
ubuntu_http://pastebin.com/d60d5e3f5 ... i want to measure the speed of a file transfer from nas > pc regarding speed/"parallelism" (of course it is sequencial)00:02
ubuntu_i need that both commands in line 76 get in background00:04
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:05
=== john_ is now known as GentooJohnny
user16hey pps...having a problem that's a known bug (cdrecord not having write permissions on /dev/scd1)...however, any changes I make to items in the /dev tree don't survive a reboot...does anyone know a permanent fix for this?00:29
=== drostie is now known as PvtCaboose
user16hey pps...having a problem that's a known bug (cdrecord not having write permissions on /dev/scd1)...however, any changes I make to items in the /dev tree don't survive a reboot...does anyone know a permanent fix for this?00:32
marcI removed networkmanager from rc.d startup...how do I put it back? :-/00:37
marcin other words, how do I undo "sudo update-rc.d NetworkManager remove"?00:38
linuxmceI need help installing a driver. anyone with some spare time?00:38
marcI tried "sudo update-rc.d NetworManager add" but it didn't like that :)00:38
=== kevin__ is now known as melod
josh-lhey all, how can I make my regular kubuntu bootsplash a higher resolution?00:57
josh-li'm looking in my menu.lst00:58
melodHey, new to Kubuntu and IRC in general. Wanted to find a chat about movies... how do I do that?01:00
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:00
josh-lnothing to do with kubuntu sorry...01:00
sivikanyone install nvidia and kde with 173 or 17701:01
evertjuuhhaha lol01:04
user16hey pps...having a problem that's a known bug (cdrecord not having write permissions on /dev/scd1)...however, any changes I make to items in the /dev tree don't survive a reboot...does anyone know a permanent fix for this?01:05
user16simply chmodding it doesn't help...only temporary fix01:05
=== PvtCaboose is now known as drostie|dreams
user16hey pps...having a problem that's a known bug (cdrecord not having write permissions on /dev/scd1)...however, any changes I make to items in the /dev tree don't survive a reboot...does anyone know a permanent fix for this?01:12
dr_willisuser16:  it may be the user needs to bne in the proper group01:14
dr_willis ./dev/ is built 'on the fly' thats why changes dont stick. as a Dirty work around. You could pur the command to 'fix' it in /etc/rc.local01:15
dr_willisand err.. cdrecord wouldent be writing to /dev/sdc1   it would be /dev/sdc01:15
user16dr_willis: the user is in the proper group (cdrom) but cdrecrod and wodim (simlink are both owned by root:root01:17
user16should cdrecord in /usr/bin be owned by root:cdrom?01:18
dr_willisthats the owner of the binary.. it wouldent make much sence for them to be owned that way i think01:19
user16do changes in the usr/bin directory stick?01:19
user16and I don't know what the 'fix' is to put it into /etc/rc.local :-)01:19
dr_willisYou just said you did some command to change the permissions in /dev/01:20
user16yes...put that same one into rc.local? chmodding the device to 777?01:20
dr_willisnot a good fix.. but a fix i guess01:21
dr_willisbe sure you get the right device01:21
user16ok...it's wierd that this is a recurrent problem on some of my systems, but not on all01:21
=== zero is now known as Guest48175
dr_willisIm not in ubuntu at the moment so cant test. ive never had any issues with it however01:22
user16i've probably put hardy on about a dozen systems now, and issues with perms on optical drives are recurrent, right after initial installation01:23
dr_willisYou are installing from cd, not from a usb-thummbdrive?01:23
user16but not on every system...can't seem to be able to determine when it'll come up...i'm installing from the mini.iso usually01:24
dr_willisinitial user cant burn either eh? or all users? or just some users?01:24
=== Guest48175 is now known as zero
=== zero is now known as Guest39509
user16initial user can't burn, right from the get-go...that initial user always has sudo priviledges and is usually the only user01:25
dr_williswhy are you even using the mini.iso?01:26
user16and as I said, this and similar probs with optical drives occur on many systems, but not all...maybe 50% of systems after clean install01:26
user16i like the mini.iso because it's faster than alternate or livecd install cds...always keep putting off getting my pxe install server configured01:28
dr_willisi alweays thougjht ubuntu set up a /dev/dvd or /dev/cdrom /dev/dvdrw links to point to the real device..  could be the permissions on those are wrong.01:28
dr_willisI put the alternative cd on a bootable thumb drive.. makes it very snappy :)01:28
dr_willisof course all the updates take as long as the initial install.01:28
user16exactly...hence the mini.iso...don't have to do updates01:28
dr_willis You just have to install everything to begin with.. over and over and over. :)01:29
dr_willisid say test out a normal install/dekstop and see if you can spot any differances01:29
user16because initial install is done with newest versions available01:29
user16or maybe get off my a*** and tackle the pxe install server again :(01:30
dr_willisi just set up a  apt-cach server and let all the rest of the pcs in the lan use that one01:31
user16yeah, but you're better at this kind of stuff than I :-) i'm doing so much other stuff (like marketing, <ugh>) i end up putting more advanced learning off01:32
dr_willis!find apt-proxy01:33
ubottuFound: apt-proxy01:33
user16well, bot?01:34
dr_willisIm suprised you are even messing with the mini.iso :) see if the normal desktop works  where the mini method fails. and file a bug if ya you can prove its a differance.01:34
dr_willis!info apt-proxy01:34
ubottuapt-proxy (source: apt-proxy): Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder. In component universe, is extra. Version (intrepid), package size 83 kB, installed size 428 kB01:34
dr_willisof coruse is thios worth the effort for a small lan. :)01:34
user16i have a small lan, but I'm often doing a build a week...then giving the pc away01:35
user16got word of another distribution channel approval on friday, will try to get still another distribution channel tomorrow01:36
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user16dr_willis: thanks, looking at the howto now...will consider it as a substitution for that pxe install server with all it's many parts...(hate building dhcp servers!)01:40
dr_willisif they are identical machines.. you can clone them in other ways01:40
user16they're never identical machines...hardware depends on the donations i get01:42
user16and canonical still needs to fix some of their official documentation...these days they're saying vsftpd is so superior over other ftp server programs...but only half the steps are there, so, not surprisingly,  following the howto doesn't work01:45
user16i can't believe they've let the documentation bug in the apache howto survive all these years :(01:46
user16oh well...gonna reboot to see if this rc.local edit fixes the issue01:47
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Kasm279oh, cheese02:11
faydrissi can not call up my 500g ext3 drive02:12
Kasm279i cant enable my second video output or otherwise change any of the display settings02:13
thebeHow is it possible to make my pc shutdown in certain time in Kubuntu system02:30
LjL!info ktimer | thebe02:42
ubottuktimer (source: kdeutils): countdown timer for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 82 kB, installed size 360 kB02:42
sivikanyone install nvidia drivers in kubuntu?02:54
shadowkllrin kubuntu w/ kde 4, how do you set a static ip address?03:09
demiIs there a good program to unzip .rar files for linux?03:16
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:18
shadowkllrhow do i set my ip address to be static within my network?03:20
