
nhandlerLaney: Do you have bug numbers?00:00
Laneybug 336029 bug 34457800:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336029 in miro "[FFe] Merge miro 2.0.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33602900:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344578 in gnome-do-plugins "[FFe] Update gnome-do and gnome-do-plugins to version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34457800:01
nhandlerI have a meeting right now Laney, but I'll look them over tonight00:02
Laneysure, thanks00:02
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dtchenLaney: you might want to regenerate the gnome-do debdiff (minor, but you probably want to update debian/gnome-do.1 again)00:06
LaneyI didn't know whether to ignore the last part or not (since this is part of the 0.8.1 series)00:06
dtchenLaney: well, i'll leave it to you :)00:06
Laneydtchen: Do you mind it being uploaded in your name btw?00:07
dtcheni don't00:07
Laneygood, as you did do the work00:07
dtcheni get the ppa spam anyhow00:07
nhandlerLaney: Why is the changelog in the bug description different than in the .diff.gz?00:35
Laneyfor which?00:35
Laneythere are two packages00:35
nhandlerBoth of them. The .diff.gz's contain different changelogs than in the bug description00:36
nhandlergnome-do and -plugins00:36
Laneywhat's different (besides not having the main LP: #xxx)?00:38
nhandlerLaney: That was the first thing I noticed. I'm not sure if there are any other differences00:38
Laneythat's just because I rolled it before submitting the bug00:39
LaneyI'll give you the new ones if you want00:39
nhandlerI personally don't care for right now, but you will want to make sure that the .diff.gz's that get uploaded close the FFe bug00:39
Laneythey do00:39
* nhandler goes to look again00:40
ScottKnxvl: I'm around again now.00:41
LaneyI also bumped the gnome-do build-dep in -plugins since filing, fyi00:41
Laneyto ensure it's build against the new version of core00:41
nxvlScottK: i've been told you are looking for someone to take your work in clamav00:57
Laneynhandler: New diffs up.01:03
* Laney -> shower. Hopefully I can upload this before bed01:03
nhandlerLaney: I'm looking at miro right now. I'll look at gnome-do again after01:03
Adri2000ScottK: can you do something for bug #335692 ?01:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335692 in intrepid-backports "Please backport filezilla" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33569201:04
jdongAdri2000: I'll handle it01:04
Adri2000jdong: thanks! ScottK: nevermind, jdong took it01:05
ScottKEven better.01:05
jdongstupid launchpad, for the last time I'm logged in!01:05
nhandlerLaney: Your changelog entry says "debian/pyversions: Change to "2.5-" to build for 2.6 ", but you change it from 2.5 to 2.6- in your debdiff. I also am not able to build the Source Package using your debdiff "/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk:183: *** invalid setting in debian/pyversions.  Stop."01:10
LaneyI noticed that01:11
Laneyslip of the hand and all that01:12
ScottKnhandler: You need to build the source package in a Jaunty chroot.  That file only exists in Jaunty's python.01:18
nhandlerscottk: Thanks for the info01:20
Laneynhandler: And it should be just 2.6. I had already noticed and fixed it.01:20
Laneytheres some weirdness with boost.python that makes it not play nice with 2.5- afaics01:20
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Laneysleep time01:37
ScottKLaney: What version of boost?01:42
ScottKLaney: I've been trying to get everything migrated to boost1.35.01:42
adelie42Between patch testing, want to work on my own features to some of the kdegames, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegames has no "code" section. Should I just start my own branch, apt-get source kdegames and push it? I know that will let me get started right away, but I would prefer to do it a right way if someone is willing to advise04:59
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dtchenJontheEchidna: / ScottK-desktop: / nixternal: / a|wen: ^^^05:02
adelie42https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/kdegames/trunk looks good, even if it is not official.05:02
dtchenadelie42: if you don't get a response here, you may want to ask in #kubuntu-devel05:03
adelie42dtchen: thanks, i'll check thhere05:03
* nixternal hides05:04
nixternaladelie42: there is a kdegames branch05:04
nixternaladelie42: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members05:06
nixternalthere is kdegames/debian and kdegames/ubuntu05:06
nixternalthat's the one you are interested in05:07
adelie42ok, I was looking at https://code.launchpad.net/kdegames, which is only packaging data :( thanks05:07
adelie42Thad looks right. Thank you!!!!05:08
nixternalright, which is all we have in bzr...the source tarballs are elsewhere to be grabbed (ie. KDE ftp for <= 4.2.1)05:08
nixternalno prob05:08
adelie42err... that is again just the packaging... If I want to build off of the source I would otherwise get from apt-get source kdegames, is there no bazaar branch to work from?05:10
nixternalyou can do that...no need to keep the tarballs in bzr since they are already in KDE..or you can get them from apt-get source05:11
adelie42I use several machines in different locations. bzr is really convenient, which was why I thought it was used in the first place. Are the primary developers for kdegames just not using launchpad/bzr?05:13
