
Krellrestricted formats pack is installed and the sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh00:00
Krell  has been run.  on the doc page about dvd all the links say  that i have the things it wants installed.  however (using gnome but i have kaffeine installed) kaffeine tells me "This DVD Video is encrypted.  To be able to watch it you will need to install libdvdcss..." but I do have it installed00:00
Krell mplayer says "No stream found to handle url dvd://100:00
Krellgxine says The xine engine failed to start. no input plugin was found maybe the file does not exist ...00:00
FloodBot3Krell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
Krelltotem will play it but it is soo bad that it is unwatchable00:00
TwoToneSpiritKrell:  Have you tried vlc?  If it works well, it may indicate your problem more precisely.00:00
micahgreat i did it thanks a bunch and im new to ubuntu and everything is great00:00
KrellTwoToneSpirit, vlc? umm no i have not i will look to see if it is installed00:01
Jon829what should i download ubuntu with?00:01
TwoToneSpiritKrell:  sudo apt-get install vlc00:01
TwoToneSpiritKrell: It's usually my video player of choice00:01
linuxgeek_guys i need some help i upgraded to januty and now it went in to text mode what do i do now????00:01
TwoToneSpiritJon829:  Bit Torrent is the most organic option, and often the fastest.00:01
KrellTwoToneSpirit, ok brb00:02
Flannellinuxgeek_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support, thanks00:02
Jon829i dont have anything for bit torrents00:02
cipherZenJon829: Traanmission works, comes with Ubuntu00:02
TwoToneSpiritJon829:  Are you still running windows?  If so, http://www.utorrent.com00:03
cipherZeni also use deluge00:03
cipherZenif youre on windows, utorrent is great as TwoToneSpirit suggested00:03
=== Trakis_ is now known as Trakis
KrellTwoToneSpirit, i have it installed and it will play , however it is not stable, flickers a lot00:03
cipherZenKrell: what video driver are you using?00:04
TwoToneSpiritKrell:  Hmmm... Flickering... video driver?00:04
Jon829ok ill try that and ill be back. Thanks00:04
KrellcipherZen, umm i have to check how may i do that :)00:04
KrellTwoToneSpirit, how may i check/change the driver?00:05
cipherZenKrell: lspci | grep VGA00:05
cipherZenenter that in a terminal, should give you your gpu00:06
TwoToneSpiritcipherZen:  can you explain lspci and grep to me?00:06
daryl_Krell any chance your handle is after the electronics company krell?00:07
cipherZenTwoToneSpirit: lspci lists the PCI devices connected to the system, the | pipes the output to grep, grep matches line by line for something containing, in this case, VGA00:07
TwoToneSpiritcipherZen:  So grep will echo any line containing the criteria?00:07
TwoToneSpiritcipherZen:  So, for example, ps ax | grep firefox will give me the line of the firefox process?00:08
Krelldaryl_, no it is for the scifi movie forbidden planet :)00:08
cipherZenyep, exactly00:08
Jon829TwoToneSpirit: do you happen to have a link for the torrent?00:08
cipherZengotta run all, bb soon00:08
TwoToneSpiritcipherZen:  Wonderful - great lesson for me for today00:08
cipherZennp, love to help00:08
daryl_gottcha thanks. didnt know about that. sounds cool. i'll check it out00:08
KrellcipherZen, :( i have  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV530 [Radeon X1600]00:09
cipherZenmost likely its a problem with the ATI drivers00:09
cipherZeni have had no end to trouble with them00:09
cipherZengoogle around in the forums, ill be back in 15 min or so00:09
Krellhow can i change to the general driver00:09
cipherZenthe restricted driver manager00:10
Krellok thanks00:10
daryl_bernz unfortunately the kernel argument vga=normal did not work on my webdt366. i must have missed something. i have been a suse guy since 8.2. only startred using ubuntu very recently. very impressive. does ubuntu offer the ability to convert an existing installation to an ubuntu system? say i can get elive installed. if i put is the ubuntu cd will it offer to convert all settings in to a jaunty?00:13
bmorrisI'm trying to benchmark an app with AB.  What should I use to monitor the server status?  Top? Uptime?  I've heard that top has trouble with multi proc systems.  Is there something else that I should use?00:14
ExcellI use htop00:15
=== Owner is now known as lwizardl
Adriaanhi, I have a IP from a computer on my network, how can i find the hostname attached to that IP?00:15
bernzdaryl_, i don't know of any install-converter for ubuntu00:17
bernzdaryl_, too bad that kernel arg didn't work, but say -- have you tried kubuntu? it worked on my laptop which otherwise had problems with many other distros (including "straight" ubuntu)00:18
bmorrisohh htop looks good00:18
oCean_Adriaan: using the "host" command for example (host <ip>)00:18
daryl_oh man you have no idea. xububtu was my latest attempt00:18
Floops[w]Adriaan, try ping -a see if it resolved he hostname00:18
daryl_tried many. I ran elive again only to see its a script "vga=normal failsafemode " with the space after and all. that isnt a normal command is it?00:19
Krellhow sad, now that i have changed the driver vlc now just shuts down when i try to play a DVD, the others still say i don't have the restricted drivers installed (even though i do)00:19
=== RayAcayan1 is now known as RayAcayan
bernzdaryl_, well, i don't know much about the kernel yet, but i could believe that it's "legal" to have a variable name without a value (like 'failsafemode'[=nothing])00:20
KrellcipherZen, hello00:20
_r00t-hello , ubuntu jaunty channel ?00:20
oCean_!jaunty > _r00t-00:20
ubottu_r00t-, please see my private message00:20
bernz_r00t-, #ubuntu+100:20
_r00t-thanks bot :P00:21
cipherZen_hey Krell00:21
lwizardlanyone here ever configure Ubuntu to operate as a cash register?00:21
cipherZen_try disabling compiz fusion Krell00:22
Jon829anyone have a link for a ubuntu torrent?00:22
daryl_ahhh understand. well this is a nice toy for a hundred (again ebay). i dream of controlling mythbuntu on my new htpc with it so i'll go back at it. ill study the elive system once i get it in and try to mimic it with ubuntu00:22
KrellcipherZen_, sorry i am new what is that and/or how is that done00:22
cipherZen_Krell: don't worry, gotta be new sometime:P . go into System-Preferences-Appearance-Visual Effects and  select None00:23
bernzdaryl_, if you can avoid windows mobile like the plague, do it. it is total malware. :-D00:23
daryl_the goverment just surplused thousands of these so expect that many will be doing this. linux mce has a video on line of a debian sarge custom image he made but it only runs an interface for his home automation platform00:23
bernzdaryl_, i only say so because my work is using winmob as a "platform" and i've witnessed it lock-up in a mission-critical situation (DOH!)00:24
daryl_oh never would i go there. it came with ce and i only did a system and function check, powered off and began my quest00:24
amikropHello. How can I enable the guest account?00:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guest00:24
bernz(anyway, OT, i know... daryl_, let's move this to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue... ;-)00:24
ScuniziJon829: it's on the ubuntu.com download page bottom right someplace.. it's a small link you have to look for00:24
bmorrisAnybody have any other ideas for monitoring a sever?  I've checked out htop, top and uptime but i heard that top has some problems with multi proc systems00:25
daryl_i also have a smasung ppc 6700 cell/smart phone and yeah it sucks. uagreed. i really appreciate your help! thank you!00:25
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).00:25
ScuniziJon829: of course bazhang has the faster method :)00:25
Jon829lol thanks anyways00:26
KrellcipherZen_, thank you that seems to have solved the problem for vlc it will now  play without flickering badly, it does however show some lines sometimes around some things (the quality is not 100% but it plays :)00:26
SuperDefenderXHey, how do I hack someone else's Ubuntu box?00:26
Dreamgliderlitle problem: When i insert a SD media card to my laptop it gets mounted and i can access the SD card but it does not show up in gparted nor with fdisk -l ?00:26
SuperDefenderXLike, break in and steal their identity?00:26
frank_austinCan anyone help me get my sound working on 8.10? pidgin fails - "sound: Initializing sound output drivers Segmentation fault" and preferences > sound just exits00:26
SuperDefenderXLook at their porn?00:26
SuperDefenderXStuff like that?00:26
bazhangSuperDefenderX, you dont.00:26
cipherZen_Krell: yeah, you can thank ATI for that. Their drivers are terrible, i only buy nvidia cards now for that very reason00:26
oshhHello, Im having troubles printing with canon ip 2500 ?I've tried google but that just refers to a mostly outdated links00:26
NdshackerWhen I try to run sudo apt-get remove I get this :  dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.00:27
Scunizioshh: does it print at all?00:27
DreamgliderSuperDefenderX: according to your nick you shoul already know how to do that !00:27
oshhscunizi: no00:27
cipherZen_Krell: and to answer your question about what Compiz Fusion is, it is the software that allows for all the cool special effects that you see in ubuntu, such as minimize effects, pretty multiple desktops, etc00:27
Scunizioshh: have you checked canon's site to see if they have a linux driver?00:27
neglesa6ksand most important of all: wobbly windows.-...00:27
SuperDefenderXI'm just teasing. I know how strict this channel is about OT conversation00:28
yoyit2how can i share my internet with my laptop to another device00:28
cousteauis xubuntu (XFCE) enough for a pentium II? or should I consider installing LXDE or Enlightenment?00:28
sobersabrehi guys.00:28
Krellcipherzen_, ok i will keep that in mind for later :) i am still having some issues with some of the other players would you mind helping me with that as well?00:28
sobersabrewhat's going on with google ?00:28
cipherZen_Krell: sure, shoot00:28
whipSuperDefenderX: just a brick and a crowbar will do just fine :)00:28
NdshackerHow can I make my own Live CD :s00:28
bernzSuperDefenderX, what would your first move on a presumed "typical" ubuntu box be? :-D that's topical, because it will enlighten readers about potential security risks on their ubuntu boxen00:28
DreamgliderNdshacker: unetbootin00:29
cipherZen_Ndshacker: there are lots of different tools that can help you with that, depends on how customized you want to make it00:29
whipcousteau: depends whats ya need..00:29
yoyit2how can i share my internet with my laptop to another device00:29
=== cipherZen_ is now known as cipherZen
KrellcipherZen_, well if I am playing the dvd then i must have the libdvdcss installed yes? why would the other programs say i do not or don't have the pluggin or say can't handle that stream etc00:29
oshhScunizi: No, assumed it was just something I had to do in synaptic package manager but checking on now00:29
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:29
sobersabreI'm not able to access google, gmail, etc.00:30
frank_austinCan anyone help me get my sound working on 8.10? pidgin fails - "sound: Initializing sound output drivers Segmentation fault" and preferences > sound just exits00:30
cipherZenKrell: precisely, you can get libdvdcss from the mediabuntu repositories00:30
SuperDefenderXbernz.... Default setup, right out of the box - or, right of the ISO. :)00:30
SuperDefenderXWe need some disco boogie in this room.00:31
whipfrank_austin: its not pidgin, its either HW or your settings..00:31
Jon829with bit torrents do you save the file then go to your program to download them and add it?00:31
KrellcipherZen, i have installed the "forbidden" drivers pack and on the sights that talk about it have install links on the page and tell me that they are all installed already that is what has me confused00:31
SuperDefenderXUbuntu based Disco Boogie.00:31
Rodrigo_Lopesgood night for everthing.00:31
frank_austinwhip: yes I know - that was just an example of the kind of error. How do I reinstall or fix the drivers?00:31
bazhang!ot | SuperDefenderX00:31
ubottuSuperDefenderX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:31
Scunizioshh: I checked too but for the US location.. it doesn't have an ip2500 listed  .. it does have a 260000:32
SuperDefenderXFedora!!! Put that in your | and smoke it.00:32
frank_austinwhip: the last round of 8.10 updates seem to have broken the sound although I hear the normal login and startup sounds00:32
bruce89SuperDefenderX: heh00:32
bazhangSuperDefenderX, please stop.00:32
bruce89no need to be so uptight00:32
Scunizioshh: and no linux driver00:32
whipfrank_austin: then its not the SOUND thats broken ... :)00:33
cipherZenKrell: sent you a PM, we can continue on there00:33
yoyit2how can i share my internet with my laptop to another device00:33
DreamgliderAnyonw know why i cannot access my SD card with gparted or fdisk ?. It gets mounted on insert and i'm able to access the files!.00:33
bruce89!router | yoyit200:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about router00:33
bazhang!ics > yoyit200:33
ubottuyoyit2, please see my private message00:33
SuperDefenderXActually, I need to know how to compile a kernel for Ibex - but I need directions that explain each of the setting options during the kernel setup00:33
frank_austinwhip: it seems to be focussed on that though. I figure if I can fix the sound it will be a big step forwards00:33
Scunizioshh: however there is a thread on ubuntuforums about a linux driver from canon.. see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59268500:33
Jon829anyone think a 7 year old computer will work good with ubuntu 8.10?00:34
frank_austinwhip: the only other problem is that the gnome-settings-daemon wont run and I think that may be related to the sound issue too.00:34
mikeazzANYONE have any experience with CF -> IDE convertors?00:34
bruce89Jon829: depends00:34
ScuniziJon829: sure.. I just retired 2 of them00:34
whipfrank_austin: using alsa?00:34
mikeazzi bought a cf/ide convertor to replace my old loud hard drive and bios gets stuck at logo if i have a card connected00:34
ExilantJon829: mine is 5 years old, no problem there00:34
frank_austinwhip: i think so - nothing proprietary shows I tried alsa force-restore to no effect (haven't restarted tho)00:34
ScuniziJon829: but it would also depend on memory and processor.. what's it got00:34
oshhscunizi: yeah found that, just didn't find etc bj filter and others00:34
whipfrank_austin: so restart, and dont "force" anything, if u can avoid it..00:35
DreamgliderJon829: It should do allright, i have 8.10 on my 9yr old fujitsu with 500MHz amd and 128Mb ram :P00:35
=== dirkP is now known as timejedi7
frank_austinwhip: ok hang on...00:35
cousteauwhat's the equivalent on Intrepid for the "Screens and graphics" app on Hardy?00:35
Jon829intel celeron 1.5 gb ram00:36
Dreamglidertho it is not very speedy but quite usefull nontheless00:36
=== timejedi7 is now known as dirkP
bruce89cousteau: Display00:36
orudiehi, i would like to observe the tail of a log file, how woud i do that ?00:36
cousteaubruce89: what command is it?00:37
Jon829dreamglider: Thats crazy. Does it run smoothly?00:37
jriborudie: tail logfile00:37
bruce89cousteau: gnome-display-properties00:37
frank_austinwhip: restarting has not made any difference. I still heard the drum and start but can't launch anything using the sound (pidgin, rythm etc.)00:38
cousteauoh... and for xubuntu?00:38
DreamgliderJon829: i did try to run grub, it did run but it was werrrrrry slow xfce runs much better00:38
bernzorudie, in fact, 'tail' is the command00:38
DreamgliderJon829: sry sry GNOM00:39
bernzorudie, 'man tail' to learn more00:39
draedayis there a software that i could use to do some network simulation00:39
bernzjrib has already shown the typical usage (single argument of target file to tail)00:39
Jon829Dreamglider: lol im about to try ubuntu for the first time so i have no clue what any of that stuff is00:39
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »00:40
DreamgliderJon829: what's the cpu speed ?00:40
ScuniziJon829: welcome to the wonderful wacky world of choice.. gnome is what ubuntu runs (the look of the desktop for the lack of more explaination), kubuntu runs kde desktop and xubuntu runs xfce (pronounced x-face).. xubuntu is quicker because it takes less resources.00:41
bernzDreamglider, your old faithful there kind illustrates how little of significance has changed in computing technology in 9 years, eh?  :-D00:41
bruce89Scunizi: x-face?00:41
LostChaindoes anyone know how to add a background picture to the cube00:41
Jon829Dreamglider: 2.8 ghz00:42
Scunizibruce89: how else would you pronouce it?  xfce?00:42
bruce89Scunizi: It's the way I've thought it was, but clearly not00:42
bharathcan any one help00:42
NdshackerHi I installed LAMP and wordpress, I decided to uninstall them, but my power died, now I have these residual packages on my computer eating CPU and Memory, I killed the processes and set them not to start up on reboot, but is there anyway to get rid of them cmplelty?00:42
DreamgliderJon829: it will run 8.10 fine with gnome00:42
sergei1what is wrong with my ass ?00:42
bharathhow to access voice chat?????00:42
sergei1http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2602/24/16/1480525551/n1480525551_30092879_5241229.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2602/24/16/1480525551/n1480525551_30092880_500114.jpg http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2602/24/16/1480525551/n1480525551_30092881_3042629.jpg00:42
LostChaindoes anyone know how to add a background picture to the cube00:42
Dreamgliderbernz: indeed :P (It has no cooling fan, no cd drive, no screen(Broke off) and usb1.0 ! ) but it runs00:43
yewbuntoowhat the hell is going on in #linux,0 ?00:43
bruce89!stop | sergei100:43
ubottusergei1: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.00:43
whipfrank_austin: sorry.. out of my range for now..00:43
bernzNdshacker, indeed, there's a "remove orphaned packages" tool -- go "shopping" in the 'Add/Remove...' dialog to find it00:43
bharathcan any one help how to access vocie chat?????????00:43
Scunizibruce89: Not sure I follow.. Is there a different way..?  I"m all ears00:43
NdshackerBenrz: It doesnt work00:43
NdshackerI am slowly picking each one off00:44
humboltAnybody not satisfied with the upcoming GDM theme, please have a look at this really unique theme here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Wall-light and vote on it here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18143/ and here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18286 .00:44
Jon829my only problem is that its not downloading correctly. Im not getting any iso images00:44
Ndshackerbut mysql seems not to want to work00:44
=== Swind is now known as Swin
bernzNdshacker, i think there's other similar tools, but i don't know off-hand00:44
bruce89Scunizi: pronouncing the letters individually00:44
LostChaini am tring to change the back drop to the cube in ubuntu can anyone help00:45
bruce89!ot | humbolt00:45
ubottuhumbolt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:45
cousteauLostChain, look for something called "Skydome" on the Desktop Cube plugin settings00:45
LostChainthats what i needed to know thanx00:45
Scunizibruce89: ah.. I've got a sudo military background where all thinks are an acronym and typically "spoken" in some fashion.. xfce just naturally looked like it should sound like x-face.. :)00:46
Jon829when downloading ubuntu how many files should be in the folder? Anyone have any idea?00:46
cousteauan iso image00:46
Jon829thats it?00:47
neglesa6ksJon829: yes, just one00:47
cousteauit's a CD00:47
JorkHey guys, need a hand here. Trying to install Ubuntu onto a laptop with XP, I already have the Hd partioned with XP installed, but can't get Ubuntu to boot from the CD.00:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about skydome00:47
Jon829i have 16 and half of them are folder00:47
lstarnesJon829: the image itself contains thousands of files00:47
ScuniziJon829: you have to burn it to cd like an "image" not "data"..00:47
NdshackerI found these :   libnet-daemon-perl libdbi-perl libplrpc-perl00:47
NdshackerUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.00:47
NdshackerThe following packages will be REMOVED:00:47
Ndshacker  libdbd-mysql-perl libmysqlclient15off mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common00:47
Ndshacker  mysql-server-5.000:47
FloodBot3Ndshacker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
Ndshackermmk sorry00:48
LostChaincoopcooper: i cant seem to find skydome in the compizconfig00:48
Jon829dont i have to save it then put it on a cd?00:48
cousteauJon829, save it and then _record_ the CD00:49
lstarnesJon829: you have to save it thwen burn it onto a cd00:49
whipJon829: use the stick00:49
lstarnesJon829: just putting the .iso file on a cd won't work00:49
cousteaui.e. don't make a CD containing an ISO file00:49
bruce89!burn | Jon82900:49
Jon829i dont have an iso at all though00:49
ubottuJon829: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:49
ScuniziJon829: what have you got?00:50
LostChaincousteau: i cant seem to find skydome in the compizconfig00:50
* Ndshacker is proud, he just fixed his own Problem :)00:50
LcnLnxI would like to open terminal every time as maximized. Is that possible?00:50
Jon8299 folders and 7 other files00:51
mattgyver83My torrent speeds start off at 200, drop to 15-30 then periodically rise again to 100, its not really consistent, any ideas?00:51
LostChaincousteau: nevermind found it00:51
ScuniziJon829: the download should be one file with .iso at the end.. if you "uncompress" it then you'll have lots of files but they won't do you any good.00:52
jpowermacg4mattgver83: make more connections!00:52
Scunizimattgyver83: people come and go.. the route to the connections changes.. etc..00:52
stwestonhello, all.00:52
Jon829ok so just save the compressed files to a cd then?00:52
ScuniziJon829: no.. download the one .iso file, don't uncompress it,  and burn it as an "image"00:53
stwestonI seem to have trouble connecting my Linux box to my mac via Ethernet. I tried 'sudo su (username) route add default gw (ip_address)', but it doesn't work. it spits out /sbin/route: cannot execute binary file. what's wrong?00:53
Jon829im not getting a .iso file at all00:53
bruce89!burn | Jon82900:54
* Scunizi pats Ndshacker on the back and gently pushes him out the door to find his own apartment00:54
bruce89Jon829: well, what is it then00:54
whipJon829: from where r u downloadin' from?00:54
bazhangJon829, then download one00:54
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.00:54
whipthank yuu bruce00:55
Jon829nevermind i think i just noticed what i was doing wrong00:55
ScuniziJon829: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download00:55
bruce89whip: well, I'm a bit harsh00:55
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:56
stwestonI seem to have trouble connecting my Linux box to my mac via Ethernet. I tried 'sudo su (username) route add default gw (ip_address)', but it doesn't work. it spits out /sbin/route: cannot execute binary file. what's wrong?00:56
=== bruce89 is now known as fakebruce89
Jon829ok when i download that just save it then when its done save it and then burn it as an image right?00:56
ScuniziJon829: It's litterally 701 megs.. might take a while.00:57
nOStahlgah every time i try and edit with kino it works for a few eedits and then it freezes up the system  and audio loops in a studder...00:57
nOStahlhow can i fix it00:57
cousteaustweston, how do you want to connect? ssh?00:57
stwestoncousteau: ethernet.00:57
ScunizinOStahl: use avidimux?00:57
cousteauI mean, what protocol?00:57
nOStahllooking it up scunizi00:58
stwestoncousteau: WiFi.00:58
Chymerahi, OI'm getting this error when I'm trying to launch the livecd on a laptop, any ideas?00:58
cousteaushould be something like `ssh user@`00:58
ScunizinOStahl: there's also Lives!.. Pitivi Video editor and many more00:58
stwestoncousteau: uh... I think you lost me.00:58
cousteauwhere "user" is your username and is the local IP00:58
evil_techsuspend isnt working on my mini 9. where should i start looking to figure out why?00:59
cousteauthat's how I would connect to another Ubuntu machine... must be similar for a mac00:59
stwestoncousteau: well, I never said I wanted SSH, but that would be helpful. I just want to be able to use the 'net on the Linux box, but... okay.00:59
Jon829Scunizi: Thanks for the help. I wasnt paying attention. I was looking for a file after uncompressing it01:00
m1dlgI have a permitions problem with USB drives, I often get a message saying I am not privilaged to mount the volume. This is not consistant as I can reboot an the issue goes away with some drives but not others. Does anyone have any ideas??01:00
Excessi0nI have this problem?01:00
LcnLnxstweston, what about $ sudo route add default gw <your_macs_ip> ?01:01
stwestonLcnLnx: might work, but I just tried that (and something similar) not too long ago.01:01
stwestonLcnLnx: hey! it seems to work now!01:01
stwestonthis is some /weird/ voodoo magic...01:02
LcnLnxstweston, good! is your route table correct? $ netstat -nr01:02
stwestonLcnLnx: lemme check.01:02
evil_techsuspend isnt working on my mini 9. where should i start looking to figure out why?01:02
b1n42yany ideas why conky gets erased by window dragging01:02
Excessi0nb1n42y, What does cube mean when it got to do to make conky rc file .conkyrc ( or download from net some ready rolled) and then just conky or add to sesion manager conky.01:02
stwestonLcnLnx: nope... I guess it was just that no errors showed.01:03
stwestonLcnLnx: I even pinged Google, and it didn't work.01:03
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m1dlgI have a permitions problem with USB drives, I often get a message saying I am not privilaged to mount the volume. This is not consistant as I can reboot an the issue goes away with some drives but not others. Does anyone have any ideas??01:04
b1n42yExcessi0n: im not sure what youre suggesting01:04
Excessi0nb1n42y: well that's not what i am sure.01:05
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stwestonLcnLnx: okay... when I retype "sudo route add default ..." it just spits out "file exists".01:05
b1n42ym1dlg: whats FS ?01:05
m1dlgany, mostly fat3201:05
LcnLnxstweston, thats weird01:05
stwestonLcnLnx: quite.01:06
bruce89m1dlg: logs?01:06
b1n42yExcessi0n: i dont use cube and compiz   .01:06
m1dlgyou need to help me on that one01:06
LcnLnxstweston, can you ping the mac?01:06
Excessi0nb1n42y: Hi, how can i use to set opennssh-server to only allow specific tunnels? Eg to my macbook (sharing wifi) via ethernet. The box connects to the cube.01:06
stwestonLcnLnx: huh? sorry... I'll check01:07
stwestonLcnLnx: yes.01:07
m1dlgI have also pulled my 2nd HDD out and put it in a caddy, I have a suspect drive, and this is ext3 and this also has the permitions error01:07
LcnLnxstweston, hmm..whats the output for $ route01:08
stwestonLcnLnx: one second.01:08
KFPHey? Is there some way I can see what a Windows .lnk shortcut file does?01:09
bruce89KFP: look at it01:09
bruce89KFP: it's just text01:09
stwestonI can't paste it, for (seemingly) obvious reasons, but it says that my destination and link-local have blank gateways, while default has my mac.01:10
KFPbruce89: I tried, but gedit says it cannot open the file.01:10
Excessi0nkfp, But there is any output on the i.01:10
bruce89KFP: less then01:10
acegikmoquick question, I set up netbeans for java only, now I want to add c++ and ruby capability, do i need to do a complete removal or can i just make it download the added sections?01:10
stwestonLcnLnx: (as a gateway) ^01:10
m1dlgbln42y and bruce89 : I dont know anything about pulling my logs up, but I have tryed my mediaplayer and the error came up, it fixed it's self when I rebooted, I then rebooted and it broke again. I have also pulled a suspect HDD with ext3 on it and this does the same when in a USB SATA caddy01:10
chriszfHey, when you right click and share a folder, what mechanism does that use to do the smb sharing?01:11
cousteauwhat's lighter? lxde or enlightenment?01:11
LcnLnxstweston, it seems to be ok isnt it? dont understand why this isnt working01:11
bazhangcousteau, lxde01:11
stwestonLcnLnx: is what okay?01:11
cousteauok, good choice then01:11
LcnLnxstweston, the output for $ route01:11
stwestonLcnLnx: the connection to the mac is fine, but it seems that it's just the 'net that it won't work...01:11
cipherZencousteau: just go all out, go fluxbox :P01:11
stwestonLcnLnx: well, I wouldn't know about the output ofr route.01:12
Excessi0nalex_21, Hi , is there a way to make sure, and now my pidgin keeps freezing when i ps aux |grep identd nothing comes up as unallocated?01:12
acegikmowait, found what I'm looking for01:12
cousteaucipherZen, I'll give it a try01:12
Alex_21Is .HTAccess turned on by default in 8.04's Apache?01:12
KFPbruce89: It's just special characters. Less warned that it may be a binary file.01:12
bruce89KFP: ah01:13
ScottG489Could someone help me fix my sound? I'm not really sure whats wrong besides it hasnt been working for the past 2-3 days. The only thing I can think of that might have caused this is an update to gstreamer or because i installed NAS (even thoguh i uninstalled the package). Help?01:13
cipherZencousteau: i've had good experiences with it, but it takes some getting used to. very very light, but configuration can be harder. i'd recommend the linux mint community edition w/ fluxbox to get into it some01:13
Excessi0nFluxbox is a very good client.01:13
LcnLnxstweston, no prob. you need to make sure the mac is sharing its connection01:13
stwestonLcnLnx: it is.01:13
Droopsta915Im trying to fill out a pdf form online. I download the form and fill it out, but when I save a copy it saves the original? Antone know how I can fill it out and save it, with the changes.01:13
stwestonLcnLnx: I checked many times, and each time it says it's sharing its Ethernet.01:14
cousteauI think I'll use LXDE for now01:14
cipherZenyeah, i love fluxbox, but it has some irritating quirks sometimes that you have to work around01:14
evil_techDroopsta915: a lot of pdf files wont allow you to save with the form filled out01:14
Excessi0nevil_tech, You have to save it and see.01:14
ScuniziDroopsta915: online pdf DON'T let you save.. and there's typically a warning about that when you try.. you could print it to a new pdf on your harddrive but then it wouldn't be edible later.01:14
Alex_21How can I find out if HTAccess is turned on by default?01:14
evil_techExcessi0n: save what?01:14
LcnLnxstweston, then it is voodoo magic ^^01:14
cipherZeni really wish someone would make a decent ubuntu fluxbox subdistro....01:14
BCampbellany recommendations fr a good usenet reader..gui please and no pan01:15
ScuniziAlex_21: ask in #ubuntu-server01:15
stwestonLcnLnx: now... here's a question: when Ubuntu's installing something, does that mean that it's connected? 'cause it's currently (attempting to) install Vbox.01:15
chriszfforget fluxbox. The original blackbox is better.01:15
akraftI'm trying to configure grip, but I can't find my cd drive. Rhythmbox sees it, but I can't find it in /mount, /dev, /media, etc. Grip doesn't like cdda://scd0/, which is the best I've been able to find. Any advice?01:15
Excessi0nevil_tech: What should i look to see other wireless networks when i download that just save the file system of the hardware drivers app. I'm connected to a manual. Is that what you are asking?01:15
chriszfWell. Okay. That's a lie.01:15
evil_techno i was asking why i cant suspend my computer and where I should look to see why01:15
Jon829Scunizi: I finally got it on the cd lol. Thanks01:15
Alex_21What is the lightest Window Manager that I can make look like OS X Tiger?01:16
ScuniziJon829: great!.. you're off to a new adventure01:16
chriszfAlex_21: You should just embrace crazy window managers that don't look like other OSes.01:16
Excessi0nchriszf, That should work smoothly with vista for years. It's a bit complicated for my irc. What channel would i download if i look to see why suspend is not in rpison.01:16
yghannam7388hello everyone, i was just wondering if there is an Ubuntu Google Summer of Code IRC channel. I tried signing up for the mailing list yesterday but I haven't heard back. Does anyone in here plan on applying to be a student or mentor?01:16
LcnLnxstweston, if your /etc/apt/sources.list is configured to get the packages from the internet, yes.01:16
stwestonLcnLnx: okay.01:16
Jon829Scunizi: Yea this will be fun. Thanks again and have a good night01:17
ScuniziJon829: you too01:17
cousteauakraft, maybe cdda:///dev/scd0?01:17
Alex_21No idea which Window Mangaer is lightest and can look like OS X Tiger.01:18
Alex_21I need to do this for a client01:18
Alex_21Who uses OS X 10.401:18
akraftcousteau: I'll try it01:18
jpowermacg4Alex_21: me01:18
cousteauAlex_21, XFCE has some aqua-ish themes01:18
Alex_21XFCE. Nothing else?01:19
jpowermacg4Alex_21: you want your linux to look like mac?01:19
jpowermacg4Alex_21: I got a tutorial if u want01:19
Alex_21Yes, but It is an older system too01:19
ScuniziAlex_21: http://www.internetling.com/2008/07/16/the-big-x-window-manager-guide-with-screenshots/01:19
bruce89Xfce is the same theming as GNOME (GTK+ you see)01:19
Alex_21For GNome?01:19
cousteauXFCE is also good for low-RAM computers01:19
cousteaubruce89, XFCE has different themes than Gnome01:20
chriszfIs... excessi0n a bot?01:21
bruce89well, the GTK+ theming is the same01:21
chriszfOr a crazy person?01:21
cousteaumaybe you can install XFCE's on Gnome, but you get more themes with xubuntu-desktop01:21
dave-ubuntuyou can still play gnome games on xfce though (if they are installed)01:21
Excessi0nchriszf: A better solution is just a bot.01:21
akraftcousteau: it doesn't like that either. This is so stupid. Rhythmbox thinks it's at cdda://1#/dev, but that isn't working either.01:21
dave-ubuntusome decent first person shooters for *nix are openarena and assualt (that are in the repos )01:21
imbezolwhat can cause a kernel update to be held back?01:22
Droopsta915Thanks, I saved the pdf file to the desktop, fill it out, then save to file and it kept the changes.01:22
dave-ubuntuUrbanTerror is also good01:22
cousteauakraft, I don't have Grip installed here, sorry01:22
dave-ubuntuneeds no isntallation01:22
cousteauso I don't remember what config it was01:22
functionofxyhi. i'm trying to bridge an internet connection. the computer that will act as a bridge has internet through ath0, and must relay in on eth0 to another computer. i just tried this and completely screwed up my networking. anyone have any pointers?01:22
dave-ubuntujust extract the files and run the executable for your platform01:22
bazhang!ics | functionofxy01:22
ubottufunctionofxy: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:22
akraftcousteau: well, thanks for the help anyway. I wonder if there's a grip channel around here...01:22
dave-ubuntu(linux 64, 32 or mac [.app])01:23
DaveIngramI'm running Windows XP inside of VirtualBox on Ubuntu and it doesn't see the USB ports on my laptop. Does anyone have some advice how I could fix that?01:24
cousteauakraft, try: /dev/scd001:24
akraftcousteau: I think I did, but I will now01:24
cousteauakraft, http://nostatic.org/grip/doc/ar01s04.html#cdconfig01:24
bazhangDaveIngram, virtualbox-ose has no usb support01:25
yoyit2hey does anyone know how to make a net wrok between an xbox 36001:25
cousteauwithout any cdda:// or something01:25
javiergIf I connect a bluetooth device how can I see where its mounted?01:25
UbubeginIf your RAM is 4Gb, how large should ur partition be.... Shld be it 4*3 = 12Gb....01:25
DaveIngrambazhang: there's a little icon for USB.. are you certain?01:25
Excessi0njavierg, How to see the partitions aren't even mounted.01:25
Ububeginpaging partion, i mean01:25
bazhangyoyit2, internet connection sharing? did you not read the link?01:25
bazhangDaveIngram, where did you get it from? repos or other01:26
evil_techbazhang: i think there is an option in preference to turn on usb01:26
evil_techat least there is in the windows version01:26
bruce89Ububegin: just slightly more than 4 GB01:26
javiergExcessi0n, Huh? I just connected a Bkelkin USB to my ubuntu, and want to see how its mounted too on the system. I justed /mnt but its not there.01:26
Excessi0njavierg: Bazhang just in the system.01:26
akraftcousteau: ahh, closing the app and restarting it fixed it. There's no "apply" option or anything, so I assumed it was doing it automagically.01:26
Ububeginbruce89: so the factor of 3 is not really relevant if the RAM is large...01:27
DaveIngrambazhang: apt-get ..it's the Sun xVM VirtualBox01:27
akraftcousteau: /dev/scd0 was the one.01:27
bazhangDaveIngram, then that is -ose (from repos)01:27
cousteauakraft, :)01:27
evil_techububegin: i have 2gb ram no swap01:27
yoyit2bazhang: ya i did i dont think im haveing problem sharing the internet it is that eth0 thats whats connected to my xbox is not ready so i think its the network01:27
DaveIngrambazhang: OK.. version 2.1.2.. so no USB?01:27
eamonhey you are so gay01:27
evil_techfree -m shows that 1200 is used 700mb free01:27
bazhangeamon, stop that01:27
bxhondacrxDoes anyone here have any issues with pulse audio muting the master volume when sound sharing?01:28
Ububegineamon: pls go the #gay channel.... dont bother us here01:28
yoyit2bazhang: any ideas01:28
Excessi0nNiphyr: just plan the partitions and you dont have to go.01:28
bazhangyoyit2, you read the link?01:28
thiebaudeUbubegin: that did the trick01:29
bazhangyoyit2, there are likely several tutorials on that01:29
yoyit2bazhang: ya i did and my eth0 wont work01:29
Ububeginthiebaude: maybe I will use 6Gb for the paging partition01:30
yoyit2bazhang: i cant even make a network with it01:30
thiebaudeUbubegin: use 1 1/2 times your ram01:30
functionofxybazhang, thanks for the link. how do i undo everything once i'm done?01:30
ScottG489Could someone help me fix my sound? I'm not really sure whats wrong besides it hasnt been working for the past 2-3 days. The only thing I can think of that might have caused this is an update to gstreamer or because i installed NAS (even thoguh i uninstalled the package). Help?01:31
evil_techsuspend isnt working on my mini 9. where should i start looking to figure out why?01:31
thiebaudeUbubegin: yup thats correct 6Gb01:31
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564011 yoyit201:31
Ububeginthiebaude: Ok, thanks... I was under the impression. it was 3x of RAM...01:32
jimisrvroxhey guys I have a pci wireless card that reads on wlan1 but will not work with gnome applet. But when I plug in the usb nic along with the pci. applet sees both cards. How can I get it to recognize just the PCI? BTW I am also having this SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file crap going clean xubuntu install01:33
cousteauUbubegin, it's recommended to be 1.5x RAM when you have about 512 MB RAM01:33
functionofxybazhang, thanks for the link. how do i undo everything once i'm done?01:33
Excessi0nWhen when will be a flash movie on line in a version mismatch.01:33
bazhangfunctionofxy, undo ics?01:33
functionofxyyes, bazhang01:33
cousteaubut if you have 4 GiB RAM you probably won't even need RAM01:34
thiebaudecousteau: but would a person ever need swap if they have 4Gb01:34
cousteauI mean, won't need SWAP01:34
bruce89unless you want to hibernate01:34
functionofxybazhang, especially if i gave the wrong iptables command01:34
bruce89or you want the computer to hibernate01:34
thiebaudethats true01:34
cipherZeni have 4GB on my box, constantly use virtualization and have about 50 windows open at any given time, and i dont use all 4GB usually01:34
XeKtRuMI cant get the /etc/rc.local script to execute on system start01:35
cipherZenbut you do need swap for hibernate01:35
XeKtRuMwhat can I do?01:35
UbubegincipherZen: whats hiberate...01:35
cousteauI think SWAP is necessary when you want to suspend/hibernate, but not if you don't01:35
cousteauand have enough RAM01:35
functionofxybazhang, should i hold?01:35
UbubegincipherZen:  kk, get it... i was thinking of the Java hiberate..01:35
evil_techdo you need swap to suspend?01:36
cipherZenUbubegin: it's basically the ability to save the current state of RAM to disk and put  the computer to sleep, so when you start it back up again it loads the system state01:36
bazhangfunctionofxy, were you successful?01:36
cipherZenah cool01:36
evil_techmaybe that is why i cant suspend01:36
cousteauevil_tech, I'm not sure01:36
functionofxyno, i gave the wrong iptables command #1, forgot to put the right interfaces in01:36
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bazhangfunctionofxy, I really dont know what you are asking; to disable ics just means to stop the sharing01:36
cipherZenevil_tech: i don't think suspend requires swap space, i may be wrong though. i thought suspend kept RAM powered up01:36
functionofxybazhang, i need to undo an iptables rule01:36
functionofxybazhang, the first one. i dont know iptables01:37
evil_techcipherZen: that is what i thought as well01:37
Excessi0nEanda-sbs: you dont have a raid 5 was the one.01:37
UbubegincipherZen: I always leave my comp on 24*7 at the office.... Seldom found the need to hibernate... :) ...01:37
evil_techbut i have no swap and suspend doesnt work and it is supposed to with out tweaking in the mini 901:37
bruce89Ububegin: tch01:37
bazhangfunctionofxy, you are doing this manually or with a front end (ie firestarter, etc)01:38
functionofxymanually. according to the link you sent me. the first option on that page01:38
cipherZenUbuegin: then you should be fine without swap :P. It usually doesn't hurt to leave a couple GB to it though, unless youre on an SSD and don't want the extra writes01:38
DaSkreechHallo anyone know how to deal with a murdered network card?01:39
functionofxybazhang, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing#Ubuntu%20Internet%20Gateway%20Method%20(iptables)01:39
hax-Selling "PayPal Bruteforcer" v. 1.0b1 by PHC2 Underground Hacking Crew [$20] - query if interested01:39
DaSkreechI did an update and my Network card now cannot be assigned an IP address01:39
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bruce89!warez | hax-01:39
crow_Perhaps a good idea for swap would be to use an external USB flash for it?01:39
ubottuhax-: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:39
DaSkreechwhich makes it kinda useless01:40
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DaSkreechGuest46929: Don't IRC as Root!01:40
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DaSkreechThe eth0 device exists and it turns up in lspci and lshw01:41
cipherZenjust out of curiousity, has anyone here had issues with pulseaudio dying on them01:41
DaSkreechBy all accounts it looks like it's working except that it cannot get an IP address01:41
jribcipherZen: yes.01:42
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:42
Excessi0nAnyone here know how to get them to a new adventure.01:42
DaSkreechHmm ok01:42
jimisrvroxDaSkreech I would appreciate some help once you are finished with the guest person..I am also dealing with wireless PCI issues..thank you01:42
cipherZenlike they have to restart it periodically to get it to work01:42
cipherZenits not a huge deal for me, but it is mildly annoying01:42
Excessi0nGuest9497: it's already there, look for the help.01:42
DaSkreechjimisrvrox: I'm not dealing with any guestperson01:42
jimisrvroxDaSkreech I thought you were but I guess I was wrong01:42
cipherZenive looked a little on the forums, but i have yet to find a good fix01:42
cipherZenmy friend said he just removed all of it and went back to alsa, and that worked01:43
DaSkreechThat works too I suppose01:43
Jabowhat should i use for wifi drivers for my edup usb wifi dongle?01:43
SuspectZerohey guys. i used the dd command to write my original mbr over my new mbr but when i restarted it said the partition table was is not there and the partitions arent being detected. any ideas on how i can recover either my original mbr or my new one01:46
SuspectZeroi have the original mbr on file in my partition01:46
SuspectZerobut i cant access the partition01:46
zambawhy am i unable to run the following command in cron: /home/marius/bin/pisg-gen total yearly monthly weekly daily -d $(date --date="yesterday" +"%Y-%m-%d")01:47
zambait says unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'01:47
crow_I jusst installed apache2.  While visiting http://localhost works, visiting http://localhost/~user *does not work*.  Please help.01:47
bruce89zamba: that's not a crontab entry01:47
Excessi0nbruce89, That's how i could but i am not privilaged to mount the volume. This is a known issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795525 might have caused this is rule here to listen learn and help when i try to run under ubuntu 8.04lts which is the ubuntu support channel, for all ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:48
axscod2need help... i have problem with nautilus.. can someone help me diagnose.. ?01:48
evil_techhmm according to the ubuntu swap faq i dont need it to suspend. so something else is broken. i have tried disabling networking before suspending but it still fails01:48
zambabruce89: i of course have "30 0 * * *" first01:48
cipherZensounds like you missed a quote somewhere zamba....odd though, doesn't look like you did01:48
zambacipherZen: exactly :)01:48
zambacipherZen: and i can copy the same command and run it in my shell with no problems01:48
Excessi0nNearly always, grub finds all installed already that is exactly the same performance, you dhould make use of extended partition that is exactly the same file at the remote process list, does it say which is the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk or envyng-qt) we suggest you use them at your own cgi stuff by hand, including the web page.01:48
kitchenrangeanyone here have experience with ePSXe?01:49
bruce89Excessi0n: what are you saying to me?01:49
axscod2http://pastebin.com/m3bbc9a15  <-- here..01:49
crow_ok... letme see.01:49
Excessi0nbruce89: What do you what is the indicator applet in jaunty?01:49
cipherZenzamba: that is very strange....is there any way that cron thinks that you're escaping one of the quotes for some reason?01:50
zambacipherZen: i don't see why01:51
Droopsta915Anyone know why my yahoo page isnt showing any of the yahoo icons and logos or pictures? I dont know if Ineed to install something.01:51
NdshackerHello all, I am thinking of buying a new laptop, are there any good manufactures that support No-OS01:52
cipherZenzamba: http://fixunix.com/redhat/503701-crontab-error.html01:52
ScottG489Could someone help me fix my sound? I'm not really sure whats wrong besides it hasnt been working for the past 2-3 days. The only thing I can think of that might have caused this is an update to gstreamer or because i installed NAS (even thoguh i uninstalled the package). Help?01:53
cipherZensomeone suggested that long commands sometimes only work in shell scripts? dont really understand why, but its worth trying01:53
zambacipherZen: got it01:53
DaSkreechNdshacker: system7601:53
cipherZenzamba: ahh, you have to escape % characters according to last post01:53
DaSkreechcipherZen: No they work01:53
zambacipherZen: yup01:53
zambacipherZen: trying that now01:53
evil_techsuspend isnt working on my mini 9. where should i start looking to figure out why?01:53
bruce89Ndshacker: Dell I think (this machine right now was a Ubuntu preinstalled one)01:54
zambacipherZen: looks like that did the trick01:54
zambacipherZen: thanks :)01:54
cipherZenzamba: np, glad to help01:54
Brando753how can I build a development server (Xampp) to work only on a LAN connection that only computers with a correct mac address could access the server01:57
banishedHi, I tried to Windows parallel - Therefore I deleted an old NTFS partition (sda1) in windows setup, but on creating a new one, it said the maximum partition count is reached, I can't recreate this partition. No Problem, I thought, let's just reboot and wipe out every file on that partition, windows won't have written the changes to disk yet - well IT HAD! So not only that grub is gone (which wouldn't be that a huge problem), gparted sais there are no pa01:58
Jabowhat should i use for wifi drivers for my edup usb wifi dongle?01:59
Jaboi've tried to install madwifi01:59
Jabohad trouble01:59
Jabosince i'm using ubuntulite01:59
cipherZenBrando753: I would just set up xammp normally, then mess with iptables to only allow access from computers in a given IP range01:59
evil_techsuspend isnt working on my mini 9. where should i start looking to figure out why?02:00
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banishedevil_tech: which hardware / GPU drivers are you using?02:00
cipherZenBrando753: You'll still want some kind of authentication though, cause IPs and MACs can both be spoofed02:00
evil_techbanished: dunno? ubuntu ones02:00
kereswhat is the easiest audio to switch to that allows you to have multiple sound sources play at the same time?02:00
banishedevil_tech: well, what is lspci taling you?02:01
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions02:01
sebsebseb 02:01
Excessi0nRmrfslash, you cant choose it on mandriva repos and on the back drop to the sound it will refresh?02:01
keresbruce89: pulse audio instead of alsa?02:01
bazhangExcessi0n, mandriva?02:01
evil_techmobile 945gme02:02
Excessi0nbazhang: Today i have compiz running and am using mandriva on my mini 9. Where should i have 0.6g, where is the software and know what to check what it was just that the problem nightgeek.02:02
bruce89keres: it was a reaction really02:02
tylianCan anyone explain how to get glib for a complete nub? New to Ubuntu, need it to compile new version of xChat and can't figure it out.02:02
axscod2guys, anyone knows about my compiz problem, that when i turn-on my compiz, it disable my keyboard... or shall i say.. i cannot type to any windows..02:02
bazhang#mandriva Excessi0n02:02
=== tylian is now known as Tylian
keresbruce89: can you run multiple sounds with pulse?02:02
Excessi0nbazhang: i dont use cube and compiz .02:02
bazhangExcessi0n, hi02:02
bruce89keres: that was one of the main points AFAIK02:03
Excessi0nSounds like you have to do with it?02:03
axscod2oh.. my.. i disable loosebinding..02:03
noodlesgctylian, If I remember correctly, sudo apt-get install build-essential02:03
axscod2and its working now02:03
Excessi0nbazhang: Hi, i don't know what they're talking about software wise. Sudo cpufreq-selector should be under your /var/log folder ... The 0 refers to the last n lines of a gnome dbus viewer?02:03
TylianThanks. I'll try that.02:03
banishedTylian: there should be something like glib-dev, use synaptic02:03
DaSkreechBrando753: iptables?02:03
jimisrvroxI have a pci wireless card that reads on wlan1 but will not work with gnome applet. But when I plug in the usb nic along with the pci. applet sees both cards. How can I get it to recognize just the PCI? BTW I am also having this SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file crap going clean xubuntu install02:03
bazhangExcessi0n, bot?02:03
Excessi0nbazhang: ubuntu-desktop is just a bot.02:04
DaSkreechJabo: you read !wifi ?02:04
mattgyver83I cant seem to see shared folders on my ubuntu machine from windows.  it tells me to enter username and password, when i do so i get nothing.  Am i to set a specific SMB usn and password somewhere?02:04
meoblast001i've wasted my whole day on Bluetooth and Ubuntu and i'm getting angry at both of the 2 right now02:05
meoblast001i keep getting this when i start anything trying to use the bluetooth headset http://rafb.net/p/4tsiPf32.html02:05
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.02:05
DaSkreechjimisrvrox: Which card?02:05
bazhang!give me a test02:05
* Cosmo gives bazhang :bazhang!n=bazhang@unaffiliated/bazhang PRIVMSG #ubuntu :+!give me a test.02:05
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!02:05
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.02:05
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:06
Excessi0nmeoblast001, I imagine there must be blind, where do i to change the default option. -P powers off the system. I justed /mnt but its not downloading correctly. Im not getting any iso images.02:06
meoblast001did that make any sense?02:06
jimisrvroxDaSkreech its the bcm4813 chipset from the wmp54gcs02:07
DaSkreech!broadcom | jimisrvrox02:07
ubottujimisrvrox: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:07
keresbruce89: ok but now the secondary program that makes sound is like distorted and stuff02:08
jimisrvroxDaSkreech ok but the thing of it is is that I have to plug in the usb nic to get both of them to show up and to me thats really weird esp when the sys sees the PCI but doesnt recognize it in the applet.02:09
sebsebseb 02:09
kereshello, i installed pulse audio so i could have multiple programs emit sound. my first program plays sound good, but my second one is distorted and sounds like a bunch of random noise.02:10
TrelWhen using Synaptic, is there any way to see what repo a package is from?02:10
Tyliansudo apt-get install build-essential didn't work. Well it worked but ./configure still says glib is missing.02:10
DaSkreechjimisrvrox: Maybe not initalized?02:10
evil_techanybody here with suspend working on the dell mini 902:10
DaSkreechTylian: install glib dev packages02:11
crdlbTylian: build-essential is only the core build tools02:11
banishedevil_tech: do you mean it doesn't wake up?02:11
TylianAny more in depth instructions? (Complete noob XD)02:11
DaSkreech!find glib02:11
crdlbTylian: since xchat is in the repos, you can use 'sudo apt-get build-dep xchat' to install everything needed to build xchat02:11
ubottuFound: libdbus-glib-1-2, libdbus-glib-1-2-dbg, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libdbus-glib-1-doc, libglib-perl (and 69 others)02:11
Tyliancrdlb: I'll try that.02:12
evil_techbanished: i am thinking so. i tell it to suspend the screen flashes off and then on to a blinking cursor and that is it. have to do a hard reboot to get it back up02:12
jimisrvroxDaSkreech im not sure and I dont understand what you mean by initialized but when I do iwconfig wlan1 up I get the SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file crap02:13
DaSkreechmaybe not defined in /etc/network/interfaces02:13
banishedevil_tech: that's strange, http://www.ubuntumini.com/2008/10/ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-on-dell-mini-9.html sais "Suspend works incredibly well. I suspended my computer over and over without a problem."02:14
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kereshello, i installed pulse audio. It seems whenever i play a wav file it is distorted. Any ideas?02:15
evil_techbanished: i know that is why i am baffled as to why it doesnt work on mine02:15
bin10101howdy all02:15
banishedevil_tech: do you have a SD card inserted?02:15
evil_techbanished: yes that is where /home is located02:15
banishedevil_tech: something like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1046727 ?02:17
bin10101I am trying to mount some drive via fstab and I have that just fine.  But I am attaching a samba share to each one... so I sudo mkdir -p /path/to/share.  when I use my samba, I cant write to a lot of the share.  I am guessing my permissions are wrong.  I think I remember chown(ing) the files and chmoding them...but I can't remember what that looked like... help?02:18
gorguthey, guys. What do I need to do to get xine to play videos on my TV? I'm using an s-video connection and everything else works, just not the movies in xine or totem. Flash videos work in Firefox tho.02:18
evil_techbanished: bollocks :( would seem as though moving /home to the sd was a bad move. that 16gb ssd needs to arrive already02:18
Droopsta915how do i find out what version of firefox i have?02:19
evil_techHelp> About Firefox02:20
_VIM_Droopsta915: in a terminal 'firefox --version'   no quotes02:20
meoblast001hi how do i fix "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused"02:21
Droopsta915_VIM_:Nice! Thanks02:21
banishedevil_tech: but that's a very strange bavaviour - anything in the logs? Maybe things will get better when Ubuntu 9.04 arrives02:21
gleakenHP L2000 Radeon 200M, ati driver working well, but every once in a while the gnome session freezes and takes the keyboard with it.  The mouse works and the system will respond to pings and if I plug in a USB keyboard, I can switch to a virtual console and shutdown the machine, is the a known bug with the compiz on this chipset?02:21
doleybgorgut: you can try to change xine to be using x11 output instead of xv02:21
gorgutdoleyb, how do I do that?02:22
evil_techbanished: dunno which logs to look in. im normally a windows guy :/02:22
doleybgorgut: oh i don't how you adjust those.  But if you have mplayer, say -vo x1102:23
banishedcheck out /var/log/messages dmesg and syslog, maybe there is something02:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:24
wrektkjethey guys. general question: can i install games made for pc like call of duty on ubuntu using wine? i dont have any windows installed but im wondering if i need it and if its possible with or without02:24
gorgutdoleyb, works great. Thanks02:25
maxagazhow to prevent tomboy to make automatic links in my notes ?02:25
banishedwrektkjet: winetricks helps you getting things like MS DirectX and .Net which gets some games running: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks02:25
stableris there a reason my new 1TB HD is only showing up as 465.76GB on hardy?02:25
wrektkjetdid u partition?02:25
banishedstabler: is there free space in gparted?02:26
jimisrvroxDaSkreetch: as far as I know when I do iwconfig it says that it finds it as wlan102:26
lbaI'm having trouble booting up several ubuntu machines.  There is no one on the #ubuntu-boot irc channel.  Where else could I get help?02:26
stablerbanished: yes02:26
xivenAnyone know about NDISWrapper and USB Adapters?02:26
banishedlba: SuperGrubDisk02:26
xivenI'm having trouble using a Belkin G Wireless Adapter...02:26
jimisrvroxxiven uh huh I had the same crap with my wusb54gcs and again now with the pci02:27
xivenI have the driver installed, but..the Wireless managers don't seem to be able to find my network (or any network)02:27
jimisrvroxxiven same situation here02:27
l337m4573ranyone know how to change the pw for root?02:27
banishedxiven: which chip is it using? dmesg output?02:27
xivensudo passwd root ,will be prompted to give password02:27
lbabanished, I'm trying to boot known good ubuntu drives.  The problem seems to be at the hardware level although the Kubuntu logo and progress bar starts, but doesn't get very far.02:27
banishedl337m4573r: sudo passwd02:27
stablerbanished: is there something special i need to do for a 1TB HD?02:27
cipherZenl337m4573: do you mean your sudo password or your root password02:27
xangl337m4573r: sudo passwd02:27
evil_techbanished: should i attempt to suspend then pastebin those logs? Been a while since I tried it last and there wasn't anything in them about suspend (or the last 30 lines anyways)02:28
imbezolwhat package is gnome-volume-control in?02:28
jimisrvroxxiven when you type in ndiswrapper -m do you get the ERROR: interrupt flags no device found?02:28
skinnymg1hello everyone02:28
xivenlet me try02:28
banishedstabler: nothing more special than for a 500GB or 100MB drive02:28
Nasrahow do I login as root?02:28
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:28
ruben23hi how to connect my ubuntu desktop on a windows workgroup..?02:28
skinnymg1having a little trouble with intrepid here02:28
xivenmodule configuration already contains alias directive02:28
jimisrvroxxiven becuase thats what I was getting and I battled that crap for a week and unfortuantely nobody attempted to help me02:28
cipherZenNasra: why do you want to do that?02:28
kernel09lhow to create repository in desktop for my testing workserver but desktop connects via wireless and two computer via wired lan02:28
cipherZenits generally recommended against02:29
jimisrvroxxiven yup I got that too and that would be probably because you had other drivers installed and so then you installed the nic drivers on top of that02:29
xivenshould I add my driver name after the -m?02:29
skinnymg1the screen resolution is not right and doesnt give me the choice for the right one either02:29
lbabanished   And grub runs normally.02:29
NasracipherZen:  I am about to run an application and is asking to run it as root first02:29
xivenShould only be one driver installed through ndis02:29
BlackAeronautr00tintheb0x: You alive in here?02:29
banishedlba: use the nosplash option in grub to see the log output02:29
jimisrvroxxiven unfortuantely I got to that point and couldnt do anything else from there..ended up sticking another hdd in my box and installing xubuntu02:30
NasracipherZen: application name: asterisk02:30
cipherZenNasra: just run "sudo asterisk"02:30
lbabanished, Can I set that as it's booting?02:30
xivenCouldn't I just uninstall the driver and reinstall it, and continue from there?02:30
cipherZenwithout the quotes, obviously02:30
NasracipherZen: are you familiar with asterisk?02:30
banishedlba: you can add it to the kernel boot line02:30
banishedin grub02:30
sebsebsebNasra: heh hello02:30
ruben23hi how to connect my ubuntu desktop on a windows workgroup..?02:30
jimisrvroxxiven the other thing that I noticed about that crap is that on startup I would get to starting bluetooth and it would just hang like hell..so I had to go into recovery mode and do x fix and it would boot back normal again02:30
cj_sze1samual: :)02:31
Nasrahey sebsebseb: hello....02:31
cipherZenNasra: I only have cursory knowledge of it. But sudo is how you run anything as root in Ubuuntu02:31
lbabanished, I will try.  Thanks.02:31
jimisrvroxxiven sure you could if you know how becuase you have to get it out of the modprobe because you already had a diff set of drivers in modprobe02:31
mrkleeneis there a wine channel?02:31
xivenShit I gotta get this figured out..I'm moving in days, and I'll only have wireless network access...no cables allowed.02:31
NasracipherZen: thanks alot02:31
jimisrvroxxiven and I never figured out how to do that shit02:31
TylianAny good HTML editors I can get (easily)?02:31
sebsebsebhow do I get a  default  Gnome  panel set up back again?   I assume it applys for 9.04 as it does for 8.10 and what not02:32
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/02:32
cipherZenNasra: np, glad to help02:32
_VIM_!panels | sebsebseb02:32
ubottusebsebseb: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:32
TylianThat's not WYSIWYG02:32
jimisrvroxxiven well when you figure it out let me know bc I dont have any net access on my pc in the other room because linksys did a rev 2 on me and i bet belkin did the same to you and these new shits arent just PnP02:32
sebsebseb_VIM_: ok I will try that thanks, I really buggered up my panels here02:32
xivenI believe everything i have is rev202:33
_VIM_np, it's odd seeing you ask a question as you're always answering them :)02:33
BlackAeronautHOwdy folks.  Got driver issues on a Toshiba Satellite A355D series laptop with Ubuntu 8.10 64-Bit.  X seems to be a bit confused because thereś more than one video driver required here.  Can someboady help me get this mess sorted out?02:33
xivenMy routers default to PPPoe or whatever02:33
wrektkjethey. how do i disable ubuntu from constantly asking for my password02:33
xivenNot sure how that works with DSL..but yeah02:33
sebsebseb_VIM_: heh yeah02:33
zhurai-tsuki<wrektkjet> hey. how do i disable ubuntu from constantly asking for my password  <-- why would you want to do that.02:33
jimisrvroxxiven OH SHIT dude...that REALLY sucks...atleast I have a v1 here usb nic...but I was PISSSSED when I got the bait and switch deal from walmart...thought I was gonna get a rev1 but hell no02:33
banishedBlackAeronaut: what do you mean by 'more than one video driver required'?02:33
wrektkjetim the only user and it keeps asking and im setting it up for the first time its botheersome02:34
LjL!language | jimisrvrox02:34
ubottujimisrvrox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:34
jimisrvroxsorry if I offended you LjL...02:34
wrektkjeti should just change the password maybe to something simpler02:34
sebsebseb_VIM_: don't get 9.04 alpha 6!02:34
xivenWell hell02:34
_VIM_i dont plan on it02:34
zhurai-tsuki..so? I'm the only user, doesn't stop me from putting passes02:34
xivenAS for as I can tell, lsmod doesn't list ANY wireless driver as installed02:34
jimisrvroxxiven thats exactly what im saying too man02:34
wrektkjetzhurai-tsuki: so is tehre a way02:35
xivenPPPoe is a dial-up type thing as far as I know..even though you cannot connect a phone line to my routers...02:35
BlackAeronautbanished: Itś got an HDMI output, so it uses a seperate video driver.  Main LCD output is ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 series driver while the HDMI out is the 3200 series driver.02:35
sebsebseb_VIM_: yay much better :)02:35
banishedBlackAeronaut: it has two different GPUs?02:35
zhurai-tsukiwrektkjet: not sure02:35
jimisrvroxxiven well I dont know if id worry about the protocol as much as I would just getting the da** driver and crap to work02:35
sebsebseb_VIM_: now that is a useful command to note down I think02:35
_VIM_sebsebseb: i didnt get 8.10 till last month! (it was really buggy for me, no sound, no nvidia) so i waited till all the patches worked out, now i only have sound issues) heh02:36
scomptanybody have any ideas as to why Firefox would be coming up with a completely blank screen on startup?02:36
MiladKhajavihow can I set subnet in ubuntu from command line?02:36
scomptit doesn't happen if I run it using a guest session02:36
Boricuaanyone knows why when i try to run a opengl program with eclipse (c++) it give me launch failed. Binary not found.02:36
DaSkreechMiladKhajavi: Hmm ?02:36
wrektkjetwhere do u change the password?02:36
DaSkreechyour netmask?02:36
BlackAeronautbanished: Iḿ not certain how they did it.  I think itś a virtual set-up.  The GPU itself is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid.02:36
scomptbut it still does it after deleting my firefox profile02:36
banishedMiladKhajavi: man ifconfig02:36
Boricuai installed the library and did everything fine02:36
TylianWhat's the default root passwd on ubuntu?02:36
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:37
sebsebseb_VIM_: ok this looks good now,  except the new default system colour.   I  still wonder about my buggered up KDE4,  but this is  9.04 now, so that would be off topic here LOL02:37
banishedBlackAeronaut: so it's Crossfire?02:37
MiladKhajavibanished: thanks02:37
sebsebseb_VIM_: oh well I don't like KDE4 anyway, and my KDE apps still work in Gnome :)02:37
jimisrvroxxiven do you see my pm?02:37
_VIM_sebsebseb: well you play with fire, (jaunty alpha) so you gonna get burned eventually :P02:38
banishedBlackAeronaut: do you have installed the fglrx?02:38
bruce89sebsebseb: assuming the PPA has been disabled, aptitude would class them as locally created packages02:38
sebsebseb_VIM_: yeah most of us have, we can't  ctrl alt backspace to log out02:38
BlackAeronautbanished: maybe, but I wouldn't count on it.  I just bough the system recenty, brand-new, and itś been giving me headaches with getting anything to do with the GPU working right.  I only recently got it working under Windows XP Pro when I found a site that has an executable that mods the drivers for you.  Thank you Microshaft, for your propriety driver BS.02:38
veritosWhat's the difference between `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` and `tasksel install ubuntu-desktop`?02:39
_VIM_sebsebseb: yeah i heard about that, is there a work around besides maybe /etc/init.d/?dm restart?02:39
banishedBlackAeronaut: well, what is lspci telling you?02:39
sebsebsebbruce89: the ppa would still be enabled I guess, unless the upgrade sorted it out02:39
BlackAeronautbanished: I've been trying to get the proper drivers into place - part of the problem.  The new box won have internet until I can get it to boot properly.02:39
banishedBlackAeronaut: you can use vesa02:39
bruce89sebsebseb: AFAIK the upgrader disables all 3rd party sources02:40
BlackAeronautbanished: whatś the command line for that?  And I already tried Vesa - itś a no go.02:40
eseven3anyone get 3ds max working in SUNS vbox 2.1.4? and NO It's not really !OT | eseven73 because the host is Ubuntu 8.10, ive tried enabling the openGL support but it gives error02:40
TylianStupid Question: How do I give a text editor permission to save in a folder other than home?02:40
scomptanybody have any ideas as to why Firefox would be coming up with a completely blank screen on startup?02:41
cipherZenTylian: depends on the permissions of the folder. Which one do you want to save to?02:41
TylianLampp lol: /opt/lampp/htdocs02:41
_VIM_Tylian: gksudo gedit /home/tylian/file02:41
banishedBlackAeronaut: boot to command line (add a 3 for runlevel 3 in the grub boot line) than log in on the textmode terminal, edit your xorg.conf (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and set Driver "vesa" in Section "Device"02:41
[dragon]Rendrekscompt: set your startup page to about:blank :P02:41
cipherZenTylian: what _VIM_ said02:42
BlackAeronautbanished: already there.  Terminal is all it will boot me into.  :(02:42
_VIM_scompt: have you tried running firefox in a terminal by 'firefox --ProfileManager'  no quotes02:42
TylianThat works02:42
Tomassois there any graphical partitioner? if it comes by default the better02:42
banishedTomasso: gparted02:42
