
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
=== pgraner-errands is now known as pgraner
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
* lool waves and pokes sladen 13:57
loolnot sladen, sorry13:57
* slangasek is poked13:57
slangasekmdz, pgraner, robbiew, cjwatson, rickspencer3, Riddell, sbeattie, Hobbsee, fader: ping14:00
* fader waves.14:00
mdzslangasek: good morning14:01
* pgraner yawns14:01
mdzfinally I get to attend without a meeting conflict!14:01
* rickspencer3 throws cold water on pgraner14:02
pittiI'm sure he'd rather appreciate a coffe14:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:03. The chair is slangasek.14:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:03
mdzslangasek: I sent you a couple of additional topics by email (sorry for it being last minute)14:03
pgranerpitti: cold water is better :-D14:03
mdzthey should be quick14:03
* rickspencer3 hands pgraner a non-fat soy latte14:03
slangasek[LINK] Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-03-2014:03
MootBotLINK received:  Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-03-2014:03
cjwatsonwhoa, I forgot about the time change14:04
pgranerrickspencer3: me hands it back14:04
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== ampelbein is now known as goodkarma
=== goodkarma is now known as Ampelbein
slangasekmdz: ack, seen now14:05
slangasek[TOPIC] outstanding actions14:07
MootBotNew Topic:  outstanding actions14:07
slangasekbug #88746 remains an eyesore on my todo list for another week14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88746 in linux "ehci_hcd module causes I/O errors in USB 2.0 devices" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8874614:07
slangasekI confirmed the suspend/resume test plan with ogasawara last night14:07
faderA summary of the hardware testing is on ogasawara's weather report14:08
slangasekfader: did you get a chance to talk to ogasawara about linking the HW cert report from the weather report ?14:08
slangasekok, great!14:08
faderUpdated once per day atm14:08
* ScottK tosses out a thanks to cjwatson for figuring a way to avoid the qt4-x11 ICE on powerpc (previous week's action).14:08
cjwatsonScottK: doko fixed the gcc bug too, so that can be dropped the next time qt4-x11 is getting an upload anyway14:08
mdzwow, that's a lot of comments on 8874614:08
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.  Good to know.14:09
slangasekyes, it's probably a dozen or so bugs in a single bug report :/14:09
mdzfader: that's great14:10
slangasek[TOPIC] QA team14:10
MootBotNew Topic:  QA team14:10
slangasek'hardware testing' is the only thing on my agenda here - are we in good shape for certification testing on the beta?14:10
faderYup, we're getting good coverage14:11
mdzthe (only) two failures both look like problems with the test suite14:11
henosee http://people.ubuntu.com/~fader/hw-testing/current14:11
cjwatsonthere is a known problem with cciss and lvm, which fader's testing uncovered14:11
faderModulo a couple of hardware issues that we're still working through, there are only 2 failures that as mdz says are things we need to look at with checkbox14:12
cjwatsonbug 34192814:12
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/341928/+text)14:12
davmor2cjwatson: beat me to it14:12
cjwatsonI suspect that at this point we won't manage to clean that up for beta, but we have a rough idea of whereabouts the problem lies14:12
mdzrelease note?14:13
slangasekcjwatson: something that we could preemptively errata then?14:13
cjwatsonyes, I think so14:13
slangasekcjwatson: can you take that action?14:13
cjwatsonI see that it was mistakenly not targeted to jaunty, so I'll do that now14:13
cjwatsonslangasek: yes14:13
slangasek[ACTION] cjwatson to document cciss+lvm problem for beta14:13
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to document cciss+lvm problem for beta14:13
cjwatson(it's only for removing LVM on such systems, BTW; setting up LVM is fine)14:14
cjwatson(which is why I'm not panicking)14:14
slangasekheno: anything else showing up as a concern from the QA side?14:14
mdzI believe there's some infrastructure work on the ISO tracker for beta14:14
pittiheno: is the process of feeding bugs to teams and getting them reviewed/processed/ct-rev'ed working now?14:15
mdzRT 336314:15
mdz33363, rather14:15
mdzETA is today14:15
henoyes, we've been allocated a new server, not sure if we will migrate for beta, likely not14:15
slangasekwould that at least give you streamlined access to the SQL db, or is that dependent on migration?14:16
slangasekI got halfway to putting UNR on the tracker, but I would need another RT to add test cases for it :)14:16
mdzI gave a heads up to IS that cdimage was a likely contentious resource14:16
henopitti: the infrastucture is all working, not sure how much uptake there is - some teams still have a long list of old assigned bugs14:16
