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oly | can some one tell me how i can get a jaunty package ? | 01:26 |
oly | i am after https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pythonmagick | 01:26 |
oly | its currently broken but wanted to download and attempt to fix | 01:27 |
oly | but not sure where i get the deb from | 01:27 |
poolie | oly: you should be able to do 'apt-get source pythonmagick' | 01:27 |
oly | lol, thats cool but confused me a little | 01:29 |
oly | i was expecting to get a deb file, and just modify the files in the tar file | 01:30 |
oly | beacuase its just complaining about a version miss match | 01:30 |
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maco | "bzr push lp:~maco.m/seahorse-plugins" tells me that ~maco.m isnt a valid project name instead of telling me i need a branch name on the end of it | 04:44 |
spiv | jml: ^ | 04:44 |
maco | that's not a very intuitive error message | 04:44 |
thumper | :) | 04:45 |
* jml is hip deep in this code *right* *now* | 04:45 | |
spiv | jml: good thing I interrupted you then ;) | 04:46 |
maco | #ubuntuforums people were like "did you commit? did you do bzr launchpad-login? did you spell the username right?" | 04:46 |
jml | maco: yeah, that does kind of suck | 04:46 |
maco | (the answer the last one was "no" the first time i tried, but anyway....) | 04:47 |
jml | maco: so, the thing is we allow lp:foo/bar to refer to the branch associated with a project's release series. | 04:47 |
maco | so catch the ~ | 04:47 |
jml | maco: our error handling could and should be smart enough to notice the ~ | 04:47 |
jml | maco: hey look at that :) | 04:48 |
maco | i didnt get dibs on "maco" on launchpad quickly enough | 04:48 |
jml | maco: anyway, I'll file a bug about it. | 04:48 |
maco | thanks | 04:49 |
jml | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/345732 | 04:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 345732 in launchpad-bazaar "'bzr push lp:~foo/bar' gives unhelpful error message" [Medium,In progress] | 04:50 |
maco | thanks | 04:52 |
maco | subscribed | 04:52 |
johnjosephbachir | Good evening. | 05:02 |
johnjosephbachir | Are there public urls for branches hosted on launchpad, where the user is not required to have a launchpad account to get code? | 05:05 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: hey there | 05:17 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: :-) | 05:17 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: I thought branches were public and anon-accessible by default. Is that not what you're seeing? | 05:18 |
johnjosephbachir | kfogel: hey karl | 05:18 |
maco | should just be "bzr branch lp:project/branch" | 05:19 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: good to see you. My conversation may be halting, as I am in an important co-debugging session with someone in another channel. | 05:19 |
johnjosephbachir | hmm. well i just created a branch and pushed it to LP, and then wanted to test out the experience of retrieving it from another machine, and i'm getting some odd errors -- but the oddest thing is that the version of bzr on the other machine is 1.6.1.... which makes no sense (i thought the newest was 1.13?) | 05:19 |
kfogel | ("important" == "they're donating their time to my non-profit, so I can't make them wait") | 05:19 |
kfogel | oh | 05:20 |
johnjosephbachir | kfogel: gotcha-- have fun : ) | 05:20 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: couple of things going on here: | 05:20 |
kfogel | So, one, bzr releases are frequent, so it's not at all unusual to see 1.6 installed | 05:20 |
kfogel | that was only about 6 months ago | 05:20 |
kfogel | Second, there is a known bug whereby after pushing a branch to LP, the LP UI may not show it right away (takes time to catch up), although it *should* be available via bzr right away. | 05:21 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: if those two facts don't explain what you're experiencing, then let's dig deeper. | 05:21 |
maco | uh...i did have a problem where a branch said "empty" for months after it was pushed to, but it was still branchable. dunno if that was ever fixed. there's a bug somewhere | 05:21 |
johnjosephbachir | kfogel maco: feel silly over here.. i forgot that it was versioning, and not math. i thought that 1.13 was smaller than 1.6 ..... | 05:22 |
maco | ah | 05:22 |
johnjosephbachir | and my branch uses the newest format (super duper tree pack 1.9 or something)... so maybe i need to have the newest client? | 05:22 |
johnjosephbachir | or is that only relevant to each repository | 05:23 |
maco | yep | 05:23 |
maco | that's very likely it | 05:23 |
johnjosephbachir | Okay. | 05:23 |
johnjosephbachir | thanks | 05:23 |
maco | i sometimes think the reason ubuntu uses .04 instead of .4 is to avoid people thinking of math | 05:23 |
maco | since .4 would be newer than .10...in math | 05:23 |
johnjosephbachir | yep... | 05:23 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: yeah, bzr has some ... non-optimal inter-version compat behaviors right now, unfortunately. | 05:24 |
