moz | does no one know anything about this? sorry i've posted this question but im new and totally stuck | 00:17 |
moz_ | my laptop is making a really loud continious bleep sound, after a couple of minutes of loading, is this over heating? only have heard it since i installed ubuntu server | 01:23 |
moz_ | earlier today | 01:24 |
moz_ | and it wont stop till i shut it down | 01:24 |
Stargazer | I'm installing Ubuntu server and it's asking what the server will be for. I'm only going to use it to script some programs and compile them, what do i set the server as ? | 01:27 |
moz_ | i dont have permissions for anything | 01:30 |
moz_ | i cant even create a new file, says "cannot open swap file for <file> recovery impossible" | 01:30 |
hads | Stargazer: Just select nothing | 01:30 |
moz_ | whats happened to my installation, i dont have permissions for any file | 01:32 |
moz_ | even with sudo | 01:32 |
moz_ | ok i think i've managed to fix that | 02:02 |
moz_ | im in kernel 2.6.27-11-server which i have installed | 02:03 |
moz_ | which is meant to automatically provide support for wireless cards that use the RTL8781 drivers | 02:03 |
moz_ | *RTL8187 i mean | 02:04 |
moz_ | i've added the line 'rtl8187' to /etc/modules, and after restarting, when plugging in my usb wireless stick, i get a short high piitched noise instead of nothing as before, but im still not seeing it, i guess it should appear in 'ifconfig' as wlan0 but it doesnt, any idea why this is? | 02:05 |
moz_ | the light on the wireless stick is not on | 02:05 |
moz_ | please can someone assist me on this, really quite stuck, need to get my internet back working on my laptop | 02:12 |
moz_ | im using the F5D7050 USB dongle i found this blog to help : | 02:15 |
twb | moz_: is this related to ubuntu *servers*? | 02:28 |
moz_ | twb: yes because i got it working on ubuntu previously | 02:28 |
Stargazer | Is there a command available to check on battery level ? | 02:29 |
Stargazer | -on +the* | 02:29 |
twb | Stargazer: the raw data is in /sys/class/power_supply/ | 02:29 |
twb | Stargazer: e.g. sh -c 'cd /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 && echo \ $((100 * `cat charge_now` / `cat charge_full`))%' | 02:29 |
Stargazer | You remembered that, no, you _KNEW_ all that ? | 02:30 |
twb | Stargazer: all what? | 02:31 |
Stargazer | All that command. | 02:31 |
Stargazer | There an easier way to check ? like battery -% | 02:32 |
Stargazer | 'battery -%' * | 02:32 |
twb | Stargazer: well, just write that line into a file | 02:32 |
twb | Stargazer: but I imagine there are packages to do it for you | 02:32 |
Stargazer | Oh, about that. | 02:33 |
twb | Note that my line above assumes you only have one battery. | 02:33 |
Stargazer | Ubuntu Server didn't connect to my router when i was installing. | 02:33 |
p_quarles | Stargazer: acpi -t will give you battery info on many systems | 02:33 |
twb | p_quarles: thanks, that'd be one of those packages that I forgot the names of :-) | 02:33 |
Stargazer | ... how do i connect ubuntu server to my router ? | 02:36 |
p_quarles | Stargazer: with an ethernet cable? if it doesn't get an ip address automatically, you'll need to start looking for error messages | 02:37 |
Stargazer | Where should i look for the errors, on startup ? | 02:37 |
p_quarles | run 'sudo dhclient' | 02:38 |
Stargazer | 'egrep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory;' | 02:39 |
Stargazer | For the most part that's all. ^ | 02:41 |
p_quarles | interesting; what's the result of ls -l /etc/resolv.conf ? | 02:41 |
Stargazer | -rw-r--r-- root root 46 2009-03-17 21:39 /etc.resolv.conf | 02:42 |
p_quarles | well then it's lying | 02:43 |
Stargazer | Bug, maybe ? (8.10) | 02:44 |
twb | I blame NetworkManager | 02:44 |
twb | In my experience, it is the root cause of all network problems. | 02:44 |
twb | *ALL* of them! | 02:44 |
* twb smashes through a wall | 02:44 | |
p_quarles | Stargazer: what it's telling you doesn't make sense; I've got no clue; best bet here is to idle until someone who does answers | 02:45 |
p_quarles | twb: +1 | 02:45 |
* Stargazer will soon begin to rot. | 02:45 | |
twb | Issues like "I installed a NIS client as normal on my new Ubuntu desktop and now my machine takes half an hour to boot." | 02:46 |
twb | Yes, that's right, kids, NetworkManager was trying to use NIS to find out who owned itself! | 02:46 |
Stargazer | Mind***~ | 02:48 |
Stargazer | So, um, i use 'sudo su' and do 'dhclient' and that file(/etc/resolv.conf) now exists in it's all power sight. | 02:50 |
p_quarles | "sudo su" is something that works but isn't right; please use sudo -i | 02:52 |
p_quarles | because at least people QA that | 02:53 |
Stargazer | What does 'QA' mean ? | 02:53 |
p_quarles | quality assurance | 02:55 |
Stargazer | Ah. | 02:55 |
p_quarles | as far as I know, chaining sudo and su isn't supported by anyone | 02:55 |
hads | sudo -s would be the equivilent | 02:55 |
p_quarles | and sudo has its own options for opening shells | 02:55 |
p_quarles | hads: that too | 02:55 |
hads | sudo -i would be sudo su - | 02:56 |
hads | (just to be pedantic) :) | 02:56 |
moz_ | how do i check if my wireless usb stick is installed? | 02:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | if a usb port is full, its probably 'installed' : | 02:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :P | 02:56 |
