
ArneGoetjeasac: that should be only hinting-slight. The hinting-medium link is a leftover from Hardy which hasn't been removed properly.00:54
asacArneGoetje: hmm. so another left over ;)01:02
asacArneGoetje: please upgrade to my packages in ppa01:03
asacArneGoetje: you can set the values to "auto" in font_rendering01:03
ArneGoetjeasac: will do later.01:43
=== onestone_ is now known as onestone
calcdoes Ubuntu have the fprintd support that the Gnome 2.26 release notes mentions?03:34
* calc has a fingerprint reader in his laptop03:34
johanbrThe necessary packages seem to be in Universe.03:37
johanbrlibpam-fprint etc...03:37
calcah ok03:38
calci didn't know if the fingerprint stuff shows up automatically in about me when that is installed or not03:38
johanbrnor do I03:38
crevettehello gentlemen and ladies08:13
seb128hello there08:17
crevetteseb128, hello08:49
seb128lut crevette08:49
crevettethere is a problem with the plugin empathy of nautilus-sendto-universe08:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 344765 in nautilus-sendto-universe "no Telepathy sending" [Undecided,New]08:51
crevettehow can I ask a rebuild ?08:51
seb128crevette: you can't you need to reupload08:52
tseliotseb128: I have written a fix for bug 339228 (which really is bug 307306)08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339228 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-display-properties slow down xserver when external monitor added" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33922808:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307306 in gnome-power-manager "upgrade to 2: makes session utterly slow" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30730608:58
seb128tseliot: that's not a g-s-d bug then?08:59
tseliotseb128: it's a bug in gnome-desktop as it does hardware probing even for trivial events09:00
seb128did you discuss that upstream?09:00
tseliotand g-s-d relies on gnome-desktop09:00
seb128where is the patch?09:00
tseliotyes, but they don't seem extremely interested09:00
tseliothere are my patches:09:01
tseliothave a look at the latest revision09:01
seb128what is the upstream bug number?09:01
tseliotthere are two of them:09:01
ubottuGnome bug 574931 in general "gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-display-properties slow down xserver when external monitor added" [Major,Unconfirmed]09:01
ubottuGnome bug 568160 in libgnome-desktop "Gnome Settings daemon causes high CPU usage with an expensive call" [Major,Unconfirmed]09:02
tseliotmy change involves a small change in the API (i.e. calling gnome-screen-refresh() with an additional argument) therefore I doubt that it will be accepted by upstream in this version of Gnome09:03
seb128tseliot: ok, that is no go for jaunty09:03
seb128that's an ABI breakage, not an addition09:03
seb128it would require a soname change and to transition everything built against libgnome-desktop in jaunty09:03
tseliotseb128: is there anything else that relies on gnome-desktop?09:04
seb128better to add a new function doing what you want and make gnome-control-center use it09:04
seb128tseliot: apt-cache rdepends libgnome-desktop-1109:04
seb128tseliot: probably not on the gnome-rr api but still that's an abi breakage09:04
tseliotseb128: ok, would it be ok if I modified only the static functions and add another non-static function?09:08
seb128tseliot: you can modify anything which is not part of the public api09:09
seb128you can add a new function doing the non expensive calls and change the code to call that one09:10
seb128if you do please prefix it ubuntu_ though so we avoid having trouble with upstream because we modify their api in a non obvious way09:10
tseliotseb128: yes, this is exactly what I was thinking of doing. And yes I'll use the ubuntu_ prefix as I did in some other patches of mine09:11
seb128excellent, thanks for your work09:11
seb128I will try to ping federico about that when he's online09:11
tseliotI'll give you my new patches soon09:12
seb128could you also attach your suggested patches to bugzilla when you done with those?09:13
pittiGood moring09:14
seb128hey pitti09:15
seb128pitti: how do you feel today? better?09:15
pittiseb128: yeah, much better09:16
pittiunfortunately I had to fiddle with my internet for an entire hour09:16
pittimy main network is broken, and then it took me another 20 minutes to get my 3G card workoing09:16
pittiwant DSL09:17
seb128dsl is coming ;-)09:19
tseliot seb128: shall I attach my patches that break the API in the gnome bugzilla?09:20
seb128tseliot: yes please09:20
davmor2pitti: :(09:21
tseliotseb128: ok, I'll tell them that if the patches that I attach look good to them and they are interested, I'll add the checks for RandR's version both at runtime and at compilation time.09:22
asacseb128: in interface editor there are only 3 fonts, while we have 5 in the appearence dialog ... any clue where the others are configured?09:30
seb128asac: say that again?09:30
asacseb128: ;). sorry. i mean in /desktop/gnome/interface there are 3 font names09:31
asacseb128: but in appearence dialog there are five ;)09:31
seb128asac: ah, the title font is a wm thing and the monospace a g-t one I think09:32
seb128asac: search for Sans in the gconf key names ;-)09:32
seb128it should list those09:32
asacseb128: monospace is in /desktop/gnome/interface09:32
asacbut let me search for sans and serif09:32
seb128well, search in gconf-editor09:33
seb128check to include the value09:33
seb128and type the font name09:33
asacyeah so its nautilus desktop font09:33
seb128that one is the one used for the desktop icons only right09:34
asacand metacity/general/title_bar_font09:34
asactbird is indeed an ugly beast. have to figure why it is such a wrong font there. in thunderbird 3 all seems fine.09:42
asaclet me first finish this security update round for tbird ... after lunch i can hopefully deal with this09:43
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
tseliotseb128: I managed to achieve the same effect without breaking the API. This way we don't even have to update gnome-control-center: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/gnome-desktop/tseliot-fixes10:20
seb128tseliot: excellent ;-)10:21
asactseliot: set your email in your launchpad account ;)10:22
asactseliot: to match what you use in bzr ;)10:22
cassidycrevette: seb128: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-sendto-universe/+bug/344765 would be good to rebuild it now Empathy 2.26 reached Jaunty10:22
asac@canonical.it ?10:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 344765 in nautilus-sendto-universe "no Telepathy sending" [Undecided,New]10:22
asacwhats that?10:22
tseliotasac: I thought I set it to @canonical.com already10:23
asactseliot: seems you changed from @alice.it ... to @canonical.it ;)10:23
asacboth are not associated with your launchpad account10:23
asacso i cannot click on your name (like i can do for Michael Vogt for instance ";))10:23
seb128cassidy: yes10:23
tseliotasac: @canonical.com is the default email address on launchpad. Or am I missing something?10:24
seb128cassidy: somebody screwed the packaging apparently10:24
asactseliot: i dont know. only thing i know is that the emails you used for commit are not associated10:24
asacwith your LP account10:24
seb128cassidy: the issue you shows suggest than a soname changes and the library has not be renamed10:24
asacif thats transitional its ok. otherwise you can just add multiple emails10:25
cassidyseb128: empathy renames his libs each time soname are changed10:25
tseliotasac: no, it's a typo. It looks like I replaces @alice.it with @canonical.it instead of @canonical.com. Thanks for making me notice ;)10:25
seb128cassidy: there is something weird there10:26
seb128cassidy:  libempathy-gtk.so.17 => not found10:26
asactseliot: no problem.10:26
seb128cassidy: that should never happen10:26
tseliotasac: news on the hardy branch of n-m 0.7.1?10:27
seb128cassidy: ok, nautilus-sendto-universe has no shlib depends apparently and you removed the old soname10:27
cassidyso problem is in nautilus-sendto-universe pkg?10:27
seb128it should depends on libempathy-gtk1710:28
seb128which would assure this version stay installed even if there is a new one10:28
asactseliot: that kind of got bumped from low to medium prio for me.10:28
seb128cassidy: I will fix that today10:28
asacbecause we need it else where now10:28
Zdraseb128: we can have multiple version of libempathy installed on the same time?10:28
asactseliot: so it will happen really soon10:29
cassidyseb128: cool10:29
tseliotasac: ah, very well :-)10:29
seb128Zdra: well, if the soname change they don't conflict so yes, that's the reason we change binary names10:32
seb128Zdra: do libsomething7 and libsomething8 can be installed together10:33
seb128which makes easy transitions, you can keep libsomething7 installed while you rebuild things with the new version10:33
Zdraseb128: ok10:34
asacanyone else noticed that "paste" with middle mouse became unreliable in jaunty gnome-terminal?10:34