a|wenadelie42: the developers of kdegames are working in kde svn05:36
a|wenadelie42: i think http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Sources/Anonymous_SVN might give you some of the info you seek05:38
a|wenadelie42: in any case you might want to jump into #kubuntu-devel also ... some of them might know more about working with upstream05:43
adelie42I got some of my own ideas for i'd like to work on (between patch testing grunt work), but keeping in sync with the real development version would be nice, in case someone actually likes any of the things stuff I am working on05:47
nixternalahh, then yes, you need to look into the link that a|wen provided for kde svn :)05:47
adelie42:/ grr... not only am I not a KDE user, I am not familiar with svn. I LOVE launchpad / bzr. I am looking at the linked page and thinking that is more than I want to deal with (not to be anti kde, just each to their own and all)05:52
adelie42I appreciate the links though. I'll have to check it out some time. I just got familiar with bazaar and want to focus my attention there for now.05:54
nixternaladelie42: svn is similar to bzr, or really, bzr is similar to svn05:57
nixternalplus there is some good info on that wiki page to get you started05:57
justinnfxHello- I need some help installing ubuntu06:05
justinnfxLast time I tried wubi and it did not work, i got stuck at the password menu, and it would not install06:05
justinnfxOk Im am installing ubuntu 8.10 right now06:06
justinnfxI mean downloading06:07
justinnfxdo I need to resize my partion?06:07
adelie42This is not the appropriate channel for installation support. I sent you an IM. I can help you there06:07
sbeattieadelie42: there's always bzr-svn to work with a svn tree from within bzr, though I've not tried it.06:09
adelie42hmm... that sounds intriguing.06:17
fabrice_sp_Hi. Should the bug reports linked  to the python2.6 transition nominated for Jaunty?06:33
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justinnfxHow come I have 80gb space free, but win is only letting me shrink to get 4gb free space?06:49
StevenKYou should probably defragment your drive06:51
dholbachgood morning06:52
justinnfxStevenX you think that will do it, if I go around deleting a bunch of stuff, like old torrent.  Will that work06:53
justinnfxI probally can delete about 50gb of program/music/vid off the winvista, will that give me the extra 50gb to srhink06:53
fabrice_spgood morning dholbach !06:57
dholbachhiya fabrice_sp, hi ara06:58
arahey dholbach :)06:58
justinnfxmy ubuntu download is done but I can firgure how to get more than 4gb of space06:59
justinnfxdoes ubuntu shrink the disk for you06:59
justinnfxi do got 80 gb left06:59
justinnfxOk I used Paragon and I ended up making the unlocated space at the end 75gb in size.  Will ubuntu install from the unlocated space while doing dual boot?07:13
fabrice_spjustinnfx, yes, but I think you will receive more help in #ubuntu07:16
didrocksmorning o/07:32
dholbachgood morning didrocks - I commented on the murrine request07:33
didrockshey dholbach ;)07:34
didrocksdholbach: looking at it. I just followed seb128 ask for packaging :)07:34
dholbachthanks a lot07:35
gesergood morning07:35
stefanlsdWhats the procedure to request a rebuild of a package - no changes?07:36
geserprovide debdiff as usual07:37
geserthe debdiff will only contain the new changelog entry, but that's ok07:38
geserand use -XbuildY as revision if it doesn't have -XubuntuY already07:38
stefanlsdgeser: kk. thanks07:39
didrocksdholbach: done07:49
dholbachdidrocks: can you talk to seb128 about it when he turns up later on - dunno if the release team needs to weigh in there07:51
didrocksdholbach: about the FFe or the doubled work?07:52
dholbachdidrocks: the FFe07:52
didrocksdholbach: seb128 gives a FFe each time he asks on #ubuntu-desktop to update a package :)07:53
dholbachdidrocks: the doubled work can happen every time, if you said you reviewed the other changes and there's nothing worth merging, that's good enough for me07:53
didrocksdholbach: I merged the quilt removal, appart from that, nothing else useful07:54
dholbachok good - please ask him anyway :)07:54
didrocksdholbach: I will ;)07:54
dholbachdidrocks: thanks a lot for working on this07:54
didrocksdholbach: y/w07:55
brendonhello there07:56
didrocksmorning brendon07:57
brendonanyone here who I can ask a question about developing a python app in ubuntu?07:57
brendonhello didrocks07:57
brendonwhere about are you didrocks?  I'm in florida, it's 4am07:58
didrocksbrendon: France, it's 9am ;)07:58
brendoncool, I've never been to France.  I just came to America from China a week ago, so my internal time is off.07:59
brendonare you involved with MOTU ?07:59
didrocksI can imagine ^^07:59
didrocksbrendon: yes, as most of people there, I am kinda busy now (some packages to update), bbl08:00
didrocksbrendon: for python support, you can maybe try later, if more people will be awake ;)08:00
brendonthanks didrocks, good luck with your packages, I have some debuggin' to do :)08:01
didrocksbrendon: thanks, you too!08:01
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brendonI'm still here if anyone's feeling chatty09:10
brendonI suppose I should say that from time to time09:11
kaushalis there any simple way to upgrade 2.24.3 (ubuntu 8.10) to 2.26.0?09:11
slytherinkaushal: no09:11