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:43
scompt_VIM_: yup, the profile manager doesn't come up, but rather the same blank main screen, with no menus, no toolbars, nothing02:43
Tomassobanished: le me check02:43
_VIM_scompt: hmmm how did you install firefox?02:43
scompt_VIM_: synaptic02:43
veritosTomasso: The main Ubuntu LiveCD also comes with GParted in System->Administration02:43
Droopsta915if I change my firefox theme to a theme made for an older version of Firefox, will it still work fine?02:43
veritosDroopsta915: It won't let you install it if it won't work.02:43
BlackAeronautbanished: there is no driver entry for section "Device".  Make one?02:44
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
_VIM_scompt: ah should work then, do you get any errors when you run it from terminal?02:44
banishedBlackAeronaut: yes02:44
wrektkjetdoes it make sense that i cant delete a file in the bin that i created?02:44
scompt_VIM_: not a thing02:44
wrektkjet"permission denied"02:44
BlackAeronautOkay.  Saved and exited to terminal.02:45
scomptI've tried completely uninstalling it and reinstalling to no avail02:45
BlackAeronautStartx now?02:45
sebsebsebbruce89: I guess if I leave KDE4 as is,  when 9.04 is released on the final,   it will upgrade those packages to proper versions, and then no problems?02:45
joshua_how does aptitude work better than apt for removing packages? (ive always heard it does that better)02:45
Tomassoanother thing, does anyone know of the Remote Desktop log file ? there seemed to be an unauthorized access here :S02:45
bruce89sebsebseb: only if the jaunty packages have newer version numbers02:46
sebsebsebbruce89: well  can remove all kde stuff and re install02:46
TylianWhat's the difference between sudo and gksudo? Stupid questions ftw~02:46
Boricuaanyone know why when i try to run a c++ open gl program with eclipse it say. launch failed, binary not found?02:46
banishedBlackAeronaut: yes, or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:46
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:46
TylianThank you.02:46
bruce89sebsebseb: look in aptitude02:46
MarcWeberI'm interested in the ubuntu gdb patches to support pie (position independent code)02:46
Lint01why repositories never get updated?02:47
MarcWeberHow can I find them?02:47
TylianI think I'll stop askin stupid questions now.02:47
xivenIsn't ndiswrapper supposed to add a driver to modprobe for you??02:47
bruce89MarcWeber: http://patches.ubuntu.com/g/gdb/extracted/02:47
Haymakereasy question:  what is the key combo to run a single command, like super+R in windows?  sorry for having to come in here LOL02:47
doleybHaymaker: try alt-f202:47
Haymakerthank you02:47
BlackAeronautWell, startx is a no go as usual. Got an (EE) No devices detected as well as an errno 111 and an errno 3.02:48
banishedBlackAeronaut: you have such a Hybrid GPU setup, there is indeed an embedded HD3200 and a better HD3470 - so you can switch between them to either save power or get highter graphics performance - this, however is not (yet?) supported by Linux/X02:48
MarcWeberbruce89 Thanks you!02:48
banishedBlackAeronaut: you might get one of these gpus working by some Xorg voodoo02:48
=== funkyHat is now known as hunkyFat
grendal_primei got a system where the root   / is running at 99%02:48
veritosWhat's the difference between `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` and `tasksel install ubuntu-desktop`?02:49
BlackAeronautbanished: thatś the impression Iǘe been getting.02:49
grendal_primethere is really no way to remedy that withouth actually just rebuilding the machien right?02:49
bruce89veritos: nowadays, nothing02:49
veritosbruce89: Out of curiosity, what *did* differ?02:50
xivenWho in here uses the Xubuntu Desktop?02:50
MarcWeberbruce89 It's against gdb-6.8pre. Could you also point me to that source file then?02:50
xivenI've never figured out how to restore windows after minimizing, like they just disappear02:50
bruce89veritos: tasksel hasn't always used aptitude as its backend02:50
BlackAeronautI've been looking at packages that have support for the 3470 side.  I already downloaded them and copied them over into the package archives for apt-get (forgot the exact directory for that).  However, Iḿ having a bit of trouble getting the lines for them right in source.list.02:50
eseven3does 3ds max work well in Vmware or Vbox for anyone? Running ubuntu 8.10 + Sun's vbox + win xp guest02:51
banishedBlackAeronaut: It's this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/330420 one of the devs suggested trying Jaunty02:51
veritosbruce89: I see. Thank you.02:51
rob__hey guys02:51
bruce89MarcWeber: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/02:51
rob__does the recent gnome update affect ibex users?02:51
bruce89rob__: no02:51
banishedBlackAeronaut: have you tried the fglrx driver yet?02:51
jimisrvroxthey dont show up in the taskbar because they should ive got xubuntu right now02:51
rob__thanks bruce - does it just mean that it can be included in the next ubuntu releasE?02:52
jimisrvroxunless youre using a diff window manager than xfce02:52
bruce89rob__: it is already02:52
thiebauderob__: a new gnome is released every 6 months02:52
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.02:52
Keal_i just installed 'jack' and it was an unrelated program :<02:53
bruce89well, that was useful02:53
dewwsamual: please don't spam02:53
raymondwhat happens if i eject the drive /home is on? will ubuntu just make a new directory for it like windows does if the drive My Documents points to dies?02:53
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BlackAeronautbanished: if I could find the package, I'll download fglrx and stick it on my machine.02:54
banishedBlackAeronaut: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product= 9.3 should be out within a few day, however, I highly doubt that it'll fix the problem, that's a bit more complicated I think02:54
banishedthe ubuntu package is a bit old in this case02:54
rob__hey how do i supress all of the notifications in here?02:54
banishedrob__: depends on your client02:54
Keal_i just installed 'jack' and it was an unrelated program :<02:55
rob__checking man now..02:55
BlackAeronautbanished: well, whatever option I have to purse in getting a driver onto the bad box, it has to be done manually and it has to be done locally (no internet on the bad box).02:55
alvarohttp:// can somebody click this link and tell me what do you see in there?02:55
_VIM_rob__: i believe it's something like /ignore #ubuntu JOINS -PARTS -QUITS02:55
_VIM_oops -JOINS02:55
hachaboobWhere does apt store its package info. I have a VM and I what to take a snapshot of the current package list and install packages?02:56
becky_could  anyone help me understand how to run a program i have downloaded (new to unbuntu)02:56
tonsofpcsbecky_: how did you download it?02:56
thiebaudealvaro: it tries to load a blank page02:56
LjLdeww: could you mind my PM please?02:57
n-T-mis there a possibility to get my mutlimedia-keys on my Keyboard (Play, Stop, Next, Prev) to work in Amarok... In Rythmbox they work perfectly, but in amarok they dont work (maybe because its a KDE app?)02:57
banishedBlackAeronaut: no internet is bad - don't you have some ethernat cable connection? well, you can put the fglrx driver on a usb drive and put it on the box02:57
LjLbecky_: most programs you don't "download", you get from the official repositories using automatic software02:57
LjL!software > becky_    (becky_, see the private message from ubottu)02:57
alvarothiebaude: do you see an index page in there?02:57
thiebaudealvaro: no, its just blank, but opera tries to download the page and it cant02:58
thiebaudei'll try again, alvaro02:58
BlackAeronautbanished: pretty much what I've been trying to do02:58
BlackAeronautbanished: this what I need?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/fglrx-amdcccle02:58
LjLcj_sze1: what did samual say that you replied with a smiley?02:58
banishedBlackAeronaut: old ;-)02:58
ruben23 hi how do i connect my linux distro desktop on a windows workgroup02:59
BlackAeronautHrm.  *Goes to start digging in the packages*02:59
thiebaudealvaro: the same results02:59
alvarothiebaude: well is not working thank you02:59
thiebaudeyour welcome, alvaro02:59
duxbarakif i throw my (up-to-date) /var/cache/apt folder into another (non-updated) installation's /var/cache/apt folder, and then 'sudo apt-get upgrade', will that mess anything up/work how i think?03:00
tonsofpcsanyone know of a fast network file sharing system [i want to run a program with a lot of data that performs many read/writes across a network] that can use either a piece of an existing fs or a flat file?  linux host, windows client03:00
cj_sze1LjL why ?03:00
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=== Khach8178 is now known as hehehe1
Quickfliphey guys. I salvaged an older comp. Its 1.5 with now 700 megs of ram and a 256 meg ati gfx card. Thing is ... it runs soooo sluggish ! What can I do? Why do you think my system is laggy ?03:00
BlackAeronautbanished: what about this one? http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xorg-driver-fglrx03:00
doleybQuickflip: don't run gnome, try xfce instead03:01
LjLcj_sze1: PM03:01
evil_techQuickflip: make sure your hard drive isnt going bad03:01
QuickflipThats what I though. Even KDE runs better then gnome on this03:01
hachaboobAnyone know where APT store is package cache?03:01
duxbarakQuickflip: it might be that it has an IDE hard drive and you're now used to SATA 303:01
banishedBlackAeronaut: yes, but this is the driver of last November, I doubt that the current driver supports your configuration, I even more doubt this old one does03:01
_VIM_Quickflip: yeah, what doleyb said or try disabling effects03:01
=== hehehe1 is now known as hehehe
BlackAeronautbanished, lemme try something...03:02
wrektkjethey im using wine to run utorrent client.. how do i actually get the torrent file into the program?03:02
cj_sze1yeah i see youre PM03:02
ScuniziI'm confused.. Terminal Server Client can use RDP/RDPv5 and vnc... Vinagre uses VNC .. I can use Terminal Server Client to connect remotely to Vbox over the LAN but can't with Vinagre.. anyone know what I might be doing wrong?03:03
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BlackAeronautbanished: How about this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd-dbg03:03
skinnymg1ok can i please get some help on configuring xorg to get my monitor working right03:03
cj_sze1LjL have you seen my PM to ?03:03
cj_sze1i PM you LjL03:03
LjLcj_sze1: yes, i replied03:03
duxbarakif i throw my (up-to-date) /var/cache/apt folder into another (non-updated) installation's /var/cache/apt folder, and then 'sudo apt-get upgrade', will that mess anything up/work how i think? anybody?03:03
banishedBlackAeronaut: that's one of the two OpenSource drivers, they are basically work in progress03:03
tranceenergyUSAseen djtiesto03:04
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BlackAeronautbanished: Better than nothing, I figure.03:04
tranceenergyUSAseen marcov03:04
tranceenergyUSAseen djphynn03:04
hachaboobduxbarak: I tried that as an experiment without doing the update and it didn't have any effect03:04
_VIM_tranceenergyUSA: what are you doing?03:04
tranceenergyUSAto go to paul van dyk gig or not to go, that is the question03:05
bazhangtranceenergyUSA, hi03:05
_VIM_!ot | tranceenergyUSA03:05
ubottutranceenergyUSA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:05
bazhangtranceenergyUSA, bot?03:05
banishedBlackAeronaut: yes, well, I think you have best chances by using the latest official ati driver, but you can try all 3 (fglrx, the proprietary one, ati, the first OpenSource Driver, radeonHD, another opensource driver)03:05
tranceenergyUSAbot not03:05
tranceenergyUSAhuman y03:05
bazhangtranceenergyUSA, what are you03:05
=== bruce89 is now known as bruce89bot
thiebaudetranceenergyUSA: did you have an ubuntu question03:06
BlackAeronautbanished: how can I tell which is the newest one?03:06
bazhangtranceenergyUSA, then ask, and stop the offtopic chat03:06
tranceenergyUSAseeking professional help to make an informed decision03:06
* bruce89bot notices that all the fuss about the botness of tranceenergyUSA has actually added more lines than just ignoring it03:06
_VIM_thats a talker bot03:06
bazhangtranceenergyUSA, #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here03:07
aleron6no thats a freggin nigger bot03:07
banishedBlackAeronaut: they all got new versions ;-) The latest ones you'll get in the Alpha of Jaunty, the latest fglrx you can get from the website (ati.amd.com) installation works quiet smoothly, but I don't know if it can handle this kind of setup - but it's worth trying03:07
LjL!language | aleron603:08
ubottualeron6: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:08
aleron6how bout your watch yours im not a child03:08
StaticShockwhat file manager do you guys use? i'm really not a fan of nautilus03:08
BlackAeronautbanished: I looked for the stand-alone package on the website.  All they seem to have is the GUI driven installer.03:08
Keal_how do i install this? http://jackaudio.org/03:08
second_thoughtSo I was wondering if anyone has some experience with cloning/backing up a fresh windows install?03:08
StaticShocksecond_thought: ghost?03:09
kushalone!off-topic Hi does anyone know if Nokia 3250 (2G Network GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900  ) will work in Japan? Which carrier? thanks (sorry for off-topic question but I am kind of desperate and I know people from around the world are here)03:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:09
funkyHatStaticShock: what don't you like about nautilus, you might be able to change the config so you like it more?03:09
second_thoughtyou mean like norton "ghost"?03:09
LjL!offtopic | kushalone03:09
ubottukushalone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:09
second_thoughtI was thinking that I could possibly use DD03:09
funkyHatStaticShock: (that might not be a helpful answer, but I use Nautilus so can't really advise on any alternatives)03:09
kushaloneLjL thanks for not kicking me03:10
StaticShockfunkyHat: i want list-view to wrap so that it scrolls sideways03:10
second_thoughtI'm just afraid that a might do something stupid03:10
StaticShockfunkyHat: and i want tab support03:10
banishedBlackAeronaut: afaik the installation process will use a textmode interface if there is no x server03:10
imachineI have some issue where fonts with openoffice look nasty03:10
imachinethey're bigger than other fonts.03:10
funkyHatStaticShock: nautilus has tab support, not sure about sideways list view though03:10
imachine(I mean the application fonts)03:10
YairiHi everyone, I am having serious problems in the last 24 hours with installing ubuntu 8.1. I am trying to install in with Raid and with vista.03:10
imachinewhat can I do ?03:10
_VIM_second_thought: I think there's a few free alternatives to Ghost, I think one's called partimage the other is clonezilla03:10
banishedBlackAeronaut: there is a Thinkpad with hybrid graphics, too, maybe http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Install_Ubuntu_8.10_(Intrepid_Ibex)_on_a_Thinkpad_T400 can halp you a bit03:10
FloodBot3imachine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:10
StaticShockfunkyHat: any idea what i can use that has those features?03:10
second_thoughtOh right! Thanks vim :)03:11
second_thoughtI'll try those out03:11
Keal_how do i install that?03:11
second_thoughtI know that the clonezilla iso is only like 30 megs03:11
YairiIs there anyone who can guide me on installing ubuntu on raid?03:11
BlackAeronautbanished: not sure.  Toshiba+Microshaft=Extreme propritietary wankery.  I had to use a software hack to get drivers to work under Windows XP.03:11
cj_sze1how can i  read more than 4 gig of RAM in  ubuntu server 8.10?03:11
evil_tech_VIM_: there is PING03:11
bruce89bot!ohmy | BlackAeronaut03:11
ubottuBlackAeronaut: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:11
_VIM_there's also FOG03:12
_VIM_But ive never tried Fog03:12
imachinecj_sze1, 64bit03:12
second_thoughtI'm sorry, FOG?03:12
_VIM_it's like clonezilla, so ive heard03:12
BlackAeronaut....  That is quite possibly the most sensitive chat bot I have ever seen.03:12
funkyHatStaticShock: Actually you could make your icons really small and make the text display to the side, don't know if that's quite what you want though, and I think it would still scroll vertically. No, no idea sorry!03:12
cj_sze1imachine: i need a 64 bit proccesor??03:12
=== bruce89bot is now known as bruce89
StaticShockfunkyHat: it still scrolls vertically03:13
Belboz99Hey all, trying to use the 64-bit Java Plugin downloaded from Sun, but in the plugins directory there is only a folder called "desktop" with a PNG and one other file, no plugins at all, any ideas?03:13
StaticShockfunkyHat: it's terribly wasteful of space. i want text to the side, and multiple columns03:13
second_thoughtI think clonezilla is my best bet03:13
BlackAeronautbanished: so how do I execute an install using the package in terminal?03:13
second_thoughtThanks guys03:13
funkyHatsecond_thought: have a look at clonezilla.org03:13
StaticShockfunkyHat: it's a basic windows layout03:13
second_thoughtyeah I'm headed right over there03:13
bruce89BlackAeronaut: I'm not actually a bot, it was part of an unfunny joke03:13
Yairi Hi everybody. I need serious help. Do any of you know how can I install a dual-boot system with Vista and Linux on a RAID array?03:13
KFPKeal_: Hmm isn't it included by default?03:14
banishedBlackAeronaut: the .run one? just sudo chmod a+x *.run && ./ati-...run - or a .deb one? sudo dpkg -i *-deb03:14
b4b3please help me.. i can't install pidgin on my ubuntu03:14
Keal_KFP,  :<03:14
KFPKeal_: Which Ubuntu?03:14
bruce89b4b3: sudo aptitude install pidgin03:14
Keal_ubuntu 8.10 amd64 :<03:14
BlackAeronautbanished: let me give it a try...03:15
imachinecj_sze1, ubuntu 64bit and yes, a 64bit cpu.03:15
imachinesystem overall.03:15
funkyHatStaticShock: yes I figured you probably liked that layout because you're used to it from Windows. actually try thunar03:15
imachineI think you can get it to see more than 4GB with 32bit with some hackish way, but a single process won't be able to address more than 2GB, or something along those lines.03:15
imachinecj_sze1, anyway, 64bit is pretty much standard these days isn't it?03:15
Belboz99-:/usr/java/jre1.6.0_12/plugin$ ls -l ... desktop ...  ls -l desktop ... sun_java.desktop  sun_java.png03:15
skinnymg1man i swear ubuntu's xorg is the worst of them all03:16
bruce89imachine: sort of03:16
cj_sze1imachine: yes... and most CPU are also 64 bit ready03:16
Belboz99that's what I'm getting, just a stupid png and shortcut in a desktop folder, no plugins in the "plugin" directory within the extracted jre directory created by the run file03:16
bruce89!pm | b4b303:16
ubottub4b3: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:16
cj_sze1i both core 2 duo E7400  imachine03:17
Yairi Hi everybody. I need serious help. Do any of you know how can I install a dual-boot system with Vista and Linux on a RAID array?03:17
cj_sze1and 4 G of ram imachine03:17
Keal_KFP,  ?03:17
banishedYairi: software raid or hardware raid?03:17
Yairibanished: hardware I think03:17
Belboz99is anyone reading my messages?03:17
Belboz99or is this ignore Belboz99 day?03:18
bruce89Belboz99: no03:18
gralcohi I've been learning C++ lately and have been looking for an acquaintance, if you want to learn with me please say so03:18
skinnymg1Belboz99, i feel the same way03:18
bruce89Belboz99: see icedtea6-plugin03:18
Belboz99thanks bruce8903:18
KFPKeal_: Eh, have you tried "sudo apt-get install jack"?03:18
cj_sze1btw imachine how can i find a 64 bit ubuntu server?03:19
Keal_i installed jack and it was an unrelated program :<03:19
Keal_KFP,  :<03:19
imachinecj_sze1, amd6403:19
imachinecj_sze1, x86_6403:19
imachinejust download it.03:19
FloodBot3imachine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:19
cj_sze1ok thanks :)03:20
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.03:20
cj_sze1how about intel 64 bit? ubottu03:20
bruce89same thing03:20
Belboz99bruce89: someone really aught to notify Sun that their documentation and possibly their installer are FUBAR at this point for getting a plugin to install03:20
lstarnescj_sze1: amd64 is essentially the same as 64-bit intel x8603:20
bruce89Belboz99: most of these "run files" are bad03:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ia6403:21
imachinecj_sze1, intel uses amd64/emt6403:21
Yairi Hi everybody. I need serious help. Do any of you know how can I install a dual-boot system with Vista and Linux on a RAID array?03:21
BlackAeronautbanished: that command line doesn't seem to be working.  :(03:21
Keal_KFP,  the jack it installed is the wrong program :<03:21
imachinecj_sze1, unless you have the obscure ia64 setup. which, according to what you said earlier, you don't.03:21
BlackAeronautbanished: waituhminute!03:22
n8tuserBrando753-> wise usage of iptables?03:22
cj_sze1ahh ok03:22
iahello. i'm trying to make mirror of ubuntu repo, but i've got error - http://paste.ubuntu.com/13404003:22
b4b3i can't install pidgin on my ubuntu03:22
NdshackerI had a blog set up with LAMP, but I noticed my CPU runs at 100% constantly >.<03:22
Belboz99bruce, oddly enough it worked fine on my Jaunty laptop last week, may have been a different version though, eh who knows?03:22
cj_sze1thanks again for the info :)03:22
BlackAeronautbanished: false alarm.  Nothing's happening.  :(03:23
lstarnesb4b3: how are you trying to install it?03:23
imachinecan someone tell me about openoffice tho?03:23
imachineI seem to have some font issues with it.03:23
Belboz99Iced Tea appears to have worked though bruce89, thanks for helping me out03:23
imachineit looks like it uses qt or something.03:23
bruce89Belboz99: np03:23
banishedBlackAeronaut: what have you done? (of caurse you have to replace ati-... by the real file name)03:23
emmaimachine: there is an #openoffice.org channel03:23
b4b3sudo install aptitude pidgin03:23
emmaimachine: but it's not very active.03:23
lstarnesb4b3: what error message do you get?03:23
emmab4b3: pidgin comes pre-installed on Ubuntu.03:23
BlackAeronautbanished: Oh is that what that was!  Forgive me for I am a nube.03:24
imachineemma, I don't think it's an openoffice-related issue.03:24
imachineemma, more like qt3/fontconfig.03:24
imachineemma, the application fonts (the ones in menus etc) on openoffice look different from the rest.03:24
=== namasamaran is now known as ce_pengen
BlackAeronautbanished: I entered this: sudo chmod a+x /media/usbdrive/ati-driver-installer-9.2-x86.x86_64.run && ./ati-...run -03:25
banishedthen sudo /media/usbdrive/ati-driver-installer-9.2-x86.x86_64.run is what you'd do next - sudo 'ends' after the && btw03:25
aeinx1evening. anyone know the command line entry to determine what kernel drivers are accessing a USB drive/port?03:26
BlackAeronautbanished: okay.03:26
BlackAeronautbanished: looks like itś working.  :)03:27
tim__banyone familiar with dante-server? i want to setup a sockd open to all user (from any ip) who have a login to the host system. but i can't quite get it to work. each and every connection gets blocked (as the log states)03:27
BlackAeronautbanished: itś giving me the choice to just install the driver or generate a distro-specific package.03:28
=== Pooky_ is now known as Pooky
BlackAeronautDecisions, decisions...03:28
BlackAeronautbanished: will distro-specific require internet?03:29
banishedBlackAeronaut: yes03:29
banishedBlackAeronaut: you have to install build-essentials btw03:29
banishedto build the driver03:30
banisheddon't you have a ethernet cable around? or some wireless network?03:30
BlackAeronautbanished: Wireless, yes.  But thereś an authorization page I have to get around first.03:31
=== namasamaran is now known as ce_pengen
banishedBlackAeronaut: you can use wpa_supplicant03:31
BlackAeronautbanished: how do I do that?03:31
banishedBlackAeronaut: enter your Acces point and your passwort in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf03:32
n8tuseraeinx1-> lsof03:32
banishedBlackAeronaut: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313603:32
banishedBlackAeronaut: just replace gedid by nano end you can do everything from the terminal ;-)03:33
BlackAeronautbanished: Not that kind of authorization.  It is an actual web page that pops-up before it allows any other traffic.  You have to click a button to authorize the connection.  I believe it prevents malicious use of zombie code for DOS attacks.03:33
banishedBlackAeronaut: that's wired - maybe links can help you there (it's a textmode browser)03:34
aeinx1n8tuser: tks03:34
BlackAeronautBTW: I went for option 2.  It said (basicly) that Iḿ using something based on Debian and then sends me right along to entering the path for installation.03:35
akahige1I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with CIFS and fstab. can anyone explain the permissions numbering for file_ and dir_ mode?  I can't seem to find anything online...03:35
banishedI think it will complain later as you don't have linux-headers and build-essential installed03:35
BlackAeronautbanished: So, since it looks like internet's a moot point now, what should I make the path?  /ATI/drivers ?03:35
banishedit asks for a path oO03:36
BlackAeronautbanished: I kid thee not.03:36
BlackAeronautbanished: My guess: like in Windows, it doesn't really matter as long as it knows where it's going.  They keep with the Linux spirit of system customization here.03:37
caeroewould there be any other locations for xchat settings other than /home/[name]/.xchat2     i enabled background transparency and  i need it turned off, it crashes with it on03:37
BlackAeronautbanished: well, thanks very much for your help.  I hope that I can handle it from here.  If not, then Iĺl be back.  ^_^;;03:39
asenghow to plug n play flashdisk??03:39
asengi plug flashdisk but i don't open flashdisk03:39
=== KFP is now known as KFP_sleep
banishedaseng: an ordinary USB thumbdrive? what is dmesg telling you?03:41
asengiam using xubuntu i plug flashdisk, on desktop nothing03:42
banishedaseng: open a terminal and type dmesg03:42
asengbanished, how...03:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:42
asengok try03:42
thedarkoneit tring to install squeezecenter and i get errors can some one tell me what i am missing ? http://pastebin.com/m7254568903:42
wrektkjethey folks i installed some software and now i want to select it to open a file... where do i find the program on the computer?03:43
wrektkjeti loked in /bin dont c it03:43
caeroecurious, anyone have luck with cbs's march madness player?03:43
=== ^law^ is now known as name
evil_techanyone with ubuntu 8.10 on a  mini 9 and an sd card with working suspend?03:44
asengbanished,  failed03:44
banishedwrektkjet: try which name-of-the-file03:44
banishedaseng: ?03:44
=== name is now known as Guest83465
asengin terminal type dmesg is failed03:45
aseng 926.307715] FAT: Directory bread(block 2939877) failed03:45
aseng[  926.307742] FAT: Directory bread(block 2939878) failed03:45
aseng[  926.307769] FAT: Directory bread(block 2939879) failed03:45
banishedaseng: ok, that's bad - seems like the fs is broken03:45
zambalet's say i want to remove one line above and below from a match from a file.. how can i do that?03:45
zambausing tools like grep/sed/awk or whatever03:46
wrektkjetbanished: sorry i dont follow03:46
banishedaseng: is there any important data on thre?03:46
wrektkjetin terminal?03:46
banishedseems like the filesystem is inconsistent03:46
wrektkjetok yea03:46
asengno.. flashdisk its ok, if plug fs then booting,03:47
asengbanished, now unplug and plug again nothing on desktop03:47
wrektkjetok thanks that helped thats a good command to know03:47
thedarkonei guess i am on my own03:48
ReAn./myProgram > out.txt    <--- that line should put stdout from my program into out.txt right?03:48
aprilharecan anyone tell me if there is something not kosher about this? http://pastebin.com/d56b7ec90 its output from totem - it is forced into fullscreen mode and occasionally plays media it wasn't told to on quitting..03:49
Excellaprilhare: can I ask a silly question?..did you empty the played media via emptying your cache in documents?03:50
aprilhareExcell: not knowingly if at all03:52
aprilhareExcell: how do i empty the cache?03:52
javeshello ppl...anyone from philippines03:52
javeshello ppl...anyone from philippines03:52
Excellits been a while for me.. i think...sys/documents..clear03:53
aprilhareExcell: was that a different version of ubuntu? i'm using intrepid - theres no sys/documents menu03:54
javescan anyone help me how to remove application/other folder???03:54
javescan anyone help me how to remove application/other folder???03:54
Excellok..i   c.. yes  im still on 7.1003:54
banishedjaves: application - use the entry in the menu03:54
aprilhareanyone know how to do that on 8.10? :)03:54
javesthanks banished03:55
javesbut how???03:55
banishedjaves: Applications -> Add/Remove Apllications03:55
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Excellaprilhare: places/recent documente03:57
theshadowok something weird has happened to two laptops. Both touch pads just stopped working03:59
theshadowat the same time04:00
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theshadowThe mouse is acting like something is sucking up resources04:00
cedriczgtheshadow, did you try top command on a terminal?04:01
theshadowyea everything looks fifne04:01
theshadoweverything else is responsive04:01
theshadowjust not the mouse04:01
FloodBot3theshadow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:01
ExcellI had that happen...cant remember how I fixed it04:02
EvilRickis there an easy way for me to install the 2.6.18 kernel on my 8.04 install?04:03
aprilhareExcell: i ran fusion-icon resized the totem window it seems better now04:03
aprilharebbl :)04:04
Excelltheshadow:  have enough ram?04:04
theshadowExcell: that can't be the issue. It just randomly happened on two laptops04:04
Excellwireless mice?04:04
theshadowtwo completely different laptops that were working fine 20 minutes ago04:04
theshadowtouch pads04:04
theshadowI tried to connect a mouse and it didn't change anything04:04
ruben23 hi how do i connect my linux distro desktop on a windows workgroup04:04
cedriczgtheshadow, no mouse movement at all?04:05
pturingruben23: active directory? or just a workgroup?04:05
theshadowcedriczg: sporatic barely responsive even more weird is that the laptop that first showed the symptoms is now working fine04:05
theshadowwait nvm04:05
cedriczgruben23, I would also try to do that with my virtual-box. As far as I know you should have samba installed04:05
theshadowit was for a moment working04:05
pturingruben23: have you seen this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba04:06
ruben23on my network i can see the workgroup of my windows network problem if i open cant see the workstations04:06
pturingruben23: what if you put in the name of the workstation?04:07
pturingruben23: for example in the Location: bar in my file manager04:08
pturingruben23: I type             smb://servername04:08
javeshey guys, can anyone tell me how to install LimeWire PRO 5 in ubuntu 8.10 ultimate edition 2.0?04:08
javeshey guys, can anyone tell me how to install LimeWire PRO 5 in ubuntu 8.10 ultimate edition 2.0?04:08
pturingand it shows me the shared folders for the machine called servername04:08
ruben23pturing: ok ill test it now04:08
jribjaves: 1) this channel does not support ultimate edition 2) consider using frostwire instead (google) 3) please don't repeat04:09
ruben23pturing:if ill install samba...is it server or client..04:09
javesokies jrib...my apology04:10
pturingruben23: it's kinda both04:11
javesthanks jrib...04:11
pturingruben23: The samba libraries are used by the file manager and such when you browse other machine's shares04:11
Gneajaves: no, but if I wanted to know, I'd do a google search like this: limewire pro ubuntu ultimate04:11
javesjrib: what does this channel support?04:11
pturingruben23: But I think when you run the server part that might help you browse the workgroup too04:12
jribjaves: ubuntu and official derivatives04:12
pturingruben23: it's windows so it's weird ;)04:12
aaron_Pidgin crashes every time i send an IM over msn.  I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling and it doesnt help.  Any ideas?04:12
javesjrip: thanks. im new to linux os, im still having a hard time installing everything04:12
virusaaron_, try to execute pidgin in console04:13
jrib!software | javes04:13
ubottujaves: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents04:13
virusaaron_, and see if show you any error message04:13
javesthanks ubottu04:13
thedarkoneit tring to install squeezecenter and i get errors can some one tell me what i am missing ? http://pastebin.com/m7254568904:13
sparky_hey guys,  i can't seem to find the command format for mounting a shared network drive04:13
theshadowOk.. I have no idea what happened but seemingly randomly (I know I didn't know anything). Both touch pads started working again.04:14
aaron_wirus: when i run pidgin from terminal, how long do i have to wait until i get error code back?  The window grays out and the only way to exit is by force closing it04:14
virusaaron_, just send an IM over msn and see if show any messages04:15
javesanyone: does ubuntu 8.10 needs an antivirus?04:15
aaron_wirus: i just got this msg when opening via terminal: "GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Failed to get connection to session: Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session)04:16
pturingsparky_: what type of shared drive?04:16
FloodBot3aaron_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:16
LogicFan!virus | javes04:16
ubottujaves: please see above04:16
sparky_pturing, it is being shared via samba04:16
virusaaron_, looks like a problem with dbus..04:16
sparky_i know how to mount it just not the part for a network drive04:17
pturingsparky_: I usually put it in fstab first if I'm gonna use it for a while04:18
jhass840Does anyone know where I can get a complete list of features for 9.04?04:19
pturingsparky_: //server/share /mount_pointsmbfspassword=0 004:19
sparky_pturing, yea i was probally going to do that later   Thanks04:19
virusjhass840, look at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing04:20
g4lt-lappy1hasy64 d6n't want 04ch, d6 y64/  14st a f5na3 35st 6f feat4res 6f a -r6d4ct taht 5sn't even 5n a3-ha yet04:20
jhass840virus: thanks04:21
virusjhass840, you're welcome04:21
* g4lt-lappy turns off the stupid "numpad in the keyboard" "feature" of his laptop :(04:21
pturingsparky_: make sure you have smbfs installed.   Command should be    sudo mount -t smbfs //server/share /mount/point04:21
sparky_yea it is allready installed04:21
snarksterthought smbfs was switched for cifs04:22
snarksteror am i wrong04:23
pturingsnarkster: command is working for me both ways04:23
snarksterok cool04:23
pturingsnarkster: -t cifs and -t smbfs seem to have the same result. Not sure if there are subtle differences or not04:23
snarksterso both cmds work awesome news04:23
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pturingyah means people's fstab and scripts won't break yet :)04:24
CounterspellCan I run 64-bit code on my 32-bit Ubuntu (installed on a 64-bit system)?04:24
n2diyI'd like to make a DOS boot disk, and try and recover an OEM 80g hard drive, is this OT, or can we discuss it here?04:24
pturingCounterspell: basically no04:25
virusCounterspell, i guess you cant...04:25
sebsebsebCounterspell: can you run 32bit software on a 64bit OS yes04:25
sebsebsebCounterspell: can you run  32bit virtual machines inside a  64bit  host OS,  yes04:25
wrektjethello am i on here with xchat?04:25
wrektkjetlol i guess so04:25
n2diywrektjet: yes04:26
pturingsome VM software will actually let you run a 64bit VM under a 32bit host. Which is crazy voodou as far as I can tell04:26
sebsebsebCounterspell: can  64bit  virtual machines run on 32bit virtual machine,  yes they can now with virtualbox  if the computer has hardware virtualization04:26
viruspturing, Virtualbox actually does04:26
sebsebsebCounterspell: I know you didn't ask me to say that stuff, but could be useful info anyway :d04:26
g4lt-lappyyup, you're here with xchat ;P04:26
sebsebsebCounterspell: and above it was meant to say 32bit host OS04:26
pturingyah, hard to remember which VMs support which features, hehe. especially with how fast some of them are moving :)04:26
Counterspellsebsebseb: I want to run a 64-bit MySQL binary distribution (compiled with Intel's compiler) on my 32-bit Ubuntu, is that possible?04:27
virusCounterspell, no, you can't04:27
Counterspelldamn ok, thanks for the info guys04:27
virusCounterspell, you're welcome04:27
pturingCounterspell: yah, suggest you get 64bit Ubuntu. I am using it and it works well for me04:27
g4lt-lappyCounterspell, the short answer is you can use LESS bitspace all day, you can't use MORE than your OS04:28
CounterspellI didn't install 64-bit in fear of future complications, maybe problems with drivers and such04:28
pturingCounterspell: If you care about performance ( I am guessing you do if you are looking to use icc-compiled stuff) then you may want to look at this article http://gmplib.org/32vs64.html04:29
virusCounterspell, ubuntu 64 bits works great04:29
pturingCounterspell: One good thing about linux and open source is that switching drivers over to 64bit wasn't the big nightmare that it has been for that other OS04:29
pturingCounterspell: there were some minor bumps, but now I would be surprised if you ran into any driver problems in 64bit that you didn't for 3204:30
javesanyone: if i install Wine/Wine Doors and if i succeed installing windows programs in my ubuntu 8.10. is it possible to have a virus?04:30
pturingbut unfortunately I don't think there is an easy way to switch over withotu re-installing :(04:31
pturingjaves: hopefully some day wine will be close enough to perfect that we will have to worry about that :)04:31
evil_techanyone with ubuntu 8.10 on a  mini 9 and an sd card with working suspend?04:32
* g4lt-lappy envies evil_tech's working SD reader :(04:32
javespturing: what does it mean? care to elaborate mate?04:32
pturingjaves: http://www.linux.com/feature/4203104:33
evil_techg4lt-lappy: no working sd reader on your lappy i take it?04:33
g4lt-lappyevil_tech, Toshiba portege m200 and no go :(04:33
upgrdmanare there any basic hdd benchmarking software for linux?04:34
javesthanks mate.04:34
g4lt-lappyupgrdman, bonnie and its relatives04:34
evil_techupgrdman: hdparm -t /dev/sd*04:34
meshuggahhola amigos04:35
virusmeshuggah, hola..04:35
wrektjetoff topic: i saw that band a couple of times04:35
wrektjetpretty ridiculous04:36
evil_techg4lt-lappy: i seem to be having hit and miss luck with sd readers of late. my tc1100's stopped working, the dells prevents ubuntu from suspending, and my pcmcia one i was using as a readyboost cache for vista on my tablet also died04:36
Ostienhey can anyone here take a look at my thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6923709#post692370904:37
meshuggahi will take a look04:37
meshuggahto resume it, your computer is slow?04:38
g4lt-lappyOstien, chsh.  bash seems to have a problem with one of the files it sources IME, I chsh'd to tcsh and got about twice the speed of loadihng a terminal04:39
Ostienyeah but its not just the terminal that is slow04:39
pturingOstien: can you run top and paste it to us through http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?04:39
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pturinganybody happen to know how Canonical feels about people using 'buntu in the name for unofficial derivatives?04:41
Excelldoes anyone remember the touch command to involk sys check @ boot?04:41
mnWhat do I need to edit to make the OS recognize a certain file extension and open with a certain application?04:41
g4lt-lappyOstien, that's fine, I answered the question you asked.  I can't read your mind.  if you have other things going wrong, TELL US04:41
Stepan1Is samba preinstalled on Ubuntu?04:41
Ostienokay but I'm not sure what solution you gave me, forgive my noobishness04:42
Ostienalso all the information I have is in the thread I posted04:42
g4lt-lappyOstien, bash takes a while to load, if you change your sell to something other, you can improve your speed04:43
DreamgliderStepan1: if u dont have samba just type "sudo apt-get install samba"04:43
Ostienokay but this is not a slight optimization thing it is something that was working I did some updates and now it isint04:43
cedriczgmn, on nautilus just right click and select open with04:44
Ostienkdesudo also takes a long time to load as well as pulling up the OO file manager04:44
mncedriczg:  don't wan to have to do that.  I want the OS to recognize the extension04:44
Ostienalso I'd rather not change to another shell if I don't have to, which I shouldent04:45
cedriczgmn, well after you do that you can also choose the program by defaut04:45
pturingOstien: yah top looks fine. This is a long shot but could you run this in your home dir:          ls -al  | grep root04:45
cedriczgmn, right click > properties04:45
tastychefcan i run ubuntu on my intel macbook? anyone else do this? would i use the normal i386 desktop version?04:45
virustastychef, yes you can04:46
cedriczg mn, right click > properties > open with04:46
virustastychef, at www.ubuntuforums.org there is a special secction to apple04:46
Ostienpturing: what am I looking for?04:46
linuxonmactastychef: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook04:46
rdw200169tastychef, yes04:46
rdw200169linuxonmac, of course, you name is a dead giveaway that you know what you're talking about ;)04:46
linuxonmactastychef: your going to want to install rEFIt04:46
Stepan1Dreamglider: thanks.  if i want my windows machine to access my linux printer i assume i have  to install samba on both?04:47
tastychefrefit..  whats that do04:47
linuxonmacrdw200169: yes04:47
mnThat won't make the OS recognize the file type.  It will tell me (in properties) that test.cpp is a C++ source file, but it tells me that test.asm is of unknown type.  I want to change that/04:47
pturingOstien: if you accidentally have a file kde uses with its ownership set to root, that could cause trouble04:47
Ostienpturing: nope nothing of the sort going on there04:48
pturingStepan1: on windows it's called something like 'File and print sharing for microsoft networks'04:48
OstienI've had a similer problem a while back and removing all references to ipv6 in my /etc/hosts file did the trick but that not fixing it this time04:48
pturingStepan1: (the idea of samba is it speaks windows' own language for doing file sharing and printers)04:48
linuxonmactastychef: its a bootloader that will reconize your linux partition04:48
tastychefoh ok04:49
tastychefis the current ubuntu still 8.10?04:49
pturingtastychef: yes until April04:49
tastychefoh ok04:49
tastychefill just wait then..04:49
Stepan1pturing: got it, thanks, ill give it a try04:49
pturingI think end of April is when we get 9.04 which will be current until October04:49
viruspturing, wich day in april ?04:49
sam1this is regarding autorun usb04:49
sam1how do i make a usb autorun, ubs side as well as ubuntu side configuration?04:50
sam1ubuntu 8.04 it is04:50
pturingOstien: check /var/log/messages  .... anything weird there?04:50
sam1ne help?04:51
pturingOstien: also if you can switch to a virtual terminal (ctrl+shift+1) and login. Then you can setup a file called .xinitrc in your home that just says: xterm04:51
g4lt-lappysam1, the short answer is you don't.  autorun violates the principle of least authority04:51
pturingOstien: then run: startx          It will bring up a blank X session with a terminal.  Then you can run startkde in that terminal.    Maybe you will see some useful error messages04:52
Ostienpturing, perhaps there are some odd things in /var/log/messages I'll do a paste hold on04:52
UsamaAkkadhello, is their a way to use a minimal install cd with GUI?04:52
pturingOstien: this is sort of an advanced procedure if you're not familiar with all that stuff04:52
Ostienpturing, nah I get what you are saying, first I'll link to some odd things in /var/log/messages04:53
pturingsam1: yah, sorry. I've never looked into autorun on Ubuntu because I always that it was nuts04:54
sam1pturing, it's necessary for me rite now04:54
sam1is there some setting that needs to be configured in ubuntu04:55
fr500cd/dvd autorun?04:55
Ostienpturing, http://paste.ubuntu.com/134064/ gonna try that other process though04:56
sam1usb autorun04:56
sam1via an autorun script as i've read it so far04:57
fr500sam1: well you could hack whatever ubuntu is using to automount devices now to execute a script I guess04:57
fr500udev maybe04:57
pturingsam1: are you trying to autorun a windows program?04:57
pturingOstien: check your ram04:57
meshuggahprout et reprout04:57
fr500sam1: what are you trying to do with autorun?04:58
Ostienpturing, check it how?04:58
pturingOstien: 80% chance you have a hardware problem. suggest you boot the Ubuntu CD and rum memtest86. It's one of the boot options04:58
sam1actually it's my colege project to have a usb protection sys04:58
pturingOstien: leave it running overnight. If you see any red lines in the morning, then 99% chance your ram is bad04:58
sam1so for that i've to have a autorun04:58
fr500sam1: well usb protection thru autorun most likely=fail04:59
fr500sam1: but I'm not here to judge you, try this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/314504:59
sam1the problem statement is so04:59
Ostienpturing, really? I did a system check not too long ago and it would be very convient that a hardware issue would pop up and that it would not have anything to do with me installing all of gnome then uninstalling it in a very dramatic fashion04:59
fr500sam1 but requires OS side config so it's not realy useful04:59
sam1i hope u just leave other issues apart04:59
sam1yes, it's ok05:00
sam1gimme a solution.... whatever it is!05:00
pturingsam1: You could install a current wine .deb package from winehq.org05:00
fr500sam1: the link i posted there is a solution there05:00
pturingsam1:  I think maybe they have this now for windows autorun files05:00
sam1ok lemme read it,fr50005:01
pturingfr500: is that working for you? I seem to remember that I used to have that tab in my preferences but it's not there for me now05:01
Ostienpturing, and like I said this has been an issue with others involving their /etc/hosts file and like I said I've expernced that before and it may be the same problem but not jusrt as simple as an /etc/hosts fix05:01
fr500pturing: didn't try05:01
Geoffrey2does anyone know if Intrepid should have an hcid.conf file?05:01
Geoffrey2for bluetooth?05:02
fr500sam1 this may be handy too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/autorun05:02
pturingOstien: yah, it's possible there is another problem but if it was me I would check the ram first05:02
fr500pturing: it's on the nautilus preferences window now it seems05:03
g4lt-lappyOstien, that's the second easy fix you've disagreed with and rejected out of hand.  do you WANT this fixed?05:03
pturingGeoffrey2: I have one. It's in /etc/bluetooth and it's owned by bluez-utils05:03
Ostienpturing, any suggestions on other solutions though05:03
Ostieng4lt-lappy, not true05:04
Ostieng4lt-lappy, I have reasons for not wanting to use another shell05:04
Geoffrey2pturing, I'm looking in that directory, and I don't have one....05:04
Ostieng4lt-lappy, also I ran memtest like a week ago05:04
aprilharei'm attempting to run kail 7.4 beta on intrepid amd64. I'm receiving the following: "./kaiengine: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_richtext-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" I thought libwxgtk2.8-0 would have provided this, however it's already installed. help? :)05:05
aprilharekaid rather05:05
Ostieng4lt-lappy, and I just said I did a massive bit of installing and uninstalling so the problem probably lies there05:05
pturingOstien: the startkde thing. or maybe you could see what all packages you have and uninstall some more. Or just re-install. Ubuntu install doesn't take long05:06
g4lt-lappyOstien, just forget it.  I ain't fighting with you to fix your machine05:06
pturingGeoffrey2: Try installing the bluez-utils package05:06
Ostienpturing, I'm having issues with the startkde attempt how do I get startx to run on something not screen 0?05:07
Ostieng4lt-lappy, wow testy testy05:07
pturingOstien: right. you can either stop kdm first ( sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop) or run         startx -- :005:08
pturingor rather            startx -- :305:08
pturing(not 0)05:08
pturing.xinitrc may have to have executable permissions. I don't remember for sure05:08
Geoffrey2pturing, it's already installed05:08
pturingGeoffrey2: that's weird.    can you run these commands?     dpkg -l | grep bluez;  dpkg -L bluez-utils | grep /etc05:09
Ostienpturing, sweet no slowdown for kuake in this kde run05:09
pturingGeoffrey2: also,       ls /etc/bluetooth05:09
Ostienpturing, gonna try kdesudo and other such things to see if this is a working kde session05:10
pturingOstien: that's weird. I was hoping it would be slow but there would be an error message that would point to why. I'm not sure how to figure out why this is not as slow as starting it from kdm05:11
pturingOstien: but I must admit I don't often use kd05:11
pturinger, kde05:11
Ostienpturing, yeah it is odd all things seem to work fine in that kde05:11
Ostienpturing, slow as molasses in this kde still05:12
pturingso it was ok and then it got slow or what?05:12
RickZillaHow can I remove an orphaned icon in the application list?  It's not really attached to any software any more.05:12
Ostienpturing, nah I was switching back and forth05:13
Ostienpturing, the original kde session is slow and the one from tty1 is fast05:13
pturingRickZilla: was it for something special that was not installed through apt/synaptic/etc. ?05:13
pturingRickZilla: maybe you can remove the file for it from /usr/share/applications05:13
RickZillapturing:  Correct.  Google earth that I tried to install manually05:13
Geoffrey2pturing, what version of ubuntu are you using?05:13
RickZillapturing:  I'll check it out.  Thanks for the info05:14
Ostienpturing, though when I switch back to tty1 x has stoped and I need to kill it and restart it05:14
pturingGeoffrey2: you know what, you're right. I might have the jaunty blutooth stuff installed....  (long story)05:15
pturingOstien: when you run startx from tty1 it probably actually starts it on tty805:15
pturingOstien: or maybe it just crashed, hehe. that's never been really stable05:16
Ostienpturing, nope its on tty805:16
pturingGeoffrey2: or maybe i'ts in the backports repository. trying to look but packages.ubuntu.com is slow right now05:17
RickZillaFile isn't in usr/share/applications...got some other ways to remove it?05:18
Ostienpturing, okay so it works in this instance but not on the one on tty7 (my original) still slow goings here as far as terminals and such05:18
DreamgliderI made 3 primary partitions on my flash drive, installed three distros, Partit 3 Ubuntu LiveCD, Partit 2 SystemRescueCD and partit 1 Ophcrack. Can i install a GRUB on the ubuntu partition and make enteries for Sys rescueCD and Ophcrack in it so i can boot them?05:20
pturingRickZilla: have you logged out and logged back in since removing google earth?05:20
pturingDreamglider: yes probably05:21
g4lt-lappyDreamglider, short answer: if you want to see the other partitions, it has to be in the MBR of the disk05:21
RickZillaNo, usually the icons are removed right away.  I can try that, though.  Thanks for the help.05:21
g4lt-lappyif you put it in partition 3, all it will see is partition 305:21
pturingRickZilla: yah no guarantees but worth a shot. I don't remember right now where the stuff in your home directory is for this05:22
Dreamgliderg4lt-lappy: How do i install GRUB on the MBR on the flash ?05:23
pturingOstien: that's weird. maybe this new information will cause a kubuntu expert to recognize the problem05:23
g4lt-lappyDreamglider,typically you have to do stuff to get it NOT to install in the MBR, so just installgrub and it should work05:24
MrAlexandrois there a preferd format on the ubntu partition05:25
Ostienyeah I'll post this revelation on the thread and see if anyone can come up with anything05:25
Dreamgliderg4lt-lappy: ok i i take it that ubuntu installed GRUB is in the MBR since i installed Ubuntu Last, how do i get the other distros to show in the GRUB then ?05:25
g4lt-lappyMrAlexandro, ext3 or ext4 typically, but you can use a lot of different types05:25
Ostienpturing, Thanks!05:25
g4lt-lappyDreamglider, edit the grub menu.  I'm somewhat surprised the installer didn't catch them for you05:26
bzaksIs there a known bug with adding a jar to the classpath (/usr/share/ant/lib/) for ant that doesn't actually work on ubuntu? I'm just trying to get the scp task to work... and I added the new jsch-1.4x jar to /usr/share/ant/lib on my ubuntu box, and its not working for some reason05:26
pturingDreamglider: you may look at http://manual.sidux.com/en/sys-admin-grub-bootman2-en.htm in the multiple booting section (sorry I don't have an ubuntu-specific link at the moment)05:26
a_userLaptop completely freezes when I insert an SD card and it requires a hard reboot http://pastebin.ca/136593005:26
a_userany ideas?05:26
Dreamgliderg4lt-lappy: i have not tried to boot yet, i used Netbootin to install the distros on the flash05:26
g4lt-lappydremtry it, it may Just have Worked05:27
g4lt-lappyDreamglider, ^^^^^05:28
MrAlexandrog4lt-lappy i will use ext 3 if that is the most stable and prefered format05:28
Dreamgliderg4lt-lappy: ill have a look thank you.05:28
zezuI just installed ubuntu using debootstrap from another linux install, and i have some odd behaviour,  updater installed a newer kernel and it didn't add it to grub menu.lst .. and vi isn't working properly i get strange behaviour , ie: it doens't say insert but inserts characters but not alwaysthe correct ones .. bad keymap?05:28
MindVirusHi. I want to install Ubuntu on my Asus Eee 1000.05:28
jsjonesHow can I reverse the print order of all pages, for a specific printer?05:28
g4lt-lappyMrAlexandro, honestly, that's what the installer will do for you unless you tellit to things differently.  typically my adivice in these maters is "why mess with the defaults?"05:29
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  Do it up.  :-)05:29
MindVirusI put the CDROM iso onto my USB drive.05:29
pturingMrAlexandro: yes it is the most commonly used and is considered stable05:29
MindVirusBut it's telling me "invalid operating system."05:29
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  What did you use to burn the ISO?05:29
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zezuhe put it on a usb drive05:29
MindVirusSystem->Administration->USB whatever.05:29
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MindVirusCreate a USB Startup Disk.05:30
pturingMindVirus: do you have virus protection enabled in bios? can you boot other linux CDs?05:30
MindVirusI haven't tried.05:30
Keal_how do i dual boot win xp sp3?05:30
pturingMrAlexandro: yah I found that debootstrap does not do everything the installer does, and you get a lot of weird problems05:31
stonecobraif something stopped working recently, where can I find the log of updates applied to my system?05:31
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g4lt-lappyKeal_, install it, install ubuntu, use grub to choose on boot.  if you already have ubuntu installed, it should work, but you have to edit grub menus05:31
linuxonmacKeal_: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm05:31
MrAlexandropturing debootstrap?05:32
pturingMrAlexandro: sorry that was for ZeZu05:32
Keal_how do i dual boot win xp sp3?05:32
pturingstonecobra: /var/log/dpkg.log*05:32
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  So what's your current status?05:33
pturingKeal_: did you see the article that linuxonmac linked?05:33
ZeZupturing: any good way to solve some of these problems?  i thought debootstrap was what the installer used ;|05:33
MindVirusTwoToneSpirit, trying to figure out whether or not I have Virus Protection enabled.05:33
MindVirusLooking for Linux CDs.05:33
ZeZupturing: most of them are minor but would be nice to get them fixed05:33
MindVirusOh just realized.05:33
MindVirusThe Eee has no CD drive.05:33
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  I have exactly zero experience installing from USB05:33
MindVirusI as well.05:33
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  Well that kind of forces our hand then doesn't it.  :-)05:34
chrono?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 005:34
pturingZeZu: I think maybe it does use it but it does some other things. I never pursued this far enough to find out all the differences so I don't know much more than that; sorry05:34
MindVirusTwoToneSpirit, :)05:34
MrAlexandrocan two linux distros like ubuntu and slackware share swap?`05:34
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  So, to your knowledge, is it as simple as copying the ISO to the USB drive?  Doesn't seem like that can be right.05:34
pturingMrAlexandro: yup05:35
MindVirusI reconfigured my BIOS settings as well.05:35
MrAlexandronice nice nice:D05:35
MindVirusI didn't copy the Iso.05:35
g4lt-lappyMrAlexandro,  yes, but I'll not be the one recommending to do it05:35
MindVirusI burned the ISO.05:35
TwoToneSpiritMindVirus:  Wonderful.  :-)05:35
MrAlexandrooh ok05:35
away_daMrAlexandro, as long as you dont hibernate05:35
MindVirusI don't see anything about virus protection.05:35
MrAlexandrog4lt-lappy what if i resise the swap from 2 gb to 1 gb eash. is that enough?05:35
g4lt-lappyI killed a system with shared swap a decadde or so ago05:35
Stepan1I installed samba on my linux machine, now how can i access a printer from my windows machine?05:35
pturingyah, what away_da said. hehe :05:36
stonecobrapturing: thanks05:36
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g4lt-lappyMrAlexandro, honestly, if you have enough main memory that 1G swap is indicated, I doubt you're using mch of it anyways05:36
away_daMrAlexandro, sharing swap is not a problem. but if you hibernate, the image is stored on swap, so booting into the other will wipe it (and destroying your hibernated session)05:36
pturingStepan1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Sharing%20CUPS%20Printers    then you should be able to go to    \\ubuntu_machine   from your windows machine and see the printer05:37
MrAlexandrooh ok. probably wont hibernate and then boot a new one, but is 1gb swap enough?05:37
g4lt-lappyMrAlexandro, the OLD rule used to be "2x your main memory", and my 1G laptiop hardly ever touches swap, but for hibernation, you need AT LEAST your main memory size05:39
MrAlexandrooh i have 4gb ram:(05:39
ShinyHatwill someone please help me with a java issue?05:39
MrAlexandroi will put in a 4gb swap then and share it05:39
g4lt-lappyMrAlexandro, so to hibernate you need a 4G swap05:39
MrAlexandrothanks :D05:39
pturingon my laptop I don't use hibernate. I just use suspend.05:40
g4lt-lappyremember, though, if you sahre, and the other system TOUCHES swap, you've blown away your hibernated swession05:40
melikwhat a very efficient email server?05:40
MrAlexandroi get it :D but if i hibernate one. i just have to make sure i dont boot the other:D05:40
pturingShinyHat: I'll try if I can05:41
melikor software w/e05:41
MindVirusAnyone have any experience installing Ubuntu on the Asus Eee?05:41
ShinyHatpturing: mind if i pm?05:41
MrAlexandroi will not use slackware much  g4lt-lappy, someone talked me into trying it and it is too advanced for me05:41
Stepan1pturing: what if the two machines are not on the same server? can i access it via ip?05:41
pturingShinyHat: I don't mind but you should post to the channel unless you have a good reason05:41
Keal_i still don't understand how to add windows xp sp2 and dual boot it :>05:42
g4lt-lappyMindVirus, there's a whole community for eeebuntu05:42
MindVirusWhere's that?05:42
pturingStepan1: you mean not on the same network? You might try doing it by ip05:42
MindVirusIs it supported by Ubuntu?05:42
ShinyHatpturing: fair enough, just seems like there is a lot going on in the room05:42
frybyeMindVirus: try #ubuntu-eeepc05:42
MindVirusI'm there.05:42
Flannel!dualboot | Keal_05:42
ubottuKeal_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:42
ShinyHatpturing: my problem is with using logmein05:43
pturingmelik: what are you trying to do? lots of mail?05:43
melikwell its going to be a network of lets say 20-30 computers05:43
MrAlexandroKeal_ inbstall xp first. then make sure you have another parttition or free space on your hardrive. then create a linux partition and insert the cd and install the ubuntu with grub wich will set up the dual boot automatic05:43
melikwhat would you recommend05:43
Keal_i already have ubuntu installed :<05:43
Keal_i was told before ubuntu needs to be installed first >8(05:44
MrAlexandroKeal_ then create a partition for xp and then reinstall grub as main bootloader05:44
Keal_i don't get it! x_X05:44
g4lt-lappyKeal_, install XP, just don't let it touch the MBR, then edit your grub menu accordingly, if it doesn't find it for you05:44
FlannelKeal_: Either one will work, but installing Ubuntu second is easier.  But it's certainly possible doing it the other way around.05:44
Flannel!grub | Keal_05:44
ubottuKeal_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:44
ShinyHatpturing: there is a thread here that describes my exact problem, but no resolution http://community.logmeinrescue.com/logmein/board/message?board.id=31&message.id=45705:44
Keal_how do i do that?05:44
FlannelKeal_: follow the first link there afte you install XP05:44
Keal_how do i keep it from touching the MBR? :<05:45
pturingmelik: probably any of them will work fine05:45
ShinyHatpturing: so i don't think it's just me being new and naive05:45
melikpturing, i need names :$05:45
meliki know sendmail05:45
FlannelKeal_: you can't.  Windows doesn't play nice.  So you have to just re-write GRUB afterwards (thats what the link covers).  Once you do that, and you're booting with GRUB, you edit the menu.lst to add XP05:45
melikwhat else is there05:45
jtajig4lt-lappy: yeah, how exactly do you prevent if from overwriting the mbr?05:45
Keal_do i lose all my ubuntu files :<05:46
pturingmelik: I like qmail toaster. It's not for Ubuntu, but it's pretty good. It gets you all the stuff you want with a mail server05:46
g4lt-lappyjtaji, I thought starting with W2k, windows tries to be nice about the MBR05:46
jtajig4lt-lappy: it sure doesn't, unfortunately05:46
g4lt-lappygiven I haven't touched redmiondware since 1998ish, I don't know from experience05:46
Stepan1pturing: I'm not sure how much you know about this, but hopefully you can help.  I typed in "http://(myip):631/printers/" and i am getting "windows cannot connect to printer" error05:47
pturingKeal_: You should be able to install windows to a different partition. If you install to a different partition it won't touch your ubuntu files05:47
g4lt-lappy(well, I have, but in virtual machines, which don't have issues)05:47
Cepejkoidite nahyi05:47
Keal_ok <05:47
CodeDragonHey, I've got an odd problem.  My resolution wont stay at 1680x108005:47
pturingStepan1: I'm not sure where you are putting that on your windows machine, but you should not need to go to that address to access the printer from windows05:48
pturingyou should be able to go to your ubuntu machine inside network neighborhood and just click on the printer05:49
Stepan1pturing: i tried to got by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP, what should i type in the URL field?05:49
pturingCodeDragon: you have an odd resolution :)      are you using the nvidia tool to set the resolution, or the system->preferences->screen resolution ?05:50
CodeDragonsystem-preferences-screen resolution05:50
pturingShinyHat: can you try running this...                     pasuspender firefox05:51
MrAlexandroany one here who can tell me if lilo or grub is the best main boot loader ?05:51
pturingmaybe java is trying to use the sound and failing. just a wild guess.05:51
ShinyHatpturing: from terminal?05:51
pturingShinyHat: yah. close firefox first.05:51
pturingMrAlexandro: grub05:52
jtajiMrAlexandro: you most likely want to be using grub, which is default05:52
rwwMrAlexandro: grub05:52
g4lt-lappylilo is basically walking dead nowadays05:52
Kimiwhy do kubuntu live cd is very slower than xubuntu live cd ??05:52
CodeDragonMy graphics card is integrated into my motherboard, it uses ATI05:52
g4lt-lappyi don't think it's been updated in 5 years05:52
g4lt-lappyKimi, because KDE is about 10x as process-intensive?05:53
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pturingStepan1: yah this procedure looks harder to me. have you tried browsing to the printer in the file manager?05:53
MrAlexandrofor me lilo is default now due to slackware, but i guess you guys have a guide on how to add os with partition path¨s (sda x )05:53
pturingCodeDragon: Are you using the proprietary drivers or no?05:53
CodeDragonI am05:53
Stepan1pturing: no05:54
pturingKimi: yah xfce and xubuntu are designed to be light and fast. kde and kubuntu are designed to be fancy :)05:54
Stepan1pturing: not sure how to do that05:54
theCarpenterpython 3 on ubuntu - how?05:54
MrAlexandroguide for adding os¨s with the partition path in grub?05:54
Kimiok... but i still have ubuntu installed05:54
CodeDragonMy proprietary driver is the ATI/AMD FGLRX one05:54
Kimithen.. how do i install WUBI into a PEN DRIVE ?05:55
bazhangKimi, you dont05:55
stduseren_I don't consider my self a newbie, to Ubuntu but I am in a way, to IRC. And have been looking for ways to use IRC at work but not allow my administraor to capture my unencrypted packets from vista.05:55
pturingStepan1: lots of ways. maybe you can just do this...         start->run   type    \\  (replace with IP of ubuntu machine)  click run. maybe it brings up a window with the printer05:55
Kimibazhang:what is "you dont"05:55
TxBI am new to Linux and Ubuntu.05:56
bazhangKimi, it is within windows05:56
KimiWelcome TxB .. !05:56
stduseren_txb good for you05:56
Kimi@ bazhang... how to reply in red ??05:56
devilsF001hi: is dhclient: <ip.add.res.s> a valid hosts.deny?  or should I just do ALL: <ip.add.res.s>05:56
Stepan1pturing: it says network location cannot be reached05:56
Kimiok.. how to install ubuntu in real way into a PEN drive ?05:56
TxBWhen installing Ubuntu, it comes with preinstalled applications I presume? How would one do a more bare install? I prefer to install applications as I need them.05:56
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stduseren_is there a way to run Xchat encrypted?05:56
rww!usb | Kimi05:56
ubottuKimi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:56
bazhangKimi, just by typing the nick as you did05:57
Kimi!usb | Kimi05:57
ubottuKimi, please see my private message05:57
MrAlexandrorww do you have a guide for adding os¨s in grub as well05:57
pturingCodeDragon: maybe there is an ati tool to do it. I'm not sure, I don't have an ati card05:57
lstarnesstduseren_: xchat does support ssl, but many irc networks don't05:57
pturingor at least I am not using the ones I have05:57
lstarnesstduseren_: freenode is one of the ones that doesn't05:57
Geoffrey2has anyone here had any luck with bluetooth in Intrepid?05:57
pturingstduseren_: maybe a vpn service05:57
stduseren_vpn to my home?05:57
stduseren_that' be suite, but lot of energy spent05:58
pturingstduseren_: that would work too05:58
rwwMrAlexandro: nope, but it's probably on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:58
Kimi!usb | Kimi >>> what is this >?05:58
stduseren_ok, thats start, i can look for the SSL enabled irc channels05:59
lstarnesstduseren_: SSL has ntohing to do with channels05:59
lstarnesstduseren_: the servers handle SSL, not channels05:59
pturingTxB: You could install ubuntu server. It's mostly the same as regular ubuntu, but with a lot of stuff not installed05:59
ShinyHatpturing: no dice- with java turned off it loads only a black screen for remote control, with java on ff freezes05:59
pturingTxB: like I think it comes with no gui05:59
stduseren_sorry I ment servers....lol05:59
stduseren_i am not that lost..05:59
Geoffrey2I'll take that for a no.....06:00
jtaji!minimal | TxB06:00
ubottuTxB: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:00
stduseren_I so wish Xchat was 32bit windows compatible06:00
pturingShinyHat: sorry not something I am real familiar with; I don't have any other good guesses at the moment06:00
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal06:00
lstarnesstduseren_: there is a version of xchat for 32-bit windows06:00
g4lt-lappystdin, it is.  you just have to pay for it06:00
stduseren_really is it free?06:01
g4lt-lappystduseren_, ^^^^06:01
pturingGeoffrey2: I haven't tested it yet, but I probably will next week06:01
TxBIs the Alternate CD a live version?06:01
lstarnesstduseren_: there is a free version made by silverex, I think06:01
ShinyHatpturing: that is most unfortunate, it is one of only two things i still must rely on windows for06:01
jtajistduseren_: yes actually there is a free build out there, in addition to the pay one g4lt-lappy referred to06:01
g4lt-lappystduseren_, you canGET unsupported win32 builds, buit the one from xchat.org is $$$06:01
g4lt-lappystduseren_, try #xchat's topic for free builds06:01
stduseren_should i be worried to use this free builds for backholes?06:03
