
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
nhandlerHi emgent02:42
nhandler* emma02:42
emmaOut of curiosity how come ubuntu comes with pulseaudio but not with pavucontrol ?02:43
emmahi there nhandler02:43
nhandlerWell, for one thing, pavucontrol is in universe.02:44
emmanhandler: have you also found that pulseaudio is fragile and difficult to understand?02:45
emmamaybe it isn't working correctly because only some of its components are installed?02:46
emma(I don't really know. I'm just trying to figure it out)02:47
nhandleremma: I really don't play much music/movies, so I don't deal with pulseaudio much. I'm also on a live cd right now, so I haven't had a chance to see how it is in jaunty02:47
emmaThat's cool.02:47
* calc gets to learn git today02:47
calcapparently gnome switched to git, so ooo-build did as well and moved to freedesktop.org in the process02:48
emmanhandler: There are some applications that are going to touch upon the ordinary users experience so much that I think in order to make Ubuntu a consistently attractive product, they really need to be given special attention.02:51
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TheMusocalc: Yeah I think we need someone from the kernel team like apw to give a good git session at UDS etc, since he knows it extremely well.03:03
calcTheMuso: yea that would be helpful i think03:11
* calc is finally happy with his OOo bug numbers now: 87.56% 84.98% 98.62%03:23
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calcasac: should i tag bug 341940 as RC, you mentioned something about it might should be RC when i filed it originally...04:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341940 in network-manager-applet "Ericsson F3507g - name displayed very long in nm-applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34194004:45
calcasac: also bug 341803 is still marked incomplete but i think i provided all the parts you wanted?04:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341803 in network-manager "Ericsson F3507g - reports 3 mobile broadband connections" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34180304:46
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calcis there a known issue with nautilus on live cd spawning windows infinitely05:05
calcpitti: ping05:12
calcpitti: is bug 325973 supposed to happen immediately on boot of a live cd?05:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325973 in nautilus ""Starting File Manager" windows open uncontrollably" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32597305:12
calcpitti: i saw you intending to release beta with this bug and wanted to make sure you realize at least some people see this on a completely stock boot of a live cd05:12
calcpitti: some people including me ;-)05:13
calcpitti: according to that bug show_desktop needs to be disabled for the bug to show up, is that default behavior now on the live cd's?05:13
slangasekhrm.  is there a way to push a stacked branch on LP that has a sane point of reference to the LP branch it was based on, instead of the original import branch?07:28
wgrantslangasek: --stacked-on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~path/to/branch07:30
wgrant(note that that will only work for public branches)07:30
slangasekyeah; I hadn't had much luck finding the right syntax07:30
slangaseksince there are so many ways to refer to LP branches, and none of the others seem to work. :)07:30
wgrantlp: won't work because it's probably resolved client-side.07:31
wgrantbzr+ssh: won't work because it requires auth.07:31
slangasekheh, of course, now that I try it bzr tells me the source branch doesn't support stacking07:31
wgrantThat's fine.07:31
wgrantOr should be.07:31
slangasekbzr: ERROR: KnitRepository('http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/hal/ubuntu/.bzr/repository/')07:32
slangasekis not compatible with07:32
wgrantThat is one old repo format.07:32
wgrantIs there a good reason for that?07:33
slangasekbecause I don't know how to upgrade it ;)07:33
wgrantbzr upgrade lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/hal/ubuntu07:33
slangasekwon't that upgrade it to the bleeding edge by default?07:33
wgrantNo - 1.6 at most, IIRC.07:34
wgrantBut let's see what's defualt now.07:34
wgrantpack-0.92 is the default.07:34
wgrantSo anything >= bzr 0.92 can read it.07:35