brendonare you talking about the kernel?09:11
brendonanyway, there is always 1 simple way to upgrade... 3 step process.09:12
brendonstep 1: partition your drive and resize a big area for backup09:13
brendonstep 2: reinstall the OS09:13
brendonstep 3: reinstall all of your favorite software09:13
kaushalslytherin, curious to know about the reason :)09:14
brendonI do that several times a year ;)09:14
kaushalI mean evolution package09:14
brendonoh, you can uninstall evolution then download the source and install from source.09:14
slytherinkaushal: you will have to also upgrade all it's dependencies and there is high chance to break your installation. So that is why there is 'no simple way to upgrade'.09:14
kaushalThanks slytherin09:15
kaushalso there will be no update for evolution email client for Ubuntu 8.04 ?09:15
brendondoes it hurt to try?  you can "apt-get remove" if it doesn't work.  then reinstall the default09:15
slytherin!sru > kaushal09:16
ubottukaushal, please see my private message09:16
slytherinbrendon: it may actually hurt09:17
brendonI guess I can imagine so, slytherin, but I'm the type of person who likes to bring on the trouble ;)  fixing bugs makes my day09:18
slytherinbrendon: but there is no reason to recommend same to others. :-)09:19
directhex"stable" means "doesn't change"09:19
brendonbut really, for such a standard app such as evolution I can't imagine what major conflicts would occur.09:19
directhexupdating evo includes invasive changes such as the move to sqlite09:19
brendonyour right slytherin, sorry for the bad advice.  I've never had any critical issues from a bad package install so I didn't know.09:19
brendonthe most sound advice is to make a bug-report or software request for this type of thing, correct?09:20
brendongood to know directhex, thanks09:21
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brendondoes anyone here have experience packaging a python app?09:22
brendonwelcome Kmos09:31
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LaneyScottK: Uwe moved to 1.37 in Debian09:55
brendon1anybody home?10:42
Toadstoolhi guys!10:57
quadrisprofabrice_sp_, I'm working on bug 34466011:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344660 in qmtest "[Python2.6 transition] python-sigmask can not be installed because it depends on python (<< 2.6) and it needs to be adapted and rebuilt" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34466011:03
quadrispro(hi to everybody)11:03
brendon1hello to toadstool and quadrispro11:09
quadrisprohi brendon111:10
* quadrispro going away for some minute11:10
brendon1how are things?11:10
quadrisprobrendon1, are you asking about python transition?11:14
quadrisproit's almost done11:16
brendon1how did you know?  is there a review function?11:16
brendon1oh wait, no, I don't think I'm asking about python transition.11:16
quadrisproah ok11:17
brendon1I've made an application in python, and I'm trying to package it.11:17
brendon1I've got it working successfully through dh_make and dpkg-buildpackage11:18
brendon1and then I can run the package from the command line, but I can't run it from the Applications menu11:18
brendon1it hangs on "Starting application-name" then dies11:18
brendon1so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get a python app running through the Applications menu11:19
quadrisprobrendon1, you need to provide a .desktop file and install it in /usr/share/applications dir11:20
brendon1I have the desktop file, let me see if it's there...11:21
brendon1yeah, it's in there.11:22
quadrisproyou could install it by adjusting setup.py script (if you have one)11:23
quadrisprobrendon1, take a look to this -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#.desktop%20Files11:24
brendon1I think that's not the problem.  you know, even if you just double click the app.py and run it that way, it always pops up a terminal first and runs it through the terminal... know what I mean?  I have a feeling that this type of program is somehow dependent on a terminal11:24
brendon1because it's python11:24
quadrisprobrendon1, but does your app need to run in a terminal window?11:25
brendon1this perhaps is my question.  I've made many GUI interfaces before, but this is the first time I've tried to install one...  I usually run them myself from a terminal, so I don't know how to skip the terminal11:27
brendon1for example, with a java frames app I would: java app.class11:27
brendon1and for a python app I would: python app.py11:27
directhexwrite a script to run "python app.py"11:27
directhexmake that script executable, point a .desktop file at it11:28
quadrisproyes, it's the right way11:28
brendon1that's it!  I think I know now... the applications menu icon is linking directly to the app.py.  Then it's doing the same thing it would if I clicked on it... it's wondering if it should open it or run it...11:29
quadrisprobrendon1, anyway, we are in Feature Freeze so you could upload your package to REVU, I think we could review it in time for Karmic11:30
brendon1thanks quadrispro, but I think this package has a while to go before it's acceptable for anyone to look at.11:31
brendon1This is my first time making a linux package, and for Ubuntu standards I think I'll have a lot to do.11:31
brendon1I'm mostly doing this because I want to learn more and become a contributor for Ubuntu.11:32
