
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== woolie is now known as Woolie
julmummahi, how do i install a new style in kubuntu? that i have downloaded from kde-look.org. thanks00:02
beatzzjulmumma: view the README.txt  with a text editor or cat00:14
davidjheinrichcan anyone help me with an xorg.conf problem?00:15
davidjheinrichI describe my problem fully at this url00:18
beatzzk give me a minute to read up00:18
beatzzsorry but that ones over my head00:20
=== spreita is now known as pendergast
=== pendergast is now known as aarni
davidjheinrichwell, thanks for giving it a look00:21
beatzzGood luck with that one -_-; lol00:21
beatzzperhaps google some xorg.config files and compair to what you have?00:22
beatzzor read the man file for xorg.config00:22
beatzzecho $MANPATH00:22
beatzzman /absolutePATH/xorg.config00:23
davidjheinrichI've read the entire xorg.conf man file :-(00:25
beatzzhave you tryed info?00:27
=== monotebook is now known as lunamo
mefisto__davidjheinrich: have you tried putting those modelines (or just one to start with) in the Monitor section instead of a separate Modes section?00:29
=== fernando is now known as Guest3672
elateriteHi - shopping for a new mobo. Has p45 chipset issues been resolved?00:31
beatzzfrom what i gather from google.00:35
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
=== fernando is now known as Guest63602
needhelp1does kubuntu have lame preinstalled00:58
needhelp1im trying to shrink a mp3...00:58
needhelp1will amarok do this?00:59
beatzzsudo apt-get install lame00:59
needhelp1thanks beatzz any idea if amarok can do this? export to a lower bitrate?01:00
beatzzneedhelp1: i dont think so, i just checked 'man amarok' and i dident see anything about it.01:01
beatzzyou could try01:01
efgaaplz help how to install beyl jaunty01:07
efgaaplz help how to install beyl jaunty01:07
beatzzmore English please?01:08
beatzzefgaa: can you be more specific?01:08
efgaahow to install from start to finish beryl manager so i can use the nice desktop that you see on youtube i have jaunty and no nvidia or ati drivers needed01:09
efgaaand emerald to01:10
efgaahow to install from start to finish beryl manager so i can use the nice desktop that you see on youtube i have jaunty and no nvidia or ati drivers needed01:11
efgaaand emerald to01:12
efgaaplz help01:12
beatzzim sorry01:14
beatzzthats a bit over my head01:15
beatzzgoogle would be my best advice01:15
dr_williserr.. beryl is dead.. use compiz-fusion?01:20
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz01:20
Guest63602is there any utility to extract the audio from a video file?01:24
dr_willisGuest63602:  ffmpeg, mencoder,  avidemux, winff, can all proberly do it.01:26
dr_willisand proberly others..01:27
Ariadnaxhello all01:31
Ariadnaxis kontact supposed to be full screen? how do i change these?01:31
mefisto__Ariadnax: alt-F3, advanced, turn off "fullscreen"01:33
Ariadnaxmefisto__, not working01:34
mefisto__alt-F3 doesn't pop up a menu?01:34
Ariadnaxnothing happens01:35
mefisto__Ariadnax: can you see kontact in task manager when you switch to a non-fullscreen window?01:35
Ariadnaxmefisto__, when i quit, i can see the reminder daemon, but quiting is the only way to seeing the panels again01:36
mefisto__Ariadnax: systemsettings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortcuts, KDE component: KWin. is there a shortcut for "window operations menu" (default is alt-F3)01:39
=== merlin_ is now known as csmerlin
=== stephen is now known as eSPyeL
eSPyeLI've been reading for hours trying to get my sound to work in flash videos.  Does anyone have a guide to get sound working in 64 bit kubuntu in flash videos?  Sound works fine everywhere else.02:15
SJrXKDE 4.2.1 out?02:16
kasm279yay, i got my wireless working!02:20
brunoqcSJrX: yes but I don't know if the package are available on the ppa02:20
kasm279wats the package?02:21
brunoqcSJrX: for KDE 4.2.1 I guess they should be available02:21
brunoqcit was released March 4th02:21
brunoqcSJrX: I use the PPA and I got KDE: 4.2.102:23
kasm279does anybody know how to turn down mouse sensitivity in kubunt?02:24
SJrXoh that means I probably have it already02:24
brunoqcSJrX: try kde4-config -v02:24
brunoqcin Konsole02:24
kasm279oh, oops02:25
brunoqckasm279: maybe it's in "keyboard & mouse" in system settings, I see "pointer acceleration"02:26
eSPyeLHow do you use the PPA to get 4.2.1?02:28
eSPyeLIs it a repo?02:29
brunoqceSPyeL:  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive/ppa02:29
brunoqceSPyeL: you're welcome02:30
eSPyeLAnyone have any tips for getting sound to work in flash?02:33
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:36
adredhow do i add collection in amarok? like add library in rhythmbox.02:40
adredhow do i add collection in amarok? like add library in rhythmbox.02:42
beatzzadred: use the Files tab on the side to locate your music directory02:43
beatzzleft hand side*02:43
grey08Is there anyway UBS system can be installed in kubuntu/  buntu?02:45
grey08yes, an accounting system02:45
kasm279who here is using konversation?02:46
kasm279oh, wait. who has opera web browser?02:47
mefisto__I have opera02:50
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
kasm279mefisto, have you looked at differen themes for it?02:54
mefisto__for opera? not really. I tried a few of the installed ones and went back to the default02:55
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mefisto__why do you ask kasm27902:57
kasm279if you use cleanlooks kde theme, you should look at the mirge aprice theme for opera02:57
kasm279they match perfectly02:57
=== john is now known as Ev0luti0n_
kasm279(i know wat blender is, but wats with the anouncement?)03:05
Silentstrididnt mean to03:06
Silentstriim not good with irc03:06
Silentstrididnt know i needed /join03:06
Silentstrisrry all03:06
Silentstrioh, is hh the latest LTS?03:06
* Ev0luti0n_ listening to Vader - What colour is your blood?03:06
* kasm279 yells in frustation03:10
kasm279kubuntu wont recognise any usb stuff03:11
Ev0luti0n_i would help you out, but I'm still a newb too03:11
kasm279im restarting03:12
kasm279ah, restart fixed it03:23
=== dad is now known as Stalkersway
kasm279%C2,1 yay!03:24
* kasm279 is happy03:35
* kasm279 smiles03:36
=== nickolas is now known as Nephilus
=== kasm279 is now known as Kasm279
Nephilushow do you install playonlinux for kubuntu?03:40
Nephilusany one there?03:41
Kasm279i am03:41
Nephilus!weather 8739203:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about weather 8739203:41
NephilusI think his name should be Kbot03:41
Kasm279i agree03:41
Nephilusor kubottu03:42
Nephilusthankfully. I wanted to make sure some one was there :)03:42
Kasm279you want the debian version03:43
Kasm279wiat, nvm03:43
Kasm279its the ubuntu version(didnt see it)03:43
Kasm279and download the Deb file03:44
NephilusYeah i just got an error and kind of freaked out and so i blamed it on kubuntu :) sorry03:45
NephilusI figured it out though03:45
Nephilusjust had to install again03:45
Kasm279will it run ms flight sim?03:46
mefisto__Kasm279: tried flightgear?03:50
Nephilusdoes anyone know a free game for linux taht is an Rpg or mmorpg?03:50
Kasm279you could torrent age of empires....03:51
Dragnslcr!info wesnoth03:51
ubottuwesnoth (source: wesnoth): fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4.5-1ubuntu0.2 (intrepid), package size 3815 kB, installed size 8684 kB03:51
Kasm279oh, thought you said RTS03:52
NephilusI could also torrent a lot of games and i probably will but that is illegal and you didn't hear me say that! lol JK03:52
Kasm279anyway, will it run ms fs?03:52
mefisto__Kasm279: I doubt it, but you could check appdb.winehq.org03:53
Kasm279i have tried flightgear on an older computer that was to slow03:54
johantrihi guys, i want to as how to setup wacom in kubuntu. is there any easier way ?03:54
Kasm279this install is ony a day old03:55
=== nickolas is now known as neph
johantrican anyone help me how to setup wacom in kubuntu ? with pressure sensitive and stuff04:06
Kasm279look on the wacom site....?04:06
Kasm279no ops in here?04:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about weather04:08
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:08
Kasm279!wats going on04:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wats going on04:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you04:10
* Kasm279 is bored04:10
Kasm279!who i am04:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who i am04:13
Kasm279like i said, im bored04:13
jimmy51hello, i just ran the google earth installer and when i try to run it i get: ./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8: symbol BIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference04:31
jimmy51i just flew in from germany and am super tired.  is there something stupid i did wrong?04:32
jimmy51sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin04:32
jimmy51clicked install04:32
jimmy51ran googleearth04:32
jimmy51eh, i'll mess with it in the morning04:35
jimmy51or night04:35
jimmy51whatever time it is after i wake up :)04:36
dfox_jimmy. you need to mv the libssl in the googleearth directory to like libssl.so.0.9.8.old so it will use the system libssl instead04:38
dfox_jimmy51, you didn't flap your arms? :)04:39
astrobear[23:45] <astrobear> hmm.. when konqueror starts, it opens tabs from old, old sessions... and a lot of them04:52
astrobear[23:45] <astrobear> how to keep this from happening?04:52
astrobearthat was me in #kde but no one has yet to help, anyone know the solution?04:52
alexander_hi all04:55
alexander_Anyone creating  custom kernel for LiveCD?04:55
kalidaranyone here?>05:02
mefisto_astrobear: gotta be something in ~/.kde/share  maybe try renaming/deleting ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/closeditems_saved ?05:02
mefisto_!hi | kalidar05:02
ubottukalidar: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:02
kalidaranyone online>05:03
astrobearmefisto_: that didn't work05:04
astrobeari had deleted the contents of the file05:04
kalidarim having trouble getting my konquer to load movies off webpages05:05
kalidarcan anyone assist05:05
kalidarive instaled all the correct plugins05:06
kalidarhave it05:06
kalidarand its inabled05:06
astrobeari know05:06
kalidaralong with java script05:06
kalidarbut i cant watch movies off imeem05:06
kalidarwhats up with that?05:06
jimmy51i just deleted libcrypto.whatever05:06
jimmy51seems to be working05:06
astrobearbut flash in konqueror doesn't work well with youtube because they embed their flash in javascript05:06
jimmy51there wasn't a libssl file in that directory05:06
astrobearit works fine for some sites and not so well with others05:06
astrobearblip.tv typically works well05:06
kalidaryeah i have firefox aswell05:06
astrobearbut for youtube, atm, i'm forced to use firefox05:07
kalidarshould i install that?05:07
astrobearit's a site05:07
kalidarany thing i can install05:07
mefisto_astrobear: I would log out of kde, rename the entire folder to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror-backup then log in to kde again so a new set of files regenerates. if it's not fixed, you'll know if it's one of those files or something somewhere else05:07
kalidarperhaps a different browser?05:07
astrobearmefisto_: good idea05:07
astrobearkalidar: try firefox for movies05:08
kalidari have05:08
kalidarit says i need to download flash05:08
astrobearmefisto_: will do after kde is through compiling05:08
kalidarso i did and download .deb05:08
kalidarand it instaled05:08
kalidarand still dosent work05:08
kalidarfirefox or konquer dont work with imeem05:08
astrobearkalidar: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras05:09
astrobearkalidar: you are using kde right?05:09
nephHow do you open a .bin file?05:11
nephcd /home/blahblah location and then ./filename?05:11
nephit is in my documents folder05:11
kalidarim using kde05:11
nephokay thx05:11
kalidarok i did it05:13
kalidaris that it?05:13
kalidardo i just try again now?05:13
nephi got an error05:14
nephbash: ./PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x64.bin: Permission denied05:14
mefisto_kalidar: killall konqueror to make sure it's not running, then restart it05:15
nephcd /home/nickolas/Desktop05:15
nephDesktop$ ./PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x64.bin05:15
nephbash: ./PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x64.bin: Permission denied05:15
mefisto_neph: what is this .bin file? is it installing a program?05:15
Donii love kde 4.2!05:16
nephonanother note so do i!05:16
nephmefisto_: yes it is installing another program05:16
mefisto_neph: usually root privileges are required to do that. was there install instructions from wherever you got the file?05:16
nephno mefisto_ can i use sudo?05:17
kalidarrestart computer mefisto?05:17
kalidarhow you guys know all this stuff05:17
nephsudo ./filename05:17
mefisto_kalidar: no, just restart konqueror. killall konqueror   <-- will kill all running instances05:17
kalidareverytime ive come here ive gotten assistance prety quick05:17
kalidaru guys rock XD05:17
kalidarhow do i kill05:17
kalidarok thanks05:18
kalidari gotcha05:18
mefisto_neph: maybe sudo, but are you sure you know what this file will do?05:18
nephyes it installs a game :)05:18
kalidarthats a nifty trick thanks xD05:18
kalidarok mefisto it still wont let me05:19
kalidarshould i switch to debian?05:19
nephCommand not found mefisto_05:19
kalidarkubuntu seems verry imcompleete05:20
doleybkalidar: why is incomplete?05:20
kalidarjust nothing seems to be working properly05:20
mefisto_neph: typos?05:21
doleybkalidar: nothing?  Well, whatever, but here's a warning: If you think kubuntu is hard to get work, debian will be much worse...05:21
kalidarforinstance i ahve all the plugins and javascript yet i cant watch videos online. also when i go to add widgets to desktop and click the install buten05:21
kalidari cant find them in the list05:21
kalidarafter their instaled05:21
kalidarseems realy bugy05:21
p_quarleskalidar: if something doesn't work in kubuntu, it's no more likely to work in debian05:21
kalidaroh im aware of that05:21
doleybkalidar: Like what video can't you watch?05:21
kalidaranything on imeem or youtube05:22
