
JontheEchidnacausing bug 342682 if kmenuedit ever decides to hang00:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342682 in kdebase "Kmenuedit cause plasma lock" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34268200:00
* JontheEchidna actually found how to fix a bug in C++ code :D00:02
JontheEchidnaunless startDetached doesn't do what I think it does :(00:03
josh-lso here is my request :) http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Avant+%%5BREQUEST!%%5D?action=content&content=10128300:04
joshua_does anyone have kwin4-style-bespin installed? I have installed it but it refuses to appear in Window Decorations in the System Settings00:09
joshua_can dolphin save window size?00:11
claydohwe are turning the corner methinks ;)00:54
Riddellclaydoh: ooh, nice00:58
* claydoh can vouch for that as well01:00
* claydoh 's old lappy runs nicely and fastly in jj :)01:00
claydohhow likely/unlikely is 4.2.2 for jaunty? does the freeze preclude that?01:08
Riddellmost likely I'd say01:09
claydohcool, thanks01:11
joshua_anyone know how i can hack the Glassified plasma theme so that the panel looks right at a smaller size?01:23
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sebsebsebI was told to try this channel02:22
sebsebsebI got the KDE 4.2  ppa  for  Ubuntu/Kubuntu 8.10  Intrepid Ibex.   and did a upgrade tonight to  Juanty Jackelope 9.04  alpha 6.   when I logged into KDE.   I had a background.  no panel showing.   and  I could right click on the background for some more options,  as well as something on  the top right of my screen.   Is this normal I guess not.02:24
sebsebsebapparnatly this is the developers channel02:24
sebsebsebwell  I am not a fan of KDE402:25
sebsebsebjust like how some apps got better such as Ktorrent02:25
sebsebsebKDE3  RIP :(02:25
sebsebseband if  I am going to run  KDE apps,  I would normalley  in Gnome,   but  once  KDE4.2 is working properly again,  I am up for giving it another chance02:26
claydohsebsebseb: #kubuntu is the support channel02:41
sebsebsebfor 9.0402:41
sebsebseb#kubuntu is for  final stable releases02:41
claydohsebsebseb:#ubuntu+1 perhaps02:42
sebsebsebyes I was in there02:42
sebsebseband someone said to try here02:42
claydohbut I don't think upgrades are well tested at this stage02:42
claydohor recommended02:42
sebsebsebwhy does KDE3 have to die :(   see above02:43
ScottKsebas: It's free software.  All it takes is someone to maintain it.02:55
ScottKoops.  That was meant for sebsebseb.02:55
sebsebsebScottK: yeah, but  it seems no one wants to,  and I can't02:55
ScottKThat's the reason.02:56
sebsebsebScottK: KDE3 Knoppix and distros like that sure that's nice,  but  Kubuntu KDE3 was alright, but  I would just go back to Gnome and use some KDE apps there02:56
ScottKI find KDE4 pretty good.02:57
sebsebsebScottK: maybe it should be an option though in the repos even for 8.10  and 9.04, even though it's  not really suppourted anymore02:57
ScottKA few people have said they were going to maintain it, but AFAIK none have really managed it.02:57
sebsebsebScottK: I found KDE4 to differnet when it came to the GUI and how it looked.   Ktorent has a much nicer version and Dolphin has improved.02:58
sebsebsebwhat does AFAIK mean again?02:58
ScottKAs Far As I Know02:58
lex79ScottK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics/+bug/34567203:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 345672 in kdegraphics "epub support missing" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:32
lex79libepub is not in main, so..is it impossible add epub support?03:33
ScottKAt this point yes.03:33
ScottKIt could be considered for Karmic.03:34
kb9vqfScottK: I am maintaining it.  See http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net :)03:46
kb9vqfsebsebseb: You can still have KDE3.5.  See http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net for instructions...for Jaunty, you'll have to add the Intrepid and Jaunty lines to /etc/apt/sources.list though.03:48
sebsebsebkb9vqf: right, but can I have both,  3 and 4?03:48
kb9vqfsebsebseb: You should be able to03:48
sebsebsebsome guy got kde3 from  some where, and tried to upgrade,  and  well it would have just replaced that lot with kde403:49
sebsebsebkb9vqf: heh I bet I can't have kde2 or 1 or any of that though unless.   would probably be kind of interesting for me to try those, because they were before I used Linux03:49
kb9vqfsebsebseb: That might have been my original repository from way back when.  It no longer does that!03:49
kb9vqfsebsebseb: They were pretty bad IMO.  I only do KDE3.5 :)03:50
sebsebsebkb9vqf: I think KDE 3.10 or something like that is the latest?03:52
kb9vqfsebsebseb: KDE 3.5.10 SVN03:52
sebsebsebkb9vqf: yeah it would kind of suck to have to run  Ubuntu 8.04 for both KDE3  and 403:53
sebsebsebkb9vqf: or do hardy in a vm for  kde303:53
kb9vqfsebsebseb: No, you don't need to do that!  Why don't you give my repo a try?03:54
sebsebsebkb9vqf: which is your repo?03:55
kb9vqfThe link I gave earlier.  There are some instructions for adding it to your system on that page.03:57
kb9vqfsebsebseb: Be sure to sign up for the mailing list too03:58
sebsebsebkb9vqf: oh right ok03:58
sebsebsebkb9vqf: so that's for the svn the very latest?03:58
kb9vqfsebsebseb: Yup.  I don't think much will change from now on, unless it's a bugfix that I or other KDE3.5 stalwarts implement.03:59
sebsebsebkb9vqf: stalwarts????/04:00
kb9vqfsebsebseb: OK, maybe wrong word.  Those who still use it daily. :-)04:00