brendon1so I figured making my own package would be the best way to start learning the process of packaging.11:33
quadrisproyes, it's good starting point11:35
brendon1do you have any other tips to help me faster along?  I'm on extended holiday now, so I'm in study mode everyday.11:36
quadrisproof course, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted contains a lot of useful information11:38
LaneyDon't start with making a new package :(11:38
quadrisproabout packaging and development process11:38
brendon1yeah, I've read a lot of that, but it's a little overwhelming11:38
quadrisproLaney thinks different :)11:39
Laneywe have plenty of bugs, fix some of those11:39
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directhexLaney, i always advice bug triage as the first thing a new developer should try their hand at11:41
brendon1I'm not sure where to start at the bug tracker11:41
hggdhbrendon1, /j #ubuntu-bugs11:43
brendon1anyway, I've never fixed a bug before, I'm afraid most of them are to specific.11:45
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slytherinslomo: ping13:33
brendonwhere'd all the humans go?13:50
RainCThumans? :)13:50
ScottKbrendon: Everyone here except you is a bot.13:50
brendonis that true?13:51
brendonwhat are the bots doing?  waiting for secret govn info?13:51
directhexPlease go on.13:51
directhexDoes that question interest you?13:51
geserthe answer is simple: taking over the world13:51
directhexPlease go on.13:52
brendonbots do interest me, I've spent ages working on an intelligent bot13:52
directhexCan you elaborate on that?13:52
brendonbut it was hard enough getting it to understand just me without worrying about putting it in a chat environment13:53
directhexCan you elaborate on that?13:53
brendonto elaborate, language based AI, dissecting sentences and organizing information into data trees13:54
directhexPlease go on.13:54
brendonthen hoping that the bot will respond correctly and concisely to specific questions13:54
directhexPlease go on.13:55
brendonambiguity was the big problem, of course, and the fact that people don't always make sense would be the other issue13:55
brendonwhen what?13:56
directhexDoes that question interest you?13:56
brendonyour a bot13:56
directhexPlease go on.13:56
directhexWhat about your own a bot?13:56
bddebianHeya gang14:25
_rubensuperm1: is there a (standard) way with dkms to have a Module.symvers file to be included in the tarball/deb output ?14:25
quadrisprofabrice_sp_: I'm working on bug 34082714:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340827 in libuser "[jaunty] python-libuser requires python < 2.6" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34082714:27
superm1_ruben, hmm, not currently I dont believe14:27
geserHi bddebian14:28
bddebianHi geser14:28
_rubensuperm1: bugger .. i got 2 kmods where one depends on the other in that needs its Module.symvers file :/14:28
superm1_ruben, well why not just put them both in the same dkms package?14:31
superm1_ruben, i might be mistaken, someone might have found a crafty way to do it, I'm just not aware off hand of a standard way14:32
brendonapt-get needs to install both packages at the same time in this case, such as: apt-get install package1 package214:33
brendonI don't know if that helps14:33
_rubensuperm1: combining them has crossed my mind, as they're closely related, but the 2nd isnt a requirement for the 1st (only the other way around) .. guess i could make 2 dkms packages: 1 for kmod 1, another for kmod 1+214:33
quadrisprofabrice_sp_: I've added a comment, please file a bug on debian BTS14:33
cjwatsondirecthex: I don't think bug triage is a "developer lite" kind of thing. It's a skilled job that not everyone is good at, IME14:55
nxvlnixternal: ping14:55
nixternalnxvl: pong15:05
directhexcjwatson, if people want to contribute, i'd rather they help an existing package than dump more half-maintained crap into the archive - they still end up learning all the tools15:06
cjwatsondirecthex: help an existing package, absolutely, but that's a bit different from "bug triage"15:06
cjwatsonwork on producing patches for open bugs, I'd say15:07
directhexobviously they're not going to be able to do much on headline apps that isn't better served by core dev people, but there's plenty of universe that needs a light shining on it15:07
directhexyeahm, okay, i can agree with that15:07
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
sistpoty|workhi folks15:35
RainCTHeya sistpoty|work15:38
sistpoty|workhi RainCT15:38
iahello. could anyone point me, please, some howto/tutorial about creating -dbg deb package for application?15:58
ia..oh, and about how such package to integrate in apport crash report system for sending bugs in launchpad.16:00
iaand another question - which adventages/disadvenages between cowbuilder and pbuilder and what does ubuntu maintainers use?16:06
jmarsdenia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash (is more about using the debug packages than building them) and I think most people use pbuilder rather than cowbuilder.16:14
iajmarsden: oh, looks like it's easy as a pie - (it's a cache link because original site is down :-)16:20
jmarsdenYes, that sounds about right.  For more examples, you could look at the debian/rules and debian/control in the source package of pretty much anything that has debug packages.16:22
Laneynixternal: "he MC has decided that it will open17:06
