=== seezer_ is now known as seezer [00:37] hehm howdy jjesse :) [00:37] our docs aren't all that shabby now :) [00:38] hello nixternal [00:38] just saw your email, eating late dinner so i'll work on it more [00:38] ya, just finish up what you are working on, the oher guy is doing some updating, and we should be about ready to push a package for translations [00:40] coolio [01:44] anyone having problems with plasma on 4.2.1? it seems to be running pretty poorly [01:52] seele: on the contrary...for me very smooth :/ [01:53] hum.. wtf then [01:53] this is running like total crap [05:22] anyone figure out a fix for firefox tabs using kde4 sytle? [09:12] anyone having troubles with NetworkManager in Jaunty? [09:18] agateau: what kind of problems? [09:18] davidbarth: it can't connect to my wifi access point [09:19] i can connect manually and with wicd, so i guess it's a NM issue [09:19] happens on two machines, with different wifi chipsets [09:32] agateau: only with WPA-Enterprise [09:33] agateau: and hidden neworks [09:33] nothing like that here... wep (due to some old hardware), visible network [09:33] agateau: does knetworkmanager or nm-applet work? for me, it is only plasma-widget that is broken [09:34] Lure: I haven't tried knetworkmanager but nm-applet does not work [09:34] agateau: then it is n-m / driver communication probably - you want to talk with asac [09:35] Lure: ok, heading for #ubuntu-devel then :) [09:35] agateau: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager might help to collect appropriate debugs === agateau_ is now known as agateau [09:59] hola [10:00] Lure... seems my wifi problems were highly related to me not selecting the correct key format... :) [10:10] Lure: mmm... not so good, I can connect with nm-applet, but not with the kde plasmoid [10:32] hi there [10:32] Riddell: tested latest k3b upload ? fixed most of the issues for me [10:32] Riddell: I've been able to burn isos both dvd and cd... [10:37] Tonio_: let me try [10:37] Riddell: kk [10:48] Tonio_: still gets stuck on Writing Lead Out [11:05] Riddell: I'm still working on the Qt4-X11 bug (#261380). The author of the patch has Qt packages built at https://launchpad.net/~gagern/+archive/ppa [11:06] Riddell: The only reason (I think) not to ship the patch would be if the Qt packages on the disk grow too much with the patch. Otherwise I see no reason not to do it, and it does indeed give some value for debugging [12:03] bothorsen: if it's in a PPA you can download the packages and compare sizes? [12:04] Riddell: Yes, but after comparing, I would not really know if it would be acceptable [12:05] Riddell: The patch itself looks good to me [12:06] bothorsen: well what's the difference? [12:07] * bothorsen downloads again :) [12:07] * Riddell away for upgrade testing [12:28] Riddell: Looks like the packages don't really grow, actually [12:29] Riddell: libqtcore4 went from 1,458kB to 1,462 kB. Much less than I had feared [12:29] Riddell: I'm testing Kubuntu this afternoon anything I should be looking out for in particular? [12:31] Riddell: I assume the size of the dbg packages isn't really important? [12:35] agateau: did you get the nepomuk issue resolved (was it you looking at it) === JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Three days to beta! | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [12:38] JontheEchidna: the count down! [12:38] Yep! [12:38] davmor2: we turned nepomuk off, if you open it in system settings it should prompt you to install the working but non-free backend [12:39] bothorsen: that sounds good, dbg package size not really important [12:39] bothorsen: so remind me again what this patch does which is different from qt's normal debug setup? [12:39] Riddell: Right I'll take a look at that after then :) [12:40] davmor2: check if the plasmoids on the desktop start up properly I guess [12:41] Riddell: Yes no probs if you think of anything else just ping me :) [12:41] Riddell: about k3b, works well for me.... that's strange.... [12:42] Riddell: are you playing with a dvd-rw or +rw ? [12:43] Tonio_: +rw says here [12:44] Riddell: I was testing with a -rw [12:44] Riddell: I'll ask other people to test... [12:45] Riddell: The patch removes the strip from the build, so the library has more debug info and you can singlestep into the package code and get better backtraces [12:54] Riddell: just uploading another svn snap for k3b... lots of commits those days... === txwikinger_wor1 is now known as txwikinge1 === txwikinge1 is now known as txwikinger_work [13:10] Considering we won't get kdelibs off the CD due to OOo, is it really worth pushing forward with k3b at this point? [13:28] upgrade from intrepid seems to work [13:29] ScottK: it would be nice since kde 3 has no kioslaves et al, but it's not a priority for the reason you say [13:32] davmor2: sort of, we work-arounded it by disabling nepomuk end suggesting the installation of the soprano-backend-sesame package [13:37] hrm, python-qt4-dbus is broken on this upgrade [13:49] Just played a bit with KPackageKit +/- icons... [13:50] the current implementation