=== jdong__ is now known as jdong | ||
bazhang | dont click those links | 00:44 |
LjL | course not | 00:45 |
vorian | unless you like to see harry bums | 00:56 |
LjL | bazhang: that's not true. | 00:56 |
LjL | bazhang: i'm so right that i can be WRONG if i want to. | 00:56 |
vorian | hairy, rather | 00:56 |
bazhang | LjL, not gross pictures? okay | 00:56 |
bazhang | to each his own | 00:56 |
vorian | :o | 00:56 |
bazhang | oops | 00:57 |
LjL | ... that ain't what i meant. | 00:57 |
bazhang | never mind | 00:57 |
bazhang | yeah I finally got that | 00:57 |
Myrtti | ugh | 00:57 |
Myrtti | mmmmmmmmmmm | 00:57 |
bazhang | undo ics? | 01:32 |
LjL | one ribeiro is enough | 01:34 |
LjL | srsly | 01:34 |
LjL | i already feel like i'm overwhelmed by integration by parts and differential equations | 01:34 |
bazhang | just unplug stuff? | 01:34 |
=== jrib2 is now known as jrib | ||
=== jrib is now known as Guest37472 | ||
=== Guest37472 is now known as jrib | ||
bazhang | excession seems awfully random | 01:43 |
bazhang | hehe | 02:03 |
LjL | markov bot? | 02:07 |
bazhang | must have been | 02:07 |
LjL | bazhang: you forgot to check for clones | 02:07 |
bazhang | just saying hi had it talking about /var/log | 02:07 |
bazhang | hi jpowermacg4 | 02:10 |
bazhang | jpowermacg4, something we can help you with? | 02:13 |
bazhang | joltz, excessi0n is yours? | 02:13 |
joltz | yes | 02:13 |
LjL | !guidelines | 02:13 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:13 |
LjL | joltz: have you noticed the amount of traffic in #ubuntu? | 02:17 |
joltz | I have | 02:17 |
bazhang | <Excessi0n> bazhang: ubuntu-desktop is just a bot. | 02:17 |
LjL | joltz: do you think that adding to that traffic by having fun with Markov chains really helps anyone? | 02:18 |
bazhang | not very smart of a bot | 02:18 |
joltz | no, but it was really fun. | 02:19 |
LjL | i see | 02:19 |
LjL | it wasn't fun for the users seeking real support in #ubuntu, however | 02:19 |
bazhang | fun to disrupt and confuse everyone? | 02:19 |
joltz | well... I could have made it really obnoxious and respond to everything | 02:20 |
joltz | I thought it was fairly mild | 02:20 |
LjL | then we'll be fairly mild too, won't we bazhang? | 02:20 |
joltz | do any of you happen to be ops in #debian as well? | 02:21 |
bazhang | a week for every bit of nonsense uttered? | 02:21 |
LjL | joltz: why? | 02:21 |
joltz | oh, no reason... | 02:21 |
joltz | ;) | 02:21 |
LjL | joltz: if you have no questions for us, please part. | 02:21 |
bazhang | so around 104 weeks? | 02:22 |
joltz | ok | 02:22 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu+1, xang said: !dontzap is sudo dontzap --disable | 02:22 |
joltz | I've had my fun, won't be bringing the bot back here anyway | 02:23 |
bazhang | you sure wont | 02:23 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu+1, xang said: !dontzap is used to enable ctrl-alt-backspace. Simply use the command: sudo dontzap --disable | 02:23 |
joltz | you're about the coolest ops I've ever been disciplined by, thanks | 02:24 |
LjL | !dontzap is <reply> To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable » | 02:24 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, LjL | 02:24 |
LjL | bazhang: that fellow gets 0 points in sympathy | 02:25 |
LjL | i've warned the #debian ops, by the way. | 02:25 |
jpowermacg4 | oh my bad.. i just never knew this was here | 02:26 |
LjL | @mark #ubuntu-ops joltz Owns the "Excessi0n" Markov bot, seems to have no remorse, apparently want to move it to #debian as he's banned from here. | 02:26 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 02:26 |
jpowermacg4 | this is where you can report abuse? | 02:28 |
LjL | jpowermacg4: yes | 02:28 |
jpowermacg4 | ok thanks | 02:28 |
jpowermacg4 | i was wondering why no ops were in the other channel. lol | 02:28 |
LjL | we are there. | 02:28 |
bazhang | they are there | 02:28 |
jpowermacg4 | yeah i noticed after a while | 02:28 |
bazhang | just hiding :) | 02:28 |
jpowermacg4 | undercover :P | 02:28 |
jpowermacg4 | cya later | 02:29 |
LjL | @mark #ubuntu-ops jpowermacg4 This might easily have been "joltz", or I can't explain how "joltz" knew that I suspected he'd move his bot to #debian, as his PM tells me: "[03:30:00] <joltz> nope, I'm not moving the bot to #debian, as I'm a fan of that distro <joltz> just making a joke." | 02:40 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 02:40 |
bazhang | mentor (op in #debian apparently) saw him upon entering | 02:41 |
LjL | bazhang: that's because i told him. | 02:41 |
bazhang | LjL, right I saw that , did not know who they were | 02:41 |
deww | hello | 02:58 |
LjL | hi deww | 02:58 |
deww | have a spammer on hand | 02:58 |
deww | 22:53 [freenode] -samual(n=saya@ Join us and enjoy at server irc.webnet.my http://www.webnet.my http://chat.webnet.my ÇoreTeaM³® ÇoreTeaM³® | 02:58 |
deww | thats the msg i noticed when join #ubuntu | 02:58 |
LjL | we'll handle that, thanks for reporting | 02:59 |
deww | thanks | 02:59 |
deww | i shall part | 02:59 |
LjL | (yes, he was coached) | 02:59 |
bazhang | deww? | 02:59 |
