
TimReichhartcan anybody tell me if I can tell if msmtp is working on my ubuntu server00:08
AnArrayfulOfPerlwhat ports do i need to forward to use a dns server inside my router01:31
AnArrayfulOfPerlwhat ports do i need to forward to use a dns server inside my router01:34
roy_hobbsI'm having trouble configuring Dovecot for GSSAPI, where am I supposed to specify the hostnames of my KDCs?04:59
jmarsdenroy_hobbs: Probably /etc/krb5.conf ?  Do you have a working Kerberos realm already?05:06
roy_hobbsjmarsden: ah damn, i shoulda thought of that =(05:06
roy_hobbsi suppose i need to install the krb5-user stuff - anyone know?05:07
jmarsdenhttp://www.alittletooquiet.net/text/kerberos-on-ubuntu/ may be of help05:07
roy_hobbsWell, i've done all that on my workstation, now i'm trying to configure the imap server.  i don't think the PAM and NSS stuff is necessary05:09
jmarsdenOK, so your workstation can already authenticate you using Kerberos for some other service(s), such as shell logins?  If so, then the file /usr/share/doc/dovecot-common/wiki/Authentication.Kerberos.txt may be all you need??05:11
roy_hobbsHmm, that seems to have partially worked05:11
roy_hobbsWell, I was using this: http://wiki.dovecot.org/Authentication/Kerberos05:12
roy_hobbsbut thunderbird is telling me that the server doesn't support secure authentication05:12
jmarsdenTry telnet to port 143 and see what capabilities the IMAP server thinks it has, maybe?05:13
roy_hobbsi think that it worked, the problem might be my ldap setup now05:14
roy_hobbsfor the userdb stuff05:15
jmarsdenCould be.  Is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SingleSignOn any help with that??05:15
roy_hobbsi meant dovecot's ldap settings05:16
roy_hobbskerb and ldap work fine, i have pam authenticating with kerb, and nss pulling from ldap, logins, homedirs, shells, all that works fine05:16
jmarsdenOh, then you are (in theory) very close indeed to working setup :)05:17
jmarsden/usr/share/doc/dovecot-common/wiki/UserDatabase.NSS.txt any use?05:19
roy_hobbsI think I want to use LDAP as my user database05:19
roy_hobbsI just want to be careful not to try to double authenticate (once to kerb, then again to ldap)05:20
roy_hobbsjmarsden: do you have a similar setup?05:24
jmarsdenNo; I had a server that did something similar running RHEL but it was at least a couple of years ago...05:25
roy_hobbseh, now i broke something else.  ohwell05:51
roy_hobbsMar 21 02:10:02 imap dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Can't connect to server: ldaps://ldap.example.loc06:15
roy_hobbsMar 21 02:10:06 imap dovecot: imap-login: Internal login failure (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<user.name>, method=GSSAPI, rip=, lip=
roy_hobbsuser.name is the kerberos principal i have a ticket for on the client though, not the "dn" setting06:16
AnArrayfulOfPerlbind fails to start, help me!08:27
ropetinDoes it log anything as to why it doesn't start?08:33
quizmehello, i'm running crontab -e, but it doesn't seem to be working08:43
quizmeroot      3867  0.0  0.0   3480  1020 ?        Ss   Feb02   0:00 /usr/sbin/cron  <--- cron seems to be running08:44
gnu_dioHi, I have a Hardy server that I have some php code that emails logs on. The problem is that the emails aren't getting sent (it's not a php problem, I think it's an exim4 config problem) here's the /var/log/exim4/mainlog http://pastebin.ca/1366982   any ideas?09:14
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nyadhello, I am trying to host online games. people can see my games but cannot join, all worked in 8.04 but in 8.10 people cannot join like they could with 8.04. I have disabled ufw and my routers ports are forwarded10:04
nyadwhat other things could be stopping people from joining my games?10:05
nyadalthough my platform is the Desktop edition, my question pertains to networking and in essence is a server, so plz dont ignore if you think it is off topic10:08
aciculaleft already?10:16
nyadhi im back10:21
nyadmust I repeat my question or did you get it?10:21
nyadhello anyone alive?10:24
nyad hi im trying to host online games. I could do it fine in 8.04 but in 8.10 people can't join my game yet they can see it. I have turned off ufw and my router ports are forwarded. What has changed in 8.10 that no longer allows me to host?10:27