* slangasek tries 1.6 anyway, then07:35
wgrant(this is Jaunty, with bzr 1.13~rc1)07:35
wgrant1.6 is what I usually use.07:35
slangasekok, this one seems to be working.  I tried upgrading my local branch earlier and it whined at me, dunno what that difference is07:36
wgrantWhat was it whining about?07:38
slangaseklet's hope my laptop doesn't crash or anything before it manages to finish upgrading, I'd prefer not to be picking up the shards remotely :P07:38
slangaseknot knowing how to upgrade between format $foo and format $bar07:38
wgrantIf that breaks, you do need something like lftp, yes.07:38
slangasekhmm, distinct lack of progress reporting :)07:42
wgrantslangasek: Using Jaunty's?07:44
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wgrantslangasek: Did it finish?08:00
slangasekwgrant: nah, I was being too ambitious and trying to do --1.6.1-rich-root, and got a "Does not support nested trees" for my trouble08:00
wgrantslangasek: rich-root is useless for your case.08:01
wgrant(it's only needed for bzr-svn)08:01
slangasektrying with --1.6 now08:02
slangasekbzr: ERROR: Cannot convert to format <RepositoryFormatKnitPack5>.  Does not support rich root data.08:07
wgrantslangasek: Which repo are you converting? lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/hal/ubuntu?08:08
wgrantslangasek: What does it say the repo format is if you bzr info it? LP says Knits 3, but that doesn't do rich roots either AFAICT.08:09
t3rm1n4lis there a seperate google summer of code channel here ?08:10
slangasekwgrant: Format <RepositoryFormatKnit3>08:11
slangasekwell, in the "is deprecated" message08:12
slangasekafter that, it says Standalone branch (format: unnamed)08:12
wgrantI'm checking it out to have a look at it myself (though it's not the same copy you're looking at, unfortunately), but it's of course being very slow because it's knits.08:14
slangasekif I ask the local branch, it says dirstate-with-subtree08:17
wgrantSo it does.08:18
wgrantI just saw that.08:18
wgrantThat is the problem.08:18
* wgrant tries some things.08:18
wgrantI can't upgrade dirstate-with-subtree to any format, but I *can* create a new 1.6.1-rich-root branch and pull into there.08:20
slangasekso that's the recommended approach, yeah (and I think that's what we had to do for the d-i repo when upgrading it)08:20
wgrantAha, exactly.08:20
wgrantAnd then you have to work out how to clobber the LP branch.08:20
slangasekare you doing that, or shall I?08:21
wgrantI'm not core-dev.08:21
slangasekthen I guess I'll do it, won't I08:21
wgrantI suspect so.08:21
wgrantYou might need an lftp to do it08:21
wgrantAs I don't think --overwrite will change the format.08:21
wgrantBut, hmmm...08:21
wgrantslangasek: Do you recall how you did it with d-i?08:23
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slangasekthe overwriting part?  not exactly08:23
slangasekwe may have just deleted the branch out of LP and pushed08:23
wgrantThen you lose all the metadata and branch links.08:24
slangasekthen we may not have done that08:24
slangasekcjwatson: what was the trick to clobber the format of the d-i branch on the server when upgrading?08:25
wgrantWithout knowing better, I'd remove the remote .bzr and push with --use-existing-dir.08:25
slangasekUsing default stacking branch /~vcs-imports/hal/main at bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/hal/08:34
slangasekbzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Evcs-imports/hal/main/.bzr/)08:34
slangasekis not compatible with08:34
slangasekdifferent rich-root support08:34
wgrant--stacked-on= ?08:34
slangasekheh, actually, it created the .bzr before it failed, so it no longer wants to stack...08:35
slangasekthough it's still being awfully slow08:37
wgrantI'm a little concerned that '--stacked-on=' stacks on the current directory.08:39
wgrantI wonder if there is actually a way to force non-stacking...08:39
slangaseknope, that's bug #328146 :/08:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328146 in launchpad-bazaar "Pushing a non-stacked rich-root branch to a project using stacked non-rich-root branches fails" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32814608:44
wgrantslangasek: Ah.08:46
wgrantslangasek: Is the push working?08:46
slangasekI restarted to fiddle; let me see08:46
slangasekseems to be working, though slower than I expected08:49