doleybshadowkllr: /etc/network/interfaces, or just ifconfig03:25
KDeskI have installed compiz, and now I will to auto start it every time. What should I do in KDE? Add it in System Settings in Autostart? Which command?04:04
beatzzhey guys04:04
beatzzim running into trouble on the laptop04:04
beatzzI did the install, but LILO is wasent able to be configured correctly04:05
beatzzwhen I booted again, grub (my previous bootloader04:05
beatzztryed to take over and spits out en error04:05
[Tequila]whats the best operating system emulator other than vmware I can run on ubuntu04:26
brunoqcyou can look at KVM and VirtualBox04:28
ivan__is compiz-fusion the same as compiz-kde05:15
ivan__if i install compiz-kde will it give me a 3d desktop05:16
ivan__hello all05:17
ivan__if i install compiz-kde will it give me a 3d desktop05:19
ivan__similar to beryl05:19
ivan__pz help05:19
snare1no speak english05:21
josh-lanyone figure out a fix for firefox tabs using kde4 sytle?05:22
ivan__how to install beryl on jaunty05:24
snare1good bye05:25
josh-lwhat is the alternative to kcm-gtk ?05:28
narothepharohhow do i run themes on xfce desktop?05:28
josh-lwhy dont you ask in the appropriate channel05:29
narothepharohwhich channel would that be?05:30
josh-lnarothepharoh: probably #xfce or #xubuntu05:31
xeviousi installed kubuntu but i can't figure out how to tell it to customize my myspace. help!!!05:48
cerecitasxevious myspace like from microsoft?05:49
xeviousmyspace like from the internet05:49
cerecitasi don't get what you want to do... dunno if i need more coffee but what you want to customize?05:50
xeviousi want cool colors on my profile05:50
cerecitasi am not really sure that kubuntu can customize my space, you can customize the browser...but myspace i think it goes separately05:51
xeviousoh. :( rofl05:51
cerecitasnot sure anyway05:51
xeviouswhat about my facebook?05:52
cerecitasi think the same, i really do not think you can customize websites... the options myspace and facebook give to you should not be affected by kubuntu... yet i might very well be wrong05:53
xeviousand how do i integrate webdav and ical integration with apache, providing my users with seamless iCal integration?05:53
cerecitasthat i have no idea05:54
Slartibartfastxevious: maybe you can do a google search instead of asking people to do it for you05:54
xeviousno i'll give you my root password and you can telnet to my server05:54
cerecitasit's too early for this, honest.05:54
Slartibartfastyeah, right :-)05:54
josh-li wish the firefox-qt was working better05:55
xeviousg'night. sorry about being a pain in the arse05:55
neronhow i can configure X05:56
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cerecitasshower and worktime. have a nice day.05:58
cerecitasor night whatever.05:58
=== bruno is now known as Guest26103
=== draik__ is now known as draik_
xavierg2003I downloaded Miro and it works fine for linux. except that i can not use it. i can not download music videos. anyideas as to a solution?07:12
=== ravel_ is now known as ravel
mileanybody knows why when I try to change to a tty (ctr+alt+f1 to f6), my screen just starts flashing? Do I have to change some monitor settings??07:23
xp-killerhelp im not seing my google bar and my icons for next and previeus on konqueror07:34
shahramyou can make them visibel by right click on blonk area on right side of your browser07:34
xp-killerhelp im not seing my google bar and my icons for next and previeus on konqueror07:35
xthm, my .pcf-fonts stopped working in jaunty07:36
shahramXP did you do my instraction?07:36
xp-killerTm_T: how can i put back my google bar on my browser konqueror07:36
xp-killerhow can i put back my google bar on my browser konqueror and my icons next previous?07:41
neronHi all07:54
neronI'm need help07:54
neronHow i can install Bin NVIDIA Drivers07:54
neronand extract package07:54
neronbecause i'm need intsall drivers where hasn't internet07:55
Slartibartfastneron: to run the bin installation file => extract and install ... do "sh nividia-binfile.bin"07:57
neronI have a deb package07:57
Slartibartfastneron: Then run dpkg -i nvidia-debpackage.deb07:58
neronThats all?07:58
neronno config in xorg07:58
neronand etc?07:58
Slartibartfastmmm not sure if the postinstall scripts take care of that ......07:59
Slartibartfastotherwise check after install if "Driver      "nividia" " is in the device section of xorg.conf07:59
Slartibartfastnvidia *07:59
Slartibartfastneron: but when i install nvidia drivers for Xorg there are more then one package which get installed08:01
neronsee my xorg.conf08:05
neroni don;t understand why he generating there08:05
ka0zhey im having trouble installing kubuntu, i have a averatec 6200 laptop and when i try to install it starts displaying code that says something like that it freezes08:11
ka0zi have a picture of wut it does08:11
neronAnd i can't change resolution08:12
ka0zcan anyone help?08:13
vmt1hello all :) someone knows how much meters I can use with cat6?08:13
ka0zanyone around?08:15
ka0zguess no one is alive08:20
vmt1ka0z: dexconf?08:21
ka0zvmt1: it loads the install screen ask all but then when i tell it to install besides windows (dual boot) it starts to install and says some code like ata0 or something and just keeps doing that over and over again08:28
ka0zi can send ya a pic of it08:28
vmt1Imthinking then you have a driver problem08:32
=== neron is now known as Nortt
milehow do I disable the login manager?? I want to have the console login by default...09:01
adredhow to import key in kubuntu jaunty?kpackagekit can't see the the key i saved in my home directory..09:20
stdinadred: it'd use the apt keys, use "sudo apt-key add <filename>"09:25
adredstdin, thanks09:42
=== drostie|dreams is now known as drostie
=== Draglor|off is now known as Draglor
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HazaFolks. Kubuntu 8.10, KDE 4.2. How do i change what version of JVM my machine uses?10:22
stdinHaza: "sudo update-java-alternatives -s <name>"10:23
stdinuse update-java-alternatives -l too see the available runtimes10:23
Hazastdin: Perfect thank you10:25
Hazastdin: It worked thank you. For some reason my Runtime was set to IcedTea6 ?10:28
Haza(My Java GUI's looked terrible)10:28
stdinmaybe it sets itself to default when installed10:28
Hazastdin: I don't remember installing it10:29
buntfalkehow do i get the normal view in kcontrol instead of the unusable osx-ripoff?10:31
stdinif you mean system settings, that's not the same application10:31
stdinand the answer is "you can't, it's not the same application"10:32
=== fernando is now known as Guest60304
buntfalkestdin: thanks, explains quite a bit then.10:44
=== Draglor is now known as Draglor|off
justinnfxCan anyone help I just got done Installing Kubuntu and grub did not install I still have the xp/vista boot mean11:06
useronehello, is there some sort of network monitor for kde? something that shows open network connection and http traffic details11:07
larsaamjustinnfx: you should be able to install just grub with the livecd, a little tricky but...11:07
useronesomething like live http headers firefox plugin but system wide11:07
justinnfxhmm im a noob, how tricky11:07
larsaamuserone: netstat?11:07
amgarchingI was again locked out from firefox after a crash. Some of the sqlite databases were left locked (/home is an NFS filesystem). After making a copy of those and renaming back to original locks should have gone. And indded browser history and back button work again. However the google toolbar doesnt: no history neither any search result, just ignoring me. What elese could it be?11:08
larsaamjustinnfx: not sure if I remember, but should be to go trough the normal install procedure, but no reinstall,11:08
larsaamjustinnfx: maybe investigate why the grub was not installed?11:08