LjL | bazhang: yeah, i pm'd him and asked about the spam, then asked him to re-report it here | 03:00 |
LjL | bazhang: now i'd like the one other fellow who said somethng about "samual" earlier to confirm it | 03:00 |
bazhang | LjL, aha | 03:00 |
LjL | hello again | 03:01 |
jpowermacg4 | hey | 03:01 |
jpowermacg4 | is it alright if i use #ubuntu as a test channel. I'm working on a bot "txtest" it doesn't do anything but attempt to keep track of the users. | 03:03 |
jpowermacg4 | i've finally succeeded with my buffers! | 03:03 |
LjL | jpowermacg4: as long as it's completely silent and doesn't log to any sort of public place. | 03:04 |
jpowermacg4 | yeah it only has 1 command at the moment that i can call from another channel... it's finally gotten the user counts correct in #ubuntu | 03:05 |
jpowermacg4 | i'm essentially trying to make it a "irc client" first.... i finally redid the socket work yesterday with a bit of help | 03:07 |
cj_sze1 | LjL: (10:30:49 AM) samual: (notice) Join us and enjoy at server irc.webnet.my http://www.webnet.my http://chat.webnet.my ?oreTeaM?? ?oreTeaM?? | 03:07 |
LjL | cj_sze1: thanks for reporting that, we'll take care of it | 03:07 |
jpowermacg4 | seems this code is a lot more stable :D .. my bots written in PHP heh | 03:07 |
LjL | @mark #ubuntu-ops samual PM spammer | 03:07 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 03:07 |
bazhang | I would say NO to the bot | 03:08 |
cj_sze1 | LjL: can ubuntu server 8.10 read more than 4 gig of RAM | 03:08 |
cj_sze1 | ? | 03:09 |
LjL | cj_sze1: ask that in #ubuntu please, this channel is for abuse reporting only | 03:09 |
cj_sze1 | ahh | 03:09 |
cj_sze1 | ok thanks,, sorry :) | 03:09 |
jpowermacg4 | bazhang: you referring to me? | 03:10 |
bazhang | jpowermacg4, you are a bot? | 03:10 |
jpowermacg4 | no no.. i'm testing one as a IRC client. currently I'm testing it on #ubuntu because it's the biggest channel I know of. Just testing to see if it's able to keep track of users. I've fixed up some older bugs in my old version. But my new version uses a new buffer and was checking to see how good it was | 03:12 |
jpowermacg4 | seems to beat the old fgets version though | 03:12 |
bazhang | if it talks it will be removed | 03:12 |
jpowermacg4 | nah it doesn't talk | 03:12 |
bazhang | does it log to a public channel | 03:13 |
jpowermacg4 | not sure what you mean... only thing is does is... | 03:13 |
jpowermacg4 | [23:13:38] <txtest> There are 1353 people in #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net: Too many to display | 03:13 |
jpowermacg4 | uh oh.. looks like it's failing already lol | 03:14 |
bazhang | its logging IP's? | 03:14 |
jpowermacg4 | i don't think i can get ip's | 03:14 |
jpowermacg4 | it's gonna essentially be a irc client though | 03:14 |
jpowermacg4 | so whatever x-chat does.. it's gonna do | 03:15 |
jpowermacg4 | it all works by arrays | 03:15 |
jpowermacg4 | it doesn't save anything though, just checking to see if theres any bugs | 03:18 |
bazhang | jpowermacg4, those who know about bots say ok | 03:21 |
bazhang | jpowermacg4, others may chime in later, so be aware | 03:22 |
jpowermacg4 | ok, i need to fix it actually at the moment though for User Quits. Was a quickmock up mostly just to make sure my data isn't getting corrupted/incomplete. Thus it passes on that. | 03:24 |
bruce89 | true to my word, here I am | 03:29 |
bazhang | bruce89, how may we help you? | 03:32 |
bruce89 | well, I just wonder why bans are handed out so liberally | 03:33 |
bazhang | they aren't | 03:33 |
bruce89 | I mean, I could understand torrrents of swearing or advertising | 03:33 |
jpowermacg4 | i'll retest tomorrow.. don't feel like looking for the bugs tonight. | 03:33 |
jpowermacg4 | good night | 03:34 |
bruce89 | I just don't understand why things are taken so seriously | 03:35 |
bazhang | its a busy support channel | 03:36 |
bazhang | there are several offtopic chat channels | 03:36 |
bazhang | #kubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-offtopic to name two | 03:36 |
bruce89 | well, in this case, the person in question was going to ask a question | 03:37 |
bazhang | tranceenergy? | 03:37 |
bruce89 | yes | 03:37 |
bazhang | aha | 03:37 |
bazhang | well not your affair really | 03:37 |
bruce89 | known issue I assume | 03:38 |
* bruce89 is not surprised, I'm told to discuss things here, then told to mind my own business | 03:41 | |
bazhang | not others bans | 03:41 |
bazhang | they can come here | 03:41 |
bruce89 | well, my concerns are general | 03:41 |
bazhang | bruce89, it is a support channel. there are certain rules. smaller channels may not have those rules. | 03:43 |
bruce89 | well, it's not exactly 10 lines per second | 03:44 |
bazhang | this seems to be focusing on one user. | 03:45 |
bazhang | ie tranceenergy | 03:45 |
bazhang | bans are not permanent in most cases | 03:45 |
bazhang | though some do exist for repeated, very serious violators | 03:46 |
bruce89 | it's not so much the bans, it's just the whole attitude | 03:46 |
bazhang | it is a more strict channel by necessity. | 03:46 |
bruce89 | for instance, if it is even slightly tangential to the topic, things happen | 03:46 |