wgrantslangasek: You should probably get ~registry to unset the dev focus, as that's clearly not right any more.08:55
wgrantWhich will mean they won't autostack at all.08:55
slangasekI don't follow you09:00
slangasekyou want the upstream branch to not be marked as 'development' as a workaround?09:00
wgrantlp:hal is a vcs-imports mirror which is three years out of date. It's misleading, and it's causing the stacking problem, so it's good all-round to kill it.09:00
slangasekoh, hmm, it is rather old isn't it09:01
cjwatsonslangasek: pretty sure we removed the remote branch09:01
wgrantSince they moved to git, I presume.09:01
slangasekcjwatson: ok - so we just dealt with the loss of any bug metadata?09:01
slangasek(and merge metadata)09:02
slangaseks/merge/merge proposal/09:02
wgrantThere probably weren't BMPs back then to lose.09:02
slangasek"back then" - it was in February... :)09:02
cjwatsonslangasek: I don't think I cared that much about bug metadata on the Ubuntu trunk, no09:02
cjwatsonand I don't think there were any merge proposals at the time09:03
* slangasek nods09:03
wgrantI wonder how many other dirstate-with-subtree branches there are around.09:03
wgrant~bzr seems to have liked to forget about that format - it's a dead end and isn't listed even in the legacy formats list.09:03
slangasekhmm, new branch is there, wonder what it is09:05
wgrantLP hasn't scanned it yet, apparently.09:06
slangasek    repository: Packs 5 rich-root (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6.1)09:06
slangasekand darn speedy to checkout, now \o/09:06
wgrantAnd now, you can stack on it!09:06
wgrantYep. Knits are awfully slow.09:06
cjwatsondirstate-with-subtree was what you got when bzr-svn first arrived, I think09:07
cjwatsonso I suspect "several"09:07
* slangasek nods :/09:07
wgrantAt least the conversion process is worked out now.09:08
slangasekyes, it just requires patience :-P09:08
wgrantLP still hasn't picked up the format switch.09:08
wgrantMaybe it won't until there's a new rev.09:08
slangasekbut the initial investment was worth it, lp:~vorlon/hal/lp.277589 is light now09:09
cjwatsonthe last time I tried to look at this across the board, I found bug 264902 and left a comment on it explaining that fixing it would be useful for this09:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264902 in launchpad-bazaar "Expose a person or teams branches through the launchpad api" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26490209:09
wgrantIt's also got a very strange error on it.09:09
wgrantslangasek: What do you make of that scary-looking error on the branch page?09:10
wgrantI had a similar one (but for file://) before, when I pushed a branch stacked on a local branch.09:10
cjwatsonis the "stacked on" meant to show the lp: bit? LP doesn't normally09:10
wgrantcjwatson: It does.09:10
slangasekwgrant: heh, apparently I stacked it on https: instead of http; it worked, but I should probably correct that09:11
wgrantI filed a bug to make it do so.09:11
cjwatsonah. yes, I see it does in some other contexts but not all09:11
wgrantcjwatson: Those are regarded as bugs - I've filed a few, and they were fixed within a few days.09:11
cjwatsone.g. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vorlon/hal/lp.277589 has "Branch: lp:~vorlon/hal/lp.277589" but the large-font title has "~vorlon/hal/lp.277589"09:11
wgrantAh. Hm.09:11
* wgrant hopes slangasek just deleted that.09:12
slangasekredoing with stacking against http to see if lp likes that better09:12
wgrantIt detected it fine, but wouldn't mirror. There's a bug there somewhere.09:12
cjwatsonright, armel uninstallables down to 48, almost all of those should disappear over the next couple of publisher cycles09:12
wgrantcjwatson: Is lpia super-installability entirely fixed?09:13
slangasekwgrant: the page looks less errorful now?09:13
wgrantslangasek: Indeed, but still not scanned.09:14
wgrantThere we go.09:14
slangasekdo merge proposals automatically get emailed to the branch owner even if you indicate a different reviewer?09:15
wgrantslangasek: They will be emailed to people subscribed to merge proposals.09:16
wgrantslangasek: Check the first <select> on the core-dev subscription on the target.09:16
wgrantBy default the owner will get them.09:16
slangasekso even if submitting a merge proposal and specifying a different reviewer, it'll spam people, bah09:17
