
=== SoylentGrun is now known as gaurdro
gnx_anyone awake able to possibly help me figure out this screensaver problem?01:28
gnx_i just installed xubuntu, first time using this distro, im on an old 600mhz celeron with 256mb ram01:31
gnx_pretty satisfied thus far, but i wanted to disable the screensaver, and in the process i clicked on one to preview it but it locks up or makes my display unusable01:32
gnx_and everytime i try to go back to disable it, it has that screensaver, selected...and so i cant even go to the screensaver settings dialog without a problem now01:33
gnx_is there a file somewhere i can edit?01:33
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zChrisIs there any equilivant to rainlendar for linux ?02:50
AwayMLI'm getting this error during my installs - i've tried different CDs, even different flavors of ubuntu, but it keeps happening. any ideas? - http://pastie.org/42321603:17
AwayMLthis is telling too - http://pastie.org/42321903:27
AwayMLapt-get and aptitude both fail on openoffice.org-help-en-us03:27
samsabracan I run Xubuntu on an old Fujistu laptop P2 366Mhz with 94MB of RAM?05:30
forcessamsabra, yes05:32
forcesbut not live cd05:32
forcesyou must install with alternative cd05:32
samsabrathe website says: Once installed, Xubuntu can run with starting from 192 (or even just 128) MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM.05:33
samsabracan I actually use it with 64MB of ram after install?05:33
forcessamsabra, yes05:35
forcessamsabra, use xubuntu 8.04 LTS05:36
samsabracool, thanks05:36
forcesits more stable05:36
samsabrathanks and have a great day05:38
XNMNKI'm trying to install xubuntu 8.10 from a usb-stick07:01
XNMNKand have a problem07:01
XNMNKmy notebook has no cd-rom, but installer wants to find it07:02
XNMNKi've tried to mount a fake cd-rom from a console but installer says it can't read files from it07:03
zoredachewhat method did you use to prepare your usb stick?07:06
XNMNKunetbootin 3.1907:12
zoredachehrm...  I have never used that.  I usually just write the hd net-boot image to a usb disk.07:16
zoredacheThe drawback is, that you must have a wired network card that is supported by the kernel, and you have to wipe the contents of the usb key.07:17
XNMNKtried another way of creating usb-stick: made it bootable with syslinux and put vmlinuz, initrd.gz, syslinux.cfg and *.iso07:40
XNMNKsame problem - "failed to copy a file"07:41
knomeXNMNK, have you tried the usb-creator?07:41
XNMNKnope. I'm under windows now. I've tried to put live-cd on the stick. it boots and works well but can't install itself on hard drive07:44
knomeXNMNK, please use the usb creator, if you explicitly need to install from usb07:47
vargohow can i install xfce 4.6 on xubuntu?07:48
XNMNKknome: will try07:49
knomevargo, xfce 4.6 will be by default on jaunty. there is some ppa's for intrepid but i'm not sure if any of them has 4.6 final07:50
vargoi added launchpad repisotory07:51
vargoi got 4.591 beta07:51
vargogot little bit frustrated :(07:51
knomejaunty will be out in a month07:51
vargodo u think amarok 2.0 is bundled too?07:52
knomeit is in the junaty repos, yes.07:52
vargoalright, thanks07:53
MoonTigerhi :)09:58
Shooreeis the Settings Manager>Autostarted apps the only way to execute autostart stuff? I can't seem to make this work for manual entries, not even to startup conky with an initial sleep period. Where can I go wrong with it?10:47
MoonTigeryou can add a link in the startup folders to a script / app11:05
vojacekj_hi, i have problems with genius g-pen 450 under xubuntu 8.10 can someone help me?11:50
SlonkieHow do i connect to one of my windows shares?12:24
SlonkieShould i use samba?12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pyneighborhood12:24
vinnlHmm... I don't really either, except that that supposedly allows you to do that ;-)12:25
vinnlAnd I also just installed thunar-shares-plugin, but it looks like that only allows you to share your own folders12:25
Slonkieso it finds my PC, but fails to mount my folder12:27
Slonkiepyneighborhood that is :P12:27
vinnlSlonkie, hmm, you might need to read this post first: http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/02/easy-samba-browsing-with-xubuntu-feisty.html12:29
SlonkieThat dident help :(12:32