asacnot really a recent regression. i always thought it was X loosing events. but currently i am thinking its gnome-terminal eating mouse events if its not yet focussed10:34
asacinteresting. i regularly need to press middle mouse twice or sometimes even three times to get the paste10:35
seb128I don't copy things there often though10:35
asacfta: ^^ do you see this?10:35
asacah right. you use xterm10:35
asactoo bad10:35
tseliotseb128: patch submitted (just FYI): http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56816010:40
ubottuGnome bug 568160 in libgnome-desktop "Gnome Settings daemon causes high CPU usage with an expensive call" [Major,Unconfirmed]10:40
seb128tseliot: thanks10:41
davidbarthpitti: ping? MacSlow is building notify-osd latest tarball as I speak10:54
asacseb128: apt-get source ubiquity -> ./gui/glade/stepLanguage.glade10:55
asacseb128: the title is in "single line mode" ... this seems to have a bug making the label not scaling vertically at all10:55
davidbarthasac: ping? do you have new build of network-manager-gnome with the last title fixes? the last one i see (0.7.1~rc3-0ubuntu1) dates back to the 5th of March10:56
asacseb128: ^^10:56
asacdavidbarth: yes. i need to put some love into this asap. sorry for the delay.10:58
asactoday or tomorrow morning i will try to get this through RMs.10:58
pittidavidbarth: he just told me11:01
pittidavidbarth: standing by :)11:01
asacso for single line mode we have:11:05
asacheight += PANGO_PIXELS (ascent + descent);11:05
asacotherwise its height += PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.height);11:05
seb128doh, GNOME switching to git officially for 2.2711:14
pittiugh, more pain11:15
pittiseb128: and you are complaining about bzr..11:15
seb128I like svn ...11:16
cassidyreally?? O_o11:16
seb128cassidy: svn? yes11:16
Laneydoes sending notifications work over dbus? i.e. could I monitor notification requests with dbus-monitor?11:17
cassidyi can't work with it any more11:17
Laneylooking at bug 343261 for Banshee11:17
cassidygit changed my life (in better ;)11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343261 in banshee "No notification on audio track changes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34326111:17
seb128cassidy: over complication for no real benefit for what I do11:18
cassidyI guess that depends of your uses cases11:18
seb128cassidy: get a checkout, do some easy changes, push back11:19
cassidybut for lot of developers that's a real benefit11:19
cassidyyeah for that svn is definitely easier11:19
cassidybut for us, for example, we have a branches oriented dev workflow.  git is a must have in that case11:20
seb128Laney: dbus-monitor --session11:20
Laneyseb128: Yeah, I was just wondering if that would actually work (not on an Ubuntu box atm to test)11:20
seb128cassidy: git makes that difficult for no good reason compared to bzr in such cases, but *shrug*, the git fanboys didn't bother trying to see if other dcvs work better usually11:20
cassidyseb128: I'm not considering myself as a git fan boy and I'm still using bzr (for my Elisa plugin for example). I recognized that git was scaring me first but now I know how to use it, it wouldn't change it for anything else11:22
seb128cassidy: but that has been trolled enough, I guess I will just use git the way I used svn11:22
cassidyyeah if you do the same thing as you did with svn that's not so harder11:23
seb128cassidy: you think bzr is not good enough for what you have to do? what do you miss there? just curious11:23
pittiseb128: well, frankly, svn is a pain in the neck11:24
cassidyseb128: I think it's generally less flexible and powerfull than git. What I miss most is the fast cloning/branching, the ability to store branches in the same repo, the remote repo, git rebase, etc11:24
cassidybzr can probably do most of these stuffs with plugins though, I didn't really investigate this area11:25
seb128I guess I'm not enough of a code writer to need all those things11:25
pittisvn's lack of branches, and together with that, this hideous websvn is a really major issue11:25
cassidyyep, as said, that's just a matter of uses cases11:25
seb128I like the viewsvn of GNOME11:26
seb128but *shrug* ;-)11:26
pitticassidy: yeah, bzr has those as well (all built in, except for rebase, which is a plugin for good reason, since it's not a good idea to use it in public development)11:26
cassidythat's similar than vim vs gedit. Both a good editors but one is a lot more complete and require more training11:27
pittiseb128: really? I always bite into my table if I have to cherrypick a patch from svn; but maybe I just don't know some dirty tricks11:27
cassidyand not everyone needs to use vim :)11:27
seb128pitti: it lacks a "give the diff for this revision", you have to do it file by file which is no fun but otherwise it's nice11:27
pittithe simple question "show me the diff of r1234" requires black magic with webcvs/websvn11:27
pittiseb128: right, that's the thing I'm usually interested in11:27
seb128yeah, agree with you it lacks this one11:28
seb128anyway no point to debate on that, it's settled for GNOME11:28
pittiso for popular projects I just keep a checkout and svn diff it from there (which is slightly easier, although still much harder than in bzr)11:28
seb128good that they stop discussing tools for ages11:28
* pitti shuts up11:28
pittiI just don't quite understand how people can actually like git11:29
cassidyactually my prefered bzr feature is the launchpad integration. So if you could convince your co-workers to support git as well that would be great :D11:29
cassidybut I guess there is so political issues here :)11:29
pitticassidy: that's in fact a long-standing wishlist item11:29
seb128cassidy: lp will be opensource soon so you will perhaps be able to write a patch for it ;-)11:29
pitticassidy: no, it's just a manpower thing11:29
pitticassidy: writing a bzr interface for git which is really robust is far from trivial11:30
pittiseb128: bzr is open source..11:30
pittiit's got nothing to do with lp11:30
pittithere's tailor, but it's not robust11:30
pittii. e. if you do two git imports with tailor, the resulting branches aren't related to each other11:31
seb128pitti: I think they want launchpad to do git hosting the way it does with bzr11:31
cassidyI'd like real git integration, not one going through bzr11:31
pittiah, I see11:31
cassidyseb128: yep11:31
pitticassidy: well, I for my part want a bzr interface for git, so that I can actually *use* it without constantly having to RTFM and think about the git complexities :)11:31
pittibut I don't mind much either way11:32
cassidyyeah that would be good and useful for lot of people11:32
pittiseb128: would you mind pinging me on jabber? need to test the new indicator-messages11:34
seb128pitti: done11:35
mdeslaurasac: I've noticed Shift-Insert being unreliable in gnome-terminal since jaunty11:54
kenvandine_wkpitti: want to test ekiga?12:03
pittihey kenvandine_wk12:04
pittikenvandine_wk: good day for that today, since I'm on 3G, and not on my weird ISP12:05
pittikenvandine_wk: in your PPA?12:05
pittikenvandine_wk: give me 30 mins to sponsor two more packages, then we can do that?12:05
pittikenvandine_wk: how did the config migration work for you? I think I'll dump my ekiga gconf settings before the upgrade :)12:07
kenvandine_wkpitti: sure12:09
kenvandine_wkpitti: it  just worked :)12:10
pittiseb128: ted's two merge requests done; doing notify-osd now12:20
pitti. o O { with a bzr merge and a bzr bd -S this is all too easy! }12:21
pittiMacSlow: does the trunk bzr log contain all LP # references? I see two references, is that corect?12:23
MacSlowpitti, yeah... right now I cannot think of a bugfix between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 I might have overlooked12:24
pittiMacSlow: ok, thanks12:24
seb128pitti: thanks12:30
pittiMacSlow: is it expected that tests/test-modules segfaults?12:38
pittithe actual package works fine for me12:38
kenvandine_wkpitti: that upgrade this morning was painful... killed my box, but i blame compiz12:39
asacmdeslaur: interesting12:40
asacmdeslaur: but for me its also middle click in firefox12:40
pittikenvandine_wk: killed how?12:40
asacthat sometimes doesnt work to close tabs12:40
asacsomehow i think its at-spi ... let me disable assistive technolgoies12:40
kenvandine_wkcompiz was using more than 700M RSS12:40
kenvandine_wkwhile update manager was doing a massive update12:40
kenvandine_wk3G of ram and 2G swap all pegged12:40
asaci need a good wikipage about libindicate and the idea about that12:40
asacmpt: ?12:40
kenvandine_wkand apps started crashing12:40
* kenvandine_wk wonders why compiz was sucking so much memory12:41
mdeslaurasac: oh, something else then12:41
kenvandine_wkthe fonts look great now though :)12:41
asacanyone knows when the beta lock will happen?12:43
seb128asac: today when slangasek wake up and find an IS person to turn the button12:43
seb128asac: ie in the next hours12:44
kenvandine_wkasac: the fonts look great!12:44
asackenvandine_wk: ;)12:44
