
raistlynyes dreamy00:00
abolethxbox 36000:00
dreamyk ty00:00
Flanneldreamy: Yep.  You'll use a little bit more RAM when they're running (because you have to bring in the kde libs) but yeah.00:00
abolethbut it applies to other ones00:00
raistlynaboleth: i wouldnt know anything about the console emulators00:00
abolethit's not an emulator00:00
ulaelablehow would i go about downloading a file from a remote computer onto my local computer when i am logged in to the remote machine via ssh00:00
dreamyFlannel: ill have the ram back after i close them . . then ?00:00
abolethi'm using an actual xbox 360 controller00:00
Flanneldreamy: Yeah.00:00
abolethit worked until i got the upgrade yesterday00:00
dreamyok cool00:00
aboleththis is a common bug00:00
abolethwith the new version00:01
abolethwith all kinds of controller00:01
raistlynon the xbox itself or on the computer ?00:01
abolethwhy else would i be talking about this here?00:01
abolethi tried fixing it00:01
abolethfollowing this advice:00:01
raistlynlook if your using a controller hooked to a puter and it is for xbox then u need to use the emulator00:01
Jeruvy!enter | aboleth00:01
ubottuaboleth: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:01
abolethno, it used to work00:02
abolethuntil yesterday00:02
abolethbecause i upgraded to 8.1000:02
abolethdid you even read what i said?00:02
raistlyndo u have the emulator installed ?00:02
abolethsorry jeruvy00:02
=== marsha is now known as mdg
aboleththat's irrelevant00:02
raistlynno it is not00:02
abolethyes it is00:02
Dr_WillisIve used my Wii Controller on Linux :P00:02
mdgCan anyone guide me with regard to 8.10 PPC repositories?00:03
abolethi used it before on windows00:03
abolethit was a pain to set up though00:03
abolethbut what would an emulator have to do with ubuntu detecting my controller as a mouse?00:03
Flannelaboleth: You don't need one.  You just install one package and it works.00:04
raistlynaboleth: if u do not think the emulator is not relevant in 8.10 then u need to do some reading00:04
oCean_mdg: ppc? As in PowerPC?00:04
abolethraistlyn: what emulator?00:04
abolethor rather00:04
raistlynflannel: in Ubuntu 8.10 all those packages r in the emulator packages for console games like xbox ps3 sega00:04
mdgFor PPC, from System, Administration, Sources, the download port is listed ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports (no ending slash) - is that why I can't get any PPC packages?00:05
abolethi'm not playing xbox 360 games on my pc00:05
mdgoCean_: Yes PowerPC00:05
oCean_!ppc | mdg00:05
abolethi wasn't even aware there was an xbox 360 emulator00:05
ubottumdg: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:05
abolethisn't that a bit recent for a console emulator??00:05
abolethbut i still fail to see what exactly that has to do with the problem i'm experiencing00:06
raistlynaboleth : looking it up now00:06
raistlynit is synaptics package manager00:06
abolethdo you want some links?00:06
mdgI have ubuntu 8.10 installed on a G4 iMac (lamp-style looking thing) and am having trouble getting the repos coordinated00:06
abolethraistlyn: look at them00:06
oCean_aboleth: really, take it easy on the enter key00:06
Flannel!ppc | mdg00:07
ubottumdg: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:07
abolethsorry everyone about the enter key00:07
Jeruvymdg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42771400:07
mnI need some help with some errors I am having that are not logged in /var/log/syslog.  Is anyone willing to help?00:07
abolethi'm using to typing that way in chat programs00:07
Flannelaboleth: You'll get used to it.00:07
raistlynaboleth: look in cross platform in the package manager00:07
oCean_mn: have you checked /etc/syslog.conf ?00:07
abolethraistlyn: what does that have to do with anything?00:08
mnoCean_:No, just a second00:08
abolethit's not that its not installed00:08
mdgJeruvy: yes, that is what I used to find the iso etc., but am having trouble with the repos00:08
aryah47any way to get XChat to open w my default browser instead of konqueror; I cant seem to see the option?00:08
aryah47*to open links00:08
abolethif the links are correct, then its just that x thinks its a mouse, but x shouldnt have control of it, only hal00:08
oCean_mn: that is where you can set -what you want logged -where and -which level00:08
elli222Can anyone help me with this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/133135/00:09
eternaljoyFlannel: hello champ00:09
abolethi had to blacklist it according to someone on the links, but it didn't work00:09
aboleththat's why i'm here00:09
abolethand there i go again, using enter00:09
wrektjetcan someone assist me installing the drivers on my new computer? the aytorun doesnt function00:09
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stdinmdg: what trouble are you having?00:10
mnI can't remember what it is that I want logged.  It is some driver/hardware interfacing error that occurs at least 70 times during boot.  Last time, it hung at an (initramfs) prompt.00:10
ader10I made a softlink (music/) and I want to delete it. If I do sudo rm -r music/ will the files be removed?00:10
mn@oCean_: ^^00:10
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oCean_mn: yeah, that makes it kinda hard .. not remembering what you want to log :/00:10
stdinader10: probably not, but you don't need the -r option anyway00:10
ader10stdin, thanks00:10
ader10I'll try it00:10
ader10rm: cannot remove `music/': Is a directory00:11
mdgstdin: I've changed my sources.list to reflect the PPC port (ports.ubuntu.com), and removed all references to archive, but synaptic keeps checking them00:11
oCean_ader10: remove the trailing /00:11
ader10-r worked00:11
mnOcean_:Yeah, it said something about a buffer I/O error on /dev/sda4 and it kept giving me the drive/hardware interface error with different IDs00:12
mdgstdin: I don't think synaptic is meshing with my sources list right00:12
stdinmdg: check there are no *.list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and see what "sudo apt-get update" checks00:12
grizzlysmithello I was wondering why there is no libgnomedbmm even though there is libgnomedb where do I request a new package00:12
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riwaMy processor is working at 100%. But when I check my processes they use about 30 % altogether. Could someone/something use a process and hide it somehow?00:12
ader10alright, now here's my small problem: sudo ln -s "/media/storage/My Music/flac/" music/ links to the folder flac inside music, not the contents of flac00:12
elli222root starts processes that normal users cant see00:13
stdingrizzlysmit: file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu00:13
elli222things like init...00:13
elli222but killing inti results in a kernel panic00:13
riwaelli222: ok. thanks00:13
elli222so dont do it!00:13
grizzlysmitstdin: thankyou00:13
ader10elli222, Wrong: ps -e|grep init00:14
mdgstdin: update returned errors for security.ubuntu.com00:14
akincerare there any known issues with networking and/or keyboard/mouse input in 8.1000:14
mdgnothing but medibuntu in sources.list.d00:14
ader10How do I link to the contents of flac/ in music/ instead of having the folder flac/ linked to in music/?00:14
oCean_ader10: I don't get it00:14
ader10oCean_, sudo ln -s "/media/storage/My Music/flac/" music/ will create a folder flac/ inside music/00:15
ader10I just want flac/'s contents inside music00:15
stdinmdg: you need to change security.ubuntu.com to ports.ubuntu.com too00:15
oCean_ader10: what does "ls -al music" list, after you created the link?00:15
mdgstdin: In sources.list or sources.list.d or both?00:15
ader10flac -> /media/storage/My Music/flac/00:15
ader10thanks for ls -al, I didn't know about that earlier xD00:16
elli222nautilus makes links very well00:16
stdinmdg: anywhere where security.ubuntu.com is mentioned00:16
ader10But still, inside music/, there is flac/ instead of flac/'s contents00:16
mdgstdin: Should sources.list.d have more than just medibuntu in it?00:16
oCean_ader10: well, that is correct isn't it? You linked two directories. So do "ls -al flac/"  <-- trailing slash00:16
elli222then link the content of flac to there...00:16
sebsebseb 00:16
stdinmdg: by default it's empty, it just lets you keep groups of repositories separate00:17
ader10oCean_, How do I get flac/'s contents inside of music/?00:17
oCean_ader10: not00:17
mdgstdin: okay, let me go check my sources.list00:17
ader10Such a disappointment :(00:17
oCean_ader10: you create a link to a directory. So when you list that LINK, it will show the link, but00:18
FormodeSo, trying to get MPD to stream to my Icecast... However about a minute after I start MPD my stream stops working... ANy ideas?00:18
oCean_ader10: when you list the LINK/ (trailing slash!) it should list the content of the linked directory00:18
oCean_ader10: ls -al flac -- lists the link (to the actual directory) but ls -al flac/  will list the contents of "/blah/blah/my music/flac"00:19
ader10thanks, oCean_!00:19
ader10I got it :)00:19
ader10It's been a while00:19
oCean_ader10: your welcome.00:19
ader10okay, now, what's your favorite mpd client? :P00:21
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:21
ader10ubotu = not too helpful00:21
LjLi beg to differ.00:22
ader10I'm asking for personal opinions, not what the best is :)00:22
bazhangader10, ask in #ubuntu-bots00:22
eternaljoyFlannel: hello champ00:22
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.00:22
LjLader10: and i'm telling you this is not the appropriate place.00:22
FormodeUbottu = Helpful.00:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Helpful.00:22
bazhangeternaljoy, do you have a support question?00:23
ader10this channel is very different, I got help when I asked today :)00:23
ader10rewind a year, nobody would help00:23
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wrektjetcan someone please help me- i am tryoing to install drivers but none of the cd-rom disks are playing becasue "autorun"program" cannot be found00:24
bernzelli222, (hopefully you're not AFK, sorry for my extremely tardy response) i've looked there, but perhaps i don't know what i'm looking for; i expect to see a shortcut labelled 'Epiphany Web Browser' or somesuch, and there's nothing of the sort there (or any other place on the menu hierarchy)00:24
Formodewrektjet, are you trying to install Windows Drivers that will not work on Linux?00:25
wrektjeti mean the aurorun is an inf file but these drivers should work. they are the drivers that come with my mobo00:25
FormodeSo they are drivers that will not work on linux. :-P00:26
wrektjetthey were hardware compatible as far as i know00:26
basixhello all! can someone please point me to a tool that'll process my apache access logs and produce some interesting results? I'm particularly interested in looking at the queries that are landing people on my pages.00:26
FormodeThey are windows executables, won't work. xD00:26
wrektjetwell the videocard was hardware compatible when i checked00:26
bernzwrektjet, what format are they in? if .dll, .inf, etc, no luck :-(00:26
Formodewrektjet, Windows Drivers do not work on linux. Check the repos for graphic card drivers if you need those.00:26
bernzwrektjet, manufacturers often offer linux drivers for their motherboards at the homesite of the manuf.00:26
wrektjetoh ok thats how it goes00:27
wrektjetfine thank you ill follow up on that i dint realize00:27
wrektjetthanks Formode and bernz00:27
bernzwrektjet, if you have NVidia or ATI (e.g. Radeon), there is a community/manuf co-op driver (i believe)... it works fairly well (i'm using it on ATI Radeon HD2600)00:28
Formodewrektjet, Have a good one. :)00:28
frank_austinhi there. I have a big problem in 8.10 resulting from a restart following the recent updates - my icons have changed and there is no network or clock etc.00:29
solexious_Is it possible to setup a proxy that can throttle the speeds going though it?00:30
bazhangsolexious_, managing bandwidth?00:30
bazhang!info trickle00:30
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (intrepid), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB00:30
wrektjeti have nvidia00:30
solexious_bazhang, Thanks00:31
killindillinHey guys i have one noob of a question could i run ubuntu off an external hard drive00:31
sebsebsebkillindillin: you can00:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about external00:31
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:31
Formodekillindillin, Yeah, you can. You can even use flash drives.00:31
gabrielRHi! I need to set-up a FTP server for a class, and I have a VPS running Ubuntu. I installed vsftpd, it worked, but now I need to create virtual users. But I can't install the package libdb4.4, it says it is not found00:32
killindillinya i knew the flash drive one00:32
sebsebsebkillindillin: I guess you just install it on the external hard disk like you would for an internal00:32
solexious_bazhang, Just what I was looking for :)00:32
bernzwrektjet, okay, there's a thingy called 'envyng' (the 2nd-gen version of 'envy'), which is a sort of "installation wizard" that helps you install the special drivers for nvidia or ATI cards... i'm not recommending it (some people will argue against, for various reasons, and i'm not starting a debate), but visiting the site will give you more info on how to install the drivers manually (or just try some web searching on your driver model)00:32
sebsebsebkillindillin: having a seperate home for an Ubuntu install is a great idea by the way.   don't make your root / partition massive either.  so like 10 to 16GB should be fine.   and 1GB or so swap  is good00:33
FormodeSo, trying to get MPD to stream to my Icecast... However about a minute after I start MPD my stream stops working... ANy ideas?00:33
bernzwrektjet, FWIW, i _did_ use 'envyng' to install for my ATI HD 2600, and i've had no problems so far, though i've had to ref*ckulate the settings on each media player to correct flicker problems, etc00:33
killindillinsebsebseb: thanx for the info00:34
frank_austinIt looks as if the updates have broken my gnome desktop somehow and stuff is not starting up properly - can anyone help?00:34
sebsebsebkillindillin: why external?00:34
gabrielRCan anyone help me getting started installing vsftpd?00:34
killindillini have only 10 gigs left on my 70 gig laptop00:35
mdgstdin: that helped some.  thanks00:35
bernzfrank_austin, do you get to your actual usable desktop, but with various bits of brokenness? or not even to full desktop?00:35
erUSULgabrielR: sudo apt-get install vsftpd00:35
sebsebsebkillindillin: oh right well  a  / with home inside it.  a lot can be done with 10GB  Ubuntu00:35
elli222Guys, i am modifying my /etc/event.d/rc-default. I want to know if this will work. thanks: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/133193/00:35
killindillinand i dont mant to screw my laptop00:35
mdgI'm still trying to download ndiswrapper to I can get an rt73 USB adapter working00:35
frank_austinbernz: I have a useable desktop in different colour and icons.00:35
sebsebsebkillindillin: well  woudn't normalley recommend it, but wubi00:35
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:36
bernzFormode, oh man, your problem sounds pretty "interesting" :-)  have you tried observing the network traffic (presumably, something has disconnected (net-wise))?00:36
gabrielRerUSUL but I need to install libdb4.4 to create virtual users, but it says it is not found00:36
killindillinhey does wubi work on ms vista00:36
sebsebsebkillindillin: normalley it's better to partition a hard disk for real,  and yes it works with VIsrta00:36
elli222find out00:36
killindillink thanx00:36
sebsebsebkillindillin: it puts Ubuntu inside your  VIsta partition00:36
Formodebernz, it's all local, so I don't think anything disconnecting would change anything. >>00:36
frank_austinbernz: when I try to click on preferences | appearance I get "unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'00:36
sebsebsebkillindillin: and then you get the Windows bootloader and Grub00:36
bernzfrank_austin, ah, so your current theme may be "broken" -- perhaps simply selecting a new theme could "fix" it -- this happened to me when i tried to manually install my video card's special driver, then switched to a lower resolution -- suddenly, my theme reverted to some weird old system default00:37
erUSUL!info libdb4.4 | gabrielR00:37
ubottulibdb4.4 (source: db4.4): Berkeley v4.4 Database Libraries [runtime]. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.4.20-11 (intrepid), package size 463 kB, installed size 1064 kB00:37
erUSULgabrielR: it is there00:37
sebsebsebkillindillin: how much RAM in Vista,  because  good for trying, but I woudn't recommend it for long time proper usage, but you can run Ubuntu inside VIsta, if you got enough RAM00:37
frank_austinbernz: I haven't tinkered with the theme - I just installed the latest 8.10 updates.00:37
FormodeUbottu KDE00:37
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde400:37
bernzFormode, okay, so perhaps something in the "chain" is crashing? hmm, actually, is it still streaming, but just "silence"/"zeroes"/etc?00:37
storm-zenI need someone to help me fix my sound.  permanently.  I'm really tired of fixing it and having it go out again.00:38
FormodeBernz, I get a "File not found" error, and the stream cuts out.00:38
sebsebsebstorm-zen: which UBuntu?00:38
gabrielRerUSUL but it says E: Couldn't find package libdb4.4 what am I doing wrong? :(00:38
frank_austinbernz: I'll try installing a new theme...00:38
FormodeBernz, Error logs in state it's a socket Timeout.00:38
elli222Guys, i am modifying my /etc/event.d/rc-default. I want to know if this will work. thanks: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/133193/ PLEASE HELP!00:38
storm-zensebsebseb: Intrepid.00:38
killindillinsebsebseb: i have 1 gig of ram00:38
bernzfrank_austin, i don't know enough about the update process to say whether it could modify your theme/desktop-settings, but... try selecting a new theme anyway and see if it "resets" stuff00:38
erUSULgabrielR: what version of ubuntu ?00:38
sebsebsebkillindillin: yep Ubuntu should work in a virtual machine in Vista,  but Vista as the host hummmm00:38
riwastorm-zen: How do you "fix" it?00:38
Formodekillinkillin, Vista runs on 1 gb of ram?00:39
=== vonkleist_ is now known as vonkleist
killindillinit does00:39
sebsebseb!sound | storm-zen00:39
ubottustorm-zen: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:39
storm-zenriwa: I come on here, and follow the instructions that I'm given until it seems to work.00:39
frank_austinbernz: not having any effect.00:39
gabrielRerUSUL could it be 2.6.18-12-fza-686-bigmem ?00:39
bernzFormode, hmm... well, if it's using TCP, connections can drop even inside a LAN (say by a peer forcibly closing, due to an error)... are there system/app logs for the programs (icecast, etc)? perhaps they will reveal something00:39
storm-zenriwa: Or I go to #alsa, and do the same process.00:39
elli222sebsebseb, Were talking about wubi, not Virtual Machines00:39
tonsofpcswhere can i find the xmms package for hardy00:39
riwastorm-zen: And then it works until you reboot?00:39
frank_austinbernz: the theme is not changing anything which suggests something deeper is broken.00:39
sebsebsebelli222: no I mentioned both things00:39
Formodebernz, thats all the logs said... Socket Timeout. :-/00:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about etc00:39
erUSULgabrielR: do "lsb_release -a"   but00:39
bernzfrank_austin, well, one cheap trick that *might* work is to simply restart the window manager -- make sure all important apps/docs are closed safely, and then CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE (IIRC)00:40
sebsebsebelli222: I was giving him the options for running Ubuntu00:40
killindillinformode: what is a good virtual mahine program00:40
killindillinfor a noob00:40
sebsebsebVirtualbox of course00:40
sebsebsebget the binary from their site00:40
bazhang!xmms | tonsofpcs00:40
ubottutonsofpcs: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.00:40
storm-zensometimes it works after a few reboots and then dies.00:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rc-default00:40
__mikemkillindillin, free would be virtual box, otherwise vmware00:40
sebsebsebkillindillin: or you won't have USB  suppourt00:40
riwastorm-zen: Then I have no idea, sorry.00:40
bernzFormode, so the next question is *who* owns the socket that timed out... (which apps)00:41
_VIM_there's a free vmware too _mikem00:41
gabrielRerUSUL 8.1000:41
tonsofpcsbazhang: that's nice that it's no longer being developed, why did it disappear?00:41
sebsebsebkillindillin: so the closed version instead of open source yeah.   http://www.virtualbox.org00:41
tonsofpcsit should still be in the repo00:41
__mikem_VIM_, yes, but vmware server sucks, and vmware player requires the use of easyvmx or something00:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shadow00:41
erUSULgabrielR: with a 2.6.18 kernel ?? but anyway if its 8.10 the package is there in universe00:41
sebsebsebkillindillin: now as I said wubi and virtualbox  will be good for trying Ubuntu, but then really you should partition a hard disk for real later on for Ubuntu :)00:41
Formodebernz, Hold on trying a new config. :)00:41
bernzfrank_austin, have you done a Web search about "revert" "default" "desktop" "theme" "GNOME" and other such keywords (together especially)?00:42
_VIM_I'll agree _mikem the vmware server's web interface... is horrid :)00:42
elli222Guys, i am modifying my /etc/event.d/rc-default. I want to know if this will work. thanks: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/133193/ PLEASE HELP!00:42
erUSULgabrielR: go to system>Administration>Software Sources make sure universe is enabled on the first tab00:42
frank_austinbernz: I'll try that...00:42
killindillinsebsebseb:and virtual box will work with the latest version of ubuntu00:42
sebsebsebkillindillin: of course00:42
gabrielRerUSUL it seems I can't get any GUI since i'm on a VPS.. how do I do that in command line?00:42
__mikem_VIM_, no, I am talking about how vmware server uses network sockets to serve the display, even if its being served locally00:42
sebsebsebkillindillin: it will run any OS for the PC, well not sure about Hackintosh :D00:42
erUSULgabrielR: check the /etc/apt/sources.list file00:43
storm-zenI also have this problem where anytime a system bell sounds, it dumps the entire Xorg session.00:43
storm-zenAnyone heard of that one?00:43
__mikem_VIM_, this leads to the most horrific graphics performance available in a VM00:43
bernzFormode, sometimes you can adjust settings to make sockets block indefinitely (until an event occurs) and stuff like that... but that's all in the documentation of the app (plus the related RFCs on TCP, UDP, and other common socket stuff)00:43
killindillinsebsebseb:i'm runnin vista right now on my laptop00:43
_VIM___mikem: ah, gotcha00:43
sebsebsebkillindillin: yes, and maybe you don't really need Vista00:43
killindillinno i want vista00:43
sebsebsebkillindillin: why?00:43
killindillini like it00:43
{bosco}i do have one question if i am logged into my vps/deticated server how do i tell that i am actually running a deticted server and that i am not getting a vps when it is supposed to be a deticated00:43
{bosco}i run ubuntu00:44
killindillini grew up with windows00:44
gabrielRerUSUL I have "intrepid main", "intrepid-updates main" and "intrepid-security main"00:44
bernzstorm-zen, that has the sound of a classic 70s hacker tale, but i've never heard of it... can you disable the system bell sound? :-D00:44
frank_austinbernz: google search revealed several threads suggesting dumpint ubuntu because this is 'always' happening with updates :|00:44
sebsebsebkillindillin: ok well I expect a bit more free space can be made, and you can dual boot on that hard disk00:44
storm-zenbernz: No.  Even though I've tried.00:44
erUSULgabrielR: seems you do not have universe.... very weird00:44
killindillinsebsebseb:i dont want to screw with my HDD FOR THE LAST TIME00:45
bernzfrank_austin, oh darn, i just updated this morning!  :-y00:45
=== jay is now known as jayb
gabrielRerUSUL how can I add it?00:45
bernzthen again, i haven't noticed any issues (so i guess i was just lucky)00:45
frank_austinbernz: It only happened after restarting00:45
sebsebsebkillindillin: maybe put on the external then.   altough  being able to run two OS's at the same time is pretty damn sweet so yeah virtual machine.00:45
_VIM_haha sebsebseb stop beating dead horses!00:45
storm-zenbernz: Closest I can get is to do use gTerm... it has an option to stop the system bells.  Unfortunately, I keep finding other places where the system bell is used... ... like when something isn't found on a web page when searching for text...00:46
bernzfrank_austin, ahhh -- i didn't have to restart (probably i wasn't running enough applications to lock any system files that might need replacement)00:46
frank_austinbernz: I restarted because firefox wouldn't open a new window after the updates.00:46
sebsebseb_VIM_: heh indeed I guess00:46
erUSULgabrielR: add this twoo lines. deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid universe00:46
erUSULdeb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates universe00:46
tonsofpcscan someone suggest a media player that has a built in pan feature?00:46
erUSULgabrielR: you do not have those lines comented out ? in the file?00:46
killindillinsebsebseb: thank you but how big a usb drive i need to run ubuntu00:46
bernzstorm-zen, yeah, it would need to be some kind of system-wide setting... so... is it maybe the app/daemon that's trying to actually play the sound (which i expect is a digitized file, not the actual PC speaker)?00:47
sebsebsebkillindillin: Flash Stick or external hard disk?00:47
killindillinflash stick00:47
sebsebsebkillindillin: a default install of Ubuntu takes up about 1GB00:47
gabrielRerUSUL no not at all00:47
bernzfrank_austin, have you restarted since? maybe something "missed" during the update, but will be caught the second time 'round (i've used windows too long :-)00:47
storm-zenbernz: Pretty sure that it's the speaker.  .. the beep is the last thing I hear before everything goes black...00:47
killindillinWOW ubuntu only takes one gig!!!!!00:47
sebsebsebyep a default install about 1GB00:48
_VIM_actually that's a lot compared to most distros00:48
frank_austinbernz: yes, I tried restarting straight away.00:48
storm-zenbernz: And it happens on console, mostly, when the window flashes...00:48
_VIM_some are 50 megs or less00:48
killindillini couldnt put knoppix on a 4 gig flash drive00:48
sebsebseb_VIM_: ha ha sure if it's puppy linux or damn small linux00:48
bernzstorm-zen, do you have "fancy" graphics on?00:48
mdgAnyone have any luck installing rt73USB wifi adapter with serial monkey driver?00:48
_VIM_well a distro is a distro :P00:48
sebsebsebkillindillin: 4GB flash drive perfect00:48
storm-zenbernz: Yes.  Why would that affect the system bell?00:48
sebsebsebkillindillin: ,but you can't have all the  rather good Linux stuff00:48
sebsebsebkillindillin: no point bother with Kubuntu as well for example, since the lack of space00:49
killindillinsebsebseb : like what?00:49
sebsebsebhell loads of choice with Linux00:49
sebsebsebloads of great apps00:49
bernzstorm-zen, well, if it's using "fancy" stuff to flash/fade the console (along with the bell), maybe there's a bug in the driver, which is caught by an exception handler, which just bails (and takes X with it)00:49
bernzstorm-zen, (of course, that's just a wild guess, but -- try turning off fancy effects and see if that has a positive effect?)00:50
storm-zenbernz: Ah.  That's a reasonable interpretation.00:50
sebsebsebkillindillin: I think   a  dynamically expanding  Virtualbox VM is a good idea00:50
skylwhy does iptables -L take a long time to return?00:50
storm-zenskyl: Did you use sudo?00:50
kaistahi anyone have an idea why my keyboard would not work on an ubuntu install, worked on setup obviously and first boot then stopped working however i can ctrl alt del to shutdown  still00:50
bernzstorm-zen, i'm keen to find out the result if you're able to test it reasonably soon  :-)00:50
sebsebsebkillindillin: it won't take up that much space on your hard disk,  unless you start putting loads of big data in to it00:51
skylstorm-zen yes, I am timing it right now00:51
sebsebsebkillindillin: yeah Linux programs take up hardly any space, unlike Windows programs00:51
kaistasorry not install, just stopped working second time round00:51
storm-zenOk, bernz.00:51
killindillinsebsebseb:those programs u said could i fit some of them and ubuntu on a 16 gig flashdrive00:51
sebsebsebkillindillin: yep you can do it all on that00:51
skyl40.48 seconds00:51
killindillincause costco had a great deal on them00:51
ader108.10 has pulseaudio by default, correct?00:51
frank_austinbernz: I'm trying a complete gnome configuration reset by moving the config dirs...00:52
skylI am using jaunty, does this have bearing, shout I ask in +1?00:52
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:52
_VIM_ader10: yep00:52
randalwhats the newest version of wine anyone know00:52
chronicwhats the best linux pdf reader?00:52
kaistahi anyone have an idea why my keyboard would not work on an ubuntu at login?, worked on setup obviously and first boot then stopped working however i can ctrl alt del to shutdown and it shuts down00:52
sebsebsebkillindillin: to be honest I don't like KDE4 that much, which is the only KDE in 8.10  hardy heron has  KDE3 and 4 as options :)  KDE 3 :d00:52
skylJaunty has not caused me any problems for the month I have been on it and it is def. the best ubuntu experience I have had yet00:53
storm-zenrandal: You can probably find that on #wine?00:53
bernzfrank_austin, that sounds interesting... take your time, and make backups as necessary ;-)00:53
storm-zen.. or not.00:53
randalstorm-zen:  theres no one on that channel00:53
killindillink thanx00:53
frank_austinrandal: use vmware rather than wine - I've found it much more reliable.00:53
randalfrank_austin: vmware is a emulator00:53
bernzfrank_austin, are you forcing the config to be "missing" in the hopes of GNOME creating default configs for you, or do you have a "default set" available?00:53
randalfrank_austin:  wine is not a emulator and can you even play games on vmware00:54
frank_austinbernz: I'm hoping on the basis of http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/00:54
bernzfrank_austin, oh good to hear about vmware -- i've been thinking about how to run old windows stuff like eeprom burners which only work on win32... i wasn't decided, but i keep hearing votes for vmware. cheers00:54
frank_austinrandal: I play starcraft on it no problem and run photoshop and stuff like that.00:54
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_VIM_frank_austin: that site is 2 years old :/00:54
bernzfrank_austin, ah, very nice -- a good one for the log (EVERYTHING YOU SAY AND DO IS BEING RECORDED).  :-D00:55
_VIM_that post rather00:55
mdgFor PPC, I need to upgrade the "headers" to 2.6.26-2-powerpc - how to check and how do I upgrade?00:55
frank_austinrandal: its very cool just launching a windows pc for the purpose and performance is good so long as you aren't running anything else.00:55
bernzfrank_austin, (be sure to post the link again with a comment saying "this works, easy as pie, totally legit!" or something similar, so others searching the log will benefit ;-)00:55
Prettoany udev master here?00:55
frank_austinbernz: hmm -  I should have checked the age of the info. At least I kept the files ;)00:56
porter1There's always virtualbox as well if you don't like Vmware00:56
sebsebsebkillindillin: 8.04 is long term suppourt also.  and not that much difference between 8.10 and 8.04.   with the next Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu at the end of April.  have you had Ubuntu installed before?   well you have the  options now.  so  do what you you want to do,  and that can be for trying.  Then you could do a more proper  long term install once Jaunty is out.   That's my suggestion.00:56
bernzPretto, nope, but i'd like to learn about it too -- i have an NVidia MCP51 USB 2.0 controller that is "hiding" from Linux00:56
bernzfrank_austin, yeah, good deal! smart move00:56
bernzfrank_austin, if you still have your "desktop" CD, you could run it "live", then steal its X config, copy it to your hard drive (mount it temporarily in the live session -- don't forget to unmount safely before restart!)00:57
storm-zenbernz.. ok.. enabled system bell..00:57
Prettobernz, maybe this link could help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16822100:57
ader10http://pastebin.com/m42e69c14 MPD can't output audio00:57
frank_austinok http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/ works to reset the theme BUT does not fix the problem - now I have the right theme but with the same stack of errors - volume control has quite unexpectedly, panel encountered problem while loading clock applet - no network00:58
frank_austinhttp://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/ also sheds all your customer menus, icons etc. in the panels00:59
_VIM_frank_austin: as i said 5 mins ago, that post is 2 years old, maybe look for a more up-to-date one01:00
killindillinsebsebseb: i maybe can do that but with a longterm installation do mean i take virtual box and just be able to run two oses at the same time or dual boot01:00
frank_austin_VIM_: fair point but I don't think reseting the theme is addressing the real problem.01:00
sebsebsebkillindillin: I mean use 8.10 for trying things01:00
sebsebsebkillindillin: then do 9.04  for a real proper long term install01:01
bernzPretto, it sounds like my problem is slightly "deeper" in the system (no kernel messages even during plug/unplug events, although the same USB device on my working controllers (on expansion card) *do* print kernel messages for events)01:01
sebsebsebkillindillin: and I assume by the time that's released Ext4 will be good enough to use as the file system instead of Ext301:01
bernzPretto, but that's a great link nonetheless -- i'm definitely going to read that post and try stuff out with some of my weirder USB devices01:02
fearfulWhen I login to a root ftp using connect to server all I see is a readme.txt saying that I need to cd how can I see my folders?01:02
killindillinand when u say long term u mean i will be using it like all the time but i kcan be running it of virtual box01:02
Prettobernz, ok, i wish you luck01:02
sebsebsebkillindillin: I mean long term, the one you don't re install. the one you just upgrade to  newer versions01:02
anom01ydoes anyone here know how I can connect to a shared printer in XP with ubuntu (cups) ? they are both connected to the same router01:02
sebsebsebkillindillin: Vista as the host hummmmm.   really it should be the other way round, but I don't think that's possible with only 1GB RAM01:03
storm-zenbernz: Ok... disabling desktop effects did not work.  Neither did uninstalling compiz, though, I did notice that did not remove the visual effects tab...01:03
bernzPretto, thanks, and you the same -- one place you might also want to check (which i will soon) is the USB developers' mailing list (can't remember the name, but search for "greg kroah-hartman", a USB wizard -- he'll link to the list for sure)01:03
peepsalotis there any simple audio recording app that "just works"?  i have always had trouble using audacity to record.01:03
pauldavidv3hey guys I have this wusb54gcsv2 that I tried to ndis the win drivers and the damn thing still wont work anybody have any solutions for this stupid thing?01:03
stefanohow do i request a password reminder email from freenode?01:03
killindillinsebsebseb: oh you mean a dual boot right and i just update the os like vista right.01:03
sebsebsebkillindillin: the host OS the one that is on the hard disk for real.  and the guest the one that is in the vm01:03
Prettobernz, thank you very much01:04
killindillinya vista came preinstalled01:04
sebsebsebkillindillin: a proper partitioned dual boot  would be good once 9.04 is out.  and also with Ext4 as the file system instead of Ext3, if it is indeed stable enough by then.01:04
killindillinso i'm pretty much srewed then01:04
bernzstorm-zen, too bad :-( might as well reinstall compiz, though :-) does sound work okay with other applications, like a media player?01:04
storm-zenstefano: Try #help01:04
storm-zenbernz: Well.. right now sound just hisses at me...01:04
=== stefano is now known as stefano-palazzo
storm-zen... and then if I make a mistake that triggers a system bell, the whole desktop flushes...01:05
bernzstorm-zen, white noise? or stuck in a small loop?01:05
storm-zenbernz: Could be either...01:05
sebsebsebkillindillin: Wubi or  virtual machines of Ubuntu,  are good for trying,  but  for a proper install   it's best to partition the hard disk for real01:05
XeKtRuMmi rc.local isnt running01:05
fearfulWhen I login to a root ftp using connect to server all I see is a readme.txt saying that I need to cd how can I see my folders?01:05
XeKtRuMwhat could it be01:05
freeksh0w86Can someone help me get Flash to work after killing pulseaudio? I had to kill pulseaudio for Audacity to work. But I still need Flash sound to work. Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit01:05
storm-zenbernz: The dogs are probably running away... it's real high pitched...01:05
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grim76sup people01:06
bernzstorm-zen, can you uninstall your sound drivers? (i've never tried that, so i don't know how involved it is) -- in the meantime, turn your volume down ;-)01:06
killindillinsebsebseb: okay i get you now i can run the currant ubuntu off a thumb drive then when the new one comes out i partition and all that stuff???....right01:06
mattgyver83Im trying to make a backup of a game that I have however when i put the disc in the drive it doesnt automatically mount it.  Its a DVD, any ideas?01:06
sebsebsebkillindillin: yes01:06
killindillintahnk you01:06
killindillinthank you *01:06
sebsebsebkillindillin: once 9.04 is out,  put it on the hard disk properly01:06
bernzstorm-zen, if you uninstall your sound drivers (ALSA, JACK, etc), and it fixes the problem, then when you reinstall, check each time you add a new "piece", and you might find the culprit01:06
sebsebsebkillindillin: also I expect OS's run quicker from the internal hard disk01:07
killindillinahhhhhhhh....my keyboard is spazzing out01:07
bernzstorm-zen, (i mean when you reinstall the sound systems)01:07
ludditei cant hibernate ubuntu whilst virtualbox is running a winxpp vm.01:07
sebsebsebkillindillin: you shoudn't use your internal hard disk as the major storage device, and so you should have data on extenral hard disk.  and both even for data you want to make sure to never lose01:07
=== _VIM_ is now known as [-VIM-]
bernzstorm-zen, i understand if you're unwilling to try that, because it *is* a lot of fuss01:08
storm-zenbernz: Uninstalling pulseaudio looks like it will uninstall ubuntu-desktop01:08
freeksh0w86Can I get Flash audio to work with pulseaudio somehow? I need both Audacity AND Youtube to have fully working sound at the moment.01:08
dimitreeHow do i get the iconv library ? AM_ICONV: command not found ?01:08
binarymutantwhen I run debdiff I keep getting gpg errors, how can I fix this?01:09
alecwh_dEvery time I login, I need to do a 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in order to get my wifi card working. Is there a way to fix this so it will automatically work when I turn on my computer?01:09
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore01:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opensparc01:10
bernzstorm-zen, in that case, maybe it's too annoying/difficult/annoyingly difficult to "reset" the whole sound system; maybe we could figure out the path the terminal takes to the speakers (i.e. identify the sound system being used, and look more closely at it)01:10
sebsebsebkillindillin: virtual machines are pretty  damn interesting, and so for trying Ubuntu for your first time with 8.10,   even though Vista is the host,  I would recommend doing Ubuntu like that.     if Vista was the guest,  you could just copy it  like a normal OS file.  and delete it like one as well.  so if a virus for example, just use a clean backup copy01:10
bernzalecwh_d, there is... you want to learn about "run levels", and the '/etc/init.d/' magical directory hierarchy01:10
frank_austinI wish there was an undo button for updates!01:10
killindillinsebsebseb:ok your saying that i can keep vista and its data on the hdd then put all my important stuff on a cd or flash drive and put ubuntu on the hdd  then its files on a external hdd01:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:11
flatcokeIs there anyway to restore or repair your wireless drivers? I screwed up mine and can't get it back to it's working state. eth1 is lost!01:11
sebsebsebkillindillin: I am saying you can make some more space, by  moving data off your internal hard disk yeah01:11
alecwh_dbernz: i'll check it out, is there a quick way to do it?01:11
killindillink now i get u01:11
bernzalecwh_d, basically, when your computer starts, it goes through various "run levels", which are "how much you can interact with it" in most systems, so on one of the lower levels, you could add a command to its start script to launch your custom thingy (e.g. modprobe or whatever)01:11
WizMedicIt works! new to ubuntu and got xchat to work.01:11
JanneJM2I'm unable to install 8.10 amd64 version on a Dell Precision with NVIDIA Quadro graphics. The install CD boots at first (with the progress bar graphic), but drops into a console. Running "startx" just gives me "Fatal server error: no screens found". The graphics cards are listed when I do "lspci".01:11
sebsebsebkillindillin: altough it depends what kind of data you have really, because if you only got  small files01:11
freeksh0w86Why can't Audacity and youtube vids just share the sound device instead of fighting over it?01:12
killindillinimportant stuff on a cd and crud can stay on hdd01:12
killindillinthus freeing stuff up01:12
bernzalecwh_d, if you poke around in '/etc/init.d/', you'll quickly see the general structure; then edit the appropriate 'rc' file as root (use sudo on your editor), and find a good spot... these scripts are shell-like, so if you know shell scripts (like batch files), you'll see the spot to put your command soon)01:12
schnauzerfreeksh0w86: what version of audacity do you have?01:12
alecwh_dbernz: thanks01:13
alecwh_da lot!01:13
sebsebsebkillindillin: well  for a dual boot.  you need to make your self.  well  you do the maths :D   ,but  the  Ubuntu / partition should be like 16GB.    a 1GB swap partition.  and a seperate home partition that is a few GB's or more.01:13
bernzalecwh_d, no worries01:13
freeksh0w86schnauzer: the version that is in the default repos of Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit01:13
sebsebsebkillindillin: you don't even know what I mean by those yet?01:13
AnyaJthis might sound like a dumb question, but when installing libraries, where is the typical place to install them if many people will be accessing them?01:13
AnyaJi mean many users01:13
sebsebsebkillindillin: / is  where Ubuntu and all it's programs go01:13
killindillinsebsebseb:i know what u mean but what is swap01:14
sebsebsebkillindillin: swap is virtual memory,  hard disk space, that it will use as if it were RAM, if it's needed01:14
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:14
bernzalecwh_d, on my desktop intrepid, i have '/etc/init.d/rc' -- that's not necessarily *the* best file to use, but it's close, and maybe okay -- the experts can make a call here if they are at their keyboards :-)01:15
sebsebsebkillindillin: have you tried Ubuntu from the Live CD or something already?01:15
cactaurDoes gdebi come with Intrepid?01:15
Luksoralgum programador python?01:15
[-VIM-]!info gdebi01:15
schnauzerfreeksh0w86: That's odd, I don't have any problems with audacity & fighting over sound...01:15
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.13 (intrepid), package size 31 kB, installed size 228 kB01:15
killindillinno i was goin to try knoppix first01:15
killindillinsee if i like linux01:15
freeksh0w86schnauzer: whoah this is odd... audacity FINALLY let me select Alsa: default as the output and that worked lol01:15
sebsebsebkillindillin: you run the ISO's of Live CD's inside Virtualbox instead of burning to CD, by the way01:15
alecwh_dbernz: looking through the file, it looks like code... while I can follow the logical structure, where should I put my command?01:16
bernzAnyaJ, i think '/usr/lib' is the place01:16
sebsebsebkillindillin: Knoppix is a nice Live CD distro, but  for  a proper distro  Ubuntu is a great one01:16
freeksh0w86All I can say... PulseAudio will never be as l33t as ALSA or DirectSound and killing its process is the best solution :/01:16
killindillini probly will like it because linux is half command promt and half desktop....right??01:16
schnauzerfreeksh0w86: maybe that's what I did... I remember I changed some sort of configuration to get it to behave, just couldn't remember what it was01:16
killindillinya i know bout knoppix j01:16
bernzAnyaJ, and of course, a subdir of "your own" in there, not just right in '/usr/lib'... or... maybe just right in there... i dunno :-) you can read up about the "standard linux file system hierarchy" or something similar (maybe 'unix' in place of 'linux' in the previous)01:17
sebsebsebkillindillin: that depends on the distro, but yes  the shell (terminal) is very powerful  in Linux01:17
AnyaJthanks bernz i will.01:17
killindillinya like msdos and half xp right???01:17
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:17
bernzalecwh_d, well, you want to find the runlevel that will be probably "before" X starts (usually that's a high number), and you want it there for your "command line only" level (single-user, i think it's called)01:17
sebsebsebheh even ubottu says it's very powerful :d01:18
frank_austinbernz: I'm still really stuck because although the basic desktop comes up there is no network etc. It seems like something is stopping part way through starting all of the usual services.01:18
bernzalecwh_d, so maybe level 2 or 3... take a look at whatever handles those01:18
ader10I can't install mpd. Please help. http://pastebin.com/m66090cce01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl01:18
sebsebsebkillindillin: Ubuntu  can be  GUI GUI GUI GUI,  or it can be comands commands commands commands01:18
sebsebsebkillindillin: or a mixture of both01:18
bernzfrank_austin, hmm... well, i had lots of wifi network problems in kubuntu on my laptop, but that was a few releases ago (probably 6 or 7)01:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microcode01:19
sebsebsebkillindillin: other distros, are mainly about commands01:19
bernz(erm, probably release numbers 6 or 7)01:19
bernzalecwh_d, i'm going to look at my 'rc'...01:19
oh_noesWhats the difference between compiz, and using 'Extra' effects in Apperance tab?01:19
diguinhohi. anyone know why I'm selecting New York on the clock but it's saying EDT instead of EST01:19
killindillinsebsebseb:thank you.....so i can run command line...command line with desktop with command line as more of a priority...or i can have half and half01:20
lstarnesdiguinho: it is eastern daylight time during daylight savings time01:20
alecwh_dbernz: gah, I'm looking. I really should invest more time in learning linux directory structure.01:20
sebsebsebkillindillin: we got  newbie friendly  distros,  where  they have graphical installers and  nice graphical programs.   then  text based installer distros with  a lot of commandline as well.01:20
diguinhobut I want to know EST hour01:20
diguinhonot EDT01:20
lstarnesdiguinho: EDT - 101:20
sebsebsebkillindillin: well Ubuntu calls it the terminal, but the more hardcore Linux people will call it The Shell01:20
bastiader10, google the error and you will find thsi: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio#For_Distros_where_PulseAudio_output_is_broken01:20
JanneJM2Anyone? I'm unable to install 8.10 amd64 version on a Dell Precision with NVIDIA Quadro graphics. The install CD boots at first (with the progress bar graphic), but drops into a console. Running "startx" just gives me "Fatal server error: no screens found". The graphics cards are listed when I do "lspci".01:20
bernzalecwh_d, yes, once you get a few important branches "inside your head", things go much smoother/faster :-)01:20
diguinhoi never know if -1 gmt count clockwise or counter01:21
frank_austinbernz: yes, well... this was an upgrade that has caused a theme ?reset and seems to have prevented a lot of my startup programs from running, including the network manager. Strangely tomboy notes come up fine so its got a fair way down the list.01:21
bernzalecwh_d, near the end of the file is a 'rc.boot' mentioned... maybe that's the ticket?01:21
diguinhois it summer time in NY?01:21
lstarnesdiguinho: it is01:21
bastiader10, i mean this http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio#For_Distros_where_PulseAudio_access_rights_are_broken01:21
sebsebsebkillindillin: software is much quicker to install  in Ubuntu with commands, but  there is also a rather nice  Synaptic Package Manager which is graphical01:21
killindillinsebsebseb: i know that...but i'm a linux noob....and a windows geek...so explain it to me as a noob01:21
alecwh_dbernz: maybe I should put the command in the /etc/rc.boot file?01:21
bernzfrank_austin, i wouldn't depend on order in the list to tell you anything solid about what's going wrong (but that's just my gut)01:21
Sagacispring time01:22
bernzalecwh_d, precisely, that might get executed on every boot -- just what you want01:22
andrewfreeIm trying to get an email server working but the telnet part is being weird! I cant tell why it only works one way http://www.grabup.com/uploads/3630815f1ca8d97e093b821f894794ad.png?direct01:22
ader10basti: thank you (I was searching but didn't come across that)01:22
bernzalecwh_d, what i might also do is some research on this "rc.boot" -- is it a typical/common file on 'nix systems, etc?01:22
sebsebsebkillindillin:  think of add or remove programs in Windows.  Now imagine if you could search for programs in it that you wanted to install.   Then were able to just  say that you wanted to install them, and it downloaded and installed it for you.   There it was on the menu,   you didn't have to run an installer.   Well that's what you get with Synaptic Package Manager.01:22
bernzalecwh_d, you might even do 'man rc.boot' for more info01:22
ader10basix: It doesn't work.01:23
frank_austinbernz: ok, I'll see if its something there...01:23
alecwh_dbernz: thanks a lot!01:23
sebsebsebkillindillin: the terminal for example:  sudo apt-get install  programname  and  it just downloads it off the server and installs it for you,  and there it is in the menu.  ,but menus?   you don't need a menu to open programs,  just  put the name of it in the terminal  press enter and it opens01:23
diguinho21:00 EDT is 20:00 EST ?01:23
lstarnesdiguinho: yes01:23
nightrid3randrewfree: your smtp is listening only to edit the conf01:23
andrewfreenightrid3r: /etc/ what one?01:24
bernzsebsebseb, it's kinda like a One True Download Website for great apps, with no spam, no BS, no dead links, no ads, and tested, working, actively-developed software!  holy crap! :-D01:24
nightrid3randrewfree: depends on the smtpd01:24
killindillinsebsebseb,thank you.....thank u...thank u....3/4 of you guys i cant undestand.01:24
andrewfreenightrid3r: Postfix01:24
bernz(and most importantly, not dependent on a web browser)01:24
killindillinbernz, thank u01:24
sebsebsebkillindillin: yep thousands of packages (programs are called packages in Linux)  you can get just like that01:24
alex-weejAnyaJ: .01:24
sebsebsebkillindillin: websites lol,  only for stuff that isn't in the repo,  but not much of that you will want to run anyway01:25
nightrid3randrewfree: /etc/postfix/postfix.conf01:25
bernzalecwh_d, okay, if that works -- maybe post a blurb about it here (for the log, and searchers) -- saying how you fixed your problem :-)01:25
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:25
killindillincool no more bs01:25
alecwh_dbernz: okay!01:25
frank_austinbernz: it looks like the latest 8.10 updates have seriously broken something. When I try to launch nm-applet at the command line I get 'libnssutil3.so.1d: cannot open...01:25
bernzkillindillin, yeah, no worries -- i felt like a kid in a candy store the first time i ran 'Add/Remove' :-D01:25
andrewfreenightrid3r: Its blank!! wtf01:26
sebsebsebkillindillin: yes and did you read it or someone tell you?  no viruses or spyware or  any of that either.  well they can make for LInux, but you have to know what your doing  to instal it.  or  have no firewall. and a really bad  password01:26
bernzfrank_austin, well, it'll be painful, but you can reinstall the missing libs one by one until things are back to normal... use synaptic if it's still working01:26
sebsebsebkillindillin: ever been in the Windows registry messing around?    how boring and tedicious yes?01:26
nightrid3randrewfree: /etc/postfix/main.cf01:27
frank_austinbernz: with no network that is a tad tricky01:27
killindillinkind of01:27
frank_austinbernz: trying for a CD...01:27
bernzfrank_austin, if X is too busted, use 'aptitude' from a terminal01:27
sebsebsebkillindillin: home is like  a cross between,  my documents, program files,   and the windows registry, but done right  as user data files for programs in  hidden .folders01:27
bernzfrank_austin, don't forget to 'sudo'01:27
BagualasI have a asus g2s and all my sound isnt working... just the top speakers... what can that be? please help!01:27
nightrid3randrewfree: http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html01:27
killindillinbrb got to go google something01:28
sebsebsebkillindillin: so let's say your using Firefox and your profile has gone wrong.  you could just delete the .mozilla folder and  it would be like you had a clean install  again of Firefox01:28
AnyaJi'm trying to get lesstif on my system01:28
frank_austinbernz: thanks... back soon.01:28
bernzfrank_austin, oh, right -- argh... well... if you still have your install CD, you can tell some package managers/libs (e.g. apt) to get sources from the CD, and avoid the network01:28
AnyaJhow do i know which of the packages i need?01:28
AnyaJin the repositories, that is01:28
sebsebsebAnyaJ: depends what you want to do, which is?01:28
AnyaJuse the lesstif library01:28
[-VIM-]sebsebseb: or just run firefox in terminal with -ProfileManger switch :)01:28
bernzAnyaJ, use 'synaptic' and it will auto-dependency for you01:29
AnyaJbernz, where do i do that?01:29
AnyaJin terminal?01:29
frank_austinbernz: is there an easy way I can lookup which package supplies libnssutil3.so.1d?01:29
bernzAnyaJ, in the System | Administration menu01:29
bernzAnyaJ, there's 'Synaptic Package Manager'01:29
andrewfreenightrid3r: Nope..  oem@freekbox:/etc/postfix$ ls01:29
andrewfreedynamicmaps.cf  main.cf  master.cf  postfix-files  postfix-script  post-install  sasl01:29
AnyaJsebsebseb, there's lesstif2 lesstif2-dev, lesstif-bin, one for fortran, one for gfortran01:29
AnyaJbernz, i'm in there01:29
bernzAnyaJ, use the search widget to whittle down the list, find your target, and pick install type01:29
nightrid3randrewfree: main.cf is there01:30
sebsebsebbernz: why teaching him/her the slow way?01:30
sebsebsebbernz: it seems they want to use the commandline01:30
AnyaJbernz, but the problem is knowing which one i need01:30
Bagualaswhy ubuntu isnt reproducing sound in all the speakers of my notebook?01:30
AnyaJthank you sebsebseb01:30
Bagualasjust in the front ;(01:30
AnyaJfinally, sebsebseb an equal opportunity genderizer01:30
abacanwould someone help me about how to separate debug info from executable?01:30
sebsebsebAnyaJ: :)  yeah thought you were a woman01:30
sebsebsebAnyaJ: by the name01:30
alex-weejAnyaJ: as with all debian library packages, libBLA is the actual compiled library used by depending programs, libBLA-dev is the source headers you NEED to compile stuff against it, and libBLA-bin is auxiliary executables to go with it.01:30
bernzsebsebseb, well, i figure most users start with the desktop and migrate to the shell when they get more familiar with the system :-)01:31
AnyaJheh heh alex-weej !!!01:31
AnyaJthanks =)01:31
sebsebsebAnyaJ: sudo aptitude programname   also deals with dependancies better than apt-get01:31
AnyaJalex-weej, do i need bin01:31
sebsebsebbernz: true, but they were in the terminal asking about it, so they must know something01:31
bernzAnyaJ, oh, i see -- what alex-weej said :-D01:31
bernzsebsebseb, fair enough01:32
alex-weejAnyaJ: unlikely.01:32
hajmolawill ibex be upgraded to gnome 2.26?01:32
alex-weejhajmola: yes01:32
AnyaJthanks so much, alex-weej i think i know what i need01:32
alex-weejhajmola: no.01:32
AnyaJand thanks for getting me off of manual installation.  i'm always for learning where i am screwing up01:32
alex-weejhajmola: code names confuse me, sorry :P01:32
Plasmonneed help, i was using partition magic, deleted my ubuntu partition so i could merge 2 ntfs partitions and now my grub partition is gone, not just grub itself01:32
bernzfrank_austin, so, in that case, you can use stuff like 'apt-get install' and 'apt-get remove' to install and remove packages01:32
alex-weejAnyaJ: manual inst is something ex-windows users think they need to do01:32
[-VIM-]"will gnome be upgraded" would be more accurate of a question01:32
bernzfrank_austin, and too adjust its sources (to avoid network, and use CD), there's a file at... (looking)01:33
andrewfreenightrid3r: im reading but I still dont know how to allow others to access it01:33
sebsebsebAnyaJ: Synaptic can be good at times, but it's so slow compared to the commands01:33
bernzfrank_austin, /etc/apt/sources.list01:33
hajmolaalex-weej: oh that's ok... so jaunty (9.04) will come with 2.2601:33
bernzfrank_austin, you can read about that (probably in manual) for details01:33
nightrid3randrewfree: change to the ip of the box01:33
alex-weejhajmola: yes, it already has it01:33
AnyaJalex-weej, why do they think they need to do that01:33
alex-weejAnyaJ: because that is what they are used to doing01:33
AnyaJalex-weej, is there any value in it... honestly?01:34
alex-weejAnyaJ: no01:34
andrewfreenightrid3r: I cant find that in the main conf file I have this thou.. "mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/12801:34
AnyaJcontrol over the situation maybe?01:34
[-VIM-]synaptic is good for searching, terminal is better for installing something you already know, of course you can search with terminal too 'apt-cache search xchat' for example01:34
nightrid3randrewfree: mynetworks = all01:35
AnyaJsebsebseb, so if i go to synaptic, and then i get what i want , and go to terminal and type say.... sudo apt-get install lesstif2-dev.... will all the dependencies be installed along with it?01:35
FlannelAnyaJ: Yes01:35
bernzsebsebseb, beware of the "command line is the best, so anyone not using it is "wrong"" monster ;-)01:35
alex-weejAnyaJ: but you can do it all within synaptic...01:36
alex-weejAnyaJ: if you know what you need to do you can do it quicker with apt-get/aptitude command line01:36
sebsebsebbernz: yeah well I open up synaptic for stuff I am not sure the name of :d  ok sure I know there is some command to find out, but anyway01:36
AnyaJalex-weej, thanks01:36
AnyaJok i'm ready to reinstall everything =)01:36
GeorgeAScotthow do i fix "libraul.so.2: cannot open shared object file"  trying to run patchage...01:36
bernzsebsebseb, i completely agree that command-line with expertise is best, but it takes most users a long time to be "comfortable" with it ;-)01:36
trinidad_i have a question. I am running ubuntu 8.10 dual booted with vista.  last night i whiped out my vista partition and resized it then reinstalled vista business.  everything went fine with that.  my question is when i reinstalled the grub via the live disk i now have two initrd.img and 2 vimlinz one of each was renamed to .old can i delete those old files?01:36
AnyaJbut i still think manual installation is imminent if your repositories don't contain your library, alex-weej01:37
alex-weejAnyaJ: no, just backport the deb01:37
AnyaJcrap more terminology!01:37
alex-weejAnyaJ: ;)01:37
nightrid3rtrinidad_: if all works then yes01:37
bernzsebsebseb, and i've learned over the years that people always stop me and say "wait, gearhead, you're getting too technical", so i've adjusted my approach accordingly  ;-=)01:37
alex-weejAnyaJ: you basically just get the source PACKAGE for e.g. jaunty 9.04 (not the original .tar.gz) and rebuild it for 8.1001:38
bernz(anyway :-)01:38
alex-weejAnyaJ: most of the time it works fine01:38
trinidad_thank you i was not sure if i could is there anything else that i will have to do when i do that01:38
alex-weejAnyaJ: and you can then just deploy that .deb file01:38
Flannelbernz, sebsebseb: absolutely nothing wrong with explaining how to use synaptic.  For most people, it does exactly what they need, and terminal commands don't offer much, if any, benefits.01:38
AnyaJalex-weej, but WHY?01:39
AnyaJthat sounds like unnecessary extra work01:39
alex-weejAnyaJ: it's less work, actually.01:39
andrewfreenightrid3r: Stlll not working01:40
nightrid3randrewfree: restart postfix01:40
andrewfreealready did that01:40
AnyaJalex-weej, you said: libcoin60 is in 9.04, but... are y ou suggesting i do with it what you just said?01:40
bernzalex-weej, i guess not all people are familiar with building from source yet ;-)01:40
AnyaJbernz alex-weej is it really SAFE to do that??01:41
alex-weejyes. most of the time the only reason it isn't in older versions is because it hasn't been requested01:41
FlannelAnyaJ: It is safe (assuming the source doesn't have bugs)01:41
bernzit's totally safe to do that, AnyaJ, yes01:41
Flannel!prevu | AnyaJ01:41
ubottuAnyaJ: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details01:41
AnyaJis it something worth learning?01:41
alex-weejooh didn't know about prevu. that sounds cool.01:41
FlannelAnyaJ: just use prevu.  It does all the heavy lifting for you.01:41
nightrid3randrewfree: try rplaceing ALL with your actual ip01:41
bernzAnyaJ, it simply depends on your comfort level with the particular approach; it's totally worth learning how to build your own builds01:41
alex-weejAnyaJ: if you are going to be developing, i recommend you consider just using 9.0401:41
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:42
bernzAnyaJ, if you are going to be developing (not sure where i gleaned that for certain), you DEFINITELY need to be very comfortable with building01:42
racerxcan someone help me with vpn connection?01:42
AnyaJok so i can learn to build with prevu?01:42
lucaxhow can i configure the resolution of my webcam on flash 10?01:43
AnyaJnot tonight though, i've got a ton to do and i've got to make this big clunk of code run01:43
alex-weejlucax: frankly you're lucky it even works at all. adobe suck.01:43
=== elpargo is now known as elpargo|away
alex-weejAnyaJ: prevu looks like a piece of cake01:44
storm-zenHow can I identify my soundcard?  I think lspci has the wrong information.01:44
racerxanyone out there has successful vpn connection? I need help. I can ping by ip and by name resolution, but it is not connecting.01:44
bernzfrank_austin, the package name itself should appear in aptitude01:45
andrewfreenightrid3r: still no01:45
lucaxalex-weej, im streaming in ustream and thats the only solution i found, i installed adobe from adobes web and everything is working very ok, but with low resolution... i thought i could be v4l but it says thats running on 640x480 resolution and in flash i get 160x12001:45
bernzfrank_austin, otherwise, Web search on that name, and see if it's a smaller part of something else01:45
dbboltonmy old desktop won't boot or display the bios when i turn it on. instead the pc speaker beeps repeatedly. what should i check?01:45
nightrid3randrewfree: try #postfix then maybe they can help you01:46
timobi am using intrepid... anyone else have trouble with the spelling in pidgin?01:46
dbboltontimob make sure aspell is installed for your locale01:46
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=== zrs_12 is now known as mn
bernzdbbolton, your IDE drive connectors are backwards, your RAM is misaligned/not fully seated, or... hmm... not sure what else01:47
sebsebsebtimob:  not as such, but I woudn't rely on Pidgin for checking spelling01:47
dbboltonbernz could it be the video card?01:47
bernzdbbolton, oh yeah, probably any peripheral uses a row-of-finger-contacts connector could do it01:48
frank_austinbernz: I tried that search but got nothing. My best guess package (libnss3-1d) is not on the CD (or at least I can't mark it for re-installation :()01:48
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bernzdbbolton, so reseat everything (absolutely everything that can be plugged/unplugged)01:48
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timobsebsebseb: thanks... no i dont sound so stupid :)01:50
sebsebsebtimob: uh?  what did I help you with?01:50
Dreamglideranyone know it there is a way to add CDFS filesystem to gparted in ubuntu  ?01:50
timobaspell locale package01:51
bernzhmm.. frank_austin, did you know that you are using a "one", not an "ell" (lower-case) in your filename? i believe that file should end in "ell dee", not "one dee"01:51
sebsebsebtimob: oh the Pidgin spelling guy yeah01:51
sebsebsebtimob: may I recommend Abiword, for spelling and grammer checker01:51
sebsebsebtimob: it may not be perfect, but it seems to be pretty good01:51
sebsebsebtimob: oh I guess you need 8.10 or you get a rubbish version from the repo in 8.0401:51
bernzDreamglider, it might be that gparted is designed not to work on CDFS because it's a read-only system01:51
sam555_has anyone used firestarter firewall in Ubuntu?01:52
sebsebsebsam555_: of course01:52
LogicFananyone heard of alsa dying when power management kicks in?01:52
bernzDreamglider, are you trying to make an image of the CD, or...?  (you can use 'dd' for that, probably)01:52
sam555_sebsebseb: how do you enable it so that you can chose lan in the port policy section?01:52
sebsebsebsam555_: firestarter is not that good according to many people.   if you got a  hardware firewall enabled in your router, you should be ok01:52
sebsebsebsam555_: it's been ages since I did anything with firestarter, also you might want to learn something about iptables :D01:52
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:52
LogicFanit seems everytime i let my laptop sit for a bit, alsa dies and i have to force reload alsa to get sound back01:53
sam555_sebsebseb: mahalo!01:53
sebsebsebsam555_: wtf?01:53
sam555_sebsebseb: it means "thank you" in Hawaiian01:53
bernzLogicFan, all i know is that Linux support for ACPI (power mgmt) has been a bit behind the times until recently, so there may be fixes forthcoming soon01:53
Bagualaswhy ubuntu isnt reproducing sound in all the speakers of my notebook?01:53
wanna_learn_morehi..i have a problem with my filesystem.almost all of my file become read only.i used ubuntu 8.1001:54
LogicFanbernz, judging by my google searches, a lot of people have issues with it, alsa just doesn't wake back up01:54
StargazerHow do i check how much file space i have using the command line ?01:54
tallyncan anyone help me with my ATI video card?01:54
georgy_28Stargazer, : df -h01:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:54
JuzProdtionzHey, Im intalling ubuntu 4 the first.  Im at the part "prepare disk space" I do that, then it I get prompted it will take a sec.  Then I get ERROR resize operation failure01:54
LogicFanthe thing that really irks me is that i have to restart all applications that use sound in order for them to properly work again after forcing a alsa restart01:54
bernzBagualas, have you tested the speakers with another OS/distro to confirm there's no hardware problem? also, did you check that your balance is centered? many people left- or right-shift their balance inadvertently and forget about it01:54
Appocchey... could anybod help me to replace dhcp client for dhcpcd as client???01:54
sebsebsebwanna_learn_more: you been messing with file permissions?01:55
Appoccmy ubuntu cant get dhcp connections01:55
bernzLogicFan, i guess it's being worked on (hopefully), but check the bug list for ALSA to see if your issue is listed, and if not, make a report :-)01:55
StargazerTy georgy_2801:55
JuzProdtionzAfter the prepare disk space fails it scans disk and brings me to Prepare Partions01:55
JuzProdtionzI don't think I will ever get ubuntu to intsall dang01:55
XeKtRuMhow do I activate the execution of /etc/rc.local ?01:56
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: ok  your resizing Windows partition?01:56
Bagualasbernz, yeah, tested... the notebook has sound in front, and under it01:56
wanna_learn_morehi..i have a problem with my filesystem.almost all of my file become read only.i used ubuntu 8.1001:56
JuzProdtionzsesebseb: Yes01:56
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: do the file system check on the NTFS01:56
bernzJuzProdtionz, you should learn a bit about partitioning (it will be useful for the rest of your life, as long as we have these crappy PC-like computer systems and their DOS-based partitioning :-)01:56
wanna_learn_moresebsebseb:looks like because of filesystem error01:56
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: in Windows I guess yeah  damn what is it again hum01:56
wanna_learn_moresebsebseb:when i tried to reboot it always checking for file system01:57
JuzProdtionzI can partion pc but I heard linux could partion itself so i thought i would learn later01:57
XeKtRuMhow do I activate the execution at start of /etc/rc.local ?01:57
AnyaJhow can you tell when you've gotten rid of all of a library off of your computer01:57
wanna_learn_moresebsebseb:after performing system maintenance,press CONTROL-D01:57
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: your NTFS partition  needs to be checked I think01:57
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chkdsk01:58
TamnakzCan anyone help me configure wireless on an Acer 5315-2326?01:58
AnyaJa library you installed yourself, that is01:58
sebsebseb!permissions |  wanna_learn_more01:58
ubottuwanna_learn_more: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:58
JuzProdtionzI there anything I can do under prepar partions it give me an option to build a New Partion Table01:58
bernzJuzProdtionz, are you aiming to obliterate the contents of the drive and replace with Linux? if so, you can just run the partitioner manually, delete the partitions, and restart the installation01:58
mylistohey all01:58
TamnakzLet me rephrase: I need to configure wireless on an Acer 5315-2326 without internet access. I need to be able to download files onto another computer and transfer to the Acer with a jump drive01:58
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: that would get rid of Windows basicalley01:58
mylistoanyone have problems getting a gigaware usb headset to work in intrepid?01:59
JuzProdtionzNo I am trying to dual boot01:59
mylistoIt works in skype but nothing else01:59
QPrimeJuzProdtionz: boot into windows and run a cmd prompt.  type "chkdsk c: /f" (no quotes) answer yes to the questions and reboot into windows again.  it will check and repair.01:59
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: well  either the partition is bad or the hard disk, because you should be able to resize the NTFS01:59
donkeyI need some help. When im on Myspace.com i cannot view all my pictures.... How do i fix the issue???? It is also on other web pages!01:59
bernzBagualas, do you have another Linux distro you can try? maybe you can see how the two differ if the other works (ALSA, and other stuff)01:59
sebsebsebQPrime: :) that's what I was saying to do that, but I didn't know the command01:59
JuzProdtionzOk I am clicking on Guided resize and giving linux 80 gibs (which there is 160gb free)01:59
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: do what QPrime said then come back01:59
Bagualasbernz, i think ill try another02:00
Dusk_i installed icedtea and flash plugins in 64bit ubuntu but in youtube videos i see a grey screen..what should i do?02:00
AnyaJalex-weej, you still around?02:00
QPrimesebsebseb: no prob ;)02:00
mylistojust trying to figure out how to get my usb headset to work properly...02:00
AnyaJi am supposedly having a runtime error in my code because i have versions of a library installed on my computer02:00
wanna_learn_moresebsebseb:isnt about permission.but its an error02:00
JuzProdtionzwhat does chkdsk do- does it take long?02:00
AnyaJi did a make uninstall on one version, but i still get the same runtime error.02:00
AnyaJhow can i make sure one version is completely off my computer?02:00
sebsebsebJuzProdtionz: it gets Windows to check it's partition for errors after re booting02:01
TamnakzI need to configure wireless on an Acer 5315-2326 without internet access. I need to be able to download files onto another computer and transfer to the Acer with a jump drive. Any help?02:01
donkeyI need some help. When im on Myspace.com i cannot view all my pictures.... How do i fix the issue???? It is also on other web pages!02:01
AnyaJi did a make uninstall alex-weej02:01
JuzProdtionzOK, I will do that02:01
LogicFanbernz, if sound stops working, do you know how to view alsa's status?02:01
sebsebsebdonkey: which browser?02:01
sebsebsebdonkey: try another browser?02:01
QPrimeJuzProdtionz: it checks (and tries to repair) your ntfs filesystem.  if can take a while but it depends on the size of the partition and the number fo files you have on that partition.02:01
Dusk_i installed icedtea and flash plugins in 64bit ubuntu but in youtube videos i see a grey screen..what should i do? the screen is like that: http://omploader.org/vMWVlcA02:01
donkeywhat other one on ubuntu?02:01
sebsebsebdonkey: loads of good ones02:01
bernzLogicFan, are you in GNOME desktop? if so, do you have a sound icon in the tray at the top (usually)?02:01
donkeytell me a really good one02:02
LogicFanbernz, yes to both02:02
sebsebsebdonkey:   sudo apt-get install  galeon  epiphany-browser02:02
bernzLogicFan, carefully double-click the icon itself, and you should get some options02:02
marcusdavidusanyone got "hangs" on ppm on linx in firefox ? its dont show menu or just  do random action from ppm menu when try to open links02:02
danielr2010anybody know a way to boost the volume on a laptop running ubuntu, when i had windows the default volume was allowed to be louder than it can be now.02:02
sebsebsebdonkey: Konqueror is alright, but that will put KDE stuff on  as well02:02
bernzLogicFan, from that dialog, you can get to 'Preferences...' (button near bottom-right)02:02
sebsebsebdonkey: Mozilla Suite was before Firefox, but it lives on as Seamonkey,  Seamonkey  is quite nice02:03
tallynso I installed the ATI driver once and had everything working, even compiz desktop effects02:03
tallynand now nothing02:03
tallyncan anyone help me out?02:03
bernzuse the 'Device' pick-list to find ALSA stuff, and maybe you can see status somehow02:03
donkeyim doing that first one you said and see how it does02:03
sebsebsebdonkey: that was two browsers02:03
marcusdavidusso anyone get same issue with firefox ?02:03
crdlbtallyn: what GPU, and what version of ubuntu?02:03
sebsebsebdonkey: epiphany might not even add itself to the menu, but you can open apps from the terminal with their name and then pressing enter:  epiphany-browser02:03
LogicFanbernz, yes, but it doesn't tell me the status of alsa itself.  the sound icon app doesn't crash when alsa dies. however, it will crash when i force a restart on alsa to get sound back with the cmd /sbin/alsa force-reload02:03
bernzsebsebseb, hey -- i just installed epiphany today (via 'Add/Remove...' -- shame on me, right? ;-)  .. anyway, i didn't get a shortcut on the menus -- any ideas?02:04
dug_anyone's wireless stop working after the recent 2.6.27-14 kernel upgrade?02:04
donkeywell ill find out shortly02:04
LogicFanso the sound icon is not really indicative of alsa's actual functionality status02:04
LogicFani hope that makes sense :)02:04
sebsebsebbernz: browse the hidden  folders.   the gnome stuff, it's there some where,    and then you can add to menu yourself I Think02:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu02:04
tallyncrdlb: intrepid, and an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT02:04
lightbotsboot time kernel option: all_generic_ide, how do I implement this option?02:04
bernzLogicFan, well, you can see ALSA-related demons like so from a shell: "ps aux | grep alsa | less"02:04
TamnakzI need to configure wireless on an Acer 5315-2326 without internet access. I need to be able to download files onto another computer and transfer to the Acer with a jump drive02:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alacarte02:04
bernzsebsebseb, ah yes, great idea! cheers02:05
crdlbtallyn: did you enable it in system > admin > hardware drivers ?02:05
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:05
sebsebsebbernz: well wine stuff is left in  the menu,  after wine is gone, but I know there is a folder for that stuff, because I been there02:05
doleybTamnakz: yes, that sounds like a good plan.  I'd go to madwifi.org and get their tar.gz on your drive, then install it.02:05
sebsebsebbernz: and why shame on you?  Epiphany and Galeon are nice browsers.  of course I would  mainly use  Firefox for browsing the web, because of browser market share reasons02:05
lightbotsboot time kernel option: all_generic_ide, how do I implement this option? do I write in in the terminal somehow?02:05
LogicFanbernz, sorry, not really sure what i'm looking at with that command02:06
jaguar__ 02:06
bernzTamnakz, almost all OSes nowadays support USB MSC (mass storage class) devices like thumbdrives, so you're all set there, probably... you can transfer a package (e.g. something.deb) containing wifi drivers via USB stick, then install that, and maybe get it going... you will want to read about "madwifi" and "wpasupplicant" and "networkermanager" and a few other things, i think02:06
tallyncrdlb: yes, I enabled it there, but it fails now02:06
crdlbtallyn: what do you mean "fails"? you hit low graphics mode?02:06
bernzsebsebseb, for the shame, i meant because i did it via GUI, rather than command-line ;-) cuz i *can*... but i'm getting old and lazy :-D02:07
georgy_28lightbots, : do you mean add the module at boot ?02:07
sebsebsebbernz: did you miss my message about when I use synaptic :d02:07
tallyncrdlb: yes, I basically have very poor redraw rate when I am only moving windows around02:08
lightbotsgeorgy: i suppose02:08
sebsebsebbernz: if I don't know the programs name I will use synaptic, altough I know there is some command that could be used instead02:08
tallyncrdlb: and compiz effects are definitely de-activated02:08
bernzLogicFan, so, "ps aux" == "show all processes, i mean all, dammit", then the "pipe" ('|') sends the output to "grep alsa", which looks for lines containing "alsa", then the output of that is sent to "less", a "pager" (a program that lets you read output page by page)02:08
crdlbtallyn: put your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old on a pastebin02:08
georgy_28lightbots, : you can add it in /etc/modules02:08
Tamnakzdoleyb: I cannot find the tar.gz02:08
extorUh Oh, Exploit code targeting major Intel chip flaw to be posted 3/19/09 ?02:09
