
stgraberbryce: did you try fglrx on amd64 ?01:09
stgraberbryce: X: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libdri.so: undefined symbol: atiddxAbiDixLookupPrivate01:21
stgraberhmm, might just be not working autodetection ... my bad I forgot the device section when writing the xorg.conf (installing by hand so no jockey there)01:24
stgraberbryce: Yeahh, looks like the best driver from ATI I've ever seen :) Dual-head with 1920x1080 and 1680x1050 working with Compiz and everything.01:39
stgraberWorking RandR really rocks01:39
brycestgraber: :-)01:40
brycestgraber: yeah remember to update xorg.conf and reboot.  I found it still needed the DefaultDepth parameter too01:41
stgraberthat screen is just too big :) what can I do with 3600x1080 :)01:42
bryceScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3840 x 1200, maximum 3840 x 120001:42
bryce ;-)01:42
brycenew large desktops are like new large hard drives.  The first time they seem impossibly huge, but then you get used to it and everything else seems dinky after that01:43
stgraberwell, the issue is that the second screen is too far, I just can't read it :)01:44
brycetell you what, you *don't* play most full screen games on such a setup...01:44
stgraberI've ET:QW around, will give it a try, I guess it's the first time I'll really use that beast. Basically the first time it works, I've been using mostly my netbook till now because it's an Intel and works fine with dual-head :)01:45
brycewow http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/xorg/plots/xorg-fullyear-open.png01:51
bryceanother nice one http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/xserver-xorg-video-ati/plots/xserver-xorg-video-ati-fullyear-open.png01:52
jlduggerdo one for invalid bugs ;)01:53
jlduggeractually, it might help to do one of those graphs where all the categories stack up01:55
jlduggerim clearly going to have to google the actual name for them01:55
brycehehe, oops01:56
brycehttp://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/totals.svg there we go01:56
brycethat's total open across all packages under ubuntu-x01:57
jlduggerwell, i was thinking more the state of the bugs than which package01:57
jlduggerthe idea being you might get a sense of where bugs are flowing to01:57
jlduggerbut im not sure that style really helps01:58
jlduggerso nvm01:58
jlduggerlike, there's a big bump in nvidia, for example01:59
jlduggerit winds up creating a spike in everything above it01:59
* bryce nods02:02
bryceyeah, the rate of -nvidia bugs being reported is fairly surprising02:02
bryceparticularly so since there's not much we can do to fix them02:02
jlduggeralternatively, its not surprising, because theres nothing else users can do to fix it02:03
jlduggerand given that upstream has piss poor upstream support, the nvidia package bug page on LP probably rates highly on the google02:04
bryceah that'd be a good point02:04
jldugger(it would be a good point, but it mostly explains me toos, not initial reports)02:05
bryceit'd be interesting to sum up nvidia -96, 173, 177, 180, fglrx-installer, lrm-2.6.22 and lrm-2.6.24 to see what % of our bugs are proprietary code's fault02:06
jlduggerthats a challenge02:06
jlduggerdepends on how you define fault02:06
bryceI think I can do it02:06
jlduggerlemme bring up a hilarious example02:06
bryceI define it as the ug reporter's fault since they insist on using the drivers in the first place ;-)02:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 156133 in linux-firmware "bcm203x firmware improperly capitalized" [Low,Fix released]02:07
jlduggerthe open source stuff is apparently looking for ALL CAPS, while the package offered lowercase02:09
jlduggerwho's fault is that?02:09
stgraberhmm, I just have one problem with my dual-head setup, when maximizing a window it takes all the space on both screen instead of only the current one (as I think it used to do), any idea of what's wrong there ?02:16
brycewhat window manager are you using?02:20
brycestgraber: you're using -fglrx?02:20
stgraberbryce: yes02:21
stgrabersame result with metacity and compiz02:21
stgraberI configured the dual-head using xrandr and a Virtual of the right size, haven't used ati's tool02:22
brycenot sure, maybe fglrx is bugged02:23