useroneisnt netstat a command?11:08
larsaamjustinnfx: or just http://www.vlug.org/pipermail/discuss/2008-March/024670.html11:09
justinnfxlarsaam:  I have no idea, it installed great, the partions show up, and under computer it show it installed too11:10
useroneif you have 2 disks maybe it was installed to the wrong disk11:11
justinnfxI have 3 disk11:12
justinnfxand each disk has it own os11:12
beardbarI am having issues automouting an extra hard drive that contains my music files. im trying to understand fstab but my hd just doesnt seem to mount. anyone point me to a step by step guide perhaps I am missing a step.11:12
justinnfxit didn't wipe out any of my other os so,,,11:12
useroneIf you didnt install it to the mbr of the disk you are booting from I think you wont see it then11:13
ActionParsnipjustinnfx: dont ask in both channels, you look silly11:14
justinnfxI installed it across the entire disk11:14
justinnfxmy bad11:15
useroneI mean, you have windows on disk 1 and you installed linux on disk 2, if you install grub to disk 2's mbr and you boot from disk 1 you will see windows boot manager11:16
NorttNeed config HArd disk boot prority in BIOS11:22
ActionParsnipjustinnfx: install grub on one of the disks then add entrys to boot the other OSes11:23
rehmanhi every one.11:35
rehmanplease help, konqueror is not opening the page.11:35
useroneI'm looking for some kind of network monitor that displays http traffic with urls visited and such, anyone knows?11:36
dr_willisntop can do that.11:36
dr_willisbut its proberly overkill for your needs.11:36
rehmanplease help me on konqueror11:37
useronethanks I'll check it11:38
victimrehman: will konqueror open http://www.kubuntu.org/  ?11:38
mefisto__rehman: what page?11:39
ActionParsniprehman: what page can't it open?11:39
bonez46how does one provide maintenance on a hard drive with kbuntu, graphically? I cant' find a partitioner....or anything to let me reformat a hard drive11:42
bazhang!info qtparted11:43
ubottuqtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-4ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 203 kB, installed size 708 kB11:43
ActionParsnipbonez46: you can use fsck on unmounted drives and partitions11:44
rehmanAction sory11:45
rehmanaction. i mean it does not browse11:45
mefisto__rehman: do other browsers work?11:48
bonez46I have kbuntu installed.. what I really would prefer is installling just plain ubuntu.. with gnome.. can I install it next to kbuntu.. and have it boot instead of kbuntu?11:49
mefisto__bonez46: yes. install ubuntu-desktop11:50
mefisto__bonez46: you can choose which to log in to at the login screen11:50
bonez46does kbuntu have a torrent client included, and if so, what's it name?11:54
bonez46mefisto__: ok, next question. where's a launcher? to lauch ktorrent?11:55
mefisto__bonez46: should be in the menu, in the "internet" submenu. or alt-F2 and type ktorrent11:56
bonez46mefisto__: thanks.. I appreciate the tips..11:57
useroneis there some package that provides better firefox integration? I only see ubufox in adept, is it for kubuntu too?11:58
mefisto__bonez46: one thing you should know about having both kde and gnome installed: the menus in both desktops will be kind of cluttered with apps from both. you might see some things in your menu without icons11:58
Dillizari dont understand  kubuntu 8.10, kde4 dosnt have desktop but kubuntu 8.10 have 2?11:58
ActionParsnipDillizar: how do you mean by "doesnt have desktop"12:00
useroneI tried to install ubuntu desktop and it didnt end up so good, also I got 2 network manager applets and none worked12:00
DillizarActionParsnip well desktop in kde4.1 its just a widget12:01
mefisto__Dillizar: you are talking about the folder /home/username/Desktop ?12:01
mefisto__Dillizar: if you want the Desktop folder to appear on the desktop as it did in kde 3, you can upgrade to kde 4.2 and switch the desktop to "folder view" mode12:03
Dillizarmefisto__ i point was that 4.1 doesnt have desktop but yet you can choose from two12:08
mefisto__Dillizar: choose from two? two what? two desktops?12:10
bonez46mefisto__: one more question.. how do I bring up the menu you mentioned before, not with alt-f2, but the other one12:10
bonez46I installed ubuntu desktop, but it halted before it finished updating grub..12:11
mefisto__bonez46: the default menu shortcut is alt-F1 I believe. or just click the menu button12:11
bonez46ok, I see the K menu button.. but there  was another I accessed accidentally.. and it listed ktorrent and others.. but now I can't find it again, and not at alt-f1 either..12:13
mefisto__bonez46: did you do the install in commandline?12:13
mefisto__bonez46: you have another menu? is it lancelot? or the old style Kmenu?12:15
bonez46hmmm not sure.12:15
mefisto__Dillizar: I don't know what you mean. what 2 desktops can you choose?12:16
bonez46as for the install of ubuntu-desktop. I booted with an 8.10 ubuntu disk. ran install.. it got to a screen near the end.. and just froze with blank screen and cursor. and that was it..12:16
mefisto__bonez46: wait, I thought you already had kubuntu installed12:17
bonez46in 30" .. I have downloaded 20 mb of a 1.6 gb .iso file..12:17
bonez46I have kbuntu installed.12:17
bonez46but I think I am more a gnome type. just seems an easier interface for me.. so I wnat to installll it instead of kbuntu..12:18
ActionParsnipbonez46: you can just run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and you can switch over12:18
ActionParsnipbonez46: you dont have to reinstall the whole OS just for a different DE12:18
mefisto__bonez46: yes, what ActionParsnip said. and if you want to remove kde completely, look here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome12:19
dr_willisthats windows thinking.. :)12:19
bonez46ok.. I'll launch that and have it run while I am at work today...12:19
dr_willisi alway install gnome and kde.. just too many jhandy apps in both to limit myself12:20
mefisto__dr_willis: but which do you log into? both?12:21
dr_willisi rarely use kde desktop.. just kde apps12:22
=== drostie is now known as Frostie
=== Frostie is now known as drostie
Norttwhy when i choose update any KDE12:28
Norttadept want delete another12:28
ghostcubeNortt: can u pls post the message to pastie,org ?12:29
NorttI solved it12:30
Norttupdate repo12:30
dr_willisaHeh - FAQ there :)12:34
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hilx-> #caveman12:42
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justinnfxI am installing kubuntu for the first time, I deleted the partion under manual because I want to make it a certian size, but now it asking me for a moint point, what should I use?12:48
=== pmcdonnell is now known as pm2
adredHi, my system always reverts to 800x600 resolution each time i log in. Is this expected for alpha releases? will this be fixed on the next release?13:04
jussi01Hei all!! is there a nice meta package that gives me a whole load of fonts?13:04
mefisto__!jaunty | adred13:04
ubottuadred: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:04
=== SinII is now known as Sinistral_
jimmy51_is digikam included by default in 8.04?13:17
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com13:18
justinnfx!FUCK ME IN THE ASS13:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:18
jimmy51_is digikam included by default in 8.04?13:18
justinnfxOohh the bot is cummin on to me13:19
justinnfxI love it when you talk dirty to me!13:19
bazhang!ops | justinnfx13:19
ubottujustinnfx: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!13:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about digikam13:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about digicam13:21
bazhang!info digikam13:21
ubottudigikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.9.4-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9499 kB, installed size 22388 kB13:21
