
seeleRiddell: did you ever ping Artemis_Fowl about kgrubeditor?00:41
nixternalwhy do people find me scary?02:35
nixternalwhat have I ever done to provoke that?02:35
nixternalyes, I am talking about you maco :p02:35
LjLnixternal: well at least you are not mneptok02:35
vorianit's nixternal :o02:35
nixternalI am a little guy with a pretty face :D02:36
nhandlernixternal: I take it you saw the blog post ;)02:36
vorianI was more scared of Ubuntu Developers after I met some02:36
nixternalya, she only brought up the tequila since I was drinking it at about 10am when we were in Ohio :)02:36
nixternalthe only one that scares me is the Foundations guy...he is way bigger than I am02:37
nixternalI just brain farted and forgot his name02:37
nixternalRobbie Williamson02:37
nixternalcoolest dude on earth, but my god he is a big ol' boy02:37
nixternalI found out that my buddy who just moved down to Austin, TX Robbie's kid and my buddies kid go to school with each other02:38
nixternalfrom what I hear, Robbie drives a pimpin' car with Ubuntu license plates02:38
nhandlerIsn't Kirkland down in that area too?02:39
* vorian is guilty of that02:39
nhandlervorian: What does your plate say?02:39
nixternalI think Dustin lives down there as well02:39
voriannhandler: two guesses02:39
nixternalI won!02:39
nixternalmine used to say GNULNX02:39
nixternalbut for some reason this stupid state wouldn't let me transfer them to my new car02:40
voriannhandler: this is me looking fatter http://machine-crusade.net/blog/2009/01/12/ubuntu-ohio/02:40
* vorian has lost 50 lbs since this picture02:40
nixternalmy Civic had GNULNX and my IS300 had KDE02:40
nixternalvorian: seriously?02:41
nixternalwow dude, that is insane02:41
vorianyes, I got serious02:41
nixternalI didn't think you were that big to begin with02:41
nhandlervorian: You even got blue letters02:41
vorianI was pissed about all my cloths getting smaller02:41
vorianclothes even02:42
nixternalI am trying to gain weight, but I am stuck at 235 pounds02:42
vorianI was at about 216 on jan 102:42
vorianmonday I weighed in at 16802:42
nixternalthat's almost 50 poinds in 2 months, that is damn impressive02:44
nhandlerThat is a little under a pound a day02:45
nixternaldiet and exercise big time I take it?02:45
nixternalsome Hydroxycut?02:45
vorianit's actually been 10 weeks and 5 days02:45
vorianno exercise02:45
nixternalseriously? didn't even watch your diet?02:45
voriannothing other than 1 vitimin a day02:45
nixternalholy shite that is whicked02:46
vorianoh, yeah - the diet is insane02:46
* vorian pulls it up02:46
nixternalI can drop 15 pounds in about a week with hydroxycut to either a) cut weight, or b) when I was doing body building I used it to cut up before an event02:46
vorian(it's prescribed, so don't worry)02:46
vorianmy cholesterol was a bit high02:47
nixternalmy col and bp has always been good, and my diet is horrible02:47
nixternalI went from eating steak, fish, and turkey 20 times a day to eating like 1 meal a day02:48
nixternalI just don't find myself getting hungry all that much anymore, but when I do, watch out..I will eat any and everything placed in front of me02:48
vorianI can choose 1 line from each meal, each day02:48
nixternal1 egg? that would piss me off :)02:49
nixternalwhen I get back into the gym, my breakfast usually consists of:02:49
nixternal8 eggs (6 whites only, 2 full)02:49
nixternal1 banana02:50
nixternal1/2 gallon of water02:50
nixternal1 protein shake (omg so nasty)02:50
nixternalthen 1 hour later, i show up to the gym, pound another 1/2 gallon of water and a HUGE protein shake with a power bar (usually a snickers) :)02:50
nixternalthen after that, I am supposed to eat good for the rest of the day, but I never do02:51
nixternalits expensive to do that man02:51
nixternalmy grocery bill was like $400/week02:51
nixternaljust for me!02:51
voriani can only immagine02:51
nixternali got hooked on whole foods, so that wasted a lot of the money02:52
vorianI save so much money by not eating out for lunch everyday02:52
vorianor dinner02:52
nixternalthen after reading about the organic food, it isn't all that good for you when you body build02:52
vorianor breakfast02:52
nixternalI have no money :p02:52
vorianorganic food is a crock02:52
nixternalso send me some of what you are saving02:52
nixternalthat way it will not be a culture shock to you02:52
vorianit goes right back into diapers02:53
nixternalwell, now you just need to fix that problem, learn to use the toilet you lazy bum!02:53
vorianplus, i figure this is good training for when we are a third world country02:53
nixternali thought we already were?02:54
