
macocan you pastebin it?00:00
Laneyit's that00:00
macoi should look at how syndaemon works later....ive only done things with synclient00:00
Laneythat says the same thing00:01
TwoToneSpiritHey everybody.00:02
linuxgeek_guys i need some help i upgraded to januty and now it went in to text mode what do i do now????00:02
maco:( syndaemon hasnt ported nearly as much as i thought it had00:03
* Laney fails so bad00:03
linuxgeek_guys i need some help i upgraded to januty and now it went in to text mode and how do i get to graphic mode???00:03
Hobbseelinuxgeek_: boot into recovery mode, select "repair X"00:03
Hobbseelinuxgeek_: and you don't need to repeat every *minute*00:03
josh-lso here is my request :) http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Avant+%%5BREQUEST!%%5D?action=content&content=10128300:04
linuxgeek_what command is it to reboot00:04
macolinux1: you stop repeating yourself00:04
macothat was at you00:04
Hobbseelinuxgeek_: if you don't know hwo to reboot via command line, you *probably* shouldn't be running jaunty...00:05
Hobbseeditto about booting into recovery mode00:05
macoat least not on real hardware00:05
macoor be using that nick...00:05
dtchen_Hobbsee: actually, that usage of Breaks seems to be correct00:05
Hobbseehah.  that too00:05
linuxgeek_haha....dude i forgot the command because i got used to the gui00:05
dtchen_maco: was that error from apt-get or aptitude?00:06
macodtchen_: aptitude00:06
Hobbseedtchen_: ah, OK.  Yeah, it looked OK, but I presume there's a missing C&R on libavcodec52 with libavcodec51?00:06
linuxgeek_ok heres one for ya....jaunty wont reboot00:07
Hobbseebecause you didn't sudo it.00:07
Hobbseewhen it told you only root could reboot00:07
dtchen_Hobbsee: but they don't share any files00:07
Hobbseedtchen_: oh, don't they?  I'm on a half upgraded system with no devscripts :(00:08
Hobbseeit should definetly be a missing conflicts, though.  This is the section that confuses me every time.00:08
dtchen_Hobbsee: yes, missing Conflicts00:09
Hobbseedtchen_: right.  I'll fix it, then00:09
linuxgeek_guys now jaunty got stuck and basicly died00:11
Hobbseelinuxgeek_: then install intrepid again.00:11
Hobbseebecause clearly you aren't going to be able to help with testing00:11
linuxgeek_great...so now i have to download the 8.10 iso file...that took all day long????!!!!!!!00:13
* Hobbsee eyerolls at the troll.00:15
LjLHobbsee: almost rhymes00:15
* Hobbsee installs more development packages00:15
* sagredo joins Hobbsee in an eyeroll00:15
sagredo\o/ new 01s!00:15
DanaGRolling Rolling Rolling....00:15
* Hobbsee picks up all the eyes rolling on the floor, and washes them off00:15
* sagredo slaps globular spheres back into headsocket00:16
dtchen_i just lost three hours due to a wrong \[ condition  :((00:16
macoyou want the address of argh?00:16
sagredomuch better!00:16
* dtchen_ punches the kernel wiki00:16
dtchen_\[ -f != \[ -d00:17
HobbseeRight.  So that's fixed.00:19
DanaGs/that'/YOUR FACE i/00:19
sagredoHobbsee: I like fixing things00:19
Hobbseehey, cool.  new artwork00:22
sagredobye friends <300:22
* DanaG liked the old usplash better.00:22
HobbseeDanaG: did you see today's version?00:22
dtchen_dear gcc, please stop ICEing. love, dan.00:22
Hobbseeor maybe it was yesterday's?  It's not just plain red anymore00:23
DanaGwatch me muck around with my pointy-stick cursor:00:23
_r00t-hello.i've upgrade via apt-get dist-upgrade yesterday and now Xorg doesn't work. i got a black screen with some yellow lines at the top ...00:23
DanaGbnhbfgh bhbhbggbhgggggggggghhgb00:23
dtchen_are you sure that isn't just you =þ00:23
DanaGwell, it is between 'b' and 'f' and 'g'00:24
dtchen_i guess there aren't enough 'p's00:24
DanaGCan ops actually change people's nicknames?00:24
DanaGwould be funny to change that guy's nickname to linuxnub00:25
bruce89nice leaving message00:25
HobbseeDanaG: i wish.00:25
Hobbseebut if he's going to be unproductive...00:25
DanaGruh-roh  (forgot the hyphen)00:26
* DanaG sets auto-replace plugin to replace all 'y' with 'r'00:27
DanaGwait, that doesn't quite do the scooby-doo effect right.00:27
macohello scooby00:27
bruce89oops, I got a message from the person who pushed linuxgeek_ into Jaunty00:27
dtchen_sounds like a great idea. i'll just run that over sound/00:28
_r00t-does anyone have problem with X in latest jaunty ?00:28
bruce89apparently, it was only a VM00:29
dtchen_Cycom: did you file a bug for your headphone jack issue? if you haven't, please do. the kernel team is using SRU policy, so i can't in good faith request a pull from my tree without a corresponding launchpad bug #00:33
dtchen_Cycom: please do that and tell me the bug #; thanks00:33
tretleis there some way of removing the crux and glider themes from jaunty now?00:33
macobruce89: no need to say "help help!" then is there?00:34
bruce89well, that's the point00:34
jscinozwith a recent upgrade (yesterday) sudo broke00:42
humboltThe new GDM theme is an embarrassment! Totally unprofessional appearance. Let us please get something else and not look stupid. I have proposed a very very nice alternative here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18286 and here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18143/ . Very unique and beautiful! Please vote on it, if you like it.00:43
SeveredCrossAnyone know if conky is working?00:43
jscinozupon typing the correct password, sudo exits without running the command specified00:43
jscinozsame with gksu00:43
SeveredCrossEven with the default conkyrc, nothing happens.00:43
jscinozluckily i still have root as i enabled a public key login for root over ssh (so i can ssh root@localhost)00:43
jscinozany ideas how i can fix sudo?00:43
bruce89humbolt: can't please everyone, I'm not a huge fan either00:44
Hobbseehumbolt: too late - and lots of people do think it's nice, fwiw00:44
crdlbI like how it ties in with the bootsplash00:45
jscinozhumbolt: newwave is actually packaged for jaunty i believe.00:45
crdlband due to its minimalism, it doesn't really clash with any desktop themes00:45
humboltHobbsee: It is not a good fit, as it is very controverse 50:50, see the voting on Brainstrom. For that reason alone it needs to be replaced. 50% unhappy folks is too much and I am certain one with a higher approval rating can be found.00:46
crdlbbrainstorm is not an accurate representation of ubuntu users :)00:46
Hobbseehumbolt: everyone is never happy with artwork.  And those on brainstorm are not necessarily representative.00:46
Hobbseeand besides all that, we're frozen for beta now00:46
jscinozhumbolt: and i also believe that wall-light cant be implemented due to some limitations in the current gtk engines00:46
Hobbseejust like the forum users aren't (thankfully!)00:46
humboltcrdlb: an accurate representation of the ones who care.00:46
bazhanghumbolt, please dont spam that in #ubuntu ; #ubuntu-offtopic for that please00:47
jscinozor at least it cant be implemented exactly as in the mockups00:47
bruce89brainstorm is a waste of time00:47
jscinozi know that someone made something similar to it though00:47
humboltHobbsee: still a very bad decision. You have the Ubuntu world divided like Bush and Gore did. Not good, not good at all.00:47
jscinozalso humbolt what about the dust theme?00:47
Hobbseewhat is it with troll days today?00:48
crdlbjscinoz: with graphical gdm themes, you can do pretty much anything, can't you?00:48
humboltjscinoz: no idea show me00:48
Hobbseehumbolt: people vehemently disagree with the artwork *every* release.  It doesn't seem to have been a problem so far00:48
jscinozcrdlb: oh i thought we were talking about the gtk theme00:48
jscinozhumbolt: one sec00:48
crdlboh, I didn't scroll down :)00:48
bruce89well, with this one there is disagreement with notify-osd too00:49
jscinozhumbolt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/DustTheme00:49
jscinozsorry link didnt paste first time >_<00:49
humboltHobbsee: just this one is really really far from professional. That's the work of a first grader. Ask anybody who has an art degree.00:49
Hobbseebruce89: yeah.  Oddly enough, gdm isn't the one that seems to get the most complaints.00:49
* Hobbsee hears deja vu00:49
humboltHobbsee: a black screen basically. pff00:49
Hobbseehumbolt: take your trolling elsewhere, please.00:50
bruce89and preferably not #ubuntu00:50
humboltHobbsee: ok, just wanted you guys to be aware of this "solution" on brainstorm00:50
* hggdh thinks the theme is cool00:50
Hobbseehumbolt: the developers do look at brainstorm from time to time.00:50
Hobbseeso, thanks, but people are aware regardless.00:51
bruce89but usually the "ideas" there are impossible00:51
bruce89or just wrong00:51
Hobbseebruce89: heck yes.00:51
jscinozhumbolt: see the gnome-themes-ubuntu package, it contains new wave, dust and dust-sand00:51
bruce89I suspect brainstorm's purpose is to make people think they have an input on the process00:52
bruce89doesn't stop them moaning mind00:52
Hobbseewell, sometimes they do.  But i'm sure this is OT.00:52
bruce89I know, I'll shut up00:53
DaSkreechUpgrade killed my network card00:54
DaSkreechAny idea on how to fix it?00:54
Hobbseedefenestrate it?00:55
Hobbsee(which one, for a start)00:55
DaSkreechwell it's castrated right now >_>00:55
DaSkreechI was getting an eth0:avahi with a 169 address00:56
DaSkreechwhich I figured wasn't right so I removed avahi-ipups (I think)00:56
DaSkreechWhich gave me back a pure eth000:57
DaSkreechwhich can't see the network or be assigned ip addresses00:57
* fakebruce89 wished there was a #ubuntu-rant00:57
jscinozso yeah00:57
jscinozsudo is broken :(00:57
DaSkreechSetting a route also throws a SIOCTRL error00:57
Hobbseefakebruce89: +m'd?  That sounds like fun!00:57
DaSkreechBooting up into a Live CD also cannot see the network00:57
HobbseeDaSkreech: atheros, or?00:58
DaSkreechnot sure00:58
DaSkreechBuilt into the motherboard00:58
DaSkreechGimmie a moment00:58
=== fakebruce89 is now known as bruce89
DaSkreechHobbsee: vt6102 Rhine adapter01:04
HobbseeDaSkreech: hm.  Don't know then01:04
DaSkreechAnyone knows if I can test if the card (controller really) is any good01:05
VorboteDaSkreech: Hmmm... If the kernel can see the network interface and load the driver, yet there is no chat with the outside world, I would check the the BIOS settings and the cabling before declaring it dead.01:09
DaSkreechVorbote: BIOS settings?01:10
DaSkreechVorbote: Swapped over the cable to a new machine and it works01:10
shade34321so i'm having a bit of a problem with my sound......it's working because whenever somebody signs in or out pidgin plays a sound for me....yet when i went to youtube and tried playing a sound it didnt work....any ideas?01:11
VorboteYes, those VIA Rhine II chipsets are/were very common in cheap integrated mobos made earlier this decade. You can turne them off and on in the BIOS.01:11
DaSkreechVorbote: Ok worth a shot01:11
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
=== tmeixner is now known as tomsdale
keithclarkJust about to try 9.04....hope all goes well.01:46
DaSkreechIt fried my network card it looks like :(01:46
crdlbDaSkreech: what makes you think it's physically broken?01:51
DaSkreechcrdlb: I don't know that it is01:51
DaSkreechbut I can't see anything from it regardless of connection or OS01:51
crdlboh :/01:52
DaSkreechOr to be more specific it can't be assigned an ip address it seems01:52
* DaSkreech isn't that great with assigning ipv6 addresses from cli so I don't know if that works01:52
keithclarkDaSkreech, I had the same problem with a laptop card and it was indeed dead.01:53
DaSkreechdamn it01:54
DaSkreechThis machine has had a week of failures each cascading into each other01:54
keithclarkMy card would see networks but never connect.01:54
keithclarkNo matter the os01:54
DaSkreechVorbote: Nope seems dead01:54
VorboteDaSkreech: It probably is dead. It happened to me recently with an el cheapo D-Link card using a Via Rhine III chipset.01:55
DaSkreechsecond question01:56
DaSkreechIf I take out the drive and put it in another machine will the initrd prevent me from booting?01:56
DaSkreechAnyone ? :)01:59
DaSkreechI know I used to be able to take Linux drives and throw them in any machine regardless of MB and they would work but I think that era is gone by default now correct?02:00
=== Vorbote1 is now known as vorbote1
keithclarkSo what is everybody's experiences with the latest release of 9.04?02:04
=== vorbote1 is now known as Vorbote
DaSkreechkeithclark: tell you in a little bit :)02:04
DaSkreechkeithclark: honestly I've been running the Live cd for a while02:04
DaSkreechIt's really pretty02:04
thiebaudekeithclark: cant boot because of bug 30487102:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487102:04
VorboteNot for the weak of heart.02:05
keithclarkVorbote, no alpha is02:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DaSkreechkeithclark: Ubuntu's are particularly bad02:06
DaSkreechIT's not rolling so they are doing crazy upgrades and pullins02:07
DaSkreechThey have a very short time period to settle thigns down but they are also coding brand new thigns and throwing them in02:07
DaSkreechSo it's really a roller coaster02:07
=== Vorbote is now known as Guest28454
DanaGI've been trying to set up a Fedora 11 alpha... and if you think Ubuntu is bad, you should try those...02:08
keithclarkrolling upgrades are no different02:08
DanaGThe Fedora 11 alpha... WON'T EVEN INSTALL02:08
keithclarkI tried pclos and it was the same02:08
DanaGI've been trying for TWO DAYS to get a working F11 partition... but nope, every single install or upgrade route... doesn't work!02:08
xangI love the Fedora thinking and mission..just can't ever get used to the Fedora spins.02:08
xangJust loaded 10 a few days ago...just not that impressed.02:09
xangJaunty however, has been running pretty well.02:09
DanaGI can't even get the damned rawhide to install.02:09
keithclarkWell, it's the last alpha, so it should be good.02:09
sebsebseb 02:10
sebsebsebso upgraded my Ibex to Jaunty tonight, but02:10
sebsebsebfor a start what idiots removing  log out and shut down from  the  menu,  because it's on that other stupid thing.   Which resulted in me being pissed off,  adding log out buttons to the panel and shut down,  and not being happy where I put them.  and then noticing that  my  panels were all  weird now, because  it woudn't even show what  windows I had open in the usal place.   So  I add this and that to the panels,02:12
sebsebseband  my panels are horrible now.02:12
sebsebsebso I am wondering if there's a way that I can get a more default Gnome look again02:12
sebsebsebfor my panels02:12
DaSkreechKeep ibex?02:12
xangright click on panel and select "add to panel"02:13
xanglog out button ?02:13
sebsebsebI am on the verge of thinking screw menus, just use the terminal as much as possible02:13
sebsebsebthat's something else02:13
sebsebsebctrl alt backspace02:13
sebsebsebno longer works02:13
DaSkreechsebsebseb: yeah X choice that ubuntu respected02:13
keithclarkok, remember, alpha02:14
DanaGI like the SuSE way:02:14
bruce89sebsebseb: heh02:14
DaSkreechbut I think they didn't have an option to turn it back on02:14
DanaGctrl-alt-backspace TWICE kills Xorg.02:14
sebsebsebDanaG: what's that?02:14
sebsebsebuh wrong one02:14
DaSkreechkeithclark: no that's supposed to happen02:14
bruce89sebsebseb: upstream removed cab02:14
Vorbote sudo /usr/share/screen-resolution-extra/policy-dontzap.py --disable  fixes that particular detail.02:14
sebsebsebDaSkreech: what was that?02:14
DaSkreechDanaG: Yeah But far as I know Ubuntu said no to that02:14
DaSkreechsebsebseb: What was what?02:14
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
crdlbanybody know if there's a gconf key to re-add logout to the system menu?02:14
xangOption "DontZap" "off"02:15
xangin xorg.conf02:15
sebsebsebI replaced two files on upgrade with newer versions, it asked if I wanted to.   I guess  no big deal stuff02:15
crdlbor use the dontzap command02:15
xangor you can add that to the server flags section in xorg.conf02:15
xangeither/or :)02:15
sebsebsebkeithclark: yes, but my panel issue is probably not a bug02:15
keithclarksebsebseb, not a bug.....trial02:15
keithclarkbugs are for beta02:16
DaSkreechkeithclark: you are really mixing this up :)02:16
VorboteIn fact it is a bug due to changed settings schemas in gnome-panel.02:16
keithclarkOk, I will hold back.02:16
DaSkreechcrdlb: There is a don'tzap command ?02:16
sebsebseblog into my now weird looking KDE or use Xubuntu, and delete the .gnome folders that should do it :d02:16
DaSkreechsebsebseb: rename02:16
DaSkreechyou'll be thankful later02:17
sebsebsebDaSkreech: I just want my panels to be default again02:17
sebsebsebDaSkreech: I have customized them to much now, that it's a big mess02:17
DaSkreechI know I'm really annoyed I can't logout with the keyboard02:17
DaSkreechit's messes with me02:17
