
macoScottK: you remember the seahorse-agent v. use-agent stuff?00:08
macoScottK: seahorse-agent, according to adam, only ever writes out a gpg.conf if it tries to read one that doesnt exist00:09
macoso really the issue is that the skel file either isnt being written into there period or isnt being written before seahorse-agent starts00:09
macohow can we make sure the gpg.conf skel file gets written?00:10
nixternalnhandler: I didn't get any Kubuntu stickers00:54
nixternaljjesse: how much more do you have to do on the menu stuff for docs?01:08
nixternalI just pushed updated images and some new images...I took screenshots of the application launcher that can be used to show the different places01:09
=== txwikinger4 is now known as txwikinger
ScottKmaco: Or there's a bug with seahorse agent.01:40
ScottKThe gpg.conf gets written from skel the first time gpg gets run.01:40
macowhich is after seahose-agent is first run?01:41
ScottKI'd suggest that if seahorse-agent thinks it needs to create the gpg.conf, it first try to use the gpg.skel.01:41
ScottKIt could be.01:41
ScottKThere was a bug in Feisty where it wasn't getting created, but since then it's been created on first gpg run for any user.01:42
macounless the first thing the user does after install is login on teh command line and use gpg, the skel wont be created for gnome users01:42
macohaving it be a default skel makes sense to me as a way to force seahorse-agent and gpg-agent play nice01:43
ScottKRight, so if seahorse would use the provided skeleton instead of inventing it's own, it should all work out.01:43
ScottKI don't see a point in seahorse-agent creating an empty file.01:43
maconor do i01:43
macodunno how to tell a gui app to use cp either though01:44
ScottKDunno.  The ~equivalent KDE program, kgpg is just a gnupg front end, so it all works.01:45
* ScottK could do it in shell or python, but not C.01:45
ScottKclaydoh: You on tap for Beta release notes?02:00
claydohsure, how soon?02:01
claydohScottK: or rather which day02:01
ScottKNext Thursday (a week).02:01
claydohcool plenty  of time02:02
ScottKYep, but since it's the beta, I wanted to make sure we started early.02:02
nixternaljjesse: I have gone ahead and fixed up the menus....copy yours to the side and then bzr pull in my changes and let me know what you think...I have made the menu file so much simpler I think overall adding common entities so we don't have to type <foo>Application Launcher</foo><foo>Applications</foo><foo>Internet</foo> all of the time02:41
nixternalour docs now validate and build :)02:42
nixternalanyone in here want to take a section or 2 of the documents to work on? shouldn't be to difficult, just needs some cleaning up02:42
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Quintasanoh man another 200 packages to upgrade, how you do this? :D06:54
* Quintasan is out, school is calling06:57
jussi01Quintasan: its called a 10/10 connection :P07:00
jussi01Quintasan: its called a 10/10 connection :P07:00
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shtylmanRiddell: updating my branch right now...I put in the show/hide partition bar fix and pulled in the word-wrap fix from main. Only thing left is the timezone city display on hover07:32
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bothorsenRiddell: Do we have special patches for juk in our package?08:21
bothorsenRiddell: I'm looking at bug #316046 and I can't reproduce any of the problems reported in our bug or in the original bugs.kde.org report08:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316046 in kdemultimedia "Kubuntu jaunty juk stops playing automatic" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31604608:22
bothorsenubottu: Yes, that's the one I'm testing right now08:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:22
bothorsenOh :)08:22
agateauRiddell: ping10:03
Riddellhi agateau10:12
agateauhi Riddell, did you get my email about nepomuk and sesame?10:12
Riddellbothorsen: did you work out your juk issue?10:13
Riddellagateau: yes I see it here10:14
Riddellagateau: what do you find annoying?10:14
agateauRiddell: if you apply the Dolphin patch,10:16
agateaueverytime you start dolphin you get the notification10:16
agateauwhich could be annoying for example if you are offline, or I guess when running from the livecd10:16
agateauplus you will need to enable Nepomuk to make use of the sesame backend, so it makes more sense to me to show this in the nepomuk kcm10:17
Riddellwe could add a "don't show again" option to the notifier10:18
RiddellI've been meaning to do that for a while10:18
Riddellit doesn't run on the live CD anyway10:18
Riddelland ideally it would enable nepomuk for you10:18
agateauRiddell: I am not sure a "don't show again" would help: if the user disable the message because he does not want to be bothered, it may forget what package needs to be installed to get Nepomuk running10:22
Riddellok, let's just do the kcm then10:24
agateauRiddell: ok, i guess we can consider it fixed for now then10:26
agateauany other bug I may have a look at?10:27
Riddellagateau: kdebluetooth keeps crashing10:50
Riddellthat's the other high profile crash we have10:50
agateauRiddell: ok10:50
agateauRiddell: do you have a bug number for this?10:51
Riddellbug 320614  I think10:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320614 in kdebluetooth "kbluetooth4 crashed with SIGSEGV in QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgumentList()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32061410:52
Riddellallee: ^^ ?10:52
Riddellalthough there's a few crash reports for kdebluetooth :(11:02
agateauI can't reproducebug 320614, but I obex-data-server crashed on me after transfering a file to my phone11:08
Riddellagateau, bothorsen: either of you know where KDE keeps its config upgrade scripts?11:27
agateaummm you mean where in svn?11:28
Riddellagateau: no on disk11:29
agateaucan't find any of them atm11:31
agateauRiddell: according to kconf_update README, it's in $KDEDIR/share/apps/kconf_update11:33
agateauyes I have a few of them in /usr/share/apps/kconf_update11:34
Lureagateau: kbluetooth consistenty crashes on suspend/resume here11:35