wgrantslangasek: Unless you reconfigure the subscription, yes.09:17
cjwatsonwgrant: super-installability?09:19
wgrantcjwatson: Lack of shlibdeps.09:20
cjwatsonoh, right09:20
cjwatsonwgrant: doko was finishing up that work, I don't know how far he got09:20
cjwatsonwgrant: the worst things likely to infect other packages were fixed, though09:20
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* mdz tears his hear out over bug 32803509:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328035 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast) for xf86Wakeup() call" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32803509:23
slangasekmdz: you're still seeing it then? :(09:24
wgrantI see something like that most times that I switch VTs back to X.09:25
wgrantI once managed to see the original VT uncorrupted, and there was the tail of a traceback like that.09:25
mdzslangasek: just reconfirmed this morning with the latest -intel09:25
mdzwgrant: yes, it writes it out to /dev/tty so it ends up on some inconvenient VT09:25
slangasekhrm, is there an explanation somewhere of what the subdirs of /usr/share/hal/fdi mean?  So I know which one a given file goes in09:25
mdzI'd like to temporarily tell apport to dump a report for SIGABRT to make it easier to capture09:26
wgrantmdz: I saw an upload from kees this morning that looked like it fixed that.09:26
slangasekyes, xserver-core got a fix to capture those backtraces somewhere more useful09:27
mdzoh, so kees is seeing this too?09:27
wgrantNote the last upload.09:28
mdzyes, just saw it on -changes09:28
slangasekkees is seeing other bugs09:28
slangasekor was, before he upgraded09:28
mdzwhere does stderr end up? the log?09:29
mdzhmm, the gdm log09:30
mdzI'm not seeing any errors there09:30
mdkeslangasek: ok, will check it out (ubuntu and canonical addresses should be whitelisted afaik)09:30
slangasekmdke: might've come in from a kubuntu address, fwiw09:31
mdkeslangasek: ok, looks like someone has taken care of it09:33
mdzslangasek: were the circumstances of your crash similar to mine, i.e. the system had been suspended for some hours?09:35
slangasekmdz: didn't always have to be a long suspend09:35
mdzslangasek: as I've written in the bug now, a suspend/resume stress test failed to trigger it09:36
slangasekI saw the same crash on any number of resumes of varying lengths, as well as when twiddling my video out09:36
mdzslangasek: you're using the VGA output I assume?09:37
slangasekmdz: yes09:38
mdzI wonder what else is common09:38
mdzslangasek: do you use Xvideo regularly?09:38
mdzXv I mean09:39
slangasekI use it sometimes; I hadn't noticed any correlation with the crashes though09:39
slangasekbut that could just mean I hadn't noticed09:39
mdzslangasek: what sort of input devices do you have attached?09:41
slangasekmdz: I have a USB KVM that I use when I'm 'docked'.09:42
slangasekI have seen crashes related to disconnecting the USB cable; as has kees I believe09:43
mdzI have a USB X10 remote09:44
mdzand at one point I suspected it was related, as I saw a crash when connecting it when no resume was in progress09:44
mdzbut I've never been able to reproduce a problem by repeatedly connecting/disconnecting it09:45
* slangasek nods09:45
slangasekit's hard to even guess how many separate bugs we're dealing with here, since there haven't been good crash reports up to now09:46
mdzslangasek: did you have any luck with valgrind?09:47
slangasekI ended up downgrading the driver first and then looking at the toolchain09:48
slangasekso never ran under valgrind09:49
mdzslangasek: is there anything else you have changed along the way which may have affected it?09:49
slangasekpossibly; I tried to keep the changes to the driver isolated, but there may have been other packages upgraded in between restarts09:50
mdzslangasek: anything other than upgrading? (as I've upgraded as well)09:51
Nafallomdz: I have that bug, as described in mdz's next to last comment.10:07
Nafalloexcept I don't watch DVDs, and not sleep...10:07
mdzNafallo: always during resume?10:07
wgrantIt's VT switching, not always resume, for me.10:08
wgrantAnd i can't reproduce by stress-testing either.10:08
Nafallomdz: yes. basically I suspend in one data centre, head to the next and on resume I have a GDM prompt :-/10:08