Laneyup discussions concerning the charter by March 20, 2009. The following week,17:06
Laneyon March 26, 2009 at 17:00 UTC"17:06
LaneyWhat's the second sentence there? "Discussions will close"?17:06
jpds...there will be a MOTU meeting.17:06
nixternalheh, how did I miss that one...17:07
nixternalLaney: I am going to resend as it will be a MOTU meeting and not a MOTU Council meeting17:07
* ScottK wonders why MC action is needed on this?17:08
nixternalScottK: my understanding is that the charter hasn't been completed in a timely matter17:08
ScottKI think any individual MOTU (including those on the MC) can take this question up to a MOTU meeting.17:08
ScottKnixternal: Who determines timely?17:08
ScottKWe have a draft.17:08
nixternalya, it will be at the MOTU meeting, not the MOTU Council meeting17:08
ScottKnixternal: Fine, but I'd be a lot more comfortable with this being proposed by MOTU than MC sitting in judgement.17:09
nixternalI believe teh discussion will be to take the draft, fix it as needed, and then put it into effect17:09
ScottKMC is to mediate disputes, and AFAICT there is no dispute here that needs mediating.17:09
nixternalMC won't be sitting in judgement, just part of the discussions17:10
ScottKThen the announcement about it shouldn't come from the MC.17:10
ScottKI'm fine to have the discussion and a charter for motu-release that MOTU approve of, but I don't think the MC as an entity has a dog in this fight.17:11
LaneyWhat's wrong with the MC collectively bringing topics up for MOTU discussion?17:12
ScottKLaney: It's not an MC duty.17:12
nixternalright, the MOTU will be approving, not the MC...the MC simply wanted to see discussions with MOTU going on concerning this. If nothing was opened by the 20th, then the MC had planned on opening it up by the 21st17:12
ScottKMC's charter (in a nutshell) is dispute resolution and actions in the new developer process delegated to it by the TB.17:13
nixternalfor some reason, my cut/paste didn't work to well in that email...mutt some how failed to grab the entire text17:13
ScottKnixternal: I don't think the MC as an entity has any authority to want this.17:13
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council responsibilities are there17:13
ScottKAs individual MOTU, sure thing.  No problem.17:13
ScottKLaney: Yes and I don't see anything there that's relevant.17:14
nixternalIt will supervise policy decisions done by the MOTU team and can thus17:14
nixternal* intervene only if really needed \17:14
ScottKYes, so what is requiring intervention?17:15
nixternalsupervising a policy decision by opening up discussions17:15
nixternalthat's all we are doing here17:15
ScottKYes.  I think the prod to get back to work on the charter was reasonable.17:15
nixternalIt will make efforts to keep the atmosphere calm and productive.17:15
nixternaland doing that in the grand scheme of things17:15
nixternalmaking the atmosphere productive17:15
ScottKI don't think setting arbitrary deadlines without consultation is consistent with keeping things calm and reasonable.17:16
brendon2what's a MC?17:16
ScottKThere isn't really anything pushing  this to get done on any particular schedule.17:16
ScottKbrendon2: MOTU Council.17:16
brendon2and a TB?17:16
ScottKWe don't just package stuff here, we also have politics.17:16
ScottKUbuntu Technical Board.17:16
ScottKFinal stop for techincal decisions in Ubuntu.17:17
brendon2thanks skottk.  I'm new17:17
ScottKYou're welcome and welcome to #ubuntu-motu.17:17
brendon2you guys really put in a lot to be doing this free of charge.  is this for the shear love of linux?17:18
brendon2I'm addicted to programming myself.17:18
ScottKEveryone who's here is here for their own reasons.17:18
ScottKFor myself I suspect some kind of mental problem is the root of it.17:19
jdongScottK: I think that's kind of universal :)17:19
brendon2ok, got it ;)17:19
ScottKjdong: Right, well in your case I have no doubts.17:19
ScottKnixternal: Do me a favor and have the MC minutes say the MC is pleased to see progress on the draft charter and hopes it will come to a MOTU meeting for discussion soon.  Then send out something on your own that makes that so.17:20
brendon2I'm looking to grow as a developer, tired of being a solo developer17:20
brendonbtw, I joined a mailing list for motu a few days ago and haven't gotten anything from it yet17:22
ScottKIt's pretty low volume.  Most work is coordinated via IRC.17:23
brendonah, then I came to the right place.17:23
brendoncan anyone tell me how to go about triaging as a newbie?17:23
brendonI just started responding to some bugs, is that I have to do?  or should I be clicking something to give my a/disa-proval of the situation?17:24
ScottKFor bug triage you want #ubuntu-bugs.17:24
brendonI'm logged in there too.  I think they're dead.17:25
* ScottK regularly gets in trouble for 'doing it wrong', so is loathe to give advice on triage policy.17:26
ScottKnixternal: Thanks for sending out the cancellation mail.17:29
nixternalnp...trying to figure out a) why that email didn't get sent correctly, b) what time MOTU meetings should be, and c) getting pissed off with the wiki17:30
ScottKnixternal: Just so you know, there's still some email among the motu-release members as recently as today to make sure we're comfortable with what we drafted.17:31
nixternalI hate MoinMoin, or at least our MoinMoin...it is the most unorganized thing I have ever witnessed17:31