kalidarwith firefox and or konquer05:22
kalidarand when i instal widgets from the ad widgets05:22
p_quarlessounds like a video driver problem05:22
kalidarthey dont show up05:22
kalidarnaw ican watch mpgs off my desktop05:22
doleybkalidar: Do other flash sites work?05:22
kalidarthey kinda do but anything with a built in player with a play butten dosent05:22
doleybkalidar: Maybe you should get the flash 10 version from adobe.com.05:23
kalidari did05:23
p_quarleskalidar: you said you installed a .deb; have you tried sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?05:23
kalidarinstaled the .deb05:23
kalidarnope ill try that05:23
kalidarbut i dont think ittel change much leme try05:23
mefisto_kalidar: do you have the file /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so ?05:24
p_quarlesmefisto_: I don't think that's where Adobe's .deb package would install05:25
kalidarok its installed05:25
kalidarill killall and try again05:25
noren_hi all05:27
kalidarnope still not working05:28
kalidaral i get is a white box05:28
kalidarall i get is white box on the webpage with no play option or anything05:28
kalidarplz if anyone can help me get around this05:29
kalidarmy only source of entertainment on linux is watchin movies online if i cant do that then im lost lol05:29
kalidari have the newest java jre and the newest flash05:29
kalidari made sure of that05:29
kalidarcould it be im lacking a dependency or a lib file or something?05:30
noren_kalidar: are u on 32 bit or 63 bit05:30
noren_64 bit05:30
kalidarwell i have kubuntu i386 but my system is 64 capable as i had vista05:30
kalidari used to use mandrake back in the day and realy licked it so i thought ide convert back to linux again05:31
kalidarplus its faster05:31
kalidarand more customizable05:31
kalidarbut its also problem ridden and a hastle to install anything lol05:31
kalidarfair trade for speed tho05:31
doleybkalidar: install flash 10 instead.05:31
kalidarok nvm05:31
kalidari figured it out thanks alot XD05:31
kalidarcould i ask one more question please?05:31
mefisto_figured it out? what?05:32
doleybLol go ahead05:32
kalidarim tryin to install a desktop widget to display system resources i downloaded the tar file05:32
kalidarsgz or whatever05:32
kalidarand i click add on the desktop and add widget.sgz or whatever05:32
kalidarand it dosent show up in the list05:32
kalidarany idea?05:32
noren_get the latest from the adobe site get the .deb pakage05:32
kalidarwhats it called05:32
noren_kalidar: if clicking is not working try draging it to the desktop the widgeeet u want05:33
kalidaryou mean the file?05:33
kalidarok ill give that shot05:33
kalidardraged oxygen.skz05:35
kalidarnow its just siting on my desktop05:35
kalidarany idea? do i have to extract it or something?05:36
doleybkalidar: You have an skz file?  What widget is it?05:36
noren_kalidar: i m confused what are u trying to do, were u not trying to get ur flash working05:36
kalidarits a system display widget05:36
kalidari fixed flash05:36
kalidarnow i wana fix my widget problem05:36
doleybkalidar: Did you right-click, Add Widgets, Install New Widgets, Super-Karambar, oxygen.skz ?05:36
kalidari click ad desktop widget05:36
kalidarand it never showed up in the list of aplicable widgets05:37
kalidarit did nothing05:37
doleybkalidar: Did you Install New Widgets, Install From File?05:37
kalidar:) and i installed from site too05:37
doleybkalidar: And then what did you do?05:37
kalidari looked for the widget in the list so that i could add it05:37
kalidarbut it dident installl05:37
doleybkalidar: What happens when you Install New Widgets, Install From File?05:38
kalidartakes me to desktop05:38
kalidarand theirs no new widget05:38
doleybkalidar: The button doesn't do anything?? Are you actually clicking the button?05:38
kalidaryes lol it clicks05:38
kalidarwindow closes05:38
kalidarlike it installed05:39
kalidarbut i cant find it05:39
kalidarits weird05:39
kalidarits like the widget program is broken or something05:39
kalidari click install from file then install dasboard mac os x05:40
kalidarthen click oxygen.skz05:40
doleybkalidar: Why Mac?05:40
kalidarthen finish05:40
kalidarand its not in the list05:40
kalidarwhy mac? cuz it dosent show up int he window when i slect plasma05:41
kalidarthe install file dosent show up in the folder05:41
kalidarso i gues its only supported as a mac os x file05:41
mefisto_kalidar: do you have a link? where did you get it from?05:41
kalidarsure gime a sec mefisto05:41
doleybkalidar: It's not mac...!05:42
kalidarthats where i got it05:42
kalidarthats the site where i went to install from aswell when it brought up instal list when i click add new widgets05:42
kalidaroh also i went to get new splash screens and same problem happend05:43
kalidarperhaps i should reinstall?05:43
doleybkalidar: It's not a mac widget.05:43
mefisto_kalidar: what's it called? what does it do?05:43
kalidari know that lol05:43
kalidarits a system display widget05:43
noren_kalidar: i meant did u try draginf the widget fromm the add widget window to the desktop05:44
kalidar300 times XD05:44
kalidarfrom the desktop widget butten in the corner to the right click desktop add widget05:45
kalidarit dosent show up when i click add plasma widget tho05:45
kalidarhmm i give up lol05:46
noren_are u having prob with any othere widget also05:46
kalidarguess sence im here would u guys know how to change yr bootloader to soemthing alitle more graphical ??05:46
kalidarnope the preinstaled widgets are fine05:46
kalidarbut when ever i wana instal a new widget it dosent work05:46
kalidarthey dont show up in the list of choseable widgets after i instal them05:47
kalidarsays its a superkarumba theme05:47
kalidarperhaps thats my problem05:47
noren_kalidar: try restarting the kdm and see05:47
kalidarcuz its not technaly a widget05:47
doleybkalidar: Anyway for a more easy thing, try the ksensors package05:48
kalidarsry im a linux idiot compaired to you guys lol05:48
kalidarkk how do i get ksensors package05:48
noren_not widget then what are u trying to get installed05:48
kalidara sensor widget for my desktop to display hardrive space and ram usage etc..05:48
kalidarif u guys know where i can find one that will work05:49
kalidarthen sweet it could just be the files im trying but their from a reliable source kde-look.org they should work05:49
doleybkalidar: Did you read this? http://phpandlinux.com/2008/11/09/system-health-monitoring-with-kubuntu-810/05:49
kalidaroh btw when i load windows like that link you just sent me for a split second everything looks choppy and i see colored lines for a split second05:50
kalidarkinda looks like a videocard glitch like u get in games that you cant run..05:50
kalidari have a intell duo05:50
kalidaromg doley thanks man how did you find that help file?05:51
kalidarso sorry guys05:51
kalidari feel like a idiot lol05:51
kalidaru guys are awesome much apreaciated ill try not to bother u anymore tonite :)05:52
doleybDid it work yet?05:52
doleybWell good luck anyway!05:52
p-fWhenever I suspend to ram, my usb external hard drive's device, /dev/sdb1 becomes invalid and I have to unplug/replug it in for it to work properly. Why, and how can I fix it?05:55
mefisto_kalidar: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=86664  is that the one?05:59
doleybmefisto_: That's apparently it.05:59
draik__My desktop will lose its internet connection from time to time. Only resolution I've found is to reboot. What should I do to remedy this issue?06:00
=== draik__ is now known as draik_
mefisto_kalidar: that widget requires superkaramba (sudo apt-get install superkaramba) then you will see "superkaramba theme" in the list of widget types. it's not native plasmoid, mac OSX, etc06:01
noren_draik_:  same prob here,,, if u find any sol do tell me also06:09
=== HanzZ_ is now known as _HanzZ
draik_noren_: Sure. I find it odd that my installed apps and configs are the same elsewhere and they do not have the same issue.06:10
noren_draik_: i have to manually reboot the adsl router06:11
mefisto_draik_ and noren_: is this a wireless connection or wired?06:12
draik_I have this laptop on the same router; never an issue here.06:12
draik_mefisto_: I'm wired on both desktop and laptop06:12
kalidaryeah i got that cuz thx06:16
kalidari install superkarmba but it still not showing in the list06:16
draik_I find it odd for a wired connection to suddenly lose connectivity; moreover, no signs of issues with CAT-5 cable.06:17
=== JulCes_ is now known as JulCes
Kasm279well, im gone for the night06:21
Kasm279g'night everyone!06:21
the9a3eediHi, what's the default dpi in Kubuntu on KDE 4.1? Is it me or does the text feel abnormally big?06:23
mefisto_the9a3eedi: it's you (or more likely your incorrectly detected hardware)06:25
draik_Is there a way to change the keyboard settings? They seem to be gone. I can't modify the repeat level and such.06:26
jamesjedimasterdraik_: system settings06:28
draik_jamesjedimaster: The keyboard option is gone. I can't choose to set Num Lock on by default or the repeat rate.06:28
the9a3eediah yes.. it WAS the DPI after all06:29
doleybdraik_: are you missing any other options?06:30
the9a3eediI manually set it to 96DPI06:30
the9a3eediand its all good now06:30
draik_doleyb: Don't think so. That's the only one I've noticed so far.06:30
the9a3eedimaybe it figured that since I'm running an 1680x1050 it should switch to a higher DPI setting.. so yeah..06:30
draik_I'm rebooting my desktop now and I'm hoping to get a steady connectivity with the interwebs06:32
draikI am now connected to all the interwebs06:35
draikOk. so all is well with the desktop, but now my desktop seems to have eaten poopies on the network06:37
draikscratch that, the laptop did06:37
draikLaptop now has 31s lag06:37
draikOk. all is well with the network here; laptop 114ms & desktop 115ms06:40
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draikwhat are you testing noren?06:47
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noren_i am looking to find some guide to reduce my powere consumption of the computer... any one06:50
draikI'm looking to resolve all of my issues with this desktop and then those with life.06:50
noren_draik: whats the prob now06:51
draiknoren_: In no specific order... I can't use the nVidia drivers (repos or nVidia.com; desktop freezes either way), getting the keyboard function back in System Settings, keeping my network connectivity alive without having to reboot, somehow obtain the partition which I formatted (not low-level) so that I can restore the contents onto my new drive, remove lirc from boot, remove mysqld from boot, get my kcometen screensaver to work (part of the video06:54
draikdriver issue since it needs OpenGL)... just to name a few06:54
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sixofourso every time i log into KDE , regular buntu loads :(07:37
sixofourwith the menu bar uptoop, brown backgrouns little ubuntu sign07:37
sixofourreal gay and Mac like07:37
macomacs are gay? huh. never knew that. when did Apple start putting genders on their computers? and when did those computers become amorous?07:38
sixofourAny ideas how to fix this?07:38
macoyeah, choose kde instead of gnome when you login07:38
macoits in the Sessions menu07:39
macoand stop using gay when you don't mean "happy" or "homosexual", k buddy?07:39
GentooJohnnymacs have come a LONG way from the days of the Apple IIGS I used in school07:43
sixofourkde won't load :*(07:44
sixofouri select kde in session, it shows the loading thing, a pciture of the ahrdrive, thenit goes back to login07:45
sixofourtried it 3 times07:45
GentooJohnnysixofour: sounds like something is crashing on load and was saved when you logged out... in that state.07:46
sixofouryeah, how do i fix that?07:46
GentooJohnnyeasiest way I ever found, was create a new user.07:46
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sixofouri was in the process of installing hardware nvidia drivers and it froze so i did ctrl-alt-f1 and rebooted07:47
GentooJohnnybut Im prolly really wrong about it.07:47
sixofoura new user??07:47
BentFranklinI have Kubuntu 8.10.  I want shell scripts to be able to send emails.  Do I need sendmail?  What else?07:47
macoBentFranklin: #ubuntu-server is more likely to know07:48
macoBentFranklin: that's the sort of things sysadmins like to do07:48
GentooJohnnysixofour: good luck with that. nvidia drivers are a constant problem accross all OS's07:48
sixofournot for me, it was the act of closing while they were doing something07:48
sixofouri basicly forced rebooted during a major system change07:49
macothat shouldnt break your user....just X07:49
sixofourmy user works07:49
GentooJohnnyyou prolly fubarred your user07:49
sixofourjust not in kde07:49
macoyour user doesnt work for kde...07:49
sixofouri'm the same user runnign gnome now07:49
sixofourok so..?07:49
GentooJohnnydifferent settings for each07:50
GentooJohnnyeven though the user is the same the settings are different07:50
GentooJohnnykde doesn't write in the same places gnome does.07:50
sixofouryeah, i know07:51
sixofourbut how can i fix kde?07:51
GentooJohnnysounds like your session settings are messed up07:51
GentooJohnnyso if you create a new user and kde loads.07:51
sixofouris there something i can dalate?07:51
GentooJohnnythat would prove its your kde session settings.07:51
sixofourso how is that done?07:52
GentooJohnnysixofour: Ive tried deleting all of them with gnome. you always seem to miss one of importance.07:52
GentooJohnnyIm sure its the same with KDE07:53
sixofourso..how do i do that?07:54
GentooJohnnyyour in gnome right?07:54
sixofouri guess, ive never used gnome07:54
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GentooJohnnyeasiest way is administration from the system menu and users07:56
sixofourwhat would that be called?..there is nothing in the system emnu related to suer stuff07:57
GentooJohnnysixofour: I don't have gnome installed07:57
GentooJohnnyso I can't reference it directly07:57
sixofourbtw, only kde apps are listed lol07:57
sixofourkwallet, konvorsation etc etc07:58
GentooJohnnylol of course07:58
GentooJohnnyso then look for kusers07:58
GentooJohnnyor System>Kuser User Manager07:59
GentooJohnnyIm new to the whole KDE thing frankly08:00