sebsebsebyeah that02:17
xangDaSkreech: sudo dontzap --disable02:17
sebsebseband  it's not in the menu02:17
bruce89DaSkreech: try a bug, but it'll likely be rejected02:17
DaSkreechxang: I'll remember that for future02:18
sebsebsebI had to add a freaking log out and shut down button geez02:18
sebsebsebsince I don't want to use the other  thing02:18
DaSkreechbruce89: Hmm ?02:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zap02:18
sebsebsebmy name  and log  options and stuff02:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dontzap02:18
DaSkreechxang: Needs a factoid02:18
DaSkreechbruce89: bug for what ?02:18
bruce89DaSkreech: the logout menu02:19
Vorbotea gconftool-2 --recursive-unset '/apps/panel"  and deleting ~/.gnome2/panel.d will reset the panels to the defaults.02:19
sebsebsebwhy has KDE4 gone well weird?    I got like a background and I could right click on  desktop for some options, and I also had something on the top right for options02:19
sebsebsebno panel showing KDE4 anymore02:19
DaSkreechbruce89: I don't use Gnome so it really doesn't matter to me and I won't be able to follow up02:19
sebsebsebI   got KDE 4.2  in Ibex with the  ppa or whatever, so anything to do with it?02:19
DaSkreechsebsebseb: Might want to poke someone in #kubuntu-devel02:20
keithclarkAm I missing something here?  Alpha is for testing things out.  Beta is for bug testing.  Then Release Candidates, then Releases.  Maybe I'm confused.02:20
Vorboteand make sure to use the right matching quotes, don't cut and paste my example...02:20
DaSkreechThey may want to know what issues peopel with ppa are having going to jackalope02:20
sebsebsebDaSkreech: your saying what happended to my KDE4 is not normal?02:20
DaSkreechkeithclark: Kinda but this is like a rolling release for 27,000 packages02:20
keithclarkgot you.02:20
DaSkreechkeithclark: so look at it in layers02:21
DaSkreechLTS is releases02:21
DaSkreechstuff inbetween is like alphas betas and release candidates02:21
DaSkreechwhich also have alphas betas and release candidates02:21
sebsebsebLTS is long term supourt releasese 3 years of suppourt on the desktop.   ther other final realeses are 180 months suppourt02:21
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dontzap02:22
sebsebsebstandard releases are only suppourted for 180 months02:22
xang!dontzap is  sudo dontzap --disable02:22
DaSkreechxang: Ugh please make it more verbose02:23
keithclarkI think I have it clear now, thanks.02:23
xang!dontzap is used to enable ctrl-alt-backspace. Simply use the command:  sudo dontzap --disable02:23
DaSkreechkeithclark: so while a new release may come out mostly stable and tested teh features they put can be revoked later on as not quite ready or suitable02:23
xangDaSkreech: better? :)02:24
DaSkreechkeithclark: Right now that's what we are discussing02:24
DaSkreechxang: Much better thanks02:24
keithclarkGot it....cool.02:24
DaSkreechthat should help on D-Week02:24
DanaGNice double-negative.02:24
DanaGdontzap..... disable.02:24
thiebaudeDaSkreech: some features might not make it into final02:24
keithclarkWell, I shall see how the latest alpha interacts with my machine in about an hour.02:25
DaSkreechDanaG: feel free to right one for !zap02:25
keithclarkShould prove interesting02:25
DaSkreechthiebaude: I know02:25
thiebaudeits going to be exciting02:25
DaSkreechthiebaude: The joy of hectic cycles :)02:25
DaSkreechthiebaude: Every single release :)02:25
Vorbote"sudo /usr/share/screen-resolution-extra/policy-dontzap.py --disable" There is no user end command as of now, yet.02:26
thiebaudethey better hope they get the intel bug squashed by final02:26
DanaGsudo dontzap --disable02:26
xangdontzap is in the repos.02:27
DanaGWhat are they thinking people should do if Xorg locks up NOW?02:27
sebsebsebstupid grey default new look for Ubuntu's panels.   the old look was better02:27
sebsebsebalso the proper Human theme has gone bye bye?02:27
DaSkreechDanaG: They will have a graphical tool to fix it02:27
DaSkreechas I understand the plan02:27
DanaGDoesn't help you the first time Xorg locks up.02:28
sebsebseband that new gdm theme no thanks,  I hate black on computers, except for text basicalley.   I use blubuntu as my gdm :)02:28
thiebaudei cant wait, because i have an i815 chip02:28
bruce89sebsebseb: good riddance to Human, it is evil02:28
sebsebsebI wonder what 9.04 will be like02:28
VorboteBut not in the meta-packages. That's FAIL in my book.02:28
sebsebsebI am not putting my expections up to high02:29
DaSkreechHUmans are inherently evil02:29
DaSkreechand inherently good02:29
sebsebsebI might even distro change if 9.04  isn't that great02:29
DaSkreechIt's a great paradox02:29
sebsebseband I used Ubuntu since second release as my host02:29
DaSkreechDanaG: Don't ask me I hate X02:29
* DanaG now has zero closed-source hardware. =þ02:29
DanaGwifi card is Intel, and video is ATI.02:29
DaSkreechDanaG: You have OpenBIOs?02:29
sebsebsebwhere are the files that control the panel?02:30
DanaGTo be more correct, I mean, I don't use any binary drivers for any of my hardware.02:30
DanaGvboxdrv is my only "tainting" thing now.02:30
DaSkreechDanaG: WHy don't you just run Gnewsense?02:30
DanaGCan't say I know what that is.02:30
DaSkreechha ha02:30
ubottugNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org  -  Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu02:31
DanaGI do still use non-free things like libdvdcss, though.02:31
keithclarkIn Linux does it matter to the speed of a program if you leave it highlighted?02:31
DaSkreechkeithclark: What?02:31
DanaGfocused, you mean?02:31
DaSkreechDanaG: Strange line to draw :)02:32
keithclarkOk, I'm upgrading in the background....it says it takes 55 mins.  Does it matter if I use other programs?02:32
DaSkreechkeithclark: no02:32
DanaGI'd be using fglrx if it weren't just plain BROKEN, though.02:32
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:32
DaSkreechbasically anything faster than a PIII will be inconsequential in time difference02:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Fix released]02:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 288620 in fglrx-installer "fglrx:fireglAsyncioIntEnableMsgHandler] *ERROR* interrupt source ff000066 is not supported on this hardware (return code = 1) [EPR#257840]" [Low,Fix released]02:32
DanaGNOT FIXED.02:32
keithclarkYour current program does not get priority?02:33
DaSkreechkeithclark: it does02:33
DaSkreechbut for most programs the user is doing a lot of looking02:33
keithclarkDaSkreech, by how much?02:33
Vorbotekeithclark: no. But cli programs that output lots of text to a terminal emulation can be slowed down a lot. (There using screen and detaching the ttys can help a lot with speed).02:33
DaSkreechwhich means that it is not doing anything and the background program is eating the CPU anyway02:33
DaSkreechthe only difference is when you want to do something it readily shifs CPU cycles to it02:34
keithclarklike an upgrade02:34
keithclarkChews enormous cycles02:34
keithclarkand resources02:34
DaSkreechUNless you are doing heavy processing in the foreground app for the most part it's exactly the same except the background app can't hog the CPU away from your app when you want it02:34
DaSkreechkeithclark: that's the background app02:35
DaSkreechwhat's the foreground02:35
keithclarkWeb browser02:35
DaSkreechkeithclark: you are fine02:35
DaSkreechthose barely use CPU at all02:35
keithclarkcool, thanks.02:35
* bruce89 has issues with BOINC02:36
keithclark38 minutes to try 9.04 out!  Should be fun!02:36
* DaSkreech tries to ressurect his card02:37
DanaGfglrx might as well be a swear word.02:37
keithclarkDanaG, agreed02:37
DaSkreechfsck it02:37
DanaGBut hey, at least Radeon is getting better and bette all the time.02:38
keithclarkIt works eventually02:38
DanaGAnd it suspends and resumes basically perfectly reliably on my R600l.02:38
DanaGRV635, more specifically.02:38
keithclarkSuspend works?02:38
DanaGnvidia binary was only around 30% reliable when I used it on my old GeForce Go 7600.02:38
DanaGI'm using the git drm modules and git xf86-video-ati.02:38
DanaGI use only S2RAM, usually.02:38
DanaGI just wish it supported power management -- sucking 30 watts on battery is Not Cool.02:39
DanaG10 watts more than in WinVista.02:40
keithclarkDanaG, ok, so you can run vista 3 x's longer, but do you want to?02:40
DanaGI still find myself sticking around in Linux most of the time, though.02:41
DanaGWhen I resume from suspend in Windows.. my Intel wifi card tends to break.02:41
keithclarkI was joking....I understand 100%!02:41
keithclarkI'm trying to convert my family here.02:41
DanaGI just fear the high power usage will actually AGE my battery prematurely.02:42
keithclarkYes it will02:42
sebsebsebwell with my panels reset02:44
sebsebsebUbuntu looks a bit better02:44
sebsebseb,but what is this,  No Indicators nonsense?  apparnatlly something to do with Pidgin and evoloution02:44
rippsHow do I remove xfce4? I installed xubuntu-desktop in intrepid, but now, in jaunty, I want to remove it. Removing xubuntu-desktop doesn't seem to do the job.02:45
keithclarkoh man....upgrade aborted.02:45
keithclark25 mins to go.02:45
keithclarkI will just have to wait!02:45
bruce89sebsebseb: remove indicator-applet02:45
sebsebsebwhat is it though02:45
sebsebseband how do I remove it?02:45
bruce89sebsebseb: it's part of Ubuntu's messing up of GNOME02:46
rippsindicator applet replaces the new mail notification icon, and I imagine it'll do the same thing with other programs, probably more in the future.02:46
bruce89uninstall the package02:46
keithclarkI don't think it stopped.02:48
dtchenany brave souls running 64-bit - feel free to try http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/ and tell me how it fares with PulseAudio02:48
keithclarkI'm stuck on 25 mins to go02:49
HalowI'll try the kernel out in the morning, when I'm free to make threats at my computer without fear of waking anyone up. :)02:50
keithclarkOk, is it closing down?02:51
keithclarkStuck on 25 mins. for 25 mins.02:51
keithclarkOk, maybe I should just abort?02:53
keithclarkOk, what to do here....the 25 min. mark will just not go away02:56
keithclarkOk, thanks02:57
Miloszhow can I enable the new notification bubbles?02:58
bruce89they should be there anyway02:58
Miloszhmm ok then how can I invoke one?02:58
Miloszwhat apps would produce one?02:59
bruce89rhythmbox, this IRC client maybe02:59
HalowPidgin sure makes a lot of them come up. ;P02:59
bruce89and Empathy03:00
Miloszdoesn't work03:00
keithclarkOk, anyone with why my installation will not go beyond 25%03:00
thiebaudeHalow: that would drive me nuts03:00
HalowIt does! Thank goodness you can turn it off.03:00
fosco_Milosz, change sound volume, connect to a network, play something with gnome-mplayer...03:00
sebsebsebthe new IRC  client hummmmmmm I gave it a go03:01
sebsebseb,but it's like wtf03:01
sebsebsebhow I put logs on03:01
sebsebsebI'll just use konversation again :D03:01
Miloszit all works just like on 8.1003:01
bruce89Milosz: count yourself lucky03:01
Miloszi wanted to evaluate that feature, it's not like i'm just hot on new functionality03:01
bruce89!info notify-osd03:01
ubottunotify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.5-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 133 kB, installed size 764 kB03:02
bruce89sebsebseb: quassel03:02
thiebaudepop ups like wndows03:02
Miloszi think it's great that the dx team took this not from another OS but developed it as an own idea, but I am not fully sure yet whether the actual implementation is so good03:02
* bruce89 thought it was straight from Vista03:02
Miloszis it?03:03
HalowNah. In Vista you can still close them. :)03:03
Miloszi don't think so03:03
sebsebsebbruce89: yep03:03
Miloszbut I also know nothing about Vista03:03
bruce89not do I03:03
keithclarkdoes anyone have the same experience with the install stalling at 25 minutes to go?03:03
bruce89my brother said that it sounded like it though03:03
HalowUsed to dual boot with it. It drove me to... explore my options. Thank goodness Ubuntu!03:03
Miloszkeithclark, are you sure update-manager didn't show you an error and you didn't see that (modal dialog?) ?03:04
keithclarkNo error03:04
Halowkeithclark: Are you doing a clean install? Or upgrade?03:04
bruce89try queueing a whole load of notifications and see what happens03:04
keithclarkHard drive still working03:04
keithclarkHalow, upgrade03:04
Miloszmeh I'm happy my system survived the update to 9.0403:06
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Miloszsomehow it also improved my font and Gtk+ theme settings03:06
Miloszgreat my media player crashed03:06
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Cycomdtchen: I may have occasion to test your x64 build. I'm installing Jaunty on my primary desktop03:23
CycomVista suddenly decided USB didn't want to work, so I'm like "screw it, LINUX TIME!"03:24
CycomI just have to make sure cedega can run L4D and I'm allll set.03:24
* DanaG has R600, and can't use fglrx because it panics. =þ03:26
DanaGSo, no 3D for meeeee.03:26
Cycomati/radeon driver no workie?03:26
DanaGradeon doesn't do 3D on R600 right now.03:27
DanaGThe 2D it does do, it does damn stably, though.03:27
dtchenCycom: i can start a 32-bit build, but it won't finish for another six hours03:30
DanaGToo bad wine / cedega can't do surround sound.03:31
DanaGIt also doesn't play well with PulseAudio.03:31
dtchenthat's just a matter of time03:31
DanaGAnd I do insist on running stuff through PulseAudio.03:31
picklesworthJust had an intereting discovery...03:33
picklesworthmy grub's menu.lst had the new kernel versions added, but they were being sorted alphabetically and the default was set rather unintelligently03:34
picklesworththus it was still booting 2.6.28-9 even though I had -11 installed03:34
picklesworthRemoving everything except -10 and -11 solved the issue with least risk posed, but I wonder if that error is widespread?03:35
HalowThat's strange.03:35
picklesworth(I swear it didn't do that before)03:35
HalowIt's never done that to me.03:35
picklesworthIndeed, since booting the new kernel my sound is behaving sensibly, it booted way quicker and I have the new usplash on startup03:35
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picklesworthMaybe it's because I tinkered with menu.lst at one point to set nosplash by default03:36
picklesworthCould have confused it03:36
picklesworthEeek! Crazy Pidgin quits when I close it without a notification area icon. Again rendering the message indicator hopelessly redundant03:38
HalowEw. It didn't just spawn up the buddy list? That's what happens to me in Intrepid. =/03:39
Cycomdtchen: go for it. if it finishes, I'll put a netbook up to 9.04 and try it on there. my 1030nr is back to 8.10, but I don't mind upgrading to 9.04 again.03:40
dtchenCycom: ok, it won't be available until tomorrow night, probably, since i'm away for work.03:42
Cycomno problem :) I'm patient03:43
Cycomext4 ok for / ?03:44
StarcraftmazterEver since the updates 1-2 days ago, the sound in all my music files / video files degenerates into static, part way through (the exact time is arbitrary), and playback lags up during the changeover, which is usually a few seconds. Are there any broken sound packages or anything?03:53
dtchenStarcraftmazter: yes, that's pulseaudio.03:59
dtchenif you're running 64-bit, you can test my patches.03:59
Starcraftmazterwill there be a fix sometime soon?03:59
Starcraftmazter32bit, unfortunately :(03:59
dtcheni'm building a 32-bit kernel.04:00
dtchenit will be ~6 hrs04:00
dtchensee bug 330814 if you're wondering04:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081404:00
EruditeHermitdoes anyone here have ATI cards using jaunty?04:01
joshua_ok after adding http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu to my sources, is there anyway to update all my current kde3 applications to their appropriate kde4 versions all at once? or do I have to uninstall amarok kde3 for example and reinstall amarok kde4?04:01
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=== Andre_Gondim- is now known as Andre_Gondim
DelvienIs there any work around for no-sound yet?04:36
dtchenDelvien: can you be more specific?04:43
dtchenCycom: still around?04:43
Delviendtchen: Well, I have no sound, alsa does not work, pulseaudio does not work, OSS doesnt even work.04:45
dtchenDelvien: please run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh04:46
Delviendtchen: Do you want to run this script? [y/n] : read: 298: Illegal option -e04:47
dtchenDelvien: it's a bash script; run it explicitly as one04:47
DelvienI thought I was... lol04:48
Delviensh name.sh04:48
Delvienthere we are04:48
Delvienmy bad04:48
dtchenDelvien: check your mixer elements04:51
dtchenquite a few are muted and zeroed04:51
DelvienI have, alsamixer and gnomealsa mixer all show everything 100%04:51