joshua_ok after adding http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu to my sources, is there anyway to update all my current kde3 applications to their appropriate kde4 versions all at once? or do I have to uninstall amarok kde3 for example and reinstall amarok kde4?04:01
shtylmanRiddell: fyi: I put in a merge request (for the ubiquity bugfixes)04:33
QuintasanThere is a breakage with python-kde4 and python-kde4-dev06:50
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I think libplasma3 should depend on python-plasma, there are many python widgets appearing07:04
* Quintasan is off, school time :<07:06
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mrvanesAm I the only one seeing broken font hinting in Jaunty at the moment?09:20
dotancohenI was seeing broken font hinting in Kubuntu Jauny Firefox, but I configred a different font inside firfox and it went away09:31
dotancohenI do not remember what the original font was called, should I create a new profile and check?09:32
mrvanesALL my hinting is borken09:37
mrvanesI use verdana as default OS font and it doesn't hint anymore09:37
mrvanesBut that _may_ very well be due to the experimental intel drivers I use, I just wanted to know if that is the case?09:38
agateauRiddell: got some bug for me?09:55
* apachelogger waves to dotancohen10:07
apacheloggeragateau: bug as in bug that needs fixing?10:08
agateauapachelogger: yes10:08
ScottKagateau: I don't suppose you would care to look at the KPackageKit update notification not being persistent (it's the reason we're still shipping the old update notifier)?10:12
apacheloggerScottK: isn't the update notifier not also taking care of missing lang packs notification?10:12
ScottKapachelogger: I don't know.  I know jR re-seeded it in response to the KPackageKit notification problem.10:13
agateauwe just added new stuff to update-notifier-kde, so it may not be a good idea to scratch it now :/10:13
agateauScottK: but can you explain a bit more what the kpackagekit issue is?10:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please update description and title fo bug 31023910:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310239 in kdebase "KFind search hard to use" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31023910:14
ScottKOK.  Well it'd be nice to have the notification duration fixed generally.  That's just the case I knew of where it hurt the most.10:14
apacheloggeragateau: it looks like the following: new updates arrive, kpk triggers notification, notification goes away (even in the short period of time it is visible, the buttons are mostly broken)10:15
apacheloggerI think the main problems is that kpk's tray icon won't stick, as it is probably supposed to represent the constant state of updates-available10:16
agateauapachelogger: kpk is an always running app like update-notifier?10:17
macoJontheEchidna says thats something to do with broken persistent notifications10:17
maconot a kpk bug10:17
apacheloggerthe problem is that the tray icon also disappears10:18
apacheloggerso there is no indication of available updates at all10:18
apacheloggeragateau: it got a kded module to track updates and trigger the notification I think10:18
agateauoh ok10:19
* agateau grabs the source10:20
RiddellI suspect that's a bug or lack of feature in plasma10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: well, update-notifier does not have presistent notifications either, does it?10:21
agateauthe question is: even this bug gets fixed, we still need update-notifier for other stuff, don't we?10:22
apacheloggerso just getting the kpk tray icon to stick around when updates are available should be the target for now10:22
apacheloggerhm, right10:22
apacheloggerRiddell: what is update-notifier taking care of, these days?10:22
macoapachelogger: update-notifier DID used to persist in ubuntu gnome sessions. now they have no persistent notifier. instead update manager just opens at seeminly random (really: 7 days since last time a package manager was used for updates) behind everything else10:23
agateauapachelogger: it can install restricted packages10:23
agateaucodecs, and now nepomuk sesame backend10:23
apacheloggerwell, that is a one-time use case10:23
apacheloggersame applies for missing lang packs (if they get handled by update-notifier)10:24
agateauyes, but must be running to handle the request10:24
agateaubut it*10:24
apacheloggeroh ... isn't the reboot-needed notification handled by it as well?10:24
agateaui think so10:24
agateauyes it is10:25
apacheloggerwell, it needs to stick around then10:25
apacheloggeragateau: does it have an "update" button for update notifications?10:26
apacheloggerif so, I think we should just deactivate the kpk notification for jaunty and go with update-notifier10:26
Riddellapachelogger: update-notifier-kde has a systray icon to click on for updates10:27
agateauthe notification is button-less, but you can click the tray icon to start the update process10:27
RiddellI turned off the kpackagekit notifier10:27
apacheloggerI would find a button more obvious10:28
apacheloggerat least for the time a notification is actually shown10:28
agateaucan be done10:30
apacheloggerwell, low-priority, but nice to have :)10:30
apacheloggerconsidering kpk notifications are turned off I am all happy10:30
agateauok, anything else?10:34
Riddellagateau: upgrades need testing10:37
Riddellwe need to work out the best way to advise people to upgrade from hardy for beta10:38
* apachelogger would find rewriting KHC a much more sensible use of time :P10:38
Riddellagateau: here's some bugs https://launchpad.net/bugs/308060 needs someone working out the fix security requested for libmsn10:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 308060 in libmsn "Include libmsn in main" [Medium,Confirmed]10:42
