
jfalcoanybody in here???02:28
jfalcoAnybody here????03:43
aramorning all!07:15
=== thekorn is now known as thekorn_
thekornhi, I would like to test jaunty on my 10'' eeepc, are there any special test cases for this kind of devices?09:00
davmor2thekorn: if it works09:01
davmor2thekorn: what are you testing on it unr09:01
thekornoh you mean this netbook remix09:02
davmor2thekorn: Ubuntu Netbook Remix yes09:03
thekornwell I just downloaded the desktop live cd, so I would like to start with this one, but can try UNR later09:03
thekornor is a non UNR installation for such devices not officially supported09:04
davmor2thekorn: In that case just that it work.  Check wifi and bluetooth if it has it.  Other than that just that everything runs on it okay.  Make sure that windows don't go off the screen that kinda thing :)09:05
thekornok, so lets start09:06
thekornthanks davmor209:06
thekornoh, ubiquity does not fit on the screen09:21
davmor2thekorn: That would be a bug a then :)09:23
thekornyeah, /me checks if this one has already been filed09:27
thekornit is, bug 32595809:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 325958 in ubiquity "Jaunty Alpha 4: Ubiquity windows does not fit on 1024x600 screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32595809:29
thekorncjwatson, I can reproduce bug 325958 with todays daily, what kind of information (logs,...) is needed to push this one to triaged?09:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 325958 in ubiquity "Jaunty Alpha 4: Ubiquity windows does not fit on 1024x600 screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32595809:52
cjwatsonthekorn: none, but I'm not sure it's a ubiquity bug09:54
* cjwatson fixes the bug statuses to stop people whining incessantly on the bug09:55
thekornhehe, ok, thank you09:56
cjwatsonthekorn: it'd be interesting to know whether other applications have the same problem09:56
cjwatsoni.e. same large font size, not necessarily failure to fit on the screen09:56
thekorncjwatson, the font in the panel looks big, but let me check other applications09:57
davmor2cjwatson: It was one of the things I asked him to look out for :)09:59
thekorncjwatson, the font in general looks big to me, and baoab is one of the other applications which does not fit on the screen10:00
thekornbaobab, strange name10:00
asacthekorn: high10:04
asacthekorn: so you see regression on eepc?10:04
asacfontsize wise?10:04
thekornasac, hi, fonts are looking big to me10:05
thekornand some applications do not fit on the screen10:05
thekornasac, is there any kind of logs etc. I can help you with, and what is the master bug for this kind of issue10:08
asacthekorn: did this start today?10:09
davmor2asac: He is running a standard install on a netbook :)10:09
asacdavmor2: yeah. thats good10:10
thekornasac, don't know, my first live cd install of jaunty on this netbook10:10
asacthekorn: ok. wait a sec10:10
thekornon intrepid everything looked fine10:10
asacthekorn: can you open gconf-editor?10:11
thekornsure, it' open10:11
asacwhat do you have there?10:11
asacalso on terminal:10:11
asacxdpyinfo | grep resolution10:11
thekorn  /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name   sans 1010:12
asacand dpi?10:12
thekorn  /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/dpi  <kein wert>10:12
asacso seems you dont see a regression from yesterdays upload10:13
thekorn 117x117 dots per inch10:13
asacrather you see the bug were trying to fix10:13
asacyour daily build seems to not yet have our changes10:13
asacthekorn: please change the sans 10 to "sans 13.333px"10:13
asacis that better (in general)?10:14
asacits odd that your dpi has no value though10:14
thekornasac, yes, 13.33px is looking better, but still ubiquity does not fit on the screen10:17
cjwatsonthekorn: can I have a quick screenshot maybe?10:17
thekornsure, just a bit10:18
asacthekorn: good10:19
asacin general fonts are not the way to make stuff fit on a small screen10:19
asacof course sudden huge fonts will make all tuning senseless. lets hope we can stick to the new "px" unit10:19
asacwhich is dpi sensitive10:19