Nafallothe usual applications I have open is gajim, terminator, firefox and thunderbird.10:09
Nafalloso no DVDs or anything fancy like that :-)10:09
mdzdo any of you see [ 5381.180500] [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 1 ?10:09
mdzI see that every time I switch VTs10:10
wgrantI get that on all VT switches.10:10
mdzbug 34136310:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341363 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945GME] drm:i915_getparam *ERROR* Unknown parameter 6" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34136310:10
Nafallo[50311.489997] [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 010:10
Nafallo[50317.837740] [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 010:11
Nafallo00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)10:11
mdz00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)10:12
slangasek00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)10:12
wgrant00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)10:12
slangasekso maybe it's fixed now for the 94510:12
mdzor not triggered10:13
mdzNafallo,wgrant: any unusual input devices?10:13
* slangasek nods10:13
wgrantmdz: Synaptics touchpad + basic Microsoft optical mouse.10:13
wgrantOnly using LVDS, not VGA.10:13
mdzNafallo: are you docking or using VGA out?10:15
Nafallomdz: not that stays in the laptop when I suspend.10:15
Nafallomdz: neither. just using the laptop screen.10:15
mdzI think at least some of the chatter on bug 315965 is about this bug10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315965 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965,jaunty] x server crash on resume from suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31596510:15
slangasekshould I post a .deb somewhere of 2.6.3-0ubuntu2 built with gcc 4.3.2-2ubuntu14 for people to try?10:16
slangasek(that's the toolchain originally used to build the 2.6.1-1ubuntu1 that worked)10:16
Nafalloslangasek: that's the one that fixed it for you yes?10:23
slangasekNafallo: downgrading to 2.6.1-1ubuntu1 worked; rebuilding 2.6.1-1ubuntu1 with the current toolchain reintroduced the crash; upgrading to the current package fixes it again for me (so far as I've seen)10:24
Nafalloslangasek: might be worth trying indeed.10:25
cjwatsonmdz: since you were concerned about it in yesterday's meeting: armel uninstallables are now down to 16, with three or four more due to disappear shortly, and the remainder are not a concern for the mobile project10:27
cjwatson(16 in main, that is)10:27
mdzcjwatson: great news, thank you10:27
cjwatsonfixing uninstallables is a bit like being a surgeon confronted with somebody covered in blood. Usually the actual problem is in a rather small number of places :-)10:28
slangasekNafallo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~vorlon/238035/10:30
mdzConnectBot on the G1 has turned out to be a very handy debugging tool10:30
mdzI can walk around the flat with a live screen+gdb session in my pocket10:30
mdzI'm running out of ideas for how to reproduce this blasted thing10:31
mdzat least in Nafallo's case, it doesn't require leaving the system asleep for very long10:32
mdzNafallo: how long would you estimate between sleep and wake?10:32
mdzI've done a few dozen VT switches and haven't been able to break it10:33
mdzlikewise for suspend/resume10:33
Nafallomdz: about 40mins to an 2h...10:33
Nafallothat's just of the top of my head calculating on tube times fwiw...10:34
mdzthat's better than 8 hours, but still not very hopeful for analysis if it's part of the formula10:34
mdznafallo,wgrant: i386 or amd64?10:40
wgrantmdz: i38610:41
Nafallomdz: x86_6410:41
mdzwgrant: and your symptoms match bug 328035?10:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328035 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast) for xf86Wakeup() call" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32803510:41
mdzthe rest of us are all running amd64 I think10:41
wgrantmdz: X crashes after VT switch and on resume, and I sighted a glibc stacktrace on one occasion. I think so.10:42
crdlbhmm, am I the only one on radeon (RV200) with this bug?10:52
slangasekcrdlb: if you mean the bug described above, then you're almost certainly seeing a different bug with similar superficial symptoms10:54
crdlbbut it's identical; I even see the glibc bt sometimes10:54
