
eregistekteen hello :)00:01
starfruitis there a page like this for amd processors?  http://processorfinder.intel.com/List.aspx?ParentRadio=All&ProcFam=483&SearchKey=00:21
JustGeekyMeHello everyone00:35
JustGeekyMenew to ubuntu00:36
JustGeekyMeand need a little help with audio00:36
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JustGeekyMecan anyone help with audio problem?00:41
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unsureother than envyng qt and resticted driver man is there a way to get nvidia drivers working?01:01
AnarchMy upgrade to Gutsy hangs on boot with no video.  I wanted to remove X using /etc/inittab but just discovered Ubuntu has none; googling pointed to upstart's /etc/init/jobs.d, but that dir doesn't exist either.  How can I stop X from starting?01:11
geniiAnarch:   use update-rc.d to prevent gdm/kdm from starting at runlevels 2-501:13
Anarchgenii: Thanks, investigating that.01:13
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr01:15
valmontsorry thx for the link01:15
__mikemHey, I have the volume maxed out, and I can just barely hear the sound. The sound is unmistakably there but its too low to understand spoken words01:23
unsureother than envyng qt and resticted driver man is there a way to get nvidia drivers working?01:27
unsureI have no sound and no graphics drivers both nvidia01:27
`OnyxHi guys, my firefox crapped itself for some reason and I was wondering how to un-install it?01:32
unsureonyx open ur package man search for firefox right click on it select the un install option u want click aply01:33
unsurethats the easest way01:34
`OnyxHow sure are you about that?01:34
`OnyxTerrible joke01:34
`OnyxThanks unsure :P01:34
genii`Onyx: sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox           might be what you want. You'll need also to remove ~/.mozilla/firefox manually as well01:36
`OnyxThen I can simply re-install?01:37
`OnyxHow come I can't do it unsure's way?01:37
unsurethe way i said only gets rid of it so u dont see it, un installed but not gone... it is true you will need to remove the file genii said to totally remove it01:38
`OnyxAh right01:39
`OnyxWill there be any problems during re-install after that?01:39
unsureyes you can re install it01:39
`OnyxAlso if I wanted to backup my bookmarks, which folder would I have to save?01:40
unsuredepends on how you have it set up....01:41
`OnyxPurely the bookmarkbackup folder?01:41
`OnyxI don't think I did anything out of the ordinary01:41
genii`Onyx: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarks.html         is all your firefox bookmarks01:44
geniiIt's a file, not a folder01:45
`OnyxAh right01:45
Slartibartfast`Onyx: mv ~/.mozilla ~/oldmozilla-dir ... and try to startfirefox again ... see if it  works ok01:45
`OnyxThose bookmarkbackup's must have been previos exports01:45
Slartibartfast`Onyx: If it works ok you can import from oldmozilla-dir01:46
`OnyxThis is so confusing D:01:48
Slartibartfast`Onyx: you really have to do a lot of not-so-smart things to get the system files of firefox messed up01:48
Slartibartfastif you just move the old .mozilla dir to a backup ... like oldmozilla-dir01:49
`OnyxI havn't done anything not-so-smart yet, but I fear I will01:49
Slartibartfastin you home folder01:49
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Slartibartfast/home/Onyx/.mozilla/ ..... or whatever your username is01:50
`OnyxYeah I'll back it up now before I go on01:50
Slartibartfast`Onyx: just use mv .mozilla oldmozilla-dir... it will rename .mozilla to oldmozilla-dir01:51
`OnyxI already did it, thanks01:52
__mikemSlartibartfast, hey, could you help me, my volume is maxed out, but I can't hear it well enough to understand people talking on youtube clips01:52
Slartibartfast`Onyx: and see how firefox works now01:52
Slartibartfast__mikem: have you tried open kmix ?01:53
__mikemSlartibartfast, I can't find it in kde4.201:53
Slartibartfast__mikem: as i understand there are different volume settings ...01:54
Slartibartfast__mikem: mmm you don't have a speaker icon in your systemtray?01:54
__mikemSlartibartfast, thanks, that made it a bit better01:54
leonardocezaralguem do brasil?01:54
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:54
unsureother than envyng qt and resticted driver man is there a way to get nvidia drivers working?01:55
Slartibartfastunsure: maybe you can just install the nvidia package you want ...01:56
`OnyxAwesome Slartibartfast, it worked a charm ;)01:56
Slartibartfast`Onyx: OK ... now you can import the old bookmarks from oldmozilla-dir .....01:56
`OnyxThanks a bunch :D01:57
Slartibartfast:-) np01:57
unsurefrom niviad.com right?01:57
unsureif that is the case I can not get any of them to work either..... the 8200 chipset is not listed. I had this all working beofer01:58
Slartibartfastunsure: i more thought about see what is available with "dpkg -l nvidia*"01:59
Slartibartfastunsure: apt-cache search nvidia also will show a lot of packages ...02:00
unsureno packages found matching nvidia02:00
Slartibartfastunsure: and apt-get search ??02:00
unsurereading the list now02:01
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Slartibartfastunsure: if you do "apt-cache show package_name" you will see more info about it02:01
unsureit looks as if I have the drivers downloaded but not installed....02:02
unsurenvidia 173 177 180 and 96.... very strange02:02
Slartibartfastunsure: search will not show what is installed02:03
demiim trying to compile soemthing but i get this error when configuring it.02:03
Slartibartfastapt-cache search will show what can be installed02:03
demiconfigure: failed program was:02:03
demi| /* confdefs.h.  */02:03
demiWhat does that mean?02:03
`OnyxAlrighty. Bookmarks are back and all is good once more. Thanks again Slartibartfast and others02:04
Slartibartfast`Onyx: :-) glad it worked for you02:04
unsureI know I need the nvidia 177 modaliases driver but I can not get the restricted driver manager to work same with envyng qt02:05
unsurei used envyng qt last time and it worked like a charm02:05
bastiunsure, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic-$(uname -r)02:05
bastisudo nvidia-xconfig02:06
unsurein the unmae do I nmae it nvidia?02:06
unsurekinda new to doing comand line02:07
bastino, this tells apt-get which kernel you use02:07
bastitype in: uname -r and you will see the output02:07
Slartibartfastuname -r gives as output here 2.6.27-12-generic02:07
bastiunsure, when you installed the modules you have to reboot02:09
unsurenothing installed02:09
unsureit said couldn not find package02:10
bastisudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic-$(uname -r)02:10
unsureE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-generic-2.6.27-11-generic02:10
Slartibartfastbasti: because he probably need  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-11-generic02:11
Slartibartfastunsure: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)02:12
bastiyou are right ^^02:13
unsuresame thing couldnt find it02:13
Slartibartfastunsure: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-11-generic02:13
unsurethis chipset is a pain in the ass02:13
unsureE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-11-generic02:14
bastisudo apt-get update02:14
unsurewent thu the list and didnt do anything I am to the best of my knowlage up to dater02:15
bastinow type in that command again02:15
bastibzw use the arrow02:15
bastibzw = resp ;)02:16
unsurestill the same thing02:16
bastinopaste your sources.list02:16
Slartibartfast:-( and that while the GeForce 8200 is just mentioned as supported by the 177 driver02:24
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slerderHey guys. Is there anyway a usb flash drive, when inserted into a ubuntu 8.10 machine autorun malicious code and infect my ubuntu box? Thanks03:12
trappistslerder: nope, ubuntu won't autorun anything03:13
AdolaHi!  What's some good software to use to manage an ipod on Linux?03:16
AdolaKubuntu more specifically :P03:16
goofeyAdola: supposedly Amarok can work with an ipod, but only the older ipod's work with linux (i think)03:19
goofeyubottu: !ipod | Adola03:19
ubottuAdola: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:19
Adolagoofey: Yeah, I'm installing gtkpod or something like that :)03:21
goofeyAdola: I think gtkpod will pull in a bunch of gnome apps unless gnome is already installed03:23
jaemI'm trying out the ARM version of Kubuntu Jaunty, and plasma is failing to load on login.  Unfortunately, my N810 doesn't have the hardware keys to be able to do anything about that once it happens03:32
jaemhowever, plasma doesn't display a "crashed" notification03:35
jaemit just doesn't seem to load03:36
jaemany ideas?  I'm rebooting into the other install to check the logs03:36
Slartibartfastjaem: #ubuntu+1 is for jaunty discussions03:37
jaemSlartibartfast: sorry - I forgot03:38
jaemmy mistake03:38
Arky44_What exactly does the "zoom out" function do (under the top-right cashew) and is there a way to get rid of the multiple desktops that appear?03:40
jaemArky44_: it's called "Activities"03:40
jaemessentially like virtual desktops, but for widgets instead of windows03:41
jaemcheck the userbase wiki page03:41
jaemas for getting rid of them, there should be a button for that - let me check03:41
Arky44_And thus the activity bar :)03:41
* jaem gives Arky44_ a gold star03:42
Arky44_It's all that public schooling paying off :P03:43
Arky44_Where is this fabled button?03:45
Arky44_Nvm got it :)03:45
Arky44_How unintuitive is a red "X", right? :P03:46
davidjheinrichhi all03:47
davidjheinrichdoes anyone here know how to tile/cascade windows in KDE 4.1 or 4.2?03:48
jaemdavidjheinrich: do you mean like a TWM, or just as a one-time action?03:52
AnarchHow can I tell what runlevel I'm currently in?03:52
AnarchDuh, there's a `runlevel`; disregard.03:53
thumpercan someone please tell if it is possible to srt the results when searching in adept-manager?05:14
thumperI'd really like alphabetical order05:14
thumperis that too much to ask?05:14
* thumper wanders off, but will check the plethora of responses later05:15