mdz(for beta image testing)14:17
henoslangasek: I'm sure we can do db updates even on the current setup14:17
loolslangasek: Test cases are a bit of a mess, we have a bunch of them, but it's not clear which site to fix (testcases.qa.u.c or the wiki)14:17
pittiheno: from my perspective it's working well, we get some important bugs tossed from QA, and I channel them to people, etc.14:17
loolBut we certainly have a list of things to test in UNR, thanks to OEM's earlier testplan efforts14:17
henowe're setting up a backup mirror just in case too14:18
mdzthere are 48 bugs on the regression list, 15 of which have no importance set yet14:18
henosbeattie: ^14:18
cjwatson... 1314:19
henoslangasek: about other concerns - not yet, but I'd like us to do some more audio testing14:19
henoWe are also doing a run of manual testing of the laptops in Montreal starting today, following the test plan at http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Plans/LaptopTesting14:19
henoThis will include running the suspend / resume script14:20
slangasekwhat sort of audio testing?  verifying that it works on different hardware?14:20
mdzthere are 276 open suspend/resume bugs resulting from the testing, about half triaged I estimate14:20
slangaseklool: test cases for what?  ISO testing?14:20
henofader: is that all lined up to go ahead?14:20
loolslangasek: for UNR14:20
loolslangasek: Yes, for the iso testing tracker14:20
faderheno: Yes, we're doing manual laptop tests today14:20
henoslangasek: yes that and some more testing around VoIP14:21
faderDavid Bensimon is helping with that which I really appreciate :)14:21
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/Ubuntu-Netbook-Remix14:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/Ubuntu-Netbook-Remix14:21
loolQA folks in the mobile team are aware of these and will use them14:21
henowe've seen issues with skype and gizmo14:21
slangaseklool: hrm, how many is "a bunch" then?  we don't want too much combinatorial explosion on the ISO test cases...14:21
loolslangasek: There is a lot of coverage, I don't think you want to link them all to the ISO testing site, but we could select some for that14:22
slangasekheno: sounds good - shall I assume that any problems found will be filed and escalated?14:22
henoslangasek: yes14:22
slangaseklool: that would be helpful14:23
slangasek[ACTION] lool to identify a set of UNR test cases to link from the ISO tracker14:23
MootBotACTION received:  lool to identify a set of UNR test cases to link from the ISO tracker14:23
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop team14:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop team14:23
pittias usual, report is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus14:24
slangasekrickspencer3: heyo14:24
slangasek(and pitti :)14:24
pittiplease notice that I took the fixed bugs off the list (some were still mentioned in the agenda)14:24
pittiwe made quite some good progress on fixing RC bugs last week, especially in the X.org area14:24
pittiunfortunately the list still grows instead of shrinks, but that's mostly because there are more and more "less critical" things getting on that list now14:24
pittithe first four bugs are still nasty, but all other bugs are entirely tractable and on track to get fixed by the release; I grouped them accordingly on the wiki page14:24
slangasekpitti: which ones were still on the agenda that were fixed?  that list should've been filtered already14:25
pittiwe'll get a new GNOME maintainer next week, so he can hopefully help out with e. g. 32597314:25
pittislangasek: the nss comodo one, the fglrx migration14:25
mdz304871 -> has that been escalated to intel?14:26
pittiand the compiz flicker14:26
pittimdz: yes, many times14:26
pittimdz: they basically stop supporting old hardware :(14:26
pittiand likewise, putting most of their energy into developing UXA14:26
mvopitti: compiz is still flickering with notify-osd?14:27
pittiso keeping support for the i8xx chips has become pretty much a community effort nwo14:27
rickspencer3mdz: to them, the fix is to buy a shiny new card that works with their new code14:27
pittimvo: oh, is it? I thought that was fixed for good?14:27
mdzrickspencer3: more like a new motherboard or laptop :-/14:27
pittimdz: which isn't entirely out of Intel's interest..14:28
pitti</snide remark>14:28
mvopitti: yes, should be fixed14:28
loolexactly what I was thinking :)14:28
pittimvo: right, what I thought14:28
slangasekmvo: yes, pitti was commenting that he had closed the bug :)14:28
pittiso, option 1 is to transition those people to vesa on upgrades14:28
pittirickspencer3 and I also mentioned short-term contracting a driver developer, but I guess they don't exactly grow on trees14:29
mvoaha, sorry. misread the comment then14:29
mdzoption 2 is to punt and say that it's dead upstream and we can't do much about it14:29