p_quarles | hads: yes, you're absolutely right; I just prefer sudo -i / su - :) | 02:56 |
moz_ | Kamping_Kaiser: what do you mean ? | 02:58 |
twb | sudo su is wrong; it should be 'sudo su -' | 02:58 |
p_quarles | moz_: iwconfig | 02:58 |
Stargazer | Either way, '/etc/resolv.conf' now exists. so, um, no "errors" as far as i can tell. | 02:59 |
hads | twb: We just had this discussion :) | 02:59 |
p_quarles | twb: the first preserves the user environment; the second (better imo) switches to root's environment | 02:59 |
moz_ | oh i've got a wlan0, i guess that means installed | 02:59 |
twb | Right. | 02:59 |
twb | Otherwise root shits all over your e.g. .aptitude/config | 02:59 |
hads | See above, sudo -(i|s) | 03:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | twb, more important - it mods your .vimrc! :O | 03:00 |
twb | Kamping_Kaiser: I wouldn't know about that. | 03:00 |
twb | I use vi. | 03:00 |
Stargazer | Ubuntu has evolved to the point where it adapts to it's pleasing. | 03:01 |
twb | vim is for little girls who never learnt ed | 03:01 |
* Kamping_Kaiser shuns twb | 03:01 | |
hads | Is sudo su for people that didn't learn sudo? | 03:01 |
twb | hads: chiark-really is that :PO | 03:01 |
JanC | twb: so why don't you use ed instead of vi then :P | 03:02 |
hads | heh | 03:02 |
p_quarles | hads: insofar as using both at the same time is redundant, yes | 03:02 |
genii | Gah. editor warz | 03:03 |
twb | JanC: actually I mostly use cat and sed --in-place. | 03:03 |
Stargazer | New topic/question: how do i enable the rest of the repos ? | 03:03 |
twb | Stargazer: carefully | 03:03 |
hads | Stargazer: /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:03 |
moz_ | how do u actually try connecting to a wireless network with a terminal | 03:07 |
moz_ | only ever done it with network manager | 03:07 |
storrgie | i am running a verlihub server on ubuntu, how can I add it to my hosts.allow | 03:15 |
moz_ | sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "tp1" | 03:16 |
moz_ | i tried this | 03:16 |
moz_ | but it just returned straight away there was no wireless activity noise | 03:16 |
moz_ | what am i doing wrong? | 03:16 |
moz_ | ok i got it, sort of | 03:23 |
moz_ | i set the essid and then the key | 03:23 |
moz_ | then connected using sudo dhclient wlan0 | 03:24 |
moz_ | but i got some messages saying egrep /etc/resolv.conf: no such file or directory | 03:24 |
TimReichhart | could anybody help me with a issue with nagios3 | 03:24 |
moz_ | chown: failed to get attributes of '/etc/resolv.conf' : no such file or directory | 03:25 |
moz_ | chmod: failed to get attributes of '/etc/resolv.conf' : no such file or directory | 03:25 |
infinity | moz_: You really wanted to be setting this up in /etc/network/interfaces (man 5 interfaces) and using ifup/ifdown to manage the interface. | 03:25 |
infinity | moz_: dhclient run raw will not often behave quite as you expect. | 03:25 |
moz_ | i can ping my router | 03:26 |
moz_ | but not any internet address | 03:26 |
moz_ | so thats something | 03:26 |
infinity | moz_: Define "internet address". | 03:26 |
moz_ | ping | 03:26 |
moz_ | was unknown host | 03:26 |
infinity | moz_: If you mean hostnames, rather than IP addresses, that would be because you have no resolv.conf. :P | 03:26 |
moz_ | infinity: why is that? what does the file do | 03:27 |
TimReichhart | does anybody know nagios3? | 03:27 |
infinity | moz_: dhclient needs to write your nameserver addresses to resolv.conf. | 03:27 |
infinity | moz_: No nameservers, no DNS resolution, no | 03:27 |
moz_ | but it cant access that file, do I need to create it? im not sure how to fix it | 03:27 |
infinity | moz_: Like I said, you would have been much better off doing this with higher level interfaces (ifupdown) rather than manually. :/ | 03:28 |
infinity | moz_: But, at a guess, "sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf && sudo dhclient wlan0" would fix it up. Ish. | 03:29 |
* infinity goes to find some dinner or something. | 03:29 | |
moz_ | infinity: i will try thanks | 03:29 |
TimReichhart | ok i guess no help then | 03:29 |
TimReichhart | anybody know how to reconfigure a package inside of ubuntu 8.10 server? | 03:31 |
infinity | TimReichhart: dpkg-reconfigure <package> | 03:33 |
TimReichhart | thanks infinity | 03:34 |
moz_ | a question, im trying to update my installation, but its tell me i need to install the kernel linux-image-2.6.27-7-server when i just installed linux-image-2.6.27-11-server as this is the first kernel with a driver that works with my USB stick, should I allow the update? | 03:40 |
moz_ | i thought 2.6.27-11-server was stable now | 03:41 |
oh_noes | why isnt ubuntu server spitting out anything on /dev/random? | 03:55 |
oh_noes | Im trying to generate a gpg but its not generating it, it wants random but cat /etc/random isnt giving me anything | 03:55 |
oh_noes | is there an AMD64 version of Ubuntu JeOS hardy 8.04? | 04:25 |
giovani3 | oh_noes: not afaik, it says right on the JeOS page, x86 | 04:28 |
giovani3 | and I don't know why /dev/random isn't working for you -- it should | 04:28 |
