
Spazi'm using bzr_access to grant multipule users access to the same repository, any way i can make it play nice with bzr?00:33
Spazwow i'm a failhouse tonight00:37
Spazlet me rephrase that00:50
Spazany way to get bzr-cia working when using bzr_access?00:51
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lifelessSpaz: I don't see why they would be related or interact at all01:02
Spazlifeless, basically, i want to report commits to the main repo01:02
lifelesssure, I'm just saying I don't see the correlation with bzr-cia01:03
lifelessand bzr_access01:03
lifelessdid you have it working with bzr-cia and not bzr_access?01:11
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emmajaneabentley: pokpokpoke you know william witteman?!02:12
* emmajane also has a random bzr question about this thing called "redhat"?02:14
lifelessjust ask :P02:15
emmajanefor the gitvsbzr thingy someone was complaining that tests are breaking in redhat? Other than, "stop using redhat" is there an answer for that or someone who is somewhat responsible for that?02:15
* emmajane had to phrase it, lifeless :)02:15
emmajaneor figure out how to phrase it rather. :)02:15
lifelessI don't think any of the high-volume contributors to bzr itself develop on redhat02:16
emmajaneso the answer is sort of switch to ubuntu? ;)02:16
* davidstrauss still has 11 failures from selftest on CentOS 5 with bzr + BzrTools02:17
emmajanedavidstrauss: dude. ouch.02:17
lifelessemmajane: no, its more - file bugs02:19
* emmajane nods. kay. thanks, lifeless 02:19
lifelesson any platform we would expect02:19
lifeless'make check' to pass02:19
lifelesswin32 has some known issues02:20
lifelessso make that any foss platform :P02:20
lifelessbzrtools is part of the ecosystem, but we don't require zero-failures from it at any point in time like we do for bzr itself02:20
davidstraussThe one that concerns me most is this: FAIL: per_lock.test_lock.TestLock.test_readonly_file(fcntl)                    IOError not raised02:21
lifelessdavidstrauss: don't run the tests as root02:21
* emmajane blinks.02:21
lifelessall mainline commits to bzr since it moved to pqm are done by pqm only after the test suite passes02:21
davidstrausslifeless: very nice :-)02:22
davidstrausslifeless: Indeed, the "root" issue makes sense.02:22
davidstrausslifeless: This is on my package building VM02:22
emmajanewhat is pqm? sorry. :/02:22
lifelessemmajane: its a robot that takes a branch and merges it to the mainline for us02:22
lifelessit enforces the tests-pass policy for us02:22
emmajanelifeless: ah, cool.02:23
* emmajane nods02:23
emmajanemakes sense.02:23
lifelesswithout requiring every developer to remember, or be trusted to always remember02:23
lifelessor have the reference platform (python 2.4, all dependencies, etc)02:23
* emmajane nods.02:24
lifelessdavidstrauss: so if you can run the test suite (make check) as non-root, I'd love to know about failures02:25
emmajanelifeless: for the bzrvsgit is it then, 'we love you all, but please submit bugs'?02:25
lifelessemmajane: yes02:25
davidstrausslifeless: Trying now02:25
emmajanelifeless: cool :)02:26
emmajanelifeless: I was a little bit like, 'redhat? RLY?'02:26
lifelessI'm reasonably sure the redhat packagers run the test suite w/o errors02:26
lifelessand we'd certainly pay attention to any issue02:27
lifelessI will note though, that I can only really check fedora to reproduce things, RHEL being proprietarish and all02:27
* emmajane nods. kay. I'll check back if I have more useful information, but this is cool02:27
lifelessreason #34 to be fully open source; people can debug on your platform02:27
lifelessI'm heading off for a bit, ciao02:28
emmajanelifeless: thanks muchly, as always. :)02:28
davidstrausslifeless: I'm using CentOS02:29
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* emmajane tries poking abentley again.02:30
thumperare there any pages on the bzr wiki about google summer of code?02:31
* thumper waves at emmajane02:31
emmajanethumper: are you doing gsoc?02:31
* emmajane waves to thumper 02:31
thumperI think that is a little unlikely02:31
thumperI'm not a student any more02:32
emmajanenonnono Imean "you" not "you"02:32