slangasekthat's really not meaningful.  glibc has a generic error handler that generates backtraces when it detects memory corruption.10:55
crdlbk, I'll file a separate bug then; it just seems like quite a coincidence10:56
mdzif they are the same, that would be very bad news indeed10:58
mdzI still have hope that this is isolated to the driver10:58
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apwcjwatson, the grub upload for jaunty.  will that trigger a grub-install automatically on upgrade from intrepid, does it need a release note or anything?11:24
maxbgrub package updates do not usually trigger grub-installs. IIRC Debian release-noted and NEWS-ed the last one that was required over there11:33
superm1slangasek, can't say I know for sure.  i dont recall ever using nvclock11:54
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asaccalc: can you please check your f3507g modem with latest NM bits from jaunty ... at least it should work now if you choose the right entry (out of the three). thanks!13:27
ubuntuNEWUSRanyone help for me?13:31
ubuntuNEWUSRi like the install windows driver for my belkin wireless G pcmci card with chipset Ralink RT250013:31
ubuntuNEWUSRanyone help for me?13:34
ubuntuNEWUSRi like the install windows driver for my belkin wireless G pcmci card with chipset Ralink RT250013:34
MithrandirubuntuNEWUSR: ask in #ubuntu for support13:35
directhexnot only that, but ralink have a proper gpl driver13:37
delicowawhat exactly do we do here?13:55
ion_Try to stay alive until successfully producing offspring, so that the species lives on.14:00
mdkeif an upload is done now while the archive is frozen, will it go through normally once it is unfrozen post-beta?14:04
DktrKranzmdke, if you upload it now, it will stay in unapproved until approval and get processed automatically when beta freeze is over14:34
mdkeDktrKranz: great14:42
grom_hey.  Is BlowFish have better security than AES?15:20
directhexcool kids use double-ROT1315:21
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magciusCan we make more tools in Ubuntu use PolicyKit instead of gksu/gksudo?15:31
magciusOr is that a GNOME decision.15:31
asacmagcius: its probably a patch decision ;)15:31
cjwatsonapw: what maxb said. Since it only affects people who've done manual filesystem changes anyway, and who would already have had to run grub-install on upgrade from <=intrepid, I'm not that worried15:31
magciusasac, I'm not in favor of downstream patches.15:31
asacmagcius: i didnt talk about downstream15:32
magciusasac, then what do you mean by a patch decision?15:32
cjwatsonapw: (i.e. intrepid's grub couldn't boot ext4 anyway)15:32
asacmagcius: i mean if someone provides patches its likely that upstream will accept them15:33
magciusMay I ask how gksudo is integrated into the system utilities?15:33
cjwatsonkirkland: ubuntu-virt-server is uninstallable on everything except amd64 and i386. Should the kvm dependency be removed except on those architectures, or should ubuntu-virt-server simply be built for only amd64 and i386?15:34
cjwatsonfor the most part gksudo "integration" just consists of using it in a .desktop file, or in rare cases of a wrapper script that calls gksudo15:35
cjwatsonmostly we consider this a bug15:35
asacmagcius: i dont understand that question.15:36
magciuscjwatson, thanks.15:36
asacheh ok.15:36
apwcjwatson, that makes sense.  thanks15:38
Adri2000archive admin needed to sync weechat to fix an important security vulnerability, bug #342790~[4~[4~[4~[4~[4~17:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342790 in weechat "DoS crash when receiving a certain color code" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34279017:18
savvasDoes anyone know a python library / function that checks for user input, keystrokes and mouse clicks? I need to check if a user is idle :)17:19
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slangaseksuperm1: ok; was just asking because you TiL18:18
crazybyteHi! Perhaps someone knows. Is Ubuntu participating as mentoring organization at GSoC 2009? I cannot find it's listing anywhere. Thank you!18:31
pedahzurHello!  Pidgin versions less than 2.5.5 are reporting errors logging in to ICQ (see: http://www.pidgin.im/).  Since Hardy is still a supported release, is there going to be a backport of the Pidgin 2.5.5 package to Hardy?18:35
pedahzurShall I file a bug/backport request?18:35