dug_anyone know how to change the wireless driver back to the proprietary one?  my wireless stopped working the past day or two02:09
bernzsebsebseb, yeah, i'm sorry, i was just trying to be funny, but it wasn't really :-/ no worries anyway :-)02:09
LogicFanbernz, sorry, how do i interpret or scroll through the results?  all i'm seeing is " 5528  0.0  0.0   7480   880 pts/0    S+   19:08   0:00 grep alsa"02:09
lightbotsgeorgy_28: thanks ill try that02:09
bernzLogicFan, ah, right, so...02:09
bernzLogicFan, well, that tells you ALSA is running (probably)... (was that not what you were trying to determine?)02:10
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:10
bernzLogicFan, those lines tell you the process name (rightmost), its ID (pid), how much memory it's using, etc02:10
karstensragewhat permissions do you set on /var/run so that services can create their .pid files?02:11
bernzLogicFan, "man ps" for details about those lines02:11
l337m4573rcould anyone help me with hoking up my xbox 360 to share the internet through my laptop?02:11
sebsebsebAnyaJ: you here?02:11
AnyaJyes i am02:11
sebsebsebAnyaJ: ok guys just showing Anya something02:11
LogicFanbernz, ok, thats good to know.  but i was hoping for something a little more like alsa's own errors.  so perhaps i could see which part of alsa stops functioning when power management kicks in02:11
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.02:11
bernzsebsebseb, incidentally, have you noticed any lag with firefox, and have you tried epiphany?02:12
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:12
sebsebsebbernz: I get issues with Firefox02:12
wanna_learn_moresebsebseb:its nothing will permission mr sebsebseb02:12
AnyaJooooo it works02:12
wanna_learn_moresebsebseb:but its an error02:12
sebsebsebbernz: Ubuntu's unoffical version.  in  Windows  Firefox  works  well02:12
bernzLogicFan, oh... ALSA almost surely keeps a log of its victories and failures... perhaps somewhere in '/etc' or '/var/log'?02:12
sebsebsebbernz: Firefox likes to crash a lot here.  that unoffical Ubuntu version.   I still haven't been arsed to try and sort  Firefox out more properly.  by say using a  officall Mozila version?02:12
LogicFanah!  i'll check02:13
donkeyim trying to get the epiphany-browser but it wont go unless galeon is it........ help me02:13
bernzLogicFan, in there, it might show you what's causing the problem02:13
ader10How do I search through a thread in the ubuntu forums?02:13
rmmRMMyou may want to try iceeweasel02:13
bernzsebsebseb, fair enough -- i'm only trying to survive long enough for google chrome to be properly ported to GNOME02:13
tom760i went to turn my 8.10 ubuntu laptop back on from standby mode.  it didn't come up to the desktop.  it's stuck with a black screen.  any options besides just rebooting it and losing the open data?02:14
ader10rmmRMM: was that a response to me?02:14
l337m4573rcould someone help me with some networking problems im having?02:14
bernz(i got crack-addicted to chrome just before i left windows)02:14
donkeyim trying to get the epiphany-browser but it wont go unless galeon is it........ help me02:14
rmmRMMader10: yes it was02:14
ader10rmmRMM: That response makes no sense ><02:14
rmmRMMader10: iceweasel is a debian version of firefox, "cleaned"02:14
bernzdonkey, i'm actually trying to install epiphany also02:14
rmmRMMwould use different libraries02:14
ader10rmmRMM: You don't understand.02:14
ader10rmmRMM: I want to search through a thread02:14
ader10it's over 500 pages02:15
bernzdonkey, this is the first i heard of 'galeon'... let me check it out02:15
rmmRMMader10: thanks for clarifying02:15
doleybTamnakz: http://snapshots.madwifi.org/madwifi-hal-
sebsebsebbernz: there was an article02:15
crdlbdonkey: what do you mean? it won't go?02:15
storbeckbernz: chrome has been released02:15
ader10It's outrageous if you can't search through threads02:15
donkeysays i have it but when i go to the internet tab its not listed02:15
tom760any special key combinations that might get my desktop to come back?  i just got a black screen trying to come out of standby on my laptop.02:16
crdlbTamnakz: do you know what chipset it is?02:16
bernzstorbeck, sebsebseb, sweet jebus! my dreams have come true -- i hope it's largely unchanged, except to match the GNOME look and feel02:16
crdlbTamnakz: if it's an atheros ar242x, a driver is included on the intrepid cd in linux-backports-modules-intrepid, just not installed by default02:17
storbeckJust add it to the repos and apt-get install it02:17
donkeycrdlb is says i have the program but when i go to the internet tab (in the programs) epiphany-browser is not listed02:17
l337m4573ris there anyone in here that considers themselves to have a good knowledge of networking in ubuntu?02:17
crdlbdonkey: yes, that's a bug in the packaging02:17
sebsebsebbernz: uh looks like I didn't even type the first bit.   since I got distracted by something.02:17
sebsebsebbernz: there was an article about trying the latest Chromeium in Linux02:17
bernzstorbeck, wow, now that i understand what that means, it's easy ;-)02:17
donkeycrdlb what should i do02:17
sebsebsebbernz: not proper Chrome02:18
crdlbdonkey: it's installed, but won't appear in the menus unless you restart gnome-panel (or your entire session)02:18
donkeyhow do i restart gnome panel?02:18
bernzsebsebseb, ah, okay, that's what i'd last heard, but that's running via wine or something weird, no?02:18
alanbshepard70can anyone tell me what this means? Xorg[5083]: segfault at 616c756d ip b7a0ed64 sp bff305f0 error 4 in libdri.so My laptop has "crashed" a few times in the past two hours for no discernible reason. The only thing suspicious in the system logs is above.02:18
sebsebsebbernz: no native02:18
donkeycrdlb how do i restart gnome panel?02:18
bernzsebsebseb, oh, good enough for me, then :-)02:18
crdlbdonkey: 'killall gnome-panel' should do it (it should respawn)02:19
bernzshort story: i'm going to be getting my chrome on to-NIGHT! (say it with Carl's voice from ATHF)02:19
shippoI edited fstab to include "// /home/kaede/Inuyasha ntfs default 0 0" and it did not mount, any ideas?02:19
jribshippo: ntfs?02:19
donkeycrdlb yup that worked02:20
shippoyeah trying to mount a windows shared folder02:20
jrib!samba | shippo02:20
ubottushippo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:20
Tamnakzdoleyb: That link won't work for me02:20
wrektkjetanyone know how to make the leaving and entering the room messages disappear using pidgin02:20
zaachis it possible to do system updates if the only account is passwordless?02:20
BlackAeronautNeed some help with a display driver.  Running Ubuntu 8.10 64 Bit on a Toshiba Satellite A355D - CPU: AMD Turion X2 Ultra 64.  GPU: ATI Mobilitiy Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid.  I get nothing but Terminal whenever I boot, no mater how I boot (clean install, install from Wubi, Live CD).  Startx does not work - it can find the drivers.  I've tried installing drivers, but with X not working, it leaves me with very few options.  I did manage to get one set02:20
sebsebsebbernz: i'll see if I can get the link, but I guess this is only for experienced Linux people :)02:20
jribwrektkjet: check your plugins02:20
shippojrib and ubottu yes I did that but I wanted it to load at startup with out user interaction02:21
shippoI have samba installed02:21
bernzcrdlb, sweeeeeeeet, that's the magic clue i was waiting for -- a restart of gnome-panel (or the WM, or reboot) is required to "update" the menus (i was wondering where my updated menus were, and hadn't yet rebooted)02:21
BlackAeronaut*it can't find the driver02:21
jribshippo: yes, so you should read that page...02:21
shippoI can manually mount it fine02:21
wrektkjetjrib: plugins for pidgin u mean?02:21
georgy_28BlackAeronaut, : try the vesa driver02:21
Tamnakzcrdlb:  It is an ar242x. how do I download this file to transfer it?02:21
dug_any suggestions on getting my wireless to work again?  Here is the ndiswrapper/iwconfig info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6919955&postcount=36602:21
jribwrektkjet: yeah, just check the ones you have available to you02:21
AnyaJalex-weej, another thing the repositories does is lump programs that are "dependent" upon each other when they arne't necessarily so02:21
wrektkjetoh ok i see them02:21
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: How do I do that?02:21
crdlbTamnakz: you don't have to02:22
shipposorry jrib what page?02:22
jribshippo: the one ubottu linked you to02:22
bernzsebsebseb, well, i'm not an expert, but i started with DOS, so i'd say i'm at a "creates own Makefile projects from scratch with relative ease" level, shell-wise02:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about read02:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about readonly02:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about read-only02:22
Keal_how do i enable the switch for 'soundcard capture'?02:22
georgy_28! xorg | BlackAeronaut02:22
ubottuBlackAeronaut: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:22
bernzsebsebseb, in other words, the link will probably be just what i'm interested in02:22
crdlbTamnakz: since it's on the CD02:23
BlackAeronautThanks, georgy_28.02:23
Tamnakzcrdlb: I don't have a CD?02:23
Keal_how do i enable the switch for 'soundcard capture'?02:23
TamnakzI've got a usb drive that was set up for me with 8.10 bootable02:23
bernzsebsebseb, i'm open to pretty much *any* info on chrome-or-similar-working-on-GNOME :-)02:24
brianguertinis there a way to fix this problem, im getting it on a couple programs:/usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.10' not found02:24
bernzsebsebseb, but don't yet have enough free time at the moment to be the one making that info happen :-)02:24
brianguertinwith intrepid ^02:24
jribbrianguertin: why is "/usr/local" there...02:25
sebsebsebbernz: http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2009031602835OSSWUB02:25
crdlbTamnakz: this should work http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic02:25
bernzsebsebseb, awesome, cheers!02:25
sebsebsebbernz: I could have given a more direct link,  but some guys comment there to :d so may as well read that I guess02:25
sebsebseblinuxtoday.com is a good site, but there article archive system sucks02:26
brianguertinjrib: that is an excellent question, that probably explains it02:26
Tamnakzcdlb: download the backports modules, correct?02:26
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: That didn't do anything for me.  I'm still in terminal.02:26
Tamnakzcdlb: both files?02:26
georgy_28BlackAeronaut, : can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file02:27
crdlbTamnakz: you need the one for your architecture02:27
zaachI installed Intrepid with a passwordless account, how can I do system updates?02:27
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: It'll take a minute.  GOtta mount an external drive to transfer the file.02:28
georgy_28BlackAeronaut, : ok02:28
Tamnakzcdlb: the link takes me to a backport modules intrepid generic02:28
Tamnakzcdlb: I apologize, this is foreign material to me02:28
shippothanks ubottu! and jrib!02:29
shipporebooting to test02:29
crdlbTamnakz: right, but one of them is for i386 (32-bit) and the other is for amd64 (64-bit)02:30
bernzsebsebseb, nice, i left a comment of my own :-)02:31
xacaahi all02:31
xacaahelp me02:31
xacaaim here02:31
xacaaim MONGOLIA02:31
jribxacaa: just ask your question02:31
sebsebsebbernz: on the site or article?02:32
=== rolls is now known as Rolle
a5x7Hello all.. how do i make 7-zip my default in ubuntu instead of archive manager, or to have a choice of which one to use? I have installed 7-zip threw synaptic02:32
sebsebsebbernz:  I mean on the site or linuxtoday?   that article was from a few days ago02:32
bernzsebsebseb, i left a comment on the site that pointed to the article. i'll probably leave a comment directly to the author of the article after i finish reading it02:32
xacaahow use xchat02:32
sebsebsebbernz: yep it's a good site02:32
maxagazhow to use preseed with 8.04 ?02:33
humboltThe CTRL key in Ubuntu is not a CTRL key in virtualbox?!02:33
jribxacaa: you type stuff and press enter...02:33
xacaawhat stutt02:33
killindillinsebsebseb: i'm back02:33
StargazerHow do i mount my SD card from the command line ?02:33
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: http://pastebin.com/m567d4e3602:33
killindillinlet me check for u stargazer02:34
sebsebsebbernz: I refreshed the page and no comment02:34
xacaaxchat is nice02:34
sebsebsebkillindillin: ok02:34
Tamnakzcrdlb: THANKS!! I'll try the file asap02:35
sebsebsebkillindillin: what about it?02:35
killindillinstargazer heres a link to tell u bout it02:35
a5x7Hello all.. how do i make 7-zip my default in ubuntu instead of archive manager, or to have a choice of which one to use? I have installed 7-zip threw synaptic..02:35
sebsebsebkillindillin: stargazer looks like I am not picking up on what your trying to say02:36
a5x7I have a .rar file i need to extract02:36
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:36
r00tintheb0xokay, here's the deal.02:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unrar-free02:36
bernzsebsebseb, it's awaiting moderation -- they're really careful on that site -- a CAPTCHA, plus moderator review -- wow :-O02:36
r00tintheb0xIm trying to set my IP address manually with the Ubuntu GUI and it is NOT working out for me.02:36
r00tintheb0xAnyone know why?02:36
sebsebsebbernz: heh02:37
a5x7humm, but wont 7-zip do the same thing?02:37
StargazerSebsebseb: i'm trying to mount my SD card( a device ) using the command line(a Terminal)02:37
sebsebsebStargazer: ah ha :D   I didn't see your messages before, so I thought for some reason he was talking to me02:37
xacaaСайн байцгаана уу?02:37
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression02:37
sebsebsebStargazer: well since  it said he was back  in red on my client02:37
killindillinstar gazer this should help02:37
killindillinTry this. Boot the computer into Linux. Don't plug in your card reader just yet. Open a command line window and su as root. Type "dmesg" and note what the last few lines are. Plug in the reader and then type dmesg again after several seconds. There should see a set of lines that show the USB device as being recognized by the kernel. You should see something about what device path this device will have (/dev/blahblah). You ca02:38
FloodBot2killindillin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:38
a5x7thanks ubottu you are the man hehe02:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:38
bernzr00tintheb0x, so are you going to 'System | Preferences | Network Configuration'?02:38
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: Hey man, you still in here?02:39
bernzr00tintheb0x, in there, you have a list of, say, "profiles" -- try creating a new one, with static (manual) IP info, and then making it the default, or deleting the other profiles (CAREFUL whenever deleting)02:39
georgy_28BlackAeronaut, = try this http://pastebin.com/m63d3b04d02:39
=== r00tintheb0x_ is now known as r00tintheb0x
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: Okay...02:39
r00tintheb0xOkay, anyone have an answer to my question?02:40
georgy_28BlackAeronaut, : sorry I have to leave now, maybe someone else will help you02:40
bernzr00tintheb0x, i guess you missed that last bit02:40
BlackAeronautgeorgy_28: Thanks anyways.02:40
r00tintheb0xYeah, I had to connect to my work VPN.02:40
r00tintheb0xRepeat bernz02:40
bernzr00tintheb0x, "r00tintheb0x, so are you going to 'System | Preferences | Network Configuration'?"02:41
r00tintheb0xcorrect bernz02:41
bernzr00tintheb0x, "r00tintheb0x, in there, you have a list of, say, "profiles" -- try creating a new one, with static (manual) IP info, and then making it the default, or deleting the other profiles (CAREFUL whenever deleting)"02:41
xacaa_Xchat and Xchat gnome is one02:41
r00tintheb0xThen I set the IP etc... manually... save it... restart the network and it still has the dhcp given ip02:41
bernzdo you only have the one profile?02:42
r00tintheb0xbernz, i have already "cp -arfvp /etc /etc.bak"02:42
r00tintheb0xLet me try that.02:42
killindillinsebsebseb.....ok i have virtual box downloaded....now what i do..do i need to get the iso file now???02:42
Traehey guys, I've installed xubuntu... but I didn't want to change the default boot logo... how can I get back the default Ubuntu boot / loading screen?02:42
killindillinsebsebseb.....ok i have virtual box downloaded....now what i do..do i need to get the iso file now???02:43
bernzr00tintheb0x, okay; FWIW, it appears this app (network configurator thingy) is stable enough that if you understand your LAN setup, you can obliterate everything and rebuild it, with little effort :-)02:43
bernzTrae, i guess it's gotta be in a system prefs of some sort02:44
bernzTrae, have you Web searched for "change xubuntu boot logo" or something similar? someone must have blogged about it by now :-)02:44
r00tintheb0x_Thanks bernz... I figured it out.02:44
bernzr00tintheb0x, right on :-)02:45
r00tintheb0x_Im not used to all this snazzy GUI stuff.02:45
killindillinhey guys walk me through using setting up ubuntu and virtual box:-)02:45
r00tintheb0x_ I was about to edit /etc/network/interfaces bernz02:45
bernzoh yeah, sometimes the GUI gets in the way, but intrepid seems pretty solid finally :-)02:45
r00tintheb0x_Yeah, i moved from Solaris bernz02:46
=== r00tintheb0x_ is now known as r00tintheb0x
bernzr00tintheb0x, hehe, yeah, i hear that -- editing 'interfaces' -- no more of that, it's NetworkManager's job :-D02:46
r00tintheb0xYeah, that kind of scares me bernz02:46
r00tintheb0xIm having a HECK of a time with my servers @ work and their NTP settings.02:46
r00tintheb0xI have like... 25 linux servers... and none of them want to sync to my DC.02:47
bernzr00tintheb0x, well, on the plus side, you can always disable NM and go at it manually like in the days of yore :-]02:47
killindillinhey guys walk me through using setting up ubuntu and virtual box please :-)02:47
r00tintheb0xNM works fine, I just didnt understand the whole profile thing.02:47
r00tintheb0xkillindillin, what is virtualbox?02:48
r00tintheb0xAnd why do you need to be walked through setting up ubuntu.02:48
killindillin a virtual machine program02:48
r00tintheb0xIts like, installing windows.02:48
gRuntCan anyone tell me if there is a way to change the default mount point for my ipod? I have looked in the mtab and can't see anything glaringly obvious like with my ntfs partitions. Any idea?02:48
r00tintheb0xgRunt, paste me your /etc/fstab to http://www.pastebin.ca02:48
killindillinok screw it tell me how to in stall it to a 4 gig flashdrive02:49
gRuntokay I just looked at it but I didn't recognise my ipod 2 secs02:49
bernzgRunt, you might be able to do it from the GUI, if you like to do so: in nautilus (default file explorer), right-click the volume when it's mounted (or on your desktop), and select its properties and dig around in there; you can assign an overriding default mount point02:49
Gnea!usb | killindillin02:49
ubottukillindillin: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:49
r00tintheb0xkillindillin, what do you mean man. The install for Ubuntu is point and click.02:49
Gnear00tintheb0x: there's no need for that.02:49
r00tintheb0xGnea, no need for what. A /etc/fstab paste?02:50
shippoubottu that worked but it will only work with the IP address, the server name will not resolve in the fstab file at startup, any ideas?02:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:50
bernzgRunt, maybe you have to first determine what profile/class your iPod uses to connect -- it might be MTP, not MSC02:50
bernz(if it's MTP, it might not mount like a typical mass storage device, like a USB stick or portable HD)02:50
killindillinr00tinthebox:i'm a noob so help me02:50
gRuntthanks bernz that might be just as easy and r00tintheb0x this is my current fstab (and my ipod is currently connected) http://www.pastebin.ca/136487602:51
Gneakillindillin: if you want help, please do not demand it02:51
killindillink sorry02:51
sebsebsebkillindillin: I am here02:51
r00tintheb0xchecking gRunt, give me a second.02:51
bernzgRunt, how do you "get at" the files on your iPod when syncing? with a regular file explorer, like nautilus, or with a special app?02:51
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sebsebsebkillindillin: md5sum the ISO first02:51
r00tintheb0xkillindillin, the quickest way to learn linux is trial and error.02:52
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:52
shippodoes anyone know if a servername like TEST will resolve in fstab versus having to use the IP address for TEST of
scunizibernz: gtkpod02:52
=== incognito is now known as incognito`
sebsebsebr00tintheb0x: yes and that is what he will start doing in Virtualbox02:52
surgwhats up everyone02:52
bernzscunizi, that's "special", i guess -- does it use MTP?02:52
Gneakillindillin: if you check out that second URL that I had ubottu toss your way, you'll find instruction on how to get ubuntu to install to a usb drive02:52
r00tintheb0xMost people will not help you if the "problem" you're having has a thousand walkthroughs and resolutions.02:52
scunizishippo: it will if "TEST" is in the /etc/hosts file02:52
gRuntbernz I have an ipod touch 2g and while there are hacks for a jailbroken ipod (which mine is) for the most part I can't get syncing to work, and sadly I haven't found an app I like that deals with podcasts and movies like itunes so im currently dual booting into a tinyXP install just for itunes.02:52
gRuntBut I normally SSH into my box or do a tethered SSH in windows, linux has proven to be a pain.02:53
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Gnear00tintheb0x: it's actually better if the user has an idea of what the actual problem is in the first place02:53
sebsebsebkillindillin: whatever to that guy, and let's get you setu02:53
r00tintheb0xgRunt, and you say that the IPod is connected and mounted now?02:53
shipposcunizi: that makes me think that it would be a manual entry in a different file, is that correct?02:53
sebsebsebkillindillin: pm if you don't want to chat here02:53
r00tintheb0xgRunt, pastebin me the output of "fdisk -l" and "mount".02:53
scunizibernz: no.. wait.. I get mixed up on mtp vs the other.. I think mtp is the more difficult one that may be better supported in the next release, Jaunty02:53
gRuntyeah its connected there is an "apple ipod inc" icon on my desktop with a camera logo r00tintheb0x  and will do that now02:53
scunizishippo: manual entry in /etc/hosts02:53
Gnear00tintheb0x: but, your attitude of "too many steps, so piss off" isn't a good one to have around here02:53
sebsebsebGnea: agreed02:54
r00tintheb0xGnea, im sorry. It looked to me like he was wanting instructions on how to install Ubuntu as a virtual machine.02:54
abacanwould someone help me about how to separate debug info from executable?02:54
r00tintheb0xSorry Gnea, you're right.02:54
bernzgRunt, okay, you might be able to run tinyXP *inside* a virtual machine in ubuntu, to improve things a bit... as for the syncing, if you can get the device to act as an MSC (mass storage class), basically, just exposing its hard drive contents, you could do a lot with it02:54
r00tintheb0xI'll try to be more...02:54
r00tintheb0xAccepting. :)02:54
sebsebsebr00tintheb0x: yes he did, becasue I was helping him earlier with things02:54
shipposcunizi:  I am looking for any automatic way to do that b/c my network gets reset a lot.02:54
bernzscunizi, yeah, MTP is more complicated, for sure02:54
r00tintheb0xSorry guys.02:54
Gnear00tintheb0x: well maybe he does02:54
BlackAeronautNeed some help with a display driver.  Running Ubuntu 8.10 64 Bit on a Toshiba Satellite A355D - CPU: AMD Turion X2 Ultra 64.  GPU: ATI Mobilitiy Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid.  I get nothing but Terminal whenever I boot, no mater how I boot (clean install, install from Wubi, Live CD).  Startx does not work - it can find the drivers.  I've tried installing drivers, but with X not working, it leaves me with very few options.  I did manage to get one set02:54
scunizishippo: do the ip's change?02:54
shipposcunizi: yes02:55
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:55
r00tintheb0xgRunt, im waiting on the paste :)02:55
sebsebsebI am helping him in pm now, so nevermind02:55
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, give me a min.02:55
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Thanks.02:55
Gneakillindillin: have you checked out the virtualbox setup details?02:55
scunizishippo: then you're stuck.. there's no automagick way of doing it.. unless  .. you're running a server and want to get at it right?02:55
gRuntyeah bernz i could but dual boot is handy incase I stuff up ubuntu lol and oh im pasting now sorry :)02:55
sebsebsebGnea: he has pmed me02:55
Gneasebsebseb: ah, ok cool02:55
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut you do get text though correct?02:56
Wandereranyone know where I can find info on getting full resolution on a Dell E6400 laptop?  I'm only getting 1280x720 instead of 1600x120002:56
shipposcunizi: darn, I was hoping I could do something, but I guess not02:56
scunizishippo: you running a server that you're trying to get at?02:56
bernzgRunt, okay, no worries02:56
gRuntr00tintheb0x, http://www.pastebin.ca/136487902:56
humboltVirtualbox rules!!! Thank god, I can get rid of damn VMware Workstation now!02:56
r00tintheb0xchecking now gRunt02:57
shipposcunizi: it is just another windows system running xp, not specifically a xp server version02:57
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BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Correct: I always got Terminal, but gedit doesn't work since it's dependant on X.02:57
gRuntyeah bernz I've been using ubuntu for 4 days, I think I am learning kind of quick but I reinstalled it about 5 times in the first day just testing things, now I have it working I am afraid to try and do anything to fancy now I have it the way I like :)02:57
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r00tintheb0xgRunt, where is the IPod mounted now, /mnt/shared_ntfs ?02:57
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, but you're seeing text, okay.02:58
scunizigRunt: just remember most things you do to break the install can be fixed without reinstalling.. it aint windows baby!02:58
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, type startx for me.02:58
shipposcunizi: I would imagine if I was running a server then I could have a DNS service running on it to resolve the name to the ip address?02:58
r00tintheb0xI know its not going to work, but I want to see the error it gives.02:58
gRuntnope thats my ntfs partition that I want to load on boot I just didnt want the icon on the desktop so I was suggested to not mount it in /media that is just a parition both my XP and ubuntu install can access.02:58
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: OKay.  I know how this goes, though.  ;)02:58
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, are you getting "Primary device is not PCI" ?02:58
scunizishippo: or take the easy way out and use something like dydns02:58
r00tintheb0xgRunt, can you tell where your ipod is mounted as of right now?02:59
shipposcunizi:  is there somewhere I can read up on dydns?02:59
bernzgRunt, heh, awesome, okay, here's your next trick: resize your HD into two halves, and clone your working copy onto the spare half, then make a bootable USB system-on-a-stick to restore the busted "main" partition by copying back the previous "good" one from the "spare" (only works if you've done "simple" partitioning with most "special" directories all on the same volume)02:59
r00tintheb0x!dydns | shippo02:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dydns02:59
gRuntr00tintheb0x, by default it is /media/ipod but I will check02:59
scunizishippo: yep.. www.dydns.org02:59
bernzgRunt, then, go nuts!02:59
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: I get: (EE) No devices detected.02:59
r00tintheb0xshippo, http://www.no-ip.com/02:59
shipposcunizi: thanks for your assistance!02:59
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: I meant what I said about X not being able to find the driver.  ;)03:00
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, do you see "Primary device is not PCI" right before that?03:00
scunizishippo: np.. r00tintheb0x gave you another link as well.. never used that one.. but would be worth looking at. :)03:00
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, relax... just answer my questions. I've got this.03:00
r00tintheb0xshippo, i use no-ip, its in the ubuntu repos03:00
r00tintheb0xI love it.03:00
gRuntr00tintheb0x, hah it doesn't appear there, which is odd it used to be /media/ipod. The only reason I want to mount it somewhere else is that stupid icon just makes me cry (im anal about having unwanted desktop icons gone)03:01
gRuntSo not even sure if it is mounted tbh.03:01
r00tintheb0xgRunt, is the ipod plugged in?03:01
r00tintheb0xand turned on?03:01
shipposcunizi:  I guess another way would be to assign static ip address to the xp windows machine, right?03:01
scunizir00tintheb0x: shippo AH.. no-ip should probably be used in conjunction with dydns.org03:01
bernz(possible typo? www.dydns.org -> www.dyndns.org)03:01
gRuntr00tintheb0x, aye im charging it, and yes I was just playing pokemon emerald on it ;)03:01
itachi7good night03:01
r00tintheb0xscunizi, no-ip has a client in the repos for their free service.03:01
r00tintheb0xMy DNS name is.... mikesays.servebeer.com03:02
r00tintheb0xgRunt, open up a terminal.03:02
scunizibernz: yep.. thanks. shippo  catch the correct spelling ^^--^^03:02
shipponow that is funny r00tintheb0x03:02
r00tintheb0xtype: tail -f /var/log/messages03:02
r00tintheb0xunplug, and replug the ipod03:02
gRuntalready done :)03:02
r00tintheb0xlike that huh shippo ? ;)03:02
MrAlexandrohi guys, i am in a dilemma now, someone convinced me about switchin to slackware, when reinstalling computer with trippple boot.  that means lilo bootloader in the start and then a redirect on each partiion. sorry for bad explanation. now i have installed sp1 in vista. but miss ubuntu so bad. i need help here. lilo bootloader is deletelet from the cbr or what it is called. i need it back. so...03:02
MrAlexandro...i can copy the tripple boot config in lilo and try to use it to set up tripple boot with ubntu03:02
r00tintheb0xgRunt, what'd it say?03:02
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, did I loose you?03:02
itachi7could you help me?03:02
r00tintheb0xitachi7, ask your question.03:03
scunizishippo: mine is scunizi.isa-geek.com03:03
gRuntr00tintheb0x, i had a clean terminal up it didnt say anything I just got a gnome window that asked me what default action I wanted to take03:03
itachi7do you know how to programing with opengl in ibex03:03
functionofxyneed urgent help w/ xorg meltdown. anyone willing to lend a hand?03:04
r00tintheb0xgRunt, did you "tail -f /var/log/messages" ?03:04
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r00tintheb0xitachi7, no... I am a sysadmin... sorry03:04
r00tintheb0xfunctionofxy, explain the problem or ask the question.03:04
r00tintheb0xPeople will help if they can.;03:04
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, You have 2 graphic cards and xorg doesn't know which one to choose as primary adapter. You need to define it in section "Device" of your xorg.conf config file with a line like: BusID "PCI:02:00:0003:04
r00tintheb0xThats your laptop problem.03:05
gRuntr00tintheb0x, no didnt even know that existed lol ill do it now03:05
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Negative.  I see: (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time Thu Mar 19 03:56:51 2009 (break) (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" (break) (EE) No devices detected.  (break)(break) Fatal server error: (break) no screens found (break) giving up. (break) xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  Server error. (break) xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.03:05
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Sorry about that.  No way for me to copy-paste between two machines.03:06
brianguertinitachi7: http://www.libsdl.org/03:06
functionofxysure. i booted today and I can only pick resolutions 800x600 or lower. i used to use 1280x1024. the screen res app imposes these limitations. the xorg file is vanilla and dpkg-reconfigure produces nothing different.03:06
gRuntr00tintheb0x, http://www.pastebin.ca/1364883 from my tail command thingy.03:06
scunizifunctionofxy: ati, intel or nvidia?03:07
functionofxymy only lead is that i did apt-get upgrade today and it updated libavdevice52, libavutils, etc.03:07
r00tintheb0xgRunt, hold...03:07
functionofxyscunizi, ati03:07
gRuntr00tintheb0x, *holding*03:07
functionofxyscunizi, ancient card. ati rage 128. worked fine until today03:07
r00tintheb0xgRunt, now paste me a "sudo fdisk -l"03:07
scunizifunctionofxy: there have been others on today with ati issues.. sorry I'm better at nvidia03:07
functionofxycan still get basic generic output. i dont think its a problem with the card03:07
functionofxyscunizi, do you think i'm on to something w/ the package upgrades?03:08
itachi7how i can do one makefile to run 2 programs with opengl03:08
scunizifunctionofxy: most likely xrandr .. google that for commands and I'll also send you a link from ubottu that might help03:08
scunizi!resolution | functionofxy03:08
ubottufunctionofxy: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:08
gRuntr00tintheb0x, http://www.pastebin.ca/136488403:09
functionofxythanks scunizi03:09
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r00tintheb0xokay gRunt its not seeing your ipod as a drive.03:10
r00tintheb0x!ipod | gRunt03:10
ubottugRunt: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:10
gRuntthanks r00tintheb0x this isn't really important just me being anal so im in no rush, thanks though03:11
r00tintheb0xno problem gRunt03:11
slerderHey guys. Is there anyway a usb flash drive, when inserted into a ubuntu 8.10 machine autorun malicious code and infect my ubuntu box? Thanks03:12
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, give me a couple mins... im researching.03:12
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Got a copy of the bad box's xorg.conf on this box, so whenever you're ready.03:12
r00tintheb0xok BlackAeronaut paste me the output of this command...03:13
r00tintheb0xgrep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:13
binarymutantanyone use parrot? It won't run this ruby script http://paste.ubuntu.com/133387/ what's up?03:13
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: OKay, wiat one...03:14
slerderHey guys. Is there anyway a usb flash drive, when inserted into a ubuntu 8.10 machine autorun malicious code and infect my ubuntu box? Thanks03:14
r00tintheb0xslerder, are you asking if its possible? If so, yes.03:15
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Driver  "vesa"03:15
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, okay... hold up.03:16
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, are you able to paste to a paste bin errors now or no?03:16
gRuntwow just trying handbrake for the first time, much much faster encoding than super (C) for windows! life is good with ubuntu!03:16
slerderr00tintheb0x, how? Is there any way i can know if it happened? thanks03:17
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: I can use pastebin, just not on the bad box.  I have to manually type everything.03:17
r00tintheb0xOkay black, type startx on the bad box again.03:18
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Right, wait one...03:18
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Okay, watcha looking for?03:18
mikejetWhat is the superior openoffice / spreadsheet community?03:19
ChaorainIs there something simalar to wine but for mac software?03:19
bernzslerder, do some reading on the autorun feature in general (for any OS, like Windows, Linux, etc) -- i don't think Linux distros typically support unauthorized autorun, but i usually disable it in any system i use anyway, unless explicitly needed03:19
sebsebsebChaorain: don't think so03:19
bmanmac wine = whiskey03:19
r00tintheb0xBlackAeronaut, whats the general error.03:19
r00tintheb0xNo screens found?03:19
mikejetI'm trying to use OpenOffice / Spreadsheet (Excel). How do I delete all rows that DONT contain a specific string? Is there an IRC channel for that? Google SUCKS.03:20
mylistoanyone know how to download flv's from a website...03:20
bernzslerder, in other words, it's unlikely you would have an auto-run executable that's linux-format compatible, although it's possible03:21
efeX^Is there native support for RAR's?03:21
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: Generally seems to b that the devices aren't connected.03:21
bernzslerder, clamAV is sort of designed for what you want, though -- it looks for "parasites"03:21
* bernz AFK03:21
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slerderbernz thanks, will look into it03:21
ussermylisto, firefox extension, download helper or something similar03:22
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mylistotheres this video I am trying to download...this is the source code03:22
mylistonot sure if I will be able to download the flv03:22
gRuntHey bernz my laptop just overheated and died (my fault lol) and now handbrake is being homo....but that aside I just noticed my ipod is being recognised as Filesystem type: gphoto2 when I go to properties, does that seem odd to you?03:23
gRuntWell I gtg restart 2 secs03:25
functionofxyanyone else heard of trouble w/ ati graphics this week?03:25
mikejetWhere's a good IRC channel for OpenOffice / Spreadsheet / Calc.03:25
mikejetWhy do 2004 and 2005 ubuntuforums posts always show up in google first?03:26
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Ficthehi. Putting a user in the list of sudoers is practically equivalent to giving them root, isn't it?03:27
Ficthei.e., they have the power to do anything root can do?03:27
bernzFicthe, probably, in principle, yes, but i think that's what a "chroot jail" is for (to "reign them in", so to speak, if they are "untrustable")03:28
Dreamgliderhow do i format a usb flash with CDFS filesystem ?03:29
gRuntHrmm I might post there here too as it may be more ubuntu specific than handbrake....sooo03:29
Ficthebernz, alright.. but without this "chroo jail" -- a sudoer has to powers that root has, that's basically what I wanted to know, thanks03:29
Ficthechroot* the*03:29
gRuntI just installed handbrake for ubuntu 8.10 I was converting my first file and threw my laptop on my bed, anyway apparently the quilt blocked the exhaust fan and half way through the encode my computer restarted, now when I open handbrake if I hit start the program just seems to close, doesn't do anything. Any way I can fix this?03:29
bernzDreamglider, i think you probably need to "rip" the CDFS as an ISO or similar format, then copy that file to the USB flash ... not sure if it's possible to transfer the CDFS directly, as it's a weird format, unlike most PC disk formsts03:30
gRuntis there some kind of repair feature or something? I installed it via a .deb file in from their site so I dont know :s03:30
pepperjackDreamglider: maybe just dd it?03:31
bernzFicthe, there may be other "limitations", so it's best to read the manual for 'sudo' (e.g. 'man sudo') at the least, and maybe read a bit more about it if your job or serious hobby will involve much Linux system administration :-)03:31
Dreamgliderpepperjack: can dd make a cdfs partition ?03:31
pepperjackwell you would make the partition first03:32
Ficthebernz, lol, you see.. I'm not quite the admin, my teacher is. He put my account in the list of sudoers today, so I was just wondering. :)03:32
pepperjackDreamglider: im really not sure i know nothing of cdfs so take anything i say with a grain of salt03:32
Ficthesuperactivo, #ubuntu.es, I think03:34
Ficthewait, sorry, no03:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:34
wrektkjetwhats a good program to see my hdd space? sort of like how i could select c: preferences in windows?03:34
superactivoFicthe, maybe you can help me03:34
FictheI imagine there must be a #ubuntues on the ubuntu irc network.. or what Dreamglider said :) sorry03:34
superactivoi have a problem with my microphone03:34
superactivowhere can i go looking for help?03:35
Dreamgliderwrektkjet:  sudo fdisk -l03:35
Ficthesuperactivo, if you would prefer help in Spanish, #ubuntu-es seems to have lots of users :)03:35
superactivothanx Ficthe03:35
Dreamgliderwill list your disks/partitions and their sizes03:35
zhurai-tsukihuh....when is Jaunty going to be released?03:37
zhurai-tsukijust wondering03:37
pepperjacksuperactivo: open terminal and type 'alsamixer' make sure everything for the mic is unmuted and turned up03:37
pepperjack!jaunty > zhurai-tsuki03:38
ubottuzhurai-tsuki, please see my private message03:38
wrektkjetthanks dreamgilder. is there a way to then see the usage of those partitions too?03:40
unopwrektkjet,  df -h03:40
JohnBoy80<--new to Ubuntu03:42
basixi'm on Ubuntu 8.10. I cant find Unetbootin in synaptic. Where the heck is it??03:42
JohnBoy80i can't get Adobe Flash to work :(03:42
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:42
frank_austinI've been trying to fix my system following 8.10 updates. firefox reports 'couldnt load XPCOM' and nm-applet reports "libnssutil3.so.1d is missing". I've tracked the libnssutil3 missing file to the libnss3-1d package but if I try to reinstall that I get 'Reinstallation of libnss3-1d is not possible, it cannot be downloaded - can anyone help?03:42
sebsebsebJohnBoy80: ok what would you like help with?03:43
sebsebsebJohnBoy80: Flash ok03:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:43
JohnBoy80i tried d/l the *.deb but it wouldnt work03:43
sebsebsebJohnBoy80: ok  open a termianl03:44
sebsebsebJohnBoy80: applications > assessories > terminal03:44
sebsebsebJohnBoy80: try this:   sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree03:44
sebsebsebJohnBoy80: in fact if you want Flash and AVI and  MP3 suppourt,  you do yeah?03:44
JohnBoy80"couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree"03:45
unkoanyone know the best bit torrent client for ubuntu? pm me if you have any good ones u know of...i like somthing with alot of features/plugins03:45
unopfrank_austin, does /usr/lib/libnssutil3.so.1d  exist?03:45
sebsebsebJohnBoy80:   this will  install the closed restricted stuff:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:45
armenceHey all, I have a problem. In the workplace switcher, when I click on a window and drag it to another workspace, nothing happens... Can anyone help me with that?03:45
frank_austinunop: its also not listed in the synaptic installed files for the libnss-1d package even though apt-files shows it up03:46
JohnBoy80seb, can i PM you?03:46
unopfrank_austin, maybe reinstall this way?    sudo aptitude update;  sudo aptitude remove libnss3-1d; sudo aptitude install libnss3-1d03:46
pauldavidv3module configuration contains directive install pci:v0000168Cd00000013sv*sd*bc*sc*i* /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper03:46
pauldavidv3;you should delete that at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 868, <MODPROBE> line 4.03:46
wrektkjetDreamglider: wrektkjet:  sudo fdisk -l03:46
pauldavidv3This is what I get because I had tried to install a usb wireless nic how to I remove this so I can try a diff driver?03:46
frank_austinunop: I'm nervous about uninstalling then reinstalling a core package. Are you sure that I can do that safely?03:47
wrektkjetwhat is that last symbol03:47
napzterhi guys...03:47
unopfrank_austin, well, pay attention to what the dependencies are and whether or not they are to be removed to.. if it has no dependencies, it should be relatively safe.03:47
unopfrank_austin, an alternative is to download and install the package manually.03:48
mnHow do I run a .out file?03:48
frank_austinunop: how do I download and install the package manually?03:48
napzterI have problem in my laptop.... my mouse is acting crazy whenever I click sometimes my cursor move automatically... been using mousepad03:48
=== chris_ is now known as chrisrio
unopfrank_austin,   cd /tmp && wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nss/libnss3-1d_3.12.0.3-0ubuntu0.8.04.5_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i libnss*.deb03:49
frank_austinunop: bear in mind I have no browser (but do have internet access on the machine - I manually reconfigured the interface)03:49
bernzFicthe, ahh, just read the backlog re: your class -- "with great power comes great responsbility" ;-)03:49
wrektkjetdreamgilder: i was able to run that command yuou gaver me in the terminal by pasting it. how would i type that last symbol though?03:49
napzterguys can someone help me.... my cursor is moving when i click sometimes....03:49
Ficthebernz, he didn't give the whole class or anyone else sudo, *just* me ;) but yes, don't worry, I'm not naughty.03:50
frank_austinunop: thanks! I'll try that. back soon.03:50
CentHOGGHi, I have a question.. to install LXDE from ubuntu server what 'sudo apt-get install xxx' is used? would I have to install the entire Xubuntu-desktop? thx in advance03:50
k4r1mdoes ubuntu 8.10 32bit happen to have >4gb memory support?03:51
bernzunop, note, frank_austin has used a "one" character, not a lower-case "ell" character, as the 2nd-last in the name, and i'm used to seeing "ell dee", not "one dee" after "*.so." -- could this be a factor?03:51
mrdudleanyone know if there is a plugin for linux like the realplayer one?03:51
ChowderHow do I add a public key?03:51
mnHow do I run an executable file?03:51
bernzFicthe, yes, i don't guess you would be, since you asked your question before going all crazy with your newfound superpowers ;-)03:51
Chowdermn, chmod +x file03:51
mnnot windows executable but executable for linux03:51
Chowder ./file03:51
frank_austinunop: shouldn't that be an 8.10file (how did you get the file name so quick btw?)03:52
unopbernz, it's a "1d" alright ..03:52
pepperjackmn: you basically set the executable bit as Chowder said. if you then ls -l in terminal youll see on the very left the file is now marked with 'x'03:52
bernzunop, okay03:52
unopfrank_austin, http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:52
unopfrank_austin, and for this package.  http://tinyurl.com/dbgkuw03:53
frank_austinunop: cool, thanks. trying it now...03:54
wrektkjet-l hoq do you type that?03:54
mnpepperjack then how do I execute it though.  Neither clicking nor passing its name in a terminal seem to work03:54
Chowdermn: cd to the directory that its located in03:54
Chowderthen ./file03:54
bernznapzter, on a laptop/notebook? touchpad? maybe you are inadvertently pressing on the touchpad when clicking?03:55
mnah the ./ is what I was forgetting ty Chowder.  I haven't been on linux for a while03:55
napzterbernz: no.... when I click i dont touch the pad just click button then cursor moves03:55
wrektkjet:( is my kb missing that symbol that looks like an integral symbol03:56
bernznapzter, but are you resting part of your hand on the surface that "contains" the touchpad? try lifting your hand up and touching down on the left-lick/right-click button only with a fingertip03:56
ChowderSo I'm trying to add some lines to /etc/apt/sources.list. When I run apt-get update I get the following message:W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A220. How do I add the key?03:57
bernznapzter, static electricity can also make touchpads behave weirdly -- make sure you are properly grounded before touching your notebook03:57
napzterbernz no.... im not resting my hand.... I'm using dual boot and in windows I dont have such problem03:58
bastihow can i execute a command in x minutes? i am looking for something like: unknowntool -t[30min] 'command i want wo execute in 30min'03:59
doleybbasti: use "at" on command line03:59
bernznapzter, in that case, it might be some weird settings in your X configuration (usually /etc/X11/xorg.conf) -- try examining the file to see if it makes reference to 'touchpad' drivers with settings you can research/edit -- BACKUP your original file before editing, and use 'sudo' for changes03:59
XtrHotMarSpybasti cron03:59
basticron is to "heavy" for this03:59
napztercan i install the xorg.conf?04:00
bernzbasti, hah! i was just going to say that cron might be too "heavy" for your purposes.. but a shell script that wields cron to do that simple "t-minus" style job addition sounds like the solution04:00
wanna_learn_moredo i have a problem if i make 2.6.28-8 to my intrepid?04:00
bastithx doleyb. just the thing i searched for04:00
napzterI remember I deleted it and have a back up of it04:00
napzterand use it again04:00
napztercan i install the xorg.conf again?  Bernz04:00
bernzbasti, erm, or what doleyb said :-]04:01
napzterbernz can i install the xorg.conf again?04:01
bernznapzter, well, basically, you copy the xorg.conf to, say, xorg.conf.old, then make a change to xorg.conf, then restart your X server (CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE) or manually start/stop04:01
doleybbernz: well back in the 1992, for some reason, we'd do scheduling with "at" instead of cron, so our scripts had to be sure to "re-at" themselves before terminating so they run tommorrow.04:02
bernznapzter, if you need to "restore", you go to a text console (CTRL-ALT-F1), and log in, and then copy 'xorg.conf.old' over top of 'xorg.conf', restoring your original config04:02
bernz(then restart the X server)04:02
o0Chris0ois it as easy to downgrade as upgrade ubuntu04:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sypnatic04:02
bernzdoleyb, hah, nice :-D04:02
EviltechieMy LTSP server isn't installing. It is RSODing.04:02
frank_austinunop: && bernz: Thanks for your help. reinstalling that package has got the network manager and firefox working. There are still some issues (theme, and evolution seems to have lost its configuration) resulting from the updates but things are looking a lot better.04:02
napzterwhat the command bernz? mov xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf ?04:02
Cpudan80!synaptic | wanna_learn_more04:02
ubottuwanna_learn_more: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:02
CentHOGGHi, I have a question.. to install LXDE from ubuntu server what 'sudo apt-get install xxx' is used? would I have to install the entire Xubuntu-desktop? thx in advance04:03
Cpudan80napzter: that'd work04:03
unopnapzter, mv  not mov04:03
bernzfrank_austin, awesome, always glad to hear success stories :-)04:03
Cpudan80oh yeah04:03
Cpudan80no o04:03
maodunI have a stream of text formatted thus: '2 aardvark 15 apple 6 cat' (a different word on every even line (and some data on every odd line)). i also have a dictionary where every word in the stream is on a new line: 'a aardvark ant apple cat cool'. i want to map the words on every even line to their line number in the dictionary and keep the data words from the odd lines intact.04:03
maodunthus => '2 2 15 4 6 5'. i'd like to do it all with filters and unix text tools. i realize i can do the lookup with 'grep -n', but i'm not sure what tool i should be using to run grep for every odd line in the stream. awk? any ideas how to do this?04:03
napzterokay starting terminal as root04:03
bernznapzter, almost, i'd use 'sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.old' (from the directory, '/etc/X11')04:03
chrisrioHey is there an equivalent to df for RAM?04:03
bernznapzter, (because to write to that dir, you need super)04:03
frank_austinbernz: almost success - gnome settings daemon is still broken etc. but at least I can stop using this old laptop now :)04:04
napzterwow super root? ctrl + alt + f104:04
mattgyver83o0Chris0o, its not easy to downgrade.  Your better off backing up and then formatting the partition and installing the v. you want.04:04
chrisrioother than free04:04
pepperjackchrisrio: free  top also shows info on mem usage04:04
bernzchrisrio, i think there's a magic directory for that, branching from '/proc' maybe04:04
o0Chris0omattgyver83: ok thanks04:04
maodunsorry, by filters i mean pipes04:04
bernzfrank_austin, well, yeah, partial success is still a small victory :-)04:04
pepperjackchrisrio: just run conky :)04:04
bernzfrank_austin, it's nice to have the "feed" again, eh?  :-D04:05
Cpudan80napzter: CTRL+ALT+F1 just gives you a raw terminal04:05
Cpudan80it works more or less the same as a terminal window from within gnome04:05
IdentifyTargetMy computer won't wake up from hibernation under ubuntu. I have to pull the plug  and reboot04:05
bernznapzter, from CTRL-ALT-F1, you need to log in as root if you want root (not advised), or log in as your "normal" user, then 'sudo' stuff you need super for04:05
chrisriothanks guys :P04:06
unopmaodun, awk could do it, perl even easier perhaps04:06
Cpudan80bernz: you cant really login as root04:06
Cpudan80unless you do some hack04:06
bohemian_i recently configured my internet to use opendns and used ddclient to update ip, but it has no effect up to know?04:06
zooboxhi, is okay to ask a question how to detect and/or clean a file from dos/windows linefeeds ?04:06
bohemian_what am i missing>04:06
napzterguys where is the xorg.conf?04:06
maodunthanks unop: i'll look into perl04:06
mnis there any hex editor that come on ubuntu04:06
napzterwhat foder in root?04:06
doleybzoobox: yes you can ask that!04:06
mnlike vim or something but does hex too04:07
napzterwhere is the xorg.conf ? what foder in root?04:07
ThinkMinusHello, I installed oracle 10g-XE in ubuntu yesterday....The documentation says that I need to run this command (/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure) after installation. But if I try to do so, I get "command not found"..,,,Any solution?04:07
bernzmaodun, i'm not sure, but i think you can do the whole shebang with a single AWK script04:07
Ishcan anyone throw out the names of some good bluetooth programs?04:07
pepperjacknapzter: /etc/X11/04:07
doleybzoobox: and maybe you want to look for the "mtools" package04:07
bernzCpudan80, "for user safety", yes?  :-)04:07
TariQi have a problem logging in with another user getting error (could not update ICEauthurity)       anyone can help??04:07
pepperjacknapzter: might want to cp xorg.conf xorg.conf-bak before editing :)04:07
bernznapzter, usually, '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'04:07
zooboxI am trying to code a litte bash-shellscript here and it gives some confusing errors.. perhaps there is invisible chars in that destroys it. (I did start the writing of it on a windows98-computer)04:07
wanna_learn_morecpudan80:u know how to upgrade my intepid to kernel 2.6.28.x?04:08
ThinkMinusAlso, if I list the files in /etc/init.d, there is surely a command with name "oracle-xe"...04:08
CentHOGGThinkMinus: have you gone to that folder and looked for oracle-xe04:08
bernznapzter, but remember, ALWAYS back up your file before changing it, for important config files04:08
zooboxdoleyb: ok I look at mtools first then04:08
Cpudan80zoobox: dos2unix04:08
maodunok, thanks bernz04:08
CentHOGGThinkMinus: go to the folder and try ./oracle-xe      and then see if anything happens04:08
Cpudan80zoobox: its in the default ubuntu install, it'll fix the endlines for you04:08
bernzzoobox, you can try "dos2unix" or "unix2dos" packages, which are conversion utils that might "fix" bad line endings (the most common Windows <-> Linux text problem)04:09
CentHOGGThinkMinus: if so then do the whole command04:09
Cpudan80It is advised that you back up the original though ;-)04:09
bernzmaodun, you'll have to "learn" AWK, but it's worth the time invested :-)04:09
ThinkMinusCentHOGG: If I try ./oracle-xe in that folder, I get "command not found"....04:09
pepperjackzoobox: be a real man and use sed :)04:09
bohemian_i recently configured my internet to use opendns and used ddclient to update ip, but it has no effect up to know?04:09
napzterbut guys can I just download the xorg.conf? what do u think? i think i just deleted xorg.conf.backup04:10
bohemian_i recently configured my internet to use opendns and used ddclient to update ip, but it has no effect up to know?04:10
Ishwhat bluetooth programs do you use?04:10
bohemian_i recently configured my internet to use opendns and used ddclient to update ip, but it has no effect up to noe, what am i missing?04:10
TariQi have a problem logging in with another user getting error (could not update ICEauthurity)       anyone can help??04:10
Cpudan80napzter: if you delete it - Ubuntu will do its best to remake it04:10
doleybzoobox: actually the "tofrodos" package looks better.04:10
napzterbut guys can I just download the xorg.conf? what do u think? i think i just deleted xorg.conf.backup....04:10
zooboxaha thanks Cpudan8004:10
CentHOGGCentHOGG: ok then see is oracle-xe is executable... or just chmod 0440 oracle-xe04:10
Cpudan80TariQ: delete the .ICEAuthority files from the users home dir04:10
pepperjackTariQ: try sudo chown -R username:username /home/username04:10
bernznapzter, you can always get the ubuntu live's copy, put it on a USB stick, or directly on the local hard drive, and then login via a text console and restore the file (move it to '/etc/X11')04:11
napzterhmmmmmmmm Cpudan80 is it automatically be created? without me installing04:11
Cpudan80napzter: yes, but it is often generated wrong04:11
zooboxpepperjack: hehe.. I'm not that good a sed... yet :-)04:11
CentHOGGgotta bail brb04:11
bernznapzter, oh man, what Cpudan80 said -- i gotta start looking up before hitting ENTER, and save some log space on ubuntu servers :-]04:11
napzterI think that's what happened Cpudan8004:11
flatcokeAnyone who's interested in solving a wireless network problem, I'll be very appreciated if you can take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110015504:11
ChowderI'm having trouble adding lines to /etc/apt/sources.list04:11
armenceSo, in my workspace switcher, I cannot drag and drop windows, can anyone help me?04:11
zooboxdoleyb: ho do tofrodos differ from dos2unix ?04:11
doleybzoobox: i don't know, I was just looking at package names04:12
napzterbernz: in booting to live cd... i just copy the XORG.CONF and copy it in uSB such that i can overwrite my old xorg.conf??04:12
ThinkMinusCentHOGG: I tried chmod 0440 oracle-xe, but I still get command not found04:12
ChowderSo I'm trying to add some lines to /etc/apt/sources.list. When I run apt-get update I get the following message:W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A220. How do I add the key?04:12
zooboxoh.. it was dos2unix package name :-)04:12
Cpudan80napzter: you dont need a live CD - just start an XSession and it'll make the xorg.conf file ..04:12
Cpudan80It'll make the same one the live CD would04:13
Cpudan80more or less04:13
unopmaodun,  maybe this?  http://pastebin.com/d7177cdd404:13
bohemian_i recently configured my internet to use opendns and used ddclient to update ip, but it has no effect up to noe, what am i missing?04:13
napzterCpudan80: how can i start? XSession? what should i type in terminal?04:13
Cpudan80are you at the ctrl+alt+F1 terminal ?04:13
bernznapzter, yeah, that could work, because if the live runs fine, then its xorg.conf is going to work on your hardware, probably, so if you "grab it" (copy it onto some other storage, as live things usually run out of a RAM disk), then you can overwrite your busted xorg.conf with the one you yoinked from the live run.04:13
Cpudan80hit ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to an xterm04:13
Cpudan80might be F8 or F6, sorta depends on your situation04:14
bernznapzter, best do what Cpudan80 says; my suggestion is fairly involved, and more for "desperate measure"04:14
napzterCpudan80: so if I start CTRL ALT F1.... it should be creating a new XORG.CONF04:14
napzterbernz: AHhhhh I SEEE04:15
ThinkMinusI think that CentHOOG was right!...I have only -r--r----- permissions on oracle-xe....How can I make it executable?04:15
ThinkMinuschmod is not working....04:15
napzterbernz: What does XORG.CONF stands for?04:15
bernznapzter, nah, imagine your PC is running 7 different screens; each one assigned to CTRL-ALT-Fn (n==1..7) -- you can switch among the screens04:15
bernzthey are called "terminals" ("terms")04:15
ThinkMinusI tried "chmod 0440 oracle-xe"04:15
branescani loaded up 8.10 today and updated the nvidia drivers and now cannot get gnome to start up... i have two geforce 6600gts...im wondering if the sli setup has something do with it...04:15
branescanany ideas?04:15
pepperjackThinkMinus: does it say root owns it? youll need to sudo chmod then04:15
lstarnesnapzter: xorg.conf is the configutation file used for the x display server04:15
bernznapzter, typically, the 7th term (CTRL-ALT-F7) is the 'xterm' (where X (X11, X Windows, xorg, etc) runs)04:16
lstarnesnapzter: its usual location is /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:16
ThinkMinuspepperjack: I tried sudo too, but the problem is same04:16
bernznapzter, (X is the thing that looks like Windows)04:16
napzterwow thanksness ! hahahahahha long live DEFCON....04:16
Ishwhat irc program would run in the other screens?04:16
fonecodethinkminus: u try fsck> ?04:16
ThinkMinusfonecode: nope04:17
bastiis (g)parted able so resize ext3 partitions?04:17
pepperjackThinkMinus: just sudo chmod +x filename  are you sure its a script? if you `head filename` does it show the shebang in at the top line? shebang is #!/bin/sh or whatever04:17
bernznapzter, xorg.conf stands for "X ORGanization [the guys who mostly drive its development] CONFiguration"04:17
Ishis there a place where boot errors would be logged?04:17
pepperjacknapzter: xorg is the cludge we all love to hate04:18
bernznapzter, the "primary config file" for X has changed over the years, i think; it depends on your flavor of X, but for ubuntu, it's as lstarnes wrote04:18
lstarnesbernz: Xorg is also the name of their implementation of X1104:18
* bernz nods04:18
mnAnyone know a good Ubuntu disassembler?04:18
CentHOGGThinkMinus: ok back what happened?04:18
napztero0kay u gUyS are Good!04:18
Ishanyone? boot error logs? where would those be located ?04:19
maodununop: thanks! you pretty much nailed it, except i'm looking for the output to be 'foo 1 baz 4'. i don't parse perl very well - i understand most of what you wrote, but what does this part do: "print if $|--' input"?04:19
bernzIsh, probably /var/log/messages04:19
ThinkMinusCentHOGG: Well, it's working now! I just had to "chmod +x oracle-xe"..... :)04:19
bernzIsh, e.g. 'cat /var/log/messages | less'04:19
CentHOGGanyone here LXDE?04:19
filsufhoi, anybody uses lacie lightscribe driver for linux?04:19
filsufof course for linux ;)04:19
ThinkMinusty pepperjack, CentHOGG and everyone!04:20
maodununop, specifically, $--04:20
maodunerr $|--04:20
IcebuntuCentHOGG:  yes I had used lxde04:20
kiwidrewhey, having trouble running 'apt-get update', it tells me:  "W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"  -- yikes!04:20
CentHOGGIcebuntu: Hi, I have a question.. to install LXDE from ubuntu server what 'sudo apt-get install xxx' is used? would I have to install the entire Xubuntu-desktop? thx in advance04:20
IcebuntuCentHOGG:  let me search a link for ya04:21
ZenMasta_I'm trying to SSH into a box right next to me (no monitor). In the past I have been able to use the hostname of the computer ie. robspc. However just recently that does not work anymore (fyi, my 2 computers are on a switch not dhcp router)04:21
lstarnesCentHOGG: try searching with aptitude search lxde04:21
napzterguys who are using wine here..... can someone help me tutor me 1 on 1? opening the internet explorer only in wine04:21
IcebuntuCentHOGG:  you can use both xubuntu and lxde and even ice wm04:22
=== root is now known as Rolle
=== nTm is now known as nitroM
CentHOGGok, well lemme search04:22
unopmaodun,   $| is a special perl variable (used to unbuffer filehandles when set to true)  but it has a special property .. when decremented ($|--) it alternates between a TRUE and FALSE state (and nothing else).   so  print if $|--  would print the line each time $| was set to TRUE - resulting in even lines printed04:22
IcebuntuCentHOGG:  ^^ its tell ya how to install and other things CentHOGG ice wm is also nice you might like it as well even flux box is nice04:23
CentHOGGmaybe cuz I typed in all caps04:23
bastikiwidrew, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1031404&page=204:23
Rollehow to switch between screens on irssi04:23
unopmaodun, maybe this then?   perl -lne 'print if $|--' input | while read l; do grep -nhF "$l" dict; done  #it prints line number and match - you can split it up and format it your way if you like.04:23
=== pauldavidv3 is now known as jimisrvrox
xytrushow I can recover my lost grub?04:23
lstarnesRolle: alt+<number> or /window <number>04:23
IcebuntuCentHOGG:  hope that helps you I am just an end user04:23
bastiRolle, alt/ctrl + numbers04:23
=== jordan is now known as Guest74910
Guest74910is there a way to change from Xubuntu to Ubuntu withouta cd?04:24
bastiok. alt ^04:24
Rollethanks lstarnes... also how to go back to terminal... i started up from recovery04:24
IcebuntuCentHOGG:  if you need help with regards ice wm  I know a few people who can help you out with it04:24
lstarnesGuest74910: install the xubuntu-desktop package04:24
bernzxytrus, if you are unable to boot, then easiest way is a bootable live distro or similar "rescue disk", from which you can edit menu.lst and correct stuff, or re-init grub, etc04:24
scuniziGuest74910: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:24
jimisrvroxhey guys I installed a usb nic and now ndis is telling me that I have the crap installed in modprobe question is how to delete it from modprobe because Ive tried to blacklist ssb which is listed as the alt driver but no dice.04:24
Guest74910lstarnes, what would that do?04:24
lstarnesRolle: /quit04:24
lstarnesGuest74910: that would install all the components of xubuntu04:25
bastiRolle, or use screen04:25
scunizilstarnes: but he wants to go from xubntu to ubunt04:25
xytrusbernz: thanks a lot!04:25
lstarnesscunizi: oh04:25
Rollelstarnes: thanks  basti:  I don't think i can use screen04:25
Ishbernz, naw, that didn't have it.  It's a problem that's been happening every reboot, it says something about "Had to boot into a shell"04:25
bastiRolle, why not?04:25
lstarnesGuest74910: use ubuntu-desktop instead of xubuntu-desktop.  That will install ubuntu's default packages oevr xubuntu's04:26
Guest74910lstarnes: what I meant was switching from xubuntu to ubuntu. xubuntu is missing a lot of what I liked about ubuntu and I want to switch back04:26
Rollebasti: because i'm not in gnome?04:26
Guest74910lstarnes: alright, thanks04:26
Ishwhat does xubuntu not have?04:26
unopGuest74910, you can have both XFCE and Gnome installed on the same machine.04:26
bastiRolle, so what04:26
kiwidrewbasti:  thanks!04:26
bernzIsh, hmm, sorry, haven't heard of that  :-/04:26
scuniziGuest74910: like I said. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and on the login screen "change sessions"..04:26
Rollebasti: so i don't know what you mean by use screen04:26
Ishbernz, how would i screencap something like that? since i don't know where it's being logged (if at all)  cameraphone work?04:27
bastiRolle, screen -S irrsi will create a "screen terminal" called irssi04:27
CentHOGGyeah sudo aptitude install lxde04:27
CentHOGGthx all04:27
bastiRolle, there you start irssi and leave it with ctrl+a+d and go back in it with screen -r irssi04:27
bastiRolle, so you dont have to quit it everytime04:28
scunizibasti: or screen -RR04:28
bastior that04:28
hanasakihow do I change the theme in GDM?04:28
Guest74910scunizi: thanks, I'll try that. but it will come with the things xubuntu doesn't have (OpenOffice, the forcequit app, etc), right?04:28
sparky_I need someone really good with Network setting.  I have a gigabit home network setup and I'm trying to increase the MTU on my ubuntu server 8.04.2.  I have already try to add the entry "mtu 9000" and restarted my server and when i do ifconfig it still says "mtu 1500".  Any help or direction would be very much appreciated.04:28
bernzIsh, hard to say; i've tried camphones before, but the quality is usually too low to make out text clearly... can you tell what the failure involves, in terms of hardware or software?04:28
Rolleso go back to termina..  do screen -S irrsi  then i can reconnect here?04:28
scuniziGuest74910: yes04:29
Rolleand to switch cont a d04:29
Ishbernz, apci? maybe?04:29
maxagazwhat does 155 means in the line "eth1:155  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1e:c9:ff:5e:e8" given by ifconfig ?04:29
bernzIsh, well, i recognize "APIC" (advanced PIC) and "ACPI" (power mgmt); maybe you mean one of those?04:30
ChowderSo I'm trying to add some lines to /etc/apt/sources.list. When I run apt-get update I get the following message:W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A220. How do I add the key?04:30
unopsparky_, is all equipment on your home network gigabit capable? including switches, etc in between PCs04:30
maodununop: thank you very much for explaining. i understand how it works now. but i don't think the second solution works - i want the cutting. the problem is, the data on the odd lines isn't necessarily in the dictionary. the problem seems to be that i want to pipe to 2 different functions (one pass through and one lookup) based on the line number. well, the first solution should be good enough, i think i'll just do 2 passes and then splice04:30
Ishbernz acpi looks closer04:30
unopChowder, take that key and google it04:30
sparky_unop,  yes everything is gigabit and i'm 100% positive everything is running at that04:31
bernzIsh, maybe in that case, try resetting and going into your BIOS settings, and disabling all power management-related stuff, and reboot04:31
Chowderunop, I googled how to add the key. I got the gpg file but still nothing04:31
Ishbernz, kk, will try that in a bit04:31
hey560does ubuntu 8.10 add ~/bin to the path variable automatically in bash?04:31
unopChowder, gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 6AF0E1940624A220 && gpg --export --armor 6AF0E1940624A220 | sudo apt-key add -04:32
Chowderunop: googling doesn't really help04:32
bernzChowder, you might have had to do some operations as root, and if/when you don't, sometimes you get weird errors, or no errors (but the operation has failed)04:32
bastiChowder, http://gentoo-blog.de/?p=50104:32
doleybhey560: read /etc/skel/.bashrc and see04:32
unophey560, yes, if it exists and ~/.bashrc is sourced (when starting an interactive shell).04:33
bernzIsh, in the meantime, maybe do a bit of reading on ACPI to learn of its typical quirks and whether or not you are experiencing those sorts of problems (suggesting that it's a likely cause)04:33
hey560unop: doesn't seem like it has it. for some reason i have ~/bin in my path04:33
hey560i never added it to my .bashrc04:33
hey560i can't figure out where its coming from04:33
FloodBot2hey560: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:33
zooboxare there any bash command that does nothing? bash thinks that there have to be command in an if-statement...04:33
unopzoobox,  :04:34
Keal_how do i enable the 'soundcard capture' switch?04:34
r00tintheb0xWhen there arent drivers for hardware I buy... I dont know why I have to hack other drivers to make them work with Linux instead of using NDISWrapper.04:34
mikebotIs there some new version of flash that neither ubuntu nor firefox in ubuntu know about?04:34
mikebotAnd if so, ow might I acquire it?04:34
bernzhey560, there are 10 million start-up script files chained together and .bashrc is one of the last to be run, i think, but if you're not in a hurry, you could grep your entire hard drive for that string ("~bin")04:34
zooboxunop,  thanks. I whould never have guessed it04:34
doleybmikebot: Well, you can download flash 10 linux-beta from the developers.04:35
unophey560, check /etc/bash.bashrc04:35
lstarneszoobox: you could also try true04:35
unophey560, or perhaps ~/.profile and /etc/profile too04:35
Gneazoobox: echo "nothing";04:35
mikebotdoleyb: WHere is that? (And thank you.)04:35
hey560bernz: i just freshly installed ubuntu and i was surprised by this, as no other previous release did this04:35
unopGnea, that still does something :)04:35
Gneaunop: oh, right, I'm sorry, debugging wasn't requested ;)04:36
hey560unop: its in .profiles: PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"04:36
bernzhey560, i'm a first-time ubuntu user. unop has presented some great time-saving suggestions, be sure to try those first :-)04:36
Keal_lstarnes,  how do i enable the 'soundcard capture' switch?04:36
mikebotdoleyb: Ah, I found it at get.adobe.com... thank you though.04:36
lstarnesKeal_: I have no idea04:36
hey560that was not a smart thing to include by default imho. i have a ~/bin directory with stuff scripts that have the same names as key unix commands04:37
bernzhey560, cool, you found it, i'll try to remember that :-)04:37
hey560i think i'm going to file a bug report on this04:37
bernzhey560, hmm... maybe naming your scripts something that overlaps with existing standard unix names is the problem ;-)04:37
unophey560, it used to be the case that ~/.bashrc had a line like.   if [ -d ~/bin ]; then PATH="~/bin:$PATH"; fi  # but i guess that is no longer the case.04:37
doleybmikebot: Ok, I got it from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html.  To install it, I recommend you just drop it in ~/.mozilla/plugins, rather than system-wide04:37
mikebotdoleyb: Oh, OK, thank you.04:38
hey560bernz: i specifically name them after unix commands cuz i add the ~/bin to my path for special purposes when needed04:38
mikebotdoleyb: *very much!04:38
unophey560, you could just append ~/bin to the PATH - rather than have it prepended like it is now .. that way system commands take precedence04:38
unophey560,   PATH="$PATH:~/bin"04:38
hey560i understand how to work around it. i just think its not a good thing for the OS to prepend it to the PATH variable by default.04:39
=== eric is now known as Guest61857
devilsadvocatehi, im having trouble getting my ethernet to connect... it worked for a very short time and then refuses to acknowledge the fact that a cable is connected. im using a few days old dell inspiron 1525 with the Marvell 88E80XX 10/100 . any way to check if the hw itself is fine (dont have windows... and installing it is not so easy for certain reasons)04:39
bernzhey560, fair enough, though i'm not certain it's a "bug" exactly, unless most people use your technique (it sounds specific to a certain scenario/need)04:39
hey560i guess we disagree on this04:39
sebsebsebbernz: oh your new to Ubuntu04:39
mikebotdoleyb: Do I need the 64-bit one?04:39
bernzsebsebseb, yes indeed, not so much to unix, but to Linux and specific distros04:39
sebsebsebbernz: oh you didn't seem like one04:40
nb72This may be an odd question to ask on this channel, but does anybody know a good RSS reader that runs on windows?  I'll be introducing some of my family to RSS feeds as a way to follow my blog, but I don't know any good windows reader (and I don't consider firefox live bookmarks a good solution).04:40
devilsadvocatenb72, google reader ftw :P04:40
sebsebsebnb72: that would be offtopic here, but not in #windows04:40
hey560i can finally play 1080p h.264 movies in ubuntu (with 8.10). don't know why i waited to upgrade from 8.04 so long. (i have a intel 945gm video card).04:40
bernzsebsebseb, well, i tried slackware in the mid-90s, but then got sucked into windows by uni+full_time_work, and now i finally converted my home network to all-Linux (huzzah!)04:40
sebsebsebbernz: yeah damn MS in the 90's and  that really does inpact today04:41
MrAlexandrohey560 ubuntu 8,10 is better you say?04:41
sebsebsebbernz: so many  people using Windows,  that would be fine on another OS,  with a bit of help from someone04:41
nb72sebsebseb:  Thanks, didn't even think that there was a windows channel.  :)04:42
sebsebsebMrAlexandro: 8.04 and 8.10 are not that differnet04:42
sebsebsebnb72: the Ubuntu bot used to have a joke about the WIndows channel and a mental asylum :)04:42
bernzhey560, whoah, 1080p on a 945GM? there's hope for my laptop yet! :-)04:42
bernzsebsebseb, don't worry, i think there's never been a better time for Linux to take over; Ubuntu is insanely popular among people who would otherwise have a fit trying to use Linux, and that will help its adoption04:43
sebsebsebbernz:  well  yeah, but  most people that use computers are extremally computer ignorant,  and so they aren't Ubuntu material as such, unless someone helps them out properly, like I would04:44
wrektkjetlike me!04:45
wireI'm finding Ubuntu as easy to use as Windows XP unless I feel the need to poke around under the hood, so to speak04:45
sebsebsebwrektkjet: are you?04:45
wrektkjetyea pretty disbaled04:45
scuniziwire: easier to poke here then ... there04:45
sparky_unop,  I don't know if you seen this earlier but  yes everything is 100% gigabit04:45
bernzsebsebseb, well, that's putting it bluntly, to be sure... i got my mom to start using windows for basic stuff (photo import, editing, basic HTML) a few years ago; i want to switch her to Linux, but i think she's about 1 or 2 Ubuntu releases away from being ready04:45
hanasakiis there a daemon that will work like ntpd only jsut as a client to keep a box's time correct? ie not a time server04:45
=== Guest61857 is now known as Etherael
wrektkjethave ubuntu for like 5 hours already still cvant install azerues04:45
MrAlexandroi think so to. i have converted many people to linux users. using the simple interferance in ubnutu. which even i can understand04:46
unopsparky_, and what speed and duplex is the link reported as?04:46
ericbatistai have a problem with my video integrate card04:46
wirewrektkjet: what's the issue? or have you already tried to solve it in this channel?04:46
bernzwire, i'm actually having a fair number of problems, but i'm more willing to "dig into" them than i'd be if i had the same problems on windows04:46
scuniziwrektkjet: use synatpic package manager04:46
hey560bernz: what graphics card does your laptop have?04:46
sebsebsebwrektkjet: ok Azureus needs Java,  you need to install Java in that case.  Azureus I used to use it, but ktorrent is so much better now04:46
nb72hmm... windows channel seems a bit dead and unhelpful (insert joke here...) .  devilsadvocate:  I'll take a look at google reader.  I'd prefer something that was an actual client.  Thanks for the help guys.04:46
J_A_Xso I got an intel 915 mobile integrated chip in my laptop, and Driver 'i810' doesn't seem to work at all... any suggestions?04:46
melikhow do i mount ftp servers to my computer?04:46
bernzhey560, it's a Intel 945GM i believe04:46
sparky_unop, on ubuntu or my switch?04:46
wirebernz: I feel the opposite, I wouldn't know where to begin here, I feel like a beginning user just clicking buttons04:47
wrektkjetinstall java via the add/remove programs?04:47
* wire thinks about a beginning linux course04:47
gzusif you google "install java on ubuntu"04:47
unopsparky_, well, both.04:47
gzusthey have the apt-get command04:47
gzusreally easy04:47
sebsebsebwire: heh04:47
ericbatistahello i need help please04:48
wirethere are two options in add/remove programs for Java ... are they basically the same?04:48
scuniziwire www.ubuntupocketguide.com  ... buy in on paper or download a free pdf04:48
wirescunizi: thanks for the pointer!04:48
sparky_unop, my switch is reading 1Gps, and how do I find that in ubuntu?  ifconfig?04:48