stgraberbryce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132801/02:38
stgraberI guess it's not the expected behavior ? (works though except that window placing/resize issue)02:38
brycestgraber: yeah I was getting that on all my xrandr calls too02:40
brycehowever they seemed to work otherwise02:41
brycejldugger:  - http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/totals-proprietary.svg - proprietary stuff on the bottom now :-)03:35
brycehmm, someone's been doing some massive triaging on lrm-*03:58
tjaaltonRAOF: it's been synced already, but FTBFS04:58
RAOFIt'll also need an updated kernel module, I think.04:59
superm1bryce, well that list of EPR's is likely updated at the time this release turns public and what not05:46
superm1since they'll publish a PDF then05:46
jcristaulool: fwiw, Xt apps (xclock) seem to run just fine on agricola.d.o09:59
looljcristau: read that, and I have no clue how to debug this10:06
marijushello, im using 2.6.29-rc8 with kms but starting compiz seems to freeze X... where do i look for error messeges... couldnt find any in xsession-errors or xorg.log?13:06
tjaaltondoubt people here are that far in the future yet.. try #dri-devel13:09
marijusok... tx13:09
seb128tjaalton: there?14:24
tjaaltonseb128: yes, but not at work to be able to debug the launcher issue :)14:45
tjaaltonjust got home14:45
seb128tjaalton: ok, too bad alex had some debug clue on #nautilus14:46
tjaaltonok, should I join and write it down?14:46
seb128well you can join tomorrow from work if you want14:46
seb128that will probably be easier14:46
tjaaltonok, I'll poke him then14:46
seb128he's usually around during european work hours14:46
tjaaltonhe's swedish, so -1h from finland :)14:47
mnemoim on xorg-edgers PPA right now, how can I revert back to ubuntu proper??18:38
maxbRemove the PPA from your sources.list, use apt-show-versions to locate packages which have a newer version than available in your enabled sources18:46
mnemo"apt-show-versions | grep -v uptodate" did the trick19:02
brycetjaalton: you around?20:08
tjaaltonbryce: yup20:08
brycetjaalton: I've done some testing on the xorg update I'm going to upload today20:09
bryceunfortunately the fix to 60x11-localhost doesn't seem to work20:09
tjaaltonoh right20:09
bryceX runs fine, but the file is not removed20:09
brycebut I don't grok the code well enough to spot what the flaw is20:09
jcristauthe 'remove obsolete conffile' thing seemed incomplete20:09
jcristauas far as i could tell from the commit mail20:10
brycejcristau: what else is required?20:10
jcristauyou need to call remove_conffile_prepare in preinst, and _rollback in postrm abort-upgrade20:10
jcristauas far as i can tell you only had remove_conffile_commit, right?20:11
tjaaltonso it was more complex than I thought20:11
tjaaltonwell, once xserver 1.7 is in karmic or karmic+1, we probably don't need the file at all, since it looks like the default will be changed20:12
brycejcristau: thanks, I'll give that a shot20:12
jcristaupreinst moves foo to foo.x11-common-tmp; postinst removes it if successful, and postrm moves it back in the rollback case20:12
bryceoh, I should add to preinst too?20:13
jcristauthe more common approach is to just remove the conffile in preinst, but we have inherited these functions from branden, and he was pretty anal about his maintainer scripts so they handle failed upgrades :)20:14
tjaaltonbryce: yes, I can see that the xorg-common -scripts are in all three files (preinst, postinst, postrm), duh20:15
tjaaltonwhich I added a while back20:15
bryceok, giving it a go20:15
jcristauxutils uses them too, if you need an example usage20:18
tjaaltonthat's what I used too, IIRC20:19
brycehrm, still not working20:22
brycewhat does the $2 mean here?20:26
bryce  if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl "1:7.4~5ubuntu16"; then20:26
jcristau$2 is the version you're upgrading from20:27
jcristau(or empty for initial install)20:27
tjaaltonso it won't work if you reinstall the same version20:27
bryceI've been downgrading x11-common back to 5u15 for testing20:28
bryceis that the right package or ...?20:28
bryceshall I just commit what I have so far to git, for you guys to review?20:33