pturingShinyHat: what does the 'remote control' do? Does it just get you a remote desktop?06:03
pturingstduseren_: nah06:03
o0Chris0ohow can I make firefox my default browser? eiphany keeps opening up links I click on06:03
stduseren_is it possible to somehow get a gui using ssh?06:03
stduseren_i ment xchat and ssh06:03
Kimihow to use 8.10 live cd to upgrade my frnd's 7.10 ?06:03
CanadaharoOChrisOp preferences06:04
o0Chris0oCanadahar: preferences where06:04
pturingo0Chris0o: system->preferences->preferred applications   I think06:04
g4lt-lappystduseren_, well, most of the free builders are trustworthy, but it's your air tank06:04
ShinyHatpturing: yeah, i do it work and it allows me to work on client's machines from a distance from any internet capable machine (apparently as long as it's windows)06:04
o0Chris0opturing: ahh ok, I thought I had to do it through the browser itself06:04
jtajistduseren_: you could but you need an x-server on the client end, so it's easier with linux for a client... but you could use a command line irc client like irssi06:04
bonyi have a hp 1320 laserjet printer which was detected automatically. The driver for this printer is also set but when i give prints it take very long to to print is there a way to increase the speedd?06:04
g4lt-lappystduseren_, yes, you can forward X over SSH06:04
cali2108can someone told me how to make my microphone work fine on a dell latitude d620???06:05
ShinyHatpturing: I.T. work, that is06:05
pturingstduseren_: yes you can use         ssh -Y     to redirect remote X programs to a local X installation. You can get X for windows by installing cygwin06:05
o0Chris0oodd its already set as firefox06:05
pturingstduseren_: you can also do ssh+vnc   or NoMachine NX (my favourite)06:05
pturingShinyHat:  maybe you can try it under wine. I actually had a program like this that worked for me in my browser under wine06:06
pturingor crossover06:07
ShinyHatpturing: does wine support activex?06:07
stduseren_cygwin? it rings a bell06:07
dayoi need to connect to a wifi AP serially. the wifi AP has only a LAN port, and my laptop only no serial port. what do i do?06:07
pturingShinyHat: Yes I think so if you are using IE under wine. As I recall, flash on windows is an activex thing and that works under wine. You may try ies4linux or winetricks or crossover to install IE easily06:08
g4lt-lappydayo, get a USB-serial adapter?06:08
pturingstduseren_: yah, google cygwin. It gets you a lot of linux stuff under windows. There is also andLinux which is pretty cool but not as stable06:09
stduseren_oh ok I knew it cygwin is linux running on windows06:09
pturingstduseren_: or just PuTTY, hehe06:09
g4lt-lappynot quite, but it's a good enough description, stduseren_06:09
pturingstduseren_: well not quite. andLinux actually is running linux on windows. cygwin lets you re-compile linux programs to work on windows, and many programs are already ported to it06:10
ShinyHatpturing: being fairly new, what should i try first?06:10
pickletriphey everyone.  very new to linux.  I just installed tor with "apt-get install tor", but now I have no idea where tor is or how to open it.  help?06:10
Geoffrey2the fun part is just about every document I can find for bluetooth and ubuntu is written for the old bluez 3.x stack, and is totally incompatible with Intrepid / Bluez 4.x....06:11
MindVirusAnyone have any experience with the Asus Eee?06:11
g4lt-lappyhowever, for xservers on win32, there's a lot of solutions, none of them trivial, or in fact free, like eXceed, miX, etc06:11
pturingShinyHat: crossover is easiest and most polished. http://www.codeweavers.com      it is for-pay but it is also open source. the people that make it are among the main wine developers06:11
stduseren_ok, i do remember downloading some program a couple of years back that had linux only as a console is that the case for andLinux06:11
dayog4lt-lappy: what does that look like?06:11
jtajiMindVirus: tried #eeepc ?06:11
pturingpickletrip: try TorK06:11
MindVirusjtaji, no :)06:11
pickletrippturing: will do.  thanks.06:12
g4lt-lappydayo, it has a USB plug on one side, and a DB or DB25 on the other, I think you can even get one for cisco RJ45 serial06:12
pturingg4lt-lappy: cygwin now comes with a free X server. it's not too bad to work with06:12
Droopsta915_Can someone please check this out and tell me what I can do get yahoo back to this. All I see is text and no icons pics or symbols.06:12
disappearednghey everyone, I plugged in my usb and my ubuntu can't mount it. Any idea on what I could do to diagnose this06:12
Kimigimp is very confusing... i know only adobe photoshop/// what to do ?06:12
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stduseren_any ways, thanks for your suggestions. I think cygwin needs a visit... thx06:13
ShinyHatpturing: ok, thanks for the help- greatly appreciated.  now all i have to do is successfully tether my blackberry pearl and i'll be all set to cut windows ties :)06:13
CanadaharKimi -- go to the gimp site06:13
pturingstduseren_: andLinux is a full blown Ubuntu install that lets you run ubuntu gui apps right there in windows. it's pretty sexy. not 100% stable though06:13
Kimino no ...06:13
Kimii dont want gimp06:13
dayog4lt-lappy: but my problem is i need to connect serially, and neither of both nodes have a serial port.06:13
Kimibut want like photoshop06:13
Canadahargimp rocks06:13
pturingKimi: try gimpshop06:14
jtajiDroopsta915: that looks like windows to me06:14
stduseren_mmmh... well i think back then when i tried it ubuntu was not really in the picture, so it has really come a long way today...06:14
Canadahari don't want gimp06:14
durtKimi, run PS in wine? Gimp is not a PS replacement, it's very different.06:14
CanadaharI don't want ubuntu06:14
pickletripI used wubi to install ubuntu.  is there a way for me to access my c: partition?  I can't seem to find it anywhere06:14
pturingyou can run Photoshop CS2 in wine06:14
g4lt-lappydayo, then you don't need to connect serially.  if the AP doesn't have a port for it, then you're SOL06:15
stduseren_i have a cual core 2.4 gb with 2g of ram, what should i try running? andLinux, or a VM of ubuntu?06:15
stduseren_ment quad core*06:15
dayog4lt-lappy: SOL?06:15
g4lt-lappysome kind of out of luck06:15
pturingstduseren_: VM will be more reliable.06:16
Droopsta915jtaji:Im talking about Yahoo on Ubuntu. This is just an example, don't look at the windows theme06:16
stduseren_do you think its better to run a VM from my thumb drive?06:16
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disappearedngHow do I check if my usb is mounted?06:17
pturinghehe never tried running a vm from a thumb drive; don't know how well that would work06:17
dayog4lt-lappy: it's a EnGeniues 3610, and to configure it i would usually connect it to my laptop with a lan cable, and put the default IP into my browser. but connecting *any* of the brand new APs to my laptop doesn't seem to work. the LAN light on my laptop stays off and i can't get into the AP06:17
Droopsta915I just cant get the pictures and everything, I do have Adobe and the non freeplugins06:17
pturingdisappearedng:   in a terminal you can run:    mount06:17
dayoi should probably be asking this elsewhere :-/06:17
stduseren_disappearedng run mount in terminal06:17
pturinggotta go.  goodnight all :)06:17
UsamaAkkadthe minmal install cd doesn't have gui06:18
g4lt-lappydayo, it makes no difference whatsoever what you can or cannot do via the lan.  if it doesn't have a serial port, yuou can't make it have one.  hyour computer, maybe, but not the AP06:18
UsamaAkkadis their a way to addit06:18
g4lt-lappyUsamaAkkad, that's generally what "minimal" means.  if you want more, use a non-minimal CD06:18
UsamaAkkadno I mean if some one want to use minimal cd but I want to install using gui06:19
kaelesare there really bad issues with the rv280 (9200) or the 9550 ati cards ?06:19
stduseren_ disappearedng: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/15776-how-mount-usb-flash-drives-linux.html06:19
JackDeathminimal implies just that06:19
stduseren_OK so I will be running VM ubuntu at work, how should I encrypt xchat then?06:20
UsamaAkkadok is it possible to implant more>06:20
jtajiUsamaAkkad: do you mean you want a gui in the installed system, or during the install? because I don't see how a gui would help the install process06:20
crdlbkaeles: uh, what do you mean, exactly? are you having a problem with such a GPU?06:21
floatboatcan someone help me figure out why acrobat reader won't let me print duplex?06:21
JackDeathi suppose you could roll your own, but that takes a lot of patience06:21
UsamaAkkadyes during the installation06:21
kaelesyea both, I've got two in two machines, running mythbuntu, and both of them have issues with the video all together, even booting into X doesn't work with the autoconfig, or if I enter everything manually or with Xorg -config06:21
jtajiUsamaAkkad: why?06:22
sixnonepHi Guys, my torrents are rather slow at the moment, just tried speedtest.net and connectivity according to them, seems fine...06:22
JackDeathUsamaAkkad: is there a reason you need the gui?06:22
crdlbkaeles: both of those should work out of the box, without installing any drivers or changing anyhing in the xorg.conf06:22
kaelesI've tried the ati driver and the radeon, though the ati is supposed to load the radeon if needed anyhow IIRC, and even vesa has issues, and falls back to the xorg.conf.failsafe06:22
gnu-dioUsamaAkkad: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:23
UsamaAkkadif a user wanted to get fully updated system without having to download full iso and then update it. he will prefer minimum06:23
kaelesin 7.x and 8.x?06:23
UsamaAkkadand that is for new users06:23
UsamaAkkadtext based isn't easy for new users06:23
UsamaAkkaddid I make it clear ?06:24
JackDeathUsamaAkkad: new users will most likely not have an easy time with a minimal install either06:24
gnu-dioUsamaAkkad: that last command I gave installs the full desktop-gui on top of a minimal install06:24
d1bUsamaAkkad: sudo upgrade-manager -d ?06:24
simplexiotect based mode is like mde for people who can ask help from irc. just c&p commands06:25
JackDeatheven with a gui to install, they may be intimidated by the minimal06:25
sekintoIs it possible to start a graphical program in the system tray only that by default opens a window when it starts?06:25
UsamaAkkadd1b, didn't get it06:26
disappearedngActually: my ubuntu doesn't auto mount, what's wrong?06:26
TxBWhen first installing Ubuntu, is it able to resize existing partitions without losing data?06:26
UsamaAkkadok if I told a friend to download minimum.iso what he will see ? a text based installation  which every one knows it's not easy06:27
SauvinTxB: yup!06:27
crdlbsekinto: only if the app supports it06:27
kaelessimplexio: Don't just copy and paste commands, try and learn why and what they are doing.06:27
crdlbTxB: but have backups anyway06:27
FlannelUsamaAkkad: the minimal ISO has the same interface as the alternate CD06:27
UsamaAkkadyes I know that06:27
d1bUsamaAkkad: what is your problem / what support are you seeking ? ...06:27
UsamaAkkadI've just tried starting i06:27
jtaji!brainstorm | UsamaAkkad, go here to submit your ideas06:28
ubottuUsamaAkkad, go here to submit your ideas: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!06:28
TxBWill it help me setup a boot loader since I already have XP on the same drive?06:28
wrektjethey.. i have a logitech g11 kb and i want to use the g1-g18 to assign shortcuts but ubuntu doesnt recognize them as being diff than the f1-f12 and g13-g18 as the numbers 1-6. any ideas? do i need some firmware or something like that?06:28
kaelesUsamaAkkad: if the problem is ease of use, then they don't need to worry about a slight bit more of downloading.06:28
FlannelUsamaAkkad: The alternate CD asks the exact same questions as the desktop CD.  You just have to use they keyboard instead of the mouse.06:28
d1bany reason why your friend can't use the normal installer ?06:28
crdlbTxB: yep06:28
floatboatcan someone help me figure out why acrobat reader won't let me print duplex?06:28
stduseren_I am using ubuntu right now, is there a way i can encrypt the packets that go out to the server?06:29
UsamaAkkadlike jtaji said it's just an Idea for Ubuntu. I heard fedora boot.iso has gui06:29
disappearedngIs there a way for me to figure out why I am leaking so much memory in my laptop06:29
stduseren_irc server06:29
mvalviarGot a problem with the shutdown command. Whenever I use it my pc shows the progress bar screen and never finishes. It doesn't look right because it should be emptying the bar instead of filling it up.06:29
UsamaAkkadthis idea is to save time only06:29
UsamaAkkadand bandwith06:29
JackDeathTxB: back up your drive first to make sure you can restore in case partitioning goes astray06:29
stduseren_disappearedng: what do you mean leaking aren't you new to ubuntu to even notice that?06:30
g4lt-lappyfloatboat, honest-to-goodness acroread?  try adobe support.  other pdf reader?  try their support channels.  if you can do duplex in some app, ubuntu's configured correctly06:30
sekintoDoes anyone know of any third party repositories that provide Gnome 2.26, or will I have to wait until Jaunty?06:30
=== lstarnes is now known as sheep
disappearedngstduseren_ I have been using linux for 3 years06:31
disappearedngit's just that I initally thought that my firefox was leaking06:31
UsamaAkkadit could be minimum iso + gui installer or (live cd - all the unnecessary package to make network install)06:31
floatboatg4lt-lappy: what's the adobe channel?06:31
disappearedngI did a testrun yesterday and my firefox went 2.0gb06:31
disappearedngafter that I closed it and this morning I ran "free"06:32
disappearedngand there was only like 200mb left in my 3gb memory06:32
disappearedngbut then when I hit up gnome-system-monitor there was nothing on "memory" that is larger than 300 mb06:32
stduseren_well why the heck would you ask how do you not know how to mount usb drive?06:32
PsuedoI am planning on learning a variety of different Server services. My home-setup already contains a Data-Server (through shares), Web-Server (XAMPP and IIS), Print-Server (with a Printer Intranet Site), Email (Exchange 2007) server & Active Directory (LDAP/DOMAIN). I plan on learning, implementing, configuring and maintaining as well as the aforementioned services, DFS, Cluster-Server, ICS,...06:32
Psuedo...Sharepoint, Office Communications Server, RADIUS and AAA. Are there any other Services you would recommend I learn?06:32
kaelesIs there a way I could make sure that the xorg configuration is set completely back to default?06:33
crdlbsekinto: jaunty06:33
kaelesor does the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg do that?06:33
crdlbkaeles: 'sudo dexconf'06:33
stduseren_Psuedo: i think you got enough there for a whole year!06:33
jtajidisappearedng: are you looking at the first or second line of numbers in free?06:33
PsuedoHave it all done in 10 min06:33
JackDeathdisappearedng: sounds like the system cache gave the impression that all memory was being used06:33
Psuedo(I wish)06:33
kaeleskk, I'll try that crdlb thanks06:34
o0Chris0ohaving issues signing the Ubuntu Code of Conduct for launchpad I keep getting an error06:34
jtajidisappearedng: the one that starts with +/- buffers/cache shows your true used and free memory06:34
sekinto@crdlb: That's too bad, 2.26 looks like it has some really interesting new features. But I guess desktop environments are dependent on a lot of other things and a lot of other packages would have to be updated to.06:34
MindVirusAny way to get the progress on a dd?06:34
JackDeathPsuedo: kerberos, have a two way trust to AD06:35
Droopsta915yone know how to start firefox in safemode, the tutorial shows the command, but firefox wont start using the terminal?06:35
stduseren_Psuedo: you should do SAP,06:35
disappearedngok I was looking at Mem: total used and free06:35
stduseren_disappearedng: WHAT DOES YOUR TOP SAY?06:36
Droopsta915I got it, i skiped the /path/to/firefox text :)06:36
wrektjethey.. i found that there is a g15daemon for the g15 keyboard.. how would i get the daemon for the g11?06:36
jtajidisappearedng: the first line used/free includes buffers and cache, which are freed when needed06:36
disappearedngstduseren_ nothing much in particular06:36
Psuedostduseren_: Who are you calling a SAP? LOL, not but seriously (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAP) which?06:36
crdlbsekinto: gnome's release schedule is the reason for ubuntu's 6 month cycle06:37
disappearedngjtaji: that doesn't solve my problem cause both my cache and RAM memory are all used up that's why my swap was begin to being utilized by my system06:37
* JackDeath yawns06:37
JackDeathhave a good night/day everyone06:38
stduseren_Psuedo: if you never heard of it, then you probably dont want to go there, its more for large corporations.06:38
stduseren_Psuedo: www.sap.com06:38
rayne_What is a partitioning program I can use under Ubuntu?06:39
sekinto@rayne_: gparted06:39
rayne_sekinto, thanks06:39
Psuedostduseren_: Thanks06:39
ariqsWhat does this mean: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/atlas/liblapack.so.3gf: undefined symbol: _gfortran_pow_r8_i406:39
stduseren_rayne_: qparted06:40
Psuedostduseren_: What does SAP do?06:40
sparky_this is for anyone who really knows permissions for ubuntu server.  My set-up is Ubuntu Server 8.04.2 with Samba file sharing.  With  both my Mac and WindowXP I can see the share drive and get to the first layer of folders.  Once I try to go any deeper then that there is nothing there to be seen.  I know there are fies there because my XP cpu see the size and number of files in the folders.  I have already ran "sudo chown -R on 06:40
stduseren_everything they say. seriously i believe it their systems have been used for over 40 years06:41
sekinto@crdlb: I really have to get off the Gentoo drugs, I'm so used to stuff always being at the latest version to the last digit. xD06:41
stduseren_well its for business applications in layman's06:42
stduseren_euro-linux: hablas espanol06:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:42
bonycan any one help me on increaseing the printing speed of my printer? the ppm given by HP 1320 is 22ppm but i am getting 3 or 4 ppm its very very slow06:43
PsuedoGotta love bots :P06:43
bonywhen i give empty prints then i get the 22ppm speed06:43
bonycan any one help me out on this ?06:43
stduseren_i am new to irc06:43
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:44
PsuedoIRC is multi-player Notepad :D06:44
Stepan1Can anyone tell me step by step how to access a linux printer from a windows machine that is NOT on the same network.  I am getting confused with the many instructions.06:45
sekinto@Psuedo: Except Notepad doesn't support syntax highlighting. :D06:45
jtajibony: those specs are usually on economode with minimal text and built-in fonts06:46
jtajibony: though that does sound slow unless the print is really complex06:46
ariqsWhat does this mean: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/atlas/liblapack.so.3gf: undefined symbol: _gfortran_pow_r8_i4 <-- what does this mean and how do I fix it?06:46
disappearedngwhat's the shortcut for "new tab" for a new terminal tab in gnome terminal?06:46
bonyjtaji, well the print is not that complex it a odt file with out any images06:47
stduseren_has anyone tried psifur for Xchat?06:47
adiosXanyone know how to use tor06:47
Psuedosekinto: OKay, Multi-Player Notepad206:47
sekinto@disappearedng: shift+ctrl+t (hint: all shortcuts for menu entries are listed next to their menu entry)06:48
ashleywhey, a script I'm trying to run is asking me to install /usr/bin/time — any idea how? Or where can I find time so I can link it?06:48
bonyjtaji, how to set the properties of the printer to achieve at least 10 ppm06:49
bonyjtaji, or can you guide to places were i can find more help on increasing the speed?06:49
crdlbashleyw: the 'time' package, but it should be installed06:50
ashleywyeh, the time command works, I just dont know where it is06:50
jtajiashleyw: 'which time' in a terminal will tell you, but it should be in that location06:51
ashleywwhich time returns nothing06:51
ron2010just recently installed ubuntu and having hard time changing resolution06:51
ron2010can anybody help06:52
ron2010i know my monitor support higher resolution06:52
kaelescrdlb: the sudo dexconf didn't help at all either, i've done about everything I can except try reinstalling from scratch06:52
kaelesthat I know of anyhow06:52
ron2010when i try to change the resolution setting highest setting is 1024x76806:52
ron2010i know i can higher06:53
ron2010at least in windows i did :)06:53
SunnyDPron2010: depends on the driver you have loaded06:53
ashleywbut "type time" => "time is a shell keyword"06:53
crdlbashleyw: there's a bash builtin time too06:53
jtajiashleyw: actually that's not installed by default.. sudo apt-get install time06:53
ron2010how do i find out what drivers are installed?06:53
ron2010the installation automated everything when i install06:54
ashleywawesome, thanks jtaji!06:54
ron2010i dont remember being asked for drivers during installation06:54
Kimiin firefox, in Orkut.... if i click any lnk like , scrapbook, or profile .... with middle mouse button.... instead of opening in a new tab. its opening the same tab itself06:55
Kimiwhy ?06:55
Fingerlinghello room06:55
Fingerlingiom new to the linux x chat06:55
KimiHello Fingerling06:55
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FingerlingI hat cap lock :(06:56
taz_hi... i try to start play games www.pogo.com and it said Java Not Found or Not Working06:56
=== [-I8U-] is now known as meshuggah
Kimitaz_ system > adminstration > synaptic manager.... search for ubuntu-restricted extras and install it ... it will solve your java problems06:58
Dreamglideris there a "inhibitation" button in ubuntu that inhibits inserted media to mount when inserted ?06:58
taz_kimi: ok i will check right now06:58
Kimitar_ provided you have java runtime installed06:58
taz_kimi: ok what next ??06:59
Kimitar_ do you have java runtime installed ?? if not, then do it first from synaptic .....06:59
Kimitaz_ provided you have java runtime installed07:00
Kimido it taz_ from synaptic07:00
Kimiit will solve  i think07:00
taz_yes installed07:00
Keal_i can't get win32 xp sp2 to install :<07:00
taz_synaptic where ??07:00
jtajiDreamglider: file browser (nautilus) preferences, media tab07:01
MiladKhajaviWhat is the command for unzipping *.zip files?07:01
acegikmohate to be another one asking about wireless in intrepid, but network manager says it's connected to my wireless network, yet pinging give "connect: Network is unreachable"07:01
Kimitaz_ system > adminstration > synaptic  : search for java and install it07:01
jtajiMiladKhajavi: unzip07:01
Kimitaz_ and have you installed ubuntu restricted extras now ?07:01
taz_kimi: ok and i will look07:01
=== mib_s01se4w8 is now known as naymyowin
Keal_i can't get win32 xp sp2 to install :<07:02
MiladKhajavijtaji: thanks07:02
hateball!windows | Keal_07:02
ubottuKeal_: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents07:02
* xTheGoat121x is away: I'm either sleeping or out. Leave a message!07:03
jtaji!away > xTheGoat121x07:03
ubottuxTheGoat121x, please see my private message07:03
Keal_i just want to stop using ubuntu 8.10 amd64 and use win32 xp sp2, but ubuntu won't let me :<07:03
hateballKeal_: Go to ##windows07:03
taz_kimi: synaptic package manger ???07:03
Kimitaz_ yes..  > system > administration > synaptic  ... search for java and install ...... and then search for ubuntu-restricted extras and install07:04
Kimitaz_ did it work for you ??07:04
taz_kimi: i will look for java07:04
hateballKimi: Sun java gets pulled down with restricted-extras tho :)07:05
simplexioKeal_: it easy if dont need keep anything .. just fdisk harddrive and remove all partition. reboot and insert xp isntall cd07:05
g4lt-lappyhateball, you mean IBM java? ;P07:05
Kimihateball .. ok.. i dont know it :P ... but however. for some sites , java runtime needed and for others restr extras are need07:05
Kimihateball why is it that this is ?07:06
forcesI'm reading about LVM partions, and I understand, LVM is similar to extended partition07:06
taz_kimi: there many java. which one ??07:07
forcesmy question is, why I should use LVM partitions if I can use an extended partition07:07
Kimitaz_ java run time07:07
g4lt-lappyKimi, use th Sun jabva SDK that hateball referred to, it's pretty much guaranteed to be the thing you need07:07
dannizhey guys, I seem to have problems with postfix / syslogd. after syslogd 'restarts' postfix isn't running anymore.. I have to manually start it from init.d every morning? Ubuntu server 8.1007:08
hateballKimi: restricted-extras is just a metapackage that grabs other packages... Like SUN java, Adobe Flash, some w32 codecs, and so on.07:08
Kimitaz_ instead go to applications > add/remove .. search for java ... then choose runtime07:08
taz_there have two java07:08
hateballforces: LVM is not just an extended partition... it lets you add space to volume groups, practically allowing you to add space to virtual disks07:08
Kimihateball ok. thanks .. i now understand,,,07:08
Kimitaz_ the simple way applications > add/remove > java and choose runtime07:09
taz_kimi: it already installed with runtime   add/remove07:09
forcesif I have 2 HDD, I can use LVM and looks like a HDD?07:09
hateballforces: yes07:09
Kimitaz_ ok.../  then try that site,,,,, but before that why dont you close your brwser and restart it ?07:09
hateballforces: the alternate installer will help you do that at install-time07:09
wrektjetheres an embarressing one... when i minimize my windows they disappear... where r they going?07:09
taz_kimi:  i did  few time and nothing happened07:10
forceshmm! interesting07:10
forceswhere can I read more about LVM partions07:10
forceshow to use it, install, create...07:10
hateballforces: this guide is excellent http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm07:10
Kimitaz_ have you done ubuntu restricted extras from synaptic ?? i once had the same problem like yours. (though i had java)  but then . i did restricted extras . then those sites worked07:10
forcescan I use LVM for use a SD card like a HDD?07:10
hateball!who | forces07:11
ubottuforces: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:11
taz_kimi: ok where can fix07:11
forcesthe question is for everyone07:12
hateballtaz_: make sure you dont have both icedtea and sun java installed, firefox can act weird then07:12
hateballforces: alright :)07:12
forceswhoever wants help07:12
hateballforces: well you can mount an SD card just like you mount a harddrive, but putting an SD card and a standard HDD in the same LVM group would be... bad07:13
wrektjetanyone help me and tell me where my minimzed wndows have gone?07:13
Kimitaz_ didnt you do that restriced extras thing ???07:13
forcesI wanna do that in my Acer Aspire one07:13
Kimiwrektjet .. i think its in the next workspace.. scrll your mouse wheel down07:13
hateballwrektjet: perhaps you've removed the applet from your panel? the one that lets you see minimized windows07:13
taz_kimi: syapitc package manger show me it which one ?07:13
Kimitaz_ ubuntu-restricted-extras07:14
taz_kimi: ok07:14
Kimiwrektjet did it work frnd ?07:14
wrektjetdidnt realize it was its own applet.. only on day 207:15
redwyrmmy CD/DVD devices disappeared07:15
hateballforces: you can easily mount the sd card as your /home, or whereever you want to mount it. but remember SD has limited writes, so you'd mount it with appropriate options07:15
redwyrmboth symlinks and device file07:15
redwyrmhow can I recreate this, and what causes it?07:15
forcesok, I will read more about that07:15
hateballwrektjet: Well, good it's sorted :)07:15
forceshateball, thanks07:15
wrektjetyep easy. thanks again07:15
hateballforces: you're welcome07:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about next07:15
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:16
Kimiredwyrm can you explain a little more ?07:16
BePhantomhello, could anyone help me?07:16
ubottugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..07:16
hateball!anyone | BePhantom07:16
ubottuBePhantom: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:16
ariqsI want liblapack 3.2 in hardy. Do I have to compile it myself, or can I grab the package somewhere? cause it's not in package manager07:16
taz_kimi: can u show me with ur gtk-recordmydesktop.. then send  email me ?07:17
redwyrmBePhantom, well, not much to explain... I'm using Ubuntu 8.10, and I used to be able to use the CD/DVD drive normally.  suddenly I try it again (maybe a week since then) and it doesn't work07:17
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:17
redwyrmcould someone do ls -l /dev/scd0 please?07:17
BePhantomdoes anyone know how i can access my windows shared network folder from ubuntu 8.10?07:17
hateball!samba | BePhantom07:17
ubottuBePhantom: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:17
Kimitaz_ ??? its ubuntu-restriced-extras frnd... search for ubuntu-restricted07:17
redwyrmBePhantom, ls /dev/dv* /dev/sc* /dev/cd* gives no results07:18
Kimitaz_ but i dont know what is gtk recrd desktop // help me with this07:18
hateballtaz_: open a terminal,  type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" and press enter, and you're done :)07:18
SeverianBePhantom, I use smbfs to access Windows share.07:18
hateball!terminal | taz_07:18
ubottutaz_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:18
|Rad|hi folks07:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moo07:19
Kimi|Rad| hi07:19
ubottugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..07:19
SeverianBePhantom, There is more than one way to do.07:19
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu (Hardy) not provide the file lsconfig? (http://www200.pair.com/mecham/debian/lsconfig)07:19
BePhantomSeverian: an easy way?07:19
Kimiin xubuntu xchat is defaultly installed. why not in ubuntu 8.10 ?07:19
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org07:20
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE07:20
SeverianBePhantom,   go to synaptic and install the smbfs package.  That has to be done first, and won't hurt in any way.07:20
redwyrmKimi, I suspect that they intend people to use Pidgin for IRC07:21
ariqsPidgin is horrible for IRC!07:21
redwyrmyeah, definitely07:21
redwyrmcould someone do ls -l /dev/scd0 please?07:21
redwyrmI really want to know the major/minor numbers07:22
=== EdgeX-[A] is now known as edgex-
|Rad|a problem here, i've purchase a laptop and i installed ubuntu, but in my old desktop pc, i have ubuntu too....now i need the files from the desktop one, i removed the hd from cpu, and i connected to the laptop using an enclosure, and ubuntu's laptop don't recognized the media....so what can i do to have my archives back!!07:22
Kimihow to use pidgin for irc ?07:22
SeverianThen, issue two commands from your terminal promt to mount the windows shares.    1. sudo mkdir /windowsshare   2.  sudo mount -t smbfs //windowsname/share  /windowsshare -o username=guest,password=guest,uid=name,gid=name07:22
hateballBePhantom: Places - Connect to Network share, I believe.... Not on English Ubuntu so not sure about the proper translation07:23
SunnyDPredwyrm: brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2009-03-19 22:28 /dev/scd007:23
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SeverianBePhantom, if you want those automatically mounted, you can add lines to your /etc/fstab to do it when you boot.07:23
BePhantomhateball: already tried that, it says it cant mount it07:24
SeverianBePhantom, it seems easy to me, but you may have a different opinion.07:24
hateballBePhantom: Hmm, should just work... but perhaps you have to install smbfs first. Open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install smbfs"07:24
redwyrmaha! "[ 1091.681359] Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods"07:24
redwyrmhow do I update the sr driver like this message recommends?07:25
SeverianBePhantom, smbfs is not installed by default.  You need to install it, as you were just shown.07:25
redwyrmit seems like a bad design that they would prevent people from using their CDROM drives simply because their drivers are out of date07:25
BePhantomok, doing that right now hateball07:25
hateballBePhantom: You can also access samba shares from Nautilus by entering "smbfs://ip.to.server/share" in the adress field07:26
|Rad|nothing here ?07:26
ariqsredwyrm, I don't know any of the details, but I agree. That's really dumb ;p07:26
BePhantomafter sudo apt-get install smbfs should i be able to use Places - Connect to Network share hateball?07:27
hateballBePhantom: yeah that should work, as well as what I typed about nautilus07:27
BePhantomis nautilus the default file brower in 8.10?07:28
swayedIs there a way to fix Grub using the Live CD ? ? Will not boot.07:28
error404notfoundhow can I forcely run all daily crons?07:28
SeverianBePhantom, it is for Ubuntu 8.10, not Kubuntu 8.10 or xubuntu 8.10.07:29
redwyrmariqs, actually, I'm wrong. it's not a message for the user. it's a message for the driver developers07:29
redwyrmsaying they need to use a different API or something07:29
magnetronswayed→ the super grub cd is better fit for that purpose07:29
BePhantomthe file is downloading so it may take time since im downloading another thing07:30
BePhantomin the meanwhile i have another question about flash07:30
BePhantomcant make youtube work, i already installed the flash plugin07:30
swayedmagnetron; Can you point me in the right direction for this - or just do a google and go from there?07:30
BePhantomfrom FF07:30
magnetron!grub | swayed07:30
ubottuswayed: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:30
magnetron!enter | BePhantom07:30
ubottuBePhantom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:30
BePhantomcant make youtube work, i already installed the flash plugin from firefox. Any hints?07:31
swayedmagnetron; Thanks much - appreciate the helping hand.07:31
magnetronswayed→ cheers07:31
hateballBePhantom: Make sure you dont have different plugins installed at a time, like swfdec and Adobe flash. Use one or the other07:32
swayedmagnetro; you too!07:32
SeverianBePhantom.  delete flash.  It is awful.   Install gnash, greasemonkey and youtotem.  That will let youtube work.07:32
swayedmagnetron; U 2 !07:32
dr_phd1hello everyone, i wanted to ask, how do I make my LaserJet 1100A work with Ubuntu07:32
Zozmaso i upgraded my motherboard to a Gigabyte P45 DQ6 and now my ubuntu doesn't want to boot07:33
delfickhello, how do I change startup programs through the commandline ? (I only have access to the machine in question through ssh so I can't use bum)07:33
BePhantomhateball: i may have installed flash from adobe home page, i installed the .deb file but it didnt work, then i tried downloading directly from FF, same result07:33
Athenonmy intrepid laptop is running extremely slow.  ill open vuze, for example, and the hard drive runs and runs and runs and runs and maybe 10-15 MINUTES later it finally comes up -_-  any ideas?07:33
ariqsdr_phd1, pray to the ubuntu gods07:33
Severiandr_phd1, I suggest printing to it.  That is how I make them work together.07:33
Zozmaseems it can't find the root disk/partition07:33
Zozmais this motherboard known to be a problem/is there some easy way to find what disk goes where?07:33
dr_phd1the printer works fine, but the copier and scanner doesn't work07:33
Athenonand its not just vuze or anything...its like certain programs...and it used to lag real bad on boot too, but not anymore07:34
hateballBePhantom: The deb file from Adobe doesnt work.  open a terminal and "sudo apt-get remove swfdec-mozilla gnash" && "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"07:34
hateballBePhantom: make sure to close/restart Firefox while doing so07:35
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu (Hardy) not provide the file lsconfig? (http://www200.pair.com/mecham/debian/lsconfig)07:35
ariqsI'm curious, what is the main difference between linux and freebsd?07:35
SeverianLinux has a better license.07:36
BePhantomhateball: ok07:36
halyconDoes anyone have any experience getting a Nokia 6121c to work using bluetooth with things like Gammu and Wammu?07:36
doleybLinux also has more proprietary support (binary drivers and plugins)07:36
dr_phd1Severian :  the printer works fine, but the copier and scanner doesn't work07:36
Brando753is there a way i can uninstall an ubuntu partition on a tri-boot machine?07:37
SkyNetMasterhi, I cant se some files with nc extention in gedit file browser, how can this be fixed?07:37
doleybBrando753: There's nothing to uninstall... just go ahead and install whatever you like on top of it, and it'll be gone.07:37
Brando753so if i delete the partition it will be fine?07:38
doleybBrando753: Well, ubuntu will be gone, your other OSes may be fine... it's up to them.07:38
Brando753well what about grub will it still show ubuntu?07:38
Severiandr_phd1, I have only setup a scanner a couple of time.  I think about doing one for myself, but I never needed one. I used the application sane to drive the scanner.  I don't know if it works with your device or not.07:39
doleybBrando753: Grub automatically updates those things.  But how well your system will work after is a question for those (unnamed) other OS.07:39
Brando753Other Ubuntu, Windows :P07:39
doleybBrando753: oh two ubuntus, well you shold be fine07:40
Brando753but what about windows?07:40
BePhantomhateball smbfs finished installing, i go to places and try to connect but i keep getting the same error, something about there's no registered application07:41
SeverianBePhantom.  You may have to reboot to take care of that.07:41
doleybBrando753: Since you'll still have ubuntu to handle grub, it will be OK.  If there happens to be a problem, you can go https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:41
Brando753do you need ubuntu for grub?07:42
trekwhere does ubuntu 8.1 store its monitor settings, cause editing xorg.conf and restarting x afterwards doesnt seem to change anything07:42
doleybBrando753: Well grub is from linux of some sort.07:42
BePhantomSeverian: ok, will do in a few minutes, cant reboot right now07:42
Brando753i thought grub was part of the bios and was self-sufficient07:42
Brando753well installed to the bios :D07:42
pizmoozthe first level of grub is in the master boot record07:43
* Dreamglider didnt manage to dualboot of his flashdisk :/07:43
MindVirusAny reason to have relatime if I'm going to have noatime?07:44
pizmoozthe bios hands of control to grub, then grub reads the /boot partition and get it's config, then it hands of control to whatever you tell it to07:44
Brando753well the /boot parition is its own seperate partition right?07:44
sprinkmeierMindVirus, they are mutually exclusive. depending on what you do with the disk either one may be more appropriate, but you probably want relatime.07:45
MindVirusBrando753, not unless you tell it to be.07:45
durttrek, xorg.conf is the file that 'stores' monitor settings, take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what's happening at start up.07:45
MindVirussprinkmeier, I want the least amount of writing as possible.07:45
Brando753like in the manual install?07:45
MindVirusI have an Asus Eee 1000 with SSDs.07:45
sprinkmeierMindVirus, noatime then07:45
Brando753so do i :P mines a 910 though07:46
MindVirus"Consider moving your logs to a tmpfs (ram), if you don't think you will need them, it could eliminate lots of writes."07:46
sprinkmeierBrando753, GRUB = GRand Universal Bootloader. It can boot many things, including Linux, and is included in many linux distros.07:46
Brando753i installed ubuntu on it :P07:46
MindVirusHow do I do this?07:46
pizmoozBrando, take a look at the /boot/grub/menu.lst file, just looking at it will probably answer alot of questions07:47
trekdurt: hmm, well i'll do that, but some option i give in xorg.conf are for sure not accepted thought their syntax is correct, where does ubuntu dig up a new xorg.conf whe i delete it?07:47
BadElvisi have this script rainlendar.sh to start rainlendar. normally, it is one of the first things i run after logging on. how can i automate this?07:48
durttrek, xorg tries to configure itself without xorg.conf, and then parses xorg.conf for user defined settings. when you erase it,= xorg creates a new blank one.07:48
pizmoozBadElvis, add it to ~/.bashrc file07:49
swayedmagnetron; Hey the Super Grub CD worked great - writing this from my new 500GB cloned drive - I did a sector to sector clone of a 320GB to this 500GB using Ghost and this would not boot - but it is now thanks to your help. I just need to resize the partition to full 500GB's and good to rock again - thanks again.....   Smiling again!  :o)07:49
BoohbahBadElvis: or you can add it to /etc/rc.d/rc.local07:49
magnetronswayed→ i'm glad to hear that07:50
trekdurt: i tried to use a xorg.conf generated by knoppix, deleted xorg.conf and all backups in order to get a fresh one, and what happens? i get the knoppix one which i had deleted...07:50
BadElvisok, i will try. brb!07:50
=== florin is now known as Guest38442
sprinkmeierBadElvis, log on (.bashrc or KDE/gnome startup) or boot-up (/etc/rc.local)07:51
durttrek, take another swing at it, what I just described is the way xorg deals with xorg.conf.07:51
dinesh__which is the best book to start learning linux07:51
ActionParsnipyo yo yo07:52
LordKowi think www.linux.org has some good tutorials07:52
durt'sup dog07:52
trekdurt: thx, at least i can now be sure,  the xorg.conf file is touched by ubuntu and will evemntually eat my settings...07:52
hhrhow can i format an ntfs without changing its filesystem so i can use it with windows too?07:53
ActionParsniphhr: formatting wipes the data off07:53
swayedmagnetron; been putting this off for over 2wks - didn't think it would work - but no problem - my old 320gb only had 25gb free - do you suggest using dparted to resize this 500gb ? - it is currently showing as a 320gb - I figured it would by doing the sector by sector clone.07:53
hhryes i wanna wipe everything but keep it as ntfs07:53
crdlbtrek: ubuntu will not touch the xorg.conf without asking07:53
ActionParsniphhr: you can remove the journal to make it ext2 and use http://fs-driver.org/07:53
ActionParsniphhr: oooh i see07:54
mxcoolI got a problem with my ubuntu intrepid ibex when I hibernate it , after rebooting I hav no sound07:54
crdlbtrek: monitor settings are stored in ~/.config/monitors.xml unless you use the nvidia driver07:54
ActionParsniphhr: apt-cache search ntfs | grep tool07:54
magnetronswayed→ i'm not sure about how to do that. some people use gparted, but that's all i know. (there's a gparted live cd as well :D)07:54
hhri wanna do it from bash07:54
trekcrdlb: well, what do i have to do to get ubuntu using the settingy in my xorg.conf?07:54
CruX|hello all will be KDE 4.2 in ubuntu 2009.4 ?07:54
ActionParsniphhr: install the ntfstools package and gparted will e able to format ntfs07:54
crdlbtrek: what are you trying to do?07:54
ron2010anybody help with increasing my resolution?07:55
magnetron!anybody | ron201007:55
ubotturon2010: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:55
ActionParsniphhr: or an easier way, just delete the partition in windows and format there07:55
sprinkmeierhhr, why not do it from windows? NTFS write support in linux will always be 'best effort' as MS won't release the specs. I try to avoid writing NTFS (and that includes formatting).07:55
ron2010does anybody know or can help setup my resolution with two monitors?07:56
ActionParsniphhr: well gparted is just a gui for parted but they use the same ntfstools package07:56
hhrbut if it's already mounted, why can't i format it easily like a flash drive?07:56
swayedmagnetron; ah - sorry got my app names mixed up gparted is of course what I meant - will search gparted live cd at google - should be a piece of cake. Thanks07:56
ron2010how's that?07:56
ActionParsnip!dualhead | ron201007:56
ubotturon2010: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:56
ActionParsniphhr: then unmount it with: sudo umount /mount/point07:56
Angel 07:56
Angel 07:56
Angel 07:56
Angel 07:56
FloodBot1Angel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:56
ActionParsniphhr: you cant format mouted block devices as they will be marked "busy"07:57
trekcrdlb: using nvidia driver, need to enable the custom EDID nvdia option cause my monitor sits behind a kvm switch which doesnt pass theough the monitor setting when probed by xorg, so behind my kvm ubuntu falls back to 640x480, unless i use that edid. bin file generated by nvidia to ovverride probing07:57
hhri see07:57
TxBWill I be able to install my hardware drivers after installing Ubuntu?07:57
hhrok after umount then shouldn't be a command that should format it07:57
hhrjust like mke2fs?07:57
ActionParsniphhr: pretty much, yes07:58
ActionParsniphhr: but you will use an ntfs based one07:58
swayedmagnetron; you think the upgrade to jaunty will be as smooth as the hardy to ibex internet based upgrade was?07:58
crdlbtrek: then X should respect the xorg.conf fully; if it doesn't, it's a problem with the nvidia driver07:58
hhrso what's the ntfs format command?07:58
trek crdlb: so when i use nvidia driver xorg.conf is used for sure?07:59
ActionParsniphhr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48108607:59
magnetronswayed→ impossible to say yet, since it's not betatested (only alpha tested). there will be a list of "known issues" on the release page.07:59
sprinkmeierhhr, mkfs.ntfs. but you need to "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs"07:59
=== odder_ is now known as odder
swayedmagnetron; I thought final rel. was next month April?08:00
hhri see ok08:00
ActionParsniphhr: sudo mkntfs /dev/<partition name>08:00
hhrTxB: Ubuntu will install its own drivers with it for your hardware. So no need to wory about that08:00
sprinkmeier!hcl | TxB08:00
ubottuTxB: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:00
magnetronswayed→ yes, it's still in alpha testing. the final release will be on April 23rd08:01
sprinkmeierTxB, with linux most device drivers are built into the kernel. As long as your hardware is on the HCL you shouldn't have to do anything.08:01
ActionParsnipTxB: you may need drivers for some hardware but 99% of the time they will NOT be on the CD you got with your hardware08:01
MindVirus"Consider moving your logs to a tmpfs (ram), if you don't think you will need them, it could eliminate lots of writes."08:01
MindVirusHow do I do this?08:01
crdlbtrek: as far as I know08:01
ActionParsnipMindVirus: ram drive08:01
trek crdlb: thx, then, i'll keep on trying...08:01
sprinkmeierMindVirus, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/16244/08:02
ActionParsnipMindVirus: you can carve off a secion of your ram as storage, like a hard drive08:03
ActionParsnipMindVirus: have all logs going there, when you reboot the data will be lost08:03
ActionParsnipMindVirus: = no more logs08:03
MindVirusHmm. Interesting.08:03
ActionParsnipMindVirus: if you dont reboot it will fill up like any other partition08:04
sprinkmeierActionParsnip, MindVirus  rotatelogs should be able to fix that08:04
swayedmagnetron; cool - looking forward to it - not so much for cosmetics but for more hardware support - know what I mean? There are still a few USB Wireless network adapters that are problematic, hope some will be resolved.08:04
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu (Hardy) not provide the file lsconfig? (http://www200.pair.com/mecham/debian/lsconfig)08:04
ActionParsnipsprinkmeier: i think hes trying to reduce writes to his ssd drive08:05
MindVirussprinkmeier, nothing to fix.08:05
MindVirusI'm just trying to rid myself of logs.08:05
MindVirusI'm on an Eee.08:05
ActionParsnipeee are sweeeet08:05
gartralalrighty, big issue for me today is the lack of ability to completly burn a dvd-R DL disk, all other media types work fine, and the drive is built for +/-R DL disks, but all wrights have failed so far, and i van not afford to waste any more of these disks08:05
sprinkmeierActionParsnip, sounds like it. I meant fix the "fills up like any other partition" comment08:05
=== Guest38442 is now known as IceyBlack
ActionParsnipMindVirus: you could use an externel ssd as /tmp /swp and /var to reduce rites to the internal08:06
MindVirusActionParsnip, I'm told to use a ramdisk.08:06
MindVirusPlus I don't have an external.08:06
ActionParsnipMindVirus: as you wish, its just another option08:06
ActionParsnipi like to give options08:07
sprinkmeierMindVirus, EEE has 3 USB ports... just plug in a cheap USB disk and trash that with /tmp and logs08:07
IntuitiveNippleMindVirus: Change the syslog options in /etc/syslog.conf to reduce what is logged. See "man syslog.conf"08:07
MindVirusWhat's up with the kickass names?08:08
MindVirusActionParsnip? IntuitiveNipple?08:08
gartral!ohmy | MindVirus08:08
ubottuMindVirus: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.08:08
ActionParsnipMindVirus: mies a harry hill joke08:09
Mozes251I have a small problem, can i get some help from here?08:09
DiehardyHey I need a Vista room08:09
Diehardyare there any?08:09
ikoniaDiehardy: ##windows08:09
ActionParsnipDiehardy: ##windows08:09
ikoniaDiehardy: look on freenodes website08:09
sprinkmeierDiehardy, down the hall, first door to the right08:09
negonicrac_one question: how is everyone doing backup? sbackup, simple scripts or some other way.08:09
sprinkmeiernegonicrac_, backuppc and external disks08:09
SeverianMindVirus, I am setting up a eeepc with a flash drive tonight, too.  I plan to set the /tmp to a tmpfs.  The referred to page shows one way to do that.  You could do /var/log the same way.08:09
MindVirusAye, OK.08:10
Mozes251Problem: In Places panel I can't find Documents anymore, how can i restore it? When i try with Edit Menus options, i can;t see places08:10
negonicrac_sprinkmeier: are you mounting the disk at /usr/.../sbackup08:10
SeverianMindVirus, To get fancier, configure logrotate to compress any logs you want and copy them to another directory on the flash drive.08:11
ActionParsnipMozes251: drag the folder to the places bar and it will be added08:11
Mozes251Thank you!08:11
MindVirusSeverian, that's using unneeded writes.08:11
=== methril|away is now known as methril|work
ariqsmy isp's dns server is down, anyone have a web proxy for me to use? :)08:11
MindVirusSeverian, what model? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1028368 if you're on the 1000.08:11
sprinkmeiernegonicrac_, external disks are mounted normally (/media/.....) whenever I remember to do an archive (about once a week).08:11
MindVirusGREAT guide.08:11
gartralariqs: getting slightly OT: i recommend open dns08:12
Severianyou can define unneeded for yourself.  That is a nice thing about Linux.  Whatever writes you think are unneccessary, just leave them out.08:12
ActionParsnipariqs: i can give you IPs for a different DNS08:12
ariqswhere do I change that?08:12
sprinkmeierariqs, /etc/resolv.conf08:12
sparky_ ariqs, here are some lvl 3 dns servers and
ActionParsnipariqs: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf08:12
SeverianMindVirus, it is a 1000HA.  I am setting it up for a friend, using an SD card only for storage for now.08:13
gartralariqs: either permenetly under your gateway's advanced config, or theres a temp/perm way from within ubunut08:13
MindVirusSeverian, maybe that guide will help you as well.08:13
SeverianMindVirus, I'll go read it.  Thanks.08:13
MindVirusIt's not just a guide -- it has lots of good ideas for recommended settings.08:13
zhurai-tsuki** (firefox:8829): WARNING **: Exception in gr::RangeSegment08:13
zhurai-tsuki    <-- firefox keeps spitting this out at me08:13
ariqsActionParsnip, I changed it in that conf, and it's not working..08:14
zhurai-tsuki>_> and I don't have ANY extentions on, as well as tried various times to reinstall it08:14
zhurai-tsukialso crashes whenever I download something08:14
zhurai-tsuki*download anything08:14
ActionParsnipariqs: you may need to run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:14
ActionParsnipariqs: did you add them with a prefix of 'nameserver'08:15
sprinkmeierActionParsnip, ariqs no need to bounce networking (it may, in fact, restore the file using DHCP)08:15
Boohbahzhurai-tsuki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/29053208:15
* zhurai-tsuki looks08:16
SeverianMindVirus, I can see something on that page they should change.  The way they setup the tmpfs will consume more ram that I think is prudent.08:16
ariqsI got errors doing.. sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart . Perhaps I should add that i'm connected via dialup with gnome ppp?08:16
MindVirusSeverian, how would you recommend?08:17
sprinkmeierariqs, try something like "host www.ibm.com" to bypass any local (mis)configurations08:17
zhurai-tsukiBoohbah: is it talking about the fonts that I designated within my "System->Preferences->Appearances" ?08:18
ariqsI can't use the standard ubuntu network stuff under administration because it doesn't like my modem.08:18
LordKowhey anyone here using pidgin on intrepid or hardy and just got "AIM buddy list unavailable" windows?08:18
Severianby default tmpfs will take up to half of your ram.  I have 2 GB ram.  I plan to add a size= parameter to limit it to about 300 meg.08:18
zhurai-tsukiLordKow: no idea what you mean there08:18
sprinkmeierariqs, does the host coimmand I gave you give you anything? pastbin it?08:18
ActionParsnipariqs: fine then reconnect with the modem and you should be ok08:19
LordKowzhurai-tsuki, http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/8051/badpidgin.png08:19
SeverianMindVirus, that last message was for you.08:19
MindVirusSo what size= should it be?08:19
ariqsActionParsnip, I tried that earlier and then I couldn't reconnect for an entire hour!08:19
MindVirusI'm thinking 128MB, should I do size=128?08:19
LordKowits happening in jaunty's pidgin i just wanted to see if its also occurring in hardy or intrepid.08:19
MindVirusProbably even less.08:19
MindVirusMaybe 64 or 32.08:19
ariqsryan@ryan-desktop:~/Desktop/lapack-3.2$ host www.ibm.com;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached08:20
ActionParsnipariqs: sounds like you ISP is changing stuff08:20
SeverianMindVirus, just a moment.  I have to go look that up in my notes.  I think it is more like size=128M   I'll be back.08:20
gartralLordKow: i have 4 aim accounts, they all connect08:20
eeg3How do I disable the new notification system in jaunty?08:20
ActionParsnipariqs: try: nslookup www.ask.com08:20
zhurai-tsukiit's not messing up like that for me08:20
ActionParsnip!jaunty | eeg308:20
ubottueeg3: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.08:20
sprinkmeierariqs, ok, sounds more like a routing problem than DNS. Can you ping
zhurai-tsukias well as, I'm on intrepid08:21
ariqsI can ping it08:21
SeverianMindVirus, yes.  size=128M   is right.  I may end up with a value like that.  I have not decided how much my limit should be.08:21
sprinkmeierariqs, as ActionParsnip said, maybe your ISP is messing with stuff. DNS lookups have long timeouts, so if ping works DNS should too.08:21
ActionParsnipariqs: did the nslookup succeed?08:22
ariqsActionParsnip, no08:22
ActionParsnipariqs: then dns is at fault08:22
ActionParsnipariqs: did it try to use the extra dns servers you added?08:22
DiehardyWhat is the best operating system out there?08:22
ActionParsnipDiehardy: doesnt exist08:22
zhurai-tsukipersonal preference I'd think...08:22
ActionParsnipDiehardy: best doesnt exist for anything08:23
gartralalrighty, big issue for me today is the lack of ability to completly burn a dvd-R DL disk, all other media types work fine, and the drive is built for +/-R DL disks, but all wrights have failed so far, and i van not afford to waste any more of these disks08:23
ariqsActionParsnip, I don't know? it didn't say either way08:23
sprinkmeierDiehardy, hurd08:23
DiehardyXP, Vista, Windows 7, Mac or Linux?08:23
ActionParsnipDiehardy: you forgot bsd as well08:23
zhurai-tsukiLINUX 8D08:23
zhurai-tsukior whatever08:23
Diehardyhow about out of XP, Vista and windows 7?08:23
zhurai-tsuki>_> I have only done XP, Vista, vm of Windows 7 that I grabbed for a short while, and Ubuntu linux08:23
ActionParsnipDiehardy: best only exists as an opinion of a product based on its merits to YOUR OWN personal needs08:23
MindVirusIn fstab, why would I use "defaults"?08:23
ActionParsnipDiehardy: there is no universal best, or we'd all use it and nothing else08:24
sprinkmeierDiehardy, again, personal pref. ATM probably XP unless the box came with Vista and it actually works well. 7 isn't out yet, so who knows.08:24
gartralDiehardy: that particular question belongs in ##windows08:24
ariqsActionpimp: I just rechcked my resolv.conf, and I see I had a typo. It works now, sorry to waste your time ;)08:24
sprinkmeierMindVirus, 'cos "defaults" are sane and usually work.08:24
ariqsrechecked, too. HAHA08:24
ActionParsnipariqs: hehe np man08:24
MindVirusRight, but is it redundant?08:24
DiehardyI have a trial version of Windows seven08:24
* ActionParsnip hands ariqs a facepalm08:24
ActionParsnipDiehardy: its offtopic here08:24
Diehardyand I cant install or play some of the things I used to be able to on my XP08:24
sprinkmeierMindVirus, "defaults" is a placeholder in case you wnat to provide other options08:24
ActionParsnipDiehardy: its offtopic here08:24
gartralsprinkmeier: your forgetting there puvlic beta, wich, imho 7 could very easily replace xp08:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:25
MindVirusLet's say I want to include noatime,mode=1777,size=64M.08:25
SeverianDiehardy, Syllable is the obvious choice.08:25
ActionParsnipDiehardy: head to ##windows or #ubuntu-offtopic08:25
gartralwine | Diehardy:08:25
gartral!wine | Diehardy:08:25
ubottuDiehardy:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help08:25
MindVirussprinkmeier, ^^08:25
MindVirusDoes that automatically include defaults?08:25
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:25
sixofour_how do you use a .unox ?08:26
zhurai-tsukitechnically also VMware if you want to be complete (as well as parallels)08:26
dandreI am using a fork of putty (kitty: http://www.9bis.net/kitty/?page=Accueil) on windows for the autologon capability. Is there any ssh client with autologon capability on ubuntu?08:26
FloodBot1dandre: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:26
dandreI am not flooding08:26
sprinkmeierMindVirus, honestly don't know, my fstabhas "defaults,OTHER_OPTIONS..." so I'd do that :-)08:27
zhurai-tsukiBoohbah: I'm just using Serif.  I somehow doubt that's the right bug I was trying to get rid of...08:27
doleybdandre: Yes, you can autolog in many ways.  But notice that putty itself is available for ubuntu.08:27
sprinkmeierdandel, AFAIK all ssh clients (ncluding putty and the default ssh client on ubuntu) have auto-login08:28
sixofour_what can i use to mount an .iso image?08:28
dandrehow can I autologon?08:28
MindVirussprinkmeier, apparently defaults is implicitly assumed.08:28
sprinkmeiersixofour_, "mkdir foo ; sudo mount -o loop FOO.iso ./foo"08:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin08:28
MindVirussprinkmeier, one only needs "defaults" if it's the only thing in that field.08:28
ubottuuse @login08:29
sprinkmeiersixofour_, I've seen nautilus ad-ons that automate this, never botherd with them though.....08:29
ActionParsnipdandre: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/02/some-gdm-basics-for-ubuntu-and-xubuntu-theming-and-auto-login/08:29
gartralalrighty, big issue for me today is the lack of ability to completly burn a dvd-R DL disk, all other media types work fine, and the drive is built for +/-R DL disks, but all wrights have failed so far, and i van not afford to waste any more of these disks08:29
ActionParsnipgartral: how fast are you burning?08:31
tehjaiHello, Im a bit new to Ubuntu and I have a newbie question. Provided anyone can help me.08:31
sprinkmeier!ask | tehjai08:31
ubottutehjai: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:31
tehjaiwell ok08:31
gartralActionParsnip: 2.4x08:32
Kimiwhat is ubuntu pastebin ?08:32
gartral!kimi | pastebin08:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kimi08:32
ActionParsnipgartral: cool08:32
sprinkmeier!pastebin | Kimi08:32
ubottuKimi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:32
dandreActionParsnip: I don't want to autolog in gdm but in my ssh connexion08:32
tehjaiI am using PureAdmin for a GUI interface on my ftp site. I created a user to connect to my server and set the folder I want them to be able to download from but they have access to every other account. Is there a way I can just lock them to that folder and sub directories?08:33
gartralActionParsnip: the drive supprts 4x, the media 2.408:33
sprinkmeierKimi, it's a way of quickly sharing a few lines of text (typically log output or conf file) without spamming IRC08:33
ActionParsnipdandre: ive not got a clue then, do you mean when you connect via ssh you want your password already entered?08:33
Kimiok.. but what is spamming irc mean ?08:33
dandreI am seen sshmenu-gnome can this application auto log ?08:34
gartral!spam | kimi08:34
ubottukimi: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...08:34
sprinkmeiertehjai, chroot? vsftpd has options to restrict users to certain directorues08:34
dandreyes ActionParsnip08:34
ActionParsnipdandre: ok thats cool, let me check08:34
tehjaisprinkmeier, that's my issue. Im confused as to how to do that.08:34
ActionParsnipdandre: btw, loggin on via ssh isnt gdm08:34
tea_ovedoseHi, how to fix the following: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A22008:35
sprinkmeierdandre, script can be sue to log any/all terminal activity.08:35
tehjaibut I think it's a pureftp configuration08:35
sprinkmeiertehjai, you mena you wnat to set up a chroot jail but don't know how?08:35
tehjaii dont mind them accessing the folder on my main login(not root) but I dont want them to be able to leave the folder or the other dirs in it.08:36
gartralActionParsnip: the drive supprts 4x, the media 2.408:36
sprinkmeiertehjai, it's been a while... changing FTP servers to one that can enforce user restrictions (vsftp) might be easier08:36
ActionParsnipgartral: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/noninteractive-shell-script-ssh-password-provider/08:37
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gartralActionParsnip: re-aim your tab08:37
ActionParsnipdandre: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/noninteractive-shell-script-ssh-password-provider/08:37
tea_ovedosehi, can some please guide me to restore the following W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A22008:38
hotte-wie mach ich es, dass nen startscript durch nen befehl im terminal aufgerufen wird?08:38
sprinkmeiertea_ovedose, how familiar are you with concepts like "web of trust"? the answer is long and complicated if you're not :-)08:38
hotte-sry fc08:39
SauvinHotte-, gibt es kein kanal #ubuntu-de?08:39
sprinkmeier!de | hotte-08:39
ubottuhotte-: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.08:39
Kimihotte- are we allowed to speak other languages than english here ?08:39
sprinkmeierhotte-, oder PM mich, Ich spreche deutsch08:39
halycondoes anyone know of a way I could install a large amount of deb packages without having to double click on each one?08:39
tea_ovedosesprinkmeier: thanks for reply XD I am a newbie don't know anything about it acutally haha08:39
SauvinKimi: nope.08:39
hotte-i said sry fc already ;) fc = false channel.. i will try it in #ubuntu-de08:40
Kimisauvin then see .... what hotte is talking . i cant understand08:40
hotte-10 answers about language.. sry for that..08:40
tehjaithank you08:40
sprinkmeiertea_ovedose, a primer site on gpg might be in order :-) basically your system doesn't know if it can trust the file, and it doesn't know anyone to ask.08:40
SauvinI do that all the time :D08:40
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:40
gartralkimi no08:40
hotte-Kimi: no.. so stop talking with caps.. it was my false.08:41
SauvinKimi, il n'y a pas de canal #ubuntu-fr?08:41
* Sauvin hides08:41
Kimigartral then how others are talking ?08:41
ActionParsnipKimi: if you can type english, hang around, if not i'd suggest the other rooms08:41
gartralin english08:41
KimiOK.. understood08:41
dandreok thanks ActionParsnip08:41
gartralActionParsnip: the drive supprts 4x, the media 2.408:41
tea_ovedosesprinkmeier: aha, will it disable the msg if I # the source url ?08:42
ActionParsnipgartral: maybe the media is too slow (?)08:42
ActionParsnipgartral: have you used this media ok before?08:42
gartralActionParsnip: yes, 2 years ago08:42
sprinkmeiergartral, there are lies, damn lies and product specs :-) try again slower08:42
ActionParsnipgartral: burn as slow as the drive will physically allow08:43
sprinkmeiertea_ovedose, yes, but then you'll miss out on whatever is in that repo. If you trust the repo, import their key. If you don't trust it, don't use it :-)08:43
gartralsprinkmeier ActionParsnip i need to be %1599 sure that this *will* work, i can not afford another batched disk!08:44
Kiminow , is there any other room for Xubuntu ??08:44
sixofour_how do i mount an .iso?08:44
ActionParsnipgartral: OSS has zero garuntees or SLA08:44
ActionParsnipsixofour_: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/cdrom008:44
gartralyes, but at $8 a peice where i live, there  expensive08:45
sprinkmeiergartral, no guarantees in this life except death and taxes...08:45
ActionParsnipsixofour_: or change /mount/point to some other directory you wish to use08:45
tea_ovedosesprinkmeier: it's just the ubuntu-tweak so i guess I can so what trust it... therefore, can you please teach me how to restore that key ?08:45
sprinkmeiersixofour_, the mount command I gave you didn't work?08:45
ActionParsnipgartral: i'm just telling you how it is08:45
sixofour_can't find foo.iso in in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab08:46
sprinkmeiertea_ovedose, as root, run "gpg --recv-keys 6AF0E1940624A220"08:46
Kimiis there any other room for xubuntu ?? its not showing when i start Xchat client.... i just choose ubuntu servers and connect to it.... how to connect to xubuntu ?08:47
sprinkmeiersixofour_, replace "foo.iso" with the path/name of the .ISO file you're trying to mount.08:47
Linxkimi /join #xubuntu08:47
tea_ovedosesprinkmeier: key recive server failed: bad uRI08:47
sixofour_i repalced it with foo.iso when i pasted it :P08:48
sixofour_it doesn't find the iso in those folders so it won't work08:48
sixofour_perhaps another command or option?08:48
tea_ovedosesprinkmeier: nvm I'd typo the key string haha08:48
Kimilinx thanks....!08:48
Kartagisdoes anyone know if there is a Ubuntu 8.04/10 repository that has Pidgin 2.5.5?08:49
ActionParsnipsixofour_: you need the command i gave08:49
ikoniaKartagis: no there is not08:49
sprinkmeiersixofour_, if mount can't find the .iso file I don't see why something else should...08:49
ActionParsnipikonia: ;)08:49
sixofour_its looking in the wrong palce sprinkmeier08:49
sixofour_it says it can't find it in those directories...its not in those directories08:50
sprinkmeiersixofour_, give it the complete path?08:50
sixofour_i did08:50
sixofour_it still looked in the wrong ones08:50
Linxkimi np08:50
sprinkmeiersixofour_, "mkdir /tmp/foo ; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/foo.iso /tmp/foo"08:50
ActionParsnip1sixofour_:  sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/cdrom008:50
ariqsKartagis: I got 2.5.5 from some deb repository. I had to update another library to get it to work, however08:50
ActionParsnip1sixofour_: you need to edit the paths to poit to the iso files and mount point you wish to use08:51
KimiLinx i dont know why no one is replying in xubuntu box08:51
Linxkimi mom08:51
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: if you do us the getdeb version you will need to uninstall it if you decide to upgrade to jaunty next month08:51
KimiLinx what is mom ??08:52
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: or it will break version numbers and cause issues galore08:52
sixofour_so it mounted..how do i access it?08:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mom08:52
ActionParsnip1sixofour_: cd /media/cdrom0; ls08:52
sprinkmeiersixofour_, "cd /tmp/foo"08:52
Kimiis there any way.. to capture whatever is going in ubuntu's screen and save it to a VIdeo file ?08:52
ActionParsnip1sixofour_: the mount point you specified is how you access it08:52
Kimi!mom | Kimi08:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mom08:53
sprinkmeierKimi, I think it's called cairo08:53
ActionParsnip1sixofour_: just filebrowse to it like any other folder you own in the way of your choosing (cli ,thunar, pcman, nautilus etc)08:53
KartagisActionParsnip, then let me ask this. can I get 2.5.5 from a jaunty repo?08:53
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: not if you arent running jaunty08:53
Kimisprinkmeier do you mean cairo of egypt ?? i cant understand what this is doing here.... sorry explain08:54
sprinkmeierKartagis, yes, but be prepared for dependencies hell.08:54
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: jaunty are for jaunty, intrepid repos are for intrepid. they are seperate for a reason08:54
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: i wouldnt go mixing stuff up like that unless you want a big mess08:54
sprinkmeierKimi, there are a number of desktop video recording packages. If you grep the IRC logs for the last few days you should find the last discussion about them. I believe one of them is called cairo.08:55
ariqsI chose a big mess. Otherwise I couldn't even talk on ICQ anymore!08:55