nixternalyou haven't seen third world until you visit the ghetto areas in chicago...it is so sad02:54
vorianwe aren't using trillion dollar bills yet02:54
nixternalit has gotten so bad02:54
nixternalthey just raised our taxes here again02:54
voriani've been to detriot, i can't immagine anything worse02:55
vorian(no offense jcastro)02:55
nixternalgood reason to quit smoking....buy cigarettes locally, $10, travel 30 miles, $6...that is per pack02:55
nixternaldetroit is better than it was in the 80s and 90s I think02:55
vorianI wouldn't know02:55
nixternalthen again, I live in the murder capital of the united states02:55
nixternaland we will get it again this year...we are off to a great start02:56
vorianEvery summer, our company has a meeting at the GM center (for what reason i'll never figure out)02:56
vorianChicago is?02:56
maconixternal: people exist larger than you that aren't football players?07:02
macovorian: well i kinda figured you wouldnt be scary because you're a forum guy07:03
maconixternal: and its not individuals that are scary necessarily. its the entire concept of The Developers07:12
macobreaking down The Developers into "a bunch of really nice, awesome people who just happen to have been at this a bit longer" makes you lot less scary07:12
Mamarokomg, who did this kpackagekit? The usuability is worse than it was in Adept, so not really an improvement...09:18
* Mamarok will continue to use synaptic, at least *that* is usable, pitty it is so ugly...09:19
Tm_TMamarok: wajig!10:28
* Tm_T hides10:28
Mamarokquestion about Jaunty: has any of these packages been renamed?11:09
Mamarokkde-devel build-essentials11:10
MamarokI get errosr that shouldn't exist, like C++ compiler missing, nad I'm pretty sure everything is installed11:11
freinhardhmm build-essentials should pull in g++.11:25
Mamarokfreinhard: yes, that's what it does, still, I did a clean install of Alpha 6 and added my usual packages, can't build amarok anymore :(11:44
Mamarokmaybe it0s a buggy ccache package, who knows11:45
Mamarokbtw, what is this konsole-kit-daemon for? It runs like 30+ instances here12:24
jpdsMonitoring logins I think.12:29
jpdsYeah, consolekit package description reveals all.12:30
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Mamarokjpds: well, why does it have to run thaqt many instances by default?12:48
Mamaroklooks like a bug to me12:48
QuintasanRiddell: ping12:55
cumulus007Is there an add-on to integrate FF nicely with KDE?13:31
cumulus007such as file dialog replacements13:31
ScottKThere has been some discussion, but nothing as solid as a plan that I'm aware of.13:37
freinhardwasn't there a poject that aimed to port ff to qt?13:46
freinhardseems to be a bit out of date: http://browser.garage.maemo.org/news/13:47
freinhardlooks like cairo-qt already hit the mozilla-central repo: https://wiki.mozilla.org/User:Pjohnsen/MozillaQtBuild13:51
freinhardhmm UXA doesn't seem to be that stable yet. get graphics freezes after alt+tab from time to time.14:31
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ScottKfreinhard: Last I heard of someone trying it the Qt port was pretty crashy.17:39
freinhardScottK: and i guess that won't really improve. nokia got webkit for maemo so why put efforts into another engine?17:40
macohey! the persistent update notification thingy is back in kde! *hugs for whomever did that*17:53
nixternalGood job everyone, there are some really nice comments there about all of your hard work18:13
claydohyes, there are almost no anti-kde4 rants going on anymore ;)18:28
claydohgreat job folks! Jaunty rocls18:30
kb9vqfIf I specify multiple directories in the KDEDIRS environment variable, which directory will override the others if there is a conflict?19:19
kb9vqfFor example, if I set KDEDIRS to /dira/:/dirb/, and a config file exists in both, where will KDE read the confguration from, /dira or /dirbv19:20
kb9vqfScottK: I think you might know the answer? :-)19:21
kb9vqfRight now, from what I have read, the configuration file should be loaded from /dirb, but I wanted confirmation before rolling out an update19:23
macowhich part of kde needs mysql?19:33
macois that akonadi?19:33
Luremaco: akonadi and amarok (embedded)19:41
macoLure: well amarok's not running, so im going to guess akonadi is the reason mysqld_safe is using all of one of my cores20:19
Luremaco: yes, as amarok uses embedded version (I think no process is started)20:20
jussi01Hrm, thats frustrating. power management keeps turning my screen off while Im watching a movie...20:25
Riddellyeah dragon needs to add fake keystrokes20:26
jussi01so its a known bug?20:27