slangasekpitti: bug #304871 does show a different error with the new upstream version than it did before, perhaps that's more tractable?14:30
pittimdz: right, that's pretty much option 1 (i. e. at least not entirely break the upgrade)14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487114:30
mdzI'm happy for the desktop team to make the call on how to handle it; do we need to discuss more in the meeting?14:30
pittislangasek: I noticed, but to me personally it's just gibberish, I'm afraid; I'll consult with bryce, the last testing results are not even a day old14:31
slangasek(there's also wildfire saying that he has "the same failures" after upgrade, but there's no context for what that means since he hadn't previously commented on the bug with any kind of error message...)14:31
pittimdz: not from my side; we can always move them to vesa as a last resort14:31
* slangasek nods14:31
pittislangasek: Anand Kumria did comment a lot before, and it's not fixed for him either14:32
slangasekpitti: he commented a lot, but *none* of his comments link his problem to the error in the bug title14:32
* ScottK has i865 hardware he can do testing with if needed.14:32
pittiah, I see14:32
ScottK(and a related self interest in this getting fixed)14:32
pittiScottK: can't hurt; the bug is about i845, but if it previously failed for you, and now works, that'd be a good sign14:33
slangasek[ACTION] ScottK to try to reproduce bug #304871 on his i865 hardware14:33
MootBotACTION received:  ScottK to try to reproduce bug #304871 on his i865 hardware14:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487114:33
ScottKThere were some comments about i865 too.14:33
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile team14:33
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile team14:33
loollist of specs and bugs on our radar <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap>; current high-level status per topic:14:34
lool* UNR: good shape; most bugs discovered during testing of this spin are not UNR specific14:34
lool* MID image was broken, likely due to the broken deps on lpia which cjwatson fixed recently; Emmet and Steve looking at fixing it and QA (Paul and Tobin) to look at it again on Monday; 34562114:34
lool* armel's "iMX51 Babbage" work: providing install media images, general enablement, kernel fixes/debug, integration, installer; good progress, but installer work is the scary part and is late; 345534 and misc others14:34
lool* VFP optimized libs: infrastructure now runs fixed kernels \o/  vfp libc pushed, ~4 other remaining libraries to come next week after beta (pango1.0, gtk+2.0, cairo, ffmpeg-debian); relatively low risk as the changes should only add files to the armel binaries; 30323214:34
lool* NEON: last minute request to support NEON hwcaps; kernel part uploaded; needs a couple of glibc patches similar to VFP support aimed at just after beta; 34360214:34
lool* milestoned bugs: almost no progress, more focus on them once we have a babbage daily image14:34
lool* Poulsbo drivers: late, but initial packaging for intrepid seems ready now; needs checking with bryce that it's ok to proceed to similar changes in jaunty, FFE, and actual upload; still seems preferable than a SRU; 335276 for intrepid14:34
lool<done with dump>14:34
mdzlool: is it still impossible to test UNR using KVM due to the launcher requiring 3D?  that may be a consideration for ISO testing14:34
cjwatsonlool: also, armel is in bad shape installability-wise right now14:34
cjwatsonI've been working on fixing some of that stuff up today14:34
cjwatsonbut it will bite any current images14:35
loolmdz: I asked qa folks in our team to see whether virutalbox GL support helps14:35
davidbarthlool: does it support GL on Linux now?14:35
loolcjwatson: Ok; I've seen the number of ftbfs was relatively high yesterday ~350 or so and thought we'd look more into it as we face installability issues when building images and when working on general archive consitency; it has indeed been less of a focus recently14:35
davmor2I'm sure most people who have netbooks can at least test live desktop if not install14:36
slangaseklool: 280669, 338148 are not targeted to jaunty (from your roadmap); should they be?14:36
cjwatsonlool: a lot of it was due to libgnome being outdated, which will be fixed as soon as the armel buildds get unstuck from whatever they're very slowly building at the moment14:36
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus14:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus14:37
looldavidbarth: I think it did support a subset, but I only read indirectly about it14:37
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:37
loolslangasek: 280669, no; we just owe the kernel team to look at it quickly, but not related to jaunty14:37
