
xanax`who made the 9.04 themes ?08:34
xanax`The dust theme is awesome..08:34
MadsRHxanax -> they are community themes08:48
o0Chris0oxanax`: its been out for awhile actually, the wallpaper :)08:49
xanax`i was just talking about the window decorations.. not the wallpaper. But well.. i didn't know it was available for a while .. :-p08:50
o0Chris0oxanax`: it was the default, with Intrepid Ibex08:50
xanax`the Dust theme ?08:51
o0Chris0oimo I don't care for the brown-ness08:52
xanax`i like brown themes (dark themes)08:52
xanax`it changes.08:52
o0Chris0oTrue, I like dark and neutral subtle colors :)08:52
knomeCimi_, ping19:51
knomeCimi_, can i ask about gtk theming?19:53
knomei'm doing this theme with dark menubars19:53
knomeand i just can't find out how to modify the comboboxentry lists19:53
knomethey have dark backgrounf and darkish text19:53
knomehow can i change the text color?19:53
Cimi_fg[NORMAL] ?19:54
knomefor which class? i've tried almost all without any luck.19:55
Cimi_check out clearlooks19:55
Cimi_it should have something similar19:55
knomei don't want to use clearlooks19:55
Cimi_the gtkrc19:56
knomethanks for pointing out.19:56
* knome goes investigating19:56
knomethanks a LOT. that was a rather valuable tip. :)20:01
Turlis the usplash jaunty has final?21:09
knomeTurl, no idea.21:15
knomeTurl, most possible we are keeping it21:15
Turlknome: :S21:16
knomeoh, sorry.21:16
knomewrong channel21:16
knomei don't know. :)21:16
DanaGHmm, GDM theme went from really nice to not as nice in the latest revision, in my opinion.  :(21:44
DanaGLogo was nicely nestled in the corner, rather discreetly... now it's more in-your-face.21:44

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