
poolieglyph: i don't see it  there00:04
poolieigc, hi00:04
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lifelessjam: I think you should land your gc change00:38
lifelessjam: I haven't fully reviewed, but its definitely conceptually fine00:39
RaceConditionis there a way to, instead of unshelved changes, commit shelved changes only?01:06
lifelessRaceCondition: shelve you current changes, unsehlve the ones you want to commit, commit. ?01:09
RaceConditionlifeless: um, yeah, but you didn't answer my questio01:09
RaceConditionis it possible or not to commit shelved changes01:10
RaceConditionsmth like bzr commit -m "msg" --shelved01:10
RaceConditionapparently not, though, google gives me nothing on this01:11
lifelessno there is no direct way to do this today01:12
spivRandom observation: bzrlib.errors.AmbiguousBase has been deprecated since 0.801:15
spivWe should delete it...01:15
pooliespiv, i have a branch outstanding that removes lots of old code01:28
pooliei have review comments from robert still to do01:28
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jamlifeless: streaming or the change to the delta_index code?02:16
abentleythumper: pong02:19
thumperabentley: I was wanting to talk to you about the bzr sprint at uds02:20
abentleythumper: sure thing.02:20
abentleythumper: did you mean on skype?02:21
thumperabentley: :) yes02:22
* igc lunch02:31
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lifelessjam: both03:13
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thumperpoolie: what do we need to do to kick the backport effort in ubuntu?04:24
pooliejames_w said something in bne about driving it04:26
pooliebut he's on holiday until monday04:27
thumperfriday afternoon and I'm knackered04:27
igccontent filtering patch submitted to pqm04:29
* igc off to hospital for the rest of the day04:29
igchave a good weekend all04:29
lifelessigc: good luck04:36
macobzr push needs some better error messages04:38
maco"bzr push lp:~maco.m/seahorse-plugins" tells me that ~maco.m isnt a valid project name instead of telling me i need a branch name on the end of it04:39
macomaybe this is launchpad-specific though....? should i bug them instead?04:39
lifelessmaco: its launchpad specific04:44
macook ill go bug them04:44
pooliemaybe we could take all these people who like bikeshedding06:07
poolieand rent them out to actual power plants that need their bikesheds painted?06:07
pooliestrictly one per shed06:07
lifelesshopefully with big bikesheds06:07
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pooliekfogel: don't you sleep? :)06:50
kfogelpoolie: long story :-)06:51
kfogelpoolie: I'm actually an early-to-bed person, but... sigh, something came up, so here I ma.06:51
vilahi all06:56
kfogelhi vila06:56
pooliehello vila06:57
pooliereadjusted to europe?06:58
vilapoolie: fully :-)06:58
vilaI even add a ~2hours protest under my windows yesterday :)06:58
vilanot specifically targeted at me of course...06:59
poolienot even at slow push to 1.13? :)07:00
vilanot even :-) But some wanted a faster selftest though... :-P07:01
lifelessvila: you begged :P07:01
lifelessvila: and we have now07:01
vilalifeless: it rocks ! I toyed a bit yesterday evening trying to spawn 256/2048 processes instead of just 8 and obvisouly the kernel just can't handle that (I have plenty of memory so no problem from that side)07:02
lifelessvila: :P07:03
lifelessvila: its fixable07:03
Peng_Possibly stupid question: How does doing BzrDir.find_branches() on a local transport wind up returning remote branches?07:03
lifelessits just in the wrong spot, the ec2 version has it moved to run()07:03
lifelessPeng_: branch references07:03
vilalifeless: spawning the processes you mean ?07:04
Peng_lifeless: Okay.07:04
Peng_I wonder where I have one of those?07:04
Peng_Oh, I remember.07:04
vilalifeless: diff available somewhere ?07:04
lifelessvila: no :P but the branch I put up has a new snapshot07:05
lifelessvila: remember that none of this history will be merged, its all noise - I'm cutting and pasting bits for the relevant projects07:05
lifelesspoolie: 7m30 or so with 5 instances07:08
lifelessthough there are still, uhm, glitches07:08
vilalifeless: branch url ? And yes, I understand we don't care about history (though I'm a bit surprised we make an exception there ;-P)07:10
vilalifeless: got it07:12
pooliePeng_, would you be interested in coming to this bzr sprint at all?07:12
poolierobert suggested at least putting you on the list07:12