r00tintheb0xalright, for the 1st time.04:48
r00tintheb0xthis is really peeving me off.04:48
sebsebsebok newbies,   applications >  assessories > terminal     sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-restricted-extras.  that will install Java, Flash,  AVI suppourt, and unrar, and some other closed programs.   also http://www.ubuntuguide.org is a good start for basics.04:49
napzterhi guys how can i run IE ing WINE04:49
wrektkjetquick q: how do u forcequit something?04:49
bernzwire, if you are willing to try it, the command-line (a "terminal window" in the desktop) will let you explore the file-system as one would have back in the day, when all this was invented (and made sense)... it'll start to make sense.  learn how to change directories ("cd dirname") and explore "/etc" as well as your home directory (look for hidden dirs with "ls -al"); most apps store user-specific settings in the home dir in these "hidden" folders that star04:49
bernzt with a period (".")04:49
MenZa!ie | napzter04:49
ubottunapzter: For Irish ubuntu support, visit #ubuntu-ie, agus tá uisce beatha agus cuidiú Ubuntu isteach an #ubuntu-ie, Béag fáilte ort!04:49
sebsebsebnapzter: why do you want to?04:49
MenZamy apologies, napzter04:49
MenZanapzter: let me find you a link for it04:49
gzuswrektkjet: in console "killall <app name>04:49
sebsebsebwire: see above  at my long message just now04:49
ericbatistai need some help to install via integrate card with openchrome04:49
sebsebsebwrektkjet: see above at my long message04:50
r00tintheb0xnapzter, http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page04:50
unopsparky_, ethtool should do it, you might need to install it04:50
MenZanapzter: Try looking at http://tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page04:50
napzterhahahahah guys..... im using Mozilla as well.... but for testing purposes i want to run some basic win app using wine.... such04:50
sebsebsebnapzter: pm me for the info :d04:50
wirewrektkjet: you can also kill processes in the System Monitor app04:50
r00tintheb0xI need some fellow guru help.04:50
wirefor those of us who are scared of the terminal04:50
sebsebsebnapzter: I don't want newbies to know about running it on Ubuntu04:50
r00tintheb0xIs anyone here a Linux sysadmin for a living?04:50
Ishbernz, i will have some cameraphone pics for you04:50
r00tintheb0xLike, gets paid for admining linux?04:51
crinkwire: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz04:51
sebsebsebr00tintheb0x: no, but I would like to become one04:51
gzusterminal is yo friend :]04:51
r00tintheb0xsebsebseb, keep at it and you can be.04:51
napztergosh its okay guys04:51
devilsadvocater00tintheb0x, why?04:51
ysisHi. I have a problem with the graphics driver for my Nvidia card. I managed to install the driver via envyng and changed the resolution successfully, but now the borders of the windows are missing and if I want to start the gnome terminal I only get a white rectangle...04:51
ericbatistathnx 4 help me04:51
r00tintheb0xdevilsadvocate, i need some help with a driver.04:51
sebsebsebr00tintheb0x: I can remote connect people and what not, but  hardly anyone will want to pay04:51
r00tintheb0xBut don't feel like going through the basics.04:51
sparky_unop, any particular expressions?04:52
gzusysis: do you have compiz or beryl installed?04:52
pepperjackysis: is it a legacy card? what chipset?04:52
r00tintheb0xI need to talk to someone who knows what they're talking about.04:52
unopsparky_, not sure i follow. what do you mean?04:52
jimisrvroxanybody here good with ndiswrapper?04:52
sparky_unop, like -a or -g, etc.04:52
MenZa!anyone | jimisrvrox04:52
ubottujimisrvrox: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:52
gzuswhy are you using ndiswrapper?04:52
sparky_i have never ran ethtool04:53
bernzr00tintheb0x, good q; i'm also in the "it's probably going to be a good job opportunity in the future -- if the exhaustion of cheap petroleum doesn't cease to fuel our insanely rich society -- so i might as well get good at it" camp"04:53
unopsparky_, ahh no. the default should do.04:53
* crink guess flash04:53
jimisrvroxwell I picked up one of those bcm 4318 nic's after the lovely wusb54gv2 just did not work04:53
ysisgzus, pepperjack: It's a GeForce2 MX200, so pretty old. How do I found out about the beryl or compiz thingy? I just installed Intrepid from the normal install cd.04:53
r00tintheb0xbernz, learn oracle administration04:53
gzusuninstall you've nvidia driver first to see if that's the problem04:54
jimisrvroxso now ive got the issue of usb sitting in modprobe and couldnt tell you how to get it out tried to blacklist ssb and then do -m and when I did ndiswrapper -l04:54
gzusdid you install legacy?04:54
bernzysis, you should be able to figure out which driver your 'xorg.conf' should be using, and then you can check that from the command line by examining the file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) to verify that it's using the correct driver04:54
gzuslegacy driver*04:54
sparky_unop,  when i type in "ethtool" it says bad command line argument, but when i run ethtool -h it pops up all the expresses04:54
gzusfrom memory i don't recall do you need "pico" in ubuntu terminal to edit files?04:55
=== Brucee is now known as Bruceee
bernzr00tintheb0x, hmm... i'm not TOO into databases... although you're right, it's probably a good area04:55
jimisrvroxI got the nic showing up as wlan1 so I tried ifconfig wlan0 up and it tells me siocsifflags: no such file04:55
r00tintheb0xgzus, no you dont.04:55
r00tintheb0xgzus, you can use vi, vim, pico, nano, sed.04:55
unopsparky_,   sudo ethtool eth0 | grep -i -e Speed: -e Duplex:04:56
devilsadvocategzus, use nano04:56
gzusah, i'm currently on slackware, i haven't used ubuntu in a while, i wasn't too sure04:56
adful123how come when i do dpkg -l, the apps that i've removed are still listed?04:56
crinkjimisrvrox: udev or kernel driver problem, i guess04:56
r00tintheb0xbernz, if you can learn the in and outs of Oracle DB and AS... and learn Linux like the back of your hand.04:56
ysisgzus: It is the drivers fault somehow, because before I installed it it was working fine. Envyng tells me I installed 96.43.09-0ubuntu1.1, whatever that means04:56
adful123anyone? :-)04:56
unopadful123, what are the flags against the removed packages?   rc ?04:56
r00tintheb0xYou can clear $100,000.00/yr04:57
wireI think that's why I'm switching my major to Information Systems ...04:57
bernzr00tintheb0x, not too shabby :-)04:57
unopadful123, that means the configuration files are still remaining. you have to purge those packages to get rid of them completely.04:57
gzusysis, what card are you running again?04:57
bernz"...but it's not about the money."  :-D04:57
ericbatista_hi i need help with my video integrate card please04:57
jimisrvroxcrink well I couldnt rmmod ssb so I was pissed about that and idk where to go in the modprobe file to get rid of the -m usb install04:57
ysisgzus, GeForce2 MX 20004:58
adful123sudo apt-get purge?04:58
r00tintheb0xwire, and bernz, lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic04:58
bernzericbatista, we hear you, but you must describe your problem in as much detail as possible before you can expect a response04:58
sparky_unop, i'm starting to see part of my problem already.  speed: 10mbs  duplex: Half.   I probally don't have the right driver for my network card.  I have a Netgear GA311.04:58
ysisWith allmighty 32 MB memory. ^^04:58
gzusI'm sorry, i ment, what version of ubuntu are you running, you said interp, right?04:58
sparky_unop, how should i go about getting the right driver?04:58
ysisgzus, yap it's 8.10 aka Intrepid04:59
wiresorry r00t, just stopped in here after installing xchat04:59
unopadful123,  yea that does.  sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}')  # careful tho...04:59
Appocci cant browse anything even connected on wireles... so i created a route (sudo route add gw netmask wlan0) so i got it working... but when i restarted the notebook, i wasnt able to navigate again.. and now, even repeating the process i cant navigate yet.. can aybody help me?04:59
gzusi didn't like interp, too many problems, I stuck with Hardy.  if i were you i'd downgrade to hardy and use the EnvyNG and be done with it04:59
ericbatistabernz, i have a problem to install a integrate video card04:59
gzusthere are alot of problems using vmware on interp as well04:59
adful123woops, better yet i'll just leave those config files.. i bet they won't hurt :-)05:00
ericbatistai have a p4m800 m7 a05:00
Ishbernz, http://i42.tinypic.com/20aq4jt.jpg05:00
ericbatistai found a how too and i try to do it05:00
unopsparky_, it might be the case of autonegotiation .. see what modes your interface supports (take the grep out)05:00
ericbatistabut i have a many problems05:00
adful123to fully remove packages do i do remove first or purge? :-?05:00
bernzericbatista, AFAIK, the latest ubuntu supports the openchrome drivers out of the box... no?05:00
wrektkjetwhoa i just realized the system onl;y recognizes 3 gig of memory05:00
wrektkjetnot 405:00
gzussucks right?05:00
unopadful123, 'purge' will do the removal too . in one go.05:00
gzussabayon will recognize it though05:01
adful123ahh, thanks  man :-)05:01
ysisgzus: I don't see the point in downgrading. The driver should be fine (it's newer, right). I suspect GNOME, Beryl, Compiz or whatever to not interact with the driver correctly.05:01
gzusysis, Well like I said I had a lot of problems for some reason installing everything with interp.  You're right though, Compiz and Beryl will cause problems, but from what you've said you don't have either installed, correct?05:02
sparky_unop, Settings for eth0:05:02
sparky_Supported ports: [ TP MII ]05:02
sparky_Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full05:02
sparky_                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full05:02
bernzIsh, oh yeah, so it's suggesting that you disable the ACPI with a kernel option: 'pci=noacpi'... you can read a little about how to specify kernel options05:02
FloodBot2sparky_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
sparky_Supports auto-negotiation: Yes05:02
sparky_Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full05:02
unopsparky_, don't paste here .. use a pastebin.05:02
crinkjimisrvrox: if i were you, i will try to rebuild linux kernel my own setting(.config).05:02
suginight man05:02
ysisgzus: I didn't install them explicitly, but don't know if they come preinstalled or anything.05:02
aprilharewill xlink kai work with ubuntu x64?05:02
bernzIsh, [repost due to flood] oh yeah, so it's suggesting that you disable the ACPI with a kernel option: 'pci=noacpi'... you can read a little about how to specify kernel options05:02
ericbatistabernz,  can´t i see the link of the support you say it?05:03
ysisI'm running Intrepid on my laptop and it work's fine.05:03
jimisrvroxcrink not what I was wanting to hear!05:03
ericbatistabernz,  can i see the link of the support you say it?05:03
x-iphi, someone knows when would be gnome 2.26 ?05:03
jimisrvroxI guess I could use a backup kernel05:03
wrektkjethow come ubuntu on;y recognizes 3 gig out of 4 of RAm05:03
doleybwrektkjet: Do you have a laptop with integrated graphics?05:03
crinkit is not hard at all...05:03
bernzericbatista, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome05:03
x-ipwrektkjet: ur bios recognize the 4 ram ?05:04
jimisrvroxahh ok so youre thinking its bad kernel driver?05:04
jimisrvroxbecause I ndis'ed the win driver05:04
wrektkjetph i better check05:04
bernzIsh, you might need to adjust your bootloader (GRUB?) to give you a chance to specify kernel options05:04
ysisbernz: How do I figure out the driver setting in the xorg.conf?05:04
jimisrvroxwhat happeend is I had a usb wireless and evedentally the -m config for the usb driver is still listed so it wont take the -m for the pci05:04
x-ipysis: editing /etc/xorg/xorg.conf05:04
Ishbernz, i do use grub, would i add the pci=noacpi?05:04
wrektkjetcould be it doesnt. i have to look at teh bios. im still on my first few hours with this computer05:04
bernzysis, you open it in an editor and kinda just browse around looking for interesting stuff05:04
gzusysis, go to your synaptics package manager and search for both, then you can tell if they're installed or not05:04
crinkjimisrvrox: i have very few experience with wireless network driver.05:04
unopwrektkjet, that's a limitation of the 32bit desktop kernel .. you'll have to use a different kernel to use all 4Gigs05:05
gzusremember to edit files though you have to be in nautilus05:05
bernzysis, in my case, i have a line 'Driver      "fglrx"'05:05
x-ipunop: 32 bit kernels supports 4 gb ram :|05:05
bernzysis, ...because i'm using the 'fglrx' ATI driver05:05
x-ipand much more too05:05
wrektkjettruthfully im not greedy aboutr RAM i just wanted to check that it wasnt a problem of some sort05:05
sparky_unop, do you want me to repast useing pastebin?05:06
gzusnah, it's not a problem, just a bummer05:06
ericbatistabernz, let me see if i have problem i cant ask u?05:06
unopx-ip, sure they do .. but the ubuntu one doesn't .. it's by design.05:06
unopsparky_, sure05:06
ysisbernz, it reads "Driver "nvidia"05:06
bernzIsh, get GRUB to "wait" for you (showing a menu or something), then you can add boot options (a single key command)05:06
pepperjackwrektkjet: ive had to underclock the ram before for all of it to show up on some MBs05:06
Ishbernz, wait? it waits for a short bit already05:07
bernzericbatista, well, i have a VIA EPIA CN 10000 on which i will be installing Linux, and it has openchrome chipset, but i haven't tried it yet, so i have no good experience/knowledge; but the forum/helpsite from my link should explain things well05:07
ysisgzus, bernz: Synaptic tells me that compiz is installed (1:0.7.8-0buntu4.1)05:07
sparky_unop, do i click on download text then copy from web page?05:07
ysisI guess Beryl is compiz-fusion, which is not installed.05:07
gartrali have a runaway VLC and it is ignoreing sudo killall vlc...05:08
unopsparky_,  select the text you want copying .. in the pastebin textfield, do a middle click05:08
gartrali need a way to murder the task05:08
gladiatorhi.. how do i find out hard disk space usage on my file system?05:08
jordanis it possible to use nautilus instead of thunar?05:08
x-ipunop: well, but if the limit is 4gb of ram, it should get the 4 gb05:08
bernzysis, so that seems good... as for the actual settings (resolution, etc), that's more complicated... have you tried removing the driver as was suggested? it will revert you to the most "friendly" default (VESA, i think), and then you could try a re-install? someone also posted about "legacy" vs something-else05:08
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x-ip<= 4 is the restriction ( i didnt know it )05:08
wrektkjet(what irc client are y'all using in ubuntu)05:08
jimisrvroxI use chatzilla :D05:09
unopx-ip, http://tinyurl.com/cocqvh05:09
ysisbernz: I already removed the driver via envyng. It looked fine then, but when I reinstalled I had the same problems.05:09
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xavierg2003Anyone know a good website to find snes games i just downloaded an emulator05:09
doleybwrektkjet: konversation :/05:09
gartrali have a runaway VLC and it is ignoreing sudo killall vlc... i need a way to truly force quit it05:09
farliggartral, what does it say when you try killall?05:09
bernzysis, i believe compiz is just a package that can take advantage of "fancy" drivers for "fancy" video cards, but removing compiz alone won't remove the "fancy" drivers (e.g. the NVidia or ATI ones)05:09
Guest8276is it possible to use nautilus instead of thunar?05:09
jackmurphyim trying to configure lirc - when i ran apt-get install lirc - it launched a configuration tool - is there a way i can run it again05:09
doleybxavierg2003: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/03/pirates_of_somalia.html05:09
bernzysis, are there different options for installing the driver via envyng?05:09
sparky_unop, i don't have a middle click i'm on a mac05:10
x-ipwow unop  :|05:10
gartralfarlig: acts like it kills the task, but the vlc doesnt even zombie...05:10
bernzysis, i have an ATI card, so i don't know how the NVidia side of envyng works05:10
xavierg2003when i click it it doesnt open....05:10
gartralysis: whats your problem?05:10
ysisbernz: Yes, I can install a driver with a lower version number, but the recommendation is the one I installed.05:10
doleybxavierg2003: You don't need to open it, just reading is enough of a hint.05:10
unopsparky_, bahh..    sudo aptitude install pastebinit && sudo ethtool eth0 | pastebinit   # that returns a URL05:11
napzterhi guys what folder i can find the wine?05:11
ysisgartral: My window borders are missing and things like the gnome terminal are just a white rectangle after installing the nvidia drivers.05:11
unopsparky_, your terminal might have a way of copying text - i believe gnome-terminal does05:11
xavierg2003that had nothing to do with what i asked.....05:11
ysisSo e.g. when I start synaptic from the menu I get just a white rectangle instead of the gksu(?) password window05:12
pepperjacknapzter: .wine under that folder is a drive_c05:12
unopsparky_, i'm not sure if you can do both a left-click and right-click at the same time with a mac's mouse -- that translates as a middle click too05:12
farliggartral, what does your system administration show?05:12
ysisBut it is there, because when I type in my password blindly and hit enter Synaptic starts fine (just without border).05:12
napzterwhere is my root folder05:12
bernzysis, if you install the "Compiz Fusion" taskbar widget, you can switch easily between Compiz (fancy) and the regular ("boring") WMs05:12
sparky_unop, i'm running sever via ssh and do not have any gui install05:12
wrektkjetchatzilla it is05:12
bernzysis, then you can see if you have the same graphic problems in "plain" mode05:12
gartralysis: i have a legacy nvidia card, the drivers are not compatible with the ubuntu kernal past 96.43.0905:12
unopsparky_, that shouldn't matter - it's the terminal you use on the client end that you copy the text off :)05:13
pepperjacknapzter: how do you mean?05:13
gartralfarlig system shows %100 CPU and RAM usage.... system load is 1.0005:13
ysisgartral: I have a GeForce2 MX 200, I guess this is "legacy"? So what should I do, install the old driver with envyng?05:13
unopsparky_, anyway, use the pastebinit method.05:13
pepperjackysis: i had no end of trouble with legacy drivers and current Xorg..05:14
BeerMonkeyanyone got / know where to get good drivers for ati graphics cards?05:14
farliggartral, does your system moniter list vlc as active?05:14
pepperjackBeerMonkey: just use the radeon open source driver05:14
ysispepperjack: I really don't understand the problem with this. Shouldn't the old cards be the one best supported?05:14
BeerMonkeythere abit poo! lol05:14
gartralysis yes that is a lagacy card, i have the MX 400 with mentioned drivers, and i play SL and UT3 at decent framrates05:14
dftanyone install the plus kernel for reiserfs support then try to revert back to base?05:15
dftack nm wrong channel05:15
ysisgartral: What's SL? I'm removing the new driver and installing the older one right now.05:15
pepperjackysis: yes they absolutely should.  nvidia though has a history of stopping support for older cards that is one reason i moved to ati now that they are going opensource05:15
gartralfarlig: it did,,, but i just watched it die and everything is normal, it just took a hiously long time to die off (i waited 15 minutes before joining)05:15
gartralysis: SecondLife... a "cutsy" mmo "sandbox" game05:16
sparky_unop, sorry to add to my problem but now it won't fetch anything from the ubuntu servers05:16
pepperjackBeerMonkey: google ubuntu restricted and the first link should help ya out05:16
sparky_but i'm still connected via ssh05:16
ysisgartral: Sounds like even less real life for computer nerds. ;-)05:16
BeerMonkeyok cheers pepperjack05:16
gartralysis: other than the fact you can actually make money with SL, and chat with my GF while im away, i think it in itself is insipid, but a usfull tool05:18
napzterguys how can i view hidden folder in terminal05:18
unopsparky_, ohh lord.  can you ping anything out on the internet?05:18
unopnapzter, ls -a05:18
farliggartral, did you try xkill?05:18
bernzunop, well, if he's able to IRC, he's not totally dead in the water :-)05:18
bernznapzter, there's an option in nautilus (the file explorer)05:19
ysisgartral: I have no time for gaming since I started using Linux...05:19
unopbernz, he's SSHed into another host that's having the problem.05:19
gladiatorcan anyone tell me how i can find out the disk usage of my file system? i installed ubuntu on a partition and the other partitions are mounted automatically in /media... i just want the usage of my ubuntu partition05:19
gartralfarlig: i had closed the window it was running, and it died, but the task itself didnt05:19
unopgladiator,  df  -h05:19
bernzunop, oooh05:19
gartralysis: it's not exactly a game, its self descriptive...05:19
sparky_unop, sorry,  nothing, i tried www.google.com and it's ip05:20
ultratekanyone know what to do about: Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED05:20
unopsparky_, checked default gateway?  DNS servers?  can you ping either?05:20
jackmurphyanyone configured lirc?05:20
Brando753hey is there anywhere i can get tutorials on ubuntu networking so i can figure it out :P05:20
jackmurphyi cant seem to relaunch the configuration tool05:20
pepperjackgladiator: kdirstat is a pretty good tool05:20
pepperjackgladiator: not sure of the gtk equivalent05:21
unopultratek, usually means the service on the remote machine isn't taking connections - usually because the service isn't running, port isn't open or is firewalled, etc.05:21
gladiatorunop: got it .. thanks.. whats tmpfs, varrun, varlock etc05:21
sparky_unop, it looks like i get only to the default gateway05:21
gartralunop: you forgot about "it didnt receive a proper request" ;)05:22
ultratekty unop05:22
unopgladiator, temporary filesystems mounted in RAM05:22
jackmurphyi have lirc installed - but when i run irw - and click the remote - i get no feedback05:22
unopsparky_, but is the default gateway setup?  pinging it doesn't mean its setup alright?05:22
BeerMonkeyBrando753: what version of ubuntu you using?05:23
pepperjackjackmurphy: sorry i dont have  a great deal of exp with lirc yet but id try /join #mythtv-users  i know alot of guys in there running ubuntu with remote05:23
gladiatorunop: ok thanks05:23
sparky_unop, if your talking about the interfaces files yes it has my gateway in it05:23
gartralfarlig: i looked through my logs, i had pulled a dvd from a drive i *thought* was idle, VLC was trying to read it still, it was completly user-error05:24
BeerMonkeyBrando753: have you tried looking in the forums on www.ubuntu.com?05:24
unopgartral, NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED would be a horrible message for that exception, it would be apt for it be called NT_STATUS_IMPROPER_REQUEST :)05:24
gartralunop: heh05:24
unopsparky_,  no, check the output of route -n  .. things can change since the interfaces file is read and interfaces setup ..05:24
jackmurphyi'm trying in there05:25
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jackmurphybut real quick - i found some docs saying - sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source  should launch the config application, is there a equivilent of this for apt-get ???:05:25
pepperjackjackmurphy: no the dpkg command is what you want05:26
jackmurphypepperjack: even if its installed via apt-get already?05:26
sparky_unop it has  destination as which is not my gateway and under gateway it has
farliggartral, that's strange. what version of vlc is it?05:26
pepperjackjackmurphy: yep apt-get installs the deb packages05:26
frybyeHi - I installed an appl from a deb package in Intrepid. The icon to start the appl works fine when I go direct to it in orig. location at /usr/bin - but when I dragged it onto the desktop it no longer works - what have I done wrong..(I want to start this appl by cllicking the icon on the desktop-)05:26
svenskotoday i was using a macbook pro at best buy and it had the hardy heron background... which one of you was it?05:26
gartralfarlig: dont worry about it, i compiled my own with some extras... i know what line caused the crash ;)05:27
jackmurphypepperjack: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source returns Package `lirc-modules-source' is not installed and no info is available.05:27
unopsparky_,  so you do have an entry in there like.  $GATEWAY_ADDRESS ... ?05:27
pepperjackjackmurphy: dpkg -l | grep -i lirc05:27
frybyeshort version of my ?: what do I need to do to start an installed appl from the desktop?05:28
pepperjackjackmurphy: dpkg -l lists installed packages05:28
jackmurphyo hrmm05:28
farliggartral, aight..05:28
jackmurphyseems i just needed to do it on lirc05:28
sparky_unop, correct, but when i installed it i did put it in there and even updated some packages.   ok now what?05:28
pepperjackfrybye: im not familiar with gnome but I believe you need to right-click and make a launcher or whatever the gnome equiv language is05:29
unopsparky_,  can you traceroute to  google.com ( ?05:29
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sparky_unop, no05:30
ysisgartral: I removed the latest driver and tried to install the older one (71.??.??), but when I restart the intallation routine for the driver fails (I just could read something with "DKMS"...)05:30
unopsparky_, strange. this machine is on the same network as the machine you are on now, right?05:31
frybyepepperjack: I will have a look and try and figure it out.. thanks..05:31
sparky_unop, correct  i do have them running thur the same gigabit switch so that is probbally the reason i can ssh in to it05:32
unopsparky_, when you installed ethtool? it was able to get it off the repositories (on the internet) right?05:32
sparky_unop, no it was already installed, i guess by default,  i never did install it myself05:33
frybyepepperjack: it seems to have been set to open with wine? - and wants me to tell it what appl. to open with .. I just want the installed app itself to open.. eh...?05:33
wrektkjethey. issue:E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:33
wrektkjetmarc@Marcs-Box:~$ dpkg --configure -a05:33
wrektkjetdpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege05:33
unop!sudo | wrektkjet05:33
ubottuwrektkjet: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)05:33
unopsparky_, hmm.05:34
gartralysis, do you have an intergrated card you can fall back too?05:34
stoic_Is there a way to enable directory indexing in thttpd, I need to enable directory indexing on the thttpd server on my modem to retrieve a file05:34
ultratekwhy cant i see my xp machine from my ubuntu machine in the windows network folder05:34
pepperjackfrybye: what is the app name?  if it were installed with wine then the file in /bin would be a script running wine appname05:34
unopsparky_, you sure you can't traceroute to this address?
syphinstall samba to see your windows machine05:35
frybyezattoo_player is what it is..05:35
ultratekwith what cmd?05:35
gartralysis: 96.43.09 is the set i recommend, would you like a link?05:35
unopultratek,  sudo aptitude install samba05:35
frybyein the past I tried installing zattoo win version with wine - but this version should be the linux version... eh..05:35
syphsudo apt-get install samba smbfs i believe05:36
ysisgartral: Sure, information is always welcome.05:36
ultratekoh i have researched so much for help with samba which is installed on doing this05:36
sparky_unop, wait a sec, i wasn't paying attention to the error but it says traceroute command not found05:36
syphlol what?05:36
ultratekbut to continue05:36
unopsparky_, tracert  perhaps?05:36
ysisgartral: I will try to install it with Synaptic now.05:36
frybyepepperjack: perhaps there is a gnome-guru who can help out a bit on this??05:37
wrektkjetok im trying to install java and at the ebnd of the eula it wants me to click "ok05:37
wrektkjetbut im in the terminal05:37
sparky_unop, it says tracert is currently not installed05:37
syphyou have to use spacebar05:37
syphcan't "click" in terminal05:38
stoic_pepperjack: pepperjack loves fragglerock05:38
frybyeok I have it now...05:38
sparky_unop, that just seems wierd to me05:38
stoic_pepperjack: does pepperjack look like hes playin ?05:38
wrektkjet i know i cant click.. spacebar isnt doin anything tho05:38
gartralysis your CPU 64 or 32 bit?05:38
frybyethe appl has an entry not in /internet/ in the app menu but in /multimedia etc.. I can drag that onto the desktop .. thanks... bye for now..05:38
syphmaybe it's tab to ok05:38
syphthen spacebar05:38
wrektkjetyay thank you05:38
ultrateksyph, i did a testparm on a test share and everything is checking out ok...what needs to be in the smb.conf to see my xp machine?05:39
ysisgartral: 32 bit, Pentium 405:39
wrektkjetu r the bomb05:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:39
syphit's from memory, sorry i was off lol05:39
syphyou should try slackware :] after you forcefully learn it, you'll love ubuntu05:39
syphif you can manage to switch back05:39
wrektkjetoh yea something harder great idea05:39
stoic_Is there a way to enable directory indexing in thttpd, I need to enable directory indexing on the thttpd server on my modem to retrieve a file05:39
gartralgeforce 200, right ysis?05:40
syphthat's what i did, but i haven't made myself go back yet :/ except for my laptop05:40
ysisgartral: GeForce2 MX 20005:40
AkkernightAnyone know what port to open for Transmission BitTorrent application?05:40
wrektkjetill take a couple of days with ubuntu first05:40
syphyeah, it's gravy, ubuntu is great to learn with05:40
ysisI just installed your recommended driver and got the same problem as I started with.05:40
unopsparky_, I have to get to bed now .. I hope someone else can take over and help you. as for the MTU .. you have to make sure both ends of the connection, both sender and receiver are transmitting at 1000MB/s, Full Duplex and they both should have the MTU configured for 9000.05:40
cipherZen@Akkernight go into preferences, should tell you what port is being used05:40
wrektkjetmine is 909105:40
AkkernightcipherZen, thanks-105:41
sparky_unop, thanks for all the help/info and i know about the MTU on both ends05:41
caffeinegumHi, wondering if someone can help me with a usb key problem. Just bought a Verbatim 2gb 'Store n Go' usb key drive, and it seem to be having trouble mounting after I tried formatting it using gparted to fat32 .... I've had a google and it seems it might be something to do with the firmware. I can't find a solution.05:41
gartralysis: ahh, thank you, you have a PM05:42
Akkernighthow do I set a static ip in Ubuntu?05:42
ZeZuman ifconfig05:43
ZeZubasically just ifconfig device [static addr] netmask [mask] up05:43
Akkernightzezu, is that for me? And do you mean terminal?05:43
pepperjackcaffeinegum: if you plug/unplug it and do a dmesg | tail do you see the partition?05:44
ZeZuAkkernight: it is directed at you, probably should have used your nick05:44
ZeZuAkkernight: an example would be ifconfig eth0 netmask up05:44
AkkernightZezu, eth0 being? Where do I find what I use?05:45
syphit's usually eth0 or eth105:45
Icebuntusyph:  do you have two lan cards ?05:45
syphunless you're wireless...05:45
FloodBot2syph: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:45
syphi have mobo and a lan card05:45
Akkernightsyph, I'm from the Atlantic/Europe and I do have wireless...05:45
syphi use wlan0 for wireless05:46
ZeZustatic ip over wireless?05:46
Icebuntusyph:  us you have 2 lan careds05:46
ZeZuAkkernight: if you just use "ifconfig"05:46
ZeZuit will display a list05:46
AkkernightSorry peeps, I'm ill as f**k, and my mind doesn't work a 100% :S Sorry if I sound retarded05:47
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Akkernightbash: ipconfig: command not found05:47
Akkernightoh sorry05:48
Akkernightwlan0 it is...05:48
cipherZenused to happen to me all the time :P05:48
pepperjackcaffeinegum: did you try sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb  and deleting and creating a new partition? make sure to select 'write' before exiting cfdisk then do a sudo mkdosfs /dev/sdb105:48
syphlol i use to netstat and get so frustrated05:48
syphi thought ubuntu mounted auto?05:49
syphmine always has05:49
AkkernightZeZu, in your example you type 'up' in the end, is this needed?05:49
rogermuddWhat's the easiest way to switch between speakers plugged into your on-board sound card and a USB headset. Sounds simple, but it's giving me an incredibly hard time.05:49
syphwhat do you mean switch?05:50
rogermuddsyph, go from listening from speakers to listening via USB headset on the fly05:50
syphplug them in?05:51
syphcheck your alsamixer05:51
syphheadphones may be turned down05:51
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rogermuddsyph: They're plugged in and the volume is up.05:51
syphyou checked the alsamixer in terminal?05:52
syphor just volume control?05:52
syphsneaky bastards hide sometimes05:52
rogermuddsyph: Just in volume control. Trying alsamixer right now. Having a hard time switching cards. Tab only switches between options for the default card/source.05:53
caffeinegumpepperjack, no, still not mounting, same message when I dmesg |tail05:53
syphroger: you saying you have more than one sound card or am i just a retard?05:54
doleybsyph: He has two sound hardware devices, one PCI or motherboard and one USB.05:55
gRuntOkay im getting super annoyed with handbrake every time I try and convert an ogm to an mp4 it closes handbrake, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't log files don't appear to show anything abnormal, I installed it from the debian file on their site and am running ubuntu 8.1 any ideas?05:55
rogermuddsyph: Yes. What doleyb said. Onboard sound and a USB headset.05:55
ZeZuAkkernight: the up means the connection should be active i believe05:55
gartralhow do i remove ksysgaurd... from a gnome session05:57
syphroger: what kind of head set is it?05:57
rogermuddsyph: Logitech notebook.05:57
cipherZengRunt: you try running it from a bash shell and see if there's any output when it crashes?05:57
syphlsusb in console05:58
rogermuddsyph: Fold-up style. Has an analog connector that is currently working when plugged into the speaker (Klipsch 2.1).05:58
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syphyou get anything out of that roger?05:58
rogermuddsyph: Logitech, Inc. Premium Stereo USB Headset 35005:58
caffeinegumrogermudd, I use a usb sound card and sometimes swith to my onboard sound to make use of my laptop speakers, I just simply use the pulseaudio colume control to move switch back and forth05:58
gRuntcipherZen, im still super new to ubuntu I don't know how to run a lot of stuff from terminal what would the command be? also as I said sometimes it works i just opened it again and its now converting though chances are when it goes to the next in queue it will crash.05:58
syphword, so it's detected05:59
LordKowrogermudd, (off topic) good 2.1 sound system . i have music blaring out of it right now. :-)05:59
rogermuddsyph: Yes. It's working, but I'd prefer the USB connection.05:59
gartralksysgaurd was eating my proc alive, i just reniced it too 5... is this safe?05:59
rogermuddLordKow: It is good. Had for about seven years. Still sounds great.05:59
syphwell yeah, i was just making sure your computer was recognizing it.  Have you rebooted since you've tried to fix this problem?06:00
LordKowgartral, do you use kde?06:00
gartralLordKow: nope, this is a Convert...06:00
rogermuddsyph: No. I haven't actually change anything. Just plugged the headset into an analog connection rather than a USB connection.06:00
LordKowgartral, do you even need it then?06:00
syphplug it into a usb slot, then reboot06:01
syphsee if it's recognized06:01
* gartral has a jack headset that skype only outputs to one ear on...06:01
rwparris2 I have a laptop here that wouldn't boot windows, something about pagefile.sys not being found.  I have a the ubuntu 8.04 live cd in it to try and get my databack, but it gives me squashfs errors.  any help?06:01
syphit should work.. i don't know why it wouldn't, mine does06:01
LordKowrwparris2, did you try verifying the cd integrity? i've had that happen with bad burns.06:02
gartralLordKow: nope... but the system complains it doesnt want it gone...06:02
syphrwparris: why don't you boot with a windows disc for recovery options?06:02
LordKowgartral, what else does it want to remove? if you dont use kde anymore then you likely have a lot of leftover kde (now garbage) packages.06:02
rwparris2LordKow:  I'll try in a sec06:02
sypheww kde06:02
gartralLordKow: and i do use some KDE progs, like i cant live without k3b06:02
rogermuddsyph: I'll give it a shot later. Trying to finish up and go to bed. Thanks for your help. Have to admit, this sound situation is not ideal -- at least for me.06:03
LordKowgartral, yea neither can i. you shouldn't need ksysguard for any qt/kde apps though...06:03
RolleMeh--I hope they fix this stupid fglrx in 9.04 =/06:03
syphdude, when i first started bumpin ubuntu, i googled for weeks06:03
syphit's just one of those things06:03
Rollegoogle=your friend06:03
syphTBH i couldn't even get irc to work when i first started with linux06:03
RolleI been googling for about 7 months =p06:04
syphLol yeah, when I switched to slackware06:04
gartralLordKow: and Exiale needs to be a tad better before it can replace AmaroK06:04
syphgoogle became homepage06:04
Rollei still have problems =p06:04
syphevery day06:04
rogermuddsyph: Yeah. I've actually been battling this for *years.* Perhaps a mobo issue. Maybe a discreet sound card is the answer.06:04
syphdrop the usb headset man06:04
LordKowgartral, all true. i hate what happened with amarok 2. rhythmbox has done me just fine since i switched over to it a year ago06:04
Rollei'm attempting to get around not being able to get to gnome06:04
syphi've never had good quality out of usb anyway06:05
o0Chris0orogermudd: sometimes, its best to buy a pci sound card, does the trick.06:05
syphRolle, you're not in gnome?06:05
cipherZengRunt: got to Applications -> Accessories  -> Terminal to  open up the shell, then just run handbrake-gtk to start it from the command line06:05
Rolleno =/  9.04 is f-ed up06:05
rogermuddsyph: That would be the easy solution. But audio capture is generally considered superior via USB. That's important to me.06:05
Rollei'm running from terminal06:05
LordKowyou should be in ubuntu+106:05
syphWhat window manager are you using?06:05
o0Chris0oRolle: Its not f-ed up, its still Alpha, hasn't been offically released yet :)06:05
RolleLordKow: thanks i was looking for that06:05
rogermuddsyph: If that's directed at me, I'm using Gnome.06:06
Rollethat doens't make it not messed up06:06
syphRolle, ever used fluxbox?06:06
=== carlos is now known as Guest8669
Guest8669can someone help me with amule please, i opened the ports but i have low id yet06:06
o0Chris0osyph: yuck06:06
syphRoger, no it was too rolle, but out of curiosity, why using linux for audio capture?06:06
syphchris: srsly!?06:06
Rollesyph: no i haven't.06:06
gartralLordKow: someone was the light, AmaroK is now 1.4.10 in repos06:07
o0Chris0ohey guys not to be mean..but06:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 0t06:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:07
gartralLordKow: saw*06:07
cipherZengRunt: ah, sorry, run ghb06:07
rogermuddsyph: Trying to put together some linux-related screencasts. That, and I'm moving all my machines to Linux. Cost issues.06:07
LordKowyea the ubuntu devs realized most would not enjoy amarok 2. it's still available just not in the official ubuntu repositories06:07
syphroger: at least you can justify you're decisions06:07
rogermuddsyph: True. I guess you sleep in the bed you make -- or some other form of that cliche.06:08
toothyDoes anyone know if it's possible to stop gnome from auto rotating thumbs???06:08
syphroger: indeed, i'd using mac for audio though...06:08
syphuse* but that's a whole nother story06:09
pepperjacktoothy: id assume its nautilus doing that but not sure howto change.06:09
rogermuddsyph: I actually have a unibody MBP. Nice machine, but I'm selling it in a bit for reasons including freedom and cash deprivation ;-)06:10
toothypepperjack, yes i think that's right... stupid question but how is nautilus different from gnome?06:10
syphroger: i was referring to a hackintosh ;) i couldn't drop all that money on a mac06:11
pepperjacktoothy: nautilus is the file manager, gnome is the desktop environment.06:11
rogermuddtooth: Nautilus is the file manager for Gnome which, in turn, is a desktop environment.06:11
rogermuddpepperjack: jinx06:11
rogermuddsyph: Tried the Hackintosh route. Too much fiddling a the time. And again, wanted to get away from vendor lock-in.06:12
syphroger: very true brother very true06:13
rogermuddNight all. Off to bed!06:13
syphnight night06:14
IdentifyTargetI recently installed a program, lirc, which loads a daemon on boot. Where is the file that controls this daemon or tells it what arguements to use?06:14
syphgl with your usb issue06:14
toothypepperjack, rogermudd, thanks06:14
rogermuddThanks again for the help syph. I'm off!06:14
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:15
tom_anyone installed VMware tools using VMWare sever 2.0?06:15
trnzmetahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vg7ir4Ddfk&feature=channel_page --> is this lots of custom work?06:16
* trnzmeta doesn't normally run linux as desktop06:17
tom_whats the command to run the control center?06:17
tom_with configuration stuff?06:17
o0Chris0otrnzmeta: no its not, what do you currently have installed for ubuntu?06:18
slimjimflimcan anybody help, i'm getting the following when i do apt-get update:06:19
slimjimflimW: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278306:19
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: Yes plz follow this...06:19
bmanneed the gpg key06:19
bmangoogle it06:19
IdentifyTargethow do I find out what daemons are being called during startup?06:19
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:19
o0Chris0othe howto shows you how to install the key06:20
trnzmetao0Chris0o: I'm not a ubuntu user, but wondering how hard to get that going as winman06:20
trnzmetais that default package setup only with ubuntu?06:20
o0Chris0otrnzmeta: I can't help you there :( try the support channel for that distro.06:20
IdentifyTargeto0Chris0o: I get that for this depository. GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release06:21
IdentifyTargetis that normal?06:21
slimjimflimo0Chris0o: just www.medibuntu.org?06:21
o0Chris0otrnzmeta: Medibuntu (Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu) is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons (copyright, license, patent, etc).06:21
trnzmetao0Chris0o: cheers :)06:21
o0Chris0oIdentifyTarget: I'm not sure about that :(06:21
o0Chris0otrnzmeta: type this in terminal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update06:22
r00tintheb0xMan, this sucks.06:22
r00tintheb0xart.gnome.org removed their search and sort features.06:22
o0Chris0otrnzmeta: my bad, I forgot your not using ubuntu, good luck searching for your distro help06:23
trnzmetao0Chris0o: I normally run deb as server, but I'll give ubuntu a go as desktop06:24
trnzmetaesp with this medibuntu thingo06:24
* trnzmeta wonders how resource intensive it is06:24
o0Chris0otrnzmeta: the recommended specs to run ubuntu can be found on http://www.ubuntu.com :)06:25
slimjimflimo0Chris0o: the link you gave me has no instructions, just info about medibuntu06:25
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: You have to read :)06:26
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu <--this link is at the top of the page06:26
slimjimflimnope, that's better06:26
gRuntHey my comp crashed befpre (my bad) can anyone tell me where to find the log files for handbrake I want to see why it closes whenever it tries to encode something...06:27
slimjimflimo0Chris0o: should i remove the repo?06:27
o0Chris0othats up to you, your trying to get it to update properly, yes?06:27
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: which version are you using?06:28
slimjimflimit was fine until about 10 minutes ago06:28
o0Chris0oof ubuntu06:28
magnetron!enter | slimjimflim06:28
ubottuslimjimflim: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:28
o0Chris0otry, "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list" in terminal06:29
slimjimflimoh yea, and it's 64 bit06:29
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: when you do that input "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update" and try the update again06:30
b1b50nhi all06:33
o0Chris0o!hi | b1b50n06:33
ubottub1b50n: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:33
IdentifyTargethow do I find out what daemons are being called during startup?06:33
b1b50nau verapers ver vigeb06:33
b1b50nam ubuntu sas06:33
magnetron!english | b1b50n06:34
ubottub1b50n: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:34
o0Chris0ob1b50n: what language channel do you need b1b50n06:34
trnzmetaok guys, thanks :)06:35
slimjimflimo0Chris0o: that didn't work either...i get the same error when i get to apt-get update06:35
=== y0bw0c is now known as painbow
gartralhow do i tell k3b to ignor the fact that a single layer DVD is 4.4 gig? (i have expanded Philips disks of 4.7 gb)06:35
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: can you paste exactly what the error is to me? if its really long, please use pastebin06:36
painbowCould anyone help me out with installing Urban Terror 4.1?06:36
o0Chris0ogartral: thats a kde3 application, probably would get better help in #kubuntu :)06:36
o0Chris0opainbow: plz pm me06:36
b1b50nshig xo aragaqvt06:37
b1b50nra yleobebs cert06:38
melikdamn anyone have a good cleaner script?06:38
meliki remember coming across this good bash cleaner script06:38
slimjimflimo0Chris0o: http://pastebin.ca/136500506:38
o0Chris0o!english | b1b50n06:38
b1b50nmagari yleebi xart tqveni dedebs sheveci sirebo06:38
ubottub1b50n: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:38
syphthe readme tells you how to install it06:38
sachinvlkhey,..i have one problem06:38
meliksachinvlk, just ask your question06:39
Scoomaa duck?06:39
o0Chris0ob1b50n: that language wont be tolerated here...please refrain from using that06:39
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: one second, I haven't forgot about you :)06:40
slimjimflimo0Chris0o: nm, fixed06:40
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: great, what did the trick?06:40
slimjimflimi had another aptitude instance open06:40
o0Chris0oahh :) forgot to ask that06:40
Scoomaheyas.... i'm getting a failure on "partial upgrade" with the most recent patches  (today's updates)... anyone else? [linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic]06:40
slimjimflimbut the updated sources.list is what made it actually work though, o0Chris0o06:40
o0Chris0oslimjimflim: np, glad to of helped you06:41
tom___i succeed06:41
slimjimflimto HAVE helpd ;_06:41
b1b50nhelp my06:41
gartral!ohmy | b1b50n06:41
ubottub1b50n: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:41
o0Chris0ob1b50n: I am trying to help you, what language chanel you looking for06:42
b1b50npui bliad06:42
Scooma.....ya ignore me - i fixed it.............06:43
jigphello guys. im using ubuntu 8.04. please help me. I want to post my school articles and tutorials for knitting. when I publish the articles I got these errors "Oops! Sorry an error has occurred. Please click here to contact us so that we can fix it.Please remember that you have to provide the full, complete Blog URL, otherwise we can not fix it" . but if I use windows I can publish articles.06:43
bitfishb1b50n: are you from georgia?06:43
slimjimflimlol, i was just about to say that06:44
slimjimflimwhat do they speak in georgia? russian?06:44
b1b50ntu xoo06:44
b1b50ntu ravi06:44
b1b50nsheni dedac movtyan06:44
FloodBot2b1b50n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:44
bitfishi think so06:45
ubottuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge06:45
thiefy`this xchat-gnome doesn't seem to be any good.06:45
bitfishnot sure, though06:45
bitfishb1b50n: what is your native language?06:45
FloodBot2bitfish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
thiefy`why not use just normal xchat?06:45
Akkernightoff topic: What is general knowledge ?06:45
o0Chris0othats not it I don't think06:45
syphthiefy: try irssi06:45
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:45
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:45
thiefy`i'm used to mIRC....06:45
syphit's nice06:45
syphit's straight out of the terminal06:45
syphi like it06:46
thiefy`i inst. xhcat on a diff ubuntu installation and it was nice, i think i didn't do this gnome version.06:46
thiefy`seems to be very limited.06:46
bitfishthiefy`: the point of xchat-gnome is to create a irc client for the gnome desktop, but they failed horriibly imho06:46
g4lt-lappytheiI'm sorry.  well, now you can learn to use a decent client06:46
g4lt-lappythiefy`, ^^^^06:46
syphyeah i don't use gnome06:46
b1b50n10x  aravinaa06:46
thiefy`i don't really want it to look like terminal though...06:46
syphsoo not too sure, but i like irssi i actually just found it tonight, but it's night06:46
thiefy`that sounds odd.06:46
farligthiefy`, you can install the regular xchat06:46
b1b50nroom clean06:46
sachinvlki have one problem..that when ever i boot my ubuntu...it waits for too long...giving that "Kinit: No resume image" how do i rectify this problem06:46
g4lt-lappyhonestly xchat-gnome is for the birds.  I just use straight xchat06:47
thiefy`i'lll check out scr of irssi06:47
thiefy`yeah, i think i agree lappy.06:47
syphyeah, i use xchat as well06:47
syphi use both, depending upon my mood lol06:47
g4lt-lappyeither that or somethime I go back to the old standby, BX ;P06:47
o0Chris0ob1b50n: language?06:47
IdentifyTargethello. I'm trying to modify my linix boot process. How can I find the file that loads reads Serial ports (ttyS1)?06:47
slimjimflimthe native language of georgia is Kartuli06:47
thiefy`i've read amarok is the best for managing your ipod, what do you guys think?06:47
sachinvlki have one problem..that when ever i boot my ubuntu...it waits for too long...giving that "Kinit: No resume image" how do i rectify this problem06:47
slimjimflimi can't find a translator for that06:48
g4lt-lappyslimjimflim, I thought it was Siouthern ;P06:48
slimjimflimno idea06:48
Scoomaan expert question... when your ubuntu  initramfs's etc, and updates the modules for us in the new kernel, how can you automatically add kernel modules rather than having to reboot, rerun my compile.rocketraid.sh and reboot?06:48
* g4lt-lappy was making a pun about GA, US06:48
syphsachinvlk: did it happen after using gparted?06:48
b1b50nhelp my please06:49
thiefy`sachinvlk: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22Kinit%3A+No+resume+image%22&l=106:49
melikman i think epiphany is better than firefox06:49
thiefy`there's your answer.06:49
syphepiphany is sloowwww for me06:49
g4lt-lappymelik, other than being moribund, yeah06:49
BABERwhat's best download manager which capable with rapidshare ?06:49
farligmelik, epiphany doesn06:49
farligmelik, epiphany doesnt have add-ons06:50
digdugI have an hp scanner, the only way I know how to tell the printer not to use jpeg compression when scanning is to use "hp-scan -xraw -n"; my problem is it would be nice to use xsane or gnome-scan so I can use a preview and crop the image before scanning06:50
melikwell not firefox addons, but it has extensions06:50
meliksuch as ad-block, etc06:50
farligwhere do i find those?06:50
g4lt-lappyBABER, wget ;P06:50
digdugdo either of those applications know how to tell an hp scanner to send the scan as a raw scan06:50
meliktools > extensions06:51
gladiatorhi.. i have a usb stick.. it usually does mount.. but today it has refused to.. any clues? fixes?06:51
slimjimflimaww, man, and i just translated 'no georgian here'06:51
slimjimflimfyi, it's Tekrar Tanim ara veya Tüm sözlüklerden ara06:52
inad922Is there any tool for linux with which I can tag my files?06:52
farligmelik, why do you think epiphany is better? is it faster? i'm tired of firefox.. i think it's way to slow06:52
slimjimflimexcept idk if irssi supports unicode06:52
inad922and then search by tags of course06:52
adredcan't launch pidgin after removing the iconless applet from the panel. what's wrong?how do I add it back again?06:52
melikfarlig, im testing it now.. its actually pretty nice06:52
Scoomainad922, you mean mp3 files?06:52
melikyeah firefox gets crazy slow after a while06:52
BABERg4lt-lappy: wget is capable with rapidshare uploader can use with wget with premium acount ?06:52
inad922no Scooma everything06:52
syphadred: drag it to panel from menu06:53
inad922I have an awful lot of ebooks at this seems the best way to categorize them06:53
melikepiphany seems lighter and quicker to be honest06:53
syphi've never had good results with epiphany06:53
Scooma?? everything can already be identified by using file  eg. file /etc/fstab06:53
LogicFaninad922, check out the ebook organization tool calibre06:53
meliksyph, the new one in gnome 2.26 is really nice06:54
melikyou'll see it in jaunty06:54
inad922thanks LogicFan Ill do that06:54
syphmeh, i don't use gnome06:54
melikin 1 month06:54
LogicFanmight be exactly what you're looking for06:54
melikoh nvm06:54
adredsyph: i know how to. the problem is I don't know what kind of applet i just removed. it had no icon. i thought it was a bug so i removed it.06:54
fakhirhello everyone. how can i get a list of users and groups on ubuntu server?06:54
DWSRHey, I'm having some trouble with booting from the LiveCD. I just did a media check and a memtest and both come back clean. I'll post the error in a second.06:54
sachinvlkthanx buddies for the solutions06:54
syphmelik: is the new gnome out?06:54
meliksyph, yes06:54
syphthat's what you just said, eh...06:54
syphmaybe i'll give it a whirl06:55
ysisHow can I clean my graphics drivers to the installation state? (Running Ubuntu Intrepid)06:55
meliksyph, get the new jaunty alpha 6 iso06:55
hacker_kidi get "bash: /home/justin/opt/bin/hg: No such file or directory" when running hg, the hg executable is in /usr/bin/hg. /usr/bin should be in the path why isnt bash using that executable?06:55
melikand run it in virtualbox06:55
melikits frickin amazing06:55
Scoomafakhir, users are in /etc/passwd and groups are in /etc/group06:55
syphyeah i'll do that06:55
syphi still enjoy my fluxbox06:55
syphso i try everything else in vmware06:55
DWSRhacker_kid: /usr/bin is probably listed after ~/opt/bin06:55
melikman im sick of youtube, jesus christ.. there getting ridiculous with these search results06:56
fakhirScooma, ok thanks, i will take a look06:56
DWSRFor shit you don't even want.06:56
melikwhat happened to good old youtube that ONLY searched videos06:56
Scoomamelik   put   -youtube after your search criteria06:56
LogicFanmelik, did they decide on a new final default theme yet in alpha 6?06:56
syphI don't like the "recommended for you" section06:56
hacker_kidDWSR, so what? shouldnt bash look through all the directories in the path for the executable06:56
gartralI hate to ask this here again but, how do i tell k3b to ignor the fact that a single layer DVD is 4.4 gig? (i have expanded Philips disks of 4.7 gb) no ones in #kubuntu06:56
jussi01!language | DWSR06:56
ubottuDWSR: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:56
meliknow i get, channels result, promoted videos, etc06:56
BABERg4lt-lappy: wget is capable with rapidshare uploader can use with wget with premium acount ?06:56
Scoomaysis do you have nvidia or ati?06:56
meliki get playlist results06:57
o0Chris0o!ohmy melik:06:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy melik:06:57
syphpft lol06:57
DWSRjussi01: Huh?06:57
adredsyph, any idea?06:57
o0Chris0o!ohmy | melik06:57
ubottumelik: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:57
melikLogicFan, jaunty comes with a new usplash06:57
gartralScooma: he has nvidia06:57
DWSRhacker_kid: No, it searches the directories in the order that they're listed.06:57
melikand 3 new gtk themes06:57
ysisScooma, I have nvidia and fiddled around with the drivers. In the end my initial problem vanished but I lack OpenGL support now. So I wanted to make a clean start without reinstallation.06:57
DWSRIt uses the first one it finds.06:57
jussi01DWSR: try to keep  a lid on the language ;)06:57
melikcalled.. give me a sec06:57
DWSRjussi01:What language? I've said 3 things in here.06:57
LogicFanmelik, i thought they were going to change the new default theme completely?  is it just the same as intrepid?06:58
DWSROh, nvm.06:58
melikNew Wave, Dust, and Dust Sand06:58
DWSRWrong window anyway.06:58
syphysis: uninstall the driver through envy06:58
melikno you have 3 new themes06:58
gladiatorcan anyone help me with usb mounting? i put in my usb stick and it didnt get mounted.. i'm using 8.10... it used to mount automatically06:58
farligwhat is the best searchcommand for the terminal?06:58
melikill link you to them06:58
gRuntHey if i was interested in learning more about ubuntu scripting and so forth where would I look the ubuntu wiki?06:58
LogicFanas soon as jaunty final comes out, i'm getting a brandnew hdd for my laptop to install it on :)06:58
inad922Thanks for the help again LogicFan. I give calibre a try.06:58
digduggnome-scan doesn't appear to have an option; but I did find the setting in xsane: window -> show advanced options, you can change the scanner compression there06:58
melikLogicFan, ^06:59
hacker_kidDWSR, i dont think your understanding me. why would it tell me that that ~/opt/bin/hg does not exist when i run hg. there is an executable at /usr/bin/hg so it should look through the directories and find the executable. not just look in ~/opt/bin and say it doesnt exist!06:59
Scoomaysis usually a reinstall will reset to default settings06:59
DWSRhacker_kid: Is your Path even correct in the first place?06:59
hacker_kidDWSR, yes06:59
digdugtoo bad, gnome-scan is better looking and I like the crop interface better06:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-scan06:59
DWSRhacker_kid: Paste in PM06:59
melikLogicFan, and heres the new usplash in jaunty > http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1237386187.png06:59
Scoomaysis but run    gksudo nvidia-settings    to make some changes07:00
hacker_kidDWSR, you dont need to see my path, this isnt a standard path problem07:00
Scoomaysis, otherwise if you want to go the whole hog, make sure you backup your xorg.conf file, then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:00
hacker_kidDWSR, normally i would get that "hg" is not a valid command07:00
ysisScooma: I did that before. Will try the reinstallation now and post the result.07:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomescan07:00
DWSRhacker_kid: As you obviously know everything, why do you not fix the problem yourself?07:01
syph"hacker_kid" in a support channel07:01
DWSRMy boot of the Ubuntu install media has stalled.07:01
DWSRIs there a way to see what it's stuck on?07:01
LogicFanmelik, but no new gnome theme in alpha 6 install?07:01
DWSRI have the splash screen enabled.07:01
hacker_kidDWSR, all that is valid as far as the path goes is that "/usr/bin" and "~/opt/bin" are in the path, and have been working for ages07:02
Keal_i am getting to the point i am thinking about either reformatting and using xp again or just give up ever doing anything useful with ubuntu :/07:02
syphbad idea07:02
ysisDWSR: remove the "quiet" with F607:02
DWSRAh, here we go. It failed.07:02
melikLogicFan, im not sure; ive been using it since alpha 3 and been upgrading to bleeding edge everyday07:02
melikupgrading packages*07:02
Keal_syph why is it a bad idea?07:02
LogicFanmelik, upgrades going well?  using a vm or for your everyday machine?07:02
histoKeal_: whats is wrong?07:02
LogicFanthinking about trying alpha 6 in a vm just for kicks07:02
hacker_kidsyph, "hacker" in the original sense of the word meaning a programmer, not the insulting definition the media has provided you and the general public07:02
syphget off my nut sack07:03
DWSRUmm....well......I have a screenful of text that means nothing to me.07:03
Keal_i haven't gotten a single thing in ubuntu to work the way i wish since last Saturday when i installed it07:03
melikeveryday machine, its really stable; although join #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion07:03
ScoomaDWSR there should be a   [fail] on the right side07:03
gladiatorheres what dmesg | tail says07:03
DWSRIt's just sitting here doing lots of mothing.07:03
DWSRnothing, even.07:03
o0Chris0oKeal_: it takes more time then a week to fully utilize ubuntu's potential07:03
histoKeal_: what sort of problems are you having? Is it possible they are all related to one cause?07:03
syphKeal: what do you need help with?07:03
g4lt-lappyhacker_kid, uhm the original sense is actually the latter one.  if you make the artificial diffeerential between ethical hacking and unethical hacking, you aren't either07:04
DWSRScooma: Does the installer just...really..hang a lot?07:04
Keal_i am having the trouble i can't get software to work reliably the instant i want install it07:04
syphwell, that will never happen with linux07:04
melikLogicFan, i had some trouble with nvidia graphics and xorg, and some with alsa.. thats mostly it07:04
DWSRThe current line is [488.272405] ============07:04
melikbut that was back in alpha 307:04
syphthe more you use it, the quicker you become installing everything07:04
ScoomaDWSR, installer? or your system? are you trying to install ubuntu?07:04
Keal_also there is a sheer lack of non buzzword psychobabble documentation for a damn thing for ubuntu07:04
DWSRScooma: I'm booting into Live environment. I wanted to install.07:04
histoKeal_: to receive any help you may have to be more specific. Or talk about one problem you are having.07:04
syphi almost gave up linux because i couldn't figure out how to tar files, but once you figure it out, it's 2nd nature07:04
Scoomagladiator  postbin your    sudo lsusb07:05
Keal_histo i will make it simple, i can't get ubuntu to do a damn thing right07:05
syphkeal what do you want installed right now?07:05
meliki hate compiling from source07:05
DWSRmelik: I only compile from source.07:05
Scoomamelik, i love it when it works ;)07:05
Keal_i want to stream soundcard capture to a remote shoutcast server that already exists07:05
DWSRWhich is why I like Gentoo more.07:05
DWSRKeal_: Ices.07:05
Keal_a specific shoutcast server07:05
gladiatorScooma: its not responding07:06
LogicFanmelik, alsa is the bane of my ubuntu experience :(07:06
Keal_i can't use darkice07:06
DWSRKeal_: Ices.07:06
Keal_it won't install and doesn't run on amd64 anyways07:06
histoKeal_: No one is going to be able to help you with a vague statement like that. Also have you checked for documentation built in to ubuntu and help.ubuntu.com.  Google searches often turn up plenty of answers since the distro is so commonly used.07:06
g4lt-lappyKeal_, then gcc and make07:06
meliki prefer binaries; much easier07:06
Scoomagladiator, something is wrong with your usb root hubs then?07:06
DWSRScooma: PM?07:06
melikalthough compiling is sometimes fun :)07:06
g4lt-lappyif you can't use what's packaged, you can always build it yourself07:06
Scoomagladiator, did you update your bios? is this a new problem that just appeared?07:06
DWSRfun to watch your intro to java teacher drop jaw at your screen.07:06
ScoomaDWSR, okay07:07
melikhaha yeah07:07
syphlmao yeah07:07
Keal_g4lt-lappy,  i should just be able to find a single program that works, i have downloaded over 30 things and none of them work07:07
syphmy teacher freaked out the other day just because he saw me installing something07:07
syphverbose code streaming the screen, he made me shut down my laptop it was wack07:07
ysisScooma: I removed the driver with envyng, reinstalled via "System > Administration > Hardware Drivers", but I'm lacking OpenGL support. 'glxgears' gives me """Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"""07:07
g4lt-lappyKeal_, what were the "over 30 things", win32 binaries?07:07
histoKeal_: are you installing applications from synaptic?07:07
Keal_also most of the 30 things the documentation on the repository doesn't match the documentation for the program07:07
melikyeah i was in my intro to computer science class (microsoft office and stuff, yeah shhhhhhhh its 5 units)07:08
melikanyways, i was ssh'd to my home computer07:08
gladiatorscooma: theres nothing wrong with the usb hubs i suppose.. it was running fine yesterday..07:08
Keal_so i end up downloading and installing stuff that does something entirely different than my goal07:08
g4lt-lappytypically if you want something in ubuntu_ you use sudo apt-get install <package>, and that will pretty much always work07:08
gladiatori didnt update my bios07:08
melikand was just messing around, was on irssi and stuff07:08
melikhe got so scared haha07:08
syphit's weird how people get scared of something they know nothing about07:08
syphjust because it's not windows07:08
gladiatorScooma: yes, it just appeared out of nowhere07:09
meliksyph, they get afraid at black screen with white text07:09
Scoomagladiator, did you boot with usb drives attached?07:09
syphhaha indeed they do07:09
gladiatorScooma: no. its a simple drive with some media on tit07:09
g4lt-lappymy onloy issue right now is synaptic's "fastest server" is hardy heron :(07:09
meliki have ubuntu jaunty installed on my 8 gig flash drive; i sometimes boot into it from my school computers07:09
melikits actually pretty nice07:10
syphi want to go back to ubuntu completely07:10
syphi just can't for some reason07:10
Keal_what program do i use for ubuntu 8.10 amd64 in order to stream soundcard capture to an already existing server, i do not know what 'ices' is07:10
wrektkjethey how do you check resolution settings?07:10
syphgksudo nvidia-settings07:10
fuminglavadoes anyone know how to fix the flickering video with ATI cards and compiz enabled? i can see proper video when compiz is disabled.07:10
gladiatorScooma: sudo lsusb gives this: http://pastie.org/42066607:10
histoKeal_: are you trying to stream to an icecast2 server?07:11
Adrian`why did my xconfig decide to screw up?07:11
Keal_no to a shoutcast dnas07:11
syphalright, i'm out, court in the morning, laters07:11
banisterfiendhey guys what's the ubuntu equivqalent of winzip?07:11
melikgood luck syph07:11
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion07:11
histoKeal_: the problem most likely is mp3 and aac support not being there in the debian version of the package.07:11
banisterfiendi need to open a .zip archive, but i dont seem to have the program07:11
banisterfiendhow do i install it and what's it called?07:11
histoKeal_: there are patent problems with mp307:12
melikand good night07:12
laxmi_I need help07:12
syphhaha yeah, i'm pretty scured07:12
meliklaxmi_, just ask your question07:12
Adrian`banisterfiend, rar07:12
melikwhatcha do syph07:12
Keal_banisterfiend, 7zip07:12
laxmi_any one can help me?07:12
histoKeal_: so the solutions would be to build darkice yourself or use the medibuntu version.07:12
wrektkjetsheesh syph how do u know all these things offhand07:12
syphon probation for evading police07:12
meliklaxmi_, just ask your question.07:12
Keal_7zip exists for windows too07:12
Adrian`apt-get install rar07:12
histoKeal_: http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/darkice.html07:12
syphspell what things, wretkjet?07:12
banisterfiendKeal_, i mean the standard one that comes with ubuntu, the one with the graphicsl interface07:12
syphthen i was chased 3 weeks ago and totaled my car07:12
Keal_what is medibuntu?07:12
syphbeen skipping out on my Probation Officer07:12
laxmi_I could not compile srilm in Ubuntu 8.407:12
wrektkjetlikw howd u know the command for nvidia graphics07:12
syphand havent paid my fines07:13
laxmi_language modeling toolkit07:13
Keal_and why hasn't someone else already built the amd64 version?07:13
syphapparently i have a warrant shit sucks07:13
histo!medibuntu | Keal_07:13
melikouch syph07:13
ubottuKeal_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:13
syphyeah, lol07:13
syphit's whatever07:13
histoKeal_: its already built in medibuntu.07:13
syphi just hope they give me a computer in jail07:13
laxmi_/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:42: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘unsigned’07:13
laxmi_/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:48: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘unsigned’07:13
laxmi_/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:54: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘unsigned’07:13
laxmi_make[2]: *** [../obj/i686/Debug.o] Error 107:13
laxmi_make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/laxmi/srilm/misc/src'07:13
FloodBot2laxmi_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
laxmi_make[1]: *** [release-libraries] Error 107:13
meliklaxmi_, do NOT do that07:13
syphwrektkjet: i use my computer often lol07:13
jussi01!ot | syph07:13
ubottusyph: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:13
laxmi_so what to do?07:14
meliklaxmi_, have you checked the repositories?07:14
melikcouldn't find it?07:14
histoKeal_: thats the one thing that is really annoying right now about linux is the whole free vs. nonfree and codec issues.07:14
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laxmi_I gcc newest version07:14
melikpastebin your error07:14
syphkeal: do you have all your audio codecs installed?07:14
laxmi_but fail to compile07:14
meliklaxmi_, pastebin ur error07:15
histosyph: its an issue with the debian version of the package not being built with mp3 support.07:15
banisterfiendi made the silly mistake of deleting the program that can open compressed archives, like .zip and .tar.gz files etc in the gnome gui.....what do i install again to get that program back?07:15
LogicFanhisto, yeah, for new users especially.  however, the problem is really one of legal issue, not linux07:15
syphdun dun dun, well i'm out on that one, no experience07:15
banisterfiendi just want the normal one, nothing 'fancy' plz :D i just want back whatever i stupidly uninstalled07:15
ysisbanisterfiend: Try 7zip07:15
syphtar -zxvf to untar files07:15
gladiatorScooma: any clue?07:15
NiphyrDoes anyone know of a good site/post detailing how to easily setup from an empty HDD, dual boot of XP/Ubuntu?07:15
histoLogicFan: yeah but it breeds issues like keal is experiencing, and I once went through.07:15
syphwell .tar.gz files anyway07:16
banisterfiendysis: i already tried apt-get install 7zip    with no success07:16
banisterfiendsyph, i mean in the gui07:16
histoLogicFan: Keal_ its a huge learning hurdle when you first start out. That there are all thses legal concerns over something as trivial as mp307:16
banisterfiendsyph, i can do it from console no problem, but i want the gui app that can do that07:16
ysisbanisterfiend: What do you mean by "no success"? Failed installing?07:16
laxmi_Already pasted pestbin07:16
doleybNiphyr: install xp first, install ubuntu second, and you're done07:16
syphbanisterfiend: just learn it in terminal, it's a lot quicker07:16
LogicFanhisto, until patent/ip/copyright law changes, its a tough one to tackle, i sympathize07:16
banisterfiendysis: it coudln't find the package07:16
syphah, well, okay07:16
Scoomagladiator, can you pop the device back into another machine? from there, unmount it properly07:16
quibblerbanisterfiend: sudo apt-get install file-roller07:16
syphNiphyr: make sure you partition correctly!07:16
doleybNiphyr: (for more speed, only put XP on one partition to start with, although ubuntu can resize if needed)07:17
syphokay, i'm out for real this time, laters07:17
LogicFanubuntu's installer will auto-partition correctly if you install XP first07:17
NiphyrI plan on hopefully only using Xp when I can't figure something out on ubuntu07:17
ysisbanisterfiend: p7zip-full07:17
LogicFanor you could try using a virtual machine with XP so you don't have to reboot :)07:17
cipherZenyeah, that's what i do :P07:18
NiphyrThat's not a bad idea. I have plenty of Xp machines around anyway so might just try straight ubuntu07:18
cipherZencan't stand rebooting07:18
banisterfiendtanks guys07:18
banisterfiendnice help :)07:18
LogicFanvirtualbox works great with XP07:18
Keal_W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278307:18
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:18
LogicFanor, if you're inclined, vmware workstation is a bit faster and more optimized than virtualbox07:18
o0Chris0oKeal_: ^07:19
NiphyrNow, I have googled a bit and I don't want to start any wars in here.. but KDE or GNOME for a first time user? Or are they that similar it doesn't matter..07:19
cipherZenyeah, never had any problems with it. if you install the guest additions as well, virtual box handles xp pretty much seamlessly07:19
DWSRKeal_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu07:19
DWSRLiterally the second link on the page.07:19
DWSRRead it and follow.07:19
Keal_i already followed the directions on medibuntu.org07:19
LogicFanNiphyr, default ubuntu is gnome.  i'd stick with that07:19
DWSRNo you didn't.07:19
NiphyrEasy fixed, cheers.07:19
histoKeal_: Its warning you because you don't have the gpg key installed for that repository.07:19
DWSRI can tell you that they most certainly include installing a PGP key.07:19
ysisNiphyr: Use Gnome, KDE is sort of a mess right now07:19
g4lt-lappyyou started messing around with medibuntu without reading the documentation, including how to get the signing keys?07:20
ysisAnd I find them quite similar07:20
histoKeal_: basicaly to prevent installing from an unknown source.07:20
cipherZenNiphyr: entirely personal choice. I use gnome now, but i switch back and forth. gnome is better documented for ubuntu though from what i've seen07:20
Keal_ok i did it again and it worked this time07:20
laxmi_hi melik07:20
NiphyrAlright, thanks.07:20
LogicFang4lt-lappy, follow the directions on mediabuntu site, they are fairly straight-forward07:20
g4lt-lappyLogicFan, try pointing that thing at Keal_07:20
NiphyrWell I'm off to go play, i'm sure I'll be back :p07:20
ysisNiphyr: You can change later if you change your mind or use both parallel07:20
slimjimbefore i ask is there anyone awake in here07:21
slimjimhaving some issue  with XawTV07:21
g4lt-lappySlimeyPete, nope07:21
g4lt-lappyslimjim, ^^^07:21
Scoomagladiator, at worst follow   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-898939.html07:21
LogicFango to mediabuntu site, copy/paste repos into synaptic, copy/paste key and add to synaptic, reload synaptic, search for the packages you want, click apply and install :)07:21
slimjimI know this is ubuntu but I am runing dreamlinux 3.5 ati radeon all in wonder tv card. i got pic but no sound07:21
histoKeal_: you would have to accept that its being installed from an untrusted source if you don't want to install the key.07:21
histoslimjim: you may want to ask the dream linux people or in #linuxhelp07:22
bonyhi all i am trying to configure my fax from the internal modem i am using efax. as of now every thing is working fine but i want to send group faxes at a time which is not possible in efax for that i installed gfax which has group fax option but when i am trying to save any fax number in the phone book they are not getting saved. can any one help me on saving the phone numbers in the phonebook?07:22
slimjimok thank you07:22
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slimjimok i went to that channel but no one is talking in there07:24
slimjimall i really need is help with MAKEDEV07:24
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slimjimfound that but can not qute make out sme of the steps07:25
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Keal_there is no 'show medibuntu' in add/remove07:26
DWSRHow can I disable the LiveCD from trying to load FUSE?07:26
Keal_i don't understand why i was told to add the medibuntu repository07:27
Keal_there still is no darkice in the repository07:28
DWSRHow can I disable the LiveCD from trying to load FUSE?07:28
g4lt-lappybecause medibuntu/ubuntu studio is probably the best plavce you can look for any audio/video authoring,streaming solution07:29
g4lt-lappybut hey, you'd know that if you READ THE DOCS07:29
Keal_i don't think any of you have any idea what you are talking about07:29
LogicFanwooo gnome 2.26, i hope the packages become available for 8.10 64bit shortly :)07:30
g4lt-lappyKeal_, I'd say they did, if onluy bhecause they read the docs07:30
Keal_g4lt-lappy,  what docs? how am i suposed to read docs i don't know about07:30
g4lt-lappyyou just blindly download stuff without reading the site?07:31
* g4lt-lappy wonders where that ubuintusatanic url is07:32
Keal_i read the netire medibuntu and darkice page07:32
voice5sur5someone can give me some help with bash scripting07:32
slimjimg4lt can you point me in the right diretin on getting help with my tv tuner card07:32
Keal_neither mentines a amd64 version existing07:32
voice5sur5its a little problem07:32
haagag4lt-lappy: ubuntusatanic.org07:33
bonyis there a way to send a single fax to multiple numbers at a time? i am not able to work out on it with either gfax or efax-gtk07:33
g4lt-lappyKeal_, if you're into downloading stuff without readiong=, try ubuntusatanic.org07:33
syph_autocreate_split_windows = ON07:33
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Keal_i read the entire medibuntu page and i still don't understand why i did the terminal commands you told me to do07:34
jtajiKeal_: http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/darkice.html07:34
Keal_NOTE: The Debian version of DarkIce is only compiled with Ogg Vorbis support due to patent reasons and will therefore only work with IceCast2 servers!07:35
Keal_does that mean darkice won't be able to do what i want it to anyways?07:35
g4lt-lappyuntil you instgall the fluendo codec pack, yes07:36
Keal_this is getting very seemingly stupid very fast07:37
g4lt-lappybut hey, at least you have an idea what your problem is now, thanks to the docs, and it's pretty easily solved, look for fluendo07:37
jtajiKeal_: the very next sentence says that this version is compiled with mp3 and aac support, this is the medibuntu version, not the debian/ubuntu version07:38
g4lt-lappymp3 support is kinda bad, because of the fraunhofer patents, fluendo has a fraunhofer license and can distribute mp3 codecs07:38
jtajithat's the whole point of medibuntu07:38
g4lt-lappyjtaji, I still thought you had to install fluendo codecs07:39
slimjimi need help with Xawtv and dreamlinux, ATI Radeon All In Wonder AGP card got video but no sound. Anyone have any idea's07:39
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g4lt-lappyslimjim, do you have any sound at all, and is your soundcard attached to your AIW?07:40
jtajig4lt-lappy: only if your lawyer tells you you can't use lame as an mp3 encoder I guess :p07:40
Keal_http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/fluendo.html "404 Not Found"07:41
slimjimi have sound yes everywhere else with dvd play back and mp307:41
slimjimAIW what is that. you mean the tv tuner part of the card I do not see anyware or anything that needs to be attached to eachother07:41
slimjimdont have the books either this is a free pc07:41
jtajiKeal_: I didn't say anything about fluendo07:43
Keal_g4lt-lappy,  i have an ATI not AIW is that bad :S07:43