kenvandine_wkbut pidgin's fonts look huge :)12:44
asackenvandine_wk: except in thunderbird12:44
* kenvandine_wk is a evo guy :)12:44
asackenvandine_wk: so ... there are a few more tweakages12:45
asackenvandine_wk: monospace fonts in terminal need to be changed12:45
asaclet me check pidgin12:45
asacmaybe we need to use a smaller document_font12:45
kenvandine_wkpidgin defaults to the document font12:45
kenvandine_wkoh yeah... terminal is huge too12:45
kenvandine_wkbut they are sharp looking :-D12:46
asackenvandine_wk: terminal font is even in a bug in gnome terminal i think12:46
asackenvandine_wk: but i will know more in a few12:46
MacSlowpitti, oh no ... that should not happen12:47
asackenvandine_wk: hehe. for now set document_font to 10.666px12:48
Ampelbeinseb128: bug #345168 ready for review, builds fine with the svn-patch included.12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345168 in nautilus-cd-burner "Please sponsor version 2.25.3 in jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34516812:48
kenvandine_wkasac: nah... i will wait so i can test the defaults12:49
seb128Ampelbein: thanks!12:49
pittikenvandine_wk: hm, diamondcard seems to work for me, but @ekiga.net not12:50
pittikenvandine_wk: I can't get the echo test (immediately disconnects)12:50
pittikenvandine_wk: and if I try to ring you, it says "user not available"12:50
seb128I don't use ekiga but it seems to be buggy every time pitti tries a new version12:51
pittiseb128: interestingly enough, using @diamondcard.us has never failed me12:51
pittijust @ekiga.net12:52
MacSlowpitti, I'm looking into the notify-osd test-suite atm12:52
pittikenvandine_wk: try to ring me?12:52
MacSlowpitti, I'll get back to you once I know more ... btw... which part segfaults for you?12:52
kenvandine_wkone sec12:52
pittiMacSlow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133617/12:53
pittiMacSlow: hang on, trying to get a stack trace12:53
MacSlowpitti, wtf ... I fixed that12:54
MacSlowthat can't be12:54
* MacSlow tears out his hair12:54
pittiMacSlow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133619/12:57
mptasac, I'm sorry, tedg and I haven't had time to write up anything about it yet13:03
mptthe Empathy developers need it too13:03
MacSlowpitti, do you run it on the build-server or locally?13:07
MacSlowpitti, question is ... does it have a proper display or not ... the test-suite currently needs that13:08
MacSlowhey mvo13:08
mvohey MacSlow13:08
asacmpt: hmm ... i need to explain to moz the difference of libindicate and why supporting that in the "general" toolkit makes sense ... for background i had http://paste.ubuntu.com/133628/13:12
pittiMacSlow: locally13:13
pittiMacSlow: yes, it's my normal workstation, just debian/rules build and tests/test-modules13:13
pittijaunty du jour13:13
MacSlowpitti, while it does not crash here it covers only 54% of the tests ... that's unacceptable and I suggest to defer notify-osd for today13:15
MacSlow's beta13:15
pittiMacSlow: well, the previous versions's test crashed as well; I uploaded it already, too13:15
pittisince my tests in the real system (volume control, IRC bubbles, etc.) work just fine13:16
MacSlowpitti, I just cannot chase everything so fast13:16
pittiMacSlow: joining dx13:16
MacSlowit's such a mess13:16
huatshello everyone !13:17
seb128lut huats13:17
seb128hey rickspencer313:17
huatshello seb128 !13:17
huatsho are you ?13:17
seb128huats: good, you?13:17
huatsseb128: good too !13:19
huatsit is summer here :)13:19
seb128it's sunny here too13:20
LaneyLucky! We just have grey skies13:20
seb128pitti: having the configure.in diffing and the symbol diff, etc as part of a standard testsuite in bzr-buildpackage would be nice13:23
seb128I always do that by hand13:24
seb128diff the configure.in between version13:24
seb128run my diff-symbols.py after build13:24
pittiok, time for lunch13:24
seb128and then by debdiff between installed version and new debs13:24
seb128pitti: enjoy!13:24
seb128tseliot: still around? was your gnome-desktop change something ready for sponsoring?13:37
tseliotseb128: yep13:42
tseliotseb128: I updated the bzr branch to the latest version that you uploaded13:42
tseliotsince the version in the ~ubuntu-core-dev wasn't up-to-date13:43
seb128tseliot: can you give the bzr url again?13:43
tseliotthe branch is: lp:~albertomilone/gnome-desktop/tseliot-fixes13:43
seb128tseliot: thanks13:43
tseliotseb128: thanks in advance for the upload :-)13:44
seb128you're welcome13:56
seb128tedg: hi, got a minute to discuss your pidgin changes?13:56
tedgseb128: Sure.13:57
seb128tedg: ok, so 2 questions13:57
tedgseb128: Heh, there's only two patches ;)13:57
seb1281- wouldn't it make sense to use the prefs.xml to change the default option to show the icon? or that's not working?13:57
seb1282- did you send your other change upstream, cf patch tagging and lower delta etc discussions13:58
tedgseb128: I don't see a prefs.xml in the source tree.  I think it gets built by that code.  That is what sets the defaults for that.13:59
seb128tedg: cd debian/prefs.xml in the deb source13:59
tedgseb128: Yes, I will, I just finished it at 2am last night.  That's a today thing :)13:59
seb128cd -> cf rather13:59
seb128tedg: ok, no hurry I'm just making sure we don't carry diffs for ever for no good reason ;-)14:00
tedgseb128: Ah, I didn't look in the debian packaging.  Sure, that works for me, I was just only looking in the upstream codebase.14:01
tedgIt seems a little weird that the debian packaging does things differently than the upstream project though...14:01
seb128tedg: ok, let's upload your version for now maybe and figure that later?14:02
tedgseb128: Sounds good.14:02
seb128tedg: how differently? we ship a config rather than patching the code14:02
seb128that seems a better way to me14:02
seb128redhat does that too in them rpm iirc14:02
tedgseb128: They don't ship a config at all and build it on the fly.  I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's odd.14:02
dandreI am looking for a fax frontend to send faxes from my ubuntu to a hylafax server14:03
seb128I've no strong opinion either way ;-)14:03
seb128dandre: -> #ubuntu14:03
tedgFor instance if they change the defaults, or the type of a value, that's going to show up as a bug instead of something that just "goes with the flow."14:03
pedro_seb128: salut, may you please give your opinion on bug 344431?14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344431 in brasero "cd / dvd creator appears in the apps menu, not in places" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34443114:04
seb128pedro_: holla!14:04
* tedg is learning things he shouldn't in Pidgin's debian/lintian-override directory :)14:04
seb128one minute14:04
seb128tedg: ah ah14:05
seb128tseliot: uploaded and pushed to the ubuntu-desktop vcs (it's stored there now, I've updated the control)14:11
tseliotseb128: thanks :-)14:11
seb128tedg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24088024/0.14-1ubuntu6.debdiff14:12
seb128tedg: why did you remove the VERSION file there?14:13
tedgseb128: Sorry, that was a bzr-ism.  The file got deleted and then the commit caught it.14:13
tedgI forgot to clean it up.14:13
seb128tedg: ok, I drop that change then14:13
tedgseb128: Great, thanks.  Sorry about that.14:14
seb128no problem!14:14
tedgI think it's a problem in the upstream build system.  They also delete some HTML files.14:14
seb128_could piding be less intuitive as an IRC client?14:20
seb128_it opens a nickserv dialog saying the nickname is already registered14:20
seb128_no channel list, nothing obvious on what to do or showing that IRC is connected14:20
seb128seb128_: hello14:21
seb128seb128_: hello14:21
seb128tedg: it displays 3:23 for the message time when it's 15:23?!14:21
tedgseb128: Yes, it is a translateable string.  You're just seeing it in American ;)14:22
seb128why does the time need to be translated I will never understand14:23
seb128it's easy french doesn't use am and pm we use 24 hours14:23
seb128that should be a locale thing and just work14:23
tedgseb128: Because Americans can't read 24 hour time.14:23
seb128well the american locale should say you use am and pm then14:24
dobeyit does14:24
seb128well so why do we need to translate the time string?14:24
tedgWell, that seemed like extra information that doesn't seem useful.  Are you really looking at IM messages that are over 12 hours old?14:24
dobeythat's what LC_TIME is for14:24
seb128I though there was a glibc api for that14:24
tedgdobey: How do you get it from locale then?14:24
dobeybut there are other issues14:25
tedgPlease comment with ideas on bug 33403614:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334036 in indicator-applet "Timestamp in messages not consistent with desktop" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33403614:26
dobeylike, i don't think there is a glibc api to actually give you a string for the time that is properly formatted for the locale14:26
dobeyor something14:26
tedgThe idea was to pull the GConf key from the clock.  But that required pulling in GConf.14:26