oh_noes | it's working .. it's just not outputting a lot of info. So random apps, take a long time to get a bugger | 04:30 |
oh_noes | buffer* | 04:30 |
giovani3 | right, try /dev/urandom instead | 04:31 |
giovani3 | less entropy | 04:31 |
oh_noes | can't ... it's gpg reading /dev/random, not me. Anywho, it finished it just took longer | 04:34 |
mennis | Anyone here familiar with Coraid AoE based SANs? | 05:06 |
yoophglup | hello, i need help with remote desktop connections is this a good place for help | 05:24 |
yoophglup | i am using ubuntu and vinagre | 05:25 |
hads | yoophglup: Try #ubuntu | 05:27 |
sLaeYa | !paste | 06:31 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 06:31 |
sLaeYa | hi I have just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu 8.10 - which worked seemlessly and then ISPconfig | 06:33 |
sLaeYa | I am now having problems when the server starts with bind9 and pop3 failing - Error log for bind | 06:34 |
sLaeYa | help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated | 06:34 |
sLaeYa | hey is anyone in here who can help with bind9 please | 07:04 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #344678 in samba (main) "samba password create error after user has been deleted" [Undecided,New] | 07:26 |
kraut | moin | 09:02 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #343740 in samba (main) "Update from 8.04.1 to 8.10 failed" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 10:06 |
dman | hey guys, for some reason when i hotplug my sata drive it keeps getting an incremented /dev/sd* entry | 10:23 |
dman | any idea why? | 10:23 |
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lex | hola | 10:55 |
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sLaeYa | evening all | 12:23 |
sLaeYa | !paste | 12:23 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:23 |
sLaeYa | I'm currently having issues with authing on my mailserver - via webmail and also external mail clients ie. outlook, here is a snippet from the log file | 12:25 |
=== [1]sLaeYa is now known as sLaeYa | ||
soren | sLaeYa: Yes? | 12:35 |
soren | sLaeYa: Have you cecked your MYSQL_{SERVER,SOCKET} settings? | 12:35 |
heath|work | hello... what is the command to refresh /dev/disk/by-uuid ? | 12:40 |
[1]sLaeYa | hi soren, sorry my internet is playing up | 12:41 |
[1]sLaeYa | I haven't checked the MYSQL_{SERVER,SOCKET} settings as I am not sure how to do this | 12:41 |
soren | [1]sLaeYa: It says how right there in your error message? | 12:42 |
[1]sLaeYa | oh, i thought you were referring to mysql config | 12:42 |
[1]sLaeYa | i have absolutely nothing in /etc/courier/authmysqlrc does this mean I have setup my mysql wrong ? | 12:44 |
[1]sLaeYa | however I have a file authmysqlrc~ | 12:46 |
soren | it's kind of hard to tell with the amount of information you've given. | 12:48 |
soren | What have you done to teach courier to talk to your mysql server. | 12:48 |
soren | = | 12:48 |
soren | ? | 12:48 |
[1]sLaeYa | I followed a readme to install an Ubuntu 8.10 server with ISPconfig | 12:50 |
heath|work | Can you have 2 disks with the same label mounted? | 12:50 |
heath|work | [1]sLaeYa, we run ISPconfig here on ubuntu... what issue are you having? | 12:51 |
Ethos | hi guys, whats the easiest way to regenerate grub | 12:51 |
Ethos | i've copied over a server to a new hdd and it won't boot | 12:51 |
Ethos | I assume it's just grub that's messing up as it says "non-system disk" | 12:51 |
[1]sLaeYa | I am unable to authenticate with webmail or using pop3 I am getting this error in the log | 12:52 |
heath|work | are you able to log in to the admin side of ISPconfig? | 12:53 |
=== [3]sLaeYa is now known as sLaeYa | ||
sLaeYa | I also have the worst wireless internet connection at home, but thats another story | 12:56 |
sLaeYa | ***the last thing I saw before I dropped was*** my post about pastebin | 12:56 |
sLaeYa | I mean - my post with a pastebin link | 12:57 |
heath|work | sLaeYa, can you connect via the admin portion of ISPconfig? | 12:57 |
sLaeYa | yes | 12:57 |
heath|work | everything is working in there then, user and sites are add | 12:58 |
ScottK | Ethos: Did you create and copy over the /boot partition? | 12:59 |
sLaeYa | everything is working, I can add users I have added a site | 13:00 |
sLaeYa | and email accounts, and ftp users | 13:00 |
sLaeYa | FTP works - email doesn't | 13:00 |
Ethos | It was supposed to, but i've got a feeling it didn't | 13:00 |
Ethos | I used "ping" and selected all 3 partitions | 13:00 |
heath|work | in the services in the admin... is email running? | 13:00 |
sLaeYa | yes - all services are running | 13:01 |
sLaeYa | webserver, ftpserver, smtpserver, pop3server, bindserver and mysqlserver all show as running | 13:02 |
heath|work | sLaeYa, try to telnet to 110 and make sure it is answering. telnet server 110 | 13:05 |
sLaeYa | yes its working | 13:07 |
sLaeYa | +Ok Hello there. | 13:07 |
heath|work | The only other thing I can think of is you forgot to put a check by Mailuser login of the site | 13:09 |
ivoks | ispconfig? | 13:09 |
heath|work | yeah | 13:09 |
heath|work | sLaeYa, is having issues logging in to get mail | 13:10 |
heath|work | pop or web | 13:10 |
sLaeYa | both | 13:10 |
sLaeYa | i have ticked the mailuser box | 13:10 |