vilalifeless: wow, of course I should ignore all that ec2 related stuff07:14
vilalifeless: I'll manage, back to test_breakin07:15
poolieok, i think that's enough07:17
vilahave a nice week-end !07:21
CokeHi! Odd question perhaps, are there any free project hosting for free projects (like launchpad) that use bzr?07:25
Coke(except launchpad, ofcourse)07:25
lukssourceforge, savannah, any web hosting07:26
CokeThey do?07:26
CokeSavannah is using bzr these days?07:26
mrooneyhmm is this an important error? bzr: ERROR (ignored): The medium '<bzrlib.smart.medium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0x9d71d2c>' has reached its concurrent request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request.07:30
mrooneyI can't seem to get through this push, it just stalls at walking content, though if I control+c that is what I get07:30
pooliemrooney: it's typically a knock-on effect of some other error07:30
poolieit's better in later versions07:31
mrooneypoolie: how many later versions are there than 1.13~rc1-1build1 ?!07:31
poolienot many :)07:31
mrooneyhm I can't seem to push, alas07:31
mrooneyit just sticks on walking content07:32
pooliemrooney: if it's reproducible please do control-backslash07:32
pooliewhich should put you in a debugger then type 'bt'07:32
mrooneyyes it does seem to be07:32
poolieand then put that in a bug and show vila :)07:32
pooliecause unfortunately i have to go07:33
mrooneyhm okay well here it is for any other eyes http://paste2.org/p/16792107:33
mrooneyI really need to go also07:33
mrooneyI just wanted to push this code so someone else could work on it07:33
mrooneyI guess not :/07:33
vilapoolie: lol07:33
vilamrooney: looking07:33
mrooneyvila: thanks :)07:33
vilamrooney: ok, so, hpss requests shouldn't interrupted as they don't know how to restart, instead you should use -Dhpss and look at .bzr.log07:34
vilayou can even add 'debug_flags = hpss' in bazaar.conf07:36
mrooneyit will always just get stuck at some random walking content number07:36
vilamrooney: we need to look at that 'random' :-)07:36
vilabut first,07:36
mrooneyso where should that log be?07:37
vilawhere are you pushing to ? What format is used there, are you stacking ?07:37
mrooneyI have no idea :) I just tried to push to a fresh branch07:37
mrooney"bzr push lp:~mrooney/do-plugins/skreemr-plugin"07:37
vilamrooney: 'bzr version' will tell you where the .bzr.log file resides07:37
CokeHey, I can't find any evidence at all that sourceforge or savannah is using bazaar, any link to docs explaining how to use it?07:39
mrooneyvila: http://paste2.org/p/16792307:40
mrooneythe top part is the .bzr.log part, the bottom is where I am stuck07:40
vilamrooney: wow, wow, what bzr version are you using ?07:40
bob2for small values of using07:40
mrooneyyes indeed07:40
CokeThere's nothing in the user guide nor http://savannah.gnu.org/userguide/07:41
Cokeand the faq is lacking bzr commentary07:41
Peng_You think it's a good idea to set public_branch on all of your, well, public branches on the server?07:42
vilamrooney: What 'bzr info -v' shows in your local branch ?07:42
CokeThe menus include git, cvs, svn and arch, no bzr07:42
Peng_It's a bit redundant..07:42
mrooneyvila: http://paste2.org/p/16792407:43
mrooneyvila: thanks for helping me with this by the way :)07:43
mrooneyhopefully I can get this up07:43
vilamrooney: hmm, assuming you put 'debug_flags = hpss' in bazaar.conf, can you try deleting the branch and pushing again ?07:46
mrooneyoh I didn't let me do that07:46
vilamrooney: I suspect a stacking problem but upgrading all do-plugins branches to 1.9 may not be an option :-/07:47
vilamrooney: I can't parse "I didn't let me do that", surely you can be gentle with you and authorize yourself to delete a branch no ? ;-P07:48
mrooney"I didn't, let me do that"07:48
mrooneynow I am getting tons of output in the log07:48
mrooneyafter doing that07:48
mrooneyvila: http://paste2.org/p/16792707:50
mrooneyit does that forever on and on07:50
vilamrooney: on purpose, that's a known bug, you're using a slow code path :-(07:51
vilafor excessive values of slow :(07:51
mrooneyvila: how long will it take?07:51
vilamrooney: the main factor is your ping time for lp,  with ~20ms I found it hardly tolerable, above that, well, it depends on whether you are patient or very patient :-/07:53
mrooney~170 on average here07:53