vinnlThen I don't know what to do either... If I ever get myself a laptop I might set this up for myself, but until then, I've got zero experience with home networking...12:33
Slonkieall right12:33
SlonkieThanks anyway :p12:33
vinnlNo problem :P12:34
Dillizarif i install compiz and other effects how heavier will the xubuntu be12:51
vinnlIn what units? ;-)12:52
Dillizarvinnl, that question was for me ??12:53
vinnlDillizar, yes12:53
Dillizarwill it ask more ram ?12:53
Dillizaror more cpu12:53
vinnlYes, both12:54
Dillizara lot more?? :)12:54
vinnlWell, you can expect that, it's just another piece of software you're running, and obviously heavier than the low-on-effects-window managers12:54
vinnlNot *that* much12:54
vinnlI don't know how much you can miss :P12:54
Dillizarvinnl, tell me is xfce based on gnome ?12:56
vinnlDillizar, no... But it has some parts in common and Xubuntu also ships GNOME parts to complement Xfce12:57
Dillizarso its not striped GNOME12:57
vinnlNo, definitely not12:58
Dillizarcuz i was choosing between xfce and lxde and xfce looks like gnome and lxde looks like KDE12:59
vinnlWell... You shouldn't really judge them like that. I'd recommend you to just try both, as they're both free of charge ;-)13:00
Dillizarlol not to me13:00
vinnlWhy's that?13:00
Dillizari have limit of 25gb per month13:00
Dillizarto download :)13:01
vinnlHmm yeah, that's a bummer13:01
Dillizari have another alternative13:01
Dillizarbut i need to wait 3months13:01
Dillizarany who i have 9.0413:01
Dillizarubuntu and the install xfce13:02
BesogonDoes anybody know about writing a formula in ABIWORD? (If you undestand me)13:10
vinnlI believe you could use LaTeX for that13:10
vinnlAh, and also MathML13:11
vinnlSee Insert->Equation13:11
BesogonShoud I install it before?13:12
vinnlI believe if you have Abiword you don't need to install anything to be able to use LaTeX13:13
Besogonvinnl, where can I past a image?13:18
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.13:19
Besogonvinnl, http://imagebin.org/42279 look at that. So I havnt help for LateX. (and I cant work with it)13:22
vinnlYeah you need to know how to use LaTeX, it doesn't have a graphical way of clicking them together... I managed to do it a while ago by Googling the specific signs I needed to know. There might be another utilllity that allows you to click together LaTeX formulas though13:24
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX13:24
BesogonO my got. Why is it so difficalt in linux way... but , thanks whether or no13:29
vinnlWell, that's Abiword13:30
vinnlYou can't really blame Linux in general for that... Perhaps OpenOffice.org has a better interface13:31
Besogonvinnl, I know that. But I have just interest about  abiword. (Really I need use only MS word in my university)13:34
vinnlBesogon, if you have a license for MS Word, you can use that on Xubuntu. Not that easy, but not really difficult either13:34
vinnlIf it's *really* necessary, that's always an option ;-)13:35
BesogonI havnt a license MS Word, but I'm still using it. :)) (MS office XP).13:37
vinnlObviously, I'm going to say here you shouldn't :)13:39
Besogonand MS equation 3.0 is terrible. That is not my fault.13:40
Besogonvinnl, And I tell you, that almost all Russia not use a license software. :)13:45
vinnlThat doesn't justify it ;-)13:45
vinnlBesogon, anyway, I just found the KFormula application which appears to allow you to click together a formula and export it to LaTeX, which you could then use in Abiword :)13:46
Besogonthanks again. I will remember that. I going to vacuum my room.13:48
vinnlHave fun :P13:48
vojacekjhi everyone13:49
vinnlHey vojacekj13:50
vojacekji have 1 problem13:50
vojacekji have problem with genius g-pen 450...xibuntu 8.10 can not deteced it13:51
vojacekjcan someone help me?13:51
vinnlWhat kind of a device is it?13:52
vojacekjit tablet13:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet13:52
vojacekjok thanks13:53
vojacekjand don't you know someone who know something about it?13:53
vinnlubottu is just a bot, I was querying its fact database to see if there was anything on tables on it ;-)13:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:54
vinnlSee? ;-)13:54
vinnlAnyway, I don't know anything about tablets, but this page might be of help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetup13:54