bazhang | and there are avenues to chit chat outside of the channel (as mentioned above) | 03:47 |
bazhang | that seems hyperbolic | 03:47 |
bruce89 | it's not a comet | 03:47 |
bazhang | ie not a fair representation | 03:47 |
bruce89 | I understand that #ubuntu is not for general discussion, but the occasional remark is surely harmless | 03:48 |
bruce89 | all I can say is that it's sad that Ubuntu has come to this | 03:51 |
bazhang | come to what? | 03:52 |
bazhang | oops | 03:52 |
bazhang | <pinguino> freenode is fascinating, structured like the military | 04:13 |
bazhang | :0 | 04:13 |
bazhang | cj_sze1, how may we help you | 04:35 |
Flannel | Hi cj_sze1, how can we help you today? | 05:27 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 05:34 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 05:34 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 05:34 |
bazhang | he has this on autojoin | 05:35 |
Flannel | cj_sze: If you have no current business in this channel, please don't idle here | 05:36 |
elky | Myrtti, 2:30am my time: <Icebuntu> hey please allow me to go to ubuntu fi | 06:59 |
jussi01 | elky: oh dear.... | 07:05 |
bazhang | * [DaemonDEB] (n=ryan@c-67-173-86-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net): ryan | 08:35 |
bazhang | daemonmdv? | 08:35 |
bazhang | aka ryan farmer , almightycthulhu? | 08:36 |
elky | -NickServ- Information on DaemonMDV (account DaemonXP): | 08:37 |
elky | -NickServ- Registered : Feb 15 20:00:07 2009 (4 weeks, 4 days, 12:36:40 ago) | 08:37 |
elky | -NickServ- User reg. : Jan 26 13:52:18 2009 (7 weeks, 3 days, 18:44:29 ago) | 08:37 |
elky | -NickServ- Last addr : n=ryan@c-67-173-86-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net | 08:37 |
elky | did we ban or not? | 08:37 |
bazhang | not in +1 iirc | 08:38 |
bazhang | where he is now <DaemonDEB> kernel.org kernels are the only ones I use | 08:38 |
elky | then let him earn it. if his recent behaviour is anything to go by, then it wont be long | 08:38 |
bazhang | true | 08:39 |
bazhang | I think hobbsee was asking about him yesterday iirc | 08:39 |
bazhang | ie was he a troll | 08:39 |
bazhang | yeah its him, knocking down ubuntu and extolling fedora | 08:41 |
bazhang | icebuntu incoming in #u #k | 09:02 |
elky | i dont mind him there if he behaves | 09:04 |
bazhang | he was giving really bad advice in #k earlier | 09:04 |
elky | then that is not behaving | 09:06 |
bazhang | daemondeb was ban dodging in -ot | 09:08 |
elky | bandodging how? he's got a static ip | 09:17 |
bazhang | thought he was banned there as daemonmkv or similar | 09:18 |
bazhang | he just quit (as daemondeb) | 09:18 |
elky | as daemonmkv!*@* only? | 09:19 |
elky | @bansearch daemonmkv!*@* | 09:19 |
ubottu | No matches found for daemonmkv!*@* in any channel | 09:19 |
bazhang | I was not the one to ban, can seem to find the relevant bt info at the moment | 09:19 |
elky | @bansearch daemon*!*@* | 09:19 |
ubottu | No matches found for daemon*!*@* in any channel | 09:19 |
elky | @bansearch daemon*@* | 09:19 |
ubottu | No matches found for daemon*@*!*@* in any channel | 09:19 |
bazhang | almightycthulhu shows no matches either; though btracker does | 09:20 |
elky | @btlogin | 09:20 |
bazhang | * DaemonDEB (n=ryan@c-67-173-86-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:26 |
bazhang | just now | 09:26 |
elky | connection died maybe | 09:28 |
bazhang | * [Daemon_] (n=xavierg2@host-98-127-40-131.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net): Xavierg2003 ban evading in #u | 09:28 |
elky | um, the only connection is the word 'daemon', and by that argument we should ban all daemons... like the bots. | 09:29 |
bazhang | he quit (daemon_) | 09:29 |
elky | bazhang, i want a reason to nuke him too, but inventing reasons isn't going to work | 09:30 |
bazhang | xavierg2003 is someone else entirely | 09:30 |
elky | yes, i know. you're confusing me here | 09:31 |
elky | who are you saying is ban evading? | 09:31 |
bazhang | two different people in two different channels :) | 09:32 |
bazhang | sorry about that | 09:32 |
bazhang | ljl banned xavierg2003 earlier today | 09:32 |
bazhang | ryanfarmer aka (many many nicks) was banned by several individuals in -ot | 09:33 |
elky | i'm pretty certain none of those bans remain at this point in time | 09:34 |
bazhang | okay | 09:34 |
elky | i cannot see them, anyway | 09:34 |
bazhang | the bantracker seems not be in sink with #bansearch though | 09:35 |
bazhang | err sync | 09:35 |
elky | i think that's a known issue | 09:36 |
bazhang | okay | 09:36 |
Myrtti | jussi01: in pm? | 10:23 |
Myrtti | bum, hangover fail | 10:25 |
Myrtti | elky: did he ask that in pm? | 10:25 |
elky | Myrtti, yes. | 10:26 |
Myrtti | and what did you answer? | 10:27 |
elky | i didnt | 10:27 |
elky | it was 2:30am my time, i didnt find it until i got home 16hrs later. | 10:27 |
ikonia | bullgard4 has managed to setup a fully functioning samba domain - but doesn't know what the domain master is ???? | 10:44 |
ikonia | does that seem possible ? | 10:44 |
jussi01 | ikonia: it may be that he doesnt understand your terminology? | 10:45 |
* jussi01 waves to ikonia :) | 10:45 | |