Riddellbug 339902 needs working out with upstream what the status is10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339902 in notify-osd "notifications visible through the screensaver" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33990210:42
* jussi01 hates that one10:44
apacheloggernixternal: I really do not get bug 5010310:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 50103 in kdebase "kwrite does not provides a DCOP interface to open documents (as kate does)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5010310:54
apacheloggerwhy would kwrite have a dcop call for opening a doc, when opening a doc equals opening a new instance anyway?10:54
agateauapachelogger: you can have multiple window and one kwrite process (weird, i know)10:57
Riddellagateau: fancy looking into either of those bugs?10:57
agateauRiddell: yes10:57
agateauRiddell: do you maintain an external list to sort kubuntu bugs, or is it all done through launchpad?10:58
apacheloggeragateau: hm, maybe that kind of dbus stuff should be exposed through the katepart then, to have a unified structure for both kate and kwrite10:58
* agateau is a bit lost in launchpad10:58
Riddellagateau: it's done through launchpad10:58
agateauok, I guess i just need to get used to it10:59
apacheloggeragateau: ask JontheEchidna to give you a launchpad intro10:59
apacheloggerhe knows all about it ... I think ;-)10:59
mrvanesdotancohen: problem solved... 70-yes-bitmaps was replaced by 70-no-bitmaps in /etc/fonts/conf.d in latest update :(11:03
freinhardjust found some nice ui-files in /usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/ how do i get there? "systemsettings->printer configuration" looks quite different.11:19
smarterfreinhard: type print in the k-menu11:26
smarterhmm, that doesn't seem to work anymore11:26
* dotancohen was eating, waves back11:51
Riddellfreinhard: that's the ones "systemsettings->printer configuration" uses11:52
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ryanakcaRiddell: Hmmm... looks like python-kde4-dev is now uninstallable. *points to #u-devel*12:17
ryanakcaRiddell: Would s/Conflicts/Replaces/ take care of it?12:18
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freinhardRiddell: thats how "printer configuration" looks like here: http://imagebin.ca/view/kLuQQXY.html12:35
freinhardRiddell: no idea how to get to the settings that system-config-printer.ui offers12:35
JontheEchidnaRiddell, agateau: I think the  recent system-config-printer changes must have broken the "Add new Printer" dialog in software-properties-kde12:42
ryanakcaWhen would be the most useful time (testing and bug reporting wise) for me to attempt a dist-upgrade? Before beta or after?12:55
Riddellryanakca: now12:57
Riddellryanakca: are you on intrepid?12:57
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes, with a jaunty laptop12:58
ScottKJontheEchidna: Any chance you could go through the changes we've made in Jaunty since 4.2.1 went into kubuntu-experimental and see what we need to capture for an official backport?12:58
ryanakca(amd64 intrepid, i386 laptop)12:58
Riddellryanakca: alt-F2 and run    update-notifier-kde -d12:59
freinhardRiddell: got it. lines 1260-1261 in usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/kcm-scpk.py got 4 spaces too much.13:10
smarterheh, python spaces are evil :p13:12
freinhardwell but python just rocks :) would have never found/fixed this that easily with c++13:14
smarterfreinhard: right, you don't need to know python nor qt nor anything to fix python code :P13:15
Riddellfreinhard: well spotted13:16
Riddellagateau: hmm, if I run your kconf_update script and use the result to replace kwinrulesrc then run the dbus command it just reverts back to the old one13:23
agateauRiddell: argh13:25
agateauRiddell: how did you start it?13:26
Riddellagateau: well by hand so probably not the proper wya13:29
Riddellagateau: what's the best way to test it?13:29
agateauI mean you did something like cat kwinrulesrc | myscript.py ?13:30
agateauit's normal then13:30
agateaukconf_update is a strange tool:13:30
agateauwhat is printed on stdout by the script is added by kconf_update (new keys/new groups)13:31
agateauexcept for special blocks like "# DELETEGROUP bla"13:31
agateauwhich kconf_update interprets as "remove group bla"13:31
agateaubut it's kconf_update which does all the file manipulation13:32
Riddellagateau: I got it13:32
agateauNormally if you put both the .upd and the .py in the kconf_update/ dir, kded will detect a new file and run it through kconf_update13:33
Riddellput the files into /usr/share/kde4/apps/kconf_update/, ran kconf_update, voila okular presentation mode work13:33
Riddellyou rock agateau13:33
agateauhehe :)13:33
agateaui try to13:33
ryanakcaRiddell: Failed because I didn't have the GPG key to the kubuntu-members-kde4 / kubuntu-experimental PPA... In Karmic, would it be worthwile implementing logic to give the use the option of bailing or continuing if the missing GPG key isn't an archive.ubuntu.com one?13:44
ScottKryanakca: Just install the key and try again.13:46
LureRiddell: did you see my notice about install-package still using gdebi? I suppose this should be switched to kpackagekit...13:50
LureRiddell: dragonplayer uses it...13:50
Lureis this known: The following packages have been kept back:13:57
Lure  python-kde4 python-kde4-dev13:57
JontheEchidnaScottK: Sure, maybe in a bit13:59
JontheEchidnaLure: I think so14:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: Great.  I think during the beta freeze is the time to get it done.14:00
