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ara | morning all :-) | 06:50 |
ara | happy saint Friday to the testing team! | 08:40 |
davmor2 | ara: :) morning | 08:53 |
ara | davmor2: hey! | 08:54 |
davmor2 | blog post done :) | 09:02 |
ara | davmor2: cool :) | 09:03 |
ara | davmor2: rock on! | 09:03 |
davmor2 | and digged | 09:03 |
ara | davmor2: a link is missing in the blog post | 09:12 |
ara | davmor2: Details can be found here | 09:12 |
ara | davmor2: with no link | 09:12 |
davmor2 | ara: Meh I changed the format so it was uniform and forgot to remove that bit :( | 09:16 |
davmor2 | ara: altered | 09:17 |
davmor2 | Thanks :) | 09:17 |
ara | davmor2: I am a tester, you know :D | 09:19 |
davmor2 | :D LOL | 09:19 |
ara | jcollado: the new desktop testing framework has been pushed to trunk | 11:22 |
ara | jcollado: I havent' updated the documentation yet, because I wanted to push GNOME first. But as they are equivalent, you can check the documentation at http://live.gnome.org/DesktopTesting/Documentation | 11:23 |
jcollado | ara: Thanks. I've pulled the branch and started to check the new code. | 11:31 |
ara | jcollado: cool. ubuntu-menu and update-manager (ubuntu specific applications have not been migrated yet) | 11:32 |
davmor2 | Yay there are up-to-date cds on the server now :) | 11:44 |
thekorn | hi, | 12:11 |
ara | hey thekorn :) | 12:11 |
thekorn | hey ara | 12:11 |
thekorn | can anybody please try to change a keybinding in ubuntu jaunty to something like SUPER_L + X | 12:12 |
thekorn | this is not working for me here, and I'm wondering if it just me | 12:13 |
davmor2 | I got a warning about not using x | 12:16 |
thekorn | hmm, my problem is, I can't press super_l and <somekey> at the some time in this config dialog | 12:21 |
ara | let me check | 12:23 |
davmor2 | thekorn: your correct a mondo | 12:23 |
ara | thekorn: same happens to me | 12:24 |
ara | thekorn: and the same with super_r | 12:24 |
davmor2 | thekorn: bug it if it isn't already I'll confirm it | 12:25 |
thekorn | ok, good, thanks ara and davmor2 for testing this, will search in lp now | 12:25 |
ara | thekorn: good catch! | 12:26 |
davmor2 | thekorn: it may be because super is being used for compiz now | 12:26 |
thekorn | hmm, maybe bug 12153 | 12:26 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 12153 in gnome-control-center "Cannot use Windows key in keyboard shortcuts" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12153 | 12:26 |
thekorn | this would be a regression then | 12:26 |
davmor2 | thekorn: try Super_L + e | 12:27 |
thekorn | davmor2, yes, but in this case I would expect a dialog like: this is already in use .... | 12:27 |
davmor2 | thekorn: yes but I don't think compiz is listed under keybindings so they may of just disabled it's use with an additional key | 12:28 |
thekorn | ah, ok | 12:29 |
davmor2 | thekorn: try asking on #ubuntu-desktop I need to sod off for a bit see you all latter :) | 12:30 |
* davmor2 away | 12:30 | |
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* davmor2 back with a vengence | 14:09 | |
ogasawara | cr3: have a question about checkbox and suspend/resume test script. . . what's the proper way to ask people to test? | 14:51 |
cr3 | ogasawara: the script is not integrated into checkbox, just packaged in it. so, you have to call the script manually under /usr/share/checkbox/scripts | 14:52 |
ogasawara | cr3: cool thanks | 14:55 |
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davmor2 | see you Monday :) | 16:54 |
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mathiaz | bdmurray: I wrote http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerRAID1 - could the testcase be added to the ISO tracker? | 20:55 |
nagappan | cr3, ping | 22:13 |
cr3 | nagappan: pong | 22:13 |
nagappan | cr3, any clues, whats the irc id of chris.gregan@canonical.com ? | 22:14 |
cr3 | cgregan, I believe | 22:14 |
cr3 | yep, that's it | 22:14 |
nagappan | cr3, cool, thanks :) where can I find him in irc ? | 22:14 |
nagappan | I mean which channel ? | 22:14 |
cr3 | nagappan: probably here... when he's online though :) | 22:15 |
nagappan | cr3, ah ! nice :) | 22:15 |
nagappan | cr3, will wait then :D | 22:15 |
nagappan | cr3, thanks | 22:15 |
cr3 | nagappan: if he's not here during daytime on monday, you can ping me and I'll get him over here | 22:16 |
* nagappan pinging cr3 in pvt chat | 22:16 | |
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