vilaI think lifeless just posted a patch against bzr.dev to address situations like yours (and spiv already posted one for some of them last week), it's definitively high on the list to have that bug fixed07:54
mrooneyso what is my situation though07:54
mrooneyall I did was branch from lp and push07:54
mrooneywhat is special about it?07:54
vilamrooney: nothing, that's the bug :)07:55
mrooneyhm okay haha07:55
mrooneyI'll guess I'll burn through some kilowatts and leave my computer on overnight07:55
vilamrooney: hmm, just checked, lifeless patch hasn't landed yet07:56
vilamrooney: if that's an option, go for it and let us know how it ends up :-/07:56
mrooneyeh I guess I will try pushing tomorrow at work on a better connection07:56
vilamrooney: the laternative will be to update all the do-plugins branches to format 1.9 which doesn't suffer from this bug07:57
mrooneybut I have 1Mb up, I guess the ping is bad07:57
mrooneyhow do I do that?07:57
vila'bzr upgrade lp:do-plugins --format 1.9' for all branches07:57
mrooneycan I do it on just mine?07:58
vilamrooney: possibly, but if stacking is enabled on lp for do-plugins, I'm not sure this will avoid the bug... It may be faster to try though07:59
mrooneyit will be faster to give up and sleep07:59
mrooneythanks for your help though07:59
vilamrooney: sure, sorry about that :-/07:59
mrooneyI will hope this magically works tomorrow or something07:59
vilamrooney: things should be better once the initial push suceeds...08:02
mrooneyall I need is the initial push :)08:02
mrooneyit is only for review so it can be merged haha08:02
mrooneyas I don't have permission to push elsewhere08:02
vilamrooney: hmm, looks like lifeless patch landed after all (BB didn't acknowledged it yet, but it's in bzr.dev), so you may want to try that too (please report if you do)08:04
mrooneybzr: 1 me: 008:05
mrooneyI'll try to even the score tomorrow :)08:05
mrooneygood night thanks for your help!08:05
vilamrooney: you're welcome08:05
mrooneyps I upgraded the remote branch and my local although it didn't seem to fix it, I suppose your stacking suspicion was correct08:06
vilamrooney: which remote one ?08:07
mrooneythe unpushed to one08:07
mrooneyI don't know if that actually does anything but it took about 10 minutes so I presume it does08:08
vilaI'm surprised you can update it if it's not pushed to yet... what does .bzr.log says ?08:08
mrooneyvila: http://paste2.org/p/16794008:10
mrooneyapparently it took only 3 minutes08:10
vilamrooney: hmm, sounds good, what does bzr push reports now ?08:10
mrooneystill hanging out at walking content08:11
mrooneylast thing in the log there is 8.569  fetch up to rev {mrooney@ubuntu.com-20090320073443-2g8kssdqgnwhyfnw}08:11
vilawell, so indeed, you may need bzr.dev (sorry about the trials, I don't have all the combinations clearly in head)08:12
Peng_Another possibly-stupid question: What if I want to read from a branch and conditionally write to it? Should I always take out a write lock? Can I take out a read lock and "upgrade" it to a write lock if necessary?08:13
* Peng_ wonders why downloading the most recent revision of bzr.dev over http took 1.5 minutes and ~3.7 MB of bandwidth09:35
Peng_It's 14 lines of changes!09:35
LarstiQbeuno: https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr-beta-ppa/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/530792/+listing-archive-extra10:07
LarstiQjam: thanks, uploaded10:45
beunoLarstiQ, hi. So I should install bzr-svn from that PPA?13:30
pygihi hi13:32
LarstiQbeuno: either that or download the deb from there13:34
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beunoLarstiQ, installing bzr-svn works great14:50
beunowould you like me to use it in any way?14:50
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mxpxpodI just shelved some changes using bzr 1.13 which included adding some files and now when it goes to unshelve them it gives me this error: bzr: ERROR: No such file: None15:12
mxpxpodany way to fix that?15:13
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LarstiQbeuno: I wouldn't object to that :) I'm reasonably sure that if it gets through the phase where debian/control matters, that the actual code itself works.15:23
beunoLarstiQ, so I should just try and check out an svn branch with bzr?15:24
beunogot any handy?  :)15:24
mxpxpodbeuno: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojo/trunk15:25
LarstiQbeuno: stolen from subvertpy examples: svn://svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-specimen/trunk15:25