loolslangasek: 338148, no, just an armel ftbfs which we're trying to get fixed to improve the number of building packages14:38
slangaseklool: could you open tasks on 303232 on the libs that are going to be changed, so that the scope of this is more easily apparent?14:38
loolslangasek: (These bugs are the ones we visit at our weekly meetings)14:38
mdzare we at risk of not having installable armel images for beta?14:38
loolslangasek: Ack, action me on it if you mlike14:38
slangasek[ACTION] lool to open per-lib tasks on bug #30323214:39
MootBotACTION received:  lool to open per-lib tasks on bug #30323214:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303232 in gcc-4.3 "armel gcc default optimisations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30323214:39
cjwatsonmdz: I think we'll be OK14:39
cjwatsonthe only reason there hasn't been more progress today yet is that there were a couple of very long-running builds in the queue14:39
mdzcjwatson: ok, thanks14:39
cjwatsonI'll raise a red flag if it's still looking bad on Monday14:39
loolmdz: For babbage we're at risk of not having images for beta; for the other targets, we're not outputting isos so they are uninstallable rapidly14:39
loolcjwatson: thanks14:40
looldid I miss any question?14:40
slangasekI don't think so14:41
slangasekand... done digesting, so ready to move on14:41
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel team14:41
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel team14:41
slangasekpgraner: hi14:41
pgraner334994: Degraded RAID boot fails - apw will update with the latest14:41
pgranerapw: ^^^^14:41
apwthat one is in progress.  have just received a kvm image which should14:42
apwallow me to reproduce the issue.  looking like an interacton between14:42
apwkernel and userspace tools at the moment14:42
apwpossibly an interaction between the kernel udev and the madmin recovery14:42
pgranerLP 326621: kernel support for Ralink rt2870 802.11n - Fix Committed14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326621 in linux "Ubuntu lacks support for Ralink rt2870 based 802.11n chipsets" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32662114:43
mdzwill there be kernel uploads during beta freeze?14:44
pgranerwe will realistically have at least one14:44
slangasekwhen is that coming?14:45
pgranerto deal with issues that pop up14:45
slangasek("today" would be a good answer)14:45
amitkslangasek: it should be today14:45
mdzwhat is the status of suspend/resume bugs?14:45
mdzgiven that's a focus area14:45
pgranerapw: your turn again14:45
apwmost of the bugs we have are still being investigate14:45
apwwe have a lot of bugs, but no real view on a single low haning fix14:46
apwwe also have those false positives which we will want to push out an14:46
mdzhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=suspend shows 276 bugs, *lots* of incomplete but a significant number still new14:46
apwupdate to the userspace tools14:46
apwyes.  regressions are taking priority at the moment14:46
mdzare the suspend/resume regressions tagged as such?14:47
slangasekthe false-positives are included in that count of 276?14:47
apwthey will be yes14:47
mdzslangasek: yes, I can see several in the list which are open14:47
mdzapw commented he thought he had found one of the false positive triggers14:47
mdzwhich sounds like it could affect a lot of folks14:47
apwmdz i haven't tagged any as regressions, but that is a fair point and should be done14:48
apwyeah i think i have managed to trigger a false positive here, and think i know the underlying cause14:48
mdzit should be standard practice in triage to read the comments and if they indicate it's a regression, tag it14:48
apwjust need to figure out how it gets left in a mess14:48
slangasekis there enough information in the false-positives to let QA systematically clean them out?14:48
apwmdz agree, my bad14:48
apwslangasek, they are indistingishable unless the user knows they didn't suspend14:48
mdzslangasek: they generally say "I don't know why I'm seeing this, I didn't notice a problem"14:49
apwbut we should put together a standard reply and ask qa to do first dibs touch on all of them14:49
mdzalso, as I mentioned in email to slangasek, I'm concerned about the number of maintainer script failures in the kernel packages14:50
pgranerKernel package installation/upgrade failures https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=apport-package14:50
slangasek[LINK] Kernel package installation/upgrade failures https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=apport-package14:51
MootBotLINK received:  Kernel package installation/upgrade failures https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=apport-package14:51
pgranerI'm asking ogasawara to take a pass thru them and get a better idea of why and how they are happening14:51
mdzslangasek: many of them look to be related to update-grub14:51
mdzbased on a random sampling14:51
