
=== Md_ is now known as Md
xzirrowDoes anybody can help me with upstart to get /var/log/boot and my boot-up messages ?07:14
keesjtry the kernel boot you can get with the dmesg command but there is no such logging facilitie in upstart08:30
xzirrowtoo pity. Yes i can see kernel messages in dmesg - i'm interested in messages of phase two :)08:37
xzirrowis it planned to realise such thing in future ?08:38
keesjupstart itself logs events to syslog and you can (apparently) log the output of the processes to syslog08:50
keesjafter that is's a matter of configuring syslog to log to the right file I guess08:50
xzirrowDo I need configure smth in upstart to make it log starting scripts output to syslog ?08:51
keesjI don't know the future of upstart and I am not developing in the main branhc08:52
xzirrowDo I need to config smth in upstart to make it log messages from startings scripts to syslog ?09:14
KeybukUpstart doesn't do that09:15
keesjhttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas check the "console"09:16
keesjapparently it's called "logger"09:16
Keybukthat'd been disabled for ages09:17
keesjOk , sorry about that09:17
xzirrowSo, as i can get - there is no possible way to recive /var/log/boot ?09:38
Keybukxzirrow: not currently10:03
xzirrowKeybuk, so console output or console logged at ( /etc/event.d/logd) does nothing with upstart ?10:08
Keybukconsole output will send the output to the console10:10
xzirrowKeybuk, so console logged will do what ? 10:32
Keybukit's not implemented right now10:34
xzirrowKeybuk, ok, thank you very much - it clearified situation11:01
KeybukI'd like to do something with it, obviously11:02
Keybukbut there's lots of problems and pitfalls11:02
Keybuka miriad of different syslog daemons11:02
KeybukI'd kinda like cron "mail output on failure" functionality11:02
Keybukand the filesystem is generally read-only for much of the boot11:02
keesjtricky, what the kernel does is to use a ring buffer for the kernel output11:14
Keybukan ordinary growing buffer would probably do just as well11:15
keesjI also guess you wil need to add some instance information, and that kinds a sounds like syslog again11:17
keesjin our setup we have the busybox syslog logging to memory with a shared buffer , you can then read the data using logread11:17
keesj(but no job output indeed)11:18
Keybuk"some instance information" ?11:19
keesjwhat job instance is generating the output11:45
=== damjan_ is now known as damjan

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