ScottKnixternal: I still can't find stuff after it got reorganized.17:32
nixternalme either17:32
nixternalthe search sucks17:32
nixternalwhen you read a page, it looks like crap17:32
ScottKnixternal: Did you like my comment on your blog post about teenage daughters?17:32
nixternalya I did17:32
nixternalI knew you would respond to that one too17:32
ScottKThat's a true story.17:32
nixternalthere were some really inspirational responses to it as well17:32
nixternalwe have some very loving and passionate members in our community, not just us nut bags in here :p17:33
ScottKRemember job one is they turn 18 disease free and not pregnant.17:33
nixternalmy daughter is still young enough to believe my BS17:33
nixternalshe hasn't called me on anything yet17:33
ScottKOr at least to fake it.17:33
ScottKLater they don't bother.17:34
nxvlScottK: hI!17:34
nixternalI told her that if I find out she talks with boys or she don't get all A's on her report card, she will spend the summer washing my car17:34
ScottKHey nxvl.17:34
nixternalshe did have a good comeback though on the report card bit and all A's... she said "Don't pressure me, support me"17:34
nixternalI was like "damn, I just got pwned by my own daughter"17:34
ScottKnixternal: Recent conversation with the 17 year old "In 9 months no one will be legally obligated to take care of you.  You might want to consider working on making it so that people want to".17:35
nixternaloh nice one17:35
nxvlScottK: i send you a PM yesterday17:35
ScottKThat was a pretty intense blowup.17:35
ScottKnxvl: Yeah,  You weren't around by the time I got it.17:35
ScottKnxvl: pm now?17:35
nxvlScottK: i will send you an e-mail this afternoon to discuss the details17:35
nxvlok that work17:36
ScottKEither way17:36
anderskCan someone look at this sync request that resolves a Jaunty sagemath crash?  bug 344903.17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344903 in sagemath "Please sync sagemath 3.0.5dfsg-3 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34490317:40
brendonanything I can do to help MOTU today?17:41
anderskbrendon: How about bug 344903 that I asked about right before you got here?  :-)17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344903 in sagemath "Please sync sagemath 3.0.5dfsg-3 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34490317:42
ScottKandersk: He's not a MOTU, so it won't help you.17:43
* ScottK will look.17:43
anderskOh heh.  Great, thanks.17:44
brendonyeah, I figure you're looking for a special kind of click which I'm not authorized to do ;)17:45
brendonI'll read it anyway for fun though.17:45
ScottKandersk: What's the crash this fixes?17:52
anderskLP bug 339218; it crashes when you try to run the GUI.17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339218 in sagemath "sage crashes at notebook function" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33921817:53
andersk`sage -notebook` to reproduce.17:54
ScottKandersk: If you're interested in this package you might want to help the Debian maintainer with teaching it not to use the embedded code copies.  I wouldn't have accepted this into Ubuntu like this.17:56
anderskThat's a known bug; in fact the maintainer self-filed Debian #513837 and #513838 to prevent the package from entering testing in this state.  Jaunty picked it up anyway, though.17:58
ubottuDebian bug 513837 in sagemath "sagemath: contains embedded jsmath package" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51383717:58
ubottuDebian bug 513838 in sagemath "sagemath: contains embedded cython" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51383817:58
anderskIt doesn't build with any version of cython other than the embedded version (the version in Debian is too new).17:59
anderskIt is hard to disentangle the integrated jsmath from this version of Sage, but that has been fixed in newer versions of Sage upstream.18:00
andersk(The Debian maintainer is sitting right next to me.  :-))18:01
ScottKAh.  Excellent.18:05
ScottKStuff that comes to us through Debian gets a more gentle review than stuff we package directly.18:06
anderskI kinda wonder in general if Ubuntu should hold off on syncing things from unstable with RC bugs, but maybe that would slow things down too much.18:07
ScottKDunno.  It'd take some BTS integration to know and usually the stuff gets found after it would have sync'ed.18:09
ScottKBTW, I'm test building now and I'll approve the sync assuming it builds.18:09
ScottKYou might want to pass on that if he puts (LP: #nnnnnn) in his Debian changelog, Ubuntu bugs will get autoclosed after a sync.18:10
ScottKOn the off chance he cares ...18:10
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RainCTwoot, transparency is working again in terminator :)18:46
brendon1I just installed terminator the other day, what separates it from a regular terminal?18:48
RainCTbrendon1: press Ctrl+Alt+O :)18:48
fabrice_sp__ScottK, you tried to get rid of libboost < 1.35, right? I'm building a package that still uses 1.3418:48
RainCTerr right18:49
ScottKfabrice_sp__: It's a goal.  It if works with 1.35, please change it.18:49
fabrice_sp__ScottK, ok. As it FTBFS, I'll try18:49
jpdsNg: Latest vte uploads fix terminator! ^-- \o/18:56
Ngjpds: yep, the bug is already closed :D18:57
Nafallowill they allow me to open terminator with a keyboard shortcut though?18:57