KartagisActionParsnip1, thanks08:55
Kartagissprinkmeier, you too08:55
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: if its essential08:56
DaemonHow do i fix this?08:57
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: then use the getdeb version but remember to uninstall when the time comes to upgrade08:57
corinthIs it possible for me to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid in 8.04.1?08:57
BoohbahDaemon: how do you fix what?08:57
crdlbcorinth: no08:57
corinthI need the update so that my wireless will work.08:57
KartagisActionParsnip1, the only reason is because icq has problems here08:58
baabahi, i'm trying to compile a driver (http://sourceforge.net/projects/video-2-1394/) but it fails because it wants to include ieee1394_core.h and a few other headers, which i can't find in the linux-headers-generic package (but can in the kernel source package)08:58
Kartagisand #pidgin support requires 2.5.508:58
baabai'm kinda new to kernel/driver compilation; does this mean the kernel package wasn't compiled with that driver?08:58
corinthcrdlb: That backports-modules package, is that just a kernel update, or what?08:59
Boohbahbaaba: did you install the kernel source?08:59
crdlbcorinth: it's some kernel modules08:59
ActionParsnip1Kartagis: ive seen folks in here with the same issue, i advised them as I have you, use the new one just pull it off later as jaunty has the new version in it and the version numbers will cause issues as packed based systems are fragile08:59
baabaBoohbah: package 'linux-source'?08:59
corinthcrdlb: How do I gain support for it in 8.04.1? I need the ath5k driver working08:59
baabaor 'linux-headers-2.6.27-11-generic'09:00
baaba(i have both)09:00
crdlbcorinth: I don't know of an easy way; why not upgrade to 8.10?09:00
baabai tried find . -name ieee1394_core.h in /usr/src to no avail09:00
tea_ovedosesprinkmeier: thanks for the guide.. maybe I will just download the deb package instead of put my dirty hands into the key lol09:00
Kartagisthanks ActionParsnip1 , maybe i will upgrade from the getdeb version09:00
baabathen i unpacked the tar.bz2 from the 'linux-source' package, and the source tree contains ieee1394_core.h09:00
corinthcrdlb: I use gOS. A distro upgrade would break several things. I just need the one module so that my wireless is working.09:00
baababut the source tree lacks configuration in some way or another and i have no idea what to do about it exactly09:01
crdlbcorinth: well, you can't use a module from a different version of the kernel09:01
baabapreviously when i've compiled drivers the linux-headers-* packages have been sufficient09:01
corinthcrdlb:  Well then, what about this: Can I add my Intrepid CD into my repos list, and upgrade both the kernel and add the modules?09:02
CodeWarI m on intrepid...somewhere along the lines of picking up fresh updates my wireless card just stopped working ... is there a device manager ( windows ) equivalent where I can query my device to see if tis working09:02
baabaso as the file is in the kernel source package but not in the headers package, i'm wondering if it was left out via some autoconf flag or via dpkg09:02
baabaif it's just dpkg then i could just copy the needed headers over09:03
crdlbcorinth: if you're very careful, maybe, but it would be completely unsupported09:03
corinthI don't mind unsupported. I'll give it a try in a VM first09:03
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:05
Danielmoraise lage09:05
=== IRC is now known as Guest75357
bazhangIRC, english here09:05
DanielmoraisEx um gay09:05
Guest75357és tu09:05
bazhang!pt | Guest7535709:06
ubottuGuest75357: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:06
CodeWarapt-get install hardinfo seems to be the closest to windows device manager09:06
bazhangGuest75357, stop that09:06
baabaif there's someone well versed in compiling drivers it'd be awesome if they could try compiling the driver i linked above (http://sourceforge.net/projects/video-2-1394/) and see what's missing (i'm running intrepid)09:07
Guest75357My   bad09:07
baababecause i'm at my wit's end :)09:07
halyconis there some way you can have dpkg automatically download and install all the missing dependencies of a package?09:07
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:07
enquestMy harddisk is almost full. But I don't have that much on it. Is there a way to get an good overview where the space went to...09:07
sprinkmeierhalycon, that's what apt-get, aptitude and synaptic are for09:08
ActionParsnip1halycon: if you get dep issues after dpkg run: sudo apt-get -f install09:08
enquestdu -ch /home takes forever!09:08
sprinkmeierenquest, baobab09:08
ActionParsnip1halycon: and it will install them for you if you have them on your repo09:08
ActionParsnip1enquest: get faster drives, raid or have less data09:08
=== IRC is now known as Guest9594
baabaActionParsnip1: yes i've checked that; my problem is the linux-kernel-heaers packages are missing ieee1394_core.h which is nevertheless present in the linux-source package09:09
enquestspinkmeier baobab what is that?09:09
=== eth is now known as Guest34825
sprinkmeierenquest, a GUI utility program which graphically displays disk usage.09:09
baababut the latter is not (afaict) really intended for compiling drivers against, and is not properly configured for such usage09:09
ActionParsnip1baaba: then get both09:09
halyconActionParsnip1, oh how awesome I think it is doing it09:10
ActionParsnip1baaba: if it has the .h file you need for your kernel version then who cares09:10
ActionParsnip1halycon: ;)09:10
baabaActionParsnip1: because there must be a reason for its omission from the kernel-headers package09:10
ActionParsnip1baaba: ask the repo maintainers or the author of the package09:11
MadsRHHi. Is there a terminal command that will show system information? I want to know the model of my mainboard?09:11
sprinkmeierMadsRH, sudo lshw09:12
MadsRHsprinkmeier -> Thanks09:12
MrAlexandroif i isntalled ubuntu and want to use slackwares boot loader as main boot loader(lilo). should i reinstall ubuntu now. selecting grub to install in root. or is it a way i can install grub on the ubuntu partition after installing ubuntu?09:12
sprinkmeier!grub | MrAlexandro09:13
ubottuMrAlexandro: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:13
ActionParsnip1MrAlexandro: if you have slackwares boot loader nstalled, add an entry to the lilo conf to boot ubuntu09:13
MrAlexandroreason i ask is because now i can not add ubuntu to the lilo loader because it says sda2(ubuntu) parittion has no boot sector09:14
gartralburning 6.6 gigs of info at 1x is INSANSE09:14
MrAlexandroi think it need to have a boot loader on the partition i installed ubuntu on. i think i can remember ahving the option to choose to put grub on the parittion of ubuntu and not as the main boot loader.09:15
MrAlexandrothat might solce the problem09:15
MrAlexandrobut that was in the installation09:15
ActionParsnip1MrAlexandro: as long as there is grub / lilo on a disk and it is congured right you can use any disk09:17
MrAlexandroyeah, but could i be right about that, if you choose grub as main boot loader, you do not install any boot files on the parittion of the ubuntu install?`09:18
MrAlexandrobut that ubuntu uses main boot loader directly?09:19
jumbersDoes anybody know how I can make a folder on my Ubuntu Server, in my home directory private? I don't mean by permissions, because they can be circumvented by root. I'm looking for true privacy09:21
MrAlexandroi am new to this, but i kind of like to experiment with it. that is why i set up a quad boot09:21
ActionParsnip1MrAlexandro: the will be in /boot/lilo/<whatever>   or for grub its /boot/grub/menu.lst09:21
MrAlexandrook, but you can instlal grub on the partition of ubuntu which in my case is sda2 right?09:22
MrAlexandroor am i over my head now?09:22
Duesentriebhi all - a while ago, i installed some font packages, and now I have strange effects of odd glyphs getting picked. numbers, colons, tildes etc "sometimes" use a different font. and suddenly change when i change something close to them. happens in kde apps as well as gnome apps, but as far as i see only in editable text.09:23
gartraljumbers: encrypt them?09:23
Duesentriebany idea what it could be? I tried uninstalling all suspicious stuff, but it didn't help.09:23
ActionParsnip1ikonia: got a sec dude, i have a suggestion09:23
Duesentriebwhat could trigger such "magic" glyph replacement? I don't even know where to start searching.09:24
jumbersgartral: I'm looking for a way to keep them accessible, so that I don't have to roll them into tars or something like that09:24
FrogzooMrAlexandro: afaik, there's a pointer inserted in the mbr that points to the grub loader, which can be placed anywhere - but I'm not sure if putting grub in a filesystem will mess it up09:25
MrAlexandrook, the reason i ask is because i got an error trying to put in ubuntu in lilo. i mananged to put in windows and osx86 but not ubuntu09:25
MrAlexandrocould it be that i need an zImage file like under slackware it has image = /boot/vmlinux09:26
Frogzoooh, I think there's a size limit as to how far into the disk you can put grub09:26
MrAlexandrolike a linux thing maybe?09:26
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gartraljumber encrypting them will make so only your acount on your computer can decrypt and read them it doesnt compress them09:27
gartraljumbers:  encrypting them will make so only your acount on your computer can decrypt and read them it doesnt compress them09:28
haagaHi there. Anyone tried the nslu2 version of Ubuntu?09:28
jumbersgartral: How would I do so?09:28
=== Mr is now known as Guest62195
gartralrightclick said files>Encrypt09:28
Guest62195sup ppl09:28
jumbersgartral: This is a server, there's no GUI09:29
WebGuesthi. potential new user here. which version is it best to use, intrepid or hardy?09:29
Guest62195god dangit why does the partitioner take forever09:29
=== root is now known as Guest42112
gartraljumbers sorry, i dont know th command09:29
Guest62195It's not even at 1% yet!09:29
toby-chenhey guys - something is thrashing the Beelzebub out of my HDD09:30
haagaWebGuest: depends.. i use intrepid for desktop and hardy for servers09:30
toby-chenanyway I can track disk activity by process? htop?09:30
gartral!partitioning | Guest6219509:30
ubottuGuest62195: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap09:30
WebGuesthaaga, it will be for a desktop09:30
Guest62195thanks gartral but I just came to complain, there isn't much I can do besides wait09:31
WebGuesthaaga, i read that intrepid has an issue with cd's not ejecting properly, is that correct?09:31
haagaWebGuest: dunno, haven't got any cd on my intrepid machine ;)09:31
WebGuesthaaga, ah, ok. :)09:31
haagagot it on a netbook09:31
gartralGuest62195: how big is the drive, whats the connection type, ill give you a loose estimate09:32
joetheoddWebGuest, that sounds like a machine-specific issue. I doubt that it's very common so far past release09:32
WebGuesti gather intrepid is the latest release?09:32
haagaWebGuest: but I have noticed that a HP i use runs much better on hardy09:32
MrAlexandroFrogzoo i am trying it out. will let you know09:32
haagayeah, for a month, then it will be jaunty09:32
joetheoddWebGuest, Intrepid Ibex is the latest, until next month when Jaunty Jacolope comes out.09:33
haagaor is there a official release date for Jaunty?09:33
joetheoddYeah, one sec.09:33
mgolischnext month?09:33
ThanhSon-VIEHi, I use pidgin ang i can send group on Ubuntu, but can't on Windows XP09:33
WebGuestjoetheodd, well i tried an install of intrepid yesterday, but what seems to happen is, when you eject the cd, the drive bay door closes again very quickly. i almost lost my haqnd trying to grab the CD! ;)09:33
haagayeah, April is all that I know so far09:33
haagaDoes it happen on hardy?09:34
joetheoddWebGuest, go to your desktop and click Eject from the CD's context menu09:34
joetheoddhaaga, April 23rd -- http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha609:35
ThanhSon-VIEHi, I use pidgin, i can send group on Ubuntu, but can't on Windows XP, Help Me please !09:35
haagayaay, thanks. :)09:35
coreyso I have a question, I have a seagate and when I plug it into my usb it detects it but i cant view the files that is in it. Help me?09:35
WebGuesthaaga, no, fine with hardy09:35
WebGuestjoetheodd, is that the workaround for the cd und intrepid?09:36
joetheodd!info mount09:36
ubottumount (source: util-linux): Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems. In component main, is required. Version 2.14-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 178 kB, installed size 404 kB09:36
joetheoddWebGuest, that's the proper way of doing it. How I'd do it, at least.09:36
corey so I have a question, I have a seagate and when I plug it into my usb it detects it but i cant view the files that is in it. Help me?09:36
joetheoddcorey, you have to mount the partition first.09:36
coreyJOetheodd how do i do that?09:36
WebGuesti've just searched google, appears to be a bug in intrepid, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/udev/+bug/28331609:37
ThanhSon-VIEa question, I have a seagate and when I plug it into my usb it detects it but i cant view the files that is in it. Help09:37
WebGuestthanks joetheodd09:37
Kruxerhow can i create dialup connection using NetworkManager?09:37
ThanhSon-VIE Hi, I use pidgin, i can send group on Ubuntu, but can't on Windows XP, Help Me please !09:37
joetheoddWebGuest, did that work for you?09:37
Kruxershould I go to DSL tab?09:37
coreyWoW, I've even looked on forums and when i ask a quesiton they just tell me to do something i also don't know how to do09:38
hateballThanhSon-VIE: you should try ##pidgin for such a specific issue09:38
WebGuestjoetheodd, ah, sorry not tried yet, will later. not at home with the machine this morning09:38
joetheoddWebGuest, okay09:38
Muhammad_SaadHi, I want to make a command-line live CD with a few custom scripts. What is the most recommended way of doing that? Any ideas?09:39
joetheoddcorey, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions shows how to mount drives.09:39
hateball!remaster | Muhammad_Saad09:39
ubottuMuhammad_Saad: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility09:39
DarkWorkhello, is there a way to boot straight into the cli? I kinda messed up my graphics so now it only shows black when I boot into gui mode :)09:39
hateballDarkWork: Choose recovery mode from the Grub boot menu09:40
Muhammad_SaadWhat if I want to make a live image (exact copy) of my installation.09:41
Muhammad_Saadsimilar to what this tool does: http://www.linux-live.org/09:42
joetheoddDarkWork, I'm not sure how to do that, but if you hit ctrl+alt+f1 it'll send you to a different tty (basically, give you a login prompt)09:42
coreyyou guys fucking suck09:42
DarkWorkhateball: thanks, I'll try that09:42
=== Guest34825 is now known as eth
guesthi ..i use a 64bit version of ubuntu ... where can i get flash flayer?09:43
IceyBlackhi all09:43
guesti want to use flash player ... but the official version does not work09:43
lesMuhammad_Saad: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html  Its a GNU program that uses dd. It can create a full disk image.09:43
joetheodd!flash > guest09:43
ubottuguest, please see my private message09:43
hateballguest: The Adobe 64bit should work quite fine, altho the deb doesnt. You'll have to grab the tar and untar it09:44
sprinkmeierguest 64-bit flash is problematic. one solution is to run 32-bit FF with the 32-bit flash player.09:44
hateballsprinkmeier: no need these days, adobes 64 bit works fine09:44
rwwguest: install the flashplugin-nonfree package, or download http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- and extract it to ~/.mozilla/plugins/09:44
guesti try, mom polz09:45
sprinkmeierhateball, good to know! my HW is still 32-bit, but I'm interested in going '6409:45
ActionParsnip1guest: get the 64bit flash tar.gz file and put the .so in it into ~/.mozilla/plugins09:45
joetheoddrww, does the flashplugin-nonfree package work on 64bit? I'm about to install it meself.09:45
hateballsprinkmeier: also, Sun Java plugin works fine on 64-bit, so there's no reason to stay on 32bit09:45
hateballjoetheodd: the package in 8.10 will download the 32bit + wrapper09:45
ActionParsnip1guest: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
rwwjoetheodd: It did last time I used it. I switched to downloading from Adobe's site out of curiosity, though, and didn't go back.09:46
joetheoddrww, sounds like the safe bet. /poweruser time!09:46
sprinkmeierhateball, except for the fact I've for 32 bit hardware :-)09:46
Frogzoohow to find why apt is keeping an upgrade back??09:46
ActionParsnip1Frogzoo: you can freeze an app version in apt09:47
Ranakahit's safe to upgrade intrepid to jaunty right now?09:47
FrogzooActionParsnip1: nope - "The following packages have been kept back:"09:47
rwwRanakah: Jaunty is still in development, so no, not particularly.09:47
sprinkmeier!jaunty | Ranakah09:47
ubottuRanakah: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:47
hateballRanakah: It's still alpha. That said, I've used it for weeks with no (huge) problems...09:47
Ranakahokay tnx :D i try it now :)09:47
mst__my sound stopped working, it looks like i have a pulseaudio problem :(09:48
sprinkmeierRanakah, depends on your definition of 'safe' :-) probably OK for messing about, I wouldn't run office servers on it09:48
rwwRanakah: when it inevitably breaks and messes things up, 1) we told you so, 2) ask in #ubuntu+1, not here.09:48
joetheoddRanakah: But on the flipside it -promises- to break your system in very bad ways. You've been warned. :)09:48
sprinkmeier!pulse | mst__09:48
ubottumst__: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions09:48
Frogzoothere's no promises - running alpha WILL break things09:48
Ranakahmy definition of safe is: working sound and video on radeon 1950 and downloading.. that's all i want09:49
ActionParsnip1Frogzoo: aaah i see09:49
ActionParsnip1Frogzoo: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:49
FrogzooActionParsnip1: :p09:49
ActionParsnip1Frogzoo: will install those (only install them if you  need them009:49
hateballRanakah: The fglrx driver does not work with Jaunty09:49
hateballRanakah: anyhow, see ##ubuntu+109:49
FrogzooActionParsnip1: oh you weren't joking? kk thanks09:50
hateballbazhang, Ranakah: Yeah, naughty keyboard slip, #ubuntu+1 it is :)09:50
ActionParsnip1Frogzoo: well youo wanted advice and i gave it....09:51
vanksianyone have any tips on how to log everything to ram so it logs get deleted on shutdown?09:52
FrogzooActionParsnip1: I'll give it a whirl - see what happens...09:53
sprinkmeiervanksi, mount /var/log as tmpfs: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/16244/09:53
ubunewbieEnter text here...greetings all. can you help. i just upgraded to ubuntu 8.10 and now my computer doesn't load past the command line. no desktop nothing. help please.09:53
sprinkmeierubunewbie, upgraded from what?09:54
ubunewbiesprikmeier, from 8.04 using the package manager.09:54
sprinkmeierubunewbie, so your HW should be reasonably compatible. Did you have to do anything special to get it to work with 8.04? Do you have a 8.10 live CD? Does that work?09:55
ubunewbiesprinkmeier, i don't have a cd for 8.10, just for 8.04. the error message is about my screen. i have a new HP screen that was working fine but it is not recognized now.09:56
ubunewbiesprinkmeier, no nothing special was done to get it to work with 8.04.09:57
Frogzooubunewbie: can you boot to recovery mode?09:58
sprinkmeierubunewbie, what's the last thing you see? BIOS? grub? ubuntu splash screen?09:58
Alex23van fent vki?09:59
ubunewbiesprinkmeier, well now i see just the command prompt. it asked me to log in which i did. and put in my password. and now it looks just like when i'm working in the terminal.09:59
hateball!hu | Alex2309:59
ubottuAlex23: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál09:59
Alex23én vok a brainer mister10:00
skinnymg1hey everyone need some help, how do i find out what video output im using in ubuntu10:00
ubunewbiesprinkmeier, it does the grub and then the splash screen and then it gives me an error msg and asks if i want to view error info and then after that it goes to the terminal.10:00
hhrjust was wondering that if somebody exploited my machine with a reverse shell payload, what will the "last" command display?10:01
sprinkmeierubunewbie, sounds like an X problem then. boot into recovery mode and choose "fix X configuration (or something like that)"10:01
skinnymg1hey everyone need some help, how do i find out what video output im using in ubuntu10:01
sprinkmeierhhr, depends on the exploit and how well it cleans up after itself.10:02
manuel_is it possible to use hibernate with encrypted home partition? do i need the passphrase?10:02
ubunewbiesprinkmeier, will do. btw i'm writing to you on my wife's laptop that's how messed up my computer is. brb and thank you for your help.10:02
skinnymg1hey everyone need some help, how do i find out what video output im using in ubuntu10:04
Tuxisti have problem with my nfs server http://pastebin.com/m61aaa0b10:04
sprinkmeierskinnymg1, plug a monitor in it and see if it lights up?10:04
Tuxistpam have bo problems with kerberons and the kdc have no error10:04
skinnymg1i mean the name of the output im using10:05
Guest62195i found a kitty10:05
skinnymg1im trying to configure the resolution with xrandr but i need to find the output name10:05
milligan_How can I check what is using my soundcard?10:05
ubunewbiesprinkmeier, did anyone ever tell you that you are a genius. thank so much. i'm back in business. cheers.10:06
sprinkmeierskinnymg1, like "dvi" or "vga"?10:06
sprinkmeierubunewbie, there's a first for everything :-) Glad I could help!10:06
sprinkmeierskinnymg1, look at the shape of the plug and then look for pics on wikipedia or similar. VGA = D-shape connector with 3 rows of pins.10:07
skinnymg1i know what a vga and dvi is10:07
skinnymg1i need to know which one is bein used10:07
Prophecy7I got a question... Iv just installed linux and Instead of booting to vista first in the boot menu can i get it to boot into linux instead ????10:07
sprinkmeierskinnymg1, I'm sorry, I don't understand the problem. If xrands wants "dvi" or "vga" and you're using the DVI plug then isn't that it?10:08
o0Chris0o!dualboot | Prophecy710:09
ubottuProphecy7: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:09
sprinkmeierProphecy7, you want to change the "default=" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst.  curious... I thought ubuntu was the default boot option in grub?10:09
UsamaAkkadhello, some one installed ubuntu on C and now he can't boot windows, can you help?10:09
skinnymg1ok let me tell you what i have i have a dual vga head 5500fx video card and im trying to figure out which vga port is being used10:09
hhrUsamaAkkad: the partition is over written?10:10
sprinkmeierskinnymg1, closer to MB is usually vga0. usually :-)10:10
Prophecy7Thankyou guys10:10
stealth-anyone know of any linux utility to convert .3g2 files to other formats and vise versa?10:11
Alex_21How do you install AWN with Fluxbox?10:11
Alex_21Is Fluxbox or XFCE lighter?10:11
UsamaAkkadno it's not over written it was on D10:12
UsamaAkkadbut the bootloader was on c10:12
UsamaAkkadwindows one10:12
stealth-Alex_21: in my opinion, xfce is a cut down version of gnome running different base programs10:12
Alex_21How do you install flash from the command-line?10:12
=== gunblade is now known as GunbladeIV
christozAlex_21,  dpkg -i adobepackage10:13
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: you could download the tar.gz and copy the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins10:14
Alex_21So can I use persistant menus with Fluxbox?10:14
Guest62195I need a good handle10:14
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: sure10:16
Alex_21I thought that was a Gnome only thing10:17
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: open your current menu and it wil show you its reading one in /usr some place (i think)10:17
suxsxhi, I am having some trouble with my java applications in Ubuntu. They stop working after 5 seconds. are someone experiencing the same problem?10:17
Kimihow do i play rmvb videos10:17
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: if you copy that file to ~/.fluxbox/menu it will not change10:17
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: you will have to manually add stuff if/when you install apps10:18
UsamaAkkadhhr, are you still here?10:18
Kimivlc is not playing rmvb video10:18
jussi01!language | Alex_2110:18
ubottuAlex_21: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:18
ActionParsnip1Kimi: you need real player10:18
ActionParsnip1!realplayer | Kimi10:18
ubottuKimi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:18
Alex_21No, like the menus in OS X where they are all at the top and they don't move10:18
Kimiis it in synaptic ?10:18
Kimiis it in synaptic ? can i get it ?10:18
jussi01Kimi: read th linked pages...10:19
Kimihuh.. ok10:19
Frogzoowoohoo - shiny new kernel10:19
sprinkmeierFrogzoo, nothing beats that new kernel smell.....10:19
ActionParsnip1Kimi: the links are for a reason10:19
Frogzooit's true10:19
ActionParsnip1Kimi: if it was in synaptic id have said "check synaptic"10:19
Alex_21Anyone here use AWN?10:20
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: doesnt work in fluxbox10:20
Alex_21What does it work with?10:20
Kimii reading one page10:20
suxsxanyone  that know how to get java working in Ubuntu 8.10?10:20
Kimibut i have ubuntu restric extras10:20
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: compiz or i think kde10:20
ActionParsnip1Kimi: http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=3&q=https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods&ei=D27DSd6_FMWktwflhrnJCg&usg=AFQjCNEYc3rHlaSnkz2Vy7Xv-CE3CRDyvg10:21
Alex_21Any OS X like dock that works with Fluxbox?10:21
Alex_21Is there any?10:21
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: if you installed fluxbox ontop of ubuntu you can use gnome based docks10:21
Frogzoosuxsx: sun-java5-jre works for me...10:22
gerald_hi can anyone help me with a postfix problem?10:22
Alex_21I don't have Gnome because I have a stripped off Kiosk here10:22
KimiActionParsnip1 but no version for IBEX is mentioned there10:22
ActionParsnip1Kimi: its on the medibuntu repo: http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/realplayer.html10:23
gerald_i can recieve my yahoo mail via fetchmail and view in outlook on my win box10:24
KimiActionparsnip1 is it free ?? it says non free10:24
gerald_but i can't send via outlook, can anyone help?10:24
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: http://bbdock.nethence.com/10:24
ActionParsnip1Alex_21: http://dockapps.org/list.php/cat_id/5/pagerRow/310:24
maxagazwhen a kernel is compiled from source on a machine, do i need other files than the new kernel file generated to make it work on another machine ?10:24
Lint01why does Linux installation with default software take 3+GB? What can be done to reduce it?10:25
ActionParsnip1Lint01: use synaptic to uninstall the fluff you dont need10:25
FrogzooLint01: try a smaller (non desktop) distro - eg. puppy linux10:25
KimiActionparsnip1 is it free ?? it says Non FREE10:25
billeniumDoes Ubuntu work on ARM-arch processors?10:25
ActionParsnip1Lint01: its a bugbear to "cater for all"10:25
ActionParsnip1Kimi: no, real player is proprietary10:25
Frogzoomaxagaz: yep - you likely need kernel modules for changed hardware10:25
maxagazFrogzoo, and that's all ?10:26
KimiActionParsnip1 what do that mean ?10:26
Kimiplz i am not an advanced in this10:26
Kimithen can  i convert this rmvb to avi or something like this ?10:27
Frogzoomaxagaz: sure10:27
ActionParsnip1Kimi: proprietary is the opposite of open sourced10:27
sprinkmeierKimi, I've used oggconvert, not sure if it can handle rmvb (no idea what that is)10:27
Alex_21Thanks so much10:27
Alex_21Good night10:27
ActionParsnip1Kimi: a company makes it and only they have the code so noone but them can improve it10:28
ActionParsnip1Kimi: once you get the codec you can use mencoder / ffmpeg to convert to the well documented / tried and tested avi10:28
KimiActionParnsip1 is installing it and using free ??   i mean , the closed source that you gave10:28
ubdhttp://pastebin.com/mb903cb4 can someone help?10:29
ActionParsnip1Kimi: windows is proprietary, MAC OS is proprietary, flash is proprietary, Linux is not, firefox is not10:29
ActionParsnip1Kimi: oh yes youcan use it FOR free, but the source is not FREEly available10:29
sprinkmeierKimi, "free" is used in 2 ways, "free as in beer" aka gratis aka "you don't have to pay", and "free as in speech" aka "libre" aka "you can get the source code and mess with it if you want"10:29
Kimithanks sprinkmeier , now i understand10:30
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
Kimi!gobuntu | Kimi10:32
ubottuKimi, please see my private message10:32
Kimiif i ask for definition using !gobuntu , ubottu is sending me some pm..10:32
Kimiwhho is ubottu, a staff ?10:33
jpdsKimi: Bot.10:33
jpds!bot > Kimi10:33
ubottuKimi, please see my private message10:33
ubdhow do i install ieee8021110:34
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ net time; Can't contact server (null). Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME" man net: "Without any options, the NET TIME command displays the time on the remote server." What went wrong here?10:35
Kimi!spam | Kimi10:35
ubottuKimi, please see my private message10:35
ikoniabullgard4: what ar eyou trying to do ?10:36
bullgard4I am trying to use this command.10:36
ikoniabullgard4: which command ?10:36
Kimii am learning basic linux commnds10:36
bullgard4ikonia: The command 'net time'.10:36
Kiminowm how do i get 10 numbers and add them ?10:36
ikoniabullgard4: ok - so net time is for use in a samba DOMAIN - is your machine part of a samba domain ?10:37
vakhi all10:37
ActionParsnip1ubd: you need to compile it10:37
Kimi i mean, it should ask "enter number 1" num 2 and upto 1010:37
Kimithen it should10:37
ActionParsnip1ubd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ieee80211/+bug/6868710:37
Kimidisplay the sum10:37
Kimihwo to do it ?10:37
FloodBot1Kimi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:37
ActionParsnip1Kimi: you'll need a bash script10:38
bullgard4ikonia: Yes, it is. This domain may not be functional at the moment as the other computer in the LAN is switched off though.)10:38
Kimiwhat is that ???10:38
vakI'd get some hardware to run there virtually a few ubuntu copies. can any1 give me a good start point for such a server solution?10:38
ActionParsnip1Kimi: its like a dos batch file but far more powerful10:38
ActionParsnip1Kimi: i'd suggest you jump into #bash10:38
Kimibut how to make it ?10:38
ikoniabullgard4: thats why then10:39
ikoniabullgard4: it is querying the domain master for the time10:39
jpdsKimi: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html10:39
Some_uxhi, I can't seem to mount one of my HDDs how do i diagnose a problematic HDD ?10:39
Kimijpds i will read10:39
Kimithanks and i am closing this10:40
=== Niphyr_ is now known as Niphyr
ikoniabullgard4: if you read the error message "can't contact server" it is explaining it can't contact the server that gets time from (for what ever reason, it's turned off maybe)10:41
bullgard4ikonia: I will get informed what a Samba domain master is.10:42
ikoniabullgard4: the domain master is the server that is the "domain controller" for your domaain10:42
ikoniabullgard4: how did you setup a domain without knowing what the domain master is ?10:42
SkyNetMasterhi, my xorg goes nuts usgin upp to 100%, Im on ubuntu 8.1 with gnome, what can be wrong?10:42
Some_uxhow do i diagnose a bad disk ?10:43
ikoniaSome_ux: depends what you want to look for10:43
bullgard4ikonia: You will not believe it: I managed to set up a functioning Samba domain. All myself.10:43
SlayerHello. Is there anyway you can change desktop environment w/o reinstalling Ubuntu?10:43
thatsmyboyis there a more specific irc channel for audio / audacity / audacious / jackd?10:43
ikoniabullgard4: I do believe it - but I don't know how you can do that if you don't know what the domain master is  ?10:43
simplexioSlayer: yes10:43
sprinkmeierSome_ux, smartmontools can run a S.M.A.R.T. check. Some disks come with vendor utils (usually windows only)10:43
Some_uxikonia : Well, it stopped working :)10:43
Slayersimplexio: how then?10:44
ikoniaSome_ux: define stopped working10:44
simplexioSlayer: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop if recall it right, of xubuntu-desktop.. or offcourse if you dont want all that stuff you can try install xfce or kde etc etc10:44
simplexioSlayer: and when you login in you change default enviroment10:44
Some_uxikonia: Sometimes it mounts on boot, other times it does not10:44
Slayersimplexio: ty.10:44
ikoniaSome_ux: is it a physical internal hard disk, or an external / usb one10:45
sprinkmeierSome_ux, get a replacement and dd_rescue across as much as you can10:45
Some_uxikonia: it is an internal SATAII disk, used as a data folder10:45
sprinkmeierSome_ux, Oh... PC power-supply up to scratch?10:46
Kartagishow can I view .p12 certificates in linux?10:46
Some_uxwhen i try to : ls /data  produces the following: Input/output error10:46
ikoniaSome_ux: what file system is on it, is it a linux file system or a windows NTFS/fat one ?10:46
Some_uxikonia ext310:46
Some_uxis there no  fsck /data ? or something10:47
ikoniaSome_ux: is it in your fstab ?10:48
Some_uxok, so when i do this: sudo fsck /data , I get: /dev/sdd1: clean, 27538/61054976 files, 41221193/244190000 blocks10:48
sprinkmeierSome_ux, the problem you describe (intermittent mount on boot) sounds like a physical drive problem. run SMART test to confirm, but get ready to buy another disk.10:48
Some_uxOk, I'll try to unmount and remount it10:49
ikoniaSome_ux: is it in your /etc/fstab file10:49
Some_uxi think so10:49
Some_uxI think i added something in fstab10:50
ikoniaSome_ux: check if it is10:50
Some_uxYeah, I added this line:10:51
Some_ux# /dev/sdc110:51
Some_uxUUID=f067f506-e6b2-4eb6-b5ad-72df78dd373a /data ext3 relatime 0 2 /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       010:51
chaois there a way i could access the internal harddrive of one computer as an external drive on another?  or alternately, network them together...10:52
=== lib is now known as lagann_
rikkardoanyone knows where xchat logs are stored?10:53
SlimeyPete~/.xchat , at a guess?10:53
ActionParsnip1 ~/.xchat/xchatlogs10:53
chaois there a way i could access the internal harddrive of one computer as an external drive on another?  or alternately, network them together...10:55
rikkardoSlimeyPete: strange i have no logfile, but when i reopen a previously closed chat it shows me the last few messages... how come?10:55
Zeit|awy_if you have a Mac -yes..10:55
bazhangchao, file share?10:55
ActionParsnip1chao: sure, smbmount it10:55
sprinkmeierchao, lots of ways... NFS, samba, sshfs10:56
ActionParsnip1chao: share the folder on one side then you can access it over lan10:56
WhiteM0useHi there. I've a problem. I installed ubuntu distro in my laptop with a graphics nvidia 8400, but my problem is, only work in 800x600 resolution and I need 1280x800. Anyone help me?10:56
chaoActionParsnip1: how would i connect them though, hardware-wise?10:56
sprinkmeierchao, UTP network? wireless? what have you got?10:57
ActionParsnip1chao: you'd use network technologies for ease10:57
ActionParsnip1WhiteM0use: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180; sudo nvidia-xconfig10:57
thatsmyboyWhiteM0use: did you install the restricted nvidia drivir?10:57
WhiteM0usebut when I make startx, only worls in low-resolution10:59
ubdmy wireless is not working can someone help10:59
MrAlexandrowhere can i find grub config file located. i did install grub at the ubuntu partition and not as main boot loader10:59
bazhangubd, on ubuntu or debian10:59
chaoActionParsnip1: *self-facepalm* thanks... wow, i didn't even think of sharing over a network... i was completely stuck on getting into the other computer...10:59
Deviltryneed help in configuring ntop; specifically the output in HTML10:59
bazhang#debian ubd10:59
sprinkmeierMrAlexandro, /boot/grub/menu.lst10:59
bazhangubd this is ubuntu support only11:00
afreqdo you mean /boot/grub/menu.lst ?11:00
ubdi bet you dont know the difference11:00
alexxoid_ hi. I have a issue with wireless connection from Toshiba Satellite A300 laptop. When I am pinging AP, the duplicated packets appears in console (marked as "DUP!"). OS: Debian Lenny. Who knows how to solve it? Thx11:00
SnehalGhost Image of Ubuntu ????11:00
MrAlexandrosprinkmeier ok thanks, but when i tried to save it says i do not have permision. is there a particular way to edit the file?11:02
daedrahow do you record off the sound card?11:02
sprinkmeierMrAlexandro, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst11:03
joetheodd!caps > Snehal11:03
ubottuSnehal, please see my private message11:03
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:03
ActionParsnip1!backup | Snehal11:03
ubottuSnehal: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:03
miteshbibastha are u here?11:04
thatsmyboydaedra: i've had this problem too. still not resolved to my satisfaction, but what have you tried?11:04
* Guest3414 http://www.ihateyounatalie.com/?id=132279711:05
Snehalbut is it possible to make a iso cd of the entire system backup to install in another desktop11:06
MrAlexandrosprinkmeier that did not really help me, i do not understand what to do with it in terminal. i mean how to edit when i write that command in11:06
Deviltryneed help in configuring ntop; specifically the output in HTML11:06
* Guest3414 http://www.ihateyounatalie.com/?id=132279711:07
kamikazehey guys, i go tfollowing Problem :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1100863, and I really hope that someone could help because I really nead my data11:07
natrixnatrix89Hi. Is there a command in bash script to do something with a delay? for example if I want to make a script that would launch an application with like 60 second delay..11:08
MraedisHi, my system crashed between updating GRUB's, and now my dual-boot vista entry is missing. Can I perform an action that looks for OS's?11:08
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub Mraedis11:08
MraedisThanks bazhang11:08
sprinkmeierMrAlexandro, nano is a fairly friendly editor. Hotkeys for saving/exiting are displayed at the bottom of the screen. I suggest you edit a few test files to get used to nano and then edit the menu.lst file (after making a backup copy of it!)11:08
styolis there a way to take an ubuntu install, make it auto-start an application when it starts up, and let it do nothing else (maybe unless there was some secret way to not enter the sandbox)?11:09
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
MrAlexandrosprinkmeier so there is no way i can edit and save in text editor. like maybe by copying grub list and then replacing using a terminal command?11:10
natrixnatrix89Hi. Is there a command in bash script to do something with a delay? for example if I want to make a script that would launch an application with like 60 second delay..11:10
sprinkmeierMrAlexandro, "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" should give you a graphical editor capable of writing the file. You can then use X copy/paste to copy in the changes you made in the editor that refuxes to save. Otherwise, "save as->/tmp/menu.lst" and "sudo cp /tmp/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst"11:11
sprinkmeiernatrixnatrix89, sleep11:11
natrixnatrix89thank's sprinkmeier11:12
sprinkmeierstyol, kiosk mode? How secure do you want it (i.e. will the user have a keyboard, will things like REISUB have to be hobbled?)11:12
kamikaze1Anyone any Idea?11:13
RichardWolfVIHey, how do I shange the view for the file picker? The list view is not good for picking images.11:13
styolsprinkmeier: thanks for responding... keyboard input will likely be needed, as well as mouse support... i just dont want them to be able to do anything but this full screen air app i have11:13
jribRichardWolfVI: at the top under the file menu there is a drop down menu11:14
RichardWolfVIjrib: The file picker does not have menus, as far as I'm concerned.11:15
jribRichardWolfVI: ah I see now.  You can't then11:15
RichardWolfVI*file picker=file chooser11:15
RichardWolfVIWhat a shame, it's a nice thing I remember from XP :/11:16
sprinkmeierstyol, not even sure where to begin... I'd probably end up with a customised live CD, that way even if they manage to mess things up all I have to do is RESET :-) google for KIOSK mode (but that usually assumes mouse only, no keyboard, so you'll have to do extra work to disable the keyboard)11:16
jribRichardWolfVI: you can probably use nautilus and then drag the file into the file picker name entry (try)11:16
hhrdoes linux has an e-mail server like somebody@linux.com?11:16
styolsprinkmeier: interesting... wouldnt be possible to start up and just load an application? i already have an adobe air app ready to go and it appears to be linux capable (adobe air as an application)11:16
styolsprinkmeier: is it ok if i PM you?11:17
RichardWolfVIhhr: You mean a server application for e-mail?11:17
hhrinstead of yahoo, hotmail etc...11:17
ActionParsnip1hhr: its offtopic for here11:17
RichardWolfVIhhr: Hmm, "linux.com" is an owned domain by somebody, you may ask them for something like that.11:17
hhrjust wondering if anybody know about it11:17
Boohbahhhr: linux is a kernel, not a webmail service11:18
rtw37262hhr: linux is not a commercial company11:18
hhrdidn't mean that11:18
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)11:18
hhri meant i want to make an e-mail that is like   myname@linuxor something .com11:18
bazhanghhr, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here11:19
* Pur needs some advanced NIC setup help if anyone is knowledgeable11:19
Boohbahhhr: please read about how the internet works11:19
RichardWolfVIhhr: You must get a host that supports that, I'm not known of one available to the public.11:19
dscastrohi guys11:19
IceyBlackminimze to tray mozilla thunderbird ,,i try with kdocker and nothing11:19
suxsxanyone  that know how to get java working in Ubuntu 8.10?11:19
RichardWolfVIsuxsx: It should work from Add/Remove11:19
OcolCan somebody tell me when I downloaded a tar.gz file and i'm trying to open it, how do I err find it for extracting. I'm trying to follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512828&highlight=168c%3A001c Step 211:20
Snehalfriends... thanks for everything but i am still not sure what to do... for system backup11:20
hhrOcol: get away from tarballs. better use apt get11:20
dr_willisOcol:  pay attention to where you save it to when you download.. Most likely its in the Desktop directory.11:20
dscastroanybody know why when i try join ubuntu box on AD domain seams: Failed to join domain: failed to connect to AD: Operations error11:20
Ocolhhr, i'm trying to get my wlan working and I don't really know much anything about ubuntu.11:21
hhrwhat type of connection are you trying to use?11:21
RichardWolfVI!ndiswrapper | Ocol11:21
ubottuOcol: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:21
suxsxanyone that know how to get java working in Ubuntu 8.10? some one?11:21
kamikaze1okay i'm gona just post it once more - this is my problem :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1100863, and I really hope that someone could help because I really nead my data11:21
OcolUbottu, I found a guide, which I linked previously.11:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:21
OcolAnd I'm following it, but I don't just know how :)11:21
RichardWolfVIsuxsx: I have already answeared, don't repeat yourself.11:21
Boohbah!java | suxsx11:22
ubottusuxsx: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:22
ActionParsnip1Ocol: is it internal or usb?11:22
OcolInternal, but it has a kill switch and that's why I think it won't work.11:22
RichardWolfVIOcol: ubuttu is a ot I summoned, use the ndiswrapper from the repos, that guide is somewhat outdated11:22
ActionParsnip1Ocol: run: lspci in terminal11:22
dscastrohave anyone already joined samba on Ad domain11:23
OcolIt gave a lot of text after the lcpci11:23
ActionParsnip1Ocol: one line will identify the device, paste ONLY that line in here11:23
RichardWolfVI!paste | Ocol11:23
ubottuOcol: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:23
Ocol05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)11:23
kamikaze1you mean me?11:24
OcolUbottu, it was just one line. :) I'll use pastebin if copying longer texts.11:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:24
suxsxubottu: sorry, didnt see that.. :( Done what you told me but, when I open a Java program do it goes black after 3-5 secounds and I get a message asking me to "force quit" it wont be stable.11:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:24
* Pur needs some advanced NIC setup help if anyone is knowledgeable11:24
OcolAction, you need more?11:24
ActionParsnip1Ocol: if its just one line you can paste in here11:25
OcolI just did :)11:25
RichardWolfVIsuxsx: check synaptic for intalled Java packages11:25
ActionParsnip1Ocol: for multiple lines, use pastebin11:25
Ocol05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)11:25
ActionParsnip1Ocol: you needed to paste the address of the page you go to after you click paste11:25
ActionParsnip1Ocol: i have a sweeeeet link for those11:25
MrAlexandrosprinkmeier i noticed cp was command for copy, but if you want to delete a file. what do u write then11:25
ActionParsnip1Ocol: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html11:26
darkhamsomeone is a cdfreak?11:26
rtw37262MrAlexandro: rm11:26
ActionParsnip1Ocol: check the text in the url ;)11:26
OcolI'll check it thanks :)11:26
OcolI may need some help with terminal, but i'll give it a try :)11:27
nomasteryodaOcol, ActionParsnip1 that works well ... i did that for an Aspire One netbook...11:27
ActionParsnip1ubuntugeek makes awesome guides11:27
OcolHey action, how do I do the step 2, I mean I need somehow to navigate the file system that it can extract it11:28
darkhamevery cd freak in this channel contact me in private, please.11:28
OcolI ran the first command, but the second says no such file or directory11:28
RichardWolfVIOcol go to your home folder, you can open the file from Nautilus11:28
OcolI'll do that11:28
buyakahey guys..how do I disable bluetooth service? its causing my new installation to freeze on boot11:29
ActionParsnip1Ocol: cd ~/; wget http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2; tar -jxvf compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz211:29
ActionParsnip1Ocol: just make sure your terminal is pointing to home (default for a new terminal window)11:30
OcolOh, now it did something11:30
OcolAfter I put your command11:30
OcolMy terminal is pointing to my home I think, it gives :~$11:31
OcolWhat do I do after I ran the command you said?11:31
RichardWolfVIbuyaka: blacklist the bluetooth module11:32
RichardWolfVIbuyaka: I'm not sure if you have to blacklist some more11:32
OcolI figured it out I think11:33
ZachFlemhi folks, just downloaded a theme from xfce-look.org and would like to know where i extract it so it appears in the theme manager?11:35
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:35
darthxaher_just drag it on the theme manager11:36
ActionParsnip1ZachFlem: http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=1&q=http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D227416%26highlight%3Dxfce%2Btheme&ei=j3_DSYaCPMmrtgfJz6DICg&usg=AFQjCNEUOj4M_ECpnysoRqnCuK-xxqyXhg11:36
ActionParsnip1ZachFlem: http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/install_new_themes11:36
ZachFlemthanks folks =)11:36
tparcinaUbuntu 8.10 fresh install - when I have finished installation computer is allways restarting. What might be a problem?11:36
PC_NerdHi - I attempted a "cat file" - which I wasnt sure of the doctype on.. and now all my terminal commands appear on screen  (along wiht their output) - as weird characters (like when you open a binary file in notepad)11:37
PC_Nerdany suggestions11:37
OcolUbuntu takes much to take used to. :P11:37
RichardWolfVItparcina: Please explain.11:37
sprinkmeiertparcina, how far does it get? what's the last thing you see? have you tried recovery mode?11:37
sprinkmeierPC_Nerd, type "reset"11:37
RichardWolfVIOcol: It's improved a lot, driver issues now are nothing compared of what it was a couple years ago.11:38
tparcinaRichardWolfVI: I have make fresh installation of Ubuntu 8.10. when instalation was over I have take out CD and press enter. Now my computer allways restarts :(11:38
PC_Nerdthank! - working11:38
sprinkmeierPC_Nerd, cat-ing binary files can mess up your terminal (has to do with ANSI escape codes). use "less FILENAME" instead, safer!11:38
hhrhttp://www.linuxmail.org/scripts/common/index.main?signin=1&lang=us   is that a linux e-mail server like yahoo and hotmail?11:38
OcolUmm, I hope I'll just get the wireles working11:38
tparcinasprinkmeier: when it needs to start booting (he checks the memory, shows HDD-s and then it restarts)11:38
OcolI think its installing the drivers or something now..11:38
sprinkmeiertparcina, do you get the GRUB menu?11:39
RichardWolfVItparcina: How is it restarting? Can you log on, get to the splash screen, to GRUB?11:39
tparcinasprinkmeier: I haven't try recovery mode yet. First I would like to check what's wrong11:39
RichardWolfVIhhr: It seems so.11:39
tparcinasprinkmeier: no, I don't get GRUB menu11:39
RichardWolfVItparcina: Does the BIOS start? Whan does it reboot?11:40
alfiehi, new here , wanna chat with someone11:40
sprinkmeiertparcina, if GRUB hasn't even loaded then it might be a HW problem (i.e. can't be Linux, it hasn't even touched that yet). try the live CD again and run the RAM checker.11:40
rhineheart_mhello.. what's your recommende app use to remote administer ubuntu desktop?11:40
tparcinaRichardWolfVI: I don't know why it reboots. THat's what I'm trying to find out11:40
sprinkmeierrhineheart_m, ssh, but I'm OldSkool11:40
RichardWolfVI!vinagre | rhineheart_m11:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vinagre11:40
rhineheart_mGUI please sprinkmeier11:40
RichardWolfVI!remote | rhineheart_m11:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remote11:41
RichardWolfVI!remotedesktop | rhineheart_m11:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remotedesktop11:41
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:41
RichardWolfVIrhineheart_m: Use vinagre, it's already installed in Ubuntu.11:41
Ocol1!flash | ocol11:41
ubottuocol: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash11:41
Ocol1Uh.. it's cool11:41
jribalfie: do you have a support question about ubuntu?11:41
ZachFlemActionParsnip1, I dont have any of the dir's listed in the second page you mentioned.11:41
sprinkmeierrhineheart_m, "ssh -X", then start your GUI apps. Or VNC11:41
tparcinasprinkmeier: before I have done this installation I head ubuntu 8.04 server running on it, so it's small chance it's memory or hardware... :( but I'll test them11:41
alfienewbee in ubuntu11:42
Ocol1What the heck?11:42
alfiejust wanna learn more11:42
ubottualfie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:42
rhineheart_mthank you11:42
Ocol1Flash isn't possible for 64?11:42
jribOcol1: it is...11:42
ActionParsnip1ZachFlem: you could make them11:42
Ocol1" Adobe currently provides the latest version of Flash for Linux x86 only. "11:42
RichardWolfVIOcol1: You can run the 32 bit version, but it's not nifty11:42
Ocol1I can't use computer without flash. :P11:43
ZachFlemActionParsnip1, thanks i wasnt sure if that was the case or there was something that needed to be pointed at those dirs =)11:43
jribOcol1: that's correct (non-beta at least).  Installing flashplugin-nonfree will work anyway though11:43
RichardWolfVIOcol1: They're developing a 64-bit one, but it's still very premature.11:43
Ocol1Could any of you.. ehm.11:43
RichardWolfVIOcol1: Flash WILL work11:43
ActionParsnip1ZachFlem: empty dirs wont hurt11:43
Puranyone in here familiar with and or use webmin?11:43
giarcaabout flash anyone have to disable like me "hardware acceleration" setting? (in 64bit os with plugin wrapper)11:43
jrib!anyone | Pur11:43
ubottuPur: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:43
ActionParsnip1!webmin | pur11:44
ubottupur: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:44
DJones!webmin | Pur11:44
ubottuPur: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:44
Ocol1How long it can take to "make" a driver folder.. o.o11:45
RichardWolfVIOcol1: You mean to compile?11:46
ikoniaOcol: a directory should be made in miliseconds11:46
ikoniaOcol: to compile a module is an unknown time as it has a lot of dependencies11:46
useruseri still need you i still care about you the way everything's been said and i still feel you like i'm right beside you but there's still no word form you no~ i wish i could find you just like you've found me and i will never let you go~ the way everything's been said and i yeah i still feel you like i'm right inside but there's still no word from you11:46
jribuseruser: do you have a support question about ubuntu?11:46
AliTarihiHappy  Nowruz :)11:47
=== NeoBlaster is now known as neoblaster
Ranakahit's possibly to downgrade jaunty to intrepid? :)11:51
ubottuRanakah: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.11:52
OcolBooring.. It takes so long to make those files :l11:52
OptimusPrimeRanakah: Jaunty is roughly 15% better than Intrepid. Why would you want to downgrade?11:52
RichardWolfVIOcol: You're compilig source code, be patient.11:52
RanakahOptimusPrime cause fglrx realy don't work :D and that sux for now :(11:52
mrwesOptimusPrime: what makes it better?11:52
OcolUmm, does the sudo make take so much time too?11:52
OptimusPrimeI like Jackalopes more than Ibex's11:53
rtw37262Ranakah: btw, jaunty is not supported here, it is not even released11:53
RichardWolfVIOcol: I may advise you there were easier ways to get your wireless working (mine was supported natively, so it was easy, though)11:53
OcolHow come?11:53
RichardWolfVIRanakah: Jaunty doesn't work with fglrx yet, you should have read that before downloading.11:54
rtw37262!jaunty | Ranakah11:54
ubottuRanakah: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:54
ZachFlemis there a theme manager i need to install? or am i doing the right thing using the "user interface" page in the settings manager?11:54
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: Are you using Xubuntu?11:55
ZachFlemit was a cli install with xfce dumped on top of it11:55
RichardWolfVIOcol: You can install ndiswrapper from the repos and get it to use the windows driver you have.11:56
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, i have a gtk themes i want to install.11:56
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: In GNOME, it's in System>Preferences>Appearance11:57
ubottuZachFlem: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:57
ariqs error while loading shared libraries: liboctave.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <--- but I'm looking right at it11:57
ubottuZachFlem: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes11:57
RichardWolfVIariqs: Could you give some context?11:58
ariqsa program I'm trying to run says that11:58
ariqsbut I have liboctave.so in /usr/lib11:58
RichardWolfVIariqs: Is liboctave installed and up to date?11:58
OcolCan I do other things beside the wifi file compiling, like install flash or something btw?11:59
ariqsit's as up to date as can be with ubuntu11:59
jribOcol: yes11:59
RichardWolfVIOcol: As long as you don't close anything, yes11:59
jribOcol: it's pretty rare to need to compile things... have you checked:11:59
jrib!wifi | Ocol11:59
ubottuOcol: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:59
RichardWolfVIariqs: What application are you running?11:59
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, i have put the theme i have downloaded into the ~/.themes/ folder, but it doesnt appear in the "User Interfaces" list.... am i looking in the wrong place?12:00
=== _Lepohi is now known as Lepohi
OcolJrib, I don't need the wireless docs but thanks :)12:00
jribZachFlem: did you leave it as a tar.gz?12:00
ariqsRichardWolfVI, what is the meaning of the error? the program can't see the library?12:00
jribOcol: if you are compiling wifi drivers, you should look at them12:00
RichardWolfVIariqs: Both the command and the output.12:00
ZachFlemjrib, no, i extracted it to a folder inside the ~/.themes/12:00
OcolI'm looking at their own docs12:00
=== neoblaster is now known as NeoBlaster
jribOcol: "their own docs"?12:01
Ocolthere was a guide how to do it12:01
ariqs./linreg: error while loading shared libraries: liboctave.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:01
jribZachFlem: then maybe the theme is not properly structured12:01
OcolThe guide, jrib12:01
RichardWolfVIariqs: create a simlink to the library on the same folder the app is12:01
ZachFlemi might try another12:01
jribOcol: you understand I have no idea when you say "The guide", right?12:02
KingWilliamSunstriker, hi mate12:02
ariqsa what now? ;P12:02
OcolUmm, sory12:02
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: don't extract the files contents IN ~/.themes/12:02
philsfdoes anyone know if there is a ppa with firefox 3.1 beta/3.5 for hardy?12:02
SunstrikerKingWilliam hi!12:02
OcolBut I'll restart now :)12:02
OcolSee you in a bit12:02
OcolAnd i'll report if the wifi starteed to work :o12:02
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, i extracted the contents into a folder called DarkSide12:03
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: Close the theme manager and reopen it.12:03
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, ive done that a few times now12:03
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: can you send a screenshot of the application?12:04
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, which application? the one i am using to choose the themes?12:04
satansauntthere may be an exploit that affects irssi- i'm not sure but it appears that there's a malicious script that allows someone else to disconnect me from a certain network- nothing came up from the virus scan. is there another way to make sure that nothing is awry?12:04
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: Yes.12:05
jribsatansaunt: may I test you?12:05
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, the program i am using to select themes is "xfce 4 user interface settings" from the settings manager12:05
badcathello people, i need help setting up ffado on ubuntu 8.10. can anyone help?12:06
ubottuZachFlem: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:06
teeceeikshi. i'm currently running mongrel with nginx as proxy, but when another process is doing background processing and eating up 80% cpu mongrel(or nginx?) doesn't want to accept connections as long as the 80% process is running. mongrel/nginx accepts again when cpu % is normal. i've tried to renice the background process to > 0 and put nginx/mongrel to -1, but doesn't seem to help. any thoughts?12:07
=== badcat is now known as ubunewbie
ZachFlemRichardWolfVI, I understand that, but how does it help me with my themes?12:07
=== drive is now known as droka
OcolThe wifi works fine!12:08
RichardWolfVIZachFlem: I gguess there are more capable people to help you there12:08
OcolThanks guys for your help : )12:08
jrib!exploit | satansaunt12:08
ubottusatansaunt: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit12:08
useruserOcol, you're welcome12:08
ubunewbiehello people, i need help setting up ffado on ubuntu 8.10. can anyone help?12:08
shay27mHello , does it possible to set Ubuntu to log in on boot without typing username & password ?12:08
useruserubunewbie, what is ffado?12:08
ariqs<RichardWolfVI> ariqs: create a simlink to the library on the same folder the app is <-- I created a link to the file, and I still get the same error. Do you mean to create it to the directory?12:08
=== KFP_sleep is now known as KFP
dr_willisshay27m:  yes it is.. gdm can auto login  or have a timed auto login. chck the gdm config tools12:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin12:09
ubunewbieuseruser, Free Firewire Audio Drivers. i know there are other lists. i keep knocking but no one's home. so i thought i'd try here.12:09
OcolFlash works as fell fine.12:10
OcolIt's a bit buggy though12:10
RichardWolfVIariqs: Yeah12:10
ubunewbieuseruser, http://www.ffado.org/12:10
OcolDoes anybody know if there will be a flash for AMD 64 coming as the 32 bit version runs slower than normally12:11
ariqs"hard link not allowed for a directory"12:12
r3dux64 bit flash works fine -- get latest ver (not in repos)12:12
jribOcol: there's a beta, yes12:12
OcolI'm running this: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:13
RichardWolfVIariqs: did you try sudo ln -s /usr/lib/octave-3.0.0/liboctave.so liboctave.so (assuming you cd to the app folder)12:14
RichardWolfVIOcol: Flash 64 is in development, I told you12:14
ubottunarsil: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...12:14
narsilok  sorry12:15
ariqsRichardWolfVI, I didn't have -s in there, but I just tried it with -s, and it still doesn't work12:16
JogLubuntu farts when I press certain keys, how to disable this?12:16
JogLI have already disabled sounds in sound settings12:16
RichardWolfVIariqs: Can you describe more about the app you're using?12:16
DIFH-icerootJogL: sudo rmmod pcspkr12:17
DIFH-icerootJogL: unloading the kernel-modul for the speaker12:17
JogLDIFH-iceroot: is there a way to disable just for desktop/gui, not system-wide?12:17
DIFH-icerootJogL: check the sound-settings12:17
JogLDIFH-iceroot: I disabled all in  system > preferences > sound12:18
DIFH-icerootJogL: sorry then i dont know, i am alway unloading the kernel-modul12:18
OcolHmm.. is itunes possible in any other way than Wine for ubuntu?12:22
r3duxJogl > System sounds... disable 'em all?12:22
bazhangOcol, vm with windows perhaps?12:22
RichardWolfVIOcol: What do you mean?12:22
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
OcolThat is there an itunes version for ubuntu :P12:22
Ocolor something..12:22
bazhangOcol, of course not12:23
bazhangOcol, there are many fine alternatives however12:23
OcolJust wondering how I can manage my iphone without itunes.12:23
bazhang!players > Ocol12:23
ubottuOcol, please see my private message12:23
philsfI think I have a corrupt thunderbird index. does anyone know which files should I delete to force TB reindex my imap folders?12:23
RichardWolfVIOcol: Rythmbox has some extent of compatibily with iPods, don't know about iPhones12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iphone12:25
useruserfreebse, hello12:30
freebseuseruser hi12:31
freebsehalf an hour till weekend12:31
quibblertgif day12:32
BlueAidan_workanyone have a laptop using intel xorg driver?12:32
BlueAidan_workI'm getting horrible opengl performance. (~320fps on glxgears)12:32
Angelikihi, i need some advice about ubuntu and DOMjudje12:32
RichardWolfVIBlueAidan_work: Are you using compiz?12:33
brendon1hello everyone12:33
quibbler!welcome | brendon112:33
ubottubrendon1: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.12:33
BlueAidan_workRichardWolfVI: well, I'm using xfce4, and the compositor is off12:34
useruserfreebse, yes12:34
Ocol1Is there a program to check processor heat for ubuntu?12:34
freebselots off12:34
Ocol1Any good?12:34
r3duxOcol - you can install sensor detection stuff -- google away (I can't recall the exact package name - it involves the text "sensor")12:35
freebsesensors_detect to start with as root off course12:35
BlueAidan_workI checked the xorg log. are these bad?12:35
BlueAidan_work[    2.884656] (EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on front buffer: rejected by kernel12:35
BlueAidan_work[    2.891283] (EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on back buffer: rejected by kernel12:35
BlueAidan_work[    2.891353] (EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on depth buffer: rejected by kernel12:35
RichardWolfVIOcol1: I was told about sensors12:35
FloodBot1BlueAidan_work: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:35
Flxrhey guys, how do I exclude anything below mail.err from this syslog.conf rule:12:35
Flxr*.*;auth,authpriv.none,cron.none     -/var/log/syslog12:36
BlueAidan_workI didn't think 3 lines was flooding...12:36
ubottuBlueAidan_work: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:36
FransWillemHi, I'm having some trouble installing a Canoscan lide 20 device (supported by sane plustek). I installed sane-utils, sane-find-scanner lists the device, yet scanimage -L only lists my TV-cards. Would anyone know how to fix that ?12:36
BlueAidan_workI know about paste sites.... usually 3 lines is ok12:36
brendon1didn't offend me, BlueAidan, but I bot don't discriminate :) hehe12:37
Leonheartwhy nvidia driver not working for ibex?12:37
RichardWolfVIBlueAidan_work: Well, It's easier to read output that way12:37
brendon1I=the   , I don't know how I mixed that up...12:37
ubottuLeonheart: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:37
Leonheartmake os just crash!12:37
Angelikicould somebody tell me about domjudge? please?12:37
r3duxocoll - lm-sensors12:38
ubottuAngeliki: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:38
RichardWolfVIBlueAidan_work: Well, Intel graphics just suck, I can't tell more.12:38
Ocol1I found x sensors is good12:38
ubunewbiehi all, i keep getting an error msg in the package manager. http://paste.ubuntu.com/134200/ not sure how to fix that12:39
LeonheartRichardWolfVI: why u named RichardWolfVI not ibex?12:39
Ocol1Thanks, I already put those redux :)12:39
Ocol1I was looking for a program12:39
RichardWolfVILeonheart: hmm?12:39
r3dux(I only found lm-sensors by looking at the requirements for the SensorsScreenlet)12:39
quibblerAngeliki: have a read: http://home.a-eskwadraat.nl/~domjudge/snapshot/admin-manual/admin-manual.html12:39
Ocol1I must reboot :)12:40
Ocol1just a sec12:40
RichardWolfVILeonheart: Disable updating from CDs12:40
LeonheartRichardWolfVI: jk12:40
ariqsok, so I compiled a program and got an error: liboctave.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. What can cause this even though I created a symlink to that file?12:40
RichardWolfVIPardon, that was for ubunewbie12:40
useruserGreenLine, hi12:40
GreenLinecan somebody here help me12:41
RichardWolfVILeonheart: my mistake12:41
BlueAidan_workRichardWolfVI: I've had great success with it in hardy. It seems since ibex, performance has gone down hill12:41
ubottuGreenLine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:41
quibbler!ask | GreenLine12:41
freebseGreenline: what is the problem12:41
GreenLinei want install ubuntu12:41
useruser!ask > GreenLine12:41
ubottuGreenLine, please see my private message12:41
freebseGreenline: good install it :)12:41
LeonheartRichardWolfVI: after nvidia driver v.108 installation on x64 ibex just crach with "KERNEL PANIC!" message12:41
hhrGreenLine: it's easy12:41
ubottuGreenLine: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate12:42
RichardWolfVILeonheart: reconfigure xorg12:42
GreenLinei just click install12:42
GreenLineand nothing happen12:42
Leonheart RichardWolfVI: i dunno to do yay!12:42
RichardWolfVIGreenLine: How are you installing?12:42
RichardWolfVILeonheart: go to safemode12:42
freebseGreenline: what exactly is nothing... blackscreen with mouse, no screen12:42
GreenLineand 1 problem.. i wanna try ubuntu before install ubuntu,but it's still blank12:43
roadfishCan't record from line in. All recorder commands (eg krec,audacity) freeze and don't generate a wav-file. For example, "rec" just shows "Time: 00:00.00". How do I get line-in recording working?12:43
GreenLineappear ' type help for commands'12:43
ubdhello does ubuntu live cd runs sshd on start12:43
freebseGreenline: take the live CD boot from it and choose install from the livecd system, is this not working12:43
GreenLinewhats wrong izit?12:43
RichardWolfVILeonheart: in the terminal type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:43
RichardWolfVIGreenLine: Retry the installation12:44
Leonheart RichardWolfVI: i must pending using ubuntu until nvidia driver working on ubuntu then12:44
GreenLinei have try to install without try live cd,but it still can't12:44
RichardWolfVILeonheart: Did you install the driver from the repos or from a third party?12:44
ubdDoes UBUNTU live starts SSHD ?12:45
GreenLinei used Pentium4,1500Ghz,1Gb ram12:45
freebseGreenline: what happens after you choose Install from the menu12:45
GreenLineyup ubd12:45
Leonheart RichardWolfVI: from deb packages. downloaded from packages.ubuntu.com12:45
RichardWolfVILeonheart: Try the commend I told you earlier12:46
GreenLinenothing,just appear some command12:46
ubdgreenline - the pc has no monitor nor kb - i can rely on sshd right?12:46
silv3r_m00nhi there12:46
ariqslinux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xb7fdf000) liboctave.so => not found libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0xb7fb5000) libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 (0xb7ec2000) libm.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libm.so.6 (0xb7e9d000) libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xb7e92000) libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb7d42000) /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7fe0000)12:46
GreenLinelike help12:46
silv3r_m00nwhat is the linux equivalent of windows command nbtstat and net12:46
