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yghannam7388Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone here would like to be a mentor for Google Summer of Code this year.01:48
nhandleryghannam7388: I haven't heard about Ubuntu participating in the Summer of Code this year (I might be wrong). However, I know Debian is participating01:50
yghannam7388Ubuntu is part of the accepted list on the GSoC website and they have an ideas page. But they are listed as not having their profile finished yet, so maybe they decided to pull out of the program?01:52
yghannam7388There is a list of ideas for this year at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2009/Ideas01:52
yghannam7388I'd like to do either of two ideas listed, so I sent an email to the GSoC mailing list but I haven't heard back yet.01:53
nhandleryghannam7388: The mailing list looks dead. I haven't heard anything about GSoC, but jcastro is listed as having edited that wiki page. He could probably give you some more details02:05
yghannam7388nhandler: Thank you for your help, I'll contact jcastro and see what is going on.02:14
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iahello. i'm trying to make mirror of ubuntu repo, but i've got error - http://paste.ubuntu.com/134040 looks like that config is fine and i have no any clues about why apt-mirror adds one more slash before "dist". so i will be very appreciate for help.03:28
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jmarsdenia: I think you are writing "arhive" when you mean "archive".  Re-check your config file!05:02
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dholbachgood morning06:07
iulianGood morning Daniel.06:08
dholbachhiya iulian06:08
* porthose waves at dholbach, iulian, as he goes to bed06:18
YokoZarhey is it ok if I upload a new package right now?06:18
YokoZarI just got the game spring building and working right06:18
YokoZarIt's been in a ppa for hardy and intrepid06:18
YokoZarOr is there a process I'm skipping now that we're in beta06:19
iulianYokoZar: NEW package? A package which is not yet in the archive?06:23
YokoZariulian: yeah06:54
YokoZariulian: nevermind I see that we're right on the cusp of feature freeze exception being plausible06:57
YokoZarI'll file one and see what happens06:57
iulianYokoZar: What is the name of the package? Does it bring anything that we should really have in Jaunty?07:10
iulianIf not I recommend you to upload it when Karmic opens its doors and backport to Jaunty.07:10
YokoZariulian: It's a game that was featured in launchpad for being cool ;)07:11
iulianYokoZar: Ah, well, you should wait for Karmic then :)07:11
YokoZarI don't see it hurting anything by being included though07:12
YokoZarIt's been working in Intrepid/hardy/Gutsy for over a year now thanks to ppa07:12
YokoZarOnly reason I didn't want to upload it to Ubuntu proper till now is that there weren't any free-content games to play that were packaged (now there are)07:13
YokoZarThe game itself is actually an engine07:13
iulianYokoZar: We are granting exceptions for new packages only in exceptional cases.  For instance, a package that brings features which are important for the release.  In this case a game is not important at all.  I still recommend you to follow Karmic -> backport to Jaunty route.07:21
YokoZarThat's fair07:21
iulianWe have also agreed that we won't grant exceptions for packages that are not essential for the release.07:21
YokoZarSometimes I do wonder why we wait for the release to actually open karmic though07:22
YokoZarActually historically it sometimes takes like a week or two to open after the release goes out, when really I could be uploading during final freeze07:23
iulianThe main reason for this is that we focus only on bug fixing now. It's a very high risk to bring new packages, especially at this point.  Archive admins are occupied with something else other than reviewing packages in NEW.07:24
YokoZarI meant uploading to the next release07:26
YokoZarLike have a permanent "sid"07:26
iulianYokoZar: Ah, well, I don't have the answer to that question.  In the end, the package will still get in Karmic and Jaunty if you backport it.07:29
YokoZarFair enough, I'm not in any rush07:29
YokoZarIt is, after all, just a game ;)07:29
iulianIndeed :)07:30
YokoZardholbach: I think I beat you to this one without realizing it https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libtorrent-rasterbar/+bug/34550108:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 345501 in libtorrent-rasterbar "Rebuild against boost1.37 (1.37.0-3ubuntu3)" [Medium,Fix committed]08:10
YokoZarSince I uploaded a just changed version of that package rather than just a rebuild08:10