vojacekjthanks i will see it13:55
noob_Mi want to learn xubuntu14:16
noob_Mwhere do i start?14:16
noob_Mi have no knowledge on linux14:17
vinnlnoob_M, there's excellent documentation included in Xubuntu14:17
vinnlHave you already installed it?14:17
noob_Mim downloading14:17
noob_Mwhat is the basic command for linux?14:17
vinnlWhat do you mean with "basic command"?14:17
noob_Myou type on the terminal14:18
vinnlWhy would you do that?14:18
noob_Mno need?14:18
noob_Mi thought terminal is for installation?14:18
noob_Minstal plugin? configure?14:18
gorgutxubuntu install is graphical14:19
noob_Mlike windows?14:19
vinnlNo, when you use the Desktop CD, you run a kind of test version of Xubuntu from that CD, and you can then double-click the "Install" icon on the desktop to start the installation14:19
vinnlSo that's a bit different from (easier than :) Windows14:19
noob_Mi can install xubuntun on windows?14:20
noob_Mor clean installation?14:20
vinnlI'd go for a clean installation14:20
noob_Mboot from cd?14:20
noob_Msample i got windows on the hard drive14:20
vinnlYes, you insert the CD-ROM in your CD-ROM-drive, then restart your computer14:20
noob_Mi want to put xubuntu14:20
vinnlDo you want to keep Windows?14:20
noob_Mdelete windows14:20
vinnlGreat, that's easiest :)14:20
noob_Minstall fresh copy of xubuntu?14:21
vinnlWhat file exactly are you downloading?14:21
noob_Mmy processor is single core14:21
noob_Msempron 1.614:21
noob_Mi dont need 64bit xubuntu?14:22
vinnlOK, do you know how to burn that to a CD?14:22
vinnlI don't think so14:22
vinnlGreat, if you do that, you'll just need to insert that in the drive and reboot the computer, then it'll mostly speak for itself14:22
noob_Mwhat is the diference between ubuntu and xbuntu?14:23
sancasnoob_M, the diference is that xfce use ar xfce and ubuntu use gnome14:23
sancasxfce is more for pc low14:24
vinnlWell, they mostly come with a whole different standard selection of software and themes, but you'll be able to install everything you install in one in the other as well14:24
sancasgnome thats ritgh for new pcs14:24
noob_Ma ok14:24
noob_Mthe interface is still the same?14:24
noob_Mfeature no same too?14:25
noob_Mi heard counterstrike can play on linux14:25
vinnlNope, but if you miss a feature in Xubuntu that is in Ubuntu you *can* install that afterwards :)14:25
noob_Mcs can play on xubuntu?14:25
vinnlProbably, let me check (not that easy though)14:25
noob_Mit comes on the basic?14:25
noob_Mi can add features from ubuntu?14:26
vinnlAh, yes, you can play CS14:26
vinnlAnd yes, sort of ;-)14:26
noob_Mi want to learn how to manage files on linux14:26
noob_Mi notice no file extension on linux?14:26
noob_Msample exe, com, jpg?14:27
noob_Mdll files14:27
vinnlOften files do have a file extension but in theory it's not necessary14:27
noob_Mhow can i distinguish each files?14:27
noob_Mi only heard linux14:27
noob_Mbut never tried to use it14:27
vinnldll files are only sometimes needed if you're trying to run Windows stuff, but that's quite advanced14:27
vinnlHeh, you distinguish between them just as in Windows: looking at the icons ;-)14:28
noob_Mwhat is the icon of system files in linux?14:28
vinnlWhat do you mean by system files?14:28
noob_Mlike windows14:28
noob_Min windows is in on the folder c:windows14:29
vinnlWhat do you do with system files in Windows?14:29
noob_Mhow about in linux?14:29
vinnlAh, well...14:29
Pho75Hi all. I'm playing with xfce 4.4. Does anyone know why thunar doesn't obey the gtk theme as far as the scrollbar goes. I personally can't stand any gtk theme that prevents me from using the right edge of my screen to control the scrollbar, but no matter what theme i choose, thunar keeps that stupid thick-ass border. is there some hidden config option somewhere I can use to make the...14:29
Pho75...thickness 0 or are u stuck with it? i'd love to replace nautilus but that border is always a deal-breaker for me with any app/theme.14:29
vinnlIn Linux, there's no different "C:" and "D:" and whatnot drives14:29
vinnlIt's just all under "/", so you got for example "/tmp" for temporary files, "/home/vincent" for my user account14:30
vinnlYou'll mostly be concerned with the files in your user account14:30
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noob_Mu type in on the terminal window?14:30