looks a bit ugly IMO [13:50] is it too late to fix this? (assuming I have a patch ready ;-) ) [13:50] agateau: should be ok, do run your design past seele [13:51] Riddell: ok [14:04] ryanakca: how did your upgrade go? [14:13] erm anyone with intel hardware and UXA round? just went through the UXA bugs on launchpad and noticed that VT switching seems to work (at least for me)? [14:15] hmm.. pidgin went all 100% cpu on me [14:15] for no reason [14:18] cbr: there's one reason: you shounld use kopete as long as you are in #kubuntu-* ;) [14:19] kopete doesn't cope with accepting new friend request in MSN [14:20] it just displays the horrible black KDE popup near the systray [14:20] which has only a "View" button on it [14:20] which displays kopete main window [14:20] and that's it... [14:22] it has failed in the past as well.. so when i logged in with pidgin (or was it gaim then), i had several pending buddy requests [14:22] so i can't trust it any more :( [14:25] didn' kopete move to libmsn recently? (using kopete just for jabber and oscar) [14:26] it did [14:27] cbr: Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed too or just kubuntu-desktop? [14:27] Riddell: just for info, here is the result of my changes: http://imagebin.ca/view/OS6yShz8.html [14:27] (note that there is a mouse over effect, but it's difficult to notice on a static image) [14:28] ScottK: i have kubuntu installed, but pieces of gnome too [14:28] like rhythmbox, synaptic, nm-applet and pidgin [14:29] cbr: I'd check and see if you have notify-osd installed. [14:30] ScottK: i don't [14:30] OK, we can't blame that then. [14:31] * ScottK wonders if maco know about what to try next? [14:31] what? [14:32] i was just about to report a notify-osd bug... [14:32] cbr: Would you please summarize your pidgin problem for maco? [14:32] it went 100% cpu on me [14:32] :p [14:34] lovely [14:34] * ScottK figures maco is the local pidgin in KDE expert. [14:36] haha [14:36] * ScottK is not kidding. [14:36] well i just found that when a friend sent me a jabber auth request and we were both using pidgin, BOTH of our pidgins crashed [14:37] do you have a bunch of pidgin plugins enabled? id disable them and see if it happens again [14:38] exactly zero [14:39] i've had kmail crash on me as well, after imap has hanged [14:39] yeah well kmail crashing is apparently "yeah, we know. just dont use imap" from what ive gathered when i whine about it [14:39] Kmail and imap have never been a good combination. Some people have success with disconnected IMAP. [14:40] yes, disconnected imap does work. just dont read the mails while it's syncing. you'll have to go through and remark them as read [14:40] which is still less annoying that crashing [14:40] disconnected imap? [14:41] yeah [14:41] it batches the server requests [14:42] uhuh, not getting it :p [14:42] it also caches result so that you can read your mail offline [14:42] i get the impression its that halfway between pop & imap utopia protocol i wanted and wouldnt use a mail client because it didnt exist [14:42] at least, that's the theory [14:42] so it's pop3 essentially? [14:43] except it syncs with the server [14:43] so any changs you do locally still happen on the server like imap, just not til the next sync [14:44] i have had pidgin use 100% cpu once, and i was in gnome at the time [14:44] jdong claimed it was likely a bad reverse dependency thing with a plugin...i think i was using a getdeb pidgin at the time [14:45] no it's imap, with a cache [14:45] if you remove a message from your folder, it will remove it on the server when it gets connected [14:46] yeah, the utopia protocol :P [14:46] it's also the way it works in thunderbird if you mark a folder for offline use [15:16] Hi [15:23] ScottK: if it works, yes, I think so, but atm it's still only on my ppa [15:23] ScottK: lots of things are broken in kde3 k3b due to ioslaves... [15:24] Tonio_: I think testing in your PPA is great. I'm not sure we ought to push the KDE4 version over the KDE3 version this late in the cycle. [15:24] ScottK: except if it works like a charm, that's right [15:24] ScottK: and this is the reason it's not already in, btw :) [15:24] Yes, of course. [15:25] ScottK: we can consider backports / sru if it there's an official release later... [15:25] I mostly wanted to point out that one of the reasons we were pushing for it (kdelibs off the CD) isn't happening regardless of k3b. [15:25] ScottK: I knew about OOo for long ! [15:25] OK. Just making sure. [15:26] ScottK: talking about that, I'll look at OOo and kde4 integration.... I think nothing is in the work for this [15:26] ScottK: I have a hack for kde4 dialogs that works pretty well here, but the way to do that is really crap :) [15:26] ;-) [15:27] ScottK: you have to force gnome and then wrap to kde4 dialogs :) [15:27] but it works, very decently :) [15:34] where's the kde4 k3b ppa? [15:37] Tonio_: wait you mean the "use my qt theme on gtk apps" thing? [15:37] maco: nope, I'm talking about dialog boxes :) [15:37] Tonio_: on OOo or are there two topics at once? [15:38] maco: nope the