GentooJohnnyGnome and fluxbox08:00
GentooJohnnyare my WM's of preference.08:00
macoin gnome it's08:02
macosystem -> peferences -> users & groups08:02
macothe command is users-admin08:02
macooh bah im confused08:03
macoi thought sixofour couldnt login to kde?08:03
sixofouri used a different kernal and it worked08:03
* maco is confused08:03
sixofouri couldn;'t log into kde08:04
sixofourso i selected a different kernal08:04
sixofourin grub08:04
sixofourand it worked08:04
GentooJohnnymaco: me too now08:06
GentooJohnnythe kernel should have NOTHING to do with the user.08:07
GentooJohnnyits loaded long before any user scripts or other things are.08:07
GentooJohnnykernel > drivers > X > wm > desktop08:09
GentooJohnnythough the drivers are now whats sounding bad because a different kernel wouldn't have loaded the same drivers.08:11
sixofournvidia drivers working too08:12
sixofourall my icons are busted though :(08:12
GentooJohnnywhat were the differences in kernels/drivers between the two?08:12
sixofournone of my shortcuts work :/08:12
sixofourthis isn't working :/ lol08:13
GentooJohnnysixofour: try a brand new user.08:13
sixofourit thinks i have no programs installed that arn't aprt of the default package08:13
sixofourwhat will that prove?08:14
GentooJohnnycreate a new user and try that. then you'll see if its at the backend of the loading process or the front end of it.08:14
GentooJohnnyread up for gnome, in kde its System > Kuser User Manager08:15
sixofouri'm not in gnome08:15
martin_hi, when my system boots it is giving me an error "X Server died during startup" in the syslog, but running "startx" from the shell it then gives works; how can I go about diagnosing the problem?08:15
sixofouri'm in kde08:15
GentooJohnnymartin_: where did X die exactly08:16
GentooJohnnyor even better pastebin the syslog at the point it died08:16
robin0800martin_: check the xorg log file usuing log viewer08:17
martin_GentooJohnny: just after splash screen and before anything was displayed08:17
GentooJohnnyok pastebin the xorg log and/or syslog at the point of it dying08:17
sixofourthere is no kuser manager08:17
GentooJohnnysixofour: Im sorry Im just using whats in front of me, using KDE 4.208:18
sixofourmartin_: any ideas?08:19
robin0800sixofour: Upgrade to 4.208:19
martin_sixofour: sorry, no idea08:19
sixofouri meant rob not you martin_ lol08:20
GentooJohnnysixofour: hang on one sec08:20
GentooJohnnysixofour: open adept08:20
robin0800sixofour: kde 4.2 has kuser in it08:21
sixofourwhat is adept?08:21
stefanonon sò da che parte cominciare08:21
GentooJohnnyits the package installer for kde08:21
martin_GentooJohnny: the X.org log appears not to be timestamped. As I am now in X, do I want the .log.old file?08:21
sixofouri thoguth apt-get was08:21
sixofouri use apt-get08:21
GentooJohnnyin KDE go into the menu08:21
GentooJohnnyyou should see adept in there.08:22
GentooJohnnymartin_: pastin bin it and post the link in here so we can see it.08:22
GentooJohnnyyes the last one that shows the crash data08:23
GentooJohnnysixofour: after that goto sources08:23
sixofouradept is open08:23
GentooJohnnyafter sources edit software source08:24
sixofourare you trying to get me to update kde?08:24
robin0800sixofour: see this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:24
martin_GentooJohnny: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135259/ - and thanks a lot for any help - it's much appreciated08:24
GentooJohnnynow remember KDE 4.2 is unsupported08:24
sixofouri don't want 4.208:24
sixofourfor that reason08:24
sixofourand i don't want to update a broken kde :P08:25
GentooJohnnyfair enough08:26
robin0800GentooJohnny: 4.2 is supported its been released08:26
sixofourthere is no settings.file for my user i can delete?08:26
GentooJohnnyrobin0800: the only way to get KDE 4.2 is to check unsupported updates in sources so I don't think so :P08:27
GentooJohnnyunless it was officially released yesterday08:27
GentooJohnnyin adept anyway08:27
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sixofourwell, its 3:30 am08:28
GentooJohnnysixofour: the only way to make sure it all works is too update to kde 4.208:28
sixofouri will fix this tomorrow08:28
martin_hmmm, there's a suggestion that it's a usplash problem08:29
sixofouror i can install 4.1 and overwrite everything08:29
martin_I'll try disabling it08:29
GentooJohnnysixofour: you could try that08:29
sixofournah, it shows the box with the hardrive icon, then it resets08:29
DocTomoeI just upgraded an old intrepid pre-release system that hid undetected for the last few months to intrepid final. Ever since, my sound isn08:29
DocTomoet working. The system indicates, however, that it found the soundcard. I tried reinstalling the xine ecosystem, but to no avail what can I do to have sound once more?08:30
* sixofour is away08:30
DocTomoenothing that can be done about that sound problem?08:36
GentooJohnnyDocTomoe: hrm08:38
DocTomoeGentooJohnny: is that a "hrm, let me think of an incantation to resurrect your sound daemon" or "hrm, you start to annoy me"?08:41
GentooJohnnylol no08:42
GentooJohnnyIm not a sound guy Im just thinking of a good way to get your problem out there.08:42
macoDocTomoe: a sound guy is signing on08:45
GentooJohnnyso there you go, DocTomoe pastebin the error(s) and we'll see08:46
DocTomoeI suppose this is good news ;) whom may I refer to concerning my sound problem?08:46
DocTomoeGentooJohnny: thats the funny thing: there are no errors. just no sound.08:46
macohim ^08:46
GentooJohnnyDocTomoe: there has to be an error or something. if not it would be working. a driver looking for hardware etc...etc..08:47
macodtchen: DocTomoe just found an intrepid devel system. on there, audio worked dandy. on intrepid final, it regressed08:47
mefisto_DocTomoe: do you have more than one soundcard?08:47
macoDocTomoe: can you download http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and run it and paste the link here?08:48
DocTomoemefisto_: actually, yes, this is a shuttle pc with on-board aound and an audigy card. neither workds08:48
mefisto_DocTomoe: so there are speakers connected to outputs of both cards?08:49
DocTomoemefisto_: nope. just to the audigy card.08:49
DocTomoe http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b9c382c67a9b71ad0fa9eb75bee8937bc3c44d3008:50
macoDocTomoe: so "neither works" means you unplugged the speakers and tried in the other?08:50
GentooJohnnykubuntu 4.1 detected my soundblaster audigy2 card just fine on install.08:50
DocTomoemaco, hat is what I meant08:51
GentooJohnnykubuntu 8.0408:51
dtchenDocTomoe: mute 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack'08:51
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macoonly the audigy is recognized. onboard's not. might be disabled in bios though08:52
DocTomoehm, I kind of feel like a stoopid end-user - how exactly do I mute?08:52
maco(that's a common way to deal with deciding which card to use)08:52
macoalsamixer should let you08:52
DocTomoeah, found it, muted it, sound sorks08:52
macodtchen: why should *muting* make sound audible? this sounds backwards08:53
DocTomoe:) thanks for the input. I would never have figured that one out...08:53
GentooJohnnyloll good question maco08:53
dtchenjust to clarify: if you have it UNmuted, the codec routes to the speaker-/line-out jack; if you have it muted, the codec routes to the spdif08:53
dtchensorry, i said it backward08:53
dtchenmuted -> speaker-/line-out jack; unmuted -> spdif08:54
macooh it doesnt try both at all times?08:54
dtchendon't think of it as mute vs unmute08:54
dtchenthink of it as a binary toggle between speaker-/line-out and spdif08:55
macoyeah this was DEFINITELY a you question08:55
macofalls into the category of things we didnt hit during mentorship08:55
maco(i was just grabbing you because regressions = bad and thought if it was real you ought to know)08:56
dtchenbeware: this binary toggle flip is only valid for certain revisions of STAC975x08:57
dtchenfor the *earlier* revisions, the necessary toggle is *backward*08:57
macooh dear. exceptions.08:57
macowow. jerks.08:57
lyhana8qlq1 utilise tork ?09:17
GentooJohnnylos3r: nobody can help you if you don't say nothing09:22
lyhana8does anyone use tork ?09:24
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* SSJ_GZ eats tackat_breakfast 09:43
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zer0ohi guys i run kubuntu hardy, lately is been goin superslow and when i restart the system and it shuts down all the processes a couple of em fail and one of em just doesnt go ahead so it never restarts, is there a tool to verify the integrity of the system? or what do u suggest? thanks09:53
zer0o<zer0o> hi guys i run kubuntu hardy, lately is been goin superslow and when i restart the system and it shuts down all the processes a couple of em fail and one of em just doesnt go ahead so it never restarts, is there a tool to verify the integrity of the system? or what do u suggest? thanks09:54
TopsunI don't know any tool09:56
Topsunmy suggestion is to investigate the problem ^^09:56
zer0oTopsun: wow... thanks man!!!!09:57
TopsunxD which processes do exactly fail?09:58
Topsunhave you changed / installed something?09:58
zer0oit came like this just out of the blue09:59
Topsunyou may look at the process list and see which progam consumes much CPU time10:00
Topsunthe command for this is 'top'10:01
Topsunif your system is slow at the very moment you will see the running process at the top of the list10:01
useronehi, anyone knows whats the difference between imap and disconnected imap in kmail?10:03
Topsunuserone: 'normal' imap keeps the network connection open. if you are not permanently connected to the internet you may want to use disconnected imap10:05
Topsunuserone: kmail syncs local mails to the server and the other way too10:06
gnummwhy isn't kbunutu hardy LTS and ubuntu hardy is? they both use the same repos right?10:07
useronein disconnected mode do I need to do something to get messages?10:07
useroneI dont even see any messge or even folder when I open the account?10:08
Topsungnumm: kubuntu is merely a spin-off from ubuntu so as far as i know canonical does not support it but you are right it may be considered LTS if it has the same repos10:08
gnummso when kde works fine i can use kbunutu lts until the next lts version..?10:09
CoXmiKyes i  guess10:10
Topsunuserone: i don't use kmail so i can't answer this qestion exactly. perhaps there is a download, sync or connect button?10:10
CoXmiKwhat is the more relevant email client that you've experienced under Kubuntu ?10:11
TopsunCoXmiK: i personally prefer thunderbird ^^10:12
useroneyes I think I need to use check mail button, I thought that was only for pop accounts10:12
Topsunuserone: if you use disconnected imap it's more or less somethin like pop10:13
useroneI see, now it seems to be downloading the whole account... :/10:14
Topsunuserone: yes of course. in order to provide you all mails while not being disconnected it has to do this10:15
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Topsunuserone: correction: not being connected ^^10:16
useroneI see thats not really what I want then10:16
lyhana8how do i set a proxy for IRC in kopete ?10:17
useroneif I set it the other way what is supposed to download?10:17
Topsunuserone: disconnected imap is intended for laptops etc. where you want to read mails without an internet connection10:18
Topsunuserone: you have to subscribe the folders and it will download only the headers of your mails. if you open a mail the whole mail is downloaded10:19
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Topsunlyhana8: kopete should use the kde proxy settings10:23
Topsunlyhana8: or do you want to use a socks proxy?10:24
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lyhana8Topsun: don't know. I want to use the web via TOR10:24
lyhana8so i install tork10:24
Topsunlyhana8: the web = only websites? then you don't need to set anything in kopete as long as you changed the proxy settings in your browser10:26
lyhana8http, ssh, IRC, P2P as much apps as possible10:26
useroneit looks like its downloading whole messages and not just headers10:27
Topsunlyhana8: you really wanna do that? it slows down your transfer speed markedly10:28
lyhana8really ? i thought it was a transparent process...10:28
Topsunuserone: is there an option to say kmail that it should only download message headers?10:29
Topsunlyhana8: what do you mean by 'transparent'?10:30
Topsunlyhana8: have you read the 'how does it work' page on their website?10:31
lyhana8Topsun: thought that'll be the same as without TOR10:31
lyhana8er... nop10:31
useroneif there is, I cant see it, it seems to be downloading all messages from all folders10:32
Topsunlyhana8: assume that you connect to another person with a dial-up connection and therefore you only get the maximum of your and the others up / down stream10:32
Topsunuserone: and you really changed to 'normal' imap?10:33
useroneno, I was talking about disconnected imap10:34
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Topsunuserone: then its normal operation ^^10:36
useroneI see, so disconnected downloads everything you have in the account, headers, messages, attachments...10:37
Topsunuserone: yes10:37
useroneis there some hidden setting for normal imap to keep a cache of watched messages?10:39
Topsunuserone: afaik it should do that already10:40
Topsunuserone: maybe you have to change to 'offline mode' to say kmail that it should not contact the server10:41
mamris it possible to find out, which graphics driver is in use at the moment?10:50
robin0800mamr: xorg log10:52
kalidaranyone here?11:12
kalidari need alittle assistance :(11:12
mefisto__316 people here11:12
kalidari was wondering where a good server is for fserving and what is a good fserv irc for11:12
kalidarkubuntu with kde 4.111:12
kalidarcan anyone help me with this?11:12
kalidaralso is their a way i can change my bootloader for something alittle more graphical?11:13
shyamwhat this channel s al abut?11:14
mefisto__kalidar: 2nd question, install kgrubeditor and try that (but backup /boot/grub/menu.lst in case something goes wrong)11:14
mefisto__shyam: see the topic11:15