agateauLure: just keeping it running while suspending is enough?11:36
agateauor do you have to do something special?11:36
* Tonio_ goes buy dvds to test k3b11:39
Riddellagateau: ah hah, thanks11:39
Tonio_Riddell: if I can make it to work, is there a chance to get it in after the beta release ?11:39
Tonio_Riddell: and the string freeze ? will be hard I guess...11:40
RiddellTonio_: yes that should be possible11:40
Tonio_Riddell: oki, let's focus on that today then...11:41
smarterTonio_: does something needs testing for k3b?11:41
Tonio_Riddell: one thing I'd like to fix in kds : ctrl+alt+left/right should lead to "next desktop"11:41
Tonio_Riddell: don't you think ?11:41
* smarter was planning to copy a DVD on disk11:41
Tonio_smarter: we know it works well except for dvd isos burning...11:41
Tonio_smarter: but feel free to test from my ppa then ;)11:42
Tonio_smarter: and if you like experimental things you can go with the kgtk ppa and test installing kubuntu-kgtk11:42
Tonio_smarter: that should provide you kde4 dialogs for firefox, thunderbird, opera, openoffice, scribus, kino and a couple of other apps :)11:43
Lureagateau: yes - after resume, I get apport crash report11:52
Lureagateau: I do not even use bluetooth ;-(11:52
Tonio_Lure: is that kdebluetooth or kblueplugd crashing ?11:52
RiddellTonio_: does that come from somewhere?  is there an existing shortcut for next desktop?11:53
Tonio_Riddell: there is :) and nothing binded to it11:53
Riddellgo ahead if you want11:53
Tonio_Riddell: compiz has this one for ctrl+alt+right+left11:53
LureTonio_: kbluetooth411:54
Tonio_Riddell: also, I found out a conflict with ctrl+shift+w, both kopete and konsole use it11:54
Tonio_Lure: oki.... then better ask agateau :)11:54
Tonio_Riddell: kopete uses it to set "away" mode and in konsole it closes the tab....11:54
Lureagateau: if it would help, I can try reproducing it now...11:54
Tonio_Riddell: I think we should remove the kopete one, as probably not as usefull11:54
agateauTonio_: it's not like I am a great bluetooth hacker :)11:54
Tonio_agateau: but a better c++ one than me, in any case :)11:55
agateauLure: I am going to try it now11:55
Lureagateau: but we are sure you can become one ;-)11:55
agateaudid not crash :/11:57
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* agateau hates it when he can't reproduce bugs12:00
Riddellagateau: there are other tasks if you can't get anywhere with that :)12:31
Mamarokoh my, these people on the -user list are gonna drive me nuts :(12:37
apacheloggerMamarok: what did they do now?12:41
Tonio_hum I noticed a strange bug with desktop files and kde...12:46
Tonio_create a desktop file with a tryexec, binary missing, everything's okay12:46
Tonio_create the binary, you can see the entry in the kickof12:47
Tonio_remove the binary, the entry stays in it....12:47
Tonio_can someone confirm this ? (then I'll report...)12:47
RiddellTonio_: yes I confirm12:52
Tonio_Riddell: oki... shouldn't be hard to fix, I'll have a look12:52
Tonio_I suspect it won't check TryExec for already known files...12:53
Tonio_Riddell: I discovered that installing and remove marble.... the desktop entry is in -data package12:54
agateauRiddell: tell me all13:06
Riddellagateau: we have this annoying window sizing bug we created and could do with a script to fix it13:07
agateauRiddell: can you tell me more?13:08
Riddellagateau: in intrepid we tried to set some window sizes to make the default sizes fit with text alongside icons in toolbars, but it caused more problems than it fixed13:09
Riddellagateau: but kwin liked to keep those settings around for people who got them and there's no easy way to get rid of them13:09
Riddellagateau: in your /.kde/share/config/kwinrulesrc is there rules for "Kontact initial default size" etc?13:10
agateauRiddell: nope, but I jumped from hardy to jaunty13:11
* apachelogger still thinks piping kwinrulesrc through a script using kconf_update is the way to fix that bug13:11
agateauso the idea is to get rid of all section/keys named "* initial default size" ?13:12
Riddellagateau: yes, here's mine  http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kwinrulesrc13:12
Riddellagateau: it has to be done before kwin starts13:12
agateauRiddell: in startkde for example?13:12
Riddellagateau: yes13:13
apacheloggerRiddell: doesn't kwin have some reload config thingy?13:13
Riddellkconf_update is probably the proper way to do it13:13
Riddellapachelogger: I don't think so (not looked though)13:13
apacheloggerorg.kde.kwin /KWin reloadConfig13:15
apacheloggerso IMHO kconf_update + script + dbus call to that reload thingy is the best way to get rid of those settings13:15
Riddelltrouble with kconf_update is it'll only work for people upgrading to kde 4.2 (or whatever version we set) and many people are already using 4.213:16
apacheloggernot necessarily13:16
apacheloggerIIRC we could use any name for the update file, with any version number13:17
Riddellnixternal: chap from Linux Identity magazine just e-mailed to ask if I wanted to write an article about Kubuntu jaunty, can forward if you're interested13:17
apacheloggerWith <id> identifying the group of update entries that follows. Once a group13:18
apacheloggerof entries have been applied, their <id> is stored and this group of entries13:18
apacheloggerwill not be applied again.13:18
apacheloggeri.e. the update file only relates to the defined id, but not an application or one specific config file, thus also the version is independent from $app or KDE13:19
Riddellagateau: recon you can look into that?13:21
agateauRiddell: yes, can do13:22
agateaui am wondering how kwin will react if we create "holes" in the config13:23
agateausection names are numbers, and there is a  [General]/count key which keeps how many keys are in it13:23
Riddellagateau: no idea, might need to test that13:25
Riddellagateau: the worst symptom of this is okular's presentation mode only takes up half the screen13:26
agateaujudging from the code, it loads all sections from 1 to count13:26
agateauI need to look how it behaves if section does not exist13:26
