
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
TomH1973Enter text here...Hello04:36
TomH1973is anyone awake?04:37
TomH1973I am Looking for some one who knows about ubuntu who can tell me more about it I have it downloade and rung on my second harddrive04:40
TomH1973How do I get to the Ubuntu chat?05:21
kblinhi folks08:20
kblinI'm trying to test ubuntu 9.04 on an armel system, but before I go on the real hardware, I wanted to have a look on qemu. however, that seems to be unable to do networking... is there anything I'm missing?08:21
kblinah, hang on, it's just dog-slow08:21
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kblindamn, qemu-system-arm seems pretty unreliable13:19
kblinI keep getting stuck during the installation at different stages13:20
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=== Projet-POS is now known as Celtiore
kblinhm, now I'm getting stuck at "configuring makedev" repeatedly14:16
kblinoh well14:16
stgrabercr3: around ? I'm playing a bit with checkbox and have at least one question.17:46
cr3stgraber: sure, what's up?17:51
stgrabercr3: Just trying to make checkbox to load a completely different test suite, basically I have some tests defined in a .txt file and I just want checkbox to load that without any of the pre-installed ones17:53
cr3stgraber: --config=checkbox/plugins/suites_info/whitelist=your_text_file.txt17:53
stgraberhmm, it's still asking me about my internet connection ...17:55
cr3stgraber: that's assuming your text file is in the same directory as the other suites. if it's in another directory: --config=checkbox/plugins/suites_info/directories=/path/to/the/directory/containing/your/text/file17:55
cr3stgraber: nevertheless, the whitelist command should've excluded that internet connection test17:56
cr3stgraber: when in doubt, pastebin the output of --log-level=debug and let meknow17:56
stgraberok, now it doesn't do the internet test but goes from getting information about the system directly to sending the report :)17:58
cr3stgraber: when in doubt...17:58
stgrabersudo checkbox-gtk --config=checkbox/plugins/suites_info/whitelist=/home/stgraber/code/thin-clients-testing/thin-client.txt --log-level=debug 2> debug18:01
cr3stgraber: try this: sudo checkbox-gtk --config=checkbox/plugins/suites_info/directories=/home/stgraber/code/thin-clients-testing18:03
stgrabersame behavior,18:05
stgrabergoes directly to sending the report18:05
stgrabersudo checkbox-gtk --config=checkbox/plugins/suites_info/directories=/home/stgraber/code/thin-clients-testing/ --config=checkbox/plugins/suites_info/whitelist=thin-client.txt18:06
stgraberworks with that18:06
cr3stgraber: strange, it shouldn't need to be so redundant18:08
stgraberwhat's the easiest way to make it just dump a .xml file and not send anything to LP ?18:10
cr3stgraber: --config='checkbox/plugins/blacklist=backend_manager launchpad_report'18:12
cr3err, I mean: --config='checkbox/plugins/blacklist=backend_manager launchpad_exchange'18:12
stgraberhmm, still asks for an e-mail18:13
cr3stgraber: strange, .../directories=/some/path works fine for me18:13
cr3"still asks for an e-mail" doesn't necessarily mean it'll send to launchpad, which is what you asked18:13
cr3if you also want to remove prompting for email: --config='checkbox/plugins/blacklist=backend_manager launchpad_exchange exchange_prompt'18:14
cr3you might also like to add into_prompt to that list, in case you don't care for that introduction prompt18:15
cr3err, intro_prompt18:15
stgraberNice, does exactly what I want now :)18:15
calccan i get someone to look at bug 291968, i think this needs to be fixed asap or add some way to see triaged bugs that aren't really upstream bugs, i'm having to resort to using launchpad api to get this information because of this issue19:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 291968 in malone "status_upstream=hide_upstream seems to hide bugs with 'invalid' upstream status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29196819:17
calcthat is something that logically should be viewable with the website but can't currently be seen in any manner that i can determine19:18
calcbugs marked invalid are still treated as upstream bugs for purpose of hide_upstream but also do not show up under resolved_upstream19:18
calcso with large numbers of bugs they are effectively invisible19:19
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
=== asac_ is now known as asac
lifi_hey, i just installed jaunty with fglrx and dual-head. got no problems, till i tried to activate xinerama. pc hangs up when it tries to start X. anyone in here with a working dual-head conf and could help me out?23:49

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