grey08hello, i have VGA problem with my Acer 4715z laptop, the resolution is too rough, and i notice that sometimes it has some flickering11:16
shyamit seems  pretty hostile enviroment11:16
kalidardoes anyone know of a good fserv irc for kubuntu and a good frserv network for anime??? if you can help can u plz pm me :)11:17
Dekansfserv ?11:19
bazhangkalidar, that is offtopic here11:20
ykhey guys anyone useing acer aspire 4530?11:20
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cerecitashmmm no just acer but which graphic card you have?11:21
grey08hello, i have VGA problem with my Acer 4715z laptop, the resolution is too rough, and i notice that sometimes it has some flickering11:21
ykgeforce 9100m g11:21
cerecitasgrey08: your graphic card? looks to me like a drivers problem11:22
ykwell i can't seem to get my webcam started as well...11:22
cerecitasyk:  in a terminal lsusb and if you could paste me the line of the webcam i guess we will sort it out11:23
ykyes flickering is a driver problem11:23
yki'm too new to kubuntu11:23
ykok let me try11:23
ykBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub11:25
ykBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:25
ykBus 002 Device 002: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Mass Stroage Device11:25
ykBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub11:25
ykBus 001 Device 003: ID 064e:a103 Suyin Corp.11:25
ykBus 001 Device 002: ID 0a5c:2101 Broadcom Corp. A-Link BlueUsbA2 Bluetooth11:25
ykBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:25
grey08cerecitas, yes, i think it is driver problem as well11:25
grey08no way i can solve it?11:26
cerecitasi just wanted a line ... but no worries11:26
cerecitashmm probably yes grey08 but i am not very good with it... which is your graphic card?11:26
cerecitasyk:  give me a second11:26
cerecitasi cant see your webcam there.... sec11:27
yksuyin corp is a webcam11:27
grey08hello, i have VGA problem with my Acer 4715z laptop, the resolution is too rough, and i notice that sometimes it has some flickering11:28
cerecitas(we need to know the graphic card :p)11:28
grey0800:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:28
grey08paste something wrong, hehe11:28
grey0800:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:28
cerecitasim checking the forum grey08 give me  second11:30
cerecitasbecause i am not very good with graphic cards11:30
grey08oh, thanks cerescitas11:30
cerecitas(or with anything at all ;))11:30
grey08appreciate it :)11:30
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cerecitashmm grey0811:31
cerecitas are you trying to run desktop effects?11:32
grey08but, it is lagging sometimes11:32
grey08and flickering11:32
cerecitashmmm it might be the compositing kno how to change it to xrender instead of opengl?11:33
cerecitasin the window behaviour11:34
grey08no much option i can change at the11:34
grey08no mucj option i can change at the system setting11:35
cerecitasjust in advanced from opengl to xrender11:35
grey08system setting-> advanced?11:36
cerecitasbut it might be better to wait for the guys grey0811:36
cerecitashmmm no right click on the window titlebar - configure window behaviour11:36
manuel_how can i use plasma widgets on the widget layer of compiz?11:37
grey08do i need to enable [ keep thumbnails of hidden windows up to date] ?11:38
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commander_does anyone have compiz configuration on here11:40
commander_i want to see the complete cube,cylinder and sphere11:41
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion11:41
grey08lol, it restarted without inform me11:41
grey08the resolution is only 1280x800 now, is this the maximum it can goes?11:43
grey08hello, i m wondering does my graphic card has already fully performance11:45
grey080:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:45
grey0800:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:45
cerecitasdid you change to xrender grey08??11:46
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grey08i have changed it to xrender11:49
grey08but, the resolution can only goes to 1280x80011:50
cerecitasand looks okay now? Intel cards have issues with opengl11:50
grey08can it goes even ...fine?11:50
grey081280x1000? or better?11:50
cerecitasthat depends on the card11:50
cerecitascould you get that resolution on i.e windows?11:51
cerecitaswell the card is the card.. it won't give you more resolution than it is able to11:51
cerecitasthat's what i mean11:52
grey08yesterday before i formated from vista, it has better resolution11:52
cerecitasif the card does not support 1280x1000...11:52
cerecitashmm then you will have to keep on asking.. the flickering was caused most likely by the opengl thing11:52
cerecitasdon't ask me why, but my intel card hates it, and so did a few more ones from here11:53
cerecitasabout drivers and stuff you will have to keep on asking the guys because i honestly dunno11:53
grey08i seee11:53
grey08really regret that i totally format my vista11:54
grey08i mean the hdd11:54
cerecitashmmmm give yourself some time and you won't11:54
cerecitashonest, it's just about getting used11:54
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grey08yea, the features are better than vista11:54
grey08just the drivers issues....11:55
cerecitasi formatted xp totally around a year ago... and i don't regret it anymore11:55
akashHow do I install WCAM 300 in Kubuntu.....11:55
=== CeZ[PhiN] is now known as CeZ
cerecitasthat can be fixed grey08, there is ndiswrapper for windows native drivers11:55
=== CeZ is now known as CeZ[PhiN]
cerecitasbut i have no idea on how to use it or what, never had driver issues11:55
cerecitasis called like that, if i am not wrong allows to use windows native drivers11:56
cerecitasbut i just know of its existance nothing more11:56
grey08too bad my laptop doesnt come with any cds11:56
cerecitasi dunno if it applies to everything or only to wireless cards11:56
cerecitasanyway if you have your card model you can always check on adept11:57
CeZ[PhiN]im trying to installwhen i try to install eve online, only install file is for ( Ubuntu, Linspire, Debian ) its a .deb file. to install it says it needs 5 packages but when i hit ok it says Media Change, and no matter how many times i hit ok it keeps poping up. can anyone help?11:57
CeZ[PhiN]wow that kinda screwed up, sorry11:58
CeZ[PhiN]trying to install eve online*11:58
grey08apt-get install card?11:58
akashPls guide me to install WCAM 300 on Kubuntu..........11:58
cerecitashmmmm no grey08... there should be drivers for that card but you will need to make a bit of googling11:59
cerecitasthen apt-cache search "packagename" and check if its installed or not (it has an i next to it if yes)11:59
cerecitasbut as i said ... wait for the guys here they know better11:59
cerecitasthis girl needs to leave and do some cleaning around :(11:59
CeZ[PhiN]please can anyone help?12:00
CeZ[PhiN]im new to linux, this is my first try, and its not looking good12:00
ykthe windoze network ddriver needs to be either 32 bit or 64bit according to the kubuntu you are useing12:00
grey08haha, ok ok12:00
ykthen you need to install it with ndiswrapper.....12:01
yksimple it will work ...12:01
ykat least last time i tried it in my other comp it worked...12:01
CeZ[PhiN]... can anyone reply to me?12:01
CeZ[PhiN]so much for kubuntu help?12:03
ykwell i'm trin to figure out what help you want....12:04
yknever used eve......12:04
CeZ[PhiN]can i show you the dl link?12:04
jussi01CeZ[PhiN]: youll need to tell us a little more - media change? is there more to the message?12:04
bazhangmedia change = put in the cd?12:04
CeZ[PhiN]nono look12:04
bazhangthen remove cd from sources.list12:05
CeZ[PhiN]thats the page im dling from12:05
CeZ[PhiN]i hit the one with UBUNTU right12:05
jussi01CeZ[PhiN]: no, tell us the error message!!12:05
CeZ[PhiN]downloaded the file and it said when i opened it i needed 5 packages12:05
CeZ[PhiN]1 sec ill list packages12:05
ariusHello! does someone have experience with the laserprinter magicolor 2550 from Konica?12:05
jussi01arius: I dont, but what is the issue?12:06
ykwow that really looks kool... unfortunate i've not used it till now...12:06
CeZ[PhiN]says i need: libglade2-0, python-cairo, python-gtk2, python-glade2, python-numeric12:06
jussi01CeZ[PhiN]: tell us the error message!!12:07
ykwell those packages you can download from restricted repos i guess12:07
ariusjussi01: this printer supports PS3 and PCL6 but there is the possibility to make high quality printouts in a so called 4-Bit mode. i would like to know if this is also possible under linux.12:08
jussi01arius: have a look on linuxprinting.org - likely the info is there12:08
CeZ[PhiN]now it wont give me the error its giving me somthing else 1 sec12:08
ykin ubuntu you need to go to synaptic packet manager and download it.... it should be there with medibuntu repo...12:09
CeZ[PhiN]i cant figure that out12:09
CeZ[PhiN]now its giving me this: Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time Please close the other application e.g. 'Update Manager', 'aptitude'or 'Synaptic' first.12:11
jussi01CeZ[PhiN]: and you have none of those open?12:12
CeZ[PhiN]not that i know of? ive only got this, the msn thing, internet browser, and the package installer thats giving me the error12:12
jussi01!aptfix | CeZ[PhiN], if none of those are open, then:12:12
ubottuCeZ[PhiN], if none of those are open, then:: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:12
CeZ[PhiN]k ill try that 1 sec12:13
CeZ[PhiN]k that worked, now i opened the file that i downloaded, it said requires installation of 5 packages that i listed before12:14
CeZ[PhiN]i hit ok, and it brings up a box saying Media Change OK or CANCEL12:15
CeZ[PhiN]i hit ok, it goes forever12:15
bazhangremove cd from sources.list12:15
CeZ[PhiN]i hit cancel and it says  Could not download all required files Please check your internet connection or installation medium.12:15
CeZ[PhiN]how do i do that?12:16
CeZ[PhiN]oh wait12:16
ariusjussi01: Status: "works mostly" - found another interesting info at openprinting.org. whether the postscript related features can be used or accessed depends on the PPD file as I understood and Konica offers one for this printer.12:17
ariusjussi01: thanks for your hint - bye all12:17
CeZ[PhiN]omg bazhang, i love you12:17
CeZ[PhiN]i think thats what was screwing me over12:18
CeZ[PhiN]package 'eve' was installed12:18
CeZ[PhiN]thank you very much12:18
=== chris_ is now known as chrismir
coder2Hello. Please help me to get sound from SAA7134-based TV-tuner. I've googled a lot, but no working solutions yet12:39
=== antti is now known as hypo
bazhanghttp://www.linuxtv.org/ coder2 look here please12:41
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out12:41
coder2bazhang: I've been there, and tried a lot of "solutions". No one worked for me12:42
herrspockhi, I have upgraded to jaunty alpha. Now, the new kile 2.1 does not recognized dead keys. But kate does.12:45
coder2Ok, thanks anyway. Bye.12:45
jussi01herrspock: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty please12:50
herrspockthanks jussi0112:51
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
cerecitaswhat is nepomunk?13:07
cerecitastoday my computer updated and everything has changed :S13:07
cerecitas(even the desktop background)13:08
cerecitasit looks like kde4.213:10
cerecitashuhu yk13:10
ykcould anyone tell me how to install skype13:10
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:11
ykhey cerecitas... i got my webcam started ... funny though... i just installed the nvidia new driver and tried the webcam it worked ... thanks...13:11
cerecitashehehe yk i didnt do anything... anyway i am glad it works ;)13:11
yki know but thanks for tring :)13:12
cerecitaswell.. yeah at least i did :p13:12
cerecitasjesus maria this kde 4.2 is gonna drive me nuts...i was just starting to find my way on the one before hehe13:13
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ykwell i know how to install skype in ubuntu... not on ubuntu... plus how do i add the medibuntu repo in the sources13:14
yki mean i know on ubuntu not on kubuntu13:14
cerecitashmmmm you can do it two ways actually from the konsole using sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list then adding the line for medibuntu repos there and ctrl+x  and enter will quit and save changes or from adept.13:15
cerecitasin adept you should open adept package manager and modify the software sources accordingly13:15
ykjust getting the hang of kde13:16
BluesKajwifi doesn`t auto-connect on bootup, have to manually...what settings do I have to edit  É13:16
cerecitasBluesKaj:  that i know..go to knetwork manager, edit connection13:16
BluesKajok, there13:17
cerecitasthen select the one you have and edit, click on next til you find the box "autoconnect" it's just after the screen it says "manual ip configuration"13:17
cerecitastick it and it will connect automatically :)13:17
cerecitasthen save and try :D13:18
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kezakool|Oqp| Bon je reviens dès que je fini mes occupations13:18
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:18
Aleksandritsorry, what with kubuntu.org/packages? why 404?)13:18
BluesKajcerecitas, doh!...how did i miss that :)13:19
cerecitasand yk open adept package manager, enter your root password when requested, click on sources (top left corner) and edit software sources... then add the medibuntu repo in the third tab13:19
cerecitashahaha BluesKaj i've been 2 weeks wondering how to make my wireless autoconnect on startup ;) just found it today :D13:20
duke_anbody knows a why how can i make ventrilo use push to talk, when vent window is not active?13:21
BluesKajcerecitas, Im new to laptops...hate the kb13:21
mereandorhow can I debug a plasma crash in jaunty? (at the moment the screen gets blank at plasma restarts after a few moments)13:22
wolfgangi'm on jaunty (cause i had issues with intrepid) and trying to scan for wireless networks.. i installed my wlan-stick.. and it shows my wlan0 interface.. but i can't really scan for networks13:22
cerecitasi hate all computers in general BluesKaj... or rather they hate me ;) hihihi13:22