ikonia | jussi01: hey hey | 10:45 |
ikonia | jussi01: I did think that but I tried to explain what it does and he still doesn't get it | 10:46 |
jussi01 | ikonia: still on track for your holiday? | 10:46 |
ikonia | so far all looks good | 10:46 |
jussi01 | got passport yet? | 10:47 |
ikonia | already sent off | 10:48 |
jussi01 | :) | 10:48 |
Myrtti | so... | 10:51 |
Myrtti | did you know that I've moved to England and am in common-law marriage? I didn't. But the Finnish NHS says I am so it *must* be true... | 10:52 |
bazhang | he has had way more than 3 strikes (more like 23) | 10:52 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: ROFL!! | 10:52 |
Myrtti | I liked that decision so much I had four pints of cider last night, but I must have had something with alcohol content more than 4.7% since I feel, quite frankly, shit. | 11:03 |
ikonia | Myrtti: UK cisder is strong | 11:10 |
Myrtti | ikonia: so I noted... | 11:11 |
Tm_T | kids... | 11:12 |
ikonia | cider even | 11:12 |
* Mez just tried to use his phone as a numeric keypad | 11:32 | |
bazhang | useruser periodically says : guuuuuuuuunit | 11:48 |
bazhang | has been warned to stop | 11:48 |
Myrtti | shreddies ♥ | 11:49 |
bazhang | wonder is shadeslayer is for real | 12:55 |
bazhang | seems to be having problems with everything and all the while suggesting 'it must be hal' | 12:55 |
bazhang | he was talking about configuring his led's to monitor dl speed but cant clear apt cache? | 12:56 |
ikonia | bazhang: I've told him it's not hal 100 times | 12:56 |
bazhang | ikonia, and he has downloaded all of kubuntu-desktop fresh in less than 5 minutes on a 128kbs connection | 12:57 |
ikonia | bazhang: he's a known liar - see BT | 12:57 |
ikonia | and the message I posted in here the other day | 12:57 |
bazhang | he is banned in #ubuntu ? | 12:57 |
bazhang | seems to be if the bot is to be trusted | 12:58 |
bazhang | gnome is broken, now fixed all of a sudden? he just seems to have taken his trolling to #kubuntu frankly | 13:02 |
bazhang | ie no straight answers, and mysterious configuration changes, all involving hal somehow | 13:02 |
ikonia | bazhang: yes he's banned | 13:03 |
ikonia | bazhang: and after admiting to his lies/ban/dodging/trolling I won't be lifting it for a while | 13:03 |
bazhang | no idea why he is allowed to troll #kubuntu | 13:04 |
ikonia | because one channel does not effect the other | 13:05 |
bazhang | dont follow that reasoning at all. | 13:07 |
bazhang | he is wasting peoples time and taking up official ubuntu channel resources | 13:07 |
Myrtti | I can't help wondering why ASUS-tek wants to be on -fi | 13:38 |
ikonia | Myrtti: just ignore it | 13:40 |
ikonia | forget about him | 13:40 |
* jussi01 waves | 13:55 | |
bazhang | o/ | 13:56 |
Myrtti | I'm just intrigued | 14:08 |
ikonia | hello jussi01 | 14:12 |
LjL | Myrtti: you might want to remove the hostname ban that the floodbot automatically set on him, if you want him redirected | 14:57 |
Myrtti | yeah, I'm getting there | 14:57 |
Myrtti | though - he's requesting a cloak at freenode | 14:58 |
Myrtti | which is why I'm redirecting him here | 14:58 |
LjL | ah | 14:58 |
bazhang | too dodge a ban | 14:59 |
LjL | Myrtti: note he changed the nickname now. | 14:59 |
bazhang | er to | 14:59 |
LjL | though that might just be for setting up the alternate | 14:59 |
LjL | bazhang: it looks that way, yes | 14:59 |
Myrtti | LjL: note I put the ban with An7i*!*@*, not An7i!*@* | 14:59 |
LjL | ah right, not a problem then | 15:00 |
Myrtti | I've been on IRC far too long ;-) | 15:00 |
LjL | Myrtti: well maybe, but using sane banmasks shouldn't by itself be a symptom of irc overdose :) | 15:01 |
LjL | what's this CTCP day? | 15:03 |
Myrtti | apparently so | 15:04 |
Myrtti | I wonder if there's some new vulnerability that they're trying to exploit or something | 15:04 |
LjL | maybe... they're just doing versions | 15:04 |
LjL | mind, they could merely be curious as to which clients people are using in a big channel | 15:04 |
LjL | did you see just which cloak an7i got? | 15:13 |
ikonia | no? | 15:13 |
bazhang | yep | 15:13 |
ikonia | he's not got a cloak according to whois | 15:13 |
ikonia | /whowas sorry | 15:14 |
ikonia | what did he get ? | 15:14 |
bazhang | An7i_2 (n=An7i@unaffiliated/an7i) | 15:14 |
ikonia | is that bad that he got that cloak ? | 15:14 |
Myrtti | [16:57] <+mquin> An7i_2: you are now cloaked | 15:14 |
LjL | ikonia: if he got that to ban evade, yes it is | 15:14 |
LjL | i guess we shall see that | 15:14 |
ikonia | LjL: ahh I didn't know who he was or that he was banned | 15:14 |
LjL | ikonia: /whowas is flawed when people change hostnames | 15:14 |
bazhang | what was he banned for | 15:15 |
LjL | bazhang: CTCP'ing #ubuntu | 15:15 |
bazhang | LjL, ok | 15:15 |
Myrtti | not a major offence, could have been done accidentally | 15:15 |
Myrtti | and I'm fine to let him go if he can explain himself well enough | 15:15 |
LjL | yeah, but what happened in #freenode smells fishy | 15:15 |
bazhang | nothing like shadeslayer | 15:16 |
Myrtti | exactly | 15:16 |
LjL | notice how he said "i want to hide my hostname" | 15:16 |