g4lt-lappyslimjim, uhm the AIW doesn't have a sound chip, so you prolly need to run a wire from the AIW to the soundcard or make sure your tv app can handlle dumping output to the AKSA/OSS driver07:43
g4lt-lappyAIW is short for all-in-wonder07:43
g4lt-lappyKeal_, not talking to you on this part07:43
Keal_g4lt-lappy,  you were helping two different people for similar problems, " Keal_ " and " slimjim "07:44
g4lt-lappynot similar at all.  his is pretty much a hardware issue07:44
g4lt-lappyyours is a wetware one07:44
Keal_mine is hardware issue too somewhat, so i got confused who is talking to who07:44
slimjimok...g4lt is there anyway to see if the AIW can handle dumping sound. i will google th other issue and see if there is a way to connect it to the sound card witch is a soundblaster live 16 i belive07:45
Keal_do i need fluendo or not?07:45
g4lt-lappyno, mp3 playback is entirely wetware, and I'd like to flay the fraunhofer lawyers to prove it07:45
g4lt-lappyKeal_, let me introduce you to a neat commandline thing caled "apt-cache search"  do one for fuledo and surprisingly you'll have a lot of packages07:46
Keal_will medibuntu darkice amd64 work without fluendo? i can't find docs on this07:46
Keal_..or alternatively where are the docs saying it comes with fluendo07:47
g4lt-lappy'well, it might, especially if jtaji is right, I just always go with fluendo to make sure07:47
gartralhow do i start a live cd on a system with bad ram (ie, a BadRAM kernel)07:47
Keal_i don't know how to install fluendo :<07:47
Keal_----> http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/fluendo.html07:47
Keal_says 404 not found07:47
g4lt-lappyagain, try apt-cache search fluendo07:48
jtajiKeal_: fluendo is something you buy from a company, it's certainly not in the medibuntu repo07:48
ysisgartral: Are you looking for memtest?07:48
jtajiKeal_: and no, you don't need it07:48
gartralysis: no, i already know the ram is bad and beyond repair, i need a badram build to get my laptop up07:49
crdlbKeal_: the medibuntu version uses open source mp3 support07:49
slimjimg4lt does catalyst shed any light..i do belive the sound comes from the card thur the MOBO i could be wrong07:49
cipherZenif you're just trying for mp3 support, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will get it for ya07:49
Keal_!paste > Keal_07:49
ubottuKeal_, please see my private message07:49
cipherZengranted, you may be breaking laws depending on where you live07:49
ysisgartral: Oh, I didn't know that you could run a computer with bad RAM...07:50
g4lt-lappyslimjim taht's one of the methods I outlined, yes.  catalyst won;'t do anything for you at this point07:50
Keal_i don't know what this means: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133485/07:50
gartralysis: theres a badram kernel option, wich is great, if i could get the computer up in the first place07:50
crdlbKeal_: you don't need that07:50
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crdlbKeal_: just add the medibuntu repository and install darkice from there07:51
Keal_crdlb,  don't need what?07:51
slimjimok...but is that a widow$ program that would do that dump sound thur the mebo07:51
crdlbKeal_: the fluendo stuff07:51
SuspectZerowhts a command to convert a partition to fat3207:51
Keal_i already installed darkice amd6407:51
slimjimif so i may hve found a way to do that but had a problem with the walkthur07:51
SuspectZeroive been using mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 for ext3 conversions07:51
SuspectZerobut now i need fat3207:51
Keal_i installed darkice but i can't find it on my puter :/07:52
DWSRSuspectZero: mkfs.fat3207:52
vnghello everyone07:52
DWSRI believe.07:52
ysisgartral: Did you have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BadRAM ?07:52
jtajiSuspectZero: install dosfstools for mkfs.vfat07:52
vngwhat is svn? how do i install it on ubuntu?07:52
SuspectZeroah i see vfat07:52
SuspectZerothat should be fat32 then07:53
g4lt-lappySuspectZero, you can mkfs a fat32, but I'd recommend having the app/OS requiring fat32 do the formatting07:53
jtaji!info subversion | vng07:53
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.1dfsg1-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 332 kB, installed size 4124 kB07:53
DWSRubotu, tell vng about subversion07:53
g4lt-lappySuspectZero, yes, for most values of fat32, hence my caveat07:53
crdlbKeal_: the version in ubuntu repos doesn't have mp3 support07:53
jtajicrdlb: (Keal_) but the version in medibuntu does07:53
crdlbKeal_: it installed a /usr/bin/darkice07:54
crdlbjtaji: I know :)07:54
jtajicrdlb: ok just making sure no one gets confused ;)07:54
Keal_http://paste.ubuntu.com/133486/ :/07:54
Keal_i don't know how to get darkice to run :/07:55
gartralwhats "eed=on" do in the other options at disk boot?07:56
gartral"edd=on" rather07:56
Keal_btw i have 60gb swap because i planned to run experimental software of mine on here :/07:56
jtajiKeal_: maybe it doesn't install a menu entry.... hit Alt+F2, then type darkice07:56
crdlbjtaji: it's not a gui app, is it?07:56
crdlbit's a server07:57
jtajioh geez I don't even know07:57
jtajiI was assuming it was07:57
Keal_nothing happened, jtaji07:57
g4lt-lappythe GUI for darkice is darksnow07:57
erlnoobhi, how do i list all users with all their uid and gid?07:57
DWSRThat's only who's logged in07:57
Keal_i need darkice, darksnow, and "darkstorm" i think :/07:58
jtajiKeal_: I believe crdlb is right in that it's a command line app, check 'man darkice' and 'man darkice.cfg' for more info07:58
Keal_i have darkice i mean07:58
jtajiKeal_: and /usr/share/doc/darkice/README07:58
Keal_i need the other two whatever they are :<07:58
slimjimg4lt my sound card is a creative labs sb live EMU10k107:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about edd07:59
Keal_gkedit not found07:59
Keal_i tried gkedit /usr/share/doc/darkice/README07:59
ShinyHatcan sommeone help me with a java problem?07:59
crdlbKeal_: it's gedit, but just install darksnow and run that07:59
gartrali cant boot my laptop... my ram is fried, how do i start ubuntu with badram enabled?08:00
slimjimthe exact agp is ATI Raden 7200 AIM 128m08:00
Keal_404 Not Found ----> http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/darksnow.html08:00
crdlbKeal_: it's in the ubuntu repos08:01
crdlbKeal_: you aren't just downloading stuff from medibuntu.org, are you?08:01
fuminglavahow can i install grub on a pen drive?08:01
Keal_There is no matching application available.08:01
Keal_To broaden your search, choose "All available applications" or "All Open Source applications".08:01
crdlbKeal_: you should add the the repository to your sources08:01
ezioHello i need help with ubuntu08:01
ezioeverytime i try to play a music file the player just doesnt work08:02
crdlb!info darksnow | Keal_08:02
ubottudarksnow (source: darksnow): simple graphical user interface to darkice. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-1 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 176 kB08:02
Keal_there is no ubuntu 8.10 amd64 darksnow :<08:02
jtajiKeal_: the other ones can be had from the normal ubuntu repo, they don't have anything to do with patented codecs08:02
ysisezio, which file type?08:02
fuminglavaezio: have you installed codecs?08:02
ShinyHatcan someone help me with a java issue?08:02
jtajiKeal_: it's just a front-end to darkice08:02
fuminglavaezio: what is the error message that you get?08:02
ezioit just doesnt play08:02
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ysisezio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:03
eziono sound event if i reset the dam player 15 times08:03
BlackAeronautHello room.08:03
Keal_i can't figure out why it says there is no darksnow in the repository :<08:03
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: You alive over there?08:03
crdlbKeal_: choose 'all available applications', just like it says08:03
Keal_do i also need 'darksleet'?08:03
gh0st3rwhats the drivers i need for a 9800GT again?08:03
gh0st3rfor dual monitors?08:04
crdlbKeal_: ...08:04
Keal_"There is no matching application available."08:05
gh0st3rcrdlb, what were those 9800GT drivers you told me about last time?08:05
crdlbgh0st3r: nvidia-glx-18008:05
gh0st3rcrdlb, thanks :) was it a lower version?08:05
Keal_it still can't find darksnow :<08:06
crdlbKeal_: open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get install darksnow'08:07
slimjim g4lt i am looking for the CD out on the card correct can i use the same wire that runs from my DVD rom to sound card08:07
zhangweiwuHello. Having problem printing. Laserjet 3015, from notebook (ubuntu 8.04) prints fine through usb, from desktop (ubuntu 8.04) doesn't print, neither usb nor lpr. different behavior: usb: print job never done; lpr: print job done, but nothing prints out and printer didn't flash LED; parport: print job never done;08:07
zhangweiwuwhere do I begin to shoot this prblem?08:07
Keal_repositroy says it doesn't know it08:08
PoisonIvyHi, I need to get a Public IP address so I can host a MMORPG based on The Mana World. Does anybody know how to get one of these?08:08
g4lt-lappyPoisonIvy, your ISP08:08
magnetronPoisonIvy→ public IP adresses are usually assigned to you by an ISP08:08
doleybPoisonIvy: Maybe consider a service like dyndns.org08:09
crdlbKeal_: why did you post that?08:09
crdlbKeal_: it's right there: "darksnow - simple graphical user interface to darkice"08:09
Keal_cr it says i have it but it wo't install it saying it doesn08:09
gh0st3rcrdlb doesnt 180 have issues? or is it ok to use?08:09
crdlbKeal_: did you run 'sudo apt-get install darksnow'?08:10
Keal_t add/remove can't find it08:10
crdlbKeal_: it probably doesn't appear in add/remove because it doesn't have a menu entry08:10
talon223is 9.04 at a stable enough point to use it for my main install? I want someone's opinion08:11
crdlbgh0st3r: probably, but it's better than -177 :)08:11
noren___!jaunty | talon223:08:11
ubottutalon223:: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.08:11
noren___talon223: they releasse updates every day08:12
noren___!hi | mmu_man08:12
ubottummu_man: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:12
mmu_mananyone using phpmyadmin ? wondering why just installing it doesn't make it appear in /var/www/ but in /usr/share instead, anything special to do ?08:12
mmu_mantried dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin, tried reinstalling, didn't help08:13
PoisonIvymagnetron: I don't really know what most of these terms mean... okay, public IP. So I should have one of these? How do I find out what it is, then?08:13
ethmmu_man, create an alias in your vhost config file08:13
saloxinmmu_man: it should drop a config snippet in under/etc/apache - reload apache?08:13
mmu_manthe doc at file:///usr/share/phpmyadmin/Documentation.html just states the "official" installation (get the tar, ...)08:13
ethsaloxin, sometimes it doesnt appear there for some reasons08:13
saloxingah. bugreport.08:13
mmu_maneth:  so I should tell apache to graft /usr/share/phpmyadmin somewhere ?08:14
noren___hi anyone using realplayer with ubuntu, my vids in rel player get stuck everyfew second08:14
mmu_manlet's see08:14
magnetronPoisonIvy→ usually it's the IP adress of your computer. unless you have a router, then it's the WAN IP adress of the router08:14
mmu_manactually I do have: /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf:Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin08:14
mmu_manmaybe it's not reached soewhere08:15
saloxinmmu_man: restart apache2?08:15
haagaanyone tried the nslu2 version of ubuntu?08:15
PoisonIvymagnetron: Oh-kay. I tried my IP but it didn't work... I'll fiddle around. I have to go now, so.. thanks. I'll keep trying later.08:15
mmu_manoh wait, nevermind, forcing actually seems to work08:15
mmu_manit just doesn't show up in the listing in /08:16
gh0st3rcrdlb, hmmm.... i cant get the two screens to work now.... how do i configure the driver?08:16
mmu_manapache is weird...08:16
ethmmu_man, that is because it an alias08:16
crdlbgh0st3r: use nvidia-settings08:16
ethit isn't a real directory08:16
saloxinmmu_man: expected behaviour actually, although slightly confusing.08:16
mmu_manthx anyway08:16
danielitohi guys. which filebrowser can you recommend a windows user that is migrating to ubuntu? I'm so used to the windows explorer08:17
mmu_mannow I need to remember that oscommerce db password08:17
Keal_what are 'locking keys'? i did the setup for orca and said yes to enabling that08:17
Keal_i said no to braile tho08:17
gh0st3rcrdlb, thanks :)08:17
Keal_i said en-us and yes to everything except the braille stuf08:17
fladdhi there08:18
gartraldanielito: nautilus, wich, if your on ubunntu, you have08:18
fladdis anyone else having permanent crashes with tomboy and pidgin after the last update???08:18
gartralKeal_: Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, and Num Lock08:18
Keal_what does that stuff do?08:18
gartralthere really self explanitory...08:19
Keal_i don't know what is does with the keys08:19
waveformpartition ext3 is defective...showing 0bytes free...20gigs are free.....also, terminal commands are buggy....any clues why?08:19
gartralohh, i see, i dont know what that program expects you to do with them, as i dont use it...08:20
BlackAeronautHowdy folks.  Got a driver issue on my Toshiba Satellite A355D that needs some expert attention.  Apparently X is a little confused because I have more than one video driver (You know how it is with these extra outputs on laptops).  Can someone help me?08:20
bimican somebody help me? i have 2 hard disk, the first one has ubuntu and vista, the second hard disk has xp; the problem is grub only detects the xp, how do configure grub to boot into vista?08:20
raevolhow can i check what video driver is loaded on my system? not sure what xorg is loading08:20
haagano one tried the nslu2 version of ubuntu?08:21
BlackAeronautHowdy folks.  Got a driver issue on my Toshiba Satellite A355D that needs some expert attention.  Apparently X is a little confused because I have more than one video driver (You know how it is with these extra outputs on laptops).  Can someone help me?08:21
raevolack gotta run08:21
doleybraevol: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see what LoadModule has08:22
raevolthanks doleyb08:22
haagasitting on a debian slug right now and is thinking about flashing it with ubuntu08:22
DWSR8.10 fails.08:22
DWSRThe LiveCD kernel needs to not fail so hard.08:22
BlackAeronautKeal_: LMAO08:22
vnghow do i use virtual machine on ubuntu?08:23
orly_owlMy USB TV tuner isn't being detected by tvtime, any hints? http://gnewsense.pastebin.com/d5e8f75e908:23
ysisvng: Try virtualbox.08:23
haagaKeal_: duck tape the shift button ;)08:23
gartralkeal set the release function as the second function of the lock key08:23
y0bw0cDoes anyone else have problems with their mouse freezing during games? pm me if you already know a fix for it08:23
vngwhich tools is most popular to do that08:23
BlackAeronautHowdy folks.  Got a driver issue on my Toshiba Satellite A355D that needs some expert attention.  Apparently X is a little confused because I have more than one video driver (You know how it is with these extra outputs on laptops).  Can someone help me?08:24
ysisvng: http://www.virtualbox.org/08:24
gartraly0bw0c: PS/2 USB or Bluetooth08:24
mashmanhi need help i just recieve a copy of ubuntu 8.10 this morning and need to ask if i can intall ubuntu on my win xp ?08:24
doleybvng: apt-get install virtualbox-ose08:24
vngthanks all08:24
y0bw0clogitech g5 usb08:24
doleybmashman: You can either shrink your winxp partititoon, or repalce it08:24
danielitogartral: and do I have to configure nautilus a lot? because it appears to me quite different than the windows explorer which I like, becuase I always have a complete directory structure on the left side08:25
gartraly0bw0c: is it plugged into a USB 1.1 or 2.0 slot?08:25
danielitocan I configure this behaviour with nautilus as well?08:25
y0bw0c2.0 i believe, i'll pm you.08:25
Vampirecan ayone help me08:25
mashmandoleyb can you give me a documentation how to shrink my winxp partition08:25
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ysisVampire: Just ask. ^^08:25
doleybmashman: When you start the ubuntu installer, it asks if it should shrink.  It's pretty easy to figure out.08:26
gartraldanielito: see the Places drop? hit it and switch to Tree08:26
doleybmashman: Also you might like to try wubi instead08:26
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.08:26
gartral!pm | y0bw0c08:26
ubottuy0bw0c: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:26
ysismashman: Make sure to backup your data before fiddling with resizing partitions.08:26
SchmidtI get the following popup box when starting xfce4-session, http://pastie.org/420707 anyone got some insights about it ?08:26
haagai am the only one using a nslu2 here?08:27
mashmanoic doleyb and what if i want to keep my existing windows and install ubuntu ?08:27
jioI have a process running at 100% CPU and it is marked as uninterruptible. sudo kill 9 PID does not work, neither does killing it with system monitor. is there *any* way to kill the process?08:27
y0bw0cHow would I go about checking if it is a 1.1 or 2.0 USB port?08:27
mashmancould i use it also my existing windows ?08:27
danielitogartral: wow. not that bad ;) thanks a lot for starting me up!08:28
doleybmashman: Well you need some disk space for ubuntu.  You can either give it a new hard drive that you buy, a partition on your drive, or just a big file within the winxp ntfs.08:28
gartraldanielito: no problem, i think you'll find ubuntu quite comfortable if you explore and let yourself get curious...08:29
ysisKeal_: Try Shift + Caps Lock08:29
Keal_DIDN'T WORK08:29
lakituhey - is there anything wrong with this command? cat "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.001" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.002" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.003" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.004" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.005" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.006" < "/media/disk/Backups/1-19.7z"08:29
danielitoi really hope so gartral08:29
haagaKeal_: i told you, duck tape that shift button. problem gone.08:29
maxagazhow to have only one box in the menu for all the windows of the same application ? is it something to set in compiz ?08:30
ysisKeal_: Sorry. I removed Orca because I'm not impaired. Gotta go.08:30
hellmitremaxagaz: right click the little dots to the left of the window list08:30
hellmitrego to preferences08:30
hellmitrecheck Never group windows08:30
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orly_owlAnyone know about my tv tuner?08:31
bimican somebody please help me? i have 2 hard disk, the first one has ubuntu and vista, the second hard disk has xp; the problem is grub only detects the xp, how do configure grub to boot into vista?08:31
Keal_:< my caps lock key is stuck turned on what do i do?08:32
mashmandoleyb what if i install ubunti using big file within the winxp ntfs is there any problem with ?08:32
jtajilakitu: the < should be >08:32
gartraldanielito: dont let yourself get put off by cruddy Mplayer or rythmbox, IMHO AmaroK is the best audio player/manager availible, though its a KDE program, it works in gnome08:32
lakitujtaji, ok08:32
maxagazhellmitre, "little dots to the left of the window list" ?08:33
doleybmashman: It's a little bit slower, but no true problems.08:33
gartralKeal_: upgrade to a usb keyboard?\08:33
hellmitrethey're the window list's home base, essentially08:33
doleybmashman: run wubi if you want to do that, it won't take long if your internet is good.08:33
jioI have a process running at 100% CPU and it is marked as uninterruptible. sudo kill 9 PID does not work, neither does killing it with system monitor. is there *any* way to kill the process?08:33
hellmitrejust to the left of the actual list of windows, maxagaz08:33
gartraljio: the dreaded reboot08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot08:34
jiogartral, no other way?08:34
maxagazhellmitre, ok, thanks :)08:34
mashmani got the cd from canonical and i was recieve that cd this morning and it includes wubi08:34
hellmitremaxagaz: that work?08:34
maxagazhellmitre, yes! :D08:34
hellmitreglad I could help :)08:34
gartralnot that i know of, unless switching runlevels would work, but i highy recomend not messing with your runlevels08:34
mashmandoleyb could i pm ?08:34
doleybmashman: Well first you can run ubuntu a bit off livecd to practice.  Then reboot to windows and run Wubi.08:34
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maxagazhellmitre, i also found a group and tab windows gadget in compiz, but i don't understand what does it do08:35
hellmitremaxagaz: that allows you to select windows and group them into tabs, to keep them organized08:36
gartralmashman: make your live session a little faster, theres a wayto load the disk too ram and run that way08:36
gartraljio:  not that i know of, unless switching runlevels would work, but i highy recomend not messing with your runlevels08:36
maxagazhellmitre, it doesn't look to work for me08:36
hellmitreI've never tried it, maxagaz08:36
maxagazhellmitre, ok08:37
hellmitrea few things in compiz never seemed to work for me, maxagaz08:37
gartralhellmitre: a few things in compiz need extra setup to work right, and some just plain dud out08:38
gartralmaxagaz: see my post too hellmitre08:38
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:38
aprilhareKeal_: damaged keyboard?08:39
gartralKeal_: because you have failed to configure orca corectly08:39
maxagazgartral, i saw it, and i think so08:39
hellmitrecompiz still has several 'features' that are broken08:39
aprilhareKeal_: well for starters you're using xchat not orca08:40
hellmitreyou could turn off Orca, Keal08:40
gartralhellmitre: well... thats not true.. some just take and extremely ridiculously powerfull gfx card08:40
Keal_I DID08:40
maxagazthe virtual keyboard doesn't work for me with orca, also it seems there's a conflict between compiz and orca08:40
hellmitregartral, all the features requiring a good graphics card work for me, but some (like grouping/tabbing windows) never do anything of value08:41
danielitogartral: ah, I know amarok. I checked this out on a live linux once, it's reeeaaallly great. but what about mplayer? i thought this is a good one too. I don't like totem i have to say08:41
hellmitremplayer is bare-bones, basically08:42
hellmitrenot a great media manager08:42
danielitowell. I don't need a media manager just for playing my movies hellmitre08:42
trippppyanyone using leadtek pci-e TV tuner under *nix?08:42
gartralhellmitre: ahh, those are for windows that don't natively support tabs, try and open two evolution instances and try grouping them :)08:42
gartraldanielito: mpayer takes LOOAAADDSS of preliminary setup to get playing anything08:43
Keal_now capslock is permanently turned off >:/08:43
Keal_i guess That is better than nothing . :<08:44
simplexiodanielito: mplayer is choice if you want player wich plays anything, but you dont care that much GUIs, i find mplayer best because it has easy keybindings08:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about orca08:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about leadtek08:44
doleybgartral: mplayer setup is easy and fast with medibuntu's packages08:44
gartraldoleyb: for migrating windows users?08:45
Keal_i hit disable sticky keys when two keys held together and pressed shift+capslock now capslock is permanently turned off >:/08:45
gartralKeal_: alt-caps lock, i beleive, or ctrl-caps...08:45
danielitosimplexio: indeed I don't need a gui at all, my gui for browsing my moviez is nautilus08:46
Keal_didn't do anythign >:/08:46
danielitosimplexio: but isn't the development of mplayer still alive?08:46
ubdhello how do i ssh to another machine, which program shall i install?08:46
doleybgartral: Yes, it's not any harder than any other player to setup08:46
hellmitreubd: what operating system is that machine running?08:46
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doleybudb: ubuntu already has ssh with it, type ssh08:47
hellmitreif it's running any flavor of linux, installing the openssh-server should do it08:47
maxagazi have installed ubuntu using preseed (on PXE) but it installed me a system with arabic keyboard by default, how to change that ?08:47
gartraldoleyb: see... mplayer just dies on me, no matter what i do too it, and it has so, accross all my computers, across all versions of linux, and it seems espetially unstable in ubuntu, ever since 6.0608:48
killahrsanybody klnow of a tv streamin program that would work on xubuntu on ps3?08:49
hellmitreI think development on mplayer in ubuntu stopped when other media players ended up better and with more features, gartral08:49
hellmitrebut that's as far as I know08:49
gartralhellmitre: im not complaining, i ussually dump it as soo as i install ubuntu, for its lack of worth too me08:50
LogicFananyone heard of firefox remapping mouse buttons sporadically on the fly?08:50
doleybgartral: that's pretty funny... what player do you use instead?08:50
hellmitreI use banshee, personally, though no one's asked me >_>08:51
hellmitrebanshee for music, VLC for movies, mpd occasionally when I'm restarting X a lot08:51
PWilderDoes anyone know how I can save all my Ipod photos?08:51
gartraldoleyb: vlc, wich works beautifully, on occasion ill use dragon... i havent tried banshee, though i installed it08:51
PWilderI mean, I want to get them off of my Ipod and put them into my pictures folder.08:52
hellmitrebanshee's the best media manager I've gotten my hands on so far08:52
hellmitreI tried songbird but that was way too resource-intensive08:52
LogicFani use a combo on songbird and banshee08:52
PWilderLogicFan: can you a bit more specific?08:53
PWildersongbird doesn't handle photos.08:53
LogicFanPWilder, i haven't decided which i like better, so i use both08:53
LogicFani like songbird's extension capabilities and web-functions, but banshee is much faster08:53
gartralLogicFan:  i like songbird on windows, havent even thought to try the linux one yet, did they ever land gstreamer as there engine?08:53
LogicFanPWilder, why would it?  its a music player08:54
LogicFanyes, gstreamer08:54
maxagazcan i install ubuntu 64 bits on Intel Pentium Dual Core E5200 ?08:54
LogicFanmaxagaz, yes08:54
PWilderLogicFan: I need to export photos to my computer. Not music.08:54
gartralmaxagaz: yes, i believe so08:54
hellmitreare pentium dual cores 64 bit processors?08:54
PWilderI am using Gtkpod for that which i like better than those two progams.08:54
bimican somebody please help me? i have 2 hard disk, the first one has ubuntu and vista, the second hard disk has xp; the problem is grub only detects the xp, how do configure grub to boot into vista?08:54
gartralmaxagaz: dont sweat, if it wont load, it will tell you to go get a 32 bit disk08:54
LogicFanhellmitre, yes08:55
hellmitredidn't know that :)08:55
PWilderdoes anyone know how to Export photos from an Ipod?08:55
PWilderI am using GPixPod, but it doesn't let me do a mass export.08:55
gartralPWilder: search ipod manager in the repos08:55
PWilderI did, and nothing is close by GPixPod.08:55
hellmitreI've heard of Hipo as being a decent iPod manager08:55
PWilderHipo is having problems recognizing my Ipod.08:56
gartraldoes hipo manage other devices (sans, to be exact)08:56
hellmitrelameskates; sorry to hear that08:56
maxagazgartral, does it mean that in the future, ubuntu 32 will become obsolete ?08:56
gartrals// sans sansa08:56
hellmitremaxagaz, as more and more processors become 64 bit machines, eventually ubuntu 64 will become more used08:56
PWildermaxagaz: 64bit is best for either 64bit or 32bit with m ore than 4gigs ram.08:56
gartralmaxagaz: only if 32 bit procs are ever put out of production, but thats not even close too being a reality08:57
hellmitrebut 32bit ubuntu oughtta run on 64 bit machines, too08:57
PWilderhellmitre: It has serious compatibility problems on a 32bit system with less than 4 gigs ram.08:57
jscinoz]/win 2708:58
hellmitreI've run ubuntu 64bit on several 32bit machines with no issues08:58
denndaDoes anybody happen to know where in KDE4 I can set Firefox as default browser and not Konqueror?08:58
I1i have to compile a kernel with debug option and install it on my ubuntu 8.04, i have tryed make -> make modules -> make install but it doesn't work.....anyone could help me?????08:58
gartralis there a terminal gui that renders the window(s) thats behind it instead of just the bg image?09:02
denndagartral: Are you looking for true transparency? In that case I suggest compiz or some other compositing09:02
maxagazwhat does mean "preseed on the kernel command line this: console-setup/layoutcode=us" ? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/328078)09:03
ubd2 how do i change the dhcp conf - gateway netmask etc?09:03
gartraldennda: i dont always use compiz, as i have many games... ide like a terminal that had true pransparency09:03
simplexiodanielito: far as i know09:04
beligartral: trans isnt done by the application itself...it always needs the X system to support it...at least for real trans09:05
gartralhmmm amarok lyric grabber, Astraweb or Lyrc, which is more accurate?09:05
gartralbeli: konsole can, but its ugly-slow09:06
killahrsi got linux on ps3 now, the flash or java wont work, tv streamin is hopeless.09:07
ubd2yooooo how do ý change the network settýngs09:07
killahrsupper right corner dude09:08
ubd2from teminal?09:08
beligartral: console? or terminal?09:08
gartralubd2 upper right corner, looks like two screens "blinking"09:08
gartralbeli: Konsole...09:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:09
ubd2gartral: i am using ssh09:09
beligartral: it cannot...just fake trans....real trans is done by the X system09:09
beligartral: and yes, real trans is a resource eating monster :)09:10
nikkoubd2, try see this article http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html09:11
maxagazwhy ubuntu 64 is called amd64 if it09:12
maxagazwhy ubuntu 64 is called amd64 if it's also for intel with more than 4GB of ram ?09:12
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gartralmaxagaz: because it uses the "common" Athlon 64 bit structure, not the proprietary Itanium one09:14
gartralat least thats what inve been told09:14
ikoniamaxagaz: amd674 is basiclly the name for x86_^409:14
ikoniamaxagaz: amd674 is basiclly the name for x86_6409:15
gartralr00tlinu: yes, thankyou...09:15
SlimeyPetemaxagaz: because AMD developed their 64-bit x86 architecture before Intel did, and the Intel one is compatible with the AMD one09:15
Rods_Tigeris it possible to display a clock and a weather display on top of a photograph display in ubuntu, as a permanently running display?09:15
* r00tlinu nods09:15
SlimeyPeteso a lot of people refer to both architectures as "amd64"09:15
SlimeyPeteerm, that was aimed at gartral ;)09:16
gartralSlimeyPete: yes, its compatible on a base level, but the itanium one has a few stability features the amd64 specs ignore09:16
odysseasHi guys, does the default ubuntu installation include tools to create a dial-up connection?09:17
SlimeyPetegartral: itanium isn't compatible at all. You mean EMT64.09:17
r00tlinuit should.09:18
SlimeyPeteItanium != x86-64 :)09:18
SlimeyPetegartral: but yes, fair point09:18
gartralahh yes, your useage of "is compatible" confused me09:18
Gothfunchi.  anyone managed to get HDMI audio working on any version of ubuntu?09:18
dandreI am trying to mount a samba share from a server which is ISO8859 encoded on an ubuntu station UTF8 encoded. When I use mount.cifs, I get  filenames not properly encoded but if I mount with nautilus (gvfs) it is ok. How can I have the same behaviour from commandline?09:19
H3l1c0pt3rright now i have just ubuntu installed on my entire hard disk. how can i partition it, then install windows xp on the second partition but still have the grub bootloader intact and work for both linux and windows?09:19
CappientesH3l1c0pt3r, it's probably better to partition it first09:20
H3l1c0pt3rwell i would have to partition it first to install another os...09:21
Cappientesthen install windows then install ubuntu (so grub is the last boot manager to be installed to the MBR09:21
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
H3l1c0pt3ri dont want to reinstall ubuntu, i have it installed already09:21
CappientesI see09:21
H3l1c0pt3rthats why im asking how i can do it the other way09:21
H3l1c0pt3rregardless of it being more difficult09:21
r00tlinuhttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/40234-install-windows-after-linux.html ?09:21
r00tlinugo go captain google.09:21
r00tlinubetter link.09:23
jtaji!fixgrub | H3l1c0pt3r09:23
ubottuH3l1c0pt3r: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:23
H3l1c0pt3rk thx09:24
killahrsis myth tv any good yo? i cant afford the tv bill.09:24
H3l1c0pt3roh and yeah thx for the tinyurl r00tlinu09:24
ziroday`killahrs: it records tv, so you still need a working tv.09:25
ziroday`killahrs: however if you are in the US you can use Hulu to watch tv.09:25
killahrsziroday: are there any programs with tv channels?09:25
wijnandCan anyone tell me what is the best (easiest to setup and maintain) CalDAV server for Ubuntu? I'm using Ubuntu Server 8.10 atm09:25
ziroday`killahrs: miro perhaps?09:26
killahrsno im in norway09:26
ziroday`killahrs: take a look at miro.09:26
killahrsmiro ok thnx!09:26
dimebarkillahrs: zatoo also, depending on where you are09:26
r00tlinuwhat's the best way to install an IRC client on 8.10 server ed.?09:27
dimebarr00tlinu: sudo aptitude install irssi09:27
r00tlinuircd-hybrid any decent?09:27
ziroday`r00tlinu: an irc client or irc server? ircd-hybrid is an irc server09:27
riwaWhere do the stuff I install w/ apt-get go to?09:28
Oakbox Hi all, I'm having trouble with host names, anyone around to maybe help out?  I can ping other computers on my local network by IP but not by name...  I have just changed my ISP/router and have just recently setup an ubuntu server (LTS) box.09:28
r00tlinutouche, i meant ircd server09:28
ziroday`riwa: all over the place. What are you looking for exactly?09:28
jtaji!fhs | riwa09:28
ubotturiwa: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview09:28
r00tlinu /var/cache/apt iirc09:28
r00tlinu /var/cache/apt/archives ***09:29
ziroday`r00tlinu: well they are known to be fairly complicated to setup. I believe freenode uses hybrid. You _might_ get better help/recommendations in #freenode09:29
dimebarriwa: if you open synaptic, find the package in question, right click, properties -> installed files.. you'll get a list of what's been installed by that particular package09:29
riwadimebar:  I don't care what's been installed. I care "where" it went.09:30
Keal_i can't figure out how to get darksnow to start :/09:30
r00tlinutry /var/cache/apt/archives09:30
AnArrayfulOfPerlcan i use a co.cc domain name on ubuntu? if so, can someone give me a link09:30
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
Oakboxriwa: of if your a comand line person I think you can type dpkg --listfiles <your package name>09:30
Keal_how do i start darksnow?09:31
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:31
lakitucan anyone help me understand why this command is not resulting in a working 7z file? cat "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.001" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.002" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.003" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.004" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.005" "G 2009-01-08 18;41;58.7z.006" > "/media/disk/Backups/2009-1-08.7z"09:31
ActionParsnip!info darksnow09:31
ubottudarksnow (source: darksnow): simple graphical user interface to darkice. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-1 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 176 kB09:31
dimebarriwa: where what went?09:31
AnArrayfulOfPerlcan i use a co.cc domain name on ubuntu? if so, can someone give me a link?09:31
ziroday`AnArrayfulOfPerl: what exactly do you mean?09:32
lakituthe 7z file is the right size, but keeps saying it's not a valid/recognizable etc archive09:32
Gothfunci have an ATI sapphire hd3850 graphics card, and i'm trying to get HDMI audio working so i can pump the sound through my lcd tv.  the HDMI device shows up in aplay -l and i have used asoundconf-gtk to set it as the default device.  it works for some applications, but not for others.  any ideas why this might be?09:32
ActionParsnipKeal_: you should just be able to type darksnow in terminal and it will launch09:32
riwadimebar: My pkg's09:33
AnArrayfulOfPerlyou can get free domain names from co.cc, and i have one. can i use it on ubuntu?09:33
Gothfunci've tried both hardy and jaunty, both have the same results.  i can play a music file in totem but the same music file won't work in vlc.09:33
jtajilakitu: what happens if you open just the .001 file with 7zip?09:33
ziroday`AnArrayfulOfPerl: well you have to connect a server to it...09:33
jtajilakitu: first off, have you installed p7zip ?09:33
Keal_how do i make a desktop shortcut to darksnow ?09:33
lakitujtaji, it doesn't recognize it. & yes09:33
dimebarriwa: i told you the answer; they go all over the place.  using the method i said above will tell you what went where09:33
ActionParsnipAnArrayfulOfPerl: sure, jusy update the name to resolve to your ip09:33
r00tlinuright-click create launcher09:33
=== Ranakah is now known as Ranakah`
Keal_r00tlinu, i don't know what to right click09:34
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
r00tlinuthe desktop09:34
[1]CGAproblem with code ascii &#195 ... do not return the good character !09:35
[1]CGAin apache2 ...09:35
[1]CGAsomeone have a solution ?09:35
lakitujtaji, any ideas?09:36
gladiatorhi.. i am having lots of problems with ubuntu today.. first i was unable to mount a usb drive.. i switched to windows to copy the data and now i cant mount the drive i put the data into.. it says the partition is marked as "in use"09:36
killahrsanyone knows a program that turns pictures into aschii? :p09:36
Keal_what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow??09:37
r00tlinudo you know what /dev device it is?09:37
r00tlinuhda1, hda2, etc09:37
Keal_what are those?09:37
NiphyrUh, playing with my LiveCD for the first time, trying to set a resolution other than 800x600 or 640x480 to see what it looks like in a native res.. having no luck though09:37
riwakillahrs: There's on called png2ascii (i think). Google the subject.09:37
NiphyrEverytime I install / update drivers it asks fora r estart, when I restart it's back how it was09:37
killahrscool thank u'09:37
lakitujtaji, is there a way to test the .001-.006 files?09:37
r00tlinuwhen you try to mount it, click the more details.09:37
simplexio http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7951403.stm09:37
bazhangsimplexio, dont paste that here09:37
Keal_brb giving rats water09:38
jtajilakitu: I don't know, do you know who/what split it?09:38
lakitujtaji, windows prog, Cobian Backup09:38
simplexiomiss past, my mouse decited to try run away09:38
lakitujtaji, i'm *pretty sure* these were good09:38
lakitumeaning, i think i used them once09:38
gladiatorhi.. i am having lots of problems with ubuntu today.. first i was unable to mount a usb drive.. i switched to windows to copy the data and now i cant mount the drive i put the data into.. it says the partition is marked as "in use".. anyone??09:38
henkpoleyAfter installing a kernel module from source, what is the command again to refresh the modprobe cache ? (update-modules isn't it..)09:38
NiphyrIf anyone has any suggestions, would be appreciated :)09:39
jtajilakitu: there's a good chance the files can't simply be cat'd together then09:39
lakitujtaji, well, i BELIEVE (not positive) i did it once. that's why i'm so discombobulated over this09:39
Keal_back r00tlinu09:39
ActionParsnipgladiator: boot back to windows, then use the safetly remove hardrware thng and detatch the drive from the system09:39
Keal_r00tlinu,  what are dev hdthingies09:39
lakitujtaji, i'm not missing any arguments/etc to pass to cat?09:40
ActionParsnipgladiator: this will free it up09:40
gladiatorActionParsnip: its another partition on my hdd.. not external09:40
Wild_Catabout 2 weeks ago, I lost all sound in Flash. Trying to read e.g. a Youtube video causes 60+ connection attempts in PulseAudio manager, no sound, and a basically unusable PulseAudio until I manually kill/restart it. Any idea what may be causing this?09:40
r00tlinukeal, try this (04:39:39 AM) ActionParsnip: gladiator: boot back to windows, then use the safetly remove hardrware thng and detatch the drive from the system09:40
ActionParsnipgladiator: then manually mount it with the force option09:40
NiphyrActionParsnip: if you have a minute could you give my quick query a go?09:40
jtajilakitu: no the cat command looks good09:40
Wild_Cat(I'm using a regular Intrepid install)09:40
lakitujtaji, hm. ok. thanks for the help09:40
gartralgnight all09:41
r00tlinusudo mount -o force ?09:41
henkpoleyAw, wait they didn't document you need to do "make install" (doh) the put the module in the right place09:41
gladiatorActionParsnip: it won't cause any problems? when i log back on to windows?09:41
BABERis konqueror installed on ubuntu or i have to install it manually?09:41
ActionParsnipNiphyr: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update09:41
Keal_what does this mean? "r00tlinu> when you try to mount it, click the more details."09:41
r00tlinu /server
NiphyrI'll try that.09:41
ActionParsnipBABER: no as its a kde app, you can install it but you will install qt libs which it depends on09:41
ActionParsnipgladiator: did the shutdown complete ok?09:42
H3l1c0pt3ri found this screenshot: http://i42.tinypic.com/2m3qt7a.jpg    I want a launcher like on the bottom of the screen for utorrent and firefox and such (the text launcher) what is it called? can i get a clone?09:42
r00tlinuthe dialog that says the device is in use, there should be an option that shows more details.09:42
tudorany japanese in here?09:42
gladiatorActionParsnip: yes.. i did a restart09:42
Keal_r00tlinu,  what dialog?09:42
r00tlinuwhen you insert your usb cable.09:43
ActionParsnipgladiator: no errors at all?09:43
r00tlinuthe one that says the device is in use09:43
gladiatorActionParsnip: no .. i didnt get anything..09:43
ActionParsnipgladiator: manuall mount with force should mount it ok09:43
Keal_r00tlinu,  i have no idea what you are talking about09:43
lakitutudor, #ubuntu-jp09:43
gladiatorActionParsnip: i do get some errors when i try to mount usb drive in ubuntu though09:44
sachin_hello,guys...when i open my terminal or firefox or anything thing it shows me processing for some time..and then nothing happens09:44
sachin_any idea whats problem09:44
gladiatorActionParsnip: What if there were errors and i didnt notice?09:44
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ysisHow many fps should glxgears give me when OpenGL is working fine? (I have a GeForce2 MX 200)09:45
sachin_hello,guys...when i open my terminal or firefox or anything thing it shows me processing for some time..and then nothing happens09:45
sachin_any idea what is problem09:46
ActionParsnipgladiator: then you got a windows issue with releasing the partition09:46
Keal_what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow??09:46
killahrsyour computer too slow maybe.09:46
sachin_no its has 4GB ram09:46
ActionParsnipysis: depends on cpu, glxgears is a bad test of 3d goodness09:46
sachin_its latest DELL09:46
haagahum, what will send me to hell faster? Installing Ubuntu Satanic Ed or Windows Vista?09:46
bazhang!ot | haaga09:47
ubottuhaaga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:47
ysisActionParsnip, I just want to make sure that I got all the hardware acceleration which is possible.09:47
haagasorry about that.09:47
ActionParsnipysis: glxingo | grep -i direct09:47
gladiatorActionParsnip: I hope its not that.. but i guess it will get the partition if ubuntu doesnt lock it when i shut it down.. i have to manually mount this volume every time i start ubuntu.. and it gives me an error for the first time09:47
lakitujtaji, thing is, i swore i did this before09:47
lakituif not with this set, with another, made by Cobian. so i know you 'can'09:48
ActionParsnipgladiator: you can mount with force to make it mount09:48
lakitui don't know, maybe it was a different set, & this set just happens to be messed up09:48
BABERwhat is the best download manager with resume support?09:48
ActionParsnipBABER: there is no best09:49
r00tlinuVista, btw.09:49
sachin_hey guys..do u have answer to my problems....when ever i boot my ubuntu intrepid...and open anything its shows me the temporary processing and then nothing happens09:49
gh0st3ris there problems with 8.10 and running firefox? firefox keeps making the screen flicker!09:49
ActionParsnipBABER: best doesnt exist anywhere outside your own opinion on your own taste09:49
gartralbefore i go, i have one last question, i have a cdrom with a now ancient feature, a headphone jack... how do i play through it?09:49
gladiatorActionParsnip: i did this: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/New\ Volume -o force  and it didnt work. says: fuse: failed to access mount point /media/New Volume09:49
r00tlinumkdir /media/newvolume09:50
sachin_i think there's no solution to my problem in this room09:50
BABERActionParsnip: i want support premium account rapidshare09:50
ysissachin_, can you open 'xterm' from the dialog you get with Alt+F2?09:50
ActionParsnipgladiator: i'd use -o force,uid=100009:50
killahrsgartral: cds work..09:50
r00tlinusudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/newvolume -o force09:50
sachin_yes opened09:50
sachin_now what09:50
gladiatorr00tlinu: same thing, ActionParsnip: uid=1000? didtn get you there09:50
ActionParsnipBABER: i'd try a few, see which support the service.09:50
haagaanyone tried the nslu2 version of ubuntu?09:51
ysissachin_: try to start your desired application there. e.g. type 'firefox'09:51
gartralkillahrs: yes, i know, im playing one, and ide like the output through the cdroms hardware, not my sound card...09:51
ActionParsnipgladiator: it allows users to write  to the partition as ntfs permissions are retarded09:51
lakituwhat is the (if any) graphical p7zip cli name?09:51
BABERActionParsnip: rapidshare09:51
killahrsthats about what u get man. shit is old.09:51
bazhangkillahrs, watch the language09:51
gartral!ohmy killahrs09:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy killahrs09:51
bazhanghaaga, what is that09:52
gartral!ohmy | killahrs09:52
sachin_ok...let me explain my problem in detail....after booting my laptop...i need to login with different account to make my laptop work09:52
ubottukillahrs: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:52
gladiatorActionParsnip: gives me the same thing09:52
r00tlinuany good shell scripting irc channels?09:52
[1]CGANoone for a problem of charset ...?09:52
ActionParsniplakitu: once you get 7zip install ok then file-roller will manage it ok.   just use   7z x my7Zzipfile09:52
ysissachin_: You use Intrepid with Gnome?09:52
ActionParsnipr00tlinu: try #bash09:53
ysisWhat do you mean by 'make it work', please be more specific.09:53
riwajoin #rtorrent09:53
haagadist blt for the linksys nslu209:54
lakituActionParsnip, but file-roller isn't working, so i'm trying alt.s.  is there a gui for p7zip? - or no09:54
haagabazhang: dist built for the linksys nslu209:54
ActionParsnipgartral: you need to run a cd playing software and jam some phones n there, the little dial is for volume09:54
bazhanghaaga, official ubuntu or not09:54
gh0st3rmy screen is flickering like crazy!09:54
gh0st3rwhat the heck?09:54
haagai think its official09:54
bazhanggh0st3r, try disabling compiz09:54
bazhanghaaga, link09:54
haagahold on09:55
ActionParsniplakitu: not that i know of, the cli is simple though. i thought file roller would manage it. ark does it so i figured fileroller would09:55
gartralActionParsnip: .... i know i needed headphone, anvd ive tryed with vlc, sound juicer and exaile...09:55
Keal_what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow??09:55
lakituActionParsnip, it probably does, but i'm having trouble with a cat'ed .7z file, so i'm trying alternative methods09:55
gartralActionParsnip: they all play through the soundcard, none through the cd drives device09:56
haagabazhang: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/NSLU209:56
ActionParsniplakitu: cat'd 7z files?09:56
gh0st3rbazhang, nope still going like crazy :(09:56
gh0st3rbazhang, other ideas? :S09:56
lakituActionParsnip, a bunch of .001, .002, ... files that i cat'ed into one .7z file09:56
bazhanghaaga, did you have an issue installing it?09:56
bazhanggh0st3r, sounds like driver issue09:57
ActionParsnipgartral: i thought audio played through, do you ave the cd audio cable connected from the soundcard direct to the driive?09:57
gh0st3rbazhang, i have a 9800 and using nvidia-180. is that what could be causing it :S09:57
bazhanggh0st3r, this is intrepid?09:57
killahrsi got an idea. someone should make a linux/something for the otheros optionfor playstation in java or whatever with .mkv codecs flac so on. i mean. basicly just a linux lite lite.09:58
gh0st3rbazhang, yea09:58
BABERwhith which command can test md5 file?09:58
gartralActionParsnip: i said it once CDS WORK! though the sound card, i want the output through the front port, on the cdrom...09:58
lakitujtaji, ActionParsnip, i'm trying another set now09:58
ysisBABER: md5sum09:58
bazhangkillahrs, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic09:58
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:58
bazhanggh0st3r, doing a forums search09:58
kellican anyone tell me the best site to learn linux on is?09:59
gartralActionParsnip: and no, i removed the card that stopped working, the intergrated card doesnt have a place for an audio connector09:59
ActionParsnipgartral: i think you need the cable from sound card to the drive to route the audio back. kill the caps. i can read lower case09:59
gh0st3rbazhang, thanks :)09:59
kellican anyone tell me the best site to learn linux on is?09:59
ysiskelli: Just use it. ;-)09:59
gh0st3rkelli, start with the ubuntu help docs09:59
ActionParsnipkelli: www.ask.com www.google.com www.ubuntuforums.com09:59
ysiskelli: And google your problems.09:59
bazhangkelli, ubuntu or linux in general10:00
gartralActionParsnip: i didn't relise the caps was on, im sorry10:00
bazhang!rute | kelli10:00
ubottukelli: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:00
gartralActionParsnip: and no, the cable didnt help when i had it attached either10:00
bazhangkelli, there is also a free ubuntu guide (pdf) you can download10:00
ActionParsnipgartral: there is a 4 pin connector that connects to the soundcard to the back of the cd drive, i think that gives  the audio there10:00
lakitugartral, the cable has got to be connected ..10:01
NiphyrActionParsnip: Under hardware drivers, it says i need to restart to activate the nVidia driver... but if I do that the whole system reverts to defaults (Live CD)10:01
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html kelli10:01
gartralActionParsnip: with or without, it didnt matter, im not dumb...10:01
kellibazhang, thanks10:01
NiphyrI tried sudo apt-get clean and install. clean returned nothing, install returned all 010:01
g4lt-lappyclean doesn't ever return anything10:02
ActionParsnipNiphyr: sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:02
gartralNiphyr: try sudo killall gdm, and restart gdm with sudo gdm after you've installed the drivers10:02
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia   recommended, and not: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual gh0st3r10:02
gartralActionParsnip: and as i said, the intergrated card doesn't have a space for said hardware audio transpoert10:03
g4lt-lappyPROTOP, use pkill vice killall if you don't want to ruin your sysV finger-memory10:03
bazhanggh0st3r, seems some have probs with the 80 and that card, may have been solved according to forums link (with above links)10:03
g4lt-lappyPROTIP even10:03
gartrals// transpert/transport10:03
g4lt-lappykillall has a bit different meaning on AT&T unixes10:03
NiphyrActionParsnip: Both were all 0... trying gartrals suggestion now...10:03
r00tlinu??? 4. profit?10:03
castg4lt-lappy: finger-memory being?10:04
gartral>.< i cant even spell my mispellings correctly10:04
ActionParsnipgartral: apparently it only works if you dont use DAE10:04
gartralhow do i use that?10:04
ActionParsnipgartral: not sure what that is though10:04
lakitui must say, i've been using windows for the last few months, & it's nice to be back in linux/ubuntu10:04
g4lt-lappycast, eventually if you type in something enough, it becomes automatic and you sometimes just type in a word without thinking10:04
gartralDirect Audio Engine, i believe10:04
ActionParsnipgartral: from a forum: If possible, try plugging a set of headphones into the front of the CD drive and see if that produces output. I'm pretty sure that the headphone jack on the front of the drive only works when a CD is being played normally and not in DAE mode. It should at least prove/disprove if normal CD audio is working at the drive level.10:04
castg4lt-lappy: ok, and?10:05
castg4lt-lappy: ah, i see. that tip was a waste of bytes.10:05
g4lt-lappycast really, do a killall on HP-SUX10:05
Niphyrgartral: sudo killall gdm; froze the system then ~30 seconds after the machine rebooted on me.. back at square one again10:05
gartralActionParsnip: really... take a sec and think here, would i have asked if it worked? i tryed that, and i tryed pulling the jack from the back (hardware supports intelligent jacks)10:06
castg4lt-lappy: really, why would i use that? ;)10:06
gh0st3rbazhang thanks :)10:06
gartralNiphyr: then the only way is too install ubuntu...10:06
ActionParsnipgartral: well, take a sec yourself..are you using DAE?10:06
g4lt-lappyNiphyr, have you tried /etc/init.d/gdm stop?10:06
gartralActionParsnip: i dont know how to use it10:06
Niphyrg4lt-lappy: no, I haven't.10:07
r00tlinuchange the jack setting in qjackctl?10:07
g4lt-lappycast you'll only do it once10:07
ActionParsnipgartral: thats why i pasted the info...try loosing the attitude and read10:07
g4lt-lappyNiphyr, then don't kill gdm, use the f00kin initscript.  whoever told you to kill it was a fool10:07
ActionParsnipgartral: find out what iDAE is then find out if you are using it, if you are, thats why its not working10:07
AdvoWorkhi there, anyone know how to ping a ip range on a local network, ie .2 - .200 for example?10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iDAE10:07
Niphyrg4lt-lappy: Do you understand what i am trying to do?10:08
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: could write a script10:08
Niphyrgartral: I was hoping to test video performance and WINE before installing ubuntu... was hoping I could at least check the drivers on the LiveCD10:08
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: http://www.itserviceworks.com/ping-an-ip-address-range/10:08
castAdvoWork: nmap is good enough at scanning ip ranges10:09
gartralNiphyr: hmm.... im not sure how to install the drivers from a live cd10:10
NiphyrCan I install ubuntu on the same partition as vista?10:10
gartralActionParsnip: 4 pages into google searc retrieve a bunch of smeg about some financial firm...10:10
dronixNiphyr: no, need to set up a different partition10:11
mcnichollshi. i want to have my sd card mount without the nodev options (so i can put my pbuilder cache on there), i have tried an fstab entry, but then my user doesn't have rights to mount as usual when the card is inserted. is there another way/option i can use?10:11
Niphyrdronix: ok, ty :(10:11
ActionParsnipgartral: search different or use a different search engine10:11
ysis!wubi | Niphyr10:11
ubottuNiphyr: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.10:11
castNiphyr: sure, but it's liable to be painful10:11
simplexiomcnicholls: in fstab add option user10:11
gh0st3rbazhang, read that... i have no idea whats wrong :-S10:12
gartralActionParsnip: you know how to figure out if im using it or not?10:12
Niphyrysis: I wanted to run ubuntu by itself as an eventual replacement for vista, not along side it. Thankyou though10:12
lakituhunh, jtaji ActionParsnip, it *was* the file set.  another set cat'd & un-archived fine10:12
mcnichollssimplexio: oh yeah, i have used user before. think it was because of the hald automounting that i didn;t think about it. i presume it will still automount through hal with those options?10:12
ysisnutzer: #ubuntu-de10:13
ActionParsnipgartral: looks like some cd paranoia thing10:13
simplexiomcnicholls: noauto .. i think10:13
ysisNiphyr: Just make a partition for ubuntu then.10:13
nutzeri am from germany.10:14
* XxGoldxX says hello room10:14
gartrala bunch of profiles in sound juicer say there active, but arnt shown, any ideas?10:14
ysisnutzer: Wenn du deutsch sprechen willst, dann geh in den Raum #ubuntu-de.10:14
mcnichollssimplexio: ok think i should be able to get it sorted from there. thanks for the help10:15
Niphyrysis: Attempting it again now :) Last time I tried to shrink the vista partition I got no end of file errors10:15
* XxGoldxX has a question for someone familiar with raid 5 in ubuntu server 8.0410:15
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:15
ysisNiphyr: Do you have a way to backup your partition?10:15
simplexioXxGoldxX: i have one10:16
ysisNiphyr: I never had success with resizing windows partitions...10:16
ActionParsnipNiphyr: just plan the partitions and you dont have to resie, leave unpartitioned space and linux will offer to use it10:16
XxGoldxXsimplexio: ok i have a raid 5 on my ubuntu server 8.04 with 3 drives can i add 2 more drives withour rebuilding10:16
gartralNiphyr: if you can get your hands on it, norton partition magic 8 works wonders on windows partitions10:17
dan-ubuntujaunty jackalope alpha 6 isn't buggy-swear10:17
simplexioXxGoldxX: probably not. but google. i have only made "ready" raid systems10:17
eanda-sbshey all.  pretty disappointed in Ubuntu 8.10.  all my nfs shares are not able to mount at boot time.  Does anyone know a work around for this?  It can't be a crude hack though because one of my nfs shares is where all my ldap user homes is located and this share has to be totally correct at boot10:17
gh0st3rbazhang, help?!?10:17
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
XxGoldxXSimplexio: i have googled but only get info on windows based arrays which doesnt help and ubuntu forumns only talk about installing raid software10:18
gartralXxGoldxX: not with raid 5, i forget why, i think its cause the striping sequence expect 3, and will see 510:18
r00tlinuqtparted instead of part magic?10:18
ysisNiphyr: You can also try the gparted live cd10:18
ysisWorked very well for me10:18
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: you may need a script to test if your network devices have come up to mount them, or have the command: sudo mount -a   run when you log in (assuming you added the mountings to /etc/fstab)10:19
XxGoldxXgartral: even if it is a software based array10:19
kellinow what can i use as a voice simulator for reading text?10:19
lakituActionParsnip, you help a lot =) i'm not in #here often, but you're always helping.  that's awesome =D10:19
ActionParsnipkelli: espeak is ok10:19
gh0st3rim getting flickering on 8.10, on a second monitor, i have a 9800gt and i installed the drivers by doing a "apt-get install nvidia-glx-180"10:19
jtajiXxGoldxX: http://scotgate.org/2006/07/03/growing-a-raid5-array-mdadm/10:19
XxGoldxXgartral: i thought one of the advantages with raid 5 was the ability to expand10:19
gartralXxGoldxX: it would require reloading everything and re striping it, unless you have a verryyy good software raid controller, i think its impossible10:20
ActionParsniplakitu: i like to give to the community as the community gives to me10:20
kellinow what can i use as a voice simulator for reading text?10:20
gartralbut i dont mess with raids oftem, i cant be sure10:20
ActionParsnipkelli: sudo apt-get install espeak10:20
gartrala bunch of profiles in sound juicer say there active, but arnt shown, any ideas?10:21
ActionParsnipkelli: the run: espeak <some text file>10:21
kelliActionParsnip, is that for ubuntu10:21
ActionParsnip!info espeak10:21
ubottuespeak (source: espeak): A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.39-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 68 kB, installed size 244 kB10:21
gartralkelli: yes, espeak is multi platform10:21
simplexioXxGoldxX: try google madadm raid ... im sure that if you first build raid5 array like from 3 and define then that array uses 4 disk you can add one later. but not sure if you can add disk if you didnt build it that way10:21
eanda-sbsActionParsnip:  Yes I know I can run mount -a as root and get all my shares mounted from /etc/fstab.  I have done that and it works successfully.  My problem is on every reboot that has to be done and I'm not always present.  and I'm not going to give away the su/root password so I can walk a user through that mounting process10:21
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: you dont have a root pass (well, shouldnt unless you want a significantly less secure OS)10:22
gartraleanda-sbs: then add a sudoers entry for them?10:23
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: you could add the script to the last boot level so you know the network is up10:23
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:23
XxGoldxXsimplexio: ok looks like it possible to a degree but it doesnt tell me whether or not it supports all array hardware10:23
bibehi everybody. i've a problem with pure-ftpd-mysql. allthough i defined "MYSQLUser", it tries to connect as root to the mysql server. does anyone have an idea?10:23
eanda-sbsThis is such a basic function of linux,  I fail to understand how Ubuntu could have possibly missed this during their release testing..10:23
Chousukeeanda-sbs: add the "auto" option into their fstab entries.10:23
* XxGoldxX is very thankful for all help with his issue so far10:23
Chousukeeanda-sbs: that means they're mounted on boot.10:23
ActionParsnipChousuke: they are network resources and fstab runs before the network comes up, so the mount fails10:24
ChousukeActionParsnip: hmm10:24
eanda-sbsChousuke:  Ok .  maybe you hit on the right fix, because I don't have the auto variable on any network nfs share in etc/fstab10:25
BABERhow can understand one package is installed or not?10:25
Chousukeeanda-sbs: well you could add a "username ALL=/sbin/mount -a" to sudoers10:25
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: sudo apt-get install bum10:25
AltoBurgohello all. Anyone knows a possible reason not to create /dev/fd0? Mine is not there...10:26
Chousukeeanda-sbs: that'd allow them to just run mount -a as root10:26
eanda-sbsActionParsnip:  what is bum?10:26
=== nick is now known as Guest47984
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: you can add a script to run the mount -a command afer the network is up10:26
ActionParsnip!info bum10:26
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (intrepid), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB10:26
XxGoldxXjtaji: thank you for the link10:26
Chousukeeanda-sbs: critical:, use "visudo" to edit the sudoers file.10:27
eanda-sbsok thanks I'll take a look10:27
AltoBurgoI can only see /dev/fd/0 not /dev/fd010:27
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: its a bit hacky but fstab needs running first to mount partitions so the boot can complete and network drivers can load, but it will fail as the network is down so NFS partitions fails10:27
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: the mount -a should be added to the last run level as you say, i'd log a bug for deffo10:28
AltoBurgoI can only see /dev/fd/0 not /dev/fd0. on my fstab I'ts referencing /dev/fd0... but's not there... Anyone can help? what should I look on dmesg? floppy is functional under windows...10:28
gartrala bunch of profiles in sound juicer say there active, but arnt shown, any ideas?10:29
eanda-sbsActionParsnip:  So what I should do then is list my nfs shares in fastab as noaouto then create a script in /etc/rc.d to mount the nfs shares later in the boot process.10:30
PWilderNeed help with Ipod Video Management10:30
AltoBurgosudo modprobe floppy10:30
AltoBurgothat solved10:30
AltoBurgothanks for nothing10:30
FloodBot3AltoBurgo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:30
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: i'd add them as auto, then create a small script to run sudo mount -a10:30
ActionParsnipeanda-sbs: then add it to the bootup10:31
kelligartral, how do i start espeak?10:32
Ulysse_Hi everyone ;-)10:33
eanda-sbsActionParsnip:  Ok I can do that.  question though.  If I complete that what will be the mount status of the nfs shares at the GDM login screen on a reboot?  My concern is that my one nfs share has to be mounted because it is the ldaphome directory for all users.  If it isn't available then the user cannot log in10:33
Ulysse_Needs small feedback10:33
Ulysse_does anyone onws an msi wind u100 netbook?10:33
gartralkelli: from a terminal: espeak /path/to/file.ext10:33
intangirim trying to install adobe flash 10 on ubuntu 8.0410:34
intangirand i just cant get the damn thing to install10:34
intangiri have no idea why10:34
PWilderIpod Video management10:34
intangirit runs the package installers, it says it worked10:34
intangirbut it wont show up on the list, and i cant open flash10:34
ch0dedoes anubody encounter a white screen of death on hibernation?10:34
gartralch0de: i encounter a gfx card failure on hibernation, but i dont turn my comp off very often10:35
BABERwhat commadn can open screen shot ?10:35
eanda-sbsActionParsnip:  Did you catch that last question10:35
ch0dehow can I debug what's happening when I obtain a white screen of death on hibernation?10:35
gartralBABER: try your print screen key....10:36
gartrala bunch of profiles in sound juicer say there active, but arnt shown, any ideas?10:36
ysisgartral: I fixed my problem from before. I deactivated the visual effects in System > Preferences > Appearance. Thanks for your help again10:37
ysis!hi | manuel_10:38
ubottumanuel_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:38
michazoethi to all10:38
manuel_how can i stop the rescure X fix from work? i mean if i install a new kernel and have the nvidia driver loaded the next rebbot this "fix" stops me from installing my driver again because xerver is running10:39
manuel_thanks for help10:39
Chousukemanuel_: I think just running sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop should kill X completely.10:40
error404notfoundI changed my vlc skin. Today I downloaded another skin and tried to use that but vlc denies to change skin even to default, I removed vlc by apt-get remove vlc, and then install it but it still have that old theme which over time has started to feel stupid.10:41
manuel_no that doesnt work because gdm starts not realy ther is only a fram with text like:You running X in a low resolution10:41
kelliany one know a text reader that can read web pages10:43
zashkelli: text-reader?10:43
austin_Where do i go to view my hardware on my machine?10:43
kfoxkelli, nano, vi etc..10:43
ysiskelli: lynx10:43
belinot viewer10:44
zashlinks2 -dump | less10:44
belihe wants the text to be spoken10:44
kellihow do i get them to worl10:44
gartralysis: im glad i was able to help :) yea, the special effects really gnaw older cards like ours to death10:44
kellii'm new to ubuntu10:44
zashkelli: like orca?10:44
shyam_k`where to set the key for wpa encryption for wifi router?10:44
zashkelli: http://live.gnome.org/Orca10:45
kellizash, how do i get that?10:45
ysisaustin_: 'sudo lshw'10:45
gartralaustin_: lsusb shows usb hardwre thats recognised, lshw shows all hardware, and cat /proc/cpuinfo shows special info on your cpu10:45
zashkelli: i think it is installed by default, otherwise search for orca in add/remove or the package manager10:46
ysisaustin_: Also try System > Administration > Hardware Testing from the panel.10:46
austin_thank you10:46
bazhang!info gnome-orca10:47
ubottugnome-orca (source: gnome-orca): Scriptable screen reader. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 555 kB, installed size 7428 kB10:47
gartralaustin_: its what were here for :)10:47
jan__j #11010:48
ocolHey everybody. Can ubuntu cause your computer to shutdown strangely?10:48
ocolI tried to install ubuntu, but when it got to the installing logo, it shut down.10:48
castocol: yes.10:48
ocolAnd i restarted the computer like five times, and it always shut down.10:48
ocolI waited like 10 minutes and my computer worked alright with vista.10:49
ocolWhat's going on? o.O10:49
gartral i want to set my default terminal window size to 128x30 to conform to the bg image i set, how do i do this?10:49
gartralocol: are you on amd athlon hardware?10:50
ocolAthlon 6410:50
ocolturion sorry10:50
Gothfunchi.  i have an ATI sapphire hd3850 graphics card, and i'm trying to get HDMI audio working so i can pump the sound through my lcd tv.  the HDMI device shows up in aplay -l and i have used asoundconf-gtk to set it as the default device.  it works for some applications, but not for others.  any ideas why this might be?10:50
ocolbut i downloaded the AMD 64 version10:50
ocolIt should work10:50
Gothfunci've tried both hardy and jaunty, both have the same results.  i can play a music file in totem but the same music file won't work in vlc.10:50
gartralocol your hitting a thermal barrier, its a hardware issue, my laptops shutdown "randomly" when there too hot, i see it all the time10:51
ocolI get it10:51
ocolThis is a laptop too10:51
ocolWhen it cools down, it works fine10:51
ocolThat's why it shut downs in series.10:51
ocolBut hey10:51
gartralocol: the only way to "fix" it is to swap the offending procs out with new ones10:51
ocolOh my god10:51
ocolNow i get it10:51
bazhang!enter | ocol10:52
ubottuocol: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:52
gartralexpensive, but it avoids data corruption10:52
ocolI was switching for ubuntu because I've noted that my computer is very slow10:52
ocolAnd it should work smoothly with vista as I have 2,0 ghz processor and 3 gb of RAM memory, but I think my processor is jammed.10:52
ocolSo basicly I can't install ubuntu?10:52
ikoniaocol: I think you're mistaken10:53
gartralocol: again, you have a semi-defective proc, if its new, contact amd or your OEM and explain the situation, they might send you a new proc, they did once for me after said issue destroyed a hardrive10:53
ikoniaocol: that processor is more than capable10:53
ocolThis is a laptop.10:53
ikoniaocol: that dosn't change what I said10:54
gartralocol: but as far as running ubuntu, it will word just fine10:54
ocolIkonia: Please read the issue I noted previously :)10:54
ocolGartral: I'm running vista10:54
RanyAlbegHi all , i installed limewire via deb file and now im unable to uninstall it . can some help?10:54
mcheleni did something, and now my numeric keypad is moving the mouse instead of typing numbers?10:54
ocolAnd the problem is that I can't install ubuntu at all.10:54
ocolWhen installing it, the computer starts to shut down immedietely. It never does it in any other case.10:55
gartralocol: like i said, the proc issue wont hurt ubuntu, but i recomend you stay far away from compize until you get a good proc, compize eats mine alive10:55
ikoniaocol: does it power off ?10:55
ysisRanyAlbeg: You should be able to find and remove it with Synaptic.10:55
ikoniaocol: then it sounds like a heat alarm is shutting it down10:55
mchelenocol, have you tried the alternate install cd?10:56
RanyAlbegysis: No , i cant10:56
s3r3n1t7ocol, power off as in hard shutdown? or power off as in just shut down normally.10:56
ocolPower of as in hard shutdown10:56
RanyAlbegysis:Searching in synaptic gave no results10:56
ocolIt closes immedietely10:56
gartralikonia: hes having issues with a proc thats heat sensor is bad, he needs to replace it before he can run truly stable10:56
ocolLike when the processor gets over heated10:56
ikoniagartral: I missed that - thanks10:56
ikoniaocol: ok - so you need to talk to your hardware provider to get that hardware fixed10:56
s3r3n1t7ocol, ikonia, gartral, shut down the cool'n quiet in the bios and let the fan run at full speed to test?10:57
ysisRanyAlbeg do you still have the .deb file?10:57
RanyAlbegysis: : no :\10:57
ikonias3r3n1t7: and let it do potential damage ? no10:57
ocolI don't get it why it doesn't shut down never with Vista?10:57
ocolI've been working with Vista for years. It's a bit slow some times, but it doesn't shut down10:57
ikoniaocol: it may not get stretched that hot10:57
nmaddyHi, how can I grep a file to show text only after 50 characters10:57
ocolEven when playing games etc.10:57
gartraliknoia i have the same issue, ocol, try hitting F6 twice before you install, and selecting APIC=off and try thun, but i warn you, feel your system once in a while too make sure you not running hot, or you WILL destroy your system10:58
ikoniaocol: it may be a bug with the ubuntu power managment schema10:58
ikoniagartral: that is why I'm not suggesting he do it10:58
paul_foxnmaddy, characan I grep a file to show text only after 50 characters10:58
ocolno thanks10:58
s3r3n1t7ikonia, a fan running at full speed will not cause damage. Cool 'n quiet only disables the powering down of the fan speed.10:58
ysisRanyAlbeg: Can you download it again? Then just double-click on it. This should give you a popup where you can hit a deinstallation button.10:58
paul_foxnmaddy, characters or lines?10:58
gartralikonia: yea, i made that mistake once...10:58
ikonias3r3n1t7: then it shouldn't be hitting a themal alarm and powering off10:58
nmaddyform every line10:59
ocolTheres no alarm10:59
ocolIt just shut down10:59
RanyAlbegysis:i'll search for it again10:59
RanyAlbegysis:also tried to dkpg -r limewire10:59
ocolI don't think they would change my hardwire at Acer Support as it's not basicly broken.10:59
gartralocol: yea, dont let the proc aproach 90 degrees celcius, thats the magic number of doom10:59
RanyAlbegysis: i'llgo find it.10:59
ysisRanyAlbeg: I could always deinstall via Synaptic when I installed with this debi package manager thingy.10:59
s3r3n1t7ikonia, aye, but i've noticed on my laptop that the thermal scheme is loaded very late and it can trigger the thermal alarm before being properly initialized by the kernel. I need to disable it or my laptop will just shut down after powering up.11:00
gartralocol: technically it is defective though, they might replace it11:00
ocolYeh.. that would take ages, ever tried Acers guarantee? :D11:00
ikonias3r3n1t7: I won't be advising him to do that - so it's your call11:00
error404notfoundI can't change my vlc skin :(11:00
ocolTook me 3 monthes once11:00
ocolshould have gone with macbook, atleast they deal their support fastly11:01
nmaddypaul_fox: can that be done with grep anyway?11:01
gartralyea, most corps REM programs are tidiously long11:01
s3r3n1t7ocol, i know, i got an acer myself. They always run very hot, has been that way on every acer i've had my hands on.11:01
ocolSometimes it hurts when writing11:02
s3r3n1t7ikonia, acers always run extremely hot compared to other laptops and other OS's on the same laptop.11:02
ikonias3r3n1t7: that doesn't change my stance11:02
s3r3n1t7ocol, clock down your cpu. Works magic for me.11:02
gartralocol: oh boy, double wami...11:02
ocolI thought changing the OS could help with the processor11:02
ocolAs ubuntu isn't so hard to run as vista11:02
ocolbut obviously I can't install it11:03
gartralocol: i hate saying this, but windows 7 solved many thermal issues with the beta...11:03
RanyAlbegysis: Ok found it , 80%....11:03
ocolNever tried windows 711:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:03
ocolBut I'm bit tired with laptops11:03
bazhangplease take windows chat elsewhere11:04
ocolBuy one, 3 monthes and it's old11:04
ysisRanyAlbeg: Is it working?11:04
gartralocol: i found it... pleasent, actually, other than it wouldnt run anything unless you gave it admin privledges...11:04
s3r3n1t7ikonia, i understand. Don't expect you to change either. There is however a huge temperature between windows and ubuntu. Also, my thoughts can't be done, acer doesn't have these options in the BIOS.11:04
WebGuesthi. i'm having a lot of difficulty getting a belkin wirewless g+ mimo usb adapter (f5d9050) to work with ubuntu (hardy). i have followed the instructions given here, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400236, but after step 13, ifconfig -a, wlan0 doesn't show up, only lo and eth0. can anyone help?11:05
ocolI could check how's my thermo actually in normal run11:05
ocolMaybe I could cool it down to install ubuntu?11:05
s3r3n1t7ocol, how long does it take for yours to shut down?11:05
ocolA second11:05
ocolIt goes to the installation part11:05
ocoland says Installing11:05
ocoland like 30 seconds to a minute and it closes11:06
gartralocol, a nice cooling tray works, go by your local InkStop and ask them the their three fan tray, they'll set you up11:06
s3r3n1t7ikonia, your opinion please, would it be possible to set the CPU speed slower to lower the heat?11:06
ocolyeh.. for laptop, sure..11:06
RanyAlbegysis: when i open the deb i can only see Reinstall Package11:06
gartrals3r3n1t7: if your BIOS supports it, its a great idea, if not, your risking a total system loss, i did it to my gaming machine and i couldn't boot it again, i have to pull the proc and let it bleed-reset before it would work again11:07
ocolit's really a bit funny that I can't watch even a full screen divx with out the processor bugging around11:08
ocolOh my11:08
Gothfuncis there an app/game that really shows off good graphics cards?11:08
gartralocol: yea intel hardware is alot more stable11:08
ocolMy processor is '91 in normal use.11:08
s3r3n1t7gartral, i'm talking about software wise. sudo cpufreq-selector should be able to do it.11:09
ysisRanyAlbeg: Sorry, I was mistaken. Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47461011:09
ocolShouldn't it burn as it's 91?11:09
gartrals3r3n1t7: ahh, software side, yea11:09
ysisBut you need to know the package name.11:09
juniechoHi, I've copied a VMware virtual machine from Windows, and loaded VM in VMware Player. When I try to start the VM, it says VMDK file is not found. But the VMDK file is THERE. What should I do... somebody help.11:09
Myrttiocol: no. It seems that your problem is now hardware related and isn't actually Ubuntu support issue anymore11:09
RanyAlbegysis: the name of the package is limewire-basic , so i can apt-get remove it no?11:10
s3r3n1t7ocol, uhm yeah, your sensor is prolly broken and thus that reading isn't safe to assume to be correct.11:10
Myrttiocol: if you want to discuss the matter, please do so at ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic11:10
ysisRanyAlbec: Just try 'sudo apt-get remove limewire-basic' then.11:10
ocolTake it ieasy11:10
ysisOr look for it in the synaptic package manager.11:11
gartralocol: your best bet, is to try an older ubuntu 8.04 (skip 7.10)....11:11
bond__hi everyone11:11
ysisNot the Add/Remove.. thingy11:11
ysis!hi | bond__11:11
ubottubond__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:11
bond__thanks, ysis11:11
RanyAlbegysis: thanks. that is done . but i still see the .limewire dir on my home folder11:12
juniechoCan someone help me with this VMware Player not being able to locate my virtual disk file, when the file is in the same directory with VM itself?11:12