buntfalkejussi01: Did you kick him? My client wrote some strange message, and i wonder wether that was a kick or something else new to me13:21
jussi01buntfalke: itwas a remove and ban.13:22
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml13:23
jimmy51_thanks bazhang.  is it installed by default in 8.04?13:23
buntfalke"remove". i see, got to read up on that :-)13:23
bazhang!info digikam hardy13:23
ubottudigikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:0.9.3-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6890 kB, installed size 21928 kB13:23
bazhangjimmy51_, optional :)13:23
jimmy51_that explains why my wife can't find it.  assuming "sudo apt-get install digikam" will install, what's the easiest way to IM a wife to run that command?  anything with "terminal window" will generate a negative reaction :)13:24
jimmy51_is there a "windows + r" for run dialog or something similar?13:24
bazhanghow about adept package manager?13:25
jimmy51_scared her off13:26
jimmy51_i'll be installing it when i get home :)13:26
mefisto__jimmy51_: alt-F213:26
jimmy51_too late :)  ALT F2 is good to know though13:27
jimmy51_does it work well with sudo?13:27
mefisto__jimmy51_: but if you're thinking about doing an apt-get install that way, I don't think it will work13:27
bazhangfor graphical apps13:27
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=== easy is now known as Raver
cinexI'm having a slight problem. I have ubuntu installed on a usbdisk. when I boot from it I get a stage.15 read error. it works perfectly in qemu though.13:42
cinexin the grub console "find /vmlinuz" works but kernel /vmlinuz is not found.13:42
CostaRicanQuaker I don't know much about downloading scripts at all but I see on this page http://arun.wordpress.com/2007/01/29/download-youtube-videos-the-linux-way/ that option three is the safest way to do this, so I was hoping someone would be able to help me do this13:43
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, dl youtube videos?13:45
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:45
bazhang!it | michele_13:45
ubottumichele_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:45
CostaRicanQuakerbazhang, yes, a friend of mine has a channel, he's from canada he doesn't speak spanish, i want ot show his videos (with his permision of course) at the peace center where i work at and i want to subtitle them13:46
CostaRicanQuakerbut for that i need to be able to dl them13:46
CostaRicanQuakeri asked him and he said htere are programs that enable you to dl vids from youtube13:46
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, youtube-dl -t url13:46
bazhang!info youtube-dl13:46
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB13:46
CostaRicanQuakerbazhang, do i type that into the konsole?13:46
mefisto__CostaRicanQuaker: there are firefox extensions that make downloading youtube videos easy too13:47
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, url needs to be replaced with url13:47
CostaRicanQuakersudo apt-get install youtube-dl ?13:47
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, miro also dl's youtube video13:47
CostaRicanQuakerbazhang, it seems like i did it now what do i do?13:48
LeeJunFanUsing Amarok2, I have selected random tracks during playback, but it keeps going sequential. The random menu item is selected, but it's greyed as if not available.13:48
CostaRicanQuakerwhat do i do when i want to download a video from youtube?13:48
CostaRicanQuakerand how do i know where it will be saved, namely what fodler13:48
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, to your home folder13:48
CostaRicanQuakerbazhang, and what do i do to dl a video?13:49
CostaRicanQuakerthis one for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbxZhx2eENo&feature=channel_page13:49
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, use konsole13:49
CostaRicanQuakerhow though'13:49
CostaRicanQuakerwhat command do i enter?13:49
bazhangyoutube-dl -t (url of vid you want)13:50
mefisto__CostaRicanQuaker: man youtube-dl   to see all the options, usage, etc13:50
CostaRicanQuakerwhat format will it download in?13:50
CostaRicanQuakeravi mpeg?13:50
CostaRicanQuakerbazhang, can i switch flv to avi or mpeg?13:51
bazhangCostaRicanQuaker, not much point as it will degrade it to the point of being unwatchable13:51
CostaRicanQuakerwill flv play on a windows computer? that's all they have at the peace center13:51
CostaRicanQuakerwhat about ffmpeg -i old-file.flv new-file.mpg ?¿13:52
KawaiiGourry666Hi everyone. If someone is not too busy, I was hoping to get help with Skype capturing my microphone. I've installed a SB Audigy soundcard, since I fried my onboard sound card a couple of months ago. I can capture audio in Audacity but getting no luck with Skype. I've done some searching but just feel like I'm running into dead ends.13:52
mefisto__bazhang: I convert flv to avi all the time and they are quite watchable.13:52
bazhangmefisto__, then you are less picky than I :)13:53
CostaRicanQuakermefisto__, what about ffmpeg -i old-file.flv new-file.mpg ? is it better to convert to avi or to mpeg?13:53
mefisto__CostaRicanQuaker: I think it depends on the original flv and how that is encoded13:54
mefisto__CostaRicanQuaker: look at youtube-dl man page. there is a "format" option (but I don't know how it works or how well it works)13:55
CostaRicanQuakeranyone know a good subtitling app13:55
CostaRicanQuakeri am getting gnome subtitles13:55
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:57
CostaRicanQuakerbazhang,  what's this changing the url to pwntube.com thing all about13:58
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81014:14
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.14:14
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:14
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CostaRicanQuakerhelp, how can i get libmono-i18n2.0-cil package installed?14:50
CostaRicanQuakerfrom the konsole14:50
ghostcubeis this the package name from ubuntu or any howto ?14:50
SlimeyPeteCostaRicanQuaker: sudo apt-get install libmono-i18n2.0-cil14:51
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arfeeok people, I'm going to ask a rediculous question but Ubuntu people are the best, anyone got any idea where i can get help with a mathematical 'excel' problem...openoffice people wont help15:05
compilerwriterLadies and gents I had an issue with plasma getting bungled some way or another and the easiest way to solve it was to just dust my rc file and let a new one get automatically generated.  Anyhow I now have some automatic setting that locks the machine when I am inactive.  Nice for security I know, but this my personal box that is kept locked in my apartment and I would rather not have the hassle.  Do I need to edit the rc file15:16
compilerwriteror is there a setting somewhere in system-> that can be adjusted?  I have yet to find the correct thing.15:16
cinexhi smookiLinux15:31
compilerwriterhello smookilinux15:31
smookiLinuxI can't do /slap command, why ?15:33
smookiLinuxI've just installed kubuntu15:33
smookiLinuxwitch is really really nice15:33
cinex/describe me slaps <nick>15:33
dino__how do install java15:34
cinex/describe slaps <nick>15:34
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tomsdaledino__: try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre   - That works for me to get my eclipse program working15:35
smookiLinuxthe /describe command says unknow command as result15:38
* cinex laughs15:41
cinex/me message15:42
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cuznti can not access my 500g ext3 hard drive15:51
cuznt4.1.2 32 bit15:51
cinexis it mounted?15:51
cinexcan u access it as root?15:52
cuznti want to use it to store my music files and have it always accessable15:52