heath|work | does anyone know the command to refresh /dev/disk after adding a new partition? | 13:11 |
ball | Is software RAID tricky to set up on Ubuntu Server? | 13:13 |
heath|work | ball, no | 13:13 |
heath|work | I use mdadm | 13:13 |
sLaeYa | im ready to format the silly thing, only ive done this 3 times and it hasnt helped | 13:14 |
ball | heath|work: thanks | 13:14 |
heath|work | np... there are plenty of good tutorials on the net | 13:14 |
heath|work | sLaeYa, I believe everything is setup right. | 13:15 |
sLaeYa | I thought it was but I'm still getting the authentication error | 13:15 |
heath|work | how are you trying to log into webmail... using ? | 13:15 |
sLaeYa | Mar 18 20:49:56 server1 authdaemond: authmysql: MYSQL_SERVER nor MYSQL_SOCKET set in/etc/courier/authmysqlrc. | 13:15 |
sLaeYa | I have tried web1_user | 13:16 |
Ethos | sounds like you simply haven't set it up right | 13:16 |
Ethos | have you tried following the guides? | 13:16 |
heath|work | sLaeYa, | 13:17 |
soren | heath|work: udevadm trigger | 13:17 |
heath|work | soren, nice... that will not change anything in use? | 13:18 |
bromic94 | hey how do i know if apache is starting as root | 13:19 |
soren | heath|work: It probably will. | 13:20 |
soren | heath|work: Proceed with caution :) | 13:20 |
heath|work | hmmm.... I used a cmd once and of-course didn't write it down that worked perfect, but I can't find it | 13:20 |
soren | heath|work: Could have been udevadm trigger (or just udevtrigger, depending on the age of the system). | 13:21 |
heath|work | soren, thanks... I will read through the man pages to see how bad off I cam... I have a production server that I created a new part for, but need to get the UUID in /dev/disk | 13:22 |
sLaeYa | heath that confused me more than anything :( | 13:22 |
heath|work | lol... sorry, it just looked like your issue | 13:23 |
soren | heath|work: Oh, you could just try "partprobe /dev/sd?" | 13:23 |
heath|work | soren, THAT's IT | 13:23 |
heath|work | damn... I have been torturing myself all morning!! | 13:23 |
heath|work | thanks | 13:23 |
sLaeYa | it looked similar but it was written by someone who didn't have a good grasp of english, english isn't my first language so I don't understand it properly | 13:23 |
soren | heath|work: I thought you had just changed the contents of existing partitions. In that case, you /do/ need to udevadm trigger to pick up the new uuid. | 13:24 |
soren | heath|work: From Jaunty and onwards, though, you wouldn't need to do anything. Both things would automatically be dealt with by udev. | 13:24 |
heath|work | I even typed part... lol | 13:24 |
bromic94 | what are the big changes in 9.04 server? | 13:24 |
heath|work | soren, cool, this server is going to be here till 2013 though | 13:25 |
heath|work | LTS | 13:25 |
soren | heath|work: "both things" being "adding a partition and putting a filesystem on it" and "re-mkfs'ing an existing partition and have the new uuid symlink pop up" | 13:25 |
ball | I'm debating whether to try Ubuntu Server on this machine | 13:25 |
soren | bromic94: I don't have a list handy, I'm afraid. I think there's something on the wiki, but I'm not sure. I know the few things, I've been working on myself, and some of the stuff others have been working on, but I don't have an exhaustive list. | 13:26 |
bromic94 | soren: what have you been working on | 13:26 |
bromic94 | i just meant what you guys are aware of | 13:26 |
soren | bromic94: I've been working on lots of virtualisation and cloud computing stuff. | 13:27 |
bromic94 | nice | 13:27 |
soren | bromic94: And probably some other stuff I've forgotten about. | 13:27 |
soren | I keep myself busy :) | 13:27 |
bromic94 | when i set up phpmyadmin i get invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/apache-ssl not found | 13:27 |
bromic94 | it can not find the directory apache-ssl bc its not there | 13:28 |
bromic94 | but i followed these instructions to setup ssl | 13:28 |
bromic94 | i want it to be only apache-ssl and not apache2-ssl and apache2 | 13:29 |
soren | bromic94: You really don't :) | 13:30 |
soren | bromic94: apache-ssl is *ancient* | 13:30 |
bromic94 | oh ok | 13:30 |
bromic94 | i want to go this: goes to phpmyadmin only not http | 13:30 |
soren | I think the Roman Empire's web page was hosted on it. Seriously, tt's not what you want. | 13:30 |
Ethos | lol | 13:30 |
AnRkey | how can i stop the debian-installer from checking repo during preseeded installs? | 13:30 |
bromic94 | ok | 13:30 |
bromic94 | i want a secure connection to phpmyadmin through https and not http | 13:31 |
soren | AnRkey: Put "d-i apt-setup/security_host string" in your preseed. | 13:32 |
soren | bromic94: Set up phpmyadmin as you normally would and move the "Alias /phpmyadmin" definition into your SSL VirtualHost. | 13:32 |
bromic94 | oh in the VH for http take out the alias | 13:33 |
bromic94 | the alias for https is alraedy in there i just nwat to remove the one for htpt | 13:33 |
sLaeYa | how would I do a clean install of the sasl ? | 13:33 |
AnRkey | soren, thanks trying it now | 13:34 |
bromic94 | that alias would be in the file /etc/apache2/sites-avaiable/default? | 13:34 |
AnRkey | soren, thanks that fixed my problem | 13:38 |
soren | AnRkey: cool | 13:39 |