cjwatsonsome of those are "victim" failures; the "operation not permitted" ones are due to the casper bug on USB sticks that Evan fixed a little while ago14:51
ogasawarapgraner: finding a lot of em are really grub issues14:51
cjwatson(I'm not sure why the linux side of that particular bug is still open)14:51
pgranerWe should have a clear picture early next week14:51
slangasekyes; a certain amount of that is inevitable based on the limited improvement we were able to make to update-grub to avoid it silently clobbering configs on upgrade14:52
mdzcjwatson: there are also some random program crashes and such14:52
mdzbut I think there are hints that the maintainer scripts could be made more robust14:52
cjwatsonogasawara: bug 292159, for your reference14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292159 in casper "MASTER update-initramfs is disabled since running on a live CD but it is running from a flash drive. " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29215914:52
ogasawaracjwatson: yup, saw a few dups of that bug as well14:52
pittiI also saw a bug where dpkg was completely hosed14:53
MootBotLINK received:  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21112577/DpkgTerminalLog.txt14:53
mdza lot of them are on pre-jaunty kernels14:53
mdznot sure if they're old or being reported on stable14:53
pittilike someone or something deleted /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list or so14:53
cjwatsonpitti: right, probably filesystem corruption that will result in a random firehose of bugs to miscellaneous packages14:53
pittiI generally find a lot of noise and local corruption issues on those package failures14:54
cjwatsonme too14:54
mdzcjwatson,pitti: let's discuss some heuristics to help filter those out14:54
pittiyeah, and also better log acquisition to do auto-duplication14:54
mdze.g. segfaults should probably never be reported this way14:54
mdzif it's a real bug, it'll have its own crash report14:54
mdzpitti: yes, it takes a lot of trawling through DpkgTerminalLog.txt to get to the real problem14:55
mdzwhat's the verdict on kerneloops?14:56
pgranerkerneloops package. We are continuing to fix bugs. The package will stay in universe for Jaunty, we will MIR for Karmic. Foundations team (Keybuk) will be taking ownership for Karmic.14:56
mdzshould probably update the MIR bug accordingly, that's currently an open High importance bug14:56
pittiit got a lot better with kenvandine_wk's and mdz's fixes yesterday, but it's late indeed14:56
pgranermdz: ack I'll do it after the meeting14:56
pittiand either way this isn't something we'd ever want to enable by default in stables anyway14:57
mdzI think this is the right thing to do; we didn't get kerneloops working at all until quite late, and it's turning out to have a lot of problems14:57
pittiso if we want to enable it for beta and disable it again for final, that'd be acceptable from my POV14:57
slangasek[ACTION] pgraner to update status on the kerneloops MIR bug14:57
MootBotACTION received:  pgraner to update status on the kerneloops MIR bug14:57
mdzpitti: it's not even installed by default at this point (it's in universe), I don't think it's worth trying to add it given the problems14:57
mdzbut we can invite people to opt in by installing the package if you want14:57
mdzmaybe in the beta notes?14:58
pittiright, some blogging on planet.u.c. might attract just the right interested people14:58
pittisounds good to me14:58
pgranermdz: I'll blog and release note it14:58
mdzpitti: we'll probably want to clean up the suspend/resume bugs first, since they currently share the same tag (is there a bug open about that?)14:58
slangasek[ACTION] pgraner to draft beta release note entry inviting users to install kerneloops14:59
MootBotACTION received:  pgraner to draft beta release note entry inviting users to install kerneloops14:59
pgranermdz: rtg was fixing it14:59
pgranermdz: I'll open a bug to be sure14:59
mdzpgraner: if it requires more than a trivial change to the script, he should probably reach out to pitti14:59
davidbarthpgraner: make sure you take the patch for the dialog box (should be integrated since yesterday); ie don't rely on the fallback dialog on n.osd14:59
mdzdavidbarth: yes, that's done15:00
pittiindeed, they are still apport.report.Report(type='KernelOops')15:00
pittithey shouldn't be15:00
pgranermdz: ack15:00
pittimdz: it's not truly trivial, since the type determines some UI strings15:00
pgranerdavidbarth: got it15:00
slangasekpitti: is there an action item there for you?15:00
pittislangasek: I guess so15:01
pgranerslangasek: for me to file a bug and get some help15:01
apwpitti, is not the error there tho, that its KernelOoops in stead of KernelProblem15:01
apwnot that the share a type15:01
pittiapw: well, but the Type: field determines thet ag15:01