cinexsudo touch /media/comboy/test; ls -l /media/comby/test15:52
cinexsudo touch /media/comby/test; ls -l /media/comby/test15:53
cuznttouch: setting times of `/media/comboy/': No such file or directory15:54
cuznt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-03-23 11:53 /media/comby/te15:54
cinexu need to change the permissions to allow your user to access the directory15:54
cinexor you can change the group or just make it world read/writeable15:55
cuzntby chmod correct?15:55
cinexya, or whocn / chgrp15:55
cuznti did chmod and after rebooting it is gone15:55
cinexsudo chmod cuznt /media/comby15:56
cuzntbut still i can not put any files into it *permission denied15:56
cinexmaybe, the /media directory needs modifying too15:56
p-f_note to whoever created the default cursors: when something is round and rotating around a centre, people tend to expect that centre to be the main pointing area, not the top left [invisible] corner15:57
kavurthow to mount an ext4 partition?15:59
cuzntfaydriss@faydriss:/media/comby$ sudo chmod cuznt /media/comby15:59
cuzntchmod: invalid mode: `cuznt'15:59
cinexchown (i assumed czunt was your username)15:59
cinexchown changes the wnership15:59
cinexman chown15:59
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:01
cuzntchown worked but still can not move files16:01
cuzntpermission denied16:01
cinexls -l /media16:02
cinexls -ld /media16:02
cinexls -ld /media/comby16:02
cuzntdrwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2009-03-23 12:00 /media16:02
=== ajtghs is now known as krishna
cinexchmod o=wxr /media16:02
cuzntsorry its drwxrwxr-x 4 faydriss root 4096 2009-03-23 11:53 /media/comby16:03
cinexwhat's /media16:03
cuzntthats what my dvd cd and hd are listed in16:04
cuzntbe default16:04
cinexya i know.16:04
cinexmaybe you should mount it in /opt then you can butcher the file permissions lol16:04
cuznti thought you asked16:04
cuznti have no idea how to change the mount16:04
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:04
cinexits a permission problem anyway16:04
cinexare you mounting it by hand ?16:05
* cuznt does not know about kubuntu|viagara16:05
cuzntby hand?16:05
cinexhow is it mounting?16:05
cuzntit is installed in my pc16:05
cinexautomatically without any  input from you ?16:05
cinexis it a usb drive?16:05
cuzntnot usb16:05
cinexdid you configure it when you installed kubuntu ?16:06
cuzntit used to be, but i ripped it out and hard installed it16:06
cuzntno i did not16:06
cinexdo u know the device name ?16:06
cinexie /dev/sdb116:06
cuzntbecause i have 2 kde's on one 150g hard drive and my 500g is for files16:06
cuznthow do i find that out?16:07
cinexdf -h16:07
compilerwriterWhere does one go to stop the machine from autolocking a session when one is inactive?16:07
cinexand look for the /media/comby entry16:07
giuseppe_xdcc send16:07
cinexsudo kate /etc/fstab16:08
cinexand try to find a line in there that lists that device16:08
cinexls -l /dev/disk/by-uud/16:09
cinexls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/16:09
Dragnslcrcompilerwriter- System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management, maybe16:09
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:10
compilerwriterthanks for the help dragnslcr16:10
cuzntlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-03-23 11:23 912818f5-5884-4964-97d6-6c598fbfe17b -> ../../sdb116:11
cinexsearch /etc/fstat for UUID=912818f5-5884-4964-97d6-6c598fbfe17b16:11
cinexcat /etc/fstab |grep 912818f5-5884-4964-97d6-6c598fbfe17b16:11
cinexwill do it16:11
giuseppe_xdcc send16:12
cuzntcat /etc/fstab |grep 912818f5-5884-4964-97d6-6c598fbfe17b   is that a command or an entry16:12
cinexit will scan the file and check for the line16:13
cuzntis it supposed to do something?16:13
cinexnot nessecarily16:14
cuzntok it did nothing16:14
cinexcat /etc/fstab |grep /media/comby16:14
cinexdo u still have /etc/fstab open ?16:14
cuzntyes i do16:14
cinexadd the line:16:15
cinex/dev/sdb1 /opt/comby ext3 relatime 0 216:15
cuzntrelatime or realtime16:15
cuzntk ty16:16
cuzntnow i should restart i assume?16:16
cinexgod no16:16
cinexhave you saved it ?16:16
thegatetocemetercan anyone help me to connect my webcam?16:17
cinexsudo chown <username> /opt16:17
cinexthegatetocemeter: sudo apt-get install camorama16:17
cinexsee if that detects it16:18
thegatetocemeterCamorama is installed ... but it says no video device found ...16:18
cinexwhat camera is it ?16:18
cinexthegatetocemeter: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam16:19
cinexcuznt: mkdir -p /opt/comby16:19
gabriel9hi all16:19
gabriel9is there somebody who is using kubuntu 9.04 alpha 6?16:20
paleehi to everybody16:20
cinexcuznt: sudo umount /media/comby16:20
gabriel9i'm curius which kernel do you use?16:20
cuznt/media/comby: device is busy.16:20
cinexu need to close down any dolphins/konquerors in the directory and cd out in any konsoles16:21
cuzntclose fstab?16:21
thegatetocemeterhmmmm ... i tryed ... No such file or directory after i tryed to connect ...16:21
cinexwhen u look at your konsole it will list the directory you in. make sure non of them are in /media/comby16:22
cinexsomething like that16:22
cuznti am /faydriss16:22
cinexare there any in there?16:22
cinextry it agian16:23
cinexsudo umount /media/comby16:23
cuzntumount: /media/comby: not found16:23
cinexsudo mount -a16:23
cuznt[mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab16:24
cinexyou could open it again and create a blank line at the bottom by pressing enter16:24
=== gabriel9 is now known as gabriel_9
gabriel_9is there somebody who is using kubuntu 9.04 alpha 6?16:25
gabriel_9i'm curius which kernel do you use?16:25
cinexwb smookiLinux16:25
smookiLinuxthanks :)16:25
smookiLinuxI've just installed the flash player package but still no flash on konqueror, is there something special to active it ?16:26
cinexsmookiLinux: try firefox16:26
cinexcuznt: erm. sudo mount -a16:26
smookiLinuxcinex: I'd like to keep on konqueror as it uses webkit16:27
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:28
EagleScreensmookiLinux you have to update the plugins in konqueror16:28
giuseppe_xdcc send16:29
smookiLinuxbut konqueror has no menu ???16:29
cuzntdone twice16:30
EagleScreenPreferences -> Configure Konqueror -> Plugins -> Look for plugins, it will detect the new plugin and will begin to use it16:31
Paleedoes somebody have Winfast DTV1800H tuner card?16:31
smookiLinuxEagleScreen: well I can't see Configure konqueror16:32
EagleScreenin Konqueror tools bars16:33
EagleScreenPreferences -> Konfigure Konqueror16:33
cuzntcobmy is gone16:33
cuzntcomby rather16:33
smookiLinuxok thanks all I got it (the icon was missing by default)16:35
EagleScreeni mean this: http://imagebin.ca/view/9dRAsit.html16:36
cuzntcinex ??16:37
smookiLinuxkde is great !!!16:46
=== knut is now known as knut_
smookiLinuxcondominio: does not work16:53
cinexcuznt: ?17:02
shaqarlamaHI all17:08
shaqarlamaxalxno aqxart\/17:10
ScorpKing!hi | shaqarlama17:11
ubottushaqarlama: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:11
kikimarahi shaqarlama17:11
ScorpKingshaqarlama: and please stop that17:11
shaqarlamawelcome u tukaia17:11
shaqarlamai'll be peacemaker17:12
shaqarlamai love kubuntu17:12
kikimarawe love shaqarlama17:12
JampiterI have a laptop, and I have plugged an external LCD monitor into it. No picture is showing, and it is not showing up in the monitors settings. How do I make it work?17:12
cinexJampiter: what graphics driver are you using ?17:12
kikimarajampiter  press FN+ shortkey17:12
cinexshortkey, whats that?17:13
Jampitercinex: I have an ATI Radeon 200M and the Ubuntu driver. It has worked with GNOME in the past.17:13
kikimaradepends on laptop17:13
Jampiterkikimara: Er, is the shortkey marked with a specific icon?17:13
JampiterOh! I think I have it..17:14
kikimaradoes it helped?17:14