pedahzurBackport has been requested...nvm.18:38
pedahzurI'll take than back...the backport request was marked invalid...I wonder why.18:43
jpdspedahzur: bug number?18:46
pedahzurjpds:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/319547  I changed it with the comment that hardy was still supported.  Not sure if that was the right thing to do.18:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 319547 in hardy-backports "The version you are using is not supported by ICQ. Download a free authorized ICQ version from ICQ's official website." [Undecided,Confirmed]18:55
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GuyFromHellhey all, i'm trying to make a patch for a package but `debuild -S` keeps croaking on http://rafb.net/p/UYndq787.html22:11
GuyFromHellalthough i can `echo "foo" | gpg --sign` properly and it says the correct key22:11
Mithrandirdon't worry about that, if you just want to create a patch you don't need to sign it.22:12
Mithrandirthough in general, make sure your entry in the changelog exactly matches what's on your key22:13
GuyFromHellit indeed does :/22:13
GuyFromHellI don't need it even if i'm patching a patch?22:13
GuyFromHellor should i not even do that in the first place; just make a new patch..22:13
Mithrandirpatching patches is generally icky and it's more readable to just create a new patch22:14
GuyFromHellI figured it out, my secret key was for "Name (comment) <email>"; not "Name <email>"22:15
GuyFromHellalright, i'll try this again making a new patch instead; thanks22:16
Mithrandir#ubuntu-motu might be a better channel for asking those kinds of questions, btw.22:17
cjwatsonAdri2000: done22:37
Adri2000cjwatson: thanks22:49
slangasekNafallo: anything interesting testing that intel .deb?23:12
davmor2bryce: I got a wacom tablet for testing purposes.  I got everything working in intrepid (stylus, mouse & pad buttons)  I've since done a fresh install of Jaunty to test it out there.  Mouse sends the cursor over to the left of the screen and it doesn't move.  I'm assuming that the new driver doesn't like the setting I copied from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WacomTroubleshooting any clues on how to fix this23:21
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zygaI have found something that might be familiar to python developers using python3 and especially pydoc23:26
zygaapparently our pydoc from python3.0 package is utterly bronken when generating module documentation23:27
zygaa simple one-line patch fixes pydoc23:28
zygathe sad thing is that nobody noticed this so late in python3000 process23:28
patapoufHi, I'm looking into some help to use autogen.23:28
jlduggerdavmor2: i probably need to update my jaunty install, but last i checked wacom was workable23:28
zygait's even more ironic when you realize that 2to3 is actually automatically fixing it! :-(23:29
zygabut anyway23:29
zygaI'd like to share my patch23:29
davmor2jldugger: to be honest it almost certainly is something I've done I'm just trying to figure out what :)23:29
zygaI'd love if someone push this all the way to upstream and everone else23:30
ArthurLiuhi, http://socghop.appspot.com/org/show/google/gsoc2009/ubuntu ?!23:31
davmor2jldugger: is your xorg.conf similar to the one in the link above?23:32
davmor2jldugger: the stylus is amazingly accurate it only seems to be the mouse that is having issues23:35
jlduggerArthurLiu: im told whoever applied withdrew their application23:35
jlduggerive no idea who applied, but if it's been given to another project it seems unlikely it'll come back23:36
jlduggerArthurLiu: consider it an opportunity to work very closely with upstream23:36
ArthurLiua lot of people are going to be really confused23:36
ArthurLiuwell, you already had a few students at least interested23:37
ArthurLiusomeone should update the wiki page and send a notice on the soc mailing list23:37
jlduggerSoC is always a speculative thing; there's no guarentee that ubuntu would be accepted if it applied23:38
ArthurLiuwell, you *were* accepted this year23:38
jlduggerunfortunately, it seems that none of the ubuntu governance attempts to monitor SoC23:38
ArthurLiunever understood that23:39
jlduggerits not quite clear who gets the money23:39
jlduggeri dont think you can cut a check to the ubuntu foundation23:39