other one is a crappy one, therefore not a valid topic to discuss for kubuntu :) [15:38] well you were talking about OOo v. kde4... [15:38] i thougth you were saying "make OOo do GTK stuff, then make it use the qt-for-gtk theme" [15:39] maco: nope I as talking about kgtk, which is an ugly ld_preload hack, but that works [15:39] oh ok [16:02] evening everyone [16:03] hello a|wen [16:41] Riddell: desktop notes is still translucent [16:41] mmm [16:41] freeflying: have you seen this? http://qiacat.blogspot.com/2009/03/kimpane-applet-ask-for-review.html [16:44] Riddell: Only till you hover the mouse over them now :) [17:05] remind me: if I move some files from one binary package to other (both from same source), I need to Replaces/Conflicts to other version (with <= version)? [17:05] * Lure wants to move some files from digikam to showfoto package [17:05] correct [17:06] JontheEchidna: ok, was just not sure if <= works with Replaces/Conflicts [17:09] Lure: << not <= [17:10] depends on which version you use after << or <= [17:11] << new-version [17:11] in my humble opinion [17:17] seems both are used almost equally ... but i think i would go for the << new-version as well === Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Three days to beta! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [18:25] ** test CDs and upgrades [18:26] Riddell: Yay :) [18:53] gwenview using 3 GB of memory in kde 4.2.1 ... looks like there is a memory leak somewhere [18:54] Inherent risk of using g* packages in KDE? [18:55] a|wen: ask agateau when he reappears [18:57] Riddell: i'll remember that [18:58] no new fixes to kdegraphics in jaunty compared to intrepid; so is most likely present there as well === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [19:09] glatzor! [19:10] proofreader: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 [19:10] nixternal ^^ [19:10] * nixternal looks [19:18] Riddell: I am making it pretty now === evalles__ is now known as effie_jayx [19:23] nixternal: "Welcome to Kubuntu 8.10" heading needs updated [19:24] nixternal: link in first line should be to JauntyJackalope not IntrepidIbox [19:24] nixternal: "4) Go and have a coffee while 8.10 is downloaded and installed." [19:24] right [19:25] Riddell: Went perfectly. My power went out half way through (my dad was installing new light fixtures and flipped the breaker)... but I got it going fine afterwards... [19:25] nixternal: something wrong with the formatting a bit before === Troubleshooting === probably [19:25] yup [19:26] Riddell: My wireless also broke after the upgrade (ath5k), but I think that's my fault since I was messing around in /etc/moduluse.d/ and /etc/modules... [19:26] Fixed it though ;) [19:30] nixternal, seaLne: one more https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu [19:30] ahhhh [19:30] oh, you did that on another page :) [19:30] scared me for a second [19:31] is /cdrom/cdromupgrade the right path in one of the screenshots? [19:31] /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade [19:32] i didn't see in the screenshot, just in the text, and I hve fixed that [19:32] mm, probably not [19:33] the dialog in 3) isn't very user friendly sounds scary but thats for some other time [19:34] that pae also has the welcome to 8.10 wrong [19:37] i think the pages could do with better formatting to show that those are different options for upgrading [19:37] doing that now [19:41] they could go alongside each other, in a table [19:45] would make them very narrow and some are much longer than the otheres [19:45] well just the internet or cd option one [19:47] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 === rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3 [21:08] Riddell: I used <= old_version [21:08] Riddell: it was easier to test with my ~lure~ppaX versions [21:09] Riddell: if I send you debdiff for digikam, can you upload (fix for icon paths for non-KDE desktop)? [21:28] Lure: can do [21:28] it won't get through until after beta [21:44] Riddell: sent [21:51] When kicoff is opened and I switch the virtual desktops by pressing on the second one the kickoff never comes up again, is it a known bug ? [21:52] I had something like this happen once. [21:53] I switched to classic menu style and back and it was fine after. [21:56] I'll have to try that then :) thanks [21:57] If it happens more than once, it's worth reporting. [21:58] it happened all the time [21:58] but now when I switched to classic menu and back to kickoff it doesn't happen anymore [21:58] JontheEchidna: Do you know about ^^^ this bug? [21:58] strange bug [21:59] not that I know of [21:59] valgaav: Then I think you should file a bug report. [21:59] I spoke too soon :P [21:59] it happened again :/ [21:59] I doubt it'd be a kubuntu-specific issue, so I'd probably report it at bugs.kde.org [22:01] I'll check another distro in live mode to make sure ... but yeah I think it's upstream [22:01] will report, thanks for the way to fix it though :) sure is nicer then restaring X server === maco_ is now known as maco === siekaczx is now known as siekacz