RanyAlbegysis: should i just remove it?11:12
ysisRanyAlbeg: That's where your configuration files are. If you plan on reinstalling later leave it.11:12
juniechoRanyAlbeg: No, you don't have to, but you can if you wish11:12
ysisOtherwise remove it or use the 'purge' option in synaptic.11:12
ziroday`juniecho: #vmware might be better suited11:12
juniechozlroday`: thanks11:13
e-framehi i'm creating an AP using software AP. in windows it works with the application included in driver cd. but in linux, i never get good result when switching the wireless card to master mode. i'm using bluelink u80g (ralink cgipset). any ideas ?11:13
bond__can someone tell me how to list a device's properties on the command line. I would like to get driver details for my network card.11:13
mchelenmy numeric keypad is moving the mouse instead of typing numbers, any ideas what caused this?11:14
ysisbond__: lspci11:14
dimebarmchelen: num lock?11:14
mchelendimebar, numlock seems to have no effect now11:15
gartralmchelen: thats an accessibility featur called "mouse keys" go and turn it off, the hit numlock and try again11:15
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
mchelengartral, thanks, where can the setting be changed?11:15
gartralmchelen: System>preferences>Assistance Technologies11:16
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mchelengartral, dimebar thanks! was looking in the universal access apps :)11:18
WeazelONi'v read so many articles and tried so many false tries of a real working one, can anyone  tell me please how can i see flash in fullscreen or flash at all without the whole system freezing on me ?11:18
tudoranyone here use Tahoma as their main font in X?11:18
e-framehi i'm creating an AP using software AP. in windows it works with the application included in driver cd. but in linux, i never get good result when switching the wireless card to master mode. i'm using bluelink u80g (ralink cgipset). any ideas ?11:18
WeazelONbtw i'm a noob on Ubuntu11:18
mchelen!flash | WeazelON11:18
ubottuWeazelON: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash11:18
bond__thanks, ysis11:19
mchelenWeazelON, basically you want to use the apps > add/remove to install flash, if you tried another method something might get messed up11:19
bond__lspci|grep lo11:20
ysisbond__: You're welcome.11:20
RanyAlbegthank you guys11:21
WeazelONi did use add/remove, and flash is working, the problem is that, if i have multiple windows of flashed adds and such firefox will go slow and eventually die, and fullscreen shows bad resolution of the flash11:21
WeazelONas if it was zoomed at the current resolution11:21
mylistohey all11:22
mylistotrying to get my gigaware usb headset that I got from radio shack to work.  It works in skype but nothing else.....11:22
WeazelONmchelen, have u ever heard of it ?11:23
WeazelONmchelen, i'm using 8.04 btw11:23
bredotowhere is openvz kernel in intrepid?11:24
bredotoSomeone OpenVz on 8.1011:27
westrumhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQFrU_2HzG8 <--- dios me parto de risa que bueno jaajajajajajajajajajjjjajaja11:28
westrumhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQFrU_2HzG8 <--- dios me parto de risa que bueno jaajajajajajajajajajjjjajaja11:28
westrumhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQFrU_2HzG8 <--- dios me parto de risa que bueno jaajajajajajajajajajjjjajaja11:28
FloodBot1westrum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
mchelenWeazelON, hmm thats odd, usually seems to work all or nothing11:28
=== Maverick is now known as Raj``
Raj``hi, the hibernate option doesnt work for me11:34
Raj``any help11:34
WeazelONis there any better way to display the time and date from the Panel ? like giving it maybe special font like the digital view in KDE ?  (using Gnome)11:35
dagomarQ: i have a home-ubuntu webdevelopment server. I work on a xp pc. Now i would like to set it up so i can use subdomains on the webserver... (i have edit my hosts file in xp to make 'testserver' point to the servers ip) > so for instance "test.testserver' should point to a different folder on my webserver. how can i do this?!?!11:35
dagomarshould i set up an symlink in the root folder named 'test' and would that magically make 'test.testserver' point to the right folder?11:36
segfault-hey stolers how does it go ?11:37
oCean_dagomar: So it's apache on the webserver right.11:38
oCean_dagomar: then you can configure your subdomains trough vhost config. In /etc/apache2/11:39
Raj``any solution for the hibernation trouble?11:39
dagomarok i'll look that up!11:39
oCean_dagomar: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/examples.html11:39
dagomargreat :D11:39
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DeLiKgood morning11:43
DeLiKi have a question concerning vinagre11:43
WebGuestcan anyone help with a wireless adapter problem?11:44
DeLiKalthough i enter the server address an port it allways tries to connect port 590011:45
juniechohey guys, can anyone tell me where i can have a vmware vmdk image? other than easyvmx, it creates too many files because it split the image into 2 gb files... i want just one big vmdk file :) please someone help.11:45
suporteolá pessoal11:46
oCean_!pt | suporte11:46
ubottusuporte: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:46
suportetem alguem que ja utilizou o NAGIOS11:46
oCean_juniecho: It's an option when creating the vm iirc11:47
Raj``anyone free to answer my question11:48
bazhang!info hibernate11:49
ubottuhibernate (source: hibernate): smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99-1 (intrepid), package size 93 kB, installed size 464 kB11:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:50
Raj``i did11:50
bazhangRaj``, see the package above11:51
Q-qhi, can any1 tell me how to install identd on ubuntU?11:51
vetallif i watch a flash movie on line in firefox, where the file is stored on the HD (temp|cache)?11:51
dr_willis!find identd11:51
ubottuFound: bidentd, gidentd, midentd, nullidentd, oidentd (and 3 others)11:51
Raj``bazhang, what should i do with that11:51
dr_willisPick an idented server.. install it.. confiuire it.. run it11:51
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oCean_juniecho: When creating a new VM, you get to Hard Disk, Next screen is Properties. Choose File options. There is the option to choose to split in 2GB files or not11:51
Raj``i already have the hibernate option, it just doesnt work11:51
bazhangRaj``, how much ram11:52
Raj``1 gb11:52
bazhangRaj``, you install that package11:52
Sweet_limehow to see more than 3.2 G ram on ubuntu 32 bit?11:52
bazhangRaj``, and processes are consuming how much of that11:52
Raj``no idea11:53
Raj``not much, i believe11:53
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bazhangcheck top in terminal11:53
disappearednghey how do I find within a directory and its sub directory for all the file that has chinese encoding in its name?11:54
bazhangopen a terminal and type: top Raj``11:54
juniechooCean_: sorry i use vmware player on linux, unable to create a new vm11:54
Raj``892 bieng used, bazhang11:54
bazhangRaj``, then there is your answer; not enough remains to hibernate with11:54
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oCean_juniecho: ok. I assumed vmware server.11:55
Sweet_limehow to see more than 3.2 G ram on ubuntu 32 bit?11:55
danbhfiveSweet_lime: you don't really11:55
mafsiSweet_lime: install ubuntu server kernel11:55
dr_willisSweet_lime:  how much ram you got insdtalled? 4gb exactyly?11:55
oCean_juniecho: Then whoever created your image, created it with option to split in several files11:56
Rishabhey all11:56
Sweet_limedr_willis: 4G11:56
juniechooCean_ is there 'somewhere' (like easyvmx) that does it for me :) ?11:56
juniechoeasyvmx makes too many files... is there some site that create a vmdk image in a big single file?11:57
RishabI got a problem in my ubuntu that the xserver fails to load can some one help me ??11:57
oCean_juniecho: I don't know about easyvmx.11:58
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dr_willisSweet_lime:  you might want to try the server kernel.. but with exactly 4gb. part of it is reserved for various hardware driver/bits11:58
dagomaroCean_ thanks for the help, that works like a charm!11:58
oCean_dagomar: nice!11:58
fliegenderfroschDoes anyone know if there’s a simple way to use Ubuntu as the base for a custom live-cd, where only selected packages are installed (without gui) and which wouldn’t do anything else than starting a script?11:58
RishabI tried to configure tthe xserver-xorg but nothin helped me >>11:59
elhobabhi please could you help i've problem with my wirless card i can't turn it on, it's an  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG11:59
pepperjackRishab: whats the problem?11:59
elhobablast time i reboot and it's okay but now it's impossible11:59
elhobablast time i rebooted and it's okay but now it's impossible12:00
pepperjackRishab: nm just read above.  what video card?12:00
juniechouh, thanks anyway, then is there a software i can use for free with an ability to create a vm? in linux.12:00
simplexiofliegenderfrosch: yes. justmake yuor own livdcd12:00
Sweet_limedr_willis: I installed it but the same thing , in the Bioss it show 4G but server kernel show 3.2 ? may be some thing to do with high_mem option?12:00
simplexiofliegenderfrosch: there is many howtos for custom livecd12:00
pepperjackjuniecho: pretty much any of em windows has excepts virtualpc12:00
simplexiofliegenderfrosch: actually if you only want run some script you should take some of smaller livecd distoros and use them. alot faster12:01
pepperjackjuniecho: and a few others.  i still like vmware-server but there are alot of good ones in linux12:01
elginixelhobab: have mad similar problems with that card myself - the drivers dont seem very stable sadly - ive had to turn the wireless off :(12:01
elhobabhi please could you help i've problem with my wirless card i can't turn it on, it's an  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG, last time i rebooted and it's okay but now it's impossible, i'm under ubuntu 8.10 and i have hp 530 notebook12:01
juniechois vmware-server free?12:01
bazhangjuniecho, virtualbox-ose from the repos12:02
elhobabelginix, oups :s there is any solution or tuto :s12:02
juniechobazhang, sorry i need to build a 'vmdk' image12:02
bazhangjuniecho, vmware-server is free yes12:02
pepperjackjuniecho: they dont charge any money for it. has a cumbersome eula and you have to register for free to get a serial number12:02
juniechobazhang thanks :) guess i'll try it12:03
elginixelhobab: not that i've found... treid a number of methods with native driver and ndiswrapper and got it working for a time in 8.10 but still froze up the machine periodically12:03
fliegenderfroschsimplexio: ok, I just thought I could use ubuntu as I use it personally and am familliar with the available packages. Do you have any suggestions for a distro to use? I just need to run a backup script, so I’ll need rsync, mount and perhaps partimage.12:03
elhobabelginix, you have hp 530 or another laptop??12:04
bazhang!remaster | fliegenderfrosch12:04
ubottufliegenderfrosch: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility12:04
elginixelhobab: dell inspiron 1720 - i dont think its exactly the same model of card but same series12:04
elhobabelginix, ah ok12:04
issa_Hi, how can I with a command line view the first 10 lines of a certain (huge) sql file ?12:05
elginixissa_: used head command12:05
dr_willisissa_:  if its a text file, see the head command12:05
elhobabelginix, thanks i'll try to find out :)12:05
SmileDayprice-free give the eggshell tea to you.12:06
issa_thanks :)12:06
elginixelhobab: try ndiswrapper - u may have more joy with it than i did :-)12:06
simplexiofliegenderfrosch: ther is ubuntu livecd builders, you just need remove a lot of stuff there. i was thinking that you should take some of those small distros like damn small linux or puppy and use them as base12:06
SmileDayeggshell tea event is end. thanks12:06
elhobabelginix, ok:)12:06
bazhang!ot | SmileDay12:06
ubottuSmileDay: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:06
Sweet_limehow do I define SIM Card Slot on my laptop?12:08
ironfroggy_can anyone tell me why when i do `ssh somehost.com somecommand` which is long running, if i ctrl+c ssh exits but leaves the process running remotely?12:08
fliegenderfroschsimplexio: ok, I’ll have a look. thx12:09
wigren@ironfroggy No. When you ctrl-c it closes the connection at the other end12:09
ironfroggy_wigren: "no" what? are you saying im wrong and this doesn't happen?12:09
carpiiironfroggy, look into 'screen' which lets you detach a process from ssh and reconnect to it later12:10
wigren@ironfroggy I'm sorry, I misread.12:10
ironfroggy_because i an assure you its what i see. I can repeat it over and over and see the process still running.12:10
ironfroggy_i dont _want_ it to do this, its doing this and i want it to stop.12:10
elginixironfroggy: does your remote process use nohup?12:10
ironfroggy_and yes im aware of screen, i couldn't get through the day without it12:10
ironfroggy_eighty4: no, its not daemonizing in any way either.12:10
elginixironfroggy: what does the process do?12:11
UbuntuUseri`ve installed compiz fusion. when i open new window it opens but minimalized. how to open it maximalized?12:12
scienteswhere do i set ubuntu back to UTC = RTC12:12
scientesit fucked it up12:12
Rishabhttp://mibbit.com/pb/XBIGKq  well this the error console while trying to start my ubuntu machine... Can any one find the problem ??12:12
Sweet_limehow do I define SIM Card Slot on my laptop?12:12
ironfroggy_elginix: its running a dev webserver for testing. its just a python script.12:12
dr_willisSim card? I thouight SIM cards where what  You used in cell phones...12:13
ironfroggy_i imagine there must be sim card readers like there are for any other storage type12:13
elginixironfroggy: if you look at the remote process list, does it say which is the parent process?12:14
dr_willisdo you mean memory cards like sd/mmc/and so forth?12:14
ironfroggy_elginix: bash12:14
Sweet_limedr_willis: It is a built-in mobile broadband12:15
issa_guys, how do I include (using command line ) a certain text into the top of a huge file without having to open it?12:16
gartraldr_willis: sim cards are universal, they act as a key storage device for authing to a wide area network, be it voice or data12:16
dr_williscat littlefile biggerfile > bothfiles12:17
dr_willisissa_:  thats one way to do it.. :)12:17
elginixironfroggy_: in python is it using an exec?? call - if so which one?12:18
dr_willisgartral:  yes.  that what i was thinking.. id never heard of a pc with a sim card slot befor.12:18
issa_dr_willis, I just want a simple text, one sql query line (SET NAMES) .. and that's it12:18
ironfroggy_elginix: no i dont believe it is.12:19
satyaHi Everyone12:19
dr_willisissa_:  you can use echo and the bash > and >> opperators to copy them to a file.12:19
elginixironfroggy_: hmmmm i'll ponder on that for a bit.... lunchtime now :-)12:19
gartraldr_willis: there becoming quite popular, i dont have one, but my mobo has a port for the adapter card12:19
dr_willisgartral:  i cant afford the service. :)12:20
issa_dr_willis, example?12:20
ironfroggy_when i ssh, i invoke a bash script, which sets up some sources something for environment, and invokes another script that knows how to call the dev server command wit hthe right setting. it looks like i end up running 4 bash processes nested before calling python.12:20
ironfroggy_all of the bash processes die, but not python12:20
dr_willis!abs | issa_12:20
ubottuissa_: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/12:20
UbuntuUsermy problem is so simple and nobody anserws12:20
UbuntuUseri have found in google nothing12:20
satyaToday i have installed ubuntu 6.06 LTS but i am having problem using firefox browser unable update and unable any videos in youtube  can i get any help on this12:20
dr_willisUbuntuUser:  i hate compiz. :)  and ther is the compiz channel.12:20
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion12:20
issa_dr_willis, dude, I just want a single command, why read the whole bash thing?12:20
dr_willisissa_:  becaise if i tell you wrong.. you could delete the file.12:21
elkyUbuntuUser, if it was so simple, then you'd already know it.12:21
dr_willisissa_:  put that one line in a file and use cat.. is one way to do it12:21
issa_dr_willis, ok :)12:21
UbuntuUserelky: not really. i`m newbie12:21
gartralissa_: feed a man a fish, hes happy for a day, teach a man too fish, he's happy the rest of his life ;)12:21
ysisHow can I check which DNS server I currently use? I changed it in the NetworkManager applet, but it doesn't work...12:21
satyaToday i have installed ubuntu 6.06 LTS but i am having problem using firefox browser unable update and unable any videos in youtube  can i get any help on this ..can anyone guide me in installing firefox latest version12:22
pepperjackysis: cat /etc/resolv.conf  or nslookup google.com or dig google.com12:22
issa_gartral, I agree. I learned bash before, I totally forgot about it, but I am in need to do something fast now! I don't live by a lake, I just passed by it ;)12:23
elkyUbuntuUser, i'm an oldbie, and i dont know the answer.12:23
pepperjack!flash | satya12:23
ubottusatya: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:23
satyaubottu : i downloaded flash but unable to install it12:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:23
satyahow can i upgrade the existing firefox version12:24
jribsatya: why not use flashplugin-nonfree from the repositories?12:24
pepperjacksatya: it is in the repositories no need to install it yourself.12:24
ysispepperjack: Thanks. I figured out that the problem lied elsewhere, but did find it. ^^12:24
gartralsomeone shoud add "Ubottu is a bot" too the MOTD12:24
satyais it sudo apt-get update firefox ?12:24
cyberixHow do I find out the default theme for Jaunty?12:24
cyberixOr what is it going to be12:25
gartralcyberix: ask that in #ubuntu+112:25
jribsatya: no, it's not.  You should upgrade to Hardy at least since dapper support on the desktop will run out in a couple of months12:25
satyajrib : so i cannot play videos in this OS right ?12:26
satyaone more thing even i am unable to install latest verion 8.10 ubunutu12:26
jribsatya: you can.  Did you read what I said?12:26
satyano let me check12:26
jribsatya: why are you unable to install 8.10?12:26
pepperjacksatya: if you decide to stay in your current version and want a hand with the manual flash install let me know.12:27
Mohammad[B]Hi All12:27
Babykillarhello gents.. got a q for ubuntu 8.10 on a One A570 netbook.. when using a Wifi connection without DHCP support I cannot confiure the default gateway IP address (using IPv4)..12:28
vollmeris there a tmpfs module for 2.6.24-23-server evidently it's not supported by defualt and it's not in the listed modules12:29
error404notfoundmy free diskspace is reported incorrectly, why so: http://pastebin.com/m4b1d273012:29
Mohammad[B]i have a 500GB hard disk and need to create 3 partitions once EXT3 and others NTFS, which style is good for me ? primary or extended ?!? please help me :-s and i dont want to install OS on this hard only for storage !!! Home Partition !12:30
jriberror404notfound: why do you think it is incorrect?12:30
dr_willisMohammad[B]:  i always use primaries if possible12:30
Lint01where can I find Gnome 2.26 as DEB?12:30
pepperjackMohammad[B]: for 3 partitions only primarys are fine12:30
drostieMohammad[B]: you can only have four primary partitions maximum. If you're not going over that limit, they can all be primary partitions.12:30
error404notfoundjrib: have a look, 11G is total of / and 9.4 is used. By simple maths almost 1.6G should be free, while I have 0.6G, where is the missing 1G?12:31
dreiermannubuntu wiki down?12:31
jriberror404notfound: are you aware that a percentage of space is reserved for root?  Try with sudo12:31
dr_williserror404notfound:  5% is reserved.. if thats what  is missing.12:31
omsolehalow all brothers (user ubuntu)12:31
dr_willisthe reserved space is tweakable with the tune2fs command.12:32
danbhfiveLint01: wait for jaunty, AFAIK12:32
Mohammad[B]dr_willis, pepperjack, drostie, Thanks, and if i use of extended partition that is dont't problem ?!12:32
Kartagisdoes vi do indentation only according to file extension?12:32
drostieerror404notfound:  ~5% of the partition is always reserved for the root user.12:32
dr_willisMohammad[B]:  not really. I just always use primaries if possible.12:33
jribKartagis: #vim12:33
error404notfoundjrib: dr_willis: drostie: http://pastebin.com/m2bcd4bbb12:33
Mohammad[B]dr_willis, uhhuh, thanks :-)12:33
jriberror404notfound: I could be wrong about df caring whether or not you are root12:33
error404notfoundjrib: but system is getting hell slow..12:34
jriberror404notfound: change the amount reserved if you need the space?12:34
error404notfoundjrib: how?12:35
jriberror404notfound: with tune2fs as dr_willis said12:35
error404notfoundhmmm, lemme try12:35
jrib"try" and "tune2fs" -- always interesting12:35
=== slimjim_sleepin is now known as slimjimflim
mashmanis there away that i could minimize the files of ubuntu instead using all the programs ?12:37
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jribmashman: what does that mean...?12:38
bazhang!minimal | mashman12:39
ubottumashman: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:39
mashmani mean is when im trying to install ubuntu inside into my existing windows he had need 5000mb of free space of harddisc but i have only 2.9gb free on my old laptop is there a way to minimize it ?12:40
nadoi recently upgraded to 9.04 just to find amarok 1.4 was replaced by 2.0 in the repositories..... is there a way to "downgrade" an app?12:41
bazhanguseruser, stop that12:42
g4lt-lappynado despends if you've done a apt-gert clean12:42
bazhangnado, jaunty discussion in #ubuntu+112:42
nadobazhang: thx12:43
pepperjackmashman: you can do a server install but if its your first time working with linux it may be a little intimidating. we can walk you through any Qs you have though12:43
nadog4lt-lappy: what do you mean?12:43
Tee1Good afternoon, just new to ubuntu12:43
Tee1I am trying to upgrade OpenOffice and have downloaded the package12:44
bazhangTee1, via the ppa?12:44
Tee1I have unpacked it and double clicked the update file - with no joy12:44
Tee1can anyone help12:44
g4lt-lappynedo if you havne't, you can find the old file in /var/cache/apt/archives, just sudo dpkg -i it12:44
Gothfunchi.  is there a way of mixing all sounds together as 44khz with alsa before they are output?12:44
bazhangg4lt-lappy, not good advice12:44
jrib!ooo | Tee112:45
ubottuTee1: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.12:45
bazhangg4lt-lappy, mixing packages from different versions is a huge mistake12:45
Tee1thanks very much ubottu12:46
platiusTee1 what version ubuntu?12:46
Lint01btw where sources downloaded with 'apt-get source xxx' are stored?12:46
drostieaww, ubottu gets some love. ^_^12:46
jribLint01: current working directory12:46
danbhfive_jauntyLint01: I think the working directory12:46
pepperjackLint01: yeah im pretty sure pwd12:47
platius,join #ubuntu+112:47
g4lt-lappybazhang, rather amusingly, dpkg will handle it if there's a version mismatch12:47
mashmanpepperjack i got ubuntu 8.10 and this is my first time to use it12:48
drostieHm. So, random question: if I want to grab a binary hash digest from within the initramfs environ, is there a way to call the kernel modules from a shell script? Or am I just stuck trying to put the openssl binary in the initramfs somehow?12:48
pepperjackmashman: ok so right now you have booted the ubuntu install cd and do not have the minimal space required to install the full thing is that right?12:48
jakewinsHey. I'm trying to zip a folder using "zip -r foo foo"12:50
pepperjackmashman: im trying to think of any minimal install meta packages that will work for you..12:50
jakewinsThe problem is the archive contains the folder. ie foo.zip/foo/goodstuff12:50
mashmanso i need to install ubuntu inside the windows but he's looking atleast 5gb of space of harddisk and i got only 2gb free space12:50
jribjakewins: isn't that what you asked it to do?12:51
pepperjackanyone know the final install size of xubuntu-desktop?12:51
AJenboHi, can any one here help me install ebox?12:51
jakewinsI know, I how do I ask it not to put the folder in the archive? ie12:51
jakewinsinstead of foo.zip/foo/goodstuff12:51
AJenboevery one points fingeres ad me for using webmin but ebox install is broaken in U8.1012:51
bazhangmashman, you are referring to a wubi install ?12:52
dexemAJenbo, try on #ebox ;-)12:52
ivveHey guys, I need some help with the ubuntu panel. I managed to fumble away the default things on the panel i.e wlan etc. Anyone know how I get these back?12:52
ivvecan't find them on the i12:52
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:52
huwenfenghi , i am using HP 6530s, and i am running ubuntu 8.04 LTS, i got one problem! When i use my earphone, the loud speaker and the earphone all got sounds out! how can i set the machine to use one of them.?  i mean, when i plug-in the earphone, then the loud speaker be come silent? how? can i do that??????12:53
ivvebazhang just in the terminal?12:53
jribjakewins: the syntax is zip archivename.zip file1 file2 ...12:53
pepperjackmashman: this is the live installcd or the wubi install that is run inside MS Windows?12:53
jakewinsjrib: I need it to be recursive though, and I don't know what files will be in the directoryh12:53
mashmanthe wubi install pepperjack12:54
jribjakewins: look at the option right after -r in the man page to see if it is what you want (-R)12:54
RanyAlbegHi all ,12:54
RanyAlbegim trying to go System->Administration->users and groups and i get:12:54
RanyAlbeg"The configuration could not be loaded : you are not allowed to access the system configuration"12:54
pepperjackmashman: your options are limited then unfortunately I think.  sorry ive not used the wubi installer.12:55
pepperjackmashman: can you free up more space?12:55
cperrin88Hi, my XServer doesn't start correctly since the last kernel update, is there anyone witht the same problem?12:55
mashmani already did but it seems i need mo atleast 3gb12:55
jakewinsjrib: I'm gonna check it out, thanks!12:55
pepperjackcperrin88: nvidia card?12:55
cperrin88pepperjack: no ATI12:55
error404notfoundwhat's bad if we set the reserve blocks in a partition to 0?12:56
RanyAlbegI cant go System->Administration->users and groups . i get :  "The configuration could not be loaded : you are not allowed to access the system configuration" can you help?12:56
cperrin88I get only colourful stripes on my desktop12:57
cperrin88I tryed a xserver rpair in the recovery mode bt it didn't help12:57
glitsj16cperrin88: any error lines in your /var/log/xorg.0.log [lines starting with (EE)] to try and narrow the problem down somewhat ?12:59
mashmanpepperjack is there no more way to minimize the installation unless ?12:59
RanyAlbegI cant go System->Administration->users and groups . i get :  "The configuration could not be loaded : you are not allowed to access the system configuration" can you help?12:59
cperrin88glitsj16: good idea, i'll have a look12:59
jribmashman: you know you can buy a 16gb flash stick for like 20 bucks and put ubuntu on it?13:00
pepperjackmashman: wubi is not the default method of installing ubuntu.  it is kinda a good way to install and preview it but you could get a flash stick and then burn a normal ubuntu livecd. when it boots then under the system dropdown i think is an option to install it to your flash drive.13:01
cperrin88glitsj16: I don't have a xorg.0.log O.o13:02
pepperjacknot sure how full ubuntu speed fares running off flash stick with no swap or anything though..13:02
dingxinI dont't hava13:02
aprilharemy upgrade manager for some reason won't let me do a installation. it claims i need to do a partial upgrade. when i select partial upgrade, it wants to dump libplasma2 but this doesn't seem right to me. it's mostly KDE elements in the update list. have i missed something?13:02
aprilhareif that makes sense :) i'm running intrepid13:03
jcukQuestion: If i placed a username "xyz" in the cron.allow and cron.deny files at the same time, which would override allow or deny?13:03
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dronixjcuk: I believe deny13:03
s3r3n1t7pepperjack, quite well, the loading of very big programs takes a bit longer the first time but it's just as fast as any other version.13:03
jribjcuk: there's a very easy way to find out for sure :)13:03
aprilharepackages like kde-window-manager are deselected and i'm not sure whats holding things back13:04
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:06
cperrin88damnit .... I have no clue where I should start ..... I' quite helpless .... I don't know xorg well13:07
glitsj16cperrin88: bizar indeed .. i underestimated case sensitivity, the actual filename is Xorg.0.log and should be under your /var/log folder ... the 0 refers to the screen X is running under, you could have a slightly different log file13:07
error404notfoundis there a way I could check that what software is taking how much space so that if I need to cleanup I would remove the software taking larger chunk.13:08
cperrin88glitsj16: ahhh ... yes13:08
s3r3n1t7glitsj16, everything is case sensitive. try this ==> find /var/log -type f | grep -i xorg13:08
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=== Richard is now known as RichardYu
texincalicould somone help me with some problems im having with ubuntu?13:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:09
alfIs this the right place to ask questions for a new user?13:09
dronixyes alf13:10
glitsj16s3r3n1t7: thanks, hoping of a log shows up for cperrin8813:10
texincaliim using an audigy 4 sound card and i dont have any sound...that and i cant seem to activate the cube in compiz....13:11
dronixtexincali: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-system-sound-in-ubuntu-intrepid.html13:11
s3r3n1t7glitsj16, tell him to use the command then. You're his helper, so i directed my comment to you.13:12
texincalithankyou dronix13:12
dronixtexincali please post back if it doesn't work13:12
cperrin88glitsj16: i found just one by using grep: RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed to open the dRM13:12
jriberror404notfound: Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer13:12
texincaliok i will13:13
glitsj16cperrin88: could you paste your log file online so we can take a look at it ?13:13
error404notfoundjrib: that would show disk utilization, no software disk usage.13:13
jriberror404notfound: what's the difference?13:13
alfI posted a serious question on the new user forum but no answer. Could you please look and explain why I a not getting answers? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109948113:13
error404notfoundjrib: I meant a software that would show a list of installed software along with there disk consumption13:13
cperrin88glitsj16: I'm using a second PC13:13
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jriberror404notfound: you mean how much space a package takes up?  Maybe synaptic...13:14
error404notfoundjrib: nope, I don't see it in there...13:14
baban_ej om man har ett krypterat filsystem i ubuntu, hur kan man få fram fstab från en live cd ?13:15
pepperjackerror404notfound: kdirstat is kinda handy for disk usage but wont show you package/dependancy stuff13:15
error404notfoundpepperjack: well same thing is in Disk Usage analyzer in gnome, but I need something different here13:15
s3r3n1t7error404notfound, aptitude shows disk usage.13:15
bazhangbaban_, english here please13:15
ExilantWhat is the best voice synth software in ubuntu, really festival?13:15
error404notfounds3r3n1t7: like?13:15
jriberror404notfound: right click -> properties on a package.  Your better bet is to use Disk Usage Analyzer, find big files/directories, then use dpkg -S to determine what package is responsible13:15
s3r3n1t7error404notfound, aptitude show pastebinit shows that it uses 90kb for example.13:16
cypherusis there a way with the "find" command to search for specific time ranges?13:16
YAA1What UNIT is the "TIME" field in the "top" tool ? to be more specific... I found a process that shows a time of 24:07 - what does that mean ? 24h 7sec of cpu time used or maybe 24.7 secs cpu time used? I was not able to find this information in any man page of it. Anybody can point me to a doc/man page or have a reliable explaination ?13:16
SmokeyDhey everyone. Is there a quick way on the commandline to remove the last n lines of a text file?13:16
jribSmokeyD: sed?13:16
baban_hum,,, if you have a encrypted filesystem and want to acces the fstab file using a live cd, how do i do ?13:17
SmokeyDjrib: sed is for replacing tekst in files right? Can I just say: remove n lines from the end?13:17
SmokeyDand if so, how?13:17
jribSmokeyD: yes13:17
texincaliok my sound is fixed....13:17
s3r3n1t7error404notfound, but what do you want to use it for? Check which package is largest?13:17
Exilantsed -i 75d file.text deletes line 7513:17
glitsj16cperrin88: that's not ringing any relevant bells i'm afraid ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X has general info on the way X is implemented on ubuntu, keep repeating your issue at reasonable intervals i'd say13:17
texincalinow how do i fix my video so that compiz will load the cube....13:18
texincalii click the checkbox13:18
texincaliand nothing happens13:18
dronixtexincali: do you have the drivers for your gfx card loaded?13:18
dronixtexincali: what gfx are you using?13:18
YAA1Is there a Way to find out the AGE (or Date of Birth) of a process on Linux ????13:19
texincalilike what card am i using?13:19
texincaliradeon 2600hd pro13:19
texincaliits worked before13:19
phixit wAS caled for13:19
dronixphix ?13:20
phixdronix: sup?13:20
texincalibut the i tried to install fedora and my comp got messed up and had to format and now it wont work...13:20
H3l1c0pt3rI decided to disable my conky script on startup and i restarted X just to make sure, and now my pidgin keeps freezing when i try to do things like open a new contact window etc... it wont respond13:20
cperrin88glitsj16: What do you thin i should do now?13:20
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phixdronix: you like ubuntu? or just any debian based distros?13:20
SmokeyDjrib, Exilant: thanks13:20
bazhang!ot | phix13:20
dronixphix only tried ubuntu13:20
ubottuphix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:20
baban_I have a encrypted filesystem and want to acces the /etc/fstab file using a live cd, howto ?13:21
haagaHi there fellow ubuntuers.. Correct me if I am wrong, but if I want to prevent mysql from autostarting when computer boots, i'll just rm the softlinks in /etc/rc*.d right?13:21
phixubottu: thank you13:21
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:21
castbaban_: open it with cryptsetup, then mount it13:21
phixbaban_: do i13:21
=== anurag is now known as Acedi[
bazhangphix, please stop13:21
texincaliso dronix have any idea what i can do?13:22
phixbazhang: ?13:22
phixbazhang: wtf13:22
bazhangphix, take chat elsewhere13:22
phixbazhang: sup?13:22
phixbazhang: it is ubuntu related, I was getting to a point13:22
s3r3n1t7phix, please take your chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic. This is a support channel.13:22
glitsj16cperrin88: i'd go over your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, websearch for your experienced problem (colored strips effect) and repeat your issue as detailed as possible .. not very much to go on i realize13:22
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bonhoffermy network is totally down -- i am running 8.10 with 2.6.27-1113:22
dronixtexincali: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:22
phixs3r3n1t7: hmmm fair enough, I don't want t support you13:22
bonhofferother computers at home can connect to the network13:23
dronixtexincali: select fglrx as the driver13:23
haagaHi there fellow ubuntuers.. Correct me if I am wrong, but if I want to prevent mysql from autostarting when computer boots, i'll just rm the softlinks in /etc/rc*.d/ right?13:23
haagaanyone? :(13:23
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jwaywhat is the indicator applet in jaunty?13:23
jwayright now my statusbar says "no indicators"13:23
s3r3n1t7haaga, that'd be in /etc/init.d/ if i remember correctly.13:23
bazhangjway, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty13:23
cperrin88glitsj16: Not very satisfying but thank you for your help ..... dem update :/ ....13:23
wijnands3r3n1t7: aren't those the scripts?13:23
texincali │ Use kernel framebuffer device interface?  ?13:24
haagas3r3n1t7: that is the script to control the service..13:24
H3l1c0pt3rI decided to disable my conky script on startup and i restarted X just to make sure, and now my pidgin keeps freezing when i try to do things like open a new contact window etc... it wont respond13:24
wijnands3r3n1t7: you need those scripts if you want to start it manually at some point13:24
s3r3n1t7haaga, don't remove them, but remove the executable script.13:24
s3r3n1t7wijnand, see above.13:24
haagaah, i want to able to start it manually13:24
apelgatehow do I install sasl on ubuntu 6.06?13:24
apelgatedoes it exist in the package manager?13:24
wijnands3r3n1t7: i'm fairly sure the best course of action is removing the symlink from the rc#.d folder13:25
bonhofferany folks here know about ubuntu networking?13:25
jrib!anyone | bonhoffer13:25
ubottubonhoffer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:25
s3r3n1t7wijnand, I've always just removed the executable bit from the scripts. Has worked for me so far, i don't generally disable a service i need at some point.13:25
haagaand here is a follow up to that question, why are there symlinks in multiple rc#.d folders?13:26
error404notfounds3r3n1t7: yes... coz I am running out of space on /13:26
haagamysql is in like 4-5 different rc#.d13:26
hehao#ubuntu -offtopic13:26
s3r3n1t7error404notfound, and have you located which folder holds that much diskspace? Also, do you use any virtualization software?13:27
s3r3n1t7error404notfound, and i'd check your var and tmp folders first.13:27
apelgatehow do I install sasl on ubuntu 6.06? Does it exist on package manager? Or how do I make a search?13:27
haagathat right, run levels.. nvm, answered my own question.. :)13:27
texincaliok when i did that it had nothing in there about selecting fglrx as the driver13:27
wijnandhaaga: can't you edid what is and isn't started at boot in the system menus?13:27
wijnandhaaga: that's the best way to do it13:27
wijnandhaaga: answering it yourself13:28
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haagawijnand: you mean under Services Settings?13:28
wijnandi think so yet13:28
Gneaapelgate: open a terminal and issue this:  apt-cache search sasl13:28
s3r3n1t7error404notfound, do this => du -sh /var  <= it'll say access denied a few times and show you the size of the var folder. Do the same for your /tmp and /home folder. See if they're using abnormally huge amounts of space.13:28
gartralwhat would cause ubuntu to not se the usb devices plugged into it?13:29
bazhanggartral, into a hub?13:29
dronixtexincali: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html13:29
gartralbazhang: negative13:29
Exilantgartral: do they appear in lsusb?13:29
wijnands3r3n1t7: aren't those errors resolved by sudo'ing it?13:29
haagawijnand: Thanks, i think that did the trick13:29
bazhang!envy | dronix texincali13:29
ubottudronix texincali: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk13:29
texincaliits not an nvidia card13:29
texincaliits radeon13:29
gartralbazhang: lsusb hand when i run it13:29
wijnandhaaga: good stuff13:30
s3r3n1t7wijnand, yes, but i'd rather avoid using sudo whenever i can. Small typo's can lead to big mistakes.13:30
wijnandtrue, but those make life fun ;)13:30
dronixtexincali: its for both nvidia and ati cards13:30
alfWhy would attaching a blank SATA drive cause Ubuntu to not boot?13:30
Exilantgartral: are you sure the usb device works?13:30
wijnandbesides, du is far more accurate if you sudo it, but anyway13:30
s3r3n1t7wijnand, not when you're trying to fix an issue. The size is exactly the same for me (just checked)13:31
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gartralExilant: yes, im quite sure. i just got done transferring music too it (and yes, i waited till ubuntu told me it was safe too remove)13:31
texincalithere isnt one for intrepid13:32
texincalionly hardy13:32
wijnands3r3n1t7: i thought it skipped the size of whatever it doesn't have access to.. which COULD be an entire homedir for another user13:32
Droopsta915Im going to buy a printer today, nothing fancy, just a lil' cheapo'. Anyone recommend a certain printer I should be looking at?13:32
cypherusis there a way with the "find" command to search for specific time ranges?13:32
wijnandDroopsta915: personally i'd avoid HP13:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about juanty13:33
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:33
dronixdroopsta915: hp, cannon might be good13:33
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters Droopsta91513:33
gartralunplugging the device and running lsusb works though13:33
jribcypherus: yes, check the man page for atime, ctime, and mtime13:33
s3r3n1t7wijnand, home folders are by default readable by other users, only a few folders are protected from other users. The size difference between using sudo and not sudo is 30k for me, having 4 users on this system.13:33
pepperjack!upgrade > satya13:34
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gartralpepperjack: try that with a pipe13:34
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s3r3n1t7cypherus, yes, take a look at the -newer flag.13:35
pepperjackgartral: he left the chan anyway13:35
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s3r3n1t7cypherus, -newerXY actually13:35
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s3r3n1t7error404notfound, also synaptic does show the size. Check under prefences, you can enable the option to show the installed size of packages there. Good luck, i have to go.13:36
cypheruscool, thanks I 'll check that ouy13:36
s3r3n1t7wijnand, thank you for your catches and comments. Best of luck.13:36
s3r3n1t7cypherus, man find wins there.13:37
gartralim booting the OFW on my dap too see if my latest rockbox build broke usb13:37
dronixhaaga you still here?13:37
burghello. i have asus x50gl notebook, with nvidia 8200 chipset. everytime i try to install ubuntu 8.10, it crashes (tryed with 2 different cds plus one ordered cd with ubuntu) - how can i install it?13:37
angelhello everyone13:38
Paolo88Hi. I have installated realplayer from repo medibuntu, I have unistalled it, but now I see all videos (play by any player) with a colors yhat are not it's colurs13:38
angelhow are you guys doning13:38
dronixburg: do you get any errors?13:38
Jeruvyburg: can you tell us more about this problem?  Error messages etc.?13:38
Bisch1my Ubuntu Intrepid (aka Easpy Peasy) behaves strange after autoupdate: My firefox is now in english (instead of german) and I cant run pidgin as user anymore. I have to start it as SU. What happened?13:38
gartralits ubuntu.... the ofw think im plugging it into a charger13:39
H3l1c0pt3ri have perl Version of perl on system is 5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2 and it says i need the lubuntu2.2 version to install pidgin 2.5.513:39
burgi get a black screen with a message all over the screen (not like big letters, but written on every line)13:39
dronixburg: what is the error?13:39
burgi can`t remember the message. anyway as i remember is a known problem with my chipset and i was wondering if there is any fix for it or something13:39
gartralis there a way i can reset my usb ports?13:40
angelburg, no much people can do if you don't provide the error message13:41
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angelgartral, what do mean reset usb port13:41
dronixgartral: modprobe -vr ehci_hcd13:42
burgok, all that i can do is try to install it again now and come back in about 30 minutes with the error message. will i still find you here to ask?13:42
danbhfive_jaunt1Bisch1: maybe try ubuntu-eee?  It has better docs than easy-peasy, IMHO13:42
dronixgartral: then: modprobe -v ehci_hcd13:42
dronixburg: just hold it13:42
ivveHey guys, I got a ubuntu dummie question13:42
Bisch1danbhfive_jaunt1: Thanks, but Easpy Peasy = Ubuntu EEE, isnt it? Its juss the new name13:43
gartrali mean reset the deamon that looks at them, and flush out anything that could gob it up... i have a massive daisy chain for my monitor...13:43
ivveI managed to remove NetworkManager from the panel13:43
ivveHow do I get it back?13:43
danbhfive_jaunt1Bisch1: no, easy-peasy was eeebuntu I thought13:43
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC13:43
bazhang!resetpanels | ivve13:43
ubottuivve: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:43
gartralivve: this ticked me off the first time i did it, but you rightclick a blank spot on the panel, hit add to panel, and add a network manager, then move it and lock it down13:43
dronixburg: what version are you installing 8.10?13:44
danbhfive_jaunt1Bisch1: on, nvm, you are correct.  I meant eeebuntu: http://www.eeebuntu.org/13:44
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:44
glitsj16H3l1c0pt3r: that version is available from intrepid-updates13:44
ivvegartral, NetworkManager is not in there.13:44
gartralwow, it took 7 minutes for ubuntu too find my DAPs drives13:44
burgdronix: yes, 8.1013:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat13:45
gartralivve yes, its called network monitor13:45
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:45
dronixburg: ok, trying to find the error message13:45
gartralivve: that was my bad13:45
bazhangangel, please /msg ubottu13:46
Bisch1danbhfive_jaunt1: Thanks a lot! Didnt know this one! Good looking site so far. EP site looks rather slim13:46
danbhfive_jaunt1yeah, and sometimes, documentation is everything13:46
Bisch1so true!13:46
Bisch1so they have more....13:46
Bisch1Im rather disappointed from EP... the version before ubuntu eee based on 804 did work better13:47
Bisch1but now I have to reinstall it and reinstall it because strange things happen13:47
gartralubuntu is also seeing my DAP's drives as standard harddrives not belonging too a DAP13:47
Bisch1forums on EP are not very active too :(13:48
apelgateeee pc?13:48
ivveubottu thanks for the help13:48
gartralnor is it coming up at all in lsusb13:48
dronixburg: sorry but I can't find the error message, try installing again, if the gui installer doesn't work try installing without gui13:48
danbhfive_jaunt1Bisch1: do you have a separate /home?13:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:48
apelgatedid you try eeebuntu?13:48
Bisch1not yet. didnt knew they are different13:48
apelgateI have tried mandriva linux and eeebuntu13:49
apelgateon my eee pcs.13:49
Bisch1I thought eee ubuntu = ubuntu eee = easy peasy13:49
apelgateboth claim to have full eee support.13:49
JarG0nHow do I disable the cups port on Ubuntu?  When I try to uninstall cups, it wants to uninstall ubuntu-desktop!13:49
burgdronix: how to install without the gui?13:49
Bisch1Yea, now I know they are different13:49
pepperjackJarG0n: ubuntu-desktop is just the meta-package its ok13:49
danbhfive_jaunt1apelgate: Bisch1:   You guys may find this website interesting too: http://www.array.org/ubuntu/13:50
JarG0npepperjack> ok thanks.   What is a metapackage?13:50
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texincalithis is making me mad13:50
{horhay}zi just got done doing an aptitude install bastille on my vps ubuntu box new to ubuntu server never heard anything about bastille anything else i should do to make it more secure and will bastillie work13:50
texincalii cant figure this crap out...13:50
Bisch1Thanks for the link danbhfive_jaunt113:50
pepperjackJarG0n: its a package that a bunch of other packages are associated with. like from a clean command line only install i can install ubuntu-desktop and it installs all the regular ubuntu desktop stuff13:51
JarG0npepperjack> That package is not recommended to be removed.13:51
Bisch1so what are main differences between eee ubuntu and ubuntu eee except docs...speaking of the installed ienvireonment13:51
JarG0npepperjack> any idea why Synaptic wants to uninstall it along with cups ?13:51
pepperjackJarG0n: cups is part of ubuntu-desktop13:52
burgdronix: i found a tutorial how to install ubuntu on my chipset, but that`s for 8.04 ( http://ubuntuhowtos.com/howtos/install_ubuntu_on_nvidia_8200_chipset ) - i`ll try that for 8.10, and if it doesn`t work, i`ll come back with the error message, maybe you`ll get an idea13:52
kitcheBisch1: well sicne they are not official distros you have to ask their channels13:52
dronixburg: ok good13:52
danbhfive_jaunt1I don't know.  I think both try to remove programs not relevant to eee, like cd burners, and add programs that are, like say ubuntu-mobile platform things, or the eee-control package13:52
Bisch1kitche: well, I got the hint from easypeasy channel to ask here13:53
ivveAnyone here know how I can set up my xubuntu desktop for sharing?13:53
Bisch1Looks like not only linux drives me crazy... now even the community ^^13:53
ivvesince xubuntu lack Remote Desktop13:53
bonhoffermy ubuntu 8.10 is not connecting to the network13:53
zashivve: there is vnc13:53
bonhofferbut my network is up13:54
dronixivve: install vnc4server13:54
sinanhow can i know the number of context switches being performed ATM on my machine ?13:55
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BarnicleHow do you switch to another user account?13:56
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Kimii want to know the diifference between ubuntu and xubuntu13:56
s3r3n1t7Kimi, the preinstalled applications13:57
kitcheKimi: just the desktop environment really13:57
dronix!info xubuntu13:57
ubottuPackage xubuntu does not exist in intrepid13:57
Kimii have ubuntu installed in wubi13:57
* gartral has heard the scream of the Banshee, and is now addicted13:57
Kiminow,  i am having xubuntu13:57
Kimilive cd13:57
Kiminow i am having xubuntu live cd13:57
Barniclehow can i switch from administrator to say user?13:58
kitcheKimi: you can install xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu since they are the same operating system13:58
Kimioh ! really kitche !! thanks13:58
gartralBarnicle: you *are* a user, there is no Root in ubuntu13:58
Barniclei want to switch to another account13:58
gartralBarnicle: have you made said account?13:58
Kimiwhat is no chat client like this in ubuntu13:58
* g4lt-lappy steals dandre's CR key, you'll get this back when you realize it isn't a punctuation key13:58
Barniclei just need to know how to switch to it13:59
dronixKimi: you can use xchat13:59
HinHinHiya guys, I'm just wondering how would i go about running a script (that requires root access) to run automatically on bootup?13:59
dandreI am looking for a fax frontend to send faxes from my ubuntu to a hylafax server13:59
g4lt-lappyHinHin, is it a initscript?13:59
gartralSystem>Log off13:59
Kimiok.. i have a doubt .... i am just new here.... are you guys are ubuntu staffs or like me ?13:59
HinHing4lt-lappy, initscript?13:59
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Barniclegartral: what do i have to do exactly to switch ?14:00
gartralBarnicle: Syaytem>Log Off, you can switch user from that window14:00
HinHing4lt-lappy, it's just a script i made to force mount some drives14:00
storbeckHinHin: Add it to rc14:00
dronixKimi: everyone here is a volunteer14:00
gartralBarnicle: click two buttons...14:00
dandreg4lt-lappy: I've just sais hello, what's wrong?14:00
Kimi ok...!14:00
HinHinstorbeck, >.< forgot how to do that14:00
HinHinhaven't done it for ages14:00
Barniclegartral: i'm in a the command line14:00
Barnicleno gui14:00
HinHini seem there where different rc's that were meant for different uses14:01
gartralBarnicle: OHH type logout14:01
Kimiand whenver i start ubuntu... i get the progress bar filled upto B in ubuntu and then opens a black page with some white running texts  with [ok] attached in the end14:01
Barnicleshit, that closes my putty window14:01
storbeckHinHin: rc-update add <script> default14:01
gartralfirst you must quit rissi14:01
Barnicleis there a way just to switch ?14:01
marcusdavidusGood Morning14:01
bazookahey can we use the dell mini 9 ubuntu interface on ..non dell systems ...???? if yes how do we do it ?14:01
RichardWolfVIHello, my system is freezing constantly (about once a day), and I'm not able to find out what's happening, nor able to use the Alt+SysRq14:02
HinHinstorbeck, what does that do?14:02
storbeckIt adds the script to the default run-level14:02
HinHindoes it append my script into a rc?14:02
Kimido any one have an answer for me ??14:02
HinHinbtw it needs to run in root14:02
Kimii asked it in forums but got no good reply14:02
marcusdavidus RichardWolfVI propably hardware failure imho14:02
gartralBarnicle: TTY is not, i repeat NOT the same as a terminal! though it links to one, it in itself is its own layer!14:02
storbeckIt will14:03
g4lt-lappywhy do you need a script to mount drives, that's what /etc/fstab is for14:03
Barniclegartral: so what do i have to do to be able to switch users?14:03
kitcheKimi: that is normal that is what's behidn the splash14:03
bazookahey can we use the dell mini 9 ubuntu interface on ..non dell systems ...???? if yes how do we do it ?14:03
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  to much overclocked fsb/cpu or damaged cpu or something like that14:03
bazookahey can we use the dell mini 9 ubuntu interface on ..non dell systems ...???? if yes how do we do it ?14:03
HinHing4lt-lappy, for some reason it doesn't like being auto-mounted14:03
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: How can I diagnose it? I ran Memtest and I had no errors.14:03
kitche!repeat | bazooka14:03
ubottubazooka: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:03
Kiminow.. i want to get rid of it14:03
Kimihow to ?14:03
gartraljust open a new PuTTY instance and login with the new user's name14:03
g4lt-lappyHinHin, if you're doing it via script, you ARE auto-mounting it14:03
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: System is at stock speed, I'm afraid.14:03
Barniclei'm using SSH login14:03
HinHing4lt-lappy, it complains about the drive being not being clean or something14:03
kitcheKimi: did you change the splash that grub uses?14:03
dandreI am looking for a fax frontend to send faxes from my ubuntu to a hylafax server14:03
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  memtest tsting ram only, try somethign what heat up cpu14:04
Kimii dont want these running texts....14:04
Kimino i didnt14:04
bazookawas that automated ?14:04
HinHing4lt-lappy, the default auto-mouting it doesn't force mount it14:04
g4lt-lappyHinHin, there's a field for that14:04
bazookahaha ..i am very curious to know14:04
Kimifirst of all, i dont know what it is14:04
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Like?14:04
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  dont know on linux14:04
bazookahelp help help14:04
HinHing4lt-lappy, oh? how would i enable this field?14:04
RanyAlbeg I cant go System->Administration->users and groups . i get :  "The configuration could not be loaded : you are not allowed to access the system configuration" can you help?14:04
bazookahey can we use the dell mini 9 ubuntu interface on ..non dell systems ...???? if yes how do we do it ?14:04
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  there is some on windows14:04
ni|anyone good with init scripts in here14:04
Jeruvy!patience > bazooka14:04
ubottubazooka, please see my private message14:04
gartralBarnicle:  yes, and it should ask you for a username and pass at connect, unless your using pgp keys14:04
Barniclei'm using SSH keys14:04
Mohammad[B]this is my partition table: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133660/ , you mean i can use of that NTFS partitions in windows with no problem ? :-s14:04
Kimiand someone in ubuntuforums gave me some commands .. i entered them and posted there.....14:04
Kimibut of no use14:04
jfbHello, this is a network test... is this received?14:05
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  or maybe your cpu heat tom much14:05
ikoniajfb: don't use the channel for test14:05
RichardWolfVIAnyone know of CPU diagnostics applications?14:05
gartraljfb: yes it is14:05
ikoniaRichardWolfVI: what sort of diag ?14:05
storbeckRichardWolfVI: you mean top?14:05
RichardWolfVIikonia: Something to measure my PCU status, teperature, etc.14:06
marcusdaviduscpu heater app to check stability i belive14:06
gartralthen generate a key for the new user and tell ssh to use that next time (i fergot how though)14:06
gartralBarnicle:  then generate a key for the new user and tell ssh to use that next time (i fergot how though)14:06
Fenario_guys i talked to Andy yesterday and the Intel Moblin thing is bugging him14:06
Barnicleok, thanks i'll figure it out14:06
storbeckRichardWolfVI: I use conky14:06
Barniclemuch appreciated14:06
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  to check heat  and other sys params lm-sensors14:06
marcusdavidus and use it with conky14:06
Kimihow to solve those running tex??14:06
apelgatethx, danbhfive_jaunt1.. I am using mandriva on my eee pc now.14:07
Carlahi i hav just installed ubuntu for the first time and when i rebooted i just get the usual windows options, ubuntu isnt ther, am i missing somethin, wht do i need to do?14:07
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Please explain.14:07
apelgateUbuntu didn't have webmin on the repositories14:07
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marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  sudo aptitude install lm-sensors14:07
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KimiHOW TO SOLVE MY RUNNING TEXT PROBLEM during install ?14:07
marcusdavidus RichardWolfVI next sudo sensors-detect14:07
Kimii mean..14:07
Kimiduring startup14:07
gartralapelgate: didnt webmin go purchase only?14:07
storbeckKimi: please don't get pushy, everybody here is a volunteer14:08
marcusdavidus next reboot or use sudo modprobe (here name of module sensors detect show u on the end)14:08
jfbskype and ping are the only network applications that seem to work. I'm connected to a AP bridge wireless that I have set up, other Vista computers are connected and have no problems... for me, web pages only partially load then hang... Does anyone have ANY ideas where to diagnose what is apparently a linux-specific network problem?14:08
Kimiok storbeck....  i am just a new member here14:08
HinHing4lt-lappy, can i put my force mount ntfs <drive> into fstab?14:08
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  and to check sensors use just sensors command14:08
apelgateno, it can't.. it's on gpl14:08
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: OK, hold on while is removing some old packages14:08
jfbThat is... if anyone can even hear me ;)14:08
Kimiwhat is the differnce between this and forums ?14:08
layohow to update gnome 2.24 to 2.2614:09
Exilantjfb: sounds like dns issues14:09
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RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Done, now what?14:09
DJones!webmin | apelgate14:09
ubottuapelgate: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:09
Kimiand is there a way to chat with a single person alone here ??14:09
apelgateI can still download it on mandriva repos and on their webpage14:09
marcusdavidus RichardWolfVI  sudo sensors-detect14:09
Exilantor do you ping a name, not an ip?14:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipmi14:09
apelgateDJones: I like webmin.. It's a d*mn well done software..14:09
ExilantKimi: /msg Kimi hello!14:09
glitsj16apelgate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebMin might be informative if you haven't seen it already14:10
g4lt-lappyHinHin, yes, I'm trying to remember how to disable ntfs checking14:10
Kimimsg Exilant Hello14:10
marcusdavidusimmust say lubudubu 8.10 is nice not so uber bugged like 6.06 hmm i think i keep it on my hdd next to my gent14:10
Kimimsg Exilant Hi... thanks for the info14:11
Carlahi, please can someone help me, iv just installed ubuntu but im not getting the option to boot into it?14:11
marcusdavidusCarla:  u install grub ?14:11
apelgateglitsj16: YEah. I know they didn't want to provide webmin anymore14:11
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: OK, it scanned some devices and added some modules. What doo I have to do now?14:11
Carlano do i need to14:11
Exilantkimi, don't forget the /14:12
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  u got 2 choices now  reboot or use  sudo modprobe "the module name he say u"14:12
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  without ""14:12
drhodesCarla: are you doing a dual boot?14:12
HinHing4lt-lappy, well don't know if this helps... but this is how i force  mount my drives sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk1/ -o force14:12
marcusdavidusCarla:   how do u install ubuntu from cdrom ?14:12
Carlayes i havnt used linux at all b4 so thought it would be the best option14:12
Carlai booted into the cd then installed from ther14:12
drhodesCarla: did you install ubuntu on a different HD?14:13
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Modprobe initializes de modules, right?14:13
marcusdavidusCarla:  so u need to setup boot from that hdd14:13
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  yes14:13
drhodesCarla: ok, in the bios14:13
gartraldo i need to defragment my hard drive?14:13
drhodesCarla: like marcusdavidus says, switch the boot order of your HD's14:13
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Then I guess they're working now, what's the next step?14:13
Carlaok ill giv it a go thanks14:14
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:   just : sensors in console14:14
marcusdavidusgartral:  there is no such thing like defragmentating linux filesystems14:14
Kiminow which is the best ??14:15
Kimiubuntu or xubuntu or kubuntu ?14:15
Lint01marcusdavidus, why?14:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:15
bazhang!best > Kimi14:15
ubottuKimi, please see my private message14:15
marcusdavidusKimi:  this is exacly  the same but difrenet window manager14:15
pepperjackKimi: emacs14:15
Jeruvypepperjack: hehe :)14:15
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: This was the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/133664/14:15
marcusdavidusLint01:  becouse linux file systems dont fragmentating themselfs just keep 10% free space and ur dont need to worry aboute fragmented files14:16
W473Dsup room14:16
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: I don't understan why am I getting info about ISA, since this is a recent board, though (Intel DG35EC)14:16
g4lt-lappyHinHin, you should just put that in the opts field and it should work14:16
gartralKimi: there all the same thing, just the guis are different, ubuntu is the standard loadout, with ubuntu and GTK+ apps, Kubuntu is KDE and QT, and Xubuntu is basic X server with thunar, and i think minimal GTK...14:17
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Some of the readings are just bizzare, should I update my BIOS?14:17
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  is just name of sensors14:17
W473DI was wondering how do you move one file from directory a to directory b. also im doing some programming in nano and was wondering is there a way to make nano number the lines? your help is greatly appreciated14:17
marcusdavidus RichardWolfVI not rly is standart that softwre programs are not acurate14:17
drhodesKimi: but there's no reason why you can't install all three window managers (or more) from a base ubuntu install14:17
gartralstupid Linux .Trash dirs14:18
marcusdavidusKimi:  imho best wm is fluxbox14:18
JeruvyW473D: cp /path/from /path/to (you may need sudo for permissions, also see 'ln')14:18
W473Dthanx Jeruvy14:19
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: What do you recommend?14:19
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  is looks good from whati can tell anyway check /var/log/kernel.log etc what was hapend  before crash14:19
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: You mean ker.log, right?14:20
xpticalhi all.  are there any sidebar projects for Ubuntu (gnome)?  I'd like to have a network monitor and a cpu/memory monitor on my desktop14:20
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  ye  syslog and kernlogs  im using syslog-ng so diff name14:21
bazhangxptical, a dock or conky14:21
Jeruvyxptical: see system monitor in administrator14:21
marcusdavidusxptical: CONKY14:21
W473Di kind of forgot how do you see what directory your in?14:21
marcusdavidusxptical:  only conky14:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky14:21
xpticalsounds kinda creepy14:21
marcusdavidusxptical:  pfff14:21
bazhang!info conky14:22
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 179 kB, installed size 556 kB14:22
xpticalI'll check it out14:22
DJonesxptical: Sounds like something that conky will do quite happily, or you can also get the google sidebar and use some of the applications for that from googles own linux repository14:22
Kimiwhat is fluxbox that you had mentioned ?14:22
s3r3n1t7!info fluxbox14:22
ubottufluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0+deb1-8 (intrepid), package size 895 kB, installed size 3584 kB14:22
xpticalbtw, *don't* misspell conky when doing a google image search14:22
W473Di kind of forgot how do you see what directory your in in a terminal14:23
bredotodoes anybody knows how to by voip account on voicepuls or iatex or other?14:23
s3r3n1t7xptical, aye, bad idea. It's a very useful and highly configurable desktop gadget.14:23
s3r3n1t7W473D, pwd14:23
bredotoor maybe free account14:23
W473Dlol thanx s3r3n1t714:23
xpticalapt-getting it now14:23
RanyAlbegHow do i compile with ptrace?14:23
BigMoopiesIs it possible to copy only the folder structure of directories ? instead of having to copy all the files along with it ?14:23
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Output from the las two hours: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133668/14:24
marcusdavidusRanyAlbeg:  ./configure make sudo checkinstall14:24
RichardWolfVINothing rare14:24
JeruvyBigMoopies: I would build a bash script to make a list of all the directories and then recreate them whereever.14:24
zambais it possible to set up ubuntu to use a central cups server?14:25
Jeruvyzamba: cups can and is part of ubuntu-desktop14:25
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: The freeze was at about 8:48 local time14:25
RanyAlbegmarcusdavidus: ? i have a c program and i want to trace the system calls14:25
zambaso i can just add a printer at the central cups server and this gets replicated to every machine that uses it14:25
zambaJeruvy: yeah, but it runs a local server14:25
zambaJeruvy: i want to be able to add a printer and it's automatically added on a set of computers14:25
BigMoopiesJeruvy, eh?14:26
bazhangroidelapluie, english here14:26
roidelapluieOh it's just my nick14:26
Jeruvyzamba: Ah, not sure how you'd do that without using a cups interface, but local or remote is not dependant on cups but your network config14:26
BigMoopiesJeruvy, ls -R | mkdir /other/external/ $1- ? , or something14:27
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: My mistake, let me repaste.14:27
marcusdavidussrry segfault on weechat14:27
JeruvyBigMoopies: something like that...looks ok14:27
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  its looks normal imho14:27
zambaJeruvy: what i basically want is that all computers in the network connects to the same cups server14:27
xpticalIs Ubuntu automatically scalling my procs back to 500mhz?14:27
zambaJeruvy: like a central printer server14:27
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=== Guest12734 is now known as Mushroom
W473D I created a directory with spaces in it whats the syntax to access it?14:28
* Icebuntu checks his processor ghz ( weather its doing for his to ) 14:28
BigMoopiesJeruvy, I  guess I should try this first with setup directories14:28
Mushroomdoes anyone know a desktop stats program for ubuntu?14:28
marcusdavidusxptical: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5509/screen1wbb.png its how conky looks14:28
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133670/14:28
BigMoopiesJeruvy, with very little things14:28
xpticalneither conky not system monitor really docks the way I'd like14:29
storbeckW473D: either: cd "your directory" or cd your\ directory14:29
JeruvyBigMoopies: hehe a good idea14:29
s3r3n1t7xptical, yeah it does14:29
RanyAlbeg i have a c program and i want to trace the system calls with ptrace. how?14:29
Wandereranyone know where I can find info on getting full resolution on a Dell E6400 laptop?  I'm only getting 1280x720 instead of 1600x120014:29
xpticalalso, conky never showed up in my applications menu14:29
kitchexptical: conky won't14:29
storbeckconky isnt supposed to show up there14:29
s3r3n1t7xptical, it's a CLI application.14:29
WandererI've tried envyng, the restricted drivers (173, 177 and 180)14:29
castWanderer: i just edit xorg.conf personally14:30
Jeruvyzamba: I understand.  just make sure that cups broadcasts then.14:30
Wanderercast: I did, when I put in a modes line for "1600x1200" x and kdm just won't start14:30
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  hmm i dont see nothing wrong in this logs14:30
Mushroomdoes anyone know a desktop stats program for ubuntu?14:30
zambaJeruvy: can i also add some access control here? and how is default printer defined?14:30
W473Dstorbeck the directory is named "all cpp examples" but when i type in cd allcppexamples or all cpp examples bash replies there is no such directory14:30
storbeckW473D: cd all\ cpp\ examples14:30
Jeruvyzamba: open cups administration (http://localhost:631), or if you have remote admin enabled you can point any machine to the server14:31
marcusdavidusxptical:  u need to make conky rc file .conkyrc ( or download from net some ready rolled) and then just conky or add to sesion manager conky14:31
W473Dstorbeck thanx again buddy14:32
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Yeah, I've checked them before. I thought it was ath5k's fault, but it has happened with said driver disabled.14:32
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Mushroomdoes anyone know a desktop stats program for ubuntu?14:32
marcusdavidusMushroom:  u mean sys monitor?14:33
xpticalokay, I'll play around with conky for a few days and see how I like it.14:33
xpticalalso, does ubuntu throttle my processor back?14:33
marcusdavidus RichardWolfVI i dont see any reazon why ubuntu free exept like i say hardware failure in some point14:33
marcusdavidusxptical:  NO14:33
xpticalit's an AMD 64 Turion and Conky reports 500mhz14:33
gartralgoodbye, till my next problem crops up14:33
xpticalso does /proc/cpuinfo14:34
Exilantxptical: it probably does14:34
storbeckxptical: here's a screenshot of conky, http://i39.tinypic.com/2eahqpe.jpg14:34
BigMoopiesJeruvy, all that did was make a folder called -14:34
Exilantxptical: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor14:35
mysticdarkhackmorning all14:35
W473Ddoes nano have a setting where i could change  the color of the text that i type14:35
marcusdavidusstorbeck:  nice fluxbox14:35
JeruvyBigMoopies: you may want to ask in #bash if you're not familiar with bash scripting, or 'info bash' for more details.14:35
mysticdarkhackanyone here running or know about screenlets?14:35
xpticalso, I guess linux is getting smart...14:36
marcusdavidusmysticdarkhack:  i know aboute but i dont use it14:36
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Which takes me back to the question, if it's not hardware, then what? And why does Alt+SysRq doesn't work?14:36
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  have no idea14:36
xpticalI'll try and compile something later to see if it's actually "ondemand"14:36
FlimFlamManhello.  does anyone know when we might see usable Ubuntu netbooks on ARM?14:36
xpticalbut thanks, Exilant14:37
marcusdavidusxptical sudo aptitude install apt-build14:37
mysticdarkhack<  Well, I been messing with it so much that screenlets properties won't work anymore or won't show when I need to edit the properties14:37
mysticdarkhackanyway to fix it14:37
marcusdavidusxptical:  sudo apt-build install openofice14:37
marcusdavidus and u see then xptical14:37
mysticdarkhackI tried reinstalling, remove it from ./congig and .screenlets14:37
xpticalquick question, why are you doing sudo aptitude as opposed to sudo apt-get?14:37
W473Dhave a gooday mates14:37
kitche!offtopic | FlimFlamMan14:37
ubottuFlimFlamMan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:37
marcusdavidusxptical:  apt-get sux14:37
FloodBot1W473D: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
bredotodoes anybody know how to scrool up my irssi window?14:38
marcusdavidusxptical:  aptitude rox14:38
FlimFlamMankitche: thanks14:38
kitcheFlimFlamMan: ubuntu doesn't even have ARM support most likely it's just the manufacturerbuilt an arm supported ubuntu14:38
ikankecilhi all14:38
ikankecilhow find out monitor VertRefresh values and HorizSync rate14:38
ccookebredoto: page up and page down14:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freeze14:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freezes14:38
ikankecili have use ddcprobe14:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nightwish14:38
marcusdavidusstupid bot14:39
RichardWolfVIHmm, how do I diagnose a system freeze?14:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bsod14:39
basti171@ikankecil in your manual14:39
bredotoccooke,thank a lot (I was trying ctrl+pg up)14:39
ikankecilbut ddcprobe doesn’t list any monitorranges14:39
MiescoIts only letting me use 114gb on my usb hd, but it says that im using 149gb or whatever14:39
ikankecili have lost my manual :(14:39
ccookebredoto: Escape-p and Escape-n also work for up and down respectively14:39
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  this frezes are random or u can recreate them on demand?14:39
ccookebredoto: (useful if you're on a non-standard keyboard)14:39
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Random14:40
FlimFlamMankitche: http://www.umpcportal.com/2008/11/arm-and-ubuntu-to-join-forces-in-the-netbook-world14:40
mib_gsc223i know its bad, but is there a way to get around using sudo? i used to use one method on command line to bypass it for session but i forgot it.14:40
kitcheFlimFlamMan: well then in April 2009 then14:40
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI: have no idea when i was got freezes was the cpu fault was damaged14:40
ccookemib_gsc223: if you need to use a root shell for a session, try "sudo -s" to start a root log in shell14:41
storbeckmib_gsc223: sudo -i14:41
FlimFlamMankitche: also, i notice there is an #ubuntu-arm - i'll look there14:41
ccookemib_gsc223: (you don't need a command with that)14:41
marcusdavidusmib_gsc223:  just edit /etc/sudoers and give no pasword14:41
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Do you recommend a BIOS update in this case?14:41
BigMoopiesJeruvy, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/010 , that worked with 'pax'14:42
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  bios update is always good :P but im damn overclocker so i use to swithc bioses alot14:42
RanyAlbegi have a c program and i want to trace the system calls using ptrace. any help?14:42
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI: are uu have freezes on windows also ?14:43
storbeckRanyAlbeg: You might want to ask in #c - that's not really an ubuntu-related question14:43
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: Ubuntu is my sole OS14:43
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: I just have Windows on VirtualBox14:43
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI: so hard to say :P14:44
mib_gsc223storbeck:  sudo -i worked (pssibly -s but didnt try). thanks!14:44
gartralso.. how do i add metadata too tracks of an "unknown" cd in Banshee?14:44
ccookemib_gsc223: checking the manual, sudo -i is 'better' than -s.14:44
marcusdavidusRichardWolfVI:  install conky  so u can monitor temperatures on the fly on desktop14:45
ccookemib_gsc223: so you're better off that way, too :-)14:45
marcusdavidus maybe cpu  temp go to hight and then he freeze when u use lot cpu time14:45
storbeckNo problem mib_gsc22314:45
krzdhi, i don't get sound of my subwoofer at 5.1 using pulseaudio under ubuntu 9.04. what can i do?14:45
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: OK14:45
marcusdavidus alsot RichardWolfVI install htop and check what are using alot of cpu14:45
kpuljekdoes anybody know why would dhclient constantly make dhcp requests although a lease has been provided?14:46
marcusdaviduskrzd:  use headset14:46
kpuljekmy var/syslog is swarmed by dhcp requests14:46
oCean_krzd: For jaunty (9.04) discussions/issues, join #ubuntu+114:46
Jeruvykrzd: you need to ask in #ubuntu+1 for jaunty support14:46
krzdmarcusdavidus, are you kidding me? i never would change my aprox. 1000watt RMS system against a headset14:47
marcusdaviduskrzd:  pff u dont know my wife then14:47
=== mafsi_away is now known as mafsi
RichardWolfVImarcusdavidus: I already have htop, normally CPU usage doesn't rise over 25%, except when running aMSN which I use rarely.14:47
garmeHi guys...14:47
m1chaeli bought an asus eeepc 1000ha ... i installed 'unetbootin' .. downloaded the latest ubuntu iso .. formatted my usb drive as FAT in windows xp.. used unetbootin to create the usb boot device.. i disabled fast boot, changed bios to boot from the usb device first.. and when im booting the eeepc i hit ESC key and choose my USB device to boot from.. and it ends up going in to windows. suggestions???14:47
kanon-matmib_gsc223: passwd root to set a password, then use su14:48
garmeHow is done the hardware dectection and configuration in ubuntu?14:48
krzdoCean_, Jeruvy, it should also affect hthe stable version, because it also affects fedora14:48
marcusdavidusm1chael:  are u nneed boot it from usb just boot it from hdd14:48
m1chaeli want to boot it frrom the usb so i can install ubuntu14:49
billybigrigger_sysadmin, welcome14:49
marcusdavidussysadmin:  rotfl u come  from root on irc ? gratz14:49
oCean_krzd: could be, but neither jaunty nor fedora are on topic here.14:50
marcusdavidusgarme: is rly good maybe not so good as knoppix but it works with almost everything out of box14:50
Splendid/mode $me +x14:50
RichardWolfVII aldo have issues with my thumbdrive, 0402:5661 ALi Corp. according to lspci. I can only get to write on it when connecting it in read-only mode ande and switchging it to write mode while connected.14:50
=== sysadmin is now known as dellnec
glitsj16krzd: did you change your /etc/pulseaudio/daemon.conf, especially the default-sample-channels = 2 line ? it'l have to be set to 6 instead of 2 for a 5.1 system14:51
kpuljekwhat can cause this, how can i stop it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/133680/14:51
krzdglitsj16, yes i have done that, and the 5 speakers are working but the subwoofer14:51
RichardWolfVIlsusb, I mean14:51
RichardWolfVI*and switching14:52
MedozasSVRHi ... need some help regarding jaunty alpha614:53
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that MedozasSVR14:53