thekorn__cjwatson: http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11245/bildschirmfoto_8e7pk8.png10:22
cjwatsonok, it could be that some later bit of the UI doesn't fit10:27
cjwatsonthat certainly doesn't look unreasonably large10:27
thekornoh, this is with font_name = sans 13.133px10:28
asacthekorn: you should also fix the window title font10:29
asacthekorn: /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_font -> 13.333px10:30
asac/apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font -> 10.666px10:30
asac/desktop/gnome/interface/document_font_name 10.666px10:30
asac/desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name 10.666px10:30
asacthekorn: ^^10:31
asacthose numbers are probably what we want in the end. if you could check them on your netbook that would be great10:31
thekornok, let me change this values10:32
asacthekorn: thanks. they wont help you much for the overall dialog size. but at least window titles and the terminal shouldnt be so huge anymore ;)10:33
thekornasac, cool, everything looks better now, but the installer is still looking bad10:35
thekornlooks like they are using fixed sizes there10:36
asacthekorn: hmm. the screenshot didnt look that bad10:36
asaci mean the installer dialog10:36
asacthekorn: you have a screen of a bad fontsize in it?10:37
thekorn__asac: http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11246/bildschirmfoto_1_o1tzqH.png10:39
thekorn"willkommen" in the header is now partly hidden10:40
asacthekorn: fonts are ok. the Wilkommen title probably is too big10:40
asaccjwatson: how do you set font size for that?10:40
cjwatsonasac: I wasn't aware I did10:40
cjwatsonubiquity uses its own session implementation, but otherwise is just a glade application10:41
asaccjwatson: yeah. so that "Willkommen" is just a glade text widget?10:41
* asac gets ubiquity10:42
cjwatson                <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;big&gt;&lt;b&gt;Welcome&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/big&gt;</property>10:42
thekorn__the title in pidgin chat windows is also too big: http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11247/bildschirmfoto_2_J6obXK.png10:42
cjwatsonso the <big/> will crank up the font size10:42
cjwatsonweird that it's being misrendered like that though10:42
asacyeah. that should be ok10:43
asaci mean <big> hopefully does just add a factor to the absolute font size and doesnt mess up our dpi sensitive base10:43
thekornfor me it looks like the underlying vbox has a fixed size10:44
cjwatsonwell, it's then reset while doing translation10:45
cjwatson            if 'heading_label' in name:10:45
cjwatson                attrs = pango.AttrList()10:45
cjwatson                attrs.insert(pango.AttrScale(pango.SCALE_LARGE, 0, textlen))10:45
cjwatson                attrs.insert(pango.AttrWeight(pango.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, textlen))10:45
cjwatson                widget.set_attributes(attrs)10:45
cjwatsonthekorn: we have hardly any fixed-size widgets in ubiquity, I'd be surprised10:45
cjwatsonI was quite careful about that10:45
cjwatsongui/glade/stepLanguage.glade is the relevant glade page10:46
asacyeah i saw that10:46
cjwatsonand the vbox definitely isn't fixed-size10:46
asachopefully pango.AttrList starts with the system defaults10:46
cjwatsonthat's certainly what I expected10:46
asacso our "absolute" selection from 13.33px stays "absolute"10:46
cjwatsonI mean, it ought to be equivalent to instantiating a label by <property/>10:46
asacyeah. but the fact that its not visible is something else anyway10:47
cjwatson(the reason for ubiquity's weird translation handling is essentially that it needs to switch language on the fly, which gtk is generally not smart enough to do well)10:47
asacthe title is even crunched when i open it in glade-310:49
asacthe label itself is even not expanding10:50
asackind of gtk bug maybe10:51
asaccjwatson: seems "Single Line Mode" is broken10:53
asaccjwatson: to workaround i can use Line Wrap Mode: Word10:53
asaccould be a problem of course10:53
asacbut at least in glade the label takes proper space then10:53
cjwatsonmm, single line mode was an intentional choice and made it look a bit nicer10:54