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Anarch`man xorg.conf` doesn't clarify what to change to alter the default screen resolution.  I'm using the Gutsy livecd 1280x1024 xorg.conf.05:56
gartralhow do i tell k3b to ignor the fact that a single layer DVD is 4.4 gig? (i have expanded Philips disks of 4.7 gb)06:37
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gartralhow do i tell k3b to ignor the fact that a single layer DVD is 4.4 gig? (i have expanded Philips disks of 4.7 gb)06:53
gartralhi test06:55
xp-killerhow to get firefox as my default browser?07:01
doleybxp-killer: Settings, personal, default applications07:05
gartralhow do i tell k3b to ignor the fact that a single layer DVD is 4.4 gig? (i have expanded Philips disks of 4.7 gb)07:17
norengartral: go to k3b setting advanced07:18
gartralnoren: i don't have and disk size related options under "Advanced" in settings07:21
norenjust allow overburning07:22
gartralit still want duoble layer media07:24
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gartraldouble *07:24
jePPeG_How do i find out what kde version i have installed?07:37
xtjePPeG_: help=>about07:38
jePPeG_Thanks. Is 4.1.4 the latest version?07:38
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SlartibartfastjePPeG_: there are newer versions ... but they just need a different way of installing07:40
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: just depends on what you want and/or need07:41
jePPeG_Ohh. Dosent seeem to get installed when i try apt-get upgrade =/07:41
Slartibartfastthats what i said ... a different way of the default way to install things07:41
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: If you have now intrepid running you can enable the "unsupported updates" in the sources section of Adept07:43
jePPeG_So how do i install the latest kde? And is there any reason not to use the latest version?07:43
SlartibartfastThe unsupported option will install kde 4.2 ...07:44
SlartibartfastBut there is already a kde 4.2.107:44
jePPeG_Thats the version i want hehe :) The latest one.07:44
Slartibartfastwhich is not even in unsupported but still in an experimental ppa07:44
jePPeG_Ok. But ut states it's released alreade?07:45
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: But you will most likely get errors and crashes07:45
jePPeG_Damn. I gues the best thing is to w8 until ubuntu releases is on the supported packages.07:46
SlartibartfastKDE released kde 4.2.1 yes ... but it does not mean Kubuntu can offer packages without bugs07:47
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: or wait for Jaunty to go live ... or install Jaunty and don't care about the crashes :-)07:48
Slartibartfastand help report bugs07:48
jePPeG_Whats Jaunty :)07:48
Slartibartfastthe next07:49
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.07:49
jePPeG_Well that sounds nice. But i think my linux skills need to be improved before i go for a beta dist =/07:53
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: But then it is maybe also not a good thing to install KDE 4.2.1 on your desktop now ... because there is a good chance things will break ...07:55
Slartibartfastif you really want kde 4.2 ... i would advice you to just install kde 4.2.0 from the backports07:56
jePPeG_Thats true. I yust need to w8 i guess :)07:56
SlartibartfastKde 4.2.0 is already a big improvement from kde 4.1.4 ... but there is not that much difference between 4.2.1 and 4.2.007:57
jePPeG_So it's "safe" to go for 4.2.0?07:58
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: Yes ... i think it is ... :-) ... but things can go wrong, the option in adpet is called "unsupported updates"  ... but if you want to learn more maybe you can just try ...08:00
beardbarJePPeG_: ive been running it for about a week with little problems. its pretty fantastic imho.08:00
jePPeG_I guess the best way to learn is to take some risks :) Thanks for all the help!08:01
jePPeG_beardbar, then im gona give it a shot!08:01
roved2101JePPeG_ personally for laptop use I found it a bit lacking. But for desktop was ok08:01
beardbarguys: xserver crashed while kpackagkitt was 70% done, i relaunched kpackagekit and it says no updates available. should i be worried?08:02
jePPeG_Im using a desktop. :)08:02
SlartibartfastjePPeG_: Adept -> Edit Sources -> Updates tab -> Unsupported Updates .......08:02
beardbarjePPeG_: me too
roved2101but overall was well implemented for kubuntu 8.10. very stable08:03
Slartibartfastbeardbar: maybe just run sudo "apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in terminal ...08:05
Slartibartfast1st sudo also before apt-get08:05
beardbarright, i'll have go Slartibartfast08:05
noren___beardbar: run the update again08:06
beardbaryep says all good there too, just freaks me out it wasnt completed downloading and installing when i crashed08:06
noren___beardbar: i lost kdm wen that happened to me08:07
Slartibartfastbeardbar: maybe the gui crashed but the processes just finished the taskes08:08
beardbarSlartibartfast: agreed08:08
rehmanhi every one08:46
rehmanplease any expert here.08:47
rehmankonqueror is not browsing. please help.08:47
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:47
Mamarokrehman: you should be a bit more precise08:48
rehmanMamarok  i mean all other programs which use internet connection are running but konqueror is not opening any page.08:49
Mamarokrehman: if I say precision, I ment what version of Kubuntu/KDE are you using? and what is the website you try to browse?08:49
rehmanMamarok: i am using kubuntu 7.10. and there is no page is being opened.08:50
Mamarokand what error message does it show?08:51
beardbarwhen i get a blocked udpate, is there a way to tell why its been blocked?08:53
rehmanMamarok: there is a two line error.08:54
rehmanAn error occurred while loading http://www.google.com:08:55
rehmanCould not connect to host http://www.google.com/.08:55
rehmanbut firefox is running successfully08:55
Mamarokrehman: try copy-paste a web address from Firefox to Konqueror08:57
rehmanMamarok: i tried but to no avail.09:00
Mamarokrehman: did you change something in the Konqueror settings, or did you add/remove a package ?09:01
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eth09:01
Yves__Hi, are "google gadgets in plasma" not available in jaunty?09:02
denndaDoes anybody happen to know where in KDE4 I can set Firefox as default browser and not Konqueror?09:02
Yves__I got them on debian experimental since a while. The gadget browser can be launched from the "add widgets"-dialog09:03
Mamarokdennda: go to System Settings -> Default applications09:03
Yves__And another topic for the devs: webkitkde got a lot of commits recently! upgrade to recent svn! :)09:04
lutiusveratiusDoes anyone know is settings for PPPoE lost in 8.10 version,so it can be done only through terminal??09:04
denndaMamarok: I'm sorry, I'm just plain blind... Thanks09:05
lutiusveratiusMamarok : Do you know is settings for PPPoE lost in 8.10 version,so it can be done only through terminal??09:05
Mamarokdennda: you are welcome :)09:06
Mamaroklutiusveratius: sorry, I never used PPoE so far, did you search for the package to be installed?09:07
lutiusveratiusMamarok : There is no option for PPPoE in KDE Network manager. In 8.04 there was option,and now nothing... I have done setup through pppoeconfig in terminal, but I would like to know is there some tool for it too09:08
Mamaroklutiusveratius: as I said, never used it before, and I'm already on Jaunty, so my cache search is not necessarily helpful09:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ppoe09:09
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:09
lutiusveratiusMamarok : Ok...I'll try with that page from bot09:09
lutiusveratiusMamarok : I saw that before,and done that... but not tool in networm manager... thanks for help anyway ;)09:11
maik_has someone experiences with TrueCrypt, i have corrpted the TrueCrypt bootloader in the MBR09:21
maik_there is a rescue Disk09:21
maik_but it doesn't works on my system09:21
maik_there is only one message09:22
maik_TrueCrypt Disk error09:22
maik_Loader Damaged09:22
maik_Use Rescue Disk: Repair Options > Restore TrueCrypt Boot Loader09:22
maik_after that message nothing happen09:23
maik_i can enter my password or do something else09:23
maik_I have 8GB RAM - could it be to much to handle by true crypt Rescue disk09:24
Mamarokmaik_: I don't remember TrueCrypt to be in any Ubuntu repo AFAIR09:24
Mamarokyou might try to get help at TrueCrypt09:25
maik_i would but you can post a message in the truecrypt forum only with a commercial email09:26
maik_and there is no other support09:26
Mamarokmaik_: well, that's the downside of proprietary software...09:27
Mamarokone of them09:27
Mamarokno user forums neither I guess?09:27
maik_i doesn't find anyone09:28
maik_kubuntu is my operation system but i need to use truecrypt to be compatible to windwos too09:28
maik_i doesn't find an alternative09:29
Mamarokmaik_: did you really search? I found that: http://forums.truecrypt.org/09:30
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:31
nighteaglei tried the alpha6 yesterday, on a live cd, i have a black screen at startup, and nothing the first jaunty alpha versions was working!09:31
maik_right, thats the forum, you can regisiter there but only post a message if you have an comercial email09:31
maik_they do that to avoid spam09:32
Mamarokmaik_: are you sure? I just registred with my @gmail.com address09:32
Mamarokof course if it doesn't contain a real name, it might be cinsidered to be spam, but mine works09:33
maik_registration works but in the response email there is an advice09:33
maik_Your TrueCrypt Forums account cannot be activated until the issue described in this message is resolved.09:34
maik_Unfortunately, due to excessive forum spam and other kinds of abuse, a member registered on or after January 1, 2006 cannot post if his or her forum account is associated with an email address provided by a disallowed or free-email provider (such as Hotmail or Yahoo). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.09:34