LjL | and then corrected himself and said "change" | 15:16 |
=== Pici is now known as newnick | ||
=== newnick is now known as Pici | ||
LjL | Pici managed to use /nick | 16:19 |
LjL | applaud please | 16:19 |
Pici | *thwap* | 16:19 |
bazhang | hehe | 16:19 |
Pici | He already has me in PM... | 16:20 |
LjL | Pici: pagan_ i guess? | 16:20 |
Pici | yes | 16:20 |
ikonia | whois pagan_ | 16:20 |
ikonia | ? | 16:20 |
bazhang | seems like erry | 16:20 |
Pici | hes someone who doesnt know how to use irc | 16:20 |
LjL | ikonia: did NOT manage to use /whois | 16:20 |
LjL | do not applaud please | 16:20 |
ikonia | ha ha ha | 16:20 |
ikonia | so pagan_ and kiddes are the same guy in #ubuntu | 16:21 |
Pici | Yes. He just nicked to that, congrats | 16:21 |
Pici | um | 16:46 |
bazhang | * [shadelayer] (n=rohan@ Rohan Garg | 16:47 |
Pici | why is shadeslayer in #ubuntu asking to be banned? | 16:47 |
bazhang | what the heck | 16:47 |
shadelayer | Pici: i joined from testnode | 16:47 |
shadelayer | please ban me | 16:47 |
bazhang | its shadeslayer ban evading | 16:47 |
shadelayer | im not worhty of #ubuntu | 16:47 |
shadelayer | not evading,i wanted to join #kubuntu | 16:47 |
Pici | shadelayer: Then why are you even in #ubuntu?! | 16:47 |
shadelayer | missed the k | 16:47 |
bazhang | you are in there now | 16:47 |
shadelayer | no | 16:48 |
Pici | yes | 16:48 |
shadelayer | i parted | 16:48 |
shadelayer | now? | 16:48 |
bazhang | * shadelayer (n=rohan@ has joined #kubuntu | 16:48 |
shadelayer | what about now?? | 16:48 |
Pici | shadelayer: Why did you join in the first place if you knew you should have been banned?? | 16:48 |
bazhang | why are you ban evading again | 16:48 |
* LjL rolls eyes | 16:48 | |
shadelayer | im not,i missed the k in kubuntu | 16:49 |
shadelayer | i was /join #kubuntu and i missed the k | 16:49 |
bazhang | that is not true | 16:49 |
LjL | shadelayer: just leave, since you know you're banned | 16:49 |
shadelayer | it was a typo | 16:49 |
shadelayer | i left it already | 16:49 |
LjL | ok, no need for me to ban that IP then | 16:50 |
shadelayer | ill restrain my self | 16:50 |
shadelayer | thanks | 16:50 |
* Pici facepalms | 16:50 | |
bazhang | no he wont | 16:50 |
bazhang | just ban him from kubuntu as well | 16:50 |
Pici | Is he supposed to be banned from #kubuntu or not? | 16:50 |
LjL | don't think so | 16:51 |
bazhang | he is trolling there all the livelong day | 16:51 |
bazhang | not yet | 16:51 |
bazhang | ikonia, has some reasoning behind this | 16:51 |
Pici | Well, the next time someone sees something ban/kickworthy in #kubuntu, but doesnt have access there, just mention it here | 16:52 |
bazhang | I have done so throughout the day | 16:52 |
LjL | i see what the problem is | 16:53 |
LjL | he's not in my highlight list for some reason ;) | 16:53 |
LjL | oh look, a minisplit | 16:55 |
LjL | how cute | 16:55 |
Pici | awww | 16:55 |
LjL | uhm, #ubuntu *does* currently forward to -unregged, doesn't it? | 16:59 |
LjL | (no konv can't show that) | 16:59 |
bazhang | xchat shows yes | 17:00 |
Pici | mode/#ubuntu [+tncLf #ubuntu-unregged] | 17:00 |
LjL | good | 17:01 |
LjL | earlier it looked like >5 nicks joined at the same time, but no one ended up in -unregged | 17:01 |
LjL | [18:04:23] --> javierg has joined this channel (n=javierg@adsl-074-238-058-002.sip.mia.bellsouth.net). | 17:04 |
LjL | this might be "xavierg2003" alias "daemon" who was being a pain with aircrack yesterday | 17:05 |
LjL | although it's bellsouth while he was another ISP, so it might just be name coincidence | 17:05 |
LjL | stdin: you're working on BT logs? | 17:06 |
stdin | LjL: I'm tweaking the web interface slightly, that's all | 17:06 |
stdin | should all still be working though | 17:07 |
LjL | stdin: i'd love it (and i suspect we all would) if logs had nick/host highlighting... *blink blink* | 17:07 |
LjL | (yes, it still works, i just noticed the full/inline thing) | 17:07 |
stdin | LjL: the full log page does, but there's no "nice way" to do it yet | 17:08 |
stdin | just add &highlight=... to the "full" URL | 17:08 |
Pici | When I was playing with django I wrote something that would do it based off of the nick or mask | 17:08 |
stdin | I added the highlight stuff for @banlink | 17:08 |
LjL | stdin: uhm, doesn't seem to work for me, i suppose you mean like &highlight=nickname? | 17:11 |
LjL | Pici: yes but was that one based on supybot or ubot? | 17:11 |
stdin | LjL: wait, it's &mark=... not &highlight | 17:12 |
LjL | ah | 17:12 |
Pici | LjL: supybot, but it was hackish | 17:12 |
stdin | when you do @bansearch you get a ban ID for each ban, you can use that to do @banlink <Ban ID> [<highlight>] | 17:13 |
LjL | stdin: cute, the best is if you could do nickname highlighting even when one is only looking at a hostname ban record - i think you have the infrastructure to do this, given that @mark does remember the full mask for users? | 17:13 |
bazhang | LjL, yes daemon_ was on earlier xavierg2003 | 17:13 |
stdin | LjL: it only remembers the hostname for users currently in channels the bot is in | 17:14 |
stdin | if a user quits/parts, it'll do a whois/whowas to try and get it | 17:15 |