dobeywhich is why there are a billion time strings in the evo translations for example14:26
tedgAnd lots of logic to find the clock.14:26
seb128that is just ridiculous, there is none of those strftime() function or something to display an hour formatted for your locale?14:34
dobeystrftime is like sprintf but takes time formatting options14:35
dobeyso strftime("%h:%m") or something (though those are definitely not the right ones14:36
seb128tedg: strftime %X14:39
seb128displays 15:41:23 with a french locale14:40
tjaaltonseb128: whoa, I already got a fix for the nfs bug :)14:40
tjaaltona _proposed_ fix14:40
seb128"03:41:56 PM" with an en_US one14:40
seb128tjaalton: nfs or gnome fix?14:40
tjaaltonseb128: nfs/kernel14:40
dobey       %X     Equivalent to %T .14:41
dobeyand %T is not in the man page...14:41
tedgseb128: Is there a way to kill the seconds though?14:41
dobey       %T     time; same as %H:%M:%S14:41
dobeyfrom man date14:41
seb128tedg: man strftime?14:42
seb128       %T     The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S). (SU)14:42
seb128       %X     The preferred time representation for the current locale without14:43
seb128              the date.14:43
seb128on jaunty14:43
dobeyman stftime doesn't say that on intrepid. hrmm14:44
seb128GNU                               2008-10-29                       STRFTIME(3)14:45
seb128it has been updated recently14:45
tedgI still don't see how to do without seconds.14:45
seb128right, me neither but there must be a way ;-)14:45
tedgI guess I could do %X and then compare it to one of the other cases using strcmp.14:46
seb128you can use %H:%M but that will be 24 hours format14:46
seb128and there is a way to query the 24h or amp,pm from libc for sure14:46
seb128you could query and call with the right parameter for am,pm or 24 hours14:46
dobeyyou could do a regex of s/:[0-9][0-9] // on the sring :)14:48
dobeys/foo / / rather14:48
tedgDoes devhelp work for anyone else?  It's not worked on Jaunty for me.14:56
mvoworks for me14:59
seb128mvo: want to sponsor #345168? ;-)14:59
mvobug #34516815:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345168 in nautilus-cd-burner "Please sponsor version 2.25.3 in jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34516815:00
* seb128 is trying to tackle the sponsoring queue before beta15:00
mvoseb128: can do15:00
seb128I think it's an easy one15:00
seb128I'm just busy with some other change and slangasek will probably trigger the freeze button soon ;-)15:00
asac \o/ ... i think i am done wiht the pre-beta-freeze rush15:01
asacgreat that the archive was still open toda15:01
asacnow looking at gnome-terminal and thunderbird font issue to see what we can do for beta still15:01
ftagrr, why ooo keeps starting in fullscreen mode? it has no decoration, and i can't make it smaller (metacity)15:02
mvoseb128: geh, its not in bzr15:02
seb128mvo: you can put it there if you want ;-)15:07
Ampelbeinmvo: i did not know that nautilus-cd-burner was to be packaged in bzr, the debian/control file did not say so.15:13
seb128Ampelbein: it's not which is what mvo complain about ;-)15:19
seb128or not yet15:20
mvoseb128: hm, nautilus-c-b looks ok, but I don't see it in the place menu anymore15:25
mvoseb128: but right click on a iso works - is that a known issue?15:25
Ampelbeinmvo: yes15:26
seb128mvo: yes, pedro_ pinged me about a similar bug before, forgot to look15:26
seb128pedro_: ^15:26
seb128mvo: we don't use n-c-b by default anyway in jaunty so15:26
pedro_is on the system tools menu now bug 34443115:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344431 in brasero "cd / dvd creator appears in the apps menu, not in places" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34443115:26
Ampelbeinmvo: gnome bug 57379015:27
ubottuGnome bug 573790 in general "No way to access burn:// without a blank disc" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57379015:27
seb128ok I think that's a confusing choice15:29
seb128vuntz: ^ what do you think about this one?15:29
mvoseb128: sorry, disconnected. did you say something in between?15:32
seb128<seb128> ok I think that's a confusing choice15:32
seb128 vuntz: ^ what do you think about this one?15:32
mvoso its a choice from upstream?15:32
seb128mvo: I think we should discuss adding back the item to the place menu15:32
seb128mvo: <Ampelbein> mvo: gnome bug 57379015:32
ubottuGnome bug 573790 in general "No way to access burn:// without a blank disc" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57379015:32
mvothanks, I will sponsor the upload then, I was not certain if it was deliberate or a error in the package15:33
seb128bah, hate gnome-screensaver15:34
Ampelbeinmvo: thanks. gotta go now, be back later. cu.15:34
davmor2pitti: did you upload/fix jockey in kubuntu to stop using sudo?15:34
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
davmor2pitti: it's alright jockey started up before the update :)15:35
pittidavmor2: yes, yesterday15:36
davmor2pitti: yes jockey started up, then the updates ran, So it worked as expected after reboot15:36
mdeslaurasac: openoffice also probably15:37
seb128Laney: hey, are you interested by doing some desktop work today? ;-)15:38
pittidavmor2: I'm glad to hear that :)15:39
asacmdeslaur: me?15:39
asacmdeslaur: font issues in ooo?15:39
Laneyseb128: Aye, what needs doing?15:39
mdeslaurasac: probably the same issue as gnome-terminal and thunderbird15:39
asacmdeslaur: gnome terminal has a bug in the font code15:40
seb128Laney: http://download.gnome.org/sources/evolution-mapi/0.26/evolution-mapi- is an easy update but current version is totally broken15:40
asacmdeslaur: they always reset stuff to point15:40
asacmdeslaur: i found that already and have to fix it15:40
Laneyseb128: OK I will be home in 90 mins to have a look15:40
seb128Laney: and nautilus-sendto-universe uses no shlibs apparently and has been broken by some soname changes, needs a rebuild and to fix the shlibs issue15:40
Laneyuh, weird15:40
asacmdeslaur: tbird hopefully goes away when building with cairo and not with xft2  .. but i have to verify that. also i have to find out why (if its the case) xft behaves bad for some apps15:40
asacmdeslaur: most likely its really just bad app code overwriting stuff15:41
asacmdeslaur: tbird 3 is good15:41
mdeslaurasac: fun fun fun :P15:41
seb128Laney: that might be because there is only plugins there and the path need to be added to the shlibs option15:41
seb128Laney: it shlibs are usually for bin and lib15:41
mdeslaurasac: sorry for the can of worms :P15:41
seb128Laney: in fact it uses DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_ALL += --exclude=/usr/lib/nautilus-sendto/plugins explicitly15:42
seb128Laney: that's to not have strong depends ... anyway it needs a rebuild then ;-)15:43
mptasac, I suggest not taking up the topic with Mozilla until we have API documents ready. (We tried doing that with the Empathy developers, which predictably led to a confused response.) And if asked, say that we'll have API documents ready soon.15:43
asacmpt: its not my decision15:48
asacmpt: the topic was opened by others15:48
seb128mvo: did we have case in previous cycle where gnome-screensaver upgrade where problematic for unlocking?15:48
asacmpt: and they started to implement stuff15:48
asacmpt: so we _now_ need to provide input to prevent more resources getting wasted ;)15:48
seb128mvo: ie 2.24 running and upgrade to 2.26 the unlock dialog will not be showed correctly ... not sure what to do about that15:48
mvoseb128: we had this in the past, but I'm not sure for what versions15:50
mvoseb128: we disable the screensaver during upgrades15:50
seb128mvo: what do you mean?15:50
mvohm, I thought we did15:51
seb128mvo: well, I did lock my screen manually after upgrade15:51
seb128and had to go back to a vt stop gnome-screensaver to get back to my session15:51
mpt_asac, what kind of "stuff"? libnotify stuff?15:52
asacmpt_: yes. i have to tell them that libnotify alone isnt good for messaging.15:53
asacmpt_: anyway. i can lead the discussion if you dont want to provide input15:53
asaci will just give my ideas then. all i will achieve is tell them that we will give more info soon15:53
mpt_Oh, I want to, it's just a matter of finding time :-P15:53
mpt_Is there a bug report or somewhere I could post easily?15:53
asacmpt_: right. i showed you my paste and you didnt saw if its completely wrong or not ;)15:53
mvoseb128: do we have issues with that?15:54
asacmpt_: we should channel the input through one channel. its just confusing if multiple folks post different stuff ;)15:54
asacmpt_: thats why i asked and i will proxy ;)15:54
mpt_fair enough15:54
asacbut well ... lets wait till beta freeze15:54
seb128mvo: wb15:55
vuntzseb128: last ping still valid?15:55
seb128vuntz: yes15:55
seb128vuntz: not sure what I asked but I don't think that was an outdating question ;-)15:56
vuntzseb128: the item was removed from Places, following a bug report15:56
seb128vuntz: right, but do you think it's a good decision?15:56