Mamarokwell, then use a school address or one from your ISP, you surely have one, don't you?09:35
maik_i have one of my ISP but im from germany and it doesn't work, maybe they don't know my ISP09:35
ActionParsnipnighteagle: did you md5 check the iso?09:36
Mamarokmaik_: I'm from Switzerland, my own domain, and it works09:37
maik_i have a @googlemail.com adress my it works when your adress works09:37
Mamarokyou just have to send back the confirmation mail, I have two accounts by now, one with @gmail.com, one with a .ch address09:38
Mamarokyou must do something wrong09:38
Mamarokmaik_: also, you can search the forum without being registred, try that09:39
maik_i have already searched the forum09:39
maik_but nothing found09:39
maik_Note that you currently have a valid forum account and you can log in, but you cannot post (other activities are not restricted).09:40
maik_If you wish to post, you will need to associate your forum account with a non-free email address; for example, with an email address provided by your ISP (internet service provider), school, or employer. You can do so by changing your email address at: http://forums.truecrypt.org/profile.php?mode=editprofile09:40
maik_i will try my google account09:40
magnus_Hello everyone, I got a question.09:41
magnus_on xubuntu and kubuntu, they are OS capable of setting up as a server right? just a home server for instance?09:42
bazhang!lamp | magnus_09:42
ubottumagnus_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:42
magnus_I dont really know alot about the linux systems.09:42
ActionParsnipmagnus_: they are the same ubuntu but using a different default DE09:44
ActionParsnipmagnus_: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses kde, xubntu uses xfce09:44
ActionParsnipmagnus_: you can install kde or xfce and switch to the environment and you will have the other system as they are identical under the hood09:45
maik_Mamarok: did you realy get an email with activation link? i used my @googlemail.com adress and only get the same mail as before, without activation link09:54
maik_Mamarok: so i can search in the forum but not post anything, if i click "add reply" oder "new topic" i will only get a information to register an other mail09:56
AndrewMohawkcan anyoen tell me of a gui wireless network app for kvwm ?09:57
Mamarokmaik_: hm, I got through with both addresses, strange09:58
Mamarokmaik_: is there no other user forum elsewhere? Or maybe an IRC channel?09:58
maik_Mamarok: i try to find an other channel thx for you help09:59
pugelarougehello - does someone have 2 minutes for what i hope is a well known issue with kde [i think]10:37
pugelarougewhen i alt tab i seem to trigger something that means left click has become left click + alt10:38
pugelarougeand the keyboard is locked10:38
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JasonCOMorning Folks:  im running kubuntu intrepid with kde4.2 packages installed also compiz.  for some reason i cannot get more than 2 desktops.... any one suggest what may be the problem? i set 4 and only 2 show up11:37
bazhangJasonCO, set 4 where11:38
bazhangJasonCO, you need to set 4 via ccsm11:38
JasonCOive tried in the settings app and also on the task bar11:39
JasonCOlemme check thanks11:39
bazhanglook in ccsm general-virtual horizontal desktops <--set to 411:39
bazhangyou were likely setting desktop pager to 4 :)11:39
ForgeAusheheh I have mine set to 6 but I don't use compiz11:40
JasonCOoh much better - -THANK YOU!!!11:40
bazhangnot much of a square anymore :)11:40
JasonCOthat was beginning to frustrate me11:41
bazhangno probs :)11:41
puddleHey Hey k0pp you there?11:45
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vbgunzI am curious. why does KDE4 do a better job at integrating Gnome themes Vs KDE 3.5+ themes?12:14
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ibrarAny Gui Tool available in KDE for sloccount (count source code lines) command line13:01
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simba_hmmm....after the last updates of kubuntu jaunty usplash craches when i am typing pass to unlock root partition.13:17
bazhangsimba_, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty13:18
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BluesKaj_Konversation is balking at my username .I installed wubi/kubuntu on out laptop yesterday but my 'realname' is different on it than the desktop14:01
BluesKaj_gonna try konversation again14:03
Ratchet_the_foxhey folks i made a rather stupid mistake and need to know how to fix it.  what i did was i acidently deleted the shortcut to the trash bin from the side bar of the dolphin browser and i need to know how to replace that shortcut.  any help will be greatly aprecieated14:17
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:19
canenhave a strange issue here. thought it was just kwin but seem to be happening in openbox too14:21
caneni can olny focus a window by clicking on the titelbar14:22
caneni haven't changed my window focusing methods, it just started happening a few days ago14:22
Ratchet_the_foxis there a way to empty the trash from Termianal14:24
canenthis only  happens with Qt apps14:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emptytrash14:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about helptrash14:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about trashbin14:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about delete14:26
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wastebin14:26
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:27
canenRatchet_the_fox: use trash:/ as the location14:27
robin0800_!waste bin14:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about waste bin14:27
Ratchet_the_foxi need to know how to empty it because i cant acess it from dolphin anymore14:27
canenadd it back14:27
Ratchet_the_foxi cant14:27
Ratchet_the_foxive tryed14:28
canenyou should be able to14:28
Ratchet_the_foxand noone will helop me either14:28
martijn_am i the only dude with a non-booting system currently14:28
canenright click on the sidebar and choose "Add Entry"14:28
robin0800_Ratchet_the_fox: try dolphin14:28
Ratchet_the_foxdolphinis the problem14:29
canenRatchet_the_fox: then in the pop up box choose trash:/ as the location14:29
Ratchet_the_foxhey folks i made a rather stupid mistake and need to know how to fix it.  what i did was i acidently deleted the shortcut to the trash bin from the side bar of the dolphin browser and i need to know how to replace that shortcut.  any help will be greatly aprecieated14:29
Ratchet_the_foxtahts my problem14:29
canenRatchet_the_fox: or in the location bar type trash:/ it works just the same14:30
canenRatchet_the_fox: I am telling you how to fix it14:30
Ratchet_the_foxTHANK YOU :D14:30
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jpedrozaRatchet_the_fox: You can also add a trash plasmoid to your task bar or to the desktop.14:31
Ratchet_the_foxjusrt did thanks again14:31
robin0800_Ratchet_the_fox: if you now open it dolphin should fire up14:33
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:37
BluesKajwow, what was the prob with freenode , or was it just me ?14:48
Tm_TBluesKaj: to me it seems like local issue, not freenode itself14:49
BluesKajwere you having a prob Tm_T ?14:50
Tm_TBluesKaj: not at all14:50
BluesKajI logged on last night with the laptop, but I'm sure I logged out of freenode before I shut down14:51
BluesKajwe have 5 computers running at times now that my daughter and her 2 children are staying here for a while ...it slows things down but we've been doing this for 2weeks without any probs til today14:53
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=== fernando is now known as Guest79130
Guest79130I have the follor error: System.DllNotFoundException: gdk-x11-2.015:07
Guest79130how can I install that dll?15:07
=== shahram is now known as shahram_soft
shahram_softi need help please some one help me15:10
bazhangask a question then15:11
shahram_softi have problem to install nvidia driver15:12
shahram_softi recently downloaded the latest nvdia driver 18015:12
shahram_softand try to install it but it doesnt work15:12
shahram_softdo you think it;s becuse of driver file?15:13
Guest79130I want to run a program call "youtranslate" but when I run the program I got the follow error : System.DllNotFoundException: gdk-x11-2.0, how can I solve this issue?15:13
bazhangGuest79130, a dll in ubuntu?15:13
Guest79130bazhang: is the message from the konsole15:13
Guest79130bazhang: copy/paste15:13
shahram_softbazhang i thiks guest is robot15:14
bazhangshahram_soft, what was the command you gave, and why did you not do via hardware drivers?15:14
shahram_softi did but i want newest vertion15:15
shahram_softi have 177 but it's doesnt work proprly15:15
shahram_softsh (name of file)15:16
slerderHey guys. Just wanted to know if it was possible for a malicious file on a usb flash drive to have been autoexecuted on my ubuntu 8.10 machine upon insertion. Thanks15:16
bazhangshahram_soft, okay, and how did the install go? what command did you give15:16
shahram_softi write sh(name of file.run)15:16
bazhangslerder, without your permission?15:16
Icebuntuslerder:  you can try claim win antivirus15:16
Guest79130bazhang: please, take a look here http://paste.ubuntu.com/133691/, there is the all description of the problem15:16
bazhangIcebuntu, what is that?15:17
shahram_softthen error is you coudnet install15:17
shahram_softyou need to install in root15:17
bazhangIcebuntu, that is not good advice; please recommend from the repos15:17
Icebuntuya let me see15:18
bazhangIcebuntu, dont recommend anything if you dont know what you are talking about15:18
kanon-matslerder: why ask the same question in multiple channels?15:18
magnus_excuse me, I was just wondering, what was the command for installing and downloading something? for instance firefox. Something like sudo apt-get and then?15:19
slerderkanon-mat, to reach more people perhaps15:19
Icebuntuya it was this one http://www.clamav.net/15:19
bazhangshahram_soft, check the /msg ubottu nvidia link; there is a link on how to do manually15:19
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