AnRkey | shweet, it's flying past that part now, much faster | 13:39 |
AnRkey | w000t | 13:39 |
bromic94 | anyone? | 13:39 |
bromic94 | i think it is under there but did not find it | 13:39 |
orudie | ivoks, hi | 13:40 |
=== mennis_ is now known as mennis | ||
bromic94 | when you install phpmyadnmin it goes for https and http i wnat to remove access via http how can i do that | 13:43 |
bromic94 | i know i haev to go and remove the alias but where is the alias listed | 13:43 |
=== photon_ is now known as photon | ||
AnRkey | bromic94, i know a little about apache configs (very little) taking a look at mine for u quick | 13:52 |
AnRkey | brb | 13:52 |
AnRkey | bromic94, have you setup https for apache yet? | 13:53 |
AnRkey | if you want to force https you can do it with a .htaccess file and leave http on | 13:54 |
AnRkey | that way if someone uses http it auto switches to https | 13:55 |
AnRkey | bromic94, | 13:55 |
AnRkey | example of it working there | 13:55 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #344816 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql-server-5.0: Leaves password in debconf database" [Undecided,New] | 13:56 |
genii | Hm. Another reason not to use mysql | 13:58 |
bromic94_ | who sent me the stuff for | 14:11 |
bromic94_ | and yes i have https set up for apache | 14:11 |
bromic94_ | already | 14:11 |
moz_ | is there a quick guide to setting up phpmyadmin on ubuntu server? | 14:16 |
Ethos | sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin | 14:18 |
Ethos | To set up under Apache all you need to do is include the following line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. | 14:19 |
Ethos | Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf | 14:19 |
bromic94_ | Ethos: want to set it up only for https | 14:19 |
bromic94_ | not http | 14:19 |
Ethos | No idea | 14:20 |
Ethos | I just read "[14:16] < moz_> is there a quick guide to setting up phpmyadmin on ubuntu server? | 14:20 |
Ethos | " | 14:20 |
Ethos | Which says nothing about https :D | 14:20 |
moz_ | http | 14:20 |
moz_ | thanks | 14:20 |
bromic94_ | Ethos: oh ok | 14:21 |
bromic94_ | sorry | 14:21 |
Ethos | :) | 14:21 |
moz_ | will give it a whirl | 14:23 |
=== bromic94_ is now known as bromic94 | ||
bromic94 | finally lol | 14:23 |
bromic94 | whats a good web admin gui for server | 14:25 |
bromic94 | like webmin, cpanel, etc | 14:25 |
henkjan | bromic94: openpanel | 14:26 |
henkjan | bromic94: depends on your needs | 14:26 |
bromic94 | the sources.list is where again? | 14:27 |
henkjan | /etc/apt | 14:28 |
bromic94 | ok thanks | 14:28 |
bromic94 | memory lapse lol | 14:28 |
bromic94 | henkjan: going to try it out | 14:30 |
bromic94 | is that the only open source one? | 14:30 |
genii | bromic94: There is ispconfig and ebox | 14:33 |
bromic94 | i hate ebox | 14:33 |
bromic94 | i have not dealt with ispconfig | 14:33 |
bromic94 | could you send me a screen shot of openpanel id ont see where uc an see ss on their site | 14:34 |
genii | bromic94: ispconfig is good but as far as I know no deb package right now, so manual install | 14:34 |
dexem | bromic94, why you don't like ebox? | 14:34 |
bromic94 | i just done | 14:34 |
bromic94 | *dont | 14:34 |
bromic94 | for what i need to use it for like stuff that is precompiled | 14:34 |
bromic94 | ebox u have to add stuff | 14:34 |
henkjan | bromic94: | 14:36 |
orudie | i need help please i followed this tutorial now no mail is going in or out | 14:36 |
bromic94 | dexem: u use ebox? | 14:36 |
bromic94 | henkjan and dexem and genii ebox the people would need to use it dont have time to manually install it even though it is not that hard | 14:37 |
orudie | please someone help | 14:37 |
giovani3 | orudie: did you do the "testing" section with telnet? | 14:38 |
dexem | bromic94, well, somehow yes... | 14:38 |
dexem | bromic94, what things do you usually need to add manually? | 14:38 |
orudie | giovani3, yes i have | 14:38 |
orudie | i just want to undo it | 14:38 |
giovani3 | orudie: and what happened? | 14:38 |
giovani3 | then undo it ... all the steps you did are right there | 14:38 |
jurism | Hi! Can You help me with file permissions? I have virtualmin (webmin) I have 2 partitions one /root, other /home (where all WEB content are located). I replaces system disk (/root) and now I have permission problems. Can You give me pelase some suggestions? Thank You! | 14:38 |
orudie | giovani3, i have, but nothing is going in or out | 14:38 |
orudie | giovani3, i am trying to undo it for now | 14:38 |
giovani3 | then you didn't undo all of your steps :) | 14:38 |
orudie | well by stopping daemos | 14:39 |
orudie | can you please help me with this | 14:39 |
orudie | sudo postconf -e 'content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024' | 14:39 |
orudie | that right there i dont know how to undo | 14:39 |
orudie | giovani3, dude please | 14:40 |
giovani3 | orudie: you have to calm down ... this is free support, I'm working | 14:41 |
orudie | giovani3, ok... not sure how to undo this line sudo postconf -e 'content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024' | 14:42 |
giovani3 | orudie: it's in your /etc/postfix/ | 14:42 |
giovani3 | I believe | 14:42 |