maco | by which you mean being told to go update or no soup for you, right? | 05:24 |
kfogel | the latest versions of bzr have vastly improved storage, but it comes at the cost of incompat with earlier versions, which (especially when you're not using "smart server") can actually mean things not working together | 05:24 |
johnjosephbachir | Ok. Well I'll just blame my crappy distro for not caring enough about launchpad. (Ubuntu... err...) | 05:25 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: :-) | 05:26 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: I just run bleeding-edge bzr all the time | 05:27 |
kfogel | johnjosephbachir: I think I owe you another mail with revctrl thoughts, btw -- sorry for the delay, this non-profit thing is taking off, but it's still not paying, which means I have to do it at night. | 05:27 |
johnjosephbachir | kfogel: no prob. we can just talk about it over beer, i'll be in the city in early april | 05:29 |
kfogel | ! | 05:29 |
kfogel | great, let's do that then | 05:29 |
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kfogel | johnjosephbachir, mac: ah, found it: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/94289 | 06:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 94289 in launchpad-bazaar "branch page delay in showing writes to a branch" [Medium,Triaged] | 06:33 |
maco | johnjosephbachir: i do often wonder why bzr updates arent SRU'd in ubuntu | 06:39 |
wgrant | maco: Because that would be playing favourites. | 06:45 |
wgrant | johnjosephbachir: You can 'bzr upgrade --1.6 lp:~path/to/branch' to get it readable by >= 1.6, with only a small performance hit. | 06:45 |
maco | wgrant: but if you're developing for that release... | 06:45 |
wgrant | maco: Then use a format compatible with that release, I suppose. | 06:45 |
wgrant | Hopefully the format will stabilise soon. | 06:46 |
wgrant | Rather than being bumped every 0.3 | 06:46 |
maco | heh well i know dtchen's running hardy | 06:46 |
maco | im guessing he grabbed jaunty's source package and ran it through pbuilder though | 06:46 |
wgrant | ~bzr's default PPA has it for all supported releases except Dapper, IIRC. | 06:47 |
wgrant | That's one solution, but the other is to just keep using older formats. | 06:48 |
thumper | maco: actually the SRU thing has been talked about | 07:14 |
thumper | damn timing | 07:14 |
wgrant | thumper: That was perfect! | 07:25 |
Coke | Any chance of launchpad getting support for adding attachments to answers and/or bugs? Also, there was talk sometime June last year about adding screenshots to the project main page, last comment is really old and I cannot find it in any feature request or ongoing bug. | 07:29 |
cody-somerville | Coke, both are possible now | 07:29 |
Coke | cody-somerville: ?! | 07:31 |
Coke | Sounds awesome. | 07:31 |
cody-somerville | Indeed | 07:31 |
Coke | So, I can add an image as attachment to an answer? | 07:31 |
Coke | Because, what I really want is to demonstrate the result of the project and since there's no way to put up screenshots for the project I thought I'd just put it in an answer. | 07:32 |
cody-somerville | You can't upload files to answers but you can bugs | 07:33 |
Coke | Didn't you say "both"? | 07:34 |
Coke | What else is possible aside from uploading to bugs? | 07:34 |
cody-somerville | You can upload an image to the project's frontpage | 07:35 |
wgrant | (bug attachments have been possible for many years) | 07:36 |
wgrant | cody-somerville: NAFAIK | 07:36 |
wgrant | Unless you mean the mugshot. | 07:36 |
Coke | cody-somerville: do you mean the logo? | 07:36 |
cody-somerville | Yea | 07:36 |
cody-somerville | a number of projects use it for a screenshot | 07:36 |
Coke | hmmmm | 07:37 |
Coke | Meh. I'm rather unimpressed. :) | 07:37 |
johnjosephbachir | wgrant: thanks | 07:57 |
=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: noodles775 - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
bigjools | wgrant: did you file a bug about the oops you generated on the gnome-panel page? | 10:19 |
wgrant | bigjools: No, sorry. | 11:13 |
bigjools | wgrant: np I filed one | 11:13 |
bigjools | I h8 unicode | 11:13 |
wgrant | bigjools: Thanks. | 11:13 |
wgrant | What was the problematic content? | 11:13 |
bigjools | recent gnome-panel releases | 11:13 |
bigjools | the binary package description has unicode in it | 11:14 |
wgrant | How come that didn't break prod? | 11:14 |
bigjools | it does :) | 11:14 |
wgrant | bigjools: I can access the same URL but on production, and it doesn't OOPS. | 11:15 |
bigjools | ah that's interesting | 11:15 |
bigjools | that helps me know what the problem is then, thanks | 11:15 |
wgrant | The pages look identical on both versions for other SPRs. | 11:16 |
wgrant | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/1:2.26.0-0ubuntu3 works, see. | 11:16 |
wgrant | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/1:2.26.0-0ubuntu3 does not. | 11:16 |
bigjools | yep | 11:16 |
