick into Karmic if you pushed it to Jaunty19:20
rtgapw: also, I have to admit I didn't read you original email correctly.19:21
rtglime_: the other alternative is to run the 64 bit kernel and user space.19:22
apwrtg that commit should be on the jaunty repo, its the third commit against my origin/master -- baad507a2aca0f997f01f964e03f79c4ec622cf419:22
rtghuh, sure is. I searched for the log message in the email and didn't see it.19:23
rtgapw: sorry for the noise. go back to your beers.19:24
amitkrtg: cross compile for entire armel will take ~1hr45m. Are you going to do it in any case?19:28
rtgamitk: yep19:28
rtgtakes about 10 mins19:28
amitkrtg: then I won't. You'll have to fix abi issues if any for the other flavours. I am marking imx51 as ignore19:29
rtgamitk: np19:29
apwrtg beers i wish19:30
rtgapw: what, you run out?19:30
apwyeah have to go buy some before i can start, how fair is that19:30
rtgapw: so, what should I do with the EC2 pile from Chuck?19:31
apwthere are some integration issues i believe just in terms of whether we need a branch or not for this thing19:31
apwi was going to review them properly tommorrow am and report back19:31
apwoverall the look reasonable, just these niggles on how we get them into our tree without breaking it19:32
amitkrtg: patch pushed.19:32
amitkbradF: yes. How can I help you?19:32
bradFi have aufs building now (that's the good news)19:34
bradFamitk: i have aufs building now (that's the good news)19:35
bradFamitk: will need to do some fencing in unionfs to support the old api19:35
bradFamitk: ixp4xx doesn't enable AA but does use NFS so there would need to be fencing done there (the bad news)19:36
bradFamitk: still want to proceed?19:36
bradFamitk: larger issue is that any fs which is enabled for either ixp4xx or imx51 will probably need fencing done19:38
lime_from here I can enable HIGH_MEM option?19:40
rtglime_: which will force PAE19:40
amitkbradF: that sounds like a much larger project19:41
amitkbradF: do you mean to say that we've applied apparmor patches to our kernel in such a way that it is very hard to turn off AA now?19:42
bradFamitk: yes19:42
amitkrtg: ^ perhaps something to keep in mind if you haven't already applied AA for Karmic19:43
rtgamitk: AA was one of the first commits that I dropped19:43
lime_rtg, yes how ?19:43
amitkwe really should not be this tightly coupled to AA. Who knows if we want to move to SELinux someday19:44
sbeattieEh? you're only tightly coupled to the vfs hook changes. selinux (kernel portion) works now.19:45
amitkrtg: its your call for Jaunty. Should bradF continue decoupling it? It seems the AA _might_ work after all19:45
amitksbeattie: not being able to compile the kernel without AA is very tight coupling IMO19:45
sbeattieamitk: with AA disabled or without the AA patches?19:46
amitksbeattie: not necessarily a problem of AA perse, but the way the patches are applied19:46
rtgamitk: well, I never was in favor of disabling AA. Have you found the source of your AA crash?19:46
bradFamitk: should I start looking at that the oops that started this? don't know what progress I'll make but I can start.19:46
amitkrtg: no, we haven't found the reason for the oops. But I think the MMAP_MIN_ADDR might have something to do with it19:47
rtgthat would be nice if it really is the case.19:47
bradFamitk: interesting!19:47
sbeattiehrm, the oops backtrace I saw was on the kernel trying to execve /sbin/init, long before the MMAP_MIN_ADDR stuff gets applied.19:48
amitkbradF: fixing the oops is still a worthwile goal. That will allow us to enable AA for all arm flavours19:49
bradFamitk: so, I should stop further work on the AA changes and concentrate on the oops?19:50
rtgbradF: I suggest you put everything you've done to date on  a branch in case we have to come back.19:50
bradFrtg: can do19:50
amitkbradF: yes19:50
bradFamitk: works for me19:50
amitkAA upstream would still be interested in that problem being fixed. It seems like it is the first time someone's run AA on ARM arch19:52
rtgbradF: do you get serial console? It may be one of those printk until you find it bugs.19:54
amitkamitk &19:55
bradFrtg: yes to serial console19:59
rtgbradF: ok, rinse and repeat :)19:59
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: 5 hours constant dpkg on ext3 with a 2.6.28 kernel, nothing21:21
IntuitiveNippleernstp: poor ext4 :( looks like the finger is pointed its way although I still don't see how the file-system can be implicated, unless it provokes some sequence of events that the particular controller/disk combination doesn't like21:22
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: yeah, it's really wierd...21:23