RichardWolfVI!jaunty MedozasSVR14:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:53
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:53
* marcusdavidus MPD : Nightwish Feel for You14:54
Akkernight_is there drivers for realtek or what ever that type of sound card is called?14:54
bazhangmarcusdavidus, disable that script14:54
glitsj16krzd: i see .... that was my 2 cents contribution i'm afraid, i'd try to rule out subwoofer hardware failure first by hooking it up to another system/OS14:54
marcusdavidusbazhang:  this is not script i just type that14:55
garmemarcusdavidus, but do you what is the software for this? udev? hotplug?14:55
garme* do you know14:55
marcusdavidusAkkernight_: u dont have sound or what ?14:55
zambais it possible to install system-wide add-ons for firefox?14:55
RichardWolfVIAkkernight_: They normally work right out of the box.14:56
marcusdavidusgarme:  lspic -vvv14:56
marcusdavidusgarme lspci*14:56
Akkernight_marcusdavidus, I do, I just guessed it'd be better if I used specific drivers for my sound card, instead of some ALSA or Intel sound14:56
garmejust this?14:56
krzdglitsj16, it works on windows and because of the upmix: if i unplug the subwoofer cable i can hear the subwoofer, so it lays on pulseaudio14:56
marcusdavidusAkkernight_:  run sudo alsaconf14:56
marcusdavidusgarme:  it shows most of devices14:57
RichardWolfVIAkkernight_: Free drivers tend to behave better than proprietary ones. Only exception may be the graphics ones in some cases.14:57
marcusdaviduszamba:  i doubt is posible14:57
Akkernight_ok thanks14:58
Akkernight_and is there any Wine tutorial? I can't run this Polygon Map Editor application, 'cause it's .exe, and I need it for my game14:58
marcusdavidusAkkernight_:  winehq check there14:59
garmemarcusdavidus, ty. :)14:59
krzdAkkernight_, run wine file.exe14:59
marcusdavidusAkkernight_:  propably will be an how to make it run  for this app14:59
RichardWolfVIAkkernight_: You just install Wine and run it, ut's that simple... well, if it works.14:59
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:59
Akkernight_I try running the .exe using wine, nothing happens14:59
Kimihow to logoff from here ?15:00
RichardWolfVIAkkernight_: Maybe it'll not work, which version are you using?15:00
marcusdavidusAkkernight_:  from console wine name of aplication and paste console output15:00
MiescoI am trying to format my USB drive, I deleted all the partitions with fdisk, made a new partition, there is still the same files on it!15:00
rfleming... silly question but how do I sudo a program from a desktop icon?15:01
flukxohowdy, how does nautilus mount samba shares?15:01
marcusdavidusjust edit shourtcut and add gksudo15:01
Akkernight_marcusdavidus, "wine: /home/ian/.wine is not owned by you" What's that supposed to mean o.O?15:01
marcusdavidus before command15:01
rfleminggksudo... thanks :)15:01
rflemingI was trying sudo without success15:01
marcusdavidusAkkernight_:  pff  u have no rights to this  catalog15:02
RichardWolfVIAkkernight_: Try reinstalling wine15:02
marcusdavidusAkkernight_:  change rights or chown15:02
glitsj16krzd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795525 might have some helpful insights to try and configure pulseaudio for your exact setup15:02
syph_Akkernight: did you install wine as root?15:02
storbecksudo chown -R <username> /home/ian/.wine15:02
Akkernight_I just installed using Add/remove...15:02
marcusdavidussyph_:  thre is no other way to install anything lol15:02
marcusdavidussyph_:  u need be root to do that15:02
MiescoOkay i got it15:02
MiescoI need to mkfs on the current partition15:03
syph_arg, i forget about that in ubuntu15:03
MisterSheepcomplete irc newbie15:03
echo_miragehow can i scroll through files in a folder in nautilus via mouse wheel? it has no function there...15:03
MisterSheepwell...that's a lie15:03
syph_change the ownership in options15:03
marcusdavidussyph_:  is in every linux u cannot install anythign without root rights15:03
MisterSheepi was on irc many many days ago15:03
krzdglitsj16, i tried both methods15:03
MisterSheepjust installed jaunty on my asus eeepc the other day15:03
marcusdavidussyph_:  lol u cannot install anything not as root u cann install games etc if u install them in your home directory15:04
bazhangMisterSheep, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty support15:04
oCean_MisterSheep: well, since that is still an alpha release, jaunty is not on topic here15:04
MisterSheepcheers bazhang15:04
MisterSheepthat's ok...15:04
gartralso.. how do i add metadata too tracks of an "unknown" cd in Banshee?15:04
oCean_MisterSheep: join #ubuntu+1 for issues/questions etc15:04
MisterSheepdidn't need any help with it15:04
syph_please don't set me name off with semi colon, i can't read that color lol15:04
syph_it's a pain trying to fix it15:04
MisterSheepcheers for the ubuntu+1 info though15:05
marcusdavidusgartral: u neeed add tags to mp3 files i belive15:05
marcusdavidussyph_: ok i will not15:05
kitchesyph_ umm no matter what the color is the same15:05
syph_um, no15:05
krzdglitsj16, i just installed pavumeter and cheked if there is any output on the subwoofer: there is no!15:05
gartralmarcusdavidus: its before there ripped, hence CD15:05
syph_you set my name off it becomes yellow15:05
marcusdavidusgartral:  so i have no idea i use mpd+ gmpc15:06
kitchesyph_: yes it doesn't matter if we use a colon or not15:06
marcusdavidussyph_:  me too u using weechat?15:06
gartralsyph_ it only indicates the line is for you15:06
syph_don't type my name in front15:06
syph_i can follow without being set aside15:06
=== _mcstinky is now known as mcstinky
marcusdavidussyph_:  is a highlight of yoru name is all just change layout of weechat or irssi15:07
gartralit doesnt matter where your name is syph_15:07
storbeckYou can change the color.15:07
Bob_Dolewhen I put in the xubuntu live cd, and go to partition editor, it tells me /dev/sda is 100% unallocated space... but I can boot from that drive on the same system.15:07
syph_no no on15:07
marcusdavidussyph_:  but this is rule here to type name15:07
syph_i have this pain in the ass irssi15:07
syph_it's no fun15:07
storbeckBob_Dole: Maybe you're not using sda :)15:07
bazhangsyph_, please remain on topic15:07
Bob_Doleirssi is a great client15:07
gartral!ohmy | syph_15:07
ubottusyph_: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:07
RichardWolfVIsyph_: Try Opera, is plainer for that purpose15:07
Bob_Dolestorebeck: No other HD's in the system.15:07
marcusdavidusBob_Dole:  try boot with noapic15:08
syph_aha, fixed it, now what?15:08
glitsj16krzd: is pavucontrol showing the subwoofer channel as muted perhaps ?15:08
storbeckBob_Dole: pastebin: sudo fdisk -l15:08
krzdglitsj16, no15:08
rmrfslashSo, Ubuntu has awful battery life15:09
rmrfslashWell, out of the box15:09
krzdglitsj16, but if i look on the alsa-sink arguments there is set subwoofer and not lfe, in alsamixer stands lfe15:09
gartralhow do i configure this cam? Microdia Clas Ohlson TWC-30XOP WebCam15:09
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: You mean your laptop :P15:09
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: how is it compared to other OSes?15:10
rmrfslashis there something I need to do?15:10
gartralRichardWolfVI: he means his laptop wjile running ubuntu15:10
RichardWolfVIgartral: I got it15:10
glitsj16krzd: you might be on to something there i guess, at least worth a try changing that15:10
rmrfslashWell, I can't compare this to other OSes... cuz I haven't tried them.... but this is a brand new laptop15:10
rmrfslashnew battery15:10
hatter243rmrfslash, try disabling a lot of the hdd indexing that goes on15:10
rmrfslashI get like 1.5 hours MAYBE15:10
linfenixhey someone can help?15:10
rmrfslashon a full charge15:11
Bob_DoleI'll try. but not sure networking is working on that system.. mostly out to format sdb, which is also ext3, but in another system was also showing as unallocated, too, and then just sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb it.15:11
linfenixi have a mistake15:11
storbeckYou probably shouldn't use full brightness when using battery life15:11
rmrfslashI turn brightness to 015:11
rmrfslashseems that's the only thing I can tweak15:11
storbeckI'd take the laptop back :)15:11
krzdglitsj16, how do i change that15:11
rmrfslashcan't underclock the CPU, can't modify the HDD spinning, etc.15:11
refrigeracaosomeone from brasil?15:12
hatter243rmrfslash, Ubuntu does a massive amount of harddrive reads. This is what drains batteries the fastest15:12
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: Is it different in Windows? What the make and model? How much battery run is promised?15:12
hatter243!br | refrigeracao15:12
ubotturefrigeracao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:12
rmrfslashI read some ubuntu-laptop-mode thing from apt15:12
bazhangrefrigeracao, #ubuntu-br15:12
g4lt-lappyrmrfslash, what make and model laptop?15:12
syphrmr: there is a laptop mode you can download for ubuntu15:12
rmrfslasha model laptop.... hmm15:12
rmrfslash19 hours of battery life15:12
rmrfslash15.4'' - 16'' screen15:13
glitsj16krzd: /etc/pulse/default.pa is the best spot to experiment with different sinks etc. imho15:13
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: 19 HOURS???15:13
g4lt-lappyyou have to know more than "its a laptop" for most of the tools to work15:13
storbeckHah, If it promised 19 hour and you only get 1.5, I'd take it back for sure15:13
rmrfslashdual quad-core 9 gigahertz cpu15:13
gartraldoes anyone have a Microdia Clas Ohlson TWC-30XOP WebCam?15:13
rmrfslashyou said "model laptop"15:13
rmrfslashI'm kidding around...15:13
g4lt-lappynot a laptiop then, as there are no dual proc laptops made anymore15:13
rmrfslashI don't know what you mean by "what would make a model laptop"15:13
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: What's the make and model?15:14
rmrfslashoh woops15:14
RichardWolfVII mean15:14
rmrfslashI misread15:14
gartralrmrfslash: he said Make and Model,15:14
g4lt-lappyrml, I asked "what make and model laptop".  get with the program15:14
Bob_DoleDe de de15:14
marcusdavidusanywone play eve online?15:14
rmrfslashXPS 164015:14
FloodBot1rmrfslash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
storbecklol @ de de de15:14
Bob_DoleA 3D spreadsheet, nope, don't play it, marcus.15:14
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: How much is the battery run on Windows?15:15
gartralwe need to tweak flood bot some15:15
s3r3n1t7I'm trying to create a multi seat system, however i'm not having much luck. Any tips on how to get it working? In general the graphical window won't show up.15:15
rmrfslashNever tried battery on Windows.15:15
g4lt-lappygartral, to nuke earlier?  yeah ;P15:15
rmrfslashJust installed Ubuntu as soon as I got it.15:15
slerderHey guys. Just wanted to know if it was possible for a malicious file on a usb flash drive to have been autoexecuted on my ubuntu 8.10 machine upon insertion. Thanks15:16
g4lt-lappythen how do you know if the battery issue isn't the laptop itself15:16
Pelogood morning folks,  anyone around from the montreal canonical office ?15:16
RichardWolfVIrmrfslash: It'd good to compare, if you get the same performance, you dhould make use of hardware support.15:16
Faithfulgot a wierd problem... one of my internal notebook spekers is muted and when you press mute in alsamixer is swaps to the other speaker15:16
rmrfslashWhat do you want me to say to that. Ubuntu is an OS, I installed it.15:16
gartralg4lt-lappy: no, to be able to differentiate between a real flood and someone who doesnt know the difference between enter and the period15:16
Exilantslerder, afaik not, but details might depend on gnome/kde/whatever settings15:16
Faithfulrmrfslash, Ubuntu is a distribution15:17
marcusdavidusslerder: if u dont setup sudo no passwrd is no way15:17
marcusdavidusslerder:  it can only delete things form your home not from system15:17
s3r3n1t7!virus | slerder15:17
ubottuslerder: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2115:17
cousteauhow can I set resolution to 1280x1024? xubuntu intrepid + intel i740 + pentium ii15:17
s3r3n1t7slerder, that link has all the info on why not to worry.15:17
Akkernight_what was the IRC channel for Wine?15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rkhunter15:18
krzdglitsj16, it doesn't work anyway15:18
gartraldoes anyone have a Microdia Clas Ohlson TWC-30XOP WebCam, i need a configuration program15:18
cousteauAkkernight_, #winehq15:18
marko-_--Akkernight_, #winehq15:18
glitsj16krzd: too bad, running out of ideas i'm afraid15:18
g4lt-lappygartral, and nuke the guys that don't know the difference between CR and punctuation sooner?  seconded!15:18
Gnea!webcam | gartral15:19
ubottugartral: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:19
slerdermarcusdavidus, what does that mean? I inserted the flash drive myself.. and nothing shoowed up on the screen, nothing asking for authorization.. and there were no suspicious files on the drive (no hidden either) and then i ran rkhunter, and everything seemed fine. I just wanted to know if this was a possible threat or not.. could someone potentially setup a us flahs drive for it to autorun malicious files on a malicious box with or without user intervent15:19
slerderiojn.. thanks15:19
s3r3n1t7g4lt-lappy, my 2 cents on that15:19
burgi installed ubuntu (aproximately), but when the grub was installing, that window just dissapeared. now i think is installed, but i can`t open it (i have windows xp installed too)15:19
burgcan i add a grub now?15:19
gartralg4lt-lappy: why do you call Enter CR?15:19
g4lt-lappygartral, CR?  carriage return, from the IBM selectrics, which I learned to type on15:20
cousteauburg: you can try the SuperGrub Disk15:20
ZzeissI let one of the system manglers try to set up my laptop so that the KVM vm of Fedora could access the Internet; he set up a "bridge" that never worked.  We reset the /etc/network/interfaces file back to what it was before, but now my wired network (eth0) won't reconnect unless I do a "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart".  What else might he have buggered?15:20
Zzeissand moreover, what can I do to fix it?15:21
mrthrazis it possible to upgrade back a version?15:21
JeruvyZzeiss: you should ask in #fedora :)15:21
LjL!downgrade | mrthraz15:22
ubottumrthraz: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:22
ZzeissJeruvy: Oh, he didn't bugger Fedora.  he buggered the Ubuntu.  :(  Which is what I mainly boot....15:22
RichardWolfVIPlus, I'm known that XPS laptop aren't much of power efficient.15:22
RichardWolfVIslerder: Not likely, why?15:22
RichardWolfVIFaithful: Check you're using the correct devices on your sound settings.15:22
RichardWolfVIcousteau: Pretty old configuration, maybe the resolution is not supported.15:22
FloodBot1RichardWolfVI: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:22
gartralGnea: my camera works, kind of, i need a configurateion program15:22
ZzeissSo, if you were going to install a KVM bridge device - what files would you bugger?   :)15:23
slerderrichardwolfVI so youre saying it is possible?15:23
JessyBabywhat is the off topic ubuntu channel?15:24
gartralJessyBaby: #ubuntu-offtopic15:24
mrthrazI upgraded to 8.10 in ubuntu studio and now jack craches cause the kernel  it can't handle both cores15:24
hawkxis it possible to remove the icons in the gnome Panel in the pulldown Menüs15:24
marcel1607anyone here use the XFS filesystem?15:25
mrthrazso I'm stuck with it being like this15:25
burgcousteau: can that mess all my information on my hard? or is it safe?15:25
RichardWolfVImrthraz: It'd be easier to just delete the partition and intall over, why do you want to downgrade anyway?15:25
gartrali need a program to configure my camera...15:25
marcel1607RichardWolfVI, format the partition, not delete it?15:25
Jeruvymrthraz: I'd agree with RichardWolfVI, backup your files and start over.15:25
rmrfslashI don't think there's xfs on ubuntu (rather the gnu counterpart btrfs), but I hear XFS is cool.15:25
cousteauburg: never tried it, gut it shouldn't15:25
marcel1607rmrfslash, you cant choose it on installation?15:26
Gneagartral: try camorama15:26
gartralgnea, again, that doesnt help me configure my camera15:26
mrthraz RichardWolfVI:I upgraded to 8.10 in ubuntu studio and now jack craches cause the kernel  it can't handle both cores15:26
X-Factoror easycam215:26
rmrfslashmarcel1607: don't think so, it's rather new, it'll be on OS X but I think there are licensing issues that prevent it from going on Ubuntu(?)15:26
marcusdavidusrmrfslash: reiserfs is best for destko[15:26
rmrfslashmarcusdavidus: Reiser is also a nutjob15:27
marcel1607rmrfslash, dont you mean zfs here?15:27
pafufta503hello, i wonder if someone might be able to help me with a problem15:27
Gneagartral: again? you didn't say that it didn't in the first place, specifically. tried cheese?15:27
rmrfslashmarcel1607: yup.... I do.15:27
mrthrazRichardWolfVI: too many files this is a production machien15:27
marcusdavidusrmrfslash: sorry i do not know this word im not native what mean nutjob ?15:27
marcel1607rmrfslash, i was talking about xfs15:27
marcel1607XFS is a journaled 64-bit file system created by SGI.15:27
rmrfslashmarcel1607: yeah, I've never used xfs15:27
pafufta503is there a room on this server for the ubuntu forums?15:27
rmrfslashmarcel1607: I'm having trouble reading today ;)15:28
bazhangpafufta503, #ubuntuforums15:28
pafufta503thank you15:28
marcel1607i've read that ext4 has data loss bug that will be fixed in 2.6.3015:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nutjob15:28
marcel1607so thats why  i'm going for xfs15:28
marcusdaviduswhat is this nutjob15:28
bazhangits offtopic15:28
gartralGnea: heese wont initlise this camora, and camorama doesnt belive it is a camera15:28
mrthrazcan't use xfs with grub15:28
rmrfslashmarcusdavidus: Didn't Reiser kill his wife or something?15:28
Gneagartral: v4l-conf *might* do it, if your camera is v4l-compatible15:29
marcel1607mrthraz, why?15:29
bazhang!ot | rmrfslash15:29
gartralohh, wait, it just took forever15:29
ubotturmrfslash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:29
mrthrazhave to use lilo as you boot15:29
X-Factorgartral: tried easycam2 already?15:29
marcusdavidusmarcel1607: xfs is good for alot of small files is fast like jfs but is slower if comes to big files15:29
mrthrazdon't know15:29
marcel1607marcusdavidus, i've seen benchmarks on phoronix.com that show otherwise15:29
marcusdavidusrmrfslash:  yes he do but  this is nothing aboute reiserfs15:29
mrthrazbut it would only install with lilo15:29
marcel1607mrthraz, with intrepid?15:30
Gneagartral: also, make sure you're part of the video group15:30
marcusdavidusmarcel1607:  so maybe im wrong srry anyway i use reiserfs becouse never got data lost on this and have few bad problems with ext315:30
marcel1607marcusdavidus, i see but reiserfs is no longer maintained15:30
mrthrazit was a hardy install I used xfs with15:30
marcusdavidusmarcel1607:  rly ?? so bad15:31
stabuck33hi all, could somebody help me with my new harddisk? its an sata but "fdisk -l" shows it as /dev/hdd15:31
mrthrazdon't know about janty15:31
marcel1607mrthraz, i'm trying virtualbox install with xfs15:31
mrthrazwhat's the prob15:31
marcel1607marcusdavidus, you should maybe consider some other fs in the future, because hans reiser is in prison15:31
rmrfslashOk, so anyways.... I may try to install this ubuntu-laptop-mode thing, though I'm not sure how it works but it apparently allows the hard disk to "spin down for longer periods of time"15:32
gartralGnea: /dev/video0 [v4l2]: no overlay support15:32
marcusdavidusmarcel1607:  yes but  ppl who make reiser 4 are not in rpison15:32
marcel1607marcusdavidus, i thought is was stripped out of the kernel15:32
differenti have windows installed on c drive and i want to install ubuntu on c drive i also want to keep windows recovery but i am worried that later on when i do the recovery my ubuntu will be lost15:33
marcusdavidusmarcel1607:  Andrew Morton actually maintain reiser415:33
Gneagartral: what's the make/model on that camera again?15:33
marcusdavidusdifferent:  u want install ubuntu on windows partition ?? lol15:34
marcel1607marcusdavidus, so it is still in kernel 2.6.29?15:34
danbhfive_jaunt1different: the recovery is usually just a hidden partition.  Just make sure to leave that partition alone when partitioning15:34
marcusdavidusmarcel1607:  i have no idea15:34
differentmarcusdavidus: yes15:34
Jeruvy!wubi | different15:34
ubottudifferent: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.15:34
snowveildifferent, also check to see if windows has an option to create recovery discs first15:34
snowveildifferent, are you running vista or xp?15:35
marcusdaviduswubi sux big time is damn slow bugged and crap15:35
noobuntuis there anybody available to help me with my first ever install of linux (ubuntu)? i cannot for the life of me get my usb flash memory sticks to mount or my wireless usb adapter to work15:35
killindillinhey guys have u seen sebsebseb15:35
differentsnowveil : vista and it has recovery as well15:35
syphnoobuntu: it'd be easier with a livecd15:35
danbhfive_jaunt1different: how big is your harddrive?15:35
snowveildifferent, just to be safe create a set of recovery discs first...should take about 3 dvds...just search "recovery" in the search bar15:36
mrthrazis it possible to upgrade to 64bit from 3215:36
marcusdavidusmrthraz:  no15:36
differentdanbhfive_jaunntl: 160 gb but i want to keep linux only right now15:36
marcusdavidusmrthraz:  and 64 bit sux  flash is so bugged15:36
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danbhfive_jaunt1different: ok, listen to this, ignore everything else that you have been told15:37
mrthrazI got it working with indis once15:37
marcusdavidusdifferent:  just  make an partition liek 20 gb for ubuntu and get nroaml install15:37
killindillinnoobubuntu:you may want to try to try this web site http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15041215:37
danbhfive_jaunt1different: just shrink your windows partition, and install ubuntu to the leftover space15:37
sky_anyone know how i can install windows on virtual box under ubuntu ?15:37
marcusdavidusdanbhfive_jaunt1:  indeed !15:38
gartralgnea, may i pm you?15:38
mrthrazitjust sucks not being able to make music now15:38
noobuntukillindillin, thanks. i've been working through the forums, tried various solutions but for the life of me i can't get my usb wireless adapter to work.15:38
Gneagartral: no15:38
differentmarcusdavidus: yeah i have used ubuntu before within windows but it takes away a lot of space from c drive as wel15:38
danbhfive_jaunt1marcusdavidus: : )15:38
wintermute2012sky_: youd install it like a regular install of windows15:38
marcusdavidussky_:   best for virtual box are mininal windows distros madet  with use of nlite . i got 200 mb  installed windows and is run damn fast15:38
sky_marcusdavidus: can you upload it ? :)15:39
killindillinnoobubuntu:thanx....i'm a noob like you i'm waiting for my iso file to download....15:39
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noobuntuwintermute2012, i've tried ndiswrapper, tried serialmonkey drivers install tutorial... no dice15:39
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marcusdavidussky_:  but is POLISH version  if u dont know polish u will have problem15:39
wintermute2012what driver is it for15:39
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rmrfslashreiserfs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namesys15:39
danbhfive_jaunt1different: is your computer a laptop?15:40
Gneagartral: it's better to keep it in the channel, in case someone else happens to know a solution or if someone else finds the discussion helpful15:40
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sky_marcusdavidus: i already googling for english version :)15:40
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noobuntukillindillin, great. the install went fine. however i have no internet access and i can't transfer files using a usb stick, so have wasted numerous cd's trying to get my wifi to work.15:41
sky_marcusdavidus: i have it :)15:41
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: yes15:41
gartralGnea: yea, but firefox is slowwww and there were only five lines15:41
noobuntuwintermute2012, i believe it is the rt7315:41
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danbhfive_jaunt1different: what model?15:41
mrthrazis there anyway to stop my kernel from crashing when using multi core aware audio apps?15:41
virtxis there some repository like debian-multimedia ?15:41
wintermute2012that should work with ndiswrapper15:41
gartralGnea: http://gar.pastebin.com/d6893f8fc15:41
danbhfive_jaunt1!medibuntu > virtx15:41
ubottuvirtx, please see my private message15:41
sky_marcusdavidus: i need this environment only for running application like Warhammer downloader and installing games ;)15:41
noobuntuwintermute2012, my adapter is the belkin g+ mimo usb adapter (f5d9050)15:41
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wintermute2012oh usb will not work15:42
kilindillinnoobubuntu: talk to me via pm to crazy here15:42
marcusdavidussky_:  ye but u know u will not run any game under virtual box15:42
noobuntuwintermute2012, yeah, that's what i thought. it just doesn't show up15:42
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: hp pavalion15:42
sky_marcusdavidus: yea...15:42
unitedpotsmokershello guys, im using hardy now, how to upgrade this distro to 8.10 in easy way? can we use synaptic package manager?15:42
wintermute2012yea so far theres no fix for mounting a usb and installing the drivers15:43
danbhfive_jaunt1!upgrade > unitedpotsmokers15:43
ubottuunitedpotsmokers, please see my private message15:43
wintermute2012sky_ btw is warhammer any good i was thinking of trying it15:43
marcusdavidusunitedpotsmokers:  change /etc/apt/sources.list to intrepid  and then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade && sudo aptitude upgrade15:43
noobuntuwinteremute2012, oh, shame. so there is no way to get that adapter to work with any version of linux? is that correct?15:43
wintermute2012i used to play original warhammer and 40k15:44
sky_wintermute2012: very good :)15:44
unitedpotsmokersthanks ubottu15:44
gartralgnea its a Microdia Clas Ohlson TWC-30XOP WebCam X-Factor i cant find easycam215:44
unitedpotsmokersok i try marcusdavidus15:44
rmrfslashWhat's the difference between ubuntu-laptop-mode and ubuntu-laptop-mode-tools, the latter will remove ubuntu-laptop-mode if it's installed15:44
sky_wintermute2012: i m going to download official game via their downloader15:44
mrthrazis there anyway to stop my kernel from crashing when using multi core aware audio apps in ubs 8.10?15:45
marcusdavidussky_:   why not eve online?15:45
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Bob_Dolewould Ubuntu be able to boot if the disklabel was corrupted?15:45
sky_marcusdavidus: eve online is not lineage based ? i think i can have problem with gameguard15:45
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: i have hp pavalion laptop15:45
gartralX-Factor: easycam2 is not in the repos for intrepid15:46
Gneagartral: what driver are you using?15:46
* Bob_Dole forgot about doing that command...but Gparted said the drive had an unknown disklabel.15:46
gartralgnea v4l15:46
unitedpotsmokerswhere to change ( /etc/apt/sources.list ) ?15:46
marcusdavidussky_:  eve opnline got platinium ratings  on wine hq is space mmorpg  u fly space ships is avesoem outstanding and best mmo i ever played only shadowbane is good also15:46
Bob_DoleEve Online is a 3D spreedsheet15:46
Gneagartral: you're telling me, that you can issue the following command:  sudo modprobe v4l, and that alone detects your camera and sets up /dev/video0?15:46
locainex_yes Bob_Dole lol15:46
locainex_a very pretty one too15:47
danbhfive_jaunt1different: yeah, so if your recovery can be invoked from the bios (ie, the first screen that shows up when you boot), then your recovery is just a hidden partition.  I would suggest these steps.  Defrag your windows drive.  Boot the livecd, and shrink the windows partition.  Create a new partition (at least 20g), format as ext3 and a mount point of /      Then click continue.  You should be ok.15:47
marcusdavidussky_:  eve online + wine got oficjal support form eve online crew there is native linux cleint ( windows version with specjal cedega) but  on wine works better15:47
spsneoUbuntu has been selected for google soc 2009, but it has not yet created its profile?15:47
Gneagartral: you should read this: http://tinyurl.com/dfqvt815:47
gartralits already apointed to video0, gnea15:47
sky_marcusdavidus: oh but i dont like scifi mmorpgs :(15:47
marcusdavidussky_:  pff and warhammer is no sci fi ??15:47
jamiejacksoncan you do microsoft live meeting sessions in ubuntu? i've seen mixed answers15:47
sky_marcusdavidus: no its fantasy15:48
sky_marcusdavidus: like WoW15:48
oCean_!ot | sky_ marcusdavidus15:48
ubottusky_ marcusdavidus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:48
marcusdavidussky_:  WOW SUX15:48
Gneagartral: okay... it looks like the problem is now self-evident. could you please pastebin the output of this command:  lsmod15:48
sky_oh yea15:48
sky_ /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:48
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: i want to ask when i will be doing recovery will my ubuntu on c drive will be lost or not as i want to keep only recovery of windows15:48
marcusdavidusoCean_:  gimme a breake cheez15:48
sky_marcusdavidus: i dont play wow anyome15:49
Bob_Dolewhat was the command you wanted me to do to check the harddrives? in that They boot, they give no errors when in use, however the xubuntu live cd's Gparted says the entire drive is #1 Unallocated and #2 has an unkown disklabel.15:49
Bob_DoleIt's a copy of a copy made with dd15:49
virtxdanbhfive_jaunt1, there isn't darkice-full in medibuntu...15:49
ScuniziI'm trying to use wget to retrieve files typically grabbed from a site with "right mouse click - save as"15:49
virtxwhere can i found it?15:49
Scuniziexcept I'm getting 404 error15:49
danbhfive_jaunt1virtx: what is that?15:49
virtxa live audio streamer15:49
hatter243Scunizi, right click -> Save as or Right Click -> Copy link?15:49
danbhfive_jaunt1different: are you saying you want to delete window completely, save the recovery option?15:50
virtxin this repository there is, but without jack support15:50
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: yes15:50
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
gartralGnea: i tell you... the camera works... i just want to fidle with the output... heres lsmod http://gar.pastebin.com/d4c6b289115:50
virtxhow can i add debian-multimedia ?15:50
Scunizihatter243: tried that and with wget it times out with 40415:50
virtxverifying the gpg15:50
Bob_Dole /etc/apt/ is a directory, sources.list is a file in that directory, if you were the one asking.. so you'd find /etc/apt/sources.list in /etc/apt/15:51
hatter243Scunizi, it means there's nothing at that URL. Are you certain you're copying the link properly?15:51
danbhfive_jaunt1virtx: I think its the same as with debian.  and the usual warnings about cross repositories apply15:51
gartralgnea and i havent used the command you gave me either, should i?15:51
virtxdanbhfive_jaunt1, no it is not the same, on debian.multimedia there is darkice-full15:51
danbhfive_jaunt1different: I'd start with a dual boot first.   Just to be safe.15:51
krzdglitsj16, but it's funny, if i  have a sound file with true 5.1, so with a subwoofer ouztput channel it works, so it seams that i have to set the upmix for the subwoofer manually on15:51
Scunizihatter243: copy link, paste  .. pretty easy.. however there is a gotcha, there's a bunch of files there all ending in .doc that I want to grab so I've been trying to use a wildcard with wget15:52
Gneagartral: what command did I give you?15:52
gartralgnea sudo modprobe v4l15:52
KissakiMy sound stopped working, so I restarted dbus. Sound didn't start working, rest was ok. After rebooting I could no longer use mouse or keyboard on the gnome login, but I can still use one of the other consoles (switching with strg+alt+F6). How do I fix/reconfigure/reinstall gnome/xserver or whatever does cause this?15:52
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: i have installed ubuntu already but i want to ask when i will be doing recovery will  the windows will be installed on c drive or not15:52
Gneagartral: no, don't bother with that one. is the camera built-in or is it usb?15:52
gartralgnea USB15:53
hatter243Scunizi, I'm 95% certain that wildcard wget doesn't work. You need to list all the files in wget. You can wget -r on an html file and it will recursively download all the links...15:53
krzdglitsj16, changed and guess what: it works, so it seems that in the new version lfe remixing is disabled by default15:53
Scunizihatter243: so basically wget http://<path to files>/*.doc  and I get 404 not found15:53
danbhfive_jaunt1virtx: I think you could try just using debian-multimedia on ubuntu15:53
gartralgnea im on an ancient desktop15:53
krzdglitsj16, however: thx fo the nice support ;-)15:53
danbhfive_jaunt1different: no, AFAIK, it will delete ubuntu15:53
Scunizihatter243: that might be worth a shot.15:53
hatter243Scunizi, wget has no way of getting the list of links from the server with a wildcard. So it literally asks the server for a file named "*.doc" which does not exist15:53
Gneagartral: how 'ancient'?15:54
differentdanbhfive_jaunt1: thanks15:54
glitsj16krzd: nice that's settled, enjoy the sounds ;)15:54
rmrfslashSo from what I'm reading, I should install ubuntu-laptop-mode-tools.... not ubuntu-laptop-mode15:54
gartralGnea: it doesnt have USB 2.015:54
Gneagartral: that shouldn't matter15:54
s3r3n1t7I'm trying to create a multi seat system, however i'm not having much luck. Any tips on how to get it working? In general the graphical window won't show up.15:54
gartralGnea: i know, just thought ide share that15:54
mun_does anyone know how to change the default program to load for a filetype?15:54
elli222does anyone know how to setup rc-default? will my changes work or will i have a massive desktop paperweight? http://paste.ubuntu.com/133713/15:55
Gneagartral: okay, let's try something new... run this command, please: sudo rmmod sn9c10215:55
Bob_Doleagain with my unanswered question... Xubuntu Live CD(Gparted on that CD) says a booting and functional drive, with a complete xubuntu install on it is unallocated with an unknown Disklable.. the drive is a copy of a copy made with sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb each time.15:55
=== aanjhan is now known as ThiefOfBaghdad
Bob_DoleWhats going on here? and I only want to know to make sure I'm getting the right drive..as it is the only copy of the complete install this far15:55
Gneagartral: did it produce an error?15:55
Scunizihatter243: ok.. I understand more about wget now.. using -r.. no success.. 403 Forbidden15:56
gartralGnea: no, it returned to promt15:56
Gneagartral: excellent. now:  sudo modprobe gspca15:56
gartralGnea: quite emidiatly, i might add15:56
Gneagartral: that means it's working right :)15:56
hatter243Scunizi, I bet that the server has indexes disabled on the folder. This means wget cannot retrieve the list of links15:56
gartralFATAL: Module gspca not found. hmm, i dont have it instlled, one moment15:57
Bob_DoleI just formatted another drive that was a dd'd clone of a previous "image" that was showing as unallocated with unknown disklabel, it now shows as unformatted(as I intended) with an msdos disklabel..15:57
jamiejacksonanybody here ever had success joining microsoft live meetings in ubuntu?15:57
hatter243Scunizi, why not, right click -> view source. Paste that to a file, grep .doc file.html clean off the code and then feed that file as a list of links into wget15:57
heavyto update from dapper to the 8.10 (gutsy?) do i update the references in sources.list and run a dist-upgrade?15:58
bazhangheavy, no15:58
bazhangheavy, need to go to 8.04 first15:58
Scunizihatter243: that would be ok.. but I've been trying to use this as a method of saving time from right mouse clicking and downloading.. looks like it's just faster the standard way at this point.15:58
S4TCHNInguém aqui fala português ?15:58
DJonesheavy: you'd need to upgrade to 8.04 first which is then next LTS version, then you'd be able to update to 8.1015:58
gartralgnea hmm, it wants 13 extra packages with gscpa this will take about 2 minutes15:58
heavybazhang: ok, what's that one called?15:58
bazhang!upgrade | heavy15:59
ubottuheavy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:59
hatter243Scunizi, Probably, hah15:59
Gneagartral: ok15:59
bazhangheavy lts to lts is the first step15:59
bazhang6.06 to 8.04 heavy15:59
S4TCHparece que naum16:00
oCean_!pt | S4TCH16:00
ubottuS4TCH: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:00
elli222is there anyone expirienced with upstart here? (init replacment...)16:00
kevin_ /nick uvacav16:00
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gartralgnea all done. reissuing command16:00
Gneagartral: k16:01
gartralgnea, it spat the same error, i might note, the repos gave me source...16:01
elli222I added this to my rc-default. will my changes work or will i have a massive desktop paperweight? http://paste.ubuntu.com/133713/16:01
UnderTakerDoes journal_data_writeback improve performance over data_ordered for ext3?16:01
s3r3n1t7How to setup a multi-user system?16:01
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prince_jammyss3r3n1t7: it's already set up. you just add the users16:02
Bob_DoleWhat exactly will sudo fdisk -l do?16:02
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=== joseoro is now known as jofrano
s3r3n1t7prince_jammys, no, a multi-user system where more then 1 user works at the same time on a single system16:02
UnderTakerBob_Dole, it will show your partitions16:03
prince_jammysBob_Dole: List the partition tables for the specified devices and then exit.16:03
ScuniziIs there a program available that will open/edit or convert an Adobe InDesign template (ie an .indd file) ??16:03
Bob_DoleAlright, good. spent 6-12 days on this, don't want to do it again.16:03
|f|how do I do rc-update add service default in ubuntu?16:03
gartralgnea so how do i go about building the gscpa module?16:03
Bob_Doleaaaand I only have 4 minutes left..16:04
Lorenzuis ubuntu participating in gsoc16:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:04
Barniclehow can i display permissions of a directory?16:05
|f|LjL: what is the ubuntu equivalent to rc-update?16:05
heavybazhang: DJones: running do-release-upgrade now, thanks for help16:05
JeruvyBarnicle: from a terminal; ls -a16:05
prince_jammysBarnicle: ls -ld thedir16:05
prince_jammysls -a won't show permissions16:05
UnderTakerWill gnome 2.26 be backported to intrepid?16:06
LjL|f|: not sure what rc-update is, but by the name, probably update-rc.d16:06
Barniclethanks prince16:06
Jeruvyprince_jammys: ah yes, I typo'd sorry.16:06
prince_jammysBarnicle: welcome16:06
LjL|f|: thanks for staying for my answer16:06
s3r3n1t7prince_jammys, any idea's on how to realize that?16:06
prince_jammyss3r3n1t7: no. :)16:06
linkinx64hello!! i have a question for empathy how can i make it use socks 5?16:06
prince_jammyss3r3n1t7: you mean when people edit the same file at the same time?16:07
LjL!info tsocks | linkinx6416:07
ubottutsocks (source: tsocks): transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8beta5-9.1 (intrepid), package size 269 kB, installed size 660 kB16:07
linkinx64LjL, thanks...let me check it out16:07
Bob_Dole...ASDasd got the jumpers wrong this time around so BIOS didn't detect the drives.. 1 master, 1 cable select.. Guess I'm taking my work home with me again.16:07
s3r3n1t7prince_jammys, no. I have 2 keyboards, 2 mouses, 2 screens and 1 computer. The final solution would result in 2 people using the same computer with their own mouse and keyboard.16:07
prince_jammyss3r3n1t7: ah, sounds doable. but i have no idea how16:08
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s3r3n1t7prince_jammys, i'm in a rather similar position. Mdm seems to be rather tough to setup, since i managed to break my system with it every time.16:08
cybr0tafter installing the artwiz, how i do i use it? i have no idea.. cause i just heard about this font.. :S16:09
prince_jammys!fonts | cybr0t16:09
ubottucybr0t: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer16:09
cybr0tuhm, i've installed it already, just don't where it's popular to use16:10
xaos11Hey guys my internet is broken16:10
elli222xaos11, how are you chatting to us then?16:11
gartralgnea my cam isnt working at all now >.<16:11
Gneagartral: cd /usr/src/modules  should be a tar file there you can uncompress16:11
knutwinwhat do i have to type in gnome to make a shortcut to show the desktop manually? not the "add to panel"-way???16:11
xaos11elli222, nevermind, it;s just a proxy thing16:11
gartralgnea i found it, but the archive manager wants root access, and i cant seem to sudo archive manager16:12
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ray_can one of you all please offer some advice on upgrading openoffice 2.4 to 3.0 on Ubuntu?  I can't find the upgrade on the adept package manager.16:12
Gneagartral: no need for that, you should be using the commandline.  just issue this:  sudo -i  and do it from there16:12
gartrali dont what commands decompress tar files >.> im afraid im quit gui orientated16:13
Jeruvyray_: 3.0 isn't supported until 9.04, so you can wait or manually install it.16:13
[-VIM-]ray i think you have to enable extra repos and what not for that, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml16:14
thiebaudei got Open Office 3.0 on 8.1016:14
hatter243gartral, tar -xvf <filename> ?16:14
sirjoebobhey all. I am having an issue with amarok on ubuntu. Whenever I open it, it is opening maximized about half an inch lower than the top bar. Anybody know why this is:? couldnt find anything onilne about it16:14
ray_jeruvy, thanks.  do you know when 9.04 is due out?16:14
[-VIM-]ray late april, go here http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml16:15
Jeruvyray_: about a month away approx.16:15
thiebaudethanks [-VIM-] for finding that link, i had forgot how i installed, because i had to google it16:16
Gneagartral: well, this is linux, so you need to get over that fear.  :)16:16
prince_jammysgartral: under accesories, there's `archive manager', or something like that, if you want the gui16:16
ray_thanks for the info guys!  awesome.  I love ubuntu.  My 70 year mother switched from windows to Ubuntu in January! Her only complaint is that turbo-tax doesn't work.16:17
[-VIM-]thiebaude: np, everything worked for me except I don't get the icons, but I never use it anyways16:17
gartralprince_jammys: i cant give sudo access to archive manager is the problem16:17
gartralok, its decompressed gnea, now what?16:18
[-VIM-]ray_: she could always run windows xp in a VM and run turbo tax that way16:18
prince_jammysgartral: well, i didn't see the earlier part of the conversation. seems like you're editing sudoers or something16:18
mun_does anyone know how to change the default program to load a filetype?16:18
prince_jammys!defaultapp | mun_16:18
ubottumun_: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.16:18
mun_prince_jammys, but how do i make the setting default?16:19
seclm193hey all, need help with something16:19
gartralGnea: the readme says to update my dependecies with make [config|menuconfig|xconfig]; make dep, should i worry about this?16:19
eseven_Does blender work in Virtualbox in a XP guest?16:19
prince_jammysgartral: ah, no, you're not editing anything. so `gksudo fileroller' would be it.16:19
mun_prince_jammys, it doesn't make the change persistent, right?16:20
seclm193I'm trying to remote desktop to vista using ubunut16:20
prince_jammysmun_: i have absolutely no idea. haven't used gnome in a long time16:20
mun_right ok16:20
prince_jammysmun_: wouldn't be too useful if it weren't persistent, though16:20
Gneagartral: nah, just cd to the /usr/src/modules/gspca/ and run make16:20
glitsj16mun_: it does if you checkmark the option "use as default" (or something to that wording16:21
gartralGnea: i would have understood "just run the makefile" ;P16:21
christopheranyone know anything about remote desktoping using ubuntu?16:21
Gneagartral: that makes no sense.16:22
hatter243!anyone christopher16:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:22
hatter243!anyone | christopher16:22
ubottuchristopher: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:22
christopherlol, the bots are funny16:23
christopherI'm trying to remote desktop from ubuntu to vista and I'm having a few issues16:23
KissakiMy sound stopped working, so I restarted dbus. Sound didn't start working, rest was ok. After rebooting I could no longer use mouse or keyboard on the gnome login, but I can still use one of the other consoles (switching with strg+alt+F6). How do I fix/reconfigure/reinstall gnome/xserver or whatever does cause this? What's the minimum neccessary?16:24
unknownjoin #ubuntu.pl16:24
gartralGnea: grrrrrrrr http://gar.pastebin.com/d3c55d55916:25
Jeruvy!xorg | Kissaki16:26
ubottuKissaki: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:26
Kissakithat will also fix input problems?16:26
JeruvyKissaki: I can't say without more details, but there are some good pointers for settings and repairing xorg issues.16:27
Kissakik, thx16:28
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ravenhi everyone16:28
ryanCHi noticed my desktop effects stop working ever since i setup dual monitors, and in the settings page, it says "compositing is not supported on your system ... how do i fix this?16:28
Gneagartral: looks like a known issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96693216:29
raveni want to install something on my dvb-receiver. i have to do it by telnet but busybox does not know apt-get - what can i do?16:29
raven(apt-get of course not but what can i do else?)16:29
hardbop200hi! I have a very small disk that I would like to install Ubuntu Hoary on, I'm using the minimal install CD...where can I find how much space the installed system requires?16:30
mrdudlegoogle it?16:30
* gartral groans "i hate patchfiles"16:30
JeruvyryanCH: check this out: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/COMPOSITE_HOWTO?revision=749632&view=markup16:30
shennyzHi, is there any solution to control my ubuntu PC from my Vista PC ? (connected on the same wlan)16:30
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Ludoshennyz,  use freenx16:31
Exilanthardbop200: hoary?16:31
hardbop200Exilant: yes16:31
Exilantwhy that?16:31
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Exilanthoary was like, 4 years ago?16:31
hardbop200pardon, I misspoke:  s/b Hardy16:31
RichardWolfVIHello, how do I make a bootable USB drive to upgrade my bios?16:32
mrdudleRichardWolfVI, you can make usb from system admin i believe16:32
Exilantshennyz: install sshd on the ubuntu machine and putty on the windows machine16:32
AberrationHi all! I got a question! Will Jaunty be compatible with RT kernel this time?16:32
prince_jammysAberration: ask at #ubuntu+116:33
RichardWolfVImrdudle: I mean, to make it boot on DOS.16:33
Exilantshennyz: that gives you a cli, for X you'll have to do more stuff16:33
gartralGnea: can you provide a mirror for that patch? i really dont want to setup an account with the forums right now16:33
sammywhen a package on lauchpad says it's been uploaded by the "ubuntu archive auto-sync", where did that pacakge come from? is that a sync from debian repositories?16:34
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brandonban6what command could I use to list mounted devices?16:35
prince_jammysbrandonban6: `mount'16:35
en1gmahi all...can ubuntu install dvd dual boot with windows 7....i mean will it automatically create the nessessary partitions and format and all that16:36
brandonban6LOL prince_jammys that was simple!! thanks16:36
RichardWolfVIbrandonban6: GNU/Linux is simple :316:36
RichardWolfVIYet powerful.16:36
Crazyguyen1gma, I think you should be able to dual boot if the win7 is installed first16:36
prince_jammysyeah, right :)16:36
brandonban6RichardWolfVI, fair enough16:37
en1gmaCrazyguy i was wondering if it could be done....i read somewhere linux and windows7 dont get along for some reason16:37
Crazyguyen1gma, I haven't tried but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work16:37
mrthrazredmond is the reason16:37
grrrrrhow do i get a  few commands ran at every users login time ?16:38
syph___you can dual boot even if linux is installed first16:38
en1gmai think windows7 stores partition information normally where grub would16:38
Matson_I'm looking at buying a Sun Fire X415016:38
Matson_how can I find out about ubuntu support for this hardware16:38
grrrrrhmm hmm16:38
Jeruvy!hcl | Matson_16:38
ubottuMatson_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:38
RichardWolfVISome early builds of Win 7 had a bug with the boot manager, but everything seem solved in the latest.16:38
syph___matson ^^16:38
grrrrrtry  linux + x4150 google16:38
LjLsyph___: that's not particularly helpful16:38
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Gneagartral: sorry, I don't have the time to do that right now16:39
Matson_Jeruvy: ubottu syph___ thanks!16:39
en1gmaRichardWolfVI ah yea it was a while back when i read about there being a problem...i currently am just using the official ms beta16:39
gartralgnea but my camera is in an even more broken state than before!16:39
drguildois it just me or is there no klondike available in aisleriot?16:39
syph___LjL: how is that not helpful? lol but you're right, should have been more specific16:39
LjLsyph___: just pointing to google is not really helpful.16:40
madohello there guys and gals16:40
[T]ankdoes anyone know if virtual box offers anything similar to the full screen or quick switch modes like what vmware has. Also is there any way to make it so that I dont have to release my courser every time I want to move from my vm to my host? similar to the vmwaretools in vmware?16:40
syph___Meh, it was impulse16:40
mado/dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5 ... i don't have access to these two partitions on this computer ... can you help me with that? -> http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/69316:40
RichardWolfVI[T]ank: Install the OS addons16:40
[T]ankok, thank you16:41
Gneagartral: well, I'm sorry, but no, I can't setup a mirror for a single file that you can easily take the time to setup an account to get16:41
Matson_what does lts mean in "Ubuntu 8.04LTS"16:41
prince_jammys!lts | Matson_16:41
Gneagartral: I have more important things that I'm working on16:41
ubottuMatson_: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.16:41
glitsj16grrrrr: if you use gdm, that has a /etc/gdm/PostLogin folder where you can add scripts to that run ... post user login (there's a default.sample in there with some comments)16:41
[T]ankRichardWolfVI: looking in the aptitude list, I do not see addons. there is however ose-guest-utils, is that the same?16:41
grrrrrglitsj16: i dont16:42
prince_jammys[T]ank: yes, get that16:42
madoany ideas?16:42
grrrrrit needs to work at ssh logins16:42
unkohey guys...know how with compiz i can make all my windows transparent? can i make a certain window not transparent AKA firefox16:42
[T]ankprince_jammys: thank you, done.16:42
grrrrralso , it wpould be nice if it was shell agonostic16:42
glitsj16grrrrr: i see, *shredding former remark accordingly*16:42
grrrrrunko: yes16:42
grrrrrunko: you can set trans per window16:43
RichardWolfVI[T]ank: You can install them from the Vbox itself, but I guess they're the same16:43
Matson_I have never managed a 64 bit system.  When they first came out, there were many compatibility issues with some packages not working on 64bit.  is this still an major issue, or have pretty much all the popular packages now been ported to work on 64bit?16:43
IdentifyTargetI can't get ubuntu minimal to shutdown. user% shutdown -H now brings me to a screen that says System Halted it doesn't actually cut power. shutdown now brings me to a menu offering me boot options. How do I turn OFF the computer?16:43
unkogrrrrr, how? do i set firefox as no transparentcy16:43
gartralGnea: http://v4l2ucp.sourceforge.net/ <- this is all i needed. the camera worked before, now it soesnt, how do i undo whatever it was you had me do that broke it?16:43
grrrrrMatson_: you have issues with properitory crap wanted to use the 32 bits libs16:43
RichardWolfVIMatson_: 64-bit has become mature enough, but there are some compatibility issues, if you just want to use more RAM, use the server kernel.16:44
LjLIdentifyTarget: have you installed any new peripherals since that started happening?16:44
grrrrrunko: using the fusion-icon thingie or similar,,16:44
oCean_mado: what do you mean 'no access' - are they not mounted, or can't your write to them?16:44
IdentifyTargetIt has been that way since fresh install16:44
grrrrror perhabs gconfeditor thingie16:44
grrrrri just know that its possible16:44
madooCean_, i can't open them in "/media/***" for example :)16:44
unkogrrrrr, no i mean i want all my other windows transparent but i don' want irefox to be16:44
oCean_mado: besides that - there is also a /dev/sda1 (ntfs) partition. You can access that one?16:44
madothat one is ok oCean_16:45
grrrrrunko: as i said, you can set transparensy high or low ,, PER windows / application16:45
grrrrrive done it16:45
grrrrrbut long time ago16:45
madooCean_, ok ... here's the things i've done so far ...16:45
unkooh yeah! holy nips i remember now!16:45
grrrrrwindow not windows16:45
Matson_RichardWolfVI: with 8G of ram, I think I will have to use the server kernel16:45
ViaNocturnaHey everyone16:45
madoi installed windows xp on this computer ... then i installed linux ... oCean_ ...16:45
unkogr i got it16:46
unkogrrrrr, i got it16:46
madoafter that i had to format /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5 again ... to ntfs ... oCean_16:46
voice5sur5mado you betrayed us16:46
RichardWolfVIMatson_: Do it, don't forget to install also linux-restricted and linux-backports, just in case16:46
madowhat voice5sur5 ?16:46
madowhy? voice5sur5 ?16:46
[T]anknow... what is the best client out there for imap email? I notice that the more email i get in thunderbird the slower it goes. What else is out there?16:46
oCean_mado: ok. What is it that does not work?16:46
voice5sur5win xp :)16:46
Gneagartral: just reboot16:46
IdentifyTargetLjL: any more ideas?16:46
LjLIdentifyTarget: try 1) adding "acpi=force" to your kernel options 2) unloading all sound-related modules before shutting down (lsmod | grep snd should show them)16:47
madovoice5sur5, i have to use it ... it isn't my idea ...16:47
RichardWolfVI[T]ank: I use Opera16:47
madomy professor uses programs that don't work on linux16:47
oCean_mado: They are not mounted when you boot? Are you sure the /media/windows_eigene_dateien and the other directory exists?16:47
IdentifyTargetok I'll try that. How do I add acpi=force to my kernel options?16:47
gRuntWhat is the terminal command to remove a program?16:47
voice5sur5did you tried crossover pro? Mado16:47
IdentifyTargetLjL: would that help with hibernate/resume which doesn't work either16:47
Matson_RichardWolfVI: I use backports now on a debian system.  what is linux-restricted ?16:47
madono ... not yet :) voice5sur5 we can talk about that later ... ok? ...16:47
RichardWolfVIgRunt: sudo apt-get remove <package>16:47
voice5sur5sudo apt-get remove your_program16:48
madolet me first try to get them working16:48
madowell ... i did the same thing on my laptop and just altered /etc/fstab16:48
oCean_voice5sur5: this is not the channel for such a discussion (regarding xp)16:48
LjLIdentifyTarget: you can try it one-off by hitting "e" in your GRUB menu, then "e" again, then adding it to the longest line you see, then hitting "b" to boot -- or you may change that permanently by adding it to /boot/grub/menu.lst (but don't do that right away)16:48
LjLIdentifyTarget: it might16:48
[T]ankRichardWolfVI: They have a mail client too? or is it just a browser addon. What would be nice is if Evolution worked with the latest msexchange. I would use that instead of imap.16:48
Floops[w]what command do you use to set root active ... so you can login with root username/pass16:48
IdentifyTargetok thanks I'll give that a try16:48
LjL!root | Floops[w]16:48
ubottuFloops[w]: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:48
Gneagartral: btw, nothing broke, I just had you remove an offending module, temporarily, and then you proceeded to whine at me about how you're too lazy to make your own account and do your own work. well, good luck with that control panel.16:48
RichardWolfVIMatson_: linux-restricted-modules is a package for kernel modules which are not included by default16:48
gRuntthanks RichardWolfVI and voice5sur5 for some reason handbrake just constantly crashes when I try and convert but it never throws an error in activity.log so im hoping a reinstall will fix it.16:48
voice5sur5FloodBot1, do you have gnome?16:48
RichardWolfVI[T]ank: It's buil-in16:49
madoso ... they're here in /media/ oCean_16:49
Floops[w]thanks LjL16:49
unkohey another question... can i put sound effects on my windows? aka minimize and maximize and close?16:49
gartralgnea, i wasnt whining, my computer is slow.. im very sorry if it came off like that >.>16:49
oCean_mado: ok. So the directories exists (the mountpoints that is)16:49
oCean_mado: What does not work?16:49
gartralgnea i honestly did not mean to offend you16:49
RichardWolfVI[T]ank: Opera is more than just a browser.16:50
madoyes ... ... well ... i need to copy files to these partitions ... and i wanted to see if i can find them when using windows oCean_16:50
Xerrananyone have Ubunto 8.10 x64 working with SoundBlaster X-Fi?16:50
Matson_If I'm running on a T4150 on 8.04LTS which is listed as "certified" - will I need to muck with building a custom kernel and Linux-Restricted-Modules ?16:50
Matson_listed here: http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/sun16:50
LjLXerran: i don't think X-Fi is currently supported16:51
RichardWolfVIMatson_: Nope, just use the package manager16:51
errrerorhow can i watch the running processes in the terminal16:51
LjLerrreror: "top"16:51
errrerorLjL: thx16:51
oCean_mado: I'm still lost. Your question is how to see the partitions in Windows? *not* in Linux?16:51
gartralgnea and i wasn't trying to ask you to make a mirror, i was asking if you possibly knew of one16:51
Gneagartral: well, I was trying to help you onto the right path. clearly, you think that I led you down the wrong path. well, that is fine. maybe I am wrong and that third-party software will do what you envision it to do. but, I suppose that, based on all of the bug reports and other ubuntu forum posts of people who've used the software and know what they're talking about doesn't matter at all. no offense taken.16:52
Gneagartral: no, I don't know of a mirror for it.16:52
madono ... oCean_16:52
madoi want to write and delete and read files on these partitions16:52
LjLXerran: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/6335216:52
magnetronMatson_→ i'm quoting now: "As well as community discussion about installation, customers with support contracts can use their Canonical engineer to help with any configuration and installation queries."16:53
madoi want to have access to them ... right on from start-up16:53
eseven_is there a way to force apt to ignore the a missing GPG key?16:53
RichardWolfVImado: You want to access ext2/3 partitions on Windows?16:53
gartralgnea, the camera worked, i lighting looked dim, but it worked, i just needed a way to configure it, if you think that replacing the module is a better way, than ok16:53
oCean_mado: First question. When you do "df -k" (in terminal) can you see the partitions?16:53
XerranThank you LjL16:53
oCean_mado: that is to make sure they are mounted. If you can't see them, then the partitions aren't even mounted.16:54
gartralgnea and i do appreciate the help, quite a bit16:54
RichardWolfVImado: Google is your friend: http://www.fs-driver.org/16:54
[T]ankdoes opera have an apt-get package? I tried installing the ubuntu .deb file from the site and it says its corrupt.16:55
MikeyHeya All16:55
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser16:55
madojust a sec oCean_16:55
RichardWolfVI[T]ank: nope, it was retired, try a different mirror16:55
LjL[T]ank: no it doesn't, as it's a proprietary app. maybe you just failed to download the package, and you could just try again?16:55
Gneagartral: I thought that you may get a better degree of options to control the camera with by replacing the module. but hey, glad it's working16:55
MikeyI want to stop gdm from starting in a particular runlevel, even after renaming the script in rc4.d, gdm starts16:56
MikeyHow do I disable X and gdm for runlevel 4 ?16:56
gartralGnea: no, after i did one of the commands, it does NOT work, at all...16:56
RichardWolfVILjL: It isn't in the repos not because it's proprietary, it was til version 9.2716:56
madooCean_, ... now here's a funny thing ...16:56
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madoi now seem to have access to ...16:56
LjLRichardWolfVI: it was in Canoncal's partner repos, not in the Ubuntu repos16:56
mado/dev/sdb5 ...16:56
sammyMikey: is runlevel 4 multiuser but you don't want gdm to start?16:56
Gneagartral: hrm... have you tried unplugging then plugging the camera back in, then running the app again?16:57
madobut there is no /dev/sda5 ...16:57
Mikeysammy: yes16:57
Matson_magnetron: RichardWolfVI: grrrrr:  thanks all for the help!16:57
Guest20967kann hier jemand auch deutsch??16:57
LjL!de | Guest2096716:57
ubottuGuest20967: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:57
sammyMikey: isn't there a run level that's multiuser but doesn't start gdm already? if there isn't there should be. :)16:57
Mikeysammy: I guess some other script in /etc/init.d starts gdm16:57
oCean_mado: yeah, well... you still did not answer my question. I still don't know what you mean by 'access to' and you did not tell if the partitions were mounted or not16:57
gartralgnea yes i tryed that a few minutes ago, still broken16:57
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Mikeysammy: Ubuntu starts gdm in all runlevels by default:)16:58
sammyMikey: oh wow, all but single user? wow. so your choices are single user or graphical, that seems odd.16:58
madooCean_, i didn't? ... ok ... looks like they are not mounted16:58
Gneagartral: well, if you've got a public email account (yahoo, gmail, etc) that has a decent spam filter on it, that might be a preferable way to sign up with the ubuntu forums16:58
Mikeysammy: thats enough for a new user I guess16:58
madooCean_, sorry ;)16:58
RichardWolfVIWhich character encoding does the channel use?16:59
Mikeysammy: they also have that bulletproof X, so X will start anyway16:59
the_dark_warrioI plug a secondary display on my laptop, go to System > Preferences > Screen Resolution and press the Detect Displays button, but nothing happens. Any tips?16:59
MikeyI guess ubuntu-server starts multiuser with no gdm16:59
geniiMikey: Thats correct16:59
Mikeygenii: how do I do that in ubuntu-desktop, I use 8.04.217:00
eighty7Good Evening Community17:00
bakaratis there a dbus viewer available?17:00
gartralgnea i know how to, but evolution take 24 minutes too load... i have timed it... and the gmail web client crashes firefox galeon and konquer17:00
geniiMikey: You want to not start gdm?17:00
Guest9497 which package do I need to install to get the "burn" effect in compiz-fusion?17:00
Mikeygenii: I want to have one runlevel without X and all unwanted services, just start syslog17:01
Gneagartral: that's.. not right. gmail has never crashed my firefox.17:01
gRuntHi all I think I am having trouble reading and writing to a mounted ntfs drive I have is there any way to confirm this?17:01
roy_hobbsany suggestions of a video chat program?  I'd like a direct connection so I can go over SSH, but if the service offers encryption, that'll be fine.17:01
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager17:01
RichardWolfVIGuest9497: It's already there, look for the extra effects in compizconfig17:01
gartralgnea non of my computers work "as expected"17:01
geniiMikey: If so, use update-rc.d to disable running of X/gdm whatever other services you don't want. man update-rc.d is fairly informative17:01
Gneagartral: btw, I recommend thunderbird over evolution - also, having a lot of email will make your client load slower, you may want to look into archiving17:01
RichardWolfVIroy_hobbs: The only good I know is Skype.17:01
Mikeygenii: thanks genii, will check it out17:02
gartralgnea, i have less than 200 emails i keep, and i hate thunderbird with a passion17:02
geniiMikey: You're welcome17:02
roy_hobbsRichardWolfVI: Yeah, unfortunately same here.  I'm looking for something with a little better guaranteed privacy.17:02
madooCean_, did you read that?17:03
dug__My networkmanager applet is gone now, and the only dbus-1 is 26NetworkManagerDispatcher.dpkg-backup17:03
Gneagartral: I don't know what else to suggest then..17:03
dug__dbus-1 file i mean17:03
sammyMikey: is there a way to create your own runlevel? that sounds familiar.17:03
gartralgnea, who are you on the forums, ill put you as my referrer17:04
Mikeysammy: nope, not that I know17:04
Mikeysammy: nice thought though.. :)17:04
Gneagartral: same name17:04
gartralGnea: i like evolution, once it loads, its fast enough for me17:04
sammyMikey:  maybe I'm thinking gentoo's rc.d system.17:04
Mikeysammy: maybe..17:04
LogicFangartral, sounds like you have some serious hardware and or network issues17:05
LogicFan24mins to load evolution?  gmail crashing firefox?17:05
oCean_mado: first you have to make sure your partitions are mounted. Open terminal and use "df -k" command to check if you can SEE /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5 in that output.17:05
gartralThe answer given for the random question was incorrect. "what color is an orange" was the Q, i said Orange, WTF???17:05
gRuntHey all my handbrake keeps randomly closing when I try and convert anything.... http://pastebin.com/m24ecb585 is a pastebin of my log but it doesn't show anything odd.17:05
bakaratanyone know of a gnome dbus viewer?17:06
crdlbbakarat: d-feet17:06
ravenip chain17:06
gartralLogicFan: my pci bus runs at 33 mhrz :)17:06
shirowHello, I recently installed Kubuntu 8.10 and the fglrx driver out of the hardware drivers app. I'm connected via HDMI to a 1080p LCD and after installing fglrx, at 1920x1080 setting I have a couple of inches of black space all arou/nd my desktop. Any ideas?17:06
LogicFangardar, still17:06
bakaratcrdlb, thanks17:06
IdentifyTargetLjL: fixed my problem. acpi=force wasn't needed. For some reason shutdown -P isn't the default option. -P powers off the system. sudo shutdown -P now works fine17:06
gartralLogicFan: who is this gardar everyone reffers too? lol17:06
LogicFanthats just crazy. gmail has a low-bandwidth version for people on super-slow connections17:06
LjLIdentifyTarget: oh. weird.17:07
IdentifyTargetanyway to make shutdown always use -P?17:07
LjLIdentifyTarget: i admit i use "sudo halt" usually anyway17:07
LogicFangartral, sorry, wrong auto-complete17:07
madooCean_, looks like they are ... ... i don't get it ...17:07
dug__Where are the NetworkManager preferences stored? (.gnome/??)  Want to manually  delete some wireless networks17:07
IdentifyTargetdid not know halt existed17:07
IdentifyTargetI'll have to man it17:07
crdlbdug__: in gconf17:07
LjLIdentifyTarget: try it... i don't know how to make -P the default17:07
oCean_mado: ok, great. So they are mounted. Now test #217:08
LogicFangartral, when is the last time you did a memory check or a cpu burn in to test system stability?17:08
madoone more thing though ... i found out that the only entry in "/media/.hal***" is /dev/sda517:08
oCean_mado: See if you can LIST files: in terminal do "ls -al /media/win_lin_gemeinsam" and "ls -al /media/disk"17:08
LjLIdentifyTarget: oh wait, yes i do know17:08
gartralLogicFan: well, i just replaced the ram, and i know the cpu is fine, its got to do with my gx card17:08
LjLIdentifyTarget: /etc/default/halt17:09
madooCean_, -> one more thing though ... i found out that the only entry in "/media/.hal***" is /dev/sda5 ... --- well ... at the moment there shouldn't be any files ... ... but ok ...17:09
dbbolton1is it possible to make startx run automatically when i login?17:09
LjLdbbolton1: i suppose, but adding it to ~/.profile...17:09
oCean_mado: yes, it seems that hald has taken care of /dev/sda5 and /etc/fstab has taken care of the /dev/sdb517:09
LjLor .bash_profile, even17:09
madowhy is that oCean_ ?17:10
gartralGnea: no matter what i put in the "random question answer field" it says my answer is wrong17:10
oCean_mado: so okaaaaay... you can ACCESS them, right? Now more specific: you want read/write access17:10
dbbolton1LjL i thought the profile was executed by the login shell but i wasnt sure. thanks17:10
BeBoo_where do i submit a request to update a package in the repo?17:10
oCean_mado: I suggest changing your "ntfs" partitiontype (in your /etc/fstab file) to "ntfs-3g"17:10
oCean_!ntfs | mado17:10
ubottumado: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:10
LjL!latest > BeBoo_    (BeBoo_, see the private message from ubottu)17:10
LjL!backports > BeBoo_    (BeBoo_, see the private message from ubottu)17:10
eighty7Hey Guys i have a problem with mounting my Sata HDD i can See them on the screenlet but it doesnt appear as symbol on desktop i also checked the gnm-config the check for showing mounted disks is on ... :)17:10
madohttp://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/695 oCean_17:10
rubberducky*** buffer overflow detected ***: mips-linux-uclibc-ar terminated17:11
Gneagartral: could be a captcha mis-match17:11
LjLBeBoo_: generally, you file a bug on http://bugs.ubuntu.com17:11
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rubberduckycan anyone help?17:11
LjLBeBoo_: but only file one if it meets the requirements that ubottu explained17:11
LjLTacocat: excuse me?17:11
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
IdentifyTargetis it possible to run x11 via ssh17:11
Gnea-!- There is no such nick mysterion17:11
Tacocatwho was mysterion. That's what i said17:11
BeBoo_LjL: there is a major vulnerability in a version that hasn't been updated in awhile. I even have a CVE report17:11
LjL!offtopic | Tacocat17:11
ubottuTacocat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:11
TacocatOn yesterdays south-park episode.17:11
LjLBeBoo_: then file a bug17:11
TacocatWho was it?17:12
GneaTacocat: try asking in #freenode17:12
BeBoo_LjL: Thank you17:12
gartralgnea it isnt captcha but is there a forum admin on who can set my account up server-side? the webinterface is failing big time17:12
madowhy is that oCean_ ? ... the /dev/sda1 also just had "ntfs"17:12
Gneagartral: NAFAIK17:12
oCean_mado: Output seems fine, you can list the files. To change to write access, see previous msg Ubottu send you on NTFS ^^17:12
madooCean_, :) ok17:12
Jeruvyrubberducky: I think your command line is crashing the shell.  Can you script it or use stdin?17:13
rubberduckyJeruvy, how?17:13
rubberduckyJeruvy, i'm stell pretty new i guess17:13
Jeruvyrubberducky: sh ./script or command < inputfile17:14
rubberduckyit's a script17:14
rubberduckyJeruvy, i run ./toolchain.sh17:14
jessewhat's toolchain?17:14
Jeruvyrubberducky:  I'm not exactly sure what your doing but line 1 is too long, and the *** buffer overflow detected ***: mips-linux-uclibc-ar terminated pretty much agrees with that17:15
madoerm ... guys and gals ...17:15
dug__My NetworkManager applet stopped appearing.  Is there a way to get it to automatically reappear without having to type 'nm-applet' everytime?17:15
rubberduckyJeruvy, i'm trying to compile dlink firmware17:15
madowhy does my "/media/win_lin_gemeinsam" don't have a UUID ?17:15
rubberduckyJeruvy, the linux source is on the dlink site17:15
rubberduckyJeruvy, it has a toolchain.sh17:15
gabberdudemy dang firefox is 100%17:15
Jeruvyrubberducky: ah well, good luck with that.  Perhaps dlink support could offer some advice.  I don't know.17:15
dscastrohi, everyone17:16
rubberduckyJeruvy, probably not since the product is discontinued17:16
rubberduckyJeruvy, is one command too long?17:16
dscastroanybody can help with samba17:16
Jeruvyrubberducky: thats my understanding of that pastebin.17:17
Gneagartral: i g2g, best of luck with getting that working.. if you need further assistance, there are others here that can help apply the patch17:17
gartralgnea thank you for all your help17:17
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rubberduckyJeruvy, http://pastebin.com/m254a68af, that's the whole log17:17
Jeruvyrubberducky: yup 36 is causing it to crash17:19
TariQi have a problem guys (could not update IECauthority file) someone help me17:19
rubberduckyJeruvy, can i split the command up or something?17:19
TariQi have a problem guys (could not update IECauthority file) someone help me17:20
eighty7Hey Guys i have a problem with mounting my Sata HDD i can See them on the screenlet but it doesnt appear as symbol on desktop i also checked the gnm-config the check for showing mounted disks is on ... :)17:21
pixelmonkeyI am running Ubuntu Hardy and I have an issue where USB thumb drives no longer automatically appear on my nautilus desktop.  I can manually mount the drive fine, but it just isn't auto-mounting.  Any ideas?17:21
simplexioeighty7: sudo mount /dev/sd? /mountpoint17:21
rubberduckyJeruvy, can i split the command up or something??17:22
Jeruvyrubberducky: thats what I'd try to do, you're going to have to fiddle with it17:22
rubberduckyJeruvy, thanks17:22
dscastromrwes, thanks , but i need to help for join linux box on active directory17:22
rubberduckyill try to run the command in 2 stages17:22
Jeruvyrubberducky: just thought of this since you mentioned dlink, was this created for bash, or maybe cshell?17:23
dingleberrydid you guys see the new ubuntu celtics tee shirt?17:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:24
DelvienI am experiencing audio skipping and stuttering in 8.10 fully updates? Anyone else have this problem?17:24
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gartralhas anyone here followed me and Gnea's convo, i need to apply this patch, but i dont know where it was patched from17:25
unknown_hello everyone, can someone tell me which program is able to convert *.eps files to svg format? I've tried to search on google, but nothing works17:25
dingleberryhey LjL did you see the celtics ubuntu shirt?17:25
maxhax14your all nooooooobz17:25
LjL!ot | dingleberry hey, did you see this?17:25
ubottudingleberry hey, did you see this?: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:25
LjLmaxhax14: thank you for your feedback. now do you have an ubuntu support question?17:25
Delvienmaxhax14: it's spelled noobs :P17:26
dingleberryLjL, Ya i saw it , thanks17:26
dug__My iwconfig only says 802.11a.  Is there a way to change it to 802.11b or abg?  (using bcmwl5/ndiswrapper)17:26
maxhax14Delvien:   I know that17:26
maxhax14LjL no i know everything about ubuntu17:27
MeanAdminso I hear samba can't use Netbios-less port 445 ?17:27
Delvienmaxhax14: join #ubuntu-offtopic and call those guys noobs all you want :)17:27
LjLmaxhax14: well you evidently don't know about this channel's guidelines, so please type /msg ubottu etiquette17:27
maxhax14done and done17:28
gartralmaxhax14: good, since you know so much, howabout you help me17:28
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.17:28
maxhax14gartral: well what's do you need help with?17:28
LjL!lol > thiebaude    (thiebaude, see the private message from ubottu)17:28
thiebaudethanks ljl17:29
gartrali have a webcam, and drivers, but i cant compile the drivers without this patch http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=966932, i dont know where the patch was sourced, and need mass help17:30
albackeris it safe to apt-get dist-upgrade ?17:30
DelvienLjl have you heard recently anyone experiencing audio stuttering in 8.10. I am trying to determine if its a bug or if its only me17:31
OptimusPrimealbacker: I use sudo aptitude safe-upgrade17:31
DelvienSo i can report it: )17:31
xavierg2003its just a bug i have it too17:31
LjLDelvien: no, i haven't17:31
JayFoDelvien, I've experienced it17:31
albackerOptimusPrime, by the name i'd say yours is safer. Is there any 'difference' ?17:32
DelvienHave you fixed it?17:32
gartralmaxhax14:  i have a webcam, and drivers, but i cant compile the drivers without this patch http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=966932, i dont know where the patch was sourced, and need mass help17:32
OptimusPrimealbacker: I honestly don't know. sorry.17:32
JayFoDelvien, I have to restart whatever app I get it in to fix17:32
JayFofor instance, it occurs in FF on occasion17:32
albackerOptimusPrime, had any problems (drivers or anything like this) til now with aptitude safe-upgrade 'ing?17:32
JayFoso if I close and reopen FF it goes away17:32
maxhax14CANT HELP YOU I USE A MAC17:32
DelvienJayFo: Doesnt seem to help mine, and it doesnt happen in sucession, its random and it's really quick17:32
Delvienmaxhax14: No caps please.17:33
JayFoDelvien, I seem to remember having that at one point17:33
DelvienJayFo: I think its with the new gstreamer update17:33
OptimusPrimealbacker: No problems yet. I don't do too much "odd stuff" on my system though. I run pretty much a vanilla install with ubuntu studio theme applied17:33
JayFoDelvien, entirely possible17:33
stoic_cant get tftp running properly, netstat shows port 69 active but when I portscan theres nothing, and the client times out. I checked syslog and the onlything I can see thats significant is Mar 19 11:30:07 stoic xinetd[6173]: removing duplicate service tftp [file=/etc/inetd.conf] and it says 1 service running, is the port just being blocked by something ?17:33
atisucksCan anyone help me with an FGLRX problem? I set my desktop to my native display resolution and I have a 2" black border around my desktop. Using the latest Catalyst drivers.17:33
albackerOptimusPrime, i see. thanks ;)17:33
JayFoI went through an entire pulseaudio remove/replace earlier due to some odd issues I was seeing17:34
albackerJayFo, i have some sound problem too. i have fujitsu-siemens laptop. What do you have?17:34
gartralmaxhax14: it is very rude to say one thing only to inconvenience someone like that17:34
Bob_DoleOhh.. I see an issue with what I did.. when I cloned the original drive I dd'd it to a slightly smaller drive.. it boots and all that..but I think that may have been my issue...17:34
DelvienWhen I run it in Alsa it still happens, so i dont think its Pulseaudio Jayfo17:34
JayFoI'm using a Dell 62017:34
DelvienJayFo desktop here17:34
JayFoDelvien, likely not then17:34
JayFoalbacker, I'm using a Dell 62017:35
gartralis there anyone hee who can help me?17:35
Bob_DoleWould cloning a 10GB drive to a slightly smaller(also marked as 10GB..) drive make Gparted think the whole thing was unallocated?17:35
xavierg2003Dells are all custom made.17:35
atisucksAnyone here have familiarity with the latest Catalyst driver?17:37
DelvienJayFo trying to reinstall all the gstreamer, maybe there was some corruption in the download last time, but the instal didnt fail.. so /shrug17:37
JayFostranger things have happened Delvien :)17:38
JayFohope it works for you this time17:38
Delvienme too, im a bit of an audio snob17:38