LjL | stdin: well it would be very nice if that could end up in the ban info, one way or another (by highlighting in the logs or otherwise)... because of the fact that if an op bans first and kicks later, you won't see the nickname if you search for the ban - and conversely, if an op kicks first and bans later, you won't see the host if you're searching by nick | 17:16 |
LjL | that was always my main gripe about the bt | 17:17 |
stdin | LjL: I recently changed the way that works, all kick/removes should give the full host of the targeted user | 17:17 |
stdin | so searching for the hostmask should return the remove/kick entry too | 17:18 |
LjL | that's cool | 17:18 |
stdin | I say "should", but I'm not 100% ;) | 17:19 |
stdin | it's a pain messing with the BT, as it takes forever to reload itself when I change some code | 17:20 |
bazhang | * rohan (n=rohan@ has joined #kubuntu | 17:20 |
LjL | stdin: yeah i'm not sure it's actually working. but it's cool that you're working on it anyway. | 17:22 |
* jussi01 waves | 17:23 | |
* LjL catches jussi01's arm in the air and nibbles on it | 17:23 | |
jussi01 | nibbles on it? | 17:26 |
jussi01 | o.O | 17:26 |
Pici | Maybe LjL missed lunch/dinner | 17:26 |
LjL | well i didn't want to outright eat it, it might be poisonous or just bad. | 17:27 |
LjL | i don't have lunches | 17:27 |
LjL | i have breakfast at 2pm, and then i have dinner | 17:27 |
stdin | I wish I could get the tracker to reload in less than 5 mins | 17:32 |
LjL | stdin: is it due to what, the big DB? (i wouldn't think so) | 17:32 |
stdin | it's getting the banlist for the channels it's in | 17:33 |
stdin | maybe a bad design decision | 17:33 |
LjL | ah | 17:34 |
LjL | wait, the banlist you mean the bot itself is doing /mode #c b | 17:34 |
LjL | or the banlist from the DB? | 17:34 |
stdin | yeah | 17:34 |
stdin | from the server | 17:34 |
LjL | uhm | 17:34 |
LjL | well that shouldn't be *too* cumbersome though... | 17:34 |
LjL | i mean, of course the #ubuntu banlist is pretty long, but the server should send it pretty quickly too | 17:34 |
LjL | of course the fact itself of running /mode #c b for all channels - that takes time, due to throttling | 17:35 |
stdin | I need to make sure it doesn't excess flood | 17:35 |
stdin | the worst is when the bot starts up, as it joins all the channels, gets the user lists and the ban lists | 17:36 |
stdin | and probably has factoid requests | 17:36 |
LjL | stdin: why does it need to do that, anyway? i thought the bot wouldn't really much care about current bans anyway, but it would just use its own stored information (which explains why certain bans are not stored in the tracker in the first place) | 17:36 |
stdin | keeps the tracker in sync, if the bot splits or just dies for some reason then the tracker can become out of sync | 17:37 |
stdin | saying bans that don't exist are in place, or not seeing some bans | 17:38 |
stdin | that just leads to confusion in a day or two when someone searches for something and get the wrong information | 17:38 |
LjL | yes, but i thought that's what actually happens | 17:38 |
LjL | stdin: anyway, perhaps you could turn that into a "delayed" job? for instance, it starts doing it after 5 minutes of being connected, and it does one channel a minute | 17:39 |
* Pici wonders if he ever actually submitted that ubottu bug | 17:40 | |
* Pici shrugs | 17:40 | |
stdin | LjL: it's one of those things that "I going to do, but didn't" :) | 17:41 |
LjL | stdin: i entirely know the feeling | 17:41 |
stdin | I think I need to update the database structure to do what I want properly... | 17:42 |
stdin | otherwise everything shows up as bans, not kicks | 17:42 |
stdin | and the search seems to fail with only kicks selected | 17:43 |
stdin | oh, and the database is quite large... 178MB | 17:45 |
LjL | stdin: maybe just add an automatic comment to kicks containing the hostmask, and an automatic comment to bans containing the nickname? | 17:45 |
stdin | hmm, that's could work | 17:45 |
LjL | stdin: after all that's just the same thing that i often do manually for kickbans that i really want remembered | 17:47 |
bazhang | daemondeb at it again in +1 | 17:55 |
jhass840 | Is anyone willing to run the "test" that #ubuntu is requiring me to take, (preferably without crashing my connection to irc.ubuntu.com)? | 18:17 |
jhass840 | nevermind | 18:18 |
LjL | err, how can i run the test without "crashing" it i wonder... | 18:21 |
stdin | LjL: the auto-comment thing should be working now | 18:45 |
LjL | nice | 18:47 |
stdin | it's not perfect, but it should work for most cases | 18:48 |
LjL | i'll be testing an auxiliary floodbot-helper bot shortly in #ubuntu - nickname is WatchBot or WatchBot1 - please don't ban | 18:52 |
Pici | What does it do? | 18:53 |
LjL | Pici: it will replace the floodbots' ban-evade warnings (which are completely broken), it already warns on "bad" site links, and i think i'll make it detect proxied hosts | 18:55 |
LjL | Pici: the big difference is that it's not anymore restricted to watching one channel only | 18:56 |
Pici | LjL: Still written in php? (just curious, not making a dig at php (yet)) | 18:57 |