LureJontheEchidna: ok, then I am sure somebody will fix it before backup14:00
JontheEchidnawe get exclusive buildd access14:00
agateauI have a fix for bug 308060, but it's a bit invasive14:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308060 in libmsn "Include libmsn in main" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30806014:06
agateauRiddell: should I attach it to the report?14:07
ScottKagateau: Please do.14:07
Riddellagateau: yes please14:07
RiddellLure: it uses code from gebi, I don't think it uses gdebi itself.  kpackagekit should have a feature for a command line package install yes14:07
JontheEchidnaand since gdebi is python and kpackagekit is C++...14:08
JontheEchidnait should be easy enough to take the code from gdebi and just give it to install-package though14:08
Riddellthat wouldn't be hard14:08
Riddelladding a feature to kpackagekit to install a package requested on the command line wouldn't be hard either but it's jaunty+1 material14:09
Riddellagateau: looks impressive, I guess we run it by jdstrand to see if he approves14:13
agateauRiddell: yes, it's not a 2 line patch :)14:14
agateauI added the length parameter to the copy function, so I add to patch all code up to the point where the buffer length were known14:15
Riddellryanakca: did you start the upgrade?14:22
LureRiddell: install-package14:22
Lure  Depends: gdebi-kde14:22
Lure  Depends: python14:22
RiddellLure: mm hmm?14:23
ScottKbtw, cjwatson says the gcc bug that caused qt4-x11 to ICE on powerpc is fixed so his patch can be dropped on the next upload.14:29
maco#ubuntu+1 seems to have a low kubuntu concentration, so asking here: kwin's compositing, broken for everyone or just me?14:33
ryanakcaRiddell: It's running away14:37
Riddellryanakca: what stage has it got to?14:37
ryanakcaRiddell: It's downloading the packages...14:37
josh-lhey all, how would i go about upgrading intrepid to jaunty? fully?14:39
ryanakcaRiddell: Something I should be looking for / trying?14:39
Riddellryanakca: ok, it crashed for me when starting the install stage, I think it's just a problem with running inside a chroot but let me know once it gets there14:39
Riddelljosh-l: alt-f2    update-notifier-kde -d    let us know how you get on14:39
ryanakcaRiddell: *nod*, will do... It'll probably be in a few hours, somehow I have 2G of packages to download :)14:40
josh-lthanks Riddell14:40
josh-lRiddell: is that possible via command line?14:42
Riddelljosh-l: yes (alt-f2 is just being used as a quick command line there)14:42
josh-lRiddell: i mean via a command line app, like apt-get or aptitude14:43
kb9vqfjosh-l: You would have to manually add the Jaunty repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list, then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:45
Riddelljosh-l: couldn't say, the upgrade tool is the one we need testing14:45
Riddellkb9vqf: that's not advised14:45
ScottKjosh-l: Also the upgrade tool has rules for dealing with some special cases for upgrades that you do want.14:46
JontheEchidnamaco: Works for me (tm)14:47
JontheEchidnaWhoa, neat. Jockey has PolicyKit and KNotification support14:48
macomaybe i should shrink the scope: any i965 jaunty users that are able to make kwin's compositing work?14:50
macoi tried resetting kwin's compositing settings even though my settings worked a month ago14:51
JontheEchidnaYeah, that might be advisable. I have an nvidia here14:51
macocompiz works...i started in #ubuntu-x14:51
QuintasanJontheEchidna: python-plasma is going to be installed by default? I had hard time figuring out why the Magic Folder didn't work :)15:04
freinhardmaco: i965 doesn't use the same driver as i915 does?15:05
macofreeflying: it does, but i figure its possible the hardware may make a difference15:06
Riddellagateau: able to join #ubuntu-devel ?15:06
agateauRiddell: sure15:06
freinhardmaco: desktop effects do work here (except for being to expensive for i915). but in exchange i got a really ugly graphics bug.15:08
macohm ok. i get an error box yelling at me15:09
macoa VERY wordy error box15:09
freinharddon't know who fails here: http://imagebin.ca/view/MY124lml.html qt? kwin? intel driver?15:10
Riddellfreinhard: I have that too, I think it's a combination of intel driver and qt15:11
rgreeningI have intel and don't see that. I am also using UXA acceleration and not EXA or XAA15:14
Riddellrgreening: how do you turn that on?15:14
cbr      Option          "AccelMethod"   "UXA"15:15
rgreeningOption          "AccelMethod"           "UXA"15:15
rgreeningunder section Device15:15
cbrit was unstable the last time i used it though15:15
cbrrandom crashes etc15:15
rgreeningworks great here. no issues15:15
rgreeningno crashing15:15
Riddellunder which section?15:15
rgreeningI have an Intel GM4515:15
cbrme too15:16
cbrno wait, what's that15:16
cbri have gm96515:16
rgreeningcbr the 450015:16
RiddellI seem to have  GM965/GL96015:16
cbroh, newer one?15:16
cbrRiddell: i have the same15:16
cbrimo i got crashes with virtualbox under uxa.. but that was some time ago, maybe things have improved with new driver releases15:17
rgreeningThe issue with UXA was it required DRI2 and some other bits to catch up. it has.15:17
macorgreening: im using default thing ight now. it used to work both with and without UXA15:18
cbrtoo bad no .29 kernels for ubuntu.. i'd like to tinker with kms :p15:18
rgreeningIts stable now, I use it on my system 14hrs per day. no crashes.15:18
macoi went to test blur in notify-osd stuff with kwin compositing and....crud, no compositing.15:18
macocbr: oh you have what i have15:18
macoUXA didnt crash for me...except if i left compositing on when i suspended15:19