JampiterIt does nothing.17:14
JampiterIT isn't showing up in the dialog for monitors17:14
cinexi have only set up an external monitor with nvidia17:15
kikimarais it exavt shortkey?17:15
kikimarais it exact shortkey?17:15
JampiterIt has a picture of what looks like a laptop from the side, then a /, then a monitor17:16
|PaperTiger|Anyone here dual boot with Windows?17:32
Tm_Twhy asking?17:32
|PaperTiger|fter using Super Grub Disk to reinstall GRUB launcher, Windows now won't launch. Any suggestions?17:34
Tm_Tdepends on the error ofcourse (:17:35
jimmy51_i have about 100 photos from vacation.  what's the best way to distribute them in a digital photo album to both linux and windows users?17:35
Tm_Tjimmy51_: depends, you mean website or some web service?17:35
|PaperTiger|I have the GRUB booter back, but Windows does nothing17:36
jimmy51_Tm_T: i was hoping some distributable file17:38
jimmy51_but i guess on the web would be fine17:39
Tm_Tjimmy51_: hmm, zip works17:39
jimmy51_Tm_T: no... i mean something the user (wife, grandma, uncle, etc) would open, with thumbnails and the ability to click through them17:39
jimmy51_with comments per picture17:39
Tm_Tah, generate webpage from it then, don't ask how though, I remember I did that using Konqueror in the past but dunno about its status these days17:40
jimmy51_this looks cool, but it's not free:  http://www.fotoplayer.com/v3.1/index.html17:41
josh-lokay yesterday i installed a bunch of stuff i no longer need, but i cant really remember what everything is, is there anything i can do to find out and uninstall? (i used aptitude)17:42
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Slartibartfastjosh-l: you can try to find ou with "history" ....... history |grep aptitiude17:47
josh-loh ok thanks Slartibartfast17:51
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pietro_zsalut a tous17:52
pietro_zbonsoir messieurs17:52
ScorpKingjimmy51_: have you tried an openoffice presentation?17:53
jimmy51_ScorpKing: is that compatible with ms ppt?17:54
ScorpKingjimmy51_: no, the other way round but you get openoffice for windows17:54
ScorpKingjimmy51_: it might be a nice way to introduce openoffice to a few windows users ;)17:55
ScorpKingjimmy51_: you can also make a video cd or dvd17:58
ScorpKing!hi | lockphreaker17:58
ubottulockphreaker: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:58
lockphreakerim from colombia and you17:59
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ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:30
MakuseruIs there any way to change what device Kmix controls?18:59
josh-lcan anyone tell me how to tell kde to use firefox as default browser instead of konqueror please19:04
Iliejosh-l:  go to system settings19:04
Ilieand choose default applications19:04
Ilieyou can set your default browser from there19:04
josh-lIlie I tried that, it gives me only a space to enter in the browser to use, and i tried "firefox" doesnt seem to work19:06
josh-lunless maybe i need to restart konversation for it to work19:06
Ilietype in konsole "whereis firefox"19:06
Ilieand enter the whole path to firefox19:06
Iliesomething la /usr/bin/firefox if it's installed there19:07
josh-lah ok thx19:09
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beardbari get this notifier that says 22 software updates available in my taskbar, but when i open kpackage im fully updated, what givs19:51
denfordi have a new monitor and need to somehow enable higher resolutions on my monitors, how can I do this?19:58
marek__hi i have two coputers, one is on my desk at work - and it has access to ftp server, and i also have one in my home, it has a different IP and has no access for that specific server. How can i "tunnel" the connection between them? i already installed ssh server on my work PC19:59
cerecitasnow this might sounds a bit.. but how to watch a windows media audio file on kubuntu?20:03
cinexanyone know how to convert .eml files (thunderbird) to pdf?20:03
faichelecinex: If under KDE, and using CUPS, try printing to the "PDF" printer.20:08
hixcerecitas: sudo apt-get install w32codecs  (w64codecs if u use 64bit)20:10
cerecitasthanks hix20:10
cinexfaichele: will that actually put it into a pdf file?20:12
cinexhahaha, faichele that's awsome20:13
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faichelecinex: The printed files should go in a folder named "PDF" in your home directory.20:21
cinexnow if only opera would print it properly... or gmail would print it with the attachments in-line20:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta20:28
noaXess!info quanta20:28
ubottuquanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2435 kB, installed size 5900 kB20:28
noaXessis ther a newer version of quanta? for kde4.2?20:30
noaXess!info kde4-quanta20:37
ubottuPackage kde4-quanta does not exist in intrepid20:37
Ilieany good editor/ide for php ?20:41
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code20:42
kaddihello everyone :)20:43
kornfan71Hey. Trying to get a good VNC server for Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.2. Krfb has been giving me issues. Any ideas?20:43
kaddianyone know a good program, that'll write my thesis for me? ;)20:43
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans20:43
Iliethanks jussi01, I'm interested in web development tools, quana is nice but I don't like the look20:43
kaddi!hi |KomiaPoika20:43
ubottuKomiaPoika: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:43
KomiaPoikai have kubuntu 8.10 with kde4. how can i delete kde4 and install kde3 instead?20:43
KomiaPoikawhile keeping my 8.10 system20:44
noaXessdoes anybody know a status of quanta+ fro kde4?20:44
jussi01!info kompozer | Ilie20:44
ubottukompozer (source: kompozer): Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.10-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 8438 kB, installed size 26008 kB20:44
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:44
noaXess!info bluefish20:45
ubottubluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-5 (intrepid), package size 1572 kB, installed size 6732 kB20:45
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kaddi!hi |achim_xxxl20:47
ubottuachim_xxxl: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:47
kornfan71Hey. Trying to get a good VNC server for Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.2. Krfb has been giving me issues. Any ideas?20:47
idebughey, having a problem with fusesmb... i won't find anything at all. using plain configuration. here's what i get when i run fusesmb with debug toggled on. http://pastebin.com/d4427ed0020:49
kaddiKomiaPoika: I found this thread, that might make you happy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963695&highlight=kde3+intrepid20:49
idebugits verys trange. the only reason it complains that fusesmb.cache is running is that it sees a pid file that fusesmb.cache created (before it died). deleting the pid file has no effect20:50
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kaddi!hi |hi_all21:02
ubottuhi_all: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:02
hi_allkaddi:  hi21:03
hi_allanyone know anything about this error: "Could not obtain a write lock on the cache, falling back to read-only mode" ??21:03
hi_allI can't update21:03
hi_allIt was after install Kubuntu 8.1021:04
kaddihi_all usually that means, that another instance of adept is already running21:06
hi_allkaddi: thanks... I'll investigate!21:07
Kasm279ok, i get this error on startup : no command arguments supplied! Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> kdesudo will now exit....21:10
Kasm279ok, i get this error on startup : no command arguments supplied! Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> kdesudo will now exit....21:10