thumperhowever I know someone who knows students, and I'm trying to pass on details02:32
thumperemmajane: yes bzr is trying to organise gsoc02:32
emmajanethumper: the org alread has to be approved...02:32
thumperemmajane: I believe igc is handling it02:32
Spazlifeless, ah, i got it all working with a ghetto script02:32
emmajanethumper: are you doing it under ubuntu? I think i read that they got in?02:33
Spazit basically cd's to where the repo is and does bzr cia-submit for all new revisions02:33
thumperemmajane: I don't know that much about it other than poking people to make sure bzr gets involved02:33
emmajanethumper: I think you might have missed it if you're still poking peoople. :)02:33
thumperemmajane: is there a definitive list of approved projects?02:34
emmajanethumper: clearly poking is not so productive. less of the poking, more of the doing.02:34
thumperemmajane: I know that someone is doing02:34
thumperemmajane: and I think that someone is igc02:34
* emmajane checks the site.02:34
emmajanethumper:  idon't see bzr there :(02:35
emmajaneI lied, Ubuntu isn't there either.02:36
emmajanemaybe that was an application, but not acceptance.02:36
thumperoh FFS02:36
thumperemmajane: I'm at a loss for words02:39
emmajanethumper: that's sad. :(02:39
wgrantUbuntu was unaccepted, I think02:41
wgrantIt was there for a while.02:41
* emmajane nods to wgrant 02:41
* emmajane tries to figure out how to use irssi.02:42
emmajanewhich is completely unrelated to anything.02:42
* thumper uses konversation02:43
thumperI tried irssi for about two days02:43
* wgrant was tempted to move to Quassel, but has been using irssi for almost three years now.02:43
wgrantOriginally I used XChat.02:43
emmajaneI'm on an EEE and don't have any in-depth trust that it will still be xandros tomorrow so is on her server using irssi.02:43
emmajaneand apparently I'm tired and can't figure out which person to speak in.02:44
emmajaneor something.02:44
emmajanewgrant: what does [Act: 1,2,4] mean?02:54
thumpernetwork manager is running amok02:56
emmajanethumper: did you figure out your adsl stuff?02:56
emmajanethumper: I always have problems with my network dropping my irc connections at home.02:56
thumperemmajane: yeah, I got a clean cat-5 cable from where the telephone line enters the house, and now goes through a main filter there, all the way to my router02:58
emmajanethumper: nice.02:58
thumperemmajane: not had any adsl problems since then02:58
emmajanethumper: maybe just generally the internet hates you?02:58
thumperemmajane: my hardware hates me more than the internet does02:59
emmajanethumper: also: my wireless card causes kernel panics as of a couple of weeks ago. that was handy while on the road.02:59
emmajanehence the eee03:00
thumperI'm going to make some cookies now03:00
thumperpeanut brownies03:00
emmajanethumper: enjoy :)03:00
thumperemmajane: I will03:00
emmajanehrm. /me spams the channel while she messses up her meta keys03:02
lifelessthere is some confusion re: gsoc and ubuntu03:14
lifelesswait a few days03:14
emmajaneyay! control-n control-p is your friend.03:15
wgrantemmajane: [Act: 1,2,4] shows the windows that have activity.03:15
wgrantBold white means there's some new line of conversation.03:16
* emmajane nods to wgrant 03:16
emmajanemy alt key wasn't mapped corectly but someone at the sprint just toldme about control-n control-p03:17
jelmerfrom what I've heard (on the GSoC list) Ubuntu has withdrawn from GSoC03:17
lifelessjelmer: 'there is some confusion'03:18
lifelessjelmer: 'wait a few days'03:18
jelmerlifeless: that's different from "Ubuntu has withdrawn"03:18
lifelessjelmer: yes03:18
jelmerlifeless: The source here is Leslie, who is in charge of GSoC03:19
lifelessjelmer: I know03:19
lifelessjelmer: And yet, I'm saying that there is some confusion and you should wait a few days.03:19
lifelessnot being the ubuntu gsoc contact myself, or leslie, I can't really say more03:20
* emmajane really ought to read some of the backlog of the gsoc list.03:22
lifelesss/say more/know more/03:23
emmajaneon the list from lh "Lime Survey has replaced Ubuntu."03:24
emmajanelifeless: but that is not necessarily the case?03:25