Delvienstuttering makes me angry *smash*17:38
gartralhow do i configure the white balance of my camera ith the drivers that kind of work?17:39
JayFoDelvien, I know how you feel. When mine acts up, it is all I can do not to throw my lappy17:39
GaulfI am trying to connect to my wireless network, but I keep getting in the System Logs "wait_for_connection_expired(): Connection (2) /org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings/Connection/0 failed to activate (timeout): (0) connection was not provided by any settings service17:39
syph____use wlan017:39
syph____or eth117:39
gartralDelvien JayFo i dont get any studdering...17:40
GaulfI am using wlan017:40
syph____is your roam enabled?17:41
JayFogartral, mine does it if I have FF playing something and RhythmBox paused17:41
Gaulfon the router?17:41
JayFobut only sometimes17:41
syph____no on the comptuer17:41
syph____you have to enable roam mode17:41
syph____for it to roam and "capture" the wireless signals17:41
Gaulfhow can I enable roam mode?17:41
syph____go to your internet settings17:41
syph____and "unlock" it17:42
syph____and then you can enable roam mode if it isn't already17:42
xavierg2003which java would i download if i am running kubuntu17:42
tea_ovedosehi, how do I fix the follow: update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/firewall missing LSB style header17:42
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LjLxavierg2003: the same as if you're running ubuntu17:42
LjL!java > xavierg2003    (xavierg2003, see the private message from ubottu)17:42
unknown_do know anyone name of program for ubuntu which allows to create simple network diagrams? something link msvisio17:42
unknown_thanks in advance17:42
LjLtea_ovedose: pastebin the contents of that file17:42
rickestunknown_: dia17:43
Gaulfis it in roam mode if I am able to see other wireless networks when I set up a new connection under wlan0?17:43
unknown_rickest: thanks17:43
xavierg2003which would i choose. tar.gz yum or .rpm?17:43
eMaXne1 knows which package the tool hidd is part of?17:43
xavierg2003those are my three choices17:43
LjLxavierg2003: err, none of them...?17:43
LjLxavierg2003: have you *read* the link?17:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:43
Bob_Dolebrb, going to get on IRC from the live-cd so I can post the info..17:43
Bob_DoleTO pastebin, of course17:43
LjLxavierg2003: java is in the official ubuntu repositories. do NOT install .rpm or .tgz packages17:44
LjL!software > xavierg2003    (xavierg2003, see the private message from ubottu)17:44
ljvsneed help overclocking the intel n270 on easypeasy asus 100017:44
NightgeekHello, may anyone help me with a wifi connection problem ?17:44
JayFowhat is the problem Nightgeek17:45
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jan__does anybody had the problem that he couldnt install his webcam with xubuntu?17:45
JayFoif you post it here someone may be able to help17:45
NightgeekWell, I have a laptop wich was under XP17:45
tea_ovedoseLiL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133787/17:45
Nightgeek@JayFo : I installed Hardy Heron on it, all worked until I changed my internet access password.17:46
Bob_DoleOk, here is my problem. http://pastebin.com/m5338d29f17:46
Bob_Dolesort of.. I can't edit partitions because they are all "unallocated" according to gparted17:46
bakaratdoes amarok (1) have dbus bindings?17:47
tea_ovedoseLjL: here you go thanks for responding. http://paste.ubuntu.com/133787/17:47
Nightgeek@JayFo : And even if I updated my password on the laptop, it doesn't work. I tried what adviced uibuntu-fr documentation, but I can't afford anything :s17:47
LjLtea_ovedose: try using this http://paste.ubuntu.com/133790/ instead17:47
FFEMTcJis there a way to install the new version of gnome on intrepid so I can check out the new exchange support?17:48
raveni remember any tool for mac os which makes it possible to "produce" a video with swiching between usb cams and the desktop capture - is there something for ubuntu/linux?17:48
crdlbFFEMTcJ: no, but jaunty will have it17:48
FFEMTcJcrdlb: does jaunty have it now, or the ability to have it now, because i have a jaunty install17:49
Rehan`awayhi, something's using up too much memory on my system17:49
Lint01FFEMTcJ: you'll have to compile it manually17:49
Rehan`awayany way to check what it is?17:49
Bob_DoleI have 8 minutes before I have to leave. Can someone please hurry and give me some help?..actually, 6 minutes now17:49
tea_ovedoseLjL: thankyou I'll be right back to test if the tables works17:49
stoic_cant get tftp running properly, netstat shows port 69 active but when I portscan theres nothing, and the client times out. I checked syslog and the onlything I can see thats significant is Mar 19 11:30:07 stoic xinetd[6173]: removing duplicate service tftp [file=/etc/inetd.conf] and it says 1 service running, is the port just being blocked by something ?17:49
FFEMTcJthanks Lint0117:49
crdlbFFEMTcJ: jaunty has it now17:49
=== Rehan`away is now known as Raj``
gartralhmm i think wasycam may take care if my needs, is there an intrepid version?17:50
raveni remember any tool for mac os which makes it possible to "produce" a video with swiching between usb cams and the desktop capture - is there something for ubuntu/linux?17:50
dug__Anyone else lose wireless after the recent 2.6.27-14 kernel upgrade?17:50
Bob_Dolehttp://pastebin.com/m5338d29f  <--- how do I fix this?17:50
hatter243Bob_Dole, fix what?17:50
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
Raj``can anyone tell me how to reduce memory wastage on ubuntu17:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easycam17:51
LjLRaj``: how is memory wasted?17:51
thiebaudeRaj``: one suggestion is fluxbox17:51
Bob_DoleOk, disobeying rules to make it more obvious.. The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1216.17:51
Bob_DoleThere is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,17:51
Bob_Doleand could in certain setups cause problems with:17:51
Bob_Dole2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs17:51
Bob_Dole   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)17:51
FloodBot1Bob_Dole: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:51
Raj``no idea man17:51
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox17:51
tea_ovedoseLjL:can you please help me check my tables if there's anything needed to be fixed ?17:51
Raj``i checked with 'top' and all17:51
Bob_DoleGparted is what is having issues with that17:51
hatter243Bob_Dole, you don't have to worry about that unless you're messing around with old ODs17:51
Matson_GD sun can't find its ass with either hand.   does anyone have a reccomendation of someone who will sell me a dual proc quad-core opteron 1U server with a bunch of disk?  looking to spend 600-1000 ish before disk - also willing to buy parts an assemble17:51
CorpusCallosumi think i have a problem with my motherboard of my laptop, i am using z97v asus model laptop and some of hotkey is not working thats why i cannot switch on projection is there anyone who face that kind of problem before ?17:51
LjLtea_ovedose: i suppose i can, although i'm most definitely not the firewall guru17:51
Lint01Bob_Dole: it's ok, every os since NT4.0 SP6 support >1024 cyls17:51
Raj``seems like 90% of my memory is used, but only around 10% is accounted for on the list17:51
|unjustice|hi, I am trying to remove pulseaudio from my system (which is not actually installed), but when i ps aux | grep, I get some remaining processes that I cannot kill. Inthe meaintime, I get tons of pulseaudio errors with other programs. Anyone know how to fully remove without screwing up dependencies?17:52
xavierg2003i can't get java 6 to install17:52
LjLRaj``: pastebin the output of "free"17:52
Bob_DoleBut I can't edit the partitions, and It's going to get dd'd onto larger drives17:52
|unjustice|I am running Hardy Heron btw17:52
LjLxavierg2003: the problem when you try being?17:52
thiebaudeRaj``: check in system monitor and see what's using the memory17:52
ljvshey is it possible for a malicious cracker to emulate an update notification to gain control over a system?17:52
hatter243Bob_Dole, what error message do you get when you attempt to edit the partition?17:52
Bob_DoleI'd really like to be able to use more than 10GB of some of the 80GB drives it is going on17:52
Bob_Dolehatter243: Gparted says it is ALL unallocated17:52
LjLljvs: not if you're using your repositories properly17:52
Raj``is 8.04 too much bulky in code and stuff17:53
Bob_Dole3 minutes @.@17:53
Raj``does it use too much mem17:53
ljvsi have only the defaults plus one for a music making software17:53
bo7amnyhi , is there a easy way to make your own ubuntu ? i just want my programmes to be already installed when i install ubuntu in a new pc .17:53
LjLljvs: the official Ubuntu repositories have a GPG key that your computer checks against when downloading updates. so they're guaranteed to come from the official source - if they aren't, you get warned about it17:53
LjL!gpgerr | ljvs17:53
ubottuljvs: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »17:53
hatter243Bob_Dole, the filesystem comes up as Unallocated?17:53
LjL!customlivecd | bo7amny17:53
ubottubo7amny: Creating custom Live CDs is explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization17:53
Raj``LjL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/133795/17:53
Bob_Dolehatter243: yeah.17:53
xavierg2003Ljl: it can't find the package17:54
ljvsoh ok. thanks.  didnt know that was gpg was for17:54
arvind_khadrixavierg2003, which one?17:54
hatter243Bob_Dole, ... wonder why the first command in your pastbin shows the partition type correctly17:54
Bob_Dolealso the disklabel is "unrecognized"17:54
QPrimeljvs: packages are signed - you should always net a notice about improperly signed packages (unless of course you have been instaling gpg signatures willy-nilly)17:54
Lint01LjL, he means that someone can clone synaptic packet mgr to get elevated privileges17:54
xavierg2003any of them17:54
raveni remember any tool for mac os which makes it possible to "produce" a video with swiching between usb cams and the desktop capture - is there something for ubuntu/linux?17:54
tea_ovedoseLjL: highly apreciated!!! http://paste.ubuntu.com/133793/         http://paste.ubuntu.com/133796/   http://paste.ubuntu.com/133797/17:55
Bob_Dolecrap- Times up, be back later, taking work home with me :/17:55
Lint01* interface of...17:55
LjLRaj``: you have about 50% of your memory free (279584 bytes out of 513440)17:55
LjLLint01: i know what he meant, and i answered that17:55
Raj``alright thanks17:55
arvind_khadrixavierg2003, sorry i wasnt following your talk, java stuff is it?17:55
gartralif i wanted to purge kde from my system how would i do that?17:55
LjL!cz | corek17:55
ubottucorek: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.17:55
corekszukam pomocy :p17:56
arvind_khadrisorry for that17:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:56
corekim looking for help17:56
Raj``anyone know what bonobo activation server is17:56
xavierg2003I am trying to install a java program onto my computer so i can use like youtube etc. My adept will not track down one which is what the webstie suggests.17:56
tea_ovedoseLjL: btw, I am encountering while tries to start the fw17:56
LjLxavierg2003: what website?17:56
ljvsanyone here using easypeasy on eeepc?17:56
arvind_khadrixavierg2003, youtube needs flash17:56
LjL!java | xavierg2003, just install the darn thing from multiverse17:57
xavierg2003The java webstie ubuntu gave me17:57
MethodManno man17:57
ubottuxavierg2003, just install the darn thing from multiverse: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:57
tea_ovedoseLjL: Iptables rules creation: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name17:57
LjLxavierg2003: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre17:57
xavierg2003Thats what i tried17:57
xavierg2003thats my point it ignored me and said it wouldn't work17:57
MethodManadd repository medibuntu17:57
LjLxavierg2003: "it" being?17:57
thiebaudexavierg2003: i suggest  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:57
arvind_khadrixavierg2003, do you want to use youtube? then install flash not java17:58
xavierg2003i need both17:58
stoic_I cant figure out why port 69 for tftp is showing up in netstat but now when I portscan myself, and why the tftp client keeps  timing out17:58
stoic_now = not17:58
LjLtea_ovedose: that's a bit complicated for my limited knowledge of iptables17:58
xavierg2003What does the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras do?17:58
thiebaudexavierg2003: when i needed java and flash and msttcorefonts that's what i used17:58
LjLxavierg2003, answer my question please. what happens when you type "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre"?17:59
JuJuBeeCan I change the behavior of dragging an item to a folder from move to copy?17:59
xavierg2003Sorry Ljl i tried that i had to find the hidden program that was using adept. but i found it and it looks like it is downloading through the terminal17:59
tea_ovedoseLjL: thanks alot for helping...17:59
racecar56is it possible to get gnome 2.26 on ubuntu 8.10?18:00
xavierg2003So ty.18:00
arvind_khadriracecar56, no18:00
thiebaudexavierg2003: good luck18:00
racecar56arvind_khadri i thought so...18:00
racecar56as in i thought the same thing18:00
racecar56gtg bye18:00
xavierg2003why does it alway seem to install programs more eaily when run throught the konsole?18:01
xavierg2003thiebaude: thankyou i will try your command line as well18:02
JuJuBeeAnybody know how to change the default behaavior while dragging an item to a folder from move to copy?  I don't see a way.18:02
xavierg2003because i do also need flash ty as well18:02
mrwesJuJuBee: hold the shift key down while moving18:03
thiebaudexavierg2003: ok, and if you want to use different fonts on your system, too18:04
frybyehave a new installation of intrepid - on starting the pc a fault window comes right at the start saying "mbr has changed - press any key to restore mbr" but this does not work - I guess grub is not working what can I do??18:05
Raj``how much memory does hibernate require?18:05
xavierg2003Thank you, i have quite a few fonts set already lol18:05
thiebaudexavierg2003: haha18:06
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mundoes anyone know how to change the default program to load a filetype and make the change persistent?18:06
Raj``someone tell me how to fix hibernation18:06
xavierg2003be back soon18:07
thiebaudebye xavierg200318:07
mrwesmun: right click on the file | Properties | open with18:07
munmrwes, but how do i make the change persistent?18:07
raveni remember any tool for mac os which makes it possible to "produce" a video with swiching between usb cams and the desktop capture - is there something for ubuntu/linux?18:08
tuxtoxIs there a terminal command to download all of the i386 packages that intrepid supports?18:09
JuJuBeemrwes : ctrl works also18:09
Whitorraven, there is video editing software for linux... take a look at ubuntustudio18:09
tea_ovedoseLjL: cya18:09
CaMasonhi guys. I'm trying to get spotify to work over WINE but it wont connect. I haven't actually tested internet connectivity via WINE. Any thoughts on how I could do this?18:10
Whitorraven, or ask in #ubuntustudio ... they are into this sort of thing ... they might have a better idea whats out there18:10
homyhey, in the dark theme included in ubuntu intrepid (dark room), why are text entries displayed with a white background?18:10
thiebauderaven , i tried ubuntustudio and thought it was nice18:11
jak3hi to all18:11
jak3im doing an transfet ftp via cmd , but not showing in the log 150 opening ascii mode data connecction for file.txt what can be the issue :/ ?18:11
arvind_khadri!hi  | ViaNocturna18:12
ubottuViaNocturna: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:12
ViaNocturnathink theres gonna be more support for iphone in future?18:13
Whitorprobably, ViaNocturna18:13
ViaNocturnai hope so, im not keen on the WiFi idea lol18:14
ViaNocturnahey there18:14
LogicFanwhat is the location of the default audio driver for 8.10?18:14
LogicFan/dev/dsp or /dev/audio?18:14
WhitorViaNocturna, ask in #ubuntu+1 ... thats where you will find out whats coming in the next release18:14
LogicFanif i have both present, how do i find out which one is being used18:14
ViaNocturnaoh ok thanks18:14
homywhich dark theme do you recommend?18:14
tynaris there any software for remote access for non reachable public ips?18:15
GneaLogicFan: it's always /dev/dsp18:15
IamChromosSo I have Win Xp- but I've been wanting to use Linux so bad... but I'm still not sure if it is for me. So whats the best way for me to install it? Can I run a Vm or do a dual boot, or should i just go with the Live cd?18:15
bernz{update} so, i and various others were talking about chromium last night. well, i tried it. right now, i just get a blank, white background -- there are lots of "not impl" messages in the console windows, so for those of you who are interested, i'd say hold off for a few more weeks, probably.18:15
ravenwhitor yes i know... but i need a tool that not only cuts but does that live like in a tv-studio. there is any software i heard about for macos doing video podcasts or something else but i do not remember the name...18:15
LogicFanGnea, thanks18:15
GneaLogicFan: lsof | grep dsp  or  lsof | grep libasound18:15
Troll_Manjust wanted to share, put ubuntu server on an older dell server for a customer with about 6 employees. they had SBS 2003 on there all its for it quickbooks18:16
Cyndreworktynar: best way is to have a middle computer that has access to the private ips and public ips - you remote into the public ip, then remote again into the private ip18:16
Troll_Manthey have reported a major pickup in speed withen quickbooks!18:16
tynarCyndrework: I thought there would be any software like logmein or teamviewer18:16
bernztynar, maybe you want 'hamachi'?18:16
Cyndreworktynar: are you talking about getting to a private ip thats nat behind a public ip?18:17
bernztynar, that will create a VPN for you, through which you can run VNC (remote computing)18:17
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tynarCyndrework: absolutely18:17
tynarbernz, does it work on solaris?18:17
_BeAr_does any1 knows a software to check what kind of formats my dvd player can read (dvd+, dvd-, etc)?18:17
bernztynar, hmm, that i doubt -- they only release prebuilt bins, so i'm not sure if it would match your CPU18:18
Whitorraven, definately check out ubuntustudio .... you can add it on to regular Ubuntu through the synaptic manager18:18
raveni have ubuntustudio...18:18
mrthrazhow can I find out witch kernel im using18:18
bernztynar, but i heard of a guy who was making a free alternative that works like hamachi (so-called "zero config VPN") called "wippien"18:18
bernzor maybe it was "wipien" (pronounced "vee-pee-enn"18:18
tynarbernz, thanks, I will look at18:19
X-Factormrthraz: uname -a18:19
OctigenIm in school behind a firewall and would like to access my shell account running on port 2222....what should I do? I tried searching for a free web-based ssh client but found none...Does anyone know a free ssh web-based client?18:19
the[V]oidhi, when trying to install a .deb file I've downloaded on the internet, I get the error "dependency not satisfiable: vlc" but VLC is *definietly* installed... how to solve this??18:19
bernztynar, sure... in any case, 'tightvnc' is probably a good package once you have your two LANs "tied together" (via VPN or whatever)18:19
mrthrazx-factor: thanks18:19
agraceyI would like to install xubuntu on my gaming computer since I just wiped out the windows install will wine support steam?18:20
tynarbernz, i have used vnc old one, which comes in bundle package with sol18:20
bernzbernz, okay, great, so you're familiar with VNC in general already :-)18:20
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mgolischaperson: to some extent, have a look at the coresponding appdb entry at http://appdb.winehq.com18:20
mgolischagracey:  i meant18:20
FloodBot1mgolisch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:21
arvind_khadri!appdb | agracey18:21
ubottuagracey: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:21
IamChromosHow can I check to see if Ubuntu is compatible with my GPU?18:22
geboycan anybody help me to install flash in ubuntu 8.04?18:23
OctigenDoes anyone know a free web-based ssh client?18:23
IamChromos... so much for support channel...18:24
geboyperhaps they might have been sleeping atm18:24
Gaulfhello, I need some help with connecting to my wireless network18:25
geboythanks 4 nothing, i think i'll upgrade to 8.10 first and then lets see what happens18:25
agracey@IamChronos what GPU do you have?18:25
WhitorViaNocturna, check out Sun's Virtualbox ... its free and worked very well for all of the machines I've seen it on ... ( I use Vmware server 2 (also free) but perhaps a tiny bit more of a pain)18:25
agracey@IamChromos what GPU do you have?18:25
agraceyI'll try spelling the name better18:25
arvind_khadri!hardware | IamSOG18:26
ubottuIamSOG: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:26
arvind_khadriIamSOG, sorry18:26
thiebaudegeeboy: did you get flashplayer in synaptic?18:26
nameless|quick question, I know it's not really an ubuntu issue, but does anyone know how to get eve working in ubuntu? I've tried the linux version and then the windows version in wine but neither worked18:27
Octigenthiebaude: he left....18:27
thiebaudeok Octigen18:27
gorgutDo I need any special drivers or anything to get my s-video out working on my ATI Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000]?18:27
Gaulfhello, I need some help with connecting to my wireless network18:28
HellMindwhen I enable UFW I can't get an answer for 'list' ftp command. Why?18:28
agraceyGaulf is it a fresh install?18:28
Gaulfyou mean the OS?18:28
Gaulfyes, I installed Ubuntu 8.1018:29
agraceytry connecting wired and update18:29
agraceythat has always fixed my problem18:29
GaulfI've updated this morning18:29
administrator_I get the message that a device is busy, how can I stop the device doing anything?18:29
HellMindI got an 8.04 lts   with an ftp server that isnt work if I enable UFW, I got my tcp port open on ufw, what else I need?18:29
Gaulfand it was able to detect the proprietary driver18:29
agraceyok, what type of card is it18:29
GaulfBroadcom 440x 10/10018:29
Gaulfthe proprietary driver that ubuntu found and installed was Broadcom 430x driver18:30
Gaulfi have the .tar.gz for the 440x I got from the manufacturer's website18:30
administrator_this is what happens: http://pastebin.com/d297dbf16 I think it should be easy to solve but I dont know the command18:30
HellMindhow is the ubuntu -server channel?18:30
agraceythen as far as I know it should be working18:31
NoxidiousHey, I tried to set up Nvidia X Server to be able to view my computer from my TV in addition to the monitor, and I got it working and set the position of the TV to "above" the monitors display. I move the mouse to the TV's screen and try to open a program or a folder there but it opens in the monitor screen and I can't drag it up to the TV screen. Anyone know how to move the windows there, or make it open up in the correct place?18:31
agraceydo you know the SSID18:31
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Gaulfit appears to be, the network manager can pick up the wireless networks in range, and I selected my wireless network18:31
Gaulfand yes18:31
agraceytry using the "connect to hidden network"18:31
Gaulfhow can I find that option?18:32
agraceyleft click on the wireless icon18:32
agraceyit might be different since I am using xubuntu18:32
GaulfI see a "New Connection", configure Notificataions, and edit connections18:33
agraceydo new connection18:33
GaulfI've done that, and already set up the connection for my wireless network18:34
agraceywell then I don't know18:34
agraceyhave you searched the forums?18:34
agraceyalso have you restarted since you updates18:34
OctigenDoes anyone know a free web-based ssh client? :D18:34
agraceysorry I can't be more help18:35
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
chronosHas anyone been having stability issues lately? I updated my Intrepid and when I did, programs have started randomly crashing, disappearing, etc. Sometimes my computer just locks ups for fun. What gives?18:36
xavierg2003thiebaude: that seemed to work pretty well18:36
xavierg2003Do you have anyother suggestions18:37
ziggytobhi is that our ip there18:38
voodoorAnyone know how I can stop nautilus opening multiple copies of vlc and just add the selections to a playlist when I select multiple media files to open?18:39
pepperjackchronos: try changing your video driver nvidia to nv or whatever.  anything in the logs?18:39
neggein which channel should I ask questions related to the Nvidia proprietary drivers?18:40
pepperjacknegge: here or #nvidia18:40
QaDeShiyas. how do i upgrade my 32 bit install to 64 bit?18:41
fosco__QaDeS, you can't, just reinstall18:41
pepperjackQaDeS: mkfs18:41
xavierg2003QaDeS: in what?18:41
neggepepperjack: okay18:41
thisisfelixcanyone using Jaunty18:41
ziggytobfor the drivers to play youtube etc adobe go to http://sun.com and load the drivers to watch their videos works nicely18:41
Scunizithisisfelixc: go to /join #ubuntu+118:42
QaDeSlol sorry. bought a new 64 bit pc and accidentally installed fom a 63 bit install cd18:42
pepperjackQaDeS: how much ram do you have? alot of us have 64 bit procs but choose to use 32 bit ubuntu18:42
xavierg2003Ziggy i disagree with that it is much simpler throught the konsole18:42
ziggytobi didnt know how18:43
QaDeSfosco__: ubuntu is not by microsoft, is it? *g*18:43
ziggytobstill do not18:43
ziggytobi want to learn18:43
xavierg2003sudo apt-get install ubuntu restricted-extras18:43
ziggytobis there a place i can learn more please18:43
xavierg2003does it all automatically18:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:43
xavierg2003umm...... chat is honestly the best place i know of18:43
pepperjackziggytob: /join #ubuntu-classroom   im not sure how active it is though18:44
ziggytobok you seem to know thanks18:44
QaDeSpepperjack: only 2 gig, but why would i choose not to use my 64 bit?18:44
ziggytobi was wondering18:44
pepperjackziggytob: the wiki though has all that stuff18:44
fosco__QaDeS, to install the 64bits version you need to reinstall, no upgrade from 32bits is possible18:44
Hobahi evreyone18:44
ziggytobthank you pepper18:45
pepperjackQaDeS: stability and support issues.  for the most part those are resolved but it is still much easier to just use 32 bit.  there may be a slight increase in speed but the only compelling reason for 64bit is to address more than 4 gigs of ram for a single process18:45
pepperjackziggytob: np18:45
QaDeSthis is bad :(18:45
Hobais any one know how to save the x.config file correctlly18:45
pepperjackQaDeS: ubuntu 64 bit is very stable though and you have flash and all the goodies now days18:45
ziggytobthis is my first time using a irc18:46
ziggytobi have seen but never could get it go18:46
Hobais any one know how to save the x.config file correctlly18:46
Wandereranyone know where I can find info on getting full resolution on a Dell E6400 laptop?  I'm only getting 1280x720 instead of 1600x120018:46
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xavierg2003don't worry you are not the oly one18:46
WandererI've tried envyng, the restricted drivers (173, 177 and 180)18:46
Wanderercast: I did, when I put in a modes line for "1600x1200" x and kdm just won't start18:46
xavierg2003I am new to most of this as well18:46
xavierg2003just learning as i go18:46
gnummis it possible to get a newer kernel in ubuntu hardy?18:47
gnummi herd there is a kernel repo18:47
Hobais any one know how to save the x.config file correctlly18:47
colleweb[join #latine - latine loquemur]18:47
Hobais any one know how to save the x.config file correctlly18:47
talonstrikerhi, i'm having a hard time to get the live CD to load18:47
jribHoba: your question makes no sense18:47
fosco__gnumm, you can manually compile a new kernel, but it is not recommended nor supported18:47
talonstrikerI put in the CD before booting the computer, and the default OS (Win2k) is booting up18:47
talonstrikeri don't see an option on the bios screen to boot from CD18:47
kansandoes this guy look like it will have good compatibility with ubuntu server (hardy):  http://www.ascendtech.us/viewcart.asp?url=VC&Tp=&VCT=&WERR=&qty1=18:47
gnummfosco__: but there is a kernel repo right?18:47
xavierg2003Restart your computer and leave the disk in. start up your boot loader and select Cd18:47
fosco__gnumm, never heard about that18:48
talonstrikeri don't see an option on the bootloader to boot from CD18:48
oCean_talonstriker: usually there is a boot-order option in bios18:48
taz_hi room... im look for convert out.ogv  to swf or avi ?? any one know about ?18:48
xavierg2003Try looking for an F12 command or something of the sort talon18:48
fosco__taz_, mencoder or ffmpeg18:48
xavierg2003I have to press F12 to start my boot selector18:48
taz_fosco: where i can find this ?18:48
fosco__Hoba, i don't understand what do you want to do18:48
fosco__taz_, apt-get18:48
talonstrikeri've tried every "F" key18:49
gnummfosco__: i found it http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline18:49
ziggytobhow do i get rid of the messed up windows boot loader of mine in a vista machine i messed it up18:49
gnummi just do not know for which ubuntu version these kernels are18:49
fosco__gnumm, do you really need a new kernel?18:49
taz_fosco: terminal ?18:50
Hoba<jrib>: no i have to save the resolution i want but i can do this  becoz this(unable to remove old x config backup   file '/etc/x11/ xorg.config.backup)18:50
fosco__taz_, terminal, synaptic... whatever you want18:50
jribHoba: what exactly are you doing to get that message?18:50
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gnummfosco__: i think newer kernels are always better for the hardware, less energy etc..18:50
taz_fosco: ok it appear terminal..18:51
pepperjackziggytob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub18:52
fosco__taz_, yes, mencoder and ffmpeg are text commands18:52
ziggytobthanks pepper18:52
taz_fosco: ok how start18:52
talonstrikeralright found it18:52
talonstrikerapparently it was under "advanced set up"18:52
fosco__taz_, ffmpeg -i file.ogg file.avi18:52
fosco__taz_, man ffmpeg if you need more options18:52
CPUdestroyerHi all I'm trying to install debian on VirtualBox ose and during the installation does not detect the hard drive. I'm running ubuntu 8.1018:53
ziggytobmake  sure you cliuck pass through18:53
ader10Can anyone help me find the last release of playonlinux?18:54
ader10preferrably a .deb18:54
piegodHi, how do I set up a bluetooth serial port (service) on my Ubuntu system?18:56
Exilantpiegod: edit rfcomm.conf18:56
Hoba_ i want to save the resolution i want but i can do this  becoz this(unable to remove old x config backup   file '/etc/x11/ xorg.config.backup)18:56
piegodExilant, I think that's for making my machine connect to another machine, right?18:57
gorgutDo I need any special drivers or anything to get my s-video out working on my ATI Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000]?18:57
fosco__Hoba_, try gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:57
Exilantpiegod: well, it works for serial devices, so you can get them at /dev/rfcommX18:58
Exilantlike 3g-modems and such stuff18:58
piegodExilant, I want to make my machine listen for inbound serial connections18:58
Exilantthere might be a gui way18:58
Hoba_<fosco__> what next??????????18:58
piegodit's a server so there's no gui18:59
fosco__Hoba_, do your modifications and save18:59
macman.. hey all .. im using the bash shell and for some reason it never keeps the history of what im typing .. any ideas on how to fixd ?19:00
pepperjackmacman: check and see if root owns .bash_history maybe19:00
pregierAre issues where sun-java6-plugin applets fail to refresh in firefox-3.0 under hardy well-known or well-documented somewhere?  I can't seem to find any reasonably recent write-ups using google or launchpad...19:00
ChlorateIs there any way to to increase the sound in ubuntu? I have a windows partition and it seems to have louder sound. I have all options in volume control maxed out.19:00
mikebeechamhi there...can anyone guide me in how to install the latest version of Gnome...or indeed...whether I have to or not?  I've noticed some GTK themes stating "You need GTK 2.20+" to use...19:00
macmanpepperjack, root owns it19:00
macmanshould i chown it to me ?19:01
pepperjackmacman: yep19:01
macmanchown and chgrp right ?19:01
pepperjackmacman: chown U19:02
macman-rw-------  1 macman macman    197 2009-03-17 21:20 .bash_history19:02
macmanswee thanks19:02
pepperjacker chown $USER:$USER .bash_history19:02
Hoba_fosco: sorry but how can i do that????   i'm new in this19:03
zenlunaticmacman, every user has a bash history19:04
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maverick340eek , sorry19:04
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Hoba_fosco: sorry but how can i do that????   i'm new in this19:05
mrwescouldn't he just rm the one he has and then touch .bash_history ?19:05
wrektkjetwhat program would you guys reccomend to control my music from the panel?19:05
fosco__Hoba_, I do not know what you have to type in tha file, I only show you the way to open and save it correctly19:05
mikebeechamhi there...can anyone guide me in how to install the latest version of Gnome...or indeed...whether I have to or not?  I've noticed some GTK themes stating "You need GTK 2.20+" to use...19:06
fosco__mikebeecham, menu System - About Gnome to know your current Gnome version19:06
mrweswrektkjet: xmms -- it's winamp like19:07
Hoba_fosco:  ok  .... thx for  your help  ( all i have to do write the resolution i want and it will work)19:07
fosco__!xmms | mrwes19:07
ubottumrwes: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.19:07
wrektkjetthanks mrwes19:07
lorenzosuHow can I get rid of password request for WPA2 WiFi in Ubuntu 8.10?19:07
=== Guest81529 is now known as irssiuser
mrweswrektkjet: BTW, Rhythmbox will sit in the notification area on the panel19:08
wrektkjetright. id like to control the media w/o opening the window19:08
=== irssiuser is now known as hagar_
LjL!info music-applet | wrektkjet19:09
ubottumusic-applet (source: music-applet): GNOME panel applet to control several music players. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-1 (intrepid), package size 100 kB, installed size 784 kB19:09
rotkeppchenwrektkjet: some laptops have a remote control included19:09
mrweswrektkjet: from the keyboard, or just from the panel?19:09
wrektkjetjust the panel19:09
LjL[20:05:38] <wrektkjet> what program would you guys reccomend to control my music from the panel?19:09
mrweswrektkjet: Rhythmbox will do that19:09
* LjL thinks the question was clear19:09
xavierg2003Has anyone ever used Miro?19:10
mrwesLjL: thanks for the clariification19:10
xavierg2003I personally prefer that for a music player19:10
=== Jacques is now known as Guest6879
wrektkjeti cant find "intrepid"19:11
dayoi have a directory called .../pub/<username>   all files are owned by <username>:public.   However when you copy  a file to ../pub/yourUsername  that file has ownership yourUserName:yourUserGroup. this is due to the nature of  the underlying setup of the useradministration. now.... how do i make ownership of each new file automatically  default to yourUsername:public?19:11
LjLwrektkjet: err, what do you mean with that?19:11
wrektkjetit says above that music-applet v 2.3 (intrepid) will do what i want19:12
LjLdayo: you can set the setuid group bit on that directory, then files will have the directory's permissions by default19:12
LjLwrektkjet: and you're on...?19:13
dayoLjL: how do i do that?19:13
LjLdayo: chmod g+s directory19:13
LjLwrektkjet: just type "sudo apt-get install music-applet" and see if it works please.19:13
dayoLjL: cool. thanks! :-)19:14
LjLdayo: but i'm not sure that permissions won't be preserved anyway when copying. that depends on cp.19:14
=== guido is now known as Guest82668
LjLdayo: new files will, by default, have the dir's permissions19:14
cousteauhow should I change permissions on a partition so that every plugdev user has access to it?19:14
dayoLjL: i need them to have the dir's permissions and ownership19:15
LjLdayo: right, and i'm saying that will happen for new files, if you have g+s set. it *might* not happen for *copied* files, depending on just how you copy them.19:15
mrwesLjL: what's the +s do?19:15
wrektkjetLjL: looks like it installed... just curious how i access it?19:15
LjLmrwes: what i just said - the setuid group bit, on a directory, makes all new files inherit the directory's permissions19:16
LjLwrektkjet: right click on panel, add applet19:16
mrwesLjL: yah yah...I understand the letter g = group, I'm just not familiar with the +s19:16
LjLdayo: just try it. then if it doesn't work with your way of copying files, you'll have to resort to something more involved like a cronjob.19:16
=== Guest82668 is now known as guidopiano
LjLmrwes: s *is* the setuid19:16
wrektkjet! thanks. i gotta go to work now but im having a good time with ubunut so far. you irc guys are really helpful!19:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:17
guidopianociao siete utenti intrepid??19:17
dayoLjL: yes, i was about to cron it up, but i figured i'd ask u guys first19:17
wrektkjetthanks | LjL and mrwes19:17
flatcokeIf anyone is familiar with how to install a module, please guide me through on how to install(re-install?) ieee80211 module. I lost mine when I was playing with it, unfortunately.19:18
LjLdayo: it can also probably be done more cleanly than with a cronjob, by using something inotify-based (which would act upon the files immediately rather than periodically)19:18
LjLdayo: and i "suppose" you might also achieve that with access control lists, however i'm entirely unfamiliar with those19:18
Formode1Hi there! Just was working on a gentoo install, now when I boot into Ubuntu I'm getting a message "User $Home/.dmrc is being ignored" when I log in... Anyone know what this might be?19:18
xixorIs xinerama still the recommended way to get dual monitors to work?  Currently I have them working in mirror mode with my ATI 4870x2, having trouble getting them to each display their own image at the different native resolutions for each monitor19:18
dayoLjL: inotify?19:18
LjLdayo: yes, it's a kernel feature to notify programs that files or directory have changed19:18
LjL!info incron | dayo this is a program that uses it, and that might suit you perhaps19:19
ubottuincron (source: incron): cron-like daemon which handles filesystem events. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.7-1 (intrepid), package size 109 kB, installed size 400 kB19:19
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest85117
ScuniziI've got a usb fax modem setup and functional on my ubuntu box that I'd like to share with my wife's XP box. When "adding" it as a printer on her box it needs a print driver.  What should be chosen here?19:19
dayoLjL: thanks, i'll check that out!19:19
=== SkG is now known as [SkG]
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automount19:20
LjLdayo: "apt-cache search inotify" and "apt-cache search dnotify" will show a few other. i just thought that one might be well-suited since it claims to "work like a crontab"19:20
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:20
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:20
calwigdoes anyone know of that automount script??19:20
calwigwhere can I find it19:20
popeyeealooo... ada yg tau setting internet via hp di ubuntu 8.10??19:21
LjLenglish please19:21
GaulfHello, I tried installing WICD through the instructions on their site, but nothing happens after that19:22
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:22
Ryder5OK, So filezilla keeps disconnecting, is there a way to keep it connected?19:22
GaulfHello, I tried installing WICD through the instructions on their site, but nothing happens after that19:23
Cube3DLOL, 3 bots?19:23
calwigautomounter script anyone?19:23
Ryder5Is there a way to keep filezilla active? it keeps disconnecting after 1 min19:24
JEEBczRyder5, that's usually a server-side setting, but you could try making filezilla to do something on the server before that timeout applies19:25
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:25
Ryder5Ah ok thanks19:25
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
Gaulfcan WICD work on a KDE enviornment?19:26
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav
fosco__Gaulf, yes19:27
GaulfI have a problem installing WICD19:27
porter1Gaulf, is the daemon starting up?19:27
GaulfI'm sorry, what is the daemon?19:28
=== AskHL_ is now known as AskHL
porter1Gaulf, maybe try joining #wicd19:28
Octigenanything special i need to know for install flash in ubuntu 8.04 on 64bit with amd64 cpu?19:29
jophishdarn, having trouble creating an xorg.conf for using the synaptics touchpad driver19:29
pm2I'm running Kubuntu Dapper on Sparc machines.  Is there a way to get the .config file that was used to compile the kernel?19:29
fosco__!flash | Octigen19:29
ubottuOctigen: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:29
jrib!kernel | pm219:30
ubottupm2: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:30
joshua24hey, quickie. what is the channel for jaunty development19:32
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:32
joshua24thanks you19:32
tuxtoxIs there a terminal command to eject the cdrom, when it is in use?  I am trying to install steam using wine.19:35
dayohow do i show what usergroup i'm in?19:35
jophishwhat is the command to restart x?19:36
jophishassuming that ctrl-alt-bkspace doesnt work19:36
hype_hi there19:37
hype_could anyone provide a valid fstab for a ntfs partition ?19:37
hype_(or just the "ntfs line")19:37
kurratahype_:  http://pastebin.com/m51ab969419:38
hype_kurrata cheers19:39
hype_kurrata what version of ubuntu are you usung ? (do i need to install ntfs-3g or is it by default?)19:39
kurratahype_:  8.1019:40
hype_ok , thanks again :) (and ntfs-3g is installed by default, apparently :D)19:40
robihi all, using somebody jaunty with ati card? Latest update19:41
sexcopterhi, i know this is really an aesthetic issue, but i deleted sda1 (OS I no longer need), and was wondering if I can rename sda2 to sda1, sda3 to sda2 etc. Have UUID's in /etc/fstab, so that wouldn't be a problem.19:41
robihttp://pastebin.com/m5e4f93d  ... this is my xorg log. Cannot start gdm. Just se black screen with color lines19:43
Gaulfwhen I use adept to fetch package lists and I want to see what has failed and what has not, how do I pause the process to see the list?19:44
robiknow somebody what is wrong?19:44
robicannot sart gdm and gnome19:44
cousteauhow can I set permissions for a XFS partition?19:44
cousteauadding gid=46 to fstab doesn't work19:44
codeuserWhen I am using a vista icon set... (i've tried several) the only icon that refuses to change is the folder icon in nautilus (and the desktop). That is perhaps the most important icon and it will not change! Please, it reverts to the ugly grey folder icon of old. Can anyone help me?19:45
codeuser[not even the current ubuntu default]19:45
=== izibi__ is now known as izibi
dug__Anyone have any suggestions for getting my wireless working again (ndiswrapper/bcmwl5)? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110013319:45
eseven3love ubuntu but yeah, someone needs to fire the guys that think up the design  /me hides19:46
Supersaiyan_IVeseven3, i doubt they get peid anyways, so no use firing them19:47
Supersaiyan_IVeseven3, you better get involved and change things too :P19:48
codeuserWhen I am using a vista icon set... (i've tried several) the only icon that refuses to change is the folder icon in nautilus (and the desktop). That is perhaps the most important icon and it will not change! Please, it reverts to the ugly grey folder icon of old. Can anyone help me?19:48
codeuser[not even the current ubuntu default]19:48
xixoryou could charge them for their efforts19:48
xixorthat would show them19:49
=== janito_ is now known as joaopinto
Funzohi guys, I'm kinda new with ubuntu so im gonna need some help:P I would like to set up an ftp server client on my computer :) Do you have some tips on good clients and guides?19:50
nigebuntugftp is a simple one19:50
Funzodoes it have a gui?19:50
Funzonice :)19:50
Funzocan i apt-get it? :)19:51
nigebuntujust install it from synaptic - quite simple u shouldnt need much of a tutorial :)19:51
nigebuntuyes or apt-get19:51
hardcampaaptitude is always better than apt-get though19:51
Funzonice :) thanks, i'll do that and come back here if i need help19:51
nigebuntutomato(english accent) tomato(american accent)19:51
hardcampaaptitude tracks dependencies apt-get doesn't19:52
hardcampafor when you uninstall19:52
nigebuntubut u can still autoremove19:52
Funzoguys, is gftp a server? :S19:53
nigebuntuno thats the client19:53
Funzooh, cause i asked for a server i think :P19:54
Funzoanyone have a good server tip?19:54
hardcampagood point about the autoremove nigebuntu, need to check that19:54
hardcampaFunzo depends on what you want really19:54
hardcampaa good trusted small ftp = vsftp19:54
boom1992hey! where can I find the standard ubuntu-login-sounds? (as ogg preferably...)19:54
hardcampaa warez ftp = glfptd19:54
nigebuntuand i ought to check aptitude out so i knwo what im talking about :-P19:54
hardcampanigebuntu heh19:55
hardcampaFunzo hmm i think it's vsftpd not vsftp btw19:55
hardcampaThen you got proftpd and pureftpd those are also good but I know proftpd have had problems with exploits19:56
sivaniconI'm looking to set up my own web proxy (such as the one at www.proxybuddy.com, not sure what thats called), anyone know what i should be googling?19:56
Funzoi want an easy to handle server. it doesn't have to have a gui but that is a plus. but if it doesn't have a gui i would like a config file like rtorrent. i like it that way :P19:56
hardcampaFunzo then I suggest vsftpd19:57
IronWilliamCashgraphical user interface19:57
hardcampaI think there is a gui to configure it19:57
hardcampabut I should get used to NOT running guis on linux if I were you, especially if you use it on a server19:58
hardcampahttp://vsftpd.beasts.org/ <---there you go it's homepage19:58
hardcampaScroll down a bit on that page and you can see this topic: What large sites are trusting vsftpd? that should be enough =)19:58
Octigenwhen i use firefox in a 64bit enviroment, i need to pull of a lot of tricks to make flash work19:59
Octigenbut, do i need to do the same stuff when using opera?20:00
Funzoi am trying to learn more and more, i know my way around with the terminal now :) and i use rtorrent and some apps without a gui :P20:00
nellmathewhey guys, is there a tool similar to teracopy for ubuntu? something that can speed up harddrive <> microsd transfers in intrepid? queued transfer maybe?20:00
dusty__Hey guys I have a usb speedtouch 330 modem its detected fine under ubuntu 8.10 but is there a gui i can use to make the connection etc ?20:01
Luka_meybe applet UBUDSL?20:01
marctwCould not resolve ca.ubuntu.com20:04
=== petaflot_ is now known as petaflot
ned_how can I find the IP20:04
marctwCould not resolve http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg20:04
marctwFailed to fetch :(20:04
Funzoehm, in the vsftpd config file: what does this do? :$ write_enable=YES20:05
Guest94912hi everyone20:05
Guest94912i recently tried to remove HAL20:06
ubottuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer20:07
ned_السلام عليكم كيف يمكن أن أجد الإيبيIP20:07
marctwCould not resolve http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg20:07
marctwFailed to fetch :(20:07
Gaulfwhen I use adept to fetch package lists and I want to see what has failed and what has not, how do I pause the process to see the list?20:07
hardcampaFunzo look in the man page or here http://vsftpd.beasts.org/vsftpd_conf.html20:07
ubdthis is my top http://pastebin.com/m2d472629 : ithink somethings worng in term of mem usage but im a noob, so  can you tell me if its ok or not20:08
Guest94912but i saw that many thing removed and i realized that there was no desktop20:09
dusty__Hey guys I have a usb speedtouch 330 modem its detected fine under ubuntu 8.10 but is there a gui i can use to make the connection etc ?20:09
AbkHaZiaNhow ı enter the ubuntu-tr ırc server20:10
ubdcerkez kardesim nbrsn20:10
zenlunaticAbkHaZiaN, /server20:10
AbkHaZiaNallaha sukur iyiyim sen nasılsın20:10
ubdeyw saol20:10
eseven3AbkHaZiaN: server or channel? /join #ubuntu-tr20:10
=== ruben is now known as Guest62155
hpa-oshi folks20:12
AbkHaZiaNAre you know Turkhis20:12
marctwCould not resolve http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg20:12
marctwFailed to fetch :(20:12
marctwany sugegstions? ideas? etc20:13
Guest94912nasil siz turk arkadaslar?20:13
hpa-osname resolution failure?20:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tu20:13
dusty__guys how do i configure my usb adsl modem under ubuntu 8.10??????20:13
trimetaI just modified my Ubuntu desktop to use a LVM logical volume for root; how do I modify the initramfs to properly handle this?20:13
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:13
ubdiyiyiz Guest1511!20:13
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:13
Exilantah, tr :)20:14
AbkHaZiaNWhere is the Turkish people :)20:14
fghjkwhonoze about openvpn ihere ?20:14
eseven3AbkHaZiaN: in #ubuntu-tr20:14
ubd#ubuntu-tr yazýsýna týkla :D20:15
fghjkwhere are intelligent ppl ?20:15
Guest94912intelligent ?what do meant by this?20:16
fghjki got i probleme with my openvpn connexion20:17
fghjkcan anyone help me20:18
fghjkihere ?20:18
Dreamglider!ask > fghjk20:18
ubottufghjk, please see my private message20:18
linuxgeek_hey guys i need some setup help20:18
linuxgeek_in the keyboard layout keep with the usa settings20:19
hpa-oslinuxgeek... tell us more20:19
lorenzosuHow can I get rid of password request for WPA2 WiFi in Ubuntu 8.10?20:19
Guest94912linuxgeek what is that?20:19
fghjki got a macbook where i installed ubuntu20:19
linuxgeek_in the intalation20:19
fghjkand also i installed openvpn server20:19
fghjkand also configured it20:20
fghjknow it is on listening mode20:20
fghjki use the tap0 method20:20
fghjkon the client20:20
[biabia]Help please? Where would I place a command so that it is automatically executed when ubuntu starts?  In fedora it was S99local in /etc/rc5.d20:20
fghjki install openvpn client on WM620:20
linuxgeek_ok i need some help in the instalation i need to know i f i should keep with the default usa keyboard layout??20:21
fghjkover the connexion i able to connect my openvpn server20:21
IdentifyTargethow can I test sound playback in ubuntu minimal?20:21
ConstantineXVIDoes Ubuntu support the Nokia E71 at all?20:21
fghjkthe big problem is no webpage is working20:21
arkanabarI went and replaced the gnome network manager with lxnm ... is there a config file I need to edit in order to get lxnm working on boot/login?20:22
fghjki can't use IE to display a webpage20:22
unop[biabia],  /etc/rc.local20:22
elli222IdentifyTarget, have you tried testing it with mplayer?20:22
St0n3-C0lAnyone with Jaunty alpha 6 and i810 ?20:22
IdentifyTargetwell are there any other programs? I'd rather not install mplayer20:22
Guest94912i think nokia supported by gnokii20:22
ConstantineXVIarkanabar: sys -> prefs -> sessions20:22
unop!jaunty > St0n3-C0l20:22
ubottuSt0n3-C0l, please see my private message20:22
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: i did with i81520:23
IdentifyTargetnevermind I found this http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/SoundcardTesting20:23
ConstantineXVIIdentifyTarget: I think you can "cat file.wav > /dev/dsp" but that's IIRC20:23
St0n3-C0lthiebaude: Is it still sluggish? actually now there's only 'intel' driver20:23
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: its not usable20:23
fghjkDreamglider: do you understand ?20:23
Akkernight_what does cube mean when it comes to math? Like, the cube of a value?20:23
thiebaudeits the worst alpha ever  and been using the alpha's since 6.0620:24
fghjkas you said i just simply asked my question ?20:24
Exilantthird power20:24
fghjknow i just simply wait your answer20:24
St0n3-C0lIt could be the driver20:24
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: it is20:24
St0n3-C0lI am backing away from latest releases just because of Xorg and intel driver20:24
* linuxgeek_ "says w00t my vbox ubuntu guest is installing!!!!!!!!"20:25
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: yea me too20:25
St0n3-C0lHope it gets fixed. and it's not ubuntu's fault.20:25
OctigenDoes anyone know a free web-based ssh client? :D20:25
dingleberrywhy would you want to install ubuntu in vbox?20:25
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: when there is a fix for bug 304781 then i'll upgrade20:25
dingleberryanyone know why hulu is so slow in ubuntu?20:26
ltgghow do you log in as root in Ubuntu to change permissions? what is the $#$ password?20:26
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:26
Octigenltgg: use sudo?20:26
imbezolgreetings.. i added mp3 support for amarok by searching several different sites.. i found info saying to use libxine and also gstreamer.. i think i've removed most of the gstreamer stuff now and amarok says it's using the xine engine.. but the mp3s are clipping like it's not handling the compression properly.. any ideas?20:26
dingleberryhow come hulu.com videos are so slow in ubuntu?20:26
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: wonder why they cant use the i815 driver, they have been since 6.0620:26
linuxgeek_dingleberry: beacuse its streaming data and it's slow an msvista20:26
lorenzosuHow can I get rid of password request for connecting to WPA2 WiFi in Ubuntu 8.10?20:26
Gneadingleberry: usually due to a slow or not-entirely-setup system20:27
DIFH-icerootlorenzosu: use an empty password for keyring20:27
fghjknoone knowwws openvpn ?20:27
=== Myxb is now known as Guest32495
dingleberryGnea, It is a fast computer and fast fluxbox , so I dont see how that could be it20:27
St0n3-C0lthiebaude: for me in Xorg 7.4 i can only use 'intel' driver20:27
Gneadingleberry: 'fast' is a relative term20:27
St0n3-C0lthere won't be i81020:27
St0n3-C0llike in Xorg 7.420:27
St0n3-C0llike in Xorg 7.3**20:27
sagredoHi. I've updated to Jaunty and it broke my X. Can someone recommend a new display manager I can use?20:27
lorenzosuDIFH-iceroot: If I already entered a password can I chanmge it?20:28
linuxgeek_dingleberry:then ure connections slow.20:28
Gneadingleberry: what kind of design specs do you have?20:28
DIFH-icerootlorenzosu: yes20:28
thiebaudeSt0n3-C0l: are you able to login to 9.0420:28
dingleberrymy connection is fast dsl20:28
St0n3-C0lI have not downloaded it20:28
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:28
clee-saanHi, how do i add new desktops ? I have two, i'd like more. Secondly, how do i switch an application to fullscreen ? Is there an equivalent of window's ALT+ENTER ?20:28
St0n3-C0lI know the issues thats why20:28
St0n3-C0lJaunty has latest intel drivers20:28
St0n3-C0lso thought20:28
* Gnea decides that 'fast' is 'slow'20:28
St0n3-C0lthey might work20:29
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:29
linuxgeek_guys got to go20:29
sagredoHi. I've updated to Jaunty and it broke my X. Can someone recommend a new display manager I can use?20:29
LjL!jaunty | sagredo20:29
ubottusagredo: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:29
lorenzosuDIFH-iceroot: How can I do that?20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about boobs20:29
Octigenthats to bad, ubottu20:29
LjL!botabuse | Octigen20:29
ubottuOctigen: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:29
dingleberry13555 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2710.896 FPS20:29
DIFH-icerootlorenzosu: settings - administration - keyring i think, dont have gnome here20:30
Octigenyes sorry LjL :)20:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxnm20:30
clee-saanHi, how do i add new desktops ? I have two, i'd like more. Secondly, how do i switch an application to fullscreen ? Is there an equivalent of window's ALT+ENTER ?20:30
LjLclee-saan: often it's F11, but it depends on the application really20:30
arkanabarclee-saan , right-click the panel element that chooses desktops, & select "preferences"20:30
[T]ankhow in virtual box do i need to set the network addapter so that It will get its own ip address from the network instead of on that is natted to share internet with the host?20:30
Dreamgliderclee-saan: right klick on the desktops  > pref's20:30
lorenzosuthere's encryption and keyring but no way to change password20:31
ZykoticK9[T]ank, host interface in the VM's network preferences (attaches to the same network at the host, not the NATed network)20:32
Octigenlorenzosu: just disable the keyring manager?20:32
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lorenzosuOctigen: I would like to keep it for certain things... not for wifi as it is a home one20:33
Octigenlorenzosu: ok20:33
lorenzosuIn ubuntu 8.04 I had figured a way.. but it "broke" when I upgraded20:33
Octigenlorenzosu: Go to “Passwords and Encription Keys”, then Edit->Preferences20:33
arkanabarI went and replaced the gnome network manager with lxnm ... is there a config file I can edit in order to get lxnm working on boot/login?20:34
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lorenzosuOctigen: Where's that?20:34
eseven3how do you disable compiz window manager just for temporary? it's not playing well with Vbox's "Seamless Mode"20:34
hikenboothello all I am trying to setup ubuntu 8.1 with LVM I am following some simple directions for doing so however I have come across an installer bug in the live cd for some reason ubuntu installer is insisting the home and root partitions are on different /dev/mappers then their real names20:34
[T]ankZykoticK9: getting the error that says I need to do a 'chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun' but when I do that it does a   VBox status code: -3100 (VERR_HOSTIF_INIT_FAILED).20:34
YairiDear all, I have an urgent problem with my Ubuntu 8.1. I installed it on a computer with vista. Restarted when needed, and had a grub error 2. I tried to reinstall, but now I think I have 4 partitions or more, and a grub error 520:35
Octigenlorenzosu: im not in ubuntu myself so i cant check, but it should be somewhere under Administrator or Settings20:35
omnydevi1Yairi: you just want ubuntu or ubuntu and vista?20:35
Octigenanother way, lorenzosu , is to install the gnome-keyring-manager20:35
ZykoticK9[T]ank, are you using VBox 2.1?  Very important, pre-2.1 and networking required tun's to be setup - pita20:35
Yairiubuntu and vista20:35
lorenzosuOctigen: there's no such thing. There is encryption and keyring20:36
lorenzosuOctigen: but no edit20:36
[T]ankZykoticK9: 2.0.4_OSE20:36
Octigenlorenzosu: ok, holdon, next solution coming20:36
eseven3how do you disable compiz window manager just for temporary? it's not playing well with Vbox's "Seamless Mode"20:36
ZykoticK9[T]ank, you NEED to upgrade 2.1 is 10x better then 2.020:36
omnydevi1eseven3: get compiz-icon and it will be easier to manage20:37
lorenzosuOctigen: thanks :)20:37
eseven3omnydevi1: ok ty ill try that20:37
hikenboothow do i rename an lvm volume do i just change the name of the /dev/mapper/<directory> when its not mounted?20:37
omnydevi1eseven3: er, compiz-fusion-icon. something like that20:37
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YairiOmnydevi1, I am trying to get both ubuntu and vista20:37
iplaythisgamim having problems getting fail2ban to run. I've installed that and set up the .conf but it still doesn't seem to run. It doesn't show up in ps aux and people trying to bruteforce me don't get banned. I also get an error while tryin to restart fail2ban."Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban....."20:38
eseven3omnydevi1: fusion-icon ;)20:38
omnydevi1eseven3: thanks mate20:38
hikenboot ubuntu ubiquity: mount: special device /dev/mapper/System--VG-System--LVp1 does not exist (the real name is System--VG-System--LV )20:38
ZykoticK9[T]ank, is you want USB you better off to use the VBox PUEL version (instead of OSE) see http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads for install instructions20:38
cipherZensudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras is what i generally do to get flash working20:38
omnydevi1Yairi: Yeah, you would prolly have to get like gparted or something to remove all the ubuntu partitions, thats going to be tricky, have to let someone else explain that better than i can20:39
cipherZenshit....that was a delayed response...srry20:39
ltggdo not understand how to change permissions in /usr so I can add VBox additions ... help please20:39
omnydevi1Yairi: if it was just ubuntu it would be much easier, heh20:39
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cipherZens*** *20:39
linfenixsomeone here know how do i to change the console resolution size without be editing menu.lst grub file and puting there vga=791, someone know othet way?20:39
arkanabarYairi, you may be able to find & run gparted on your ubuntu liveCD20:39
omnydevi1ltgg: use sudo ./pathtotheaddons.run20:39
YairiOmnydevi1, what should I do about just getting my computer to startup?20:39
[T]ankZykoticK9: is there an easy way to just upgrade this without unistalling the old version?20:39
Dreamglideranyone have a good howto on dual boot of flashdrive i'd like Ubuntu and ophcrack on my flash drive20:40
omnydevi1Yairi: could boot up in a live cd and go to administration, partition editor and delete all of the ext3 partitions20:40
omnydevi1Yairi: then you would have to uninstall grub, that might get you back to vista only20:40
Yairimmm... sounds very complicated. What about getting ubuntu installed?20:41
linfenix someone here know how do i to change the console resolution size without be editing menu.lst grub file and puting there vga=791, someone know othet way?20:41
DreamgliderYairi: > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:42
Funzomkdir makes directorys, how do i make a file? mk*** ?20:42
LjL!info svgatextmode | linfenix20:42
ubottusvgatextmode (source: svgatextmode): enable higher resolution text modes. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-20 (intrepid), package size 345 kB, installed size 892 kB20:42
excowho's interested in having a look at my dmesg and telling me what needs looking into?20:42
YairiThanks Dreamglider. Does that apply to my case as well? I first installed vista and only then ubuntu20:42
sagredoHi, I broke X - what other gdms can I use?20:43
DreamgliderYairi: that will install grub20:43
arkanabarsagredo:  display manager, or window manager?20:43
LjLsagredo: what's a gdm?20:43
sagredographical display manager20:43
guntbertFunzo: touch <filename>20:43
sagredoarkanabar: display manager20:43
YairiO.k. So should I first uninstall the partitions?20:43
LjLsagredo: if X is broken, you won't be able to run *any* display manager. anyway, xdm, kdm20:43
arkanabarsagredo:  I have heard of kdm & SLiM.20:44
sagredoLjL: shit20:44
ctx144khello all20:44
LjLsagredo: ldm20:44
sagredoldm = ?20:44
Funzothanks guntbert :)20:44
dusty__hey guys, I have a little mini laptop taht I have my adsl usb modem working a treat on it, I now want to set it up so that the ubuntu little laptop is the gateway/router device for my network so it plugs into  a switch and provides internet acess for the rest of the machines ?20:44
LjLsagredo, language plase. you know, display managers all use X.20:44
dusty__how would i do that ?20:44
matitacciaHi. I'm trying to install bitchX but without success. I can't find in the repository and when I use the command "sudo apt-get install bitchx" it won't find it.20:44
LjL!info ldm | sagredo20:44
ubottuldm (source: ldm): LTSP display manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.0.14-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 153 kB, installed size 500 kB20:44
ctx144kanyone knows how to define wheel-speed of mouse in gnome?20:44
LjLmatitaccia: that's because it's not in the repositories. try irssi instead20:44
tomvolek_Hi all:  I have a windows application i need to run under ubuntu 8.1 , whats the best way to do this ?20:44
clee-saanIs there a way to get linux to automatically adapt the screen's resolution to a given program i'm runnig, so that it is fullscreen even though it has a low resolution ?20:45
ctx144ki wanna a faster wheel-speed, in firefox, gedit, nautilus and so on20:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ldm20:45
Octigentomvolek_: only 1 way, use wine20:45
arkanabartomvolek : look up www.winehq.org20:45
guntbertFunzo: but you will still have to something with that file :-)20:45
jhg_msg jpds hello20:45
intheloopbacktomvolek_: which app?20:45
Funzoguntbert, i planned on it ;) i gedit it now ^^20:46
LjLclee-saan: ctrl alt + and ctrl alt - used to change your resolution, not sure if they still do20:46
arkanabarI went and replaced the gnome network manager with lxnm ... is there a config file I can edit in order to get lxnm working on boot/login?20:46
guntbertFunzo: ok, but you *could* have it created with gedit anyway ...20:47
matitacciaLjL, thanks. I'm installing it right now. How can I start it once it's installed?20:47
LjLmatitaccia: by typing "irssi"20:47
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Tesseractionarkanabar: uh, does 'rc-update' in terminal reveal anything?20:48
Octigenmatitaccia: looking for good irc clients?20:48
TesseractionI've never needed to try it in Ubuntu and I don't have a terminal to hand.20:48
Funzoi could :O oh, stupid me :P i could have started gedit and just saved it. well thanks anyways, i learnt something :P20:48
arkanabartesseractionn , don't know if it would -- I booted a different OS than the one where I did that.20:48
dug__anyone using a bcm4312 wireless card?  Anyone try the new broadcom drivers or openfwwf?  ndiswrapper isn't working after the last kernel upgrade20:48
matitacciaOctigen, looking for good bittorrent client, good IRC clients and some Linux learning too.20:48
linfenixhow do i to change the console resolution size???20:48
LjLmatitaccia: BestBot in #ubuntu-bots will have some suggestions for those.20:48
vostionce or twice a day, my audio completely stops working, there's a long delay between when I press the volume buttons on my keyboard and when the volume changes, and I think video playback gets messed up too. any ideas what the problem could be?20:49
Octigenok matitaccia ;) if you find irssi a bit to clumbsy, try XChat than20:49
vostireboot fixes it20:49
LjLlinfenix: did the package i suggested not work?20:49
linfenixhow do i to change the console resolution size?? someboddy help me?20:49
Octigenhowever, matitaccia, irssi is a very good client;)20:49
LjL!repeat | linfenix20:49
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ubottulinfenix: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:49
guntbertFunzo: glad to help, curiosity in itself is something I appreciate very much :-)20:49
matitacciaOctigen, I'm using xchat right now. Which is much better than pidgin.20:49
matitacciaOctigen, ... wanted to try some terminal based one.20:49
Dreamgliderlinfenix: edit > profile pref's20:49
matitacciaOctigen, ... wanted to install rtorrent...20:50
JMFTheVCImatitaccia: in what way is xchat better than pidgin?20:50
TesseractionAs an IRC client?20:50
TesseractionIt just offers more.20:50
clee-saanLJl : nope, that just zooms in20:50
matitacciaJMFTheVCI, I like the structure more.20:50
matitacciaJMFTheVCI, *better.20:50
LjLclee-saan: err yes, it zooms in by changing the resolution20:50
TesseractionI find Pidgin better for IM, but IRC I'd prefer a dedicated client.20:50
JMFTheVCII am using pidgin as it is a one-stop-shop for MSN IRC etc20:50
zenlunaticthere is no better20:51
matitacciaJMFTheVCI, on the left I have the servers which I'm connected to, on the right the users I'm "speaking" too..20:51
guntbert!offtopic | matitaccia, Tesseraction , JMFTheVCI20:51
sagredohow can I force vesa for X driver?20:51
ubottumatitaccia, Tesseraction , JMFTheVCI: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:51
dave-ubuntuhi , is there a way to set opennssh-server to only allow specific tunnels? eg to my webserver20:51
JMFTheVCII will install it and see.20:51
Droopsta915I want to buy a new printer, but the model isn't included in the printer Ubuntu list, does that mean I can't use it in Ubuntu?20:51
clee-saanLjL yeah, but that's not what i was looking for. Thanks anyway.20:51
arkanabartesseraction, rc-update:  command not found.20:51
Octigenok matitaccia :) i use qbittorent...pretty basic one20:51
sagredohow can I force vesa for X driver?20:51
patryckdave-ubuntu: there is20:51
TesseractionThen that's my support all done with. :P20:51
patryckdave-ubuntu: your sshd_config should have some kind of 'allowed hosts' option20:52
LjLclee-saan, unless the program you're using can, by itself, go fullscreen and tell X to change resolutions in order to achieve that, well tough luck20:52
iplaythisgam"sudo /etc/init.d/fail2ban restart"  fails to start or restart fail2ban    Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban20:52
clee-saanLjL the thing is that i'm playing a windows game with WINE, so i guess it might be a bit complicated20:52
sagredohow can I force vesa for X driver?20:52
voice5sur5help in bash needed20:53
OctigenSO ANYWAYS, how about my question:P Does anyone know a free web-based ssh client?:D20:53
voice5sur5how to test on two conditions at the same time20:53
evil_techsuspend on my dell mini 9 doesn't seem to work and I was wondering how to go about troubleshooting that20:53
Guest49628somebody knows hoy can I open an .xps file ?20:53
blipOctigen, hold on a sec20:53
LjLOctigen: "web ssh" in google shows up a few (would you trust them?)20:53
voice5sur5how to test on two conditions at the same time in bash?20:54
OctigenLjL: those are all paying stuff...i tried them all...gotoshh, browsershell, sshfish, etc, etc... :(20:54
OctigenLjL: correction, those are trial stuffs20:54
blipthats free20:54
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:54
melikanyone have a good bash cleanup script for ubuntu?20:54
tomvolek_sorry guys,  to run  a windows application on Ubuntu 8.1 : application is CastIron Studio,   which is used for Integration of Db, webservices , etc.20:55
tomvolek_how about using a virtualbox  like Sun's ?20:55
Octigenty blip20:55
Dreamglidertomvolek_: wine or vbox20:55
LjLclee-saan: if your windows program *is* full screen in Windows, then it should automatically be full screen in Ubuntu too, including any resolution changes.20:55
Octigenmelik: why need a cleanup script? what do you wanna cleanup?:P20:55
dusty__how would i do that ?20:56
tomvolek_Dreamglider  .. what is xen20:56
dusty__hey guys, I have a little mini laptop taht I have my adsl usb modem working a treat on it, I now want to set it up so that the ubuntu little laptop is the gateway/router device for my network so it plugs into  a switch and provides internet acess for the rest of the machines ?20:56
JMFTheVCI_xen is another virtuaisation tool. Linux based20:56
stwestonhello, all.20:56
melikOctigen, old packages, config files, old kernels etc20:56
Wandereranyone know where I can find info on getting full resolution on a Dell E6400 laptop?  I'm only getting 1280x720 instead of 1600x120020:56
clee-saanLjL yeah, it does run fullscreen in windows, it's a video game. I don't get it.20:56
guntbertvoice5sur5: ask in #bash please20:56
WandererI've tried envyng, the restricted drivers (173, 177 and 180)20:56
LjLclee-saan: that must be a bug, because it *should* work in full screen in ubuntu too. unless perhaps ubuntu thinks that the resolution it wants to run in is not available... in which case,20:57
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LjL!fixres > clee-saan    (clee-saan, see the private message from ubottu)20:57
dave-ubuntupatryck, im not talking about the ips allowed to connect im familar with the allowed_hosts file, i only wish people to be able to tunnel to
Octigensudo apt-get autoremove20:57
stwestonI'm trying to connect my Linux box to my MacBook (sharing WiFi) via Ethernet. The box connects to the Mac, detects the internet, but won't connect to it at all.20:57
Octigensudo apt-get autoclean20:57
Octigenthats should do the package stuff, melik20:57
dave-ubuntuand not something more sensitive like my tor controllport20:57
knutwinhi, what linux progam do u all recommend for recording videos for youtube with my webcam??20:57
unopvoice5sur5,  if  command && command ; then ....; fi;20:57
Dreamglidertomvolek_: i dont know20:58
linfenixi gon out20:58
melikOctigen, i remember having this automated script20:58
melikthat cleaned everything20:58
stwestonI'm trying to connect my Linux box to my MacBook (sharing WiFi) via Ethernet. The box connects to the Mac, detects the internet, but won't connect to it at all. Anyone wanna help?20:58
unopknutwin, cheese perhaps?20:58
LjLmelik: distrurst "automatic scripts"20:59
knutwinunop: inside the repos?20:59
unopknutwin, aye20:59
knutwinunop: any other apps?20:59
evilxanyone in here know about iptables?20:59
melikno it wasnt automated i mean it was just a bash script20:59
meliki reviewed it of course, and it was really nice20:59
knutwinunop: for recording20:59
Octigenmust have been custom build, melter20:59
unopknutwin, have you tried cheese?20:59
Octigeni mean, melik20:59
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melikyep it was21:00
knutwinunop: im going to do it21:00
evil_techsuspend on my mini 9 isnt working (8.10) any ideas where i should be looking to determine why?21:00
guntbertevilx: ask in ##networking, maybe in ##security21:00
l337m4573rcan anyone help me with a networking problem im having?21:00
melikahhhhhh i just found it Octigen21:00
cipherZenknutwin: wxCam works well for me21:00
unopknutwin,  camorama, webcamd, webcam21:01
Octigenshare it with us, melik :D21:01
evilxguntbert, ok thanks21:01
Octigenl337m4573r: just ask your question:)21:01
stwestonI'm trying to connect my Linux box to my MacBook (sharing WiFi) via Ethernet. The box connects to the Mac, detects the internet, but won't connect to it at all. What do I do?21:01
* Octigen follows melik's link21:01
melikit just cleans up apt-cache, purges old config files, removes locales, old kernels, and empties all trashcans =)21:02
Octigennot bad, melik , not bad21:02
l337m4573rim trying to hook up my xbox 360 to share the internet from my ubuntu based laptop. the setup was very simple on windows but i migrated over and now i cant figure it out.21:02
knutwincipherZen: u have a link?21:02
melikyeah i like to run it once a week21:02
Octigenl337m4573r: you wanna share files from your xbox to your laptop21:03
evilxstweston, did you enable internet sharing on the macbook?21:03
l337m4573ryeah and the wireless connection to the internet that my laptop has21:03
stwestonevilx: I believe so. I'll check, though21:03
cipherZenopen a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install wxcam  should do it21:03
cipherZenif not, i got it from getdeb: http://www.getdeb.net/app/wxCam21:04
stwestonevilx: yeah. it's sharing through Ethernet.21:04
Octigenl337m4573r: im sorry, but i've never worked with an xbox...wait a few minutes until someone answers21:04
Octigenor re-ask your question:)21:04
evilxstweston, but it not connect to the internet at all?21:04
stwestonevilx: exactly21:04
l337m4573rive been asking the same question for days with no response21:04
stwestonevilx: the Linux box, at least.21:04
evilxstweston, , is your ip and route on the linux setup right? can you atleast ping the macbook and outside world?21:05
Octigenok l337m4573r, perhaps make a post on the forum than?:s21:05
cipherZenl337m4573r: what exactly are you trying to do, route all your 360s traffic through your laptop?21:05
stwestonevilx: I can't ping Google, but I don't know how to ping my MacBook, so... nope.21:05
l337m4573ri got posts in 2 ubuntu forums...21:05
knutwincipherZen: thank you21:06
evilxstweston,  ping the macbook ip address for the network card it has21:06
dusty__hey guys, I have a little mini laptop taht I have my adsl usb modem working a treat on it, I now want to set it up so that the ubuntu little laptop is the gateway/router device for my network so it plugs into  a switch and provides internet acess for the rest of the machines ?21:06
l337m4573rlots of veiws but no help21:06
cipherZeni did sometihng similar i think with my original xbox to get internet connectivity over wireless21:06
evil_techsuspend on my mini 9 isnt working (8.10) any ideas where i should be looking to determine why?21:06
clee-saanLjL , i did what you said, my computer rebooted and something went wrong i guess because my display is all messed up now21:06
Octigensorry l337m4573r ...21:06
cipherZenbut i was using xlink kai to do it21:06
clee-saanLjL , maybe i should try again ? could you re-link me to the command line ?21:06
stwestonevilx: it can ping the Mac just fine.21:06
LjLclee-saan: err, you did what, exactly? that pages has a few instructions21:07
cipherZenso it wasnt full connectivity i dont think21:07
evilxstweston, what the macbook ip?21:07
clee-saanLjL it told me to paste a command line into the console, i did, and the computer started shutting down.21:07
dave-ubuntupatryck, im not talking about the ips allowed to connect im familar with the allowed_hosts file, i only wish people to be able to tunnel to
stwestonevilx: I'd rather not tell, but It ends in .2.1.21:07
dave-ubuntuand not something more sensitive like my tor control port21:07
knutwinunop: cheese has all i need thx21:07
matitacciaOctigen, sorry to ask again... I can't find the rtorrent configuration file after having installed rtorrent via synaptic. It should be in the home folder, isn't?21:08
dave-ubuntupatryck, im not talking about the ips allowed to connect im familar with the allowed_hosts file, i only wish people to be able to tunnel to
dave-ubuntuhi , is there a way to set opennssh-server to only allow specific tunnels? eg to my webserver (
saxartistHi, I'm getting ready to reinstall, and I also want to try archlinux.  I currently have windows and ubuntu, and I don't plan to reinstall windows.  Should I install arch or ubu first?21:08
evilxstweston, that really dont matter, but type 'route add default gw macbook_ip' in a terminal21:08
l337m4573rso out of the 1500 people it says are in this room no one here can help me?21:08
cipherZenl337m4573r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99963221:08
x-ipwhen when will be gnome 2.26 ?! :D21:08
x-ipi waaaaaaaaant it :D21:08
evilxl337m4573r, what are you trying to do?21:08
stwestonevilx: what's that supposed to do? (just so I know what I'm doing)21:08
LjLclee-saan: the page i gave you was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution and it has a *ton* of different commands, it doesn't "tell you" to paste any given command21:08
cipherZeni'm trying to help, you gotta let me know what you're setup is :P21:08
evilxstweston, it tells linux that you are setting a gateway on your machine that traffic should go to21:08
clee-saanLjL you typed something and then a bot pm'd me, it gave a link to that page but also told me to type some command line.21:09
arkanabarsaxartist:  i'd consider reformatting the entire HD & setting up four partitions:  / for arch, / for ubuntu, swap, and /home for both linux distros.21:09
aceroneanyone know any hacker channels??21:09
stwestonevilx: okay.21:09