Riddelljjesse: chap from Linux Identity magazine just e-mailed to ask if I wanted to write an article about Kubuntu jaunty, can forward if you're interested13:38
jjessei am interested please forward13:39
Riddelljjesse: sent (let me know if it ends up in your spam though, gmail doesn't always like me)13:40
jjessewill do13:40
seelerickspencer3: ping13:41
rickspencer3seele: hi13:42
seelerickspencer3: wow youre up early!13:42
rickspencer3not really13:42
rickspencer3but I do have to get my son up in 2 minutes13:42
bothorsen Any KDE bugs that you would like me to take a look at?13:53
bothorsenAll the ones I have checked today have been fixed upstream already13:53
Mamarokapachelogger: I asked them to stop the thread or change at least the subject, guess what...13:58
Mamarokthey continue as before13:58
* Mamarok wonders if we should not take other measures for the -users list13:58
Riddellbothorsen: there's a couple of patches on http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ could you check if we should get them in13:58
Riddellkdebase and qt4-x11 ones13:58
RiddellMamarok: I can block threads if it's necessary13:59
RiddellMamarok: Thanks for Virus thread?14:01
MamarokRiddell: I sent a last post and asked them to end it, second mail to ask that now14:03
RiddellMamarok: want to be list admin? :)14:03
Mamarokand yes, it would be a good idea to block the thread14:04
MamarokRiddell: I wouldn't mind to moderate a little, yes14:04
MamarokRiddell: claydoh_ also offered to help14:04
MamarokdasKreeCh: no, there there never was a virus, only a newbie who was in panic with his Jaunty system14:06
Mamaroka newbie who never should have installed Jaunty in the first place14:06
dasKreeChThought it was some cool new FOSS-y badly named App14:07
dasKreeChHave you put Virus on your linux system yet?14:07
dasKreeChYes it's great ! I hope it spreads and gets adopted!14:07
dasKreeChCue Windows user listening in with a large question mark over their head14:08
Riddelldavmor2: tried today's Kubuntu CD?14:08
Riddellit doesn't work for me, freezes at the usplash14:08
Riddellug, dist-upgrade crashes in a chroot14:12
Riddelldavmor2: hmm, works with splash disabled14:14
davmor2Riddell: trying now14:15
davmor2Riddell: what hw14:18
freinhardfound a patch on freedesktop for the xrandr-makes-screen flicker bug. whom can i bother with that?14:18
Riddellfreinhard: bryce, tseliot, tjaalton on #ubuntu-devel are the X guys14:19
freinhardRiddell: thx!14:20
davmor2Riddell: it boots up but usplash does seem to do anything14:21
Riddelldavmor2: it boots to X and KDE?14:22
davmor2Riddell: yes you just don't have the progress indicator working14:23
Riddelldavmor2: and on the KDE desktop you have the folderview widget with help and install icons?  and the notes widget?14:24
davmor2Riddell: I kinda do but is the note meant to be transparent?14:24
davmor2Riddell: selecting yellow in prefs fixed it I'll reboot and take a shot for you :)14:25
Riddelldavmor2: naw I see the same thing14:25
agateauapachelogger: Riddell: I have a simple kconf_update script ready, but I am wondering where to place the dbus call14:26
agateauit can't be put in the script, it's too early14:26
davmor2Riddell: Folder view is right though :)14:26
Riddellagateau: does the script run before kwin starts?14:27
davmor2Riddell: what did you do?14:27
agateauRiddell: from what I understand, kconf_update scripts are run on KDE startup (good) and on install (bad)14:28
agateauIf it happens on install, then kwin is already running14:28
agateauand it will probably overwrite the settings14:28
agateaubut next kde start won't reapply the kconf_update14:29
agateausince it's already flag as applied14:29
agateauat least that's what I believe will happen, I should test14:29
ryanakcaRiddell: python-kde4-dev built fine. https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Eryanakca/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/529870/+listing-archive-extra14:29
Riddellryanakca: installing14:31
davmor2Riddell: I'm going to install now and see if it's just a cd thing :)14:34
Riddellryanakca: ooh, that seems to work14:34
ryanakcaRiddell: Great. Should I commit and push the changes in bzr? And if so, do I set the distribution to ``UNRELEASED'' or ``jaunty'' in debian/changelog?14:35
Riddellryanakca: yes please, jaunty is fine14:36
Riddellryanakca: you can also change kdeadmin to remove the s-c-p-k depend on python2.6-dev14:36
ryanakcaRiddell: both commited and pushed, someone will have to generate the dsc and upload when they can :)14:43
Riddellryanakca: it also needs /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/kde4.py from python-kde4-dev14:43
ryanakcaRiddell: sorry, which? s-c-p-k ?14:44
Riddellryanakca: yes14:44
Riddellryanakca: maybe we should move that file to python-kde414:44
Riddellso we don't have to install python-kde4-dev14:44
Riddellglatzor: hi14:45
Riddellglatzor: I'm told that kpackagekit won't upgrade packages which mean installing new packages, is that something in the backend?14:45
ryanakcaOK, I'll take a stab at it. Completely remove it from python-kde4-dev or just make a copy of it in python-kde4?14:45
Riddellryanakca: move from python-kde4-dev to python-kde4 and add conflicts/replaces to python-kde4 for the old python-kde4-dev14:46
ryanakcaRiddell: ok.14:46
Riddellryanakca: shouldn't need compiling or anything, just put the packaging changes into bzr14:48
cumulus007What are those "blocked updates" doing in my KPackageKit14:48
Riddellcumulus007: I was just asking glatzor if he know about that14:48
cumulus007ah, ok :P14:49
jussi01seems package kit only calls upgrade, not dist upgrade. I just did a dist upgrade via cli and they went away14:49
jussi01mind, i havent looked, ponly guesing14:50
cumulus007how to do a dist upgrade on the cli?14:51
ryanakcacumulus007: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:53
nixternalRiddell: forward away14:57
apacheloggeragateau, Riddell: it doesn't matter when it gets run as long as it executes the dbus call afterwards, since it ought to reload all kwin configs and thus refresh (or in this case remove) the values stored in the memory14:59