olynoob question, can any one explain Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}10:08
olyi dont get it, last time i made a package i had to specify versions of the packages10:09
olyso dont understand how it knows which version of python it requires10:09
olyis there another file with this information some where ?10:09
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geseroly: this fields get filled from some debhelper scripts like dh_shlibdeps or dh_pycentral/dh_pysupport10:26
geserthe look at the package contents and try to figure out what's necessary10:27
olyoh i take it that means the package versions are fixed10:27
olywas hoping i could work around a problem with pythonmagick10:28
geseroly: the binary debs have of course fixed dependencies10:28
geserbut the source packages has only placeholder which get fixed when the package gets build10:28
olyyeah i got the source package was thinking i could just modify the depends so that it requires a slightly older version of python so that it installs10:29
geserit would be cumbersome to do it by hand for every upload (and also error-prone)10:29
oly  Depends: python (<2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed10:29
olygetting that chestnut, was hoping to work around it so i could carry on coding on this machine while i was travelling later10:30
geserin this case the package didn't do the python2.6 transition yet10:30
geserwhich package is it?10:30
olyor python-pythonmagick if installing10:31
olytheres a bug against the package on launchpad currently, but like i say was hoping i could quickly hack around it10:31
joaopintois there some aps list related to the python transition ?10:31
geserjoaopinto: "apt-cache unmet -i" on jaunty and filter out the python ones10:34
joaopintogeser, ok tks10:34
geseroly: it probably needs only a rebuild (with a small change) to fix the dependencies. I'm testing it out right now.10:36
olyoh cool, thats kind of what i was thinking but just lacked the knowledge was expecting just to change the version number in the control file10:38
geseroly: it doesn't look as easy as expected as the package fails to build for me10:46
olyokay, thxs for trying geser, thats a shame will have to work around that for now then10:56
=== DktrKranz changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Jaunty Feature Freeze in effect - Go fix bugs! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Fix RC bugs:
DktrKranz          http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs | Help to clear NBS list:10:57
=== DktrKranz changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Jaunty Feature Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Go fix bugs! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Fix RC bugs: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs | Help to clear NBS list: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/
DktrKranzmuch better now :)10:58
brendonhello everyone12:13
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bddebianHeya gang15:44
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adelie42what package includes modprobe / modprobe documentation?16:46
binarymutantdoes this bug and debdiff look sane? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/charm/+bug/34520017:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 345200 in charm "charm doesn't conform to python policy" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:07
binarymutantadelie42, when I search for modprobe efibootmgr is what pulls up, idk if thats it though17:08
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c_kornhello. I have written a patch that adds an option in fast-user-switch-applet to diable those logout/restart/shutdown confirmation dialogs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fast-user-switch-applet/+bug/345480/comments/7 should I just wait until someone comments or is there some special process I have to follow now to get it into jaunty?18:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 345480 in fast-user-switch-applet "Add an option to disable shutdown/restart/logout confirmation " [Undecided,New]18:53
ScottKc_korn: Subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to the bug with the patch attached and it should get reviewed.18:54
c_kornScottK: ok, subscribed them18:58
porthoseCould a member of MOTU-release have a look at Bug #338408.  Thanks :)19:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338408 in coherence "FFe for python-coherence" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33840819:00