arkanabaracerone, we do NOT discuss hacking.21:10
saxartistarkanabar: but as far as grub goes, will arch mess it up if I put ubu in first?21:10
sivaniconLooking to set up a Anonymizing proxy server?  Anyone know of any that can be used via the web, not by changing proxy settings of a browser?21:10
arkanabarnearly always, grub finds all installed OSs when you install.21:10
LjLclee-saan: err, right, specifically, it said "To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution"21:10
aceroneIm not discussing just asking, and its not even an illegal topic that Im intersting in21:10
LjLclee-saan: now, did you WANT to "restart your X"?21:10
stwestonevilx: odd... it spits out "SIOCADDRT: Operation not permitted".21:10
clee-saanLjL i admit i did not think this through21:10
aceronesivanicon: look into Phoxy21:10
evilxstweston, did you do it as root?21:11
spyda9acerone: you could check out #remote-exploit21:11
x-ipwhen when will be gnome 2.26 ?! :D21:11
stwestonevilx: oh... lemme do that.21:11
arkanabarsaxartist, I would probably do arch first, as ubuntu will autoconfigure grub for you, but arch probably won't.21:11
arkanabarbut I'm lazy21:11
aceronespyda9: I love BackTrack, ty for that chanenl21:11
clee-saanLjL i guess i'll type the same command again but this time i'll let it complete. How long will that be ?21:11
LjLclee-saan: ok so if i give you a command saying "to entirely wipe your hard drive, type blah blah", will you run it? seriously.21:11
LjLclee-saan: NO you DO NOT want to type THAT command again!21:12
spyda9acerone: you're welcome :)21:12
LjLclee-saan: you want to READ THE WEB PAGE21:12
stwestonevilx: "sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by gid 1003, should be 0". what should I do about that?21:12
Stevethe1irate Hi, anyone got an idea for me; I have a variety of proxies running over ssh tunnels running on sequential ports on my pc [say 10000->10009]; is there any way I can aggregate these into a single proxy, so I can use; for example tsocks on it?21:12
evil_techsuspend on my mini 9 isnt working (8.10) any ideas where i should be looking to determine why?21:13
clee-saanLjL okay okay, but it looks like i messed up this X thing, and now i should fix it.21:13
evil_techmy google-fu is not turning up any results21:13
LjLclee-saan: look, just WHAT did you type PRECISELY?21:13
spyda9Stevethelirate: I would love to help you if I could but I don't know the answer. Mostly beginners here21:13
sivaniconacerone: not turning anything useful up on google21:13
saxartistarkanabar: thanks very much21:13
zashevil_tech: sorry, i broke the internet21:13
Stevethe1iratespyda9: Yeah I know; but most people here can point in the right direction :D21:13
clee-saanLjL i just pasted " sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart " into the console, and then entered my password21:14
evil_techzash: well that explains a lot :)21:14
LjLclee-saan: yes. that restarts your X. as the bot said. it does NOT cause your display to get messed up. it merely restarts X.21:14
aceronesivanicon: Ill find it for you21:14
=== _Commander_ is now known as _CommandeR_
clee-saanLjL but since i did that some effects disapeard.21:15
evilxstweston, so when you type sudo su, it wont let you on root?21:15
stwestonevilx: lemme see.21:15
chthpHello anyone know of a good mindmap/wiki/PIM system ? (doing research)21:15
stwestonevilx: nope.21:15
unopsudo su?  su is redundant here.   sudo -i21:15
evilxstweston, do you know root password?21:16
stwestonevilx: ^21:16
aceronesivanicon: sorry i spelled it wrong. Its PhProxy. http://sourceforge.net/projects/poxy/  . Ive used it on a few of my websites to get around school blockers. Here is one of mine as an example. http://www.themitclan.com/fun/21:16
rubberduckycan anyone help? http://pastebin.com/m254a68af21:16
developit@acerone doesn't work with AJAX.21:17
Octigenbye all!21:17
aceronedevelopit: Oh I didnt realize he wanted ajax.21:17
=== chris_ is now known as chrisrio
evilxstweston, stweston type id your_user_name and see if your in the wheel group, if so type su21:18
sivaniconacerone: nice, by chance does this bad boy have user auth?21:18
arkanabarI went and replaced the gnome network manager with lxnm ... is there a config file I can edit in order to get lxnm working on boot/login?21:18
clee-saanLjL when i typed that command, the computer started shutting down. It displayed a black screen with white text, that it usually displays a few seconds before actually shutting down. But this time the screen stood still for way longer, so i assumed i should manually reboot the computer by pressing and holding the power button. When i did that new text started to appear, and it was saying things like "process interupted, saving syst21:18
clee-saanem clock blah blah blah" so i guess now there is something wrong with X, and that would be why my display is messed up21:18
LjLclee-saan: just reboot21:18
rubberduckyJeruvy, you there?21:18
clee-saanokay, i'll do that21:18
stwestonevilx: turns out I'm in group 1003(root).21:19
dave-ubuntuhi , is there a way to set opennssh-server to only allow specific tunnels? eg to my webserver (
=== ntinos_ is now known as ntinoulis
YairiI think I accidently formatted my previous installation of vista with all of my precious files when I tried to install ubuntu. I am pretty much hysterical. Could anyone help me with recovering what is possible?21:19
stwestonevilx: oh! I think I see what's wrong!21:20
arkanabaryairi:  google format data recovery software & see what you get.21:20
aceronespyda9: they didnt like me over at remote exploit21:20
phobiacYairi: Was the partition formatted over?21:20
JMFTheVCI_Yairi: are you sure. Have you re-booted and selected Vista from the Grub screen, or is that not listed as an option21:20
aceronespyda9: they arent hackers they are "pentesters"21:21
stwestonevilx: the command you gave me may only work for admins, therefore what I need is to set the gateway for everyone somehow. does that theory work?21:21
stwestonevilx: if so, what do I do about it?21:21
rubberducky*** buffer overflow detected ***: mips-linux-uclibc-ar terminated21:21
arkanabarYairi:  I remember you had somehow created a bunch of extra partitions ... what happened to those?21:21
poetDoes anyone have any suggestions for detecting hardware that disappeared after an update? :-p21:21
developitYairi: Open your file browser and look at the drives. If there are no extra mounted disks, you probably need to find a data recovery specialist.21:22
evilxwhat do you mean for admins, that command I gave you for the entire networking system on your computer. it just tells it that all out going traffic has to go through that gateway( your macbook )21:22
developitpoet: Try toggling restricted drivers.21:22
aceronesivanicon: sorry I missed your question. Im not sure I know what you are asking?21:22
poetdevelopit: that's the problem.  It's a broadcom 4321 card.  Has been working fine for 6 months or so since Ubuntu added the restricted driver for it.  But now the hardware doesn't appear in the restricted drivers section21:23
arkanabarI went and replaced the gnome network manager with lxnm ... is there a config file I can edit in order to get lxnm working on boot/login?21:23
developitSo you have already turned restricted drivers off, rebooted, turned them back on, and then checked?21:23
unop!startup > arkanabar21:23
ubottuarkanabar, please see my private message21:23
clee-saanLjL okay it's still not working =(21:23
LjLclee-saan: X is not working?21:24
poetdevelopit: there's no restricted driver to turn off, it's litereally not listed anymore21:24
clee-saanLjL it appears so21:24
LjLclee-saan: same "missing effects" as before?21:24
podman99ahey all will ubuntu 9.04 work with multi touch ... and or n-trig touch screen?21:25
clee-saanLjL yes21:25
LjLclee-saan: well that's not due to that command. at all.21:25
LjLclee-saan: you must have done something else that caused that21:25
clee-saanLjL it happenned exactly when i entered it, it could be due to the fact that i did not let it complete ?21:25
developitpoet: I meant remove that group of packages.21:25
frostburnis there any way to log when an application gains focus?21:26
LjLas i said, that command just restarts X. that's all it does. nothing more. nothing less.21:26
poetdevelopit: I'm not sure which groups of packages I should try removing, how can  I find out?21:26
clee-saanLjL but i interupted it, so X had the time to stop workign but not to start working again, maybe ?21:26
LjLclee-saan: yes, but that doesn't matter at all after a reboot.21:26
clee-saanLjL, i did nothing else, and right now the only program running is Xchat, so it can't come from there either21:27
josh-lhey, anyone running chromium browser? (chrome for linux)21:27
podman99ais there a chrome for linbux?? when did that happen?21:28
eseven3linbux? And no there isn't, that im aware of anyways21:29
frostburnpodman99a, few days ago, there was a /. article on it21:29
developitpoet: System>Administration>Software Sources. Uncheck "Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)"21:29
developitI'm out.21:29
cipherZenpodman99a: there's an alpha out, pretty unstable though21:30
podman99adamn google... should have worked on the real people 1st21:31
josh-lyeah i know right!21:31
eseven3google went the evil way21:31
frostburnyes, lets ignore the largest user base.21:31
josh-lno its not out for linux yet lame21:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:31
podman99athe only release for Ubuntu lol21:32
josh-lthere is chromium by the crossweaver people, that is basically crossover office with windows chrome which is lameO21:32
robobobhave any of you upgraded from the stock mysql 5.0 build to the mysql 5.1 build?21:32
clee-saanLjL also i can't use the console anymore21:33
LjLclee-saan: did your screen also explode?21:33
clee-saanLjL nope.21:33
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clee-saanLjL i'm not kidding, i can barely use my computer now21:34
LjLlike *i* am kidding. meh21:36
jason_cohi folks -- im having trouble with pidentd -- ive installed it and configured the identd.conf per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227857 when i start it, it says that it is starting identd but when i ps aux |grep identd nothing comes up except grep identd21:36
sebsebseb 21:36
LjLjason_co: just guessing, perhaps you need to enable it in something like /etc/default/pidentd?21:37
jason_cook -- lemme look21:37
AzunthEr, If I need to join a chat room on a particular server, how do I do that?21:37
WhitorAzunth, First connect to the server you wa nt... then /join #chatroomname21:38
jason_coLjL theres no file like that in /etc/default - -how do i create it21:38
jason_coie what should be in it21:38
AzunthOk.  But how do I connect to the server?  I'm completely new at this21:38
LjLjason_co: you don't. as i said, i was just guessing. some server packages need to be enabled from a file in /etc/default first. what happens if you just type "pidentd"?21:39
frostburnAzunth, you're using gaim, go to accounts > add > irc > server21:39
WhitorAzunth, what program are you using to connect to here ?21:39
Azunththanks, frostburn21:39
Whitor^^ frostburn21:39
jason_cocommand not found21:39
Whitorwhois ftw21:39
IdentifyTargethow do I get volumes do mount when I login? I put the following command in my ~/.bash_profile      mount /dev/md0 /media/raid21:39
frostburnWhitor, ctcp version =p21:39
IdentifyTargetI assume it didn't work b/c it wasn't sudo21:40
=== Kurokaze is now known as Sombre
Whitorok, that too :)21:40
LjLjason_co: that "tutorial" is crap, by the way.21:40
=== Sombre is now known as Kurokaze
xavierg2003Ljl: hello again21:40
jason_coljl is there a better one?>21:40
guntbertxavierg2003: do you have a support question?21:40
xavierg2003Negatory, just here to listen learn and help when i can21:41
frostburnIdentifyTarget, http://www.joshstaiger.org/archives/2005/07/bash_profile_vs.html21:41
LjLjason_co: i don't know, but manually adding a link in  /etc/rc3.d/S99identd  is just such a terrible idea. please remove that, and instead type "sudo update-rc.d identd default"21:41
gnummare hardy backports still filled with new software versions?21:41
LjLjason_co: sorry, i meant "sudo update-rc.d identd defaults"21:41
LjLgnumm: sometimes.21:42
ElcMawrhello gurus; please can anyone point me to how to install my Edimax EW-7108PCg wireless card? It has worked before, but i just upgraded to ubu 8.10, and now wireless networking is borked :)21:42
gnummLjL: is it possible to see which package come every day in backports?21:42
LjLgnumm: http://packages.ubuntu.com21:42
jason_coljl ok - -let me take care of that21:42
guntbertxavierg2003: have fun :) (most people here try to keep "background noise" at a minimum)21:42
gnummLjL: no i mean to see when which package comes in hardy21:43
LjLgnumm: yes that will tell you.21:43
xavierg2003guntbert: i guess if i am background noise i will leave21:43
pregierWould anybody here who is using firefox-3.0 with sun-java6-plugin under Hardy Heron care to try reloading http://java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.4/demo/applets/JumpingBox/example1.html a few times to see if it starts to fail to load java applets in general (don't try it if you need java before the next time you plan to restart firefox, unless you're sure it works OK on your machine)?21:43
weatherkidI have a question. I have a computer program and I want to setup a IRC Bot like yours for my IRC. What channel would I go to?21:43
sebsebseb!ot |  weatherkid21:44
ubottuweatherkid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:44
=== Kurokaze is now known as Rogette
dave-ubuntuweatherkid, if you want help with an eggdrop i can help21:44
jason_coljl - i didnt make that link -- so thats taken care of21:44
eseven3um ubottu isn't an eggdrop it's a supybot21:45
LjLgnumm: besides, you can always type "aptitude searcch ~N" to see all newly added packages. type "sudo aptitude forget-new" when you've read that. you can just type these two daily.21:45
LjLjason_co: good, now it should simply start when you boot, if it works. now try starting it manually with "sudo invoke-rc.d identd start"21:46
Neremori've a problem with compiz and emerald21:46
guntbertxavierg2003: sorry, no offence intended, I was answering to the "idle" sentences, like [22:40] <xavierg2003> Ljl: hello again, [22:42] <xavierg2003> interesting, please don't leave because of me21:46
ElcMawrcan anyone help a wireless newbie please? do i need to use ndiswrapper these days or not?21:46
Neremorif i have compiz running and am using emerald for decorating the windows, in some windows the decoration doesn't appear21:46
jason_coLjL it says it started but ps aux21:47
Neremorfor example in konqueror or in the system settings.21:47
jason_co|grep doesnt show it21:47
Neremorany ideas why?21:47
jason_coljl and nmap -p local host doesnt appear to show it either21:48
LjLjason_co: type "identd -d"21:48
LjLjason_co: actually, "sudo identd -d"21:48
jason_coidentd: failed binding to the TCP/IP socket21:48
eseven3anyone get 3ds max working in SUNS vbox 2.1.4? and NO It's not really !OT | eseven73 because the host is Ubuntu 8.10, ive tried enabling the openGL support but it gives error21:49
LjLjason_co: that's the same thing i get here. let me investigate that21:49
evil_techsuspend on my mini 9 isnt working (8.10) any ideas where i should be looking to determine why?21:50
LjLjason_co: uhm, that means the port is already being used by something. i'm not entirely sure what, though21:50
jason_coljl is there a way i can have the OS tell me whats using each port?21:51
LjLjason_co: i usually use "netstat -l -p -n" for that, but it isn't being of much help here. i'm trying with lsof21:51
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guntbertLjL, jason_co lsof -i21:51
LjLjason_co: oh, it's just inetd using it21:52
eseven3evil_tech: from what Ive heard in here, you have to have like 1.5 X swap for you ram for suspend, but i donno other than that21:52
LjLjason_co: so that tutorial is even more wrong, because inetd is *already* configured to start identd21:52
jason_cook -  so what do i do?21:52
LjLjason_co: is your identd supposed to run on the machine you're connected from right now, and is that behind a router?21:53
digitaloktayhi ubuntu21:53
DaemonDoes anyone know anything about the program aircrack ng21:53
LjLjason_co: what does "nmap -p 113 localhost" tell you?21:53
LjL!anyone | daemon21:53
ubottudaemon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:53
jason_co113/tcp open  auth21:53
digitaloktayhow long is the support for ubuntu 8.04 ?21:53
LjLjason_co: then your identd is working21:53
jribdigitaloktay: 3 years on the desktop, 5 on the server21:54
jedi06is anyone familiar with setting up the selenium server?21:54
LjLjason_co: you don't see it in "ps aux" merely because it gets started automatically (and briefly) by inetd when an ident request is made21:54
Daemon....What is wrong with the way i asked that question?21:54
DaemonI thought it was fairly simple.21:54
jason_cothats good --21:54
jribDaemon: here's the answer to your question: "yes"21:54
guntbertjedi06: whats selenium server?21:54
LjLjason_co: of course though, your identd won't be very useful to you, generally speaking, if your router doesn't have 113 forwarding to your computer21:54
jribDaemon: see how that doesn't do what you want?21:54
NicA1hi all , my router is on my ip address and you can you log into it using a burte force font door attack ( hint password is just 8 letters ) and user name is 'admin'21:54
digitaloktayjrib, hmm January 2011 ?21:54
jason_coahhh -- ok21:54
jason_colemme set that up21:54
NicA1somebody please telnet my router21:55
DaemonJrib: i have been going from channel to channel asking i get tired of typeing out my entire question every time21:55
dave-ubuntuNeed help with the PermitOpen syntax in the sshd_config file i would like to allow tunnels from anywhere to localhost port 8021:55
eseven3ewww telnet? too insecure, use SSH21:55
LjLDaemon: then use copy and paste.21:55
dave-ubuntuyes use ssh lol21:55
jribDaemon: copy and paste...21:55
guntbertjedi06: er, how does that connect with ubuntu support?21:55
dave-ubuntuor at least telnet with ssl21:55
jedi06i need it installed on ubuntu21:56
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LjL!away > Mud|bnc    (Mud|bnc, see the private message from ubottu)21:56
jribdigitaloktay: why january?21:56
NicA1who need to play with my computer ! I ready to install you definided backdoor or a torjan :)21:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:56
kurrata hi, is there "mv" command with witch i can move files witch contain *xxx*.zip for example like i can do it in "find" when looking for some file?21:56
jason_coljl dumb question -- is that UDP or tcp?21:56
DaemonJrib- Aircrack, i can not remember any of the commands with it. Nor do i know entirly how to use it. I lost my command data base i was compileing when my computer crashed. Now i have it installed but cannot remember the next step21:57
guntbertsorry jedi06, I only see it doesn't exist in the repos :(21:57
digitaloktayjrib, or 2011 and which month?21:57
* NicA1 somebody is burte-forcing21:57
LjLNicA1: no one in this channel will partecipate in a security breach attempt, no matter if it's consensual, please ask somewhere else21:57
LjLjason_co: "grep 113 /etc/services" will tell you21:57
zeeeeei'm suddenly getting pc speaker beeps whenever i (e.g.) try to move/backspace the cursor past the beginning/end of a text box. this appears to be happening for all gnome/gtk text boxes. what setting might have changed? is there a clean way to disable these (without resorting to something as heavy-handed as modprobe -r pcskpr)?21:57
jedi06libtest-www-selenium-perl guntbert this does21:57
jribdigitaloktay: same month it was released.  8.04 means 2008 April21:58
LjLjason_co: (it's TCP, but i prefer to teach a man to fish)21:58
DaemonWhat is brut forcing?21:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:58
guntbertNicA1: no testing here please21:58
jtajizee: that's a perfectly acceptable way, you can add pcspkr to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist so it doesn't get loaded in the first place21:58
jtajizeeeee: ^21:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aircrack21:58
LjL!fishing | daemon21:58
ubottudaemon: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:58
NicA1aircrack hmm nice21:59
zeeeeejtaji, but the fact is that for several years i have not had to do this.21:59
NicA1sounds like using backtrack21:59
zeeeeejtaji, it only just started happening21:59
DaemonJrib: See and now i have posted my question once more and yet still no response21:59
LjL!offtopic | nica121:59
jason_coLJL -- im glad you did21:59
ubottunica1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:59
guntbertjedi06: aha, sorry I cannot help you at all, it was an attempt to clarify, please ask the channel, but state your concrete problem21:59
zeeeeejtaji, i'd like to have the system not even attempt to make the alert, not silence the alerts that the system tries to make22:00
DaemonLjl: are you saying that i am off topic?22:00
NicA1ubottu: Allright ! Anyway should I have to thank you back big-bun !22:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:00
LjLDaemon: the question on what brute forcing is is offtopic, yes22:00
DaemonLjl: Is that not ubuntu related?22:00
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jtajizeeeee: sorry I don't know what might have changed in the desktop that now it is using the pcspkr, but I've done this with console only servers for years22:00
LjLDaemon: not really.22:00
DaemonLjl: I said aircrack and someone else said brute forcing so i thought it was22:01
=== EdgeX- is now known as edgex--
sparky_unop, in on??22:01
sparky_you on*22:01
DaemonLjl: I still need help with my aircrack program though22:01
guntbertDaemon: you might get better results in ##networking22:02
sjokkishi. i'm installing ubuntu using the expert install on my eee, and i'm not sure hwat driver the ethernet card needs. it's an atheros ar8121 as far as i've been able to determine. anyone know what driver that needs?22:02
LjLDaemon: i haven't seen a real question yet. you claimed you've forgot commands. i can certainly link to a manual. is that what you're asking?22:02
dave-ubuntuNeed help with the PermitOpen syntax in the sshd_config file i would like to allow tunnels from anywhere to localhost port 8022:02
digitaloktayjrib, ok thx, what means  Ubuntu 8.04.4 (TBC) these TBC ?22:03
dave-ubuntusshd_config line 89: bad port number in PermitOpen22:03
jribdigitaloktay: no idea22:03
DaemonLjl that is exactly what i was asking. I had all the commands and help manual but i had to load a new os on it and lost all my data22:04
guntbertdigitaloktay: I find TBC=the burning crusader / something with WOW..., but I wouldn't know how that is ubuntu-related22:05
=== helix` is now known as numskull
LjLDaemon: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php has comprehensive documentation, and "dpkg -L aircrack-ng | grep man" will show you the available manpages, which you can invoke using "man <pagename>"22:06
meoblast001i have a JabraBT125 and i can't get it to work with Ubuntu22:06
mr_claushi, can anyone give me a hint how i can debug a grub error 24 after i encrypted my partitions?22:06
meoblast001i've tried a few times to get it to work but can only get it to work for very short amounts of time22:06
ScottG489My sound doesn't work, I wish I could give some more info then that but I don't know what to check for. Can anyone help?22:06
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:07
zeeeeei'm suddenly getting pc speaker beeps whenever i (e.g.) try to move/backspace the cursor past the beginning/end of a text box. this appears to be happening for all gnome/gtk text boxes. what setting might have changed? is there a clean way to disable these (without resorting to something as heavy-handed as modprobe -r pcskpr)?22:07
ScottG489guntbert: Dont throw ubottu messages at me, i already explained in my message "doesnt work" is all i know about it22:07
ScottG489guntbert: Sound should play and it doesnt, thats it.22:08
samurai_cheesezeee I had this problem22:08
Daemonljl: Thankyou22:09
dave-ubuntuoh by the way22:09
dave-ubuntuit was just some damn un-commented line22:09
dave-ubuntu#dont allow fuckers to tunnel anywhere they want and get you in trouble or hack your system22:09
dave-ubuntuPermitOpen localhost:8022:09
guntbertScottG489: I'm no expert with sound, but what did you check?, maybe the link from ubottu will help22:09
FloodBot3dave-ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:09
guntbert!sound > ScottG48922:09
ubottuScottG489, please see my private message22:09
_VIM_!ohmy | dave-ubuntu22:09
ubottudave-ubuntu: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:09
LjL_VIM_: we'd have automatic bots giving "ohmy" if it were intended to be given even when people are simply citing a verbatim line of a config file...22:10
EndProhibitionLjL: Second ;-)22:10
guntbertmeoblast001: please be more specific: what "doesn't work" in what way22:10
dave-ubuntusource code is free but speech isnt :)22:11
meoblast001guntbert: it connects to the system.... 3 seconds later it disconnects22:11
_VIM_LjL: yeah my bad i didnt see it was a pasted config :)22:11
meoblast001guntbert: back when i was trying really hard to get this to work i got it to work with skype... but then it would disconnect after 10 seconds and i'd have to restart ubuntu to connect it again22:11
sjokkishi. i'm installing ubuntu using the expert install on my eee, and i'm not sure hwat driver the ethernet card needs. it's an atheros ar8121 as far as i've been able to determine. anyone know what driver that needs?22:11
CerveraHey people, just finished installing ubuntu (yay, another copy of windows gone to the trash!)22:11
_VIM_!yay | Cervera22:12
ubottuCervera: Glad you made it! :-)22:12
* _VIM_ takes back the !yay then22:12
dave-ubuntuCervera, good to hear you have deMicrosoftized22:12
Cerveraonly problem is tv out22:12
Cerverait's hard, it's like rehab22:13
askme222Anybody having experience with uck - ubuntu customization kit...22:13
s0101my java is not working in firefox it just stoped working and i have java selected in firefox preferences and i also reinstalled it22:13
guntbertmeoblast001: I'm no BT/headset expert either, please talk to the channel, but you might get better response when you state your problem more clearly :_)22:13
_VIM_!TV | Cervera (have you tried any of these?)22:13
ubottuCervera (have you tried any of these?): http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out22:13
s0101can somebody help me?22:13
runpain2i did all this for installing my Anthros driver sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) sudo ifconfig ath0 down sudo ifconfig wifi0 down#Repeat these 2 ifconfig lines for every MadWifi device you have (ath1, etc)sudo apt-get install build-essential cd madwifi-hal- make sudo make install sudo depmod -ae sudo modprobe ath_pci echo ath_hal | sudo tee -a /etc/modules echo ath_pci | sudo tee22:14
runpain2 -a /etc/module system->administration->hardware drivers and enable the drivers # reboot to reset the ethernet hardware. and Still it wont work22:14
ScottG489guntbert: lol do you just sit here and wait for ppl to say the words "doesnt work"22:14
s0101can somebody help me22:15
J-3wats wrong22:15
Carpe|Diems0101: ask your question:)22:15
dave-ubuntumy ubuntu broke :p22:15
s0101my java isnt working in firefox22:15
Carpe|Diemok, s010122:15
Cervera_VIM_, yes, checked them out22:15
s0101it stoped working for no reason22:15
runpain2my wifi isnt working22:15
J-3install java?22:15
dave-ubuntudid you isntall sun-java-6-plugin?22:15
s0101i have done it again22:16
Carpe|Diemfirst, install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:16
_VIM_s0101: what Carpe|Diem said22:16
jsjonesHelp me fix hibernate? Ubuntu seems to hibernate fine, but upon powering on the computer it just boots normally (doesn't restore previous state).22:16
s0101but when i use youtube it says that java is old or inactive22:16
Lam_is there a program, preferably qt but i don't mind if it is gtk based, that lets me select multiple pictures to print onto one page22:16
Carpe|Diems0101: might be a flash problem too22:16
dave-ubuntus0101, youtube uses flash22:16
Carpe|Diemwhat architecture are you using?22:16
=== RayAcayan1 is now known as RayAcayan
s0101but it worked 30 minutes ago and i never had that problem before22:17
eseven3anyone get 3ds max working in SUNS vbox 2.1.4? and NO It's not really !OT | eseven73 because the host is Ubuntu 8.10, ive tried enabling the openGL support but it gives error22:17
LjL!info photoprint | lam_22:17
ubottuphotoprint (source: photoprint): Image printing utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8b-2 (intrepid), package size 456 kB, installed size 1144 kB22:17
LjLLam_: (gtk)22:17
J-3quick question: after logging in my new ubuntu install just shows a black screen with my mouse cursor22:17
Lam_LjL: Thanks22:18
shirishI am beginner here with a stats of undergrad 3 rd year and with beginner level skill in php and i am looking forward for gsoc participation this year22:18
dave-ubuntus0101, you can try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree if your running 64 bit im not sure that they have a package for it, may need to use wrappers22:18
mr_clauswhich partition should have the boot flag? root or /boot?22:18
Carpe|Diems0101: perhaps just reboot your computer than?22:18
LjLmr_claus: it doesn't really matter to GRUB22:18
s0101i have22:18
LjLmr_claus: (as long as GRUB is installed in the MBR, that is)22:18
Carpe|Diems0101: something must have been changed than?22:18
shirishand i am well versed with c/c++ i want to get my hands wet in opensource world and i desperately seek guidance from you people out there22:18
mr_clausit is installed to the mbr, but grub cannot find my partition where the kernel is it seems22:18
LjL!offtopic | shirish22:19
jribdave-ubuntu: amd64 will automatically setup the wrapper when that package is installed22:19
ubottushirish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:19
LjLmr_claus: i don't think that has anything to do with what the boot partition is22:19
s0101i havent changed anything i am sure22:19
dave-ubuntuah, new feature? about a year ago it was all manual22:19
Carpe|Diems0101: what ubuntu? 32 or 64 bit?22:19
dave-ubuntuim running 32 bit for compatibility22:20
jribdave-ubuntu: for a few versions now actually22:20
Carpe|Diems0101: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:20
Carpe|Diemthats a good start22:20
mr_clausLjL: ok, do you know how i can find out why grub don't want to boot the kernel? i have a /boot partition on sda222:20
dave-ubuntunot bad22:20
J-3quick question: after logging in my new ubuntu install just shows a black screen with my mouse cursor any ideas?22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate22:20
jribdave-ubuntu: 7.10 seems to be the first time it was implemented22:20
dave-ubuntui wonder why amaroK 2x still isnt in the repos22:21
mr_clausLjL: # groot=(hd0,1) should do it i think, but still that error22:21
LjLmr_claus: honestly i just use a vanilla grub configuration with no separate /boot partition so i'm not all that familiar with it. perhaps /boot/grub/device.map isn't quite right?22:21
_VIM_!latest | dave-ubuntu22:21
ubottudave-ubuntu: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.22:21
SPFI've installed Ubuntu on an usb stick. But wa is 97%. The system is usb 2.0, and so is the usb stick. What is going on?22:21
s0101i did but nothing happends do i need to do anything after install?22:21
dave-ubuntuyes i know of alternate repos22:21
_VIM_dave-ubuntu:  let me look if there's a PPA, brb22:21
jelly-beanhow can i get mouse trails in gnome? i also have compviz.22:21
dave-ubuntubut amarok 1.4 works fine22:22
Lam_LjL:  Exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks a lot.22:22
=== numskull is now known as helix`
dave-ubuntuall i really need is somthing to write album art to id3 tags for my mp3d22:22
pregierSPF:  usb stick linux can be slow; I had the same results running Fedora on a USB stick, as well as on a USB stick raid :)22:22
Carpe|Diems0101: no, now go to firefox and uninstall the flash plugin, and reinstall it:)22:23
pregierSPF:  Remember, usb sticks don't have 16MB caches like hard drives22:23
askme222Anybody know anything about uck?22:23
Dreamglideranyone know how i can dual boot Ubuntu and some other OS (mainly thinking about Ophcrack) from a usb flash disk ?22:23
mr_clausLjL: device.map has only one line "(hd0)   /dev/sda", seems to be right22:23
LjLmr_claus: well if you want, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst as well as the output of "ls -l /boot", though i don't know if i'll be able to help22:24
s0101i know22:24
Carpe|Diems0101: holdon22:24
SPFpregier: do you have an alternative solution? It's my boss system and I don't want to run Vista :(22:24
Carpe|Diems0101: open firefox and press: Tools > Add-ons22:25
sjokkisdo any of you know what driver the ethernet card on the asus eee 1000h needs?22:25
DaemonSo if i have any questions as i am trying to hash my way through air crack can i ask them here or should i find somewhere else to ask them22:25
Carpe|Diems0101: than click Plugins22:25
Carpe|Diemand select flash, and uninstall it22:25
s0101i can only disable22:26
Carpe|Diems0101: than go to google and type: Flash player....go to adobe's website and choose the correct one (Ubuntu 8.04+ .deb package)22:26
s0101and enable22:26
pregierSPF:  there's no problem as far as I'm concerned; it's just that the metrics look very different on USB.  If you are having performance problems too, be sure you set a very high readahead buffer (blockdev --setra 32768 /dev/sdX) and/or do a USB key RAID (not for the faint of heart, and not for important data!!!)22:26
Cerveraback. so, i need a bit of help connectiong a TV to my s-video output22:26
s0101i did before i come here22:26
Carpe|Diems0101: disable it22:26
DreadKnight_ruben, here it is, only for you mate https://www.getdropbox.com/referrals/NTEyMjU2MTk22:26
mr_clausLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/133964/22:26
Carpe|Diems0101: and it doesnt work?22:26
s0101i have disabled now22:26
s0101no it dosent look sp22:27
mr_clausLjL: /dev/sda1 is mapped to /dev/mapper/root (crypted fs), /dev/sda2 is /boot and /dev/sda3 is a swap partition22:27
meoblast001skype keeps giving me I/O errors22:27
Carpe|Diems0101: I cant think if any other direct solution than...im sorry22:27
meoblast001ALSA lib pcm_bluetooth.c:1619:(bluetooth_init) BT_GETCAPABILITIES failed : Input/output error(5)22:27
s0101thanks for your time22:27
cipherZenDaemon: brute forcing is a problem solving strategy in which you try every possible solution to find the best one22:27
SPFpregier: makes sense, I'll try that. What about usb hard disks, are those faster to boot from?22:27
pregierSPF:  I've had pretty good luck with them, there is a little bit of a slowdown, esp. since your cache doesn't read and write as fast, but it's a decent compromise22:28
LjLmr_claus: i don't know, it all looks correct to me22:29
pregierSPF:  last I checked, typical hard drive platter speed wasn't significantly faster than USB bus speed22:29
lwizardlany users from michigan?22:29
SPFpregier: so you're saying that an usb hard drive is much faster than an usb pen drive because it has cache?22:30
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evil_techi think i can argue with that claim22:30
mr_clausLjL: grub stop working in stage 1.5, error 24 is, if i checked out correct, continue working without a valid kernel22:30
Cerverahey, i need a bit of help. i've tried every FAQ i know, an didn't find a solution:22:31
Cerveramy tv doesn't appear in the resolutions screen even if it's connected and i restart the session....22:31
Cerverai have intel 855 chipset22:31
pregierSPF:  I'm saying that typical USB flash drive sustained r/w is below 15MB/s, typical HDD platter speed is above 50MB/s, typical HDD cache speed can be up to 3Mbps, and USB bus speed is 60MB/s; the only benefit to USB that isn't reflected here is very low seek times22:31
pregierSPF:  sorry, the only benefit to flash, usb doesn't give you the low seeks itself22:32
Carpe|Diems0101: perhaps you can install Opera, see if that browser can play your movies?22:32
krel1sorry i am new and i am having some issues with playing dvd's what room would be good to ask questions in22:32
=== unix3 is now known as epaphus
pregierSPF:  That's why I liked my striped usb key RAID setup, it gave me a combined performance of about 30MB/s, on par with a slow hard drive, with decent seek times to boot22:32
snowmanAlmost 1500 users, wow22:33
LjLmr_claus: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy-faq.en.html#q1122:33
krel1i am having some issues with playing dvd's what room would be good to ask questions in? or maybe here is ok?22:34
SPFpregier: thanks, I'll check it out22:34
snowman99 Can anyone help me with my wireless?22:34
pregieroh, and SPF, the other thing about cache is it keeps the wa time low because the CPU doesn't know about the wait when data is in drive cache; with flash, the CPU always knows, giving you a higher reading even for a fast flash drive22:35
mr_clausLjL: hey, sounds good, ty for that link22:35
pregierso expect falsely high iowaits on flash22:35
LjLmr_claus: i'm not sure i understand what it's saying in its entirety, but it, err, sounds related22:36
xixorYo, in KDE, I like the little desktop thing, where the files on the desktop are organized into that little transparent window, is there a similar feature on gnome?22:36
Genscherany Fritz!Box users in here with WLAN Stick N problems?22:36
krel1i am having some issues with playing dvd's what room would be good to ask questions in22:36
mr_clausLjL: absolutely, because i used a plain root partition without a /boot before i started the encryption of the filesystem22:37
eseven73how do i add me to sudoers file so that i dont have to add password to .debs? SO annoying, if you have mulitple debs to install OMG so much pain, im th eonly one that uses this computer so i dont need passwords for that, plus my firewall (router) is locked tight, thanks in advance22:37
=== dirkP is now known as timejedi7
Shishirequick question:  I've got a configuration issue, and have to reinstall... My /home is its own partition, can I just have the install not format that partition, and set it as /home, create the same user name, and have it just work? without having to redo all my settings?  Not changing versions, just a flat reinstall22:38
meoblast001everytime i try to connect a program with my bluetooth headset i get "Can't connect SCO audio channel: Address already in use"22:38
LjLeseven73: if you have multiple .debs to install, 1) you can install them in one command, and 2) you won't be prompted for your password for 15 minutes after being prompted the first time22:38
=== timejedi7 is now known as dirkP
evil_techdo you need swap to standby?22:38
LjLevil_tech: no. you do to hibernate.22:38
eseven73LjL well it keeps asking me for passwords22:38
LjLeseven73: is that sudo and dpkg, or gksu and gdebi?22:39
evil_techdont wanna hibernate22:39
evil_techon a mini 9 with only a 4gb ssd, no room for hibernate22:39
eseven73LjL what ever firefox uses, when i double click a .deb22:39
evil_techbut standby  is not working :/22:39
alex3fhi, my computer restarted during update, now i have a broken kernel: runaway loop modrpobe panic22:39
alex3frunning jaunty on ext4 partition22:39
xixoranyone recommend some quick games I can install from aptitude to quickly test my video card out, make sure it works with 3D games, etc?22:39
LjLeseven73: probably gdebi, but i'm not sure even editing sudoers will convince gksu to not ask for a password.22:39
sebsebseb!jaunty |  alex3f22:40
ubottualex3f: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:40
kitchealex3f: well that's what you get for using ext4 go to #ubuntu+1 for support22:40
alex3fthanks :)22:40
sebsebsebalex3f: if an upgrade of Ubuntu goes wrong half way through.  the Ubuntu install buggers up nicely22:40
Shishireeseven73: try adjusting the System->Authorizations22:40
mangospork1451 nicks.22:40
mangosporkHoly crap.22:40
sebsebsebalex3f: I had a simialr issue when I tried to upgrade  from  Hardy to Ibex on this computer, and the c omputer lost power22:41
alex3fand what shall i do?22:41
eseven73LjL ok well I dont install .debs every day, so i guess I'll live, but I feel bad for people that do (like if they're installing on muliple machines at a corperation or something) but then I guess they'd not use GUI anyways for that :P22:41
alex3fbeside reinstall?22:41
cipherZeneseven73: the sudoers file i believe just keeps track of who can use sudo, not whether or not they need a password to use it. without a password on sudo, any exploit could instantly get root privileges (NOT GOOD)22:41
Time`s_Witnesshow can i make an alias permanent ? :X22:41
sebsebsebalex3f: you might have to clean install.   or do something on the cd.22:41
cipherZena better solution is just to install them all in one shot22:41
jribcipherZen: it can also make it so you don't need a password22:41
cipherZennot to mention, sudo should remember your password for 15 minutes (as stated earlier by someone else)22:41
LjLeseven73: exactly, they'd use something like apt-proxy or aptoncd22:42
LjLeseven73: and there's always dpkg from the command line.22:42
sebsebsebalex3f: having a seperate home partition, makes re instaling Ubuntu much easier22:42
eseven73cipherZen yeah well like i said my comp is pretty locked tight and i dont download things unless it's from Ubuntu or Ubuntu PPA page22:42
alex3fsebsebseb: thanks22:42
evil_techwhere should i look to see why suspend is not working?22:42
ShishirecipherZen: not if you're starting multiple separate programs using gksudo22:42
cipherZenShishire: well yeah, guess im just used to using dpkg in a shell22:43
krel1i am having some issues with playing dvd's what room would be good to ask questions in22:43
ShishirecipherZen: I know what you mean22:43
kurrataTime`s_Witness:  write it in in bashrc. there will be explame how to write it. ~/bashrc22:43
jribkrel1: you're in the right room22:43
jrib!dvd > krel122:43
ubottukrel1, please see my private message22:43
eseven73shirish:  O.o! as long as ive used Ubuntu I've never seen System > Authorizations... looks scary though :)22:44
krel1ah i didn't see that but yes i have installed the forbidden formats22:44
nataliecan anyone help me troubleshoot my event log?22:44
cipherZeneseven73: just make sure you know the risks of doing that, its akin to running as administrator on windows as anyone can get priveleges once they get access22:44
Shishireeseven73: its new in intrepid.  It22:45
cipherZenroot privileges*22:45
Time`s_Witnessthanks kurrata22:45
eseven73that's why (im new to intrepid)22:45
Shishireer, It's useful if you know what you're doing22:45
eseven73was using 8.04 till last week22:45
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Shishireeseven73: well congratulations on your upgrade22:45
=== Cervera is now known as Cervera_AFK
eseven73hehe well 8.10 took awhile to work out the buggies, like Nvidia didnt work, sound didnt work for the longest time, so I stayed on 8.0422:46
eseven73it's nice now22:46
shirisheseven73,  i dint get you22:46
ShishireSystem->Authorizations allows you to define some actions which users can take without having to be root or sudo'd.  For example, I use it to always allow myself to mount external and internal drives.22:47
Excellwhat version is the room using now?22:47
eseven73well, it probably doesn't help i have an Abacus for a computer ;)22:47
DIFH-icerootExcell: 8.04 + 8.1022:47
evil_techwhere should i look to see why suspend is not working?22:47
kickMePlzHi Kick Me PLZ it's juste for test Thanks22:48
lstarnesExcell: there may be some users who are still using between 6.06 and 7.1022:48
Excellok, tx..im on 7.1 right now22:48
LjLkickMePlz: err... ok... although there is #test...22:48
Shishireevil_tech:  how old is your bios?22:48
LjLkickMePlz: no scripts thanks22:48
Excelli logged off last june and re-booted and updated today22:48
nataliecan anyone help me troubleshoot my event log?22:48
evil_techShishire: brand new dell mini 922:48
kitcheautojoins are bad22:48
eseven73Shishire: sweet, ive been wondering where something like that was, i though\t it was deep in the bowels of Ubuntu in a hidden file :)22:48
kitcheunless of course your client is auto set to do it :)22:48
lstarneskickMePlz: using autorejoin violates the rules of many channels22:48
Rohffok thanks a lot LjL22:48
Rohffit s for my22:49
* mrdudle loves ubuntu <322:49
Rohffsorry i dont speack english i am french22:49
sebsebsebnatalie: event log for what?22:49
Rohffthanks a lots22:49
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:49
Shishirequick question:  I've got a configuration issue, and have to reinstall... My /home is its own partition, can I just have the install not format that partition, and set it as /home, create the same user name, and have it just work? without having to redo all my settings?  Not changing versions, just a flat reinstall22:50
whipautojoin is propably just hangin' there from the win-past.. :)22:50
noizhai, i have a problem , id like to upgrade my kernel/thingy to 8.10 from 8.04 ubuntu hardy tho i am too dumb to do it myself and alst time i tryed it messed things up22:50
noizcould somone please guide me thru22:50
sebsebsebnoiz: lol22:50
sebsebsebnoiz: maybe  stay on hardy for now then.  not that much dfiference between 8.04 and 8.10 anyway22:50
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Excellis 8.04 up and running efficiently?22:50
lstarnesExcell: it is and has been for a long time22:50
noizsebsebseb I am trying to get my freaking frames per second working22:51
lstarnesExcell: 8.04, not 8.1022:51
nataliesebsebseb:  For my os... My computer keeps going to a black screen and locking up.  I was wondering if my event log could possibly show why.22:51
Excellflash works good?22:51
noizsebsebseb or well graphics better than they are22:51
sebsebsebnatalie: which Ubuntu version?22:51
meoblast001do most bluetooth headsets not work with Ubuntu?22:51
nataliesebsebseb: 8.1022:51
sebsebsebnatalie: is it a clean install?22:51
noizthat interpid thingy22:51
Excellback june last year...it had major sound issues..was wondering if it is all ok now.22:51
nataliesebsebseb:  Yes it is a clean install22:52
noizActually do you guys suggest me to look into to modified kernels for gaming?22:52
sebsebsebnatalie: so you can't log into it at all?22:52
noizbecause i am really really tired of this low graphics bs22:52
nataliesebsebseb:  No... I can log in... it just sometimes, at random, seems to go to a black screen and lock up while I am using it.22:53
ExcellI had to use envy for my graphics..worked excellent too.22:53
sebsebsebnatalie: ok  have you got the graphics card driver installed, I guess not, since you enver even logged in.   right   how old is the computeR?22:53
noizexcell envy?22:53
noizsebsebseb the open source one yes22:53
Excellnoiz: ya22:53
noizsebsebseb ehm lol old old22:53
evil_techwhere should i look to see why suspend is not working?22:53
noizexcell what is that? :D22:53
krel1well, my problem is ::: I have the restricted formats installed and on the site i can click on the needed files and it says that they are already installed.  however when i try to play a dvd in one of the players it will say : plugin not avail or you need the restricted or something else.... totem however will play the dvd but it flickers and jumps so bad it is useless22:54
Excellnoiz: google it and go to the site...22:54
sebsebsebnoiz: what I am not even messaging you now22:54
noizsebsebseb i had 100 frames per second on counter strike now im using wine and it runs soo slow22:54
nataliesebsebseb:  The computer is new... and I have been able to log in... I am using it right now.  it has an ATI graphics card and I am using the FGLRX22:54
Keal_what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow??22:54
sebsebsebnatalie: black screen probably just the screensaver22:54
EndProhibitionKrell:  Just for kicks, try VLC and see if you get better performance22:54
sebsebsebnatalie: yeah you log in, and sometimes you get a black screen?22:54
noizexcell amm there are alot of choices there :d22:54
nataliesebsebseb:  No... It often happens after using video or sometimes just when I am typing or doing other things.22:55
noizEXCELL i dont use nvidia :/22:55
Excellnoiz: I just booted after a year off..i cant help you this moment...although..i believe synap has it22:55
Shishire!tell krel1 about dvd22:56
ubottukrel1, please see my private message22:56
sebsebsebnatalie: ok sounds like a xorg issue22:56
noizexcell yeah22:56
noizexcell im on ati 920022:56
BitWraithIIRC you can install ubuntu "server" without having X or a DE... if I do that, then install skype, will apt pull in X11?22:56
noizexcell ati radeon 920022:56
Excellwow..my bro has same card22:56
nataliesebsebseb:  How would I go about troubleshooting it?22:56
lwizardlany users from michigan?22:56
noizexcell works fine?22:56
Excellit works flawless22:56
noizexcell he has linux?22:56
Excellhe is on 7.1022:57
sebsebsebnatalie: the screen goes black?  you move the mouse and back to normal?22:57
noizexcell oh k well ima try envy22:57
nataliesebsebseb:  no... the screen goes black and then the OS locks up completely.  Can't do anything on it22:57
Excellnoiz...did you use recovery mode and try to get X to fix it?22:58
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whiplwizardl: nope, Finland, isnt that close enough ?-)22:58
noizexcell ? eh noo it is all ok whiot that22:58
noizexcell i am just trying to get  100 fps in cs22:58
kickMePlzHi again BAN Me PLZ it's juste for test Thanks its juste for a last time22:58
sebsebsebnatalie: could be xorg issues.   xorg  runs all the graphical stuff.   xorg  is also a dab annoying to configure etc.   your  issue can probably be fixed, but you will have to wait for someone that knows how to do that,   or  you could look for a soloution on say the http://www.ubuntuforums.org  where most issues have already been solved by someone, some where on there22:59
developitwhat is he testing?22:59
LjLkickMePlz: quit it...22:59
Rohffbanned plz kickMePl22:59
LjLkickMePlz: i told you, there is #test22:59
sebsebsebnatalie: altough   booting up recovery mode from the boot loader. and reconfiguring  xorg like that, could help22:59
Rohffi can t to be op22:59
LjLok, just as you wish then.23:00
Rohffplz LJL ban it23:00
lwizardlwhip, well youever build a Linux Cash Register?23:00
developitis there any way to upgrade from 7.10 within update manager now that it's unsupported?23:00
SyderoDoes anyone know what window manager Presto uses? (http://lifehacker.com/5175680/presto-loads-a-streamlined-desktop-in-15-seconds) I really like the taskbar..... much better than the ugly gnome one anyways23:00
mr_clausLjL: it works, thank you again23:00
LjLmr_claus: nice23:00
whiplwizardl: nope, but stole a few registers.. :) will that do ?-)23:00
=== ikanobori is now known as ikanobori_
=== ikanobori_ is now known as ikanobori
Keal_what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow??23:01
cipherZenSydero: presto is the desktop i believe23:02
Syderoyeah I know23:02
Syderobut I'm not sure what window manager it uses, or did xandros make their own23:02
krel1i have another problem it seems when i try to send a IM this thing will crash :) also is it possible to remove the enter/leave notification?23:02
meoblast001how do i fix "Can't connect SCO audio channel: Address already in use" when connecting skype or a similar program to SCO for my bluetooth headset?23:02
cipherZeni think they might have made their own, not sure thogh23:02
m1dlgany one know why SOME my USB flash type devices now come up with " CANNOT MOUNT VOLUME. You are not privileged to mount the volume 'XXX'. " I need to mount my Archos Media player and I can't.23:02
cipherZenreminds me of lxde a bit23:03
=== ___mikem is now known as __mikem
havocologedoes the alpha 9.04 has support for the radeon hd4870 in the installer ?23:03
noizI knew it23:03
noizATI's legacy drivers does not support your operating system23:03
noizCan somone help me whit that?23:04
oCean_!ati | noiz23:04
ubottunoiz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:04
m1dlgNoiz - the first thing the forum asks for is patnce23:05
noizmldlg already used the forums23:05
noizmldlg woo 2 weeks of waiting and nothing :D23:05
m1dlgNoiz - i sent it before I finnished, I was responding to the 3 messages sent in quick succecion23:06
havocologei know how to add the drivers manually, but it is not nice to use a livecd that has no xserver running due to missing drivers :(23:06
noizi want my windows back :/23:07
krel1ubottu : i have used that site and i have all the parts installed i have run the script as well (sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh) however this has not solved the problems i am having, also it would seem this thing "pidgin"  will crash when i try to reply in the private message23:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:07
noizhaha owned23:07
Keal_what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow??23:07
ExcellError: Microsoft is now adjar.23:07
=== bernz_ is now known as bernz
Zarlanchan #ubuntu-de23:07
Shishirekrel1: may I pm you?23:08
teadictHey, is there a place in the Gnome configuration editor to choose the order of the window title buttons?23:08
krel1sure but i will crash if i reply :)23:08
developitcan anyone recommend a good FPS? I used to play Wolfenstein: ET, but now I am on a Mac/Ubuntu machine.23:08
Keal_what is a 'mount point'?23:08
m1dlgAnyone know why SOME my USB flash type devices now come up with " CANNOT MOUNT VOLUME. You are not privileged to mount the volume 'XXX'. " I need to mount my Archos Media player and I can't.23:08
oCean_!ot | developit23:08
ubottudevelopit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:08
kenny__ #tinymce23:08
oCean_Keal_: Your (disk)devices are accessible through so called mountpoints.23:09
LjLdevelopit: try asking BestBot in #ubuntu-bots23:09
ExcellI think you have to get permissions?..right?23:09
Keal_oCean_,  what do i put as 'mount point' in darksnow?23:09
m1dlgI find it's happening to only some devices, it was working and stopped yesterday23:10
oCean_Keal_: So, when you have a second disk, and that disk has a partition, that it's device name might be something like /dev/sdb1. To actually access that partition, it has to be "mounted" at an existing directory on your filesystem23:10
bernzKeal_, in unix-like systems (Linux, etc), a mount point is generally just an empty directory in the file system (branching from '/', the root), onto which you can "hang" (mount) other file system trees23:10
oCean_Keal_: the mountpoint can be anywhere you like. For example "/disk2" or "/home/username/disk2"23:10
NdshackerCan anyone tell me how to host a blog on my Computer, it will only be for Local PCs, so im not worried about the security issues23:10
krel1well something is wrong with this if i reply to a PM it locks up :/23:11
bernzKeal_, you could, for example, mount a backup drive onto your file system, then copy the contents of '/home' into that mounted system, then unmount and put your backup drive in a safe palce23:11
reagleBRKLNhelp! just spent a long time installing a intrepid and can't use latex23:11
oCean_Keal_: remember, before you actually mount the partition, the mountpoint has to exist. So, do "mkdir /disk2" before you try to mount anything to /disk223:11
reagleBRKLNit sounds very much liek this problem, but don't know how to fix it: http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.bugs.dist/browse_thread/thread/56e48a088bb15a2e/35a78d7640f13c93?#23:11
Keal_ok oCean_  thanks23:11
Keal_i will reread the darkice website now23:12
krel1yes i have that installed23:12
alui must be blind, where do i find the 'fingerprint' for the following ppa https://launchpad.net/~maxb/+archive/ppa ?23:12
Keal_thanks bernz  too23:12
bernzKeal_, if you plug a USB drive/stick into your PC, you'll probably notice it "appear" on your desktop -- it's being automounted ;-)  (yw)23:12
Keal_ok bernz bbl23:13
LjL!info pyblosxom | Ndshacker, here's a possibility23:13
ubottupyblosxom (source: pyblosxom): simple weblog (blog) written in Python. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-7 (intrepid), package size 109 kB, installed size 788 kB23:13
bernzKeal_, those automounted devices usually get mounted in '/media' -- for example, '/media/disk' is often the first thing you plug in which has storage (like an USB stick, certain MP3 players, etc)23:13
bernzKeal_, okay, see ya23:13
maxbalu: "This repository is signed with ...."23:14
krel1what IRC program is recommended this one is not so good23:14
maxblinphone or mercurial, ooi?23:14
bernzkrel1, right now, i'm using xchat, but i heard irssi is good (very old-school, though, i think)23:14
Dejavou42There is a command that I used before to reload usb (such as after using "sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd") Does anyone know what command I am refering to?23:15
mattgyver83how do i find out the directory of my cdrom drive so i can mount it manually??23:15
bernzkrel1, a "good" IRC client should allow you to do *everything* without a mouse, with reasonable ease23:15
krel1thank you i will look at xchat one moment23:15
=== lamego is now known as joaopinto
Shishiremattgyver83: the cdrom device is called /dev/cdrom, and is usually mounted as /media/cdrom23:15
whipor sr0..23:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pyblosxom23:16
alumaxb, i'm trying to use the "apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <fingerprint>" method23:16
dejavou42does anyone know what command I was talking about?23:16
asdfqwerI'm back, something funky has happened with X; so any time gdm attempts to run it shows me gnome's loading cursor and my gdm's background-color then hangs, it repeats this process another 5 times then displays this message: The display server has been shut down about 6 times in the last 90 seconds. It is likely that something bad is going on. Waiting for 2 minutes before trying on display :0.23:16
maxbalu: Click on the link after "This repository is signed with"23:17
oCean_dejavou42: you mean module "usbhid" ?23:17
maxbalu: or actually you just need the keyid for that command, so just type the 8 hex digits after 1024R/23:17
aliSalaahHello, is this a good channel for general questions if i am trying to pick a distrobution for my companies usage or is there anyother channel you guys would recommend?23:17
bernzasdfqwer, although not necessary a pleasant experience, looking at the logs might help identify the cause23:17
alumaxb, ah, sorry 9cc1a69e3dc9db5420fab05ad701e18d0b717ef0 works23:17
asdfqwerbernz, logs for what?23:18
maxbalu: linphone or mercurial, ooi?23:18
alumaxb, mercurial23:18
bernzasdfqwer, for example, /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:18
maxbI really should update those packages to 1.223:18
asdfqwerk just sec23:18
KrellI am back with xchat23:18
IdentifyTargethow can I get my raid0 to mount automatically when my system boots? I've put mount /dev/md0 /media/raid in bashrc and bash_profile, no dice23:18
ShishirealiSalaah: yes, although since this *is* the ubuntu channel, everyone here will be a bit biased :P23:18
bernzasdfqwer, the logs for the X system (not sure which parts even, but that one might be an overall one)23:18
maxbMind you, we're almost to 1.2.123:18
Krellyes i think i like this much better23:18
bernzKrell, first impressions?23:18
alumaxb, yes please :)23:19
dejavou42oCean: no I was simply enabling ehci_hcd23:19
EndProhibitionaliSalaah:  This channel is so fast you may find it difficult to have a long and thoughtful conversation, but it is a pretty good demonstrator of how efficient and kind our community is.  You might also check out ubuntu-offtopic for a slower pace.23:19
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bernzKrell, actually, let's do that in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want... it's too specific a subject23:19
maxbalu: There are snapshot packages of hg-stable's tip, updated daily too, btw.23:19
IdentifyTargetanyone? mounting hard drives on login?23:19
Krellok i'll go there23:19
alumaxb, yep, thanks, not really interested in those for now, not for this box anyways23:20
Ubentuanyone knows why my cron opens a root connection for 40 seconds each minute?23:20
oCean_dejavou42: you asked to reload usb, a command like modprobe ... ehci_hcd... I meant: modprobe -r usbhid, and then modprobe usbhid will reinitialize usb devices23:20
Ubentuthe crontabs for all users are empty23:20
ShishireIdentifyTarget: mounting internal drives?23:20
IdentifyTargetyes. It's a 4 drive raid23:21
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oCean_Ubentu: how'd you know it's cron?23:21
dejavou42oCean: right, but don't you have to reboot before it will refresh?23:21
NdshackerHow can I host a full featured blog on my local Computer23:21
UbentuoCean: says pam_unix(cron:session)23:21
IdentifyTargetNdshacker: install apache then install your blog software23:22
oCean_dejavou42: well unloading and reloading the usbhid module is a way to prevent reboot. If that does not solve whatever you're trying to solve, you may have to reboot :/23:22
NdshackerIdentity: I dont have blog software23:23
NdshackerHence my questions :s23:23
UbentuNddshacker: sudo apt-get install wordpress23:23
Ndshackerwordpress mmk23:24
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:24
mrbullhello, can someone help me out with a keyboard remap problem? I don't use X (installed just minimal and got what i needed later). I modified /etc/kbd/remap with some additional sed commands but it doesn't seem to be recognizing it.23:24
IdentifyTargetha! that is what I needed23:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wordpress23:24
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bernzNdshacker, you might need to install a "small" web server, and run a web framework (e.g. RubyOnRails, django, etc)23:24
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:24
bernzNdshacker, or you can write your own CGI stuff by hand, including the web server (super l88t)23:25
dejavou42oCean: ok, if I have module ehci_hcd blacklisted via /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ehci I won't even be able to enable it with the modprobe command unless I un-blacklist it , right?23:25
mrbullalso if it helps I did reboot to see if it got picked up - and it didn't.23:25
bernzexodus_ms's suggestion is probably the best, by far23:25
oCean_dejavou42: correct23:25
exodus_msbernz, ty23:25
dejavou42oCean: thanks, I'll give it a try23:25
exodus_ms!lamp | Ndshacker23:25
ubottuNdshacker: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:25
NdshackerIma try Wordpress23:28
Ndshackerthen see what happens23:28
NdshackerApache is less than 50 mb O.O23:29
_Linuxx_apache is very small23:29
meowImAKittyI have a problem with my Laptop not cooperating with my external moitor, could someone please help??23:29
bernzNdshacker, you should see webrick or some of the "framework" servers?23:30
bernzwhat *isn't* so small about apache is its "configuration forest"23:30
meliki plugged in a USB external HDD, whats the command to see it in bash.. i tried "df -h" but cant see it23:30
NdshackerTheres like 50 new downloads going :)23:30
exodus_msNdshacker, http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/12/wordpress-installation-on-ubuntu-with-lamp23:30
NdshackerIt will show all23:30
meowImAKittyI have xUbuntu 7.10 installed on my Compaq 2200 Laptop and I'm having problems using the external monitor port... I have tried using fn-f5 to switch but it is not letting me. I did a google search and came up with nothing I could relate to. I read somewhere about editing a conf file but I couldn't find any actual steps to take.23:31
bernzmeowImAKitty, often, laptops have hardware buttons (via special 'Fn' key) that can control/override the external video port -- try messing with that (including holding the keys for certain lengths of time (e.g. 3 seconds))23:31
daryl_hey everyone, wondering if I can ask for a hand? Trying to install ubuntu on an industrial tablet pc. no keys or mouse. each stock or graphic problem install i try gives me a pulsing blank screen half way through the live cd loading on the progress bar. No way to F_ key out of it to a console. I am oj with linux but I dont know things well enough to know how to pass a vga=normal argument at the boot prompt. Tried but I dont kn23:31
daryl_ow root target, it errored. elive gave a desktop when i saw vga=normal go by. Can someone tell me what the boot command would be for jaunty alpha 6?23:31
meowImAKittyI willl try holding it, but I have tried to use the fn button23:31
meliki dont see it23:32
meowImAKittyYeah holding the fn-f5 combo does nothing. Any other ideas???23:32
ahmed-arabyhi all can someone check this menu.lst for me to find out what's wrong http://fpaste.org/paste/6538 , near 14923:32
bernzdaryl_, do you mean that the (sort of) "boot menu" from a live CD isn't coming up? or have you already installed a system to the NV storage on the tablet (HD, SSD, or whatever)?23:33
meowImAKittyLAPTOP PROBLEM: Cannot use external video port, any ideas???23:34
bernzdaryl_, in the latter case, you should install GRUB, and then you can configure it to give you a chance to break in during boot and select stuff; among that stuff is the ability to modify kernel options prior to boot23:34
daryl_no I am using a usb cdrom to boot disc image from. failsafe 1 in live cd mode gave me a desktop and i noticed that vga setting as the difference. nothing is installed yet.23:34
oCean_daryl_: See this about boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:35
daryl_grub has broken quite often during boot but i have not edited it in years forget where to look23:35
Gentoon1I FUCK BABIES!23:35
daryl_thx for the link!23:35
micah_hay can blender files made with windows be able to open with a linux version of blender??23:35
bernzdaryl_, oh.. are you trying to figure out how you will be sure that 'vga=normal' is part of the kernel call?23:35
sd32how do i access the clipboard in ubuntu?23:36
_VIM_!ops | *points to Gentoon1*23:36
ubottu*points to Gentoon1*: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:36
daryl_yes that is exactly what I am trying. I want to test image on machine before comitting to install23:36
meowImAKittyI have xUbuntu 7.10 installed on my Compaq 2200 Laptop and I'm having problems using the external monitor port... I have tried using fn-f5 to switch but it is not letting me. I did a google search and came up with nothing I could relate to. I read somewhere about editing a conf file but I couldn't find any actual steps to take. I've tried using the fn-f5 to switch between them, no luck...23:36
daryl_tried installing but that pulsing screen is something i cant console around23:36
bernzmeowImAKitty, i'm sorry, i can't suggest any other "easy" fix; learning about xorg.conf might be your next step, but that's not trivial (though it's not difficult, it just takes patience)23:36
daryl_by console i mean ctl+alt+f1 or f2, etc23:37
sprinkmeiermeowImAKitty, google for xrandr23:37
bernzmeowImAKitty, (FWIW, i suggest prefixing your target nick to get the attention of the user, as most good IRC clients hilite that stuff)23:37
ChairosI've got Intrepid installed, and configured to automatically log in. So far so good. However, the keychain that wireless passwords are stored in is not yet automatically unlocked.23:37
Chairosso I still have to enter the password when I log in.23:37
Chairosthis computer is for a non-technical user.23:37
daryl_even happens with ubuntu-mid23:37
=== ___mikem is now known as __mikem
ChairosI would like to have the keychain automatically unlock when the user is automatically logged in.23:38
Chairosany suggestions?23:38
Chairosgoogle's not come up with anything... :(23:38
gandhiii have a bad install of mathematica font stuck in apt-get/synaptic and it keeps putting up an error everytime I use this software.  How do I clear this out of the queue?23:38
locoviceni need help23:38
exodus_ms!ask | locovicen23:38
ubottulocovicen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:38
lstarnesgandhii: pastebin the error23:38
bernzdaryl_, well, if you can be sure that you can boot from a USB stick or CDROM or whatever, even after you've installed, you can just mount the file system of the fresh install in your "live" (USB or CD) session, make your edits to the startup config, and then try a boot; if that fails, you can retry until you get it23:38
sprinkmeierChairos, you can get the wireless to connect at boot-up (rather than logon) by putting the keys in /etc/networking/interfaces. It does not unlock the keychain, but may solve your problem23:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clipboard23:39
Chairossprinkmeier: sorry, that's unworkable in this case because I don't know the keys. I'm setting it up at my house, then sending it to a friend to use at hers. thanks, though23:39
bernzdaryl_, by "pulsing screen", do you mean the orange "ping-pong" progress meter, with "ubuntu" above in round letters?23:39
NdshackerI installed Lamp and Wordpress, but I cant find them ;(23:39
oCean_Chairos: that's a tricky one indeed. The user has to unlock keyring of course... hmm..23:39
locoviceni have a problem whit crossover and outlok 2007, outlook don't work internet23:39
trippssswhat software source do I need to make handbrake available for intrepid?23:39
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daryl_bernz cant get live cd to work yet. install gave same pulsing screen i cant get around. no I mean a terrible looking screen that moves in and out of beige in a 30 second cycle repeating23:40
whiptrippsss: a rehab?23:40
_VIM_!ppa | trippsss (Try searching for handbrake here)...23:40
ubottutrippsss (Try searching for handbrake here)...: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.23:40
Krelli have learned a few basics thank you for the help23:40
daryl_showing some static in a funky patterns when I do get an odd key stroke combo right23:40
bernzdaryl_, erm..well... this *is* ubuntu, right? if it's "desktop" version, it should allow you to specify extra options at the "pre-boot" screen (a menu that includes an option to test RAM, test the CD, etc -- can you get that screen?)23:41
_VIM_trippsss: that's where i got my handbrake, works well on 8.10 :)23:41
Krelli have a few dvd questions if anyone knows a bit about that23:41
micahhow do i get root access  so i can place program files?23:41
sd32does unbuntu have a clipboard?23:41
_VIM_!root | micah23:41
ubottumicah: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:41
sprinkmeierChairos, I'm running 8.10. System->Prefs->Encryption and Keyrings shows "Automatically unlocked when user logs in". (I have wireless keys hard-wired but the keyring unlocks, i.e. I don't have to unlock it to use evolution etc.)23:42
bernzdaryl_, oh.. beige.. hmm... at that point, text consoles are not working? (CTRL-ALT-F1, etc)23:42
sprinkmeierChairos, s/8.10/8.04 upgraded form 7.10/23:42
micahi no the password23:42
trippsss_VIM_, I see how it talks about adding repos, but nothing about what repo actually contains the package (or am I missing something)23:42
Chairossprinkmeier: aha, i was looking in Administration23:42
bernzdaryl_, in any case, do you get to the "pre-boot" menu? at that point, are you not able to specify extra options for the kernel?23:42
_VIM_trippsss:  you shoudn't need the repo, just get the .deb from that site23:42
Ndshackerwhy cant I find my Sql installations23:42
moss23anybody know what graphic driver name should I use for ubuntu on virtualbox ??23:42
moss23#lspci > VGA compatible controller: Innotek Systemberatung GmbH virtualbox Graphic adapter23:42
moss23on guest23:42
daryl_ttried all gui options and they fail. as i said elive got to a desktop and i know with the vga=normal kernel argument, i just dont know how to type out the boot command to do it manually. no I am using an usb apple keyboard to make things worse but I cant ctl+alt+f_ anything. it just pulses23:43
moss23#lspci > VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Co23:43
moss23on host23:43
_VIM_trippsss: hang on let me see if i can grab you a link...23:43
locovicenwhat moss23?¿?¿ graphic driver¿?23:43
trippsss_VIM_, ok - handbrake doesn't result in anything23:43
lstarnesmoss23: the guest should most likely be using vesa23:43
Gnea!vbox | moss23  (be sure to check the website out for the FAQ)23:43
Krellbernz, mind if I bug you a little longer? i have a few dvd questions23:43
ubottumoss23  (be sure to check the website out for the FAQ): virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:43
daryl_at one point i hit something to change the beige to a king of old mtv static pattern. like max headroom era23:43
gbaconGoogle yields many hits for libgdal-1.5.2 in universe for Intrepid. I enabled universe, but I can see only gdal-1.5.0 in the output of aptitude search. What am I doing wrong?23:44
Chairossprinkmeier: hrm, I don't have those options, just pgp options, in Encryption and Keyrings23:44
micahthen how do get blender 2.48 in the right place??23:44
daryl_this is a webdt366 by dtresearch. 8 inch x86 amd geode with 512 of ram. 500mb flash and I hhave a 4 gig card in a slot as extra. thats where grub goes wrong too.23:44
bernzdaryl_, ahh.. okay, let me look that up, i might be able to just tell you23:45
bernzKrell, oh yes, sorry, i'll check my PM23:45
lstarnesmoss23: how are you trying to install blender 2.48?23:45
lstarnesmoss23: never mind, wrong person23:45
daryl_www.dtri.com they just discontinued it23:45
lstarnesmicah: how are you trying to install it?23:45
moss23lstarnes, there is some virtual driver, but I can't figure out it's name, it is definitely not vesa23:45
daryl_tons of these on ebay for 100$23:45
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micahwell i have the files and when i click on blender it runs but the files are not in the right place23:45
sprinkmeierChairos, 8.10? my system is 8.04 updated from 7.10 (updated from....) so it's probably a bit of a mash-up. I wonder if auto-logon disables auto-unlock-keyring?23:46
micahthere in my documents23:46
Chairosyeah,i have 8.1023:46
moss23lstarnes, it is vboxvideo for windows hosts but for linux hosts, who knows23:47
_VIM_trippsss:  https://launchpad.net/%7Ehandbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa/+files/handbrake-common_0.9.3+repack1-0ubuntu0~8.10jdong4_all.deb  and this too: https://launchpad.net/%7Ehandbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa/+files/handbrake-gtk_0.9.3+repack1-0ubuntu0~8.10jdong4_i386.deb and for the GUI: https://launchpad.net/%7Ehandbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa/+files/handbrake-gtk_0.9.3+repack1-0ubuntu0~8.10jdong4_i386.deb23:47
lstarnesmicah: which version of ubuntu are you using?23:47
_VIM_sorry for that small flood there :/23:47
micah8.03 lts23:47
lstarnesmicah: 8.04 you mean23:47
micahyea my bad23:47
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trippsss_VIM_, cool thanks - literally found the same page on launchpad seconds before you posted :)23:48
_VIM_LOL! yeah it's on the very bottom when you search for 'handbrake' took me awhile to see that too, anyways glad you got it :)23:48
oCean_gbacon: searching packages.ubuntu.com (more accurate then google) also gives 1.5.2 to be in universe, package name seems to be 1.5.0 though. See: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgdal&searchon=names&suite=intrepid&section=all23:49
lstarnesmicah: version 2.45 is currently available in the official universe repository for hardy23:49
gbaconoCean_: ah, thanks.. the name confused me23:49
yow|x2anyone getting freezing with jaunty and ext4? just wondering.23:50
_VIM_!jaunty | yow|x223:50
ubottuyow|x2: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:50
micahya i want 2.4823:50
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Jon829i keep downloading ubuntu but i dont have the iso image file23:50
lstarnesmicah: 2.48 will be available in the official repositories for ubuntu 9.0423:50
dave-ubuntusounds like you have windows :)23:51
Jon829lol yea23:51
dave-ubuntuJon829, i believe ubuntu still shps cds23:51
yow|x2_VIM_  im aware of that, i use alphas a lot, but freezing really shouldnt be happening too much with the 6th alpha my friend23:51
dave-ubuntuif not a bunch of third parties do for a small fee23:51
LogicFanJon829, can you elaborate a bit more?23:52
JWHow do you restore a normal set of console (F1 - F7 - F12)? I have this fitPC with Ubuntu preinstalled and I'm stuck with the X console, I can't switch to anything else.23:52
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oCean_yow|x2: Read the last line of what ubottu told you - this is not the channel23:52
dave-ubuntuJon829, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/23:52
Jon829i would like to get a disc but dont want to wait23:52
micahso i cant put the files in the right place?23:52
sprinkmeierJW,  CNTRL-ALT-F1? or do you mena how do I boot into consolr (rather than graphical) mode?23:52
lstarnesmicah: where did you get 2.48?23:52
yow|x2alright, i'll ask in there, i thought maybe someone might be using jaunty in here but i guess not, thanks oCean_23:52
dave-ubuntuuse firefox to dowload the iso23:52
micahthere web site23:53
dave-ubuntumabe its an IE bug23:53
dave-ubuntuanyway back later23:53
Jon829think dling it with winrar has anything to do with it?23:53
JWsprinkmeier: I mean the normal console setup is not there, CTRL+F1 and ALT+CTRL+F1, ad nauseum, does nothing - they've disabled the virtual consoles :-(23:53
dave-ubuntudownloading it with winrar..../23:53
sprinkmeierJon829, try the network install CD. It's smaller. I've seen IE choke on large files.23:53
dave-ubuntudidnt think that was possable23:53
sprinkmeierJW, pre-installed OS's blow... you either get crapware or 'customisations' like you mentioned :-)23:54
TwoToneSpiritJon829:  Try Bit Torrent - it's more organic and usually faster23:54
dave-ubuntuif you mean extracting the iso with winrar or selecting to open it with winrar it may have cached the file in a temporary directory23:54
JWsprinkmeier: well I didn't think one could do something this horrible to an install even if they tried!23:54
dave-ubuntusearch for .iso on your computer23:54
JWsprinkmeier: and I'm kind of stuck with it cause there's no optical drive.23:54
daryl_yeah thats what I am doing or trying at least23:55
JWtakes forever to log into Gnome just to get a Terminal23:55
Jon829nothing showed up in the search23:55
daryl_oCean that link was exactly what I needed. Thank you!23:56
meoblast001everytime i try to connect a program with my bluetooth headset i get "Can't connect SCO audio channel: Address already in use"23:56
lstarnesmicah: it appears to be self-contained.  If it is, then it doesn't need to be installed to any particular location23:56
micahok so is there a way i can get it to show in the applications tab?23:57
lstarnesmicah: go to System > Preferences > Main Menu23:58
lstarnesmicah: you can add a launcher for it there23:58
micahthank you sorry im a pain in the ass lol23:58
JWsprinkmeier: to add inslut to injury, when I log in, network manager takes over and uses a different set of network settings then when no one is logged in.23:59
TwoToneSpiritMicah:  We're here because we want to help.  Don't think of yourself as a burden.  Questions like yours help us fulfill our purpose.23:59

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