apacheloggerTonio_: btw, since I just installed kde trunk ... dolphin now got a search box for accessing nepomuksearch:/15:00
jussi01apachelogger: o/15:00
apacheloggerso, in one way or another nepomuk should become useable in 4.315:00
apacheloggerjussi01: \o15:00
dasKreeChapachelogger: how so?15:05
dasKreeChjjesse: Hiya15:05
apacheloggerdasKreeCh: because that dolphin search box exposes it to $user, and since $user doesn't react very well to broken stuff, as seen previously...15:06
dasKreeChIt should be fixed15:07
dasKreeChI think the issue is that most people aren't RDF saavy so trueg is basically the sole heavy lifter15:07
dasKreeChhis truck Quotient is pretty high15:07
davmor2Riddell: no splash when shutting down at all :(15:14
davmor2Riddell: on a plus side usplash works correctly on the installed system :)15:15
cumulus007_Anyone having napomuk crashes?15:15
=== cumulus007_ is now known as cumulus007
cumulus007It crashes here all the time, Apport notifies me about it15:16
cumulus007btw, Apport is very buggy on Kubuntu15:16
davmor2Riddell: the desktop is correct on the installed system too15:17
bothorsenRiddell: I took a look at bug #341968. This is a boost patch that have been applied to upstream and it looks good to me. I don't have a test case for it, though15:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341968 in boost1.37 "Fail at start up" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34196815:18
bothorsenUnfortunately the boost guys don't believe in bug fix releases, so I there might not be a 1.37.1 but only the 1.38.0 that was released a month ago15:18
ScottKAll the KDE stuff is on 1.35, so if it's just 1.37, we should be OK.15:19
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Riddellbothorsen: so I should apply the debdiff in comment 4?15:20
bothorsenScottK: Yes, unless someone tries to build his own software with 1.3715:20
bothorsenRiddell: I would say so, yes15:20
ScottKYes. There are also a few universe packages that use it.15:20
davmor2Riddell: 60 updates here I'm guessing the live system is still outta sync15:21
Riddelldavmor2: the Kubuntu one?  that got made today (else the usplash wouldn't be the new one)15:22
Riddellthe ubuntu live filesystem didn't build15:22
davmor2Riddell: but 60 update in freeze?15:22
davmor2or has freeze not been announced yet15:23
Riddellnot that I've noticed15:23
Riddellbothorsen: uploading15:24
Riddellbothorsen: able to look at the kdebase and qt4-x11 ones in the sponsoring queue?15:24
davmor2Riddell: shutdown splash works on installed system too15:24
dfiloniRiddell: libmsn patch uploaded to libmsn svn :)15:24
Riddelldfiloni: which patch is that?15:24
bothorsenRiddell: Will do. #340741 looks okay but maybe not important15:25
dfiloniRiddell: the patch releated to wlm 2009 avatars15:25
dfilonithe one uploaded in the ubuntu package15:25
Riddelldfiloni: super (still waiting on salem to look at the security one though)15:25
dfiloniI don't know about that, I know how the protocol works but I don't know how to write C++ code -.-' (only a bit of C)15:25
davmor2Riddell: Installed system loses folder view15:26
bothorsenRiddell: I already looked at #328919 and added a comment that I can't reproduce this on jaunty15:26
bothorsenMight make sense for an intrepid update, though15:26
Riddelldavmor2: darn15:27
Riddelldavmor2: nothing there?15:27
Riddellbothorsen: bug 340741 is kompozer, gtk app, not my area :)15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340741 in kompozer "Request sponsor for kompozer_0.7.10-0ubuntu5" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34074115:27
bothorsenRiddell: Ok15:28
apacheloggerbtw, the new kiosktool could become really cool15:29
apacheloggerif it was working and stuff :P15:30
bothorsenRiddell: I just tested #328919 on intrepid, but I can't even get khelpcenter up there. I do have a KDE 4.2 on this and upgraded it manually several times, so I don't trust this install much15:30
apacheloggerbut the concept of apps deploying their own .kiosk files makes loads of sense15:30
Riddellbothorsen: if it works in jaunty that's the important thing, close the bug15:31
bothorsenOk, will do15:31
ScottKRiddell: If you could do Bug #345450, I'd appreciate it.15:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345450 in intrepid-backports "Please backport quassel 0.4.1-0ubuntu1 from Jaunty to Intrepid" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34545015:32
apacheloggerTonio_: ping15:32
apacheloggerhm, ScottK will know :D15:35
apacheloggerScottK: is a single rm -f faster than doing an if -e before it?15:35
apacheloggerthat say, is there any way to profile operations?15:36
ScottKNo idea and in a $WORK meeting atm.15:37
stdinit should technically be faster, as rm will do a similar check to if -e, and you only need to initialize/execute one executable15:37
davmor2Riddell: that's after the updates15:37
Riddelldavmor2: what is?15:38
apacheloggerstdin: well, if is a method of bash anyway15:38
apacheloggerstdin: question is if loading the executable all the time is slower than iffing all the time15:39
davmor2Riddell: folder view disappearing it was there before reboot after installing the updates15:39
stdinapachelogger: well, bash still has to attempt to stat the file (for [ -e ])15:39
Riddelldavmor2: that's pretty nuts15:39
davmor2Riddell: so one of the update removed it15:39
apacheloggerstdin: wouldn't rm do the same anyway15:39
RiddellScottK: done15:39
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.15:40
apacheloggerstdin: then again... would the loading of rm matter anyway, since it is probably cached anyway15:40
stdinapachelogger: hmm, so [ -e ... ] would probably be faster in bash15:40
stdinwell, it'd be faster to run a builtin than a cached executable15:41
stdinI'd guess15:41
ryanakcaRiddell: I commited the changes, still waiting to see if they build / work.15:41
davmor2Riddell: why not wait and try again tomorrow once all the updates are in place15:41
apacheloggerstdin: questions is probably what does if -e do and what does rm do15:41
apacheloggermaybe rm is the superior solution after all ;-)15:42
apacheloggerstdin: also, are 2 if -e $X + rm -f faster than one if -e $X || $Y + 2 rm -f15:44