LjL | Pici: yes, it's just a fork of the floodbots code | 18:57 |
bazhang | heh | 18:57 |
LjL | Pici: it's something i wanted to implement in the floodbots themselves, but there was a problem - i needed to do things asynchronously, or the bots might lock up for too long | 18:57 |
LjL | Pici: now, there *are* ways to do things asynchronously, but 1) they're annoying 2) there's not way to do DNS requests async, which means you can't look DNSBLs up for a start | 18:58 |
LjL | Pici: and secondly, the floodbots are a bit too tied to working in one channel only. so i thought i'd just split the workload | 18:58 |
Pici | LjL: Sounds good to me | 19:01 |
bazhang | this should be interesting | 19:05 |
Pici | bazhang: mudak? | 19:05 |
bazhang | vs daemondeb | 19:05 |
LjL | Pici, mind giving watchbot +vV in #ubuntu-ops-monitor? | 19:09 |
LjL | Pici (et all), and if you want to test it out, join ##ljl and paste any wicked link you can come up with :) | 19:13 |
Pici | LjL: done | 19:14 |
LjL | Pici: thanks | 19:15 |
bazhang | watchbot kicks on bad links? ie spam and such? | 19:15 |
LjL | bazhang: just join ##ljl and try it :) | 19:15 |
bazhang | by bad links you mean not sfw? | 19:15 |
LjL | bazhang: mostly | 19:20 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 19:24 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 19:24 |
LjL | wow | 19:25 |
LjL | it killed nobody in #ubuntu | 19:25 |
Pici | yay | 19:25 |
LjL | it killed a dozen people in #gentoo | 19:25 |
LjL | my bots are working :) | 19:25 |
Pici | We must have banned them all already | 19:25 |
ikonia | I'm getting fed up of BUGabundo pushing it | 19:26 |
bazhang | whoa nice | 19:26 |
ikonia | effective bot managment gents | 19:26 |
bazhang | that is insane | 19:36 |
bazhang | brilliantly done LjL | 19:36 |
DaemonDEB | ikonia: So what about the unsolicited traffic? | 19:39 |
ikonia | DaemonDEB: hi DaemonDEB thanks for joining, I didn't want to discuss this in #ubuntu+1 after just making a clear statment about being offtopic in that channel | 19:39 |
DaemonDEB | I've added a wildcard ignore for all ctcp traffic, thank you for reminding me to | 19:40 |
ikonia | DaemonDEB: I version'ed you due to you're behaviour through out the day, you have represeted problematic behaviour throughout the day common to some other known users, I ran a version on you to see if you matched one of the potential other regular "trolls" that are an issue in ubuntu channels | 19:40 |
ikonia | DaemonDEB: if it cause you a problem I apologise | 19:40 |
ikonia | DaemonDEB: if there is nothing else you're welcome to leave this channel and go back to what you where doing | 19:41 |
ikonia | bazhang: can you look in #ubuntu-irc please. | 20:14 |
LjL | nalioth: does ubot3 sync with ubottu's database? (see -irc) | 21:06 |
nalioth | LjL: hourly | 21:12 |
LjL | nalioth: i'm not sure it's doing that, try /msg ubottu !ask-#ubuntu-gr and /msg ubot3 !ask-#ubuntu-gr | 21:31 |
LjL | that was added a few days ago | 21:31 |
nalioth | i don't think ubot3 is setup for channel specific factoids | 21:51 |
LjL | ah | 21:51 |
nalioth | which is why we have !bot-clone (or whatever it is) | 21:52 |
LjL | nalioth: alright, i might see if i can set up mine for channel specific factoids and send it to them, if they can't host one for themselves | 21:54 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-gr, LjL said: !no pastebin is <alias> paste | 22:06 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-gr, LjL said: !no pastebin-#ubuntu-gr is <alias> paste-#ubuntu-gr | 22:06 |
nalioth | why not help jpds and I get ours set up as well? | 22:11 |
jpds | Mine has channel specific databases (-se and -vn atm). | 22:12 |
LjL | nalioth: i have no idea how to enable them tbh. they just work for mine. | 22:13 |
LjL | jpds: channel specific *dbs* wouldn't really work well for -gr i think, as they currently only want to have a couple of factoids (ask, paste) in greek and keep the rest in english | 22:17 |
jpds | LjL: Ah, OK. | 22:18 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-gr, LjL said: !paste-english is <alias> paste | 22:24 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-gr, LjL said: !paste-english is <reply> The pastebin can be found at http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org | 22:25 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-gr, LjL said: !no paste-english is <reply> The pastebin can be found at http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org | 22:25 |
LjL | Pricey: you were worried about there being a lot of -read-topic forwards in #ubuntu some days ago - if you look at #ubuntu now, for instance, floodbot2 is on an unbanning campaign on quite a few users he hasn't seen joining for 2 weeks | 22:29 |
Pricey | LjL: ahh good stuff :) | 22:29 |
ubottu | WatchBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist is filling up in #ubuntu: 508) | 22:36 |
LjL | err | 23:05 |
LjL | that's probably not true | 23:05 |
LjL | sorry | 23:05 |
unko | sup guys | 23:33 |
LjL | unko: hi. i need to let you know that #ubuntu is an entirely inappropriate place to advertize other channels (or advertize anything, for that matter) | 23:33 |
