
greg-gdangit, forgot to install dtchen's kernel instead of the one from the jaunty repos on this last upgrade. It is amazing how quick the repo kernel fails with pulse.00:23
BUGabundo1greg-g: really?00:25
BUGabundo1didn't dtchen fix got merged?00:25
BUGabundo1I asked him 2x before upgrading!00:25
BUGabundo1but sound is still working!00:25
BUGabundo1guess I can't reboot until dtchen fix it again or I downgrade00:26
greg-gBUGabundo1: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/00:27
BUGabundo1yes I know00:27
BUGabundo1I'm on the bug report00:27
greg-gBUGabundo1: so install that one and you should be fine, it is newer than the kernel in the repo00:30
BUGabundo1it wasn't before the update00:30
BUGabundo1maybe dtchen respined it00:31
BUGabundo1if it fixes the prob (confirmed on the bug) why not have it in ?00:31
greg-galpha freeze rules00:33
greg-gthey're thinking of doing an SRU after release for it00:34
greg-glast I heard from daniel, at least.00:34
BUGabundo1is there and apt repo for that?00:35
BUGabundo1seems I'm going to need it00:35
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dominiksgood night everyone...01:26
BUGabundo1greg-g: is there and apt repo for that?02:15
greg-gBUGabundo knows not to ask a question then leave02:29
greg-g(the answer is no)02:31
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YoBoYbug 311525 << wishlist10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311525 in bash-completion ".oga/.ogv extensions should be auto-completed for media players in command line" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31152510:43
HammerHead66hello all10:48
HammerHead66anyone working on the suspend/resume bug?10:50
Hobbseethere's a single bug?10:50
HammerHead66well when I was checking on it there seemed to be a lot of them10:50
Hobbseeit's fairly safe to say that people are always looking at making hibernate work better10:51
HammerHead66ok so is there any on that is working on that probelm?10:52
HammerHead66Hobbsee: what are you working on?10:53
Hobbseeright now?  I'm wondering why hibernate suddenly broke, and on a computing assignment.10:53
HammerHead66any way I can help you?10:54
HammerHead66ok anyone need any help?10:56
YoBoYbug 248057 << wishlist10:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248057 in bash-completion "zip files should be completion candidates for jar." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24805710:57
Hobbseehrm.  It worked that time!10:58
HammerHead66YoBoY: I am new to fixing bugs so what do I need to do to fix it? Where do I look to go through the steps to fix it?11:02
HammerHead66ok if you never take anyone under your wing how is anyone going to help you to fix all of these problems?11:06
dominiksHammerHead66: hey, you could join BugSquad first - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad - to get yourself familiar with LP bug system :)11:06
HammerHead66I have done that11:06
dominiksoh, great11:06
dominiksthere is a lot of info in wiki how to get involved11:07
HammerHead66I have been translating text to english11:07
HammerHead66ok I'll see what I can get into11:09
dominikshttp://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate - there are many ways you can start :)11:10
YoBoYHammerHead66: sorry, what ?  what do you want to fix ?  :p11:33
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papomaxb: Oh nice you're in there too :)12:27
maxbThere are so many Ubuntu channels - gets a bit overwhelming at times :-)12:28
papomaxb: my "problem" is that I submitted a bug for the fglrx package and now someone marked it as duplicate of a bunch of other bugs but I disagree. Symptoms are different and most of the bugs contain so little information that one can't possibly claim that this is the same problem12:28
maxbstate the bugnumbers?12:29
papomine is 34637212:31
papoI provided a lot of details, log files, config files etc.12:31
papoand a duplicate of this is "I install fglrx,I can,t enter X . RS780G chip"12:32
papoI mean maybe it's the same bug but I find it very risky to claim this from that little information provided12:33
papoI just shouldn't have bought the laptop with that card... I'm used to fix drivers when they fail and here I can't do anything... kind of makes me sad :(12:35
papooh wait that was the wrong channel12:35
papomaxb: sorry again :(12:36
freinhardis #331719 a dup of #329860 ? i'd say yes.12:58
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brendonwhy is it that all the bugs I see after clicking the link for "new" bugs are all from 2006~2007 ???14:32
YoBoYbrendon: it's the default order, change this in the search form14:51
BUGabundohay YoBoY, hi14:52
YoBoYolà BUGabundo :)14:52
BUGabundoacento ao contrário! isto n é francês!14:55
brendonthanks YoBoY14:56
YoBoYBUGabundo: the french keymap don't offer the á14:57
BUGabundoreally? didn't know that!15:00
greg-gBUGabundo: to answer you question from yesterday: no, there will not be a repo of daniel's kernel image. just download it and install it.15:16
BUGabundook greg-g. thanks15:17
BUGabundoso that's the only fix now until release and SRU ?15:17
greg-gBUGabundo: yes.15:44
BUGabundogreg-g: thanks once again!15:45
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