Kamping_Kaisernyad, hes saying morning :)10:38
aciculanyad: what game?10:38
Kamping_Kaisernyad, you may not have provided enough information for people to help, or its possible here no one runsa  game serer :)10:38
Kamping_Kaiser*runs a game server10:38
aciculaguessing it's your router or a misconfigured game?10:39
nyadwarcraft3 with wine, I doubt that wine is the problem here though10:39
nyadI can host in windows so its not router10:39
nyadgame is taken directly from the windows install so game is not misconfigured10:39
nyadit all worked in previous 8.04 so im assuming something from 8.10 has been added and is now in the way10:40
nyadit mimics the problem one has when you host with windows firewall turned on, so im guessing its the ufw firewall. which I have disabled, so im fresh out of ideas now10:40
Kamping_Kaisersounds like an #ubuntu question to me.10:41
nyadthey told me to come here coz they said you guys know networking better10:41
aciculacan you join other games?10:42
nyadcan do everything but host10:42
nyadso it sounds like 8.10 is not forwarding packets properly, could it perhaps be a configuration in the kernel, im sure ive seen a IPv4 packet forwarding option somewhere10:43
Nafalloforwarding shouldn't be necessary for what you try to do.10:44
domashehe, I attempted merging in apparmor to 2.6.28 manually :)11:06
domasI'd love apparmor to be part of stock kernel :)11:07
aciculai thought it was?11:07
aciculaoh i'm using server 27, it's in there11:07
aciculaat least i am using profiles there11:08
domasapparmor so far is just suse/ubuntu manual merges11:08
aciculaah like so11:08
domasI reported serious apparmor bug recently11:08
domasand it went ubuntu->suse path11:08
aciculaare you patching manually or can you get it patched via git?11:09
aciculadomas: think novell or suse are maintaining apparmor?11:09
domaswas trying manually11:09
domasyeah, novell11:09
* domas points to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/329489/11:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 329489 in linux "locks on unlinked files leak memory in apparmor" [Medium,Fix committed]11:09
aciculamaybe try the git tree, i'm not much help, havent compiled a kernel in years11:10
domasghm, good idea, I should backport jaunty kernel :)11:10
domaswhat is the easiest way to fetch kernel source from jaunty? :)11:11
aciculaor apt-get source, but i think using git is nicer11:11
domaslaunchpad doesn't provide git11:11
domasor does ubuntu kernel team have their own git repo? :)11:12
aciculadunno, lets ask google :)11:12
aciculagoogle says yes :)11:12
domasI wonder if distribution patches go there, should check11:13
aciculadistribution patches?11:13
aciculayou mean the ones applied by ubuntu?11:13
domasdamn, git doesn't support proxy specifications, damnit11:16
domasand here google gives same thing what I tried, env http_proxy=... which fails :)11:19
aciculaupper case maybe?11:21
domasit uses http_proxy just for http:// links11:21
domasand doesn't use neither http/https for git:// (though CONNECT works)11:21
domasomg, UBUNTU: SAUCE: forcedeth: msi interrupt fix11:22
domasif only that would hit hardy :)11:23
domasheh, my bug is happy though, one of last fixes for new hardy kernel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git;a=shortlog11:24
nyadhi what is the <super> key in compiz?11:31
nyadfor keyboard shortcuts11:31
nyadsorry wrong channel11:32
mrwes I have a simple ubuntu file server that shares files with Windows machines, I'm going to install ClamAV, should I just schedule a cron to scan the samba shares or run Clam-daemon?11:39
mrwesyes what?11:48
mrwesdaemon or cron?11:48
mrwesseems cron would suffice11:48
domaswell, the cost will be nearly same11:50
domasunless you have lots and lots of changes to certain files11:50
mrweshrmm...no, mainly addtions11:50
mrwesdoes it do smart scans, that is only scan files if the time/date stamp has changed?11:52
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TraeWhat is a good, easy way to backup an Ubuntu Server?  I've googled and looked at several different methods.  But, I'd like it to be as easy of a solution as possible.  Plus, I need the full system backed up.14:47
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:49
