
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
HammerHead66hello everyone01:37
boredandbloggingHammerHead66: hello02:03
HammerHead66what are you up to bored02:18
HammerHead66any good news on the net?02:18
HammerHead66http://www.pbs.org/kcet/wiredscience/video/ check out Body builder it's great02:22
HammerHead66"Body Builder" Viedo sorry02:22
johnc4510HammerHead66: evening02:23
johnc4510boredandblogging: hi bud02:23
johnc4510boredandblogging: any write up of the GA meetup yet?02:24
HammerHead66john are u watching it?02:24
johnc4510HammerHead66: ?02:24
johnc4510are you streaming it?02:24
HammerHead66no it's on wired02:25
HammerHead66when you click the link a video will pop up to play but right below that there is a video called Body Builder click and watch it02:25
HammerHead66they are making body parts02:26
boredandbloggingjohnc4510: hey02:26
boredandbloggingjohnc4510: prolly will just stick it in the Team Reports later on02:27
HammerHead66they are even making them with an HP printer02:27
johnc4510boredandblogging: k02:27
johnc4510HammerHead66: lol02:27
HammerHead66you like it?02:30
HammerHead66next level stuff for doctors02:31
HammerHead66anyone seen the car that gets 100 mpg?03:17
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
Tumiemorning ? :|14:06
Tumiejohnc4510: in the dutch loco team we are talking about our idea, to start a dutch Ubuntu Shop.. is this possible, or is this just illegal ?14:09
johnc4510are you talking about Ubuntu branded merchandize, or a shop for the dutch that has like your dutch loco logo on it?14:11
TumieUbuntu branded merchandize..14:12
Tumielike t-shirts, mugs, usb-sticks, etc.14:12
johnc4510you'll have to get that ok'd. they prefer you go thru the regular Ubuntu shop for it.14:13
Tumieyes, but it is an expensive shop, we can better start our own here, so people will buy faster, and that is better for bug #114:14
johnc4510i understand, i'm just relaying policy about the way canonical handles this.14:16
Tumieso, we need permission from canonical ?14:16
Tumieok, i will say it to the rest of the team :)14:16
johnc4510we wanted the same thing in the USA, but they denied us.14:17
Tumiebut their is an USA shop..14:17
johnc4510they were nice enough to then start the USA shop14:17
johnc4510it's canonical's USA shop14:18
johnc4510not ours14:18
Tumieand, if we put our dutch loco logo on it, is that possible ?14:18
johnc4510if it's your dutch logo only, yeah. we have a shop for the Arizona team with it's logo on it.14:19
Tumiecan i have a look on it ?14:19
johnc4510hang on14:20
Tumiebut, you use the ubuntu logo for marketing, isn't that illegal ?14:22
johnc4510no, our logo was approved14:22
Tumiehow to approve that ?14:23
johnc4510through canonical14:23
Tumiety for all the information, i said it to the dutch team, so they won't start an illegal shop :p14:24
tycheLoCo News is up.  Starting "New in Jaunty Jackalope"15:02
johnc4510meeting summaries, rgreening interview, and ubuntu podcast #22 are up too.15:08
johnc4510tyche: is jeff doing the upcoming meetings section this wk.?15:10
tycheAs far as I know.  I haven't heard anything different.15:11
johnc4510starting on the last "Planet" summary15:11
tycheNew in Jaunty is up15:16
johnc4510k thx15:16
tycheWhat else do you want me to cover?15:17
johnc4510the other two planet summaries would be great tyche15:18
johnc4510i'm going to start at the top and work down for revisions15:20
kennymc0first itb summary is up15:29
johnc4510thx kennymc015:54
johnc4510hard to believe, there was no new launchpad blog news this wk16:23
johnc4510that hardly ever happens16:24
johnc4510ok, folks we're getting close17:29
johnc4510proofing still needed17:30
johnc4510great job UWN team!18:00
sayakbjohnc4510: did you read the brainstorm top 5 idea?18:23
tychesayakb: I think johnc4510 is laying down.  He had a bad night, last night.18:25
sayakbtyche: aah18:26
sayakbtyche: what do you think about that mail?18:26
tycheI saw your suggestion, and I don't think it's bad.  But Brainstorm may have to revise their page for us to be able to do it.18:26
sayakbit wasnt my suggestion ;)18:27
tycheAs it stands, I don't see a link to the suggestions.18:27
sayakbI am just a brainstorm creature who got excited after seeing UB stuff on the ML :D18:27
tycheAh.  Yes, you're right.  That's what happens when one glosses over where an email is from18:27
sayakbI thought if the team likes, I'll post the brainstorm news..18:28
tycheWell, I'm looking at the Brainstorm site right now, and I'd have to admit that I have NO idea where the UWN crew is getting the information.  This was added AFTER I was doing that part of the UWN.18:28
sayakbI can help with the top 5 links from brainstorm.. but the question is, where does it go?18:30
sayakbUWN, or a separate post?18:30
tycheWell, I can give you a tentative answer, but I'm only an editor, not the Chief Editor (which would be johnc451018:31