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ArthurLiuyou mean the 500$ ?23:40
zygadoko: ping23:40
jldugger500 per student could mean 5000 or more23:40
ArthurLiuwell, if you *really* don't know, you can just give them back to the mentors..23:41
jlduggerim assuming that whoever (no clue who) applied on ubuntu's behalf decided they didn't have the time to mentor23:41
ArthurLiuone "maria_r"23:42
ArthurLiu"Maria Randazzo"23:42
jlduggertaking the 5000 and commissioning a mentor from MOTU or whatnot seems reasonable23:43
jlduggerno clue about tax but it seems like a nightmare23:43
jlduggeryou would think the foundation would be a non-profit capable of handling this but i challenge you to find two foundation board members who have any idea the finances23:44
jlduggerArthurLiu: im taken to understand the xorg.conf thing may not work the same anymore23:46
jlduggersomethin about HAL etc23:46
jlduggerand evdev23:46
BUGabundo1question: everyone knows that most SiS HW sucks on most Linux distros, but I've seen a few working flawlessly (specially wired and wifi card, asac). could the drivers be fetch from those distros and improve ubuntu, or are most of those closed drivers handed over by the manufacture to the Distro?23:46
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jlduggerdavmor2: im taken to understand the xorg.conf thing may not work the same anymore23:46
slangasekArthurLiu: what wiki page are you asking to have updated?23:47
directhexBUGabundo1, core issue: nobody cares about SiS23:47
davmor2jldugger: That's what I was thinking.  But how would you go about enabling the mouse part now then?23:47
BUGabundo1I know that a Portuguese distro (CaixaMagica) based on mandriva is one example23:47
ArthurLiuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2009 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2009/Ideas23:47
ArthurLiuthat's a shame, there were some intriguing projects23:47
BUGabundo1directhex: I guess.. I know it sucks too... but many pt users are getting this HW and can't use Ubuntu23:48
directhexBUGabundo1, specific bugs help23:48
ArthurLiuI suppose some of them could take refuge at Debian :)23:48
BUGabundo1directhex: just let me get my hands on one, and ill file all you want! any thing specific ? I did file a few about wifi a few weeks back23:49
BUGabundo1but the user/owner did what most SiS users do... post on LP or foruns and then move to another distro23:50
BUGabundo1since nobody helps23:50
asacusually other distros shouldnt be much better if the drivers are not there23:51
asacunless its a special distro focussed on SiS or something23:51
asacBUGabundo1: which distro are they moving to?23:51
BUGabundo1most aren't23:51
BUGabundo1I know that CaixaMagica works23:52
BUGabundo1we have this student give way laptops (like OPLC)23:52
slangasekArthurLiu: ok. and where does the dangling link http://socghop.appspot.com/org/show/google/gsoc2009/ubuntu come from?23:53
BUGabundo1I'll see if I can get some data from a livecd23:54
BUGabundo1but since most wifi or wired cards won't either get an IP or if they do, not have network access23:54
BUGabundo1its hard to post in real time23:54
ArthurLiuslangasek, a page I hadn't refreshed, but I suppose that by know, there should be a dozen places over the internet linking to it23:54
ArthurLiuit's been in the selected mentor organisation for 4 days..23:55
slangasekArthurLiu: hmm, ok.  Well, I'll check with the folks I know were wanting Ubuntu to participate and see if they know what happened.23:56
c_kornhello. can someone review my patch for fast-user-switch-applet please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fast-user-switch-applet/+bug/345480/comments/723:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 345480 in fast-user-switch-applet "Add an option to disable shutdown/restart/logout confirmation " [Undecided,New]23:56
ArthurLiuI just found this :23:56
ArthurLiuUbuntu had applied and was accepted, but they have subsequently chosen not to participate in GSoC 2009. You can ask for details in #ubuntu on Freenode.23:56
ArthurLiuCheers, LH23:56
ArthurLiuon the gsoc-discuss ML23:56
slangasekoh, well, this isn't #ubuntu23:57
slangasekmaybe someone in #ubuntu actually knows more than I :)23:57
ArthurLiuwell, since nobody knows, everyone knows more or the same as everyone23:57

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