dtchennamely, 'Headphone', 'Surround', 'Center', 'LFE'04:51
dtcheni guarantee you not everything is 100%04:52
dtchenjust look at your amixer output04:52
crdlbPCM got muted here somehow today ... I felt pretty dumb when I finally spotted that04:54
o0Chris0oalot of ppl are having sound problems with jaunty, including me, the sound is static, don't hear nothing but static04:54
dtchenDelvien: no, seriously, reconcile your screenshot with your amixer output.04:54
DanaGgrr, damned Plymouth.04:54
dtcheno0Chris0o: fresh install or dist-upgrade from intrepid?04:55
DanaGFancy new bootsplash thing for jaunty+1... doesn't friggin' work.04:55
Delviennow i hear nothing but static04:55
o0Chris0odtchen: dist-upgrade from intrepid04:55
DanaGOh yeah, and PulseAudio keeps aborting.  aborting.  aborting.  aborting.  aborting.  aborting.04:55
dtcheno0Chris0o: 1) make sure PCM and Master are not muted or zero04:55
DanaGover and over.  and over.  and over.04:55
crdlbDanaG: I guess it's good that's still +2 then ... :)04:55
Delvienhaha, i win04:56
dtcheno0Chris0o: 2) make sure your stream isn't set to use the RTP sink. you can use pavucontrol to verify.04:56
o0Chris0odtchen: alsamixer right?04:56
dtcheno0Chris0o: either way04:56
dtchenDanaG: are you running my kernel?04:56
Delvienit kept resetting what was muted.04:56
o0Chris0opcm allt he way up? it was on 004:56
DanaGI'm running the vanilla 2.6.29 kernels.04:56
DanaGIt's just as broken with a custom radeon-KMS kernel, though.04:57
dtchenthe vanilla kernel doesn't have the requisite fix for PA04:57
o0Chris0odtchen: what should the PCM volume bet set as?04:57
dtcheno0Chris0o: 77%-80% at least04:58
DanaGoh yeah, and still missing changelogs in update-manager.04:59
dtchenDanaG: i can't help w/ plymouth at this point, but i can with linux & pulseaudio04:59
o0Chris0odtchen: ok done, I got some volume....I thought I did this already...hmm04:59
DanaGHmm, which kernel should I use?04:59
o0Chris0odtchen: what about surround? center? LFE?04:59
dtchenchoose whichever is appropriate from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/04:59
dtchenCycom: posted at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/05:00
DanaGI prefer 2.6.29, because it supports things like my HP accelerometer.05:01
crdlbjust don't drop it05:03
DanaGAnything else special in that kernel build?05:03
d1bhi what versinos of arm is jaunty compiled for (i note the armel).05:05
dtchenDanaG: it has a few things specifically for audio, nothing else05:08
dtcheni really don't have enough resources to address everyone's pet bugs05:08
DelvienI love the notifications05:29
Delvien-love- them05:29
Cycomman, grub to login in 22 seconds05:30
DanaGzyargh, stupid HAL doesn't know how to deal with eSATA drives.05:31
DanaGIt doesn't auto-mount them.05:31
Delviencycom im getting about 15 on my laptop, 17 on my desktop05:38
Cycomwell, it might be faster, I'm just counting in my head05:38
* DanaG has about a 30-second boot.05:39
Cycomhaha! guess what the biggest memory hog on my system is right now?05:52
Cycomgowan, guess!05:52
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jithineone question. will kubuntu jaunty include kde 4.2.2 when its released on april 1st05:58
gnomefreakjithine: right now version is 4.2.1 i doubt 4.2.2 will make it but im not sure if they got an exception. Most of time kubuntu team PPA's have next release06:08
crdlbdon't stable point releases usually get added?06:09
crdlbor is kde misusing the point release? :)06:09
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jithinekde 4.2.2 has some bug fixes . Currently apps like gewnview cannot open files if the file name or the path contains non english characters06:22
jithinethey have fixed it in 4.2.206:22
jithineso I think its imprtant to have jauntu to include this release.06:24
stefano-palazzoWhen i make inkscape full screen and hover over something to get a tool tip, the screen flickers, could somebody try to replicate this before i file a bug?06:30
crdlbstefano-palazzo: you get a flash of the wallpaper?06:38
stefano-palazzocrdlb, hang on, i need to change my wallpaper to check :-)06:39
stefano-palazzocrdlb, yes i do06:39
crdlbit's a side-effect of 'unredirect fullscreen windows' in compiz06:40
crdlbI don't know if it's avoidable06:40
stefano-palazzomh.. it was never a problem for me, only since jaunty. and i havent changed anything between that other than the upgrade.06:41
crdlbmaybe the default value for that setting has changed06:41
stefano-palazzowhere would i find that?06:43
crdlbthe setting?06:43
crdlbccsm > General Options > General06:43
stefano-palazzoi have compizconfig open, can't find anything about fullscreen06:43
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DanaGwtf... somehow I just lost a whole folder full of music.06:49
DanaGGranted, it was only one album's worth, and I have it somewhere else, but it's still annoying.06:49
DanaGI think it happened when I hit 'delete' to remove it from the playlist in totem.06:49
stefano-palazzocrdlb, i've found it and the problem's fixed, guess my tweaking around had something to do with it06:50
HobbseeDanaG: er, yes.  delete probably does.  But did you check trash?06:50
crdlbstefano-palazzo: so turning it off fixed it?06:50
DanaGNot in trash, it seems.06:50
stefano-palazzocrdlb, yes it did. do you know if this is set to true by default? idon't really understand what it does, but turning it off made everything better06:51
crdlbit is06:51
stefano-palazzoso that's a bug then?06:51
crdlbstefano-palazzo: it appears to have been enabled by default in the hardy box I'm sshed into too06:53
stefano-palazzocrdlb,so  that means that not the setting itself is a problem, but rather something else i've going on06:54
stefano-palazzoDanaG, i've tried it out, it didn't delete anything here (thank god for that..) are you completely up to date? can you trigger this behaviour?06:56
DanaGIt might've been when I was booted into a Fedora install.06:56
stefano-palazzoJ-_, i like it the way it is, actually06:57
stefano-palazzoDanaG, this would be a very hard mistake to make when programming as well, deleting files from the hard drive is much more involved than what's supposed to happen, so i imagine it'd be very unlikely indeed that it's a bug in totem06:58
DanaGIt might've been a case of me having the wrong thing have keyboard focus.07:00
crdlbstefano-palazzo: what GPU do you have?07:00
stefano-palazzocrdlb, it's an Intel somethingorother07:00
stefano-palazzothat's the correct model name :-)07:01
crdlbstefano-palazzo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/15320407:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 153204 in compiz "[MASTER] Applications are flickering/flashing in full screen mode" [Low,Fix released]07:06
crdlbI don't think it's actually been fixed in jaunty ;)07:06
crdlbparticularly when a compiz dev just confirmed that it's expected07:07
J-_stefano-palazzo: Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. :)07:08
crdlbunfortunately, I don't think notification clients currently pass a window id07:09
stefano-palazzoJ-_, well, the notification settings panel has two option on it, i suppose it would be okay to add it as an option07:09
J-_stefano-palazzo: Where can I see the two options?07:10
stefano-palazzoJ-_, System → Settings → Notifications or something like that07:11
crdlbconfirmed, the only info about the sender passed to the notification daemon is an app name string, which is completely arbitrary07:11
crdlbstefano-palazzo: that's for the upstream notification-daemon07:11
crdlbnotify-osd is 100% unconfigurable07:11
stefano-palazzoi see07:11
asraniel_hi there. any idea why the mouse middle click (open in new tab), does not work for me anymore since jaunty?07:12
* DanaG has RV635, and happens to not be able to use fglrx.07:13
stefano-palazzoasraniel, try chaning middlemouse.contentLoadURL in about:config to false, see if that helps07:15
asraniel_stefano-palazzo: there is no about:config in konqueror. strangely enough the middle click button seems to work for copy paste etc in other applications. but not in konqueror07:17
stefano-palazzoasraniel_, sorry, i thought you were using firefox. and ubuntu :-)07:17
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asranielstefano-palazzo: no problem. But i found a open bugreport about it07:18
stefano-palazzois epiphany-webkit supposed to work in jaunty by the way?07:19
stefano-palazzobecause it reports broken dependencies for me07:19
crdlbstefano-palazzo: that probably shouldn't even be there07:19
crdlbit should finally be ready for 2.28 :)07:20
stefano-palazzoi'm looking forward to it07:20
stefano-palazzofor some reason i havent bothered to investigate, the fonts in webkit* are really small for me, and i love that07:21
VSpikeI find whenever I have one of the big batches of updates (kernel, Xorg) my machine hangs/crashes during the update... if I drop out of X or go single user, the update goes smoothly07:24
VSpikeAnyone else see this?07:24
VSpikeHappened about 3 or 4 times now07:24
stefano-palazzoVSpike, do you have a massive amount of packages installed? or little hard drive space left?07:25
VSpikeI don't think so to either.. let me check07:26
asranielanybody using kubuntu with a wireless network?07:26
VSpikestefano-palazzo: any easy way to count packages installed? :)07:28
stefano-palazzoVSpike,  "dpkg-query -l | wc -l"07:29
VSpike2096 packages installed, 1.5G free07:29
stefano-palazzothat sounds reasonable, i have 225607:30
stefano-palazzo1.5G free is a littel on the low side, but i don't think it should be the cause of your trouble07:30
stefano-palazzohow much ram does your machine have?07:30
VSpikemy instinct is that it's either kernel or X update that crashes the machine, and probably the latter.  I get screen garbage when it crashes07:31
stefano-palazzothat should be enough as well07:31
stefano-palazzoAn update of x shoudln't do anything other than replace some files07:31
stefano-palazzothe kernel regenerates an image on upgrade, but it also shouldn't do anything of impact to your running session, i think07:32
VSpikestefano-palazzo: agreed, it never has in the past07:35
stefano-palazzoother than doing an apt-get clean and apt-get autoremove, i'm all out of ideas07:35
stefano-palazzoit took me about a year to finally do an apt-get clean, and at that point it has freed up about 1.5 gb of disk space, so not a bad idea :-)07:36
LordKowwow what an onslaught of updates... must be beta freeze today07:50
stefano-palazzoi'm doing them now, fingers crossed once again07:52
LordKownone of them are major updates... everything went fine here07:54
LordKowi noticed that the artwork team fine-tuned the gdm theme slightly07:54
stefano-palazzoxserver-xorg-core :-)07:54
LordKowoh some new wallpaper too07:54
stefano-palazzooh thats a good point, does anyone else find the new gdm theme the ugliest thing the world has ever seen?07:55
stefano-palazzoi certainly do07:55
LordKowim fine with it07:55
DanaGYeah, the box is an ugly one.07:55
LordKowyea the box didnt help07:55
DanaGDidn't the background change a bit, too?07:55
LordKowyes.. if you're talking about the desktop bg07:55
DanaGNah, the GDM background.07:55
LordKowwell. the new one has always been just black07:56
zniavreDanaG:  they add a small box ?07:56
DaemonDEBhmmm, Jaunty's realtime kernel freezes often, I ended up making my own 2.6.29-rc8 B-)07:56
LordKowthe coloring on the usplash theme is a little weird too.07:56
stefano-palazzoi think the new gdm theme looks like i made it. rubbish07:56
DaemonDEBI prefer the Dust theme07:57
LordKowwhatever. they *should* switch to plymouth soon but who knows given that nvidia refuses to support KMS07:57
DaemonDEBthough it's about time they changed that ugly boot screen07:57
LordKowand the new one is any better?07:57
DaemonDEBold one looked like crap on my monitor07:57
DanaGI tried plymouth from PPA.07:57
DaemonDEByeah, the new one looks much better07:57
DanaGI liked the Human-esque usplash better than the new thin line one.07:58
DanaGOh, and Plymouth does NOTHING.07:58
DanaGJust goes to text mode.07:58
stefano-palazzowhat i really want for booting is something thats active the whole time, from grub to desktop07:58
LordKowyea that would be lack of KMS or a proper VGA setting, DanaG07:58
DaemonDEBDanaG: You have to set your resolution B-)07:58
DanaGNot true, actually.07:58
DaemonDEBuse vga=ask07:58
DanaGI built a radeon KMS kernel.... still no go.07:58
LordKowhas to be a vesa mode.07:58
DaemonDEBthen copy the hex code to replace ask in your boot line07:58
DaemonDEBthen run update-grub07:58
DanaGI also did plymouth:debug on grub menu, and it did this:"07:58
DanaGIt completely disregarded the default SOLAR plugin...07:59
LordKowDaemonDEB, you shouldnt need to update-grub when changing a boot param.07:59
DanaG... and just loaded details.so.07:59
DanaG.... which is TEXT MODE.07:59
DaemonDEBPlymouth is pretty neat, the Fedora boot sceen is a blue sun with flares coming up out of it07:59
DanaGHow stupid.07:59
DaemonDEBvery eye-candy07:59
DanaGIt even explicitly said, "loading details.07:59
DanaGhow about ***** loading SOLAR?07:59
DaemonDEBLordKow: If you don't, it'll go back to text next time you update the kernel07:59
LordKowi must say Fedora's plymouth is badass07:59
DaemonDEBof course I refuse to run distribution kernels08:00
DanaGSo, I've just gone back to usplash.08:00
DaemonDEBI always build my own unless I'm on a Fedora system08:00
LordKowDaemonDEB, i changed my vga= setting in menu.lst a long time ago and have done many kernel updates since then and the vga command is still there. you do have to change deb's grub update settings (which are in menu.lst) also08:00
stefano-palazzowhich works great if your resolution is supported, which mine isnt :-)08:01
LordKow# defoptions=quiet splash <-- that one08:01
DanaGI must have bad video karma.08:01
DaemonDEBI've come across a lot of Ubuntu-specific kernel issues, usually resulting from the patently stupid things they do to their "generic" kernel, heh08:01
DanaGPlymouth does nothing (or rather, uses details view only).08:01
DanaGfglrx.... has ALWAYS panic'd for me, even in Intrepid.08:01
DanaGSo, I stick with usplash and plain'ol radeon.08:02
DanaGThough I do build the drm modules from git.08:02
LordKowdo i still need to put rootfstype=ext4 ?08:02
DaemonDEBI don't clone git for anything08:02
DaemonDEBwell, especially not the kernel, if I need something bad enough there will at least be a release candidate soon that has it, that is at least known to build08:03
DanaGI use the packaged 2.6.29 kernels.08:03
DanaGGives me support for my HP accelerometer / freefall sensor.08:04
DaemonDEBI didn't think much about Ext4 til I decided to try it out just now08:04
DaemonDEBI usually go with XFS08:04
DanaGI wish I could speed up my boot, though.08:04
LordKowpersonally, i'll wait for 2.6.30. i remember linux saying ext4 was stable just prior to 2.6.28 release. i could name off the list of major ext4 fixes since 2.6.28 but it would be a very long list.08:04
crdlbif you're used to XFS, I guess ext4 is safe enough ...08:04
DaemonDEBExt3 is painfully slow when you're unpacking tarballs with lots of directories08:04
DanaGyou seen this?08:04
stefano-palazzoExactly what performance boost can you expect with ext4 on any system other than a server thats constantly bombared?08:05
LordKowext4 works exactly how it was intended to be. people just dont understand the whole power-loss/computer hardlock data loss issue.08:05
DaemonDEBPhoronix is crap08:05
DaemonDEBthose people are complete morons08:05
LordKowthey think its the filesystem not working right but no it's working fine. the fact is your computer frooze or lost power before the journal was written.08:05
DaemonDEBtheir file system benchmarks were jsut flat out wrong08:05
DanaGAlso moronic reviews: benchmark an SSD... without timing the frickin' boot time.08:05
LordKowso either (a) someone is complaining about hdd thrashing because the journal is being updated every second or (b) they're complaining about data loss when the journal is updated say... every 60 seconds08:05
DaemonDEBthey don't even know how to interpret Bonie++ results08:06
DaemonDEBand they uild a "test suite"08:06
DanaGI mean, that's one of the SINGLE BIGGEST benefits of an SSD!08:06
* DanaG sets his commit time to 15 minutes.08:06
DanaGLets laptop-mode-tools work nicely.08:06
DanaGToo bad RADEON eats all my power.08:06
DaemonDEBfirst of all, the file system tests they claim to have done, Ext3 is not even capable of08:06
LordKowmake a backup of / and extract it unto an ext3 partition followed by an ext4 partition. you will definitely notice the difference.08:06
DaemonDEBunder the most ideal of circumstances08:06
stefano-palazzoi'm wondering if i should use ext4 on my laptop08:07
* DanaG uses faubackup for backups.08:07
DaemonDEByeah, Ext4 is good08:07
LordKowi use tar08:07
