
=== ScriptRipper_ is now known as ScriptRipper
loolAh good hwclock works11:48
ogralool, heh, found my mistake :P13:39
* ogra feels massively silly13:39
ogradd if=$BUILDDIR/redboot.bin of=$IMAGENAME bs=1024 seek=1 .... *replaces* the image with redboot instead of just writing it to the start of ut13:40
loologra: Eh try with conv=notrunc16:20
loolI'm so used to writing to block devices, I didn't of that either16:21
* ogra didnt think of *that* now ... :) 16:22
ograi just started to build the image in a staging manner16:22
ograappending each piece and in the end pad with zeros16:23
Martynmorning ogra16:23
MartynPadding works?16:23
ograthe prob is that the kernel and initramfs checksums dont match16:23
ograMartyn, other topic16:23
loologra: I think conv=notrunc will be easier to maintain, but do as you prefer16:23
Martynogra : Was a suitable solution determined for having to specify -s in RedBoot?16:24
ograno, i'll try with conv=notrunc, that might actually solve my checksum prob16:24
ograthough i have to shuffle everything around in the script now16:24
ograMartyn, nope16:27
Martynogra : Okay, so it's an inconvenience we'll have to live with, but only that.16:29
MartynSince it's easy to determine the size16:29
MartynI'm making some headway with RedBoot this morning.16:38
MartynUsing the already ported code for hints on porting the current RedBoot16:38
ogralool, ok, i got fis, kernel and initramfs working on a partitioned image ... (can actually boot my USB disk after manual serial fconfig) ... tomorrow i'll care for copying the livefs in place ...17:11
MartynWe'll have an installer!17:11
ogranah, just a liveimage that doesnt boot yet (without fconfig) ...17:12
ograbut built by a script on an x86 machine ...17:12
ograand without being root17:12
ograwe still need the fis utility packaged and a solution for the fconfig stuff17:13
ogra*then* we can start thinking about the installer :)17:13
ograoh, crap, the livefs we build is an iso17:16
* ogra curses17:16
ograi was convinced we build vfat .img's17:18
ograthat makes non-root building impossible ... gar17:18
ograbecause i need to loop mount it17:29
MartynOh for the sake of Demeter....17:30
Martynogra : And this, THIS is why I like FuseFS so much17:30
ograi doubt we have fuse on the build servers17:30
ograoh, we do17:32
ograwell, something to look at tomorrow17:32
ogralool, hrm, no recent squashfs ... it stopped building on the 16th and we have no kernel in it apparently17:35
ograStevenK, when did you add kernel support to the live builds ?17:35
ograStevenK, was that after Mar. 16th ?17:36
ograanyway, 10h are enough for a sat. ... /me calls it a day17:36
MartynGo give your wonderful girlfriend the time she deserves :)17:55
MartynThis problem will be just as much here on Monday17:55

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