stdinapachelogger: "time rm -f foo" and "time ( [ -e foo ] && rm foo )" tells me [ -e $X ] is faster15:46
stdinbut that's bash's buildin time function ;)15:46
apacheloggerhandy :)15:48
apacheloggerstdin: here a simple rm -f is faster when the if is true15:48
stdinahh, I see that too15:49
apacheloggeris to be expected though, since rm probably runs a check itself, so the internal if is creating a minor overhead15:49
stdinthen, I guess, if you can't be sure most files are going to be missing. rm -f would generally be better15:50
apacheloggeraye, my assumption as well15:50
stdinnow, if only bash has a builtin rm :)15:51
apacheloggerthat is weird though15:56
apacheloggerstartkde runs an if to check if qtcurve and kds are both installed15:57
apacheloggerwhen true it runs another 2 ifs to ensure that the files needed from those two packages are actually available15:57
apacheloggerwouldn't it make more sense to if the 2 required files in the first place?15:58
JontheEchidnaThen you could only use QtCurve as your GTK theme in KDE. Ever15:58
JontheEchidnaoh, nevermind15:58
JontheEchidnaI see what you mean15:58
apacheloggerthey are used in if X && Y15:58
apacheloggerwhere Y could be dropped if the initial if uses Y^2 rather than the dpkg info lists15:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can you take a look at the ... if test "$kcmrandrrc_display_applyonstartup" = "true"; then16:01
bothorsenRiddell: Is it possible to build a set of test packages with the patch in #261380? It looks like two important things happen with it: The libs aren't stripped and extra .dbg packages for the Qt binaries are built16:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: IMHO that code is uber-useless16:02
Mamarokclaydoh_: I will send a message to the list with the rules now, hope you are ok with it16:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the if would always be false anyway since there is no such setting anymore16:02
bothorsenRiddell: Supposedly, this would make it possible to singlestep through Qt library code. But I'd like to test this before giving the go-ahead on it16:03
apacheloggerMamarok: can you paste them here?16:03
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: where is this?16:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: startkde16:03
bothorsenRiddell: I'm not certain how much larger the qt packages will be without the strip16:03
Tonio_apachelogger: I generally don't consider performances when talking about bash :)16:03
Tonio_apachelogger: bash is not meant to be fast, though...16:03
apacheloggerTonio_: it's sh anyway16:04
apacheloggerwhich is supposed to be16:04
Tonio_hum, oki then I'd say the clean way if to perform a -e before deletion16:04
Tonio_but if you care about performances, then don't test for existance...16:04
Tonio_except if you need other type of tests, like -x or so...16:05
Mamarokapachelogger: there just a short version of the guidelines in the wiki16:05
Tonio_or use perl :)16:05
Riddellbothorsen: not stripping qt will end up with huge packages16:05
apacheloggerMamarok: urly plz :)16:05
Riddellbothorsen: you can build it locally or in a PPA16:06
apacheloggerTonio_: depends on the use case really ... if the file is supposed to not exist most of the time if -e is faster, otherwise rm -f is16:06
Tonio_yup, if that has to be done one time only don't check16:06
Tonio_if it's a cron task, for example I di check16:06
Tonio_apachelogger: that's what I do in startkde for example, I usually do the check16:07
apacheloggerI was just wondering if it really is faster every time :)16:07
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: do you think this may be related to why the KDE resolution settings are never applied on startup?16:07
apacheloggercertainly makes the code cluttered though :P16:07
Tonio_apachelogger: bah, test in a loop, with a watch :)16:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes16:07
JontheEchidnajust change it to true further up then, and fix our bug?16:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: though, I think KDE thinks that krandrtray is supposed to be running16:08
JontheEchidnathat's BS16:08
apacheloggerin which case the resolution gets applied once that apps is autostarted16:08
apacheloggerI tried fixing startkde some time ago16:08
apacheloggerthough it is pretty difficult because the new display stuff supports much more stuff than the other did16:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it doesn't just store width and height of $screen, but also type of screen etc.16:09
apacheloggerall that gets applied through xrandr and it does like if one tells it what type of screen we are talking about16:09
apacheloggerwhich makes the code grow a lot16:10
JontheEchidnaSo basically16:15
* JontheEchidna got pinged/sidetracked16:16
JontheEchidnaSo kcmrandrrc doesn't exist any more16:16
JontheEchidnaso the setting doesn't really make any difference either way?16:16
smarterkrandrtray replaces it I think16:16
JontheEchidnayet another systemtray icon, yay16:16
smarterat least, it has a config screen that looks like the kcm randr16:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: krandrrc16:17
apachelogger.!!!~~~~>Bat paste: pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/133731/16:17
apacheloggeryou'd have to parse the screen number and the output type16:17
* JontheEchidna hides16:17
apacheloggerthen parse the size16:17
JontheEchidnashell scripting is my sekret weak point16:18
apacheloggerwell, it would be rather easy16:18
apacheloggerjust takes some time to get all cases covered16:18
JontheEchidnaprobably because I've never taken the time to learn it other than what I would need for debian/rules16:18
apachelogger+ the amount of code doesn't make sense in startkde IMHO16:18
JontheEchidnaso do we want to autostart krandrtray?16:19
JontheEchidnaand then just remove that startkde code?16:20
JontheEchidnabut that's yet another program running by default16:21
apacheloggerI want the code to disappear16:21
apacheloggerit is useless as it is16:21
apacheloggerthen poke upstream to find some more sensible solution than that tray app16:22
apacheloggermaybe a kded module16:22