orudie | ok i removed that line now able to receive messages, but not send out | 14:46 |
giovani3 | once again ... you simply have to undo what you've done -- I have no clue what you've done | 14:46 |
orudie | ok i have undone everything and it seem to work like before | 14:55 |
orudie | i'll work on this at night to make sure there is no email downtime | 14:55 |
=== hessml|away is now known as hessml|away|away | ||
moz_ | i cant see to upload a file on my ftp client, to my ftp server that is running ubuntu server | 15:24 |
moz_ | i have enabled write access in the config files, and my 'www' directly is set to 777 chmod | 15:25 |
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK | ||
moz_ | im using vsftpd | 15:25 |
moz_ | and smart ftp from a windows machine as client | 15:25 |
moz_ | are there any common mistakes i may have made | 15:25 |
moz_ | oh it seems to have made it in now... little bit confusing | 15:26 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #328688 in bind9 (main) "[dapper] socket.c:1616: INSIST(!sock->pending_recv) failed [fixed 9.3.5-P2]" [Undecided,New] | 15:30 |
orudie | is there a way to move files from one box to another using terminal ? | 15:36 |
billyk | orudie: rsync is probably easiest | 15:37 |
billyk | you could also use netcat and scp | 15:38 |
orudie | oh scp i remember using that a while ago | 15:38 |
billyk | orudie: if you need to copy to a windows box, smb might be easiest though since windows supports that natively | 15:39 |
billyk | but rsync is my fav <3 | 15:39 |
orudie | nope not windows | 15:39 |
orudie | from ubuntu server to centos | 15:39 |
genii | You can install rsync on windows boxes with for instance cygwin | 15:44 |
billyk | genii: didnt know that. cool :-) | 15:45 |
genii | billyk: np | 15:45 |
maswan | You can also install ubuntu on windows boxes with for instance the ubuntu-server cd ;) | 15:45 |
genii | maswan: Hehe :) | 15:45 |
billyk | haah i know that | 15:46 |
genii | billyk: MS also has some utilities called Services For Unix which includs stuff like nfs which can also be used for backups | 15:51 |
billyk | meh, I'm happy with rsync for backups | 15:52 |
billyk | oh, one question I had, I've always wondered which was fastest for copying data (least overhead) | 15:53 |
billyk | ftp, scp, smb, rsync, nfs | 15:53 |
genii | differential rsync for me | 15:55 |
{bosco} | anyone know of a good site (how to ) to make it so users on my server can only view there own home dir and nothing else so they cant {cd} outsite of it??? | 15:56 |
heath|work | when is the release date for 9.04? | 15:56 |
heath|work | {bosco}, there was a put my users in jail thread on the forums... | 15:59 |
heath|work | here it is... | 15:59 |
{bosco} | thanks i will take a look | 16:01 |
heath|work | {bosco}, are they local users or remote? | 16:01 |
{bosco} | i only allow sftp and ssh access or will once the switch is done | 16:08 |
{bosco} | heathjwork | 16:09 |
{bosco} | heath|work: | 16:09 |
{bosco} | you there | 16:10 |
heath|work | {bosco}, can't you just change the other perm to 0 for all folders you don't want them to get inito | 16:10 |
{bosco} | idk lol | 16:10 |
{bosco} | i just want them not to be able to view anything else but there home dir how hard can that be lol | 16:11 |
{bosco} | heath|work: | 16:13 |
{bosco} | you there | 16:14 |
heath|work | it's not hard something like find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec chmod o-rwx '{}' \; | 16:16 |
heath|work | you can't cd on a dir that is not exec | 16:16 |
heath|work | test that first^^ I just shat it out | 16:16 |
jmarsden | heath|work: If your system is a web server that will break it, and so on and so forth... :) I think the more interesting issue is exactly *why* {bosco} feels that for users to be able to look at the contents of (say) /bin or /usr/bin is a problem and something he needs to prevent...?? What is in there that is so secret?? if there are a few directories on his machine that for some reason *are* secret but publica | 16:26 |
jmarsden | lly readable, then it makes sense to just protect those... | 16:26 |
heath|work | I agree | 16:29 |
mennis | Anyone here familiar with SAN gear from Coraid? | 16:35 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #344911 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "apparmor profile deny write to /tmp in Ubuntu 8.10" [Undecided,New] | 16:45 |
orudie | i'm using a vps account to deploy ubuntu 8.10 server | 16:49 |
orudie | and it installs only the "basic core" , how would i get it to the standard ubuntu server , lets say if i would have installed it from a cd | 16:50 |
=== kpettit_ is now known as kpettit | ||
mathiaz | kirkland: likewise-open questions? | 17:44 |
kirkland | <kirkland> mathiaz: | 17:45 |
kirkland | <bugbot> Launchpad bug 323601 in likewise-open "[FFe] Upgrade to likewise-open 5 for Jaunty" [Wishlist,Fix committed] | 17:45 |
kirkland | <kirkland> mathiaz: looks to me that likewise-open5 is a completely new package | 17:45 |
kirkland | <kirkland> mathiaz: that's going to need to co-reside with likewise-open | 17:45 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 323601 in likewise-open "[FFe] Upgrade to likewise-open 5 for Jaunty" [Wishlist,Fix committed] | 17:45 |