ScottKandersk: Looks good.  I've subscribed the archive admins and it should get done soonish.19:08
mrooneydoes anyone understand how the adblock-plus package works? in debian/rules it has a "include /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/xpi.mk" but that file doesn't exist19:36
mrooneyalthough it seems to install fine19:36
SnovaIt's in the mozilla-devscripts package.19:37
vadi2Hi. Can anyone please upload a fixed gnome-web-photo to jaunty before the freeze? It was completely broken in jaunty (program does not start), and there is a fix with a .diff.gz already available here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-web-photo/+bug/34240819:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 342408 in gnome-web-photo "[jaunty] can't take web screenshot: libxul.so not found" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:38
RainCTokay guys, ext4 is officially evil now :P19:46
mrooneySnova: how does it install without pulling that package in?19:56
Snovamrooney: It only needs it to build. If that's what you're doing then, I probably have no idea what's going on.19:58
mrooneySnova: okay, huh19:58
RainCTasac: Hey. Does this look sane to you? http://paste.debian.net/30914    (part of the patch for bug #342408)20:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342408 in gnome-web-photo "[jaunty] can't take web screenshot: libxul.so not found" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34240820:06
asacRainCT: yes. seems they didnt use the mozjs glue i suggested at some point (like what google gadgets does)20:10
asacat least the title makes me think that20:10
RainCTasac: OK. What should the package depend upon, xulrunner-1.9 or xulrunner-1.9.120:13
RainCTor just xulrunner?20:13
asacRainCT: which package links against libxul.so?20:14
asacRainCT: also ... how is the ld line would be helpful to understand the impact of this20:15
RainCTasac: gnome-web-photo20:15
asacRainCT: no. what lib links against it20:15
asacRainCT: just figure where it links against libxul in the build log please20:15
asacand show that line to me ;)20:15
RainCTasac: the only mention of libxul.so in the build log is:   dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: Can't extract name and version from library name `libxul.so'20:18
asacRainCT: its -lxul20:18
RainCTasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133201/20:19
asacRainCT: -lxpcomglue_s -L/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel- -lxul -lxpcom -lxpcomglue20:22
asacthats bogus20:22
asacon its own20:23
asacfrom: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM_Glue20:23
asac"Never link against xpcomglue.lib and xpcomglue_s.lib at the same time."20:23
asacand "Never link against xpcomglue.lib and xpcom.lib at the same time."20:23
asacbut first is what is done here afaics20:24
RainCTuhm.. why isn't the -lxpcomglue in Makefile/configure? (i only see -lxpcomglue_s there)20:27
asacRainCT: not sure what they are into here ;)20:35
asacRainCT: i explained the obvious fact that we cannot link against libxul.so directly. so they are supposed to use the standalone glue to boot a xul environment20:37
asacmaybe they did that now20:37
asacRainCT: they added it in Makefile.am20:38
RainCTuhm, got it working20:38
RainCTchanging LIBXUL_LIBS="-L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/lib -lxpcomglue_s -L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/bin -lxul -lxpcom"20:39
RainCTto   LIBXUL_LIBS="-L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/lib -L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/bin -lxpcomglue_s -lxpcom -lnspr4"20:39
asacRainCT: ok so the idea is to add "embedding" to the LIBXUL macro used in configure.in20:40
asacif that doesnt work they definitly have deeper issues20:40
slytherinasac: is there any particular reason why we have version number in the directory name of xulrunner installation?20:40
asace.g LIBXUL_INIT20:40
asacneeds "embedding"20:40
asacslytherin: yes. so you cannot use -rpath20:41
slytherinasac: what is rpath?20:41
asacevil ;)20:41
asacnot really evil. but in some cases20:41
RainCTasac: there is no configure.in20:41
RainCTonly configure.ac and configure20:41
asacand in mozilla cases it was evil enough to take "extreme" measures20:41
asacRainCT: yeah. then .ac ;)20:42
asaci just hit TAB20:42
maxbrpath is a path to shared libraries hardcoded into the executable that wants to link to them20:42
slytherinasac: I have seen one or two packages which link against libxpcom.so, and once xulrunner is upgraded it does not work.20:42
asacRainCT: so try: LIBXUL_INIT([embedding]) ?20:42
asacyeah tahat should be right20:43
asacslytherin: right. thats why we change it so folks stop doing that20:43
asacslytherin: e.g. they use rpath or workaround by LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something20:43
asacslytherin: they must use the glue20:43
asacslytherin: if you have a list of packages, we should certainly try to fix them20:43
slytherinasac: I think it will take some time for me to understand.20:43
slytherinasac: IIRC, swt-gtk package was one of them.20:44
asacslytherin: right. for now just remember: everything that links directly against xpcom does something wrong ;)20:44
RainCTasac: I've done that and removed configure and now I got a FTBFS (GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK: command not found), and configure ends up with the same old line as before20:44