DanaGBackup volume is ext3 for safety.08:07
DaemonDEBExt4 or XFS, either one will do fine08:07
crdlbXFS on a laptop is really dumb ...08:07
DaemonDEBJaunty can have /boot on XFS now too08:07
VSpikestefano-palazzo: I did one of those recently :) But thanks for the suggestions08:07
stefano-palazzomaybe with ext4, i will stop aborting fsck every single time ;)08:07
LordKowwell there is a bug i should probably submit wrt pidgin08:07
DaemonDEBnot really08:08
DaemonDEBthe XFS zeroing files myth is wrong08:08
LordKowapparently AIM's buddy list is unavailable right now and the window title is "Untitled window" and it keeps popping up new ones every 20 seconds. currently sitting at 10 open windows08:08
DaemonDEBit had a data loss bug a long time ago that has been fixes08:08
crdlbwell, it's probably better than on an non-UPS-protected desktop, since you at least have a battery08:08
DaemonDEBthat was wrongly explained as "zeroing files for security reasons on a crash"08:08
stefano-palazzowell, if i should really lose 60 seconds of work, due to an unlikely power off on a laptop with a battery....08:09
DaemonDEBExt3 has had more serious corruption bugs than that08:09
DaemonDEBand nobody has tried to spread FUD about Ext308:09
crdlbext3 is very reliable ...08:09
crdlbslow, yes08:09
crdlbbut I've been using it since 2002; I can hang on a little while longer08:09
DaemonDEBExt3 is slow, wastes tons of disk space, is prone to fragmentation, has a horrible block allocation algorithm......08:10
DaemonDEBand is quite easy to corrupt08:10
DaemonDEByou should not trust any file system enough to have important data that's not backed up08:10
DaemonDEBbottom line08:10
crdlbof course08:10
DaemonDEBbecause any fs is perfectly capable of eating everything08:10
crdlbbut I don't want to push it08:10
stefano-palazzoeveryone was raving on about the speed benefits of MurderFS as well, and i couldn't notice a difference when i tried it08:11
DanaGmy bootcharts.08:11
DaemonDEBReiserFS is/was better than Ext3 in a number of ways, where it fell short was mainly due to relying on the Big Kernel Lock08:11
DaemonDEBwhich meant it didn't scale well on multiprocessor systems08:11
VSpikeI been running ext4 in my arch linux install on my laptop for a couple of months without a hitch. Subjectively no noticeable difference in speed but I haven't attempted to time boots or benchmark08:12
DanaGHmm, what's a good FS for an actual backup VOLUME?08:12
DaemonDEBReiser4 has a number of very good ideas as well, these have even been copied for Ext4 to some degree08:12
macokwin's compositing: broken for everyone or just me?08:12
DaemonDEBand to Btrfs to a larger degree08:12
DaemonDEBDanaG: Ext4 in theory is what I'd use08:13
DaemonDEBin practice it is still new08:13
DaemonDEBExt4 has exposed some application bugs with its delayed allocation08:13
DanaGI'm currently leaving my backup volume as ext3.08:13
stefano-palazzoDanaG, usplash is using a lot of cpu time isn't it08:13
DaemonDEBso they're already going to hobble the file system in Linux 2.6.3008:14
DanaGBeats me, actually.08:14
DanaGI use data=journal on my / and /home, also.08:14
LordKowbug #345774 submitted08:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345774 in pidgin "AIM buddy list unavailable window repetition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34577408:14
DaemonDEBI use writeback journaling08:14
DaemonDEBExt4 supports that08:14
macoLordKow: you beat me to it08:14
DaemonDEBit also supports no journaling B-)08:14
stefano-palazzoLordKow, this started to happen for me just a minute ago, funny that08:15
* maco subscribes08:15
DaemonDEBif you use Linux 2.6.2908:15
LordKowstefano-palazzo, can you confirm it then? :D08:15
macoi think aim's servers are offline so we all hit it08:15
stefano-palazzoof course08:15
LordKowyou too maco :D08:15
DanaGI'm on
LordKowglad that happened before release. that is a memory eater08:15
macooh it turns into a memory leak?08:16
LordKowwell it is in a way08:16
DaemonDEBI built my kernel realtime, optimized for Core 2 Duo, HZ=100008:16
macoi thought it was just an annoying number of popups to see08:16
DaemonDEBit's how Quake Wars suggests you build it08:16
DaemonDEBdoes seem to work better08:16
LordKowmaco, the point is as long as the aim buddy list is not available pidgin will continue to create a new window every x seconds.08:16
LordKowimagine someone who leaves pidgin open 24/7 and aim is down for an entire night...08:17
macoi was thinking itd just become *visually* annoying08:17
LordKowthey come back in the morning with a full swap and like 1245012354 untitled window's08:17
macoi didnt consider that itd be an added memory leak08:17
macoeh itd get OOM killed if it filled swap08:17
LordKowi wonder if this affects hardy and intrepid.08:18
DanaGWhy does Ubuntu not use 1000Hz?08:18
DanaGI figure it might mean something even with NO_HZ kernels.08:18
stefano-palazzogotta reboot08:18
macoDanaG: was asked recently on kernel-team list08:18
stefano-palazzofeels just like in the olden days this :-) bbiam08:18
macoi think something about the rate being variable at runtime?08:18
macoill check my email08:19
eeg3How do I disable the new notification system in jaunty?08:21
DaemonDEBDanaG: I assume it's gotten something to do with their "generic" kernel idea08:21
DanaG!info gnome-stracciatella-session08:21
ubottugnome-stracciatella-session (source: stracciatella-session): GNOME session without Ubuntu specific components. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.2 (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 64 kB08:21
DaemonDEBthat they can just make 2 kernels that kind of work, most of the time08:21
DanaGWhen it makes Pulseaudio abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort... abort...08:21
DanaGthat sucks.08:21
DaemonDEBUbuntu and Fedora are currently the only distributions that have Pulseaudio to where it works most of the time08:22
DaemonDEBif you use it on most other distributions you get all kinds of trouble08:22
eeg3There has to be a way to turn this off, I've never been more annoyed in my life by 902832873 notifications queued up from Pidgin...08:22
DanaGOh yeahzz, I wish Ubuntu could auto-mount eSATA like it does with USB and Firewire.08:22
DanaGI currently have to MANUALLY click it in nautilus to mount it,08:23
stefano-palazzocan someone explain this indicator-applet business?08:24
DaemonDEBI *tried to make Pulseaudio work on Debian Lenny, they still have the old broken one08:24
DaemonDEBand their webcam tools in the repo are too old to really want to work with my webcam08:24
DaemonDEBother than that I would have stayed08:24
DaemonDEBAll of a sudden, many distributions are now allowing you to have /boot on XFS (including Jaunty)08:26
asranielhi there. does the mocrophone work for anybody in skype with ubuntu 9.04 ?08:26
DaemonDEBI'm thinking that they finalyl stopped having to be stupid with their GRUB settings to accommodate Ext408:27
DaemonDEBI don't use skype08:27
macoDanaG: mmm yeah, i think tickless is why08:29
stefano-palazzois the indicator-applet meant to be a replacement for the 'systray' (don't know what its called in english, application names of gnome components are localized)08:29
macostefano-palazzo: instead of every application cluttering up the notification area individually, we're having a unified place to say that you have IMs and emails08:29
stefano-palazzomaco, that sounds quite nice actually. if only xchat and gpodder would support it :-)08:30
macostefano-palazzo: normal notifications will still go in the notification area, but this way you dont have 2 IM clients and a mail client putting lots of icons in there08:30
zniavrebut it only display "no indicators"08:30
macozniavre: im trying to figure that out08:30
macoit works on my vm but not on my hardware08:30
macozniavre: any chance you use kdm instead of gdm?08:30
macothats the only odd thing i can think of about my gnome setup08:31
zniavrenop im gnome user only08:31
crdlbmaco: does the indicator-applet somehow allow apps to run 'hidden', like a system tray does?08:31
macohmm....is notify-osd running?08:31
dtchenDanaG: we use dynticks as of a couple releases ago, so there's no reason to use HZ=100008:31
macocrdlb: yes08:31
* DanaG just uses gnubiff for mail.08:31
DanaGwell, and thunderbird.08:31
dtchenDanaG: so, the argument that we should use HZ=1000 is a red herring08:31
macocrdlb: as of yesterday's upload, pidgin no longer puts an icon in the notification area by default08:31
DanaGThere's nothing quite like having it QUACK at you when you have mail.08:31
crdlbmaco: and doesn't appear in the taskbar either?08:31
DanaGOkay, so when you close the buddy list... does pidgin just quit?08:32
crdlbhow do you open the buddy list then?08:32
zniavreyou can't08:32
macocrdlb: if you hide it with the indicator applet it will not be in tasklist. you can use the indicator applet to unhide it08:32
stefano-palazzomaco, how come pidgin is still in the normal notification area then? just not done yet, or on purpose?08:32
crdlbwhat we really need is a good way to have "desktop services" like IM clients, torrent clients, and music players running08:32
DanaGHow about if you hit the 'close' button?08:32
crdlbwithout them cluttering the notification area08:32
macostefano-palazzo: you have an old configuration08:32
crdlbindicating when there's a new message is a completely separate issue08:33
macoDanaG: then it actually does close08:33
crdlbpidgin is not really using the notification area as a notification area ...08:33
DanaGI happen to LIKE having my music player in the notification area... even when I happen to already be able to have it hide and show on a hotkey.08:33
crdlbit's using it as a windows-style system tray08:33
macoDanaG: if that was not the case, it would go invisible on non-gnome desktops and not be able to be brought back without editing ~/.purple/prefs.xml, which is a pain08:33
stefano-palazzomaco, thats right, im using a version of pdigin i've compiled from source, forgot about that08:33
macostefano-palazzo: well no i mean, "disabled by default" means for new installs08:34
dtchenthe absolute killer for us is the feature regression from feisty, where we had PREEMPT enabled08:34
macostefano-palazzo: if youve already got it set to show the icon, itll keep doing so. if you create a new user, it wont by default show the icon08:34
dtchenat that point, however, having PREEMPT enabled completely killed stability with binary-only blobs08:34
DaemonDEBkernel.org kernels are the only ones I use08:35
* crdlb doesn't use any binary blobs :/08:35
DaemonDEBI removed the Ubuntu linux-generic packages08:35
crdlbthat's fantastic.08:35
macoi remove linux-generic too08:35
macothe darn thing pulls in l-r-m08:35
DanaGI'm using the mainline 2.6.29 kernel from ~apw08:35
DanaGI also have no binary blobs.  Only non-OSS kernel thing I use is vboxdrv.08:36
DaemonDEBthe Ubuntu -rt kernel is unstable and freezes08:36
* crdlb is boring and is using the stock kernel ...08:36
DaemonDEBanything I build  tends to work08:36
macovboxdrv isnt showing as non-free when i run vrms08:36
macoor are you not using virtualbox-ose?08:36
DaemonDEBif you have the restricted modules or linux-firmware installed08:36
DaemonDEByou have blobs08:36
DaemonDEBin fact, you have blobs even with the mainline kernel08:37
DaemonDEBunless you strip them out before you compile it08:37
DanaGI'm using the non-OSE.08:37
crdlbI have restricted modules installed, but I'm not using any of them08:37
DaemonDEBok, remove it and see what breaks08:37
crdlbnothing will break ...08:38
macoif you have all-intel, nothing08:38
DaemonDEBI could pull out my Nvidia card08:38
DaemonDEBwill I?08:38
DaemonDEBnot on your life08:38
dtchenmaco: that's patently untrue08:38
crdlbI used to have to use madwifi, but not anymore :)08:38
dtchenlinux-image-foo-generic ships binary-only blobs in kernel/sound/08:39
DanaGI have iwlagn and radeon.08:39
macodtchen: the question was "what will break if you remove l-r-m?" and i said "if you have all intel, nothing"08:39
elkyDaemonDEB, what are you trying to achieve here?08:39
dtchenin fact, we repacked alsa-driver in Debian for that reason08:39
dtchenmaco: that, too, is untrue08:40
DaemonDEBUbuntu advertises non-free modules even if you don't want them08:40
DaemonDEByou have to click on it just to dismiss it08:40
macodtchen: i uninstall l-r-m after install08:40
macodtchen: that's no detriment08:40
macoDaemonDEB: that's just to make it easy for newbies to find08:41
dtchenDaemonDEB: true, and there is no good way to prevent anyone from adding a third-party repository08:41
dtchenmaco: you're assuming that all hardware matches your specs08:41
macodtchen: *intel* hardware does not require l-r-m08:41
dtcheni did work on intel handheld devices that used said binary-blobs.08:41
DaemonDEBdtchen: The easiest way to avoid that problem is to use onboard sound08:41
maco*sigh* fine!08:42
DaemonDEBit's really nowhere near as bad as it used to be08:42
DanaGAt least radeon is far better than nouveau, at least in my experience.08:42
maconormal intel components for normal user systems08:42
bazhangDaemonDEB, hi08:42
DaemonDEBthat's because radeon is made using specs released by AMD08:42
DanaGnouveau hammers both CPU and hard drive (yes, somehow it hammers the hard drive), and doesn't even TRY to do suspend,.08:42
macoby which i mean things like graphics and internets and cpu08:42
DaemonDEBNouveau is reverse engineered based on Nvidia's closed source driver08:42
DanaGI did specifically buy my laptop with ATI, on purpose.08:42
dtchenmaco: yes, many people use them in their tv sets.08:42
macodtchen: tvs arent computers08:42
macothey dont count for purposes of this discussion08:43
dtcheni think you're being silly now08:43
macodan, stop being so dan!08:43
HobbseeDaemonDEB: are you intending to do anything *other* than soapboxing here?  It'd be lovely if you could stay on topic.08:43
DaemonDEBDanaG: Fedora 11 Alpha defaults to Nouveau, and not only is is even crappier than NV, yes, I noticed that hard drive thrashing too08:43
macodtchen:  if you were here, i'd poke you!08:43
dtchenDaemonDEB: the problem with that is that it *was* onboard08:43
DaemonDEBWhat in the hell are they thinking?08:43
DanaGAnd it happens to make 2/3 of the panel applets fail to load, too.08:43
DanaGI had to go back to nv on that old laptop.08:44
DanaGNV17 == has to use nvidia 96.08:44
dtchenand onboard sound actually still blows08:44
DanaGnvidia 96 doesn't work with Jaunty.08:44
DaemonDEBnot really08:44
DanaGIt starts... but segfaults.08:44
DaemonDEBIntel's HD Audio works fine08:44
* maco giggles08:44
macoDaemonDEB: youre arguing with an audio dev08:44
macoquit now08:44
dtchenyou would not believe the utter crack i just had to add three weeks ago to get hw-ptr stability08:44
DanaGSOmething my adi1988 chip can do now, that PA doesn't take advantage of:08:45
dtchenand now i'm about to add the corresponding pulseaudio-side crack08:45
macooh boy, you got him started08:45
elkyHobbsee, i'm failing to see his relevence to here...08:45
DanaGtwo simultaneous, independent capture streams!08:45
DaemonDEBI don't care, "fine" by my definition means I don't feel like buying a sound card cause the onboard chipset works "fine"08:45
HobbseeDaemonDEB: drop it, or take it elsewhere, please.08:45
gnomefreakto argue please join #ubuntu-offtopic this isnt the place for it08:45
elkygnomefreak, he's already banned from there for this same kind of crap08:45
DaemonDEByes, banned08:46
DaemonDEBthat's why I'm in there08:46
gnomefreakok take it somewhere else than not in support channels08:46
rwwDaemonDEB: oh, so you're ban evading too? cool.08:46
DaemonDEByou're an idiot08:46
gnomefreakDaemonDEB: thats enough please08:46
dtchenDaemonDEB: i really wish most users shared your view that onboard sound was "fine" :-)08:46
bazhangalmightycthulhu ^^08:47
macodtchen: you missed him08:47
DaemonDEBI feel the love08:47
macoDaemonDEB: dtchen says he wishes most users agreed with you that onboard sound was "fine"08:47
ikoniaDaemonDEB: stop now - this is for jaunty discussion only08:47
ikoniaDaemonDEB: this is your only warning08:47
Hobbseeikonia: he had one earlier, which he ignored, fyi08:48
rwwOh a slightly more on-topic note, I noticed the new wallpaper and usplash themes today. Very nice :)08:48
ikoniaHobbsee: thank you08:48
macoi think itd give him more time for going to concerts and spending time with humans afk instead of fixing alsa & pulseaudio all the time08:48
elkyooh, new purdy stuff?08:48
Hobbseeelky: yup!08:48
macooh yeah the new wallpaper's pretty08:48
elkyi should probably install it at some point to see this08:48
elkytonight is not the night, however08:48
macoi'm hovering between the kde 4.2 pretties and the new ubuntu wallpaper pretties08:49
rwwelky: the usplash looks like http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-9-04-039-s-New-Boot-Splash-107165.shtml08:49