=== gorgut_ is now known as gorgut
vinnlYou really don't need the terminal as much as you think14:31
vinnlThey're on your desktop, for example :)14:31
noob_Mi want to play on the terminal window14:31
noob_Mbrowse files on linux14:31
vinnlnoob_M, look, this is how you browse files in Xubuntu: http://thunar.xfce.org/images/filewindow-1.png14:32
noob_Mwhat is m4 file extension?14:33
vinnlNo idea14:33
vinnlYou won't run into those anyway ;-)14:34
noob_Mcan i ask about ubuntu here?14:34
vinnlPreferably in #ubuntu, I don't know if we can answer it here :)14:34
noob_Mi alreay had ubuntu last year i uninstall it14:34
noob_Msame server?14:34
noob_Mok thanks14:34
noob_Mvinnl for u which is eaiser xubuntu or ubuntu?14:35
vinnlEhm, well... I think Ubuntu is a little bit easier for new users14:36
vinnlBut of course I'm a Xubuntu fan ;-)14:36
noob_Mmy frend recomend xubuntu too14:36
noob_Mbefore i try ubuntu i unstall it14:36
noob_Mi dont know how to configure14:36
noob_Mbut now i want to learn14:37
noob_Mx or u?14:37
noob_Mu choose for me14:37
vinnlYou can easily do both :)14:37
vinnlI'd say: if you friend recommended Xubuntu, go with that, he'll know best what suits you14:37
noob_Mbut u said x is for slow pc?14:37
SlonkieAnyone capable of helping me with windows shares, and how to connect the them from xubuntu?14:37
vinnlWell, that wasn't me, but... Xubuntu will run a bit better. Do you have a slow PC?14:38
noob_Mathlon 1800xp14:38
noob_M256 ram14:38
noob_M10 gig hd14:39
noob_Mis my old pc14:39
noob_Mata-66 hardisk slow14:39
vinnlAh well then you don't want to do Ubuntu :P14:39
noob_Mcan't run 256 ram?14:39
vinnlYeah but not pleasantly14:39
vinnlOh wait, I don't even think it can, no14:40
noob_Monly to learn the basic14:40
noob_Monly to learn the basics14:40
noob_Mhow about 51214:40
vinnlYou could, but I'd really go with Xubuntu, it's a bit faster14:40
noob_Mi tried 512mb it run the ubuntu14:40
vinnlStill, though you could give Ubuntu a try then14:40
noob_Mu always online?14:40
vinnlNot always, no :P14:41
noob_Moh no14:41
vinnlBut there often are very helpful people over here, especially on weekdays :)14:41
noob_Mah ok14:41
noob_Mim in the philipines14:41
noob_Mdiferent time slot14:41
noob_Min the morning here people asleep in the US14:41
noob_Mgtg thanks for your help vinnl14:46
vojacekjhi everyone15:24
vojacekjvinnl are you here15:24
vinnlHey vojacekj  :)15:24
vojacekjthanks it works15:25
vojacekjit's super15:25
vinnlGreat :)15:25
vojacekji have 1 more question, problem :D15:25
vojacekji have problem with scanner15:26
vojacekjdo you know something about it?15:26
vinnlA little, little bit15:26
vojacekji have scanner Umax Astra 2000p15:26
vojacekjand don't u know some goog page?15:27
vinnlvojacekj, perhaps this one's good: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo :)15:28
vojacekjthank u15:28
vojacekju are great15:28
vojacekjbey meanwhile15:38
charlie-tcaGood Morning15:39
vinnlHey charlie-tca15:39
=== AwayML is now known as AndyML
AndyMLso, apt-get -f install gives me "apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libapt-pkg-libc6.7-6.so.4.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:06
lolToddI've been having a problem getting my restricted video drivers to cooperate.  I can enable and disable then fine from the panel, but they take no effect.  It was working fine prior to a power outage, but now it's about a 10% success rate when I boot up.  Suggestions?17:05
xapiensformat and reinstall17:09
lolToddBite me.17:09
TheSheeplolTodd: dmesg says something? how about /var/log/Xorg.0.log?17:10
shippoI was following this site http://layer8problem.blogspot.com/2008/10/howto-remote-desktop-to-xubuntu-710.html but when I got to vino-session it states command not found?17:15
lolToddTheSheep: In Xorg.0.log it says "Backing store disabled.  Does that help?17:18
lolToddValidated modes: "nvidia-auto-slect"  Virtual screen size determined to be 640x480.  Unable to get display device CRT-0's EDID; cannot compute DPI from CRT-0's EDID.  DPI set to (7, 75); computed from build-in default.17:23
lolToddHow about that, TheSheep?17:33
TheSheeplolTodd: looks like the driver works...17:34
TheSheeplolTodd: maybe try logs from when it's not working17:35
lolToddTheSheep: Working or not, I'm stuck at 640x480.17:36