RichardWolfVIGreenLine: I guess your CD is corrupt, that's not a normal behaviour12:46
daedrahow do you record off the sound card?12:47
GreenLinebut,i try on my laptop and i can try it(live cd)12:47
Leonheart RichardWolfVI: but installation must working correctly.... i feel ubuntu or nvidia make fishy...12:47
friciszzHello. i have a problem that every time I reboot my pc, the sound level of PCM is turned down and muted.. I think some app starting might be doing it. does anyone have an idea how to find out?12:48
GreenLinethat live can work on my laptop...12:48
RichardWolfVILeonheart: Reconfigure xorg, complain later12:48
GreenLinebut, i can't try live cd or install ubuntu on my desktop pc12:48
atlas95friciszz: try leveup sound with alsamixer then do a alsactl store12:49
RichardWolfVIGreenLine: As it's the same CD... maybe your graphics are not supported12:49
GreenLineyup.. it's same12:49
GreenLinei used readon graphic card12:50
Miss_kso what is your problem?12:50
LeonheartRichardWolfVI: im starting complain since ubuntu 7.04 - 7.10...... BAD!!!! Not working on my laptop. 8.04 work, but nvidia crash... no no no no....12:50
friciszzatlas 95.. could you please explain? i'm a newbie..12:50
freebseGreenLine: install it from the one without Graphical Interface, maybe someone else in here can point you to the right iso, I use Deb and don't know which ISO to take that is not liveCD and can install in textmde12:51
RichardWolfVILeonheart: Reconfigure X.Org, have you done it?12:51
ubunewbieRichardWolfVI, sorry which was for me?12:51
RichardWolfVIubunewbie: Disable updating from CDs12:51
LeonheartRichardWolfVI: ok, maybe later.... since i hate installing again from the start... :((12:52
ubunewbieRichardWolfVI, great. thank you12:52
Levan-ihi there, i need to install dhcp3-server on ubuntu, that has no intenret connection (i cant use apt-get)12:52
Levan-iwhat shall i do?12:52
Leonheart RichardWolfVI: btw, there is no way to test it via live boot isn't?12:53
OcolHey guys, I just loaded lm sensors, but it gives me some kind of name Adapter: Virtual device12:53
Ocoltemp1:       +91.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C), anyone has any idea what's that?12:53
OcolMy ubuntu system shut downs sometimes12:54
Ocolfrom heat12:54
silv3r_m00nubuntu is not accessing shared files on a windows computer on LAN12:54
RichardWolfVILeonheart: You can update packages on the LiveCD, but I guess it won't work with the ones that need to reboot.12:54
silv3r_m00nnautilus over here smb://workgroup/  displays nothing12:54
LeonheartRichardWolfVI: i hope 9.04 working then.... thanks!12:55
RichardWolfVILevan-i: You can download the packages on other computer and install them.12:55
claudesalut tout le monde12:56
LeonheartLU SEMUA BLOOM MANDI!!!!!12:56
daedrahow do you record off the soundcard, storing the sound device's stdout stream into a file?12:56
daedrahow do you record off the soundcard, storing the sound device's stdout stream into a file?12:56
ubottuclaude: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:56
FloodBot1daedra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
Miss_kuse line in12:56
daedraMiss_k: how?12:57
RichardWolfVIdaedra: The sound recorder is pretty straightforward.12:57
clauded'accord merci12:57
quibbler!fr | claude12:57
GreenLinemay the different ubuntu and kubuntu?12:57
ubottuclaude: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:57
GreenLinewhat* the different ubuntu and kubuntu?12:58
RichardWolfVIGreenLine: One uses GNOME, the other KDE12:58
daedraRichardWolfVI: ok.12:59
freebsebye Weekend12:59
daedraRichardWolfVI: for recording off of the soundcard its simple?13:00
daedraRichardWolfVI: I don't see how13:00
kellican anyone tell me how to turn ISO images to CD?13:00
simmerzwhat would cause cedilla and e acute characters to show properly locally and not on our production server? they're being sent using rjs, and the headers say text/javascript; charset: utf-813:00
kellican anyone tell me how to turn ISO images to CD?13:00
daedraanyone ever recorded off the sound card?13:01
kellican anyone tell me how to turn ISO images to CD?13:02
RichardWolfVIdaedra: Pardon, go to your sound settings and set your sound card line in as input.13:02
ubottukelli: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:02
dti02Algum BR aqui?13:02
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:03
ubottudti02: please see above13:03
daedraRichardWolfVI: ah ok13:03
ortecOlá pessoal,13:05
erUSUL!pt | ortec13:05
ubottuortec: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:05
Brad777Hello I'm having trouble with my sound I'm not sure if pulseaudio or alsa is the culprit... all of my sound applications work except for my movie players (totem, smplayer)13:05
RichardWolfVIBrad777: Which are you using for soud output?13:05
kagouanyone have tried to automatically mount an external hdd on eSATA ?13:06
Brad777RichardWolfVI: I have it on autodetect13:06
=== NiSo2 is now known as NiSo
RichardWolfVIBrad777 Try setting all of them in ALSA13:08
ubottukagou: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:08
xconvergexCan I play games on ubuntu ?????????????13:08
ubottuxconvergex: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:08
Brad777RichardWolfVI: Okay they are all set to alsa, but it still doesn't work13:09
ZykoticK9xconvergex, what games do you want to play?13:09
xconvergexI don't know13:09
RichardWolfVIBrad777: Restart, try again13:10
ZykoticK9xconvergex, there aren't nearly as many games under linux as under Windows - just be informed.13:10
xconvergexZykoticK9 these games are free on ubuntu ?13:10
Brad777RichardWolfVI: k13:11
ZykoticK9xconvergex, some are free, some are demos, some you have to pay for.13:11
keeley#join ubuntu-it13:11
MraedisHey guys, how do I change the rights of a file via the terminal?13:11
keeleyjoin #ubuntu-it13:11
ubottuMraedis: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview13:11
xconvergexI am now with windows but it makes me sick13:11
BlueAidan_workis there any way to get the old i810 driver for xorg? it seems the newest intel drivers are more targeted for the newer chipsets, and performance sucks on the old ones.13:11
ZykoticK9Mraedis, "chmod ugo+rwx filename" ugo is user group other; rwx is read write execute - customize to suit13:12
MraedisBetter :p thanks again13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i81013:12
keeleymy system today say "new partial upgrade avaiable" is correct? (I have 8.10)13:12
BlueAidan_workthere's a repo for arch linux13:12
Mraedisworks! thanks :)13:13
kagouRichardWolfVI, !mount is not a response13:13
MraedisIt blocked my updating-rights13:13
xconvergexZykoticK9 . There are cracks for games in windows. are there in ubuntu ?13:13
RichardWolfVIkagou: Sorry, I guess your devices should mount automatically.13:13
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:13
RichardWolfVIkagou: check the "man mount"13:13
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:14
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions13:14
kagouRichardWolfVI, it's not a problem with mount. I talk about eSATA it's an hal/kernel problem13:14
kagouI'm searching personn who have been confronted to this problem13:15
ZykoticK9xconvergex, i've never heard of one.  strange question you're asking actually.  most games that can run under linux will run under wine, which uses the windows files.  so and additional files that may be required to run in windows, will still be required under wine as well.  how that makes sense...13:15
buyakacan I upgrade python 2.6 through the package managers?13:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about copyright13:16
vagabgive me please the link to download apache13:16
RichardWolfVIxconvergex: Cracking a game is illegal, you cant ask for it here.13:16
RichardWolfVIvagab: Get it from the repos13:16
bazhang!piracy > xconvergex13:16
ubottuxconvergex, please see my private message13:16
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:16
xconvergexZykoticK9 I am not good with computers.13:16
hazrpghey all13:17
Brad777RichardWolfVI: that didn't fix it13:17
RichardWolfVIBrad777: I'm short of ideas, I'm afraid.13:18
buyakado I have to compile python 2.6 from source to get it on ubuntu 8.10?13:18
hazrpgwould people recommend using the amd64 version of ubuntu for a core 2 duo laptop? or is using the standard i386 be the best solution? (currently running on i386)13:18
ActionParsnip!info python13:18
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.2-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB13:18
RichardWolfVIbuyaka; Or you could just wait.13:18
ActionParsniphazrpg: how much ram do you have and what is the main use of the laptop?13:19
xconvergexwhat makes ubuntu better than windows ?13:19
buyakaRichardWolfVI,  I dont mind waiting, I just wasnt sure if they'd decided to keep it at 2.513:19
ActionParsnipxconvergex: thats offtopic here, head to #ubuntu-offtopic13:19
bazhang!ot | xconvergex13:19
ubottuxconvergex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:19
seagateubuntu is free dude13:19
hazrpg2GB RAM, nVidia 8600GS graphics card13:19
ZykoticK9hazrpg, if you have more then 4Gigs of memory, then use the 64bit version.  if you want things to run more smoothly use the 32bit.13:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:20
hazrpgmain use currently is browsing, coding (HTML and Java mainly), and gaming13:20
RichardWolfVIhazrpg: I'd recommend you to stay 32-bit13:20
ZykoticK9hazrpg, if gaming is an issue stick to the 32bit version13:20
milkncatDoes anyone tried to use Cinema4d with wine ?13:21
RichardWolfVIZykoticK9: Even with more than 4 GB, there's PAE13:21
hazrpgNah, just use the simple open-sourced games really13:21
ubottumilkncat: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:21
hazrpgI only ask, because isn't i386 Pentium 1?13:21
ZykoticK9RichardWolfVI, is PAE available for desktop?  it's buggy too i hear.13:21
RichardWolfVIZykoticK9: NOpe, I had to switch to the server kernel, It's worked great for me.13:22
milkncatRichardWolfVI: thanks13:22
hazrpgI tried to install FileZilla FTP and it says it needs at least i686 (which makes sense, since i686 arch is P2)13:22
RichardWolfVIhazrpg: i386 is a designation for processors based on Intel's 8038613:22
mrwesWill ubuntu 8.04 server edition support this card?  Rosewill RC-210 Silicon Image e-SATA PCI Controller Card - Also includes an additional Low Profile Size PCI Bracket - Retail13:23
RichardWolfVIhazrpg: It'll work13:23
buyakadoes firefox work fine for you guys?  I've got a little bug in the way it displays tabs13:23
RichardWolfVImrwes: Not sure, but you could just try it yourself, if it dosn't work, you can go back to generic13:24
m3gamanbuyaka:: works great13:24
hazrpgRichardWolfVI: Hehe, yeah I know it works... been using i386 every time I've installed ubuntu on any machine, I just don't understand why FileZilla is awkward.13:24
mrwesRichardWolfVI, yah13:24
RichardWolfVImrwes: don't forget to install linux-restricted and linux-backports for server, just in case13:25
RichardWolfVIhazrpg: i686 introduces some instructions not available in precessors older that the P213:26
mrwesRichardWolfVI, hrmm..via apt-get you mean, or enable those repos in the sources list?13:26
EDinNYWhat version is the latest ubuntu kernel?13:26
ZykoticK9RichardWolfVI, hazrpg i'm recommending the 32bit version but: I'm personally running the 64bit version with only 4Gs Memory and run many games and 32-bit only apps without problems, but a few programs out there will not run on 64bit (like boxee, which turned out to be a disappointment due to stability).  some games and other programs you start running into lib32 issues and troubleshooting startup errors from programs - but you can usually get the13:26
ZykoticK9m to work.13:26
bullgard4EDinNY: Ask that in #ubuntu+113:27
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: 2.6.27-14 for Hardy13:27
Sega_Dudehey guys can u please help me get my ArterOS wirless card working?13:27
ubottuSega_Dude: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:27
EDinNYRichardWolfVI: thanks...how about the one before that?13:28
mrwesRichardWolfVI, hrmm..via apt-get you mean, or enable those repos in the sources list?13:28
Brad777RichardWolfVI: thanks anyways :-D13:29
Aperculumwhen I try to print millimeter grid paper from printablepaper.net, I cannot get it to scale right13:29
Brad777hazrpg: unless you have more than 4 GB of ram I'd reccomend using the i38613:29
Aperculumit's like 1 millimeter to short on 15cm distance13:30
hazrpgRichardWolfVI: Yeah, I understand that. Thanks for the info though, I shall stick with i386. Do you know of a good FTP program similar to FileZilla?13:30
ZykoticK9hazrpg, look into gftp even supports ssh :)13:30
RichardWolfVIhazrpg: FileZilla has been my favourite, so no13:30
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: What about it?13:31
Sega_Dudehey guys whats the difference between ubuntu 32 bit and 64 bit?13:31
mrweshow about just using Nautilus - file | connect to server13:31
hazrpgRichardWolfVI: Is there a way of getting FileZilla to work on ubuntu i386? (other than Wine - although I will use Wine if I have to)13:31
EDinNYRichardWolfVI: just wanted to know the version of the Kernel in the last release13:31
RichardWolfVIhazrpg: sudo apt-get install filezilla13:32
mrweshazrpg, you can ftp with nautilus13:32
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: Well, I told you.13:32
hazrpgmrwes: tried that already, otherwise I wouldn't be asking ;)13:32
EDinNYthat was the current release13:32
mrweshazrpg, ahh.. k13:32
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: Oh, you mean Jaunty13:33
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: it's 2.6.28 :P13:33
hazrpgmrwes: I won't connect to my FTP server, because of strict settings imposed on the server.13:33
EDinNYjaunty is the next version?13:33
EDinNYor rather next ubuntu release?13:33
mrwesssh won't work either?13:34
tux_EDinNY, yup13:34
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: Yeah, it'll be released in a month or so13:34
EDinNYhow about the one before Hardy?13:34
adderx99hmm...CNN Breaking News (11 seconds ago)13:34
adderx99U.S. Navy vessels U.S.S. Hartford, U.S.S. New Orleans collide in the Strait of Hormuz, commander of U.S. 5th Fleet says.13:34
hazrpgRichardWolfVI: should really of tried apt-get first... thanks, I was just browsing Add/Remove to see what was available... and saw FileZilla but it said i686 on the description so assumed i couldn't install it lol.13:34
RichardWolfVI2.6.29 version of the kernel is in RC status, I guess I won't be relesed in Ubuntu til 91013:34
hazrpgEDinNY: I'm currently using jaunty... works great :D13:35
RichardWolfVIEDinNY: No idea for older releases. Why the questions?13:35
EDinNYlooking for an easy way to compile and test a driver against the right kernel13:35
ZykoticK9hazrpg, although it's called ubuntu i386 it's not true, i don't think the linux kernel even supports 386 any more, it's really i686 :)13:36
EDinNYfound it13:36
RichardWolfVIZykoticK9: An overclocked 80386 will do13:36
hazrpgZykoticK9: Ahhh! Thanks for confirming that. I was thinking that i386 was a bit ancient by now lol.13:37
Lasivianany suggestyions on a simple cad program for Ubuntu? thanks13:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cad13:37
ZykoticK9Lasivian, <joking> lol it there a "simple" cad program for any os?13:38
Lasivianyes, well....13:38
LasivianI just need something to draw with13:38
RichardWolfVILasivian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience13:38
hazrpgLasivian: I'm sure I've seen a few CAD packages in add/remove13:38
Lasivianbut with a snap-to-grid13:38
Lasivianhazrpg: I'm a chick, I like to get the human angle, not a nameless package :)13:39
hazrpg(I browse add/remove alot to find new software lol, that and when i can't find one on SourceForge and FreshMeat13:39
dft_heh, anyone else having issues with the 2.6.24-24-generic update?13:39
EDinNYthere are chickshere?13:39
storbeckYou can use QCad13:39
hazrpgLasivian: Hehe, my apologies. Hold on then.13:39
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
dft_I keep getting "could not find postinst hook script [update-grub]" even though it exists13:40
RichardWolfVILasivian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience#Engineering Sciences13:40
bluepojoHello.  How might I set up a priority list for connecting to Wifi networks?  It keeps trying to connect to networks that I don't have passwords for, rather than my home network.13:40
RichardWolfVILasivian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience#Engineering_Sciences13:40
RichardWolfVIpardon for that13:40
hazrpgLasivian: Yeah QCaD seems to be the best one.13:41
* Lasivian is lame, she likes drawing gaming maps on the computer :P13:42
Sega_Dudeim having trouble getting my external monitor to its native res.13:42
dft_ack, nm, grub needs to be installed13:42
__8472hi, i'm trying to configure the isc's dhcp (dhcp3), and i'm trying to make IP allocation based on the part of MAC address, using this "match if substring (hardware,1,3) = 00:00:00;" , but it doesn't work. how can find what's wrong? because there is no error, no other problem with the dhcp. thx in advance.13:42
Zallikcan i get wobble windows using a xhost?13:42
storbeckLasivian: Use Blender if you want to make actual maps.13:42
Lasivianblender is.. complicated13:43
storbeckNo it's not :P13:43
Lasiviani'm a chick, work with me here :P13:43
hazrpgLasivian: Hehe, blender's only complicated because of the default layout it sets13:43
Lasiviani'm supposed to be able to exploit the "female incapable" side when I want to13:44
Zallikdoes ubuntu come with xhost / xserver, or do i need to get it?13:44
Sega_Dudeim having trouble getting my external monitor to its native res.13:44
storbeckYes it does, Zallik13:44
__8472hi, i'm trying to configure the isc's dhcp (dhcp3), and i'm trying to make IP allocation based on the part of MAC address, using this "match if substring (hardware,1,3) = 00:00:00;" , but it doesn't work. how can find what's wrong? because there is no error, no other problem with the dhcp. thx in advance.13:44
ubottuSega_Dude: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:44
hazrpgLasivian: When you say you like make gaming maps, what do you currently use (on windows for example, or other O/S)13:44
Zallikstorbeck, is it easy enough to set up a version on windows?13:45
ubottu__8472: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:45
Lasivianhazrpg: campaign cartographer13:45
storbeckI wouldn't know, I've never done that13:45
dandreI have an sd-card reader connected to my usb port. How can I format it?13:45
Lasivianbut since I want to move to Linux that goes bye-bye13:45
dandreformat the card inserted into it13:46
Lasiviandandre: partition manager I believe13:46
hazrpgNot necessarily, i've used Wine to make some apps work in linux13:46
dandreI haven't found it13:46
Sega_Dudeim having trouble getting my external monitor to its native res.13:46
__8472hi, i'm trying to configure the isc's dhcp (dhcp3), and i'm trying to make IP allocation based on the part of MAC address, using this "match if substring (hardware,1,3) = 00:00:00;" , but it doesn't work. how can find what's wrong? because there is no error, no other problem with the dhcp. thx in advance.13:46
Lasivianhazrpg: LAME! oh.. ahem.. I mean "That would still mean sullying my good linux box with windows filth"13:46
Zallikstorbeck, can u give me a quick fact, if im using windows and putty to open up a file on a linux box, whos the client and whos the server?13:47
nekohi people13:47
storbeckWindows is the client, and Linux is the server13:47
hazrpgLasivian: I agree, but until developers can pull their fingers out of their ... *cough* i mean when developers suddenly realise the potential of Linux, they'll code more stuff for it.13:47
Lasiviandandre: http://groups.google.com/group/beagleboard/browse_thread/thread/2e054693dca41e38/532e16a8a3122f8c?lnk=raot&pli=113:47
nekoI seek for a better gui query browser solution for linux than the mysql default one that keep on crashing on my ubuntu box13:48
hazrpgLasivian: Hmm, just googled "campaign cartographer", does that actually do 3D or 2D stuff?13:48
Lasivianhazrpg: I use an older version for 2D13:48
nekosorry bad tabs13:48
bluepojoIt's not really developers.  If Linux was more widely used (and it is on the rise) then more developers would write software for it.  It's kinda chicken => egg thing.13:48
Zallikstorbeck, what is a generic interenet program that comes with ubuntu?13:49
Zallikstarts with a K or somehting?13:49
LasivianZallik: rephrase please13:49
bluepojothe KDE browser?13:49
hazrpgLasivian: Hmmz... what do you do with the end product? Or just enjoy making them?13:49
dandreLasivian: isn't there some gui utility to do that?13:49
nexsja'ello. I've created a user using 'adduser' command, this user is also an FTP user. How can i lock this user to his homedir?13:50
Sega_Dudei need help with mu external monitor...13:50
storbecknexsja: You have to create the user in a jailshell13:50
Lasivianhazrpg: tabletop gaming13:50
Lasiviandandre: unfortunately no13:50
bluepojoLasivian: what sort of table top gaming are you talking about?13:50
Lasivianbluepojo: D&D and the like13:50
Zalliksorry, i was looking for a interent browser for Linux, that comes in the bundle13:51
storbeckUse Firefox13:51
Zallik<bluepojo> Konqueror ====> Thankyou13:51
Lasivianyou know, dice and books and geeks... the stuff that mostly went over to slobbering fat folks playing WoW13:51
bluepojoLasivian: ah. was thinking maybe I'd discovered another warhammer player. >_>13:51
hazrpgLasivian: DnD Style :P?13:51
RichardWolfVIZallik: Firefox is the deafault browser in Ubuntu, Konqueror in Kubuntu.13:51
nexsjastorbeck umm.. how do i do that? :>13:51
bluepojoLasivian: nothing like throwing 35 dice at a time... ahhh13:51
Lasivianbluepojo: no, my wargaming was Battletech/Mechwarrior13:51
Zallikman, i havent done this linix think for aaaagers, and most of its already excaped my mind... i have a brain like a sive13:51
bluepojoLasivian: ah ok. I never played that.  I've been a Warhammer Fantasy player for a long time though.13:52
LasivianBattletech is like Warhammer, but the pieces have alot more hitpoints and you get fewer13:52
PqhdaHow can I make sshd print a message before login?13:52
keytonis there any kernel patch for tty vga modes, on older kernel 2.6.22 vga=791 work perfect, but with my 2.6.24-23 doesnt work is there any solution to this or i need recompile my kernel13:52
storbecknexsja: This should come in handy: http://www.fuschlberger.net/programs/ssh-scp-sftp-chroot-jail/13:52
bluepojoright... kinda like WarMachine, I think.13:52
hazrpgLasivian: One last question, since i dont really know  campaign cartographer, does it have all the pictures and stuff to auto-magically drop them in, or do you make them yourself?13:52
sipiorPqhda: you can have a look at /etc/motd13:53
Lasivianhazrpg: it has all the stuff already premade, but I tend to just make them myself and keep a copy/paste set on the side of my project13:53
Pqhdasipior: no13:53
storbeckPqhda: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/change-openssh-sshd-server-login-banner.html13:53
Pqhdastorbeck: ok13:53
sipiorPqhda: no? care to be more specific?13:53
hazrpgLasivian: Right, i'll see if I can find something for ya.13:54
Pqhdasorry i'm stupid13:54
Peloanyone have a clue how to find the telephone number for the montreal office of ubuntu/canonical ?13:54
Sega_DudeI still need help with my wireless card13:55
zirodayPelo: try contacting someone at http://www.canonical.com/aboutus/contactus13:55
nexsjastorbeck that's a bit too complicated for me :/13:56
ubottuSega_Dude: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:56
Zallik-bash: xhost: command not found13:56
GreenDeltahey, i installed apache2, php5 mysql-server and phpmyadmin but if i want to start phpmyadmin i always get this: The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server.13:56
RichardWolfVISega_Dude: It's pretty straight forward13:57
Zallikwhy is it doing that?13:57
Sega_DudeRichardWolfVI: I tryed that already13:57
jie我的学校无线网是开放式的  要拨号 在U8.10下弄不了 有谁能帮帮我吗13:57
zirodayGreenDelta: try going to http://localhost/phpmyadmin13:57
ziroday!ch | jie13:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch13:57
ziroday!cn | jie13:57
ubottujie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:57
RichardWolfVIGreenDelta: The URL is http://localhot/phpmyadmin13:57
GreenDeltaziroday: thats what i tried13:57
RichardWolfVISega_Dude: What did you try?13:58
GreenDeltaRichardWolfVI: thats what i tried13:58
zirodayGreenDelta: and going to http://localhost shows a "It works!" page?13:58
GreenDeltaziroday: yes, and php works 213:58
zirodayGreenDelta: where/how did you install phpmyadmin?13:58
GreenDeltaziroday "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"13:59
zirodayGreenDelta: right13:59
Zallikwhy isnt my xhost working???13:59
hazrpgLasivian: campaign cartographer seems rather cool tbh ^_^, might have to recommend it to my friend who's addicted to DnD at the moment lol13:59
sipiorZallik: how does it fail?13:59
hazrpgErm.. seems there isn't really a great alternative to campaign cartographer on linux really14:00
zirodayGreenDelta: does /usr/share/phpmyadmin exist?14:00
knowbotcan somebody help me withe the foiling: in g parted when i try 2 format a pat. bigger than 1TB: A partition cannot have a length of -1 sectors14:00
Zalliksipior -bash: xhost: command not found14:00
hazrpgi'll see sourceforge to see if there's anything14:00
hazrpgbut try QCaD for now to see what that's like14:00
zirodayGreenDelta: as well as /etc/phpmyadmin?14:00
GreenDeltaziroday: a ls in '/var/www/' shows there is no phpmyadmin. /usr/share/phpmyadmin does exist14:00
zirodayGreenDelta: and /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf14:00
sipiorZallik: do you have the package x11-xserver-utils installed?14:01
zirodayGreenDelta: right, well that is where phpmyadmin should of installed to. It wont appear in /var/www14:01
GreenDeltaziroday: nope, the .conf doesnt exist -.-14:01
sipiorZallik: also, check to make sure that /usr/bin is still in your path...14:01
zirodayGreenDelta: well then you haven't installed phpmyadmin :). Try remove and reinstall it14:01
storbeckGreenDelta: find / -name phpmyadmin.conf -print 2>/dev/null14:01
Zalliksipior, how do i check those two things?14:02
GreenDeltaziroday: i already tried this, but no change.14:02
sipiorZallik: dpkg -l | grep x11-xserver-utils14:02
sipiorZallik: and "echo $PATH"14:02
nexsjacan anybody help me? I'm using PureFTP and i've created a user that i need to limit to his home directory. How can i do that?14:02
keytonnnnnis there any kernel patch for tty vga modes, on older kernel 2.6.22 vga=791 work perfect, but with my 2.6.24-23 doesnt work is there any solution to this or i need recompile my kernel14:02
=== unix3 is now known as epaphus
Zallikit didnt find anything14:03
sipiorZallik: then "sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils" should sort you out14:03
Zallikut usr/bin was there14:03
zirodayGreenDelta: well the package is not installing properly then. There should be files in those dirs. Did you apt-get clean and the reinstall?14:03
GreenDeltaziroday: i did "sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin" and then the same with install14:04
GreenDeltaziroday: and i restarted apache214:05
knowbot can somebody help me with  Gparted  and a >1TB disk14:05
zirodayGreenDelta: that is not suffecient. Do sudo apt-get --purge remove phpmyadmin and then sudo apt-get clean and then sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin14:05
storbecknexsja: vi  /etc/pure-ftpd.conf14:06
m1chaeli boot up ubuntu using the live install cd... went to administrative tools and attempted to create a usb boot device... but my device was not listed under the usb devices list... but my device shows up on the desktop and shows up for the partitioning tool... what to do? anyone have any suggestions for this?14:06
Sega_Dudeneed help getting external monitor to native res14:07
storbeckAnd change the line: ChrootEveryone=YES14:07
zirodaySega_Dude: we will need more details. What is the current resolution, what is the expected resolution, what monitor type and size, what graphics card and driver are you using14:07
Zallikdamn it, my password isnt working!!!14:07
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:07
Ubunewbiehi all, can you help with my firewire issues?14:08
sipiori'm pretty sure we can handle "damn it", here in the 21st century.14:08
GreenDeltaziroday: ok now he asked at setup which type of webserver i want to configurate and i chose apache2 (which is installed) but still there is no .conf file14:08
Zallikdo i change to root with "su root"14:08
storbecksudo -i14:08
zirodayGreenDelta: what about /usr/share/phpmyadmin?14:09
GreenDeltaziroday: still exists14:09
GreenDeltawith plenty of files in it14:09
zirodayGreenDelta: err does http://localhost/phpmyadmin load?14:10
=== rafael is now known as second_thought
Zallikis there anyway to purge the pasword files?14:10
sipiorZallik: what exactly are you trying to fix/accomplish?14:11
GreenDeltaziroday: nope14:11
second_thoughthey guys. I'm having some problems with creating a bootable usb thumbdrive14:11
GreenDeltaziroday: still 40414:11
hazrpgLasivian: you still there?14:11
zirodayGreenDelta: why not try a phpmyadmin install from sourc e14:11
sipiorZallik: i mean, you could remove them, of course, but then you couldn't log in :-)14:11
hazrpgLasivian: Think I might of found something that'll work for you14:11
second_thoughtI'm trying to put the usb version of clonezilla on it14:11
GreenDeltaziroday: from source? what do you mean?14:12
Zallikthe root password isnt working14:12
sipiorZallik: well, you should just be able to use your own password, with sudo.14:12
sipiorZallik: no root password required.14:12
dr_willis!sudo | Zallik14:12
ubottuZallik: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:12
GreenDeltaziroday: isnt phpmyadmin a apache2 module and wants to be activated?14:12
zirodayGreenDelta: as in from http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php14:12
second_thoughtthe thing starts up but when I press any key I get a system beep and a bunch of garbled ANSCII text on the screen14:13
second_thoughtI'm not really familier with syslinux14:13
Ubunewbiehello everyone, i need firewire help please. i'm trying to set this up http://www.ffado.org and i get stuck in synaptic at this error msg http://paste.ubuntu.com/134232/ any ideas?14:13
Zallikbut ive made another account which i log in with14:13
dr_willisZallik:  only the inititally made user has sudo rights.14:13
Zallik is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.14:14
GreenDeltaziroday: ok i'll try this, thx very much!! bye14:14
second_thought - ubunewbie - I if you know what you need to download just grab it with apt-get14:14
keytonnnnnis there any kernel patch for tty vga modes, on older kernel 2.6.22 vga=791 work perfect, but with my 2.6.24-23 doesnt work is there any solution to this or i need recompile my kernel14:14
sipiorZallik: you can add your login to the sudoers file, but you'll need someone with sudo access to do it :-)14:14
dr_willisZallik:  like i said.. only the initially made user can do sudo.. without other configuration14:14
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
roadfishAny tips on debugging/fixing audio capture? For example, arecord test.wav generates only a 44byte file.14:14
sipiorZallik: can you log in as the user you initially created?14:14
pfalconeanybody have an idea how to regenerate /dev/log?14:15
bredoto_does anybody knows how to make own deb-packages, or any helpful resourses?14:15
second_thoughtah whateva.. I'm just going to use UNetbootin14:15
second_thoughtnuff said....14:15
Zalliksipior, im gonna try another way to log in, threw a web intereface...14:16
LionOpeterdo i need to read all of your docs?14:16
LionOpeterthere is too much :\14:16
sipiorLionOpeter: whose docs?14:17
Zallikwtf? my passwords working again14:17
Ubunewbiesecond_thought, first off, thanks for responding so quickly. second, i installed a bunch of packages that were listed via synaptic and they all show up in the synaptic list of packages but they just won't install. i'm confused i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/134232/ but i don't know what else i need to add or change in any way14:17
Zallikomg... confuzzled14:17
jturekQUESTION:   Is there a program like gnome-terminal  that has custom toolbars that i can make macro buttons to paste common commands? (sort of like I can do in WRQ Reflection or PROComm14:18
ZallikThe following NEW packages will be installed:14:18
Zallik  libice6 libsm6 libxaw7 libxi6 libxmu6 libxpm4 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxt614:18
Zallik  libxtrap6 libxxf86misc1 libxxf86vm1 x11-xserver-utils14:18
Zallikdidnt i want the x11-utils?14:18
sipiorZallik: i believe so14:18
Zallikwait... LOL i cant read14:19
daryl__having a tough time getting ubuntu installed on a dt research webdt366. its a tablet pc and right when the progress bar changes from back and forth pogo to an actual progress indicator, about 20 percent up that progress, my graphics go corrupted and screen becomes unusable. what exactly is happening during the beginning stages of that "load"?14:19
ZallikYAY, xhost works14:19
Zallikthanks boys14:19
Zallikim off 2 bed, the mz is sleeping beside me, and i can here her sleeping angry14:19
Zallikshe thinks im a nerd...14:20
sipiordaryl_: can you try the text installer?14:20
Zallikhow do i shutdown my box?14:20
Zallikcan ya sudo shutdown?14:21
daryl__i can but in xubuntu it seems to do the same14:21
daryl__tried passing vga=normal as a kernel argument but no avail14:21
cperrin88Hi, since my last autpmatic ernel update my screen is just rainbow stripes but nothing more14:21
mustangg1hello. How might I check to see which version of an app is present in the repos?14:21
bredoto_does anybody know how to make own deb-packages, or any helpful resourses?14:22
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)14:22
dr_williswhen in doubt - check the 'short apt-get manual' :)14:22
sipiormustangg1: apt-cache policy <package>14:22
dr_willisthen check teh longer ones.14:22
LEDAnyone here use aMule? (I have a problem with it)14:22
fevelthe panel option screen-resolution refuses to apply my desired resolution, even though I know its the right one. Is there a way for me to force it?14:23
LjL!packaging > bredoto_    (bredoto_, see the private message from ubottu)14:23
bredoto_LjL, thanks14:24
boerzelhi out there. does anyone here know, how to change the fonts size and look of kde-programs, wich are used under GNOME? I am running Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit.14:24
LEDAnyone at all?14:24
michaeldadmumboerzel: Try to tune it in KDE system settings.14:25
=== bredoto_ is now known as bredoto
vagabwhat command creats a file?14:25
boerzelmichaeldadmum: thankx, but where do I find them? I do not know the new kde4x.14:25
sellout_vagab: touch14:25
=== _ is now known as Guest92022
sipiorboerzel: maybe try qtconfig?14:25
michaeldadmumboerzel: try to install systemsettings14:26
hazrpgif anyone knows Lasivian, tell her that AutoREALM is the best open-source alternative, but she'll still need Wine as it hasn't been ported to linux yet14:26
boerzelsipior: yes, I did, but that had nothing done with the fonts of k3b, k9copy and some more14:26
mustangg1sipior: Thanks. btw- aren't packages which I can get using apt _supposed_ to show up in the gui add/remove ?14:26
hazrpgquestion: What is ipconfig equivalent in linux?14:27
sipiormustangg1: i don't think add/remove has a complete listing of packages14:27
sellout_mustangg1: add/remove only lists mainly gui programs.14:27
hazrpgbeen bugging me since i started using linux a few years ago14:27
LjLhazrpg: ifconfig14:27
boerzelmichaeldadmum: I did, but the window of systemsettings is empty14:27
michaeldadmumboerzel: let me check14:27
sellout_mustangg1: anything that runs on the terminal is not in add/remove (for the most part) tehy do thos so as not to confuse users.14:27
mustangg1sellout_:  aha. too bad, lots of really good console apps could benefit from that.14:27
sellout_mustangg1: use aptitude or synergy for complete package control14:28
sellout_mustangg1: bear in mind ubuntu is aimed at end-users first, devs and console junkies second.14:28
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sellout_aptitude and synaptic are there for a reason though ;-)14:28
hazrpg"System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager" for a full list of apps :)14:29
mustangg1sellout_:  well I'm not exactly a console junkie, but I do know the value of control over my system. I still forget which command does what sometime..14:29
sellout_and end-users that do not have a clue do not need to touch either one of those apps. lol14:29
sellout_mustangg1: fair enough. Cames with time :-)14:29
hazrpgsellout_: I Agree :)14:29
mustangg1sellout_:  well I have so much microsoft cruft in my head I may not have enough before I die, but I am trying ;)14:30
sh12how do i connect screen program to a pts/3?14:30
hazrpgmustanggl: Haha, i agree to that too :P14:30
Wunderbarhow do I go about unpacking a tar.gz file in the terminal- all the info Ive found so far has been deeply  unhelpful14:30
sellout_I am very thankful add/remove is idiot proof. I install ubuntu on most of my customers machines... and most of them are myspace-generation-clicky-clicky-install-everything-that-moves people14:31
storbeckWunderbar: tar xvzf file.tar.gz14:31
hazrpgLjL: ifconfig = ipconfig was that?14:31
boerzelanyone knows about xsane and pressing together ps or pdfs files?14:31
mattgyver83Can anyone help me, I cant connect to my ubuntu machine over the network from a windows machine14:31
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LjLhazrpg: it's sort of the same thing as ipconfig in windows, yes14:31
* hazrpg tests ifconfig14:32
LEDWhen I import my files from eMule to aMule, all of them have 0-byte size. (They are reset?)14:32
boerzelmichaeldadmum: did you found whats the matter with systemsettings?14:32
hazrpgLjL: hehe nice :), thanks dude14:32
michaeldadmumboerzel: I am finding now.14:32
storbeckifconfig = wired networks, iwconfig = wireless networks14:32
sellout_mustangg1: I will tell you how I got rid of the microsoft cruft. I got sick of reinstallign windows on most of my machiens 2 or 3 times a month... got my hands on a linux iso... and formatted every machien in my home so i was forced to learn14:32
boerzelmichaeldadmum: great, thanx, I am waiting14:32
sellout_that was about 7 years ago.14:32
Wunderbarthanks storbeck14:33
hazrpgstorbeck: I know iwconfig ;), thanks to backtrack14:33
storbecknp Wunderbar14:33
michaeldadmumboerzel: Try installing kdebase-workspace-data.14:33
boerzelmichaeldadmum: ok, just a second14:33
hazrpglsusb = list usb devices right?14:34
yeniBurasý neresi14:34
=== methril|work is now known as methril|lunch
LjL!tr | yeni14:35
ubottuyeni: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:35
boerzelmichaeldadmum: sorry, I installed kdebase-workspace-data, but systemsettings is still empty14:35
hazrpgwhat would you say was the best way of finding out the hardware details?14:35
sellout_hazrpg: hwinfo or lspci -nn14:36
mustangg1sellout_: similar to myself, (especially on the reinstall topic!) only I've never been a straight up developer so have not gotten exposure to certain clearly important areas. So I appreciate the help I get.14:36
sellout_lspci -nn will give you all the pci-ids. google those and you find all sorts of magics to make things work :-)14:36
hazrpgsellout_: ahh that was the one, lspci -nn14:36
storbecksellout_: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/index.cgi14:36
hazrpgbeen bugging me, i remember seeing it a while back and could never remember it14:36
frankenfinejoin #aptana @irc.freenode.org14:37
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:37
michaeldadmumboerzel: wait for a while.14:37
krzdwhat are the shipping costs of the ubuntu shop14:37
hazrpgsellout_: that'll be why i seen lspci -nn :P I had problems with hardware in the past14:37
Sqrt2_hi, is there anything similar to desktop search like spotlight on OS X for Ubuntu?14:37
boerzelmichaeldadmum: ok, I am still here14:37
krzdSqrt2_, beagle14:37
hazrpgsellout_: Thanks muchly :)14:37
sellout_storbeck: nice! It has been bookmarked :-)14:38
sellout_Sqrt2_: beagle is fairly nice if you wanta  gui tool14:38
Sqrt2_krzd: does it also search my e-mails?14:38
sellout_krzd: beat me to it14:38
Mr_Grieves|Hi, is there a way to tell apt that I have a package installed from source?14:38
hazrpgstorbeck: woot! that site is pretty niffy :)14:39
krzdSqrt2_, yes it does14:39
michaeldadmumboerzel: What KDE packages are installed on your system?14:39
sellout_Mr_Grieves|: other than just out-right blocking a package in synaptic... not that I am aware of.14:39
krzdsellout_, what does that mean (sry, i'm german^^)14:39
storbeckhazrpg: :)14:39
krzdSqrt2_, it searches the emails of kmail, evolution and thunderbird14:39
Mr_Grieves|sellout_: hrm, that would block dependencies of the package, too, wouldn't it?14:39
sellout_Mr_Grieves|: however lets say you isntalled screen from source. You can go into synaptic and "block" screen so apt will not ever try to install it again14:40
boerzelmichaeldadmum:  kde4, that, what is available in Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit repos14:40
sellout_Mr_Grieves|: You could just simpily lock the current version... but dependencies will still be unblocked14:40
Sqrt2_can you boot ubuntu from a memory card? I do't have any blank dvd left14:40
sellout_in theory14:40
sellout_Mr_Grieves|: ubuntu is not the best distro for dealing with source... but you *can*14:40
Mr_Grieves|sellout_: hrm, I'll try that.14:41
sellout_Sqrt2_: sure. Use the usb boot creator14:41
dr_willisSqrt2_:  You can make a bootable/installable thumbdrive with ubuntu on it.. yes14:41
michaeldadmumboerzel: Try installing kde instead.14:41
krzdSqrt2_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:41
sellout_Sqrt2_: thumb drive or memory card. Ive used both.14:41
dr_willisSqrt2_:  like sellout_  said.. or try unetbootin tool.14:41
Sqrt2_I just found a dvd with ubuntu amd 64 on it :-)14:41
dr_willisnot all pc's can boot from sd cards.14:41
sellout_dr_willis: few. and that is being generous.14:42
* Sqrt2_ is switching form OS X14:42
storbeckI don't blame you, Sqrt2_ :P14:42
sellout_the utility will make it properly... the ulity can not account for crappy bios though.14:42
buzzDriveIf i want to help community in programation where si the place?14:42
Sqrt2_I don't understand why ppl say OS X is more friendly14:42
Sqrt2_I have to admit that it looks beatifull but it is definitely not userfriendly14:43
sellout_Sqrt2_: because people like the pretty ui. those people however have not seen e17 whic is even prettier and runs on about 12 megs of ram.14:43
boerzelmichaeldadmum: kde instead? You mean, using kde? No, sorry, but thats no deal. Kde4 is like Windows Vista, lot of nonsense. I dont want to annony kde-fans, for me only Gnome or kde3.5.x is ok. I need to work with the PC14:43
Sqrt2_sellout_: e17? got screenshots?14:43
=== killa is now known as Milka
michaeldadmumboerzel: There is no KDE3 in intrepid.14:44
nilosomebody has installed new gnome 2.26?14:44
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nilois in the repos?14:44
michaeldadmumboerzel: I am using Kubuntu with original KDE in Jaunty.14:44
dimebarnilo: upgrade to Jaunty14:44
cipherSimianis there an iPhone emulator i can get from the repos for testing mobile versions of webpages?14:45
boerzelmichaeldadmum: right thats the big problem, intrepid has. because there some good kde-tools and under former ubuntu versions with kde 3.5 everything was fine. since kde4 is on top, its just an optical horror to use kde-prpgrams unter gnome14:45
nilonow im using mandriva, but I'm thinking to install ubuntu14:45
boerzelmichaeldadmum: i was a kbuntu fan too - until kde4 came14:45
Mr_Grieves|Looks like equiv's may be what I'm looking for...14:45
sellout_Sqrt2_: screenshots do not do it justice.. but here is a vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqfxJWHUrek14:46
michaeldadmumboerzel: I am a Kubuntu fan since KDE4 came. I tried KDE3 a while ago but I was not satisfied so I use KDE4 again.14:46
sipiorsellout_: any chance it will see a real release before 2018? ;-)14:46
cipherSimianis there an iPhone emulator i can get from the repos for testing mobile versions of webpages?14:46
boerzelmichaeldadmum: i had taken a look to kde4 on a pc with opensuse 11.1 64-bit. I dod not understand anything, and I am using PCs know since more than 20 years, 5 years of them with linux14:46
nilothe problem is ubuntu doesnt supports my intel wireless 2100...14:46
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saurabhi have installed kubuntu 8.10..........by mistake i removed the panel that contained my minimised windows...............how to get that back14:46
niloanybody knows how I can add suport to my intel wireless??14:47
boerzelmichaeldadmum: anyway, thanks a lot for your try to help me, michael.14:47
sellout_sipior: Raster is a perfectionist. I have had a few arguments with him on that note.14:47
xnguardHi, folks.  I had a package manager accident that removed resolvconf, and now I can't get resolvconf / NetworkManager to update /etc/resolv.conf.  Any help appreciated.14:47
niloIt worked on 7.10, but in te 8.04, lost support14:48
sellout_sipior: that said it is totally usable. I have e ven set up e17 for custoemrs and edelrly people that need a simple ui14:48
michaeldadmumboerzel: bye14:48
sellout_sipior: lots of overhauling is going on. e18 is on it's way14:48
sipiorsellout_: i've played with it myself. i'm afraid that by the time it sees the light of day, it will have been passed by...14:48
sellout_sipior: Raster would rather release something that is complete and solid, than somethign partially borken.14:49
sellout_sipior: also a lot of the libraries written for e17 have been used in other projects14:49
sellout_imlib is huge and used everywhere14:49
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Wunderbaris there an easier way of install a tar.gz packed zip than the make,compile method?14:50
sellout_sipior: raster wants at least a couple more libraries to hit true 1.0 status before he considers releasing e17 for end users. It is already being used a lot though. GOS and several other distros ship with e17 by default14:50
x-ipwhere ubuntu 8.10 will have gnome2.26 updates ? :D14:50
sellout_Wunderbar: gentoo :-(14:50
sipiorWunderbar: that's pretty easy as it is, yeah? man, in the dark days before automake...14:51
sellout_Wunderbar: Ubuntu is not really made to manage sources. It allows you to install them manually but that is abour it.14:51
Wunderbarok, thanks14:51
sellout_make make install is not so bad though14:51
WunderbarIm new to linux14:51
dimebarcheckinstall makes it slightly nicer14:51
Wunderbarso I basically suck at this14:51
sellout_Wunderbar: what are you trying to install?14:51
Wunderbarnew irss14:52
sellout_Wunderbar: almost everything has packages...14:52
kavityWunderbar: Get it from the repos?14:52
NubletHello all. I have 2 partitions, one for vista, one for ubuntu. I have decided i want rid of the windows partition so i want to delete it and resize my ubuntu partition to take up the whole drive. Is this safe? If so, how would i do it? Thanks :D14:52
hugodor./configure make make install now that's tough lol14:52
Wunderbarthe new one isnt' there...14:52
kavityNublet: Get gparted.14:52
dimebarWunderbar: dunno if the sid package would work? ;)14:53
WunderbarIll try14:53
hugodorNublet you could just delete teh vista partition and create a new partition and mount it as your home dir14:53
sellout_Wunderbar: grab the sid package.14:53
Wunderbarbut the make install method isn't working14:53
Nubletkavity: Is that available as a prog or just livecd?14:53
sellout_Wunderbar: debian is more on the ball with console apps.14:53
Lou_Can anyone tell me why nautilus is crashing?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/134255/14:53
sellout_Wunderbar: what version are you looking for specifically?14:53
storbeckWunderbar: Just apt-get install irssi14:54
Wunderbarmake failed, again14:54
kavityNublet: As a prog.14:54
kavityNublet: sudo apt-get install gparted14:54
sipiorWunderbar: any chance we could get a pastebin of the failed build? you're probably just missing a library or three that it needs...14:54
cipherSimianis there an iPhone emulator i can get from the repos for testing mobile versions of webpages?14:55
Wunderbarhold on lemme try the synaptic again14:55
hugodorwow it was so hard to get on these channels at school14:55
Nubletkavity: It's 100% safe to do what i am doing right? I would hate to make a mistake and kill my drive and lose my ubuntu14:55
hugodoris irc encrypted?14:55
m1chaeli boot up ubuntu using the live install cd... went to administrative tools and attempted to create a usb boot device... but my device was not listed under the usb devices list... but my device shows up on the desktop and shows up for the partitioning tool... what to do? anyone have any suggestions for this?14:56
storbeckhugodor: You could always ssh into a box, then run irssi14:56
hugodorit was so hard to get an irc client at school14:56
hugodoror i could tunnel my irc traffic14:56
hugodori was just wondering14:56
hugodori tried that though using a remote shell account but it wouldn't let me because it thought i was proxying14:57
kavityNublet: It should be safe, however, I would recommend you taking precautions and bcking up yourself anyway.14:57
cipherSimiananyone know of an iPhone emulator i can use on Ubuntu for testing mobile versions of webpages?14:57
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hugodorour school's policy blocked the download of irssi so i had to ssh into a remote server and wget it then i tried ftping to that through command prompt and ie but our policy still blocked that finally i sftp'd into it like a ninja14:59
cipherSimiananyone know of an iPhone emulator i can use on Ubuntu for testing mobile versions of webpages?15:00
sipiorcipherSimian: there's a plugin for firefox, if you just want to see what the thing will look like.15:01
ned_السلام عليكم15:01
LjL!arabic | ned_15:01
ubottuned_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية15:02
ned_كيف يمكنني أن أجد الإيبي15:02
hugodorso in order for my wireless card to work i had to update my kernel on my 8.04 ubuntu to 2.6.26 but that causes my screen to mess up most of the times i boot it's like half screen or no screen at all idk why15:02
cipherSimiansipior: you know what it's called?15:02
DeevzIs it a practical solution to install ubuntu on my 4gb drive and put my files on my 16gb?15:03
sipiorcipherSimian: i'm guessing the title contains the words "iPhone" and "Emulator" ;-)15:03
hugodormount you 16 gig as a folder15:03
hugodorthen you can throw all the files you want on it15:03
* cipherSimian realizes he deserves that15:04
beningi don't have arabic keyboard15:04
DeevzI have no prior experience with linux15:04
sellout_DeVnOrE: you have a 4 gig drive that is not clicking? props.15:04
DeevzI just dont want all the packages to install on the 4gb drive15:04
sellout_Deevz: *15:04
ned_how can I get the IP15:04
Deevzsellout_: it's a ssd15:05
LjLned_: what IP?15:05
sellout_Deevz: ahh...15:05
Deevzon my eee pc that is15:05
FormodeGetting this error when I log in: "User's $HOME/dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. ..." Anyone know a fix?15:05
Depresseddoes the server edition have wubi.exe on it?15:05
* sellout_ high fives Deevz 15:05
sellout_Deevz: Currently talkign to you from my 900 series15:05
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Deevzsellout_, thats nice, I have a 901 :)15:05
sellout_Got the 16 gig ssd here.15:05
ubdis it possible to install ubuntu on pc1 and then plug it to pc2 which is not identical. will it boot then?15:06
LjLned_: "ipconfig" will give you the local IP15:06
LjLned_: http://www.whatismyip.com will give you the external IP15:06
sellout_the 901's are nice... but I knew I could not survive on anything less than a 16 gig.15:06
Depressed(in other words, can I install it inside windows?)15:06
sellout_then again ssd chips are getting cheap15:06
Deevzsellout_: same, mine came with xandros so I had 20gb total in the first place15:06
sellout_upgrade is not so hard15:06
sipiorFormode: what are the permissions on the file $HOME/.dmrc?15:06
sellout_Deevz: Ah ok. I see.15:06
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sipiorFormode: might be that it is being ignored because the permission set is too lax.15:07
sellout_Deevz: Format the thing and make the 16 giger root and the 4 giger home15:07
beningits ningth15:07
sellout_and if you want extra home just pop a 20$ 16 gig SD card in and mount it as a folder inside your home dir for media or whatever15:07
Formodesipior: I have "Owner: Formode \\ Read/write" "Group: Formode \\ None" and "Others \\ None"15:07
Deevzsellout_: what is the diff between home and root?15:08
storbeckIs that guy with the iPhone question still here?15:08
sipiorFormode: hmm, that does look correct.15:08
=== nerf is now known as nerfed
linduxedi would need to check what groups can access folder X and add another group to that list, how do i do that?15:09
sellout_Deevz: root is / that is your base directory for everything. That is also what all your applications are going to be isntalld to in subfolders spread out ofer bin, sbin, var, opt. etc.15:09
ned_I ask about UBUNTU15:09
Formodesipior, I just changed the Group to Formode with Read/write... Maybe that fixed it?15:09
sellout_wheraas you can easily mount a drive on top of /home which is where all your documents and personal settings will reside15:09
DeevzI see15:09
douglI am currently running 8.04 and having problems with 'mc' (midnight commander) tying up on of my nfs mounts to another box running 8.10... my problem is I cannot see where mc is running and killall mc and killall -9 mc does not kill the process - any help?15:10
DeevzProblem is that the 16gb drive holds all my docs atm15:10
sellout_Deevz: so head up to wal-mart and grab a 16 gig usb stick for 30$ and solve your problem ;-)15:10
Wunderbarapparently can't find a make file15:10
WunderbarI can15:10
sellout_or get a 16 gig SD card for even cheaper and move your docs and what not to that15:11
sipiorFormode: i'm not optimistic, since on my own system, the group bits aren't set at all. did you make any changes to your home directory/setup recently?15:11
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sellout_You will thank yourself for the extra space15:11
Deevzsellout_: Ill go for an even cheaper solution and use my other computer has a network drive15:11
sellout_Deevz: there you go :-)15:11
Formodesipior, I was unpacking a gentoo stage3 tarball and accidently uppacked it into my home directory, that's when it started.15:11
sellout_Formode: ouch!15:12
JEDIDIAH__if mc is still running, you should be able to find it and kill it directly.15:12
Wunderbarwon't 'make' the makefile15:12
sellout_Formode: i did that in root once, by accident >.<15:12
JEDIDIAH__I usually just use pkill15:12
Formodesellout_ It was a pain in the ass.15:12
Formodesellout_ OUCH.15:12
sipiorFormode: i believe it :-)15:12
Wunderbarwhen I point it in the right direction asks for a rule, wtf...15:12
sellout_Formode: almost as bad as the time I somehow was half awake and did `chmod -R 777 /*`15:13
sellout_makes a lot of things unhappy15:13
Formodesellout_... >>15:13
storbeckFormode: Eh, that's nothing. I accidently wiped all of our drives on our backup server at work :P15:13
storbeckAnd I work for a webhosting company15:13
FormodeOkay, one other bug.15:13
Lasiviananyone know of a 2D map drawing program for Ubuntu?15:13
FormodeI'm also getting: "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/_user_/.ICEauthority." when I boot.15:14
sellout_storbeck: haw! I have a similar story. I also runa  webhosting company... and one of my interns was trying to clear his home folder as root and did rm -rf /15:14
* global_admin says hello15:14
sipiorFormode: could you try setting permissions to 644: "chmod 644 .dmrc", and make sure your home directory is not open with "chmod 700 ~"? might solve the problem for you.15:14
=== global_admin is now known as sweeny
sellout_storbeck: he killed it after it cleaned out bin and sbin thankfully...15:14
* sweeny says hello15:14
sellout_storbeck: he did not come forward right away. the bash log showed him starting it, killing it, then running ls about 20 times, then exiting.15:15
sweenyguys can you help with xchat running on xubuntu?15:15
Formodesipior, okay that should fix it. :) Any idea what to do with "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/_user_/.ICEauthority."15:15
sweenyi am unable to send or receive files15:15
Lou_Would some C expert please tell me why nautilus is crashing?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/134255/15:15
mattgyver83When i try to connect to my ubuntu machine (via windows) over the network it asks for a username and pw, anything i enter is incorrect, any ideas?15:15
jackCardshello all15:15
boerzel2hi out there. i am using 8.10 64-bit (Intrepid) with GNOME and I would like to change the font size of some kde-programs, I use. how can I do that?15:16
jackCardshi all anyone out there know how to contorl a link light on a network switch... idea being to locate a unused patch on a network switch ???15:17
daGraveRmattgyver83: has it worked before? Did you create the user with smbpasswd?15:17
ruhaanwhat tool can i use to manage 2 wired networks better15:17
Wunderbarterminfo/termcap not found? what does this mean15:17
disastro_totaleciao a tuuti15:17
LjL!it | disastro_totale15:17
ubottudisastro_totale: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:17
ruhaani ahve tried the default network manager15:17
ruhaanand it was a mess15:17
mattgyver83daGraveR, no i never created a user with smbpasswd thats probably it15:17
WunderbarI was told configure make install is the easiest thing known to man15:17
ruhaanand wicd doesnt support 2 wired networks15:17
mattgyver83daGraveR is it pretty basic?15:17
Wunderbarwhy are there so many goddamn errors..15:18
daGraveRmattgyver83: yes15:18
jackCardscheck also on that its added to the smba password file15:18
dako1hi all, there's a way (maibe a .conf file?!?) to change the X resolution in intrepid? /etc/X11/xorg.conf do nothing and  'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' don't work for me. gnome works fine, but gdm and fluxbox have a larger resolution cannot fit on my LCD with 'strange' effects...15:18
sweenycan anyone offer help on xchat?15:18
sipiorWunderbar: just what it says. configure is easy, but you do need to have the library dependencies met. you probably need to install ncurses15:18
daGraveRmattgyver83: sudo smbpasswd -a <user>15:19
sipiorWunderbar: try "sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev", and see if that improves things.15:19
FormodeAnyone know how to resolve the boot bug ""Could not update ICEauthority file /home/_user_/.ICEauthority." "15:19
mattgyver83Thank you guys15:19
sipiorFormode: do you have a backup of your home directory? this would be the time for it...15:19
mattgyver83daGraveR, it made root my user, is that normal?15:19
dandrewhat would you suggest to have an xterm like for ttyS0 serial port?15:20
Formodesipior No. That's the only remaining bug xD15:20
Formodesipior it boots fine, I just have those two windows poping up xD15:20
linduxedi would need to check what groups can access folder X and add another group to that list, how do i do that?15:20
Wunderbarthanks sipior15:20
daGraveRmattgyver83: only if you forgot to replace <user> with the actual username :)15:20
CircuitBughow do we remove and add stuff in the programs menu in wine?15:20
hwildeis it ever necessary to dump the arp table in ubuntu, or is that a thing of the past and for other distros to flail with15:21
sipiorFormode: you can delete the file, it should be regenerated when you next start X.15:21
mattgyver83Is there a way to disable the root usn from connecting now?15:21
lantjiehallo guys15:21
daGraveRmattgyver83: sudo smbpasswd -d root15:21
mattgyver83your the best15:21
CircuitBughow do we remove and add stuff in the programs menu?15:22
lantjiei have question. how do i install perl on my machine15:22
CircuitBugin wine?15:22
hwildeCircuitBug, right click, edit menus15:22
erUSULlantjie: perl comes preinstalled in any ubuntu install15:23
CircuitBugnothing happens15:23
progre55hey everybody! Has anyone had experience installing VoipZoom on ubuntu? please help me out15:23
Paolo88Hi! I must cut and paste a avi file. What program I can use?15:23
lantjieerUSUL: i tried it, but it doesn't give me any output15:23
erUSULlantjie: what have you tried?15:24
adacis there a simple program that can password protect my usb stick? On mount there should appear then the dialog to enter the password15:24
lantjieerUSUL: i typed perl in my terminal and yet i don't get nothing15:24
erUSULlantjie: perl -e 'print "Hello World!\n"'15:24
erUSULlantjie: it works here15:25
storbeckPaolo88: ^c and ^v15:25
detrixwhere can I get help with the seti@home project?  Is there a better channel to discuss this?15:25
lantjieerUSUL: perl doesn't open15:25
roadfishdetrix: phone home15:25
erUSULlantjie: perl is a command line program what so you spect to open?15:25
detrixroadfish:  lol15:25
erUSULPaolo88: avidemux ?15:26
sipiorlantjie: does "perl -v" print anything?15:26
storbecksudo apt-get install perl15:26
lantjiesipior: yes it does15:27
lantjiehow further?15:27
sipiorlantjie: congratulations, perl is installed ;-)15:27
Paolo88erUSUL: ok, tanks15:27
erUSULPaolo88: no problem15:27
=== ZhouYu- is now known as ZhouYu
lantjiesipior: how do i get the commandline off perl15:28
sipiorlantjie: you'll need to learn how to write programs in perl, using a text editor. you can pick up Larry Wall's "Programming Perl" which covers the language in agonising detail.15:29
erUSULlantjie: it would help if you tell us exactly what do you want to do ...15:29
lantjiehow do i get the perl commandline like in ipython or python15:29
martiiinIf I download ubuntu 8.10 iso, does it include the option to boot like Live CD?15:29
storbecklantjie: There is none15:30
lantjiesipior:i got a book wiley perl programming15:30
sipiorlantjie: oh, i see what you mean. i think there's an interactive shell called "psh", which might be useful to you.15:30
Wunderbarok, this is odd, authentication failure but the password isn't the problem...15:30
Deevzsellout_: where did you find the drivers for your eee pc?15:30
dudusmartiiin: Only on the Desktop version, not in thye Alternate Version15:30
lantjiethanx guys let me try it out15:30
Wunderbarattempting to install in root, to make sure Ive system>admin>user setting>unlock to make sure the password is correct15:31
Wunderbarit is15:31
martiiindudus Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)?15:31
Wunderbarbut 'su' won't recognise the same password. what have I done wrong?15:31
lantjiehey guys can i now program from psh?15:31
sander_mHello. The Ubuntu wiki says that the CACert.org root certificates are in the ca-certificates package, but they are not15:31
sander_mHow can I install them?15:32
sipiorWunderbar: you want to try "sudo make install", i think15:32
dudusmartiiin: yep15:32
Wunderbarthanks sipior, I tried to follow the instructions to the letter...15:33
progre55hey everybody! Has anyone had experience installing VoipZoom on ubuntu? please help me out15:33
krishnanhi. how can i create an URL like http://blog.mydomain.com on my own server for www.mydomain.com. my server runs on hardy server edition.15:34
martiiinprogre55 state your question directly15:34
progre55martiiin, could you at least suggest me a program to install on ubuntu for voipzoom calls?15:35
progre55martiiin, or, can I use some other sip-programs?15:35
storbeckWunderbar: Use sudo -i15:35
martiiinI have no idea about voipzoom, I was just givning you an advice15:35
progre55martiiin, oh okay :) thanks ma15:35
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Wunderbaralready resolved storbeck, thanks though15:35
lantjiehey guys is perl570delta good for perl programming15:35
storbecklantjie: That is a question for #perl15:36
lantjiestorbeck: oke, but which do you think that i can use ?15:37
bosky101is there a difference between cron and crond?15:37
storbecklantjie: Again, that's a question for #perl15:37
sam___hello I have an admin question15:37
sam___Am I on the good channel?15:37
quibblersam___: just ask15:37
storbeckWe won't know until you ask15:37
LjLsam___: if it's an admin question about Ubuntu, then yes15:37
lantjiestorbeck: oke many thanx15:37
sam___I'm on ubuntu 8.1015:38
sam___and I try to create chroot environments15:38
krishnanhi. how can i create an URL like http://blog.mydomain.com on my own server for www.mydomain.com. my server runs on hardy server edition.15:38
quibbler!enter | sam___15:38
ubottusam___: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:38
sam___Is there a way to change the hostname for a chroot bash?15:39
TorikunYou can  try hosename foobar15:39
Frijolieanybody in here know about claws-mail filters and processing rules?15:39
HenrikVhow do you upgrade from 7.10 to 8.10 over ssh ?15:40
krishnanhi. how can i create an URL like http://blog.mydomain.com on my own server for www.mydomain.com. my server runs on hardy server edition.15:40
krishnanHenrikV: its easy connect through ssh and carry out the same procedure15:40
denndakrishnan: You need to set up an A-Record or CNAME Record for that domain in your dns settings (you likely have a webinterface for that from your hoster) and your webserver needs to know it should serve that subdomain.15:41
krishnandennda: hmm how to create it on my server15:42
denndaAs far as I am aware, you can't. You need to access your domains DNS settings15:42
HenrikVkrishnan, hmm. same as what? the help page on the topic refers to on-screen instructions15:43
xnguardWhere can I get help with resolvconf?15:43
denndaYou should look for that at your domain/hosting provider15:43
mrwesGot a new 1TB WD drive w/ enclosure - plan on sharing that via samba; format it ext3?15:43
disappearedngHey everyone, I just downloaded a plugin for gedit. How do I install it ?15:43
Lasiviananyone know of a 2D map drawing program for Ubuntu?15:43
sam___When i use the hostname command, it change the hostname for all my computer. I need to have many shell opened, sometime in my real root and others in chroot shell. If I use hostname, I have some strange bugs on my current session (perhaps because of dbus).15:43
denndamrwes: Good plan, if it's always attached to a machine capable of reading/writing ext3 (NOT MS-Windows)15:44
LjLmrwes: uh... if it's portable and you might want to connect it to Windows computers, i'm not sure - i'd be wondering about ext3 vs NTFS15:44
LjLLasivian: map as in street map?15:44
denndamrwes: DON'T format it with FAT15:44
FrijolieI guess that's a negative...?15:44
krishnanHenrikV: go to www.ubuntu.com and they have a detailed information on the same15:44
LjLdennda: will FAT even format on a 1TB drive?15:44
mrwesLjL, / dennda : well it'l be connected to my server -- static. I have a small 30gb drive w/ enclosure I use to for portability15:45
disappearedngany1 here installed a gedit plugin before?15:45
denndaLjL: FAT is limited...15:45
LjLmrwes: then ext3 should be fine15:45
HenrikVkrishnan, I'm reading that information. Doesn't seem very detailed to me15:45
mrwesLjL, : ok.. thanks -- that's the plan then15:45
denndamrwes: If your server is running some linux OS, use ext315:45
krishnanHenrikV: send me the URL15:45
mrwesLjL: that'll take what? couple of days? heh15:46
mrwesdennda, 8.0415:46
LjLmrwes: formatting it? nah...15:46
denndaUse ext3 then.15:46
bosky101oye!... my shell script to scp seems to be running from commandline, but not in the cron that happen when i logout and at the designated times... any hints?15:46
krishnanHenrikV: u want to upgrade from which version to which one?15:46
denndamrwes: Formatting it will take like a few seconds15:46
LjLmrwes: just do a quick format15:46
LjLmrwes: (i.e. the standard mkfs format)15:46
bosky101does anyone know where the cron error log lies ?15:47
mrwesLjL; ok...from the command line use mkfs right?15:47
dennda(Note that the data is not physically destroyed when doing a quick format)15:47
LjLmrwes: mkfs -t ext315:47
denndamrwes: mkfs.ext3 ...15:47
mrwesLjL; w/ the correct /dev15:47
denndaof course :-)15:47
LjLdennda: (not that it matters much, but you're not supposed to actually use mkfs.* directly, but rather mkfs -t <fs>)15:47
denndaLjL: Isn't the latter just dispatched to mkfs.<fs>?15:47
arvind_khadridennda, /sbin/mkfs.ext315:48
Lou_Several programs, including nautilus, crash when trying to load since an upgrade several months ago. Would someone please help me find what is wrong?15:48
LjLdennda: at the end of the day - yes it is. but it's akin to calling /etc/init.d/whatever directly instead of using invoke-rc.d... it's just not the interface you're supposed to use, "in theory" the underlying mechanism might change at any time15:48
LasivianLjL: RPG map15:48
disappearedngcan someone here help me out with a gedit plugin15:48
mrwesthanks guys15:48
denndaLjL: Sure.15:49
LjLLasivian: no idea then15:49
akahige1I was just dealing with today's repo updates and one of them was Thunderbird. the description said it was a transitional package before the new name. I can't find anything at all about T-bird being renamed. Anybody know what's up?15:49