macomakes me wish i had two screens on my lappy and could put gnome in one and kde in the other08:49
DaemonDEBALSA and Pulse are generally a decision between what you want to break to get something else to work08:49
Hobbseemaco: install the ubuntu wallpaper pretties on kde?  ;)08:49
rwwso not too different, but still a nice refresh :)08:49
macoHobbsee: ive got it installed but the themes would clash horribly08:49
DaemonDEBthere's stil la few apps you have to kill pulseaudio for08:49
maco...my god, im becomng such a girl08:49
dtchenDaemonDEB: unfortunate08:50
macodtchen: you! no more pointing out when i dont match!08:50
dtchenDaemonDEB: namely, i cannot force vendors to stop taking advantage of ioctl()08:51
DaemonDEBdtchen: I made a startup script for Quake Wars that kills pulseaudio before the game loads, and restarts it when I'm done08:51
DaemonDEBcause if I rely on ALSA, then my microphone does not work08:51
DaemonDEBnor does my USB headset for about half the apps08:51
dtchen`pasuspender -- q3a' would accomplish the same08:51
dtchenif it doesn't, i need to know, because that would be a rather serious threading issue08:52
DaemonDEBwithout Pulse forcing ALSA to not be stupid, it directs to sound for anything non-gstreamer through my speakers08:52
DaemonDEBeven if I tell GNOME to use the headset08:52
elkyi am sensing someone is lacking the ability to know when to stop08:52
dtchenDaemonDEB: there are several breakages in components there. that's not entirely PA's fault.08:53
macoelky: what? ranting about the state of linux audio is perfectly normal.  try spending an afternoon with dtchen08:53
DaemonDEBit's quite infuriating just trying to use it, I could just imagine trying to do anything important relating to it08:53
dtchen(i dunno, i think i rant because i'm looking at the related code and fixing it)08:54
elkymaco, it's not the point of this channel08:54
macodtchen: thats true. you have first hand experience with the spiders living in it08:54
DaemonDEBwell, part of the idea with Pulse is to not have 50 different crapplets and config files that each control some little thing here or there08:55
elkydtchen, that's perfectly valid then. you're not simply soapboxing08:55
DaemonDEBand the humorous thing is that it has created more panels and settings files08:55
dtchenelky: arguably - and it's a bit of a stretch, yes - users complaining about it gives me data points to fix. but i agree that there's only so far one can go with it.08:55
elkydtchen, feel free to take it up in PM with him. he's making this channel unusable for anything else.08:56
elkyif he continues, i'll have to take measures to render it usable once more.08:56
dtchenelky: true. i think i'll shush and return to work. :-)08:56
macodtchen: shouldnt the sun be rising outside your friendly neighborhood IKEA about now?08:57
macooh...ok then08:57
elkyi think that's a preemptive yes.08:57
DaemonDEBonly if the rotation of the Earth voluntarily gives way to the rising of the sun, otherwise it could expose bugs, better leave it night to be safe08:58
macooh yeah so i was asking...09:15
macokwin's compositing: broken for everyone or just me?09:15
DanaGmy Jaunty bootchart: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootchart09:44
DanaGWhat's up with gnome-power-manager not using notify-osd?09:47
Ranakahit's that realy work?09:50
BUGabundoguud morning guys10:03
BUGabundois Main down?10:04
BUGabundono more rhythmbox: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/rhythmbox-devel/2009-February/msg00029.html10:41
vistakiller1i cant install nvidia driver in kubuntu11:18
vistakiller1jockey-kde is not working11:18
vistakiller1and with jockey-gtk i have install them but after the restart they dont work11:19
vistakiller1i have to install manual with .run file from nvidia11:19
vistakiller1i cant install and envyng-qt because is missing some python package11:20
BUGabundovistakiller1: calm down11:25
BUGabundodon't destroy your system even more11:25
vistakiller1i have to work m811:25
vistakiller1and i need to install some drivers :P11:25
BUGabundovistakiller1: go to #ubuntu-devel and ask pitti for help11:25
BUGabundoits his package11:25
vistakiller1the only way now is through manual install11:26
vistakiller1i will search launchpad for bug report to confirm it11:26
BUGabundoAFAIK there's no open bug currently11:26
BUGabundoI've pinged pitti11:27
BUGabundolets see what he says11:27
vetallduring the shutdown i get a message smth like: nm-system-config: SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices removed (udi: /org/freedesktop/...11:31
vetallin 8.10 there was no such message. the NM and wire/wireless works fine. just wondering is it as it should be.11:31
vistakiller1thanks BUGabundo11:32
vistakiller1nice name :P11:32
VSpikeOnly a minor point, but I believe the standard behaviour for gnome terminal was that shift-ctrl-T would create a new terminal with the same CWD as the existing one11:36
VSpikeThis doesn't seem to happen now.  Can anyone confirm (a) that I remember the old behaviour right and (b) that it has changed?11:36
VSpikeOK, I forgot my other machine was right there.. confirmed (a) in 8.0411:37
=== NeoBlaster is now known as neoblaster
BUGabundoVSpike: now that you mention it, I've noticed11:50
BUGabundothat gnome terminal behaviour is not as it used to11:50
BUGabundokeep me posted on anything you do abou it11:50
vistakiller1i have to open a bug report for the problem?11:55
Ranakahfglrx work in jaunty in future?11:56
BUGabundoRanakah: many discussing that on bug report11:59
BUGabundovistakiller1: don't know!12:00
Ranakahthat's is bug?12:00
vistakiller1i will post in kubuntu forum12:00
vistakiller1to see what will say and other users12:00
BUGabundoRanakah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/31302712:00
=== neoblaster is now known as NeoBlaster
ubottuUbuntu bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [High,Fix released]12:01
TuTUXGis the new empathy able to do video conference with ichat (google accounts)?12:31
BUGabundoTuTUXG: let me know if it does!12:32
bruce89why has gnome-panel animation been disabled?12:33
TuTUXGBUGabundo, was you kidding?12:34
denndaWith jaunty's new-style notifications: How do I disable a message every time a buddy logs in? (Pidgin)12:37
zniavrevia pidgin libnotify plugin setup ?12:37
TuTUXGnvm, ichat doesnt use jingle12:38
denndazniavre: Where is that?12:38
BUGabundoTuTUXG: no I wasnt12:39
bruce89and the nautilus background fade12:40
BUGabundobruce89: try that on dual monit12:40
BUGabundoits scary!12:40
TuTUXGbruce89, background fade is disabled?12:40
bruce89on startup it is now12:40
denndaah in plugins12:41
bruce89it seems as if Ubuntu patch GNOME to be the same as 2.2412:41
nonniiis there a way to disable thumbnaling of media in removable media?12:43
humboltwhy are the fonts in gnome-terminal and pidgin irc chatwindow so huge suddenly?12:44
humboltI did a dist-upgrade yesterday12:45
bruce89some weird fontconfig change yesterday, change the monospace font to 10 again12:45
bruce89for some reason, it was changed to 13.33312:45
TuTUXGbruce89, i still have it12:45
bruce89nautilus 1:2.26.0-0ubuntu2 and above12:46
TuTUXGlet me see12:46
bruce89hmm, in their infinite wisdom, they've probably patched it wrongly12:48
TuTUXGbut i use jaunty all the way from a4 tho12:48
bruce89have a look at the changelog of nautilus and gnome-panel12:48
bruce89and gnome-media12:49
TuTUXGwhat's up with gnome-media?12:50
bruce89not bothering with the new volume control12:50
bruce89at this rate, Debian unstable's more cutting edge12:52
TuTUXGbruce89, oh, only the initial fade in is disabled12:52
bruce89it would have been nice for them to explain why12:53
TuTUXGbruce89, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57596412:54
ubottuGnome bug 575964 in libgnome-desktop "GnomeBG should give up the fade effect if it's too slow" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]12:54
TuTUXGfrom the diff file12:55
bruce89I see12:55
* bruce89 shudders to think what would happen if brainstorm was actually listened to13:09
TuTUXGbruce89, what did they ask?13:10
fyl0nIs it normal to have corrupted graphics with an Intel GMA945 and alpha6 Kubuntu?13:10
bruce89nothing specific, but a lot of things would be crazy13:10
TuTUXGbruce89, that's called brainstorm ;)13:11
bruce89most of those are impossible13:11
TuTUXGwell, i think most of them are doable13:12
TuTUXGjust need time13:13
bruce89well, most of these aren't Ubuntu's responsibility in the first place13:13
TuTUXGusers don't know that13:14
bruce89that's a big problem I think13:15
unixdawgI have to say jaunty is turning out nice13:15
TuTUXGstarting to understand m$?13:16
unixdawgmy old p3 650 with 384 megs of ram runs great13:16
nonniiI run great once, but then I busted my knee :|13:17
unixdawgwell get it fixed and start running again13:18
VSpikeno reason ubuntu shouldn't act as a clearing house of requests between users and upstream projects though13:25
VSpike"Make System Monitor as powerful as Windows Task Manager".. um :) what?13:27
unixdawgI want to see MICROSHAFT crumble and become nothing13:28
unixdawgthey have over priced everything they put out so lets make ubuntu the replacement13:29
bruce89the notifications are from Vista, so we can expect more of the same13:30
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Linkinx64_xafter yesterdays updates...13:53
Linkinx64_xafter login in i get a blackl screen with a cursor13:53
Linkinx64_xand nothing else :(13:53
Linkinx64_xany advice?13:54
VSpikeLinkinx64_x: I had the same13:54
michaeldadmumIt seems like gdm is broken.13:54
Linkinx64_xVSpike: how u fixed it?13:55
VSpikeI switched to console (ctrl-alt-F1), did "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop", then "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"13:55
Linkinx64_xlet me see13:55
VSpikethere were about a dozen more upgrades13:55
VSpikeI then did "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start" and all was well13:55
bruce89oh great, unmounting now causes dialogues13:56
VSpikeReplace aptitude with apt-get or whatever you prefer of course :)13:56
bruce89just because notify-osd is useless doesn't mean they have to take it out on me13:58
unixdawgwow and kde4 has had no major issues14:00
unixdawgkubuntu is turning out nice14:00
Linkinx64_xVSpike: that did not fix it man :(14:01
c_kornhas someone knowledge about translations? does N_(String) stand for not translate the string?14:01
VSpikeLinkinx64_x: Do you have any other accounts you could try logging into?14:01
Linkinx64_xi know spanish :D14:01
Linkinx64_xVSpike:  not really ... Root ? :P14:02
VSpikeYou have a root account?14:02
Linkinx64_xlol no14:02
Linkinx64_xthis is bad ;(14:02
VSpikeWell, you could create a new account form the console14:02
VSpikeThen try logging into that14:02
Linkinx64_xwhat about failsafe gnome?14:02
VSpikeWorth a try.. not sure what it does14:03
unixdawgall systems have a root accouint14:03
Linkinx64_xit shows Could Not find the Gnome installation14:03
unixdawgsudo bash14:03
unixdawgenter your username password14:03
unixdawgif you have sudo privs14:03
unixdawgthen do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade14:04
Linkinx64_xyes i do14:04
Linkinx64_xlet me try dist-upgrade14:04
VSpikeunixdawg: not sure that "sudo bash" followed by "startx" would be a good idea though14:04
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VSpikeJust wondering if the failure to login is caused by broken settings in ~14:05
unixdawgafter distupgrade type exit14:05
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Linkinx64_xok distupgrde14:07
Linkinx64_xshows no updates14:07
simba_yey....last update fixed my problem of usplash crashing while providing pass for root partition....tkank you.14:07
Linkinx64_xso i am in the same place14:07
unixdawgdid you update first14:08
VSpikeLinkinx64_x: you get gdm login screen, but when starting gnome you just have a black screen with spinning cursor? or pointer?14:08
Linkinx64_xa pointer14:08
Linkinx64_xi log in .... everythin ok.... and i get a black screen14:09
unixdawgLinkinx64_x, you have to do apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade14:09
Linkinx64_xi did14:09
Linkinx64_xand i get some updates14:09
Linkinx64_xbut it did not fix it14:09
nemooh. speaking of crashes. anyone here using intel card getting X driver crash every time mplayer/vlc use xv ?14:10
Linkinx64_xsame thing...14:10
simba_Linkinx64_x: i had that when i first installed 9.04....i dropped to console and did upgrade to fix it14:10
Linkinx64_xnemo no man....im good ... when i get it :D14:10
Linkinx64_xlet me try again14:10
michaeldadmumHello, I have some problem with KWin desktop effects. I was running fglrx and when I tried to enable the effects, the system became unresponsive. However, when I tried to run compiz, it worked smoothly.14:11
simba_Linkinx64_x: aptitude upgrade works better than apt-get upgrade14:11
macowow....that's some stupid firefox behavior. "foo.doc...open with: movie player"14:11
Linkinx64_xsimba_:  yes im used to use aptitude....but it shows no updates14:11
Linkinx64_xmaco: lol14:12
nemoand I'm sure everyone here has heard the newly released IE8 has been compromised.14:12
Linkinx64_xdo i need to reinstall ? :(14:13
Linkinx64_xor just wait for more updates?14:13
mnemohow can I reboot ubuntu so that I get to the grub menu without using the power switch? this always worked fine until 2 weeks ago when jaunty started doing some sort of quick rebooting thing that skips past the BIOS and GRUB etc ??14:18
nemoLinkinx64_x: you checked .xsession-errors already?14:21
Linkinx64_xno sir14:21
Linkinx64_xhow would i do that?14:21
nemoLinkinx64_x: also, tried launching gnome-session from a failsafe X window, just to see what's dying?14:21
nemoLinkinx64_x: copy ~/.xsession-errors somewhere14:22
nemothen pastebin it, if the contents are kosher for channel14:22
Linkinx64_xnemo: it froze :((14:29
nemoLinkinx64_x: welp X log too then14:31
nemoas well as xsession-errors14:31
BUGabundoI have sound again! thanks dtchen14:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [Low,Fix committed]14:35
nemoLinkinx64_x: no logs?14:49
Linkinx64_xno logs...not sure how to get them or get them out of the laptop14:50
nemoLinkinx64_x: scp :-p14:52
VSpikeLinkinx64_x: try "sudo apt-get pastebinit && cat ~/.xession-errors /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit"14:56
unixdawgsorry to report but linux is now dead14:56
unixdawgtime to give it a new name14:56
unixdawgcall it OpenOS14:57
bruce89I think Ubuntu are way ahead of you14:57
bruce89dropping the Linux bit because of "bad connotations"14:58
bruce89Used to be called Ubuntu Linux15:01
nemoubuntu gnu/linux ;)15:02
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cyberixIs Jaunty going to have GNOME 2.26?15:07
c_korncyberix: yes15:07
bruce89cyberix: already does15:08
BUGabundocyberix: already has it15:08
unixdawggnome and kde neeed to merge and make 1 ultimate gui15:08
cyberixOk. I was just wondering, because GNOME released it just a few days ago, and Jaunty has gone trough multiple freezes already15:08
bruce89GNOME is the exception, and Ubuntu's interminable patching15:09
bruce89and anything they feel like such as CUPS15:09
bruce89freezes are really an excuse that they give if something's old15:10
BUGabundo#Poll: What apps would YOU like to learn about as an Linux noob? last year I talked about these: https://docs.google.com/View?docID=df4hbkwr_139r77r8 (gona use jaunty beta, just incase ikonia is here)15:11
billybigriggeranyone having network problems with yesterdays updates?15:12
cyberixBUGabundo: etherape15:13
billybigriggeri can't connect wirelessly, or wired to my router, but i can connect to neighbors wireless, and wired works on my desktop in XP15:13
nemounixdawg: that's rather unlikely - gnome and kde have very different goals/structure :-p15:15
bruce89not to mention toolkits and languages15:16
unixdawgwell I can say that kde 4.2 is a big change15:17
unixdawgI was blown away how it looks nothign like 3.5.X15:17
unixdawgor 4.015:17
bruce89am I right in saying that GDM 2.20.10 is broken?15:18
simba_well, a few apps in the new kde is not as good as in the old ones on this computer yet.....like networkmanagement and software management/update15:21
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bruce89KPackageKit isn't KDE I don't think15:23
macokpackagekit is the adept replacement in kubuntu15:23
macobruce89: by which you mean "boot to text"?15:23
bruce89I meant it's not a part of KDE15:23
BUGabundowho was the guy complaining about the gnome-terminal stuff?15:23
macoah ok15:24
BUGabundoI don't see him in the #15:24
BUGabundobah... gonna file a bug...15:24
macoi did find linuxgeek_'s bug15:24
macoi updated my vm and my machine. rebooted both. vm + yesterday's update = gdm doesnt start15:24
VSpikeBUGabundo: me15:24