mxpxpodso, does anyone know what's going on with bzr unshelve?15:27
beunomalbisetti@pentaserv:~$ bzr co svn://svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-specimen/trunk test_svn15:27
beunoInitialising Subversion metadata cache in /home/malbisetti/.bazaar/svn-cache/203ae883-c723-44c9-aabd-cb56e4f81c9a15:27
beunoUpgrade to Subversion 1.5 or higher for faster retrieving of revision properties.15:27
beunomxpxpod, maybe you're mixing shelve and shelve2?15:27
LarstiQmxpxpod: in what sense?15:27
LarstiQah, you pasted something above15:28
mxpxpodbeuno: nope, I did bzr shelve and then bzr unshelve15:28
LarstiQmxpxpod: doesn't look familiar to me, did you check the bugs page in launchpad?15:28
mxpxpodyeah, looking now15:28
mxpxpodI could swear I've seen this before... but I don't remember the fix15:29
LarstiQmxpxpod: there have been various shelve fixes the past releases15:29
mxpxpodLarstiQ: yeah, I figured... I'm using 1.1315:30
mxpxpodand I need these files :(15:31
LarstiQmxpxpod: so if you trigger something in 1.13, either it's something new, something regressed, or newly exposed15:31
LarstiQmxpxpod: we should be able to help you get your files back15:31
LarstiQmxpxpod: but it would be easier if this was a known problem15:32
mxpxpodLarstiQ: fun ;)15:32
mxpxpodthe other problem is that I can't give out the shelf file because the files are internal to my company15:33
LarstiQthat's fine15:33
mxpxpoddo you want me to paste the bzr log somewhere?15:33
beunoLarstiQ, worked like a charm15:34
mxpxpodLarstiQ: oh, the other thing is that I added a new directory to the shelf too15:35
mxpxpodand there was a file in that directory15:35
mxpxpodLarstiQ: hmm, it might be trying to add the file in the directory before adding the directory back15:36
jammorning vila (I have a conference call right now, but we can chat after if you want)15:38
vilajam: chat sounds good15:38
mxpxpodLarstiQ: it's dying in line 546 of bzrlib/transform.py15:39
mxpxpodLarstiQ: any clues?15:45
LarstiQmxpxpod: sorry, irl sidetracked me for a moment there15:53
LarstiQmxpxpod: your analysis sounds plausible15:53
LarstiQmxpxpod: with that sequence I get a different message15:55
LarstiQmxpxpod: could you cp -a your branch so we can look at the state as it was later again?15:56
mxpxpodLarstiQ: huh?15:56
LarstiQmxpxpod: .bzr/checkout/shelf is where shelf has stored your files15:56
LarstiQmxpxpod: I'm intending to get your file out first, and do bugreporting later15:57
jamvila: call has completed if you want to chat15:58
mxpxpodLarstiQ: ok, so do you want a copy of my branch?15:58
vilajam: sure15:59
LarstiQmxpxpod: no, I just want to make sure you have an extra copy that we're not going to touch15:59
mxpxpodLarstiQ: or, just for me to make a copy for later15:59
mxpxpodLarstiQ: gotcha15:59
mxpxpodLarstiQ: making the copy now16:01
mxpxpodLarstiQ: ok, done16:05
LarstiQmxpxpod: ok, `bzr shelve --list` only shows 1 shelve?16:06
mxpxpodLarstiQ: yessir16:06
mxpxpodand there's only one file in .bzr/checkout/shelf16:07
LarstiQmxpxpod: if you open that with an editor, do you see the contents of your file clearly?16:09
mxpxpodLarstiQ: yeah16:09
mxpxpodLarstiQ: but there are other changes in the file16:09
durin42jelmer: ping, can we bug you in #mercurial briefly?16:09
mthaddonhas bzr merge --force changed somehow in 1.13?16:14
mxpxpodLarstiQ: I guess I'll just have to apply all of those changes manually16:16
LarstiQmxpxpod: ok, let me try a couple of things16:16
jelmerdurin42: sure16:50
jamBasicOSX: ping16:56
BasicOSXjam:  hiyah16:58
jamhey, just checking the 1.13.1 release16:59
jamIt looks like you don't have the fix for the "bzr merge --force" regressino16:59
jamwhich was an issue for some other people16:59
jamDo you might getting that into 1.13.1 before we make it finalized?16:59
jpdsAnyone else having troulbe pushing to lp?17:00
jamBasicOSX: "bzr.dev 4146" I'm happy to create a cherrypick and submit it to PQM as long as you are signed off on it17:01
BasicOSXjam: I can squeeze it in :-) Looks like Vincent fixed my bzrtools bug17:02
BasicOSXso I was going to re-start the release as well17:02
BasicOSXcherry pick and PQM to the branch, I'll sign off on it17:02
BasicOSXEeep! I missed 1.14rc1 -and- 1.14final according to mbp post!17:05
jamjpds: it seems to be working for me17:06
jamdid you try again?17:06
jamBasicOSX: yep. though if you read further he really did mean April :)17:07
BasicOSXI know, was just putting it in irc to tease17:07