kirkland | <kirkland> mathiaz: which is 4.1 | 17:45 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 323601 in likewise-open "[FFe] Upgrade to likewise-open 5 for Jaunty" [Wishlist,Fix committed] | 17:45 |
mathiaz | kirkland: correct | 17:45 |
kirkland | mathiaz: and this new package is destined for universe, for jaunty, right? | 17:45 |
mathiaz | kirkland: yes | 17:46 |
kirkland | mathiaz: coolio, that's all i had ;-) | 17:46 |
kirkland | mathiaz: thanks. | 17:46 |
mathiaz | kirkland: np :) | 17:46 |
kpettit | I'm trying to use the GUI network-manager for VPN. It works great, but if I try to add anything custom through the GUI like routes, etc it looses those changes once I leave the dialog box. Any ideas what I can do to keep the custom information I put in? | 17:48 |
kpettit | it's using network-manager with the pptp module | 17:49 |
smetj | hello, I was a bit surprised with the lack of official support for xen in ubuntu server and choosing kvm instead. I was wondering if kvm is actually already production ready, and why xen is denied in such a way? | 18:22 |
kpettit | Ah I think I figured it out. Have to hand edit a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d | 18:25 |
kpettit | Anybody know how I can findoud the default route from the commandline? I need to grab the default route in the script I'm going to write. I want to avoid having to parse through the route -n info | 18:25 |
kpettit | smetj: I feel your pain. | 18:25 |
kpettit | I love xen, but for some reason it's a pain in the ass to setup and use. I've had problems with xen on every distro I've tried. kvm was ok, but i think it's still slow | 18:26 |
kpettit | My favorite vm solution so far is the free vmware-server 2.x | 18:26 |
kpettit | Gives you a web interface that you can add/edit/view vm's. Just need to have firefox or ie | 18:27 |
racecar56 | ie = fail | 18:27 |
kpettit | IE is my favorite thing in the world, but it's nice for my users. | 18:27 |
stefan_can | kpettit, but is xen faster than vmware ? | 18:27 |
kpettit | It's supposed to be, but I'd have to have it running first to find out | 18:28 |
racecar56 | well, if anyone here had experience in helping me from before about my hp mediasmart ex475... i have news | 18:28 |
stefan_can | that is if you tried it , as I didn't have the chance yet | 18:28 |
racecar56 | im vmware-ing a vm of it now, and i can be able to see what to do now... | 18:28 |
kpettit | xen requires the newer processors with the VM extensions to work at all. And I know if you have a linux xen server running linux it's faster than just about anything besides uml (user mode linux) | 18:29 |
kpettit | racecar56: Make sure first of all that you have one of the newer processors that can run xen | 18:29 |
racecar56 | well... is amd live good enough? | 18:30 |
racecar56 | thats what its got | 18:30 |
racecar56 | with 512 mb ram | 18:30 |
jmarsden | kpettit: For the default route, you can either parse route -n output or parse /proc/net/route :) But, since it *is* the default, does your script truly need it? | 18:30 |
racecar56 | (heehee) | 18:30 |
kpettit | I think the process extension is vt or vtx | 18:30 |
kpettit | jmarsden: yes. Becuase I need to have a proper if-down type of script. So I want to have that info at the ready | 18:31 |
kpettit | racecar56: I don't think so. If the processor is older than about 1-2 years probally not | 18:31 |
racecar56 | ok... i was planning to use it as a web server anyway | 18:32 |
kpettit | racecar56: check this out | 18:32 |
kpettit | racecar56: you can still use vmware or VirtualBox. VirtualBox I beleive is opensource, or was anyways. Been awhile sense I've tried it | 18:33 |
racecar56 | there is opensource and freeware versions of vbox... and my desktop pc (alongside my old laptop) can run that... | 18:33 |
kpettit | FYI don't use VMware or the like to run a gateway, or voip vm. It's caused me alot of headache trying, there are some minute timing issues | 18:33 |
jmarsden | racecar56: Run egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo to check for the relevant CPU flags See | 18:34 |
kpettit | jmarsden: nice. I'm going to have to note that one | 18:34 |
racecar56 | well i cant do that now its running in a vmware vm | 18:35 |
racecar56 | which would mean it would say stuff about vmware's/my host pc's processor (intel core 2 quad 8D ) | 18:36 |
jmarsden | racecar56: No, do that in a shell on running on the "real" OS, not one inside a VM :) | 18:36 |
racecar56 | where 8D = :D with sunglasses | 18:36 |
racecar56 | i cant see whats on my server o.o | 18:36 |
racecar56 | i dont have a monitor port | 18:36 |
kpettit | racecar56: it's the real os (host) that needs to have the proper processor extensions | 18:36 |
kpettit | you can ssh to it | 18:36 |
racecar56 | so i ssh it instead... but i yet have to find out will it work | 18:36 |
jmarsden | You can't ssh into the real OS on your server??? | 18:36 |
racecar56 | it dosent have internet/dosent even boot | 18:37 |
jmarsden | Ah... if you can't boot it, you can't run shell commands on it... OK. | 18:37 |
jmarsden | Then again, if you can't boot it, for sure you can't run VMs on it anyway :) | 18:37 |
racecar56 | i plan to use it for backup/web hosting | 18:38 |