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binarymutantdoes this bug and debdiff look sane? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/charm/+bug/34520019:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 345200 in charm "charm doesn't conform to python policy" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:25
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gnummis it possible to make a package request for hardy backports?20:47
gnummbecause it would be nice to see wxmaxima 0.8.1 there :)20:48
ZarelI think you have to go fill out forms somewhere.20:48
maxbgnumm: The page you want to read is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports20:50
jpdsgnumm: http://bugs.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+filebug20:50
* Zarel has a question.20:55
ZarelWhy is the policy for Stable Release Updates so strict?20:55
gnummto ensure the stability20:55
jpdsTo make sure things don't break.20:55
ZarelThe reason they give for not releasing bugfixes is because they can sometimes cause regressions, but wouldn't they fix more bugs than they cause, on average?20:55
gnummyou are right, i also do not understand why they do not fix important bugs...20:56
gnummi o not think they will bring new ones20:56
gnummopenoffice impress sound works like "on-off-on-off" when making a slide show with sound with a power point file20:58
gnummthis bug is in intrepid, it is fixed in jaunty, but not in intrepid20:58
sorenZarel: Fixing more bugs than you introduce is just not good enough. We have lots and lots of people depending on these things, and it's more important that things that used to work keep working than things that have never worked suddenly start working.20:58
gnummbut why are ubuntu-proposed not used in these cases?20:59
dtchengnumm: because it requires a significant overhaul to intrepid's pulseaudio21:00
dtcheni probably triaged that bug21:00
dtcheni.e., those changes are not trivially backported to intrepid21:00
dtchenif you're concerned, there are PPAs with jaunty's pulseaudio backported to intrepid21:00
dtcheni cannot vouch for them, however, as their entire audio stack is skewed21:01
gnummi was, i switched to hardy(because of kde3)21:01
gnumm(and no pulseaudio :) )21:01
dtchenhardy works fine w/ OOo and slides21:02
dtchenthe audio stack is radically different between the three releases21:03
gnummyes it is in every release  better21:03
ZarelThe problem is, I don't really see a way for software to offer the latest bugfix release through the Ubuntu repositories. "backports" appears to be for new features, and "updates" appears to be for severe bugs only.21:04
gnummi think such sound problems should be fixed too21:04
gnummor not put pulseaudio at all in hardy when they do not integrate it well/or when it doesn't work how it should21:05
sharmsI a bit late in the process to stop hardy shipping without pulse gnumm21:05
dtchengnumm: there was an integration issue in hardy, yes, but it was not *just* pulseaudio.21:06
dtchengnumm: i don't feel like ranting about it in this channel, since i'm mostly responsible, but i certainly am willing to explain it elsewhere.21:06
solarionsharms: heh21:07
dtchengnumm: i think the best way to summarise it is, "pulseaudio depended on a newer version of alsa-lib and alsa-kernel, neither of which were shippable in hardy due to the release schedules of the three"21:07
gnummi see21:08
dtchengnumm: we have a chance to get it right in jaunty, but more testers are needed.21:08
solariondtchen: what do testers need to do, specifically?21:09
* solarion likes helping, especially when it's easy. :)21:09
gnummi don't understand why you put it then in hardy..debian works well without :)21:10
dtchensolarion: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-March/007501.html21:10
dtchengnumm: it's partially due to release timing.21:10
dtchengnumm: anyhow, feel free to complain to me in private e-mail21:11
gnummbut btw, ubuntu wasn't the only dist with pulseaudio problems21:11
solarionjaunty is beta, right?21:11
gnummi was just generally interested why it was put in hardy at all :)21:12
gnummsolarion: alpha 621:12
solarionI'll migrate my workstation (x86_64) when it reaches beta21:12
sharmsgnumm: So where are you going with this?  Are you just looking to vent, or do you have patches to fix issues / bugs waiting on SRU?21:12
solarionmy ntebook at alpha since 2 (?) has been quite a ride. :)21:12
gnummsharms: i only wanted to know why they didn't throw pulse away in hardy...but this explication is ok21:13
dtchenagain, feel free to whine to me privately, but we're veering off-topic for this channel.21:15
gnummno no, it's ok, i won't disturb you :)21:16
porthoseScottK:  I have left a comment on Bug #338408, please have a look when you have time ;-)21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338408 in coherence "FFe for python-coherence" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33840821:16