cerecitasi think for jaunty is #ubuntu+1 not sure tho13:22
wolfgangtried on my other computer - on which i have 8.10 - and it works.13:22
mereandorcerecitas: thanks you seem to be right ;)13:23
wolfganghm, kay.. i'll try there.13:23
BluesKajbbl, gonna goto the desktop13:26
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kalidarcan anyone tell me why i cant play dvd's13:46
kalidari installed every media player and tryed everyting13:47
kalidaram i missing some lib files?13:47
etriclook out vor libdvdcss13:49
robin0800kalidar: its on the VLC site13:50
BluesKajlooking for a way to defeat the auto select option on laptop touchpad , it seems to be auto-ing on and i hate it ..interferes with my selections13:55
BluesKaj laptop touchpad cursor13:56
Ev0luti0n_yo folks13:59
Ev0luti0n_anynody here has a ppc that has synced with linux before? i need some help13:59
=== stuart is now known as stuart_
martinhi, I have some files which contain unicode characters and I want to rename them so that they don't. Only trouble is that I can't work out what the offending character really is. ls displays it as a "?" and autocomplete is putting the standard unicode replacement character14:36
ActionParsnipmartin: use wildcards14:37
martinActionParsnip: ok; so, like mv test?1.ods test1.ods14:39
martinthanks - bit dim not to have thought of that!14:39
ActionParsnipmartin: mv test*.ods test.ods   make sure the folder only contains that file14:40
FatBoylatest updates of KDE 4.2.1 broke some of the plasmoids, any an idea what is going on ?14:40
ActionParsnipmartin: you could also cat the file14:40
ActionParsnipFatBoy: remove them then readd14:40
FatBoyActionParsnip: Tried that, removed them and readded, still the same problem14:41
beatzzgood morning all14:41
BluesKajFatBoy , there are warnings about removing the old pasmoids before upgrading14:41
ActionParsnipmartin: can you not rename in konqueror / dolphin?14:41
martinthank you ActionParsnip; no Dolphin doesn't like it - the file came from an ntfs system via a unison synchronisation and it has v.messed up characters in it14:42
martingo to rename and dolphin says it doesn't exist14:42
weeis there an easy way to reset an existing installation to near default package composition... over subsequent updates, somehow gnome has managed to replace itself as the default wm for some of the users even though gnome wasn't explicity installed.14:42
FatBoyBluesKa: Does these warnings are still valid when going from 4.2 to 4.2.1?14:42
weekubuntu intrepid14:42
ActionParsnipwee: log off and set the session type, then log back in. it will remember the last\ session type14:43
weeActionParsnip: yeah i know, but every time i update it resets it for two other users, not myself14:44
weebesides that the installation itself is acting funny.. automatically removing some applications (e.g. kate, khelpcenter, etc)14:44
weebasically what i want to know is if there is some "repair installation" funcationality14:45
ActionParsnipwee: you could rename ~/.kde for each user14:45
ActionParsnipwee: they will then get stock settings for all the kde apps inc. desktop14:46
weethanks for that14:46
beatzzthe command for automaticly identifing and mounting a drive is 'sudo mount -a auto /dev/* /mnt/*' correct?14:47
beatzztryin to help this guy out http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-do-i-get-debian-to-read-my-usb-external-hdd-713363/page2.html14:48
ActionParsnipbeatzz: to identify a partition use   sudo fdisk -l14:52
ActionParsnipbeatzz: you dont mount drives, you mount partitions14:53
BluesKajcdrom is a drive , ActionParsnip14:57
BluesKajas are USBs etc14:58
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: the usb is a drive with a single partition on it14:58
LaeborgI have some problems with my Logitech diNovo (Bluetooth) mouse and keyboard. Everytime I reboot my computer, I need to unplug the bluetooth adaptor and plug it in again.14:58
beatzzyea, in this paticular case, hes tryin to mount the entire drive.14:58
beatzzits an external14:58
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: run: sudo fdisk -l14:58
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panos4everhi everyone!14:58
BluesKajActionParsnip  , yer splitting hairs14:59
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: you will see a drive (e.g. /dev/sdb) with a single partition (/dev/sdb1)14:59
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: no its fact, you dont mout drives14:59
BluesKajso it's still a drive14:59
beatzzmmk, I just checked the man, it actualy dosent mention "mounting" drives or partitions14:59
beatzzit mentions mounting "file systems"14:59
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: yes, but yuor kernel cant and wont mount /dev/sdb15:00
beatzzhmm maby thats why hes not getting it to mount correctly15:00
mrdedхай! есть  на канале русский кто?15:00
beatzzi think hes been trying to mount /dev/sda15:00
BluesKajcdrom is a drive even tho there may be nothing in it to mount15:00
ActionParsnipno its how the system works, what you are saying is incorrect15:01
ActionParsnip!ru | mrded15:01
ubottumrded: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:01
BluesKajblah blah15:01
mrdedа для kubuntu-ru есть?15:01
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: anyhoo, you mount the partition to a folder and its conents will show the partitions data15:01
mrdedтупицы британские15:01
Tm_Tmrded: /join #ubuntu-ru15:02
mrdedда едри твою мать, я там уже полгода есть!15:03
BluesKajBBL, errands15:03
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ign0ramusHey all.15:27
ign0ramusHave a weird networking issue that I can't figure out.  I can load certain sites once a session, but after closing the browser and re-opening, I get hung up loading a page (usually on affiliate advertising)..  For example, digg.com will load fine for me when I restart the computer, but if I close my browser and go to that site later, it gets stuck loading 'edge.quantserve.com' and never completes.  This happens with15:29
ign0ramusKonqueror, Firefox, and Opera.  Any ideas?15:29
WatchBotign0ramus, please keep your links on topic and work safe.15:29
ign0ramuswatchbot: please keep your warnings automated15:29
LjLign0ramus: heh, sorry15:30
ign0ramuswhen did we get a watchbot?15:30
LjLign0ramus: it's new, i'm still tuning it15:30
ign0ramusLjL: sadly, it's pretty necessary any more15:31
ign0ramusLjL: can you load digg?15:31
LjLign0ramus: yes, just tried15:31
LjLit takes a while to load in my Konqueror (KDE 3.5), but it loads15:31
ign0ramusLjL: I can always get the site to load at first, but after closing the browser, it gets hung up trying to load 'edge.quantserve.com' each time, and never fully loads...15:32
assilvam4v,  amigo me libere para canal kubuntu-es15:33
LjLign0ramus: i don't know what that server is - it doesn't seem to have the same IP as digg, so i guess it must be some image15:33
LjL!es | assilva15:33
ubottuassilva: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:33
ign0ramusLjL: I have MoBlock installed, so I disabled that, no go.  I tried using KNetworkManager (as I use wicd instead), no go... I'll have to reboot to try turning off my firewall, but this is frustrating15:33
assilvaLjL, fock15:33
LjLign0ramus: it might be some javascript issue15:34
assilvaLjL, fock you fool15:34
ign0ramus^ this is why we need a watchbot :(15:34
ign0ramusLjL: i'll try disabling java and trying again...15:35
LjLign0ramus: i've looked at digg.com's source, and it does load stuff quantserve.com - specifically a javascript script, and an image15:35
WatchBotLjL, please keep your links on topic and work safe.15:35
ign0ramushaha! pwned by your own bot!15:35
LjLeh, i'll make it a bit more relaxed about general sites now15:36
ign0ramusLjL: You were right - I configured NoScript to disallow quantserve on Digg, now the site loads fast... It may just be any issue of that site.15:37
ign0ramusLjL: in fact, to try to load edge(dot)quantserve(dot)com, it takes forever, so it is probaby just an issue for them  (Lets see if watchbot catches this one...)15:39
LjLign0ramus: it doesn't have anything against quantserve, only against... digg dot com ;)15:39
WatchBotLjL, please keep your links on topic and work safe.15:39
ign0ramusLjL: well, at least he's consistent ;)15:39
ign0ramusLjL: well, that sovles my issue for now, so I will now digest some social news media.  Thanks bro15:40
norenhi all16:02
Kasm279good morning, everybody!16:03
norenhello Kasm27916:03
Kasm279ill be back in a little bit16:04
* Kasm279 is away: taking a shower16:04
liangycgo where ?16:07
norenwhat language is that16:08
liangycwhy do you ask?16:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch16:09
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:09
liangycwhere are you?16:10
liangycSorry,I know english a little16:10
noren!chinese | liangyc16:10
ubottuliangyc: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:10
norenliangyc: what help do u need with ur kubuntu16:10
liangycThank you noren!16:11
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:12
norenhey ActionParsnip16:13
norenhey is there any translation sftware in ubuntu16:16
LjLnoren: if you mean to translate whole pieces of text - then there is only software that uses external sites to achieve that, to my knowledge, excluding "apertium", which is limited to few languages16:18
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noreni m looking for something like a popup translator which i have seen inn few forums16:18
LjLnoren: so only to translate one word at a time?16:19
norenLjL: which software ?? apertium16:19
LjL!info apertium16:19
ubottuapertium (source: apertium): Shallow-transfer machine translation engine. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.7+1-2 (intrepid), package size 442 kB, installed size 1800 kB16:19
norenleme check apertium16:20
ActionParsnipnoren: could just use babelfish16:20
LjLnoren: apertium only works for catalan-related languages16:20
norenbabelfish is that an widget16:20
LjLno, it's a site16:20
ActionParsnipnoren: it translates text and websites16:20
LjLnoren, answer my question please, do you only need single words, or phrases?16:20
norenLjL: phrases16:21
norenkorean jap and chinese16:21
LjLnoren: then there is no "popup" software available. there is only software that opens its own window and lets you paste stuff (and uses babelfish or Google Translate as a backend)16:21
ItaciousHello, I am trying to compile this http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?action=content&content=99739, but it give me this ( http://pastebin.com/d52783482 ) when I try to "make" it. Kubuntu 8.10, KDE 4.2.1, Qt 4.4.3 I think.16:22
norenLjL: oh then is that apertiun16:22
LjLapertium is a translation ENGINE, for CATALAN-RELATED language16:23
LjL!info freespeak16:23
ubottufreespeak (source: freespeak): frontend for online translation engines. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 28 kB, installed size 284 kB16:23
Itaciousalien won't convert the rpm either.16:25
ActionParsnipItacious: sudo apt-get install kde-workspace-dev16:25
ActionParsnipItacious: according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80637516:25
Itaciousthanks! let me try that out.16:26
ActionParsnipItacious: did you not websearch for  the error any?16:26
ItaciousA little bit.16:26
ActionParsnipItacious: your error says 'TaskManager&#8217; has not been declared' a few times, this would be the thing to websearch to see whats goingon16:27
norenActionParsnip: could any one tell me whats the main difference between gentoo and ubuntu16:28
Itaciousgentoo compiles almost EVERYTHING.16:28
ActionParsnipnoren: gentoo uses source, ubuntu uses binary and packages, gentoo uses source16:28
Itaciousbut some larger packages such as oo.org have optional binaries so it doesn't take hours to install.'16:29
ActionParsnipnoren: the installation takes a lot longer in gentoo as all the apps are downloaded as source then compiled in with special options. if you use good setttings for your compiler you can get extra speed from your system16:29
ItaciousE: Couldn't find package kde-workspace-dev16:30
ActionParsnipnoren: ubuntu is made to be easy to use for all, gentoo requires a little more work but is fun to install16:30
norenwhich is a better/intelligent choice mooving frm gentoo to ubuntu or ortherwise ???16:30
ActionParsnipItacious: use apt-file like the guide says to lcate the .h file you are missing16:30
bytorhello all16:30
ActionParsnipnoren: how do you mean intelligent?16:30
ActionParsnipnoren: its a different distro with different strengths and weakneses, neither is better16:31
norenActionParsnip: i already got kubuntu 32bit and 64 bit on my desktop now i wanted to experiment with something more, can i try that simultaneously on the same system16:31
ActionParsnipsure, you'll just have another OS sat on your system16:32
ActionParsnipnoren: yu could run every single distro of linux if you so desired16:32
Itaciouswow. apt-file looks very useful. i'll have to remember it.16:33
ActionParsnipnoren: why do you have 32bit and 64bit on the same system16:33
ActionParsnipItacious: its a good tool16:33
ActionParsnipnoren: with ia32libs you can run 32bit apps on a 64bit system16:34
norenthat i know i have been using them both16:34
Itaciousooh. it's kdebase-workspace-dev16:35
ActionParsnipItacious: there you go then16:35
ItaciousThanks so much!16:35
Itaciousi'll let you know if it works.16:35
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Itaciouseep, it compiled.16:36
Itaciousrestarted plasma16:37
ItaciousIt's working! thanks so much, ActionParsnip!16:38
ItaciousI've been trying to get this to work for days.16:38
Itaciousyou guys are great!16:39
ActionParsnipItacious: websearch your errors and you will win16:39
rainhow to list packages installed by adept in commandline?16:45
rainI mean what command i can use for it16:45
Slartibartfastrain: why only pacjkages instaleld by adept ?16:45
rainthen all?16:46
Slartibartfastto see every package installed ... dpkg -l | grep ^i16:46
rainbecause adept can only remove packages installed by adept?16:46
Slartibartfastdpkg -l * |grep ^i ...16:47
Slartibartfastmmm just testing ... seems dpkg -l already shows all packages installed16:48