LjLakahige1: they're merely renaming "mozilla-thunderbird" to "thunderbird" methinks15:50
tritiumLjL: correct15:51
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LjLakahige1: the package is changing names, not the software itself15:51
tritiumakahige1: you can tell by noting that mozilla-thunderbird now depends on thunderbird15:51
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sipiorLasivian: this might be something for you: http://www.rptools.net/index.php?page=maptool15:51
akahige1LjL: really? that's... weird. LOL thanks15:51
akahige1tritium: thanks for the clarification15:52
tritiumakahige1: sure.15:52
detrixI cant get ubuntu to recogonize a card reader on my epson printer.  It work before but not at the moment.15:53
disappearedngwhere is the plugins directory for gedit?15:53
ZAKhanwhen i run totem it gives me this error "** (totem-gstreamer:9559): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name" , how can i fix this?15:54
perlmonkeyhi is anyone having a problem with Firefox Google toolbar search in Ubuntu 8.10? when I click the magnifying glass button to submit a search it doesn't search15:55
joanadarcgood day, ubuntu users. I'm new to the linux world and I'd like to ask what would be the best choice of FS for a /home and a / partition. I'm thinking about XFS. Any good article? I'm a home user... thanks15:55
tritiumjoanadarc: for general home use, stick with ext3.15:56
LjLjoanadarc: there is no general "best" choice really, but just going with ext3 will at least give reasonable guarantees of data integrity - and it's the default15:56
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dug_Do these applets work for anyone with java installed? https://scenegraph-demos.dev.java.net/demo-applets.html15:57
denndajoanadarc: Afaik, XFS is unmaintained.15:57
perlmonkeyis anyone having a problem with Firefox Google toolbar search in Ubuntu 8.10? when I click the magnifying glass button to submit a search it doesn't search15:57
riwaI'm looking for a program to manage my ipod photo. hipo ipod management tool doesn't seem to work, but the ipod was successfully mounted.15:57
dug_I reported a bug about it 6 months ago, seems like jaunty still doesn't fix it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sun-java/+bug/29113515:57
riwaperlmonkey: Happens to me from time to time. I think it's a ff issue. I usually just restart ff.15:58
perlmonkeyI hate ff now15:59
neoTheCatgood afternoon.  after shrinking a DVD with k9copy, then burning it with brasero, there is no audio for a lot of the DVD.  this has worked fine for other DVDs.  i burn it to an ISO then burn it to the DVD, and iso contains the proper audio16:00
neoTheCathas anyone seen this before?16:00
perlmonkeytoo buggy16:00
flacohey all.. I got a 32 inch touch panel (usb), in ubuntu works, when I touch the panel I get mouse movement, but I need to calibrate and I dont know what driver is using.. any ideas to solve this?16:01
tritiumflaco: did you try System -> Preferences -> Mouse ?16:01
riwaperlmonkey: ff > *16:01
riwaperlmonkey: tried opera?16:02
yellabsdoes neverwinternights 2 have an linux installer?16:02
sipioryellabs: sorry, no.16:02
detrixdisappearedng:  I found the plugin dir for my setup, its    /usr/share/gedit-2/plugins16:02
m3gamansorry, wrong channel16:02
flacotritium, in the mouse pref there is nothing about touchpanels16:03
riwayellabs: I think it runs good under wine, though16:03
perlmonkeyriwa: thanks I will try opera16:03
yellabsneverwinternights , the first version does have an installer right?16:03
sipioryellabs: yes.16:03
Jon829is it possible to install ubuntu and have windows too?16:03
perlmonkeydual boot with lilo or grub bootloader16:04
tritiumflaco: no, but you can adjust sensitivity, etc.16:04
yellabsto bad that its not for version 2..ah well thats life16:04
flacotritium, yes, but I need to calibrate the points...16:04
riwayellabs: --> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=411816:04
ZAKhanwhen i run totem it gives me this error "** (totem-gstreamer:9559): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name" , how can i fix this?16:05
Mr_Grieves|Is anyone in here familiar with using equivs?16:05
Lint01yellabs, you mean NWN cannot be installed under wine?16:05
Mr_Grieves|Here's my situation. I'm trying to install kalzium, which depends on openbabel. I have openbabel installed from source.16:05
Mr_Grieves|I made an equiv for openbabel at version 2.2.9999, since it is an svn version. Kalzium requires openbabel >= 2.2.016:05
Mr_Grieves|I've installed the equiv, but apt keeps telling me I need openbabel when I mark kalzium for installation.16:05
baboi have write and execute only permissions on a directory. how come i'm able to list that directory and see it's contents ?16:05
yellabsan native linux games is alway' s preferred to an wine install16:06
smacedawho want's to laught HARD16:06
riwayellabs: Sure is, but that's not an option, is it?16:06
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:06
Crueltysmaceda: I want something other to do hard. :P16:06
yellabsno ..:P16:06
Mr_Grieves|Am I setting up the equiv wrong?16:06
yellabsfor games ubuntu has no market value ( yet )16:07
yellabsexcept for the world of goo  ......lol16:07
sipiorbabo: the search bit for directories is the execute bit.16:08
bazhang!ot | smaceda16:08
ubottusmaceda: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:08
DaveIngramI'm having trouble getting sendmail set up on 8.10 ..what's the correct package to install? and then how do I tell it about the right smtp server16:08
bazhangsmaceda, dont paste that here16:08
neoTheCati would like to laugh hard.  i am an unemployed engineer chasing my 1 year old around all day.  i need a laugh.,,16:08
smacedaOk sorry16:08
oCean_!mta | DaveIngram16:08
ubottuDaveIngram: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA16:08
oCean_DaveIngram: So, instead of sendmail, give postfix a try16:09
DaveIngramoCean_: great, thanks!16:09
perlmonkeywhere is Opera16:09
oCean_!info opera16:10
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in intrepid16:10
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser16:10
perlmonkeywell that sucks16:10
stevr1itHello Ihave  an audio icard integrated in the laptop. This morning istarted to have problems with skype and now i cannot make any call. The Card is had intel. All the rest and ideao are ok only with skype thre are some problems, can you help me?16:10
oCean_perlmonkey: see what bazhang send you - it can be installed...16:11
perlmonkeythanks oCean_16:11
Mr_Grieves|Is there a channel for help with apt?16:12
Lint01how can I enable ACLs in Ubuntu?16:12
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: try this channel, we use a lot of apt :)16:12
Ginbuntuis tehre a way to make the gnome menubar height smaller?16:12
CrazyguyoCean_, you must be kidding!16:12
Lint01Ginbuntu: change default font?16:13
perlmonkeyOpera cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)16:13
perlmonkeyEither the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.16:13
oCean_Ginbuntu: try right-click panel > properties16:13
DaveIngramhow do I configure postfix to use a remote SMTP server?16:13
Mr_Grieves|oCean_: I asked a question about using equivs a moment ago, but the apt people appear to not be around atm :)16:14
sipiorLint01: install the "acl" package for the handy utilities, and you should be all set with setfacl and getfacl.16:14
GinbuntuI mean the main menu bar of Nautilus16:14
riwaI need a program to manage my ipod photo 30 GB. Any ideas?16:14
buzzDriveDoes ubuntu keep source file of packages?16:14
GinbuntuI have it set to display icon only but I still want to make it smaller16:14
detrixis there a channel to get help with seti@home?16:14
rickestriwa: gtkpod maybe16:14
oCean_perlmonkey: Do you get that trying install method via this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser ?16:15
redLAWhello to all16:15
riwaperlmonkey: It does work on i386. It's a very lightweight but functional browser. Something else must be wrong16:15
PicibuzzDrive: They are available on the repositories, but only binaries are downloaded when you install software from apt. apt-get source packagename to download the source.16:15
riwarickest: I think I've tried that one before, but i'll take a look.16:15
keytonneed help, cant change tty resolution to higher one16:15
rickestriwa: that's the only one I've used.  not fancy but it got the job done16:15
redLAWhow can i make it work intel wifi 3945abg. I tried to enable EU channels but without luck16:16
L3dPlatedLinuxis there a list of really cool repo's that one should or might want to add to get extra stuff?16:16
riwarickest: Does it work on the "color" ipods aswell?16:16
tesseracterhello, i dont want to get updates to my kernel all the time. what other things are related to the "intrepid-proposed"?16:17
rickestriwa: it's been awhile so I'm just not sure, sorry16:17
Mr_Grieves|Has anyone here worked with equivs, or know of another method of telling apt that a package is installed from source?16:17
jason^what's a good way to update packages over about ~30 servers?  it doesn't seem like a good idea to just apt-get update && apt-get upgrade every night...16:17
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: ok, well.. that's a little bit more advanced that most will use, so the answer might take a while indeed.16:17
riwarickest: I got some errormsgs. Let's see what happens16:17
pagan_how to change server in xchat16:17
pagan_help me please16:18
Picipagan_: /server servername16:18
pagan_ok thank16:18
Picitesseracter: Any software that has not undergone enough testing to allow its entry into the 'main' repositories.16:18
Ginbuntuis there a beagle applet for the gnome panel?16:18
m1dn1ghtL3dPlatedLinux: check out http://psychocat.net/ubuntu/sources16:18
Mr_Grieves|The folks in #debian were helpful, until I let it slip that I'm using ubuntu ;)16:18
L3dPlatedLinuxok ty16:18
* Mr_Grieves| shrugs.16:18
perlmonkeymy god this is so cranky16:18
Mr_Grieves|I thought apt was apt :)16:18
=== Pici is now known as newnick
=== newnick is now known as Pici
perlmonkeyadded the source via Software Sources, installed the key16:19
pagan_how to change nick in xchat16:19
pagan_how to change nick in xchat????16:19
Mr_Grieves|pagan_: Calm down. Try /nick <new nick>16:19
pagan_anybody know16:19
LjLpagan_: /nick nickname16:19
tesseracterPici, so thats lots of stuff. any ideas how to just ignore kernel updates? they happen too fast for my liking, and i end up rebuilding a bunch of stuff every time.16:20
pagan_this channel can to scan bug16:20
Mr_Grieves|pagan_: Jesus, this isn't irc support, it's ubuntu support. Ask and wait, don't flood.16:20
pagan_in site16:20
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kiddiesok man thank16:20
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Picitesseracter: Not really. If the package passes the testing period in -proposed, it will be moved to -updates16:21
BeBoo_Mr_Grieves|: pagan_ is Jesus?16:21
beliBeBoo_: don't call my son pagan_! ;)16:22
Mr_Grieves|BeBoo_: Hahaha, I didn't realize I make a pseudo-pun :)16:22
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: does this help: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-helpers.en.html#s-equivs ?16:22
BeBoo_beli: you are God?16:22
pagan_hey can this channel scanning bug site16:22
hans-rudolfHello, I have no sound at all on my laptop, since installation. I had to install server edition because nothing else worked.16:23
BeBoo_well, that's why ^^;16:23
belihans-rudolf: check the volume settings first16:23
Mr_Grieves|oCean_: That's what I've been working off of, but it still tries to pull in the package I listed under "provides"16:23
hans-rudolfI have checked all volume controls including alsamixer.16:23
hans-rudolfmY card is: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]16:23
Mr_Grieves|Here's my equivs file: http://pastebin.com/m263c68a616:23
Mr_Grieves|But apt still does this with the equiv installed: http://pastebin.com/m1b847e3316:24
TwoToneSleepingpagan_: Huh?!16:24
belihans-rudolf: the volume can be up...but still no sound if the channel is muted...16:24
dsdeizhi how do i know the specs using the terminal?16:25
perlmonkeyo m g. I'm lovin Opera, how much. woah this browser is f a s t16:25
hans-rudolfbeli:I'll check16:25
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: that is weird indeed16:25
Mr_Grieves|I'm wondering if it's because kalzium specifies libopenbabel3 version >= 2.2.0, but I didn't explicitly set a version for libopenbabel3 in the equiv16:25
kristian_i've connected my 200gb external maxtor hdd, and started it, it is ntfs, so i want to change it to ext3. so first i do "sudo cfdisk -l" to find the hdd name, and then i do "sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb" and delete the ntfs partition and start creating a new primary partition, but when i try to "write" it gives me an error. "cannot mount volume", ntfs bla bla bla but im not even trying to mount the ntfs, im just trying to create a partition. :-/ an16:25
znik1how can i check chat history on an irc?16:25
jazzdogcan i use somehow xserver-1.6 on hardy? i need randr1.3 panning support16:25
dsdeizanyone? :-?16:25
perlmonkeyOpera can kick some booty no?16:25
Pici!ot | perlmonkey16:25
ubottuperlmonkey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:25
Mr_Grieves|I'd think it would just use the default version declared in the equiv, though16:25
belidsdeiz: what specs?16:26
perlmonkeyPici talk to the hand16:26
dsdeizhardware specs16:26
belidsdeiz: you can look what has been detected....dmesg16:26
hans-rudolfbeli:How do I know if the channel is muted?16:26
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: I really don't know.. Is there any way to verbose/debug? Might be the versions indeed16:26
belihans-rudolf: MM under the channel settings...switch with the spacebar or M key...i cant remember....but hey, i read the docu ;)16:27
dsdeizoh dmesg printed out a lot.. :-(16:27
belidsdeiz: dmesg|less16:27
hans-rudolfbeli:They're not muted.16:27
keytonneed help, cant change tty resolution to higher one16:28
belihans-rudolf: ok so read here -->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting?action=show&redirect=DebuggingSoundProblems16:28
dsdeizthanks mate :-)16:28
=== chattan is now known as nattahc
hans-rudolfkeyton: yes16:28
hans-rudolfkeyton:you need to start with an extra setting.16:29
Mr_Grieves|oCean_: Hmm, this is a bit more helpful: http://pastebin.com/m5342ddf716:29
hans-rudolfbeli:I'll check it out16:29
thebitguruHi, I started helping this person, but I am not sure where to go next, any ideas? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110059716:29
keytonhans-rudolf: in menu.lst in the end of kernel line i put my resolution nativly vga=0x0360 but doesnt work16:30
keytonhans-rudolf: or any other setiings16:30
=== TwoToneSleeping is now known as TwoToneSpirit
hans-rudolfkeyton: try this http://www.go2linux.org/change-boot-up-resolution-console-text-mode16:31
keytonhans-rudolf: i have kernel 2.6.24 , but on my older kernel 2.6.22 these settings work perfect16:31
Ginbuntuany one knows a firefox plugin that can shorten the main menu of firefox?16:31
hans-rudolfkeyton: sorry16:31
keytonhans-rudolf: i now all that16:32
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: so it is. But now, how to prevent that libopenbabel install.. Would it be possible to add version in the 'provides' line? Just guessing here..16:32
=== dayo_ is now known as dayo
keytonhans-rudolf: using 8.0416:32
tahhiso, i'm here for the very first time and that's because I'm not enjoying this "window-integration" type of stuff on Gnome, if you know what i'm talking about....16:32
dayo!hi | tahhi16:32
ubottutahhi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:32
Mr_Grieves|That's what I'm wondering about :) I'm not sure what the syntax would be for that. I can guess and check, I suppose :)16:33
tahhii don't see "minimize" next to "close"16:33
hans-rudolfkeyton:try these maybe in decimal it works16:33
tahhiand i'm so not enjoying this...16:33
MarsjaninHello. I just tried to connect a TV set to GeForce3 via s-video, and it's not working. ANyone can help me? >> Ubuntu 8.10, nvidia legacy driver "96"16:34
dayo!bash > dayo16:34
tahhianyone with any advice on fixing my issue?16:34
ubottudayo, please see my private message16:34
keytonhans-rudolf: thx , but i try that also and didnt work16:34
thebitgurudoes anyone have any ideas about the ubiquity issue?16:35
bigriggertahhi: using gnome? try alt+f9 to minimize, you might try changing themes.16:36
Mr_Grieves|oCean_: Got it working. I just broke down and named the package libopenbabel3 instead of libopenbabel3-local. Not as clean, but *shrugs* it works :)16:37
keytonhans-rudolf: do you know any other solution16:37
oCean_Mr_Grieves|: Good to hear!16:38
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weatherkidhey does anyone know how to compile with the latest glade interface designer?16:38
weatherkidhey does anyone know how to compile with the latest glade interface designer?16:40
hans-rudolfkeyton: I don't know. What do you see?16:40
WhiteM0useHi there. I've a Graphics Card nvidia geforce 8600M G and my laptop only work in 800x600 resolution16:40
keytonhans-rudolf: only black screen16:40
WhiteM0useI need 1280x80016:40
WhiteM0usehow to make??16:40
hans-rudolfkeyton: so how do you edit menu.lst?16:41
clarcis it possible to install a newer vlc on hardy?16:41
WhiteM0useta estanyone help me?16:42
cipherZenclarc: if you want to compile from source, yes16:42
WhiteM0usenyone help me?16:42
WhiteM0useanyone help me please?16:42
rickestWhiteM0use: just ask your question16:42
keytonhans-rudolf: i try that before not now, because everithing you sey i try16:42
cipherZenWhiteM0use: have you tried installing the restricted drivers?16:42
keytonhans-rudolf: i try that before not now, because everithing you sey i tryed16:42
cipherZenrickest: he did, earlier16:42
rickestWhiteM0use: nm, I see that16:42
WhiteM0useI think so16:43
WhiteM0usehow to install?16:43
cipherZenWhiteM0use, open up a terminal and run this command:16:43
hans-rudolfkeyton:I'm sorry I don't know and I need to reboot.16:43
cipherZensudo lspci | grep VGA16:43
cipherZenah, you dont need the sudo16:44
Lasiviansipior: awesome, thank you!16:44
weatherkidhey does anyone know how to compile with the latest glade interface designer?16:44
keytonhans-rudolf: np dude, thx anyway16:44
hendrixskiI have a folder full of .doc files, and I'd like to know which ones talk about a certain topic16:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:44
bazhangPokemans, watch the language16:44
hendrixskiand "tracker" doesn't seem to show them16:45
* Pokemans watches16:45
LogicFanare gnome 2.26 packages going to come out for 8.10?  or is that something reserved for jaunty?16:45
hendrixskiI did "grep" in that directory and it's just "binary file X talks about this"  but I don't get more context16:45
clarccipherZen: there is no other way than to comple it?16:46
satansauntwhat would be the best way for me to completely back up my system, do a fresh install and then restore everything including all my app settins? i have a secondary external hard drive so- will ubuntu install recognise that?16:46
AnyaJwhat is the best way to remove libraries installed in a computer that were never installed with make install; ?  rm -r folderName?16:46
PiciLogicFan: We generally do not upgrade gnome versions within a stable release. So yes, that will need to wait for Jaunty.16:46
Lint01clarc: I'm aferaid no16:46
shadelayerLjL: could you please ban me16:46
LogicFanPici, thanks!16:46
AnyaJthe problem with rm -r folderName is that it asks you if you want to remove EVERY single one of those darned files and there are thousands... help?16:47
AnyaJis there a way to force delete a folder w/o it asking you about every single file?16:48
bigriggerAnyaJ: rm -rf  dir/  use extreme caution16:48
hendrixskiAnyaJ: if they were installed with .deb packages, then just dpkg -r :-)   or apt-get uninstall16:48
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AnyaJthanks bigrigger16:48
bigriggerAnyaJ: welcome16:48
hendrixskiin the future.... install libraries as a .deb16:48
widgetwebworksI have a question related to logging in a user through ssh16:49
cipherZenclarc: there may be a package somewhere else, and you could also try going into System-Administration-Software Sources-Updates and enabling prelease updates and such, but that could make your system more unstable16:49
=== widgetwebworks is now known as username
=== username is now known as evantravers
cipherZenevantravers: what's the question?16:51
evantraversi've got a "server" that's just a gnome desktop running at home... I'd like to be able to log into it through VNC sometimes, though ssh is enough most of the time16:52
evantraversi want to be able to logon my gnome user so that the built in rdp server will start through ssh16:52
cs02rm0is there a way i can create a virtual disk/folder mounted from multiple network shares?16:52
evantraversis that possible?16:52
chriszfcs02rm0: I don't think that's possible.16:53
evantraverscipherZen: I should have responded directly... my question is above16:55
Wunderbarirc keeps being 'reset by peer' how do I stop this ?16:57
LogicFanWunderbar, thats a connection issue.  try a different server16:57
jatthi, I do have the following file on my .mozilla/firefox/njk2a1pm.default directory:16:57
jatt57286656 2009-03-20 16:30 urlclassifier3.sqlite16:57
LjLWunderbar: tough question. perhaps you're on dodgy wifi, or your ISP isn't too good?16:57
jattit's safe to delete that file?16:57
jattis 50MB!"16:57
bigriggerevantravers: configure the remote box to use remote desktop, menu, system, preferences, remote desktop. Or use ssh and X forwarding.16:58
LjLjatt: i think that's probably the spam filter16:58
LjLjatt: i wouldn't call it safe to delete16:58
cs02rm0found what i wanted i think: mhddfs combines multiple mount points into one, which maybe i can then share over the network16:59
AnyaJi want to remove some manually installed libraries and in the /usr/local file, i see the library's .la and .so files17:00
AnyaJi want to delete them to get rid of the remains of what is there17:00
AnyaJis this ok to do?17:00
cipherZenevantravers: most definitely. basically, you just want to pipe your RDP session over SSH, correct?17:01
ThePhantomHi there, I just installed Kubuntu 8.10 on an older machine and it has built in Intel 82865G graphics driver built in, for some reason Xorg did not configure the drivers properly and I cannont find outhow to configure it17:01
AnyaJcan anyone help answer that?  thanks!!!17:01
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clarccan it cause problem for distribution upgrades when i install vlc 0.9.8 in hardy from a PPA?17:02
devzzzyeah you said to come here and ask...17:03
evantraverscipherZen: Hmm... I guess. I'm really not sure how it works. :P I have an existing gnome user I want to log into specifically. I'm a newbie, trying to make my way in the world17:03
unknownguyi need help makin a network server17:04
evantraverscipherZen: I guess I reasoned that since I can VNC in remotely if I log into the box locally, so if I could log in through terminal remotely, I could VNC in.17:04
unknownguyam i the only one talking here17:04
dayounknownguy: try #ubuntu-server17:05
unknownguyoh come on17:05
sipiorunknownguy: uh, is there a problem?17:05
javiergHello, I trying to setup a SOCKS proxy for VNC. I have setup a SOCKS for firefox using port 9999. My question is, can I bind another port as well (in this case port 5900) to go through the SSH?17:05
evantraversunknownguy: be patient... all of the people here are nice, and they aren't living just to help you. They tasks to do to.17:05
unknownguyok then how do i make my own network server?\17:06
Wunderbarhi kyle17:06
cipherZenjavierg: you should be able to set up as many SOCKS proxies as you want17:06
sipiorunknownguy: try asking a more precise question. you're more likely to get a response.17:07
cipherZenevantravers: It's fine, we're all newbies sometime. you should be able to start the vncserver when you ssh in, and then connect over VNC17:07
javiergHow do I specify them? Currently I use  ssh -D 9999 <IP OF SSH Server> -l <Username>17:07
dayounknownguy: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts17:07
javiergcipherZen, How do I specify them? Currently I use  ssh -D 9999 <IP OF SSH Server> -l <Username>17:08
cipherZenjavierg: i would just open up another terminal shell and execute the same command again with a different port number17:08
unknownguyok um does anybody have a myspace account?17:09
javiergcipherZen, Ah ok, I was going to do that, but didn't know if there was a way to specify both in one command, or another way (less steps, terminals)17:09
dayounknownguy: dude, your questions are the vaguest most random i've ever seen in here.17:09
PokemansWho wants to cyber?17:10
cipherZenjavierg : if you dont want to have a bunch of terminals open, you can specify ssh to run in the background, so you execute them both in the same bash session17:10
cipherZenjavierg: just use the -f flag as well17:10
javiergcipherZen, Ok, I'll try and figure that out. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.17:11
cipherZennp, hope it helps17:11
quibblerunknownguy: you could start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html17:11
tahhiif i wanted to make Ubuntu mount "any" vfat-based-drive using specific option, how would i do that?17:12
ThePhantomDoes anyone have any suggestions for me?17:13
cipherZenjavierg: you actually need the -Nf flags, sorry. just tried it myself.17:13
cipherZenThePhantom: what was your question17:13
evantravers:cipherZen Thanks! What would be the name of the package for the built in VNC server? (remote desktop, whatever it's called.)17:13
javiergcipherZen, Can you type the command out. I just did a ssh -help and didn't see -Nf I don't know what flags those are.17:14
baz_i had a nice, secure, complex password for my user account but I changed it to something much simpler because it gets really annoying to type it each time for sudo. Is there a way to login using a complex password but then have a different less secure password for sudo? Anyways sudo only works if i am in my account so this wouldnt be insecure...17:14
evantraversumm... i would say always use a complex for sudo17:14
evantraverssudo can break everything17:14
baz_evantravers, sudo is only available after u login, its not a real account17:15
ThePhantomCipzherZen: My question/problem, just installed Kubuntu 8.10 and the drivers for Xorg did not setup any 3d profile or graphics drivers for my built in card17:15
evantraversoh, i'm sorry17:15
evantraversstupid me17:15
evantraverslearn something new every day17:15
GinbuntuI can't find any theme I like :(17:15
dayoGinbuntu: join the club17:15
cipherZenjavierg: i tried this command and it worked for me: ssh -Nf -D $PROXY_PORT username@ssh-server.com17:16
Ginbuntudayo, I am starting to miss the UI of OS X17:16
evantraversi'm running OSX on my main work machine...17:16
evantraversbut i love ubuntu17:16
evantraversi want to get a netbook and stick ubuntu on it.17:16
Ginbuntuwhy can\t ubuntu has a better looking theme than OS X17:16
cipherZenevantravers: I need a little more info I guess on your setup, are you using VNC or are you using RDP. or do you know haha17:16
baz_evantravers, i did that on my eee - but i strongly recommend xubuntu17:17
cipherZenand you won't be sorry about the netbook...ive got one, and i love it17:17
salah_Is there any possibilities to delete the last panel so I don't have any desktop panels at all?17:17
dayoGinbuntu: to be fair, it's been a few months since i last looked for gnome themes. but last time i checked, i didnt see anything i really liked17:17
Ginbuntuevantravers, I just erased OS X from my machine and installed Ubuntu17:17
evantraversginbuntu: I'm so so sorry. :D17:17
baz_osX is great if u replace your penis with a vagina17:17
cipherZenGinbuntu: i'm so happy for you.17:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:18
evantraversbaz_: good grief17:18
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evantraverscipherZen: believe me, I would use ubuntu all the time if I was l337 enough17:18
cipherZenThePhantom: have you tried installing the restricted drivevrs for your graphic card yet?17:18
amikropHello, what package do I need to install to get conio.h?17:19
cipherZenamikrop: what exactly are you trying to do?17:19
amikropcipherz: to compile and run a program17:19
ThePhantomcipzherzen, I'm new to kubuntu and it's resources how exactly can I locate the drivers for an Intel 82865G graphics adapter17:19
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cipherZenamikrop: have you done sudo apt-get install build-essential yet?17:19
sipioramikrop: that's a windows header, isn't it? the equivalent here would be ncurses.17:19
amikropcipherZen: sure17:20
amikropsipior: oh, thank you17:20
cipherZenamikrop: see sipior, quick google search says he's right17:20
pregieris it possible to search launchpad for bugs by package name?17:21
monestrianyone have any luck getting recordmydesktop working with sound?17:21
monestrii'm getting17:21
scouti'm having a problem with mysql and jdbc in ubuntu17:21
scouti get this error "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"17:21
scoutdoesn anyone in here have a suggestion to how to solve this problem?17:21
monestri"broken pipe" errors, there's a bug report, but no responses17:21
cipherZenThePhantom: you shouldnt have any for that chipset. just checking to see if you had any to install17:21
cipherZenThePhantom: is the problem that you just dont have any of the 3D effects?17:22
ThePhantomI tried running SuperTux, and I got frame buffer out of range17:22
stepomaticci don't want the F1 key to launch help.Keyboard shortcuts in gnome: launch helpBrowser is disabled17:23
stepomaticcbut F1 still launch the help browser17:23
ThePhantomcipherZen, I know SuperTux works on this hardware as I had no problem with Mandriva17:23
monestrihere's the error i'm getting17:23
stepomaticcany idee17:23
slerderHey guys I currently have crappy motherboard with onboard graphics from ATI (and have catalyst installed). However, today I am upgrading my mobo and installing a ATI Radeon HD 4830. I was wondering if there was anything i had to do software wise because last time when i went from Nvidia to onboard ATI it was a headache, no image was displayed. But this time im going from onboard ATI to an ATI card. Thanks17:24
cipherZenThePhantom: are you sure the versions and such are the same? what was the exact error it gave you?17:24
nachohi! I've installed ubuntu 8.10 over a macbook v2.1 and I can't configure the sound... I was reading some forums to solve it, but nobody withou the same problem. asoundconf list doesn't recognise any target17:24
cipherZenslerder: shouldn't be any major conflicts that I see of the top of my head, but then again, it is ATI...:P17:25
slerdercipherzen, what is ATI known to not get along well with linux or ubuntu?17:26
cipherZenslerder: maybe others have had different experiences, but for me, ATIs drivers have been buggy beyond all belief17:27
slerdercipherzen, on what OS?17:27
stefan_cannacho, what kernel ?17:27
pregierslerder:  I've seen the same as cipherZen, especially in linux but even in winders at times17:28
stefan_canyes I wonder when will ATI work well with wine...17:28
jamesclayden1983is there an easy way in 8.10 to set the permissions on a folder and all subfolders and files to read only for "other" users. i have tried the "apply permissions to enclosed folders/files button and it donen't do it17:28
slerderpregier, well im not going to game in ubuntu.. Wait, so you can game on wine with Nvidia cards?17:28
stefan_cannacho, what does this say :  alsactl -v17:29
LjLjamesclayden1983: from the console, "chmod +R o-w /di/rec/to/ry/"17:29
pregierslerder:  wine works well with both ati and nvidia, but especially well in my experience with nvidia17:29
cipherZenslerder: every linux distro i've tried since i started using linux...my old laptop had an ATI gpu, and it was always an issue17:29
nachoalsactl version 1.0.14rc217:29
cipherZensame with a desktop that i have as well with a newer ATI card17:29
nachoI compile alsa-drivers from the web17:29
stefan_cannacho you must upgrade you alsa drivers17:30
jamesclayden1983ljl, will have have to do that comand for every folder17:30
nachostefan_can, I donwloaded the current version from alsa web, and compile it manually17:30
stepomaticcF1 == help; me don't want17:30
LjLjamesclayden1983: no, the "-R" means it'll work recursively in subfolders. by the way, it's "-R", not "+R", i make a typo there17:30
nachoI need any more that alsa-driver*?17:30
stefan_cannacho, well it can't be the newest version as I have alsactl version 1.0.15  on a hardy install17:30
jamesclayden1983thank you ljl17:30
stefan_canlast time I did it it was version 1817:31
nachostefan_can, go see to compile alsa-ctl... I think that it's another packet17:31
stefan_cannacho, check : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:32
stefan_cannacho, latest version is 1.0.1917:32
nachostefan_can, I did it yet... but perhaps I did anything wrong, so go repeat17:33
* stepomaticc maybe rm -R / then F1 ok17:33
=== rfleming is now known as Fenix|work
neonfreonHello, i want to start a pptp connection up after eth0 comes online - i have the pptp config done so i can just do 'pon blah' to start it, but I need to know where to hook into my network startup to add that command.  Any tips?17:33
LjL!danger | stepomaticc17:33
ubottustepomaticc: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:33
stefan_cannacho, if you have version 14 you definately did something wrong17:33
neonfreondhclient hooks17:34
nachostefan_can, sure! ;) thanks17:34
dscastroi'm having a trouble using windows 2003 r2 sp2 and samba17:34
stefan_canno probs17:34
dscastrosamba don't able to maps uids17:35
* stepomaticc rm -R F1 then ubuntu ok17:35
dscastrothere are anyone that know how fix17:35
LjLstepomaticc: may i know what exactly you're talking about?17:35
neonfreon!danger | willrobinson17:36
ubottuwillrobinson: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:36
kantorhi, I found a bug in 8.10 how can I report it ?17:37
LjL!bugs > kantor    (kantor, see the private message from ubottu)17:37
totylkojamilw0rm.com ;)17:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:37
kantorbut you need to have an account there, right ?17:37
LjL!etiquette > stepomaticc    (stepomaticc, see the private message from ubottu)17:37
jamesclayden1983ljl, not sure if you are still here i found that the code you gave didn't work chmod +R o-w /di/rec/to/ry/ did work17:38
LjLkantor: uhm, i don't think so. not entirely sure.17:38
LjLjamesclayden1983: err, that *is* what i gave you... aside from +R being -R17:38
skippycostinI am running ubuntu 8.10 and cannot ping any local FQDN, I can ping any machine and I get back my IP and the FQDN in the ping output17:38
skippycostinI cannot ping my FQDN it times out.  any clues?17:38
jamesclayden1983ljl, chmod +R 755 /di/rec/to/ry/ is what worked17:39
aoeushouldn't it be chmod -R 755 /dir/rec/to/ry17:39
aoeuor --recursive17:39
sipiorskippycostin: do you have other network connection problems, or just with icmp?17:39
jamesclayden1983is should, i misstyped again17:39
LjLjamesclayden1983: 755 and o-w are similar. 755 means user can do anything, but group and others can't write. o-w means "take away write ability from other users"17:40
skippycostinjust ping I haven't tested anything else17:41
jamesclayden1983ljl: i understand now, they had no permissions to start with so that is why the first code didn't work..... thank you17:41
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sipiorskippycostin: a couple of possibilities: 1) the machines are configured to ignore pings, and drop them silently, leaving you with a timeout (not very likely) 2) you have a bad routing table (view it with "/sbin/route -n"), and you need to set a route to the network that you wish to reach.17:43
kantorsomebody had the screen freeze, screen blank when logged off with fglrx installed ?17:44
skippycostinI can ping the machine just not the FQDN17:45
skippycostinso it's not routing issues right?17:45
sipiorskippycostin: in that case, it's probably a dns issue17:45
skippycostinsipior, any idea how one might fix it?17:46
sipiorskippycostin: if by "ping the machine", you mean "ping the ip address, instead of the name".17:46
sipiorskippycostin: yes, you can contact the guy who administers your local dns :-)17:46
sipiorskippycostin: an easy way to tell: try "dig <hostname>", and see what comes back.17:47
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
sipiorskippycostin: install "dnsutils" if you don't have dig.17:47
skippycostinsipior, pinging the ip and hostname work, just not the fqdn..17:47
sipiorskippycostin: then what does dig say about the fqdn?17:48
skippycostinsipior, where do you want me to paste the result?17:48
sipiorskippycostin: whichever pastebin you like, but i need to be gone in about three minutes, so you'll need to ask someone else to take a look :-)17:49
skippycostinoh ok thanks for the help17:49
sipiorskippycostin: good luck sorting things out17:49
Jan|my display settings are set to 1440x900@75Hz but my monitor only supports 60Hz refresh rate is it an error?17:50
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flacohey all... I got a touch panel (usb), when I touch the panel I get a moue movement, but I need to calibrate the x and y point... but I don't know what driver is using,  when I display the /dev/hiddraw0 I get a buch of garbage, any ideas to calibrate the panel??17:50
salah_Can I uninstall gnome-panel without problems?17:51
salah_I have of course no use for it17:52
slerderHey guys anyone know the command (that uses grep i believe) to list all incoming and outgoing connections with their ports and preferably processes? thanks17:52
stepomaticcnetstat -tulpen ..maybe17:54
dingxindajia hao17:55
dingxinwho are you17:55
Twinkletoes|WI'm running 8.04 LTS, with kernel 2.6.24-16-server, however, dpkg shows me I have 2.6.24-23-server downloaded.  How do I reconfigure to use this kernel as it doesn't exist in menu.lst  ?17:55
dingxini don't know17:55
dingxinwhere are you17:56
bazhangdingxin, #ubuntu-cn17:56
bazhangdingxin, this is ubuntu support NOT chat17:56
binarymutantTwinkletoes|W, you can include that kernel in menu.lst17:57
Twinkletoes|Wbinarymutant: Manually?17:57
binarymutantTwinkletoes|W, ya17:57
binarymutantTwinkletoes|W, just use the other entries as a sort of template for the one you make17:58
dingxinyou can include that17:58
Twinkletoes|WOki dokie - thanks ;)17:58
wojnowskinajlepszy system17:58
wojnowskinie ma bata17:58
dingxindir ls17:58
LjL!pl | wojnowski17:58
ubottuwojnowski: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:58
schmichaelhow do i setup disk encryption using the alternate cd?  i'm currently manually partitioning my drive and have set 1 partition as marked for encryption, but i don't know how to put a filesystem on it17:58
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a USB hub 4 port on a dell monitor and I can get it to read my USB flash drive if I do a lsusb to "turn on" the hub as it appears that if I have nothing connected to it for 10 seconds it "turns off" any way to keep the hub from turning off?18:00
dscastrohey.. anyone did samba authentication on windows 2003 R2 ?18:00
dscastroi can't18:00
THE_GFR|WORKor at least any way to keep the hub from going to sleep?18:00
Twinkletoes|Wbinarymutant: Haha! - That was easy... to update menu.lst - I just did update-grub18:02
binarymutantTwinkletoes|W, lol or that18:03
THE_GFR|WORKanyone know about my issue?18:03
* Twinkletoes|W smacks himself in the forehead18:03
holafejemhi all18:03
devzzzwhen i add virtual servers via webmin to apache2 they keep going to /var/www instead of where i set them to... anyone know why?18:04
RenatoSilvahow to make xinetd read again the configuration files? so that when you change a server config, you don't need to restart the inetd18:04
THE_GFR|WORKI'm running ubuntu and I have a monitor with USB hub and it keeps going into sleep mode apparently after about 10 seconds if nothing is plugged into the ports I have to do lsusb to wake it up any way to keep it from going into sleep?18:06
bobbydcan anyone tell me the correct way to install firefox 3.1 on intrepid alongside (or instead of) 3.0.1? I downloaded the linux binary version of 3.1 from the mozilla site, but when I launch it, it runs 3.0.1 :(18:07
bobbydTHE_GFR|WORK: yes, but I can't remember :)18:07
binarymutantbobbyd, /usr/local/bin/firefox (maybe)18:07
bobbydTHE_GFR|WORK: the intel powertop thing tell you how to rturn it off :)18:08
=== Haibane is now known as Elda
stepomaticcdevzzz: check  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled18:08
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THE_GFR|WORKbobbyd: intel powertop?18:08
EldaWhat is it with people who keep using my name on here :(18:08
bobbydbinarymutant: I even tried uninstalling firefox, but I think I'd also need to remove xulrunner, and that would uninstall ubuntu-desktop! :)18:08
EldaKeep having to ghost an individual each time come in here :|18:08
binarymutantbobbyd, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage and is safe to remove18:09
binarymutantbobbyd, try running /usr/local/bin/firefox18:09
jimcooncatElda, I was doing the same thing, found out I forgot to log out on my other machine18:09
EldaOkay, that aside how do I look up my system stats in Ubuntu?18:09
EldaThere is no other machine with my login in it for this irc18:10
binarymutantElda, what stats?18:10
bobbydbinary ok18:10
Eldaprocessor, ram, etc18:10
drhodes /proc is full of good stuff18:10
trippssshas something changed with sane over the new releases? with gutsy sane autodetected my hp 3052 over the network and worked perfectly scanning from it. now I don't detect anything with intrepid though nothing has changed18:10
juggerhi.  with alsa, is it possible to output ALL sound as 44khz?18:11
mrwesElda: look in the /proc directory18:11
Eldamrwes, and where is that?18:11
mrwesElda: Open a terminal and type cat /proc/cpuinfo18:11
binarymutantjugger, I think sound quality is determined by the mp3/song18:12
mrwes!terminal | Elda18:12
ubottuElda: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:12
EldaThank  you :) and yes I know about the terminal18:12
daftykinscat /proc/meminfo for RAM18:12
mrwesElda: I don't know what you know and what you don't know18:12
THE_GFR|WORKany other ideas?18:12
EldaDidn't say it in a bad way :| Just saying I knew about the terminal hehe18:13
Twinkletoes|WMy kernel was built with gcc 4.2.3 but I've got 4.2.4 installed and some paclage is warning me that it may break if I compile with 4.2.4.  Is there a way to set which version of gcc to use?  I seem to have folders for 4.2.2, .3 and .418:13
mrwesElda: now we all know you know ;)18:14
raven_hi. short question - would you install GOOGLE  EARTH within ubuntu?? (transparent data capture .........)18:16
trippssshow do I run sane-find-scanner for network scanners?18:16
bazhang!googleearth | raven_18:16
ubotturaven_: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository18:16
trippssswhat is the command to  find what package contains a file again?18:18
raven_bazhang - google - i don't know - it likes to act with strange things about personal data....18:18
joanadarcHi. How do I exit X to install the NVIDIA driver?18:18
flacoanyone knows how to calibrate a touchpanel????18:19
binarymutantjoanadarc, I think killall -9 X18:19
joanadarcbinarydigit: thanks, I'll try18:19
joanadarcno process killed18:19
joanadarcthe tutorial says I should edit inittab to start init 3, 2 or 1, install the driver then change it back to 5. But this file doesn't exist in Ubuntu18:20
iwshello all. Is there a way to make an installation of ubuntu to a directory (for use by diskless clients) WITHOUT doing a native install any copying?18:20
Dreamglideranyone here ever managed to dual boot of a usb flash disk  ?18:20
binarymutantjoanadarc, init 3    try that18:21
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
joanadarcbinarymutant: on Terminal?18:21
joanadarcI tried... Nothing happened, no output nothing18:21
binarymutantjoanadarc, with a sudo in front of it, ya in a terminal18:21
noreniws: try wubi install18:21
jhass840I wish my router manufacturer wasn't so lazy18:21
kebomixhi,  i have program while setup my hotmail account due to this tutorial http://www.ubuntugeek.com/send-and-receive-your-hotmail-messages-through-evolution.html  and it show me this error "-ERR Unable to find folder inbox on remote server"18:22
stepomaticcjoanadarc: init 1 single user without X18:22
AnyaJi'm trying to set a permanent environment variable .  i18:23
dayowhere do i find the source code of the commands, e.g. ls, ssh, rsync   and so on?18:23
AnyaJsorry - i am in .bash_profile - can anyone help me set one up?18:23
binarymutantjoanadarc, sudo telinit 318:23
AnyaJi have a runtime running thgat says i should set the environment variables COIN_FULL_INDIRECT_RENDERING = 1 and re-run the application18:23
AnyaJbut i don't know how to do that correctly18:23
binarymutantI always thought init 3 would work but I guess not :/18:23
AnyaJi went to .bash_profile and i put in COIN_FULL_INDIRECT_RENDERING = 1 followed by export COIN_FULL_INDIRECT_RENDERING on a new line18:24
AnyaJbut that doesn't work.  can anyone help me to understand what i am doing wrong?18:24
iwsnoren: wouldn't I have to use windows to create an install with wubi? I'm using a Linux desktop, I don't even have a windows computer :)18:25
binarymutantAnyaJ, I think it should be in .bashrc18:25
trippsssdoes xsane no longer support network scanners?18:26
joanadarchehe, I ran init 1 single user without X, it started back on gnome18:26
binarymutantjoanadarc, I think you need to kill GDM first18:26
binarymutantjoanadarc, why not use the drivers that are in the repo?18:27
Pr0xrestart the gdm = /etc/init.d/gdm18:27
kaelesok, I've tried using my ATI 9200 and ATI9500 and both have issues getting autodetected and working with manually setup xorg.confs, I know both of these "should" work out of the box, but every time I try to use the ati drivers, it falls backon the failsafe, I'm using mythbuntu 8.10, but the xorg shouldn't be different I would think.18:27
AnyaJbinarymutant, do i do exactly that?  COIN_FULL_INDIRECT_RENDERING = 1 followed by export COIN_FULL_INDIRECT_RENDERING on another line?18:27
Pr0x /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:27
jukenanyone using an eee 1002HA right now?18:27
stepomaticcjoanadarc: telinit 3 is multiuser textmode telinit 1 is single user18:27
noreniws: is that u dont have any OS installed, are you looking for pendrive or flash drive install ??18:27
AnyaJoooo that worked, binarymutant!!!!18:28
mshWhen I try to install any software, I get an error: Cannot resolve aptpoxy. One of my friend altered the configuration of apt-get to use aptproxy server on local network of our office. Now when I am back at home, this is no more valid. How do I change it back to normal?18:28
dimitris82hi all18:28
mshWhen I try to install any software, I get an error: Cannot resolve aptpoxy. One of my friend altered the configuration of apt-get to use aptproxy server on local network of our office. Now when I am back at home, this is no more valid. How do I change it back to normal?18:28
dimitris82can anyone help me with the NetGear USB Wireless Adapter WN111v2 ?18:28
kebomixhi,  i have program while setup my hotmail account due to this tutorial http://www.ubuntugeek.com/send-and-receive-your-hotmail-messages-through-evolution.html  and it show me this error "-ERR Unable to find folder inbox on remote server"18:28
Tareawtb help  with ubuntu 8.10 server ... need sound when thats done i might get my bf back18:29
iwsnoren: I have an NFS server (running Linux). I also have a diskless machine, which I want to boot over NFS. I want to use Ubuntu for the diskless machine, so I need an install of Ubuntu "into a directory" on the NFS server18:29
mshWhen I try to install any software, I get an error: Cannot resolve aptpoxy. One of my friend altered the configuration of apt-get to use aptproxy server on local network of our office. Now when I am back at home, this is no more valid. How do I change it back to normal?18:29
binarymutantkebomix, hotmail probably changed their api in the last 2 years, check the date of the article18:29
zouhairhi guys, what's the difference between gvim-gtk and gvim-gnome?18:30
mrweshow do I permenantly set the terminal text editor to nano ?18:32
noreniws: sorry cant help, not much idea abt tht !! :(18:32
kalle_i have a pk3 file with wrong checksum in ET / TCE. Help me18:32
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.18:32
LjLmrwes: sudo update-alternatives --config editor18:32
iwsnoren: no problem. I'm just so used to Gentoo, where it is easy :)18:33
binarymutantkalle_, you can still use the pk3 file can't you?18:33
kalle_binarymutant what do you mean18:33
mshcan anyone help me with apt-get?18:33
sackhi..need help18:33
mrwesLjL, thanks -- that even works on my server :)18:33
kalle_when iam connecting to a server it says i have a pk3 file with wrong checksum18:33
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:34
sackinstall konica minolta bizhub 160 in ubuntu 8.1018:34
binarymutantkalle_, download it from the server?18:34
maw_I experienced a power outage and my KDE stopped loading. I found corrupted files in /tmp. I made a new /tmp and set appropiate permissions. However, when I login now I don't see any icons, task bars and I can't right click with my mouse. However, there is a single shell window that opens and I can execute commands in the shell.18:34
sp3j #ubuntu-es18:35
m1chaeli boot up ubuntu using the live install cd... went to administrative tools and attempted to create a usb boot device... but my device was not listed under the usb devices list... but my device shows up on the desktop and shows up for the partitioning tool... what to do? anyone have any suggestions for this?18:35
binarymutantkalle_, just remove it, if the server allows automatic downloading18:35
kalle_binarymutant it doesn't exist (anymore) on the server's site18:35
noreniws: dr_willis might know how to !!18:35
sky_hi how i can set owner to me for new ext3 partition ? :D18:35
iwsnoren: how about this: 1) does dpkg handle dependencies (I usually use apt-get) 2) how would I pass dpkg an option when using apt-get18:35
kalle_so i donwloaded it somewhere else18:35
kalle_but not workin18:35
mshI have problem with apt-get sources. when I try to install software, it says cannot resolve aptproxy. we altered it to work on office's network with aptproxy but now of course it does not work at my home. How do I fix it now?18:36
d_1nev1tab1ehi, i have accidentally installed matlab into /usr/share instead of /usr/share/matlab Any ideas on how to clear this big mess?18:36
kalle_i have a local file with wrong checksum   tce/mp_bin.pk318:36
binarymutantkalle_, if the server doesnt have it then you don't need it18:36
kalle_yes i need it18:36
binarymutantthen its not a pure server18:36
idefinecompiz still does not work for nvidia drivers with multiple monitors using xinerama correct? or has anyone been able to get this working (4 monitor setup)18:37
kalle_because when i connect to that server it tries to download it18:37
baboguys, i think i messed up my system. the desktop is different and when i try to open a terminal, it just comes up blank. i might have moved .* files from /home/usr to Trash.18:37
stepomaticciws: i think apt-get use dpkg as backend18:37
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binarymutanttry a new server? the checksum means someone else edited it18:37
babohow can i get my system back up and running ?18:37
kalle_and the server worked very well few days ago when i had the ubuntu 8.04 but now i have 8.10 and all the problems18:38
fosco__!trash | babo18:38
ubottubabo: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:38
iwsstepomaticc: yeah, it does. But I think apt-get handles the downloading, etc, and dpkg only installs local .deb files18:38
binarymutantkalle_, it's not an OS problem18:38
fosco__babo, read what ubottu says and look for your lost files there18:38
maw_I experienced a power outage and my KDE stopped loading. I found corrupted files in /tmp. I made a new /tmp and set appropiate permissions. However, when I login now I don't see any icons, task bars and I can't right click with my mouse. However, there is a single shell window that opens and I can execute commands in the shell.18:38
zouhairhi guys, what's the difference between vim-gtk and vim-gnome?18:38
joffettHas anybody successfully install vmware on ubuntu?18:38
kalle_nothing works in 8.10 as good as 8.0418:39
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett: which vmware are you trying to install?18:39
fosco__kalle_, everithing works here, even better than 8.0418:39
stepomaticciws: yes your right ..i think18:39
binarymutant+1 fosco_18:39
kalle_you havenät tried Enemy Territory, fosco__18:40
islameagleI have an ubuntu 64 bit , when I use ati driver to my hd 3200 it gives me some white moving lines on the screen but that everythink ok (how do I work that out pls)? it's very annoying18:40
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett: version 2? of what vmware workstation? that seems old?18:40
binarymutantET has nothing to do with Ubuntu kalle_18:40
joffettVmware Server 218:40
sackhola chidas18:40
zambahow can i identify is a file is a binary file or not?18:40
norenmsh: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html << see this this might help18:41
binarymutantzamba, type `file filename` into a terminal18:41
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett: ah, i only installed vmware workstation18:41
roadfishit seems that pymedia. is there a more current version? basically, I want a Python app to read from the soundcard and write to a file in real-time and pymedia looks good. but I don't think it is supported anymore.18:41
zambabinarymutant: how can i script this? meaning i want to find all files in a directory which are binary files?18:41
stepomaticczamba: man file18:41
baboanyone have any ideas on how i can fix my desktop ?18:41
mshWhen i try to install a software with apt-get, I get following error:   Could not resolve 'aptproxy'18:41
binarymutantzamba, what scripting language?18:41
zambabinarymutant: bash :)18:42
mshany idea what's wrong?18:42
iwsnoren: I think I've got it. I did a google search for "apt-get dpkg --root" and found a crazy command line that seems to be working :)18:42
binarymutantzamba, the ppl on #bash might be better help than here18:42
fosco__babo, i tiold you18:42
noreniws: good18:42
chmacI want to tick the box "Unlock this key automatically on login" for an ssh key, but I can't find the dialog where that box exists. `ssh-add ~/.ssh/blah` doesn't give me that option. Anyone know where it is?18:43
d_1nev1tab1edoes any1 know how i can clear the mess ive created using come king of mv command moves file by modification data? Ive accidentally installed matlab into /usr/share instead of /usr/share/matlab making my /usr/share directory very messy.18:43
stepomaticciws: yes18:43
joffettd_1nev1tab1e :: Vmware Server is free, and workstation isnt18:43
zambabinarymutant: anyway, i see that the file command gives lots of false positives18:44
binarymutantzamba, what do you mean?18:44
zambabinarymutant: it tags files as binary when they are in fact just text18:44
zambait returns "data" but when viewing the file i can read it no problem18:44
oruworkanyone knows of a program for desktop capture ? i need to record a software training video18:44
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett: oh i didnt know server was free. What difficulties are u facing installing it?18:45
binarymutantzamba, let me test this out, what is your filename?18:45
zambabinarymutant: it's eggdrop log files.. so they are in the format "channelYYYYMMDD.log"18:45
islameagleI have an ubuntu 64 bit , when I use ati driver to my hd 3200 it gives me some white moving lines on the screen but that everythink ok (how do I work that out pls)? it's very annoying18:45
trippssssane-find-scanner is used to detect scanners connected via scsi or usb. what do I use to detect network scanners?18:46
zambabinarymutant: from my understanding 'file' looks at the beginning of each file trying to figure out what it is, or?18:46
juniechohi, how can i completely DISABLE hibernation? like, when i click on 'turn off computer' button... i see 'hibernation' option. i know hibernation does not work, because i've set swap smaller than my system memory size, so i don't want that hibernation option appear there... is there any way i can do this?18:46
baboguys, i've completely screwed up my system, can anyone help ?18:46
zambabinarymutant: file system tests, magic numbers tests and language tests18:46
binarymutantzamba, it's more complicated than that, see `man file` for in depth stuff18:46
joffettd_1nev1tab1e : it comes in a rpm file... and Im trying to convert it to a deb file, and Im having no look... it keeps on making locked folders when I try to convert the file18:46
juniechobabo// if you want help you need to be more precise18:47
d_1nev1tab1eis there bash command to delete or move all files younger than 2 hours from a directory?18:47
binarymutantzamba, those tests are more complicated than reading it in18:47
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett, where did u get the rpmfile?18:47
zambabinarymutant: i guess18:47
jattjuniecho: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1389618:47
mrwesjuniecho, try system | preferences | power management18:47
LjLd_1nev1tab1e: "find" can do that18:47
joffettd_1nev1tab1e : vmware.com18:47
zambabinarymutant: http://pastebin.com/ma70176518:47
zambabinarymutant: all those are perfectly readable18:47
binarymutantzamba, thats the log file?18:48
lastenthi I just installed the cck module, it is suppouse that now I should be able to add new fields, where do I add this fields?, I can find where to do it18:48
stepomaticcd_1nev1tab1e: look at find xargs18:48
zambabinarymutant: that's the files i'm checking, yeah18:48
zambabinarymutant: one sec, including the information about them as well18:48
binarymutantzamba, this is what I get `test.log: ASCII Pascal program text`18:48
babojuniecho, sorry. like i stated earlier - gnome is f**ked. i think i did a mv .* ~/.Trash by accident and now gnome is gone messed up ...18:48
norenbabo: rename the .kde folder and restart everything will be set to default18:48
zambabinarymutant: http://pastebin.com/m5763bddf18:49
babonoren: .kde ?18:49
baboi'm using gnome18:49
kereshello, i recently upgraded my vid card from a 6600 to a 9800. what apt-get for the drivers? nvidia-glx-new or something?18:49
binarymutantzamba, same thing ASCII18:49
d_1nev1tab1estepomaticc i tried something like find -mtime exec but that only lets me specifiy timeperiods in days and more like older than, there was a -newerXY arg in man pages, but i dont understand how to use it18:49
norenbabo: oh i thought u are using kde18:49
zambabinarymutant: but you're just testing the file name now18:49
zambabinarymutant: not looking at the contents of the file18:50
joffettWhat is KDE package manager?18:50
binarymutantzamba, I'm pasting all that stuff into a file called test.log, and then running file test.log on it, and it keeps coming back as ascii18:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:50
juniechojoffett//you mean Adept?18:50
joffettfor kubuntu18:50
zambabinarymutant: err?18:50
zambabinarymutant: 'file' DOES check the content of the files as well18:50
binarymutantzamba, it's my understanding that it deals more with magic numbers18:51
noren!trash | babo18:51
ubottubabo: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:51
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett: i would need to register to access download the file, cant u install the rpm directly?18:51
DenKainSo I installed a program called PSAD and came to find out that it needs to use /bin/mail and yet I can not find such a thing on my install.18:51
MrSunshinewhy even tho ive put smplayer as prefered multimedia application is everything opened in totem when i double click on it in nautilus ?18:51
maslenHow can I set up my computer to boot to Backtrack ? I have4 partitions already, so I'm not able to allocate any more. Is it possible for me to install bactrack into a partition that already has ubuntu ?18:51
theshadowI've got a Acer Aspire 5570z running ubuntu 8.10 w/out compiz. Its been working fine for the last month. Last night randomly the touch pad started to become unresponsive. The cursor would act eratic or not move at all. Rebooted a couple of times and it would sometimes fix the problem for a bit. Connected a USB mouse which would also work for a bit and then fail.18:52
babonoren: right. but if i move something to ~/.Trash then that's still Trash18:52
felix_da_catzHey is there a repo I can use to get php 5.2.9 installed on 8.10?18:52
oxeimo1can someone tell me the problem with this line of my bash script? (and how to fix it) ANNvsSCAN_dim.bash: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `"$1"'18:52
oxeimo1ANNvsSCAN_dim.bash: line 14: `if [ ( "$1" == run ) || ( "$1" == "" ) ]; then'18:52
DenKainall questions and no answers18:52
felix_da_catzoxeimol: Try #bash18:52
theshadowI have no idea what to do, the whole desktop is responsive, even the left and right click work. Top doesn't show any run away processes. Does anyone have any information?18:52
JontboyI wonder what the different between xubuntu and ubuntu is?18:53
binarymutantJontboy, no difference18:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbuntu18:53
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:53
joffett<d_1nev1tab1e - I'm using gnome when I click on the file nothing happens18:53
PiciJontboy: Xubuntu comes with xfce by default. Ubuntu with GNOME18:53
DenKaintheshadow, ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE18:53
mrwesg00d b0t18:53
esreverdwhat's the best irc client out there?18:53
theshadowDenKain: tried a few times doesn't solve the problem18:53
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.18:54
binarymutantesreverd, irssi18:54
JMFTheVCIxchat say some I use pidgin18:54
stepomaticcd_1nev1tab1e: sorry i don't know neither, but i'm sure it can be done with find and xargs18:54
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:54
juniechobabo// how about just reinstalling gnome package from commandline? with apt. sorry i'm a newbie :) but with apt-get purge you could remove all your setting18:54
DenKaintheshadow, have you tried to restart?18:54
esreverdis irssi a terminal or UI app?18:54
rjuneesreverd,  Konversation isn't bad.18:54
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde418:54
binarymutantesreverd, terminal18:54
DenKainesrevered, terminal18:54
theshadowDenKain: yes. mentioned a couple of cold reboots18:54
d_1nev1tab1ejoffett: its been ages since ive last had to deal with rpm files. But i think the last time ive used it running it with sudo was the key18:54
DenKaintheshadow, reinstall18:54
neonfreon   /wc18:54
theshadowDenKain: awesome solution ...18:55
nunukachuhey all18:55
kereshi, i recently upgraded my video card to a 9800gt. ubuntu booted in safe graphics mode, how do i install drivers for it? Hardware drivers dialog doesn't recommend one18:55
d_1nev1tab1eok does anyone know how to use the -newerXY argument in the find command?18:55
DenKaintheshadow, it will work though18:55
nunukachujust want to say that i have abandoned opensuse and cam back to ubuntu, i shall never leave again18:55
mrwesesreverd, I use Xchat18:55
* DenKain is using irssi right now18:55
oxeimo1Can someone tell me how to fix this line of my bash script?18:56
oxeimo1ANNvsSCAN_dim.bash: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `"$1"'18:56
oxeimo1ANNvsSCAN_dim.bash: line 14: `if [ ( "$1" == run ) || ( "$1" == "" ) ]; then'18:56
mrwesirssi w/ screen is nice18:56
erUSULkeres: nvidia?18:56
nunukachujust one question, when is 9.04 coming out and what features?18:56
kereserUSUL: yes18:56
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:56
erUSUL!envyng | keres18:56
ubottukeres: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk18:56
player1upw/ screen?18:56
DenKainnunukachu, next month18:56
d_1nev1tab1enunukachu: i think it was 23 or april, faster boot time cloud computer etc18:56
nunukachuno new theme?18:57
juniechois it possible to REMOVE 'hibernation' entry from system shutdown dialog?18:57
Picinunukachu: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:57
nunukachuok, will do, thanks all18:57
binarymutantnunukachu, they always have a new theme18:57
binarymutantnunukachu, err background18:57
mrwesplayer1up, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi18:57
mrwes!screen | player1up18:58
ubottuplayer1up: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen18:58
DenKainThis is how the Ubuntu versions work people, the first number is the release year and the second number is the release month. So 9.04 is released in the 4th month of 2009.18:58
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usseroxeimo1, try if [ [[ "$1" == run ]] || [[ "$1" == "" ]] ] ; then18:58
babois there anything i can do to restore gnome ?18:59
binarymutantbabo, what do you mean?18:59
juniechohey guys, how do i remove 'hibernation' entry from system shutdown dialog window?18:59
sebastienhello, is it possible to launch a programm on only one core ?18:59
juniechobabo//can you get to the terminal? if it is possible try reinstalling gnome :)18:59
babobinarymutant, gnome is screwed. when i open terminal, it's blanked out. when i try to type, boxes open18:59
oxeimo1usser: nope18:59
oxeimo1ANNvsSCAN_dim.bash: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `]'18:59
oxeimo1ANNvsSCAN_dim.bash: line 14: `if [ [[ "$1" == run ]] || [[ "$1" == "" ]] ]; then'18:59
mrwesbabo, http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/19:00
binarymutantbabo, can you type things in a text editor? without boxes opening?19:00
stepomaticcd_1nev1tab1e: let me know if you find out19:00
juniechobabo// sudo apt-get purge gnome-desktop (am i right about that package name?) and then sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop... it could work maybe.19:01
erUSULsebastien: setting cpu affinity19:01
mrwesyah that'll work19:01
MudakUbuntu cones as hemorrhoids, and day and night allows me to rest!19:01
usseroxeimo1, if [[ "$1" == run ||  "$1" == "" ]] ; then19:01
d_1nev1tab1estepomaticc:  the man pages just dont make sense at all to me :(19:01
juniechoand can someone help me with this... removing hibernation option from system shutdown menu?? :)19:02
erUSULsebastien: taskset -c number -p PID19:02
sebastiensuper !!! thanks19:02
MudakEach block should study Russian19:02
binarymutantjuniecho, you might have to edit gnome's source code for that but not sure19:02
Ronald_is there anything better than top for reporting cpu/memory/io usage?19:02
d_1nev1tab1edoes anyone know know how to constrain 'find' to files younger than 2 hours? using newerXY arg for example?19:02
PiciRonald_: I prefer htop personally19:02
erUSULRonald_: htop19:03
binarymutantjuniecho, could be somewhere in gconf-editor too19:03
babobinarymutant, my terminal is basically a blank box19:03
Ronald_Okay I19:03
Ronald_'ll try that.  Thanks19:03
bakarati'm having some trouble getting SWT running on 64 bit ubuntu 8.10, error: no swt-gtk-3448 or swt-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file19:03
MudakAnd what ubuntu is different from the mosquito?19:03
bazhang!ot | Mudak19:04
ubottuMudak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:04
binarymutantbabo, but you can type in other applications without problems? also can you see a toolbar on gnome-terminal?19:04
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Xonnie316hey guys !19:05
juniechobinarymutant, do i have to manually save settings when i mess around with this ... gconf-editor?19:05
oxeimo1usser: thanks that works :-D19:05
binarymutantjuniecho, I dont think so19:05
usseroxeimo1, no problem19:05
mrwesjuniecho, un $ sudo gconf-editor19:05
mrwesgo to apps -> gnome-power-manager -> can_hibernate uncheck that and your hibernate button is gone.19:05
babobinarymutant, yes19:06
juniechobinarymutant, it worked! thanks! :) unchecked can_hibernate and it is gone forever from system shutdown dialog!19:06
stepomaticcd_1nev1tab1e: i would look at cmin19:06
stepomaticcd_1nev1tab1e: i would look at cmin maybe19:06
binarymutantbabo, edit your profile colors that might help you see the text19:06
d_1nev1tab1estepomaticc: thx, ill try that19:07
juniechobtw somebody using mint menu?19:07
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juniechohow can i assign <Super> key to mint menu?19:10
binarymutantjuniecho, does mint use gnome?19:10
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ljvshello.  i have an amdX2 3800+ (kinda ancient by now i assume) on an a8n-sli (not deluxe s939). my question is should i opt for an am3 or am2, quad or 3-core, or just go for an intel chip. my goals are fast we browsing, the occasional nexuiz, and real-time audio processing. gimp also. comments suggestions welcome :)19:11
juniechobinarymutant, yes it is gnome19:11
binarymutantjuniecho, System->preferences->keyboard shortcuts19:11
UnderTakerHow do i set ACLs?19:11
ljvs*web browsing19:11
blipamd 3 core would be fine i would think19:11
blipquad care intels are gaming and video19:11