asacRainCT: why did you remove configure?`20:44
asacyou need to update it not remove it20:44
RainCTso that it's created again? how do I update it?20:45
slytherinRainCT: autoreconf20:45
RainCTwon't that add cruft?20:45
asacRainCT: just running autoconf is ok20:45
asacRainCT: create a patch20:45
RainCTand it still ends up with the old line20:46
RainCTwhat's wrong with just paching configure?20:46
asacRainCT: if you just patch configure its bad ;)20:46
asacRainCT: at least patch both20:46
RainCTI still get the FTBFS after autoreconf20:47
asacRainCT: usually you change configure.ac ... then rerun autoconf and capture that as a 99_autoconf patch or something20:47
asacRainCT: autoreconf is definitly too much20:48
asacRainCT: for me the package has a general problem20:48
asacit doesnt even build for me at all on jaunty20:48
ni|make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk'.  Stop.20:48
RainCT(and the packaging too, I doubt that went through revu ^^)20:48
RainCTni|: is  cdbs  installed?20:49
slytherinni|: do you have cdbs installed?20:49
ni|slytherin: yes20:49
ni|or so i think20:49
ni|the package is complete just waiting for that20:49
RainCTdpkg -l | grep cdbs;  ls /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/20:49
RainCTwhat does this say?20:49
ni|any reason why the cdbs docs on ubuntu.com are gone?20:49
ni|RainCT: i figured out my problem20:50
ni|i was b3eing stupid20:50
RainCTni|: see file:///usr/share/doc/cdbs/cdbs-doc.html for the docs20:50
slytherinpersia: If you haven't noticed already, gnome-user-share is now an official gnome module. :-)20:51
RainCTasac: can I ignore the warning about the files being from a different autoconf version?20:53
ni|RainCT: is there documentation specific to ubuntu for init scripts20:55
asacRainCT: yes. you probably have no choice ;)20:55
RainCTasac: ok.. with autoconf instead of autoreconf it still fails to build, and still doesn't modify that line in configure20:56
slytherinRainCT: did you rm'ed the directory autom4cache (or something like that)20:56
asacRainCT: well. what do you mean by diesnt modify that line in configure?20:57
asacwhich line?20:57
RainCT>> changing LIBXUL_LIBS="-L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/lib -lxpcomglue_s -L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/bin -lxul -lxpcom"20:57
RainCT>> to   LIBXUL_LIBS="-L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/lib -L${libxul_cv_sdkdir}/bin -lxpcomglue_s -lxpcom -lnspr4"20:57
RainCTslytherin: there's nothing like that20:58
RainCTah wait, after autoconf there is20:58
jdongScottK / SRU/MOTU-release type folks: Anyone mind if I approved bug 341832?20:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341832 in mit-scheme "SRU: mit-scheme uninstallable on Intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34183220:59
* ScottK isn't in motu-sru.21:00
jdongit's a "SRU" (more or less jaunty->intrepid complete backport) of a no-rdepends package completely broken in its current state21:00
jdongScottK: no but you have sane advice on such matters :)21:00
RainCTargh that package is completely br0ken21:01
ScottKSounds fine to me.21:01
RainCTif I create a patch it fails to apply just after that..21:03
RainCTslytherin: and it still FTBFS after removing that21:04
slytherinRainCT: don't have any other clue. And I am felling sleepy. :-( best luck with solving that FTBFS.21:04
RainCTunless someone can give me a really convincing reason not to do so, I'll just use my fix (just patching configure)..21:05
asacRainCT: how do you plan to pathc configure?21:23
asacah like above21:23
asacyeah do that if you want that21:23
asacbut the problem is that in Makefile.am they appent the -lxpcomglue21:23
asacso you wills till end up  with that appened21:23
mrooneyIt seems like this is the last day to get my update in, can anyone perform it? It would be ever so much appreciated! (bug 333639)21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please update wxbanker to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33363921:39
mrooneyIt is in my PPA, and there is also a tarball linked which can be uploaded verbatim21:39
ajmitchScottK: rdiff-backup 1.2.5-1build1  has files in /usr/local - I can either fix this or grab 1.2.7-1 which is in Debian, it appears to be a bugfix release. Should I file a FFe for it?21:49
RainCTdidrocks: *poke*21:51
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ScottKajmitch: If it's bugfix, no FFe needed.21:58
ajmitchalright, thanks21:59
ajmitchhopefully there's no change required beyond --install-layout=deb22:02
didrocksRainCT: yes?22:19
RainCTdidrocks: nevermind :)22:21
didrocksRainCT: oki :)22:21
ScottKajmitch: That's likely it.22:45
cody-somerville:) I love python 2.622:45
* ScottK suspects he is probably the guilty party for missing that the first time.22:46
ajmitchScottK: it wasn't you on this package22:46
ScottKAh good.22:46
ajmitchbesides, from reading #u-devel, I need to strip --prefix from debian/rules before I upload it22:47
ajmitch    - The options --install-layout=deb and --prefix are exclusive.22:47
ajmitchthis is now a problem, as it does appear to need --prefix to use $(CURDIR)22:50
* ScottK doesn't recall removing --prefix.22:53
ajmitchthis change was in a python upload about 6 hours ago22:55
ajmitchusing --root appears to work22:56
* ajmitch will upload after lunch22:56
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