TheSheeplolTodd: that's because the driver couldn't read you monitor's resolution17:37
TheSheeplolTodd: try specyfying vertical and horizontal refresh rates in xorg.conf17:37
chewitdoes anyone know if the new notification system which is in Ubuntu 9.04 will be in Xubuntu 9.04?18:02
dbdii407I need help: When i click on a window, it wont come into focus18:03
charlie-tcachewit: I don't know now. It was called notify-osd.18:08
GreedyB2If I add a XFCE 4.6 PPA and update things is it pretty much impossible to go back if I don't like it or something doesnt work correctly?18:42
jarnosGreedyB2: It is not impossible. I have done it.18:43
jarnosGreedyB2: You can use synaptic to get list of the files installed from the PPA. Remove them in console, remove the PPA in /etc/sources.list and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop18:46
GreedyB2I see18:47
GreedyB2Did everything work for you?18:47
jarnosGreedyB2: You mean in Xfce 4.6?18:47
GreedyB2jarnos, yeah18:47
jarnosGreedyB2: No. I had to refresh some configuration to keep the panel from freezing the computer, for instance. However, I am using it again.18:48
shippowhat is the correct way to use the -unixpw option for x11vnc? or is there a website I can be pointed to?19:11
Shooreewhere's the setting for the number of virtual desktops? I can't seem to find it following ubuntu how-to's19:17
TheSheepShooree: it's in settings->setting manager->workspaces and margins19:20
Shooreethat's what I thought, TheSheep, but whenever I set i to 4, my Compiz cube doesn't give me more than 219:20
TheSheepShooree: that's because compiz is not xubuntu19:21
TheSheepShooree: it does its own workspaces19:21
TheSheepand has its own settings for it19:21
TheSheep!compiz | Shooree19:21
ubottuShooree: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion19:21
Shooreecould you tell me how to enable the cube, please? All I've got now is a two-faced square19:21
TheSheepI have no idea19:22
ShooreeI'll do my homework19:22
Shooreefor the record, I was just blind. it was there the whole time, the desktop size tab. I just didn't see it.19:35
artistxeany blender users here that have discovered keyboard shortcut problems ?19:42
artistxesimple fix in the xfwm4 default file. the easy click option should be set to false. this seems to go for quite a few keyboard shortcuts19:43
artistxein other programs as well19:43
TheSheepartistxe: what does it do?19:55
artistxewhat does it (what ? ) do ?19:59
artistxechanging the default ?20:00
TheSheepartistxe: I'm just wondering hwat is the problem and how that option solves it20:00
artistxeoh. in blender it the default prevents you from using certain key combos in edit mode. such as Alt-rmb in editmode to select an edgeloop20:01
artistxeoriginally I had thought that it was a keboard config problem in the settings.20:02
artistxermb = right mouse button20:02
artistxeyou do not use Blender I am guessing....20:02
SlonkieERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) - Anyone know how to fix this?20:05
TheSheepSlonkie: start mysql daemon20:07
Slonkiehow do i do that?20:07
TheSheepartistxe: not often, but I had similar problem in Second Life, I just switched that to Super20:08
TheSheepSlonkie: wait, what are you actually trying to do?20:08
Slonkiestart mysql20:08
TheSheepwhat for?20:09
SlonkieI need it for amarok20:09
TheSheepamarok uses mysql?20:09
Slonkiewell, for the collection somehow20:10
TheSheepgood thing I keep away from it :)20:10
TheSheepSlonkie: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start  should start it20:10
Slonkiewhat would you say is better for audio playing?20:10
TheSheepI have no opinion, but there are lots of options, depending on what you need20:11
artistxeSlonkie . I prefer Exaile myself.20:15
SlonkieExaile looks god, how does it handle very big collections?20:16
SiDiSlonkie: correctly :p20:18
SiDii use exaile, it can lag 1/2 secs if you add 1500 songs to a playlist, but once they're added it doesnt lag20:18
artistxeit also records streams , which I like :)20:23
rockofor G20:24
artistxeI use streamtuner to get my stations and have the preferences set up to open the streams in Exaile . from there you can record and save in the dir specified in the Exaile preferences20:24
artistxeor   .you could always rip streams from terminal using streamripper20:27