macoi ended up disabling compositing entirely about a month ago and now that i go to try it again, it doesnt work15:19
cbri have composite disabled too15:19
cbrtoo much can go wrong with it :p15:19
ryanakcaRiddell: How should I fix the python-kde4 and -kde4-dev problem?15:20
JontheEchidnaRecommends of things on the CD seed get pulled in to the default CD, correct?15:20
Quintasanryanakca: I holded them.15:20
cbrokay, i'll try UXA for laughs15:20
macocbr: are you able to enable composite?15:20
macowait wait15:20
macowith not-UXA, can you enable composite successfully?15:20
Riddellryanakca: I uploaded a fix15:21
Riddellthis UXA is much better!15:21
* ryanakca nods15:21
Riddellcomposite speeding along15:21
macoRiddell: trying to tempt me to restart X?15:21
* ryanakca wonders if UXA works with nvidia cards15:21
Riddelldesktop cube all working15:21
Riddellryanakca: I think it's intel only for now15:21
ryanakcaRiddell: Bummer :/15:21
macoisnt UXA just intel's name for "look, we can do DRI2 now!"15:22
txwikinger_workintel works, or intel does not work?15:22
macoits intel's attempt to catch up to nvidia's rendering15:22
macotxwikinger: UXA is for Intel and Intel+Kwin compositing + !maco = works15:22
cbrmaco: i think so15:24
=== freinhar1 is now known as freinhard
agateauis UXA the solution to "my desktop feels slugish since I installed Jaunty" ?15:25
rgreeningUXA should be the default for Intel cards for Jaunty...15:26
macoagateau: recompiling the kernel with preempt enabled is one way to deal with "my desktop feels sluggish since they EOL'd Feisty and made me upgrade"...15:26
cbri wouldn't make such bold claims15:26
cbrrgreening: it isnt15:26
macorgreening: its experimental. many cards go arse over tincan when they encounter it15:26
agateaumaco: :)15:26
cbrubuntu kernel doesn't have preempt?15:27
agateauand how does one enable/install uxa?15:27
cbrwasn't that the stuff that made stuff fast?15:27
macothats part of why pulseaudio glitch free suuuuucks15:27
macoit slows down the machine overall, technically, but it reduces latency for the user15:27
rgreeningSun IBM merger... I dub thee SunBM (Pronounced SunBeem)15:28
macolike, if you're doing single-task benchmarking, it might come out slower15:28
rgreeningremember where you heard it first folks.15:28
Riddellagateau: Option  "AccelMethod"   "UXA"15:28
macobut if you're a user and you want to click the button and gosh darn it, it should respond right when you click that button....yay preempt!15:28
Riddellagateau: under Device in xorg.conf15:28
agateauRiddell: ok thanks15:28
cbrso why did they disable it?15:29
macoit completely killed battery life for laptops15:29
macothe combination of it and hz=100015:29
maconow that we have tickless kernel, it should be ok to bring back15:29
macobut its too late in jaunty to do so now15:30
macoit can also create some odd race-condition type bugs if the kernel threads you preempt really did not want to be preempted15:30
maco(at least, this is what i've gathered is the situation based on reading kernel-team mailing list and chatting with apw and dtchen)15:31
agateaumaco: sounds like a lot of fun15:31
* agateau restarts X15:31
txwikinger_workrgreening: What did we hear first? the merger, or the new name?15:33
macotxwikinger: his new name proposal15:34
Quintasannixternal: ping15:34
rgreeninglol... my coining of the phrase for th enew name :)15:34
macowell i suppose technically we heard about the potential merge on the news a few days ago15:34
macoso we heard that before we heard him. but i think he means we heard before others what he thinks teh name will be15:34
rgreeningI think SunBM could catch on. :) - Tagline: A ray of hope15:34
txwikinger_workyep.. I heard about it a couple of days ago too15:34
macoquassel feature request: teh becomes the15:35
agateauUXA rocks!15:35
rgreeningUXA does teh rox agateau15:35
macorgreening: lolerscates15:35
rgreeningmaco: :P15:35
macohey wait...i never got a confirmation email from quassel's bug tracker registration thingy15:35
agateauquassel feature request: lolcats plugin15:36
macoi wanna request that it notice netsplits and behave sensibly, like irssi, as opposed to acting like xchat15:36
maco50 lines of part followed  a minute later by 50 lines of join.....ugh15:37
* ScottK just hides all the parts/joins.15:39
* apachelogger starts singing again15:39
agateaummm, my machine locked up when I tried to bring krunner15:40
agateaui am afraid UXA rocks but not completly :)15:40
cbruxa seems faster than when i last tried15:40
freinhardagateau: UXA sucks(atm for 915GM)! ;) see bug #33171915:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331719 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i915] [UXA] VT switching doesn't work on Intel 915GM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33171915:41
apacheloggerdo I have an i91515:41
freinhardapachelogger: so you should be affected by that bug.15:42
apacheloggeroh dear, I do15:42
apacheloggerthen again, who needs VT switching anyway :P15:42
freinhardugly graphics bug vs. no VT.15:42
cbrso now composite is fast15:43
cbrbut konsole is still piss-slow15:43
cbrwhat gives :p15:44
apacheloggerclearly 9.04 doesn't want to start in a vbox15:44
Quintasanknights is no longer maintained?15:44
* apachelogger fires up the xen machine15:44
apacheloggerQuintasan: nope15:44
apacheloggerfor years it seems actually15:44
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Last of the English Roses" by Peter Doherty15:45
Quintasanbug 345828 <--- those kind of bugs are marked as invalid or something else?15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345828 in knights "knights is no longer available from the repositories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34582815:48