slangasek[ACTION] pgraner to file a bug regarding wrong tag on kernel suspend/resume bugs and solicit pitti's help15:01
MootBotACTION received:  pgraner to file a bug regarding wrong tag on kernel suspend/resume bugs and solicit pitti's help15:01
mdzapw: KernelProblem isn't a valid type, only KernelCrash and KernelOops15:01
pittiapw: and if you want to tell apart suspend/resume problems from oopses, they need to have a different type, so that they get a different tag15:01
mdz(neither of which is appropriate for a suspend/resume failure)15:02
pittiapw: or do you want to filter by bug title?15:02
mdzpitti/apw: (offline?)15:02
slangasekplease take further discussion out of band, we're running behind15:02
pgranerAn FYI for everyone, the MX51 kernel will *not* have AppArmor enabled, it has huge issues on ARM. amitk can provide details offline if anyone is interested.15:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations team15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations team15:02
cjwatsonso due to me screwing up the time I don't have our release status page updated, sorry about that; but the bug count is quite low so I'll just comment here15:02
cjwatson44194 - moves of various libraries to /lib in the archive now, but wpasupplicant still needs to be syslogified before we can fix this; apparently this has now landed upstream which should make it straightforward to finish off after beta15:03
cjwatson323108 - mvo just hasn't quite had time yet, but will look at it tomorrow or early next week and is still optimistic for beta; not as important as it looks since update-notifier will nag about it eventually15:03
cjwatson334284 - evand has made this a lot better than it was, but it's still a bit off. We'll finish this after beta15:03
cjwatsonalso still trying to get 337306 fixed, which is quite nasty for server OEM users15:03
cjwatsonand a couple of us have been beating on the lpia shlibdeps problem that doko identified, which has required a number of rebuilds15:03
cjwatsonslangasek gave us approval to keep going on that into beta freeze, since we were over halfway through already, so hopefully we'll finish that15:03
cjwatsonfinally have also been trying to beat down the number of uninstallables across the board to achieve some kind of reasonable archive consistency for beta15:04
cjwatsonDebian added some new sections to their archive recently, which caught us a bit by surprise and meant that a few recent syncs/merges have failed15:04
slangasekthe lpia rebuilds are rather beta-critical, to the extent that they might leave packages installable but missing libs15:04
cjwatsonthe Soyuz guys are dealing with that as a matter of urgency and I've moved all our existing packages out of the obsolete 'base' section, which in fairness we ought to have done years ago15:05
slangasek(at least for anything in the default system)15:05
cjwatsonright, some of that has been slowed by running into build failures15:05
cjwatsonwhich tuned me into the uninstallables problem on ports15:05
cjwatsonbut no major worries from our team AFAICS, beyond that15:06
slangasek334284 - seems like a rather high-profile installer UI blemish, should we release-note that for beta as well?15:06
cjwatsonit is, although the points are much less far out than they were in an earlier version15:06
cjwatsonbut yes, I think that will probably deserve a release note; action me15:06
slangasek[ACTION] cjwatson to document bug #334284 for beta release notes15:07
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to document bug #334284 for beta release notes15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334284 in ubiquity "Timezone map cities are incorrectly placed" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33428415:07
cjwatsonI'm done, if you want to move on15:08
slangasekyep, no other questions here - thansk15:08
slangasek[TOPIC] Server team15:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Server team15:08
slangasekdendrobates: hi15:08
dendrobateskirkland has turned over some debugging infor to Andy on  bug 33499415:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334994 in linux "Degraded RAID boot fails: kobject_add_internal failed for dev-sda1 with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33499415:09
dendrobatesApart from that we seem to be ok.15:10
dendrobatesthe likewise-open ffe went through this week.15:10
mdzdendrobates: please read the agenda; there's a bug on there requesting status from you15:10
slangasekI think I saw some bug states moving around on #341159?15:10
mdz341159: dkms handling of non-default kernel flavors15:10
slangasekdendrobates: I don't recall seeing a likewise-open FFe bug, and I still see likewise-open 4.1 in jaunty - what do you mean "went through"?15:12
mdzslangasek: dendrobates said earlier this week that likewise-open 5 was going to universe, and we are staying with v4 for 9.0415:12