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BigMuscle | hello. I have again problems with BZR revision view: Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. | 12:15 |
BigMuscle | URLs are: | 12:15 |
BigMuscle | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dcplusplus-team/dcplusplus/trunk/revision/1695 | 12:15 |
BigMuscle | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dcplusplus-team/dcplusplus/trunk/revision/1694 | 12:15 |
BigMuscle | thanks for resolving :-) | 12:15 |
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AnAnt | Hello | 13:18 |
noodles775 | Hi AnAnt :) | 13:19 |
AnAnt | can someone solve the question 62612 ? | 13:19 |
* noodles775 looks | 13:21 | |
noodles775 | Hi herb ! Would you be able to take a look at AnAnt's question? | 13:26 |
noodles775 | https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/62612 | 13:26 |
noodles775 | spm commented on it at the start of the month, but AnAnt can't move forward with the changes of names/lists until it's done. | 13:28 |
herb | noodles775: I should be able to get to that soon. | 13:31 |
AnAnt | thanks | 13:32 |
noodles775 | Great... thanks herb. | 13:32 |
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fta3 | hi | 15:20 |
fta3 | https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/62386 | 15:20 |
* noodles775 looks | 15:20 | |
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noodles775 | Sorry herb, do you know why fta3's ppa quota got set back to 3gb (from 7)? | 15:29 |
noodles775 | https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/62386 | 15:29 |
herb | noodles775: I don't know why. I'll set it 5GB as the user requested. | 15:35 |
noodles775 | Thanks herb | 15:35 |
fta3 | thanks | 15:36 |
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=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
calc | who do i ask to have my quota increased? | 16:14 |
calc | i need to be bumped up to 4GB from 2GB | 16:14 |
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calc | cprov: istr it was you? | 16:15 |
calc | actually 5GB should give me enough room to not need to ask again during karmic cycle | 16:17 |
* calc needs the bump on the openoffices-pkgs ppa (not his personal one) | 16:18 | |
noodles775 | Hi calc: add a question like this one: | 16:18 |
noodles775 | https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/64316 | 16:18 |
calc | noodles775: ok | 16:18 |
noodles775 | and it'll get assigned to an admin. | 16:18 |
calc | ok | 16:18 |
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calc | ok i ended up just reopening old question as it appears they didn't actually bump my quota like had been mentioned in it | 16:23 |
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jpds | Is there a way I can cancel a merge proposal? | 17:26 |
jpds | Oh, there's a delete button, neat. | 17:26 |
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kfogel | Hey, I'm scouting around for interesting uses of the Launchpad APIs (usually via launchpadlib). If anyone knows any off the top of their had, make a noise at me now please. | 18:42 |
intellectronica | kfogel: BjornT has a really nice script that generates pages like https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/Bugs/Progress/2.2.3 | 18:46 |
kfogel | intellectronica: thank you | 18:47 |
intellectronica | kfogel: it's also worth asking bdmurray and thekorn | 18:47 |
kfogel | intellectronica: I'm going to ask Bjorn if he can make that script link to itself where the generated output says "generated by a script". That way people can quickly figure out how to do it themselves. | 18:48 |
kfogel | oooooh | 18:48 |
kfogel | intellectronica: that one is nice for screenshots, thx | 18:48 |
kfogel | intellectronica: heh, thekorn was already on my list of people to ask, nice to have my worldview confirmed. Didn't know about bdmurray. | 18:50 |
* bdmurray is hurt | 18:50 | |
* Ampelbein gives bdmurray a cookie to cheer him up. | 19:02 | |
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stousignant1 | is there a reason why i can't make a search in the global bugs list in the api of launchpad ? | 19:14 |
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intellectronica | stousignant1: it's just not something the model currently support easily, and we never thought of a compelling use case. | 19:19 |
intellectronica | stousignant1: what's yours? | 19:19 |
stousignant1 | search all bug that a certain team have subscribed | 19:20 |
stousignant1 | since our teams does a lot of general service, we can report bug in various project | 19:20 |
stousignant1 | so it would be a lot easier to search all bugs for a certain subscriber | 19:21 |
intellectronica | stousignant1: searching bugs for a person (or team) is something that we do want to support at some point. that's a lot more specific than searching all projects. alas, not yet | 19:23 |
intellectronica | stousignant1: see bug #282178 | 19:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 282178 in malone "Make IPerson an IHasBugs and make sure calling searchTasks on it works" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/282178 | 19:24 |