cjwatsonso obv. I'd rather gtk were fixed :-)10:54
asaccjwatson: of course. it would be a workaround if we dont find the fix10:54
asaclets give that to seb ;)10:55
thekornok, I've to run in a bit, thanks for your help, and thanks for trying to fix it11:01
* ara -> lunch12:20
* davmor2 lunch13:30
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
davmor2fader: welcome back :)16:19
faderdavmor2: thanks :)16:20
=== Erkan_Yilmaz is now known as Hail_Mary
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
cjwatsonfader|lunch: at some point, would it be possible for you to run a cert test with grub2?17:50
cjwatsonfader|lunch: the relevant preseed is 'd-i grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy boolean true' and only works with netboot installs (so probably not on the usual mounted-CD-image setup, although we could make it work on a DVD)17:51
fader|lunchcjwatson: You just caught me :)  Let me kick off the reset of that machine and get it to a state that I'll be able to reproduce the bug... that'll take 30 minutes or so I think and then I can try grub217:53
cjwatsonfader|lunch: I wasn't thinking of the machine we were talking about yesterday, specifically17:53
fader|lunchcjwatson: And I'll hang out in #ubuntu-installer if I need to bug you or vice-versa :)17:54
cjwatsonthis is definitely a separate thread from that17:54
fader|lunchcjwatson: Ah, okay, I'll grab a different one and kick it off17:54
cjwatsonwe'd like to investigate moving to grub2 in a future release, and one of the most effective pieces of input we could get would be an across-the-board cert test17:55
fader|lunchcjwatson: Ah... so you're looking to test this across the whole environment?17:56
cjwatsonright, as a one-shot17:56
cjwatsonit's in universe right now, though I think a netboot install would use it anyway17:57
fader|lunchcjwatson: At the moment we don't get very good feedback if an install fails, but I believe cr3 is adding some reporting around that17:57
fader|lunchcjwatson: So we might get better results if you can wait a week or so17:57
fader|lunch(If not we can still do it, but it'll be a manual process of checking to see if the machines installed)17:57
cjwatsonfader|lunch: that's ok, this is a "sometime before jaunty" kind of thing rather than a "right now" kind of thing17:58
cjwatsonjust wanted to float it with you17:58
cr3fader|lunch: I would say more than a week to get proper install reporting17:58
fader|lunchcjwatson: Cool, I'll put it on the List Of Things To Test. :)17:58
fader|lunchcr3: okay, sorry -- I thought that was one of the quick one-offs... my mistake17:58
fader|lunchcr3: (Or maybe I just assumed you'd stop sleeping for a while ;) )17:58
cr3fader|lunch: nah, I need to decouple tests from results during the submission phase for that17:58
cr3fader|lunch: I'm giving up smoking so that I can save 15 minutes a day to implement those features you keep requesting17:59
fader|lunchOkay, sounds like we may just want to do this test by hand for Jaunty then.  I'll look at setting up some scripts to do this and walk through them a few machines at a time.17:59
fader|lunchcr3: :)17:59
cr3fader|lunch: by the way, when you said "adding some reporting around that18:00
cr3fader|lunch: ..., you meant reporting errors during install, right?18:00
fader|lunchcr3: right18:00
cr3fader|lunch: are you bringing up this topic because you found the reason we didn't get test results for 20090319?18:00
fader|lunchcr3: No, unfortunately... I've been on phone calls all morning.  I'm going to dig into that once I get some food in me18:01
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
mrooneyShould bugs in the hardware test be filed against hwtest or checkbox? I assume checkbox?19:27
mrooneyand specifically I also think bug 345548 is a dupe, yes?19:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 345548 in ubuntu "ubuntu system testing tool ignores system proxy settings, and try to submit report via direct connection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34554819:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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