vuntzseb128: it's mentioned somewhere in the ChangeLog15:56
seb128just your personnal opinion15:56
vuntzseb128: I honestly don't care :-)15:56
seb128I know what happened15:56
vuntzI'm fine either way15:56
seb128vuntz: next question, did you run into the gnome-screensaver issue I described?15:56
vuntzI don't read everything15:57
vuntzso I don't know the issue :-)15:57
seb128vuntz: well now you have 2 items in the menu, one opening the gui and one opening the nautilus location, not very obvious15:57
seb128vuntz: <seb128> mvo: did we have case in previous cycle where gnome-screensaver upgrade where problematic for unlocking?15:57
seb128<seb128> mvo: ie 2.24 running and upgrade to 2.26 the unlock dialog will not be showed correctly ... not sure what to do about that15:57
seb128vuntz: ie if you lock the screen without having restarted the session you can't unlock15:57
seb128vuntz: I get it every time, tried several downgrade and upgrades now15:58
vuntz2.24 to 2.26 or 2.25.2 to 2.26.0?15:58
seb1282.24 to 2.2615:59
seb128distro upgrade15:59
seb128I didn't try 2.25 ;-)15:59
vuntzso I don't know :-)15:59
seb128ie intrepid to jaunty15:59
mvoseb128: we had this in the past, but I'm not sure for what versions16:10
mvoseb128: I thought we disable the screensaver during upgrades, but I can not find the code for that right now, maybe it got dropped again?16:11
asacgood that slangasek sleeps so long ;)16:11
asacarchive was still open ;)16:11
calcseb128: i think the screensaver issue happens on 2.25.2 -> 2.26.0 also16:14
calcseb128: or something caused me to not be able to unlock, i ended up killing the running screensaver and then it let me log back in16:15
seb128^ vuntz16:15
seb128I though jaunty didn't have 2.25.216:16
calcer well whatever we had directly prior to 2.26.016:16
* calc looks in his log16:16
vuntzseb128: well, blame gnome-screensaver people, I'd say :-)16:16
seb128calc: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver16:16
vuntzbut I didn't remember seeing this16:16
calci upgraded jaunty today in any case and that is when it happened16:16
seb128vuntz: yeah, I'm doing that next16:16
vuntzalthough... I'm not using a screensaver16:16
seb128vuntz: maybe you restarted your session before locking screen16:16
vuntzseb128: I don't lock my screen, except when travelling16:16
seb128me neither16:17
calcah ok i am wrong, i think it must have happened between 2.24.0-0ubuntu4 and 516:17
seb128I noticed because I did switch to my test user and it locked screen16:17
mvopoor vuntz, bombarded with questions :)16:17
* calc had just assumed it upgraded to 2.26 along with everything else today16:17
calchmm that is really odd the 5 is from last week?16:17
seb128no I didn't upload 2.26 because of the issue16:17
vuntzmvo: I'll make seb128 pay, don't worry16:17
calcok whatever happened when i upgraded today i noticed the issue i hadn't noticed it before today16:18
calcmaybe something screensaver uses library-wise is the culprit?16:18
seb128vuntz: I will pay, GNOME switching to git, that's like paying every day for things you didn't do16:18
vuntzmvo: and he's from Alsace, so that's fine...16:18
mvogit :(16:19
* mvo weeps16:19
seb128calc: so you are saying that's an issue in the current jaunty gnome-screensaver version already?16:20
seb128brb testing16:21
* hyperair likes git16:29
calcseb128: yea16:34
calcseb128: after restarting it seems to be ok though16:34
calcseb128: i did not notice it happening before my upgrade today16:34
calcseb128: for whatever reason i also had trouble ssh'ing at the time so i thought it might have been some sort of weird pam issue16:35
calcseb128: i could login to the console (ctl-alt-f1) and also after killing the running screensaver process for the dialog (there were two processes) i could log in via screensaver16:35
* hyperair wonders if anyone here has debian upload privileges and is willing to sponsor my nautilus-share upload to debian (and then sync to ubuntu). this fixes bug #20913616:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209136 in nautilus-share "use system icons" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20913616:38
dobeyhyperair: i don't understand that bug17:08
hyperairdobey: basically nautilus-share uses very dated looking icons17:10
hyperairlike stock GNOME kind of thing17:10
hyperairsomething like if you kill gnome-settings-daemon.. that kind of effect17:10
hyperairdobey: the screenshots show what it _should_ be, not what it _is_17:11
dobeyall the gtk+ stock icons are in the tango style now17:11
hyperairwhich is why i didn't understand it at first eitehr17:11
dobeywell, i don't think that the icon /should/ be what that bug report says it should be, but eh17:12
hyperairdobey: okay, take a look at /usr/share/nautilus-share/pixmaps/something.png (there's only one file and i can't remember the name)17:12
dobeyi don't have it installed17:12
hyperairdobey: what it _should_ be is gnome-fs-share17:12
hyperairwait.. lemme upload it somewhere then.17:12
dobeygnome-fs-share doesn't exist :)17:12
dobeywel, it's a symlink to folder-remote17:13
dobeyi don't need to see the old icon17:13
dobeyif it was an old ugly icon, that's fine, it obviously needs to be changed17:13
dobeyi'm just saying that i don't think folder-remote is what it should be changed to, as it's not really the right metaphor17:13
dobeybut i don't really have a better suggestion at the moment either17:15
dobeyprobably a folder with emblem-shared overlaid would be better17:16
hyperairdobey: it originally was... stock_shared-by-me for the menu..17:16
hyperairand a bigger one which is shipped in the tarball17:16
hyperairfor the actual properties dialog17:16
dobeyi don't think that's what stock_shared-by-me was17:18
hyperairit is17:18
hyperairthe patch says so17:18
mpt_eeejay, hi, is there common terminology for exposing text for accessibility purposes that isn't visible otherwise?17:18
hyperair-                                "stock_shared-by-me");17:18
hyperair+                                "gnome-fs-share");17:18
mpt_eeejay, i.e. is it called "expose to assistive devices", or something like that?17:18
dobeyoh i guess it was, but it's old style17:19
hyperairoriginally the patch only had that, so i made a similar change to the .glade file17:19
dobeyhyperair: i'm not saying it didn't use that17:19
dobeyhyperair: if you're going to change it though, you should change it to a correct name17:19
dobeynot gnome-fs-share17:19
hyperairwhat's the correct name?17:19
dobeywell, gnome-fs-share is a symlink to folder-remote, which is the name in the icon naming spec17:19
hyperairhmm seriously?17:20
dobeybut it is the opposite metaphor of 'shared by me'17:20
hyperairhmm yeah =\17:20
hyperairbut that's what the patch in 0ubuntu7 had.17:20
dobeysure. sometimes people make incorrect patches, or don't research or ask people who know, what it should be :)17:21
hyperairalright alright point taken17:25
hyperairi should go upload -3 to mentors.debian.net now =\17:25
hyperairand then send out yet another email17:26
hyperairRFS email17:26
dobeyheh. i need to just say the hell with it, and go rip out all the 'stock' icons from gnome-icon-theme17:26
dobeyand force people to update stuff17:27
hyperairhmm that won't do =\17:27
hyperairyou'll break every damn thing17:27
hyperairdobey: actually there are differences between gnome-fs-share and folder-remote17:28
chrisccoulsontedg - if i get a new message in pidgin, but immediately close the message window without reading it, would you expect the message to disappear from the indicator applet too?17:28
hyperairit just happens that gnome-icon-theme defaults to using folder-remote17:28
dobeyhyperair: huh?17:28
dobeydifferences where?17:28
hyperairsome icon themes make them different =\17:28
hyperairi just dug though soem of my icon themes17:28
dobeysome icon themes are broken17:28
hyperairwell how sure are you that gnome-fs-share is _supposed_ to be _exactly_ the same as folder-remote?17:29
hyperairis it documented anywhere?17:29
tedgchrisccoulson: Hmm, yes.  Does it not?17:30
dobeygnome-* icons don't exist (unless they are application icons for gnome-foo named applications)17:30
tedgchrisccoulson: I don't think we're attaching anything to the conversation being destroyed.17:30
chrisccoulsonit doesn't. the message remains in the applet, and then it crashes pidgin when i try to read the already deleted message17:30
dobeyhyperair: i maintain gnome-icon-theme, tango-icon-theme, and the icon naming spec :)17:30
seb128hey chrisccoulson17:30
chrisccoulsonhi seb12817:30
seb128chrisccoulson: don't worry about the tracker build issue17:30
chrisccoulsoni was going to ask about that17:30
tedgchrisccoulson: Okay, have you filed a bug?  I'll fix it :)17:31
seb128chrisccoulson: it's a soyuz bug they will fix it, new section not available yet17:31
chrisccoulsonthanks seb128:)17:31
seb128you're welcome17:31
seb128thanks for the update ;-)17:31
chrisccoulsontedg - i think i used apport to report it a little while back, but i'll check the latest crash to make sure it's the same trace17:31