apacheloggeror if they wish they can update the startkde code16:22
JontheEchidnalike the suse xrandr module that makes the monitor blink every 10 seconds and makes 10 GB logs? :P16:22
apacheloggerwhich IMHO would be rather pointless considering the new display kcm exposes most of xrandr's features, so startkde would grow quite a bit to cover all cases16:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: suse is famous for it's bugs :P16:23
JontheEchidnaI think seli made that one though :P16:23
agateauRiddell: apachelogger: I have a script ready to fix the kwinrulesrc issue, it's a bit hackish (waits 5 secs before sending dbus signal to kwin)16:23
Riddellhackish is fine16:24
agateauthe script is in Python, can I use python-dbus or is it better to use os.system("dbus-send...")16:24
Riddelleither is fine16:24
agateaubetter as in less dependencies16:24
agateauok let me push this then16:25
agateaummm, hold on while I check the package actually include my files :)16:27
JontheEchidnalolwut: kcminputrc Mouse cursorTheme 'Oxygen_Black'16:31
agateauRiddell: I am about to push, but I think I should first pull the latest kubuntu-default-settings package16:35
agateauhow do I do this with bzr?16:35
Riddellagateau: bzr update  or bzr merge  depending on if you have a checkout or a branch16:36
agateaubzr update did grab stuff16:37
agateaunow I have a conflict to resolv :)16:37
Riddelledit file, or bzr revert <file>   then bzr resolve <file>16:42
agateaubzr resolve <file> worked ok, but now I have "pending merges:" in my "bzr st" output, is there something to do about this?16:45
Riddellagateau: you need to do  bzr commit ?16:48
agateauRiddell: bzr commit or bzr commit --local ?16:49
agateauRiddell: And I copy the pending merge message as a commit message?16:49
Riddellagateau: whichever you want16:52
agateauRiddell: ok, I am pushing right now16:53
agateauin my not-well-named branch: lp:~agateau/kubuntu-default-settings/disable-nepomuk/16:53
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I pushed the startkde stuff for kcmrandrrdc16:53
Lure_Riddell: is it still possible to upload main stuff for beta?16:53
Lure_Riddell: or was freeze tonight?16:54
* ScottK hasn't seen a freeze announement.16:54
Lure_ScottK: Steve's announcement said about Thursday, but is this 00:00 or 23:59?16:55
* Lure_ will prepare lensfun then16:55
ScottKDunno, but usually there's a follow-up when the freeze in place.16:55
cernuiIs there any tool for generating an ISO diff & patch and limit the download size between for example, 2 daily isos?17:00
Riddellcernui: rsync, see KubuntuFiles17:01
cernuiRidell, you're righ even I've used it but for other purposes, thanks17:02
cernuiMm but rsnc is transferring the entire iso, it wolld be good to have an utility that reads the local iso and compares them with the list if the remote, downloads those wich changed and rebuild the iso17:21
cernuiMaybe only 50-100 megs should be enough for a single day diff17:22
Riddellagateau: uploaded, thanks17:22
Riddellryanakca: python seems to be broken in the buildds, remind me to retry kdeadmin bindings and boost1.37 at some point17:24
=== siekaczx is now known as siekacz
Lure_Riddell: if uploads are still allowed, could you sponsor lensfun upload (debdiff should be in you mailbox)?17:29
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
Mamarokwill taglib-extras be included in Jaunty?17:30
Mamarokapachelogger: ^^17:34
* Lure notices that Freeze was announced after I requested sponsored upload - does this count? ;-)17:39
ryanakcaRiddell: Will do17:42
devfilRiddell: often my kubuntu installation freeze, I think is due to latest updates, yesterday it did't freeze17:46
RiddellLure: uploaded17:49
Riddelldevfil: wibble17:49
RiddellMamarok: what is that?17:50
devfilRiddell: "wibble" ?17:50
devfilwhat does it mean?17:51
rgreeningRiddell: update-notifier-kde doesnt seem to run17:52
rgreeningTraceback (most recent call last):17:52
rgreening  File "/usr/bin/update-notifier-kde", line 34, in <module>17:52
rgreening    import dbus.mainloop.qt17:52
rgreeningImportError: No module named qt17:52
JontheEchidnargreening: reinstall python-qt4-dbus17:53
rgreeningreinstall? why, what happened to require a re-install?17:54
JontheEchidnadunno, but that fixes it17:54
rgreeningthat's stupid17:54
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: One week to beta! | Feature Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
rgreeningoh my... fixed it, but that should never happen17:56
MamarokRiddell: the new dependency for Amarok 2.1, to be found in trunk/kdesupport/taglib-extras directory of KDE's SVN18:05
Mamarokit will not build without anymore18:05
Mamaroknecessary for WMA and MP4 files to be integrated in the collection18:06
calccan someone check a bug for me on KDE?18:07
calcbug 292628 (check under Jaunty if possible)18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292628 in openoffice.org "External filepicker is missing in OpenOffice.org-kde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29262818:07
freinhardcalc: sure18:07
freinhardanyone hacking on system-config-printer-kde?18:08
seelefreeflying: Riddell and Arby I think18:08
freinhardseele: thx!18:09
rgreeningany reason kpackagekit is showing a gtk authorization dialog under KDE? http://imagebin.ca/view/i_f49jOG.html18:10
Tonio_Lure: shouldn't kipi-plugins depend on libgpod4-nogtk and not libgpod4 ?18:10
rgreeningTonio_: see above q?18:10
Tonio_above what ?18:10
Tonio_rgreening: update-notifier-kde works for me...18:11
rgreeningquesion on kpk above18:11
freinhardRiddell: systemsettings->printer configuration->new printer. the description of "New Local Printer" explicitly mentions *directly* connected printers, should mention networkprinters too. (minor fix, but i just got confused..)18:11
rgreeningits showing a gtk dialog18:11
rgreeningand not the kde one18:11
Tonio_rgreening: you might have to reinstall policykit-kde18:11
Tonio_is it installed for you ?18:12
rgreeninghrm.... let me check18:12
rgreeningTonio_: policykit-kde is already installed. so was policykit-gnome. removing gnome one and now it says I dont have permissions. policykit is also installed.18:18