dtchensolarion: note that you will notice a difference even using a vm21:17
solariondtchen: "notice a difference" meaning what?21:18
solarionis this a good difference?21:18
dtchensolarion: prior to using the test kernel at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/ and after21:18
dtchenspecifically the glitching and stability21:18
solarionah, good.  I've noticed some of that21:18
dtchenanyhow, off-topic generally - feel free to query or e-mail me21:18
solarionin other news, bzr remains awesome21:19
sharmshas anyone taken a look at #318735?21:21
sharmsBug #31873521:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318735 in network-manager-vpnc "D-Bus Policy needs checking" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31873521:21
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dtchensharms: i can look, but i don't have any authority to approve it21:30
sharmsI didn't fix it, I just stumbled upon it while trying to add my vpn21:31
sharmsI don't understand dbus, but the xml files look simple enough, I edited mine by hand but I am sure I could figure out the right way to do it21:32
sharmsjust didnt know if anyone else had experience with this since I suppose there is a bunch of very similar ones21:32
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porthoseScottK: thank you for the ack ;-)22:09
slangasekJontheEchidna: I don't recall seeing a UI FE request for software-properties, and the changelog seems to suggest this is quite specifically a UI change?22:20
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thekornhi, MOTUs, what is the easiest way to fix python-virtualenv in jaunty? isolate a minimal fix or do a commplete update to the latest upstream version22:22
dtchenthekorn: which is more easily verified?22:25
thekorndtchen, well updating the package to 1.3.3 should be easy, and I know this version works, but on the other hand this won't be a bugfix only update,22:27
thekornas it also adds  new functionality22:27
dtchenthekorn: if it's straightforward to isolate and backport the bugfixes, try that approach22:28
dtchenminimal tends to be more easily verified22:28
thekorndtchen, ok, thanks, I will give it a try tomorrow, if updating to 1.3.3 makes more sense, I need a freeze exception, right?22:31
dtchenthekorn: correct22:31
thekornok, thanks alot22:31
JontheEchidnaslangasek: I just committed it to bzr...22:36
JontheEchidnaslangasek: Riddell ok'd it though22:36
JontheEchidnaand it was merged into the main branch22:36
slangasekwell, UI freeze exceptions need to also be communicated to the doc team when they happen22:36
slangasekthat's the point of the UI freeze, mainly :)22:36
JontheEchidnaoh, ok22:37
JontheEchidnaIt's nothing too major, fortunately22:37
slangasekif Riddell ok'ed the actual change, I'm fine with that - could you take care of notifying ubuntu-doc@lists, and I'll accept the package?22:37
JontheEchidnaSure, just pop off a mail to the mailing list?22:38
JontheEchidnaWill do.22:38
slangasekthanks :)22:38
JontheEchidnaslangasek: Okay, sent.22:42
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome22:42
JontheEchidnaI think the email needs moderator approval22:43
slangasekyeah... unfortunately I don't have that22:43
* slangasek pings mdke about that22:44
mrooneyanyone in the mood for a universe update? :)22:48
mrooneyyou know, to do one. I have an upstream package that needs updated in jaunty22:49
nhandlermrooney: Link?22:51
mrooneynhandler: bug 333639, I hear it will be fun22:52
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/333639/+text)22:52
mrooneywell anyway its https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/333639 , really just the release tarball needs to be uploaded22:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please update wxbanker to" [Undecided,New]22:53
nhandlerOh yeah, that fun native package ;)22:53
nhandlerjames_w: Were you fine with having it as a native package?22:55
mrooneyhe did suggest that it was good enough in the report22:55
nhandlermrooney: I just want to double check.22:56
mrooneysounds wise22:56
porthosenhandler: when you finish with mrooney would you mind looking at Bug #338408, ScottK has ACK'd it :)22:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338408 in coherence "FFe for python-coherence" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33840822:56
nhandlerporthose: That is already on my list.22:57
porthosethanks :)22:57
c_kornis there a way to automatically install the build-depends when inside a chroot?23:19
directhexapt-get build-dep pkgname ?23:22
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