chrisccoulsonit's against pidgin17:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no problem ;)17:31
chrisccoulsontedg - bug 340717. i don't think the trace looks that useful though17:33
ubottuBug 340717 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/340717 is private17:33
hyperairdobey: ah. that adds a whole lot of weight to your words ;)17:33
dobeyhyperair: see the 'Author' part of the icon naming spec ;)17:33
hyperairum which package?17:33
hyperairdobey: so if you're maintainer of gnome-icon-theme.. what's the point of making gnome-fs-share a symlink of folder-remote?17:34
dobeyhyperair: compatibility for older apps that aren't updated to the new names yet17:34
dobeywhich is why there are so many symlinks in gnome-icon-theme17:35
hyperairi see17:35
dobeydevelopment releases default to not enabling the symlinks though17:35
dobeybut i don't think anyone ever really sees the results of that17:36
dobeyotherwise there'd probably be a lot more open bugs about icons17:36
hyperairi see17:36
mpt_eeejay, I went ahead and did <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD?action=diff&rev1=105&rev2=103>. You're welcome to correct my terminology if I have it wrong.17:48
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
hyperairLaney: the notify-osd problem is caused by gsd not notifying notify-osd upon state-change.20:18
Laneyhow come it works for some people?20:19
hyperairit does?20:19
hyperairthat's surprising.20:19
Laneypopey has them, for example20:19
Laneythat's how I found out they existed in the first place20:19
hyperairthe problem is that the bug encompasses two i should think20:20
hyperairi'm not sure20:20
hyperairwe're talking about notify-osd showing the icon of the media key you just pressed right?20:20
hyperairtime to take a peek at gsd patches20:21
crevetteI remember there is some agreement on the header to set for patch to track what they do, do you have a linkn,20:26
Laneyhyperair: yeah20:35
hyperairLaney: you're right. it should be in already20:38
hyperairLaney: either way the buggy code is in notify-osd20:38
hyperairsorry i meant gsd20:38
Laneygsd listens for those dbus events?20:39
hyperairwrong. gsd _generates_ those dbus events20:40
hyperairgsd is what sits between your xorg's media keys stuff and dbus20:40
LaneyI know20:40
hyperairbanshee and gang connect to gsd via dbus20:40
Laneyand it also is supposed to push a notification?20:40
hyperairif you dget the dsc, you can look at 16_whatever.patch20:40
hyperairit looks like it pushes the notification...20:41
hyperair+        NULL, /* "notification-audio-play", */ /* PLAY_KEY */20:41
hyperair+        NULL, /* "notification-audio-pause",*/ /* PAUSE_KEY */20:41
hyperair+        "notification-audio-stop", /* STOP_KEY */20:41
hyperair+        "notification-audio-previous", /* PREVIOUS_KEY */20:41
hyperair+        "notification-audio-next", /* NEXT_KEY */20:41
hyperairfor the media keys except play/pause20:41
hyperairbut it doesn't handle stop/prev/next for me20:44
hyperairand the thing is, if it was an icon theme issue, then you should be noticing a blank popup20:44
hyperairLaney: ^20:45
Laneywell I just get nothing20:45
Laneywhy don't you put some debugging traces in to see what gets called and returned?20:45
hyperairhmm i could try20:46
hyperairbut actually i'm on intrepid20:46
hyperairwith gsd 2.24-x20:46
hyperairwith a backported patch of cuorse20:46
Laneyyou should upgrade :(20:47
hyperairbut intel T_T20:47
Laneyis it that bad?20:47
hyperaireverything 3d except compiz flies out of the window20:47
hyperairyes it's bad20:47
hyperairand it only affects some people20:47
hyperairit might hit only those with agp + intel20:47
hyperairi'm one of those badly hit20:47
* Laney cuts Evolution20:52
Laneyit looks nice, but why does everything have to take so long?20:52
hyperairwhat's long?20:52
chrisccoulsonevolution runs like a dog on my machine20:52
hyperairevolution frequently hangs on mine20:53
chrisccoulsonwhen i open it and it loads the mailbox, my machine grinds to a halt for 5 minutes20:53
chrisccoulsonanything that involves any sort of disk activity on my desktop basically stops it from working20:53
Laneyoh, mine's not that bad20:53
Laneyjust the application itself20:53
chrisccoulsonmines terrible. the mouse cursor stutters and pauses for several seconds at a time and all the windows fade to gray20:54
Laney1 minute+ delay from clicking "Reply" to actually getting a window, message text takes ages to download and so on20:54
Laneyit seems that it queues up a load of network IO and your requests just get shoved at the end20:54
chrisccoulsonmy desktop takes nearly a full minute to open a gnome-terminal after i launched evolution20:55
chrisccoulsoni have no issues with network IO - mines all disk IO related20:55
hyperairLaney: gsd is not firing off the required notification stuff20:55
Laneyany idea why?20:55
chrisccoulsonyop shows i get about ~70% iowait on my dual core when doing anything that involves any sort of disk activity20:56
chrisccoulsonand that corresponds to my machine grinding to a halt20:56
chrisccoulsonyop -> top20:56
LaneyThunderbird may look like arse, but at least it performs well20:56
hyperairLaney: dunno. i need to figure out my own package first @_@20:57
hyperairLaney: i don't know why, but the patch doesn't seem to be in my gsd, yet i'm getting the pretty volume notifications20:57
hyperairdamn weird.20:57
Laneyvolume started working with a recent update for me20:57
seb128chrisccoulson: run sqlite3 .db vacuum to fix that20:57
hyperairLaney: it's worked for me on my ppa since the day i backported the patch.20:58
hyperairaha! that's why20:58
hyperairi was looking in the wrong gnome-settings-daemon directory20:58
hyperairdamn i feel stupid20:58
seb128chrisccoulson: upstream knows about the issue, that should be fixed for 2.26.1 before jaunty20:58
hyperairi should git-ify everything20:58
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'll try that, but i think it might be a short-term fix. i have a general issue with anything disk intensive on this machine, so i can't entirely blame evolution ;)20:58
seb128chrisccoulson: right but evo tend to do a lot of io after time right now, that helps a lot20:59
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll give it a go20:59
seb128chrisccoulson: ie my evolution was hitting disk for 1 minutes on bugmails box before doing that, after it's some seconds20:59
chrisccoulsonprobably doesn't help that i have ~60000 unread messages;)20:59
seb128right, same for my bugmail box21:01
seb128they are read though21:01
hyperairthe patch is different21:01
seb128but that should not make a difference ;-)21:01
hyperairi'll need to backport this patch then21:01
seb128what are you looking at changing?21:01
Laneylooking into why gsd doesn't send media key notifications21:02
hyperairLaney: can you do dbus-monitor 'interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications' and then start hitting your prev/next keys21:03
Laneyit only has the ones for track change from Banshee21:03
hyperaironly huh21:04
hyperairthat means it's gsd'd fault21:04
hyperairhow about your eject key21:04
Laneydon't have one21:04
seb128Laney: ctrl-f921:04
hyperairset it to an arbitrary shortcut21:04
Laneyyeah that works21:05
Laneyseb128: Do you have any idea how I can repro this mapi crash without a server available?21:06
Laneycan I install something to set one up easily?21:06
seb128Laney: no, just do the version update ;-)21:06
Laneyor should I just update and ask the reporters to test21:06
seb128do that21:06
seb128that's how we do for exchange bugs21:06
seb128nobody around has an exchange server21:06
Laneyfair enough21:07
didrockshey o/ I am updating evolution-mapi FYI21:07
didrocksgnome planet is a great ressource ;)21:08
Laneyseb asked me earlier ;)21:08
Laneybut nm21:08
didrocksok, sorry, didn't see it21:08
didrocksyou can do it if you wish :)21:08
seb128didrocks: I though you were in Lyon for the day21:08
Laneynah, I only got as far as uscan21:08
seb128lut didrocks21:08
didrocks(it's already done by my side)21:08
Laneygo for it21:08
didrockshello seb128 : yes, but it's just 1h30 from Annecy :)21:09
LaneyI see you french guys have a national strike today21:09
Laneylazy sods ;)21:09
didrocksLaney: yes, I saw a lot of people on strike in Lyon :)21:09
didrocksit builds and installs sucessfully. As last time, I think that nobody have an exchange server around… :/21:11
Laneyyeah, just ask reporter to test it21:11
didrocksLaney: I wasn't able to test it last time because of that and just uploaded it :/21:11
Laneyor jelmer/andrewsomething21:11
Laneythey did the initial packaging; guess they tested it the21:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - after vacuuming, evolution opens in a few seconds ;)21:12
* hyperair has an exchange account21:12
seb128chrisccoulson: you're welcome21:12
didrocksLaney: jelmer asked to a friend IIRC, I asked him to do this before I sponsored it ;)21:12
hyperairwhat's this mapi crashabout?21:12
LaneyI'm letting it filter and process all new mail21:12