lifelesswell clearly it is from LH's perspective, I have *no* idea on the Ubuntu front, other than people thinking we're in03:26
lifelessat the least there is confusion, at worst there is utter confusion and things will change03:26
lifelessits the weekend for doko, he's probably skiing or something03:26
* emmajane nods.03:27
lifelessthe only thing I would bet on right now is that there is a lot of confusion03:27
emmajanelifeless: which is often not a good way to start a projec.t ;)03:28
lifelessthere's nothing on ubuntu-devel, ubuntu-soc etc indicating a pull-out03:28
* emmajane nods. confusion.03:28
igcemmajane: as best I know, ubuntu was accepted03:37
igcotoh, I screwed up getting an application for bzr in on time, so we not, at least as a stand-alone project03:38
emmajaneigc: aww :(03:39
igcit's very likely we'll do something though - either as part of ubuntu or just separately03:39
emmajaneigc: but we don't know how many slots yet, do we?03:39
* emmajane is helping out with the drupal one too very very peripherally.03:40
igcemmajane: we do have a good list of project ideas put together - see http://bazaar-vcs.org/SummerOfCode200903:41
igcemmajane: so if you know anyone interested in doing those, students or otherwise, ask them to get in contact with me03:42
* emmajane reads.03:43
emmajaneigc: drupal also has a VCS proposal, but I'm not sure what its status is.03:43
emmajaneigc: have you been talking with any students yet?03:50
emmajane(regardless of ubuntu/bzr acceptance)03:51
abentleyemmajane: That name doesn't ring a bell...04:01
emmajaneabentley: formerly william o'higgins; friend of mike audet04:01
emmajaneabentley: not sure on the spelling of mike's last name.04:01
abentleyOh, sure.  He's good people.04:01
emmajaneabentley: we went to uni together.04:02
abentleyWhich uni?04:02
emmajaneabentley: I'm actually in TO this weekend for a sprint.04:02
emmajaneabentley: UofT.04:02
abentleyYeah, I went there too, that's how I met Mike, and therefore William.04:02
emmajaneabentley: small. world. :)04:03
emmajaneabentley: I was there 95-99.04:06
abentleyemmajane: So how'd you find out I know William?04:08
emmajaneabentley: he left a comment on my bzrvsgit post04:08
emmajaneabentley: he likes bzr because of you04:09
emmajaneabentley: and also because bzr is awesome04:09
emmajaneand then someone else almost at the same time did one of those, You're both in canada do you know each other? things and... well..almost. :)04:10
davidstraussJust posted fresh RHEL/CentOS packages for 1.13: http://fourkitchens.com/blog/2009/03/22/bazaar-113-rpms-rhel-5-centos-504:12
lifelessdavidstrauss: did the tests pass then?04:15
davidstrausslifeless: Still getting the file size mismatch failures04:15
davidstrausslifeless: The scarier fails went away when running as non-root04:15
lifelessfile size mismatch -> please do file a bug04:16
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emmajanenight all!04:48
lamalexSo everything i read about bzr says that it handles file renames with mv, but that does not seem to be the case in my branches04:57
lifelesslamalex: what do you mean by 'handles file renames with mv'04:58
lamalexlifeless: as in say foo.c is in my bzr tree, and i rename it to bar.c, if I do bzr stat the file is missing04:59
lamalexbut the bzr docs, and things people tell me, say that bzr should reconizze the rename04:59
lamalexand i should see foo.c => bar.c05:00
lifelesslamalex: bzr doesn't do that; either do 'bzr mv foo.c bar.c' to do the move, or do 'bzr mv --after foo.c bar.c' to tell it afterwards05:00
lifelessthe docs definitely don't claim a heuristic to figure that out05:00
lamalexwhat does it mean in http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrFeatures05:01
lamalexfirst bullet in Intuitive05:01
lifelesslamalex: it means if you have a _branch_ you can rename the branch with mv05:01
lifelessand cp will make a new branch05:02
lifelessand rm will remove a branch05:02
lamalexi knew that05:02
lifelessthere is a plugin that will apply a rename-detecting heuristic05:04
lifelessabentley has been working on it, I don't know what its called or where to get it though :P05:04
lamalexoh yeah?05:04