Kasm279ok, i get this error on startup : no command arguments supplied! Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> kdesudo will now exit....21:10
Kasm279wat do i do?21:11
josh-lwhats the package for qt libs?21:11
Kasm279it works ok, though....21:12
hi_allkaddi:  perfect, thanks :)21:13
Kasm279except for the error....21:13
mefisto__Kasm279: where do you see the error message? is this after login?21:13
mefisto__Kasm279: so the message appears in a window?21:14
Kasm279whoa, that cd is HOT!21:15
mefisto__Kasm279: what kubuntu version?21:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you21:24
hi_allI can see all my volumes from 'File Manager' but I'd like to know where there are they mound (!)21:25
hi_allI was a question if someone can give me an idea.......... :)21:26
Kasm279 /dev/21:26
hi_all:O  I'll re-check, thanks Kasm27921:26
Dragnslcrhi_all- if you select one of them, the path should be shown21:26
DragnslcrNo, /dev is the physical devices, not the mount points21:27
DragnslcrIf they were mounted automagically, they're probably in /media21:27
yao_ziyuan1right click the title bar of a dolphin window,21:27
yao_ziyuan1does the popup menu have shadow?21:27
yao_ziyuan1it seems all other programs do but dolphin doesn't21:27
hi_allDragnslcr:  Let's see,............21:28
hi_allYes! NOW they are mounted21:29
hi_allbut they were mounted only after use File Manager.......... is it possible?21:29
hi_allI didn't see these volumes before in /media21:30
mefisto__Kasm279: it seems to me that you might be logging out when a program with root privileges is running, and so the session is saved. and when the session is restored on next login, it tries to restart the program that had root privileges, and that confuses kdesudo somehow21:33
Kasm279it does it evry time i log in21:34
mefisto__Kasm279: you might want to try turning off session restore, logout, then login and see if the error message still appears21:35
Kasm279how to turn off session restore?21:36
irvingh30hello, i need some help, i just downloaded the kubuntu DVD and i?m trying to run the live DVD to see how it works before installing it, is asking me for a username and password and i dont know what to put, can someone help me with that?21:36
kaddihi_all if you want the partitions to be mounted automatically you might add them to fstab21:36
mefisto__Kasm279: systemsettings > advanced tab > session manager. change it to "start with an empty session"21:36
kaddiyeah, thats called timing -.-21:37
jamesjedimasterirvingh30: try with ubuntu / ubuntu or user / user21:37
irvingh30i?ll try that21:39
Kasm279yay, i logged out an changed the session type to KDE new21:39
Kasm279and it worked21:39
Kasm279thanks, everybody21:39
mefisto__Kasm279: it would be interesting to see if the error message appears if you switch session restore back on again21:40
sk8terboyvhi, is anyone that caan help me ?21:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:41
sk8terboyvi wanna know if i have downloada the install cd of ubuntu from the offiicial site, and i don't haave a cd-rom, can i boot for install it, form my hard disk ?? i have now windws 98 install on my hard disk. how can i rule the instalation from the hard disk to install it ?? please, anyone... ?!21:42
Kasm279no cd rom?21:44
mefisto__sk8terboyv: can you boot from usb?21:44
sk8terboyvno, i don't have a cd rom, and the usb doesn't work, and i have win 98 insstalled on my hard disk ! i wanna install it booting from my hard disk !21:45
mefisto__sk8terboyv: if you boot from your hard disk, you will get windows21:45
sk8terboyvlook, friend. i have now installed on my hard disk windows 98, but i wanna install ubuntu ! how can i boot ubunt from my hard disk ? isn't clear... ?21:47
mefisto__sk8terboyv: you might be able to install thru wubi, if you can mount the ISO with a windows app that can mount ISOs21:47
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:47
sk8terboyvi understand it, but...did u notice that i sad that i have installed on my hard disk windows 98, did wubi work under windows 98 ?21:48
sk8terboyvohh...no help ...in here...21:51
sk8terboyvtell me then, where i should ask for some help ... ?21:51
kaddidid you at least look at the links given?21:51
mefisto__sk8terboyv: http://wubi-installer.org/ says Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista21:51
sk8terboyvyes friend, i'm there !21:52
sk8terboyvi don't fine the link for download wubi...21:52
Kasm279mount ISO's with daemon tools21:52
sk8terboyvwhere can i search for it ?21:52
mefisto__sk8terboyv: http://wubi-installer.org/ also I don't think you need the ISO if you install with wubi. never tried wubi though, so I'm not sure21:53
sk8terboyvthanks anyway...21:53
Kasm279mefisto_, i didnt turn the session restore off21:53
mefisto__Kasm279: so you logged out, logged in again, but no error message?21:56
mefisto__Kasm279: ok, I think I understand. you chose a new session when you logged in, at the login screen21:57
Kasm279i clicked session type and clicked KDE (new)21:58
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ22:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apple22:03
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:03
javimansillahow do I configure my touchpad in kde4?22:05
kosmonauthi! what is the name of the kde-documentation-package (when I press f1 there is no handbook available)22:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel22:07
mefisto__kosmonaut: khelpcenter422:10
* Kasm279 is burning yet another ISO22:11
Kasm279this is of xubuntu PPC22:12
josh-lanyone know how to get Fancytasks, and or Stasks for intrepid?22:13
kosmonautmefisto__: thx! It' s installed ;-)22:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about about22:14
kosmonautmefisto__: strange don' t how I deinstalled it22:15
kosmonautdoes some1 user quassel here....I wonder how to "ignore" all those user bla has cloed/quit/joined messages22:19
josh-lhey folks check out this awsome effect for kde panel:22:20
kosmonautnice :-d22:21
kaddii want it :D22:22
* baal for once got linux installed.22:22
josh-lme too22:22
josh-lcheck this out too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfqtnncLNcQ22:22
kaddiso, before i start thinking, i'll just ask: how do i get it? :D22:22
baalhow can i make mouse clicking less sensitive ?22:23
mefisto__kosmonaut: I'm using quassel. right-click in the chat window, there is a "hide events" submenu22:23
josh-lbtw if you guys are running intrepid 32 bit you can install these from here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfqtnncLNcQ22:23
josh-loops sorry22:23
josh-lfrom there and22:23
kosmonautmefisto__: Yeah! Great!22:23
josh-li unfortunately and running on 64 bit, so cant install those :(22:24
irvingh30hello it?s me again22:24
Kasm279fancy tasks: dock clone?22:24
josh-lyeah dude for kde panel22:24
irvingh30tried to use user user, kubuntu kubuntu and demo demo as passwords for kubuntu Live DVD and nothing happens22:24
=== maco_ is now known as maco
kosmonautmefisto__: so much better now22:24
josh-lif anyone tries out stasks, or fancytasks let me know how it goes22:25
irvingh30kubuntu is asking me for username and password and i don?t know what to do22:25
josh-lwhat are the kde4 dev packages ? i want to compile something22:25
irvingh30hey can someone help me, i need HELP22:26
Kasm279root root, root kubuntu22:27
cinexwhats up irvingh30 ?22:27
kosmonautirvingh30: when does kubuntu want a password22:27
cinexasking you where?22:27
irvingh30yes exactly22:27
irvingh30the first screen that appears is that one, before that i see just a screen that shows half pink and the other half little boxes but i cant tell you exactly how it looks like22:28
cinexthe login screen ?22:28
cinexwhat password did you set for your username ?22:29
irvingh30login screen but is just a live CD, is not suppossed to ask for that22:29
ZengolGood afternoon everyone.22:29