Guest79130magnus_: sudo aptitude install firefox15:19
bazhangslerder, crossposting?15:19
slerdericebuntu, thanks ill try it out.. i already installed it but failed to run it.. it says clamav is not a known command15:19
shahram_softyaa TNX ;) i have forgoten to check there15:20
magnus_Guest79130 : thank you15:20
Guest79130magnus_: np ;)15:20
slerderbazhang i guess. well im wondering whether it could be done with or without me getting a message asking for some sort of privelege15:20
Icebuntuokey slerder all the best15:21
bazhangslerder, only you could trash your system15:21
magnus_Guest79130 : does this work with any kind of software i want to download and install from the internet, or how does it work really? :)15:21
bazhangslerder, it could not do a thing without your explicit help15:21
Guest79130magnus_: sudo adept15:22
slerderbazhang, thanks. so there is a way to have a script in a flash drive or some other malicious code that when inserted, would ask me for somehing and if i allowed it the system could be compromised?15:22
bazhangmagnus_, sudo apt-get install packagename is the way to go (ie not from 3rd party sites)15:22
magnus_Aha okey, thank you :)15:22
Guest79130magnus_: shoud be in you kde-menu "Adept Manager"15:22
magnus_Guest79130 : yeah, but i just wondered how to do it in terminal :)15:22
bazhangslerder, what kind of script exactly? or is this purely hypothetical?15:22
slerderits hypothetical but i was thinking rootkit/trojan would be installed in the end15:23
bazhangslerder, that is the minority risk; the major risk is the (give everything out of the box!) scripts that users willingly run.15:23
Guest79130magnus_: aptitude is the command.. you can also search package, install, unistall.. after you write "sudo aptitude" press tab two times and you can see all the command15:24
bazhangslerder, what you are describing is not a credible risk15:24
Guest79130any expert know how to deal with this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/133691/ ???15:24
slerderbazhang, ok15:24
magnus_Guest79130 : yeah i got it to work now, was just wondering if it was so easy to download and install files. That i could only type the command and the program i wanted and kubuntu found it and downloaded it from the net itself.15:25
=== psteuber is now known as pcliebhaber
Tehlakanyone here with experience with the ati-drivers?15:39
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:40
Tehlakdriver works, but the monitor is delivering a wrong max resolution15:41
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:48
tmeixnerhm, my problem is more mouse related. My "nipple" touchpad crashes from time to time and falls back to a simple ps/2 mouse15:50
tmeixneris there a way to just restart the mouse/touchpad definition of the X Server?15:51
n1c0Hi room15:54
n1c0I've need help. Anybody know if exist any program for restore files from damaged partition in gui version?15:56
n1c0undelete? is a program?15:57
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:57
ScorpKingn1c0: i only know of cli programs15:57
bazhangn1c0, may work, though iffy at best15:57
bazhangn1c0, having backups is the only sure way15:58
kanon-matyou can try systemrescuecd15:58
n1c0thanks bazhang, now i try it15:58
ScorpKingn1c0: if the information is very important make a copy of the drive first with gnu dd-rescue (not normal dd-rescue). you might have to compile it though15:58
=== carlos is now known as Guest5729
n1c0kanon-mat: i have it but i want any program that work into k/ubuntu desktop16:00
Tehlakno fun with ati-drivers16:02
Tehlakignoring everything16:03
Tehlakxrandr, mode lines16:03
kanon-mathave u tried different modelines, Tehlak?16:03
Tehlakwith fglrx active xorg takes also 90% cpu16:04
Tehlakwith no action16:04
kanon-matxorg.conf is a bit ignored these days :)16:04
Tehlakeven xrandr is ignored16:05
Tehlakand resoulutionchange with the catalyst controlcenter16:06
kanon-matmaybe wrong edid, i thought there was a way to ignore it16:09
kanon-matcant find it atm16:09
Tehlakthe problem seems to be the switch to 1080i16:10
=== drostie is now known as VirginDrostie
kanon-matseems i lack in knowledge :)16:13
JasonCOis there a way to get plasmoids to only appear on one desktop?16:16
stdinthe "desktops" concept is provided by the window manager, not plasma16:17
stdinbut they do only appear on one workspace16:18
JasonCOoh -- ok -- is plasma not part of the kde4 window manager?16:18
stdinno, plasma is separate. you can use any window manager you want and plasma should work regardless16:19
stdinor else you'd loose the panel and desktop with, eg, compiz16:19
=== alberto is now known as Guest10374
JasonCOok - -thanks16:23
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JasonCOthats a real shame -- it would make it so much nicer16:31
madohello there guys and gals ...16:36
rmrfslashWhat makes Kubuntu's laptop power settings so different from Ubuntu?16:36
rmrfslashI notice that Kubuntu has many more settings.16:36
rmrfslashUbuntu just lets you dim the display16:36
rmrfslashwhen on battery power16:36
romullormrslash: i think that's KDE stuff :)16:37
madoi don't have access to to two partitions on this computer ... can you help me? ... ... http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/69316:37
rmrfslashSo KDE definitely does more for you than just Ubuntu16:38
rmrfslashis that correct?16:38
bazhangrmrfslash, which apps?16:38
mado/dev/sdb5 --- and --- /dev/sda5 --- are the problem ... but i don't know what i can do about it ... what do you say?16:39
rmrfslashBasically, I bought a new laptop and went back to Ubuntu from Kubuntu (cuz I noticed lots of glitchiness when running gtk apps). But I noticed on Ubuntu my battery life was terrible and remembered all the settings in Kubuntu. So I'm not going back to Kubuntu and I want to see if I get significanlty better battery life.16:39
bazhangrmrfslash, how much were you expecting, and how much are you getting?16:40
rmrfslashterrible battery life = around 1.5 hourson a 6-cell battery16:40
rmrfslashon a Dell XPS 1616:40
bazhangrmrfslash, and how much did you get, or hope to get (presumably using a different OS)16:41
rmrfslashI'm hoping for 2 hours maybe?16:42
madoany ideas?16:42
rmrfslashI mean, on my older definitely crappier laptop, I was getting at least 2 hours16:42
rmrfslashI had a Latitude 1820 or something16:42
bazhangrmrfslash, but this is a new one?16:42
kanon-matcrappier means slower, thus using less power :)16:43
rmrfslashYes, this is an XPS 1616:43
rmrfslashI might not have the model right on the latitude16:43
rmrfslashI am fine w/ slower16:43
bazhangrmrfslash, so you were kidding about the 19hrs earlier I am guessing :)16:43
rmrfslashThat was a misunderstanding, I thought you said "What makes a model laptop"16:44
kanon-matthere is an app called powertop that lets you know what apps that are draining power16:44
bazhangI would guess that ubuntu uses fewer resources (provided you dont use compiz)16:44
bazhang!info powertop16:44
ubottupowertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 1.10-1 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 424 kB16:44
rmrfslashpbbbtbtbt... compiz? might as well throw my battery out the window.16:44
rmrfslashI got even worse battery life16:45
bazhangas kde4 has all the eye candy built in16:45
bazhangmight wish to try some different combos then : lxde, openbox, fluxbox, etc, and see which suits your needs best16:45
bazhangprovided that disk space is not an issue :)16:46
PollywogI am having crashes in Kmail (KDE 3.5.10), is it still worthwhile to report bugs with this version of KDE?16:46
bazhangPollywog, yes most certainly16:46
bazhangPollywog, that will continue to be supported16:46
rmrfslashbazhang: Like I said, all I remember is that KDE had better options when running on battery16:46
Pollywogbazhang: using Launchpad?16:46
rmrfslashSomething like "insane battery life" "good battery life" etc.16:47
bazhangPollywog, yes; /msg ubottu bugs for more info16:47
Pollywogbazhang: ty16:47
Pollywoggood to know, because I asked in kde-devel and was told that the KDE developers will not be fixing any more KDE 3.5.x bugs16:49
Pollywogyes I think they are now working on kde 4.x and the same kmail bug is in the newer Kmail16:50
bazhangthat is hard to believe, unless it is a recent decision16:50
PollywogI checked the KDE BTS and it is still there16:51
Pollywogbut I am reading the Launchpad stuff16:51
bazhangthe mailing lists?16:51
rmrfslashhmmm..... I installed Kubuntu 8.10 and got KDE 4.1?16:52
PollywogI think this bug is probably the same as I am experiencing:16:52
Pollywogit happens to me when I delete IMAP mail16:52
bazhangrmrfslash, you need to enable backports to get 4.216:53
Pollywogbazhang: I did not know I could get KDE 4.2 from backports16:53
Pollywogbut if I do that in Hardy I make it unsupported, correct?16:54
bazhangor wait a short while and get the next release :)16:54
rmrfslashI thought 4.2 was default on 8.1016:54
bazhangerr hardy? rmrfslash was referring to 8.1016:54
rmrfslashmaybe I grabbed the wrong one16:55
bazhang4.1 on intrepid16:55
JontheEchidnaKDE 4.2 will be default for 9.0416:55
rmrfslashmaybe not then16:55
bazhangenable backports for intrepid and get 4.216:55
bazhangif you really have to have it now :)16:55
Pollywogif I report this as a separate bug (it might not be exactly like the one already reported), will I need to recompile kmail with debugging enabled?16:57
Pollywogin order to get output that is useful for the debuggers I mean16:58
=== noodlensk is now known as Boriss
PollywogMy bug involves deleting mail, the reported one involves mail moved between folders, so I think it might be a different problem16:59
=== fernando is now known as Guest9497
bazhangPollywog, it seems to be different; and from that report they have closed it17:00
PollywogI will go ahead and recompile kmail with debugging enabled, thanks for your help17:00
=== misticwarrior is now known as Indy
bazhangPollywog, sorry not to be more assistance17:01
=== draik__ is now known as draik_
draik_I have lost X17:02
draik_I have a black screen when I try to launch KDM17:02