lamalexill google05:04
lifelesshe was doing it for the tarball import stuff;05:05
lamalexalso, has there been some LP weirdness recently?05:05
lamalexits been getting stuck on "Transfering:Walking Content"05:05
lamalexa bunch of people in my project have seen it05:06
lifelessin bzr 1.13 we changed the pull/push logic to allow streaming which is much faster05:06
lifelesswhen bzr 1.13 is rolled out on the server you'll experience this05:06
lamalexbut with 1.6(?) on the server pushes take forever?05:07
lamalexis the solution to just wait for the push to finish?05:07
lifeless1.11 on the server, and yes05:07
lamalexthanks for your help05:08
lifelessthe rollout is next week05:08
m3gagive a file X in mu current directory, how do I tell if its under revision control  or not?05:36
lifelessbzr status X?05:37
lifelessor bzr inventory | grep X if you want a brute force approach, or st X doesn't do what you want05:37
m3gastatus says nothing, just returns05:37
m3ga"bzr inventory | grep X" just prints out X which I assume means that it is under revision control05:39
m3gawhere do  i lodge feature requests?05:43
Peng_m3ga: If X is versioned and unchanged, "bzr status X" will print nothing and return.05:44
m3gaexactly  which is why i submitted this feature request: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/34662405:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 346624 in bzr "Feature request : fileinfo command" [Undecided,New]05:48
m3gaah there it is05:48
Peng_Well, actually, "bzr st ignored_file.pyc" will also exit with no output. Soo..05:55
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m3gaexactly. in the fetuare request I asked for four different catefories of output. there may be more.05:57
m3gawhy does the lp: transport need my launchpad login?06:20
m3gaand then it goes ahead  and does what i want anyway?06:21
wgrantm3ga: It needs your Launchpad username so that you can write to Launchpad, and also to use bzr+ssh to make things much faster.06:31
wgrantBut it will fall back to read-only HTTP if you don't tell it your username.06:31
lifelessm3ga: because we haven't made every ui command indicate to the directory service if it needs a writable transport07:54
lifelessm3ga: and launchpads http mirrors are read only07:54
m3galifeless: i'm just a dumb-fsck user and you're telling me about lowlevel implementation details?  :-)07:55
lifelessm3ga: asif :P07:56
m3gai think this is actually a real failing of all dvcs. the problem is very hard and that difficulty ends up leaking into the user interface07:57
lifelessm3ga: We can do better here, but ETIME.07:57
lifelessthis part isn't particularly hard - merge (for instance) never needs a writable remote transport, push does, branch's target does etc07:58
m3gayou're already doing well but i'm gonna keep beating you up about it, because too many people (esp git users) don't even realise that this problem exists07:58
lifelessoh sure07:59
lifelesslong as you keep using bzr you can keep beating me up :)07:59
m3gai  did a fast-import into git today. a whole fscking world of surprises :-)07:59
lifelessbut it gives them to you fast08:02
vilalifeless: I think I fixed that roughly by the time you mentioned it and laughed a bit doing that thinking about *you* laugh seeing my mistake :-P (The less funny part was realizing this wasn't covered by a test...)08:37
vilalifeless: next step as I see it: add a test runner registry to bzr and register subunit/forked/subprocess there from a plugin that could die when each runner find its natural home, that left the problem of additional parameters to these runners open though.08:44
lifelessvila: I've pushed new stuff; I don't see subunit/forked/subprocess as runners...08:59
alfHello, I have been experiencing some strange slowness (that wasn't present before) when trying to push a branch to lp.10:12
alfI am using bzr-1.13rc1 (from debian unstable).10:12
alfThe local branch is in a shared repository with rich-root-pack format.10:14
lifelessalf: there is new streaming code in 1.1310:15
alfWhen trying to push a branch to lp which includes small changes (eg two added 100-line files) the push takes about 2:30 minutes with constant ~50 kb/s upload10:15