macoon hardware, it boots fine15:24
BUGabundowhy do apps insist on appearing on the external display (also Default one) and not the one that I have keyb and mouce?15:25
VSpikeBUGabundo: Haven't filed anything yet15:25
VSpikeIf you do, let me know15:25
BUGabundoVSpike: u? nice! I'm gonna... its really bad now that im aware of it15:25
VSpikeSorry ;)15:25
bruce89what's wrong with g-t?15:25
BUGabundoI don't excuse you now :)15:26
BUGabundobruce89: opening a new tab15:26
BUGabundostuff get crazy15:26
BUGabundoit brings stuff the the app running there15:26
BUGabundoit *didn't* use to do that15:26
BUGabundoexample: start gedit, open a new g-t tab and see where it leaves you15:26
BUGabundobad example15:27
BUGabundogedit doesn't change the path15:27
BUGabundobut MAN, exaile, pidgin all do15:27
BUGabundoanything to add?15:27
BUGabundoI'm second way to file it15:27
VSpikeBUGabundo: now I try it again, it seems to be working :)15:27
BUGabundoits bruce all mighty influence15:28
BUGabundoor lastest update fix?15:28
VSpikeMy complaint was spceifically that in 8.04, the new tab got the same CWD as the existing one -- and did not happen earlier.  But now it does15:29
VSpikeSo yeah, could be an update or maybe some specific case15:29
BUGabundonow I'm confused15:29
VSpikeSorry, I mean in 9.04 the new tab always opened at ~ when I tried it15:29
VSpikeI liked the feature where the new tab opened in the same place as the old one15:29
bruce89BUGabundo: I'm having a look15:30
BUGabundo"new gnome-terminal tab brings environment from previous tab"15:30
BUGabundojust need to press enter to file it15:30
bruce89oh I see15:30
BUGabundosee exaile example15:30
BUGabundothe PATH is changed15:30
BUGabundoand WTH does Pidgin add smiles to IRC?????15:31
BUGabundoBUG NOW15:31
unixdawgso has koffice been properly ported to 4.2  ?15:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 345948 in pidgin "IRC shows smiles" [Undecided,New]15:38
xnguardHi, folks.  I had a package manager accident that removed resolvconf, and now I can't get it working again.  Any help appreciated.15:46
transsoupxnguard: "apt-get install --reinstall resolvconf" might help15:50
xnguardtranssoup: I did try that.  Also a dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf.15:51
xnguardIt looks like NetworkManager is helpfully supplying all the correct info from dhcp in /etc/resolvconf/run/interface/NetworkManager, but it's not being processed.15:51
xnguardA manual resolvconf -u does nothing, either.15:52
BUGabundoxnguard: sudo dpkg--reconfigure -a ?15:53
BUGabundoits going to take a while15:54
xnguardIs that going to destroy any customized settings already in place?15:54
Linkinx64_xso i got 2 updates for xorg....but no fix for my Black Screen16:09
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fatbrainAnyone successfully manage to connect the Apple Wireless Keyboard (Bluetooth)?16:39
xnguardBUGabundo: That didn't work real well.  Now I have to plug/unplug the keyboard and mouse to get them detected, and I can't log in.16:41
BUGabundoxnguard: please refreh my mem16:41
xnguard<BUGabundo> xnguard: sudo dpkg--reconfigure -a ?16:41
BUGabundoso your xorg is broken?16:42
BUGabundonice job...16:42
BUGabundohope those are USB keyb/mouse16:42
xnguardI don't know what's broken.  Could be HAL, could be something usbfs, whatever.16:42
xnguardHm.  Logging in at a text console gets me in, but spews "-bash: /dev/null: Permission denied" all over the place.16:43
adelie42what package includes the documentation for modprobe?16:44
xnguardadelie42: module-init-tools would be my guess.16:46
xnguardadelie42: Da.  Confirmed with Synaptic.16:47
BUGabundoxnguard: are those wrong permitions?16:47
BUGabundoyour change or dkpg bug?16:47
xnguardBUGabundo: The usb / login / bash stuff didn't happen until I ran dpkg-reconfigure.16:47
BUGabundoxnguard: please ask for feedback on #ubuntu-devel and file a bug16:48
BUGabundoit could be more serious16:48
BUGabundoor its just picking up on a broken system16:48
BUGabundoI'll try and run it on my laptop tonight or tomorrow to reproduce16:48
BUGabundoif you open a bug, sub me to it,ok xnguard?16:49
xnguardBUGabundo: Er... I've got some unsatisfied recommendations-- mostly ttf fonts --but that's about it.16:49
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -fp PACKAGE name helps a lot16:49
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BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy PACKAGE too16:49
xnguardBUGabundo: Uhm, what package(s) should I be running those against?16:50
BUGabundohumm xorg?16:50
BUGabundoits it who handles input16:50
macoeep! did apt-listchanges break horrendously recently?16:58
BUGabundomaco: humm NO17:01
BUGabundoI just got one from the last update, 5 min ago17:02
macoi just tried running "apt-listchanges pidgin" and it threw python at me...maybe i'm doing it wrong17:02
BUGabundomaco: yep here too17:08
macoi think im doing it wrong17:08
macothe --help says i should put --apt before it17:08
macoso i guess this is just graceless failure17:09
BUGabundoI know that doing apt-get upgrade it works17:09
macowould be nice if apt-listchanges --apt pidgin wasnt still running 7 minutes later with no output...17:09
BUGabundoI killed it before that17:09
BUGabundo$ apt-listchanges pidgin_1%3a2.5.5-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb17:10
BUGabundoReading changelogs... Done17:10
BUGabundomaco: but still won't output anything17:10
BUGabundojust read /usr/docs/changes17:11
BUGabundo$ ls /usr/share/doc/pidgin/17:12
macothat's not the point17:12
BUGabundooh no?17:12
BUGabundowhat did I miss understood?17:12
macothe point is apt-listchanges should behave17:12
BUGabundoI never used it like you say17:12
BUGabundodidn't even know it was possible17:13
BUGabundoI just use it when upgrading17:13
BUGabundoand then read the mails17:13
PiciI always have it go to the pager17:13
BUGabundoPici: me too... I think it's a bug... I selected to NOT send to pager, just email17:18
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: made any progress on that netspeed applet issue?17:18
BUGabundobut I still get it on screen17:18
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: NO :(17:18
IntuitiveNippleIf the new upstream package arrives that may solve it.17:18
BUGabundoanyone we can ping to push it?17:19
BUGabundohggdh: ola17:19
BUGabundobug 26872717:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268727 in netspeed "new upstream version of netspeed applet 0.15" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26872717:19
hggdhOla, BUGabundo17:20
hggdhwhat gives on it?17:20
hggdh(opening it now)17:20
BUGabundobug 335507 and 26872717:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335507 in netspeed "netspeed applet will not measure wired" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33550717:20
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: you could build the upstream version manually just to test if it solves the issue17:20
BUGabundohow to do that?17:20
BUGabundobaby steps!17:20
hggdh1. grab the source17:21
IntuitiveNipplegrab upstream source, install dependencies, configure, make, run17:21
hggdhthere you go ;-)17:21
BUGabundosource link»17:21
IntuitiveNippleThere's a neat trick to installing dependencies in most cases (if upstream haven't added any) : sudo apt-get build-dep <package>17:22
Milos_SDhello all...17:22
hggdhBUGabundo, you probably can start by doing an "sudo apt-get build-dep netspeed", so you can get the dependencies (at least for the current version)17:23
BUGabundoE: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list17:24
BUGabundolet me fix that17:24
Milos_SDI followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 to setup equilezer for pulseaudio, it worked in Intrepid, but now in Jaunty that has 0.9.14 pulseaudio doesn't work. Here is the part of a syslog: http://pastebin.com/m547c605e17:24
Milos_SDhow can I fix the problem?17:24
macoMilos_SD: i'd ask TheMuso when he gets online17:26
tomin kubuntu jaunty "log out" doesn't work for me, is this a known issue?17:30
unixdawganyone here running skype on 64bit ?17:30
unixdawgI need skpe for communicating withfamily17:31
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: hggdh that's a lot of packages!17:32
BUGabundowasn't counting on that17:32
BUGabundolow on disk space17:32
BUGabundounixdawg: add medibuntu repos and install skype-static17:32
unixdawgmedia buntu ?17:33
unixdawgnever done tha explain17:33
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:33
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: now what?17:34
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: you've installed upstream source?17:34
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: not yet.. just the build dep17:36
BUGabundoI told you.... baby steps17:36
unixdawgok got it17:41
BUGabundogot tar from http://projects.gnome.org/netspeed/17:41
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BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: ^^^17:44
IntuitiveNipple*pat* :)17:44
BUGabundojust saw that you confirmed it17:45
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IntuitiveNippleHave you extracted the source? If so, change to the source directory and run ./configure17:45
IntuitiveNippleno errors from configure?17:46
BUGabundostill running17:46
BUGabundono errors17:46
hggdhBUGabundo, be aware that ./configure (by default) will run with "--prefix=/usr/local", meaning the install will be done there17:46
IntuitiveNipplenow do make17:46
BUGabundomaco no more IPv6?17:47
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: done17:47
macoit dropped out and i have quassel set to try ipv4 if ipv6 fails17:47
hggdhBUGabundo, on errors on make?17:48
BUGabundonone that I spot17:48
BUGabundowant a pastebin?17:48
DaemonDEBQuassel: The MySQL-based disk thrasher that thinks it's an IRC client?17:51
hggdhBUGabundo, yes, all kosher. Now run 'sudo make install'(and remember it is going to be installed under /usr/local)17:51
aLeSDhi all17:52
BUGabundonow how to add it to applet?17:52
BUGabundomanual path?17:52
DaemonDEBif make has given you errors you usually need headers or you don't have the right compiler in your path17:52
aLeSDdoes someone know if ubuntustudio 9.04 has a realtime kernel ?17:52
hggdhsince I do not know how is is presented (I do not have it installed)... yes, try running it manually17:52
DaemonDEBThe kernel for example now refuses to build with GCC 4.0 and 4.117:52
BUGabundohggdh: its an applet17:53
BUGabundoneed to add it to pannel17:53
hggdhBUGabundo, yes, add it to the panel, with a manual path to ity17:53
IntuitiveNippleOK, now, in a terminal run it. /usr/local/libexec/netspeed_applet217:53
DaemonDEBSo with Debian, you end up with two compilers (4.1 for building modules for their kernel) or 4.3 (needed to build your own)17:53
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: and, then add it to the panel using the Add to Panel...17:54
DaemonDEBLinux 2.6 will flat out refuse to load any module that's not built with the same compiler it was17:54
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: does nothing?!17:54
DaemonDEBit's quite frustrating at times17:54
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: you'll see a few messages about the theme but ignore them17:54
BUGabundokilling and trying again17:54
BUGabundoooohhh new icons!!! nice17:54
IntuitiveNippleCheck the preferences dialog17:54
charlie-tcaaLeSD: They should know in #ubuntu-studio17:55
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: I said baby steps... but not that much .... lol I filed the bug about the theme!!! ehee17:55
BUGabundolet me make  download17:55
IntuitiveNippleThere is no bug17:55
DaemonDEBisn't Ubuntu Studio just Ubuntu with a realtime kenrel and media apps included by default?17:56
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: applet shows ZERO17:56
BUGabundoon wired17:56
BUGabundobut LO is at 444KiB/S17:56
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: better notify the upstream maintainer of the issue then17:56
tgpraveenDaemonDEB: yep17:56
BUGabundoah wait17:57
BUGabundoit was Default and that is WiFi17:57
BUGabundosetting Wired makes it the same as the Archive version17:57
BUGabundono detection of BW17:57
DaemonDEBrecompiling the kernel is easy17:58
DaemonDEBthe hardest part is waiting 30 minutes while it builds :P17:59
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: notify the maintainer of my report that IFF_RUNNING is not the flag to use. In the new source it's still using IFF_RUNNING: backend.c:206:devinfo->running = (netload.if_flags & (1L << GLIBTOP_IF_FLAGS_RUNNING) ? TRUE : FALSE);17:59
DaemonDEBthe procedure is roughly the same as it is on Debian, so I'm unaware why you would need an Ubuntu Studio17:59
DaemonDEBit would still not be optimal for your CPU17:59
josh-lhey folks, got a problem here with jaunty, i can only connect to my router if I turn off wep.... help?18:01
BUGabundotime to go to #hacklaviva! see you guys in a few minutes18:01
DaemonDEBthe biggest gain you'll notice from switching from 32-bit to 64-bit Ubuntu is that the 64-bit CPU no longer lets you compile binaries using the 387 floating point unit (which is what the Ubuntu kernel uses otherwise)18:03
DaemonDEBthe 32-bit kernel is essentially meant for the Pentium Pro circa 199518:03
DaemonDEBit can't make use of most of the features of even the Pentium II or K6 era18:04
josh-lanyone pls18:04
DaemonDEBif you want to do audio mixing using a kernel meant for a CPU from the mid 90's, knock yourself out, heh18:05
tgpraveeni thhought frm dual core only could we run 64 bit oses18:05
DaemonDEBno, you can do SMP on a 32-bit Intel CPU18:05
tgpraveendual core,core 2 duo, quad core etc. pentium for eg doesnt support 64 bit18:06
DaemonDEBthe Core Duo on the mac was a 32-bit dual core CPU18:06
DaemonDEBother than in the Mac your really only saw them in laptops18:06
DaemonDEBalso you could buy a dual socket motherboard as far back as, well, forever basically18:06
DaemonDEBIf I'm not too far off base, most of OS X is actually 32-bit, and the kernel can be either 32 or 64-bit, you can also do that on Solaris, BSD, and Linux18:07
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josh-lcan anyone tell me please what the kubuntu network manager is called18:08
DaemonDEBI don't see why you'd want to though, if you have the hardware you should just go 64-bit18:08
charlie-tcaknetwork-manager, isn't it?18:09
DaemonDEBKDE has been an unmitigated disaster anywhere I've tried it, I think I spent all of 20 minutes with Kubuntu Jaunty18:09
charlie-tcaDaemonDEB: That is not really helpful at all18:09
bazhang!ot | DaemonDEB18:09
ubottuDaemonDEB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:09
bazhangDaemonDEB, please take chat elsewhere18:10
DaemonDEBI think Kubuntu is just using the KNetworkManager Plasmoid, most distros have been ignoring that and using whatever network manager applet they use for GNOME18:10
tom451i'm using kubuntu jaunty and having a problem with "logging out" of the kde session - I get just a black screen, but not the kdm login screen?18:14
fatbrainanyway I can get my apple-keyboard to work as it would in osx?? I would like to use command-key instead of ctrl ..18:15
affluxmy gnome profile seems to be a little bit broken.  when it starts up the gnome-panel uses 100% of the cpu and it fills with "launching file browser..." entries. Any idea whats wrong?18:19
unixdawgis there a pkg for wbar ?18:23
unixdawgor is there a way to get the osx bar launcher18:23
fosco__unixdawg, you have many alternatives18:36
fosco__cairo-dock, gnome-do, avant-window-navigator...18:36
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unixdawgok got it18:46
unixdawgI found the quicklauncher inthe widgets18:53
unixdawgthats what I wanted18:53
askandis a bug reported about ubuntu defaulting at 13.33333 font size?18:53
bruce89askand: I can't remember what package the change is in18:54
fosco__askand, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts18:54
bruce89fosco__: no, there was a conscious patch to change it18:54
rwwfosco__: isn't that concerning Jaunty using X's DPI? That wouldn't change the default font size =/18:59
fosco__default font size for me in alpha6 is 1018:59
rwwI installed from an alpha6 .iso yesterday and it was 13.333319:00
askand1bruce89: it was? it would indeed be interesting to know how that descision was reached19:00
bruce89askand1: the Ubuntu developers have flipped19:01
yogich Jaunty-Alpha5 bluetooth worked great.  Alpha6 bluetooth is busted.f  One dongle will pair, but that is all.  Other won't pair at all.19:01
askand1bruce89: that is the only possible explanation :S19:01
bruce89I was thinking about notify-osd and update-manager19:02
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yogich Jaunty-Alpha5 bluetooth worked great.  Alpha6 bluetooth is busted.f  One dongle will pair, but that is all.  Other won't pair at all.  Anyone know why?19:04