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furicleBoy - that mondo info link is out of date.  I guess I'll have to update it some....15:31
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:31
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe16:00
axisysanyidea why my server is rebooting ? i tried reboot command twice as root17:11
axisysis not rebooting17:11
axisyshere is the dmesg http://pastebin.com/f13510a8917:12
axisysBroadcast message from iqbala@improvise (/dev/pts/1) at 13:12 ...17:12
axisysThe system is going down for reboot NOW!17:12
axisysbut is not rebooting17:12
axisysi am using /dev/ttyS0 to connect to my ibm netvista server (ubuntu) from my laptop (ubunut client) using minicom .. but nothing on the screen.. any help would be appreciated17:47
giovani3axisys: well clearly you'd need to configure that terminal first, did you do that?17:54
axisysgiovani3: i have the minicom setup.. i am not sure what u meant by terminal17:54
giovani3axisys: that's a serial console ... the computer you wish to connect TO has to be told to provide a shell on that terminal ...17:55
giovani3the serial port can be used for many things17:55
axisysgiovani3: sorry i am a newbie.. i have been using this same minicom setup for a while to connect to servers at work.. but i never played with a ibm netvista server17:56
giovani3you need to configure serial console access both in your bios (if you want that), and in the OS: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto17:57
giovani3serial consoles don't just work out of the box, unless the distro has configured it to17:57
axisysgiovani3: i have the ibm bios and what changes do I make there? I do not see anything says enable com1 redirect17:58
giovani3axisys: this is a channel for ubuntu server17:58
giovani3not for ibm support17:58
giovani3contact ibm17:58
axisysgiovani3: i was hoping to get some help with BIOS redirect to minicom.. i doubt ibm would know. hehe17:59
axisysgiovani3: thanks anyways17:59
giovani3yes, ibm will know17:59
giovani3it's their bios18:00
giovani3your bios' support of, or lack of support for serial console is not related to ubuntu18:00
axisysgiovani3: but calling ibm for support will probably cost a lot .. this is my cheap 150 ibm netvista refurbished server18:00
giovani3axisys: then google should be a resource you learn to use18:00
axisysgiovani3: no it is not.. thanks for your help18:00
jmarsdenaxisys: I'd guess that if there is no setting for it, then your machine does not support BIOS redirection to the serial port, so you can't do that.  But that's just a guess.  If you have a manual for the BIOS then try reading that...18:01
giovani3sometimes a bios upgrade will offer newer features18:01
axisysgiovani3: true18:02
axisysjmarsden: thanks18:02
axisyslet me see what kind a bios related info out there.. with coreboot available for use for newbies18:02
jmarsdennp.  For basic console redirection you don't *need* BIOS redirection anyway... it's just good to have it it *is* supported.18:02
axisysi always have to borrow my gf's monitor and power supply to see what happend to bios ..not too often .. but it would help..18:03
giovani3axisys: for older machines, if you can't use serial console -- you can buy a cheap kvm switch18:04
giovani3so that you don't need to borrow monitors, etc18:04
axisysis there any cheap pci card that I can put in for a SP access like X4100s18:04
giovani3on modern machines ... IPMI/KVMoIP is best18:04
giovani3not cheap ... but yes, pci cards exist18:04
giovani3they probably cost more than your server did18:06
JanCtake care with cheap kvm switches (some can blow up your monitor)18:10
giovani3really? never had a problem18:13
axisysgiovani3: looks like I have the newer bios18:14
JanCgiovani3: there have been some (too) cheap ones on the market that could cause peaks on the VGA cable18:14
axisysgiovani3: this url http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-42952 24KT55A18:14
axisysthat is what I have18:15
axisysper dmidecode18:15
giovani3axisys: ok? like I said ... we can't help ya with your bios18:15
giovani3it was just a casual recommendation to verify that you have the newest version18:15
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:17
axisysgiovani3: casual comment too :-)18:18