rmrfslashbazhang: 4.2 is a huge improvement over 4.1.... it's worth the upgrade IMO17:03
draik_sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg doesn't fix it either17:03
bazhangrmrfslash, thanks for the info :)17:03
rmrfslashbazhang: Though, I never applied all the updates to 4.117:03
rmrfslashbazhang: I'm sure you didn't need my info... but hey.17:04
bazhangrmrfslash, actually I did; still on old 4.1 here :)17:04
carlosHola a todos!!17:06
=== carlos is now known as Guest35397
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:07
rmrfslashbazhang: oh. Well yeah, I think 4.2 is a big improvement. But I don't know how much they work on 4.1. If they fix a lot of the weird glitches in 4.1 I'd prefer to stay w/ what's supported17:07
lovredoes anyone have IEEExplore account? I need some pdf file: bugmenot.com17:08
rmrfslashbazhang: but one day I just got fed up completely and put 4.2 on kubuntu hardy and I was like "ok.... they DEFINITELY fixed some stuff"17:08
lovrethis is the correct URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fiel2%2F540%2F3969%2F00150593.pdf%3Farnumber%3D150593&authDecision=-20317:08
bazhanglovre, how does bugmenot relate to kubuntu support?17:09
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lovrebazhang: that was the wrong link... i gave the correct one a few lines later17:09
franwenas alguien de españa17:10
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lovrebazhang: and you are right, maybe it is offtopic...17:10
rmrfslashbazhang: I just updated 4.1 actually17:10
rmrfslashlet's see17:10
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
rmrfslashKDE definitely has more options for powersave "Frequency CPU scaling" you can apply settings when the battery power drops below say 5 mins, etc.17:11
vonkleistis there any channel for kubuntu+1 ?17:16
bazhangvonkleist, yes, #ubuntu+117:16
bazhangboth are there17:17
vonkleisti'm there already17:17
lovrewhat is +1?17:17
bazhangthe next release jaunty17:18
genii+1 indicates the version which is in development17:18
bazhangalways the irc channel will have next release as plus one17:18
* genii slides bazhang a coffee17:18
bazhangthanks genii17:18
geniiAnytime :)17:19
=== lorenzo-2357 is now known as calamaro2357
lovrei see. thank you17:23
jcpratherso presumably it's acceptable to bring up all the kde components in kubuntu jaunty in #ubuntu+1 then?17:23
jcpratherwithout having gnome-lovers kicking our shins17:23
geniijcprather: Yes, they have gnome,xfce and kde ppl there17:24
* jcprather also thanks you for the good info17:24
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=== siekaczx is now known as siekacz
PollywogI could not find the proper line in which to enable debugging in debian/rules17:32
misticwarriorI got a little question about graphical interfaces...17:33
misticwarrioris an interface more appropriate than the others for a laptop ?17:33
misticwarriorI mean... does gnome manage power economy better than kde, etc ? or is it totally equal ?17:33
Pollywogfor an older laptop that is slow, I would try xfce417:34
misticwarriorok but it is a new laptop... my only wish is to have a great autonomy :P17:34
Pollywogmisticwarrior: then KDE or Gnome should work for you17:34
misticwarriorPollywog: ok :P... I'll try this then :P17:35
Pollywogmisticwarrior: if you are unable to install it with the LIVE CD use the alternate install17:35
PollywogI usually need to use alternate install CD's for laptops17:36
misticwarriorho ok17:36
misticwarriorI'll try then17:36
misticwarriorthank you a bunch !17:37
=== fernando is now known as Guest71956
b0nnhrm, some update on my kubuntu has just bricked my laptop17:38
b0nnThe laptop gets to "Starting MTA" then locks17:39
b0nnI cant get into the laptop via ssh17:39
b0nnany ideas?17:39
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Pollywogb0nn: did you remove any packages?17:39
inteliwaspsince the installer won't auto maticly use a free partition, what sizes of partitions do i need? i have a 1TB drive and 4GB ram17:39
b0nnI didnt even think there was an MTA on that machine17:40
Pollywogb0nn: when you reboot, do you see an older kernel image you can boot?17:40
b0nnno, same problem occurs17:40
Pollywogtry another reboot and let the MTA script time out, have you tried that?17:41
PollywogI think I know what it is, I have had the same MTA experience17:41
ct529does anyone know what is the process pdflush?17:42
PollywogI let it time out and continue booting then I disabled the MTA17:42
TKorvuswho's on for help?17:42
PollywogIIRC the problem was caused by the MTA trying to do a DNS lookup17:42
b0nnok, this time it booted, finally17:43
PollywogTK just ask your question, maybe someone will be able to help17:43
b0nnI didnt know I had an mTA installed17:43
b0nnis it sendmail?17:43
Pollywogb0nn I think Exim is installed by default17:43
Pollywogyou can disable it17:43
Pollywogor fix the problem that makes it take long to finish starting17:44
b0nnhow do I fix it17:44
Pollywogcheck the logs, it might be a DNS lookyp that fails17:44
Pollywogcheck the logs firs to find the problem17:44
Pollywogthen check /var/log/maillog17:45
TKorvusI've got an Optiplex GX260 i'm attempting to install kubuntu on. The system will not proceed to the actual install. It will load all the files and then hang at a black screen. I've tried all options available under F6 with no avail. Does anyone have experience with this type of issue?17:45
Pollywogor mail.log I forget the name of the file17:45
PollywogTKorvus: you could google that model17:46
Pollywogis it a laptop?17:46
TKorvusall google forums have absolutely no answers17:46
TKorvuspeople suggest installing other distributions or the forum dies off with no answer.17:46
TKorvusits been an ignored problem from what I can tell17:46
PollywogTKorvus: did you use the LIVE CD to install?17:46
TKorvusIts a desktop17:46
TKorvuslive cd will not load either.17:47
TKorvushangs at same screen17:47
b0nnnothing in the mail logs17:47
Pollywogso you used the alternate install CD?17:47
TKorvuswhats odd is17:47
Pollywogbecause the alternate install is the best way to do it17:47
bazhangsounds like either a corrupt iso, a bad burn, or the wrong boot parameters (or none)17:47
TKorvusthe manufactures install will work. however it freezes when it tries to load the login screen.17:47
bazhangmd5 the iso, burn at low speed, then do the disk integrity check17:48
Pollywogb0nn: you could check the bootlog, I do not recall whether the bootlog is enabled by default17:48
TKorvusthe disk i have has passed the integrity check.17:48
Pollywogb0nn: Hardy or Intrepid?17:48
bazhangand the md5?17:49
b0nnIntrepid I think\current at any rate17:49
TKorvusprobably doesnt help tha i'm unfarmiliar with the linux command structure17:49
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:49
TKorvuswhat is md517:49
bazhangsee above ^^17:49
Pollywogb0nn: see the directory /etc/default/  and look for a bootlogd file17:50
Pollywogis it there?17:50
makdaknifeany raid gurus around who can help me with a degraded raid-1 array17:50
b0nnand exim417:51
Pollywogb0nn set it to BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes17:51
Pollywogthen when you reboot, you will find a bootlog in /var/log17:51
TKorvusthis is just to check iso integrity?17:51
Pollywogit will be /var/log/bootlog or similar and it should tell you where the problem is17:51
=== |Grimz| is now known as kevku
makdaknifei powered off my fileserver last night and now i get "State : clean, degraded" on my raid sets17:52
Pollywogb0nn: but I suspect it is exim trying to do a DNS lookup17:52
Pollywogyou can disable exim17:52
Pollywogin /etc/init.d/exim or similar file, put17:53
Pollywogexit 017:53
Pollywognear the top of the file after the #!/bin/sh line17:53
Pollywogon the following line17:53
Pollywognot on the same line as #!/bin/sh17:53
Pollywogbut it is preferable to find the reason exim is taking long17:54
Pollywogit is possibly a DNS lookup that fails17:54
Pollywogso fix the /etc/resolv.conf and that should fix it if that is the problem17:55
joe-chatDoes anyone know how to install Kubuntu with software raid? The Kubuntu download CD has no option for this & I cannot find an alternate install. Do you have any suggestions?17:55
makdaknifejoe-chat: gah... and I'm here looking for help to recover my software raid array17:56
makdaknifejoe-chat: hold on, I saw something a minute ago17:56
Pollywogmakdaknife: you could post your question on ubuntuforums17:57
Pollywogor look there to see if the question has already been asked17:57
PollywogI think it would be a common problem17:57
Pollywogso the solution might be there too17:58
makdaknifejoe-chat: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:58
rmrfslashHow can I perform a "full upgrade" on kubuntu?17:58
makdaknifePollywog: I have been searching the forums and can't find a solution17:58
PollywogGoogle this: ubuntu recover software raid18:00
PollywogI see info with those terms18:01
Pollywogrmrfslash: I have upgraded using apt-get but perhaps that is no longer the preferred method18:01
PollywogI still use apt-get for that18:02
ScorpKingmakdaknife: and there is #linux18:02
PollywogI do an update first :  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade18:02
makdaknifePollywog: ubuntuforums... very helpful: Raids are a waste of time and a bad idea, especially in Linux. Raid 0: minimal performance improvement. Raid 1: Double the danger of lost data.18:02
makdaknifeha ha18:03
Pollywogwhen that is done, I edit my apt sources18:03
Pollywogthen I run apt-get update again18:03
Pollywogthen apt-get dist-upgrade18:03
ScorpKingmakdaknife: if it was that bad it would not be available in ubuntu ;)18:03
Pollywogbut like I said, many ppl use aptitude or synaptic to do their upgrades18:04
makdaknifeScorpKing: I'm not saying that it is bad... I'm just asking for a little help with dmraid... I was told to go to ubuntuforums... but I'm not finding the help there very useful18:04
Pollywogbut don't forget to make sure you upgrade your current ubuntu release before upgrading to the next release18:04