bruce89askand1: http://www.mail-archive.com/jaunty-changes@lists.ubuntu.com/msg06936.html19:04
askand1bruce89: thanks mate19:05
bruce89indeed they have gone mad if you read the bug19:05
bruce89bug title says font is too big - they make it even bigger19:06
yogich Jaunty-Alpha5 bluetooth worked great.  Alpha6 bluetooth is busted.f  One dongle will pair, but that is all.  Other won't pair at all.  Anyone else?  Any ideas?19:07
IntuitiveNippleIt made the notebooks look like they had switched to 640x480 or something19:07
askand1bruce89: haha, I don't know if I should laugh or cry. seriosly.19:08
BUGabundoyogich: there was a patch to fix it19:08
BUGabundomaybe it busted on your end19:08
BUGabundolet me try to find it for you19:08
BUGabundoyogich: bug 28499419:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284994 in bluez-gnome "bluetooth-wizard unable to pair to fixed pin devices" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28499419:09
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yogichBUGabundoz; Thanks, a bunch. :-)19:09
unixdawgcario dock looks promissing also19:10
askand1bruce89: "13.333 px is a reasonable default" that guy should be using orca magnifier installed by default19:10
IntuitiveNipplelol @ askand19:10
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yogichBUGabundo: Couldn't find it, in GOOGLE... must be recent...?19:10
norenBUGabundo: on an average how many patches are released everyday, i download 15 to 20 everyday ??19:10
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IntuitiveNippleaskand: Is it pixels or points? how can any display do fractional pixels without forced blurring, even with anti-alias?19:11
bruce89Ubuntu should just give up with desktops and go for non-experienced netbooks19:11
BUGabundoyogich: actually real old!19:12
bruce89they're trying to piss me off as much as possible I notice19:12
BUGabundonoren those are called Updates19:12
BUGabundo !updates19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates19:12
BUGabundo !update19:12
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:12
yogichBUGabundo: Interesting.  Must not have looked at enough pages. LOL  Thanks.  I found the page, and am looking it over.19:12
norenahh updates19:13
IntuitiveNippleI have been getting the feeling that some of these changes are made based on a few developers personal perceptions, and never rigorously investigated in the wider community before changes are implemented. They then come as a shock and disjoint to others.19:13
yogichBUGabundo: I guess the O19:15
yogichI guess the OBEX server is busted, too.19:15
yogichBUGabundo: ...or maybe it'll work, when the device is finally paired.19:16
BUGabundodon't know19:16
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: don't EVERY dev do that?19:16
BUGabundothey write what they think best19:16
IntuitiveNippleNot this one :)19:16
BUGabundoand if test is done, its on their small circle19:17
yogichRock on... ;)19:19
BUGabundoguys *we* here at hacklaviva.net tonight are going to play around with CanAntenas!19:21
BUGabundoany special Tips, before we jam the block?19:21
ikoniaguys - this is jaunty discussion19:21
ikoniaBUGabundo: you've been asked about this before19:22
c_kornI have a full encrypted FS on jaunty and want to use a schroot. now inside that schroot I cannot access my files in my home directory. (jaunty.i386)korn@ubuntu:~$ ls19:22
c_kornAccess-Your-Private-Data.desktop  README.txt19:22
BUGabundoikonia: im on jaunty! I want to know if jaunty changed something19:22
unixdawgok this rocks now my laptop looks like what I wantd19:23
ikoniaBUGabundo: no - that's not what you asked19:23
ikoniaBUGabundo: and you know it19:23
ikonia BUGabundo> guys *we* here at hacklaviva.net tonight are going to play around with CanAntenas!19:24
ikoniayou've been told about advertising URLS in the channel, and you've been told about keeping to the channels topics19:24
BUGabundoikonia: actually that's the 1st time (after that time of a NSFW link) that I here that19:24
BUGabundothe link was only to specify my location19:25
ikoniaBUGabundo: but you've heard it before19:25
ikoniaBUGabundo: no it wasn't - it was advertising you're group19:25
BUGabundoits not my group19:25
BUGabundomine is another19:25
BUGabundopvt lets not plute everyone19:25
ikoniaBUGabundo: *we* at $URL19:26
ikoniaBUGabundo: that is advertising a group you are part of19:26
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DaemonDEBikonia: Would you like to know more than /version told you?19:36
DaemonDEBI can give you a verbose dump of my system report19:36
DaemonDEBif you like19:36
ikoniaDaemonDEB: no thanks19:37
ikoniathis is not relevent to this channel19:37
ikoniaDaemonDEB: please read the /topic19:37
DaemonDEBit's considered rude to send unsolicited PM's and ctcp requests19:38
ikoniaDaemonDEB: yes it is, if you wish to join #ubuntu-ops to discuss it I'd be happy to explain myself19:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:39
rippsDoes anybody here know how to enable backspace in screen19:43
maxbripps: um, it just works? What do you need to enable?19:44
rippsmaxb: No, it doesn't work for me19:44
maxbThe describe the exact manner and environment in which it doesn't work19:45
c_kornis the encrypted home directory already disabled in jaunty?19:46
rippsmaxb: "screen irssi -c Ubuntu" backspace stops working, while normal irssi backspace works19:46
maxbIt is specific to irssi, not shell in screen, then?19:47
GibbaTheHuttdoes anyone have an idea how to troubleshoot gnome-keyring not working right ?19:48
maxbgkr does many things, you'd need to be more specific19:49
rippsmaxb: well, backspace acts weird in a normal screen terminal (creates weird characters when backspacing too far), and just doesn't backspace in irssi19:49
maxbprecisely which weird characters?19:49
rippsmaxb: a box with weird symbols inside it.19:50
GibbaTheHuttbasically I have an ssh key. Works fine on other dists (copied straight over and perms checked). I've also tested it via ssh-agent/ssh-add and it logs me on fine via passphrase. With gnome-keyring, it prompts me for a password (which is seems to accept), but then doesn't seem to use that ssh key or somethign19:50
maxbdoesn't use that key when?19:51
GibbaTheHuttafter it asks for the password/phars19:51
maxbwhen connecting how?19:51
GibbaTheHutterm phrase, it then tries to login19:51
GibbaTheHuttvia ssh, via gnome-termnal19:51
fatbrainIf I make changes to the Keyboard>Layout Options, where does that get stored? The setting "Alt/Win key behavior" is stuck at a non-default option, and there's no way to change it back to Default. So I need to do it manually somehow... :S19:51
maxbripps: in shell without screen, and shell inside screen, try pressing Ctrl+V, Backspace and say what symbols appear. I'm expecting ^?19:52
maxbGibbaTheHutt: In the same terminal as you are trying to use ssh, run "echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK" and say the result19:54
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rippsmaxb: pasting the character in a normal terminal shows nothing19:55
maxbhuh? Oh. Ctrl+V does not mean paste in this context19:55
rippsoh, you mean type "ctrl+v" then "backspace within screen. That does indeed create a "^?"19:56
GibbaTheHuttmaxb /tmp/keyring-LZxxxx/socket.ssh19:56
maxbhmm. So at least we know your session is actually trying to talk to the gkr-daemon19:56
maxbGibbaTheHutt: Does "ssh-add -l" show the key?19:57
GibbaTheHuttit shows a key19:57
GibbaTheHuttI'm not sure if thats the one I added earlier via ssh-add though, or something via kgr19:58
GibbaTheHuttgkr even19:58
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* DaemonDEB hmmmmmms20:03
* DaemonDEB goes off to file a bug20:03
* bruce89 didn't know you had to hum before filing bugs20:04
DaemonDEBit's mandatory20:05
IntuitiveNippleThose are the bugs I like to be assigned... happy bugs :)20:05
rippsmaxb: Okay, after reading a bugreport, it seems I needed to add a few bindkeys to my .screenrc. Now backspace works in irssi20:06
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rippsNew issue; any sort of notification makes my compiz widget layer lose focus. Since this is where my terminal is, it's kind of annoying.20:36
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tabgalripps, there's something about notifications stealing focus, it's a configuration issue20:49
arp13hello all20:58
arp13I'm having kind of problems with lvm2 package20:58
arp13actually, I'm not sure, that it's about it20:58
arp13but anyway...20:59
arp13I got daily-build of jaunty, planned to install it, using lvm2.20:59
arp13but, later, after successfull installation, when I try sudo modprobe dm_mod21:00
arp13it says - FATAL: no such module21:01
arp13is that a feature or bug?21:01
arp13everything works fine at 8.1021:01
arp13if somebody could test it, I would appreciate that much21:01
Turlis the usplash final?21:07
jpdsTurl: You've been told yes in -devel.21:07
Turljpds: that guy said he wasn't sure21:07
TurlI want a confirmation21:08
jpdsTurl: #ubuntu-art maybe?21:08
Turlthanks jpds21:08
yofelcan anybody here set the frequency of his cpu with kernel 2.6.28? I can set it with cpufreq-select but the settings are ignored.21:08
Turlyofel: I can21:08
Turlyofel: I'm using the cpufreq applet21:09
Turlyofel: the one that says "CPU clock monitor" or sth like that (have a spanish Ubuntu)21:10
yofelI'm usually using that too, and the settings get applied, but judging from the cpu-temperature and powertop the get ignored21:10
Turlyofel: I don't think it heats more if the clock is higher but without load21:11
Turltry to compile something and then test with the temperatures21:11
knittlhi. i just upgraded to jaunty, but amarok won't play any music anymore :(21:11
dtchenknittl: kubuntu or ubuntu?21:12
dtchenmore precisely, do you have both GNOME and KDE installed?21:12
knittland it didn't preserve scores and ratings from my old sqlite db21:12
knittldtchen: ubuntu with gnome and amarok21:12
Turlknittl: did you try unmuting your speakers? maybe the upgrade muted them21:12
Turlhappened here some times21:12
knittlTurl: no, i get an error in amarok21:12
Turloh, I can't help you then21:13
knittlsound is kinda weird though on startup. it's cracking21:13
Turlknittl: then I guess it's a pulseaudio/alsa error21:13
knittlor phonon21:13
knittlsoundserver in kde21:13
usser_ehm what happened to xchat? wheres the menubar?21:13
yofelTurl: I know, i measure the temperatur with 100% CPU, and i know exactly which temperatures are possible with a set frequency21:14
dtchenknittl: make sure that 1) PCM and Master are not muted or zeroed; 2) your default PulseAudio sink is the intended one (check with pavucontrol)21:14
usser_oh nvm21:14
yofelalso powertop shows that the cpu speeds up although it should not21:14
dtchenknittl: for the crackling, you should use the test kernel at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/21:14
HalowThe test kernel worked great for me, by the way. :)21:15
knittli have a selfcompiled kernel, could use that as well21:15
knittland volume is up (rhythmbox is working, and everything else too)21:15
DanaGI sometimes have no sound until I mute and then unmute in pavucontrol.21:15
dtchenknittl: your self-compiled kernel probably doesn't have the necessary patch21:15
dtchenDanaG: known21:16
DanaGIt starts out unmuted... but I have to MUTE it.. and then re-unmute.21:16
DanaGKnown issue?  Cool.21:16
bruce89same here21:16
knittldtchen: this is a jaunty specific problem then? i hadn't had problems with my own kernel in intrepid21:16
dtchenHalow: how so? i.e., what were the symptoms prior and after?21:16
dtchenknittl: yes, specific to jaunty. intrepid did not have a pulseaudio version capable of glitch-free.21:16
dtchenas i stated in another channel, the audio stacks in hardy, intrepid, and jaunty are radically different21:17
HalowI was having crackling and stuttering. With it, everything went very smooth.21:17
knittlhm, i just found a funny "bug"21:17
arp13heh, nobody is using lvm2? :-(21:17
knittlmy volume-keys change volume of analog volume + master21:17
knittlthat's the reason why i can't hear a thing below 50% master21:18
knittli wondered for ages21:18
knittlknown issue?21:19
solariondtchen: how about here? :)21:19
dtchensolarion: it has been rehashed to death in this channel21:19
dtchenknittl: that's your hardware21:20
* solarion shrugs21:20
knittldtchen: is then a way to turn of control of master channel? so the buttons just operate on hardware?21:20
knittl50 % being muted is pretty lame ^^21:21
dtchenknittl: choose different mixer controls via System> Preferences> Sound ?21:21
knittlgrml … too easy, haven't thought of that >.<21:24
DanaGUgh, the GDM background was far nicer when the logo wasn't so frickin' huge.\21:28
DanaGAnd was nestled nicely in the corner.21:28
dtcheni'm convinced that if you're staring at gdm more often than twice per week, something's wrong ;-)21:29
dtchen(obviously i'm biased, as that is one user on one computer.)21:29
knittljaunty's really responsive, i'm astonished21:30
knittlgnome/gui that is21:31
DanaGI also WAS using the gdm background as wallpaper... but now it's gone fugly.21:31
billybigrigger_dtchen: what about on a laptop? i see gdm everyday on my laptop21:32
dtchenbillybigrigger_: your usage patterns are likely vastly different to mine21:33
dtcheni rarely reboot21:33
billybigrigger_but i dont leave my laptop running 24/7, my desktop is another story21:33
dtchenright, i don't either. i suspend-to-ram and resume from it.21:34
billybigrigger_fair enough, i should get used to doing that :P21:34
DrHalansuspending is slower than rebooting for me :()21:34
billybigrigger_lol what?21:35
* billybigrigger_ just try suspend21:35
billybigrigger_no way thats slower than reboot21:35
solarionactually, there is21:36
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solarionunlikely, tho21:36
billybigrigger_cant believe i tried kde again, back to gnome21:36
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solarionjust never say "no way taht X is possible" 'cause nature will just specifically go out and find a way to show you how wrong you can be. :)21:36
billybigriggersolarion, so true21:36
knittlhm, on restarting amarok i get an error (warning?) that playback doesn't work (something with phonon, blabla) and falling back to default21:40
dtchenknittl: what's the precise error?21:45
dtchenknittl: if Phonon is reporting that ALSA is not available and that it's falling back to PulseAudio, that's expected.21:45
dtchenknittl: (i.e., PulseAudio is the default subsystem in GNOME)21:46
knittlha, it works!21:46
knittlneeded to install phonon-backend-xine21:46
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aboSamoordtchen: I was reading about 2.6.29 kernel. It is said that it has patches for alsa codecs. Should I try them ?21:55
atiredmachineHello, since this morning my Jaunty no longer runs in graphics mode.  As soon as GDM is supposed to run I have black and white bars scrolling across my screen and nothing else happens.21:55
dtchen2.6.29 is no less broken21:56
dtchenyou need to try alsa-driver git HEAD21:56
dtchenstable, not unstable21:56
aboSamoordtchen: can I compile alsa driver against 28 kernel ?21:57
atiredmachineI assume a recent XORG update is incompatible with my system.  Is there anything I can do?21:57
aboSamooratiredmachine: look at and paste .xsession-errors ;)21:58
dtchenaboSamoor: sure. you just need headers installed for the target kernel.21:58
atiredmachinealright, I'll boot back up into ubuntu and see what's in there.21:59
c_kornI currently installed the jaunty daily in virtualbox. my gdm does not start after I installed the guest additions: http://pastebin.com/f68d3295f22:02
c_kornis this an ubuntu or virtualbox problem?22:03
aboSamoordtchen: I used to compile the wireless drivers, they have very nice tools to install and uninstall the drivers, are they available if I download git snapshot ?22:03
charlie-tcac_korn: did it work before you installed guest additions?22:03
dtchenaboSamoor: autotoolised. make {,un}install22:04
charlie-tcaI think it is virtualbox22:05
BUGabundocharlie-tca: hey22:10
BUGabundohumm intuitivenipple is gone22:10
aboSamoordtchen: no autotoolised in the git tar.gz file ! searching for tutorial for compilation ...22:13
bruce89aboSamoor: autogen.sh22:18
atiredmachineHey, where do I find that .xsession-log?22:18
dtchen~/.xsession-errors or what?22:19
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atiredmachinethat's confusing to me, so xsession runs under a user even though it launches before  a person has logged in?22:20
BUGabundoI think those are the session errors22:20
BUGabundo*after* k/GDM login22:20