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: userland shouldn't matter right?21:23
IntuitiveNippleif it's an indirect linkage, anything could cause it21:24
rtgI'm pounding my ext4 file system.21:24
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: so I've got the exact same mainline kernel build of installed on a Jaunty partition with ext4 and an Intrepid partition with ext321:24
IntuitiveNipplemaybe the way ext4 tries to line up accesses in your case is significant.21:24
ernstpIntuitiveNipple: the very same kernel. nothing on ext3, happens on ext421:24
ernstpsounds fun to debug21:25
ernstpone difference is more /etc/sysfs.conf21:26
IntuitiveNipplertg: off hand do you know who's responsible for the nvidia DKMS package scripts? Is it 'kernel-team' or someone else?21:26
ernstpI'll enable that on the other and leave it running tonight21:26
rtgAlberto Milone, can't think of his nick21:26
IntuitiveNippleOK, thanks21:26
IntuitiveNippleI just found the default DKMS doesn't work against a manually installed kernel, took me a while to figure out how to sort it out, would be nice if it could work for both packaged and manual installs21:27
rtgIntuitiveNipple: gimme a sec to track him down.21:28
rtgIntuitiveNipple: alberto.milone@canonical.com, tseliot is his nick21:29
IntuitiveNippleIt's okay, I'll email him21:29
IntuitiveNippleyeah, that's the one :)21:29
KanoIntuitiveNipple: usally it does when you boot a new kernel21:30
IntuitiveNippleKano: It can't in this case, that's the thing, since one of the include files it uses in a build-test app isn't where it is expected21:31
IntuitiveNipplewith a manual install the out-of-tree build dir is linked from ./build and the source is ./source21:31
IntuitiveNippleI had to play with reversing SYSSRC and adding SYSOUT to dkms.conf to figure it out21:32
Kanowell they are expected at the standard postition21:32
IntuitiveNippleThe Linux kernel modules_install and the Ubuntu linux-headers do different things... it would be nice if the DKMS package can cope with both21:33
Kanowas this link /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build correctly set?21:34
IntuitiveNipple./build/ links to the out-of-tree build directory, which doesn't contain linux/utsname.h (that's in ./source/include/)21:35
IntuitiveNippleI'll figure out a munge tomorrow, now I have it working 21:36
Kanohere it is in include/linux/utsname.h21:36
Kanonot in your linux version?21:36
Kanowell it is in the ubuntu packages at that place at least ;)21:39
Kanoeven in 2.6.2921:39
IntuitiveNippleFor packaged headers it's in ./build/include/linux/ but for out-of-tree kernel builds installed using the kernel's own make modules_install it's in ./source/include/linux/21:39
Kanoso will test my aufs hack21:39
marijuswill there be 2.6.29-rc kernels with kms support build for the mainline kernel ppa? 23:05
erle-are the virtualbox kernel modules packaged with the "restricted modules"?23:23
TheMusoerle-: no. What version of Ubuntu are you using?23:25
TheMusoI think for 8.10 the virtualbox modules are built using dkms, but don't hold me to that.23:25
erle-i removed the restricted modules a few days ago23:27
erle-and now i see that there is no more vbox module23:27
erle-i think it is packaged there23:27
erle-and i think that has to be fixed!23:27
TheMusoWell I could be wrong, but I didn't think it was.23:27
erle-TheMuso, can you please look up?23:27
erle-i cannot because the package is not installed23:27
TheMusoAlright, one second.23:27
=== pgraner` is now known as pgraner
TheMusoerle-: you want virtualbox-ose-source23:31
erle-TheMuso, i don't think so23:31
erle-there is a precompiled kernel module shipped23:32
erle-why should i build my own?23:32
erle-the source is nice for people with custom kernels23:32
IntuitiveNippleerle: "This package provides the binaries for the Open Source Edition of23:33
IntuitiveNipple VirtualBox. The virtualbox-ose-source package is also required in order to23:33
IntuitiveNipple compile the kernel modules needed for virtualbox-ose"23:33
TheMusoerle- In that case, I don't know. I suggest you ask in #ubuntu-motu since there you will find the people who maintain it.23:33
erle-i know that it worked before without custom module building23:35
erle-now i am confused23:35
erle-i will investigate and inform you23:35
erle-sorry, my fault, everything fine again23:40
erle-he seems to compile the modules from source on demand23:40
erle-thank you for your support and sorry :)23:41
TheMusoerle-: thats ok, it can be confusing if you don't know where the modules come from.23:42
erle-yeah, its just because i removed the one module package and thought that's the reason23:43

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