
=== h\h_ is now known as h\h
kysucixI'm using Ubuntu intrepid version of upstart. Using "console logged" I can't see where the output gets logged10:23
kysucixDoes it get redirected to syslogd or something else? is it a known bug?10:23
kysucixupstart Version: 0.3.9-810:24
kysucixI get unable to read: Invalid argument10:46
Keybukit doesn't10:54
kysucix_Keybuk, it does not log in any way?10:57
Keybukyou can send the output of jobs to the console10:59
kysucix_with 'console output' right ?11:00
=== kysucix_ is now known as kysucix
sadmacKeybuk: ping21:57

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