useroneanyone knows about font anti aliasing settings? I'm not sure which settings are the same as the ones in Windows18:05
makdaknifermrfslash: I prefer aptitude to do an upgrade, as it helps avoid dependency woe...18:06
Pollywogmakdaknife: have you looked at this?18:06
joe-chatmakdaknife: Thanks. That link gives me a new approach. I tried >U<buuntu altenrate disk install. It installed, but failed on reboot.18:06
useronein the appearance preference pane it says its using system settings, the question is what are systems settings and where do I change them?18:06
ScorpKingmakdaknife: i use raid1 on all my servers but i've never had any problems so my knoledge on recovering raid is limitted. you can join the #linux channel and i'm sure someone there would be able to help. if not come back here. i'll be around for the next 3 hours or so18:06
b0nnanother issue18:06
b0nnit locks up at "Basic Networking"18:07
Pollywogb0nn: what would that be?18:07
makdaknifermrfslash: adept apparently also has a dist upgrade tool18:07
Pollywogyes I thought it might be a networking problem18:07
b0nnthis is an older issue, that I was working around by booting to recovery , then just normal booting18:07
makdaknifejoe-chat: hmmm I built mine manually some months back, so never did it with a fresh install18:07
makdaknifeScorpKing: yeah... metoo... never ran into a problem until today... been on #linux and they've suggested removing the disk18:08
joe-chatmakdaknife: What do you mean you built it manually?18:08
ScorpKingmakdaknife: try #ubuntu-za ;)18:08
Pollywogb0nn: did you set up dhcp?18:09
Pollywogor are you using static IP addresses?18:09
Pollywogb0nn: do you know your way around the network config files?18:10
makdaknifejoe-chat: I set up dmraid for a bunch of new disks that I added to my system... so never used an installer to do it18:10
Pollywogyou should check them to make sure the addresses and default gateway and interfaces are correct18:11
makdaknifeScorpKing: heh... will have a look a bit later... thanks18:11
Pollywogand also check /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf18:11
ScorpKingmakdaknife: np. let me know if you can't solve it.18:12
* ScorpKing goes back to work..18:12
norenhi all18:12
Pollywogb0nn: are you able to connect to hosts on the Internet from the machine?18:13
joe-chatmakdaknife:  So your system is not on your Raid array?  Have you looked at the mdadm tools to manage / recover your Raid array?  I don't know if they are compatible with dmraid, so you might have to do some googling.18:16
useronecan anyone recommend a program for managing a music player?18:16
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:21
lutiusveratiusHas anyone installed Warcraft 3 ?18:25
lutiusveratiusI have a problem with starting it18:25
jcpratheris this eating half a gig of my ram to mount these fs's?  tmpfs                 497M   12K  497M   1% /dev/shm18:34
jcpratherlast time i used a linux desktop, procfs, devfs, and ext*fs were the only fs's i had to be familiar with18:35
n1c0Hy guys. How i can do to put my favourite applications in a plasma folder?18:35
fosco__n1c0, drag and drop menu icons over folderview plasmoid18:36
jcpratherhrmz i suppose i'd prolly have even more ram consumed than i do if it was disappearing into that18:36
chronosHas anyone been having stability issues lately? I updated my Intrepid and when I did, programs have started randomly crashing, disappearing, etc. Sometimes my computer just locks ups for fun. What gives?18:37
rmrfslashok.... kubuntu is already "outperforming" Ubuntu in that I can at least resume after hibernation even with the ATI driver enabled18:38
robin0800chronos: Yes since todays updates but no crash reports!18:39
rmrfslashAfter installing Ubuntu, I just got a black screen and the machine was hung18:39
chronosrobin0800: same here. Nothing. Just disappears.18:44
talonstrikerhi, i'm having a hard time to get the live CD to load18:46
BenoitStandrehello all18:46
talonstrikerI put in the CD before booting the computer, and the default OS (Win2k) is booting up18:46
talonstrikeri don't see an option on the bios screen to boot from CD18:46
BenoitStandrehas anybody played a bit with Phonon ? Amarok won't play anything saying that it falls back on "".18:46
BenoitStandrea bit like if the audio card was blocked by something (kubuntu intrepid, KDE4.2 from backports)18:47
robin0800Any one got networkmanager mobile broardband tab to work?18:49
jcpratherwhere can i go check if a bug has already been reported for kpackagekit on jaunty?18:50
hixjcprather: ask in #ubuntu+1 , thats for jaunty.18:51
robin0800jcprather: History dosn't seem to give any usefull info and not realy history18:51
giammariaciao a tutti19:19
giammariaciao a tutti19:23
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:23
ctx144khello all...19:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:25
ctx144ki founded a problem in kubuntu9.04 alpha5 ...  kaffeine is crashing while playings mp3/oggs after pausing and playing again..19:26
Lugia010719d1I seem to have a weird problem in Kubuntu, sometimes,when i hibernate my laptop (Dell Studio 15), and then wake it and logon, for a few minutes as i move the mouse, it behaves like i am right-clicking randomly...19:27
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Lugia010719d1so i just move the mouse up through the screen and it brings the context-menu 4 times and closes it again, with another "right-click"19:27
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pm2I'm running Kubuntu Dapper on Sparc machines.  Is there a way to get the .config file that was used to compile the kernel?19:29
fosco__pm2, it uses to be in /boot/config-`uname -r`19:30
fosco__dapper is too old for me to be sure19:31
sashi wie bekomm ich youtube zum laufen hab scon falshplayer und falshplugin installiert zeigt mir aber nur schwarzes fenster19:31
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:32
rosiepossiefirst time kubuntu user long time slackware user. How do I get my screen resolution higher using the proprietary nvidia drivers?19:32
fosco__rosiepossie, run nvidia-settings19:33
rosiepossiefosco__, it gives me a max option of 640x480.19:33
josh-lhey folks19:33
fosco__ummm so mostly sure you are not using nvidia drivers19:34
fosco__run glxinfo | grep -i render in a konsole19:34
josh-lis there anyway to get rid of the garbage when opening windows and occasionally menus? I know in jaunty its gone, but in intrepid is there someway to patch it or something?19:34
wizardslovakhello people19:34
wizardslovakmy system is slooow as shit, what can i do to speed it up?? i have compiz tho19:35
pm2fosco__: thanks19:35
rosiepossiedirect rendering: Yes OpenGL renderer string: GeForce FX 5500/AGP/SSE and lsmod shows nvidia19:36
rosiepossiesorry wizardslovak that was to fosco__19:37
wizardslovakooo cause i got same card lol19:37
fosco__wizardslovak, type top in a consola and take a look, maybe an application is using too many system resources19:38
fosco__rosiepossie, don't know then19:38
fosco__you can try sudo nvidia-xconfig to regenerate X config19:39
fosco__make a backup of xorg.conf first19:39
rosiepossiefosco__, I don't know if I am using a pnp monitor is there a way to specify the monitor in kubuntu?19:40
fosco__it is autodetected (usually)19:41
rosiepossiethat is what I thought but nvidia x server settings are just calling it crt 0.19:42
wizardslovakok i got another problem19:43
wizardslovaki cannot access my windows hdas19:43
wizardslovakwhen i click on it , its kinda fade out and then come back but not open any window19:43
fosco__wizardslovak, make sure vista was shutted down correctly19:43
wizardslovakwell problem is i had power loss and since then i couldnt start windows19:44
wizardslovakonly kubuntu19:44
wizardslovakis there any way i can get file??19:45
wizardslovaki got there my windows key19:45
fosco__use mount command in console19:45
wizardslovakok here you gotta give me little help19:46
wizardslovakwhat is the command  for it?19:46
fosco__sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/"vista_partition" /media && sudo umount /media19:46
wizardslovaki see that  i got 3 partitions but all of them have same name ,19:46
wizardslovaki dont have vista only xp19:46
fosco__after that it should work ok19:46
fosco__the same for XP19:47
wizardslovakalso with "vista_partition"??19:47
fosco__no man19:47
josh-lhey, anyone know of a good firefox oxygen theme that fixes the broken tab look?19:47
fosco__just the partition name19:47
fosco__such as /dev/sda1 or whatever it is19:48
azawill kubuntu  9.04 comes with kde419:50
fosco__aza, yes, kde 4.219:50
wizardslovakok so i used --->sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sda1 /media && sudo umount /media and i got some kind of input/output error19:50
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fosco__read it19:50
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azakde4 is pushing me to use another GUI19:51
wizardslovakfosco__: http://pastebin.com/m8c5db5019:51
azamaybe i will stick to xfce or fluxbox19:51
azawhat are you using fosco ?19:52
fosco__wizardslovak, it is self explaining, system is corrupted, run chkdsk /f on Windows19:53
wizardslovaki cannot start windows19:53
wizardslovaknot even in safe mode19:53
fosco__use windws rescue console19:53
fosco__but this is a win issue19:53
hixaza: i thought same until 4.2.1 on jaunty alpha. But now first time it 'feels' really great.19:54
fosco__sorry, time to go home19:54
azawhen it will be launched ?19:54
hix april 23rd, i think19:55
rosiepossiebbs restarting x.19:58
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Pconfigheya, anybody tried jaunty alpha in virtualbox?20:02
antoranzI don't know if I should ask this here or on the ubunto room20:04
antoranzguys,.... how can I get the boot usplash?20:04
antoranzI can see the splash when it's in "knight rider" state20:04
antoranzbut then it disappears and I get terminal output till kdm starts20:04
antoranzI have been like that since at least intrepid.... but it could have started to happen in hardy20:05
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Hard_WiredMaybe a stupid question but does anyone know how to set the IP address on Intrepid?20:07