sayakbah.. I too just joined the editor's team, so I'd slowly get to know who's who :)18:31
tycheIf you wanted to add it to the UWN on, like, saturday night or sunday morning (that's AZ time, or UTC -7) that would be fine.  Of course, add your name at the bottom of the UWN to show that you're a contributor.18:32
sayakbsounds good18:32
tycheGee!  Then we'd have TWO people that aren't members of the AZ LoCo involved in the UWN.  LOL18:33
sayakbwhere do the UWN drafts go before being released?18:33
tycheIn the UWN page for the next week.  You can tell, because it'll say "WORK IN PROGRESS" right under the graphic.18:34
tycheSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue134 for an example.18:34
sayakbtyche: ta.. looking at it18:35
tycheAnd when Sunday morning rolls around, it's like a feeding frenzy watching all of us dive in and out, working on it.18:35
tycheBring your sense of humor.  We get a little crazy.18:35
tycheYou're apt to see bad puns and what appears to be people tearing eachother down in the IRC channel.  But it's all "no harm, no foul" type kidding around.18:37
sayakbthat sounds pretty cool!18:38
tycheOh, it's wild.  But we get a lot of serious work done in the process.  And tensions that COULD accumulate are bled off pretty easily that way.18:39
sayakbsunday mornings here at my university is usually a criket match with beer cans :)18:40
tycheSeriously, I like the idea.  And if you're serious about implementing it talk to or email johnc4510 about it.  You can add that I think it's a good idea.18:40
sayakbsounds like a plan18:41
tycheI think he'll agree that it's good, and tell you to go ahead.18:41
tycheIsabelle Duchatelle does much the same sort of thing for the Forums news.18:43
sayakbsuper! I definitely need something consistent to write about ;)18:44
tycheWell, the UWN has been growing ever since I got involved.  Nick did a lot toward that, and johnc4510 is continuing the tradition.18:45
sayakbyes, ofcourse. I see his posts now and then on puc18:45
tycheBesides, we like to see new people and get better information.  We already know that the UWN is WIDELY read, including by sabdfl18:46
tycheWe've even gotten emails from "the boss" expressing his appreciation.18:48
sayakbwhao! thats awesome :D18:51
sayakbplus, more than 2 years of publishing definitely has good outcomes :)18:51
tycheYep.  We may  be amateurs, but we try to put out a professional product.  EVERYBODY gets involved with proofing it.  And about 90% of us are trained to be able to pick up if somebody is out for a week or forever.  We've just gotten an influx of people, which actually makes things easier.18:54
tycheAnd, though it doesn't mean anything to you and your status, we've managed to "fast track" at least 3 people into Ubuntu membership because of the UWN.  Me included.18:55
sayakbthat's nice! UWN definitely involves a lot of tiresome yet equally enjoyable job that would clearly entitle an individual for membership18:57
sayakbit's not just writing, but also knowing the community, and that's really amazing18:57
tycheYep.  The sort of thing that isn't glamorous, but it serves an important function.  And it CAN be tedious.  That's why we let off steam by kidding with eachother.  It defuses the tension of hitting a deadline.18:58
tychePlus, the AZ LoCo is a bit crazy anyway (read "loco", hee hee).  And with the number of members we've got involved in it, now, it's just second nature to cut up a bit.19:00
sayakbtyche: OT: fridge/uwn doesnt acomodate any non ubuntu news I guess?19:00
sayakbsay, KDE news?19:00
sayakblike I often drop in KDE forum stuff on the planet..19:00
sayakbbut should I be sticking strictly to *buntu articles for the fridge?19:01
tycheAs far as I'm concerned, Ubuntu is an umbrella term as well as being a specific distribution.  In other words, Kubuntu and Xubuntu are as much a part of Ubuntu as anything.  If it involves one of the distributions that we deal with then it should be included.19:02
sayakbit doesn't actually19:03
tycheHOWEVER, if it's something specific to KDE or XFCE, then it wouldn't.19:03
sayakbI have a news ready, but I am not sure whether it should fit or not19:03
tycheWe do have to draw the line somewhere, but that line is a bit fuzzy.19:03
sayakbah.. clearer..19:03
tychejohnc4510 or nick would be the best people to vet something that you weren't sure about.19:04
tycheI'm still learning the business.19:04
tycheHeck, I still ask johnc4510 about whether or not to include a link in the UWN.19:04
tycheSometimes he says yes.  Sometimes he says no.  Either way, I'm not put out by it, because the end result is to put out a good product.19:05
tycheBTW, sayakb.  To introduce myself, see https://launchpad.net/~tyche19:12
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
johnc4510The New edition of the UWN #134 is now available:21:47

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