lifelessalf: which lp hasn't deployed yet, but bzr gets too far down the code path to use the local-filesystem optimised path10:15
lifelessalf: on thursday there is a rollout of 1.13 to lp, it will get massively faster for you then10:16
lifeless<gone again>10:16
alflifeless: ok, thanks! I will just be patient then :)10:17
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vila<lifeless> I don't see subunit/forked/subprocess as runners...15:25
vilaWhy ?15:25
vilalifeless: nm, just got you rmail17:12
jelmerLarstiQ: yarrrrrr17:16
LarstiQjelmer: what identi.ca client do you use?17:18
* LarstiQ tried TwitterVim17:18
jelmerLarstiQ: I use the haskell one and gwibber17:19
LarstiQjelmer: ooh, twidge is actually in lenny17:20
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Leon_Nardellaleon@bespin:~/Desktop/bzrtools$ bzr shell19:57
Leon_Nardellabzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory19:57
Leon_NardellaWhat am I doing wrong?19:57
Leon_Nardella( Er.. It works in my home ¬¬ )19:57
LarstiQLeon_Nardella: does ~/.bzr.log provide a hint?19:58
Leon_NardellaLarstiQ: I went to my home then back to the folder I was and now it's working.. Really weird.19:58
LarstiQLeon_Nardella: did the directory still exist?19:59
LarstiQLeon_Nardella: ie, did you delete or mv it between cd'ing there and starting bzr shell?19:59
LarstiQ(so, inode, not path)19:59
Leon_NardellaNo, no.19:59
Leon_NardellaThe interesting part from the log.20:00
Leon_NardellaNow it's like this.20:01
LarstiQas I thought, it's the 'get current working directory' call that returns 'No such file or directory'20:02
TurlI had a typo on a commit message, can I fix it somehow?20:17
TurlI still didn't push the message20:17
LarstiQTurl: bzr uncommit; bzr commit20:21
Turlthanks LarstiQ20:22
TurlLarstiQ: it doesn't change the code, does it?20:22
LarstiQTurl: no, it leaves the tree state the same, but sets the branch to point at a prior revision20:23
LarstiQTurl: so if you then commit, you end up with a revision where only the commit message is different (well ok, the timestamp, revision id, maybe committer name if you changed that inbetween)20:24
LarstiQTurl: basically, you can fix mistakes like that :)20:24
Turlok LarstiQ, thanks :)20:24
mwhudsonso for my development version of loggerhead, viewing a revision page that adds 9000 files doesn't stress loggerhead too much20:35
mwhudsonff, on the other hand...20:36
LarstiQmwhudson: yeah. I ditched ff(3) because it made my entire system unusable (sloow ssd + sqlite fsync + ext3 = hsd)20:38
mwhudsonLarstiQ: what do you use instead?20:38
LarstiQmwhudson: opera for now, since I have two colleagues idolizing it.20:39
LarstiQI don't care too much for the browser, but at least the rest of my system is usable.20:39
TurlLarstiQ: believe it or not, opera is real slow in here :p20:40
mwhudsonLarstiQ: how does it do on the "fills one with burning rage" metric?20:40
Turlthat's why I use firefox20:40
LarstiQmwhudson: it scores a 3. But I haven't been using it very long.20:40
mwhudsonthe first versions of ff3 were so fast20:41
mwhudsonwhat happened?20:41
LarstiQmwhudson: let me look up two urls that hit me20:42
LarstiQmeh, logging20:46
LarstiQmwhudson: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317781 I believe20:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Fix released]20:46
LarstiQmwhudson: and from there a mozilla person blogpost20:46
LarstiQmwhudson: http://shaver.off.net/diary/2008/05/25/fsyncers-and-curveballs/20:47
mwhudsonLarstiQ: that doesn't really explain why ff3 has gotten worse IME20:49
mwhudsonmaybe it's just that my awesomebar.db or whatever is larger now20:50
LarstiQmwhudson: I don't know what got introduced when.20:50
LarstiQmwhudson: for me, I've only been using this Acer Aspire One since the second half of January20:51
LarstiQand I think I know why Acer ships FF2 by default..20:51
wgrantmwhudson: I was able to speed things up a lot of trimming and vacuuming the SQLite DBs.20:51
wgrantI wonder if Firefox can be taught to use a RDBMS that doesn't suck.20:52
LarstiQwgrant: hmmm20:52
mwhudsonwgrant: i think an oracle license for every ff user would get a bit expensive!20:53