axisysgiovani3: i am not trying to piss u off my friend .. just making comments18:19
axisysgiovani3: isn't it suppose to be ttyS0 in the kernel command in this file18:33
axisyssince the /etc/event.d/ttyS0  is created18:33
giovani3axisys: paste the line you'er talking about18:34
axisyskernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n818:34
axisysthe first console=18:34
giovani3it's outputting to the first terminal, as well as serial18:34
giovani3what's wrong?18:34
giovani3that's clearly defining the serial console, like you wanted18:35
axisysoh ok ... i did not know u can send it in two places at the same time.. thnx18:35
axisysgiovani3: cool! i can now see the console !!18:41
axisysfrom the grub and onward..18:43
giovani3axisys: yes, that's all that will be possible without bios support18:45
axisysgiovani3: now the grub menu was prompting press any key to start.. is there a way to autoboot w/ hitting a key ?18:46
axisysterminal --timeout=15 serial console  this line need change for that?18:46
giovani3axisys: grub, in ubuntu, by default doesn't require you to hit a key to boot18:47
giovani3it requires that you hit a key to stop the normal autoboot process18:47
axisysPress any key to continue is filling up the screen18:48
axisysoh i see for 15 secs .. since the timeout is 1518:48
axisys3) When you next reboot, the output from grub will go to the normal console unless input is received from the serial port. Whichever receives input first becomes the default console. This gives you the best of both worlds.18:49
axisysnow I see why18:49
axisysi want to have access to my home server from work.. so I setup a port forward like this ssh -R8022:localhost:22 remotehost .. but to make sure it does not die i setup autossh and using that to make the connection alive always... but to make this connection stick a reboot I have a rc script which only does `exec autossh -R8022:localhost:22 remotehost' .. but then it ssh to remotehost and stuck there..  Manually I open a screen, make the 19:27
giovani3axisys: what is the purpose of ssh tunneling your ssh session?19:30
giovani3why not just run your ssh server ... and forward port 22?19:30
axisyshome# ssh -R8022:localhost:22 work   then work# ssh -p8022 019:31
axisysgiovani3: cheap vpn19:31
giovani3axisys: it's not a vpn19:31
giovani3you're only forwarding ssh19:31
giovani3it makes no sense19:31
axisysgiovani3: i dont want any inbound traffic to my home .. so I am doing the port forward ..19:32
giovani3the traffic is still inbound19:32
giovani3that's how data gets from outside your network to inside19:32
axisysgiovani3: but only my work computer has access to it.. it is not listening for any inbound traffic19:33
giovani3I'm aware19:33
giovani3it's a silly, overcomplicated setup, that adds negligible, if any security19:33
axisysgiovani3: it is working fine actually.. minus the reboot part that i still need to hash out19:34
giovani3I didn't say it wouldn't work ...19:34
giovani3have fun19:34
theshadowI've tried just about everything I can think of to remove apache. From apt-get remove apache2 to apt-get autoremove apache2 and apt-get remove --purge apache2 But when I attempt to reinstall apache2 none of the /etc/apache2 files are being installed.19:35
theshadowcan anyone hlep?19:35
axisyshow do I have that command run within init script so it sticks the reboot?19:35
giovani3thefish: dpkg -l | grep apache shows nothing (after you uninstalled it)?19:37
theshadowgiovani3: ty! is there a reason why apache2 isn't a meta package encompassing the others?19:40
giovani3thefish: it is a metapackage19:42
giovani3sorry, theshadow*19:42
giovani3"Description: Apache HTTP Server metapackage"19:42
aciculareinstalling the meta package just reinstalls the meta-package19:43
aciculanot the packages it pulls in19:43
tzdhi, will an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 mess up my email server and other server configs please?20:30
jmarsdentheshadow: Try removing and then installing apache2.2-common since several of the files under /etc/apache2 belong to it20:32
jmarsdentzd: Upgrading to 8.10 shouldn't "mess up" things, but backing up your config files regularly would be a wise thing to do anyway, if they are at all important to you.  So back them up first!20:34