Tonio_rgreening: hu ?18:18
Tonio_lemme check18:18
Tonio_rgreening: no pb on my side...18:19
Tonio_rgreening: also works update-notifier...18:19
freinhardcalc: so what do you exactly need? steps what to do? (i don't get any file dialog)18:19
rgreeninghrm.. was working until I updated18:20
Tonio_rgreening: there is something going wrong for you I suspect...18:20
rgreeningTonio_: I don't even have a kcm module in system-settings showing up18:20
Tonio_rgreening: reinstall the packages I'd say....18:20
Tonio_purge them and reinstall18:20
rgreeningTonio_: try running it from under update-notifier-kde. thats where it's broken (Riddell)18:21
rgreeningIf I run it normal via kpackagekit, it works. This is a major bug18:21
smarterKPackageKit still doesn't work here "You don't have the necessary privileges to perform this action."18:21
Tonio_rgreening: no updates for now, I'll try later18:22
smarterand the only error I get is:18:22
smarterAuthentification error :  :18:22
* smarter bbl18:22
Tonio_rgreening: but if you miss an icon in systemsettings, there is really something going wrong :)18:22
Tonio_smarter: tried to fix the perms in systemsettings for you ?18:23
rgreeningTonio_: which package provides the kcm module?18:23
rgreeningTonio_: no, the policy one18:25
rgreeningthat's whats missing18:25
Tonio_policykit-kde then :)18:25
rgreeningls: cannot access /usr/share/kde4/services/kcm_pkk_authorization.desktop: No such file or directory18:30
rgreeningTonio_: ^18:31
rgreeningwhich package provides it?18:31
Tonio_rgreening: purge policykit-kde and install it18:31
Tonio_rgreening: you removed the file somehow18:32
Tonio_rgreening: if that's manual removal, the package needs purging before reinstalling18:32
rgreeningI never removed it18:32
rgreeningnever touched it18:32
Tonio_rgreening: bah, it isn't there right ? and it should :)18:32
rgreeningwas working until updates today18:32
Tonio_rgreening: then package hasn't been modified at all....18:33
rgreeningsomething removed it18:33
Tonio_rgreening: I agree this is weird...18:34
rgreeningnope. still missing after purge/re-install18:35
rgreeningTonio_: ^18:35
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
Tonio_rgreening: hu ?????18:38
Tonio_rgreening: can you dpkg -L policykit-kde ?18:38
Tonio_and grep for the file ?18:38
smarter_Tonio_: fix the perms for what?18:41
Tonio_smarter: for policykit/kpackagekit18:41
rgreeningTonio_: it's not in the package18:42
smarter_and where do I do that? :)18:42
Tonio_rgreening: dpkg -L policykit-kde | grep kcm_pkk_authorization.desktop18:42
Tonio_rgreening: apt-file also finds it...18:43
Tonio_rgreening: you have a real, weird, problem18:43
Tonio_rgreening: can you dpkg -c the deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives ?18:43
* txwikinger_work is back from a FLOSS advocacy at local college18:53
rgreeningTonio_: could it be an issue with the amd64 package?19:01
rgreeningTonio_: also, what version do you have installed? I have policykit-kde_0.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1_amd64.deb19:02
Tonio_rgreening: how would it have change in 2 days ???19:02
JontheEchidnargreening: ppa?19:02
rgreeninghmm.... policykit ppa maybe19:03
Tonio_rgreening: I have the one from the repos :)19:03
JontheEchidnaI think that was in kubuntu-experimental once upon a time19:03
rgreeningJontheEchidna: hmm...19:06
rgreeningchecking sources.list19:07
txwikinger_workhi rgreening19:08
rgreeningJontheEchidna: yep. removed it from my archive. fixed.19:11
rgreeningtxwikinger_work: hey19:13
QuintasanOnly mine screen flickers when I move or open up new windows with desktop effects enabled?19:25
cernuiQuintasan: video card and driver?19:31
Quintasancernui: Radeon 9550, ati19:32
cumulus007ati = ouch, still19:32
QuintasanWhen I move the window around some 1px wide bars appear, then the display turns black until i release the window :/19:33
QuintasanIt worked before restarting :S19:33
cernuiQuintasan: Are you using a daily build?19:33
Quintasancernui: I don't think so19:34
alleeRiddell:  Problem with the crash was/is  that there was no -dbgsym pkg for amd64 (and i386 AFAIR).20:12
allee^^ kbt crash: https://launchpad.net/bugs/32061420:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 320614 in kdebluetooth "kbluetooth4 crashed with SIGSEGV in QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgumentList()" [Medium,Triaged]20:13
JontheEchidnaHum: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=123736435529964&w=220:48
JontheEchidnaat least now we won't have 40 MB icons updates whenever kdebase-runtime is updated20:49
smarterJontheEchidna: yay20:55
LureRiddell: should somebody rewrite "install-package" to use kpackagekit? it uses gdebi (it seems)21:05
ScottKIt does and someone should.21:05
txwikinger_workIs it on the task-list?21:09
ScottKIt'd be really nice if someone would fix persistent notifications so kpackagekit would work.21:11
ScottK(so we wouldn't need the update-notifier thing)21:11
smarterit'd be really nice if even not persistent notifications could at least have working buttons :P21:12
* smarter feels like he's the only one having issues like that :/21:12
apacheloggerMamarok: ping21:49
Mamarokapachelogger: pong21:55
apacheloggerMamarok: did you mail -users yet?21:55
Mamaroknot yet21:55
apacheloggerok :)21:56
MamarokI reformatted the mail a bit, wanna read it?21:56
Mamarokapachelogger: you've got mail21:59
* apachelogger is wondering how Mamarok knows that :P21:59
* Mamarok turns off her psychic abilities22:00
Mamarokback watching some old Futurama episodes22:00
tmeixnerwould you recommend trying the amarok neon nightly builds on a jaunty kubunut system (64bit). 8.04 seems like a bit of a stretch.22:02
apacheloggerMamarok: remailed22:03
apacheloggertmeixner: neon supports intrepid only22:03
apacheloggermight be that it works on jaunty though22:04
apacheloggertmeixner: anyway ... neon support is in #amarok.neon ;-)22:04
tmeixnerthx apachelogger, I got here via #amarok, didn't know there is a neon too.22:05
apacheloggerthere is also a neon mailing list somewhere, just in case ;-)22:05