* mwhudson runs away, terribly fast20:53
* wgrant trips mwhudson.20:53
* LarstiQ dumps 'no we don't store support vectors for linear kernels' on mwhudson 20:54
garyvdmI think they have been working on the performance of the awessomebar for ff3.520:55
wgrantAt least Firefox never gets as slow as OOo.20:55
CBro2007hi all, if I wanted to use bzr to create a trunk and some branches.. would I have to physically copy files to a directory like "myRepository/trunk" and then issue bzr init?21:30
CBro2007is that how it works?21:30
CBro2007also you think its a good idea to setup a "bzr" user on my CentOS machine so people with different accounts and userids can access it?21:30
CBro2007anyone? :)21:31
CBro2007wow no one helps out in this channel eh?21:35
CBro2007silence is the key21:35
mwhudsonCBro2007: um21:35
mwhudsonfor the first, yes, i think you're right21:36
mwhudsonfor the second, well, it depends what you're trying to acheive21:36
CBro2007well this is what I want...21:36
CBro2007I got a bunch of project files on a shared server that I want to share with 3 other developers21:36
CBro2007they all have their own unix accounts on this machine21:37
mwhudsonwith you so far21:37
CBro2007am wondering if there will be any problems if I am the owner of the trunk etc21:37
CBro2007like the file ownerships would be in my name because I did an init-repo or something21:37
mwhudsoni think you could probably use a unix group for this21:38
CBro2007so I want to give some thought to the dir sructure before I launch off21:38
CBro2007I have setup a UNIX group to which we all belong21:38
CBro2007so if I was to do this...21:39
mwhudsonthen, so long as you use g+s or whatever the chmod thing is, i think it'll work alright21:39
CBro2007bzr init-repo myRepository21:39
CBro2007then create a dir for my project under there21:40
CBro2007and then under that project create a dir called TRUNK to which I copy all the original project code21:41
CBro2007right so far?21:41
mwhudsonoften times people create a repo per user, rather than all sharing the same repo21:41
mwhudsonand in addition have a central repo from where releases/rollouts are made21:42
CBro2007mwhudson: is this recommended?21:42
mwhudsonit depends on your workflow really21:42
CBro2007mwhudson: I suppose I am not super sure as to how we will MERGE our changes etc21:42
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CBro2007mwhudson: just don't want people stuffing up the GOLD COPY you know21:42
mwhudsonCBro2007: one of the nice things about bzr is that it makes many decisions that are technical with, say, svn, social21:43
CBro2007how do you mean sorry?21:43
mwhudsonCBro2007: unfortunately this means that the answers to many questions become "um, well, it depends" :-p21:43
CBro2007you mean it supports a lot of kind of workflows?21:44
mwhudsonCBro2007: what version control do you use now?21:44
mwhudsonCBro2007: yes21:44
CBro2007used SVN and CVS in the past21:44
mwhudsonCBro2007: for "protecting the gold copy", there is PQM, which is a robot that merges branches for you21:44
CBro2007want to move away from it to the distributed version control and enforce it amongst other developers alike21:44
mwhudsonand it can be configured to run tests before it accepts a branch21:44
CBro2007Nah I would like to do that manually21:45
mwhudsonhang on, there must be a wiki page about this stuff21:45
CBro2007I think I remember reading that in the user guide.. where you have a gateway keeper or something that can automate the merges21:45
CBro2007I just want it a bit simpler where developers let me know when they think their branch is ready for a merge to the trunk21:45
mwhudsonCBro2007: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows21:46
CBro2007and then I can do it21:46
mwhudsonCBro2007: sounds like http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows#head-f5c9069eb3a6991f31e6b909dbb3fb12a45f34a521:46
CBro2007you mean centralized?21:47
CBro2007I think I want the decentralized with human gatekeeper21:48
CBro2007I like that workflow best21:48
mwhudsonCBro2007: no, "decentralized with human gatekeeper"21:48
garyvdmFrom what you said - I think Decentralized with human gatekeeper21:48