axisysgot it! http://pastebin.com/f165547f820:35
tzdjmarsden: ok will do. :) Thanks! Turns out i actually had 8.10... was sure i had 8.04 ;P20:36
jmarsdentzd: OK.  cat /etc/lsb-release will tell you which release you have installed :)20:37
tzdunfortunately I'm stuck with my problem... I'll try posting it here as well... i've got a problem with my pxe booting ubuntu server. When the client is about to download the files on the iso it gets a 404 error. I've checked the path and for some reason it's referring to "hardy" instead of the iso's "intrepid" version. How do i change this please?20:38
tzdjmarsden: neat ;) Very useful stuff! Cheers20:39
nyad hi. my ubuntu 8.10 rejects everything that tries to connect to it. I want to turn this off. I have disabled ufw. yet my pc still refuses to let apps connect to my machine. how do I allow all connections?  ( i know this is a insecure idea)20:56
Deepsiptables -nvL, check your default input and output policy, as well as if you have any rules defined. pasting the output of that and/or iptables-save to a !pastebin may be of use too20:59
Deepssounds like it's accepting inputs, can you ssh in?21:02
nyadssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused21:03
Deepscat /etc/hosts.deny; anything there?21:03
Deepsnetstat -anp|grep ssh21:03
Deeps(is sshd even running?)21:03
nyadI put  ALL: ALL into /etc/hosts.allow21:04
Deepsis sshd even running? netstat -anp|grep sshd21:05
nyadit is now21:07
nyadssh works21:07
Deepsdemonstrating that there's nothing actually blocking inbound connections21:07
Deepsand your services simply arent running21:08
nyadnot exactly21:08
Deepswhat other services appear to be blocked?21:08
nyadthe main problem is that when I host LAN games other people cant connect to my games21:08
Deepsis there any other firewalls or routers between your server and your clients?21:09
nyadwe are using a router, however my other pc can host and I can join. yet when I host, the other pc cant join21:09
Deepswhat function is the router performing? can you draw a small picture of your network map?21:11
nyadwell its basically functioning as a hub, im not sure if that's what you meant by 'network map'   (the layout of the network?)21:12
Deepsso there isn't a router between your 2 machines? both machines are on the same physical network, in the same subnet21:12
Deepsboth machines running ubuntu?21:13
nyadone is windows21:13
Deepsand the windows one running the server works, but the ubuntu one running the server doesn't?21:13
Deepsok, simply put, the problem's at the application level; the application you're trying to run as a server isn't working correctly under linux21:14
Deepsthere is nothing in your current ubuntu configuration (As far as i can see, and as far as we've been able to demonstrate) that is preventing any connectivity21:14
Deepsso either you've misconfigured your application, or it's buggy and doesn't work.21:15
Deepswhat is the application?21:15
Deepshave you tried running it, and then running netstat -anp to see if it's running, what IPs it's bound to, and what ports it's listening on21:15
nyadim running warcraft 3 through wine. this has worked in 8.04 yet now in 8.10 it doesn't. I have tried different wine versions as well21:15
Deepscompletely off topic for #ubuntu-server i'm afraid, we dont deal in anything relating to X21:16
Deepsyou're probably best off asking in a WINE specific channel21:16
nyadalright. i just felt it must be my ubuntu blocking it since I thought I had tried all the other possible points of breakdown21:17
Deepsit's not anything at the system level, as far as we've checked and demonstrated21:17
Deepsso it's possibly an issue with the version of wine, or anything else it depends on21:17
nyadalrighty. thank you for your time. at least you've helped confirm that it's not ubuntu stopping me21:18
Deepsnp, good luck!21:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #346535 in php5 (main) "pecl install SPL_Types many problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34653522:50
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Begsi am having some trouble with my server and i was wondering how i convert file permissions from 6755 to 0755 as chmod 0755 .... doesnt seem to work23:57

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