dendrobatesslangasek: we are keeping 4.1 in main and putting 5 in universe15:12
slangasekright, status on 341159 is "wontfixed the other tasks"15:12
slangasekthat explains why I wasn't seeing it where I was looking :)15:13
slangasekhas likewise-open5 gotten its pam integration fixed?15:13
dendrobatesslangasek: yes, but it does not cleanly upgrade from 4.1, hence the universe.15:14
mdzdendrobates: there are several High bugs on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html15:14
dendrobatessbug 34115915:14
dendrobatesbug 34115915:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341159 in kvm "package kvm-source 1:84+dfsg-0ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34115915:15
mdzand 18 Undecided15:15
mdzdendrobates: ayt?15:16
dendrobatesmdz: I haven't had time to review all the bugs since my return, my team reported no critical bugs.15:16
mdzI understand IS testing will begin very soon, please make sure that any resulting bugs end up on your radar15:17
dendrobatesmdz: ack15:17
slangasekmoving on?15:18
mdzno more from me15:18
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU15:18
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU15:18
slangasekScottK: hi15:18
ScottKPython 2.6 is still the main source of excitement.15:19
* slangasek nods15:19
ScottKThere's plenty left to do and I imagine there will be until final freeze.15:19
ScottKProcess wise we've started public discussion of a motu-release charter.15:19
dokoScottK: are these not yet converted packages? or packages where upstream doesn't have 2.6 support yet?15:20
ScottKUp to now we've pretty much just done stuff ....15:20
ScottKdoko: It's a mix.15:20
slangasekbug #338079 is the high-profile python-4suite 2.6 compat bug15:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338079 in python-4suite "[Jaunty] packages incompatible with python 2.6" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33807915:20
ScottKPersonally I haven't had a lot of time to spend on it this week as $WORK has gotten busy.15:20
ScottKThis still unresolved, but at least upstream has shown some interest.15:21
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ScottKI don't think there's anything else that needs to be brought up.15:21
slangasekhmm, upstream seems to be unable to reproduce the build hangs that I saw; is someone (dktrkranz?) taking responsibility for interfacing with upstream on that bug?15:22
ScottKYes.  So work is being done, but no idea if we'll get it sorted.15:22
slangasekScottK: thanks15:23
ScottKI should probably toss in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/MOTUReleaseCharter if anyone is interested.15:23
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/MOTUReleaseCharter15:23
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/MOTUReleaseCharter15:23
slangasek[TOPIC] Known regressions15:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Known regressions15:24
slangasekas noted earlier, we have some work to do on triaging the regression-potential bugs; overall these seem to be under control15:25
mdzslangasek: I just noticed they don't show up on the weather report, and perhaps it would be useful if they did?15:25
slangasekthere were very few bugs that needed to be highlighted for alpha6, those that were are pretty well-known by this point15:26
mdzslangasek: shameless plug for bug 328035?15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328035 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast) for xf86Wakeup() call" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32803515:27
slangasekmdz: I don't think it's a good "weather" indicator since we don't expect to be completely regression-free as a criterion for release; I prefer to just make sure the regressions get release-targeted if they're critical15:27
mdzslangasek: maybe regression-potential+>=High would be useful15:28
slangasekmdz: well, I'll continue abusing my video inputs today, but I can't reproduce that bug now so I think it's all on you :)15:28
mdzslangasek: do you have a simple method to determine whether a random crash is caused by that bug or something else?15:28
mdzI only noticed by stracing15:28
mdz(bah, let's take this out of band)15:29
ScottKIf we're shamelessly plugging, I'll throw out Bug 290153.15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290153 in linux "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29015315:29
slangasekregression-potential+high - I think it's still possible we would release with such a bug in some reasonable cases, so the weather report would never go green for that item15:30
sbeattieScottK: wasn't that also a problem in intrepid?15:30
ScottKsbeattie: It is.  It's a regression from hardy that's still unresolved.15:30
sbeattieScottK: generally, we tag those as regression-release, to differentiate from regressions introduced by the current development release.15:31
