=== larry123_ is now known as larry123 [01:05] hello [01:06] I am currently installing alpha 6 and hit a roadblock [01:06] I am configuring a frontend-only connection on a laptop with a wifi connection [01:06] during the cd install process I have no network connection [01:07] however, step 11/13 is prompting for "Master Backend Connection Information" and will not allow continuing until the connection is tested with the backend [01:07] is there a way to bypass this step? [01:09] anyone here? [01:53] having an issue with one of the channels on the capture card that is stuck at 100% volume that is not letting me change it, I can change the right channel, but not the left [01:55] using amixer -c 1 set Video,0 0db it sets to 0 then when I show it again its back at (20db) 100% for the left channel and 0% for the left [01:56] !help [01:56] !help For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. [02:06] bronco1, no, you have to have the backend info, and be able to connect to it [02:16] !ffmpeg [02:16] Sorry I don't know about ffmpeg [02:16] Darn. [02:17] Trying to make a DVD with Mytharchive, ffmpeg barfs out with an "unknown option -s 360x480". [02:19] Ah, the actual unknown option was "-s352x480". [02:20] I have no idea where that size came from, MythArchive set it by itself. [02:20] !amixer [02:20] Sorry I don't know about amixer [02:20] !alsa [02:20] Sorry I don't know about alsa [02:37] tgm4883: why is it a requirement to connect with the backend? === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [02:57] bronco1, it does setup stuff and verifies your connections and such [02:57] Is this a frontend only machine? or are you going to use it as a desktop as well? [03:16] howdy...anyone home tonite :) === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [03:48] it tring to install squeezecenter and i get errors can some one tell me what i am missing ? http://pastebin.com/m72545689 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [06:24] any reason my ati 9200 and my ati 9550 both have issues when doing the diskless booting of mythbuntu, I haven't tried an actual hd install though. [06:26] neither of them will work properly, and it failsback to the "your device could not be detected automagically" but when I do Xorg -config, it created an xorg.conf file with the correct driver and device name in it [06:29] I've been confuzzled about this for awhile, dug around on the ubuntu forums and in the xorg wiki, but nothing I've found seems to help with the issues at all === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [11:22] hi is there a mythtv 0.22 repository for jaunty on a amd64 cpu? === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [11:59] tgm4883: this is a laptop that I use for watching myth primarily, and also to tinker with linux === aclose is now known as aclose|away === aclose|away is now known as aclose === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [14:07] tgm4883 good morning [14:14] I have not been able to use Mytharchive since I switched to the trunk repos months ago. the plugins in the trunk are not compiled with the same lib as the back/frontend according to the error shown. It was suggested that I switch to the ppa repo this week. I did so, but now I cant even get mythbackend to start because the ppa version uses a different schema for the db than the trunk version. Now I have no myth at all. please help [14:15] do I need to just write off the 500GB of archived recordings a format and reinstall? works in windows LOL [16:07] BTW: mythbackend.log- http://rafb.net/p/dCxu0710.html and mythfrontend.log- http://rafb.net/p/JKuv0A11.html [16:07] I hope that gets me closer to a solution [16:15] Are there issues with the diskless clients using/getting the video hardware detected correctly, I've used ltsp before, but couldn't remember if there was something strange about it. === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [17:25] must leave, will be back later today to see if help is forthcoming === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [18:40] greetings...i was wondering if there is a way to create a folder in the videos section of mythv to hold a bunch of episodes of a show [18:41] also be able to have a picture as the folder cover [18:42] just go into whatever directory your using for your videos and create a new one and move the episodes into that, thats what I did, no clue about how to get a pictureo n the folder though [18:43] ya the picture thing is what is hanging me up too [18:43] i guess it's not a big deal [18:45] yea, sorry bud [18:58] is there a way to write your own synopsis for videos? [19:24] has anyone used metax with mythtv? [20:12] You could always manipulate the tables directly if you really wanted to. === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [21:15] ok I am back [21:16] !help db schema [21:16] !help db schema For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. [21:16] !about db schema [21:16] I am an IRC bot written in perl, but my code is not yet released. I am named after Howard Zinn, you can learn