
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== SoylentGrun is now known as gaurdro
gorguthello, folks. I'm looking to get a cloak and read that I was supposed to ask in here?05:55
naliothgorgut: depends on the cloak06:21
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
Servariumi'd like to be unbanned from #ubuntu-nl and #ubuntu-nl-offtopic14:07
Servariumive been banned there for 4 months now14:07
LjLi'm not sure how calling operators names in other channels might help your cause14:17
Servariumbecause maybe dutch operators are in this channel?14:21
jester-Servarium:   /cs access #ubuntu-nl list to see the ops list14:23
LjLServarium: no, i didn't mean *this* channel.14:24
LjLServarium: i meant another channels. and when i said "names", that was an euphemism14:24
=== gorgut is now known as gorgut_
=== gorgut_ is now known as gorgut
gorguthello folks. I read in a FAQ that I should ask in here to get an ubuntu member cloak. I've followed the steps to set up my nick. what else do i need to do?14:32
stdinare you an ubuntu member?14:35
gorguti am on the forums and on launchpad14:36
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember14:36
stdinyou need to apply for ubuntu membership14:36
gorgutok then. Thanks14:37

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