Laneyto see if it gets faster after this21:12
Laneyhyperair: it crashes after you authenticate21:13
hyperairwithout fail?21:13
Laneysounds like it21:13
Laneyat least for the reporter21:13
Laneynobody files bugs when it works ;)21:13
seb128does gnome-sound-properties start for everybody there?21:13
didrockshyperair: I can make it available to my ppa if you wish. It fixes http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57478421:14
ubottuGnome bug 574784 in Mail "evolution-mapi can't fetch messages" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:14
didrocksseb128: for me, it's ok21:14
seb128for me too21:14
hyperairdidrocks: i'm on intrepid =\21:14
seb128we just got some bugs about the mixer and that one not opening now21:14
hyperairLaney: what happens when you do the eject key test thing again?21:15
Laneyhyperair: It ejects and I see the notification21:15
didrocksstrange, does he use virtualbox? (no sound in it)21:15
hyperairLaney: strange, you actually see that notification?21:15
hyperairmine shows a big eject logo21:15
hyperairtraditional style21:15
Laneyyou crazy backporting foo'21:15
hyperairlooks like i've got additional problems21:15
* hyperair sighs21:15
hyperairi have to check my notify-osd package again21:16
chrisccoulsonseb128 - what are your thoughts on the nautilus auto-restarting issue? upstream seem to be fairly quiet about this. i had a look at it this evening and it looks fairly difficult to fix21:16
hyperairhey somebody had to do it21:16
seb128chrisccoulson: I think we should set the autorestart to false if they don't fix it and let user who have a crash restartit21:16
seb128it's easy enough to open a place for example21:16
chrisccoulsonthat might be a safe compromise for now21:17
chrisccoulsonintrepid didn't have the Autorestart key. it relied on setting the restartstyle hint with GnomeClient to a state dependant on whether it was drawing the desktop or not21:18
hyperair#$%^ why do they change the damn capabilities strings EVERY SINGLE RELEASE?!21:18
hyperairdamn fickle pricks21:18
chrisccoulsoni looked at the possibility of doing the same with eggsmclient, but it doesn't appear to have the features for this21:18
hyperairevery single patch has to be updated everytime there's a new release21:18
chrisccoulsonit seems that eggsmclient only lets you set the restartstyle hint before connecting to the session manager21:19
seb128chrisccoulson: right21:22
seb128that's a known limitation, the bug fix would be to add the api to allow changing dynamically that value21:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, that would be nice21:23
chrisccoulsonprobably a bit too late for this cycle though?21:23
seb128not sure, better to ask to vuntz21:23
seb128I would not bother for jaunty and just unset the autostart I think21:23
vuntzvuntz is in a meeting :-)21:23
seb128vuntz: ;-)21:24
seb128what notify-osd capability changed this time?21:24
seb128they were supposed to have support for old and new naming in this version to make updates easier21:24
seb128"    - Add compatibility checks to ease transition period for applications to21:24
seb128      pick up the capability  and hint name changes. (LP: #343553)"21:24
hyperairLaney: this is seriously weird. i'm getting the next icon when  ipress prev.21:32
hyperairand nothing when i press next21:32
Laneywell that's a start, right? ¬_¬21:32
hyperair   uint32 021:33
hyperair   string "notification-audio-next"21:33
hyperair   string "Previous"21:33
hyperair   string ""21:33
hyperairvery interesting21:33
hyperairwe're probably seeing some skewed enum or something21:34
hyperairthat's right21:37
hyperairpressing stop gives me.... previous21:37
hyperairokay, what do enums start with?21:38
hyperair0 or 1?21:38
hyperairoh wait a sec21:38
hyperairi've an idea21:38
dobeydoes everyone else get some type of useful notification that updates are available in jaunty?21:38
seb128dobey: define useful notification?21:39
dobeyseb128: i ran apt-get update, and there are a crapload of updates available, but there's no tray icon or anything. i'm having to run apt-get upgrade, or update-manager by hand to install them21:40
seb128yes, that's the expected behaviour21:40
seb128update-manager auto-opens once a week for normal updates now21:40
dobeyhow am i supposed to know when updates are available?21:40
seb128and once a day for security updates21:40
Laneywhen it auto-opens :(21:41
seb128dsign team decided that user are not upgrade maniacs21:41
dobeynot all of them, sure21:41
seb128and that once a week for standard updates will do21:41
seb128you can turn the gconf key to have the old behaviour back if you want21:41
dobeywhat gconf key?21:41
seb128I think it's /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch21:42
hyperairLaney: do you seriously get a notify-osd popup for eject?21:42
LaneyI'm not lying to you :(21:43
dobeyseb128: thanks, that is much better21:43
hyperairvery strange..21:43
seb128Laney: maybe you didn't restart something recently21:43
seb128I don't21:43
seb128that was working some days ago though21:43
Laneywell I didn't restart after today's updates21:43
seb128you might still be running the old g-s-d or something21:43
LaneyI'll do that though now21:43
hyperairLaney: could you do the dbus-monitor thing with eject?21:47
seb128nothing is sent21:48
Laneyhyperair: It's broken now since I rebooted :)21:49
hyperairi knew it21:49
hyperairstaring down the patch showed that eject was unhandled21:49
hyperairso i just couldn't imagine why you had it working21:49
hyperairnow the very strange thing is that the enums seem to magically start from 1.21:50
seb128eject was working 2 days ago when I sponsored 2.25.92-0ubuntu221:56
seb128the previous and next actions are working fine here22:01
seb128only eject is not22:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - just looking at the g-s-d patch. in gsd_media_keys_notification(), there is this line:22:04
chrisccoulson if (media_key_icon[key] == NULL) return FALSE22:04
chrisccoulsonEJECT_KEY is false22:04
chrisccoulson**NULL even22:04
seb128right, I could swear I've seen it working though22:04
chrisccoulsonit did used to work22:04
Laneywhy was it disabled?22:05
seb128it was not22:05
seb128they just don't have an icon for it apparently or something22:05
* Laney wonders what he saw earlier22:06
seb128well it was working22:06
seb128the code changed though22:06
chrisccoulsonthat's right - media_key_icon[EJECT_KEY] is definately NULL22:06
chrisccoulsonand the function just returns because of that22:06
chrisccoulsonthe code did change quite a bit since the last release22:06
seb128chrisccoulson: well22:07
seb128+static const char *media_key_icon[] = {22:07
seb128I think they used the standard icon before22:07
chrisccoulsononly stop, forward and back are populated22:07
Laneyhyperair: I, er, have next/prev notifications now22:07
seb128but they changed notify-osd to use better defined icons22:07
seb128and they don't have one for eject22:07
hyperairLaney: makes sense. i just figured out where i missed out22:07
hyperairXRANDR_KEY was taken out between 2.24 -> 2.2622:07
Laneythat magical restart fixed it all22:07
hyperairyou should havek illed gnome-settings-daemon =\22:08
Laneydidn't know it got an update22:08
Laneyknow or check tbh22:08
seb128they have notification-device-eject.svg22:08
* seb128 tries to use that in the enum now22:08
* Laney misses play/pause too22:10
seb128right it's not in the enum either22:10
chrisccoulsonthere's no icon for pause22:10
chrisccoulsonprobably why both play/pause are disabled22:10
chrisccoulsonwould look odd seeing a notification for play but not for pause22:11
hyperairchrisccoulson: actually i noticed my play/pause button triggering PLAY_KEY22:11
hyperairor something22:11
hyperairchrisccoulson: which means that should be a play/pause icon instead of just play22:11
hyperairbut yeah you should fix eject22:13
hyperairit was working before the update22:13
hyperairthe previous patch worked with eject22:13
seb128right, it's just a matter to add the icon name in the enum, easy enough22:14
chrisccoulsonthat's good:)22:14
Laneyhaving looked at the Human icons, I feel like I'm missing out now :(22:17
seb128Laney: dpkg -L notify-osd?22:17
Laneyseb128: There seems to be more in /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/status/22:17
seb128we don't want theme specific icons though22:18
chrisccoulsonLaney - i'm not using human icons, but i created symlinks in the icon theme I use so i get all the notifications in my preferred theme22:18
chrisccoulsonit looks really neat22:18
Laneyso you get the "human" icons in your regular theme?22:18
seb128chrisccoulson: the notify-osd icons are in hicolor, should be used in any theme22:18
chrisccoulsoni get all the notifications in my regular theme rather than the ones in hicolor22:19
Laneyseb128: "This is a set of fallback icons for Gnome. Canonical icons are in the Human icon theme."22:19
Laneyfrom the README22:19
seb128oh ok22:20
seb128didn't know ;-)22:20
seb128eject is working now22:20