irvingh30havent set any22:29
cinexusername: ubuntu22:29
cinexpassword blank, i think22:29
josh-lwhat are the kde4 dev packages ? i want to compile something22:29
kosmonaut(not sure blank 2*?)22:29
irvingh30tried that didnt work22:29
cinextry password ubuntu22:29
cinexpress cntrl+alt+f1 log into the console.22:30
cinexalt+f7 to get back to the login screen22:30
irvingh30let me try that22:30
irvingh30any other suggestion?, sorry im totally new with this22:31
cinexwell if u can log into the text terminal u can get the desktop loaded that way22:31
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=== romuloo is now known as romulooo
kosmonautirvingh30: now...please explain...u r starting your liveCD and u need to login? is that right? Or did you log-out for any reason22:32
ZengolAnyone know of a sound processor that is designed for the Linux OS?22:32
cinexZengol: audacity?22:32
josh-ldoes anyone know what the kde4 development packages are please? I am trying to compile something22:32
cinexprobably not what your looking for22:32
irvingh30no, i just tried live to test before installing22:32
halfsanehey guys, is there a way with kde 4.2 to save dragged and dropped text/pics like in gnome?22:32
kosmonautirvingh30: hmm...strange isn' t it?!22:33
cinexirvingh30: did u manage to log into the console?22:33
cinexwrong password?22:33
irvingh30not at all i havent set any user or password22:33
=== siekaczx is now known as siekacz
Zengolcinex: I mean a sound processor as in, plug your guitar jack into the front of your PC and have the ability to add sound effect's and record your music.22:33
cinexZengol: beats me im afraid22:34
kosmonauthow about *nothing* for user and nothing for *password*?22:34
cinexiNiku: what username/password did you try?22:34
kosmonautforget about those **22:34
mefisto__Zengol: creox is one that I know of22:35
kaddihow can i change the location of a given widget in the taskbar?22:36
cinexkaddi: kde4 or 3 ?22:36
cinexclick on the little cashew in the corner of the tasbar, the you can just drag them around22:37
Zengolmefisto__: Ahh, thank you man, that's exactly what i am looking for.22:37
cinexu will need to unlock the widgeets first though22:37
mefisto__Zengol: rock on :)22:37
kaddiit's magic. now it works :D thx cinex22:37
Zengolmefisto__: How good is the compatibility with the system, such as crashing and bad feedback?22:37
kaddijosh-I just installed both: fancytasks and stasks on intrepid 32bit with kde 4.2 and both work like a charm.22:38
Zengolmefisto__: Well, nvm, i'll just have to give it a go and hope it goes well compared to other OS's that i'd rather not mention.....22:39
mefisto__Zengol: I've never used it. it got installed with the ubuntustudio-audio metapackage. it probably uses jack audio, so depends on how well jack is set up22:39
ZengolYes, jack audio.22:39
SeanTaterWhen I suspend my computer, my monitor turns off, but that's all. I can't turn it back on, but I know my computer is still on because it takes time to turn off after I press the power button. In short: can I suspend and leave my monitor on, to see what's going on?22:40
Zengolmefisto__: I hope it work's well with an active bass guitar.22:40
Zengolmefisto__: I'll have to give it a go here after awhile when i get my speaker's set up.22:41
josh-lif anyone feels like it I would adore to have a 64bit package of these: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Stasks+for+intrepid+KDE+4.2.1?content=10075322:42
josh-land http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Fancytasks+for+intrepid+KDE+4.2.1?content=10075422:42
mefisto__Zengol: you might want to install the linux-rt kernel for audio22:43
p-f__Is there a hidden "make the monitor *really* turn off" option somewhere? Mine just blanks out, which is still too bright when trying to sleep.22:44
p-f__I've got it set to power off after 10 minutes, but it doesn't actually do anything22:44
cinexp-f__: you been into system settings and checked the power control?22:44
cinexthere is always the power switch :s22:45
Dragnslcrp-f__- using System Settings -> Display -> Power Management?22:47
DragnslcrActually, System Settings -> Display -> Power Control22:48
p-f__Dragnslcr: using Search->Power, because I wasn't actually expecting pwoer settings to be under display, but yes :p22:48
p-f__aha, it works now22:49
Zengolmefisto__: How do i go about getting the rt kernel?22:49
p-f__it seems as though the solution was to change that setting from 10 minutes to 2, apply, change it to 9, apply, change to 1 and apply again22:49
mefisto__Zengol: install linux-rt   or you could install ubuntustudio-audio if you want to install a whole bunch of audio apps and tools too. the rt kernel will come with ubuntustudio22:52
jpedrozaevening all, I am running into an issue where my laptop reports that the battery has reached critical level and will shut down. the problem is that the battery is fully charged. I have looked into several older bugs, and they were supposedly fixed in Intrepid, but I am still having the issue.22:55
mefisto__jpedroza: and does it then shut down? or is it just confused and lying to you about the battery?22:56
jpedrozamefisto__: It promptly shuts down.22:56
jpedrozamefisto__: this is with a new battery that has been charging overnight.22:57
mefisto__jpedroza: that's not good22:58
jpedrozamefisto__: I know.22:58
jpedrozamefisto__: Booting to Windows and I have no issue22:58
jpedrozamefisto__: only happens in Linux22:58
mefisto__jpedroza: just kubuntu? or have you tried other DEs or other distros and have the same problem?22:59
jpedrozaonly tried kubuntu23:00
jpedrozalockphreaker: try #kubuntu-es23:01
lockphreakertank s  j pedroza23:01
jpedrozamefisto__: For a while I had Jaunty on this same laptop, as a test laptop, and it worked fine. Since I reverted to Intrepid (clean Install) it is having this issue.23:04
mefisto__jpedroza: ok, jaunty uses powerdevil for power management. I don't think intrepid does, but I think powerdevil is in intrepid repos, so it's installable23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about powerdevil23:05
mefisto__!info powerdevil23:05
ubottupowerdevil (source: powerdevil): Power manager for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-kde4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 160 kB, installed size 556 kB23:05
jpedrozamefisto__: I tried to install Powerdevil, but it fails23:06
mefisto__jpedroza: fails to install?23:06
inteliwaspi have a intel core2 quad core chip, but when i try the 64bit version cd, it boots me to a busybox shell, can i only use x86 only?23:07
jpedrozamefisto__: looks like it needs libplasma2 and that needs kde-workspace-data 4.1.4 but 4.2.1a is installed23:07
jpedrozainteliwasp: Is the quad core from intel x86 or x86_64?23:08
jpedrozainteliwasp: I am not familliar with that chip23:08
inteliwaspjpedroza, how can i tell?23:08
mefisto__jpedroza: you might be able to install the jaunty package then. search for it at packages.ubuntu.com23:08
carpiiall quad cores are 64 bit afaik23:08
inteliwasplet me wili it23:08
jpedrozacarpii: appears to be23:09
inteliwaspi didn't see anything wrong in dmesg...23:12
* xavierg2003_ yawns23:13
=== ubuntu_ is now known as nandinho
jpedrozaok, so my battery now shows that it is not present in /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state even though I am running on the battery right now.23:21
XPS_M1330where can I get the public keys for the ppa sources?23:25
XPS_M1330W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B9FBE5158B3AFA923:25
mefisto__XPS_M1330: do this: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 8B9FBE5158B3AFA9  (the string from the GPG error)23:27
XPS_M1330thanks a lot23:31
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yayospeak spanish23:55

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