ActionParsniprain: all package tools interface the same to the package library so you can use apt-get to uninstall stuff installed via adept16:48
ActionParsnipSlartibartfast: the ones beginnig with rc are uninstalled but the config is not purged16:48
hixdpkg --get-selections16:48
ActionParsnipSlartibartfast: ii    ones are installed fully16:49
SlartibartfastHmm ... but is dpkg -l not shoowing all packages installed ??16:49
rain# apt-get remove --purge `dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n' | grep language-pack | egrep -v '\-en'`  how to modify this command to keep en and et both?16:49
ActionParsniprain: grep -v  makes it find things that DON'T match the arg16:51
rainbut what grep ^i does?16:52
raini guess i comes from word include?16:52
ActionParsniprain: id have the command output what it is going to remove so yuo can check it16:52
ActionParsniprain: ^i  means the found items where the line STARTS WITH the letter i16:53
Slartibartfastrain: so you want to delete every language pack which is not -en or -et ... Do you then have installed so many language packs ? ...16:55
Slartibartfastwhen i do dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n' | grep language-pack ... it shows on my notebook only en language packs are installed16:56
Slartibartfastonly -en ^^16:56
rainwell I am actually trying make my own cd http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd-p216:56
Slartibartfastah .. ok ok ...16:57
raindo u know where I could find some older xorg package? I need some older x-org to get ATI radeon 9250 work? cuz ATI has droppedati radeon 9250 support  for latest xorg.16:59
Slartibartfastrain: i don't know where to find ... maybe on the websites .. repositories of ubuntu ... but i have a feeling this will give more problems when you try to use that.17:01
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kanon-mathow do u start kde without kdm?17:02
Slartibartfasta release is a carefully put to gether list of packages with specific version numbers ... package X depends on version ### of package Y, wich depends on version ## of package Z ... etc17:02
ActionParsnipkanon-mat: you can use gdm if you wish17:03
Slartibartfastkanon-mat: so you want to boot up in console ? ... and then start X ?17:03
ActionParsnipkanon-mat: startx may do you too17:03
kanon-matits not starting atm17:04
Slartibartfastedit .xinitrc and put in it startkde17:04
kanon-matand i dont really need a startup pmanager17:04
kanon-matstartkde didnt work right away17:04
kanon-mat"command not found" :) i'll just reboot17:05
robin0800rain: all xorg releases back bto seven are on there site see the mirrors17:05
robin0800rain: all xorg releases back bto seven are on there site see the mirrors17:07
kanon-mati have a kde3 question: how can i set the default konsole schema? the "configure konsole" dialog is borked17:09
kanon-mati want to override it17:09
kanon-matwhy is there no "open profile" when there is save profile?17:15
demoncan i install kde 4.1 on kubuntu 8.04?17:16
ActionParsnipdemon: sure17:16
ActionParsnipdemon: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-kde-41-beta-1-in-ubuntukubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html17:16
ActionParsnipdemon: use kdesudo kate   or gksudo gedit  not sudo gedit or sudo kate17:17
demonActionParsnip, GRATE will ya be here in 30 min i need to change the pc need kubuntu :P17:19
demonand we can do it then17:19
pm404hello ppl17:19
pm404does anyone can help me ?17:20
ActionParsnipdemon: im actually going for  sleep to shake this hangover17:20
ActionParsnip!anyone | pm40417:20
ubottupm404: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:20
demonlol ActionParsnip hahahaha i still have it :P17:21
demonBE A MAN :P17:21
kanon-mator a woman17:25
pm404i have ubuntu interpid ibex 8.10 and amd k8 processor and i can't enable cpu scaling17:28
pm404hotwo ?17:28
pm404is this clearly enough ?17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about d17:38
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:38
devilsadvocate_hi, how do i swtich between virtual desktops using the keyboard?17:45
limettehi @ all ^^17:47
mefisto__devilsadvocate_: you can set any key combinations you want. I think the default is ctrl 0-917:47
devilsadvocate_mefisto__, where can that be set, and ctrl 0-9 does not work17:47
limettehey, i just plugged in an usb headset, but the music still plays on my speakers, anyone knows how i can change that :) ?17:48
mefisto__devilsadvocate_: sorry I meant ctrl F1-F917:48
devilsadvocate_mefisto__, thanks17:49
mefisto__devilsadvocate_: you can set the shortcuts in systemsettings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortcuts > KDE component: KWin17:50
limettei guess noone knows xD17:52
killermachkonqueror is hanging KDE or Xorg when I start typing a URL17:52
killermachand when it does not hang, it never shows a webpage.. looks like it is trying, but Firefox works fine17:53
killermachThis started after updating and a reboot yesterday17:53
killermachI have had this happen before and to fix it I had to uninstall ALL konq* packages and reinstall them17:53
killermachdoes anyone know what the real issue is17:54
killermachnot finding any answers in the forums or googling on this either17:59
m4vdid anyone notice that keypad numbers doesn't work in vim with kubuntu 8.10?18:05
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demonwhere can is the start-up menager on kbuntu18:09
drmrhorseim having a problem using kooka to scan an image. the scanner is recognized and everything looks fine, but when i try to scan, im logged out of my session18:09
drmrhorseim running 8.0418:10
noren__demon: try system setting in kmenu18:10
cerecitaswhere is the place to change the login screen on kubuntu?18:12
cerecitasdon't seem to be able to find it :S18:12
romullocerecitas: which version?18:13
cerecitasit looks kde 4.2 installed today18:13
Slartibartfastcerecitas: System Settings > Advanced tab > login manager18:14
cerecitasthank you Slartibartfast18:14
demonwhere can i enable desktop effects]18:14
cerecitasfirst time i see that tab... hehe18:15
Slartibartfastdemon: System settings > desktop18:15
demonSlartibartfast:  they are not there18:15
demoni have monitor $ display18:16
romullosorry, cerecitas, i'm running 8.04 =)18:16
cerecitasnp romullo :)18:17
romullokde4 didn't liked my nvidia video card :S18:17
cerecitasyucks,... i am not sure if it likes my intel... but i like it, so the card better deals with it hihi18:17
Slartibartfastthere is no Desktop Effect, Multiple Desktops, Screensaver and Launchfeedback ?18:17
Slartibartfastdemon: ^^18:17
ghostcubedemon, systemsettings >> apperance18:18
demonSlartibartfast: so how can i start desktop effect?? the compiz how can i start it18:18
ghostcubebut u need to enable 3d rendering before18:19
romullocerecitas: i'm waiting for new drivers... my experience with kde4 wasn't so good =/18:19
Slartibartfastghostcube: no ... desktop effects is not in appearance18:19
ghostcubedemon, compiz is started by systemsettings >> default programms >> window manager18:19
Slartibartfastit is in the Desktop ... settings18:19
ghostcubeSlartibartfast, it is the effects is inside appearance18:19
cerecitasmine is working quite fine, or so it seems... the only issue is the video, still cannot watch a film... kind of stops for a few seconds like freezing18:19
cerecitastried disabling effects but no luck18:20
ghostcubecerecitas, what effects kde4 or compiz18:20
cerecitaskde4 the window behaviour18:20
ghostcubehmm i use compiz no probs so far18:20
ghostcubebut try to change video output18:20
demonghostcube:  is not there18:20
ghostcubewhat kde version ?18:21
cerecitasi know it's my intel card... while using debian no opengl allowed... now on kubuntu just no video18:21
Slartibartfastdemon: System Settings > under the Look & Feel chapter "Desktop" ...18:21
cerecitasboth ghostcube18:21
cerecitastoday updated to 4.2 and it is happening also... i think that is a lost war18:21
ghostcubedemon, what kde version ?18:21
ghostcubecerecitas, what video output are u using18:21
ghostcubeX11 or xv18:21
cerecitasufff good question, where do i look at that?18:22
ghostcubeopen vlc or mplayer18:22
ghostcubelook in the settings for video output18:22
demonits ok guy :D this is my first day on KDE so i am lil slow i found it :P18:22
cerecitashappens to mewith every single player but let me check the video output18:22
cerecitassystem settings multimedia ghostcube?18:23
ghostcubecerecitas, nah18:23
ghostcubeopen mplayer :)18:23
cerecitasno mplayer installed here just vlc18:23
ghostcubeok open this one heh18:24
ghostcubego to preferences18:24
cerecitasok got it18:24
cerecitasand there?18:24
ghostcubethen it should be right sided an drop down18:25
noren__hi all18:25
cerecitasmmmm its not there sec18:25
cerecitasoh yep in output... says only default18:25
ghostcubeok try to use X1118:26
lashakartvelebi xrt vine ak18:26
cerecitasok let me try18:26
ghostcubeor Xvideo18:26
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ghostcubelasha, ?18:26
cerecitasrespect ghostcube :D18:27
oussamacerecitas !!18:28
oussamah r u ?18:28
ghostcubecerecitas, np18:28
cerecitasgood oussama thanks :)18:28
cerecitasghostcube:  won't you knowhow to setup skype by chance?18:29
ghostcubejust open medibuntu repo18:29
cerecitasi have medibuntu added but i think i installed skype from the .deb in the website18:30
cerecitasfor whichever reason, audio capture from the micro is not working18:30
ghostcubewhat soundcard18:30
cerecitas(not sure if the micro captures at all but i think yes because if i raise the mic boost i hear myself typing)18:30
demonwhere is the ccsm in kubuntu18:30
cerecitashmmmm intel something ghostcube sec i will check18:31
ghostcubedemon, u must install it18:31
demoni did i found it18:31
cerecitas0:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)18:31
cerecitasthat one18:31
ghostcubedemon, if you have problems with settings not stored18:31
ghostcubeopen the settings inside ccsm left handed at the bottom and switch from kde backend to flatfile18:32
ghostcubecerecitas, hmm i have intel hd onboard too18:33
ghostcubeit should be fine you sure the capture switch in kmix i sset to mic?18:33
ghostcubeand not to cam or so18:33
cerecitasi dunno i have checked for no muted channels in the mixer and ... tht you said i did not sec18:34
cerecitasi have front mic there18:34
cerecitasin input source18:34
ghostcubetry normal mic18:34
ghostcubeif this is possible18:34
ghostcubeor is this lappi?18:34
cerecitasits a lappy yep18:35
cerecitasand i think i threw away my old micro because it broke18:35
cerecitasthe only thing i can think about are the channels in skype18:35
cerecitasi have them to default and maybe is better to select the device18:35
cerecitasand last  but not least... there is something annoying me a bit, today i updated to kde4.2 and the new windows get minimized in the left instead of the right... any clue how to change that?18:38
ghostcubenah not really18:39
cerecitasits kind of annoying but i guess i will get used to it18:40
cerecitasjust weird18:40
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stealth-lol, anyone know the purpose behind pressing ctrl+windows key in kde4?18:43
cerecitasmakes nothing on my pc18:43
stealth-really? I get stars that orbit around my cursor.18:44
stealth-maybe for people with bad eyes..18:44
drmrhorseor girls18:44
drmrhorsegirls like stars18:44
stealth-I doubt thats what the programer had in mind, though18:45
drmrhorsewhen do programmers ever have girls on their minds?18:45
cerecitasnothing here but maybe is to help finding the cursor18:45
stealth-thats what i was thinking, but it seems like an option that should be optional18:45
stealth-maybe something messed up in my upgrade and made it active :P18:45
cerecitashmm kde 4.2?18:46
stealth-is that what your running?18:46
cerecitasnope 4.218:46
cerecitasi think...18:46
stealth-i would upgrade to 4.2, but im worried it would mess with my next upgrade18:46
hixnot active here in 4.2.1 ;)18:46
cerecitasdid it alone hehe18:46
cerecitashow you check the precise version of kde hix/18:47
stealth-huh. Well, I should really find a way to deactive this thing, less I spend an hour watching it18:47
hixkded4 --version18:47
cerecitastoday morning i had a lot of kde updates and changed everything18:47
stealth-well i was just curious, thanks guys18:47
cerecitasnp ;)18:48
cerecitasarghs this is really getting me on my nerves18:49
cerecitaswhy all new window appears in the left side of the taskbar instead of the right?18:49
hixshd be sorted by name18:51
cerecitashmmm trying to find where to change it18:51
cerecitasdo not sort maybe...18:52
demonwhat is the command so i can see what is in my usb18:52
cerecitaslike inside demon?18:54
demoncerecitas: nope lsusb18:56
cerecitasaha hehe18:56
cerecitaswas about to suggest it just wanted to make sure18:57
jnizamahola a todos19:01
drmrhorsesolved my own problem, ty anyway fine fellows19:05
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meta_Hi all19:27
meta_I have intrepid with kde4.2, on an eee 1000h, and it's slow.19:27
meta_Is there anybody with the same problem? Or who knows the problem?19:27
meta_I have tried xaa and exa too.19:28
blackflagHello all :) Im having trouble to mount nfs4. The server is ubuntu server 8.10 and the client is lenny. on lenny I can see the mounts with showmounts -e server .I did the entrie in fstab and want to mount with mount -a. Im getting no such file or directory and I had multiple looks to the files and I dont know what I can try next. Can someone help?19:28
meta_The alt-f2 dialog comes up at the speed like someone hand-drawing that realtime to me...19:28
rmrfslash_should I use OpenGL or XRender compositing?19:31
rmrfslash_What's the difference?19:31
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onlookerHi. Is there by any chance a console command that displays your motherboard model?19:33
noren_onlooker: sudo lshw19:34
onlookerThanks, noren!19:36
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blackflaghmm I can mount the / under nfs4 but when I want to mount a subtrre  witj I get: mount.nfs4: an incorrect mount option was specified What Im doing wrong?19:40