bryceotherwise I'm tempted to just leave this fix out of this 5u16 and work on it later20:34
brycethis is what I have for committing -> http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/localhost_2.patch20:36
jcristaubryce: s/xinit/x11-common/?20:37
tjaaltonheh :)20:37
brycewell, the other Xsession.d scripts say xinit20:37
tjaaltonbecause they used to be in xinit20:38
tjaaltonbut removed in x11-common for some reason I can't remember20:39
jcristauthe package name there is used to look up the conffile's checksum in dpkg's status db20:39
brycefinally, that did it20:40
bryceok thanks20:40
bryceok, everything is pushed20:41
brycexorg-7.4~5ubuntu16/debian/apport/server-0.xkb ???20:43
brycejust a stray file I guess.  Not sure where that came from20:46
* bryce adds x11-common.preinst.in, x11-common.postrm.in to changelog20:48
brycefinal changes pushed; 5u16 uploaded to jaunty.  thanks again.20:55
brycetjaalton: did you see http://lwn.net/Articles/323668/ ?20:58
bryceseems there are as many people thinking we should have stuck with 2.5 as there are pushing us for going to 2.7.  heh20:59
tjaaltonbryce: hehe21:08
anderskIt seems that current fontconfig-config in Jaunty forces the creation of /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-no-sub-pixel.conf and is no longer configurable? 21:32
tjaaltontalk to asac21:32
tjaaltonbut first update to ubuntu1021:33
anderskI have 2.6.0-1ubuntu10. 21:34
andersk`dpkg -c fontconfig-config_2.6.0-1ubuntu10_all.deb` indicates that it really does contain /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-no-sub-pixel.conf. 21:35
tjaaltonso talk to asac21:36
tjaaltonand file a bug21:36
jcristauandersk: 'sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-no-sub-pixel.conf' doesn't make you happy?21:37
brycehttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/ --> down to 5 bugs21:44
anderskjcristau: It does, but only until the next fontconfig-config upgrade. 22:45
anderskAnyway, reported as bug 345123. 22:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345123 in fontconfig "Jaunty fontconfig-config forces subpixel off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34512322:45
jcristauandersk: no22:45
jcristauit shouldn't come back on upgrade22:46
anderskWell, it has disappeared during the last few upgrades, and I also tested it with `aptitude reinstall`. 22:46
anderskI tested again by downgrading to -ubuntu9, removing the symlink, and upgrading to -ubuntu10; the symlink came back. 22:49
brycejcristau: should the /usr/bin/X11 symlink still exist?22:52
bryceroot@dorset:/etc/X11# ls -ld /usr/bin/X1122:52
brycelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1 Mar 19  2008 /usr/bin/X11 -> .22:52
bryceoh nevermind, I got it.22:52
anderskEven if I create an empty file 10-no-sub-pixel.conf, it is deleted and the symlink is recreated on reinstall. 22:53
jcristaubryce: yes, that's ok22:53
anderskAccording to /var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig-config.conffiles, /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-no-sub-pixel.conf is listed as a conffile but /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-no-sub-pixel.conf is not. 22:54
anderskDebian #421344 and #421345 might be relevant. 22:56
ubottuDebian bug 421344 in dpkg "dpkg: does not gracefully handle symlink conffiles" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/42134422:56
ubottuDebian bug 421345 in lintian "lintian: does not alert on non-conffile symlink in /etc" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/42134522:56
anderskAnd Debian #421346 22:57
ubottuDebian bug 421346 in debhelper "debhelper: should automatically mark symlinks in /etc as conffiles" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/42134622:57
brycesweet, 'xorg' bugs are all done.22:59
bryceI pity the fools who insist on installing the latest drivers (e.g. -fglrx) yet don't know anything about xorg.conf configuration and get screwed up as a result... 23:13
marijusbryce: well, learning by doing... isnt it?23:14
bryceguess it'll have to be ;-)23:17
bryceI put a more kindly worded variant of the above onto bug #31302723:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31302723:17

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