more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Zinn [21:19] how do a fix a database that is a newer schema than the mythtv deb's installed? [21:19] or how do I fix the deb's?.... [21:23] to fix a problem with a plugin, I switched to the ppa's on tgm4883's advice and now I cant start mythtv at all... much less, use any plugin [21:24] Mythtv isn't designed to rollback the database for you, the best way would be to restore from a backup. [21:26] so I havt to rollback for newer mythtv? [21:26] did mythtv downgrade their db? [21:26] hads: sorry to repeat myself, but do you know if there are any issues with the xserver in the 8.10 diskless, I haven't tried setting up an 8.04 or 8.4 (whichever it is), I may try that tonight, but I have issues with ANY video card being autodetected, the only driver that will work is the vesa, my nvidia geforce2, my ati 9200 and 9500 all will not autodetect in several different diskless clients... any clue or should I just try the 8.4 ? [21:27] and none of them are detected in the restricted hardware drivers section either. [21:28] CRXLPY: The mythtv db schema gets upgraded over time. It's not backwards compatible. [21:29] kaeles: I don't know if there are issues with the xserver. [21:29] hads restore what? the db? or the whole install? my backup db is gonna be the wrong schema too. it would have been made during the time that plugins didnt work anyway [21:29] kaeles: You're better off asking the channel than me specifically though. [21:30] Yes, restore the correct database version for the mythtv version you want to use. [21:30] yea , I figured, ok thanks anyhow, I will probably just throw up another vm and shutdown the 8.10 one, try that and see how it goes :) [21:32] oh ok hads well do you know if the trunk is supposed to have working plugins? since it seems that swapping to ppa was wrong I guess I will remove the ppa repo and re-add the trunk repo, then uninstall mythtv(again) and install it from the trunk repo [21:33] or is the trunk only core, and I should ignore any pkg other than mythtv itself? [21:33] If you use unreleased versions then you can expect them to break. I've not used any trunk packages. [21:35] well I am off to remove the ppa repo then add trunk then uninstall / install mythtv [21:37] maybe after this mess it wont even boot and I will be forced to wipe it and reinstall. then I get to spend the next year decoding the gibberish my recording drive will be without a db [21:37] fun fun fun [21:38] so far this week I have had a missedtv box, not a mythtv box [21:39] Stick to the released versions? [21:39] after a format? [21:41] where do I find the people that know the trunk? I know you guys are just here for the non-dev stuff. I cant be the only one trying to use the trunk [21:42] since I swpped to trunk I know I am stuck with it if i dont want to trash 6mo of archives [21:43] You can roll back the db schema manually if you know SQL [21:44] there were features in 22 I wanted , that is why I swapped, but after the past 3mo of entanglement I honestly forget what they were [21:44] I'm sure there are features in 0.22 that most people want, patience is the key. [21:44] ok so I guess I will end up applying the microsoft solution, that sux [21:45] if rebooting dont fix it, reinstall and erase the logs, that way it looks like it never happened HAHAHA [21:48] unfortunately I have so much recorded that I was unable to archive due to trunk being a complete waste of time, that I will be royally screwwed if I lose it. I spent alot of time on it. [21:48] do you know if the weekly builds are crap too hads? [21:49] I'm sure neither are crap, they do what they are supposed to do. [21:49] break my system? [21:50] I'll say it again, if you aren't a developer or know what you're getting yourself into, stick with released software. [21:51] I would like to know that someone has installed trunk and has mytharchive working , if I knew it was my system and not a broken pkg I would feel better about poking around [21:52] you may try in the mythtv upstream channel instead of here then? [21:52] ok that is what I wanted to know [21:53] wait kaeles, they dont deal with ubuntu there. that is for mythtv [21:53] they will send me here cuz ubuntu doesnt compile, it is a bin dissy [21:54] is there anyone here using the trunk repo's? [21:59] the problem your having is with mythtv though correct, you can also get the sources and compile yourself, even on debian and ubuntu, thats what the source repo's are for. [22:25] CRXLPY, you are the one with the .22 install correct? === larry123_ is now known as larry123 === aclose is now known as aclose|away === larry123_ is now known as larry123 [23:27] howdy all [23:29] I am making some minor adjustments to the mythbuntu-8.04 theme for the video-ui.xml file.... I would like to get rid of the video_poster, but when I do that it crashes myth when it rereads the .xml file. Can I make it a blank picture or change the order it's drawn where the background prints over it? === aclose|away is now known as aclose === larry123_ is now known as larry123