ljvsah ok19:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acl19:12
juniechobinarymint, yes but... there is no setting for mint menu, there is just gnome menu... i can't figure out command for mint menu19:12
ljvsyea i dont run win* at all. and dont plan to. my other concern is just whether an intel chip or amd chip  run better with linux. i.e. linux runs best on *?19:12
blipboth really19:13
erUSULUnderTaker: use eiciel is graphical19:13
binarymutantjuniecho, gnome-keybinding-properties19:13
erUSUL!info eiciel | UnderTaker19:13
ubottueiciel (source: eiciel): graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 448 kB, installed size 1036 kB19:13
d_1nev1tab1ehey ive tried  'find . -cmin +120 -exec cp -vrf {} ~/bkmtlb/. \;' to clear my mess in /usr/share which ive created by installing matlab into it instead of /usr/share/matlab, however it did not copy the files ive added in the last to hours19:13
d_1nev1tab1einstead it copied them all19:13
blipamd is cheaper, thats the main advantage19:13
blipthey used to be faster too19:13
jimcooncatUnderTaker: first hit on google for "ubuntu acl" looks good, the first portion of it anyway: http://tlug.dnho.net/?q=node/17119:13
ljvswhat is cheaper19:13
murlidhari am not able to install linux either from the alternate cd or from the live cd :(19:13
juniechobinarymutant, yes i see it... what next?19:14
murlidharanyone help me ?19:14
UnderTakerLjL, AMD19:14
UnderTakerno ljvs i mean19:14
murlidharit kinda gives me some emask errors :(19:14
binarymutantjuniecho, click on show panel menu under the Desktop section19:14
ljvsoh ok19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compatibility19:15
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes19:15
ascottrt #ubuntu19:15
HenrikVis eth0 & eth1 purely logical names or is the number linked to the actual hardware, in other worse can I change my current networking/interfaces from eth1 to eth0 ?19:15
blipubottu ftw19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ftw19:15
ljvswell thank you. i'll browse newegg now :)19:15
murlidharstatus :{DRDY}19:15
UnderTakerftw means for the win19:15
murlidharerrors i see19:15
juniechobinarymutant, that brings up the 'gnome menu', not 'mint menu'... :)19:15
binarymutantjuniecho, I dont know what mint menu is19:15
binarymutantjuniecho, what's the difference?19:16
=== devzzz is now known as iGuelph
juniechomint menu is an alternative menu, it is more like some... windows vista start menu.19:16
murlidharam not able to log on to my ubuntu :( can anyone help ?19:16
juniechoit has builtin search function and is kinda more organized19:16
usserd_1nev1tab1e, +120 is greater than 120 minutes19:16
blipgnomenu resembles the vista menu too19:16
usserd_1nev1tab1e, -120 is for less19:16
jimcooncatHenrikV: There is a place for ethX mappings, I don't remember where. Maybe /etc/interfaces?19:16
binarymutantjuniecho, the mint forums might help better, as I know nothing about this mint menu19:17
juniechoyeah... fyi mint menu looks like this http://linuxmint.com/pictures/screenshots/bianca-2.2/08.png19:17
blipjimcooncat, what do u need to know exactly19:17
Time`s_Witnessis there any way to check out what is wine's command when we double click an windows application? I cant set it to work just by "wine C:\\path\\to\\app", i get some error, probably need an extra argument19:17
usserjimcooncat, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net19:17
d_1nev1tab1eusser:  I am trying that now, it still seems to copy everything now tho19:17
juniechokinda sweet ;)19:17
nic1hello guys19:17
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jimcooncatusser: that's it!19:18
nic1i got a problem with mozilla19:18
erUSULHenrikV: see /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file it should be self explanatory19:18
murlidharam not able to log on to my ubuntu :( can anyone help ?19:18
HenrikVjimcooncat, /etc/network/interfaces it's where I'm using eth1, question is if I can change that to eth019:18
binarymutantjuniecho, looks like the gnome menus bunched into 119:18
blipmurlidhar, whats the problem19:18
murlidhari see some ata2.00 except emask errors19:18
nic1i try to do strart it and after few seconds it kill itself19:18
murlidharblip, ^19:18
usserd_1nev1tab1e, maybe try mmin19:18
juniechobinarymutant yeah :) that's the idea i think... but looks sweeter19:18
blipmurlidhar, how far do u get19:19
d_1nev1tab1eusser:  still doing everything :(19:19
blipmurlidhar, install right?19:19
murlidharblip, only upto grub19:19
jimcooncatHenrikV: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net like others said. You may have to make it yourself though19:19
murlidharblip, yes but i can't even log on from livecd19:19
Droopsta915what is the name of the program that puts my applications on the desktop, Looks like Mac icons/19:19
murlidharblip, am using windows now :(19:19
usserd_1nev1tab1e, thats weird, i just tested it here, -120 outputs the correct files19:19
blipmurlidhar, ew you def need help19:20
blipmurlidhar, hold on?19:20
murlidharblip, yep19:20
=== lbe_ is now known as lbe
d_1nev1tab1eusser: 'find . -mmin -120 -exec cp -vrf {} ~/bkmtlb/. \;' ?19:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:21
floatboathow do i see which commands cups recieves from acroread, foxxit, and other pdf readers19:21
jimcooncatHenrikV: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/134357/ -- I got three cards in that machine19:23
bigriggerfloatboat: read  /var/log/cups/access_log and others, ls -l /var/log/cups/19:23
mrwesfloatboat, or do a tail -f /var/log/cups/access_log19:23
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blipmurlidhar, u there?19:24
d_1nev1tab1ei guess i am going to have to live with this mess until jaunty gets released :(19:24
murlidharblip, yes19:24
blipmurlidhar, what speed did u burn that disc at19:24
murlidharblip, 1x i checked the integrity19:24
murlidharblip, i tried 4 distro live cds :(19:24
usserd_1nev1tab1e, thats probably because you're doing it recursively19:24
undertakeHAHA?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 019:24
blipmurlidhar, did u do an upgrade?19:24
usserd_1nev1tab1e, it copies everything too if i add -r to cp19:25
LjLundertake: you fail.19:25
styolim truing to sandbox an ubuntu install to only run 1 application... im trying to use sessions, does any have any recommendation for sessions or any other approach to make it so a user can only use 1 program19:25
murlidharblip, no not yet19:25
murlidharblip, using hardy19:25
blipmurlidhar, fresh install?19:25
Xonnie316hi there ubuntu people19:25
Xonnie316i've got a problem19:25
d_1nev1tab1eusser:  hmm, any ideas how to take directories with me without using -r for cp?19:25
Xonnie316can anyone help me out19:26
binarymutant!ask | Xonnie31619:26
ubottuXonnie316: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:26
usserd_1nev1tab1e, i'm reluctant to suggest mv instead :) to include directories, try a dry run of find . -mmin -120 see if it prints the files and dirs that you need19:26
murlidharblip, well yes i did it today and now it doesn't boot even19:26
murlidharblip, tried many live cds but couldn't get them boot too :(19:26
blipmurlidhar, its usually a burn problem...but u dont have that, and there is a bug with that kernel it seems for certain hd19:26
mrwesmurlidhar, what program are you burning with?19:26
blipmurlidhar, do u have a samsung hard drive by any chance?19:27
rjbsI feel like an idiot for being unable to get this to work:  I have installed Ubuntu 8.10 on an external USB hard drive.  This is a large drive and I did a standard install, not a "usb bootable."19:27
d_1nev1tab1eusser:  this is actually more about removing the files, i just used copy for testing. my /usr/share got messed up when i accidently installed matlab to it19:27
murlidharmrwes, i used imgburn from windows19:27
rjbsWhen I reboot, I get grub error 21.19:27
rjbsI don't see any obvious-to-me errors in the menu.lst19:27
binarymutantrjbs, can you pastebin it?19:27
murlidharblip, i think one of them is a samsung19:27
rjbsbinarymutant: My menu.lst?19:27
binarymutantrjbs, ya19:28
mrwesmurlidhar, maybe try active iso burner http://www.ntfs.com/iso-burning.htm19:28
paul68Hi how can I find out what driver I am using for my video card  this is the card I am using ATI Technologies Inc RV670PRO [Radeon HD 3850]19:28
rjbsbinarymutant: Sure, it'll take a minute or two.  I need to reboot from a Live CD or something so I can see it.19:28
binarymutantpaul68, lsmod will show it19:28
murlidharmrwes, i don't thnk it will work but will try it though19:28
blipmurlidhar, one person switched cables for the hard drive and it worked afterwards...another just wiped out the drive and did a fresh install of 8.1019:28
usserd_1nev1tab1e, mv should do what you need, its just that you gotta be careful not to move anything that you dont want moved19:28
rjbsWhile I wait for this to boot...19:29
Xonnie316I wish to install Flash for Ubuntu19:29
murlidharblip, i can't afford to wipe the drive19:29
brandonc503hey all..19:29
rjbsI had no problem creating a bootable SD.  I don't mind booting from that and keeping things like /home on the ext USB.19:29
brandonc503is there a dreamweaver for linux?19:29
d_1nev1tab1eusser: how do i start the dry run then?19:29
evilGUIHello, when I mount or dismount my iPod nano 1st gen I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/134361/19:29
zenlunaticrjbs, you heard of runlevel 1?19:29
blipmurlidhar, are u dual booting  on that machine19:29
rjbsI don't know what I need to know to do that easily, for example by having the external drive's volumes mount in a consistent place.19:29
rjbszenlunatic: Yes.19:30
murlidharblip, yes19:30
evilGUII haven't had any issues until yesterday.19:30
usserd_1nev1tab1e, find . -mmin -12019:30
blipmurlidhar, d/l ext2 addon for windows and save all ur files19:30
usserd_1nev1tab1e, its going to print out the filenames19:30
Xonnie316How can I install Adobe Flash for my Ubuntu OS ? :D19:30
d_1nev1tab1eusser: oops. ok that was kinda obvious, hehe19:30
usserd_1nev1tab1e, backup /usr/share before you actually run find with mv19:30
blipmurlidhar, or try a diff cable19:31
murlidharblip, ok but i am not able to boot livecd so how will i be able to do a fresh installation19:31
ewj1976 Xonnie316 sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin19:31
DaemonDEBXonnie316: 64-bit?19:31
murlidharblip, diff cable maybe19:31
evilGUII have booted from a live CD and the iPod mounts fine.19:31
blipmurlidhar, sata cables go bad easier than ide19:31
Xonnie316yes 64 bit19:31
murlidharblip, i got ide19:31
ewj1976Xonnie316, oh, well I'm not sure then19:31
paul68binarymutant: this is my output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/134364/19:31
DaemonDEBnah, if you use 64-bit you should not use the flash package in the repo19:31
DaemonDEBit sucks19:31
blipmurlidhar, are u using the burner drive to install?19:31
Xonnie316I used all 4 downloads from : http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/19:32
murlidharblip, anyways i have to slleep now . good night . thanks for the help19:32
Xonnie316and it won't work :(19:32
murlidharblip, yes19:32
blipmurlidhar, let it cool down and try it19:32
murlidharblip, hmm19:32
murlidharblip, will do that hten19:32
blipmurlidhar, ur using a dell?19:32
nic1i got a problem with firefox: it kills itself after few seconds than i try to starts it19:32
DaemonDEBXonnie316: wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- && tar -xvvf libflashplayer- && sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins19:33
binarymutantpaul68, maybe just looking in /etc/X11/xorg.conf would be easier, I'm not seeing it in your lsmod19:33
murlidharblip, nope its a assembled desktop19:33
basslinernic1: did you try starting it in a terminal?19:33
DaemonDEBjust do that, and restart Firefox19:33
blipmurlidhar, still let it cool down...i'll be on tomorrow19:33
basslinernic1: to watch the output it produces when crashing?19:33
basslineri'd just do that19:33
nic1no never19:33
basslinerdo it19:33
murlidharblip, okies thanks19:33
raven_hi. GOOGLE EARTH 5 does not run. could give you a logfile - could anyone help me?19:33
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nic1no one output19:33
Xonnie316DaemonDEB, I'm not that technical, but I'm downloading the link you gave me19:33
binarymutantpaul68, it19:33
Xonnie316regarding the extra code you gave me, i'm not sure what to do19:34
nic1i got access onlly to the chat19:34
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DaemonDEBno, paste all that in a terminal19:34
binarymutantpaul68, it's fglrx ati19:34
murlidharbye all . take cares .........19:34
murlidhargd night .........19:34
ewj1976Xonnie316, you run it all on one line in the terminal19:34
DaemonDEBit'll get the tarball, unpack it, and move it to your Firefox plugin folder19:34
d_1nev1tab1eusser:  ok im backing it up now, gonna take a while19:34
nic1i am doing the updates19:34
babomy gnome panel is screwed. i've reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and i've done a rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity but none of it works. my terminal is blank and my windows don't have any close19:34
=== julio is now known as superactivo
Xonnie316where do I paste it ?19:34
ewj1976Xonnie316, you may need to type it out or paste it in pieces so it does line break19:34
rjbsbinarymutant: http://pastebin.com/m477f0e8019:34
paul68binarymutant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/134367/19:34
ewj1976Xonnie316, copy it, open gnome-terminal or a terminal, then paste it there19:34
DaemonDEBthen just paste it there19:34
paul68binarymutant: correct19:34
baboi've also added some settings to xorg.conf but that isn't working either ...19:35
blipinstall ubuntu-looks19:35
DaemonDEBit'll ask for your sudo password cause /lib is off limits to everyone but root or a sudo user19:35
dimitris82hi all19:35
baboi think i messed up my /home/usr/ dir19:35
babocan anyone help ?19:35
dimitris82i need some help about my HVR-130019:35
evilGUIAnyone have any issues with iPods mounting lately?19:35
DaemonDEBerrr /usr rather19:35
dimitris82anyone can help me ?19:35
kushaloneCould someone please link me to the off-topic channel on Ubuntu? Thanks.19:35
LjL!ot > kushalone    (kushalone, see the private message from ubottu)19:36
Picikushalone: #ubuntu-offtopic19:36
binarymutantrjbs, what's the mobo?19:36
evilGUIkushalone: #ubuntu-offtopic19:36
raven_hi. GOOGLE EARTH 5 does not run. could give you a logfile - could anyone help me?19:36
ewj1976raven_, google earth 5 in linux, well at least ubuntu, doesn't work as it should. you have to use a workaround: http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2009/03/google-earth-5-in-ubuntu.html19:36
blipgo  to winehq19:36
rjbsbinarymutant: MSI Wind PC, MS-649619:36
stoic_I need to compile and use an old kernel version so I can install squashfs 1.x and im scared . . . im totally knew to anything kernel, any recommendations for documentation to read ?19:36
dimitris82plZ anyone ?19:36
kushalonethanks, evilGUI19:36
ewj1976raven_, I have it working fine but you must use the workaround19:36
paul68binarymutant: is there a way that I can grep the temperature and the driver version screen resolution and Hz?19:36
binarymutantrjbs, dual boot?19:37
rjbsbinarymutant: No.  When I am trying to boot, there is nothing attached but the USB drive, and it has only Ubuntu 8.10 on it.19:37
Xonnie316Daemon I did that through Terminal, and it downloaded, and asked for password19:37
Xonnie316And the flash still won't work ....19:38
dimitris82i dont have signal when i start tvtime or tvtime-scanner19:38
dimitris82please anyone can help me ?19:38
ewj1976Xonnie316, did you restart firefox19:38
Xonnie316yes I did19:38
raven_ewj1976 ok thanks - i'll try19:38
baboanyone any ideas ?19:38
ewj1976np raven_19:38
binarymutantrjbs, do you know the drive name /dev/sd0 ?19:38
Xonnie316sorry sorry19:38
Xonnie316it worked !19:38
Xonnie316i had the downloads box still open19:39
rjbsWould it be useful to remove hiddenmenu and poke about in the grub menu?  I tried running "grub-install /dev/sdb" (because the hdd is sdb when I've connected it after the external optical drive) and I complains that it can't find a bios drive19:39
Xonnie316Thanks Daemon !!!!!!!!!!!!19:39
ewj1976Xonnie316, lol that will do it19:39
gregbradyIs it possible to install 8.10 overtop of another broken installation?19:39
Xonnie316you da mannn19:39
Time`s_Witnessis there any way to check out what is wine's command when we double click an windows application? I cant set it to work just by "wine C:\\path\\to\\app", i get some error, probably need an extra argument19:39
babomy gnome panel is screwed. i've reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and i've done a rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity but none of it works. my terminal is blank and my windows don't have any close19:39
rjbsbinarymutant: I'm not sure what you're asking, sorry.19:39
Xonnie316this Ubuntu is awesome !19:39
Xonnie316nice and fast19:39
binarymutantrjbs, you answered it19:39
NdshackerHello all, I am trying to get a program working under Virtualisation, but I cannot find Virtualbox in my menus19:39
rjbsbinarymutant: Clearly I'm more communicative than I know!19:39
NdshackerI had OSE, got rid of it, installed the full edition, but now I cant find it19:40
paul68binarymutant: any thoughts?19:40
bigriggerbabo: in a terminal try, gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall  gnome-panel19:40
binarymutantpaul68, not sure about grepping all of that19:41
NdshackerI would hate to have to dualboot this thing for one programs >.<19:41
paul68binarymutant: if I could at least grep the temperature it would be nice19:41
jelly-beanhow can i speed up the mousewheel scroll in ubuntu?19:42
jelly-beani want it to scroll like 3x faster across all apps19:42
binarymutantpaul68, cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ATF0/temperature19:42
binarymutantrjbs, no clue hopefully someone else knows a fix19:43
paul68binarymutant: no such file or direcory19:43
rjbsbinarymutant: Thanks, anyway.19:43
binarymutantrjbs, all I'm seeing on the web is people saying "reinstall"19:43
rjbsbinarymutant:  My related question was: If I make a bootable SD card (which I've done) is it easy to make sure that some particular external drive is always mounted at the same point?19:43
jelly-beanwhats the best samba share config tool for ubuntu gnome19:43
rjbsbinarymutant: Well, reinstalling a fresh install can't hurt.19:43
rjbsSo I'll try that too.19:44
NdshackerHello, does anyone know of a good way to run Windows in Ubuntu19:44
NdshackerThat has Usb Support19:44
DaemonDEBNdshacker: VirtualBox19:44
paul68binarymutant: directory exists but is empty19:44
DizzyDoo_Hi beginner question, with Ubuntu Server, I want to download a 4 gig file overnight, how can I just (through SSH) start a download, end my putty session, and leave it to happily do it's thing19:44
NdshackerDaemon: I tried that, no Usb support19:44
theshadowhow can I add a HAL filter to disable the Macintosh mouse button emulation19:45
binarymutantrjbs, you can use fstab and mtab to make sure things are mounted in the place you want them to be mounted at19:45
DaemonDEBit has pass through USB support19:45
DaemonDEBlook in the options, it's off by default19:45
d_1nev1tab1eusser: the time contrain doesnt seem to go very well, is there a way to specify max and min time at the same time?19:45
floatboatcan someone help me get CUPS to print duplex?19:46
binarymutantpaul68, not sure, you need sensors in there first off to get the temp or else it's just going to be a bad guess19:46
bigriggerDizzyDoo_: invoke screen, issue the  command and ctrl+a+d to detach the screen, logofff the screen will continue the process19:46
paul68binarymutant: have lm sensors installed19:46
rhzrhow can i enable a usb wireless device in ubuntu server edition?19:46
binarymutantpaul68, but there are programs that can monitor temps like gkrellm19:46
DizzyDoo_bigrigger, cheers, I'm totally new at admining this, would you be so kind as to give me the commands?19:47
paul68binarymutant: I understand I was asking this since I want to use it in a conky and can't find a way to visualise it :-(19:48
bigriggerDizzyDoo_: ssh to the machine, type 'screen' start to process, detach and logoff, to come back to it, login via ssh, type screen -r and you will be back to what you left running19:48
BCampbelljust rebooted and lost the panels?  how to get them back please?  ubuntu 8.10 amd 6419:49
rjbsbinarymutant: Yup, I've found e2label, which looks like it will do the trick.  Thanks.19:49
Ndshackerright click and press Addpanels19:49
dccuserI need to decompress multiple tarballs in multiple subdirectories, is there a program or a script that can do this if I point it to a directory?19:49
binarymutantpaul68, try ${execi 90 sensors | grep "CPU Temp:" | cut -c12-16 ;}C in your conky conf19:49
babo1guys, i've messed up my system. i thought i'd just messed up babo gnome. but i've added a new user and babo1 gnome is screwed as well19:49
babo1i don't want to lose any existing system info19:50
babo1Ndshacker, ^^19:50
paul68binarymutant: but that would give me the temperature of my normal cpu but not the temp of my video card cpu right19:51
ExAstrishi all. I'd like to write a script which allows me to open another tab in Terminal, execute commands in that tab, then open a new tab, execute commands in that tab, etc.19:51
ExAstrisIs that possible?19:51
Ndshackerbabo - Boot into live cd19:51
babo1Ndshacker, right19:51
NdshackerSAlvage all you can by burning disks + copying to other HDD19:51
Ndshackerand then reinstall19:52
NdshackerItll be easier than fixing it >.<19:52
gregbradyI am trying to install 8.10 from a usb drive, and it gets to the point of partitioning.  The window just sits there not showing any partion information19:52
ExAstrisAdditionally, I've created several SSH bookmarks. Will Ubuntu open them automatically next boot?19:52
QtpaxaIt is possible to change guest account start up apps???19:53
Ndshackershould be19:53
maginothey, how can I build a custom kernel using the option that my default installation have choose ?19:53
ExAstrisTo put it all in one block of text, I'd like to write a script which opens multiple terminal tabs and runs commands in them. I'd also like to know if Ubuntu will connect to my SSH bookmarks on bootup.19:54
maginotI just need to make my box accept more then 4gb of memory19:54
Ndshacker wow19:54
Ndshackerwhy do you need more than 4 gb?19:55
NdshackerGive the rest to the poor >.< like me19:55
maginotNdshacker, im running an ltsp server actualy I have 32gb of memory19:55
neeteexHello there, can someone tell me how I can use gftp to edit distant files ? It does open them locally, but do not send them back to distant server when changed and saved :(19:55
radeonxttake a look at this: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115819:55
ExAstrisCan anyone hlep me?19:55
maginotradeonxt, Im going to...19:56
radeonxtto what19:56
Ndshacker!Ask > ExAstris19:56
ubottuExAstris, please see my private message19:56
AkkernightIs there any Guitar Pro-like program for Ubuntu?19:57
maginotradeonxt, read... and I think this will help, thanks!19:57
daftykins"apt-cache search guitar" in terminal, Akkernight19:58
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paul68binarymutant: you still there?19:58
adelie43weird problem. Working on a friends computer and lost sound in only firefox (pulseaudio, ubuntu 8.04 LTS)19:58
jelly-beanis there a way to set ESC key to close current window?19:59
ExAstrisNdshacker: I have altready asked.19:59
DizzyDoo_bigrigger: Okay, so I started my download in screen mode... but when I ctrl+alt+d to detach the screen, it doesn't seem to detach. I'm not sure what it does19:59
ExAstrisNdshacker: Apparantly, you did not see it. I will repost if you like.19:59
bigriggerDizzyDoo_: ctrl-a-d  no alt key19:59
mlopezjelly-bean, shortcut keys19:59
DizzyDoo_bigrigger: I'm sorry, yes, ctrl+alt+d seems to have cloned the download... how can I undo my stupidity?20:00
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erUSULbigrigger: DizzyDoo_ is Crtl-a crtl-d20:00
bigriggerDizzyDoo_: not sure, stop them, do over20:00
erUSULbigrigger: DizzyDoo_ no sorry you were right...20:01
ryanakcaIs there a way to control how many ressources a certain process takes up other than with nice? AKA, if I wanted to limit CPU usage to say, 10%?20:02
bigriggerDizzyDoo_: you can use multiple screens, use screen -list to see screens which are detached or attached. screen -x is multi-user mode, can be useful at times.20:03
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ExAstrisAgain... I'd like to write a script which opens multiple terminal tabs and runs commands in them - is that possible? I'd also like to know if Ubuntu will connect to my SSH bookmarks on bootup.20:03
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bigriggerExAstris: as to bookmarked ssh, no they won't connect at/on boot.20:04
ExAstrisokay. I have to open them manually? That's alright, was just curious.20:05
maxbExAstris: You need to clarify which terminal program you're using for people to be able to help20:05
ExAstrisGNOME Terminal I hope that's what you mean20:05
ExAstrisIt's bash underlying, I think..?20:05
bigriggerExAstris: yes, the bookmarks work on demand.20:05
ExAstrisokay. I've been working to get all the systems on my network ssh-ready20:05
maxbYes, gnome-terminal is what I wanted to know20:06
ExAstrisso I can preform updates/etc from my main box.20:06
DizzyDoo_bigrigger, thank you, this is great, working like a dream, and I learnt something new about Ubuntu :)20:06
ExAstrisx11forwarding, it turns out, is highly useful ;)20:06
bigriggerDizzyDoo_: you're very welcome.20:06
radeonxtdo you have any idea where is GEM, DRI2 and KMS coming to opensource radeon driver?20:07
arkanabarIs there some handy tool to purge swap &/or memory usage?20:07
felix_da_catzdoes anyone know of a repository that has PHP 5.2.9?20:07
Tiger_tStockholmare burkar vara lite slöa i huvudet20:08
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mcstinkyTiger_t: if I were from Stockholm, I'd be offended.20:09
Tiger_tGood Morning, Kenny Starfighter Speaking!20:09
Tiger_tmchelen: They like to piss on anyone, trolls you know20:09
ikoniaTiger_t: what's the issue ?20:09
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ExAstrisso, maxb, is it possible?20:10
Tiger_tThey called us slow and such. No matter if we had broken backs. Lets prey! :=)20:10
ikoniaTiger_t: what are you talking about20:10
ikoniaTiger_t: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion20:10
Tiger_tikonia: Who are you ?20:11
Tiger_tI have never seen you before20:11
ikoniaTiger_t: what does it matter, can you please keep the random comments down and just dicuss ubuntu support issues20:11
Tiger_tI guess20:11
ikoniathank you20:12
Tiger_tSo, what do you do about broke back mountain ?20:12
tehhaxI want to make it so that an old laptop never blanks the screen (no power management, no screen saver)20:12
maxbExAstris: You can launch a new window with several tabs using a list of --tab-with-profile=Default --command "something" options. I don't know of any way to script adding a new tab to an existing window. Also, the tabs vanish as soon as their command completes.20:12
tehhaxits running fluxbox, no screensaver is running, but it still blanks, how can I find out what process is doing this?20:13
ExAstriswell, it's SSH20:13
ExAstriswhat's the name of the terminal executable again?20:13
maxbgnome-terminal. What do you want to do with the tabs - maybe there's another way to accomplish it?20:14
ZeniturOne of the operators of Russian #ubuntu-ru channel makes more that the operator must do. He ban people that he does not like. They are follow the rules.20:14
doleybtehhax: run xset q, and check if there's a blank timer20:14
ikoniaZenitur: if you have an issue with a loco channel please take it to #ubuntu-irc20:14
ExAstriskk. So, if I were to run gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=Default --command "ssh [user]:[pass]@[server]" --command "ssh 2user:2pass@2server", etc20:15
ExAstriswould that keep the tabs open?20:15
saschul11Can anyone tell me if i create a vhost file (apach2) and visit the URL/ServerAddress defined in the vhost file the propper site shows up but when I then also enable the default vhost file, the default vhost file always overrides my custom one?20:15
narsil> unprotect(diff);20:15
narsil> dif[eq1] := diff(y(x), x) = k*y(x);20:15
narsil                               d20:15
narsil                              --- y(x) = k y(x)20:15
narsil                               dx20:15
FloodBot2narsil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
narsil> dsolve(diff[eq1], y(x));20:15
radeonxtanyone using btrfs?20:15
ExAstrisI'm trying to ssh into multiple servers via a script, but I need thme all open at once. I said tabs because that is easier.20:15
ZeniturHis name is A4Tech. He closed his eyes on words that not allowed in rules. Please, check a logs and proove it. Please, make he a user, and find new operator20:15
babo1where are the mysql and postgres databases stored ?20:16
ikoniaExAstris: may I suggest a script that does xterm -c ssh host1; xterm -c host2;20:16
ikoniababo1: look in my.cnf to see where the mysql data dir is20:16
MindVirusI want to lock my screen when my monitor sleeps. How do I do this?20:16
ikoniababo1: something like /var/lib/mysql20:16
cyris||can ffmpeg convert .wmv videos to .swf ?20:16
ikoniacyris||: no20:16
ExAstrisikonia: Okay. What does -c do exactly?20:16
ikoniacyris||: swf is a closed source format20:16
ikoniaExAstris: command20:16
zerhi i have a 400mhz laptop with a wifi card, i would like a connection manager for it, but gtk is too heavy, i would like ncurses but i will take any ideas i can get. wifi-radar is REALLY heavy and slow20:16
ExAstrisiknoia: well, yes ,but I want them all open concurrently20:16
cyris||ikonia: ok20:16
ikoniaExAstris: they will open concurrently20:17
MindVirusAny suggestions?20:17
ExAstrisikonia: okay... but it's not possible to do it in tabs to make it less cluttered?20:17
tehhaxdoleyb: ah, got it, prefer blanking: yes20:17
ExAstrisikonia: additionally, can I set the title of a window or tab from within a script?20:17
ikoniaExAstris: look at gnome-terminals command options20:17
ikoniaExAstris: I don't know if it's possible to use tabs20:17
ExAstrisI shall...20:17
ExAstrisyea, I hope iti s. That'd be quite helpful for me.20:17
ZeniturA4Tech is the company. The name of companies and films are not allowed, any other people has ban because it. And, please, read !A4tech message in ubuntu-ru. Thank you20:17
ikoniaExAstris: xterm -c ssh host1 -t 'title' -name 'name'20:17
ExAstrisah, thanks.20:18
doleybMindVirus: look in the power settings, it shouldn't be hard to get20:18
ikoniaZenitur: what are you talking about ?20:18
bigriggerMindVirus: if power management is set to sleep to monitor, locking the screen will put the monitor to sleep in x minutes per settings instruction.20:18
narsilany help20:18
zerany suggestions?20:18
ikonianarsil: help with what ?20:18
ExAstrisWell, I will give it a try later. Thanks for your help, ikonia/maxb.20:19
babis85hello, is there any specialized channel for networking or should i ask here?20:19
MindVirusdoleyb, bigrigger: sorry, explained wrong.20:19
ikoniaZenitur: most modern apps/desktop apps are not targeted at 400mhz cpus20:19
MindVirusI'm on a laptop.20:19
narsilthe erro on mapple20:19
MindVirusWhen I close my screen, the screen sleeps.20:19
MindVirusI'd like to lock the screen when I close my screen.20:19
ikonianarsil: that just looks like a diff error, I don't know what maple is20:19
Zeniturikonia, one of operarors of russian Ubuntu channel makes more that allowed in rules. But I don't know english well... He ban peoples that he doesn't like, he close his eyes on bad words that not allowed in rules20:20
ikoniaZenitur: explain that in #ubuntu-irc20:20
zerMindVirus: im not sure if proc has any information about your screen, could be20:20
ZeZuhow can i allow a user to read/write from items in /dev ?20:20
ZeZuadd to wheel or smth ?20:20
zeri dont think screens send that kind of information though20:20
MindViruszer, I'd like to lock screen when the screen sleeps, then.20:20
jelly-beani am looking for a linux app that will display a countdown timer on the screen and pop up alerts when hitting 0. A linux equivalent something like TimeLeft.20:20
usserZeZu, add him to the group that owns the item in /dev20:20
jelly-beanany ideas?20:20
ikoniaZenitur: /dev files are normally fine to be read, but they are device files so it's rare a user will interact with them directly20:20
Zeniturikonia, please, check it in logs. Thank you. Have a good day!20:21
ikoniaZenitur: ask in the #ubuntu-irc channel20:21
esreverdis there a way to sniff how much data exchanged on a ssh connection?20:21
doleybesreverd: Maybe you'd like ntop to can do it.20:22
MindVirusAny way to lock the screen when the screen sleeps?20:22
bigriggerjelly-bean: if terminal or X?20:22
ZeZuusser: that group would be "root" no ? :)20:22
bigriggerjelly-bean: in, term or x?20:22
maw_I experienced a power outage and my KDE stopped loading. I found corrupted files in /tmp. I made a new /tmp and set appropiate permissions. However, when I login now I don't see any icons, task bars and I can't right click with my mouse. However, there is a single shell window that opens and I can execute commands in the shell.20:22
bigriggerjelly-bean: paste this in a term.  (sleep 10m; xmessage -near TEN  Minutes has gone by) &20:23
doleybmaw_: Do you know what filesystem you have? (ext3, ext4) ?20:23
yabukdoes anyone know how to make the openoffice trasition 3d work on a laptop with a sis 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter?20:23
usserZeZu, depends, crw-rw----+ 1 root video 226, 0 2009-03-19 18:42 /dev/dri/card0 is owned by video20:23
narsilthere is an chanel for maple ?20:23
ikoniamaw_: I doubt very much that is anything to do with /tmp20:23
skyredI have a question about DNS setup. I googled my situation, but couldn't find an answer. I am wondering if it is possible to only setup Revese DNS on the server?20:23
ikoniamaw_: /tmp should be 777 fyi20:23
usserZeZu, audio devices are usually owned by group audio etc20:23
maw_doleyb: ext320:23
mirkaÊòî íèáóòü åñòü èç ÐÓÑÑÊÈÕ????20:23
ikoniaskyred: no problem at all20:23
paul68is there a way to get the CPU usage and temperature of a ATI Technologies Inc RV670PRO [Radeon HD 3850] with fglrx driver?20:23
maw_ikonia: the temp was corrupted... and yes I know the chmod20:23
ikoniaskyred: reverse dns is just another zone20:23
bigriggerikonia: 1777 actually20:23
eamonoh how do i kill you all?20:23
eamongod damn i hate this world20:24
eamonholy crap20:24
FloodBot2mirka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
jelly-beanbigrigger: ah no i want a ui. but that is clever20:24
paul68!attitude |eamon20:24
ubottueamon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:24
eamonthat meens fuck you in arabic20:24
paul68!language |eamon20:25
ubottueamon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:25
babis85i am using a laptop and move over different networks. I use dhcp for wireless networks and static address for wired ones. When i move from a wireless to a wired i have to manually edit the /etc/resolv.conf and add the respective nameserver. I don't use Network Manager. Is there any solution to have /etc/resolv.conf be updated automatically?20:25
ZeZu!dumbass |eamon20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dumbass20:25
ikoniaZeZu: STOP20:25
mirkai don"t speak eanglish!!!20:25
ikoniaZeZu: that attitude is not needed20:25
skyredikonia, In my situation, we have one DNS server points to another Ubuntu server for application, which runs email. On that Ubuntu server, can I use external IP address for the RDNS record?20:25
* ZeZu whistles a bit20:25
ikoniamirka: you still don't flood the channel20:25
guantanamois it possible to search for computers in the network?20:25
maw_doleyb: why does the fs type matter for my issue?20:25
paul68is there a way to get the CPU usage and temperature of a ATI Technologies Inc RV670PRO [Radeon HD 3850] with fglrx driver?20:25
ikoniaskyred: shure20:25
mirkanumber ICQ???20:26
ikoniaskyred: you can map what ever IP's you want20:26
ikoniamirka: no20:26
ikonia!ru > mirka20:26
ubottumirka, please see my private message20:26
skyredikonia, thanks a lot20:26
ikoniaskyred: no problem20:26
mirkaICQ number write!!!Please!20:27
babis85guantanamo: use nmap20:27
ikonia!ru | mirka20:28
ubottumirka: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:28
NdshackerHello all, I installed Virtual box, uninstalled it, now I have Virtualbox-ose, but it wont work.20:29
NdshackerAny other virtualization options?20:29
ikonia!virtual > mdeslaur20:29
ubottumdeslaur, please see my private message20:29
ikonia!virtual > Ndshacker20:29
ubottuNdshacker, please see my private message20:29
Akkernightwhy isn't TuxGuitar sound working?20:29
ikoniamdeslaur: sorry20:29
mdeslaurikonia: was wondering what that was :)20:29
afreqtry aoss tuxguitar20:30
paul68ikonia: I know you are busy but can you help me out here20:30
ikoniamdeslaur: typo20:30
paul68is there a way to get the CPU usage and temperature of a ATI Technologies Inc RV670PRO [Radeon HD 3850] with fglrx driver?20:30
ikoniapaul68: what's up - I'm about to leave20:30
doleybmaw_: ext4 people tend to lose a lot of config files when they crash20:30
Akkernightafreq, in terminal?20:30
afreqyeah in terminal20:30
paul68ikonia: no problem see my question just about your last message20:31
maw_doleyb: all of my config is there... this is an display issue20:31
zerhi i have a 400mhz laptop with a wifi card, i would like a connection manager for it, but gtk is too heavy, i would like ncurses but i will take any ideas i can get. wifi-radar is REALLY heavy and slow20:31
Akkernightstill no sound in TuxGuitar20:31
ikoniapaul68: hand on heart I've no idea, I doubt you can get that information, but I don't know20:31
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paul68ikonia: ok no worries have a nice day my friend20:32
afreqoops sorry20:32
maw_doleyb: the icons and taskbar are not showing and I cannot click with my mouse on the desktop. However a shell appears and I can interact with the shell my keyboard and mouse20:32
afreqclose tuxguitar and do this first20:32
ZeZuzer,  how much ram you ahve in it ?20:32
ikoniapaul68: sorry - ati is not my bag20:32
afreqsudo modprobe snd_seq20:32
guantanamobabis85: thanks20:32
paul68ikonia: no problem20:32
sparky_is anyone good with ethtool?  I'm having trouble setting the autoneg to "off".  I have tried it via ssh and it hangs for a while then kicks out the error of  "Host is down" and doing it via the server's screen it seems like it does it but then on further looking at it it is still set to on.  I have also tried restarting /etc/init.d/networking with no success.  I have to reboot the server in order to get acces via ssh again20:32
Akkernightafreq, still no sound...20:33
jelly-beananyone know how to adjust mouse wheel scroll to scroll more/faster in gnome?20:35
NdshackerMy VirtualBox Installation wont start at all :|20:35
NdshackerQemu loooks to difficult to set up20:35
Ndshackerand Vmware only has RPM packages20:35
whitefeather010in terminal,   sane-find-scanner finds my scanner but scanimage gives me "no devices available"20:35
whitefeather010any ideas?20:35
=== mirka is now known as ___Russia___
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AkkernightIf I export it as MIDI I can listen to it, this isn't a very smart way tho...20:36
afreqi'm not sure...that used to work for me but maybe it's changed...i've not used it in a while20:37
afreqmaybe it's something to do with the soundbank20:37
cipherZenNDShacker: VMWare provides binary installers that you can just run and it willl do the setup for you20:38
whitefeather010if anyone thinks of a solution to my problem IM me, i'll be continuing research on the subject20:38
jukenWhat X settings does the livecd use? It doesn't look like it uses /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:38
n2diyI just installed 8.10, and I want to move the panel to the bottom of the screen, but that option is ghosted out in properties, and is locked down!? How do I get past the lock down?20:38
cipherZenNdshacker: see my above comment20:38
=== [___Russia___] is now known as [_I
jukenn2diy: just drag it20:38
Akkernightis there a TuxGuitar IRC channel?20:39
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
NdshackerCipherZen, thank you, but I really would rather have Virtualbox.20:39
NdshackerI run from terminal and get "Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall."20:40
Ndshackerwhich I did twice :|20:40
[_ISorri HELP in english!!!20:41
n2diyjuken: that doesn't work, but I found a menu option for allow panel to be moved, clicked that, and then went to properties, and was able to move it.20:41
cipherZenNdshacker: Don't blame you, I use virtualbox and its much better imho . Are you installing from the default Ubuntu repos or are you  installing from the Virtualbox repos?20:41
styoldoes anyone have experience with twm-kiosk ?20:41
NdshackerCipherZen: Im installing from synaptic20:43
gs94hey guys, is there a way to use git for updating the kernel source if i downloaded it in tar.bz2 ?20:43
jukenanyone currently using an Asus EEE 1002HA?20:44
NdshackerThats the problem I seem to have20:44
cipherZenNdshacker: Ok, so you installed from the default Ubuntu repositories. You may try using the package provided on the Virtualbox site, i've never had any issues with it20:44
SpaceBasshey folks20:44
SpaceBassanyone using 9.04 in production?20:44
NdshackerCipherzen: Im doing a complete remove from synaptic, then Ill try that20:44
n2diyis there a Ubuntu/Linux tool to do benchmark tests?20:45
elli222Hey guys, how can i render a image on the back of a terminal? i heard usplash could do exactly this...20:45
NdshackerYes, but I dont know of the top of my head the name20:45
elli222n2diy, try hardinfo20:45
NdshackerThats it ^^20:45
cipherZenNdshacker: link: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads20:45
jelly12genn2diy: check phoronix-test-suite20:45
simplexiohey.. importand question .. what is the file where i define ctrl+alt+del bahior, i dont find /etc/inittab file20:46
elli222look in there20:46
NdshackerCipher : i have a dif link :s https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_SMI-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewFilteredProducts-SingleVariationTypeFilter20:46
AkkernightHow do I get more Sequencers for TuxGuitar? I currently only have TuxGuitar Sequencer20:46
pw-toxic_i would like to watch tv20:47
pw-toxic_i have got a hauppauge tv card20:47
pw-toxic_i dont know what to do ;(20:47
FloodBot2pw-toxic_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv20:47
Ndshackerpw-toxic:L nuff said?20:47
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, mythtv might be overkill for just watching TV20:48
Droopsta915is gdesklets in synaptic?20:48
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, I think there are a few KDE and Gnome apps that will work with hauppage tuners20:48
NdshackerIt probably is, but its a good program anyway20:48
* SpaceBass uses myth though20:48
cipherZenNdshacker: I don't know about that link, doesn't show me anything. I do know adding the repositories on the page I sent you works for me though20:48
pw-toxic_SpaceBass, can you give me some names?20:48
NdshackerCIpher: ok, and its a link to Sun Micro Systemss :|20:49
whitefeather010in terminal,   sane-find-scanner finds my scanner but scanimage gives me "no devices available"20:49
Ndshackergotta restart pc20:49
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, wish I could.. I dont use linux on the desktop - just as a backend server20:49
Akkernightis it possible for Ubuntu to get Java Sound Engine ?20:49
cipherZenNdshacker: Yeah, sorry, just gives me "Product not found."20:50
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, which card?20:50
pw-toxic_WinTV Nova-HD-S220:51
j3zzi would like to get xubuntu to look like ubuntu. only problem is that i cant find human xfvm4. Anyone know where to get it?20:51
j3zzi mean those buttons that ubuntu's human theme has20:52
scodilhi. my friend hosed his xorg.conf and opengl drivers by manually installing them from nvidia. Whats the simplest way to go back to the default config from the apt repos?20:52
natrixnatrix89Hi. I tried to run vinagre (the remote desktop connection) but it says "connection to host was closed" does anyone know, what might be causing this?20:53
arp13hello all20:53
arp13anybody using lvm2 ?20:53
arp13I'm having problems with it at 9.04 (Jaunty release)20:53
mwhHi everybody, hope you can help me out a bit. I have just installed ubuntu 8.10 and would like to be able to have my user automatically mount an inserted usb-drive ...20:53
Grim76__arp13: You might try in ubuntu+120:53
arp13Grim76__, thx!20:54
mwhI can mount the drive manually, no problem there, but I don't automatically get an icon on the desktop, when poping the drive in20:54
pw-toxic_SpaceBass, do you know my card?20:54
natrixnatrix89Hi. I tried to run vinagre (the remote desktop connection) but it says "connection to host was closed" does anyone know, what might be causing this?20:54
arp13mwh, do alt+f2 -> gconf-editor20:54
J01arggh hi guys... back again. I've manually defined the partition for ubuntu, but it wont let me move further on with the install, says I haven't defined some thing20:54
arp13mwh, and go to Nautilus preferences20:55
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, not really... I just installed a hauppage 1250 this week though20:55
SpaceBassbut again, I'm using it with MythTV20:55
arp13mwh, there make checked something like "Show mounted drives on desktop"20:55
jane_doeanyone successfully got ident working with IRC?20:55
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, heck, you may want to try MythTV ...you may like it20:56
arp13mwh, gconf-editor: apps -> nautilus -> desktop-> volumes_visible20:56
mwharp13, hmm can't seem to find an option like that, there is a media_automount_open option which is checked20:56
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mwharp13, let me chk20:56
pw-toxic_SpaceBass, i have installed Mythubuntu now20:56
arp13mwh, ok, is it what you needed?20:57
natrixnatrix89Hi. I tried to run vinagre (the remote desktop connection) but it says "connection to host was closed" does anyone know, what might be causing this?20:57
mwharp13, it is checked20:57
pw-toxic_SpaceBass, i require a mythtv group... what is this?20:57
arp13mwh, hmm it had to be, if you did not touch it. but really, no ides then, why you don't have it at your desktop. ok, it's not at desktop, but you still can find it with nautilus?20:58
mwharp13, no icon appears when I pop in my usb-stick20:58
guntbert!repeat | natrixnatrix8920:58
ubottunatrixnatrix89: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:58
_student_Question: I'm running Ubuntu 8.03, installed on a Macbook Pro 3,1 and suddenly my sound stopped working after a recent reboot. Any thoughts?20:58
mwharp13, an entry is made in 'places' .. but when I click on it .. nothing happens20:58
arp13mwh, hmm may be it's not mounted at all? bad filesystem (or corrupted) ?20:59
mwharp13, It is not mounted at all20:59
mwharp13, but I can mount it manually20:59
mwharp13, without problem20:59
arp13mwh, hmmm sounds like a prolbem with HAL21:00
SpaceBasspw-toxic_, usually when you run mythtv-setup it will create the group for you21:00
arp13mwh, is DVD automounted?21:00
mwharp13, okay .. how can I test that?21:00
mwharp13, let me chck21:00
arp13mwh, try inserting a cd21:00
arp13mwh, ok21:00
mwharp13, yes CD drive works okay, its external btw, using USB connection21:01
whitefeather010would appreciate some help with my canon mx300 scanner/printer,   i can't seem to get xsane to work, but it has in the past. "sane-find-scanner" finds it but "scanimage" doesn't.  any ideas???21:02
arp13mwh, hmm reeaaly strange. do you have other flash drive to test?21:02
guntbertSpaceBass: are you sure your discussion with pw-toxic is on-topic here?21:02
mwhyes, I have a USB harddrive21:02
mwhit does not work either21:02
arp13mwh, or, let's say, paste dmesg command to somewhere (like pastebin.com) after you put/take off flash21:02
SpaceBassguntbert, as much as any other around here, thanks21:02
arp13mwh, last lines, of course21:02
arp13just insert -> console -> dmesg, pull off -> dmesg21:03
Akkernightok, I downloaded sun-java6 using terminal, now I get some graphics stuff, how to press ok in terminal21:04
mwharp13, its attached okay, but not mounted21:04
fearfulAkkernight, just hit right button on the arrow pad and the option should be avaliable21:04
elli222Hey guys, how can i render a image on the back of a terminal? i heard usplash could do exactly this. Any idea how to do it?21:05
Akkernightfearful, oh, thanks!21:05
arp13mwh, hmm and nothing happens, when you click on it at nautilus?21:05
fearfulAkkernight, no problem :p21:05
guntbertSpaceBass: no offense intended :)21:05
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mwharp13, for the usb-stick it says can't mount it21:06
SpaceBassguntbert, sorry, in retrospect my response was rather snappy...not my intention :D21:06
mwharp13, the usb-harddrive doesn't even show up21:06
HDreadyguys i need a quick help...i started streamripper and now it start ripiing but with no21:06
HDreadyguys i need a quick help...i started streamripper and now it start ripping but with no tag...it's an icecast sream what do i have to do?21:06
guntbertSpaceBass: no offense taken, I think you were right :)21:07
arp13mwh, you should somehow take error output "why it can't mount it". let's say, start nautilus from console, and see output ?21:07
SpaceBassguntbert, lets hug it out :D21:07
styolAlt + F4 is the proper shortcut to close a window/application correct?21:07
guntbertSpaceBass:  :)21:08
Akkernightwhat do I need to get Java Sound Engine?21:08
guntbertstyol: yes21:08
ariqsstyol: try it ;)21:08
amishgandhiI have installed 8.10 and my internet is too slow21:08
styolyeah indeed i am its not working but im guessing its for other reasons21:08
mwharp13, sorry, I just saw I had a bad entry in my fstab21:08
arp13mwh, aaaa =)21:09
styolis there anyway to edit a Session without logging into the gui?21:09
mwharp13, fixed it .. now it works21:09
arp13mwh, fine then =)21:09
mwharp13, sorry to have bothered you ... many thanks for your help and time21:09
guntbertstyol: and all other key combinations "work"?21:10
n2diyis there a way to check a hard drive read/write speed?21:10
arp13mwh, no problem, was glad to help you (at least in my tries)21:10
obey_men2diy:  hdparm -t /dev/sda21:10
R0b0t1How can I get WINE to a newer version? I see no way to tell apt-get or syntaptic to accept other things.21:10
skyboundanyone knows which setting makes ubuntu auto-run dos/win32 executable in wine when I do something like "./a.exe" in a console? It is strangely cool, however I'd rather it wouldn't do that.21:10
styolguntbert, no, i believe that twm-kiosk started working after i previously thought it wasnt... its either that, or the fact that i disable Window Manager from the session and had an app set to auto-start ;)21:11
gs94does anyone know how to seed git repositories with kernel tarballs ?21:11
fosco_R0b0t1: apt-get will install the last available version package21:11
R0b0t1*stable* available, fosco_, IIRC.21:11
adfadfqwef2 21:11
R0b0t1Up, found the link21:12
styolguntbert looking back it seems as though im just going to have to re-install and be smart this time and setup another user/session that i can customize without locking myself out with the main user21:12
bbmusicb1I need help is there any free programs which allow me to run windows games?21:12
Akkernightbbmusicb1, try Wine21:13
guntbertstyol: I don't think you will have to reinstall - you can repair most things from the console21:13
styolguntbert problem is im not able to get to the console.. unless theres an out of the gnome desktop approach i can use, which there should be yah?21:13
bbmusicb1Akkernight, I PM you21:14
guntbertstyol: at login screen press ctrl+alt+F1, you get a console login21:15
styolthanks guntbert21:15
styoldo you know how i can edit the session / auto-start stuff via console?21:15
styoljust which file rather21:15
ZeZuwhats the package for mkfs.msdos ?21:15
fosco_styol: ~/.config/autostart/21:15
styolthank you fosco_21:15
shayaanyone know how to sync evolution w/ google calendar?21:15
ZeZudosfstools ?21:15
guntbertstyol: I would create another user, add that user to the admin group, and then continue playing with the session21:16
fosco_ZeZu: yes21:16
shayawhen I createa new calendar it gives me an option to add a google one, but don't know what to add21:16
regtechguys, vnc, why doesnt shift work?21:16
ZeZufosco_: thx21:16
styolwill do guntbert... why is adding it to the admin group important, just out of curiousity21:16
fosco_styol: if the user is not admin can not be able to do sudo commands21:17
guntbertstyol: all users in the admin group are by default allowed to sudo21:17
styolahhh... which will be needed for sure... gotcha21:17
guntbertstyol: so by that you create another "main user"21:18
regtechguys, vnc, why doesnt shift work?21:18
styolguntbert, excellent.. im having trouble bringing up the console let me keep trying21:18
guntbertregtech: please be more specific21:19
guntbertstyol: ara you on a notebook?21:19
regtechok, when i hold down shift, i cannot select multiple files in X21:19
styolnah actually even worst, using it via VMware (on a pc)21:19
regtechit does not seem to work21:19
regtechbut if i hold down the shift key on the server and then use the mouse on the client, it works21:20
regtechit is a bug, i guess, its therea better way of remotely controlling a desktop?21:20
styolguntbert im trying to figure out a somewhat sandbox / kiosk solution to start a custom adobe air application im using for basically order monitoring, turning a $250 dell mini laptop that comes with ubuntu, into a restaurant order monitoring thing21:20
stduserenI have been looking for an applicaiton that can work as an IP KVM between my ubuntu and windows computer. has anyone used such thing?21:21
SpaceBassstduseren, synergy21:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addon21:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:22
stduserenSpaceBass:  would it work if i am on the xp machine and ubuntu as the client?21:22
styolSpaceBass stduseren im using synergy right now as well.. it rocks so hard21:22
guntbertstyol: the reason for my question was another one: I've experienced problems with that key combination I gave you on some notebooks (once I  had to try several and only ctrl+alt+F5 would work)21:22
stduserenstyol: how are u using it?21:22
SpaceBassstduseren, its very cross platform21:22
styolguntbert very interesting... it could also be complicated by the fact that im using synergy at the same time lol21:22
styolstduseren i actually have mac osx as the synergy server, and a bluetooth mouse and keyboard attached to the mac... then a windows synergy client21:23
nominanyone else trying to get microsoft silverlight2 working on linux to see the live NCAA tournament stream?  One user on the forums mentioned this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109714721:23
regtechwhats the beef with VNC?21:23
nomin"moonlight" was made for linux but it's only silverlight 1 whereas the NCAA tournament uses silverlight 221:23
guntbertstyol: not entirely impossible :-))21:24
centaur5Does anybody know of some remote support software for Linux that will allow the client to initialize it to get through the firewall?  Something equivalent to teamviewer.com for Ubuntu?21:24
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stduserenstyol: is it free?21:24
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styolguntbert lol yeah... keyboard mouse over synergy to windows computer using ubuntu via vmware... sounds like a car accident21:24
styolstduseren yes, one second ill get you a link21:24
achilleshello, I have a problem in my sound system, I updated my system and then I can't play any audio,  when totem starts the play bar keeps 0:0 and nothing out from speakers, thank you for help21:24
fosco_!sound | achilles21:25
regtechvnc is shite, do do dodo21:25
ubottuachilles: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:25
stduserenstyol: the server computer is the one beign controlled right?21:25
styolstduseren: http://twitter.com/styol/status/130822241121:25
stduserenok ill check it out21:25
achillesfosco_, it was okay and the configurations are correct21:26
styolstduseren: the synergy server is the computer that has the keyboard and mouse.. the client is one that uses that keyboard and mouse by being a client to the server21:26
minthey all .. i create a partition using gparted and i want to install a distro on in it .. how do i go about putting it on that certin partition21:26
styoland its super awesome like you just go off the edge of your screen and it rolls onto the other computer, creating a seemless multi monitor multi system look and feel21:26
stduserenstyol: you look Iranian in twitter, are you?21:27
ironfoot_495Hello is there someone who can help install Xampp and bluefish on ubuntu 8.10?21:27
styolstduseren: nah irish and portuguese21:27
dannymint: You select the partiotion you made when you install your distro :D21:27
stduserenstyol: nice so u r party man... ha21:27
floatboatsomone help me with my cups issue - i can't print duplex but i want to see which command cups is recieving from acroread cuz abiword can print duplex21:28
styolstduseren: for sure lol.. i get my work done too tho, its actually kind of a part of my work21:28
emmaironfoot_495: for bluefish you should be able to open a terminal and write: sudo aptitude install bluefish21:28
emmaironfoot_495: for xamp try this -- http://humanlanguage.wordpress.com/2006/12/03/install-xampp-on-ubuntu/21:29
jelly-beani used wine to install a windows app. the windows app launcher in the main menu has an icon from the .exe. i want to use the same icon for the desktop launcher i created. how can i reference that wine app icon?21:30
marius90177hello, Can I set a login password for thunderbird, to not be able to see my personal folders untill I'll type that password ?21:30
styolguntbert yeah i tried with the actual keyboard attached to the PC and its not having f1 or F521:30
ironfoot_495emma: I have Xampp and bluefish installed I just can't get them to work together?21:30
stduserenstyol its a good article, but surprisingly it doesn not talk about the linux install21:31
guntbertstyol: try all Fx (after succes you can return to X with alt+F7)21:32
floatboatwill someone please just attempt to help me with my cups/acroread issue?21:32
styolstduseren: http://www.linux.com/feature/5462821:32
Ax3greetings, need some insight, I have mounted a block device from another server using fuse, if I do a df -h or df -Pk, as a normal user, it doesn't list the fuse block device, however if I su to root, then do it, it shows up, how do I mount it so that a normal user can see it in the list? thank you so much! :)21:32
guntbert!xampp | ironfoot_49521:32
ubottuironfoot_495: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.21:32
stduserenany how, thanks I'll give it a try thx21:32
minthttp://i43.tinypic.com/2vbo1a1.png < -- how can i install my distro to the one i named called Linux_Mint ?21:33
styolguntbert they all dont do anything lol21:33
dannymint: Just let the settings be..21:34
styolguntbert i think its possible that twm-kiosk might be doing its job? even then there shouldbe a way to get out of it and resume normal control, but perhaps i just shot myself in the foot by using the main account21:34
dannymint: Click next :D21:34
mintit won't resize windows ?21:34
dannymint: nope21:34
mintit says it21:34
mintuser fee space21:35
mintuser free space*21:35
mintthe r is to close to the e21:35
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:35
mintlater thanks21:35
dannyWeird people :D21:36
whipweird?.. understatement :)21:36
rhzrhow can i enable a usb wireless device in ubuntu server edition?21:37
guntbertstyol: strange, but you *should* be able to get into a "rescue session" when booting (I don't remember too well, don't boot very often :-))21:37
dannyHaha.. Why can't people just use google or look up the documentation... grr21:37
styolguntbert actually it must be vmware... theres a special menu in vmware to "send ctrl+alt+delete"21:37
rhzri googled it21:38
rhzrim running 5.0421:38
rhzrthe hardy21:38
FloodBot2rhzr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:38
Cpudan80Hardy is not 5.04 rhzr21:39
Cpudan80Hardy is 8.0421:39
whipone word / line is not very good :L21:39
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dannySometimes i doubt evolution.21:39
guntbertstyol: ah then you might want to ask in #vmware too21:39
rhzrreguardless of version21:39
styolthanks for the help guntbert, its much appreciated21:39
styolguntbert is it ok if i PM you real quick?21:40
guntbertstyol: good luck :)21:40
guntbertstyol: sure21:40
paulo39hi, i had a litle problems when installing the virtualbox and i installed a lot of minux-images of kernel or something like that. it seems all that packages are in /lib/modules. my question is, it's fine if i remove all linux kernel's images (in synaptic) or does it not good?21:40
dannyrhzr: google it!21:40
Alandoes anybody know how to stop GNOME from starting a pulseaudio instance on start?21:40
whippaulo39: hmm..21:41
dannyrhzr: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-509437.html21:41
p-fMy wifi led is flashing (Dell inspiron 640m), what's up with that?21:41
p-fIt seems to be correlated with traffic bursts21:41
p-fEither way, it's terribly annoying, how can I disable this?21:41
billyprefectanyone know the quick easy way to get a Dell N-1505 (Broadcom 4328) wireless card going in my laptop???21:41
whipmy brains are attached to my lap-top, happened last, wonder what's that all abaout...21:42
rhzrdanny, how can i change the kernel from generic to server?21:42
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paulo39whip, what do you think about my question?21:42
billyprefectstupid wireless card...21:43
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whippaulo39: I think you need to do some research.. :)21:43
billyprefectthe light is finally on, so I know it's there... but it doesn't show as a device in any network connection21:44
whippaulo39: seriously, dont remove kernel image21:44
floatboathow do i see which commands CUPS recieves from acroread?21:45
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=== ` is now known as Cruelty
pw-toxicSpaceBass, i have successfully connected to my database but i cant start the player...21:48
pw-toxicSpaceBass, can you tell me how i can start myth tv?21:48
or4nHey, any ideas for software that I can use to replace my TI-89 calculator?21:48
brandonban6hey guys, something went south with my ubuntu 8.10 setup........i know longer haver Firefox bookmarks, or server share bookmarks, Pidgin crashed and won't up my buddy list, Virtual Box can't see my Virtual machine. I don't even know where to begin trouble shooting....21:49
p-fI just mounted a volume using truecrypt and all its files with special characters are showing up with question marks. How can I fix this?21:50
valeriahello. just installed ubuntu 8.10 and am having trouble w/ wireless setup Broadcom BCM430621:50
AnArrayfulOfPerli just set up DNS. how do i tell my domain name to use it (what do i tell it to use as the name server?)21:50
or4nbrandonban6: it seems like your home-directory is lost21:50
amishgandhi_ I installed ubuntu 8.10 and its great but internet download is too slow21:50
or4nbrandonban6: got /home on it's own partition?21:51
brandonban6or4n, i agree, how can browse to it with nautilus, but it acts like it is all defaults.21:51
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SpaceBasspw-toxic, it should be in your menu under multimedia, but you can run mythtvfrontend from the command line too21:51
brandonban6or4n, no. sda1 with the install21:51
SpaceBasspw-toxic, and congrats, thats not the easiest install in the world :D21:51
SlartAnArrayfulOfPerl: you talk to whoever you bought the domain name from.. they'll have further instructions21:52
pw-toxicSpaceBass, well if i use the link in the menu nothing happens21:52
or4nbrandonban6: did you mount something on top of /home?21:52
SpaceBasspw-toxic, ah... try running it from the CLI21:52
mralexandroi have issues in hardy heron 8.04 with nvidia drivers, and cpu i think. i have a dell xps m1330 and i think something is not properly working since somethimes the os lags when supposed to do basicc operations21:52
k4r1mhey for some reason ubuntu mounted my drive as read only could i somehow change this to write on it?21:52
brandonban6or4n, no, not that I know of.21:52
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Slartk4r1m: find out why it decided "read only" would be a good idea.. it probably has a good reason to do that21:53
valeriaanybody know to install firmware from unsupported wireless broadcom bcm4306?21:53
Slart!away > Andre_Gondim-afk21:53
ubottuAndre_Gondim-afk, please see my private message21:53
pw-toxic This version of MythTV requires an updated database schema. Please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database. @ SpaceBass21:53
pw-toxicwhat shall i do?21:53
brandonban6or4n, ls -l /home, shows my home directory as me the owner, and it belongs into my group.21:53
or4nbrandonban6: check your /etc/passwd that your home-directory is correct21:53
mralexandroto start of then. how do i access my nvidia control panel?21:54
SpaceBasspw-toxic, sounds like you need to run mythtv-setup :D21:54
or4nbrandonban6: and is there any hidden files in your folder... like .mozilla21:54
pw-toxicif i type mythtv-setup on my console he says command not found21:54
k4r1mwell i dont know what the problem is... could be cuz the format is hfs+?21:55
brandonban6yep, they all show up, Virtualboxes VDI folder shows up too.21:55
SpaceBasspw-toxic, try sudo su - myth21:55
juggeri'm trying to upgrade alsa in hardy heron.  when i do "sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-kernel=/usr" i get "The file /usr/include/linux/autoconf.h does not exist" even though the linux headers are installed.  what am i missing?21:55
SpaceBassthen run it as the myth user21:55
SpaceBasspw-toxic, and we might want to move this to #mythtv-users21:55
brandonban6or4n, /etc/passwd file looks intact........x in the password column as I have shadow on.21:55
pw-toxicSpaceBass, do you join this channel too? ;K)21:56
or4nbrandonban6: I'm just figuring out anything that might have that kind of effect21:56
jstarrhello just testing out irssi on ubuntu. it rocks!21:56
brandonban6or4n, I understand and appreciate it! I'm clueless, this is weird.21:57
guntbertjstarr: no testing here please, thank you21:57
marcchow can I find out if a Radeon 9550 is compatible with Ubuntu?21:57
Droopsta915How do install a tar.bz2 file?21:57
floatboathow do i change acroread to use lp instead of lpr?21:57
Slart!compile | Droopsta91521:57
ubottuDroopsta915: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:57
JuJuBeeIs there a wifi switcher/manager for gnome?21:57
zleapfloatboat, not sure but does acroread use the default printer thing, so if you're using lp by default it should use that perhaps21:58
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or4nbrandonban6: do you have permissions to read all those files in your home-directory too? I mean not just that dir but everything inside it21:58
floatboatzleap: how do i know whtat the default printer thing is?21:59
guntbert!es | nicobariloche21:59
ubottunicobariloche: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:59
brandonban6or4n, the visiblie files (documents, music, ect) I do, how do I list permissions on hidden files?21:59
or4nbrandonban6: ls -la22:00
rickestI've added some 3rd party repositories and now I can remember which one provided a certain package.  how do I find that?22:00
nicobarilocheok i need information to get yahoo chat by ubuntu do you know about it?22:00
DeevzI just installed apache2 and I tried modifying index.html but it says I dont have the permission to save the file22:01
chyeahi all. what's a popular IMAP server, for Ubuntu?22:01
DeevzHow do I get the permission?22:01
chyeaI'm using Postfix for SMTP, I need IMAP now.22:01
AkkernightHow can I see my computer hardware specs in Ubuntu? Like some text I can copy and paste22:01
SPFDeevz: add yourself to the apache group22:01
oCean_rickest: I think "apt-get policy <package>" does show that22:01
JuJuBeechyea : dovecot?22:01
brandonban6or4n, it appears I do....I deleted 15gbs of music and pidgin and the FF bookmarks came back22:01
DeevzSPF: where do I manage groups?22:02
SlartAkkernight: lshw will give you more info than you probably want22:02
oCean_Akkernight: "lspci -vv" and "sudo lshw"22:02
SlartAkkernight: lspci lsusb are two other useful commands22:02
SPFDeevz: I don't know. But I always use useradd -G {group-name} username22:03
stealth-were is the bash interpreter? Im looking to start a file with #!/usr/wherever/bash/is22:03
SPFto make username a member of group-name22:03
sanguisdexis there a way to save compiz profiles22:03
Akkernight... These commands give me text that can be compared to the length of the bible -.-22:03
obey_mestealth-: which bash22:03
Slartstealth-: which bash22:03
or4nbrandonban6: that sound really weird. maybe you should check your filesystem for errors22:04