azaanyone familiar with gentoo ?20:07
Hard_WiredErmm, I think you want #gentoo, this is #kubuntu20:08
azai will check it thx20:08
cerecitasHard_Wired: you mean like setting up a static ip adress on the dhcp?20:09
Hard_Wiredyes, how do I specify that?20:10
cerecitashmmm i do that in the router not in the OS20:10
Hard_Wiredwhat about the DNS search order?20:11
cerecitasyou need to access the router and specify an IP adress to a MAC adress (at least that's how i do it)20:11
cerecitasall my network settings come forced from my router Hard_Wired20:11
Hard_Wiredis it not possible to do it in the OS at all? I was expecting to be able to do it in the Network Settings20:12
cerecitashmmm Hard_Wired i am afraid i cannot tell if it's possible or not, never tried20:12
cerecitasi prefer to do it in the router because so i don't need to set it up after every installation20:13
Hard_Wiredinteresting, thanks anyway20:13
cerecitasno problem... be patient someone may know if it's possible or not20:13
hixit should be possible ;) i had troubles in intrepid also, when dhcp was active. Now in Jaunty this works fine throw setup in knetworkmanager.20:14
cerecitasi guess so... i just could not tell how to do it ... anyway he / she left20:15
hixhad to disable knetworkmanager in intrepid and setup it manually oldschool to get it work with static ip20:15
sepelesterhi all. i'm running gnome with some kde4 apps and i want to play around with styles to get a more uniform desktop, but my systemsettings is missing the style switcher. is there a module i should add and what package is it in?20:15
cerecitasuffff as i said, isn't faster to do it thru the router?20:15
hixyes, thats the best way20:15
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hixBut its all better in jaunty soon. Works fine here without troubles20:16
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cerecitaswhen is jaunty due hix?20:17
hixapril 23rd20:17
cerecitasi just installed intrepid tho20:18
sepelesterI just googled my fingers bloody. anyone know in what packages extra modules for kcontrol (systemsettings) there are? specifically style switching.20:24
cerecitasdidn't you mention before you were using gnome?20:24
hix sepelester: since most users here use kde, you may have more chance in #ubuntu to get an answer20:25
AvoidedHeya, how can I change my hostname?20:25
sepelestercerecitas: yes, but i want to switch kde4 theme. i figured #kubuntu was the proper place to ask20:26
hixAvoided: hostname newname20:26
cerecitashmmmm i don'tknow if i get the thing... you use gnome with some kde apps right?20:26
sepelestercerecitas: right20:26
cerecitashmm then the theme manager, if i am not wrong, should be the one you use for gnome20:27
cerecitaseven tho the apps are kde ones,.. they are still in gnome, to change window appearance and so on i guess it should be the gnome theme manager20:27
cerecitasnot sure tho and i might very well be wrong, just a guess20:28
sepelestercerecitas: gnome's theme manager switches gtk themes, i want to switch qt4 theme20:28
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cerecitasright, then maybe you can try in #kde20:28
Avoidedit says :"you must be root to change the host name"..er..how i can enter the root?20:28
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sepelestercerecitas: i did, they said it was distro specific, what packages different kcontrol modules are in20:29
cerecitassudo hostname newname20:29
cerecitassepelester:  then i don't know, sorry20:29
sepelestercerecitas: :/ thanks anyway20:30
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:30
cerecitasno problem... sorry anyway20:30
quassel195quassel is pretty cool, too bad i cant put the core on my dd-wrt router20:33
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Neremori've a problem with emerald20:39
Neremoror compiz, i dont know which causes all the trouble ;)20:39
Neremori have downloaded a theme for emerald, which is set up as the window decorator in my compiz configuration20:40
Neremorso far so good, everything is working with the theme. it looks great :)20:40
Neremorbut some windows, for example the system settings, arend decorated at some times...20:40
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CrippsI was playing around in kcontrol's "Regional and Accessibility" so that i could switch between qwerty and dvorak keyboard layouts, and now my keyboard is mapped to the greek alphabet .... I tried running: "setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us" to no avail. Also, the "alt" keys no longer do anything. Can I get some help getting my keyboard back to "normal?"20:46
cerecitashave you checked in regional and language?20:47
cerecitasthere you have the keyboard layout20:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:48
Crippscerecitas, yes, it says "US English"20:48
cerecitasdo you have marked "enable keyboard layouts"?20:48
cerecitasmine changes to polish when i enable it20:48
cerecitasand says us english when i disable it20:48
technixhello all, quick question - i just got a lenovo ideapad s10 netbook. i have a 8gb usb flash drive, and a Kubunto 8.10 iso saved to my computer's hard drive, how do i write the ISO to the flash drive so it's bootable?20:49
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Crippscerecitas, yes, I do have keyboard layouts enabled. disabling it does not change the keyboard :/20:51
cajuni need quick help with a script.  i'd like to create on that reads from a file and then runs a command. i want it to take the characters that show up in place of the # (RUN ######) and insert them into a command. how do i create this loop?20:51
cerecitaswhere were you trying exactly? in "accesibility"?20:52
technixhello all, quick question - i just got a lenovo ideapad s10 netbook. i have a 8gb usb flash drive, and a Kubunto 8.10 iso saved to my computer's hard drive, how do i write the ISO to the flash drive so it's bootable?20:54
Crippscerecitas, sorry, it was "keyboard layout" in tge accessibility stuff.20:55
cerecitashmm why sorry?20:55
asranielis there a kde application that i could use to test my microphone?20:55
Crippscerecitas, because I was slow getting back.20:56
cerecitasno problem Cripps... let me try something and i will get back to you20:56
Crippscerecitas, and, beause I'm canadian. I apologize for everything ;)20:57
stdintechnix: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:57
Crippskk. I'll be here.20:57
cerecitasehehehh Cripps i am spanish, we're rude ;) when someone apologizes we worry ;) be right back20:57
hixtechnix: try installing package 'usb-creator'20:58
cerecitasCripps:  below the layouts flags it says "layout variant" could you please check it is set to "default"?20:59
Crippscerecitas, it is (and was) I re-set it to default, and hit "apply," no change :(21:00
cerecitashmmm if you have not touched much there, you can always try hitting "defaults" in the bottom left corner21:01
cerecitasif you had.. maybe you wanna wait someone more with more knowledge than i21:01
cerecitasor maybe21:02
Crippscerecitas, nah, I just tried it, still nothing :/21:02
cerecitasyou can try to "disable keyboard layouts'21:02
cerecitasand see what happens21:02
cerecitaswon't harm21:02
Crippsoddly enough, that's one of the default settings ;)21:02
cerecitasi know, mines are disabled21:02
Crippscerecitas, still nothing :/21:03
cerecitasand last, try to restart X just in case is something acting weird... do not have any more suggestions here sorry21:03
cerecitashi lutiusveratius21:03
josh-lany kubuntu jaunty users in here?21:04
josh-lhow do you find it? stable yet?21:04
cerecitashmm there is a channel for jaunty users...21:05
cerecitasi think its #kubuntu+1 or something similar, not totally sure21:05
Crippscerecitas, it's working.21:05
cerecitaswhat's working/21:05
Crippsme wonders *what* caused th problem to go away21:05
lutiusveratiushas anyone had problems with games in linux?I have one with Warcraft 321:06
cerecitasrestarted X Cripps?21:06
Crippscerecitas, my keyboard is back to normal.21:06
cerecitasCripps:  then that caused the problem to go away21:06
Crippsyep, but I don't know why.21:06
cerecitaswhenever anything acts weird i just restart X21:06
cerecitasand see21:06
cerecitasanyway i am glad it worked :)21:07
asranielrandom question. could it be the fault of pulseaudio if my microphone is not working? i mean, it always worked, and now with the upgrade it does not anymore. and i hear that pulseaudio is always the evil one ;)21:08
cerecitasdid you check the mixer settings asraniel/21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cameras21:09
asranielcerecitas: yes. tried every possible setting. i can hear myself on the loopback, but skype and audacity can't hear any sound from my mic. and i could not yet find another application that uses the mic21:09
cerecitashmmm i have not managed to configure skype yet... no time to dig on it. Anyway try also messing with the capture in skype settings21:10
cerecitasi think if you can hear yourself in the loopback then the mic is working21:10
asranielcerecitas: but why does skype not use it? when i'm doing the testcall, i can't hear myself21:12
cerecitasasraniel:  as i said... i haven't put myself with skype yet... it is always a pain and lately i have not much energies... what i can tell you is that i have always had problems with skype from gnome, from kde i have not been able to make it work yet...21:13
cerecitasworks fine with alsamixer, hard to get, but ends up working...21:13
cerecitasin kde i cannot tell you how on earth... but i know people gets it to work so there must be a way21:13
cerecitasin the skype preferences there is a setting to select the device... maybe try to change default by the ones in the dropdown until you manage21:14
asranielcerecitas: yeah, tried that, no luck. you know by any chance any sound capturing app for linux?21:14
cerecitashmmm only in gnome unfortunately,.. but you can check in adept21:15
cerecitasjust sound recorder or sound capture... something like that21:15
cerecitasi know there's an app called sound recorder but it's a gnome one21:15