smetj | kpettit: any idea if you can have a kvm guest have direct access to a pci device? | 18:38 |
kpettit_ | ughh, route messed me up | 18:47 |
smetj | kpettit: apparently with vt-d capabilities on the proc | 18:53 |
kpettit_ | sorry? I think I missed the first part of that with my connection dying | 18:54 |
smetj | oh I was wondering if it was possible with kvm to give guests direct access to pci devices | 18:55 |
smetj | in kvm | 18:55 |
smetj | apparently yes but you need vt-d on your proc | 18:55 |
kpettit_ | ah. I have no idea. Haven't tried it. I know you can with devices like usb/serial, etc. Not sure how that would work with PCI type devices | 18:56 |
=== kpettit_ is now known as kpettit | ||
TimReichhart | can anybody help me configure nagios3? | 19:45 |
TimReichhart | can anybody help me configure nagios3? | 20:02 |
jmedina | TimReichhart: it is well documented in official howtos | 20:06 |
TimReichhart | where show me because noting on nagios3 dont line up | 20:06 |
TimReichhart | with what is installed onto my server | 20:06 |
Deevz | hey folks | 20:20 |
zoopster | TimReichhart: maybe this will help? | 20:24 |
zoopster | Deevz: if you are waiting for an might be waiting a while...just ask a question! | 20:25 |
Deevz | Haha | 20:25 |
Deevz | Well, I just downloaded ubuntu server, getting rdy to set up my very first web server | 20:25 |
Deevz | I was going for FreeBSD at first, but I found out about ubuntu server and I decided it would be more friendly for a newb like me | 20:27 |
zoopster | Good choice Deevz | 20:27 |
Deevz | ie, I have no unix-like os experience at all | 20:27 |
Daviey | Deevz: you should be fine :) | 20:27 |
Deevz | glad you guys tell me that | 20:27 |
Deevz | Do you think it is better than freebsd? | 20:28 |
RoAkSoAx | any KVM expert around? | 20:28 |
zoopster | with 183 ppl in the room, I'm sure there are a few, what's the question RoAkSoAx | 20:31 |
zoopster | Deevz: you are asking a biased crowd that question | 20:32 |
RoAkSoAx | i wanna know how can i create snapshots or anything like it | 20:32 |
Deevz | Lol zoop, I am very aware of that | 20:32 |
Deevz | Its tough to get unbiased opinions in that software world :) | 20:33 |
RoAkSoAx | anyone know how to create snapshots in KVM, or anything like it? | 20:33 |
jmedina | RoAkSoAx: I think there is no way in KVM, I usually do snapshots of guest in Xen using LVM snapshots | 20:36 |
jmedina | of cours guests are installed in LVMs | 20:36 |
RoAkSoAx | jmedina, well... it seems i'll have to just many backups | 20:37 |
RoAkSoAx | s/many/make | 20:37 |
jmedina | oif course if you were using LVM with KVM, you culd use lvm snapshots, and in my oppinion it is the better way in performance | 20:38 |
Deevz | Are most servers 64-bit or 32-bit? | 20:39 |
jmedina | All my guests are LVM under RAID1, backups done with snapshots and backed up in an external servers | 20:39 |
RoAkSoAx | jmedina, thanks for the advice... but suddenly i'm not using LVM | 20:39 |
stefan_can | Deevz, depends how good you are at configuring and maintaining | 20:39 |
Deevz | Why does it matter? | 20:39 |
stefan_can | Deevz, if you have more than 4gb of mem in your server than it will use a 64 bit os | 20:40 |
Deevz | Of course | 20:40 |
Deevz | Its probably not required to run a small website and a database then | 20:41 |
jmedina | or you can use PAE withc sucks when you have 64bit hardware | 20:41 |
jmedina | sorry for the bad word :S | 20:41 |
Deevz | The ubuntu server installation is much more friendly than the freebsd one :) | 20:53 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #342578 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysqldump doesn't pick up /etc/mysql/my.cnf" [Low,Incomplete] | 21:56 |
stefan_can | uvirtbot, you might want to check the mysql bugs page | 22:01 |
uvirtbot | stefan_can: Error: "you" is not a valid command. | 22:01 |
stefan_can | lol | 22:01 |
Deevz | Hmmm... I cant install ubuntu server in virtual box | 22:18 |
Deevz | The installer is stuck at "Detecting hardware" | 22:19 |
Deevz | Is there any special trick to install it? | 22:19 |
Deevz | Nevermind, it was a problem VirtualBox just froze... | 22:27 |
Deevz | Why cant there be a graphical interface to ubuntu server? :( | 22:59 |
jpds | Deevz: are some points. | 23:10 |
Deevz | Is it easy to uninstall the desktop-environment once I am ready to get rid of it? | 23:12 |
Deevz | I just moved to linux, I like my GUI, but apparently at some point it will be best to get rid of it | 23:13 |
genii | Deevz: The graphical interface(s) to ubuntu server are usually in it's web based control panels you install for whatever specific things you run on it, etc | 23:15 |
Deevz | I see | 23:15 |
Deevz | Which control panel package do you suggest? | 23:16 |
genii | Deevz: The default one which is recommended now is ebox (used to be webmin was default but is now not included or supported in ubuntu) | 23:16 |
Deevz | ok, thx | 23:17 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
bosco_ | i need to know if there is a better vps or deticated server other than that offers ubuntu ???? | 23:32 |
bosco_ | budget is 40 per month | 23:32 |
bosco_ | i know i wont find a deticated for that price | 23:32 |
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