fullermdShucks.  There I was thinking I'd finally gotten a good, long sleep...17:08
jpdsjam: Just made it.17:10
jamBasicOSX: change is on its way to PQM now17:10
jamShall I ping you when I get the confirmation?17:10
BasicOSXMy lunch hour almost over, drop me email on it?17:10
BasicOSXsince I'm going to loose wifi when I leave the cafe and drop back to the office :-) (yes, I bring my laptop to lunch)17:11
Takcan an uncommit be pushed to other branches?17:12
jamTak: with 'bzr push --overwrite'17:12
vilajam, BasicOSX : SHouldn't revno 4174 (bug #345169) be included in 1.13.1, it seems to address some pushing-to-lp-is-slooow bugs that some early 1.13.1 are experiencing17:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345169 in bzr "bzr push to a new lp branch of bzr from a local copy fails to stack" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34516917:13
Takthen what happens if I pull from a branch that already has the revision as well?17:13
jamvila: it isn't a regression17:13
jam"source is 0.92 branch 7"17:14
BasicOSXvila:  I asked on the ... nm, jam answering17:14
vilaI know :-/17:14
jamvila: not worthy of a 1.13.1 release17:14
jamthey would get the same from 1.1217:14
jamTak: uncommit just rolls the pointer back, it doesn't mark it as rejected17:14
jamso pulling from a branch that had it will bring it back17:14
Takso what I really want is to unmerge that revision17:15
jamTak: bzr revert -r -2; bzr commit17:15
jambzr merge -r X..X-1 ; bzr commit17:15
jambzr merge . -r X..X-1 ; bzr commit17:15
jamdepending on whether you want to reject the last commit, or something older17:16
jam(merge works in both cases, but revert is more obvious, IMO)17:16
* Tak nods17:16
d6ghello, i have some problem to push to a branch today, it stops at17:20
d6g[|                   ] Transferring:Walking content. 1294/142317:20
d6gand when i stop it using ctrl-c, i got this error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/108824/17:20
jamd6g: I don't think it stopped, it is still transferring, just not giving progress messages.17:21
jamThis would be with at least bzr1.13 to another bzr.1.13 host, right?17:21
d6git's 1.3 and push to launchpad17:21
jambzr.dev is a little better in that you still get 'activity' indications on the bytes sent/received.17:22
d6gbut how long am i supposed to wait, it seems just stuck in there17:22
d6gand the number 1294 seems random, sometimes larger/smaller17:22
d6gjam: i think you are right, i saw the upload speed now, it still is around 50kb/s, so i will probably have to wait, thx.17:24
mrooneyvila: no more apparent luck today, hm17:40
awilkinsSo, if I used --stacked on a branch that doesn't support stacking, how well does it work?18:04
awilkinsIt's currently telling me it's using 1.6, inside a 1.9 repo, and it's doing stuff that I presume is stacking (building tree")18:05
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nekohayohey there, I'm getting a "Permission denied (publickey)." when trying to "bzr pull lp:~kiddo/specto/specto-jeff" .... what's up?20:21
nekohayousing bazaar 1.6 "bundled with intrepid"20:21
smoothiceDoes anyone know if bazaar version 1.5.0 supports Launchpad?20:23
asabilnekohayo: probably logged in, and bzr pull lp:... tries to use bzr+ssh20:24
nekohayofor a pull?20:25
nekohayobut then I still have no idea what to do in that case20:25
asabilbzr launchpad-login20:26
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jelmerabentley: hi20:58
abentleyjelmer: hi20:58
jelmerabentley: What could cause a "Revision incompatible" error while merging a bundle?20:58
abentleyjelmer: I guess going from rich-root to non-rich-root?20:59
jelmerabentley: that was it, thanks!21:07
nekohayoasabil: returns "kiddo"21:10
nekohayoasabil: nevermind, I upgraded to bzr 1.13 and that fixed it21:18
hsn_how can i get around error message from apt-get public key is not available when i am trying to access bzr repos?21:19
hsn_beuno: thank you it works now21:25
exarkunHow do I change the push branch of a working copy that already has one?21:50
fullermdpush --remember21:51
exarkunWith version 1.3.1 that doesn't seem to do it21:51
exarkunOh :(21:51
exarkunYes it does, I just have a comprehension problem.21:52
fullermdCoffee helps with that   ;)21:52
exarkunHmm yea....21:52
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lifelessvila: hi23:39
lifelessvila: do you have a copy of tests.parallel with both our stuff in it?23:39

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