demonwhere can i find weather widget19:41
ubsafderwhere will i find the log of mysql ?19:44
demonwhere can i find my source list19:47
George2hi, i've just installed kubuntu-desktop over ubuntu, and i'm experiencing graphical problems - http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/2012/snapshot1m.png19:50
George2i've tried a hard reboot, i've also experimented with the desktop effects with no luck. i don't seem to be able to find anything about such a problem, has anyone else experienced this?19:50
ign0ramusHey all.19:56
ign0ramusWhere can I find the Sessions settings in KDE 3.5.x (ie, to start new session, or load previous)?19:57
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo19:57
ign0ramusnvm.  found it.19:59
demonwill konqueror work with flash player 10?19:59
ActionParsnip1demon: i think it reads the ~/.mozilla/plugins directory20:12
demonok i am lost with this 4.1 kde20:14
demonwhere is my DESKTOP20:14
ActionParsnip1demon: how do you mean?20:14
demoni have copied smt on my desktop20:14
demonbut they are not here20:14
demoni can go to home folder20:15
demonthen desktop20:15
demonand there they are20:15
demonbut not on my desktop20:15
ActionParsnip1i dont think kde uses that any more20:16
sixofourSo, KDE fails to load and it boots to gnome, ive made new user and it still fails to load. So i think something is up with kde... without wiping my /home/ dirctory...is there any way to diagnose and fix this?20:17
demonActionParsnip1: i removed my desktop widget20:19
demonwhere can i find it20:19
ActionParsnip1demon: right click -> add widget20:19
ActionParsnip1would be my guess20:19
GentooJohnnywow. sixofour that can't be good then20:19
demonits not there ActionParsnip120:20
sixofouri would reinstall kde, but that will wipe everything for my main user20:20
sixofourIs there a way for me to try to log into kde then when it fails log into gnome and check a system log of some kind?20:21
ActionParsnip1sixofour: no it wont, the settings are in ~20:22
sixofourso how do i reinstall kde 4.1 ?20:22
ActionParsnip1sixofour: reinstalling kde will only affect what is in /usr and /opt and the like, the app settings are in your profile20:23
sixofourso it may delete forinstance.. vlc...but when i reinstall vlc it will still have my previous settings?20:23
sixofouri don't mind reinstalling the apps, but reconfiguring them would be a pain20:24
ActionParsnip1sixofour: why would it delete vlc?20:24
sixofourits in usr/bin/20:24
sixofouryour saying user/ and /opt/ get wiped right?20:25
ActionParsnip1sixofour: but its not part of the kde install so it wont be touched20:25
ActionParsnip1nothing is wiped20:25
sixofourwell then what are we waiting for.. sudo-apt-get install kde1.4 then?20:25
ActionParsnip1if you reinstall it will refresh the programs that make up kde20:25
puddlei have kubunu :)20:25
cezi installed a game, when i go to start it up it loads the splash screen, and then the screen flickers betweeen my desktop and black, and finally crashes. help?20:25
ActionParsnip1cez: what game?20:25
puddle8.4.2 :)20:25
cezeve: online20:25
ActionParsnip1cez: is it running with wine?20:29
cezno i dont think so20:29
cezits compatable with UBUNTU, so it should be compatable with kubuntu right?20:29
sixofourave a linux cleint i don't think20:29
sixofourmaby it does then20:29
ActionParsnip1cez: http://www.eveonline.com/download/linux.asp20:30
ActionParsnip1cez: got that?20:30
cezyes, i downloaded the .deb for ubuntu, linspire, and debian20:31
cezit installed fine20:31
ActionParsnip1ok cool20:31
ActionParsnip1are you running compiz?20:31
ActionParsnip1desktop cube , wobbly windows that sort of rubbish people poison their systems with20:33
sixofourlol pft ActionParsnip120:33
* ActionParsnip1 hates compiz lots20:33
DragnslcrTell us how you really feel20:33
GentooJohnnyobviously lol20:33
cezi just installed yesterday20:33
ActionParsnip1cez: ok thats god, have you instaled video drivers?20:33
cezi think so at least lol20:33
* sixofour would like the command to reinstall kde 1.420:34
ActionParsnip1cez: what does: glxinfo | grep -i direct    output?20:34
ActionParsnip1sixofour: dpkg -l | grep kde | grep base20:34
sixofourno sudo?20:34
puddlea question20:35
ActionParsnip1sixofour: users can ask what the graphics card can do20:35
puddleWould kubuntu be a good start to linux ?20:35
sixofourthe best start20:35
ActionParsnip1sixofour: not all console commands need sudo20:35
puddlesixofour so thats a yes then yes ?20:35
sixofourreinstalling a desktoop environment sounds pretty administraitive20:35
sixofouryes puddle20:35
puddlecheers :)20:36
puddlegood job i have it then ahaha20:36
puddleThe disk version >320:36
ActionParsnip1sixofour: we're only seing what pacjkages are installed, we arent changing the system20:36
sixofourlivecd puddle?20:36
sixofourprevious OS?20:36
puddlevery good as well hehe20:36
puddlei still have vista20:36
sixofourwhat did you do on vista?20:36
puddleIrc mainly20:36
puddleim planing on running an ircd on kubuntu20:36
sixofourkubuntu can do nothing too20:36
ActionParsnip1sixofour: you can then reinstall those packages and kde will reinstall over the top of itself, duno why you want to but thats how20:36
sixofourto fix kde ActionParsnip1 ?20:37
ActionParsnip1sixofour: if you uwant default kde settings just rename ~/.kde and reboot20:37
sixofourwhat if i delete .kde and reboot?20:37
josh-ldoes anyone know how to convert a dvd to a single video viewable file on linux?20:37
ActionParsnip1cez: what did the command output?20:37
cez1 sec20:38
ActionParsnip1josh-l: acidrip20:38
sixofourpuddle i'm sure kubuntu can do an ircd20:38
ActionParsnip1!info acidrip20:38
ubottuacidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB20:38
ActionParsnip1cez: np man, thought i'd lost you20:38
puddleanyways chow20:38
josh-lthanks ActionParsnip120:38
cezdirect rendering: Yes20:38
ActionParsnip1cez: ok sweet20:38
cezall the games tests checked out too20:39
ActionParsnip1cez: run the eve launcher from konsole, when it crashes, you will get intelligent output20:39
josh-lActionParsnip1: no qt app does that?20:39
sixofourActionParsnip1:  if i delete .kde and reboot, will that have the same effect?20:39
cezalright 1 sec last time i had to reboot to get out of it20:39
ActionParsnip1sixofour: yes but you wont have the settings to roll back if you ned them20:39
demonpls can any body help me restore my desktop lil widget20:39
ActionParsnip1sixofour: as they will be deleted rather than renamed20:39
sixofour;wellm, lets try that20:39
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sixofouri'll rename them first20:40
cezthis is gunna sound really dumb20:40
ActionParsnip1sixofour: i always include a rollback method in my fixes20:40
cezbut how do i run from konsole? lol20:40
ActionParsnip1cez: if you run kmenuedit20:40
ActionParsnip1cez: you can find out he command that the menu item runs and copy / paste it to konsole20:40
cezoh that works20:40
josh-lActionParsnip1: no qt app does that?20:41
sixofourthere is no .kde in root ActionParsnip120:41
ActionParsnip1josh-l: i thought it was20:41
sixofourbtw i'm on gnome atm20:41
josh-lActionParsnip1: no gtk20:41
ActionParsnip1sixofour: fine, no ned to reboot then20:41
ActionParsnip1sixofour: just log off, switch to kde, log on20:41
sixofourkde doesn't boot lol20:41
sixofourit will take me to login screen20:42
demonpls can any body help me restore my desktop lil widget20:42
sixofourright click - add widget20:42
sixofourand pick the widged you want20:42
josh-lActionParsnip1: can k3b not do this somehow?20:42
demoni cant find it sixofour20:42
ActionParsnip1!info dvdrip20:42
sixofourwhat was it called?20:42
ubottudvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.6-0.0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1083 kB, installed size 2588 kB20:42
demonsixofour: dunno it was a lil window that i can see me desktopm20:43
ActionParsnip1josh-l: not sure, have a try20:43
sixofourhrm, not sure what that is called..lol20:43
ActionParsnip1josh-l: try: apt cache search dvd rip20:43
demonyou have it right sixofour20:43
sixofourright click - lock widgets..and you won't accidently remove them again20:43
ActionParsnip1!info ogmrip20:43
ubottuogmrip (source: ogmrip): Application for ripping and encoding DVD. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.12.2-0.0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 200 kB, installed size 952 kB20:43
ActionParsnip1josh-l: just 2 from the results of the search20:44
demonsixofour: yes agian if i have it20:44
demonbut i dont20:44
sixofourthat locks all widgets20:44
sixofoureverything on your desktop, including the menu bar is a widget20:44
demonyes i know20:44
beatzzsup all20:44
beatzzI just tryed to install Slackware 12.2 on an ollllllld ass pc20:45
beatzzdident work at all..20:45
beatzzlol@64mb ram20:45
sixofourand the suprise is?20:45
ActionParsnip1slackware is pretty decent20:45
beatzzthe suprise is!20:45
beatzzi did it naked ;P20:45
GentooJohnnyit now works with 64mb of ram20:45
beatzztell that to that dinosaur next door.20:46
ActionParsnip1my file server has 64mb ram20:46
beatzzit has a flopy drive in it.20:46
sixofourfloppy lol20:46
beatzzi wonder if I would have better luck tryin an installation off a floopy20:46
ActionParsnip1p200 64mb ram 1000 baseT NIC20:47
cezk well that sucked20:47
sixofourthrow that pc out the windows and find one in a dumpster..its garanteed to be 5 times as better20:47
ActionParsnip1cez: ok did you get smart stuff output in konsole20:47
rubenhi all20:47
=== ruben is now known as Guest25150
ActionParsnip1sixofour: it probably got more uptime than a lot of PCs20:47
cezit got past the spalsh screen, went into the full screen login page20:47
cezand then locked up the game and wouldnt let me switch out of it. every time i tryed alt-tab, ctrl+alt+del, it would switch back to eve20:48
sixofouranyways, so kde doesn't load, despite not having a .kde folder, this implies something is broke with kde that isn't a setting, so this is why a reinstall of kde is i think required20:48
cezwouldnt let me click anything but eve aswell20:48
ActionParsnip1sixofour: it runs samba and a torent server, it doesnt need power, it doesnt even run x20:48
josh-lwhat package do i install for an mpeg-4 encoder?20:48
Guest25150any one know this error?? = ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy20:49
ActionParsnip1sixofour: i'd run: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop20:49
josh-lsixofour: was that to me?20:49
sixofouryes josh20:49
sixofourok ActionParsnip120:49
josh-lthanks sixofour20:49
ActionParsnip1Guest25150: what command makes that occur?20:49
JuJuBeeHello. Im having trouble with kde and my dual head setup. I can't log in to KDE if I don't have the second head attached.20:50
sixofoursixofour@sixofour-pc:~$ sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop20:50
sixofourE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:50
ActionParsnip1sixofour: ok then run the comand it says with sudo20:50
ActionParsnip1sixofour: its telling you how to fix it20:50
ActionParsnip1sixofour: did you read the error at all?20:51
sixofouri'm used to windows..when an error gives you advice, don't follow it ..lol20:51
ActionParsnip1sixofour: ubuntu != windows20:51
ActionParsnip1!hi | PLNinAK20:52
ubottuPLNinAK: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:52
srujanHey guys20:52
ActionParsnip1!hi | srujan20:52
ubottusrujan: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:52
PLNinAKthank you :)20:52
srujandoes anyone have any experience with Qt designer development20:52
srujanI am not getting any help in the Qt channel20:52
sixofourso i did that command ActionParsnip1 its done, now what? reinstall command qagain?20:52
PLNinAKim running Jaunty, understanding why its still in Alpha. lol20:53
ActionParsnip1sixofour: yep20:53
ActionParsnip1PLNinAK: the beta is out on thursday20:53
PLNinAKcool ill keep an eye out.20:54
PLNinAKi will say, it found everything, wireless and all  on my HP 17 inch dv7, but took me an Hr to get it to see an SD card. Ibex found both right off20:55
sixofourActionParsnip1:  reinstall it...reboot?20:55
ActionParsnip1sixofour: sure20:56
sixofourbe right back folks!20:56
PLNinAKhad to change my time zone to let me do a dist-upgrade too, tried it again and it worked with my own time zone. wierd20:57
demoni have problems with my 8.10 it cant find my webcam20:57
JuJuBeeActionParsnip1: any ideas where I might get some help with kde 4.2?20:57
cezi give up20:57
ActionParsnip1cez: did you not get any crash info in the konsole20:57
cezi couldnt tell20:57
cezit didnt crash20:57
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ActionParsnip1cez: maybe the client logs crash errors to some place20:58
cezjust locked up eve, and wouldnt let me switch windows out of eve20:58
cezit didnt even crash20:58
ActionParsnip1cez: is your game the latest version?20:58
cezi had to reboot20:58
cezits not the latest version, but it updates in the main login screen. where it locked up20:58
PLNinAKmine didnt work on ekiga, then it worked in AMsn. thought it was my webcam, turned out it wasn't compatible with the app20:58
=== tyler is now known as tyler_
ActionParsnip1bah, is there an offline updater?20:58
ceznot that im aware of20:59
ActionParsnip1cez: worth a look20:59
PLNinAKhi tyler20:59
ActionParsnip1cez: if you update it gets gold ranking in appdb under wine20:59
demoni have problems with my 8.10 it cant find my webcam20:59
tyler_how are20:59
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:59
cezbut it shouldnt be running in wine, i thought wine is only for games non native to linux?21:00
PLNinAKcedega works good with games21:00
PLNinAKbut it isnt free21:00
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ActionParsnip1cez: true but the game runs on windows21:00
sixofoureverything works minus my nvidia drivers21:01
cezit has seperate downloads for mac and linux too though?21:01
ActionParsnip1cez: if you run your install cd with wine and install that way it should be ok as long as you update the game fully21:01
PLNinAKyeah i have same prob with my Nvidia as well.21:01
ActionParsnip1sixofour: nvidia drivers rock in linux21:01
sixofourthey rockthevote yeah21:01