guntbertrickest: start synaptic, it allows to search for packages22:04
stealth-Slart, obey_me: I dont know :| Im running echo and rsync, pretty much22:04
bigriggerstealth-: #!/bin/bash22:04
Slartif you say, "bash.. the standard shell in ubuntu" I will get very very upset.. =)22:04
JuJuBeeanybody know of gnome wifi switcher?22:04
Slartstealth-: just run "which bash" in a terminal.. which tells you where the binary is22:04
brandonban6or4n, I agree........but the VDI file for virtualbox is still gone, I'm worried about that. Would a FS ever randomly start deleting large files?22:04
stealth-Slart, bigrigger, obey_me: Okay, I got it. Thanks guys.22:05
sanguisdexis there a way to save compiz profiles for when  I need to tunr it off in order to use non full screen programs like amaya22:05
obey_mestealth:  np22:05
stealth-sanguisdex: when you turn it off, it should have the same settings for when you turn it back on22:05
chyeawhenever i run the 'top' command to view usages, it shows "Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni,100.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st", what is %id and is 100% usage bad? :-X22:05
Cpudan80sanguisdex: ask #compiz22:05
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ahlalaMatsu es-tu là?22:05
Cpudan80hmmm spanish?22:06
Slart!fr | ahlala22:06
ubottuahlala: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:06
Cpudan80oh french22:06
SPFchyea: see man top22:06
stealth-sanguisdex: but there is a profile export manager, if thats what you were looking for. Thats for when you neeed to backup your settings or move them to another system.22:06
ahlalatrying to join Matsu22:06
or4nbrandonban6: atleast it shouldn't. are you using some not-so-common fs?22:06
Akkernightis there no command that gives me info about my hardware in a simple way? Like, RAMs, Gfx card(s), Motherboard, CPU ?22:06
sanguisdexstealth-: its more that every time I turn it off the settings are reset22:07
brandonban6or4n, ext322:07
stealth-Akkernight: top gives some of that22:07
zleapAkkernight, infobash i think or bash info22:07
stealth-sanguisdex: thats strange. How are you turning it off?22:07
zleapmind you thast has caused x to restart on me whenI used debian22:07
SlartAkkernight: lshw was already suggested to you22:07
JuJuBeeIm using kde4.2 kubuntu 8.10 64 bit.  I have a nice dual head setup working using xinerama.  If I am not connected to a second head, I cannot start into kde, only gnome.  Plasma causes a sig11 error (I think that is what it was).22:07
zleapalso uname -a could do it22:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about htop22:07
Slart!info htop22:07
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 51 kB, installed size 196 kB22:07
thiebaudethanks slart22:08
guntbertAkkernight: did you try applications/sytsem tools/sysinfo?22:08
ahlalajust try top22:08
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ahlalaor cat /proc/what_you_want22:08
hitman_beginneri have problem with skype22:08
hitman_beginnerplease help me22:08
Akkernightguntbert, I have nothing called system tools in applications, do I need to download sysinfo?22:08
SPFchyea: in case you didn't find it. id = idle %22:08
Slarthitman_beginner: just explain your problem.. if someone knows the answer/solution they will probably answer you22:09
chiofalo2005ce qualcuno che parla l'italiano?22:09
Akkernightslart, lshw gives me way too much info22:09
sanguisdexstealth-: right click->chage background->visual efects22:09
guntbert!it | chiofalo200522:09
ubottuchiofalo2005: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:09
chyeaSPF: ok, i was in the process of looking but got caught listening to the TV about Obama's 'special olympics' joke.22:09
SlartAkkernight: you can filter stuff out in several ways... take a look at man lshw22:09
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hitman_beginnerwhen i call someone it said "problem with audio playback"22:09
or4nbrandonban6: I'm not sure if I got anymore ideas except that fsck22:10
thiebaudeAkkernight: right click on application and edit menus22:10
guntbertAkkernight: not sure but try sudo aptitude install sysinfo22:10
obey_mehitman_beginner:  are you on 8.10?22:10
SPFchyea: in case you're wondering of the other fields, it's on the manpage under the CPU states chapter22:10
ahlalahello world, i didn't want to troll, just want to tell that ubuntu studio is really great!!!22:10
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or4nbrandonban6: and after fsck you should check /lost+found22:10
brandonban6or4n, I will check run the file check. Thank you so much for your help, at least I got half the data back!22:10
brandonban6will do!22:10
stealth-sanguisdex: well, im not using gnome, so im not too familiar with how it works. I know there is a easier way to manage compiz though. Is called fusion-icon and it sits in your system tray and you can right click on it to turn compiz on or off. type 'sudo apt-get install fusion-icon' to install it.22:11
ahlalais anybody have problems with this distro?22:11
obey_mehitman_beginner:  http://forum.skype.com/lofiversion/index.php/t231111.html - the answer is in there22:11
rickestoCean_: ah yes, apt-cache policy <pkg> (rather than apt-get), thanks!22:11
thiebaudeahlala: i installed ubuntu studio 1 hr ago, it is great22:11
stealth-ahlala: well, this is a support channel, so yes. People in here would be having trouble :|22:11
guntbertahlala: please keep on topic here, this is the ubuntu support channel22:11
ahlalathiebaude yes22:11
ahlalaguntbert ok22:11
rickestguntbert: but does it show which repository it came from?22:11
hitman_beginneroh thanks22:11
thiebaudeahlala: try #ubuntu studio22:12
ahlalaok to everyone, if i can help i do , i'm under debian for few years22:12
Akkernightok, sysinfo is exactly what I needed, thanks!22:12
guntbertrickest: yes, in the "common" tab22:12
obey_mehitman_beginner:  look for the post by hyperair22:12
or4nSo no-one had ideas for good calculator software? I don't want to run TI89 emulator :D22:12
mvalviarhi people22:13
Slartor4n: you just want some software for doing calculations?22:13
Slartor4n: I just use Qualculate or speedcrunch22:14
SPFcalculations? I just use expr :)22:14
JoLeClodosomebody have a dell inspiron ?22:14
guntbertahlala: just wait till you see a question you want to answer ... :-))22:14
JoLeClododell mini inspiron ?22:14
or4nSlart: but I need graphing calculator... and it would be nice if I could derivate and stuff with it too22:14
ahlalaguntbert -> yes i know ;)22:14
mvalviarjust a quick question. How do I fix the shutdown command? Whenever I issue it. It doesn't do what its supposed to do.22:14
AkkernightSLI works for Ubuntu?22:14
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Slartor4n: symbolic math.. hmm.. not many apps for that in linux land22:14
thiebaudeAkkernight: what is SLI?22:15
Slartor4n: derive is one of the few.. but it's starting to show its age22:15
k4r1mi just installed hfs+ but i still cant write on my mac drive22:15
Akkernightthiebaude, Nvidia SLI for using two Graphics cards.. Dunno if it supports mroe than one22:15
or4nSlart: it's just that it would be easier to do stuff with laptop than my TI8922:15
guntbertSlart: derive runs on linux?22:15
bigriggermvalviar: sudo shutdown -h now  <--now is needed or a specfic time.22:16
rickestguntbert: I'm seeing no common tab in synaptic. where?22:16
mralexandrohow do i open the nvidia control panel in ubuntu hardy heron 8.0422:16
Slartguntbert: hmm.. for a while I thought it did.. I can't find it though...22:16
ahlalamralexandro : did you have the latest drivers installed ?22:16
or4nderive + wine :D22:17
ahlalagot nvidia Ge Force4Ti 420022:17
or4nthat's too bad if there isn't better solution22:17
AkkernightI have 4GB of RAM, but on Vista 32bit it was only 3200mb RAM, 'cause it was 32bit, now I have Ubuntu 64bit, does this mean I can have access to all the 4GB RAMs ?22:17
guntbertSlart: pity, because the ti89 uses derive as base22:17
k4r1mAkkernight: yes22:17
Cpudan80Akkernight: yes22:18
mvalviarthats what I issue. It takes me to the progress bar screen and stays there. Its odd because its suppose to empty. But what is shown is a progress bar filling up. It stops at about 95%.22:18
AkkernightAwesome ^^ One more reason why to use Ubuntu22:18
Cpudan80do not use the Vista PAE hack to gain access to that upper 800MB of RAM, not worth it22:18
AnArrayfulOfPerli just set up DNS. how do i tell my domain name to use it (what do i tell it to use as the name server?)22:18
Cpudan80To be fair - Vista x64 would see the full 4GB22:18
mralexandro<ahlala> i dont know about the latest driver. since this is a laptop the graphic driver is listed as prohibited or something. but i downloaded trough hardware drivers manager. is there a place i can find the latest?22:18
k4r1mAkkernight: u only had 3200 in vista cuz of ur video memory cuz video memory plus ram cant exceed 4gb on any 32bit os22:18
Slartguntbert: sorry.. I was thinking of maxima.. my bad22:18
guntbertrickest: open preferences, select "show package properties in main....", or just right click on a package, select properties22:19
k4r1mwell except os x its hybrid :D22:19
Slartor4n: maxima is the package I was thinking of.. not derive22:19
Akkernightcpudan80, I know, but I don't want to spend what... $1000 more for 800 more MBs of RAM xP22:19
tiskerSuggest me please nice desktop switcher for xfce. I don't like "Pager"22:19
Akkernightk4r1m, I know that, but I was wondering if Ubuntu supported 4GB of RAM ;)22:19
Cpudan80well - you shoulda bought the right OS in the first place - but thats OT22:19
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dikhi all, just checking my connection...by by.22:19
Eldemonhi ^^22:19
or4nSlart: gonna check that out, thanks22:19
Slart!info maxima22:20
ubottumaxima (source: maxima): A computer algebra system -- base system. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.13.0-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9039 kB, installed size 33148 kB22:20
guntbertSlart: np :-), maxima is a symbolic algebra tool?22:20
Akkernightcpudan80, here where I live PCs gets sold with a installed OS xP22:20
k4r1mAkkernight: yeah if the 32bit ubuntu was like os x it would be so much better22:20
Slartguntbert: iirc, yes.. I've never gotten used to it though22:20
rickestguntbert: indeed, thanks.  I still don't see the source repository but that's more info than I had22:20
k4r1mso anybody knows could i get ubuntu to write on my hfs drive?22:20
guntbertSlart: np, I'll have a look22:21
DasEi!hfs | k4r1m22:21
ubottuk4r1m: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:21
ahlalamralexandro : my experience is : debian, ubuntu. ubuntu studio after the install (8.10) and the upgrade, the update manager notified me an upgrade for my graphic card's driver, done it, and it installs automatically The Nvidia Driver Settings (v96) in order to use correctly my card with twinview, etc.22:21
kc8pxyi have a ubuntu hardy server (i386) that I'm trying to send the logs to a central log host. the loghost is running syslog-ng. i added `*.* @FQDN_of_loghost` to /etc/syslog.conf and tried to restart the syslog service, and i don't see it's logs showing up at the log host..    what am i doing wrong?22:21
ahlalamralexandro : accessible in the Gnome Menu, under administration22:22
ahlalaafter the install reboot and you'll enjoy22:22
Akkernightis it possible to see the speed of your RAM in sysinfo ?22:22
thiebaudeAkkernight: it supports it22:22
or4nSlart: not using ubuntu on this machine, but maxima is on portage too :)22:22
Slartor4n: =)22:23
guntbertrickest: you still can choose "origin" from the buttons on the left side, the you will see all repos and their packages22:23
Akkernightthiebaude, know where I see it ?22:23
* G69 Boa noite / Good Night!22:23
thiebaudeAkkernight: system monitor22:24
=== nicholas is now known as tacosarecool
mralexandroahlala, no i do not have that under administration. but i have installed the nvidia driver. it is a prohibited driver or something. what that means i do not quite understand except it is because brands like dell and hp make drivers specifically for their laptops themselves22:25
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mralexandroahlala, proprietary drivers they are called22:26
guntbertor rickest you could look at the "versions" tab22:26
DasEimralexandro: there are free (gpl) drivers and prpitary ones (closed source)22:26
sebsebseb 22:26
sebsebseb 22:26
FloodBot2sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
k4r1mDasEi: i installed hfsplus but its still read only for some reason...22:26
mralexandroyeah i have proprietary DasEi22:26
ahlalamralexandro : don't worry about the message, if the system detects a driver update, try to enable it, reboot, and go under the administration->Nvidia server settings and try to configure22:26
hoggeranyone else have issues with their laptop fan always running under ubuntu 8.10?22:27
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tacosarecoolCan I get kubuntu support here it's sort of related to ubuntu and no one helpful is in the kubuntu channel22:27
tacosarecoolright no22:27
Akkernightholy s**t! Why is Ubuntu so awesome o.o? It shows the usage of each processor and not like Windows, shows how much you use of your total processor power22:27
ahlalaif it doesn't work, just deactivate trhe driver and reboot22:27
guntbertsebsebseb: a twitchy pinky ;-) ??22:27
sebsebsebguntbert: a what????22:27
SlartAkkernight: to be fair, I think windows shows each processor too22:27
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tacosarecoolso can I?22:27
tacosarecool I need a pgp cacher in kubuntu so I don't need to go into ubuntu and use the password then get internet then you use kubuntu and you get internet. But then if you let it sleep the internet disconnects from kubuntu and I need to login to ubuntu again.22:27
shane8002does anyone know how to switch back to the original kernel on intrepid ibex22:27
tacosarecoolnevermind about the pgp cacher22:27
Akkernightslart, it does o.O?22:27
JeroenTBhogger: my laptop works fine on ubuntu 8.10, ibm T61 is well supported22:28
sebsebsebshane8002: which kernel are you using?22:28
mralexandroahlala, i have restarted and compiz fusion effects work good. like cube etc. the graphic card works. it is just that i think i remember that first time after installing ubuntu hardy heron on a computer you have to activate the nvidia controll panel22:28
guntbertsebsebseb: I supposed your "little finger" was nervous :-))22:28
mralexandrowith a command in terminal22:28
hoggeri have an T61 also but the fan seems to be always running22:28
sebsebsebguntbert: lol22:28
JeroenTBSlart: if windoze doesn't freeze ;)22:28
DasEik4r1m: did you try to write as root ?22:28
shane8002well I installed a new kernel  specifically for the acer aspire one but i didnt work right so i need to go back to the original in intrepid. I think its 2.6.2722:29
k4r1mDasEi: nope i will now :D22:29
JeroenTBhogger: mine doesn't, maybe you forgot to install something ?!?22:29
hoggerJeroen: on my T61 only when I unplug the power supply and it's on battery does the fan settle down SOME, but it starts right back up again after a short few sec pause22:29
sebsebsebshane8002: maybe you can get from the repo22:29
ahlalamralexandro : if it works..it's cool !!! :)22:29
tacosarecoolbut the ubuntu password screen won't work on kubuntu22:29
EldemonHow to creat executable in Anjuta or link source-object? (C/C++)22:29
hoggerJeroen: I installed from live cd22:29
k4r1mDasEi: still read only error22:30
JeroenTBhogger: is your cpu at max frequency all the time ?22:30
esreverdis there a pidgin package for Ubuntu 6?22:30
mralexandroahlala, yeah but i want control panel, so i can configure hdmi settings and stuff22:30
hoggerJeroen: no it goes down to 800MHZ22:30
tacosarecoolno you need to update your ubuntu22:30
hoggerJeroen: but the fan is still even then always running22:30
JeroenTBhogger: yeah my lappie is on 800Mhz most of the time too, i also installed using the live cd, applied all patches too22:30
ahlalaso you got to have access to the Nvidia driver settings and configure it!22:30
AkkernightDamn, aMSN used 50% of my processor power = Quad Core ~ 2.4GHz(x4) o.o ain't that kinda much ?22:31
hoggerJeroen: how often does your fan run?22:31
JeroenTBhogger: there are a few thinkpad specific pages out there, wait a sec and i'll look it up22:31
DasEik4r1m: I run no apple here right now, try to re-mount it manually (see man mount) ? I'm overasked22:31
JeroenTBhogger: only when i'm running something heavy22:31
JeroenTBhogger: but cold country here ;)22:31
k4r1mDasEi: k ill try that22:32
hitman_beginnerusing skype when i make call it's said "probleme with audio capture"22:32
hitman_beginnerplz help me22:32
gartraldoes anyone have issues playing movies? after a few minutes my video output turns to garbage, but audio still works22:32
JeroenTBhogger: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T61 is an excellent source of info for tuning the thinkpad22:32
rickestguntbert: your 'versions' tab shows the source repository?  mine just shows version22:32
DasEihitman_beginner: does your audio in general work ?22:32
Akkernighthitman_beginner, I've struggeled with that problem for ages, now I got it to work for my friend by adjusting the sound settings for Ubuntu22:32
hoggerJeroen: Ive been in Belgium for the last few months and it's still been running, even with the heat turned off!22:32
yow|x2hitman_beginner - try changing your default sound preference to alsa instead of pulse or vice versa22:33
Cpudan80gartral: what program, what system specs ...22:33
tacosarecoolubuntu password screen won't work in Kubuntu!22:33
hoggerJeroen: ok thanks I will give it a go22:33
EldemonHow to creat executable in Anjuta or link source-object? (C/C++)22:33
tacosarecoolI have ubuntu and kubuntu and I want to login kubuntu most of the time22:33
tacosarecoolIt's on laptop22:33
joetheoddI'm not sure if this is the right place, but does anyone have a recommendation of using Java Azureus or native Azureus? I'm on x64 if that matters.22:34
rickesttacosarecool: gdm or kdm, you should be able to set the default environment there22:34
LjLtacosarecool: it should work, you should just have to select the session you want to start in the Options of the login screen...22:34
hitman_beginnerDasEi : yes22:34
JeroenTBhogger: tc, it worked 4me and i don't have the same issue, however hardware can cause the needed airflow when things get hotter than it should, usually dust build up in the cooling fins etc.22:34
tacosarecoolthat won't work I have to login to ubuntu first to get wireless internet22:34
MaT-dgI want ti use 'Wammu' as my mobile phone manager in ubuntu 8.10 but when configuring a connection it asks me the port where the phone is connected to.. what do I have to enter there?22:34
gartralCpudan80: it doesnt matter, all programs do it, my system specs? i have an nvidia geforce 2 MX 400, 1.7 ghrz celeron proc, 512 mb ram, and i i cant tell you anything more off the top of my head22:34
tacosarecoolthen I go into kde22:34
DasEihitman_beginner: which audio do you use ? alsa ?22:34
tacosarecoolthen if I let it sleep or whatever the internet disconnects from kde22:35
hitman_beginneri dont understand22:35
gartralCpudan80: i believe its the gfx card, cause the intergrated 4mb card works just fine22:35
kc8pxyi have a ubuntu hardy server (i386) that I'm trying to send the logs to a central log host. the loghost is running syslog-ng. i added `*.* @FQDN_of_loghost` to /etc/syslog.conf and tried to restart the syslog service, and i don't see it's logs showing up at the log host..    what am i doing wrong?22:35
DasEi!alsa | hitman_beginner22:35
ubottuhitman_beginner: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about laptopwireless22:35
JeroenTBtacosarecool: i've been getting weird errors in ubuntu 8.10 when installing all kubuntu related packages, so i switched back to gnome22:35
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:35
yow|x2hitman_beginner - system > preferences > sound >>>>> set sound capture to alsa. I had the same issue and it resolved, try it. It should work.22:36
mralexandroahlala, in my case the nvidia controll panel was not installed when i installed the nvidia drivers. the drivers work, but the control panel or settings manager is not included. any clue on how to "activate it" or something?22:36
Cpudan80gartral: change the video output mode22:36
Cpudan80gartral: in VLC options or some such22:36
gartralCpudan80: how, and to what?22:36
DasEihitman_beginner: I haven't experienced probs after instaling alsa(-mixer), then skype22:36
JeroenTBtacosarecool: in the networkmanager applet, rightclick on it and you'll see that you 1st have to enable the network after a resume22:36
=== thinkstrohi is now known as strohi
Cpudan80gartral: I only use VLC ... so for there it would be tools --> preferences --> Video22:37
gartralCpudan80: players that do it quickly are VLC, mplayer, and banshee, dragon and miro both play for about 10 minutes before the error22:37
hitman_beginnerit's set to alsa22:37
Cpudan80gartral: X11 or XVideo extensions22:37
Cpudan80you can play videos in banshee ?22:37
Serafeimfirefox bookmarks kai history has lost22:38
stuntedbluntmancan somebody help me quick22:38
gartralCpudan80: banshee is a media organizer, not a music organizer, yes22:38
DasEihitman_beginner: does /var/log/syslog  contain info about skype , error-message ?22:38
=== peter_ is now known as pvtpete
barberioHey. Anyone want to confirm that the latest jaunty builds of python2.6-minimal don't have zlib?22:38
Slartbarberio: perhaps someone in #ubuntu+1 can help you.. that is the support channel for jaunty22:38
tritiumbarberio: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty questions22:39
tacosarecoolwhere is network manager22:39
gartralCpudan80: what options should i mess with?22:39
stuntedbluntmanhow do you uninstall software in ubuntu22:39
dikHi again, I can't get any joy out of my browser, & I get a '111 connection refused'  returned in TY. any ideas as to what is going on? I was on-line earlier today...22:39
DasEistuntedbluntman: apt-get remove <package>22:39
Cpudan80gartral: set output to "X11" or XVideo ...22:39
Akkernightwhat was it I needed to type into the terminal to be able to download software not supported by Ubuntu, like Skype ?22:39
mralexandrofound it. to install nvidia control panel you go to terminal and type sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings22:40
AkkernightUbuntu team, I mean22:40
Cpudan80gartral: XVideo is prob a better bet than X11, but X11 should work22:40
sebsebsebdik: web browser problems? can't go on webpages?22:40
EldemonHow to creat executable in Anjuta or link source-object? Plz(C/C++)22:40
dikseb-, yes,22:40
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga22:40
gartralCpudan80: wich produces cleaner video?22:40
dikfirefox 3, running fine earlier22:40
stuntedbluntmanwhere do i get the full package name22:41
Cpudan80gartral: in theory, XVideo is a faster vid processor than X11, try that one first22:41
DasEistuntedbluntman: apt-cache search package*22:41
mindkeepX/nvidia question for the masses: about a month ago DPMS started powering off my monitors after 1 minute of idle time. gnome menus seem to be set correctly. Any other places to look?22:41
Cpudan80gartral: really it depends on your HW -- you may have to play around with the options22:41
gartralCpudan80: im a media-phile, if theres any distortion, i get angry >.>22:41
gartralCpudan80: xvideo selected, should i restart vlc and try again, or does it change "on the fly" in linux (i hate windows)22:42
gnummwhy is it possible that ubuntu hardy is LTS and Kubuntu hrady not?22:42
gnummi mean they are both connected to the same repos22:42
Cpudan80gartral: just close and reopen VLC22:42
DasEistuntedbluntman: or lookup synaptic22:42
Cpudan80gartral: I think it would change on the fly - not real sure22:43
k4r1mDasEi: is there maybe no Journaling support?22:43
mralexandroi know sudo cp /div/xxx.xxx /etc/div will copy a file. but what is the command for erasing a file?22:43
mralexandrois it dl?22:43
joetheoddIs there a bittorrent client that supports bandwidth scheduling? For instance my bandwidth is limited per day except between 2 and 5AM, so I want to automatically start/stop torrents accordingly.22:43
Slartmralexandro: rm22:43
ndurnerI have a fresh Ubuntu 8.10 install, but it does not recognize any USB devices. lsusb does not return anything.22:43
DasEik4r1m: as said before, I'm not too familiar with macOS, sorry22:44
gartralCpudan80: changing too xvideo only made it worse22:44
ndurnerWhat can I do?22:44
k4r1mkk no22:44
Cpudan80gartral: try something else22:44
Cpudan80X11 maybe22:44
sim_kharkovsomeone uses mdc?22:44
KrellcipherZen, hello again22:45
gartralCpudan80: it works now, but its so very choppy, im sowing0.3 fps22:46
Cpudan80gartral: hmmm could be gfx driver issue - which driver are you using?22:46
gartralCpudan80: recomended restricted22:46
Cpudan80run this22:47
gartralohh, there it goes, it seems only to be choppy if im typing22:47
Cpudan80glxinfo | grep direct22:47
Cpudan80hopefully it says "yes"22:47
diksebsebseb, any ideas? is there a general problem with browsers?22:47
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Krellanyone feel like helping a newbie?22:47
cipherZenhey Krell22:48
gartralCpudan80: it does22:48
dikAnyone using thephonecoop for broadband having probs with browsing?22:48
kansanhelp my panel is on right hand side of the screen... how do i move it to the top?22:48
Guest30032just drag it22:48
Slartkansan: click, drag, drop22:48
Cpudan80gartral: thats good then .... hrmmmm tricky tricky22:48
dikKrell, i can try...22:48
kansanStart not working22:48
sebsebsebdik: which browser?22:48
KrellcipherZen, oh hey thought you were afk or something :) you have time for me to pick your brain today?22:48
diksebsebseb,  ff 322:48
sebsebsebdik: have you tried another browser?22:48
Cpudan80gartral: does this happen on full screen and non full screen?22:49
cipherZenwell, i was a little, playing some halo right now, but i can answer something if its quick22:49
=== peter_ is now known as Guest33642
gartralCpudan80: lemme turn off compiz, and quit the irc, im showing a large relation to incoming text vs video playback22:49
god-mokhi, i reinstalled ubuntu jaunty and mounted my old home as always, but now my whole home partition shows the fresh installed folders, and gparted + nautilus shows, that 60gb are used22:49
gartralCpudan80: the initial problem happened regardless of screen/window size22:49
diksebsebseb,  I can't get online to download.....:-)22:49
cjae_can someone tell me why I cannot write to my ntfs external drive with xubuntu 8.10, afaik ntfs 3g is installed and this was a fresh install22:50
Cpudan80gartral: ehh ok22:50
sebsebsebdik: you  don't need a browser, to download programs into Ubuntu :D22:50
Cpudan80gartral: pastebin your /etc/xorg.conf file someplace22:50
=== Milka is now known as Milka_ki
gartralCpudan80: someone told me to edit my bios's vmemory size, but my bios are pathetic on this machine22:50
diksebsebseb, what is the code, I assume this is done in term?22:50
Cpudan80gartral: how much video ram do you have?22:51
sebsebsebdik: yeah exactly, your meant to  get most programs off Ubuntu's server.   either via the command line,  or the slow graphical way22:51
sebsebsebdik: two slow graphical ways to choose from22:51
sebsebsebdik: sudo apt-get install  galeon  ephipany-browser22:51
gartralCpudan80: total, or on the active card? i have 64 mb on the card, 4 intergrated to the mobo22:51
Cpudan8064 should be plenty enough22:52
sebsebsebdik: epiphany probably won't add itself to the menu,  but you can open it by  running epiphany-browser from the terminal once installed.  and  galeon is rather nice as well :)22:52
gartralCpudan80: i can run games fine, but movies dont22:52
sebsebsebdik: plus there are quite a few other browsers I could have told you to install :d22:52
sebsebsebdik: that are all good as well22:52
Krellok here goes .... i can play DVD movies with VLC and Totem... by using the interlace i can make the quality ok.  the problem comes from trying to use other movie players they say i don't have libdvdcss.22:52
Slartkansan: if you can't move the panel you can try right-clicking on it and check that it isn't "locked"22:52
nosahay guys how do i edit the grub boot loader to always boot to windows unless i press a key, if you can link me to a guide i would  much appreciate it‬?:P22:53
rwwsebsebseb: epiphany's icon situation resolves itself if you log out and back in again. It's a race condition caused by the binary and its icon being in different packages.22:53
KrellcipherZen, ok here goes .... i can play DVD movies with VLC and Totem... by using the interlace i can make the quality ok.  the problem comes from trying to use other movie players they say i don't have libdvdcss.22:53
Slartkansan: if it isn't locked you might want to try again.. they are supposed to be "draggable"22:53
sebsebsebrww: a race condition????22:53
Krelldik, ok here goes .... i can play DVD movies with VLC and Totem... by using the interlace i can make the quality ok.  the problem comes from trying to use other movie players they say i don't have libdvdcss.22:53
p-fHow can one disable the "feature" that makes the wifi led flash every single time a packet is received?22:53
gartralCpudan80: xorg.conf doesn't seem to exists where you told me to look (intrepid)22:53
kansanSlart, fixed thanxk22:53
rwwsebsebseb: yeah. if the icon's package gets installed first, GNOME sees that the binary it points to doesn't exist yet and disables the icon. If the binary's package gets installed first (which doesn't generally happen), everything is fine.22:54
Cpudan80gartral: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:54
diksebsebseb, thanks a lot, I will see wht occurs22:54
Slartp-f: might be hardcoded.. I've never seen a way to turn it off22:54
Cpudan80sorry if I typed it wrong the first time22:54
p-fSlart: that's...horrible22:54
p-fSlart: it keeps blinking every time there's traffic on the interface22:54
dikKrell,  it's past my level of expertise, sorry...22:54
Krelldik, ok :) thanks for offering to help22:55
Slartp-f: yup.. it's a rough world out there.. my bluetooth dongle kept me awake at night.. "it's bluetooth.. of course we have to have a huuuuuge blue led on it"22:55
sebsebsebrww: so a simple re log in should take  care of the icon22:55
p-fSlart: or my external hd's "LOOK AT ME! I'M DOING STUFF!"...22:55
cipherZenhrm, yeah, i remember that issue now22:55
* p-f twitches22:55
rwwsebsebseb: correct, because GNOME re-checks icons at login, so it sees the binary and re-enables the icon, so it shows up.22:56
sebsebsebgartral: are you on that computer using IRC?22:56
dikKrell, I don't use video stuff excepd as it comes:-)22:56
rwwthat's my understanding of it, anyway22:56
sebsebsebgartral: sorry wrong one22:56
sebsebsebdik: are you on that computer using IRC?22:56
Slartp-f: =)22:56
=== Andry_Sleep is now known as Andry_works
gartralCpudan80: http://gar.pastebin.com/d249e0e4322:56
p-fSlart: guess I'll poke around /sys/class/leds and see what's in there22:56
NOWAIIHow can I transfer files from my pc to my sony ericsson k750i?22:56
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager22:56
cipherZenTotem will not play DVD's unless you install gstreamer-xine from Synaptic22:56
Guest30032where is the network manager?22:57
TwoToneSpiritIDEA:  Who will join me, right now, in getting up, walking to a nearby home (of someone you've never met), knocking on the door, and introducing Ubuntu to the person that answers the door? (msg me)22:57
SlartNOWAII: using a cable might work.. or bluetooth22:57
cipherZenaccording to a random  forum post...maybe that will help Krell?22:57
Cpudan80gartral: looks good ...22:57
=== Guest30032 is now known as tacosarecool
NOWAIIIt says cannot mount file22:57
stuntedbluntmanthanks for the help guys it worked22:57
Cpudan80gartral: might try asking #videolan22:57
NOWAIISlart i do..22:57
albackeris there a way to work with VBA under UBUNTU?22:57
Cpudan80gartral: if you can get it fixed for VLC (the easiest one by far) -- you can probably get the others fixed by the same setting22:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about networkmanger22:57
diksebsebseb,   heres the output???  'Could not connect to ftp.ticklers.org:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)'22:57
sebsebsebalbacker: VBA?  remind me what that is22:57
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.22:57
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager22:57
NOWAIISlart it says unable to mount location22:57
gartralCpudan80: but it isnt just vlc, its every media player and video22:57
sebsebsebdik: ftp what???????22:58
god-mokhi, i reinstalled ubuntu jaunty and mounted my old home as always, but now my whole home partition shows the fresh installed folders, but gparted + nautilus shows, that 60gb are used, is there a way to recover the file/directory strukture?22:58
Cpudan80yes but it is likely some video player setting you need to change22:58
albackersebsebseb, VBA = Visual Basic for Application. used for macro/functions under excel i think theres a way to do this in OOo22:58
KrellcipherZen, umm totem and VLC work, mplayer, kaffeine, qxine do not22:58
Cpudan80gartral: you could try running vlc from the terminal to see what it says22:58
SlartNOWAII: hmm.. you might have to do something before it works.. install something or run some setup.. have you searched the forums?22:58
Cpudan80gartral: ex. just start vlc from the terminal, then try playing video22:58
Cpudan80it'll tell you if bad things are happenin22:58
gartralCpudan80: i already tryed it, the problem is transparent to vlc it continues as if everything were normal22:59
sebsebsebalbacker: yes I thought it was visual basic nonsense22:59
yossi_what is the command to restart x without rebooting ubuntu?22:59
albackersebsebseb, can you answer my question ?22:59
gartralCpudan80: also, the audio stream remains in tact22:59
Cpudan80gartral: even if you turn off compiz you have this problem?22:59
voice5sur5can anyone give me an instant-on distro ?23:00
Cpudan80yossi_: ctrl+alt+bkspc23:00
yossi_thank you23:00
Slartyossi_: sudo /etc/gdm restart.. or ctrl+shift+backspace..23:00
diksebsebseb,   W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/hardy/free/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2  Could not connect to packages.medibuntu.org:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [IP: 80]23:00
voice5sur5can anyone give me an instant-on distro ?23:00
KrellcipherZen, strangely kaffeine says it's encoded and needs libdvdcss, and i have all that installed for some reason it will not see it. the others say something like stream not handled or don't have plug in23:00
Cpudan80Slart: its alt not shift23:00
SlartCpudan80: ah.. my bad23:00
skinofstars1voice5sur5: err, splashtop23:00
gartralCpudan80: even diallowing the window manager to controll the vlc window, and as i said, its with *all* video players23:00
diksebsebseb, is the general drift of the msgs23:00
SlartCpudan80: it looks like he found the right button anyways =)23:00
Cpudan80Slart: that it does23:01
voice5sur5skinofstars1, i can install it mon my laptop?23:01
sebsebsebalbacker: visual basic sucks according to many people,  including the guy that got me all into opensource in the first place  and now studys Computer Science at one of the best universities in the world.    anyway   VBA alternative properly not, but Microsoft Office  2003 and 2007  most of it, works quite well under Wine.23:01
Cpudan80gartral: hmmmmmmm how much video ram does ubuntu see?23:01
gartralCpudan80: however, its been playing 7 minutes straight with your suggestion of switching output engines, maybe the "defualt" was what was doing it23:01
gartralCpudan80: how do i tell?23:01
skinofstars1voice5sur5: err, no. it comes hardwired into asus stuff. as far as i remember the best you'll get is a fast loader23:01
sebsebsebalbacker: probably no alternative to VBA unless Open Office  has something say.   if I am correct it can also be the thing for macros?23:02
KrellcipherZen, all i seem to find in a google search is about installing the restricted drivers :/ and i have done most all of them they now all tell me that is it already installed23:02
voice5sur5what is a loader?23:02
sladenelli222: cat image > /dev/fb023:02
voice5sur5like grub?23:02
skinofstars1voice5sur5: how fast do you want it to boot?23:02
albackersebsebseb, i need it for school and im not going to debate with you if it suck or not. and yes it's the thing for macros.23:02
voice5sur5i want an instant one like 10 seconds just to get to the web23:03
Cpudan80gartral: ehh I thought glxinfo would tell you ... but apparently it does not ...23:03
sebsebsebalbacker: Open Office can do Micorsoft Word macros  I think23:03
arusselwhere/how can I find information about my mouse pad ? (I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FW21M)23:03
sebsebsebalbacker: also you can get  VBA running  nicely under Wine I expect23:03
albackersebsebseb, ok thanks.23:04
rreyesHi all... is there any reason why ubuntu fonts appear on screen with some characters closer then other?23:04
skinofstars1voice5sur5: hmm, have you asked google?23:04
voice5sur5skinofstars1, i found it in the hardware23:04
voice5sur5in asus23:04
voice5sur5but i want one on my lappi23:04
tacosarecoolI disable the keyring23:04
tacosarecoolThis crazyness should stop now23:04
skinofstars1voice5sur5: you could look at vector or wolvix23:04
gartralwell, looking at the nvidia xserver settins window, it does report 64mb gfx card23:05
skinofstars1voice5sur5: they are all gonna get faster soon though, especially after that 5second fedora demo23:05
gartralcpud` well, looking at the nvidia xserver settins window, it does report 64mb gfx card23:05
gartralCpudan80:  well, looking at the nvidia xserver settins window, it does report 64mb gfx card23:05
voice5sur5:O 5 sec23:06
HfuyI spent a while a couple of days ago setting things up so a ubuntu laptop could print to my windows shared printer.23:06
voice5sur5i didn't heard about23:06
s0101my flash stoped working, first time it happend and i have reinstalled it and enable in firefox but it dosent work23:06
HfuyThis all worked at the time, but in true linux fashion, since then, something has gone wrong, and I can't even ping the laptop anymore.23:06
HfuyWhat's the standard checklist for "can't ping this machine" in ubuntu, if there is one?23:06
skinofstars1voice5sur5: google it, 5 sec fedora. it was a demo, really stripped out. there are instructions around for doing it with ubuntu. let me check my bookmarks23:07
cipherZenKrell, Kaffeine uses totem correct?23:07
Cpudan80gartral: ok thats good .... then23:07
Akkernightdoes "sudo apt-get install Skype" give me 64 bit version ?23:07
fnothere is a 64 bit version?23:07
Cpudan80gartral: well if it works with the modified output setting for VLC, you basically have to go tell the other programs to use X11 or whatever output it is that you chose23:07
Akkernightfno, no idea...23:07
Dante123friend wants ubuntu, problem is that outlook express mail needs to be saved before she ditches windows.  What is the best way to go about backing up the outlook express main and attachments (pix)?23:07
s0101and i have also tried to disable and put back on the ad-ons23:07
gartralCpudan80: setting it to use x11 video overlay seems too have totally fixed it23:08
torstefanI am ... displeased.. My sound just like.. went away. And I didn't do anything23:08
Dante123Dante123 installing ubuntu won't bring email over will it (like other windows settings?)23:08
rreyesHi all... is there any reason why ubuntu fonts appear on screen with some characters closer then others?23:08
KrellcipherZen, i don't know how can i check?23:08
gartraltorstefan: do you have multible sound cards?23:09
cipherZenKrell, try the last thing on this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51506723:09
Dante123torstefan did you get a warning message or anything (lately I have been getting a notification window come up and say that it is falling back to default audio)23:09
cipherZensudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1 libxine1-ffmpeg libxine-extracodecs23:09
cipherZenjust to make sure everything is installed23:09
Slartrreyes: is it the same with all fonts? all sizes? or just some?23:09
Slartrreyes: have you tried adjusting the font settings?23:09
torstefanI have an inboared, but that is disabled in bios23:09
torstefanI have an augigy23:09
wolterWhich svn client can you recommend me?23:10
rreyesSlart: it happens mostly with Firefox pages23:10
gartraltorstefan: i remember having issues with bios-disabled hardware and ubuntu ignoring it and using it anyway, you might have hit that23:10
Slartrreyes: try playing with the settings in system, preferences, appearance, fonts23:10
Time`s_Witnessany newbie guide to get initiated with ubuntu with the important usefull stuff like getting network to work, and how/where to get the real (non-generic) drivers?23:11
skinofstars1voice5sur5: ubuntu cold to desktop in 15 seconds tutorial (not for noobs, but the video is cool): http://benobs.blogspot.com/2008/02/eee-pc-fast-boot-with-ubunutu.html23:11
torstefanDante123: Well.. AmaroK started to act funny, I then upgraded the system. and Amarok became fine. but the audio is still missing23:11
voice5sur5skinofstars1, its for eeepc with ssd hard disk23:11
torstefanlspci isn't showing any other sound cards though23:12
skinofstars1voice5sur5: yeah23:12
skinofstars1voice5sur5: you could probably get to command line quicker, then use lynx?!?!23:13
=== bigimole is now known as ibuclaw
rreyesSlart: I already did. Fonts outside FF seem ok. For example, look at the comments in this page: http://blog.wired.com/business/2009/03/googles-data-cu.html23:13
voice5sur5skinofstars1, how can i add cli to grub please?23:13
Dante123installing ubuntu won't bring email over will it (like other windows settings?)23:13
RenardPhello, I have a Linux pc and a Mac machine, I already use ssh to connect to the Mac machine, my question is can I do this graphically (now I can log in only in a Terminal) ?23:13
rreyesThey font spacing looks wrong to me23:13
GoldwingQ: i have 2 networks that have to be joined together, i allready got the linux vpn client -> windows 2003 server up and running, but whats the best way, bridge or masqerading? (DNS, DHCP and so on are handled by the win2k3 server)23:13
HfuySo, uh. Ubuntu laptop. Not responding to pings.23:13
HfuyCan get online, so the wifi is working.23:13
skinofstars1voice5sur5: your still gonna need a kernel23:13
oCean_Time`s_Witness: start downloading your FREE copy op ubuntu pocketguide here: http://ubuntupocketguide.com/download3.html23:13
KrellcipherZen,  sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1 libxine1-ffmpeg libxine-extracodecs23:13
KrellReading package lists... Done23:13
KrellBuilding dependency tree23:13
KrellReading state information... Done23:13
Krelltotem-xine is already the newest version.23:13
FloodBot2Krell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
Krelllibxine1 is already the newest version.23:13
voice5sur5i have ubuntu already installed23:14
deizel-webbookcan you guys help convince me to install ubuntu on this netbook?23:14
Time`s_Witnessthanks oCean_23:14
voice5sur5deizel-webbook, yes23:14
voice5sur5deizel-webbook, just install it and then we will talk23:14
oCean_Time`s_Witness: it's not *all* in there, but it's a decent start23:14
Slartrreyes: this is what it looks like on my screen http://imagebin.ca/view/GWiGjRu.html23:15
voice5sur5skinofstars1, what about my terminal ?23:15
KrellcipherZen, sorry guess the bot didn't like that :)23:15
Time`s_Witnessi cant take it all in a row anyway, not being used to any non-windows OS anyway ;)23:15
Hfuydeizel-webbook: Unless you have a specifically modified version of ubuntu that has been designed to work on the hardware, I can't recommend it.23:15
deizel-webbookvoice5sur5: i have a 16gb usb drive.. i wish to install from this23:15
rreyesSlart: No image was uploaded23:15
torstefanCan I haz audio, plz? :/23:15
skinofstars1voice5sur5: perhaps just set it to not boot into gdm straight away23:16
voice5sur5skinofstars1, how/?23:16
Slartrreyes: sorry.. hang on.. let me find somewhere else to paste my screenshot23:16
dikBACK after trying to get sense out of  terminal23:16
voice5sur5deizel-webbook, use the live CD23:16
rreyesSlart: thanks. Ill wait23:16
skinofstars1voice5sur5: a quick google check brings up this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9740423:17
deizel-webbookHfuy: i was thinking that, but as i got this free it came with xp.. are you suggesting that the current intrepid install might be too bloated (like vista/osx) for this netbook?23:17
dikdoes anyone know What  (111 Connection refused) this code means? apart from the obvious:-)23:18
Slartrreyes: there it is http://imagebin.ca/view/G0qsHX.html23:18
dikand, how can i chat, when I can't browse?23:19
Hfuydeizel-webbook: It depends what you want it for.23:19
_VIM_deizel-webbook: by default most linux distros are NOT bloated like vista/osx, I dont' know why or where you got that idea, quite the opposite in fact...23:19
HfuyIf it's a hobby project fine.23:19
_VIM_Hfuy: go troll elsewhere23:19
Hfuy_VIM_: Default ubuntu installs are five plus gig; it's bigger than XP, certainly.23:19
skinofstars1voice5sur5: if you really want just a striped down distro for quick use then think about arch with a light window manager, like fluxbox. whats best for your abilities is really for you to research23:20
deizel-webbookvoice5sur5: i wish to have a native linux install... i hve played with dualboots and virtual versions for years, but this webbook isnt my primary computer so i could actually /use/ linux on it23:20
HfuyIt depends what you want to do with it.23:20
_VIM_Hfuy: if you dont like linux, then why are you here other than talking bad about it?23:20
HfuyIf you need it to just be a netbook and send email and so forth, just stick XP on it and call it a day.23:20
torstefanroot@blackbox:~# cat /proc/asound/cards23:20
torstefan 0 [Audigy2        ]: Audigy2 - Audigy 2 [Unknown]23:20
torstefan                      Audigy 2 [Unknown] (rev.4, serial:0x10001102) at 0xd000, irq 1823:20
HfuyIf you want to play around with it and see what you can do, put ubuntu on it.23:20
GoldwingHfuy : ubuntu server (ok, doesn't have X11).. less then 800mb23:21
torstefanUnknown? What dosen't it know?23:21
skinofstars1Hfuy: disagree, ubunt on my eee is just fine and dandy23:21
Hfuyskinofstars1: That's because there's Ubuntu-Eee, a specific modification for the ee.23:21
oCean_Hfuy: don't tell lies23:21
HfuyThat's what we're using, and it's OK.23:21
_VIM_i hardly call 5 gigs "bloated" , 5 gigs is nothing in the day and age of 1 tb hdd's23:21
voice5sur5skinofstars1, do you have a laptop>?23:21
rreyesSlart: Look at mine http://imagebin.ca/view/TS-cF1X.html23:21
skinofstars1Hfuy: i'm using intrepid23:21
voice5sur5what is the advantage of a eeepc?23:21
_VIM_voice5sur5: it's low cost23:22
skinofstars1voice5sur5: yeah, an eeepc23:22
Goldwingvoice5sur5 : well, for one, it's cool23:22
Goldwing*proud owner of a 1000h)23:22
voice5sur5how much it cost23:22
skinofstars1901 - mmm, 8hrs battery23:22
Slartrreyes: have you tried installing the microsoft fonts package?23:22
KrellcipherZen, :( well anyway  that didn't change it i  am looking at some post but so far i have not found anything23:22
Slart!fonts | rreyes23:22
ubotturreyes: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:22
voice5sur5what is 901?23:22
Hfuyskinofstars1: That's exactly what we have here, it's a 901.23:22
HfuyAn Eee-PC 901.23:22
Hfuy10 inch screen, huge battery life. The sweet spot of netbook performance.23:23
gartralhow do i edit dragon players settings?23:23
voice5sur5everybody have an eeepc :(23:23
voice5sur5how much it cost23:23
HfuyIt's not mine. I wish I had one.23:23
sebsebsebgartral: dragon player heh. why not  just use Banshee :)23:23
skinofstars1Hfuy: and you wouldn't recommend vanilla ubuntu for it?23:23
sebsebsebgartral: your on 8.10 yeah?23:23
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Hfuy901? About UK£250-300?23:23
Goldwingvoice5sur5 less then 350 at best buy23:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:23
c_kornis there a way to automatically install the build-depends when inside a chroot?23:23
_VIM_$350 in the US, there abouts23:23
Hfuyskinofstars1: We put Ubuntu-Eee on it, and most of the hardware Just Worked.23:23
nosahi im looking for the person who helped me with configureing my obot laodr earler23:23
voice5sur5Goldwing, but its almost cripled23:23
gartralsebsebseb: yah, and i like dragon player cause it DOESNT come from novell23:24
HfuyThis is, let's face it, pretty unusual on linux in general, but on a laptop, it's unheard of.23:24
Goldwingvoice5sur5 : why?23:24
sebsebsebnosa: ok it wasn't me, but  maybe I can help with this23:24
skinofstars1Hfuy: you could have just used the array.org kernel23:24
voice5sur51 ghz processor23:24
cipherZenKrell: :( that's sad, i'll keep looking through some posts as well. might try bumping one of them to see if anyone in there can help you23:24
sebsebsebnosa: what are you trying to do with Grub?23:24
Goldwing1.6 ghz23:24
Hfuyskinofstars1: Never heard of it.23:24
RenardPhas anyone installed Ubuntu 8.10 on a Mac Pro with Intel processor ? any problems ?23:24
voice5sur5256 ram23:24
Goldwing1gb ram23:24
gartralsebsebseb: i hate microsoft and any corp willing to affiliate itself with them23:24
voice5sur5Goldwing, :O23:24
sebsebsebgartral: ah ha I see, you know that Banshee has Mono behind it :D23:24
voice5sur5small screen :)23:24
sebsebsebgartral: and what Mono is23:24
skinofstars1Hfuy: sheeeet, my other laptop, gateway, worked just fine. everything worked first time23:24
Goldwinga default EEE is 1.6 atom, with 1gb ram and 160gb hd23:25
sebsebsebgartral: indeed at that, but it's still great software23:25
Goldwing10.2 inch23:25
sebsebsebgartral: Banshee23:25
HfuyWhat's best about this eee is that it runs compiz nicely, which is downright impressive given the hardware.23:25
KrellcipherZen, bumping?23:25
voice5sur5Goldwing, is the hd ssd?23:25
gartralyes, also, banshee is directly designed and distributed by novell23:25
HfuyYou can do the cube desktop and everything.23:25
HfuyPointless of course but a nice eyecatcher :)23:25
Goldwing160gb ssd??? uhmm... i wished23:25
sebsebsebgartral: yeah the  apparant 234/5  patent voilations :D23:25
Goldwingthe 901's have a 16gb ssd i believe23:26
cipherZenKrell, yeah, just go on the forums and post that you've followed their instructions and that you're still having issues with the same thing23:26
oCean_!ot | Hfuy Goldwing voice5sur523:26
ubottuHfuy Goldwing voice5sur5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:26
nosasebsebseb:  i want to make the boot loader hidden unless i press the esc key i alredy am root and have menu.lst open i see something about hidden menu what value do i need to add?23:26
AkkernightDoes Teamspeak and Ventrilo work for Ubuntu?23:26
nosathanks for the help23:26
nosain advaced23:26
voice5sur5ubottu we are talking about installing ubuntu on eeepc :)23:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:26
SlartAkkernight: teamspeak does.. but I think it uses oss or something like that23:26
sebsebsebnosa: not sure sorry23:26
hans-rudolfakkernight:ts works23:26
unkoHEY all, join my channel #theme's i just started it. it's a general chat about eachothers themes and setups. we will share screenshots, compiz tips, and just overall pimp'in out ubuntu!!23:26
sebsebsebnosa: altough23:26
KrellcipherZen, well i'll keep looking23:26
sebsebsebnosa: the grub config file that's where you would change stuff yes23:27
voice5sur5ubottu you are intelligent23:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
HfuyHowever as I say...23:27
sebsebsebnosa: and get rid of the #  to uncomment things23:27
gartralsebsebseb: i also removed it, cause it deleted ha;lf my audio (anything it didnt recognise as audio, it just deletes, without asking, and that ticked me off, i had to re encode 40 cds23:27
HfuyI have problems with networking right now.23:27
_dbd_l12nosa: change the line with timeout to 0 seconds23:27
_VIM_Akkernight: from what ive heard TS does, vent has been working on a client for 4+ years, but got no where with it, some people claim to have gotten TS working in wine, but it's not an easy 'hack'23:27
cipherZencool, good luck Krell. dinner time, i'll catch ya later23:27
sebsebseb_dbd_l12: well then Grub won't be there at all?23:27
nosa_dbd_l12:  can i press esc and still get to chose that way?23:27
_VIM_not TS i meant Vent23:27
_VIM_there's a native client for TS Akkernight23:28
Goldwingbut still, what's better, bridging to masqerading for joining 2 networks? (1st network -> win2k3 server -> inet <- ubuntu vpn client <- second network) all traffic has to be possible both ways, and the 2k3 is the main DNS and DHCP server23:28
Akkernighthmm... I guess MIME is the Gaming VoIP for Ubuntu?23:28
diksebsebseb,  I don't understand how I can chat, but get refused connections when trying to FTP or browse, & I still don't get the '111' code? Is there ..,ah... I know23:28
_dbd_l12nosa: no, than you'd need to uncomment (remove #) the hidden menu option. Keep the timeout at for example 3 seconds23:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 11123:28
Goldwingboth networks have there own gateways23:28
rreyesSlart: Thank you so much. Now it looks much better.23:28
sebsebsebgartral: ha I guess your using  the  correct OS then :D    what some people say,  Linux is for Windows haters,  and BSD is for Unix lovers.   however thing is Linux has better  driver suppourt and that23:28
Slartrreyes: ah.. good23:29
gartraldang it, 10 minutes into The Matrix, the green scan lines hit me again!23:29
Slartrreyes: you're welcome23:29
nosa_dbd_l12: what is this ##hidden menu section i see directly under the timeout section for?23:29
eric_#join efnet23:29
nosa## hiddenmenu23:30
nosa# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)23:30
sebsebsebnosa | pastebin23:30
sebsebseb!pastebin | nosa23:30
ubottunosa: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:30
_dbd_l12nosa: it's a 'comment' describing the details of the option underneath it. Options routinely only have one # sign for them and have descriptive, short names23:30
dusty__Hey guys if I want to setup a ubuntu 8.10 box as a home made router I how do I share the connection with other computers plugged into the switch.  I know I set the other computers as the gateway, but on the ubuntu box, i've setup dhcp and dns server, just not sure how to to the NAT stuff ?23:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:30
Goldwinghmm.. no network guru's here?23:30
ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub23:31
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unkoHEY all, join my channel #theme's i just started it. it's a general chat about eachothers themes and setups. we will share screenshots, compiz tips, and just overall pimp'in out ubuntu!!23:31
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nosa_dbd_l12:  i know what that is what im asking is can i use this to hide the bootloader unless i press esc23:31
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eper3zhey, how do i install 1920x1200 on my old laptop using intel drivers?23:31
nosa_dbd_l12:  because then i could set the time out for 3 sec23:31
voice5sur5skinofstars1, how can i change runlevel?23:32
cypher1i am having problems with firefox flash player playing audio through usb speaker.. the same with vlc is perfectly fine. i am using pulseaudio23:32
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_dbd_l12nosa: yes, this is the option you are looking for23:32
nosa_dbd_l12:  so do i just put a value of 1 under the bottem option?23:33
nosaline i mean23:33
_dbd_l12nosa: no just remove the # from the line so it says "hiddenmenu" instead of "#hiddenmenu"23:34
dik!read error23:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about read error23:34
nosaoh nice thats cool23:34
nosathanks a bunch man23:34
dusty__Hey guys if I want to setup a ubuntu 8.10 box as a home made router I how do I share the connection with other computers plugged into the switch.  I know I set the other computers as the gateway, but on the ubuntu box, i've setup dhcp and dns server, just not sure how to to the NAT stuff ?23:34
voice5sur5how to change run lvl on ubuntu?23:34
Hasanibrahimhello, i want to compile C codes in ubuntu and i don't know enough everythinh about gcc23:34
nosa_dbd_l12:  you wer varry helpfull thanks alot23:34
_dbd_l12nosa: no problem23:35
nosa_dbd_l12:  :)23:35
HfuyStill trying to solve a problem with networking XP to Ubuntu. The Ubuntu laptop can see the internet, the XP box can see the internet, both via the same hub - so things appear to be working. But they can't ping one another.23:35
Hasanibrahimor which copiler do you suggest ?23:35
gartralCpudan80: how do i normalize the video output so it isnt choppy?23:35
HasanibrahimHfuy: it's about vbox preferences23:35
cypher1Hfuy, are they on the same subnet ?23:35
dik!compile c23:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compile c23:35
_dbd_l12Hasanibrahim: you probably have gcc installed with your ubuntu install (e.g. gcc 4.2 with ubuntu 8.04)23:36
Hasanibrahimdik: i don't know where i must ask this.23:36
AllEarsHi guys, I have a bash command that gives colored output, I'd like to write this output to file (say html or rtf) whilest preserving the coloring (> doesn't), anyone know how i could achieve that?23:36
arjun_hey guys im about ot rip my hair out my scalp .... I just bought myself a really pathetic graphics card but apparently it has 256 meg ram .... but according to ubuntu it only has 128 ..... can anyone shed some light on the subject23:36
Hasanibrahim_dbd_l12: i installed gcc23:36
dikHasanibrahim,  just trying...23:36
tritiumHasanibrahim: you should install build-essential for other things you may end up needing23:37
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Hasanibrahimtritium: i installed23:37
HfuyHasanibrahim: What's vbox?23:37
Hasanibrahimit, too23:37
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:37
xtknightarjun, where are you seeing 12823:37
marko-_--!vbox > Hfuy23:37
ubottuHfuy, please see my private message23:37
HfuyA virtualiser?23:37
HfuyWhat's that got to do with networking?!23:37
_dbd_l12type Hasanibrahim: you can check the gcc version your system is using by default by typing "ls -al /usr/bin/gcc" in a terminal. You can change a compiler with "export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.1" if you would like that compiler23:37
marko-_--Hfuy, don't know, i just saw you asking what is vbox23:38
arjun_xtknight: in vbox when I get to assign graphics memory to my virtual machine23:38
Hfuymarko-_--: Aha, I see.23:38
HfuyI have an issue with networking, which worked previously.23:38
xtknightarjun, and how do you know that's not just a limitation of vbox?23:38
_dbd_l12Hasanibrahim: how the compile works depends on the program (read the compilation) notes but it is mostly (if all dependencies are configured) the following 3 steps: "./configure", then "make" and then "make install" in the source directory of the app. You may need sudo rights to do so23:39
HfuyI've no idea about virtualisation, and I don't know how it's involved in networking.23:39
gartralCpudan80: my video is really really choppy still, any ideas?23:39
Akkernightwhat is the transfer speed between partitions? I mean, not in detail, but like, faster - same - slower ? xP23:39
oCean_Hfuy: vbox has nothing to do with it, but the other question was valid - are the machines in the same subnet?23:39
_dbd_l12Hasanibrahim: but it depends on the program, really. What problem are you having?23:39
charlesatlasAnyone have experience installing the Omni printer driver for cups?23:40
arjun_xtknight: well thats what I thought aswell but when I pushed my graphics memory up to 128 it told me that Im using more than half my cards ram23:40
Hasanibrahim_dbd_l12: so thank you a lot23:40
arjun_and that Id murder my machine23:40
xtknightarjun, huhh..well anyway why does the VM need that much vram?23:40
Hasanibrahimi (now) understand23:40
_dbd_l12Hasanibrahim: no problem23:41
arjun_xtknight:  well cause im working with flex on xp ... its the only reason Im actually using vbox23:41
Hasanibrahimone of my friend use Vim and when he press F9, codes are compiling23:41
Hasanibrahimi couldn't find about this in google23:41
Hasanibrahimso i asked here23:41
c_kornany idea why I see a string untranslated in gnome-screenshot but when I look inside the po file it is translated?23:41
ncfi1013_i cant see my mouse cursor. what do i do23:42
xtknightarjun_, oh okay23:42
arjun_ncfi1013_:  press tab or alt :P23:42
xtknightarjun_, well what does xorg say..23:42
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carl123Hello all i have some questio23:42
carl123Somoene can help me?23:42
dikncfi1013_, press tab or alt, else restart23:43
whipncfi1013_: googles?-)23:43
arjun_mmm ill check quick23:43
xtknightarjun_,  /var/log/Xorg.0.log  might have a video ram reading.  what graphics adapter tho23:43
gartralCpudan80: still around?23:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:43
pptpnoobanyone here willing to dig into some routing issues for me? all im trying to do is route the traffic from my pptp vpn connection labeled ppp0 to my atheros wireless card ath0 ifconfig shows ppp0 so i should be connected at least as far as that goes23:43
Cpudan80gartral: back23:44
gartralCpudan80: video is working now, but its very choppy23:45
carl123I have try to DL Ubuntu whit Wubi i have burn the CD and now i try to put the CD on another computer .When i reboot my computer it open Ubuntu and i have the menu, i click Install ubuntu and the loading bar whit ubuntu logo its bug after like 30 sec of loading23:45
carl123Someone can help me plz?23:45
pptpnoobif someone would like to help me with my issue above please pm me i will be right back. :)23:45
whippptpnoob: you can dig google by yourself.. if you are up to it :)23:45
jlinkI'm having problems loading Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop 64bit from the cd. Right now, it's sitting on the Ubuntu loading screen frozen after telling it to boot from the CD.23:45
pptpnoobive actually been googling and downloading all kinds of thigns today trying to get this to work23:46
fatfaceis there a way to configure the number of workspaces on an eepc version of ubuntu?23:46
pptpnoobive been configuring different applications and settings and packages for like 4 hours now23:46
whippptpnoob: got the basics?23:46
pptpnoobyes, now that ive established a connection i just cant seem to route it right23:46
fatfacei cant just right click on the workspaces applet and go to preferences23:46
gartraljlink: have you used "check the cd for defects"?23:47
jlinkgartral: Nope. I'll try that now23:47
carl123I have DLed Ubuntu whti wubi. I have Burn one CD whit Ubuntu and then i have put the CD on another computer. When i reboot my computer it open ubuntu and i have the starting menu, whit CLICK install Ubuntu, try ubuntu whitout any change on your computer, chek cd for defect and now i click on Click install Ubuntu and the loading bar is bugging after 30 sec of loading, what can i do? Please help me23:48
SCM|LappyIf a user installs ubuntu from windows, on a windows HD, how can they see that entire partition, and not just the folder where ubuntu is installed?23:48
imaginativeone__how do I shrink an iso?23:48
gartralCpudan80: if you can figure anything out, pm, im gonna see if it works ok without irc open23:49
mchelencarl123, try using the alternate install cd23:49
dik'Night all, I have to sleep, & hope that I can browse tomorrow, I have to blog an essay, or FTP it to College/tutor's sites. ho hum...23:49
carl123mchelen what is an alternate install CD?23:49
whipcarl123: did you burn it fast?23:49
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pptpnoobif anyone is knowledged in routing traffic or adding routes please pm me if you feel like helping any aid is appreciated23:49
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal23:49
whipcarl123: DONT23:49
gartralCpudan80: alright if i pm you to make sure it works ok?23:50
carl123Dont what?23:50
whipcarl123: burn it as slow as you can23:50
jlinkgartral: Ok, I told it to check the CD for defects. The screen is frozen on the ubuntu load screen again, and I think I can hear the CD spinning at full speed, but the CD light isn't flshing. Great, lol.23:50
bigriggerpptpnoob: google iptables +mulitiple NICs you can't miss23:50
pptpnoobok thank you23:50
gartraljlink: sounds like either a cdrom issue, or a very bad cd, did you burn it yourself?23:50
bigriggerpptpnoob: multiple rather23:50
aijnknknjhow to i format a hard drive witu knoopix. i just got it in the mail today23:51
pptpnoobah yes thank you bigrigger lots of information here just needed the proper terminology23:52
jlinkgartral: I burned the CD myself using the exact same linux command I used to burn my 32bit version, other than changing the filenames. This computer's Ubuntu was setup using the 32 bit cd23:52
mchelenaijnknknj, you can use cfdisk from command line, just make sure to save any files first23:52
gartraljlink: did you order that cd through shipit, or did you burn the iso yourself?23:52
SlimmehDo I need a special type of blank disc to burn the .iso or will any work?23:52
styolhow do i run a different window manager (ie: twm-kiosk] at boot up or as the session for a certain user?23:52
jlinkgartral: And both CDs look in excellent condition, no scratches on either side, all shiny and such, etc23:52
pptpnoobSlimmeh what kind do you have23:53
gartraljlink, ok, try burning another one at slower speeds, if it fails, try installing a cd to a flashdrive and boot from that23:53
arjun_xtknight: mmmmm xorg.conf doesnt say anything about that23:53
cappicarddamn it... flash keeps freezing up firefox!23:53
jlinkgartral: I might just try the flash drive option. Do you have a link for doing that?23:53
xtknightarjun_,  sorry i mean  /var/log/Xorg.0.log    might have a video ram reading.  what graphics adapter tho23:53
gartraljlink, try burning a new cd first, as the flashdrive option takes forever23:54
carl123When i go to the Ubuntu menu after rebooting my computer. I click on Click on Install Ubuntu and Insert the driver CD and press enter (amd64)23:54
jlinkgartral: greeaat. I hate burning all these CDs, but at least I have enough cup holders now23:54
arjun_xtknight: it just struck me is it possible that the fact that I have two seporate x screens mean that my card ram might have been shared between the two23:54
aijnknknji got an error on my sda hard drive when i tried right clicking on it to mount itcould not mount device the reported error was mount I could not determine the fils]]le systej]\\\m type and none was p\specified23:54
Deevzwhats the command to see the content of a dir?23:54
xtknightarjun_, hmm well good thinking but i  dont think this would be the case23:55
xtknighti don't know, either way23:55
xtknighttry with 1 screen..23:55
gartraljlink: i went through 55 cds the first time, cause the xp burner sucked, and i forgot to extract the iso the first 10 times23:55
bigriggercappicard: are you running a x86_64?23:55
carl123When i go to the Ubuntu menu after rebooting my computer. I click on Click on Install Ubuntu and Insert the driver CD and press enter (amd64)23:55
oCean_Deevz: "ls -al /path/to/dir" or, for current directory: "ls -al"23:55
bigriggercappicard: this site does wonders, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html23:55
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.23:56
bigriggercappicard: run the script it supplies23:56
cappicardah ok. i see it23:56
gartraljlink: if you really would rather skip the next cd, go into System>Administration>Create a USB Startup Disk23:56
arjun_xtknight: ok well im just quickly checking that file23:56
jlinkgartral: I think I'm going to try one other thing. The computer I'm installing it on was freshly built earlier today, and this is the first thing I've tried doing. I'm gonna install Ubuntu 32bit on the computer and see if everything goes through fine, just to double check that it's not a hardware issue23:56
jlinkgartral: k, I'll try that23:57
gartraljlink, are you trying to use a raid?23:57
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jlinkgartral: Nope. One single HD23:57
gartralok, cause raids can cause problems23:57
styol"Run twm-kiosk as you would any windowmanager. xinit /path/to/twm-kiosk -- : 0 " mean anything to anyone? when i run it it says Bad display name, exiting.. likely because the current display is already in use? this is in regards to starting a different window manager23:57
jlinkgartral: Thanks for the ideas. I've got a few more things to try now. I might be back23:58
gartraljlink, good luck, im leaving the room23:58
DeevzI am trying to change dir to my desktop but it says no such file or directory... what am I doing wrong? "cd /home/deevz/desktop"23:58
=== [GuS] is now known as Me
styolDeevz its a capital D for Desktop23:58
Ax3Desktop != desktop23:58
arjun_xtknight: can I please post the content of the file some where for you to go through23:58
Ax3type it correctly23:58
xtknightarjun_, sure on pastebin23:58
arjun_ok cool23:58
=== Me is now known as Guest18892
Deevzthat worked, thx23:59
johnyb1hi to all23:59
couillard45682how ar u?23:59

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