apacheloggerQuintasan: invalid + file a removal request for knights-themepack, then get a motu to approve the request and subscribe ubuntu-archive15:51
apacheloggerconsidering knights-themepack is really still in the archives of course15:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can you please drop the notes plasmoid from kds15:51
QuintasanIt is15:51
apacheloggerit is seriously untranslated15:51
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: btw, kdebase-workspace-bin now recommends python-plasma15:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: sure15:52
Riddellit's not in k-d-s now15:52
JontheEchidnathough I think it possibly moved to a patch in kdebase15:52
Riddellit did15:52
* JontheEchidna has a bit of lag15:52
QuintasanJontheEchidna: great :)15:52
apacheloggerhm, then there :P15:52
apacheloggerRiddell: why are the kickoff favorites set to KDE default again?15:53
Riddellapachelogger: I don't know15:53
apacheloggeruh, I like the new timezone chooser15:53
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: our current default-notes patch is properly i18n'd15:54
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: and yeah, the timezone chooser is a usability wreck15:54
Riddellit is?15:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: seriously now, even if it is i18n'ed, it is so not going to be translated15:55
apacheloggernot within the next 3 years anyway15:55
apacheloggerwe really gotta be realistic about whether stuff really gets translated, the user will not care if we have a i18n() in the code or not15:55
nixternalQuintasan: pong15:56
Quintasannixternal: I want to start translating docs. Anything I should know?15:58
apacheloggerdo we have docs again?15:58
nixternalnot yet but soon15:58
apacheloggerwhen I just tried the about-kubuntu stuff ont he live cd it failed :S15:58
nixternalcouple of more days15:58
nixternalyes, because of the change from /usr/share/doc/kde4 to /usr/share/doc/kde15:59
nixternalwhen you change it in the other packages, you have to change it in the docs as well15:59
apacheloggerI like told you twice :P15:59
nixternalya, but building a docs package just for that during development would be a waste of brain cells :p16:00
* apachelogger likes how ubiquity is speaking 2 languages at the same time16:01
JontheEchidnaDo you think the panel would look more "balanced" if it looked like this? http://imagebin.ca/view/LjFsa0f.html16:01
JontheEchidnaRight now everything's shoved on all sides of the systray16:01
apacheloggerI don't16:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the pager got a vey awkward place, way to easy to switch desktop when indeed you want to open the menu16:03
apachelogger+ it's been on the right side for ages16:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I would go with launchper | device notifier | quickaccess | task manager | pager | battery | network | tray | clock16:04
* ScottK understands nixternal to be saying he has to be very careful not to waste his remaining brain cells?16:04
nixternalyou would be correct sirt16:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: actually, that makes me wonder ... what happens with the battery on a desktop machine?16:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I dunno. When we had it set in k-d-s it'd always pop up, but I'm not sure how it will handle now that we don't specify it at all16:05
Riddellapachelogger: there's code now in plasma to do the right thing16:06
apacheloggeroh, awesome :)16:06
Riddellapachelogger: are yuo running today's live CD?16:06
JontheEchidnaeww @ jpeg artifacts16:08
JontheEchidnawhy can't drag and drop from ksnapshot default to png? :(16:09
apacheloggerRiddell: yep16:09
JontheEchidnadrag and drop from ksnapshot to the pastebin applet is so convenient...16:09
agateaummm uxa is definitely unstable16:09
JontheEchidnaespecially now that the prt scr button actually works16:09
Riddellapachelogger: did you notice if plasma took an unusually long time to start (show the wallpaper and put the widgets in the right place.  also did the folderview and notes widget start correctly?16:10
Riddellagateau: working great here, but there's a reason it's not on by default, I think it's just the luck of the graphics card16:10
agateauRiddell: yes i guess16:10
freinhardUXA! :)16:11
apacheloggerRiddell: well, I am running it inside a virtual machine with safe graphics, but there was wrong rendering for the plasmoids going on16:11
apacheloggerthey look properly now though16:11
Riddellmm, that seems to be a side effect of not having it pre-configured in k-d-s16:13
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, it seems kickoffrc is missing16:14
JontheEchidnakickoffrc is deprecated, I think16:14
apacheloggerhow that?16:14
JontheEchidnamoved into plasma-appletsrc16:14
JontheEchidnafor per-kickoff settings I guess?16:15
apacheloggerthe favorites16:15
JontheEchidnaI'm saying per-kickoff settings was probably why it was moved16:15
apacheloggerthere were no settings in there :P16:15
JontheEchidnasince all kickoff instances would share the same settings16:15
apacheloggersounds weird16:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what kickoff instances?16:16
JontheEchidnaadd widgets -> add kickoff16:16
JontheEchidnaadd widgets -> add kickoff again16:16
JontheEchidnaboth would share the same settings since they both used the same rc16:16
apacheloggerwell, what is the problem with that?16:16
JontheEchidnabut if the settings are in plasma-appletsrc they could have independent settings16:16