stousignant1 | intellectronica: thank for the information, that exactly what i'm looking for. Any time frame we could see this bugs resolved ? | 19:26 |
intellectronica | stousignant1: to be honest, i doubt that we'll be able able to schedule this before the summer. but it's good to know that people need this - we'll definitely consider part of the future wishlist | 19:27 |
stousignant1 | intellectronica: i'll subscribe my team to this bug and see what happen, Otherwise i'll need to iter every project in launchpad to get a hold of all the bugs we are subscribed and we don't want this overhead. | 19:29 |
radix` | anyone have an idea why this vcs import is failing? https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/peppy/trunk | 19:30 |
intellectronica | stousignant1: yes, i realise that can be tiresome and resource-intensive. feel free to also mark yourself as affected | 19:30 |
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calc | is there a way to see everything i am subscribed to and why? | 20:10 |
kiko | calc, grep ^X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale from your mboxes is one way.. | 20:15 |
calc | kiko: ok | 20:28 |
calc | kiko: i didn't know if there was a way to do that on launchpad via the user profile area | 20:29 |
kiko | calc, there isn't a /gloooobal/ page for it | 20:31 |
calc | kiko: ok | 20:33 |
kiko | calc, one of the post-july things that's high on the list -- global subscriptions | 20:33 |
CameronShorter_ | Hi, I'm despot of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis and am attempting to move from an Open to a Closed project, and in the process, I want to remove members who are not actively involved (and suggest they move to our external email list). But I can't work out how to remove members. | 20:34 |
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calc | kiko: cool :) | 20:43 |
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oubiwann | hey guys, can someone approve my membership in the lp beta testers team? | 21:08 |
beuno | oubiwann, done | 21:19 |
oubiwann | beuno: thanks, man! | 21:20 |
* oubiwann heads off to play with the api | 21:20 | |
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twcook | My connection died during a push and now there is a lock in place. When I try to use break-lock according to the output; I get an unsupported protocol error. Any ideas? | 21:56 |
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twcook | The error is: bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-45951632:///~oship-mgmt/oship/main/.bzr/branch/lock" | 22:00 |
wgrant | twcook: Remove the -45951632 | 22:00 |
wgrant | bzr break-lock lp:~oship-mgmt/oship/main | 22:00 |
twcook | wgrant: Thanks | 22:01 |
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sayakb | hello! is there a way that a team owner can remove a member from membership without getting the user listed under "deactivated" list? | 22:20 |
wgrant | sayakb: No, unfortunately. | 22:20 |
sayakb | wgrant: oh! :( | 22:21 |
sayakb | ty | 22:21 |
beuno | maybe we should just rename that to "people I hate" | 22:21 |
beuno | or | 22:21 |
beuno | not expose it so prominently on the UI | 22:21 |
sayakb | beuno: pfft.. I am deactivating myself | 22:22 |
beuno | because it's pretty useless information in general | 22:22 |
sayakb | +1 | 22:22 |
beuno | so | 22:22 |
beuno | if someone files a bug | 22:22 |
wgrant | Or "people of whom I mistyped the username so never really wanted to add them at all, so get them the hell of my team page" | 22:22 |
beuno | I'll make sure that gets done | 22:22 |
wgrant | It's also great that the team page says 'inactive members'. | 22:22 |
wgrant | They're not members, and even if they were, how does it know that they're inactive? | 22:22 |
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sayakb | beuno: I'd file a bug report. should it belong to registry? | 22:23 |
wgrant | Yes. | 22:23 |
sayakb | cool | 22:23 |
beuno | ok guys | 22:24 |
beuno | I'll miss you | 22:24 |
beuno | but I'm off to my weekend | 22:24 |
wgrant | beuno: Noooo! | 22:24 |
wgrant | Bye. | 22:24 |
sayakb | o/ | 22:24 |
beuno | wgrant, I'll be thinking UI though, don't worry | 22:24 |
sayakb | have a nice weekend | 22:24 |
beuno | you guys have fun | 22:24 |
beuno | thanks | 22:24 |
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sayakb | beuno: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/346148 | 22:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 346148 in launchpad-registry "Deactivated members should not be prominently listed" [Undecided,New] | 22:34 |
* sayakb catches some zzz | 22:37 | |
nhandler | beuno: I personally would not remove that feature all together. It sometimes is very useful being able to see who the old members of a team are. But maybe moving it off of the +members page would be better | 22:38 |
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