hyperairLaney: are you sure that's right?22:20
Laneysure what's right?22:20
hyperairi remember i was making noise about icons being in human22:20
hyperairand then they shifted it all to notify-osd instead22:20
Laneythere are different icons in Human22:20
hyperairso now it's sitting in notify-osd =\22:20
hyperairthere are?22:20
Laneyand then some fallback ones there22:20
chrisccoulsonthe nice ones are in Human, and the fallback ones ship with notify-osd for those of us not using Human, or a theme that ships its own icons22:21
hyperaireither way, you should just make your icon theme depend on human instead of symlinking =p22:21
hyperairthere's a Depends line somewhre at the top of the index.theme file22:21
hyperairi think i'm seeing the human ones22:22
chrisccoulsonhyperair - i didn't symlink to human. i symlinked within the theme i use so i get the icons in my native theme;)22:22
hyperaircool =p22:23
hyperairchrisccoulson: what are the original icon names?22:23
chrisccoulsonit depends what theme you use. i just searched in the theme until i found ones that looked correct;)22:24
chrisccoulsoni also did it for the indicator-applet icons too22:25
chrisccoulsonalthough the indicator applet still doesn't do very much for me :/22:25
* Laney installs Jaunty on his Macbook22:26
seb128gnome-settings-daemon with eject action icon uploaded22:34
seb128I didn't add the play one because of the lack of pause icon for now22:34
Laneyerk, Jaunty live CD counts down to autologin now22:35
seb128you are the second user to report that this week22:36
Laneyis there a bug?22:36
seb128I was assuming that xorg or gdm or gnome-session was crashing for mpt and bringing it back to gdm22:36
seb128ask on #ubuntu-devel maybe, I don't know22:36
hyperairwoo the sun is rising22:44
hyperairtime for me to go to bed22:44
asacseb128: what kind of abi guarantees do exist for _gtk symbols? no guarantee at all?22:46
asacsleep well hyperair22:47
seb128asac: what _gtk symbols?22:47
dobeyasac: the private _gtk symbols that are listed in some headers?22:47
dobeyasac: they will have to always be there for gtk+ 2.x if they are publically exposed22:47
hyperairasac: thanks. by the way, what about bug #248705 ? =p22:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248705 in evolution-data-server "Evolution Exchange does not authenticate to Exchange servers with a relative path in the form action, e.g. "owaauth.dll"" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24870522:47
seb128$ nm -D /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so | grep _gtk22:48
seb128000e5130 T hildon_gtk_file_chooser_install_properties22:48
asacseb128: those exported in headers22:48
seb128asac: any example?22:48
asacseb128: but for internal use:22:48
asacseb128: look in gtkmodules.h22:48
seb128oh, those, no guaranty22:48
asacseb128: good ;)22:48
seb128ie they rewrote the fileselector and that broke hildonfm which was using that for example22:48
asacseb128: except the callbacks of course22:48
asaci reawlly just ment tose  _gtk symbols22:49
asacalso wonder why we export those in headers at all22:49
asacseb128: as you showed they are even not exported ;)22:49
seb128in the fileselector case that was to write backends22:49
seb128only libgnomeui was using that for the gnomevfs backend22:49
asacseb128: so what libs are using those now?22:49
seb128not sure in your case22:49
asacseb128: i mean they are not even exported anymore in the lib22:49
asacseb128: so they shouldnt be used anywhere except in gtk22:50
NetSkaysomeone willing to help poor fellow lnx user with openVPN :D22:50
seb128asac: the fileselector ones? none, they dropped all that since they have gio in glib and don't need backends now22:50
asacseb128: no ... i mean those gtkmodules things22:50
seb128NetSkay: -> #ubuntu22:50
asacbut well22:50
asaci guess the answer is: they are not exported ;)22:50
seb128asac: I don't know about those sorry22:50
seb128or not sorry, I just don't know ;-)22:50
seb128but yeah, don't use private thigns22:51
seb128that's going to bite you22:51
asacseb128: thats ok. i was just hacking around and thought about changing one of those, when i discovered that they are in a exported header22:51
asacin code those "_gtk" things really looked like: not exported, nowhere used outside of gtk ;)22:51
seb128could be used for theme engines22:51
asacseb128: but even if those symbols are not even exported. sounds unlikely22:52
asaconly static linking could allow access to them i guess22:52
asacbut anyway22:52
asaci will see if i can find someone in #gtk+ or sommething22:53
asacmaybe tim knows ;)22:53
seb128asac: ask bratsche maybe22:53
asacbratsche: ^^ _gtk symbols in gtkmodules.h ... why are they exported in a public header, but then not even visible in .so ?22:54
asacbratsche: is it a bug that they are in a public header at all?22:54
asacor is that best practice for gtk?22:54
=== calc_ is now known as calc
bratscheasac: Hang on, let me take a look.  Not sure if I know the answer but let me look really quick..23:01
asacbratsche: just look in the header ... the _gtk symbols really look private and even are commented as such. then they are not in nm -D /...gtk-x11...23:02
asacseb128: so what damage about font sizes was reported on top of terminal, thunderbird ... ?23:03
asacdid you get anything else?23:03
bratscheasac: That does seem like it should be a bug to me as well.23:03
asacbratsche: ok great.23:03
asacbratsche: i just was confused when i saw the header getting exported23:04
bratscheThen again, I didn't realize gtkprivate.h was an installed .h file either.  I was about to say maybe these should go there.23:04
seb128asac: some users complained about pidgin I think23:04
asacseb128: ok. a bit change is ok and expected. if they claim huge differences i would like to know23:05
* asac starts pidgin23:06
seb128asac: not that I know but I will keep an eye on such reports and let you know23:06
asacso widgets look good here23:06
asacseb128: great.23:06
bratscheasac: I'll ask Matthias or someone about this tomorrow.  Now I'm curious.23:06
asacseb128: terminal turned out to be a code bug. they always converted to point base without even properly recalcuating leading to a size boost23:06
calcwhy can't i turn on use burnproof in brasero?23:10
calcits greyed out23:10
calcmy drive supports it23:10
asac_what does evolution use to display mail body content? is that a gtk widget? or something custom?23:19
bratschegtkhtml2 or gtkhtml3 or something like that.23:20
bratscheI forget the version.23:20
asac_does that live outside of gtk tree?23:20
asac_e.g. independent project?23:20
asac_lets see if there is a bzr-mirror.gnome.org thing for it23:20
seb128asac_: gtkhtml323:21
bratscheIf you saw srag's blog post yesterday of the new Evolution-based mail client aimed at netbooks, they're using GtkWebkit for that.23:21
seb128asac_: source is gtkhtml3.1423:21
bratscheBut Evolution itself has been stuck on gtkhtml3 for awhile23:21
asac_seb128: hmm. there is gtkhtml2 and gtkhtml23:21
seb128asac_: they plan to allow webkit for rendering in the next cycle but probably not for the editor23:21
seb128asac_: it's gtkhtml then23:21
seb128gtkhtml2 is libgtkhtml in ubuntu23:22
bratscheseb128: Not for editing?  I thought webkit supported that finally?23:22
seb128asac_: speaking about webkit did you ask about webkit 1.1?23:22
asac_seb128: gwibber folks dont know how to fix it23:22
asac_seb128: i asked them to investigate23:22
asac_so lets give them a few more day23:22
asac_seems webkit would break it completely23:23
asac_not sure whats the problem. maybe will try on my own if there is no progress23:23
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128bratsche: well srag said he has webkit rendering code (he did it for the the netbook software) but not for editing23:23
bratscheOh, bummer.23:23
bratscheI missed that part I guess.23:23
asactoo bad that bzr-playground.gnome.org will probably go away when there is git23:25
asacthats working so nice ;)23:25
seb128<mbarnes>is that just for email display or you think you can get a working composer by then too?23:29
seb128<srag>mbarnes, only for display :-)23:30
seb128<srag>dont even think of it for composer for Evo.. its early23:30
seb128bratsche: that was the after meeting from this week23:30
bratscheAh, okay.23:30
calcjust fell off the cliff :)23:33
rickspencer3check that OUT!!!!23:34
rickspencer3calc: you rocked the OO bug list down to zero!23:34
rickspencer3unheard of23:35
calccurrently my upstream bug report numbers are 88.79% 86.21% 89.16% (working on the upstream linkage tomorrow)23:35
seb128how responsive is upstream to bugs for openoffice?23:35
seb128got alex to fix the ctrl-l ssh... mount error in gvfs today btw23:36
calcseb128: sometimes very fast other times just ignores them23:36
calcseb128: cool! :)23:36
calcseb128: i have to test every bug though because they get upset if i send them unverified bugs, esp since we use ooo-build23:36
rickspencer3way to calc!23:37
calcrickspencer3: thanks :)23:39

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