apacheloggerfavs are not stored in plasma-appletsrc16:17
apacheloggerjust tried16:17
apacheloggerthey still end up in kickoffrc16:17
JontheEchidnaoh, then maybe it wasn't moved at all16:17
* JontheEchidna shrugs16:17
JontheEchidnamaybe only some options moved16:18
apacheloggersomeone just restore kickoffrc in kds :P16:18
=== Pici is now known as newnick
=== newnick is now known as Pici
* apachelogger blames Riddell16:19
apacheloggerha, we did never set the nohover in kickoffrc :P16:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: got time to revert that change?16:20
JontheEchidnasure, then I'll get the list of backport-needed changes for kde 4.2.116:21
apacheloggerRiddell: did you recently try a fresh install ... at first login I get the akonadi status window which then disappears after some time ... very weird16:21
apacheloggerRiddell: no plasma problems in the installation, btw ... maybe we should just ship a pre-configured config for use in the live cd?16:22
* apachelogger could cry over rosetta's interface16:28
cbri wonder why kde's network-manager plasmoid can't connect to wifi16:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: kickoffrc pushed back to bzr16:39
apacheloggerRiddell: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kde4libs/+pots/kdelibs4/de/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=Check+this+option+i16:48
apacheloggerthere is something weird going on with pot generation16:48
apacheloggerLocated in obj-arm-linux-gnueabi/kio/ui_kpropertiesdesktopadvbase.h:18116:48
apacheloggerthat hardly seems like a valid path to get strings from?16:49
ScottKIt's also interesting that the translation has contributors, but no actual translation.16:49
RiddellI suppose another exception could be added to debian/patches/kubuntu_01_no_translate_pc_dir.diff16:51
QuintasanJontheEchidna: got a second?16:52
JontheEchidnain a bit16:52
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/134305/16:54
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: ok, I have a second now16:54
apacheloggerScottK: I think the KDE doods abandoned rosetta, so german is especially getting no translations for kubuntu changes16:55
apacheloggerhaving used the UI again, I can very much understand this16:55
freinhardapachelogger: kde programs are translated on launchpad ?!?16:58
ScottKThere are Ubuntu specific translation efforts in LP.16:58
ScottKUpstream has their own tools for it.16:58
ScottKPersonally, I'll be happy if the Ubuntu translation process doesn't worsen the translations again.16:59
apacheloggerif only the efforts would stick to Ubuntu specific stuff :S16:59
apacheloggerScottK: IMHO upstream translations should be locked for translation unless some sane dood agrees to unlock them17:00
apacheloggerfor a bugfix for example17:00
* apachelogger needs to get something to eat17:00
ScottKUp until recently there wasn't even a way to export changes to send them back upstream.17:07
freinhardwhere can i find the kubuntu docs? like system-settings/C/system-settings.xml17:11
ScottKapt-get source kubuntu-docs?17:12
freinhardScottK: since they are translated on launchpad i thought i coud get them there too.17:13
Riddellthey're in bzr somewhere17:13
ScottKYes.  I didn't realize you wanted LP specific.17:13
* ScottK looks at nixternal for details.17:13
freinhardScottK: thx anyways, apt-get source does the job ;)17:14
nixternalfreinhard: ^^17:14
nixternalfreinhard: apt-get source will not get you anything close to what I have in bzr though17:15
nixternalwhat you get in apt-get source is actually very bad :(17:15
ScottKPrimarily due to lack of spare brain cells on the part of our docs guy, whoever that is.17:15
nixternalya, that is a lot of documentation for jjesse and I to work on, especially when jjesse is out of town most of the time17:16
nixternalQuintasan: you pinged me earlier, did you need anything?17:16
Quintasannixternal: not really, just wanted to ask should I know something important before translating the docs :)17:17
nixternaloh, hehe17:17
nixternalyes, make sure you have a Launchpad Account :p17:17
freinhardnixternal: but i can't use what you got in bzr as reference for translations? looks like trans.edge.lp.net is outdated17:18
Quintasannixternal: looks like I have ;)17:18
nixternalfreinhard: you can use what is in bzr, but it isn't finished17:18
nixternalthere are still about 12 sections that are in the process of being updated drastically17:19
nixternalthere is still a few days before string freeze17:19
* Quintasan loves random ext4 crashes17:51
josh-lhey folks, got a problem here with jaunty, i can only connect to my router if I turn off wep.... help?17:58
josh-lanyone pls18:04
ScottKjosh-l: Does it work with KNetworkManager?18:08
josh-lScottK: is that the intrepid network manager? If so yes it does18:08
ScottKIt's still available in Jaunty, just not the default.18:08
josh-lokay so I should just use that then?18:09
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ Reason not to remove KNetworkManager.18:09
ScottKFile a bug on the new widget too.18:09
josh-lScottK: will i need to remove the current network manager?18:09
ScottKjosh-l: Also you know WEP is trivial to crack and if you want any actual security you should use WPA, right?18:09
josh-lyeah i know18:10
ScottKjosh-l: You should be able to have them both installed.18:10
josh-li'll try wpa before going to knetworkmanager18:10
apacheloggeryou need to remove the widget18:10
josh-lapachelogger: talking to me?18:10
ScottKjosh-l: I'd go with what apachelogger says ...18:11
apacheloggerotherwise it will lock networkmanager and knetworkmanager will not be able to get access18:11