LjL | do you think you can abstain from doing that in the future? | 23:34 |
unko | sorry :[ | 23:34 |
unko | i didn't know | 23:34 |
LjL | unko: #ubuntu is strictly about Ubuntu support, and nothing else | 23:34 |
LjL | unko: feel free to drop a mention of your channel in #ubuntu-offtopic (ONCE is enough, though, or it just becomes spam) | 23:34 |
unko | ok...thank you for the warning | 23:34 |
unko | ok thank u | 23:34 |
unko | can i do it just once now? | 23:35 |
LjL | not in #ubuntu | 23:36 |
unko | in the off topic one | 23:36 |
LjL | ok, yes | 23:36 |
unko | thanks | 23:36 |
LjL | unko: when you aren't sure about the channel rules, check "/msg ubottu etiquette" or ask here first | 23:36 |
LjL | other than that, enjoy | 23:36 |
unko | ok thank you very much | 23:37 |
LjL | @mark #ubuntu-ops unko Spammed twice an invitiation to join his channel in #ubuntu, was muted, said he won't do it again | 23:40 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 23:40 |
bruce89 | ah | 23:46 |
bruce89 | I don't appreciate being insulted, if they had stopped, so would I | 23:46 |
LjL | bruce89 | 23:47 |
LjL | you just don't leave the channel saying "bloody arse" | 23:47 |
LjL | AFTER having been warned about !language two minutes before | 23:47 |
bruce89 | true, but I am very upset | 23:47 |
LjL | and i don't care | 23:47 |
bruce89 | charming | 23:47 |
LjL | you either can respect the rules, or if you're too upset to, then you leave and go for a walk | 23:48 |
LjL | if you are unable to understand you're too upset to be on irc, then don't be | 23:48 |
bruce89 | well, I don't mean to swear | 23:48 |
bruce89 | but being attacked is not fair | 23:48 |
LjL | bruce89: exactly, how were you insulted, after i had given the !stop? | 23:49 |
bruce89 | I was called a troll and various things | 23:49 |
bruce89 | I am most certainly not | 23:49 |
LjL | the word "troll" never appears after me giving !stop | 23:49 |
bruce89 | I don't care | 23:50 |
LjL | ah, you don't? | 23:51 |
LjL | ok | 23:51 |
LjL | then find another channel | 23:51 |
LjL | bye | 23:51 |
bruce89 | I have | 23:51 |
bruce89 | but I have to say that this lack of compassion is unreasonable | 23:52 |
LjL | bruce89, as i said, not being able to respect rules after being told to is not acceptable in these channels. | 23:52 |
LjL | you just stated that you don't care about that. | 23:52 |
LjL | so long. | 23:52 |
bruce89 | well, for that, I'm sorry | 23:52 |
LjL | no, you aren't sorry | 23:52 |
LjL | [00:49:02] <LjL> bruce89: exactly, how were you insulted, after i had given the !stop? | 23:52 |
LjL | [00:49:25] <bruce89> I was called a troll and various things | 23:52 |
LjL | [00:49:41] <bruce89> I am most certainly not | 23:53 |
LjL | [00:49:44] <LjL> the word "troll" never appears after me giving !stop | 23:53 |
LjL | [00:50:29] <bruce89> I don't care | 23:53 |
LjL | if you were sorry you wouldn't say this | 23:53 |
bruce89 | I can read above thank you | 23:53 |
LjL | and, for context | 23:53 |
LjL | !stop | 23:53 |
ubottu | NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 23:53 |
LjL | i think that's pretty clear. it tells you to stop. | 23:53 |
LjL | you didn't. | 23:53 |
LjL | everyone else dropped it after i gave that. | 23:53 |
LjL | you didn't. | 23:53 |
bruce89 | fair enough | 23:53 |
bruce89 | I find things far to heavy handed anyway | 23:55 |
LjL | that's your prerogative to think it's that way | 23:55 |
bruce89 | you see, that's how you're supposed to take someone's opinion | 23:56 |
bruce89 | instead of saying you're wrong, and are therefore a troll who must be banished | 23:56 |
LjL | i didn't ban you because of that | 23:56 |
LjL | i did ban you because i warned that the argument in #ubuntu-offtopic had to STOP, and if not, further action would be taken | 23:57 |
LjL | everyone else stopped. you did not. further action was taken. | 23:57 |
bruce89 | well, that's what led to me being rather annoyed | 23:57 |
LjL | plain and simple | 23:57 |
LjL | what, specifically? | 23:57 |
bruce89 | I do tend to ramble on mind you | 23:57 |
bruce89 | bruce89: what experience? all I've seen of you is you whining and bitching about stuff that isn't a problem | 23:58 |
popey | bruce89: is this discussion really a worthwhile use of yours and LjLs time right now? | 23:58 |
bruce89 | <snuxoll> bruce89: I don't care what you contribute, this channel is here so ubuntu users can have a place to discuss various things, and you're just being a little troll | 23:58 |
bruce89 | I have loads of time | 23:58 |
LjL | no, sorry, you still don't get my point i think | 23:58 |
LjL | i don't care what happened before i gave !stop | 23:58 |
LjL | when i gave !stop, that meant i felt that the discussion had turned into a flamewar | 23:59 |
LjL | (which it most certainly had) | 23:59 |
LjL | so it had to stop. | 23:59 |
bruce89 | fine, <snuxoll> bruce89: then welcome to my /ignore, it's usually a pretty lonely place | 23:59 |
bruce89 | <snuxoll> bruce89: must you continue whining? | 23:59 |
bruce89 | both of which were after | 23:59 |
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