cerecitasok cerecitas needs some sleep21:17
lutiusveratiuscerectias : I need to install mp3 support...what do I need?21:19
amauryalguem de fortaleza ?21:19
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josh-lno chrome browser in the repos?21:25
lutiusveratiusI need to install mp3 support...what do I need?21:25
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josh-llutiusveratius: apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:26
draik_I'm on KDE. Would using compiz-gnome cause an issue?21:26
lutiusveratiusjosh-I done that already21:26
macothere's a compiz-kde too...21:27
josh-llutiusveratius: should be enough21:27
macolutiusveratius: if you mean to be able to encode mp3s, you might need liblame21:27
lutiusveratiusjosh-I : no...it's not...how do I install liblame?21:27
asraniel the computer of my gf uses 100% cpu after loging in, then the computer dies (unresponsive) what can she do?21:28
draik_maco: Right. I just realized that it wasn't installed and I've been using compiz-gnome.21:29
macooh. well no, that doesnt hurt anything. ive done it too21:29
draik_I'm just trying to find out why it freezes and wanted to see if that would be the cause.21:30
lutiusveratiusmaco : how do I install liblame?21:30
draik_lutiusveratius: sudo apt-get install liblame21:30
josh-lliblame isnt in the repos21:30
josh-llame is21:31
lutiusveratiusdraik_ : no,that is not helping me21:31
asranielwhat application could use 100% cpu just after login? my gf has that problem, and i have to debug it over the phone21:33
josh-llutiusveratius: install lame21:33
macook then lame21:33
lutiusveratiusjosh-I : sudo apt-get install lame?21:34
josh-llutiusveratius: yeah21:34
lutiusveratiusjosh-I : ok...will try in few min...just to install wine21:34
denndaIs there any up-to-date KDE4 Repo for ubuntu?21:34
dennda(preferably with more than just a few core packages)21:34
josh-llutiusveratius: mind if i ask why install wine?21:34
lutiusveratiusjosh-I : I wanna install some games for my little brother from win21:35
hix.oO( harhar, ot: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ didnt know that, love it ;) )21:35
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josh-ldennda: yeah, go to adept > sources> updates> select unsupported updates21:35
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=== Guest57830 is now known as Heliwr
sebsebsebI know that KDE3 can be installed into 8.10,  but it seems can't have both KDE3 and 4 together in 8.10?????21:38
stdinyou can't install KDE3 in 8.1021:38
sebsebsebyes you can21:38
stdinnot officially21:38
sebsebsebnot officalley21:38
lutiusveratiusjosh-I : that with lame is not working...Problem is that I have checked not to remind for mp3 support on amarok...and I need it now:)21:38
sebsebsebwhat  I am wondering about is if KDE3 and 4 can be in 8.10 together21:38
stdinthen you need to complain to whoever made the KDE3 package21:38
stdinit's not supported for a reason21:39
sebsebsebstdin: what is the reason?21:39
stdinbecause it breaks too much21:39
sebsebsebI  just virtual machine  8.04 for  KDE3,  but  a few weeks back,   a guy put KDE3 on in  a Ubuntu install.  and then well KDE4 would have just upgraded the KDE3 that was put on21:39
sebsebsebwell KDE3 is nice21:40
sebsebsebI prefer it to KDE421:40
sebsebsebjust some of the apps in KDE4 got much better for example Ktorrent21:40
stdinif you want to use KDE3, then use 8.0421:40
sebsebsebok  I would run Gnome with some KDE apps :D,  but  KDE3 is also nice, and so it's ashame it's on the verge of no longer being suppourted21:40
stdinyou can install KDE4 apps in there21:40
sebsebsebyes I know 8.0421:40
stdin"on the verge"?21:40
sebsebsebcan have both KDE3 and 421:40
stdinit's already not supported, KDE have stoped working on it21:41
sebsebsebsome distros still do KDE3, but KDE3 is going bye bye :(21:41
stdinno dev's working on it == dead21:41
sebsebsebstdin: well it's a shame, KDE3   as a GUI I find to be much nicer than KDE421:43
stdinI personally prefer KDE4 much more, makes 3 look like Win95 in comparison21:45
denndajosh-l: you mean backports?21:46
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
josh-ldennda: hey no there should be "unsupported updates" are you running on intrepid?21:59
runpain2hey i tried #madwifi and they said that my wifi is broke but it works with windozxp22:04
runpain2I have Kubuntu 8.04Lts installed i upgraded from 7.1022:05
runpain2my wifi like wont work22:06
runpain2i did all the instuctions to install the anthros driver22:06
runpain2sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)22:08
runpain2sudo ifconfig ath0 down22:08
runpain2sudo ifconfig wifi0 down22:08
runpain2#Repeat these 2 ifconfig lines for every MadWifi device you have (ath1, etc)22:08
runpain2sudo apt-get install build-essential22:08
runpain2cd madwifi-hal-
runpain2make sudo make install sudo depmod -ae sudo modprobe ath_pci echo ath_hal | sudo tee -a /etc/modules echo ath_pci | sudo tee -a /etc/module system->administration->hardware drivers and enable the drivers # reboot to reset the ethernet hardware.22:08
=== kenan is now known as Guest17448
runpain2sorry for flood22:08
runpain2was trying to sort it when i hit the enter key22:08
Guest17448how canI open rar file22:09
tmeixnerGuest17448:  sudo apt-get install unrar22:11
runpain2sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) sudo ifconfig ath0 down sudo ifconfig wifi0 down#Repeat these 2 ifconfig lines for every MadWifi device you have (ath1, etc)sudo apt-get install build-essential cd madwifi-hal- make sudo make install sudo depmod -ae sudo modprobe ath_pci echo ath_hal | sudo tee -a /etc/modules echo ath_pci | sudo tee -a /etc/module system->administration->hardwar22:11
runpain2e drivers and enable the drivers # reboot to reset the ethernet hardware.22:11
tmeixnerGuest17448: there is also the package unrar-nonfree22:11
runpain2darn did it again22:12
tmeixnerrunpain2: actually that woudl be a nice feature request for a irc client. An automated pastebin window which just spits out the url for long lines.22:13
heinkel_111if i want to make an audio cd using k3b, but I only have flac files, does k3b convert to standard cd audio on burn?22:14
reagleBRKLNi'm trying to install texlive on intrepid but kpsewhich just chews up the processor forever... any hints/tips? how long should it take?22:19
hixheinkel_111:  yes22:20
heinkel_111hix: thank you... i just started a simulation run to see if i would get any wiser.. ..22:21
josh-li wish someone would make this theme for kde 4:22:31
josh-lokay i know how to get kde 4.2 for intrepid, but how do i get all the kde 4.2 apps with it, for example even after updating to kde 4.2, i still have kde 3.5 Konversation22:33
tmeixnerjosh-l: that's a pretty awsome theme.22:40
Dragnslcrjosh-l- I don't think the KDE4 version of Konversation is ready yet22:40
josh-lright tmeixner! i wish i knew how to make kde styles22:41
halfsanehey !    Where do i find MCS... appearantly i need to install it .. cant find it in synaptic .. thanks22:41
halfsanehere is the terminal prompt22:41
halfsaneconfigure: error: You need mcs22:42
tmeixnerjosh-l: I don't know either (yet) I just did the switch with jaunty now. does the theme work alright on ubuntu though?22:42
tmeixnerjosh-l: maybe you can ask for pointers how to create a theme in #kubuntu-devel22:43
josh-lyeah i'll try there22:44
josh-lthere is a theme based on those mockups for gnome and it looks GREAT22:45
tmeixnerdo you have the name, is it on gnomelooks ? josh-l22:46
josh-lyeah tmeixner hang on22:46
josh-ltmeixner: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Schwermetall?content=5557822:47
josh-lport it dude!22:47
tmeixneruh, heavy german influence in the name :-) thanks for the link22:48
josh-lhehe yeah22:48
=== bobby_ is now known as Guest87314
tokeefeHas anyone experienced problems w/ audio on kubuntu. I have a Dell XPS 1622:52
tokeefe"High Definition Audio 2.0"22:53
tokeefeThis is what the sound spec says22:53
tokeefeI assume some Intel onbard thing22:53
milecould somebody tell me how do I know if I have the medibuntu repositories installed?? I'm trying to install skype, but Adept finds nothing...22:56
hixmile: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu23:00
miletx hix23:00
josh-lso anyone got the tallent to make that style?? :)23:06
rmrfslashWow... I'm on the train and I'm testing my audio.23:09
rmrfslashWas coming out of both my headphones and my speakers23:10
rmrfslashfull blast23:10
rmrfslashso happened to be testing w/ the first video on youtube which was some teenage chick tryouts for american idol23:10
gmiernicki_anyone kno how to set the system soundcard to a bluetooth stereo headset? my system has no soundcard23:11
=== root is now known as Guest10149
* jcprather suspects that irc clients defaulting to autojoin #kubuntu result in excessive mostly-unnecessary join/part spam in this channel that he doesn't get plagued with elsewhere23:42
davidjheinrichhi all23:46
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
davidjheinrichI am working on my xorg.conf file for a 2048x1536 CRT...how do I get 2048x1536 resolution at 75Hz refresh? (also, what about timings, blanking, dot-clock freq, etc)?23:47
* jcprather never became very familiar with ModeLines and timings, but i've found that in the Display sections nwithin the Screen section, i can set rez with: Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" for example, to get it to load up at 1280x1024 when on lcd and able to, or 1024 when on the builtin laptop flatpanel. that's where a rez can be set if default isn't being nice23:50
jcpratherthose modes were defined by my intel driver i believe23:51
davidjheinrichhow can I find out what values for dot-clock, blanking, etc xorg (or xrandr, whatever) chooses if I tell it to do 2048x1536 at 75Hz?23:52
jcpratherdon't know, sorry :(  xorg.conf should be a refrtesher for where you can put horiz or vert sync info iirc, but i have never understood it23:53
davidjheinrichthanks...does anyone else here have any ideas onthat?23:55

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