josh-lokay lemme try wpa first18:11
josh-li knkow this isnt ontopic but, should i use a pre-shared key or 802.11 with wpa?18:11
josh-land ascii, or hex?18:12
josh-lScottK: apachelogger?18:12
smarterwith wpa you should probably use a pass phrase18:12
josh-lhmm i'm only given option to use preshared key in hex, or ascii, or 802.1118:14
Quintasannixternal: I'm translating the files from bzr. I hope I'm not wasting my time :D18:14
ScottKjosh-l: Ascii then.18:15
* smarter wonders wth 802.11 has to do with that18:17
nixternalQuintasan: you are unfortunately, because they will not get absorbed by rosetta18:18
nixternalthe proper way to do the translations is in rosetta18:18
nixternaltranslations start next week18:18
Quintasannext week?18:19
nixternalyes, string freeze is still 5 days away18:19
nixternal6 days18:19
Quintasanhmm, ok18:19
* Quintasan ended up with one way to use his time - play Soldat18:20
* ScottK likes killbots recently.18:22
Riddelljosh-l: strange since plasmoid-network-manager works good for me with WEP18:23
Riddellno plans to remove knetworkmanager from the dvd though18:24
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ryanakcaRiddell: At what point did the upgrader die on you? It has started installing, still at 0%, but it's running away.18:40
Riddellryanakca: at the start of installing18:41
Riddellso that's good18:41
mgraesslinare there any known problems with NVIDIA and freezes when using compositing in Jaunty?18:43
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
josh-lhi all, there is lots of interest in the mockups I found to make a new kde theme: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=101283&forumpage=020:20
JontheEchidnalmao @ http://forum.kde.org/reactions-to-kde-4-x-t-11684-3.html21:12
* JontheEchidna snickers21:12
ryanakcaWill dist-upgrading to jaunty s/ext3/ex4dev/g (or is it already ext4?) in /etc/fstab, or will everything still mount as ext3?21:33
seelehas anyone else noticed that firefox doesn't remember Open with.. applications all the time?21:36
dtchenseele: AFAIR, it has been that way21:37
seelehmm.. it had always remembered to use okular and soffice to open files up until a few days ago. was there an update i didnt notice that might have reset it?21:38
dtchenno idea. i've experienced that brokenness in varying degrees with fresh profiles.21:44
Nightroseseele: it works here from time to time and then it doesn't21:49
Nightrosehas been that way for a long time21:49
Nightrosetotally random as far as i can tell21:49
Nightroseif someone knows a fix please let me know - it's quite annoying21:50
kb9vqfNightrose: Don't know if it will help, but I have noticed that when that random app switching occurs in Open with, if you go to the Preferences->Applications and look for the offending file type there are multiple entries.  Set all the entries to the same app and the problem will at least be masked21:56
Nightrosei'll have a look next time it happens21:57
Riddellkb9vqf: I added you as a member, you can add a blog to planet if you have one, e-mail should get set up soon22:17
kb9vqfRiddell: Thanks!22:18
kb9vqfRiddell: Now just trying to copy all those packages to the team PPA...quite tedious22:18
seelekb9vqf: grats again22:27
kb9vqfseele: so it works for you?22:27
seelei was talking about membership..22:27
kb9vqfseele: Sorry, I got you comfused with someone else.  My fault, trying to finish a project while montoring IRC. :-)22:28
kb9vqfseele: Glad to be on board though!22:29
dtcheni don't suppose there are any plans to backport jaunty's 4.2.x to hardy, are there? :/22:30
Riddelldtchen: no, too much work I'm afraid22:32
dtchenRiddell: noted.22:32
valgaavAny way I can force jaunty to not select qtcurve as default gtk+ theme after each reboot ?22:33
valgaavbtw seems somebody reported this to upstream22:34
Riddellthat's a tonio issue, I thought he said he'd fixed it22:36
valgaavyeah he did22:37
valgaavthough I can cofirm the problem is still there22:37
valgaavI'm going to use the workaround posted in the upstream bug report22:38
seeleIRC is so dead on the weekend, instead of being more active like you would think, everyone has a life and is offline22:46
seelewhere have all the geeks gone?!22:46
Nightrosehaha seele - join markey - he's also complaining about that all the time :D22:47
* Nightrose is happy with quiet weekends as it means not having much to catch up with after a weekend with bf22:48
seeleyoung love.. the excitement always wears off after a few years22:50
seelei've got a date with a cup of ramen, neon genesis evangelion, and a pile of inferential statistics homework22:51
seeleoh damnit, i've got to grade midterms this week too22:51
seelethe separation between week and weekend are becoming less and less clear22:51
Nightrosehehe sounds like fun22:51
* kb9vqf has a date with a pile of bugs...22:53
seelewhoo, sounds like i'll have company tonight22:54
* Nightrose joins with a pile of lecture slides22:54
valgaavneon genesis evengelion ... nah I've seen it too many times already :)22:54
valgaavnevertheless a classic :P22:54
seelevalgaav: exactly. it's been a few years since i've watched the entire series and the movies in one go.22:55
valgaavthere is a new movie version22:56
valgaava bit alternate I guess22:56
seeleugh.. laptop is choking with virtualbox + spss23:08
kb9vqffinally got all the kde3.5 packages over to the new team ppa!23:27
Riddellkb9vqf: which one is that?23:30
kb9vqfRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~kde3-maintainers23:31
kb9vqfNext work is to consolidate the bugtracker onto Launchpad23:31

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