Mamarokapachelogger: thx, will go out in a few seconds22:06
apacheloggerkool :)22:06
Mamarokapachelogger: mails is out to the list22:08
Mamarokthx, didn't do it alone though22:09
apacheloggerScottK: if you see laserjock, please hand him bug 286655 to look at22:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286655 in kdeedu "KTouch doesn't have a Spanish or Latinamerican keymap" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28665522:11
* apachelogger finds it unlikely to be done by us22:11
ScottKWill do.22:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if you get around to it, it would be cool if you could try to reproduce bug 315634 with the additional information22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315634 in kdeedu "In french translation, the web browser doesn't start when I click "Page Wikipedia"" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31563422:20
apacheloggermaybe I'll get to it tomorrow though22:20
apacheloggerScottK: thx :)22:21
apacheloggerNightrose: could you please poke the ktouch maintainer with kde bug 16607122:28
ubottuKDE bug 166071 in general "Half the words in KTouch are not real words, are incomplete, or are misspelled" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16607122:28
Nightrosei'll have to find out who that is first22:28
Nightrosewill do later22:29
apacheloggerNightrose: Haavard Froeiland22:29
apacheloggerit seems at least :)22:30
Nightrosenever heard of him22:30
apacheloggersounds good :P22:30
apacheloggerNightrose: Andreas Nicolai maybe?22:31
Nightrosenever heard of him either22:31
apacheloggerAndreas Nicolai <ghorwin AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net >: Current maintainer22:31
apacheloggereither the extragear page is out of date or Nightrose is not as allknowing as I thought :P22:32
NightroseI'll find out22:32
Nightroseprobably the first is the case22:32
Nightrose(me not being allknowing is impossible)22:32
* JontheEchidna liked bug 34220122:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342201 in kdeedu "strick can't connect with other things who connected" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34220122:33
* apachelogger is wondering when rgreening got lost22:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yus, awesome one :D22:33
JontheEchidnaokie, so kstars22:34
JontheEchidnaIt's the only KDE app with a splash screen I know that has the splash screen in a bordered window22:34
JontheEchidnatip of the day!11!22:35
JontheEchidnaIt doesn't have a switch lanugage item in its help menu22:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: isn't that item from kdelibs?22:37
JontheEchidnaYeah, but kstars dun have it22:37
JontheEchidnavery weird22:37
apachelogger+ use KDE_LANG=fr_CA kstars22:37
apacheloggeror fr_FR22:37
JontheEchidnaI'd better install language-pack-kde-fr first22:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ultimately you get a vbox with intrepid ubuntu and follow his instructions ;-)22:41
JontheEchidnait doesn't look very french22:42
JontheEchidnamaybe that wasn't enough langpack22:44
apacheloggerdude, do what the dude wrote :P22:45
* apachelogger mails dotan22:45
josh-lhi if noone wants to themselves can anyone give me some pointers on how to make a style like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60334822:45
JontheEchidnaI have both those langpacks installed22:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: weird that is indeed22:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you sure you are starting the kubuntu kstars?22:46
apacheloggersome other thingy would also explain why you don't have the change lang entry22:46
JontheEchidnayes, I don't compile any parts of kde myself22:46
JontheEchidnaKDE_LANG=fr_CA konsole doesn't work either, but I can set the language from the language configuration dialog in help22:48
apacheloggertry fr_FR22:48
apacheloggermaybe we don't have fr_CA22:48
apacheloggerjosh-l: I am not sure there is a guide on how to create kwin/kde styles22:48
josh-lone wanna make a kde style/windeco like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603348  or port this which is based on those mockups: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Schwermetall?content=5557822:49
apacheloggerjosh-l: you might want to ask over at #oxygen since they create both22:49
josh-loh ok22:49
apacheloggeror just checkout the oxygen sources22:49
JontheEchidnano luck :(22:49
apacheloggershould be a good starting point :)22:49
apacheloggerthat does not make sense22:50
apacheloggeryou have none of our kubuntu entries22:50
JontheEchidnajonathan@jonathan-desktop:~/Documents/python/software-properties/main$ which kstars22:51
apacheloggermaybe you should reboot :P22:51
JontheEchidnaImma try setting french in systemsettings first22:51
* apachelogger hopes JontheEchidna speaks at least as much french to change back to english :P22:52
JontheEchidnaman, the percentage bar for "updating system configuration" goes to 100% like 4 times22:52
JontheEchidnaand it's sloooow22:53
JontheEchidnaI need to reboot anyway22:56
JontheEchidnaI only get the new usplash on shutdown, not startup23:00
* apachelogger doesn't use usplash23:03
neversfeldeI can see it on startup23:04
neversfeldeand shutdown23:04
JontheEchidnano luck with kstars in foreign languages23:05
apacheloggeryou borked it :P23:05
josh-lso anyone got the tallent to make that style?? :)23:05
apacheloggerjosh-l: time and motivation is more of a problem I'd say ;-)23:06
apacheloggerjosh-l: maybe you should drop a mail to kde-devel@kde.org23:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: dood!23:08
apacheloggerah, gotta query23:09
apacheloggershe's the last of the english rohoses23:13
* apachelogger sings23:13
josh-lapachelogger: ok23:25
josh-lapachelogger: sent23:27
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
claydohMamarok: I agree with Dotan Cohen on the subject change, I should re-word that part23:56
* claydoh is finally home after another 13 hour day23:56
* claydoh hates having very limited net access at work23:57
JontheEchidnaPlasma runs kmenuedit in-process23:59

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