jussi01also, what happened to my restart and logout buttons? I just get shut down :/20:27
Riddelljussi01: when doing what?20:33
jussi01Riddell: using the shutdown plasmoid, used to bring up all three options, now only the one.20:34
RiddellI see a lock/logout plasmoid, that brings up all three20:35
jussi01yep, thats the one, only brings up one here.20:36
jussi01same with the logout bit in lancelot.20:36
Riddellrunning KDM?20:38
jussi01its a mostly standard install20:39
jussi01nvidia if it means anything.20:39
kb9vqfIf I specify multiple directories in the KDEDIRS environment variable, which directory will override the others if there is a conflict?20:39
kb9vqfFor example, if I set KDEDIRS to /dira/:/dirb/, and a config file exists in both, where will KDE read the confguration from, /dira or /dirbv20:39
kb9vqfRight now, from what I have read, the configuration file should be loaded from /dirb, but I wanted confirmation before rolling out an update20:39
Riddellkb9vqf: could say, can't you test it and find out?20:41
kb9vqfRiddell: I have tested it and it seems to be /dirb; I just wanted to make absolutely sure, so that I don't end up with KDE3.5 looking at KDE4 stuff and breaking itself :-)20:41
kb9vqfThe precedence is also reversed from the XDG and PATH environment variables, which is a bit odd20:42
=== maco_ is now known as maco
nhandlerHey apachelogger21:05
jussi01apachelogger: this sucks, we want you back. tell your employer you cant work any more.21:17
apacheloggernot as easy as that :P21:17
* apachelogger isw ondering if claydoh is around21:17
Riddellmaybe we could petition the Austrian government to allow free software as valid civilian service21:24
jussi01Riddell: brilliant idea :D21:24
apacheloggerRiddell: thought about that myself, then again it would require FLOSS to be used in public service21:26
* apachelogger should launch a lobby for that :D21:27
jussi01it isnt yet?21:27
jussi01you guys are way behind...21:27
apacheloggerthe chancellor's office used mediawiki at some point21:27
apacheloggerdunno if that is still the case21:27
apacheloggerthough ... http://searchdns.netcraft.com/?host=*.bka.gv.at21:30
apacheloggeractually it would be interesting how much money austria is spending on MS licenses ... the ministry of education is paying for the licenses of all schools, so that would at least be windows +  windows server + office21:32
macohey speaking of dragon... (what someone was...a bit ago) dragon occasionally decides that i'm not allowed to grab n drag the slider for moving through the video21:35
maco(a bit = an hour)21:35
macois that happening to any of you / is it known?21:35
apacheloggerI would guess that either xine got a problem with the file, or phonon is bugged21:36
jussi01maco: Ive had that with the volume21:36
apacheloggermaco: what file format(s) are affected?21:36
macoi only use dragon for DVDs so um...DVDs21:37
macosometimes it works21:37
macomost of the time, it doesn't. sometimes it'll be working and then stop working, or it won't be working, and then it'll work21:37
macothe little handle on the slider glows blue if it's going to work.21:37
apacheloggermaco: try to catch eean in #dragonplayer21:38
apacheloggercould be mostly anything from qt, oxygen, dragon, phonon to xine21:39
JontheEchidnaor X :D21:39
Nightrosecan i get a package of kdevelop for kde 4 somewhere for intrepid?21:40
macoi havent noticed problems with the kmix slider...thatst he only other slider i can think of in existence though...21:40
apacheloggerhttp://www.osor.eu/news/at-new-business-network-to-track-governments-use-of-open-source lobbies for the win :D21:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: unlikely, it would probably be more spread if it is an X issue21:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: however it could be that dragon got it's own slider widget which exposes some issue in Qt/Oxygen21:43
* apachelogger finds it more likely that the issue is in the sound stack though21:43
macowell there's a sound developer sitting only 15 feet from me...21:44
macoshould i stare at him til he goes "huh? what?"21:44
dtchen("sound" already triggered my nick highlight)21:44
apacheloggeropen windows!21:46
apacheloggerno wonder it is cold in here21:46
claydohapachelogger: check your email, Mr. Bunny21:51
JontheEchidnalol @ bug 34650321:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346503 in ubuntu "Changing hostname to hostname² prevents dcopserver from loading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34650321:52
apacheloggerclaydoh: re'd22:02
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