PLNinAKfor some reason, last 2 distros found it right off21:01
ActionParsnip1cez: true, maybe theres a forum with folks getting the same isue21:01
PLNinAKlol i just found a copy of mandrake 7.2 in my desk. i really have to clean more lol21:03
ActionParsnip1mandrake is sweeeeet21:03
PLNinAKi have powerpack 2009, i just haven't tried it yet21:03
demoni have problems with my 8.10 it cant find my webcam, gspca drivers21:04
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cezin adept, alot of the packages has a symbol next to them of a page with a ?mark. when i install em, they wont run. is there a app i need to make them run?21:18
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=== Guest31404 is now known as psyco
psycohey im having network problems, my one pc cant connect ot the network (8.10) the mobo is a Gigabyte ud3h (780G chipset)21:40
psycoi think it is either the network drivers or Knetworkmanager21:40
psycoim trying to setup a static IP21:40
ubuntu__Anyone here?21:46
=== ubuntu__ is now known as |PaperTiger|
|PaperTiger|Anyone here, need a little help21:47
kvh_|PaperTiger|: just ask your question21:48
GentooJohnnystate your problem and if anyone can help they'll help21:48
|PaperTiger|Well, Idealy, I need to reinstall the GRUB launcher21:48
|PaperTiger|But it doesn't want to work21:48
|PaperTiger|I'm trying to back up a mixture of files, from ext3 and ntfs (same HDD, different partitions) to another HDD, ntfs.21:49
psyco|PaperTiger|: try super grub disc21:51
psycoits super easy  once you burn it, just startup and go through the fix option21:51
astrobear /root@ubuntu:/mnt/ubuntu# chmod 0440 etc/sudoers21:52
astrobearroot@ubuntu:/mnt/ubuntu# ls -ld etc/sudoers21:52
astrobear-r--r----- 1 root root 539 Mar 21 21:46 etc/sudoer21:52
astrobearit has 53921:52
|PaperTiger|Psycho: Super grub disk?21:52
astrobearsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 044021:53
astrobearit's mode 539 right?21:53
astrobearafter doing doing chmod 044021:53
astrobearthat's what 539 stands for is the mode...?21:54
kvh_astrobear: that' the size21:54
astrobearhow can i tell the mode21:54
kvh_astrobear: the -r--r---- is the mode21:54
|PaperTiger|Psyco: Super grub disk?21:54
astrobearright, but that makes no sense to me21:54
astrobearread and read21:54
astrobearbut for who21:55
astrobearactually maybe i just need to enable root21:55
astrobearget rid of sudo21:55
kvh_astrobear: try man chmod21:55
astrobearbecause i can't drop to a root shell during recovery, instead i have to boot into live cd like now21:55
kvh_astrobear: it is owner, group, other21:55
beatzzsup all21:55
astrobearhi beatzz21:56
beatzzwhats the Q?21:56
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:56
|PaperTiger|What is the easiest way to identify what HDD and partition the linux installation is on?21:59
slom_cat /etc/fstab21:59
kvh_fdisk -l might help in some cases22:00
useronecan anyone recommend a simple picture editor? I tried krita and kolorpaint already and looking for something better22:00
beatzzcommand given to print kerrnel version to screen?22:04
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useroneuname -r22:05
zejtarhi. I try customizing kubuntu with using this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization. My problem is I remove kubuntu installer. And my question is. What are the names of packages for kubuntu installer ?22:05
beatzzuserone: thanks :)22:05
zejtarPlease can anyone help me ?22:07
psyco|PaperTiger|:  sorry, yeah google it, its a bootable disc and it fixeds grub really easily22:09
|PaperTiger|How easy...? I'm not great with Linux yet...22:09
psyco|PaperTiger|: like burn the image, boot the image and select one of the options that suits you and its done22:10
|PaperTiger|Cheers, psyco22:11
|PaperTiger|A whole CD for 4mb? lol22:12
useroneuse a rewritable :P22:13
|PaperTiger|All I have is CD/DVD-R22:14
psycoits worth it though22:14
psycoive used it like10 times22:14
|PaperTiger|You're right...22:14
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|PaperTiger|Right. I'll explain my problem anyway, see if you can suggest a better idea...22:15
psycogo ahead,22:15
|PaperTiger|I want to totally reinstall my computer, windows and linux. Both are on one HDD but partitioned.22:15
|PaperTiger|I want to get the data off there to a seperate HDD, but because I chose a weird method to format, it's messed up the boot loader22:16
|PaperTiger|So I can't boot at all, and I'm now running from a LiveCD.22:16
beatzz:x virtual machines are better if ur just messing around w/ linux to learn22:16
psycoso basically, you just need to fix grub?22:16
useroneI think you can do that from the livecd, unsure how to exactly though22:17
|PaperTiger|I want to copy data from an ext3 partition and an ntfs partition to one seperate ntfs HDD22:17
|PaperTiger|I'm using Linux as a main OS and Windows for games etc.22:17
psycoyeah there are  a bunch of restoring grub guides all over if you google them, but to be honest, the easiest is Super Grub Disk, if not just google for a guide22:18
psycoi sopent hours trying to fix it and couldn't get it working when windows overwrote grub and now its like SGD and its done "D22:18
|PaperTiger|I actually can't use the internet browser on this LiveCD for some reason... :S so, I'll just Super Grub Disk22:18
|PaperTiger|Super Grub Disk it is...22:19
|PaperTiger|Cheers psyco22:19
|PaperTiger|I may be back on tonight, I dunno22:20
leslieHey everyone...22:26
leslieI doubt the two are related, but I changed /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc to have the line, "BootManager=Grub", and used the menu to try and reboot into a Windows Vista partition...22:28
leslieExcept now, GRUB complains about, "Error 28: Not enough memory" or some-such.22:28
leslieEven after changing it back, GRUB refused to boot Windows.22:29
leslieThe exact error message was, "Error 28: Selected item cannot fit into memory".22:30
leslieCould KDM have changed any settings anywhere that would have effected GRUB's ability to boot into Windows?22:31
kalidarDoes anyone know why after i installed wine on my Box my sounds suddenly stopped?22:31
kalidari cant hear anything anymore.. and yes i chceked my sound options22:32
leslie|PaperTiger|: he just left.22:33
|PaperTiger|Damn it22:33
|PaperTiger|I need to thank him22:33
|PaperTiger|What he said worked!22:34
leslie|PaperTiger|: It's always good when something broken is fixed :p22:34
|PaperTiger|I'll be hanging about on here to say thanks to him22:35
GentooJohnny|PaperTiger|: why not dust or clean the windows or something while you wait.22:36
|PaperTiger|I'll be copying data over.22:36
leslieOK, I've tried something I found had worked for someone else (why I hadn't googled it in the first place, I don't know...). Be right back.22:37
|PaperTiger|Is there a way to reformat a HDD in Linux?22:37
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Dragnslcr|PaperTiger|- qtparted works well22:40
denis_hello, anybody familiar with openoffice 3.0x under kde 4.2.x?22:41
|PaperTiger|Dragnslcr: What does that do and how do I do it?22:42
denis_I installed it according to this installation guide but my icons are missing! http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/OpenOffice.org/Installation?highlight=openoffic#Manuelle-Installation22:42
rrequando accendo una hd esterno o metto um cd nel lettore mi da questo errore "Funzione disponibile solo con HAL"22:45
rrequalcuno mi sa dire come risolvere22:45
rrehald é in esecuzione hald addon acp impu store runner22:47
p_quarles!it | rre22:47
ubotturre: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:47
denis_nobody familiar with openoffice???22:50
p_quarlesdenis_: the link you said you used is in German, so I don't know what it says22:51
p_quarlesthat said, which icons are you talking about?22:51
denis_p_quarles: well, just to add the 2 sources22:52
p_quarlesalso, don't expect immediate responses in irc22:52
denis_the printing icon, the PDF icon, the search-icon....22:52
denis_I know, but here are over 300 people22:52
denis_just these normal symbols/icons you have in your word processing propgramms22:53
p_quarlesdenis_: there are over 300 clients in the channel; that doesn't mean people, and it doesn't mean people are at their keyboards22:53
denis_what else? robots? yes, I know that there not all at their keyboards...22:54
denis_I have to work with that programm :-(22:54
p_quarlesdenis_: anyway, I've never run into an issue with OOo not having toolbar icons22:55
manuel_i can change my workspace by touch the edges of my window how can i top that behavor?22:55
p_quarlesit could be a build issue, but it shouldn't have anything to do with KDE versions, that much I'm fairly certain about22:55
denis_p_quarles:  me neither, it's my first time22:57
denis_p_quarles:  which version do you use?22:57
p_quarlesdenis_: I have OOo 3.0.1 and KDE 4.2.122:57
denis_p_quarles:  me too! how did you install OO? from the repositories?22:58
p_quarlesdenis_: I got the .deb files from Sun's site22:59
useroneI think kde icons for 2.4 come from a separate package maybe you are missing that22:59
berniv6hey, does anyone know about kubuntu jaunty getting slower and slower after a couple of hours work?22:59
denis_2.4 or 4.2?22:59
denis_p_quarles:  ok, do you have any extensions installed?22:59
useroneOpenOffice 2.4 the one that comes with kubuntu 8.1023:00
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo23:01
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=== Me is now known as Guest68702
denis_userone: ah ok, but I want to use 3.0123:03
manuel_btw does anybody have the scangearmp-common-1.00-1.i386.deb?23:03
useroneI understand, my point is, for 2.4 you need to install a separate package for the icons, maybe for 3.0 its the same and you are missing that package23:05
denis_ah, I see and I think I have the solution23:06
p_quarlesit's not; if you don't install the kde icons, either version defaults to the standard icons23:06
denis_I am installing the kde integration package23:06
useroneI see, I thought the icons package were needed23:07
denis_ah, Halleluja!23:07
denis_seems to be both icon package and integration23:07
denis_good night23:10
denis_or wait  a second23:10
denis_userone: do you have a minute?23:11
denis_userone: great! My konqueror can't display flash23:16
useronecant help  you with that, mine cant display it either :/23:18
useronewell it displays just a black box23:18
wimpieshi all, I use krdc, it works fine except that if I do not move the cursor after a little while (say 10 seconds) my screen turns black23:19
wimpies(The remote screen that is)23:19
denis_userone: ok, thanks anyway23:20
mooperdflash isnt working :( I have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed23:20
denis_mooperd:  with which browser?23:20
mooperddenis_: ff 3.0.723:21
Dragnslcrwimpies- checked the remote computer's power management settings?23:22
dubbyhey anyone, I am running kubuntu on a quad core, and when i use system monitor, i only see one core23:23
ActionParsnip1mooperd: 64bit or 32bit linux?23:24
mooperdActionParsnip1: 32bit23:25
useroneactually I just checked and its only youtube flash that isnt working :/ the rest works fine23:25
ActionParsnip1dubby: is there any optins in system monitor for more cores23:25
Kbevillelooking for a iso burner23:25
ActionParsnip1Kbeville: k3b23:26
ActionParsnip1mooperd: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:26
dubbyActionParsnip1: no23:26
Kbevillethankz act23:26
ActionParsnip1dubby: is there a   man systemmonitor23:26
ActionParsnip1Kbeville: k3b <iso file>23:27
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useroneI'm looking for a simple and fast image editor, something like irfanview on windows23:28
dubbythe only option it has is -s simple23:28
GentooJohnnyuserone: gimp23:28
dubbywhich is about closing processes23:28
useronelol I guess you dont know about irfanview :P23:29
dubbyisn't it just a viewer23:30
dubbynot really an editor23:30
mooperdActionParsnip1: flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.23:30
Laeborgwhen 9.04 is there, can I then update from 8.10 ?23:30
useroneyes its mostly a viewer but can do some simple editing like resizing and such23:31
wimpiesdragnslcr : ok will check that ...23:31
ActionParsnip1mooperd: then i can suggest getting the tar.gz from www.adobe.com  and extracting the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins  (the plugins folder needs manually creating)23:32
dubbyActionParsnip1:  doing cat /proc/cpuinfo it says it only has 1 core...23:36
dubbyrunning the generic kernel with smp support23:37
ActionParsnip1dubby: you will find its detected as multiple CPUs23:37
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ActionParsnip1dubby: try: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor23:38
ActionParsnip1dubby: i dont use multicore myself23:38
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dubbyActionParsnip1: processor: 023:38
dubbythats it23:39
ActionParsnip1dubby: hmm23:39
ActionParsnip1dubby: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-985664.html23:40
ActionParsnip1dubby: that may help23:40
dubbyActionParsnip1: alright im going to check my bios if it has downcoring bye23:43
engcaiohi for all23:46
engcaiohas anyone Brazilian here23:46
engcaiocause my english is not so good23:47
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
ubuntu_guten abend, ich würd gern wissen ob hier >cat $LESEFILE > /dev/null; date '+%T.%N' >> $LOGDATEI  &< das cat in den background gestellt wird?23:51
p_quarles!de | ubuntu_23:52
ubottuubuntu_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:52
ubuntu_oh sorry23:52
ubuntu_cat $LESEFILE > /dev/null; date '+%T.%N' >> $LOGDATEI  & , is cat going to be set in the background?23:53
p_quarlesubuntu_: I don't think it would, but I know that the date command won't even begin until cat has exited23:55
ubuntu_yep thats the point, my problem is that this cmd in my for circle, cats one file after another, and it should put all in the background23:56
p_quarleswell, my point is that it can't run in bg AND exit23:58
p_quarlesI might be able to say something more helpful if I knew more about what you're trying to do23:59

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