mwhudsonthat seems to be basically exactly what you're describing21:48
CBro2007Yeah :)21:48
CBro2007thats what I want21:48
CBro2007wow now how do I set this model up21:49
CBro2007this is exactly what I want to do21:49
CBro2007but the model doesn't show me a step by step scenario of how to do it :)21:50
CBro2007was wondering if I need to even use launchpad or can I just merge stuff locally21:51
CBro2007as it will all really just be UNIX accounts on the same machine21:51
mwhudsonyou certainly don't need to use launchpad21:51
mwhudsonthe docs are probably tilted towards open source-y things21:51
CBro2007so is there a link that runs you through a scenario of how to setup that model?21:53
CBro2007I mean how do I setup a "read-only" access to the MAIN branch21:53
CBro2007and how do developers REQUEST MERGE?21:54
CBro2007mwhudson: cmon man don't leave me hanging there? :)21:55
mwhudsonCBro2007: well, if you make the trunk branch rwxr--r--21:55
CBro2007ah with UNIX permissions21:55
mwhudsonthat's good enough for read only21:55
mwhudson<CBro2007> and how do developers REQUEST MERGE?21:55
mwhudsonthis is what i meant by a social question :)21:56
mwhudsonthey can email you a merge request using bzr send21:56
CBro2007whats the social qn part?21:56
CBro2007hmm so there is no formal process of requesting a merge?21:56
mwhudsonCBro2007: it depends on how you interact as a team21:56
CBro2007really well :)21:56
mwhudsonCBro2007: not in bazaar, no21:56
mwhudsonCBro2007: you can use launchpad merge proposals, if you use launchpad21:56
CBro2007so if they did say ... well I just completed a feature and it looks great in my branch... ready to merge... what do I do next?21:57
mwhudsonif you aren't using launchpad, why not just use email?21:57
CBro2007yeah we can e-mail21:57
mwhudsonbundlebuggy can make using email a bit more structured21:57
CBro2007ok I can look into that21:57
CBro2007but what I meant was that how do we keep the branches and the MAIN trunk/branch in synch?21:58
CBro2007once I have reviewed their changes I want to merge their stuff into the GOLD COPY.. but then I am sure they want to be able to UPDATE their copies as well21:58
CBro2007so they would probably also want to SHARE code between OUR branches... not necessarily having to merge into TRUNK21:59
CBro2007does that make sense? :)21:59
lifelessCBro2007: these are all things bzr supports21:59
lifelessCBro2007: I have a suggestion for you: simulate this yourself, just make a toy branch, like 'hello world' or something, an dplay with merging committing branching pushing etc21:59
CBro2007lifeless: yeah just wasn't sure how a command like "bzr merge" would do the trick... as it doesn't seem to have a source or a target mentioned in it22:00
lifelessdon't worry about server setup or anything else until you have a feel for how the tool is for a user22:00
lifelessCBro2007: have you read the quickstart guide ?22:00
CBro2007;Yeah I was going to do that tomorrow22:00
lifelessso have a look at 'bzr help merge'22:00
CBro2007you ar right... let me fiddle with it22:00
lifelessit has examples of merging :)22:01
CBro2007yep reading22:01
CBro2007anyway got to go now22:01
CBro2007thanks for the help guys22:02
CBro2007take care!22:02
ToyKeepertoy branches ++22:02
* ToyKeeper got a blue tab on 'toy'22:03
jmllifeless: re bug 345169 -- did I see a patch for that on the list?22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345169 in bzr "bzr push to a new lp branch of bzr from a local copy fails to stack" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34516922:20
lifelessjml: yes22:21
lifelessjml: and is in bzr.dev already22:25
jmllifeless: cool.22:25
jmllifeless: shall I mark it as Fix Released?22:25
pooliehello jml, lifeless22:37
lifelesshi poolie22:38
jmlpoolie: good morning22:38
lifelesskfogel: ping22:38
lifelessspiv: if you want to get together at my place today, that would be cool; if so just pop on over anytime23:31
spivlifeless: ok, will let you know23:34
spivHmm, caffiene time.23:34
igcmorning all23:35
* garyvdm fights with qt to get QComboBox to do what I need it to do.23:57

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