aboSamoorbruce89: I have program called autogen, no file autogen.sh I downloaded this file [http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=snapshot;h=70f7845ac33bf96b6e62178e83c67b82659ae9e5]22:21
dtchenif you're looking for X Window System logs, see /var/log/Xorg.*.log22:21
dtchens/X Window System/Xorg/22:21
atiredmachineok, sorry, so as soon as GDM tries launching my display just goes haywire, and somebody told me to look at a log file, but I don't know where to find it.22:22
BUGabundoatiredmachine: 1st try to choose failsafe session22:22
BUGabundoyou can choose it from k/gdm22:22
atiredmachinegdm doesn't load22:22
aboSamooratiredmachine: vim ~/.xsession-errors22:22
bruce89aboSamoor: read the INSTALL file22:23
atiredmachineI'm saying that nothing graphical (including GDM itself) works.22:23
BUGabundook atiredmachine22:23
BUGabundowhat CPU?22:23
atiredmachineThinkpad T4322:24
BUGabundoplease reboot into recovery console, and try to run XFIX22:24
DanaGT43?  What video card?22:24
atiredmachineTried it22:24
DanaGI have a Mobility HD3650 (or as HP calls it, the Mobility FireGL V5700), and I just plain can't use fglrx -- it panics.22:25
BUGabundomost probably you have been it by some bug of the new driver22:25
atiredmachine64mb ATI X300 video card22:25
BUGabundoatiredmachine: please reboot into recovery console, and try to run XFIX22:25
atiredmachineBUGabundo, I'm pretty sure I already have to no avail, but I will try again.  I'll be back shortly.22:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Fix released]22:26
BUGabundoI don't have much experience with ATi cards22:26
BUGabundoI only owned NVs and Intels22:26
BUGabundobut shouldn't at least the OpenSource driver work22:27
DrHalancommunity-themes and gnome-themes-ubuntu seems to be the same now...22:27
BUGabundoeven in bad performance?22:27
BUGabundoNVs always works22:27
atiredmachineI'm pretty sure I've been using the open source driver, as there has been no fglrx driver hitherto for Jaunty, am I not correct?22:27
DrHalani recommend using ati22:27
DrHalanthe open source driver became kinda fast now. At least i can play games like nexuiz on my laptop22:28
DanaGMy biggest gripe with radeon is lack of power management.22:30
sebsebsebI am quite happy at the gnome set up I just did.   some backgrounds will allow   for colours at the top and bottom of them, if they don't fill up the screen22:30
sebsebsebin this Gnome :D22:30
DrHalanoh my god they finally did it. the dust theme is now in ubuntu-desktop =)22:31
sebsebsebset up isn't quite how I  wanted I guess, but  whatever this will do22:31
sebsebsebDrHalan: the dust theme?????22:31
DanaGAnyone know why compiz thinks the r300 doesn't do texture_from_pixmap?22:31
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DrHalansebsebseb: yes it has been on the wiki for some time, then in community-themes and now it is in gnome-themes-ubuntu which gets installed by ubuntu-desktop22:32
sebsebsebDrHalan: maybe blubuntu GDM should be a default for  GDM.  instead of just in the repo as an option22:32
BUGabundoDanaG: my nvidia even with closed drivers has no way to control the power22:32
sebsebsebDrHalan: I love the blubuntu gdm screen22:32
BUGabundoand from my POV its 90% on 100%22:32
DrHalanits nice :)22:32
sebsebsebDrHalan: used that since hardy or something, not sure how long it's been in the repo for22:32
sebsebsebDrHalan: you know it as well?22:32
DrHalanyeah sure i tried blubuntu22:32
DrHalanbut i think dust is much nicer, i like dark themes but darkroom sucked22:33
sebsebsebthe theme won't work though22:33
sebsebsebwell  errors for the theme22:33
DrHalanyeah i remember i had to remove it at some point22:33
sebsebsebI don't like black on my computer except for like text22:33
sebsebsebthat new default ubuntu gdm22:33
sebsebsebI don't like it much22:33
bruce89can't please everyone22:33
sebsebsebI had seen screenshots before going 9.04.  and then I tried it yesterday, after upgrading, and no thanks.   blubuntu for the win :)22:33
bruce89it's always the same22:34
sebsebsebxubuntu's mist theme as an option as well.  or whatever it was.  for gdm.  not sure if I had that before22:34
sebsebsebbruce89: what is?22:34
bruce89the complaining about the theme22:34
sebsebsebbruce89: heh yeah22:34
sebsebsebwell Ubuntu do crappy themes really22:35
sebsebsebhowever  the darker default background, I quite like that22:35
sebsebsebthis lighter one is ok as well22:35
sebsebsebfor 9.0422:35
* jpds likes the themes.22:35
aboSamoorbruce89: INSTALL file says that I have to run ./configure, but there is no file called configure in the tar file i downloaded !22:35
bruce89aboSamoor: true22:36
BUGabundohere is my desktop/theme today http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/Desktop/20-03-2009.png.php22:36
sebsebsebyeah if Canocial are reading this right now, or  later on by reading the log. well here is my advice to them.   get a proper Ubuntu eye candy team sorted out,  or  Windows 7 is rather likely to  be better than Ubuntu by a long way, when it comes to default backgrounds and log in screens.22:37
sebsebsebyeah  Microsoft are  getting quite good with  eye candy in WIndows now22:37
sebsebsebstarting to be22:37
bruce89if they are listening, stop being so arrogant22:37
sebsebsebbruce89: lol22:37
sebsebsebpeople like pretty graphics22:37
sebsebsebit matters22:38
bruce89not everyone22:38
aboSamoorbruce89: I feel stupid :/ sorry  for disturbance22:38
sebsebsebbruce89: well  average computer users do, and isn't that who we would like starting to use Ubuntu?22:38
bruce89aboSamoor: you're allowed to ask questions22:38
bruce89sebsebseb: I don't care22:38
aboSamoorbruce89: the idea there is no configure file in the tar file, what am I supposed to do ?22:39
sebsebsebbruce89: some more  backgrounds can be added from the repo,  and some of those are quite nice, but that's not clear to   newbies22:39
bruce89aboSamoor: I see, the INSTALL files says something22:39
bruce89aboSamoor: line 144, "Compilation from HG sources"22:40
BUGabundostudies show that >85% never change their Desktop theme22:40
rippsThe latest kernel seems to be kinda unstable. I've been getting more freezes and kernel oops the past two days than the entire month I've been using Jaunty22:40
jpdssebsebseb: You're more than free to download the source, and do all the hard work yourself.22:40
bruce89BUGabundo: such as me (usually)22:40
BUGabundoripps: humm what GPU?22:40
barberioHi. Can anyone confirm that the latest python2.6-minimal build lacks zlib support?22:40
sebsebsebjpds: heh I would if I could,   who are you by the way?22:41
BUGabundobruce89: seen mine? nothing in there is standard22:41
BUGabundobarberio: you already asked it on a more "smart" #22:41
rippsBUGabundo: radeon rv35022:41
BUGabundohere you won't find extra details22:41
BUGabundoripps: I blame it on the new driver22:41
bruce89usually I'm lazy22:41
atiredmachineI'm back.  my ~/.xsession-error file is non-existant22:42
rippsBUGabundo: well, I would have considered that, but the driver was updated several days prior to the kernel update and everything was fine.22:42
BUGabundoripps: it just got updated 2 days ago22:43
BUGabundoatiredmachine: it's a mistery22:43
BUGabundobut did you manage to login in a safe session?22:43
atiredmachineto the prompt, yeah, no problem.22:43
jpdssebsebseb: apt-get source <packagename> is your friend.22:43
rippsOh, I must not have noticed an update slipped in more recently22:43
atiredmachinebut if I run startx I see whatever was left in the video buffer, but a glitched version of it.22:44
sebsebsebjpds: yeah what about it?22:44
bruce89jpds: depends what you're doing22:44
atiredmachinewhich in this case was the windows logoff screen22:44
DanaGoh yeah, ALSA no longer uses HG.22:44
DanaGNow I think it uses git.22:44
bruce89doesn't everything?22:44
DanaGMY FACE doesn't. =þ22:45
DanaGs/.*FACE/YOUR MOM/22:45
bruce89No, I don't think she'd have much use for it22:45
DanaGSorry, I just couldn't resist making that joke.22:45
BUGabundoDanaG: calm down!22:45
atiredmachineSomebody was suggesting that I might be able to try to switch drivers?22:46
bruce89even though I don't understand it22:46
BUGabundoatiredmachine: recovery console, root,22:46
BUGabundoand apt-get remove --purge PACKAGE22:46
atiredmachineBUGabundo, and what package would I be removing?22:48
BUGabundo#poll: does touchpad multi touch NOT work for how many in here? 2 user on identica say it doesn't!22:49
BUGabundoatiredmachine: beats me!22:49
atiredmachinehow do I find out what video driver my system is using?22:49
aboSamoorbruce89: where is the alsa kernel folder supposed to be ?22:50
bruce89haven't a clue22:50
bruce89BUGabundo: WORKSFORME22:50
BUGabundothnks bruce89... anyone else? foo or false?22:51
yofelatiredmachine: what video card do you have? (lspci | grep VGA)22:53
atiredmachineyofel 64mb ATI X300 video card22:54
* DanaG has a touchpad that has the multi-finger features just plain LOCKED OUT.22:57
BUGabundodtchen: ping22:57
BUGabundo7ffc7fdb4000-7ffc7fdba000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 481878                     /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so22:57
BUGabundo7ffc7fdba000-7ffc7ffb9000 ---p 00006000 08:01 481878                     /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_moAborted (core dumped)22:57
DanaGThaaanks, Synaptics!22:57
BUGabundopidgin crashing all night22:57
BUGabundorunnig it now on gdb to catch a full bt22:58
BUGabundoDanaG: ok so -1 from you22:58
BUGabundois that buggy or hw lack of support?22:58
yofelatiredmachine: check if you have xorg-driver-fglrx installed and try reinstalling it22:58
atiredmachineyofel how do I check that?23:00
atiredmachinenevermind, I think I can figure that out.23:00
atiredmachineyofel, if I uninstall the fglxr driver, will it default to the open source driver?23:00
atiredmachineor how do I use the open source driver instead?23:00
atiredmachinenevermind, I figured that out as well23:02
Cycomok, I figured I should share this great success here.23:07
Borg7-9is it true that 9.04 will boot f***ing fast23:07
CycomI'm running Ubuntu Jaunty Alpha 6, Cedega, and Steam.  I just played Left 4 Dead fullscreen with models and textures set to high.  I could shoot zombies.  My voice chat worked.  I was able to quickjoin a game.23:08
CycomIt just. Freaking. Worked.23:08
BUGabundogreat Cycom23:08
CycomI had to change some settings on L4D first, launching it with -dxlevel 80, but everything else was just like "oh yeah, supported!"23:08
BUGabundoremmeber to donate to WineHQ Project23:09
BUGabundofor their wonderful work23:09
Borg7-9wait jaunty its not even beta yet?? its only 3 weeks away23:09
CycomBUGabundo: indeed!23:09
BUGabundoanything is good23:09
BUGabundoif everyone helps out, the project can be even better23:09
CycomBorg7-9: 30 days away. final release is slated for April 23rd, isn't it?23:09
BUGabundoCycom: yes23:09
sebsebsebyes Wine is getting there23:10
sebsebseb,but people should try and run native stuff :)23:10
Cycomsebsebseb: there isn't a native linux client for steam. we don't have the market share yet :)23:10
sebsebsebyeah  market share exactly23:10
Borg7-9damn Cycom :( my b-day is on 20th :( can they release it sooner :P23:10
sebsebsebit really is a joke how programs like Wine are so important these days on Desktop Linux, because the crappy OS has most of the market23:10
CycomBorg7-9: heh. I wish. but wouldn't you rather they release it BETTER!23:10
* bruce89 has never properly used wine23:11
Cycomsebsebseb: well, I'm running office 2007 on here too.  Basically, I'm running the windows software I need / want that I can't get FOSS.23:11
CycomEverything else (video player, web browser, etc. etc.) is all free stuff.23:11
atiredmachinehey guys, thanks.  I uninstalled the proprietary driver and that fixed the problem.23:11
sebsebsebCycom: uhmmmmm tehse are all nice to, but sure will lack certain features that Office 2007 have.   ,but yes these are all nice :)  Open Office, KOffice,  Abiword, and Gnumeric23:11
Cycomatiredmachine: running an ATI video card?23:12
thiebaudesebsebseb: i agree23:12
atiredmachinecycom, yes23:12
BUGabundoBorg7-9: sure just fro your: RC23:12
sebsebsebthiebaude: to which comment?23:12
Cycomsebsebseb: I'd be using Evolution if it didn't hang/crash so often.23:12
thiebaudecrappy OS remark23:12
sebsebsebCycom: what about Thunderbird?23:12
BUGabundoCycom: video too? no closed codec?23:12
Cycomsebsebseb: doesn't support exchange.23:12
BUGabundoonly ogg/vogg ?23:12
thiebaudeie6 is so crap on ubuntu23:12
CycomBUGabundo: oh, yeah, I have closed codecs. Forgot about that. Medibuntu.23:13
atiredmachineEver since I started using Jaunty my system has defaulted to the open source driver, so I have no idea why all of a sudden this morning it had switched over the the proprietary driver23:13
sebsebsebCycom: well I guess it would have by now, but Firefox is Mozilla's priority, hence why  Firefox 3.1 is nearly out, and Thunderbird is still on version 223:13
BUGabundoCycom: no closed Firmware for devices?23:13
sebsebsebwould have been by now above23:13
CycomBUGabundo: not on this box, no.23:13
BUGabundotouchpad, disk, mem, LCD, BT?23:13
CycomBUGabundo: my video driver is the nvidia one. forgot about that too.23:13
BUGabundoare you really sure?23:13
BUGabundoso you see? you live surrounded by closed source23:14
BUGabundoeven if you have good intentions23:14
sebsebseb,but browsers  are more important than  what email client someone uses anyway.  browsers, well their rendering enginge to be exact, dicates,  what happens to the web.  hence why the web is not that great, since IE has most of the market and  lacks  tons of webstandards coding suppourt23:14
CycomBUGabundo: this is true, but I am making progress :)23:14
BUGabundobut, hey, next time, when installing , choose F6 and the FOSS only23:14
sebsebsebuh  at typing stuff to quick before I checked it, above it was meant to say dictates23:14
Cycommy favorite part is that Ubuntu has support for my sound card when vista did not.23:15
sebsebsebwell I don't get any log in sound in this 9.04 alpha6, but oh well,  and I guess that will be fixed for the final anyway23:17
c_kornis there a way to automatically install the build-depends when inside a chroot?23:17
* DanaG has no binary drivers in place, unless vboxdrv happens to count.23:18
BUGabundoDanaG: wanna bet?23:20
* BUGabundo bets a Banana Dance!23:20
DanaGWell, does the iwlwifi firmware count?  It's not a driver, per se.23:20
bruce89someone tells me that Pidgin doesn't work without that infernal indicator nonsense23:21
BUGabundoI said firmware above!23:21
BUGabundobruce89: pidgin DOES work without23:22
BUGabundoor it should23:22
bruce89allegedly it just exits23:22
bruce89see #ubuntu-offtopic23:22
Milos_SDwhat patches are included in ubuntu generic kernel?23:24
BUGabundobruce89: mine is a bit crashy tonight23:25
BUGabundoit even made Notication Applet reload!23:25
Milos_SDI want to compile kernel with 1000 Hz timer but don't know if to compile kernel that ubuntu provides or vanila one from kernel.org23:25
MTecknologyI'm trying to connect to a VPN server using network-manager-openvpn. I'm running it through cli right now. It acts like it connects but then my connectivity dies completely. I get this error in the process. ** (nm-applet:10854): WARNING **: Unhandled setting secret type (write) 'vpn/secrets' : 'GHashTable_gchararray+gchararray_'23:33
BUGabundoMTecknology: can you test NM PPA version?23:39
BUGabundooh wait23:39
BUGabundoyou are on jaunty23:39
BUGabundoarchive is higher then PPA23:40
BUGabundoplease file a bug23:40
BUGabundoyou will need this23:40
PeddyHow do I enable removable device notifications such as this one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Treatment%20of%20hardware%20device%20detection23:40
BUGabundoPeddy: I see them23:42
BUGabundo.... sometimes23:42
BUGabundonot sure why not always!23:42
Peddyhehe, so when you plug in a USB flash drive, you see that?23:42
Peddybecause they work for pidgin and volume control (and wifi) notifications, but not removeable devices and things23:43
Peddy(for me)23:43
MTecknologywhat application do I launch to manage the gnome keyring?23:49
MTecknologyI always thought there was a gnome-keyring-manager but I'm not seeing it23:50
MTecknologyhrm.... nm-applet isn't able to communicate w/ that tool23:51
MTecknology** (nm-connection-editor:4667): WARNING **: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus: Failed to execute program gnome-keyring-daemon: Success23:52
MTecknologythat seems to be the cause of my issues23:52
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
MTecknologyya, I'll file a bug about it later23:58
MTecknologyI think I'm seeing abother bug too23:58
BUGabundoneed a confirmation/opinion:23:59
BUGabundoshould Notifications expire no longer needed details?23:59
BUGabundoex, exaile musics that you past fw...23:59

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