ScottKTwo weeks ago I got told it should have both tags.15:32
mdzsbeattie: you will triage the list and ensure they all have importance set, yes?15:32
sbeattiemdz: yes15:32
mdzdendrobates: there are several regressions assigned to canonical-server15:32
mdzdendrobates: these need your attention to assign them out to your team15:32
mdzI see two New/Undecided hotkey regressions on the list15:33
mdzslangasek: I find http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/regression/regression_tracker.html a more useful overview than the launchpad URL you gave in the agenda15:33
mdz(e.g. it shows assignee)15:33
mdzthere are quite a few with no assignee; who is expected to do that? sbeattie?15:34
sbeattiemdz: yes.15:34
pittislangasek: speaking of hotkeys, with acpi-fakekey not working, does it make much sense to keep those bits in acpi-support?15:34
mdzsbeattie: I count 25 unassigned15:34
pittiI guess many hotkey regressions are coming from that, since acpi-support doesn't actually work any more15:34
slangasekhmm; I continue to assume that the regression lists are intended primarily as input into the release targeting process15:34
slangasekpitti: which bits, acpi-fakekey itself or scripts that use it?15:35
pittislangasek: both actually15:35
slangasekpitti: I think it's useful to keep the latter as documentation until we can move it somewhere else15:35
pittislangasek: given that the scripts don't work if acpi-fakekey doesn't work?15:35
slangasekpitti: also, there's a chance that acpi-fakekey *happens* to work for some systems+keys15:36
pittislangasek: oh, does it? okay; I thought it was completely broken15:36
slangaseksbeattie, ScottK: I think it's reasonable for release regressions still present in the current release to also carry the regression-potential tag?15:36
slangasekanyway, need to move on here, still have one more item and it's non-null :P15:37
slangasek[TOPIC] ISO size15:37
MootBotNew Topic:  ISO size15:37
slangasekthe Ubuntu dailies have all gone oversized in the past week15:37
cjwatsonthis is mostly delta language packs, isn't it?15:38
slangasekand unfortunately it happened all at once when some deps that were mysteriously absent from the ISO popped back in and added 5MB, so I don't know (yet) where the size went15:38
mdzcan you attribute the increase to something specific?15:38
cjwatsonI admit I haven't done a detailed comparison15:38
mdzcjwatson: do you have a script for that?15:39
cjwatsonmdz: slangasek does, cd-size-analysis on antimony15:39
slangasekI'm going to work on getting us to where we can get ongoing meaningful comparisons of package sizes15:39
slangasekthat script depends on the .debs being on disk still15:39
slangasekso fails miserably in many cases15:39
cjwatsonwe're due new base language packs on Monday, in any case15:39
slangasekanyway, it could be langpacks, in which case we'll see significant improvement with the full langpack export which I believe is in progress now15:40
slangasekother than that... now is not a good time to ask to add anything to the CDs ;)15:40
slangasekand I'll hopefully know more by Monday15:40
slangasekbut as usual, if anyone has brilliant ideas for saving space...15:41
cjwatsonslangasek: are you taking the action to look into this in more detail, or do I/somebody-else need to?15:41
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to find out where our CD space went15:41
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to find out where our CD space went15:41
slangasekthat's it, then15:42
pittislangasek: I can probably squeeze out 0.5 MB of live CD space with some package fixes to remove gconf translations15:42
pitti(compiz, totem, mousetweaks, devhelp)15:43
pittiah, devhelp isn't on CD15:43
slangasek.5MB> I expect that's worth doing15:43
pittithere's not a lot of air left in /usr/share/gconf/schemas/, though15:43
* slangasek nods15:44
slangasekok - any other space-saving schemes we can discuss out-of-band15:44
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:44.15:44
pittithanks everyone15:44
slangasekthanks, all15:44
loolmdz: ( http://vbox.innotek.de/pipermail/vbox-announce/2009-March/000013.html )15:49
lool3D support in linux hosts in dev release15:49
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GrueMasterlool:  VirtualBox has had GL support on the Linux Host since 2.1 (maybe 2.0).  What 2.2 adds is GL support to the Linux Client drivers.16:26
GrueMaster(I know because I have been using it since 2007).16:27
loolGrueMaster: Are you sure?  I read earlier a news from december 2008 that it just got GL guest support but only for windows hosts16:27
looland then this news that they add GL support for linux hosts16:27
loolGrueMaster: Ah perhaps it's virtualbox versus virtualbox-ose16:27
GrueMasterThe note I see (from your link is "* OpenGL 3d acceleration for Linux guests "16:28
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