jarnosSlonkie: What I like in Amarok is global shortcuts. I also had problem with database backend, but it was a while ago.20:37
jarnosTheSheep: You can choose from several database backends when using Amarok.20:40
SiDiamarok looks badly in gtk based environments :(20:42
TheSheepjarnos: any sane reason to not use sqlite?20:43
TheSheepSiDi: not with the gtkqt qt theme20:43
jarnosSiDi: It is only cosmetic. Shortcuts work better in Xfce than in Gnome/Metacity.20:44
SiDiTheSheep: What the hell is that ? oO20:44
* SiDi googling ! :o20:44
jarnosTheSheep: no idea.20:44
jarnosTheSheep: I guess anything you can use works.20:47
TheSheepSiDi: http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Styles/GtkStyle20:48
TheSheepSiDi: it would be great to have it by default in xubuntu20:49
jarnosTheSheep: Where do you get gtk2-x11-dev packages from?20:53
TheSheepjarnos: I'd guess libgtk2.0-dev20:55
jarnosTheSheep: the last command gave: "make: *** No rule to make target `checkinstall'.  Stop."21:11
TheSheepjarnos: qmake21:12
TheSheepjarnos: and then make21:12
jarnosTheSheep: yes. but the output was from "sudo make checkinstall"21:14
TheSheepjarnos: I don't follow, what did you do?21:16
jarnosTheSheep: I did what was told at http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Styles/GtkStyle21:17
what_ifI have a laptop with 64mb ram in it, can I run xubuntu with a gui ?>21:17
jarnosTheSheep: The last command gave what I told above.21:18
TheSheepwhat_if: it's theoretically possible, but it will be so slow, that it turns out unusable21:18
TheSheepjarnos: but where did you get that command?21:19
what_ifany distro you can recommend for a 64mb machine ?21:19
jarnosTheSheep: you mean "sudo make checkinstall"?21:19
TheSheepwhat_if: I don't know, maybe archlinux, if configured with care, or puppylinux, or dsl21:19
TheSheepjarnos: yes21:20
TheSheepjarnos: just do 'sudo checkinstall'21:20
TheSheepjarnos: after 'qmake'21:20
jarnoswhat_if: DeLi Linux maybe.21:20
TheSheepwhat_if: you should be able to get some ram for it cheaply though21:21
jarnosTheSheep: That worked. Now there is GTK GUI style in Qt configuration21:25
what_ifTheSheep: max ram 192. :P21:26
what_if300mhz, 6gb hd, 192 ram max (64 currently) not really worth the extra $$21:26
knomewhat_if, 192 is way better than 64. xubuntu is ok with it.21:28
what_ifwell, to be honest we need X and adobe acrobat. It will be way too slow...21:29
knomeat least with 192 you *can* do it.21:29
knomewith 64, i'm not really sure if you get a pdf reader running21:29
what_ifknome: no, no pdf reading at 64 (tried)21:30
what_ifI'll just add it to the toy pile, been wanting a "disposable" laptop anyways21:30
jarnosTheSheep: thanks. In which applications you see the difference? I can't see difference in Amrok.21:40
jarnosTheSheep: ^Amarok21:40
jarnosTheSheep: or in Kaffeine or QAmix for that matter.21:43
jarnosTheSheep: At least I can see the difference in qtconfic :)21:49
jarnosTheSheep: ^qtconfig21:57
TheSheepjussi01: try  skype --disable-cleanlooks22:00
knomeTheSheep, he went.22:01
jussi01spurious pings.... meh... :P22:18
basajaunhi all22:30
knome!hi | basajaun22:30
ubottubasajaun: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!22:30
basajaunjust installed xubuntu on my son's old toshiba tecra but I only get a midget screen22:31
durtbasajaun,  If it's similar to my old satellite, there's a bios setting to change that.22:39
basajaunhow do you do that durt?22:40
durtpossibly esc or del at start up then maybe F1 to continue. If it's as old as mine. We're talking from the late 90's here.22:42
Slortoshiba - coulde be f2, f12, or something as well.22:43
SlorI forget exactly - on my toshibas, one F-key brings a startup menu and another gets me into bios.  and it always takes me a while to find the right one. :)22:44
basajaunnot working  :)22:47
Slortry f1 as well.  and hit them often during the boot process.22:48
Slorall else fails, you should be able to find a manual on toshiba's website22:49
basajaunI am in22:52
basajaunwhat should I change?22:52
basajaunI have changed the only option for display and restarted but mo joy22:57
basajaunno joy22:57
basajaunyaye got it thank you durt and slor23:03
basajaunbye all23:03

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